Newspaper Page Text
16 4 FEAR OF RIOTING MAY CAUSE FORBIDDING OF BIG FUNERAL FOR REDS KILLED BY BOMB Anarchists Plan Hi? Demon stration in I'liion Square. JrUltTllY STILL HIDKS Police Hunt for Sole JFoMor of Secret of Trajredy Fails. xo solttiox in:.ciiKn Tnpprs Found In Wrecked TToiifo Full in Toll An archists rinnp. Pear that there will he llotltis In Union fiqnarc nest .Saturday nftcrnnon If tVin unsrchtst are permitted to carry out their plan for a Ms parade nnd speech making nt the of the three reds who were killed In tin- mysterious lwmb explosion a' )!2 I,elnt-ton revenue may ' cause the rlty titithorltlea to fnrlild the demonstration. Oomml-rloticr Woods nftor a confer rac with Assistant District Attorney IVuel yesterday said that ha woiil ' , not talen any action until a pennl for tho affair was asked for, which imis' 1 he done at least six hour? before the "par.ule," tho route of nhlch must be specified. Atexnnder Hcrkman, who Is maUitiK nr rannetnents for Saturday said, on the other hand, that n permit was not neces sary, as the "parade" would bo sliiiply a Xun rat procession, and ltittnitit. il hat none would bo nslied for. The stop at Union tfuuaro for open nlr scivlccs over the rcmaltiH could be made without l-i-inlsslon too, he said, since the mi u arc 1m set apart In tho original cnint of the tract to :ho city as a place for Just such Ksthcrlnss of the people. One thlnt; that may Interfere with the arrangements of the tinarchlsjts. iimn which they had not counted. Is the power of the Ildard of He.el'.li to order tin Interment of the bodies not later than 9 o'clock to-niotrow inotnlnB. ITndcr the law bodies must bo burled within nlnety slx hours after death. The only way to escape that provision Is to apply to the Health Hoard for nn extension of time. No such request has been made yet and Commissioner (loldwater said he didn't know how he would act uioii It until It had been btouKht to his attention. As soon as they are taken from the morgue tho bodies of Citron, Hansen and Hers will be put In ch.irito of an under taker ut first aeiiue and Fourteenth Btrect. Tho anarchists have Klvcn him authority to make all neces.iry arrange mento for tho funeral, IncludliiB RcttlnK Dnrmlsslon to delay burial after tho set pnrnission to iiciaj ounai niicr ine see period, so a of that sort will prob- ably bo made to-day. Hcrkman Is of the opinion that a permit will have to be I granted, as has been donu In other cases, . nnd Insists ft rcrusal wouhl looK into As tho plan Is at present tho threo cof' fins will bo borne from tho undertaking chop, each by six members of the anar- thlsts' oiganizatlon et to be designated. straight down Fourteenth street to Union , Hquate where the-y will bo placed upon a e-atafahiuo which llerkinan has. Then will , come, the services, at which llerkinan, lonard I). Abbott, llecky lMelsohn, t ejharles W, Pluukltt and Pletro d'Allcgro, ' an Italian leader, will speak. 1 Afterward the bodies will be carried to 1 long Island City, where tliey will lio ere-1 mated and put In urns to be preserved at tho Kerrcr Association olllces. Hoth cof-. Una and catafahiuo will be decorated with led flags draped III black. The youn; anarchist, Michael Murphy, In whoso possession ulono rents the secret of Saturday's fatal bomb explosion, kept himself no well hidden from the police again yeterday that the conclusion wo naturally drawn that lust?ud of taking- to his heels ho had stayed right In the world's best hiding place New York city. Not a trace of Murphy nor a hint of Ills whereabouts was gleanod In another elayi, search, but the pollen said lajt night they had reason to bellevo that In a few eLaya when the hubbub following the tragedy had died down he would come forward of his own accord and tell some xort of a story at least, Thero Is no expectation nt all that ho will ever say that Arthur Caron. Hansen and Iters were actually engaged In manufacturing bombs for use In future anarchistic mili tancy. Pretty well satisfied that they would have to wait upon -Murphy's pieuisure, Capt. Arthur Carey of th homicide bureau acting Captain of Detectives Jones of the Kast 101th street police station, lieputy CommliMlonor llubln and the others in charge of tho caso spent a good deal of time In figuring out how to handle olio of tho most dllllcult situations that has ever confronted them how to take suppressive measures with other anarch ists in such a way that the reds wouldn't consider they were being "picked" on and nllo' to i rictige themselves by some net of olcia-o which they would not otherwise contemplate. While th., hearing of tho cloven remain ing pilfoiierc at Tairytown was being poMpoiied until July JO, the work of fui the M'arehlng the wreckage of 1626 1,' xliiKton avenue, where the explosion oc euried, wan being carried on by Police ami Hiiihlliig Department employees. No mote bjilles wen- found, but pieces of flesh were dlscoiercd, as well as part of a tcalp, Mi,ipo- l to bo that of Hansen, Tills had be ii blown to the i oof of another building 'Jiio fret away, A subway workman also picked up .1 portion of a hand, It Is aup posefl from thcM! discoveries Hansen was examining tno bomb when It exploded pio matuicly, . The expluslon did more damago to the nearby tiettlework supporting tho ttreet over tne subway excaiatlon than was tup-po.-o.d. Trolley cars had to use morn cau tion than before In passing the danger point. To-day tho supports will be re- stored, sn that thero will bo no likelihood ! or tne collapse or tno street. l'Yars that Caron's relatives might hln Aar Ilerkman's funeral plans hy claiming Vds body were dispelled yesterday with tho arrival hero from Kail Itlver, Mass., of the young anarchist's mother, Mrs, Mary Caron, nnd Ills sister. They had read In tho newspapers of the explosion drid a mcsnago to tho Ncv York pollee ronflnneil their fear aH lo tho Identity of one of tho victims. They went directly to the niorsue. whero they recognized Caron's body, Hoth were greatly affected cy ui aignt. ine mouicr bccamt hya- niscrinnna on on ei.e (.wi u. c .u- ' """Syr" " , , meter Hcrkman. Leonard Abbott, head of "ringing me iiiamonils across tho Inirdcr. : thorlttes. It Is an open iiuestlon whether , tuiing to let the I . . and '"! the Kieo Speech League : lleckv IMclohn i Huring tho . ears 1011 and 1D12 the such a funeral as is proposed is forbidden . em'l ; they iked. ,,,, , w Hi her rlnS" '"" authorities believe th. t an aver! by tho ordinances against demonstrations '' " ' V, i U 'ut Ms size T-toW... They had Vo ne by subw ,v 1 " two trips a month were mad" for tending to create dlsord, r. nd ' dark"'" ' ." ."'wl h to fXnn'vf '? 'iTT , T tUw l1 1 1 r lacMor.Vw'1 """"l"" Wll, Drape He., ..aK. , ,.c, . iX - - 't,! iVtWt irn I - 5 ii Ml M Cupyrlxhl. 1914, hy American l'rees Association. TIIKEE OF THE I. W. W. LEADERS AT TARRYTOWN YESTERDAY. Left to right Alexander Berkman,, Beckey Edelsohu nnd Charles Plunkctt. tencal. The last thy beard of hltn was when he sent a postal card several months tiBo. one on which he wrote ho was KoltiK to fhi'MKo, His child la now In tho caro of his dead wife's family. Mother lilte-s I'p I'liilm to lluily. At the olllce of MoIIht Kurt ft. In Hast U'.itli Mrect, whero Mrs. Caron went to sio nerkinan, they met Louise Hcrser. who lived In tho Hat with tho three mm. She told them that she did not hclleM e'.iroti was mukltiK a bomb and sabl she was ship that he and the others had been killed by enemies or by the e'lireless it" of some one eleo. .Mrs. Caron agreed with her and told reporters he was sure In c m had no explosive In his rooms :' that he was of a peaceable disposi tion. ..uJ. Caron told tho polleo that she had clveii up her claim to her sun's body as soon as she learned that ho could not be burled In the consecrated ground cf tho 1 toman Catholic Church because, ho was an anarchist. It became known yesterday that nilralns Michael Murphy called at tho City Hall a few days lifter .Michael .Mahouey had made an attempt on the .Major's life, to llnd out why be li.idn t Iree-n allowed to ;H,uk '.:...hls..w111 J" ll'.e I'"Mlc streets. uUl- Krm,c' '"", !"'1TK w"" , ho Buard the out.T portals, bad Ucn Kent liniiy . that mo ,(US,10J ,, .Mur. , phy walked ilglit Into Secretary Theodore Kousseau's office. He went away after telling his grievance, but it turned a day " mier i" uei ine .u.iyors eiiunuii ir.lll CIClI li e UCSlT pi el 1 given liy poi CC- men In the Hart 104th street statloii. I i. i.-., !,,.. i,., ih. n,... -,n ,nn 10u invitations" have lcn sent to Muiphy. through as manv ehanneln, auk- ' lnK ,,,, t(, c.,lH ,, th(. Ilolc n,t nnvc u j oit u.lth t,In, Murphy has paid no 0tteiitin to the limitations. ' I Wide Pluf .nt Minim. Kvldciice of a general plot nn tho patt of anarchists to use eNploalves or to do uots of vlolcnco Is still lacking, dosplta a thorotigli fce-are'li of tho wreckago of tho Ilathoubo for lettcra or other dix'uments which might tell something about It. Tho Impression Is growing with tho pollc" that the Caron group of reds was uu Isolati-d one and that tho explosion wiped out completely tho mast to bo feared cle ment lu tho ranks of theso radicals. Thait is one of tho reiesous why pro cceduro against other known anarchists Is such a delicate matter. Tho author)-, tletf fear that If they tako any dccldel steps tho reds will siy thiy aro being persecuted and will stir up a very dan gerous situation which is not otherwise to bo feared. Kor tills reason, whlln prominent members of tho organization vl I bo under ronrtnnr esplotnge It will be so eiulct that Iheio will bo no roison for complaint. Tho police siy they do nt underestimate tho extreme gravity of a situation such us thru el rated by the explosion, but that they must go very slowly to avoid adding to present com plications. Tho police, after tho search of the wrreked building for documents bearing ex the purpoM'S of the elead anarchists, havo several suit cases full of papers which they haven't had tlrno to examine. "Wo haven't leiirneil si thing to-day," mid Capt. Carey last night. "Wo are going on with theso papers nnd wo hope Murphy will oomi forward within n nhort time when ho is fully convinced that ho Isn't to bo am-Htcd." TlilnU ilnrpliy I'Vnrs Poller. Alexander Horkinan iiald ho didn't know whero Murphy vn, hut h.ul an Idoa the young man was hiding becuuso bo was afraid the police "might frame him up." Ho refused to explain that the-o'ry. Mrs. Caron told the pollen that her son, who was In the navy for a whilo and later an electrician and machinist, was stationed et tho Newport toipcdo station for a time, Thero ho must havo had somo acquaint unco with explosives, Alderman Charles Dcianiy of the Tweuiy-tlfth Assembly district said yes. terday that at tho meeting of tho Hoard to-day lio would lutroduco u it-solution forbldil'ni: the anarchist funeral on Sat urday on tin) ground It might tend to e-ause disorder." Mayor Mltchel'H opinion of tho bomb explosion Is that "anarchy seemn to haio got Its desserts and It also seems to ilem- onstrato that the pollen havo been Justi fied In tnklng picciiutlonary measures as they have." Tho .Mayor also referred to It as a "lamentablo accident." "Do you think that tho police have gono far enough'.'" was nfked. "I do not know what other measures tlio polleo could have taken. Tlify are watching all tho time." "Did u know Murphy had called to sco you "No," said the Major, who added that ho didn't think Murphy ever thought of any ilnlciico ngnlnht him. It was liarncd yesterday that the po lice knew Caron and somo other nnnr chlsts were living ut 1G21 Lexington avo- Hue. but had no icason for suspcctiiii; tliini above scores of anarchists and In cited not as much us some. . W. W. TRIALS POSTPONED. Dentil of Arthur Cnron mill Com- luinloiia Unit Tnrrytimii Omen. Taiiuvtown, July C. -Tho trials of Hecky Kdehiohn and luno other anarch ists for speaklnK without a permit In Tarrytown on May at were again post poned to-day, this time until 1 1 A. M. July 20. t was continued at $200 eaeli, except that the ball of Arthur Caron and Charles HerB, killed In tho bomb cxplo- moii in .ew lorle on Saturday, was re leased, Justus Sheffield, counsel for tho anarch ists ; District Attorney I'rederlck I). Wr. ks, an Assistant District Attorney unit Justice of tho 1'eacc .Moorhouse wcro the only persons in the Justice's Court at 11 o'Xock this morning when tho cases were called. Chief of l'ollco Howies locked the court room door. Then Mr. Shelllehl asked for nn ad Jouriiment hecause the deaths of Caron end Herx Would m:ikM If iinprMirc tgw '''I'" to obtain from other source the evi- encu tliry were to have Riven. In addl- tlon. Helen Harris, called Helen of Troy waH nb,Bnt amr c,,i;',(!1li , " L, testimony. District Attorney Weeps wis wIIIIhb, so Judge Moorhouse named July 20 for tho trials. , , , . . . ' , i. ...... ln r Iut- for the day met the anarchists mid their friends at the station T ' w,'ro "'t'"r,etl t the police station, iu1 "der Uie Justice's Court, searched for weapons and then let go. Learning of thp poxtponement of their cases, they "t nce returned to New York, Although four denutlM were tnt'im orr J. I. Itockefeller's estate at Pocentlro Hills last week liecaure It was believe el that tlio I. V. W. trouble was subsiding, the iruard was roenforced again to-day lifter the agitators weire brought here for trial, .Mr. Ilorkefeller had re-prcntatlves nt the trial and they watched the pri.oinrs and Hcrkman nnd Hecky ndelsein elosrly. It was seild that the deputies wero sent to the trial so a.i to become acquainted witli the agitators and to bo In n better loItlon to protect tho estate should nny of them appear there1. Tho Rockefeller estate Is clostly guardeel and it will bo until tho troublw is over. .nr. iiocacmier will Do 75 years old on Wednesdnv, but eiwing to the 1. W. W trouble It Is believed ho will e-clehrate ' "ml N lzmi)r Into bankruptcy he ths elay quktly playlnc golf tn tlio morn-' "ent out a statement saying his net ns Ins witli a few friends nnd possibly In-! I"',s Wcr(' ""O'1. A short tlrno after viung in somo neighbors to an organ recital In the overling SHE KNEW OF TOO MANY MOLES. Painter, llei enllnir .Vi'rk, Proles Mr Isn't Wife Deserter, Mrs. Sablno Hollg of 222 Knst Thir teenth street, who was deserted bv her husband a year ago, went up to Patrolman ' Wlmner last evening nnd said that ilollgl U'lIM U'firlfltlt- nit n l.nli,l.. I., ,1... . ment limisn nt 5r. IVnir.l i.,i, ee-".. " "m. n .. i. ill Miu ilHHl She showed the copy If a warranT for I I. 1 arrest, which she had obtained from tho Domestic Itehitlons Court, and a. ,..,.! j Into the 1 , . K U n"U into tho building. Thero he found n man who looked like the photograph and hail a mole on his cheek, which Mrs. Hollg had described The man said he was Thomas Mauro of,u tho strikers aro taken back,' . ml that 1551 Pleasant avenue, and that he had a the, matters In dispute then lo nrbltrate-d ...... .uu. ........ I.-I. ...I.I iieier. heard of Mrs. Hollg. Wlmner took tiSni to tho street and when Mrs. Hollg saw ; lilm who pxclulmuil, ' nnt's my lnisbrm! Ho tho trio, much iiKaltie-t MuuroN wishes, went to thu Wist 100th street stution, whero Mrs. HoIIk rcncwetl her assertions iiml her efforts to embrace Mauro. As a final proof that she Knew her own husband .Mrs. Unlit: ilercrlbeil a secoiul mole on the man'u neck. Il re moved his collar ami thero was no mole thiTC "Well, I rcuess I'm uroiip," sho said, mid Mauro went home tn his wife anil four children. ROCKEFELLER COMPLETES GIFT. Triiiisf-r Title- lit I'mpe'rly !lerr lei Mt-illi'nl Institute. Title tu the property ami bulldliiRs of the llncliefcltcr Instlluto for Medical lie search em Hie Kast Itlver Hits trans fureil yesterday by John 1'. Itoclteftllcr, Jr., lo the corporation. Tlio propiiity Is the l.irKCbt used by a mcdleal Institution In tho city. It covers three full blocks, eachlne from tho north side of Sixty. rouith street to the noun side or Hlxy. soventh street and from Avenue A In tho nasi Itlver, It is wortlt tno" than ?cnn, Ofin, which Is the valuation placed on It last year by the city's tax appraisers. Part of the property Is exempted from tnxes 1. SMUGGLING IN GEMS MAY BE $1,000,000 Federal Grand Jury Tndirts H. J. Dictz nnd Son, llnnkrupts, In Alleged riot. 'Hoiirktiy started tnqutky Pnwnsliop Theft, of Diamonds Led to Failures and Fed oral Investigations. A diamond smuggllnir plot which may Involve more than $l,00n,onn after the Federal authorities her and the Cana illnn authorities In Montreal have finished their Joint Investigation In described In an Indictment handed down yesterday by tho federal urnml Jurv against Herman J. Diet, a bankrupt diamond broker of N'msui street, and his son, Charles Dietr.. Ho.v many more may bo Involved In tho nlb'ced plot remains for further sessions of tho Grand Jury to disclose. ' As i emote as the connection may seem, I tho alleged scheme to buy diamonds In Kurcpo and ship them Into this country by way of Montreel might have gono un Idlsrenercd If It had not been for tho rob bery of a pownshop run by Martin Simons ft Son at 91 Hester street Tho rob bery was tho puff of wind that blew down an elaborate house of cards constructed of promlt'fory notes, causing several fall urn and a number of Indictments for banlruptcy fraud. Ilcrntm Diets, according to his own I story to.d a tho bankruptcy proceedings lHg,tlnt bun before Hitikruptcy Comniis. I Honor Rllchrlrt, pawned In tho Simons I shop imny of the diamonds brought from C.inad'i. Deprived of tho diamonds through the robbery, he was unablo to meet the notes with which ho had bought tho gem OtMirrN Go Under. These notes wero dlscount'd or In dorsed by Joseph Samuels A Co., manu facturers of millinery, braids nnd em broidery In this city, and Aaronson A Kutctiborg, pawnbrokers of Montreal. Consequently the Samuels company and two ef Its subildlarli'S, as well as tho Montreal i.-ottccrn, went under. The bankruptcy proceedings against the l.itt-r i-oncerns disclosed somo high llnaiice on tho part of Jaciiues Samuels, l.cad o.' too Samuels i'oiic riu, who was iadl.-ted I.uer with ninn others. Including several members of his family, fftr con cealment of assets. Assistant United Stiles Attorney Sam t'el Itershensteln whibi delving Into the InttVato noto transactions between tho Dletzes ami the other concerns was In formed by a witness that the proceeds of tho notes had been used In the pur chase of diamonds. This Information was Imparted to Collector of tho Port Dudley l'lelel Malone who paid a Hying trip to Washington, where ho saw Secret Service Chief Klynn and borrowed from the latter one of his best agents, who was sent to Montreal. The agent was visited thero recently by Assistant I'nlted States At torney Wood, who returned with enough evidence to get the Indictments handed down yesterday. Deserllies Aliened eliemr. The alleged smuggling scheme, as de scribed by Mr, Wood, provided for the purchase of the diamonds from (Iruenz weig & .linmer of Antwerp, Holland, and their shipment to the firm of Aaron -on & Itlitenberg. Tho gems were brought In openly on this leg of the Journey, ns Can uda has no t.irlfT. From Montreal, how ever, the dlitinonds were carried acrofs th- border, m tho story runs, In a rubber tube. Sometimes, It h alleged, the gems wero entrusted to an agent, who got from $30 to $100 for delivering them to Dletr. In this city. In tho ease of extra hi-avv j consignments, however. Dletz or his son VL'nttf lit fn..-A..1 r,. ..,., r. ii un uiii purpose oi .... . , 3,0r;"0?, ' ' "n"',0,' The largest specific I nstAnrA nf ttmlir. gllng chnrged ln the Indictment la $50,000 worth of unset gems, said tn bw iion brought ocross tho border by Ilcrmnn J. iieii iinn nis i-on on .March 25, 1911. tenner Merman Diet nor his son has been seen In this tiart of th emniirv I since the criminal proceedings were begun against Jacques Samuels and the others. 1 BANKRUPTCY FRAUD CHARGED. Mn Inilli'leil for Sendlnc Aliened l'"iilse Stiiti-nirnts li- Mnll. David Vlzmor, a silk manufacturer, with olllces In 15 WrM Twenty-slxth street, was indicted yesterday by u Federal (Irand Jury on the charge of using tho malls to defraud. Tho Indictment marked a new move on the part of United States Attorney II. Snowdcn .Marshall to get after alleged fraudulent bankrunts. . " '"barged that prior to the I ii is cnargen mat prior to the time "'"" "w" "iiiKrupicy proceedings were siorteil. Ills assets were round tn lu. J20.000, It Is charged, and his liabilities 40,000. Hitherto only alleged get rich quick schemers have been indicted for using tho malls to defraud, MAY END EQUITABLE STRIKE. Teamsters' 1'olon Offers tn Arbltrntr Willi Transfer ('imipniiy. ! """I -"V"" ' "eagan or mo HUHe .i en,.i.....i .. . . uk. to Iho le'ldc Tnu ui I ? clnnnulv to, ,, ,, , ,?. ,, iv n f:;rU5Ul'c" Tlulhllng' Mrlal "aCe? ' I U"1""' l" 11,0 a"-,0 which Lis tied i I op worn on ino new j;quttallc I.lfo and Yale Club hulldlnKs. The ofTer Is thnt tho men return to nvirlr tllnlui Iia il,l .,.., .111...... rno question or wage has not entered nt u,o controversy. It Is expected that ., settlement of somo kind will bo iraeheri to-day. Hi!ititoi.vTi:v no i icr.. nsTATi: ui' ut.r.AiiiiTii tuimmiju! i ilermneil. -Ill tmrnuiini'i. of mi order of lion, ituiir.ier i.i'i'i.ejw r un i.ini, a puiroeate nf the ('mnity nf New Vork, ilnte-d Slay :th, 191 1. NOTR'i: l lieiehy clveii to all imr- mix huliiK clHliiia aealnHt Kllanbeth Trim mr, 1st" uf the County nf Ni-w Vnrlt, de. remei. tn i. relent tlm sums lth vouchers therenf In the auliacrlbtrs at their plnrn of tnuimi'tliiK biulnrMi, Ituouu S3.S5, Hronx HiillilliiR. No. !0 Willie Avenue', llronv. In the- City f New Vork, on or before the IStti diiy of Pereniber next (1914). Dnted, New Vork. Hie tlrnt day of .lime, 1914 TIIKoiiOIti: H. TltlM.MWt. AI.VA II. THIMMIIlt, J. IIII.DURTH. i:i AUorneyr"for Hxerutnm, llronx HMb 3rd Ave. at 14Slh Ht , New Vork city. KliNNV. WILLIAM J. If.- -Pursuant tn nn order nt HON. JOHN, .1, (lll.MIA.M. Hurrn cjtn of tho Counly nf Nii,ui. nollrn , hereby Riven Hi .ill pertonx having claims HKulntt WIM.IAM J It. K'lINNV. late of the Town of Hempstead, In tin, aa, county, deceased, to present the sumo v.llli th vouchers thereof, to the eubsrrlbrr tho executor nf the last will und testament nf sslil deceuseit, at his plaro ( tiuiisnrtlng tmslnese nt the nthce nf Charles K. Kelley, CO V.'a'! ."tre'l Vnik I'llv, on or befor til 15th ilsy nf November net IlMle-d. .Mlnenta. N. V. April 1.14 NIlAf. r HIlCICKIt. Kxeeutor. CHArtl.KH K. ItKl.t.liV, Attorney fnr Ki cutor, CO Wall Strtet. New fork City. SAYS QIFFORD'S NERVE IS GONE. Sheriff Tnkeu Precautions Because of Ilia C linn Bed Demeanor. Albant, July . Malcolm Clifford. Jr., la under constant guard at the Albany county Jalt. Sheriff Pcoselcy announced to-night. This precaution is taken be muse, of tho changed demeanor of tho prisoner. The Sheriff nays ho ha lost his norvo and Is cheerful only after visits from his relatives. A nail fllo which young Clifford had In his possenslon was tnken from him to-day. Tho Sheriff said ho thouught It best to aearch (HfforJ nnd finding tho tils texk It from him as a matter of precaution. "ll cts as though he wan thinking hard," said the Sheriff, "and Is very serious, which contrasts with the air of confidence he displayed until the close of , his trial." 1 District Attorney Alexander declared ' to-day that he. would try Olfford again in tho fall. He belleven that tho votn of seven of tho Jurymen for conviction of second degree murdor at the first trial leaves no other course, open to him. DENIES BRIBES IN PANAMA. Wllcux, Indicted With Itnrke, Pleads IVot nlltr Hall, flO.OOO. rtobtrt Wilcox, on or tho Parrama merchants, Indicted with John llurkc. former head of tho commissary deprt nwint of the Panama. Carral Zono. ap peared before Judgn Orubb In the United State-) District Court ywrterdiy and en tercel a plea of not guilty. He was held In 510.000 ball. Wilcox, like- tho other merchant In- en-teu, la charged with glvlnp Hurke bribes In order to Induce him to buy Huppne-i irom mm. iiurKo is cTrarifed wnn accepting tlio bribes. Cross-bar-gains! 6132 cross-barred white linen handkerchiefs. A special purchase picked up by our buyer in Belfast. Regular 50c. value. 25c. now. $2.75 per dozen. 5142 wash four-in-hands. Fancy figured and panelled effects. A special purchase plus a clean-up of our own stock. Regular 50c. value. 25 c. now. Everything men and boys wear. Rogers Peet Company Three Broadway Storei t at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th St. IIOTKI.S AMI ItKSTAUItANTS. mere I cation of a Restaurant is of little importance. It may move from one end of the city to the other, but so long as it lives up to its name and fame of doing some one thing or things better than any other Restaurant its patrons will con tinue to wear a pathway to its doors. The Luncheon at 60c and the Dinner at $1.00 are ex amples of Cafe Boulevard quality and service. Dancing in the Grille every evening from dinner to closing time. Mth btrtet. near lib At. AMU8F.MKNTH. AEOLIAN HALL 29 Welt 42nd Street TODAY AT 3 O'CLOCK "IN MUSIC'S THRALL" An entertaining one-act remedy with music and clever admissio n v n r, r, TAflllAPH .Shadows of, "Mr. lllnitles' 'The Violin Tho raat, Melodrama," of U alcur. lll'way MAHY PICKKOIin. Tin: s math.- Strand Orrh. it Koluists, NxtWk 'Utile UrayUdy' l 41 ft, 'Noun lo II JO P.U., 10-tO, Hi Beji&viRD IK M II feateM ( lid xhwf ui an I Hi JTlThe mere Ir- 11 f HR III .jj e-ueivjii ejl n II QK EL XflHL Herald Square, LaT Special Economies in COMMERCIAL STATIONERY and Office Supplies A sale that will Intereit every buslnesi man, for the saving are aubatantlal and the offering Include the ataple requlilte for modern otTice equipment in qualities and style for which there is constant demand. It will pay you to buy Stationery supplies NOW for the next half yenr's requirements and to inspect the complete and com prehensive stocks displayed in the Department conveniently located on the Main Floor 35th St. near the New Men' Entrance, which i a special door, a dozen steps west of Broadway on 35th Street. Carbon Paper lisually 59c Now 39c Boxes of 100 sheets fine grade, in size 8x10 J-j inches. Blank Books Usually 44c 38c Canvas covered with Rus sia leather covers; 300 pages, "Ledger," "Single Ledger," and "Journal" ruling. "Saxon" Loose Leaf Ledgers Usually $3.21 $2.97 "Russia Skiver" cloth (Ides and leather corners) 300 pages, "Ledrer," "Single," Slzo 9 11? Inches) complete with 300 pages and index. Writing Pads Usually 9c to 20c Ac each A special purchase; assorted sire and styles; of fine quality paper- In linen and bond finish, alio in "onion skin" paper. Typewriting PPer (WW) Usually 39c 29c Packages of 500 sheets, in size 8';xll inches. "Frankfort" Box Files each 23c Strong nnd well finishedi with bras map catch and index. Business Envelopes (per thousand) 78c Excellent grade, pure white stock) sizes 6l or 6'4 inches. (Pocked 250 in a box.) "Paragon" Reminder Pads Usually 12c each 2c Exceptional value in these handy Pads, bound with metal edges. Ink Stands Usually 39c 29c Square glass bottle on oak base; very neat design. Wire Letter Trays Special each 13c Strong and well finished, with rubber feet. Lead Pencils Usually 24c 14c a dozen Special purchase of Pencils in as sorted finishes. With or without erasers. Esterbrook's "Falcon" Pens 59c Usually 75c. (a gross). The popu lar "048." Staffords' Inks "Commercial" c "Universal," '-5 pints, 18c. Pints, 28c. Quarts, 46c. Gem Paper Clips Box of 100 No. 1 size, 3c. 1,000 clips, 24c. Main rnee New Vnrk LradliiK theatres Have Nn DriillllRs Wllti llir l)n i n. NEW AMSTERDAM .WS'siTahp. MATS. 'H)-M01UU)W A SATUItDAY. 2:14. ine lino i.siftinnnrii numnipr .iimn. After the lVrformnnre Don't Pall to Visit ZIEQFELD DANSE DE FOLLIES In i hi- Aerial Canlrns Alnn the Theatre. r.r.MlllltllCIf INS lltr.NI'.HAMMIt.Mt IteseriuTsliles III advance Phone llryantsiwi. UlinCnN W tlthHI. MAT 'lO-M'W J-30. DUMMY A JlrtectHn t ninnly of I.aushs A Thrills- I Mi: KNle-KltlKX KKIt. Dally ?'SAS!l5Shnrn. -M'liPAssi'.siifMAN itia.irr "-Am usilc Onhntnif mt 1 1 I J W Choiml 1 of 30 Lil i I a 1 fil "t "O I ii:o. pnuiuir n'uavikeiii st i:rs. SMS. 31, uuunn d i op Mat Tom',Soclol,.Ki. ULUBt .tri A (j,,,., .senli Heertel 1 ul ii ei I Mullen Pictures Present Annette KELLERMANN n ' i.w4;iin:n. bum CASTLES' SHU,tNB Amateur rilmlnalliin f tiN I i.reiM lAery i:enlnu. DCDIIRI IP lll-KAY au'10 H:.HI. ,Seatsresereel!5cn:tWic ABiai ItTDl In llieft-Aet PleturlMtlmi CAVALItrf' MA.NON l.l-SCAl I HAM VI Roof ft Dall: ,iMVi:itMi:iN'S 1 lltll'DINI. l'anny llrlein. Dally Mat., J5i Ml 1 ten other Hie Ails. LONQACRE I'linular !-'w 3 Kill. A PAIR OF SIXES ' I W 4K SI Pll P hl'irD'S .Inn Sawjcr, llclle llaker, It I A n C lAdrlaldi. i. lluiihe'S. Ilutll A U A O t Itoye, lllucs 4 lox, etc. R. W. Msty A Co.'a Attraetfaa Arm Tliafr Law Pricw, Bra4wr, IM to 31th 9t Blank Books Usually 82c 71c Black cloth covered; Russia leather back and corner 390 pages. "Ledger," "Single Ledger," and "Journal" rul ings. Buyer's Leather "Memo" Books Usually 44c 22c Fine grade of black leather, filled with good quality paper with index. Same style, but with index; usually 29c, at 16c. Oblong Counter Rnnkn 'nva Special at 7c to 17c Conva covered and of vari ous sizes. Filing Cards Usually lie (per 100) 5c Excellent grade white cards; horizontal ruling. Manilla Pay Envelopes per 500) 32c Very heavy quality and of fine grade. (Packed in boxes of 500.) "Today" Calendars Usually 19c each 4c With very large figures; a day to a sheet. Very special. Cut Glass Ink Stands 42c & 54c Usually 69c. and 89c. Double wells, and base of solid glass; two sizes. Bond Boxes Usually 34c each 17c Japanned finish, with lock and key. Staffords' White Paste "Wterwell"jar, with brush, 5 oz. size, 21c. Without brush, 18'foz. size, 38c. a. Circular Rubber Erasers . Usually '5c. Special at 2c. each Moor. 35tli St., Centre anil ttear uiiutcd niancu ii' nimtn unnutn 1 erninic. at Matinee Tn-ilay ItiH ilnti .Seals JI A SI vi PAS8INQ SHOW OF 1914! AMI lin.-ellimi ANA IMINiSl:f.N I.V.M'.H ToltK." Tin, i .'III I II Hl.Tlica. i:s.ssn. TOO MANY Mat, To-ni'iv H.SQ COOKS rilMP.IIV Theatre. 4lt hi. near l'' Ma',? WiJliop- KITTY Mac KAY CASINO Afta, S and 4 Ilrst Seats, ? , i:rs. s:to isc iu &v ''Oy' flAlNEr'SpS.V'sFRIC.N HUNT PICTURES TO WHOM IT MAY COVCIlliN' Conner llnultt IJIeotrlc Comn inv 421-3 Clisson Avenui-, llnroUK'l of Hi -County ot Klnu-s. New York City, on ' ' July Utll, 1914, at 11)100 A M 4s I . . (hooper Hewitt Klertrln Company i"'" " six lloor stands of clKht IlKhts est nlete, 12 Type P.. Cooper Hewl" conelstlnir or two rellliiu hanks nf six 'K eaihi 4i Typo P.. C'uouer llewl' ' innslstlni: of seven celling- bunk" - lamps each! 10 Type 7. Cuoper II guarts Unips. complete. Ths ln' ' sold tn 8 B. V. Taylor on three r" conditional bills nf sale, thcie belne a ance. ilu nf tho sum of M.OkS Si ' Interest from tho nth day nf June 1 t'nlen the said amount, with Interest " paid nn or beforo the. time set f- ' sale Thereof, said llh' will l kno ke i down to the highest bidder llfNT 1I1I.I.A IH.TTrf. Atiornevsforf J Hewitt Klectrlo Company. 16i llro4 lloruiiah nf Manhattan, New oik e Tinted. New York, -Inly 1st. 1911 I.K41AI. NOT1CKN. NOTIt i: 1H Hrilir.HV HIVK.V t' Ilo.'hstetter lUlllty Co.. Inc. a 'I"1'",,, corpor.itlon hsvlnir Us prlm-lpial ;", olflca In the Hornuith of Manlia'taii, .'ounty ,md Htata of New York, w' aPP'J ill a supreme Court of th" Htala of N V! 'j at a special term thereof. Part l f nt tho County Court House In ths Ciy County ef New York on the SJtli day ' 114, nt 0J0 o'clock In the forenoon nt clay, or as soon thereafter as be heard, for an onler aulhorUI f corporation tn ehanne Its enrporate nsm" the Plersnn Film Laboratories n Dated su Vi.rk. July Tin I-1 HiH'iisTnTTi:n i-Titrrv ; By PAUL M. I'IKIIBON. I'rsildent. III