OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 16, 1914, Image 14

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1914-10-16/ed-1/seq-14/

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7 W. 17th st. Undertaker
U V.. 49lh at Jn,or
0.11 (llh nvr lrjrr
Ml Ath Air ..T.,l"r
620 Lrilngton ave. Barber
Tirmw-efohl'i Aiitmbtu Dlitrltl.
Uicntlon, occtipirii A
IBI V. prllliM. . .
Iir.'i nl me,
nt'i i: I nidi at
I7bii la-ilmrlnn ave.
132 K I HMIi st
17(11 LrxIriLMnti nir,
.... Itnrbcr
, Hal
... , ,llarher
IMS Ix-xlnelon me.
"e 2ni K. 112th nt.
M33 3d mi".
2161 2d ni a
: I leaaaiit ale. ..
2I K. USUI ft
2nnB Mil nir
ta-MtlirtOll AV.
2m r.. I inih st.
U72 l-cHticton v.
llr.' l.r.lniiliiii ave.
Tirrnlu-nlnlH Ai'tnSlv f)llr(rl.
E.D. Is.rnllnti, Occupied As
1 .11 W. nBtli t
2 25 W. BlUl l
S 4.". I'ntnnilill Ale
4 Sl-Ml W. fiOlh at . ...
ft 8TB Hh J1T.
WIS Hill .lie.
7 Norm side "f K. SMh at., 173
fl. en si ilf Sill AVt"
m v. sinh t . ..
II 713 1-rlltlCtoll AVe
in ltr,s 3d hit .
11 B4 V.. Mil M.
12 a.11 l'nrk ft.
n inn :id nic
14 Ms l.rilnr-tiin eve
If, 151? 3d nil"
10 W.VI .rxlm.'inn i'
J7 llll U-xltietnii alt-
U 1 1. VI Lrllnttntl nit- ... .
10 OH l'nrk ir ....
20 12TB I i sI'uMotl tlf
21 10.V1 Park nir.
22 itm V.vltson nte
23 107 T slll t
24 in.'. Mn llv.n nvr
25 1127 t'nr'i ur.
yn i2(i Madison nir
27 7 I! llllh t
in 1 412 N-ilncinn nvr. . . .
29 13VI Mlillso'l nir
7ilf'l-fi AsitmWj IH'trttt
I'liimiii r
.. llnnth
. .liMticr
. Tillnr
. ClKiir
Ijnm Iry
. Tnllor
lirorci v
U.T). lvntlon.
1 22B2 lit aw
t 42ii i:. nnth i. ..
i 2ii i'. ti'iii . .
4 210 II. 1101,1 si. ..
I 311 V. 12lh Hi. ...
a 2.1M 2ml inc. ...
7 23IH lot RVP
II 2.WH Nl ovr . ...
2.11 2ml itr
XI 24.11 2ml c. ...
II 2.1l 3r, nc.
1 2UI lxlneloii nvr
J.I 2."'i 1" 121lh l.
14 201 l:. 1S?ml t.
III 2023 1'HlnlilII VB
11 1727 1'nrl: mi'.
17 7. I- I2"lll ft.
in io r. r.'.ifi i. ..
is lhi fir' niv ...
20 IW 1'ir nvr. . .
21 202 i M.ii1tMn (ivp.
23 lOio I'irk int.
2.1 201B M.Kllon nvr.
21 2nm udlim hc.
23 21 "I 3lh nv.
2rt 23 W. 13.1111 It. .
27 61(1 lz-nnt ivr. . .
28 I V 1.1'ltll t. . .
211 SCI Inn nvr. .
to 802 ixnn nr
II X VV rnnirrK.
.Mmllsnn nr
Ocpiipktl t
"' Virnnt
" Tlnsnilih
' Ilirln-r
lliiti vr
' . ' CnilTtaUrr
"' " Tailor
'.' Tool inrlor
Snoe Di'nini:
. .. nirn-r i
. ..Tf1!or
13JIII l. ana
TM'tvflr't Awmbt'j Itlitrl'l.
lwailon. nceur.171 a
I3J1 .1th ar
111 St MrlwllM vr.
21 1"I101 nvp
I J 11 3tll (IVP
.VI Ijiii ftp
f.2 Inox mi".
4 d nnx ave.
1.-) Si. NIcholM IP.
7 lnot till'. . . .
&s Unox air
liwi .Mli me
mi U . liiih at
1.11 V llllli nl
12.1 lrno bit
14?) Sill hit
47 IV 117U1 at. . ...
1411 Sih .Mi"
1 W. 118th t
171 1ci.ox air
ib St. Ntcholai vr.
2217 iih bit
1817 7th nve
2030 7th nv
14111 Sill BIT
23 lynox ave. . . .
2oii 7th ave.
202 St Nlrholn ave. .
2211 "Hi Ave.
Mis Manhattan nvr. .
200 W. 12ltli st
2m2 7lli nve
213 W. 123th M
323 Hie
3?n I.enox ave
1011 Mnilltoti nvr. ..
. ... Tii'nr
. . Tailor
Khoj i lemlni:
. . . .B-irbT
rinrV r
... . O'c-.n
... . nor1 t
.. . .llnr'i r
.tlniteruik r
. ... rii;ar
. . MiiiHry
. .I'mbTiaWrr
. . Umli'rtaker
... . Itnrber
.. . . llarbrr
, . . ClKar
coi'ntv or Ni'.Ti" voiiK.
Ilnrniixli of Mnnhattnn.
rirtt Alt'tnblv nlatrict.
The lt Klactlon Dlftrlet It boundnd by
nil vitliln MorrU xl.. Cireetnvlch at.. Hector
t.. nroniluay. Wall at.. Wllllnm at., Heaver
t.. Whitehall at. Kaat lllver, nucnon uner.
Oorernor e. "Hllla. Olater ami llelloe a lei
ands and Hmlaon lllver
The 2d Klei'ilnn Dlstrlet l bounded by
nd ulthln l.llxTty Ilromlway. -Fulton
at., William t., W.ill at.. Hrnadwny, lienor
tM iri'onwlch it., MorrU at. und Hudron
The 3d election Dlatrlrt l. hounded by
find within Warren at . Ilrondwar, Cham
ber at.. Centre t Duaiia at., l'nrk row,
Js'orth William at.. William at.. Pulton at.,
llrnn.lway, Liberty at. and Hudson Itlver.
The 4th r.leitlou Dlatrlei la bounded by
nd within Wortli at., l'nrk nw. limine at..
City Hall iMrc, I'eurt at and I'ark at.
The Stli Klectlim Ditrlct la bnunded by
und within I.ilBht at., Canal at., Hrnailway,
Worth at. I'.irk at.. 1'rarl at.. City Hill
plee, Oimni' at . (."nitre at.. Chamber t..
liroadwny. Warren at . Hudfoii Itlver, liar
rlaon at anil Hudson at.
The tli i;i-tlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and wlihln l'rlnre at., Itroailwnv. Canal
au, Mulllinn at.. Ilrooni" at. und Thomjuon
""The 7th lllertlon Dlitrlct la bnunded by
und within Sprlnn at.. (Ireemvlrli at.. Canal
at.. L.ilKht at.. Hudson at., llnrrlann at, and
lludaon Itlier. ,
Tho Stli Klectlon Dlatrlct l bounded by
and within Ilroome at., Hulllvun t., Cnnal
t. nnd lludaon at. , , ...
Th" 9th miction Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within Sirlni! at. Varlck it , Ilroome
at., Hudaon at., Canal at. nnd Oreeniwcn
"'The laih Klerllnn Dl'trlct l bounded by
und within KIiik U. ilrenwlcli et.. Chnrltnn
at.. Mnedniinal at. V.iiid.im at., larlik at.
nrliiK at and lludann Itlver.
The lllh r.lecllon Dlatrlit la boundeil by
und within I'nndam l . -MacdouKal ai
rrlnre at., Hulllian at.. Ilroome at. and
"he Utli l'.lectlnii Dlatrlct l bounded by
nd within W llonatoii at . Tlmmpaon at.,
Ilroome at. and Hiilllvnii at.
The 13th Klectlon Dlatrlct la boundeil by
und within Kin at. MacJoual at. 1.
llouaton at-. Hulllvan at., Tflnco at.. Charlton
at. and Vnrlck at
The 14th lllecllnn Dlatrlct la bounded by
nd within W. llnuilon at., Virlck at..
Charlton at, Oreenwlch it., Klnc at. and
lludaon lllver ... . . .
The Uth Klectlon DUtrlct l bounded by
and within W. llouaton at. Hancock at.,
Jlleeclier at.. Hulllinn at. W llomton at.,
SlaedouK.il at-. KI'iK t nnd Vnrlik at
The l'ltH Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
nd within Clarkmin at., Cnrmlne at, Heil
iord at . W. HoiiHton at nml lludaon Htver.
The 17th r.lei'ttmi Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within W 3rd at . Sulllv.ni at., llleeik
er at., Ilniuock at . W Hiiuaton at., lleil
ord at.. Carmine at nnd Clli uic.
The Uth miction Dlatrlct la bounded by
nd within W. 3rd at . Thompson at , W
llouaton at nnd SullUan at.
The ISth r.lecllon Dlmrlct l hound'd by
and within V. 3rd at, llrodwny, 1'rlnLe
at, and Tliompaon at
Reconii A utm I'll riiHrlct
The lat Jllerllon Dlalrlit la bounded by
and within Wall at,. 1'e.irl at., uld allp,
Jiaat lllier. Whitehall t.. llroadway, llea
ver at. unit William ft
The 2d lllccllon Dlatrlrt la bounded by
nnd within rultnn at . I'enrl al , Dover at.,
yront al., Ilooaci.lt st U.iat lllver, Old
illn. I'eari at.. Wall at. and Wllllun at.
The 3d Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within New Cliambera at , James allp,
JSaat lllver, Front at., Dover at., l'earl at.
hml Oak at.
The 4th Klectlon Dlatrlct Is hounded by
ana within ,rw ujiamner si., ai.unsim at.,
llnoaevelt at., O.tU a, , IVarl at., Fulton at.,
Wllllnm at., William at. and l'nrk row,
The lllh K! til m District la bnunded bl
and within Itooaawli at., MndUou at., New
Chamber at nml rark row.
Tho r,th Klectlon District la bounded bl
and within ( Cnthnrlna at., Maiilaon at.,
games hi . .t.w miwiirj, jiuuseveil al., I'arK
tow and 11 1st HrOHtlway.
The 7th Ulecilon District la boiuded by
and within Catharine at., Oak at, Jnmu
wt , New I'htiiubers st., Itnoseiclt St., New
Howery, .lames st nnd Mudlson st,
The 8th Klectlon District la boundeil by
and wtthm Cnihiirlne at, CntliHrlnn slip,
ntt lllvtr, Jan.ta allp, J.nnrS .t n, o'
The lllh Election Dlstrlot l bounded by
and within Market at, Market aiip, nail
lllver. Cnthitrlne alio, and a din crfinul Una
Jrom the cmiur of Cutharlno nnd Cherry
p.k. ,v hvuiTi vi iiu-iiiuun nno Market
Th lth Klectlon District Is bounded by
end within Market st , a ill.iKonal line from
the corner of Mnrltet and Hamilton sta
ii .V i ' ' ' """noo anu cherry ata,
Catharine n and Madlauu at.
!."". ."." ' Hon Dlirci is bounded bv
and within Market at. Madison at. Catha
rine si and ll.nry st
Th JJiJl r.lerllon District Is buundad by
i.u wiimn uuiKcrs n. .Mnni'ou .i pika
nd alihln Uutgira t., lluuvis slip, East
Itlver, Market allp, Madison at., Plka al. and
Monroe at.
The 14th Klectlon District la bounded by
and wlihln Jarferson L, Cherry at., Ilutnera
at. and Henry at.
The Uth Klectlon District la bounded by
and within Clinton at , Kaat lllver, lttitRera
allp. Cherry at., Jefferson st. nnd Madison st.
Tho lsih Klectlon District la bounded by
and wlihln MontKomcry at., Cherry st.,
Clinton st and Madison at.
The 17th Klectlon District Is hounded by
nnd wlihln a tlluKonnl 1 1 rle from Ilia corner
of Montgomery nnd Henry ata. to the corner
of (Inuierticiir nnd Midlaoii ata., Madison at.,
JelTeron al. and Henry at.
The lllh Kle.ll. Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
and within (Inuierneiir at., a diagonal Una
from the corner of Oouvernear and Madison
sla, to the rnrner of Mnnliromery and Henry
ata, Henry rt , Clinton at , Kaat llroadwny,
MnnlaTomer.v at. and Division at
The lutli Klectlon Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and wlihln (louverneur et.. Division al., Mont
Bomcry at,, Kaat Hrnailway, Clinton at. and
ilran.1 at,
AMtmblv Tlhtrtct
The 11 Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
nnd within Cinil at., .Mulberry at., rarlt at..
Worth at nnd llrondwny.
The 2d Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
nml within llaynrd at., Mntt at.. Tall at..
Unwary. Catharine at., n. llrondwny, Chat
ham auuare, Worth at., I'arlt at. and Mul
berry si.
The 3.1 Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd v tlliln Canal al., Unwary. 1'ell al., Mott
at., Hayard at nnd Mulberry at.
The 4th Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within I'anil at., Chryatl at,. Division
at and Unwary
The Mil Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd wlihln Heater at., Chrslla t Cannl at.
nml Molt at.
The ilih Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
nnd within Hprlna" st . Cleveland place,
Ilroome at.. Centre Market place, Ilnxter at.,
Hester at.. Mott St., Cnnnl at. and llroadvvay.
The 7th K.ectlon Dlatrlct Is bounded by
nnd within Ilroomr at, Ilowery, Urand at.,
Mott st. Hester at.. IMiter at. and Centre
M irket place.
The mli Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
nnd within drind al , Jlowery, Hester st.
and Molt at
The a:h Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
.mil nlihlu i.raml at. Chryalla at., Hiater
at ntiil llmiet-)
The loth nierllnn Dlatrlct Is bounded by
nnd within , Itltington at., Chryatlc at.
llrund st., Doworv, Ilroome at., Klltabnth
at., Spring- at ami Ilowery.
Th Uth Klectlon Dlatrlot In botlodwl by
and within rrlnoe at, Mott at, dprlnc at.,
Kilibeth at.. Ilroome at Cleveland plac,
.sprlnc st und Mulberry st.
TIib 12th Kwrtlun Wlstrtot Is bounded
by and within K llouaton at , Kllnbeth
at. J'rltue at , Mulberry at., HprlnK at.
and llrnidu-ny
The 13th Klectlon Dl'trlct la bouruled by
and fitiain K llouaton at., Hosi-ery. Sprlnit
et . Molt at., I'rlnce at. nnd Klltabeth at
The I4th Kle.'inn Dlatrlct la bnunded
by nnd within '. Houston at, Chryatle at.,
ItlvinKton at. and Uowcry
Tne ir.th Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within llond at., Unwary, rintt at.. Sao
unit am, G llouaton at. ami llrondway.
The Kith Klectlon restrict Is bounded by
nnd within 11. 4th at.. Second ave., Klrat
at , ilowery, llond at., Hroadwuy, Oreat
Jones st and Ijifayetlo at.
The Uth Klec Hon Dlatrlot la bounded b
and within Aator place. Cooper Square, Ith
St.. 2.1 ave., K 4th St. nnd I,afnyetto at.
The lth Klectlon Dlstrlot Is boumled by
and nllhln :h at, 2a ave, itli at. and
Conner Squari' Weat. . . , .
The ltith K!"itlon Dlstrlot Is bounded by
R.i ,. ii i,in n ,n,i.nft! line from the comer
iif 7th at nnd Cooper S-iunre West to the
corner of St. .Marks pla.-e ami .-n ave.,
2d ave . iith at and Cooper Square West.
The JO'h l-;,reilon liis-ri.v i iM.u,. ..-.
and wl'hln K. loth at. 3d ale., h. 5th i st .
Stuywiin" at., K 10th St.. 2d , dlair
onu) llnr from tho corner of 2d ill. and
t Mark's idi.cn to the corner of 7th et
and Coe-r Squire West. Cooper Square
WThe "2n'it VllVrtlon DUtrlct Is bounded by
and whSIn K ll'h at., 2d nve. R. l.Bth at..
smyvesnM at.. K 9th at., 3d v... B. 10th
tThea2l2,tl Elation Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnd within K K'th st . a dlnaonal line from
?h.? c 1? of Ki 12lh at and 3d ave. to
iha corner of K 13th and 2d ve .d
nve. n 11th st nml 4th uiu. .
The 2Sd Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within K. 14-.h at.. S.I j b. JJ'
Una from th corner of 2d ave an d K. 13th
st to tha corner of 3d ave. and K. 12th at..
K. 12th at. and 4th ave.
fourth Attmbv illWrfcf.
The let Klectlon District la bounded I by
ml within Cherrv at.. Scnmmel ft., ater
It Jncaaon at . Cast Itlver and Clinton at.
The 2d Klectlon Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
nd Mltliln Monroe at.. Jockson
at., Peammel St.. Cherry at. and Montgom-
""The 3d Klectlon Di'trlot Is bounded by
nnd within Mndl'on at.. Jackson aU Monroo
at. and Montgomery at.
Ti. ith Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnd within Gouverneur at., Urand at. anil
Madison at. . . . . . ,
The tth Klectlon Dlstrlot Is bounded by
and ivlthln Willi tt at.. Hroome rt.. Cannon
at.. Delancey st , lwla at. and Grand at.
Tho CUi Election District Is bounded by
and within ItldK at., Delancey st., Wlllett
at. and Ornnd st , .
The 7th Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within Clinton at.. Klvlugton sU, At
torney at . Hldgo at and Orind at.
The Ith Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within Attorney t.. Itlvlnaton St..
Clinton at., Sinnton st liiug ai.
"rThe1Vtti Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within Kldce st . Stnoton at., ritt ft..
Itlvlncton st.. Wlllett st. arid Delancej st.
The loth Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within WIMett t . Itlvlnctnn at., ritt
at.. Stanton si , Sheriff st nnd Delancej at.
The 11th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within Wl'.lett at. Dolanrey at. Sherirf
at.. Stanton at . Columbia at and Ilronmi at.
The 12th nie-tl.in District Is bounded bl
and within (luitibta at. Stanton ., Cannon
st. and Ilroome at . K-
The 13th Klectlon District la bounded by
and within Cannon at . Stanton at.. Ooerck
st. ItlvinKton at. Lew la nud Delancey at.
wlihln Stanton St.. Knat lllver. ueian-
...... ..... - . ... ,.,.
,elVIS St.. HIVWKUin SI. ftniiuurimni,
The 1 ,tn Election iiisiriri is uuu,
and within Lewis st . Delancey at.. Tompkins
st.. Ilroome at , Mnhfiln "t ami Orand st.
The Uth Klectlon District I bounded by
and within Jacluon at. Madlnn at., (irnnd
st . Mongln st , Ilroome at., Tompkins at.,
Delancey st, und Kast lllver.
Vtllh Anemblv Plilriet.
Th 1st Klecllnn District Is bounded by
and wtthln Harrow st., Hudson at., Clarkson
at. nml Hudson Itlier. .... . , .
Th 2d Klectlon District Is hounded by
nnd within Morton at. Illeeckcr IL, Car
mine at.. Clarliann at. nnd Hudson at.
Tho 3d Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within Harrow st . Hcdford st . Com-
I merre at, llleecker st , .nurton at nnu iiuu-
son at.
ci, n i.h Klectlon District Is hounded by
and within Harrow t., Washington place,
;th nve. carmine, si nnu im-'i i .
The 6th Election District Is bounded by
and nlthln Christopher t., . sin ai.,
Harrow st. nnd llieecaer si.
The Ctll liieciion I'mni" i" wnnn'ii ojr
and within (.rove st , Mieeciier st i-om-
merce st , ileuioril su, narrow si. min uuu
son st ...... . .
The ,tn l.teeuon I'leinci .'minii"i oy
nnd within Chrlstoplier at. iiieocker at..
drove st , Hudson at., narrow st. and
Hudson Itlver .... . .
The sth I. lection liisirici is nounoeq Dy
and within diaries at . mrci:er at
,n.,h !
ami tireeiiwicn at,
I ne yin r.l.-rIIoo K..ir,i-i i uiiiinimj vy
d within W 11th at. llicecltsr st ,
(Iharlea st und (Jreenwleh st
The Uth Klectlon Dlstrltt I bounded by
anil within 1'crry et , Washington st., W.
Uth st . lireenuicn at., cnrisiopner st, anil
Hudson Itlver.
The uih jiiection nmrici is nounaeii hy
nnd within W 1-th st , Washington at.,
Ileihtin at., lireenwirn st , iv inn at.,
Waahlncton st , I'erry st and Hudson lllver.
The Uth Election District la bounded hv
and within .lane at., Wnshlngton at., Horatio
at, (Ireenwlch el , Ilrthune ft.. Wnshlneton
st . W. 12th at. and Hudaon Itlver
Th Uth Klectlon Dlsirli t Is hounded by
and within Horatio si, a diagonal lln from
th cornnr or noraiio anu ininson ts, to
thn comer of sth ave and Jane t 8th
aie, Hudson si, innir ft, iiieefKer ft.
W. UUi at. nnd llreenwloh at.
The Kill Klectlon Dlstrlci Is bounded bv
and within W. Uth st . Sth nve to Jan
st , a diagonal lino from th cornr of sth
avo. und J ann at, to the corner of Horatio
at. and Hudson at., and Hudson et.
Th l&tn liiecuon uisiriot i uounjed by
and within W 14th at, Hudaon at, Horatio
at., Wushlngton at,, Jano at. and Hudson
The Uth Election District I bounded by
and within W. Uih at., a dligonal lln
from tho corner of v. Uih si, and a Hi
ave. to th corner of W Uth at. and Sih
ave, Hth ave, V. 14th st. and Hudson
The Uih Elactlnn District la bounded bv
nml wlihln W 16th at., 7th live., W. Hth
at. nml sill nve.
Tho lklh Klectlon District Is bounded hy
and within W Uth st 7th nve., W Uth
st and Sth nve,
The 19ih Election Dlnrrlot Is bounded bl
ond within W. Idtli at., 7th nve., W. uth
al and sth nve.
The 20th Klectlon Dlatrlrt Is bounded
ny anu muim n inn st , stli nvo, n
dlnitonnt lino from the corner of sth nve
and W Uth ft to tlm corner nf w uth
at. nnd 9th uv. and 9th nve
The tlst "lection Dlsttlrt Is boundeil bl
and within W Uth st , sth uie., w. 17th
et. and Uth nve.
The 22d Klertlon District la bounded by
and ivlthln W. 17th st . n diagonal line from
the corner of W 17th at. nnd Uth nin. to tha
rnrner of W Uth st and ath me,, tih aie,
W. Uth st. and Hudson ir
The SS'l Klectlon District Is bounded hy
nnd wlihln W Uth st , loth ave., w UH,
at . Plh nie., a diagonal line from th cor-m-r
of mh lie and U" Uth at m the
corner of loth aie. and W 17th st., W 17th
st and Hudson I'.ivt r.
fittth v4spiffi nlttrlrt
1st Klcllon District la bounded by
oiiln "d st a dlsgenal lln rrom the
v .d ai. und Aunut C to the corner
-nrrit.wji nit
fcV , oViSteTirfi 4tff .i iriii,v.iiisigfcr";s. --t..-,. m.-
of Avenue 1) and K. Houston at.,
IB. Iloua-
ton at, nnd Aventia a.
Tho 2d Klectlon District la bounded by
and wlihln 15. Houston at.. Attorney at..
Stanton at. nnd Norfollt at
The Jd Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within a dlnKonal line from the corner
of K, Houston at. nnd Asenun H to tho
corner of 2d at nnd Avcnue-c, Avenue ( .
l'ltt at., Stanton at., Attorney si. nnu r..
Houston at,
ti. (ii, rb.etinn District la bounded by
and nlthln B. 3d at, Avenue D, a dtanonnl
line from the corner of Avenue i nnu
llnnstnn St. In the corner of Sheriff and
Slnnlon ata, Hlanlon at., l'ltt at. and Ave
nue c. . . .
The Cth Elerttorl District Is bounded by
nnd within B. 3d at., Iswls at., K. Houston
at., Cannon at., Stanton at., a diagonal Una
rrom tne corner or sneritr ann maniun aia.
to the corner of K. Houston and Columbia
i-t . nnd Avenue I).
"he Cth Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within U. Houston at., Kast lllver, Stan
ton at. nnd i-nnnnn st.
The 7th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within K. Illi at., Kast lllver, K. Houston
at.. Lewis t nnd a dlaitonal line from tne
corner of K 3d and Low la ats. to the corner
of K. 4 th at. und Avenue D,
Tlin ath Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within K. 4th at,, a dlaaonal linn from
the corner of K. 4th at. anil Avenue D to
the corner of Lew la at. and 11. 3d at., U. 3d at.
anil Avenuo c
Tho lh Klectlon Dlatrlot la bnunded by
nnd within Ii. 4th at.. Avenuo C. 2d et.
and Avnntio II
Thn 10th Klectlon District ks bounded by
nnd within n dlaannal line from the corner
of Avenue nnd K. Ith at. to thn corner of
K. Mh st nnd Avenue C, Avenue C, K. 4 1 h
at and Avenue 11,
The Uth Klectlon Dlatrlct Is hounded by
nnd ivlthln K, 8th st,, a diagonal lln from
the corner of Avenue D nnd J2 6th at. to the
orner nf Lenla and B. th ata., K th st.,
Kast lllver, K. 4th at. and Avenue C
The 12th r.lecllon District Is bounded by
nnd within K, Cth st., a diagonal lino from
the corner of U Cth nnd !,ewla ats. to the
cornea of Averiue 1) and K. Cth at., K. Mh
at sn. Aienue I
Tho lVh Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd ivlthln K. 7 1 It at , Avenue C, a diagonal
line from the corner of Avenue O und K 5th
at. to the corner of K 6th at and Avenue II,
and Avenue 11.
The 14th Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by I
nnd within 15. 7th at., a dlagonnl line from
the corner of K. Tth at. and Avenue D to the .
corner of Lewis and K. Cth sta, 15. Cth at.
nnd Aventia C.
The 16th Klectlon District Is bounded by
and wlihln a diagonal Una from the corner
of Avenuo C nnd K. "th at. to the corner
of Avenue D and K. Sth at., K. 1th at.. Knat
Itlver, K, nth at, a diagonal line from tho
corner of I,ewla and H tth ata. to the corner
of Avenue D and K. "th at., and U Tth st
The ltith Klertlon District Is bounded by
and 'within 15. 8th at., a dlngonal lino from
the corner of Avenuo D nnd K. Mh L to the
corner of Avenue c and K. 7th at., K, 7th
at nnd Wentie II
The 17th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within K 10th at.. Avenue D, 12. 8th at.
and Avenue c
The Uth B.ectlnn District la bounded by
and within E 10th at., Avenue C, K. 8th at
nnd Avenue It.
,'rt-rnfA AnttmMy HlftHrt
The 1st Eeloetlon District la bounded by
nnd within W. 21st at., 10th ave. W. 20th
at.. 8th nve, W Uth et , 10th v IV Uth
at. and lludaon Itlver
The 2.1 Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within a dlngonal line from the corner
of IB-h nve. and W 2Jd at to tho corner
of 9th ave nnd W 21st et . W. 21st at, Ith
nve. w ;o th st. nnd lntn nve
The Id Klectlon Dlstrli. Is bounded by
nnd within W JOth et . 8th ave, W. Uth
-t. nnd 9th n-e
The 4th Klectlon Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and wlihln a dligonal line from ihe corner
of sth nve. and W. 19th at to the corner of
W. 20th at. an I 7th ave. 7th ave, W. Uth
at. and Ith avo
The 5th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W. 21st at, 7th nve. n diagonal
lino from the corner of "th ave. and W. 2(tth
at to the corner of W 19th at. and 8'h
ave , and Sth nie.
The r.h Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within W. 21d at.. 7th av., W. 21st et.
nnd 1th ave.
Tho 7th Klectlon District la bounded by
and within W 2Sd at., 1th ave.. W. 21st t.
and a diagonal line from the corner of 9th
ave. and W 21st at to the corner of 10!h
nve. nnd W 22d at.
The nh Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnd within W 23d at.. 1th ave., W 22d st
and 10th nve.
The !'th Klectlon District Is bounded bl
and within W. 2llh at. Sth ave., W. 2ld at.
and loth nve.
The loth Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within W. 21th at . 10th ave., u diagonal
line from the corner of 10th ave. and W.
33th at. to the corner of 9th ave. and W,
24th at. W 21th at., 10th ave., W. 21st st
and Hudson lllver.
The 11th Klectlon District la bounded by
and within iv 2ith at., 3th nve., n diagonal
line from the corner nf 9th nve. and W. 34th
at to iho corner of W. Sr.tti at. and Uth are.
and loth nve
The i:th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W. 2Ctll at., Sth ave, W. 24th at.
and 9th ave.
Th" Uth Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W 2th at., Sth avi... W. 27th
at.. 7th ave., W 2Mh st nnd 9th ave.
Tho 14th Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within W 2Sth st , 7th nie, W. 27th at.
nnd 9th aie
The lith K'ectlnn Dlatrlct Is bounded by
ami wiinin ii sun st . mn nve. w ;,tu at,
Sth ave., W. 2th st and Uth ave.
The Uth Klectlon Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and within W 2lh st . loth nve, w 2th
at and Hudson lllier.
The 17th Klertlon District la bounded by
and wltMn W 21th at., 9th aie., W. SSth at.
nnd Uth nve
The Uth Klectlon District la bounded bl
and w-Khln W. 29th at., 7th ave., w 2Jth
at nnd 9th nve,
The 19-h Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and within W. 31st at., Tth nie., W. 29th at.
nnd Sth nve
The 2ffth Kleotlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W. list at., sth ave., W. 28th at.
and 9th ave.
i """" nnunoeu d-
innu witziin . a urn si. to inm
, - , ,-,. ,w. ,.L. . ...
flVe a tltnit.
onal ,lne from the corner nf w. snth eL und
10th aie. in the corner nf IV 31st at. and
9th nie.. 9th nve., v SSth at. nnd Hudson
The 221 Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within W. 1 2d at., 9th aie. to W. Stat
at. a dlagonil lino from tho corner of W.
31st st. and 9lh avo. to the corner of W.
30th st, and IOIIi nvo.. und 10th nve.
Ewhth Antmbtv Vlntrlcl.
The 1st Klectlon District Is bounded
nnd within CaOinrlne at.. Division
and Chryatle at., llayar.1 at., Market at
Henry st
The 2d Election District la hounded by
nn.l within Chrystle at. Canal at, Division
at nttd llaynrd si
The 3d Klectlon District Is hmuideu hy
I " , ''-
.., nf ntKers i and 15. llroadwny
, lo inn corner of Henry and 1'lko ats. and
Henri- at
Tho Ith Election District Is hounded hy
and wit hlu a illnKonnl lln running from
the curiier of Henry and I'lke at, to tho
corner of E. Hrondtiay nnd Itutirera at.,
lungers at., Division si., Clinton st, and
Hfnry st.
The Sth Election District Is bounded hy
nnd ulllilu Essex at.. Ornnd at. .Hjffolk
at . Ilrooinu st., Clinton et and Division st
The 6th Election District Is hounded hy
nnd wtthln Essex St.. Delancey at.. Suffolk
I st nml (Iranil at
The 7th Hieitioti District Is bounded by
I ,,ii' ,,., i, i,iv , n .,. ,.u.i
low st Urand ft. Esse at.. Division at,
and C'lnat at
The Mh Kleotlon District Is bounded hy
and wlihln llrnnd at, Allen at", Ilroome
at. Orchard st ("mil st and Kldrllgn at
The nth Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by
nnd within (Irsnd at., Eldrldgn s! ('anil
at nnd Chrytle st.
The Uth Election District Is bounded hy
nnd within Ilroome at., Allen at., Urand
at and Chrystle st
Th" Uth Election Dlatrlrt Is hounded by
and istthln lllvlngtnn st, Kldrldgo St.. De
lancey t Orchard at., Hroome at. and !r
ayth at
The 13th Election District Is bounded by
and within Stanton at., Korsvth at,,
Ilroome at, nnd Chrystle st.
The Uth Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
A tyl within Stanton ft . Orchard at., lllv
IngUin et. nnd rorayth 1
The 14th Election District la bounded by
nnd ivlthln Hlvltmton at , Orohard at..
Stanton at , Ludlow at., Delancey at. and
Eldrldye st.
The Uth Election District la bounded by
and within Orchard at, D"lancey at.. Laid
low at., Stanton at.. Essex at., tTrand ft,,
Ludlow at und rtronmo st.
Tho Uth Election Dlatrlot la liounded by
nnd within Itlvlnston st., Clinton st..
Ilrnonin si Siirrotlc at., Delnncey at, and
E-iex t
The Uth Election District ta bounded bl
and will In Slnnton at., Clinton tt., Illv
lligloli at and Essex et.
.VlnfA Atsombli District,
Tho let Election Dlatrlot Is bounded hv
and ivlthln W JSth at, Uth av w. SOth
st nnd Hudson Itlver.
The 2d Klectlon District la hounded by
and within W 34th at, sth nve,, w. ran
st, Tth nve., W 31t st, oth ave., W, StiT
st. and Uth nve
The 3d Election District Is bounded y
and within W 33th st 7th nvo,, w, ISd
st, Sth aie., W. 34th at. and 9th ave.
I' he 4 lis El. ctlon District Is hounded t,v
and wlihln W 35th at, sth avo, W. 31th
st and lOtli nve.
Tim 6th Election District Is bnunded bv
and within W 36th at, 9th ave, W. 35th
st. and Uth live.
Tim Oth Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and witl'ln W. fil' "th ave., W. 35th
st. nnd Oth nve,
The 7th Election District Is bounded by
and within W. 37th at., 7th nv., W 30th
t. nnd 9th aie.
The sth Ebctlni District Is bounded hy
And within W. 37lh at, 9th ave., w. 36th
at nnd Hudson lllver.
Tho 9th Election District Is bounded by
and nllhln IV aoth st.. Uth nve, w. imfi
st., 9lh av W 97th t and Uuinon
The Uth Klectlon Dlatrlct la bnnndd bv
and wlihln a dU.onul Una from tho corner
rrrrariffli nt a tarraaar
of th aye. and W. 33th at. 4Q Uia corner
of W. atith at, and th ave., fth ara. W.
SSth at. . . M .
Tho Uth Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and wtthln W. Ith at., ath avo, a diagonal
lino from the corner of Mill at. and Mil
nve. to tho corner of Uth at, and th ave.,
W. 3Sth at. and 10th ave.
The 13th Klectlon District la bou"dll.V?r
nnd within W. 40th at., JOtli ave.. IV. 3ltli
at.. Uth ave., W. 39th at. and Hudaon
"tiw Uth Klectlon District Is bounded by
and within W 40th at.. th ave., . 3tli
at. and loth ave, . , .
The 14th Klectlon District la bo"m.,"l0??
and within W. 40th at.. 8th live., IV. 39t)i
at. nnd 9th ave. . . , .
Tha 16th Klectlon Dlatrlot It ?unra by
and wlihln a diagonal line from tho corner
of W. 41at at. and 9th ave. to .the orn."r
of W. 42d at, and Ith ave., Ith ave.,
40th at,, and 9th ave, h
The Uth Klectlon Dlatrlot la owl 1 by
and wlihln W. 42d at.. 9th nve., a djnf0""'
I'M 't?m'h.l"ln"0l ("w. Vui at. and
Slflll HI. I" HI" V"...-.
nth ave,
e. unii 'Jin ave. . . ...
Thn 17th Klectlon District is dou.."-. --
nnd ivlthln w. 4ist at., a ns '"",i",-: ,
Iho cornor of W" list rt- and loth va. to
tho corner of Ith ave. and W. 40tn at., iv
,A1. -. ..ml'llfh ave.
-v.., r... ..... - - . " i. Kniinneu
The nil. Klentlon District s
by and within W, 42d at., ".w."!-!,':;
4lst at.. Uth ave,. W. 40th at. and Hud-
"Tb"' mh Kl.otlon Dlstrlot Is bounded by
nnd within W 44th at.. Uth ave.. W. , 43d at.,
toth nve., W. 4Jd at. and 'dn "'y.fl;, h
The 20th Klectlon District Is funded by
nnd within W. 41,1 at., 9tli ve., W. 42d at.
MTliestR mactlon Dlstrlot I. bounded by
and within W. 4ld at., 8th ave., a dlngonn
linn from tho corner of W. M at. and J
avenue, to tho corner of W. 41st at. and Itli
nve., and 9th ave.
7nfA AistmMv DhtrM.
The 1st Klertlon District Is bounded by
and within K. Houston st., Orchnru at..
Stanton at. and Chrystle at.
Thn 2d Kl.otlon District Is bounded by
nnd within first at.. Ale. A. U ou,,Jl
at . Norfolk; ft , stunton at., Orchard at., i
Houston at. nnd 1st ave. .
Tt.. 1 l"i,1nn lllstrlct Is bounded by
nnd within n dlngonal line from tha corner
..,. ,, n,i i,, 7,vnuo to thn corner of K
tn,fntvenue Avenue A. 1st at. nud
J'1 !- nn'1 ""1U" 'v v,!au "'
The 4tn i:iction uiinci """" '
and within 2d at., 1st ave. It. llouaton at.
und 2d nve. , . . .
Tim Mh Election District la bounded bj
nnd within 1-5 3d at to Avenue A, a diagonal
line from the corner of C, 3d at. and Aienue
A to the turner or let ave. aim -u n
at and lid ave. . . . A ,
The r.th Klectlon District la bounded bl
and with. ll K. tth at.. Avenuo A.. L. 3d at
and 2d ai e. , . t
The Tih Klectlon Dlstrlot la bounded by
and within li. 4th at.. Avenue H. 3d at and
AV.nue A . . k
Tho 8th Election District la bounded by
and within a Ulagonnl line from tho corner
of Avenue A and 8th au to tha ourner of
6th st. and Avenue n, Avenuo II, K. tn
at. nnd Aienue A. . , .
The Oth Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by
nnd within 7th at,. Avenue II. to a dlng
onal linn from 6th at. nnd Avenue II tj
tho corner of 8th ft. and Aienue A. and
Avenue A. ,
The loth Election Dlntrlot ta bounded by
and within a diagonal line from th cor
ner of .tlx at. and lat ave. to the corner
of Cth at and Aie A. Ave. A, E. 4th et.
and 1st nee. , .
The utu ucctlon uistnat is Dnureiea or
and within n diagonal line from the corner
of 2d nve and cth st. to the corner nf 6th
st nnd lat ave, 1st avo., E. 4th st and
ili iv- . . . . t
The 12th Election Dlstrlot la bounded hy
and within 7th at , let ave., a diagonal lino
from the corner of let ave. and Ith ft. to
thn corner of 6th ft. nnd 2d ave. and 2d
The 13th Election Dlatrlot Is bounded by
an 1 wlihln 7th ft., Ave. A. a diagonal lln
from th cornor of Cth at. and Ave. A to
tho corner of Sth at nnd 1st ave. and lat
The Uth Election District Is bounded by
and within St Murks place, or E 1th at., to
1st nve., a dlngonnl linn from the corner
of 1st nve nnl St- Marks place, or B. Sth
st.. to the corner of Avenuo A and 7th at.,
7th at and .'d nve.
Tho 16th Election Dlatrlot la bounded by
and within K 9th et . 1st ave., St. Marks
place, or K. sth at. and 2d nve.
Tho uth K'ectlnn Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and within 15 9th st., Avenue A. II. toth
St., Avenue It, 7th at. to Aienue A, a diag
onal line from tho corner of Avenue A and
7th st to tho corner of St. Marks place,
or K. sth at , and 1st ave,, and 1st ave.
The 17th Election Dlatrlct I bounded bl
and within K. Uth at., Avenue A, K 9th at,
and let ave.
Thn um Election Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnii wun,;i e.. mn tn.. iat nve, is. ptn nt.
and 2d nve.
The Uih Klectlon District la bounded bv
and within E. uth at., 1st ave. E. 12th
at.. Avenuo A. E. Uth at. and 2d nve.
Thn aOth Election District ia bounded by
and with St. Uth at.. Avenue A, E. Uth
su, ist nve.. l.-. 13th st. and 2d ave.
rTfeiienf.s Att-mtitv Plsfrfcf
Th 1st Election Dlstrlot Is bounded hv
and within W 41th at., lOtli ave., W. 43,1
st an t 1 tth av
Tho 2.1 Election District is bounded bl
and within W. 45th at., a diagonal lln
from the corner n W. 43th st. and 9th
nve 1 1 tne corner or loth ave and W
441h at.. W. 441)1 st unci ltii.Unn lll..r
The 3.1 Election District Is bounded bv
and within a diagonal line from tho corner
of W It'll at. and 10th ave, to tho corner
or ii i.-.ui st ami ath aie., th ave, W.
43.1 at. nnd Uth ave.
The 4lll Elei Hun District la hnur.rt.,1 hv
and ivlthln a diagonal lln from th corner
of 9th aie and W 4 6th st. to the corner
of 1th aie. nn.l W. 41th t., Ith ave., W.
iii si. nn.l "n nve
The 1th Election District I hounded bl
and ivlthl i W. 40th et . sth ave, to W 41tfi
st a iiinnoTiw nti rrom the corner of w
44th et nnd Mh nvo. to the corner of W
46th at and 9th nve.. nnd Sth ave.
The dtll Election District la bounded by
anu wmiui i . sun si., nin avi, IV 4lh
at anu -.-ii nve
The 7tli Election Dlstrlot la boiimle,! bv
apd ivlthln a dlaronnl line from the corner
of W. Uth at and loth nve. to the corner
of W 47th at. and 9th ave., 9th nve. and n
ilinKonai line irnm in oorner or ith av.
and W. 4Sth at. to the corner of Uth avo.
and W. 40th at.
The Sth Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and within W. 4Cth st., a diagonal line from
the corner of W tilth ft. and Uth ave. to
the corner of 9th nve nnd W. 46th st., W.
l&th at. nnd Hudaon itlver
The 9th Election Dlatrlot Is bounded by
and within W. 17th St., Uth av , W. 46th
at. and Hudson Htver
The Uth Election District la bounded bv
ajid within W. 4Sih at, 10th nve, W 47th
si nnd Hudson lllver.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded by
nnd w-lthln W (7th at , n dlsgnnnl lln from
tho corner of W. 47th at and 9th ave. to
thn orner of W. 4Cth st. and Uth ave., and
10th ave.
The uth Election Dlstrlot la bounded hy
and wlihln W 41th ft, 9th ave., W 47th
st. nml Uth avn
Th Uth Election District Is bounded by
nnd within a dlngonnl line from the crnr
of W. 4"th st. and 9th nve. to th corner
of W. 49th st and 1th ove , Ith nve, W.
17th at. and 9th nvo.
The Uth Election Dlatrlct Is boundnd by
and within W 6mh st., Sth avo. to W 49th
si., a dligmal lino from th corner of kth
ave. and W Uth st to the corner of w
IRfl, wt n,I Qth nve, nml titli nv.
Th l.'li Election District la bounded by
and within a dlugonal line from th uorner
of Uth nve. and W. 48th st to the corner
of W 49th st. nnd Oth nv., 9ih nve. und
W 48th st.
The I6lh Kleetlnn District is bounded hv
and within W 49th et to 9th nve., n ding,
onal line from the i orner of W 4flth st nnd
9th uvo. tn the corner of Uth nve, anil W.
(hth at., and 10th ave.
Tbo 17th Election District Is bounded by
and within n diagonal Una from the corner
of W. UUi at. nnd Uth ave. tn th corner nf
IV. 49th at, nnd Uth av., Uth ave, and W.
48th at.
Tho Uth Election District le bounded hy
and within W. HSd at, Uth ave., W. 49th
et , a diagonal line from th corner of w
4Uth ft. and Uth avs. to th corner of Uth
ave. and W. 4llh ft, W 41th st und Hudson
The Uth Election District Is bounded by
and within W. SOth ft, Uth ave.. W. 49th
at and Uth ave.
Th 20th Election District Is bounded by
and ivlthln W. ,11st at, Uth ave., w.
60th at und Uth nve.
Th 31st Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W. SOth St., 9th ave., W, 49th
st. and Uth ave.
The 32d Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W. .list st., 9th ave., W. tOlli
si. nnd loth live.
Tho 23d Klnctlon District Is bounded by
and wl'hln W 51st St., Ith nve., W, SOth
st. nnd 9th nie,
Tli 34lh Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W. 52d at, Sth nve., W, Olnt at
and Oth nve.
The 25th Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W, 62d st, 9th ave., W, 51st ft.
nnd Uth nve.
Tictlff .Usemftf" Xtfrirf
Tho 1st Election District is houndod b
anu wiinin i,. mil si., .vvenun u, is. it
st. and Avenue A
Tho Sd Election District Is hounded bv
and within i- Uth Aiemm c, E, Uth
at. nnd Avenue II,
The 3d Election District Is bounded hy
and within E. Kill st. .Menu D, E. Uth
st, Eaal Itlver, E. Sth at, Avenue D, 11
Uth at. nnd Avenue c
The 1th Klectlon District la bounded by
and within K, Uth st, Avenue D, E ISth
at. nnd Avenue II.
Th Ith Election Dlstrlot Is bnundnd hy
nnd wlihln 11. 1 1 tit st, Avenue II, K. 13th
at. and Avenuo A
Th fth Election Dlstrlot Is hounded hv
and" within K Ulh st Avenue C, E, 17ih
st, East Itlver. 15. Hth st., Avenue A, II.
Uth rt nnd Avenue II
The 7th Election District If bounded bv
nnd within V. Ufh si Avnu n. E Uld
at, and dlagonnl lino from the comer of E,
Ulh at. nnd Avenue A to th ooroer af E.
Uth at, and lat ave.
efn, i,iji,n..rs..
The Ith Klectlon Dlstrlot Is bounded by
and within a diagonal Una from tho ooroer
of R. uth at, nnd lat ave. to the corner of
K. lttli at. and Avenuo A. Avenuo A, i..
14lh at. nnd let nve, .
Tho 9th Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
and within H. 17th at., Livingston nlce,
K. Uth ft,. 1st ave., K. 14rth at. and Id ave.
The 10th Klectlon Dlstrlot la bounded by
and within U. 17th at.. 2d ave., E. 14th at..
Irilnn nlnce, R. 16th at. and Id ave.
The Uth Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
and ivlthln K, lth ft., 3d avo., K. 17th U
and 8d nve. ...
The 12th Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
nnd within !.. Uth ft., lat avo.. 15. Uth at,,
I,n Innston plnco, B. i7in si. anu ia nve.
The 13th Kleotlon District 1 bounded by
and within K. Uth t Avenuo A, II. lth
st, and 1st avo.
n-iie nth Illation Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnd within K. Uth at, Avenna H, B. Uth
st. nnd Avenue A,
Thn 16th Kleotlon DUrtrtot fa bounded by
and ivlthln 15. Uth au Eaat lllirer. 13. 17lh
at.. Avenue C. 15. Hill at. asd Avenue I).
The Uth election District Is bounded by
nnd within 15. 20th at.. Kast lllier, 15. Uth
at. and 1st nve.
The 17th Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd w-Khln K, 19th at. let ave., 15. Uth at.
and Sit ave,
Tho Uth Kleotlon Dlatrlct Is bounded by
and within K. list at., 15aat lUver, K, 20th
at., lat nve, K. Uth at. and 2d ave.
Tbo 19th Kleotlon Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within K. Slat at.. 2d ave., K. Uth at.
and 3d nve.
Tho 20th Kleotlon Dlatrlot Is bounded by
and within K, 23d at., 2d ave,. K. 21st at.
nnd 3d nve.
Tho 21st Klectlon District la bounded by
nnd within a dlngonal lino from tha corner
of H. 22d st. and 2d ave, to tho corner of
IM ave nnd 13. 23d at., K. 28d at., KAat
Itlver, 15. 21st at. ami 3d ave.
The 22.1 Kleotlon District Is bounded by
anil within K. 21th ft., lat ave., a diagonal
lino from tho corner of II. 21.1 ft. nnd 1ft
nve, to th corner of E. 22d at. and lat av.,
and 2d ave.
Thlrtttnth AMxmbXv Dintriet.
The 1st Election District Is bounded by
and wtthln W. (3d at., 10th av., W. 61st at.
nnd Uth nve.
The Jd Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded hy
and ivlthln W. Cllh at., Uth nvo, W. S3il
at., Uth avn, W. Sd at. and Hudsun lllver.
The 3d Kleotlon District Is bounded by
nnd wlihln W 1,3d st., sth ave, W. S2d st.
and loth nve.
The 4th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by
nnd nllhln W. Mlh at., Sth avo., W. 62d at,
and 91h nve
The Sth Klectlon Dlatrlot la bounded by
and ivlthln W 64th at., 9th ave, W 6ld at.
in. I uih ave.
rn tint Election uiairici ia notinuea ny
nnd within a dlngonnl tin from tho corner
of Uth nve nnd IV 1.4th eu to the rorner of
lo ll nve. and W 66th at., W (3th St., tll
ut-e and W. 5tth st.
The 7th Election Dlatrlct la bounded br
and ivlthln a diagonal lln frum tho corner
of W 55lh at. nnd 9th av. to th corner of
W. 6cth at. and Sth av., Ith live, W. Clth
st. nnd 9th nvo.
Tin Sth Election Dlstrlot Is boundnd by
and nlthln W. Jltli at., sth av , a. diagonal
lino from Iho corner of IV. 6Cth at, nnd Sth
uv. to tha corner of W. 63th at. and stli
ave , und 9th ave.
The 9th Klectlon Dlatnet s bounded by
nn.l w-lthln a diagonal lln from tho corner
of W. 6Cth at. and 10th av. tn th corner of
W S7lli el. and 9lh ave.. 9lh ave.. W SJth
et. and 10th nve
The 10th Election Dlatrlct Is boundeil by
and within W SCth t . loth ave., a diag
onal line from the corner of Ut1i ale. and
W r.rth at. to the corner nf nth ave and
V Mtli rt., W. :. Ith st nnd Hudson lllver.
Th. Hth Election District Is bounded bv
nnd within W. .'Mil ft. Uth nve, W C7th
t . a diagonal line from the corner of 9th
ave. nnd W .17th et. to the corner of Uth
nve. nnd W. 66th at , W. 06th at and Hud
son lllver
The 12-h Election Dlatrlct la bounded by
and within W. ooth at.. Weat Knd ave.. a j
uiugomvi tin irow mo punier in v i-ni i.ii.i
v.' and M. 69111 et lo tne corner or iv.
ilotli at nnd Amsterdam ave., Amsterdam
nve . W STth at., Uth av., W 6Sth at. and
llu.Uuti Itlver
J he !3tli Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W 3Hh at., Ith avo., W. 67th
st nnd loth ave.
Tim 14 th Election District ta bounded by
and within W cist st., Columbus ave.. 9th
ave., W. isth at, Uth nve, nnd Amsterdam
av. ,
Th Uth Klectlon Dlatrlct is bounded by
and within W. Mat at.. Amsterdam live., n
dlagronal lln from tho corner of Ainnterdnm
ii". nnd W Both ft. to tho corner of W
"... Mi at nnd West Knd ave. and West End
Th Uth Election District la bounded ny
ind w-lthln W 2d at.. Amsterdam ave.. W.
Ciat at nnd Weat End nve
The 17th Election District I bounded by
and within n illngouul lln from W. f:,l at.
und Amsterdam ave. to W 63d at and Co.
lumbtia nin., Columleu ave., W, 61at at. and
Amsterdam nve
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded by
nnd wtthln a tllngnnnl lln from th corner
of Amsterdam uie. nnu iv nail st to the
corner of W 64th et. nnd Columlejs nve..
Columbus av.. a diagonal line from tho
corner of Columbus ave. und W. 63d st. to
the corner of w. 62d st. nnd Amsterdam
ave . nml Amsterdam ne.
Tlin 1'itU Klc.tl.in Dlatrlct Is bounded by
ind within W C3d ft . Amsterdam nve., W.
62,1 ft. nnd West Knd ale
The 20th Election District Is bounded by
nnd within n dlsgnnnl llnnTrem tho corner
of West Knd nve. and W C.ld ft., to th
corner of Amsterdam ave and W. 61th st .
W. 64th at, n dligonal linn from the corner
of Columbua nve. nnd IV 64th at. to the
corner of Amsterdnm nve, and W 63d st.,
and W 63d et
Th 2ls. Election DUtrlct la bounded hy
and wlihln W. C5th at., Amsterdam nve., a
diagonal line from lb corner of W. 64th at
and Amsterdnm avenue to the corner of IV
(.id et and West Knd nve., West Knd avo.,
W AOth st nnd Hudson Klver
Th 22d Klectlon District Is bounded hy
nnd ivlthln W. 67th at., a dlagonnl lino frniu
the comer of W 7th at. and West End
ave. to th corner of IV. 6Sth at. end Am
atenlam nl., Amsterdam nvo., W. 63d at.
and Hudson lllver
The 23.1 Election District la bounded bj
nnd within W. 61th at, Amsterdam ave
nml a diagonal! lln from th corner of Am
sterdam nv. nnd W 6Bth t. to the corner
of West Knd ave. nnd W. 07th rt.
Fnnrlrtnlh A'imbly Dlitriet.
Th 1st Elev-tlon District Is bnunded hv
and ithln E. 25th at, 2d ave., IB SSd st.
and Lexington nve.
The 2d Election District Is bounded by
nnd within E. 27th at, 3d are., H. 26th at,
2d nve.. E 2,'ttll at. nnd le-xlngtou ave.
The 31 Election District la bounded by
nnd within a diagonal lino from tha corner
of E 26th st and 2d ave, to th earner of
E :itn st. and lat ave., 1st ave., i;. z-4tn
I "-J""1 'J "AT
The 4th Eleotlnn Dlatrlot la bounded by
and wIlhtB E 29th at. East Itlver. E. 23d
at nnd let nve.
The 1th Kleotlon Dlstrlot Is bounded bv
nnd within 15. 2Sth st, 1st ave, a diagonal
lln from Iho corner of 15. ISth at and 1st
nve to the corner of E. SOth st and 2d
uv. and 2d ave.
The r.th Elation District Is bounded by
And within E. 27th st., td avo., E. 30th at.
and 3d ave.
The "th Klecllnn District I boundd by
nnd within E 29th st , Id av., E. t
2d nve., ii. .tin st, nna Lexington nvo.
Tho Sth Election District Is bounded by
and within E 30th st , 2d nve., E. 28th st.
anil 3d nvo.
Th K til Election District I bounded by
nnd wlihln K 30th at , Kaet Itlver, E. 29th
st.. 1st nve., E. SSth st and Sd nve.
The Uth Election District Is bounded by
And within 15 31ft st , East Itlver, E. 30th
' i. nn.i vii ave
Tim nth l'lectlon District Is bounded bv
nnd wltntn II. 31st St.. 2d owe ,' E. 30th at,
3d nve, K. S'Jth st. nnd Lexington ave.
Th" 12th Election District Is houndod hy
and within 15. 34th si, and 3d nve,, 15. 31st
st. and Lexington nve.
Th Uth Election Dlatrlct I bounded by
and nlthln 15 33d ft, 2d uve., E. 31st at
and 3d nve.
The 14th r.lecllon District is bounded by
nnd within 1-5 33d st. East Itlver. 15. 31st
st nnu 'ii
Th Uth Election Dlatrlct I hounded by
and within n diagonal lino from tho corner
of 2d nve. nnd 15 36th et. to the corner of
1st nve, nn.l E Slth st.. E, 14th at. East
Itlver, K. 33d at. und 2d avo.
Tho Ulh Election District If hounded by
and within E. 35th at., 2d uve., B. 33d at.
and .Id 'nve.
Tho 17th Kleetlnn District Is houndod by
nud within E 3ilth st , East itlver, 13. 34th
St., n dlagonnl lino from tho corner of 1st
nve. and E, 31th si. to the corner of 2d av.
und E 3r,th et . E, 35th st and 3d nve
Tho Ulh Kleetlnn District Is bounded by
Anil within E, 37th St.. East lllver, U 16th
at and 3d nve.
The Uth Klectlon District la hounded by
an, within 15. 38th st., Knst lllver, E, 37th
st or.u 2 1 uve.
The 20 h Election District Is bounded bv
and wlthl-i E, 3'Jlh st , East lllver, E. 3 S til
Et and 3,1 n if.
The 21si Election District la bounded bl
and within E. 40th at, Piospect place, 15.
41st at, Kaat lllver, K. 39th at nnd 3d ave
Th S 2d Election District Is Imunded by
and wlihln E. 42d at, 3d uve., E. 41st at,
Prosper! place, K 40th at, ond Lexington
The SSd Election District la bounded by
and wlihln K ISd st., Prospect place, E,
4Sd st. East lllier, E. 4Ut St. mid 3d av.
Filternth At'rmMv IHttnct,
The If. Election District bounded
and within W, C6th at, Columbua uve ,
61th at nud Amsterdam nve,
Thn 2d Election District la hounded
nnd within V OTih ri , Columbua ave,,
65th st and Amsterdam ave.
The Id Klecllnn District la hnumle.l
and w-lthln W. 68th at., Ilroadway, w, 67th
SI, noil iTve, n.
Tho 4th Kleotlon District la bnunded hv
and nllhln W. 71at at. West End ave. w
67lh ft,, and lludaon lllver.
Th 5th Election lllstrlct Is hounded by
and within W Ulh st . Amsterdam nve
W CSth si nnd West End nve
Th 6lh Election District Is bounded by
and wlihln W 76th si , nroadway, w 89th
r":r.,r:l..,',rl w'" w ' A.. utoIz.
wav, W. 6Sth st. and Amsterdam ave.
T.n .Ji!1 .,r',J?n nistriot la bounded by
and within W, 71st at,, Columbua ale., w.
70th at., Central Park Weat. W. 19th art. and
Thn Nth intention Dlatrlnt la hounded by
and wlihln W. 74th at., Oantrat rark Weat,
W. 70th at. nnd Columbua ave.
The 9th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by
anil within V. 72d at., Columbua are., W.
uet at., uroaaway, v. 7vtn at, ana wesi
End nve.
The 10th Election District la boondd by
and within W. 7Sth at., Weat End ave., W
74th at., llroadwny, W. 72d at.. West End
ave. and W. tlst at. and Hudson Itlver.
The uth Klectlon District Is bounded by
ntld within W. 7fith at.. Amsterdam ave..
W 74th at., Columbua avo., W, 7Id at. and
Th 12th Election Dlatrlot ia bounded by
and within W. Uth at., Columbua ave.. W.
76th at.. Central Park Weat, W. 74th at.
and Amsterdam ave.
Tho 13th Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
B'i'l.wlthin W. 77th at. Central I'ark West,
1. 76th at., Columbua are., W 76th at. and
Amsterdam nve,
The 14th Election District Is bounded bj
"nd ,ZtMn "Uh Amsterdam nve.
1. 7Slh at, nroadway, W. 74th at. West
i "T?.1.nil.l,w- ,75,h " nnrt: Hudson lllver,
no ...i?.5." ,,Al,.,.,0.n District Is bounded by
and within W, 79th st., llroadwny, V 71th
at., Columbus ave., W. 77th st. and West
fcnd nve
T.,lo !..'!' Kl'dlnn Dlatrlct Is bounded by
f.ml .."'"'In W". S2d st., Illversld Dili-,
W. list at., Hrnailway, W, 10th al Weat
End nve.. W 77th at. and Hudson lllver.
i 1;'r',lon "'strict Is hounded by
?,ml, "'""" W- lt st, Amai-rilam nve..
S a""1 "!.! "rondwny, W Uth at., Weat
I'minv.''- w- ,0'h at and llrondwny.
Th"lsth Election District Is bounded by
and within W. SOIh si., Columbus nve., V.
1st ft. Central I'ark West, W. 77th st .
ohlmbu uve., W. 7Sth st. nnd Amsterdam
Th ,19th El'ertlnn District Is bnunded hv
Bb" within a dlugonal line from the corner
or tlst st, and Amsterdam ave. to tho
comer of W. 2d et. nnd Columbus av.,
( oliimbus nie, V. SOth st. and Amster
dam nve.
Tho soth Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W, S3d st Central I'ark West.
'1st st. and Columbus avo.
The 21st Election District Is hounded by
nml within W S3.I si Columbua ave., a
diagonal line from the corner of W, I2d
at and Columbus nve. to th corner of W.
Mat ft. and Amsterdam ave., and Amster
dam ave.
Tho 22d Election District Is bounded by
hd within W. 84th st., Columbus ave.,
1. 13d at. nnd Amsterdam av.
The 2.1,1 Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd within W. K 3,1 at, llrondwny. W. 84th
at.. Amsterdam nve., w. Hat at., llroad
wny, w. S2d st. nnd. West End are.
The 24th Election District Is bounded by
and within W Sltli st west Knd nve., W
SUd at, Urondway, W. list at . Illversld
Drive, W s2d st. nnd Hudson lllver,
Tho 2-.th mention District Is hounded by
nnd within W, 16th st. Urondway, W.
s3d at.. West Knd nve., W. 84th t. and
Hudson lllver.
Tho 26th Election District Is boundnd Iry
and nlthln W. 11th St.. Columbua av..
n. sun st. mm nroadway.
The 27th Klectlon District I boundod b
and wtthln W. s6th at., Columbm
si.in at ami iiroauwav,
Th 21th Election District Is bounded by
and within W. SSth at., Columhti av., W.
SSth at, llrondwny, W. S7th at. And Am
sterdam nve.
The 29th Eleotlnn District Is bounded by
and within W S9th st We't Knd av.
W. 9Sth st. Amsterdam ave., W. 87th st.,
llrnadnay. W seth at and Hudson Itlver.
The 30th Election District Is bounded by
and within W. suth at, Columbus avo.. W.
SSth st nnd West Knd m.
Thn 31st Election District Is bounded by
and within W, 90th st , Columbus ave., W.
S9th st. and Hudson lllver.
Tho SSd El'ctlon District Is hounded by
and within W 91st st . Columbus av., w.
90th at. and Amsterdam nve.
The 33d Election District Is bounded hv
nnd wlihln W 91st at. Hrnailway, w 92d
at, columbua nve., W. 91at at, Amater-
dam ave.
W. 90th St. nnd Hudson Itlver.
Th 3 tth Election District Is bounded by
nnd ivlthln W tilth st., Columbus ave.,
W. 93d at and nroadivny.
Sitlrtnth Afrml.lv Dlttriet.
Th lat Election District is boundsd hy
and with! E. 44th st., 2d ave., E. 42d et.
and Loxlngtnn ave.
Th 2d Klertlon District Is bounded bl
and within 4Cth st, 3d nie., E. 4Cth et, 2d
nve., E 44th st. and le-xlngtnn ave.
The 3d Election District la bounded by
and within E. 46th at., Eaat Itlver, E. 43d
ft. Prospect Place, E. 42d at and 2d ave.
Th 4ih Election District la bntrhdod by
and within E. 47th st, Ist ave., E. 4Hth st ,
East Itlier, E. 46th st. nnd Sd ave.
Th ,'.th Election District la bounded bl
ond wlihln .i diagonal Hue from tho corner
of E. 4tiih at. and 3d ave, to tho corner
of 15. 47th at. and 2d uio-, 2d nve., E.
Uth at. and 3d uie.
The cth Klectlon District is bounded bl
and within 15. 48th st, 3d ave, E. 47th
st., a diagonal line frutn the corner of 2d
avo, and 15, 47th at. to the corner of 3d
av. und K. 4th st, E. 46th st. und Lex
ington nve.
The 7th Election District Is bounded by
and within n diagonal lino from the corner
of Lexington uie. and K. lith st, to tho
corner of 3d ave, and E. 49th st, E. 49th
r... 2d ave., E, 47th st, 3d ave. und E. 4stli
The Sth Election District la bounded by
And within E. 60th at., 2d nve., K. tt)l at.
a dlagonnl line from the corner of 15. 49th
at. and 3d nve. to th corner or K. 4bth st.
nnd Icxlngton nvn., nnd Lexington nve.
The Stli Election District Is bounded by
And wtthln a dlngonnl line from tho corner
of 2d ave nnd K. 60th at to tho corner nf
tat nve. and 15. 49th ft, E. 49th at. Kast
lllver. E. (Sth st., lat ave., E. 47th st, und
2d nve.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded bl
and within 15. SOth at. 1st avo., E, 61st st,
Knst Htver, E 49th st. und a diagonal line
from tho corner of t. inin st and 1st ave.
to tho corner of K. 60th st nnd 2d ave.
The Uth Klectlon District la bounded by
and wlihln E. 61st at., 1st ove., E, 60th et
and 3d nve.
The 12th Election District I bounded by
anu w mini i-;. &2U at., ?ii ave.. i,, aist at,
3d aie., E. 6oth et. and Lexington ave.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded hy
nna within li. 02U t l.asi itiver, is, 61st
st and 2d nve.
The Uth Klectlon District la hounded by
and within 15. 33d at, Eat lllver, E. SSd
st. nud 2d avn.
Tho Uth Election District la bounded bl
and within a diagonal Una from the corner
of E 66th at and 3d ave, to the corner of
E. 61th st And 2d ave., 2d ave., E. 32d
at, nnd 3d ave.
The Uth Eleotlnn District la bounded bl
and within E. 66tll at, 3d ave., E, 62d st.
und Lexington ave.
Tho 17th Election District Is bounded bl
and within E. 66th at. 1st ni. K. Itli at..
2d nve., a dlugonal line from the corner ot
I;, sith at. and 2d uvo. to the corner of E.
SSth st. nnd 3d nv. and 3d nve.
Th Uth Election District Is bounded by
and within 15. 66th at, lat av., E. 63d st.
nnd Sd uvo.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded bl
nnd within E. 66th at, Bast lllver, E, 63d
st nnd 1st nve.
Tho 10th Election Dlstrlot Is boended by
nnd within thu entlio Island ot Klackwetls
.CrrenfrenM Amblv DlHritt.
Th 1st Election District is bounded by
and within u diagonal lino from tha corner
I ot IV. 84th st und Columbus ave, to the
corner oi w, emu si. ana uentr-ai lurk
west, central ram nest, w S3d at. and
cnliimnus avn,
th 2d Election District Is bounded by
anil wiinin ii sum si,, ucnirai 1-arK west
a diagonal line from the corner of W. ssth
at. and Central Park Weat to th oorner
of W. Sltli at. und Columbua ave., und
iniiiuiuiis uve.
Tho 3d Election District Is bounded bv
nnd within W SSth st . Central Park West,
IV, SCth et. and Cnlumhus uve.
Tho Itli Election District Is bounded by
and within W. 91st ft, Central Park West,
W. S9th st nnd Columbus ale.
Tho 5th Election District Is bounded by
nnd within W. 92d st , Centnil Pnrlc West,
W. 91st st. und Columbus ave.
' "'?c"on ""'". ". '!ounded by
MU,S ?. "i i ' ,
W 92d st. ntnl Columbua ave
The "til Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded hy
nnd nllhln W 96th at. Central Park West,
W. 93d at and ColumlniH ave
Tho Sth Election lllstrlct Is bounded by
and wlihln n dlngonnl linn frnm the corner
of W 95th st and Amsterdnm ave to the
corner of W 9Cih at. and Colunihus nve,
Columbus nve, W 97th st., Central Park
West mid W. 96th st.
Tlio uih Election District 1s hounded by
and within W, 95th at, Colunibua ale.. W,
91th at, Ilroadway, W, 93d at. nnd West
End nve,
Tho Uth Elactlon District Is bounded by
nml ivlthln W. 92d si., West, End uve., V
3d at., Ilroadway, W tut at and Hudson
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded hv
and within W. 94th at . West End live., '
U2d st and Hudson Itlver.
Th Ulh Klectlon Dlstrlot Is hounded hy
nnd wlihln W. Uith at. Hro.ulivay, W. 5th
st . West End nve, W. 94th at. and Hudson
The Uth Klectlon District Is bounded by
nnd ivlthln W, 96th at, n diagonal .line from
thu corner of Columbus nve and W 96th st
to tho jcorncr of Amsterdam ave. und v!
06th at, W. 95th at, and llroadwny.
The 14th Kloo-tloii District Is hounded by
and ivlthln W. 97th at , Columbus ava., W,
96th at, and Ilroadway.
The 15th Election Dlatrlct Is hmin,i.i i...
and within a diagonal .line from the oorner
of Hrnailway und W 97th st. to the corner
of Amsterdnm ave, nnd W 91th at., W 98th
at, Culmiil.ua ave. ail V.', 97tli l.
Tho Uth Klertlon District Is bounded by
and Within W UOlh st , llroadwny, W ustri
at, Amsterdam inc., a diagonal line from
tho corner of W. 9Hlh it and Amsterdam
avn, to the cornor of W. 97th al. and llrond
wny, llrondwny, W. 9th at, nnd West End
Tho 17th Klectlon Dlatrlct la bnun.ia.i ...
and ivlthln W. 9fth at, West Knd ave.. W
Oitli !.. Hroadwuy,
W. 97th st, nnd Hud.
mn lllver
Tho Uth Election Dlstrlot Is bounded hv
and nlthln W, Ulst at, a dlagonil lln
from th corner of Ilroadway and W Ulst
st. to thn enrner of W. UOth at and West
Knd ave. West Knd nvn, W 99th at nnd
lludron Itiver.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded bv
and svttliln a dlninnn' line from Hie cic.
ot Weat End ave, and W UOth it to tho
corner of llroadway and W. Ulat at., iv
Ulal at, Amaferdnm ave., V. UOth at. rn.
VomthUa'" W" '"h ,,ro"l',,n', Rn W
T.,10.7in p'eet'ott District Is bounded s
nd wlihln W. 99th at, Columbus av W.
sstii at. and Amatenlam avo.
Th 2Iat Election Dlatrlct la bounded Vr
and within a diagonal lln from tha earner
of W. ,9th st. nnd Columbus ave. to ia,
corner of W SSth at. and Central Park
West, Central Park West. W. 97lh at, and
Columbus av.
Tho 22d Election District Is bound l
And within a diagonal lln from tho cornir
v. ... ui m, nnu voiumuus av. to
l. 99th at. nnd Columbus av. to til
lor of W. 100th at. nnd Central p
it. Central Park Weat, and a diagonal
from the corner of varl I'ark West
W. Hth et to tha oornsr of W, J9tt,
, iirnur
lln r
uo iv. asm at to tha oornsr of W. ista
t. Ami rAt, ,,!., n.w
The 33,1 Klectlon District la bounded .
and within W. 101st at.. Central Pifv
West, a diagonal line from th corner f
M UOth at. and Central Park West t
tho corner of W. 99th at. nnd Columl. s
ave, and Columbua nie.
The 21th Election District I hounded ti
?."''. &,Mn W 101st st, Columbus aw
11 UOth st. nnd Amsterdam nve,
The 2.1th Election District Is bounds hy
and within a diagonal line from th rr
of Amsterdam avo. and W. 101st at. t t ,
comer of Columbus aie. and W 1 i
at., IV. 102d at, Manhnltan ave. and V
Ulat at,
Th 20th Election District Is bounded t
and within n diagonal line from th corn r
of Amsterdam ave. nnd W Uld at a
tho corner of Columbua ave. and W 1
at , n diagonal lino from th corner (
Columbua nvp. and IV. U2d st to t' s
corner of W. 101st st, and Amsterdam n.
and Amsterdam nie,
Tho 27th Election District Js hounds 1 j
nnd within W. 103d st , Manhattan ale v
102d at. und. n diagonal Itni fr -m t
corner of W M02d at and Columbus a,
to the corner of Amsterdam av. aod v'
103d et.
Tho 28th Klectlon District I bounded hy
nnd within W. 103d st , Central I'ark IVest,
IV. loiat at. and Manhattan av
Tho 29th Election District I hound, b.
nnd within W. 104th at.. Central Ftrk
Wist, W, I03d at. and Ciilutnbua av
Tho 30th Klectlon District Is bonnded br
and within a diagonal line from the earner
of Amsterdam ave, and W I0th st. u
the corner ot IV. USth at and Oolumbji
nve , Columbus ave., W. 103d st and Am
aterdain ave.
The list Election Dlatrlct la bounded it
and within W USth et, Columbua avo,
a dlngonal lln from tb oorner of TV
USth at and Columbua ave, to th corcsr
of W 104th at. and Amsterdam av., ax1
Amstcrdnin av.
The 32d Election Dtatrtot Is bounded by
and within W. lOCth nt . Manhattan avs.,
W. 106th at.. Central I'ark Weat, W 101th
st. and Columbus nv.
Th S3d Elemlon District Is bounded by
and ivlthln W. 107th at. Central Park Weat.
W lor.th st . Manhattan av., W UUi at.
and Columbus ave.
1at Election Dlatrhit is bounded as
nnd within 15. 69th at. 3d ave.. E. 16th el.
nnd 3d ave.
Th 2d Election Dlstrlot la boundsd br
and wlihln E. 57th at, 1st ave. E. Uth
et. nnd 2d nv.
The 3d Election Dlatrlot la bounded kr
and within E. SSth at, 1st ave., B. ITtii
at. and 2d nva.
The 4th Election District Is bounded kr
nnd within 15. SSth at.. East lllver, K. tlta
si. ami isi nve.
The Stli Election District Is bounded hi
and wlihln 15 69th st , Kast itlver, E. 31th
st and id av.
Tho cth Election D strict is bounded h
nnd wlihln 15. 6ith st, Ave, A, E. 64th st
East Itiver, K, 59th st. and Ist ave.
The 7th Election D str ct I Inundsd bt
nnd wlihln K. cj.I at, 1st ave., K SJth st ,
3d ave, 15. colli st. nnd 2d uve, ,
inn sin i.iccuon uisinci is nounuea nv
and ivlthln 15. C2.1 at, 2d ave., K, SOth it
and 3d nve.
Tho 9th Election District Is bnunded br
and ivlthln E. 63d at, lat ave., E. 6S1 st,
and 3d nvo.
Tho 10th Klectlon District la bounded br
and within E. 61th at, 1st ave., R. 63d st
and 3d nve.
The Uth Elect on Dlstrlot le bounded bv
nnd within E. CSth st, 2d ave., E. 66th it.
and 3d nve.
The 12th Election District la hounded br
and within a dlHgonal lln from th cornr
ot i; fii.in at Anil sa ave. to the corner of
117th at. und Ist ave.. lat ave.. K. SSth
at. and 2d nve.
The uth Elect on District a bounded br
and within E, 69th at, lat nve., a dlagonil
lino irom in corner or u. i ,tn at ami 1st
ave. to tho corner of II. Ctlth at and -i
nve.. and 2d ave
The 14th Election Dlatrlot la hounded by
nnd within E. CSth st. Ale. A, E. C9th st
Bat Itlver, E. 61th st, Av. A, II. CSth si
and 1st ave.
Tho Uth Klectlon District Is hounded by
and within, B. 70th st. Avo. A. E. 7lt n ,
Eat Itlver. E. C9lh st, Ave. A, E. CS'h t
and 1st ave.
Th Uth Election District Is hounded hy
and within E. 70th at, 1st ave , E. CSth st
and 2d ave.
The Uth Election District is hounded hr
And within a diagonal line from th corner
of E 1.9th st nnd 3d avo. to th corner of
1-5. 70th st nnd 2d avn., 2d avo., 15, Bath
st. and 3d Ave.
The Uth Election Dlatrlct Is bounded h'
nnd within E. 70th at.. Id ave. E. Tlst st
2d nve., n diagonal line from th corner n'
3d uve, and K. 70th nt. to the corner of 31
nve. and E. 69th at . E. C9lh st and Lexli
ton nve
The Uth Election District Is bounded br
and within E. 73d Bt, 2d uve, E. 71st st
and 3d avo.
The 20th Election District 1 bounded by
and ivlthln a diagonal line from the corner
of E. 7 2d at. anil Sd ave. tn the corner of
E. Tlst at and lat avo., lat av., K. 70th at
and 2d ave.
Thn 31at Election Dlatrlct Is bounded hv
and ivlthln 15, 7I1 at, Eaat Itlver, K. 71 t
at. Aienun A, II 70th at. and 1st av.
Thn 22d r.lecllon District la bounded br
and wlihln K. "3d at, East lllver, E. 721
st. and 1st nve,
Tho 23d Election Dletrlot Is bounded bl
and w-lthln E. 73d at, lat ave., a dligonal
line from the corner of E. 71at at and 1st
av. to the cornor of E. 72d M. and 2d avs,
and Zd ave.
The 24th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by
And within E. 74th at, lat av.. E. 7ld at
und Sd nve.
Xinttetnth Annmblv DitMet
The lat Election Dlatrlct la bounded br
nnd within W. U6th at, Wost End ave., W
U2d st. Ilroadway, W. Ulat at. and Hud
son Itlvor.
Tho Sd Klectlon Dlatrlct la bounded br
nnd w-lthln W. Uld at. Amsterdam ave., w
Ulat at, nroadway, W. lOSd at. nnd west
End avenue.
The 3d Kleotlon District la bounded br
and within W 104th at. Urondway, W.
USth at, Amsterdam ave., W, USd at and
Weat End ave.
Tho 4th Kleotlon Dlatrlct le bounded by
nnd wlihln W. 106th at, Amsterdam avs..
W lOitli at, Hroadwuy, W. 10 Ith at and
Weat Knd av.
Tho Sth Kleotlon District la bounded by
nnd within W 107th at, a dlagonnl line
from tho comer of Amsterdnm nv. and IV.
107th at. to tho corner of Columbus av. and
W. 106th at. W. 106th at. and. Weat Knd bis
The Oth Kleotlon Dlatrlot Is bounded by
nnd wtthln W USth st, Amsterdam av,.
W. 107th st, West Knd ave., W. 106th st
and lludron River.
Tho 7th Election Dlatrlct Is bomtded by
nnd within W. 103th at. Central Park West.
W 107th at, Columbua av., a diagonal lin
from tho corner of Columbua ave. and W.
U6lh at. to the comer of W. 107th at anil
Amsterdam ave, nnd Amsterdam nve.
The 8th Election District la bnunded br
nnd within W. UOth st , Central I'ark
ll est, ii . insth at und Columbus av.
Tha 9th Election District Is bounded bj
and within W. 109th at, Columbua av.,
W. Uslh at and Amrtardnm avo.
Tho Uth Election District Is bounded br
and within W. UOth st, Hroadwuy. IV
109th st., Amsterdam uve., W. USth st
und Hudson lllver.
The Uth Election District is bounded b
and within W. UOth at, Columbus are v
109th at. und Ilroadway.
The 13th Election District Is bounded b
and within W. 111th at, Amsterdam ar
W UOth at. nud Ilroadway.
The 13th Electlun IHstrlv Is boundel br
nnd w-lthln W. 113th st, llroadwnj W
UOth at, and Hudaon Itlver.
Th ltlli Election District Is hounded
und within W U3th at. Amsterdam "
W USth ft nnd Ilroadway
Tho Uth Klertlon District la bound" 1 er
nnd within V. 112th at, Amsterdam
W. 113th at, MornliiKslila drive. W 11 ".h
at., Amsterdam uve, W, Ulth ft ml
The Uth Election District Is bnunle'l
and within a diagonal line from the '
of Amsterdam ave and W U.th st t. '
corner of Mornlngsldn drive und W r- a
st. across Mornlngslde Park, Mortih
uve, Mnnli.itt.in me, W. UOth st. Me
side dril l", W. U3th at and Amater In n '
The Utll Eleitliin lllstrlct Is houi . '
and within W. UOth al , Amrtrri'. mi
a diagonal Hue from tho corner of W r. 1 1
st ami Amsterdam ave. to the corner .-t 'i
IHth st anil Ilroadway, and llrnadnay
The Uth Election Dlatrlct is bounu'l t'1'
anil wlihln W. Ulth si, a illagonil '"
from the corner of W. Ulth si. und H-" '
nay to the corner uf Amsterdam ai " I
W. U3th at, W. 118th et, and Hi"'"
Ma Uth Elactlnn District Is boundet b
anil within W. lltllh st , llroadw-ni, M
lll'Ii st nnd Hudson Itlver
TUt SOth Eleotlnn District Is bound' 1 !)'
and within W, UOlh st, llro.ulwoi
iUth at. and Hudson lllver
The 2let Election District la bound I Vr
nnd wlihln a lino running from the II il"i
lilicr ncKisa lllversldo Park and be - si
626 and 62b lllvcrsldn drive, through I t '
view com i, 175 Claremnnt nve, W 1 ' -'a
at, Ilroadway, W. 120th at. and lln laon
lllver. M
The 22.1 II. action District is bmindsd M
and within W 127th al , Ilrn.nliviv l
123th at. a line running through 1' lrvi
court, 17.1 Clnrcnioiit aie., and hetwea .
and 63S Itlverslde drive, through 111, en,. Is
Park and Hudson Itlver
The 2Sd Klecllnn Dlatrlct Is bounds 1 b
and within W l.1d st , Old Ilrodi "
UOlh st Ilromlway. W. 127th st and Hut
son- lllvrr . . w
The Sllh Election Dlatrlct Is hounr)1 r
nnl nllhln W tisd st Amsterdam ava.
W Ulst rt nnd Old Hrotdiray.

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