7 17
'ew Irp'rt It's Chimpe. Unnils
111 1m-r in .Mniihiitttin or
Ullior Sections,
" ' lenses or new building oper
ai ons err iinoiiiiced yesterday. The
frrnr- "" ''Is money bag aro held 10
, n'r., e
a inn'' I
h 1
-0 u
in iiiy pending transactions.
ii mean structural changes
in n il though until those In
.i' their hold. In Manhattan
i on Orove street close to the
u extension was the only
the chief borough that
mil.". It wan bought by im
t 3'
tt in .ics-or noin at an investment
'I'.iiion llronklyn. Qiuena ami
i i 'Ugh added nothing to the
.i of ili .ii?-. l.vnslng, with one
, .mih cnnllned to the renting
' l.l llllll dwellings in
Hi tin- city. The ex
tlin Inklim- of 20,000
t i near the r'lflli avenue ilnpnrt
drlet for a restaurnnt nivt
tea '
i. iii. i H H sai.b. --IHIXT Vtm &. Uro. huve
I i-., .Ii Muhllng J'J drove street,
, , . . n ami basement building,
i tiHMlti thn new Sevenln
n , . i - mi I'rof. Vlnvplixo IV
, , t . .s the buyer, will occupy the
. . ! extensive alterations Imvo
v i ii. or mto.v.v ri.AT.
TttVvS .-'I lti:i:T Calm & Utttmati
r . . i fm ittu Value Italty Com-
l T my street, a three story
fri, i-.i store, on lot 20x100, to
ti : n H"ry Hllaht.
ilM'IM, wi.Mil (.. "luiitl & Co.
. ' ,ir W W AdailM 203 Arthur
. :i live story tenement, on plot
.i' " 'TrKUlar
ininTi:T a mjcrbt hi'yi:ii.
. , n. Kuuwii esterd.iy that John
1 iIih-s not cunllnu his monry
e , in dt'.-ilKiilntt beautiful
I it t ii. i un oeraslnnul filer Into
- i.i ilir ailxantHKe of his bank
T'.i' Jjl0fl ii.irc'1 on the south
Niiirtj-elKhtli stroet 250 feet
- ,i venue, whlrh was reported
,i i., cnlumns last Aumist, was
i,. M' l'Dp', who resold his coni
, ili.- lot to IaiuIs J, Kranckn of
t" 1
I 1. I . who-e wife took title
1 A
1 ten 1
i from II. Augustus uoie
- Mr l'ope contracted for the!
... . . ... .....i .. i
the ltfth nvenuo block from
M i to Ninety-seventh street as
.,r two iluc:Ullg. I'easo A EIII
. . I he l.iiik-rs lu the dealings for
the N" l eighth ntret le.
t M.ll IIP .MP.UCP.H ST. I.OPTd.
Ilsrrv li. D.ivlt Is the buyer of the
' i, ui 'ing 2.t Merc-T street, tho sale
tti-.U bv tho 190th Street Holding
Coirpinj v,n- leported yesterday. IxJts
t lieil lWch, N. J., were Blven In part
jjMiict by Mr. luvls.
M.W.ihmi fur llnrlpin llonse mid
MHO for One In the Hfilicht".
havi be.m tiled by Cmnenberg
. I.ej Mag, architects, for a six story
tfnni'iit house on tho north side of llfth
-i-.t J? feet wist of Seventh avenue,
on a ! 15 feet wide iind 100.11 foet
Tim (Jne Hundred and Fourteenth
-t .ii Seventh Avenue. Construction
i mp u, Mux Welnstcln president. Is the
nr,ir tv architects have estimated tho
i lluO.OOO.
tt'nrn:NT roil iibnmstt avk.
in itp .,i-.t tldo of Hnntt avenue,
114 i f. i north of llst street a six
i' m ic.irtnient housn will be erected
v l .ii.eit Avenue Ilealty Company,
. k II McNulty prildeut, uccordlng
tn p 1 1 - Med by A. F. Ollbert nnd 1". W.
'.ur- ,mi. .inliltectH. It will have a
' n'lif.. ,,r im.7 feet and a depth of
" '. t T'le coit has been estimated at
s i,-,ii,iiimi yroric
Mi i.. Frnnke, architects for Jacob
ii rt Irr . have tiled liluns for nil
- i Ktnr tlreprutit stiK'khouse at 206
Sin I it Nlnety-'econd street. It will
i frimiHsn of 73 feet nnd a depth of
(life- Thu cost has been estimated
Hlg Vinrr TnUen for It tn Thlrlr
elu Ii l Ii Street Near Fifth Avenue,
'fi e Klllman have leased to W. T.
V ! ii
l'l tin ground floor and large base-
ti' -i i e in thn Arcade Hulldlng at 68
ion; t , t Ti.lrty-elghth street, through
'o t" it ; West Thirty-ninth street, for
a If. 1 cu s at an aggregate, rental
' i The spacn taken, about
1 '" i - mire fet, will bo Used for reitiiu-ii-
i ii It being cloe to the rlty'g
nil. '.pi tninit store and shop dls-
n I x'fimivs alterations will be made
I " i mmify spent In titling up the
' ii will bu In charge of a well
r u iMIIlll
V II' ghnm Hall and William l, Hlooil-fio-l
i,,.,, (,,a.i for II, 11. Trlpler for a
rm . ' virus at nn aggregate rental of
hn'i I .ft.doo the northerly half-store, at
I I'ii- How to J. iiumpfl & Hon, retail
T1 i i"P,i Wnmen's Apparel Company,
'"rmrr'i lo'ittnl at Thirty-fourth street
ir yr i, i,.iUp has leased for a period
f ii'- t n Htorn and econd floor at 1
Wnt h on j an-ond street fur the sale of
'' otp a p .uiis, suits and wearing ap
i are' TMa atore was formerly occupied
' " M Her, who took a larger store
t W.hi Forty-second street for the
'ii' r M t. a and women shoes. Harry
" ' "I in lus leased tho tore adjoin.
- IV".
' .l . '
1 lilted Cigar Store (it 73C Hlxth
i' I liiiltermun & Mlntz, haber
Ibo store nt 74 2 Sixth avenue.
Mlern have lensed In 1-13 Esst
'ti ul street the fourth mft to
l rilman, tn ll.0 West Thirty
i 'he seventh loft to the fiest
on - 1 1, Company, In 26-32 West Heven-
e'.n, i .et tfiM rKtraJitli loft to the Kaffir
i inpany In 33-43 Mast Thirty-
ti tint first lort to llolhenlierg
'' nml In 1 13-1 1 H Madison avenue
" "H loft U the Newport Waist
' ''nibs F Noyt'H Cumpanv hns
"ii. ,
' pi i Hon of the third floor of the
I IliiMdllig, 13 John street, to the
V' 'dent, Fire and l.lfe Asspranca,
t for a term of years from May I
' nn aggregate rental of about
i Idll.oiml space In tho same
' ' William I,. Ullbert Clock Com
''e nn thn fifth Moor to O'Keefe
ft L.
The Nose Coinimny has also
1 " 's In Market and Fulton nank
' - ' .1 hu J. (irimth, a portion of
" tb Moor In the MaHiinlo Iliilld
! vist Twenty-fourth street to
' ' l " l.inbrnlibiry Works, vpaco in
i" "I street to John W. James, Jr.,
e In Bi nrckman street to 1',
(lu'lck has leased lo William
& (-uiis, fur many years retail
n-a-imub on lower nith uvmuc,
IIBBMMMMMMMMBB jstjsgssjtjjtisasojs. , , , , n.,,,,', jg-
a store In the Rllr Chambers, 408 and 408
Madison avenue: also leased In tho Charl
ton chambers, 402 Madison avenue, to (J.
Alfred Walter, optician, u store for a
long term of years.
II, V. Krumwlede, Jr., and William
Uottmanu have leased to WJUIam Ford
sraraaje at 202 West 121th street; to
the Champion LAundry tho store at 2202
Seventh avenue, and to the Modern Art
Hat Company the More at 220t Heveiith
John A. Htelnniets his leased tho build
Ing at 2135 Hostoii road to Charles
O. ;. A It. V. Dike Imvo leased to the
Street Hallways Advertising Company and
Haron O. Collier the seventh Hour In the
Candler llulldlng for a long term of years.
Tliinii ooncarns alreidy linvu the eighth
floor and with this le.ise now occupy over
20.000 square feet of space to be usid
for their advertising business.
citv;s iiK.vrn.
Tease A Klllman have rented for (Icorge
A. Sldenberc to Charles A. Weld the four
story and basement dwelling at 45 liist
rorty-nlnth street
Shnw A Co. have leased for tho estate
of ICIIzibeth l'lckfonl Ourdner the four
story and busement dwelling at 57 West
130th street to Urntik Mnstersnn.
nitoxx FLOATS i.KAnnii,
A. Illumenthal has leased for the Peer
less Holding to Hpsteln A VarflU two live
story flats ut n7 to 811 forest avenue
for a term of years.
Julia Heverley lllggclMt has leased for
Ashbel llroen his place at Mount Klseo
to Italsey Malone of New York for a year
from November 1.
Tho 1'ayson Mrl.. Merrill Company
has leased for (leorne C. W. I-ow his
hou on Albro lane, adjolnlnic thn Hock
away lluiitliip Club at Cedarhurst, U l
to Cecil Itarret of Spencer TrnsU & Co,
Myron I'pham has leased his rewldrnce
nt 150 Woodsldo avenue. HldK.'Woo.l, N.
.1., to Frank J. Humphrey.
Kllslia Siilflln, chairman of the com
tnltteo for tho dinner to be held at the
emtcluston of th Heal ltato Conwt
tlna to-morrow nlxbt at thn Hotel Astor,
reports such a large demand for seats
that he hns bad to Increase the seat
ing capacity of the banquet hall by pro.
vldlng additional tables. In addition tn
the Seventh Hciftment Hand, which will
perform at tho banquet, Mr. Snlllln ban
provided nn attractive entertainment.
Tho L'nltI Heal Itate Owners Aeso
elation ban appointed a special oom
mltteo to cooierate with tho committee
of tho Hoard of Aldermen In the mutter
of the revision of numerous sections of
th Mulldlng Code. The association will
Interest Itself primarily In proposed
changes In the law affecting exlutltig
building' rather than those, hereafter to
hi- erected.
l'nlillci OnVrliiKs Y'rsterilH) In Mnn
linttan, The llrnnx nnd ItruoUlyu.
Ily Jnseph V luy.
T NICHOLAS AV. lill-tiio, neeorlTIJ
st. 9liii:&, 6 nty upt hiiunH sn'l teres
N Y Life Inn ' ucl C-ilIer runMn u el
ul. ilue, ?:i').715 J; ile. Air 3.S7T 34
to thi County Holding Co, it tMrly In
Intrt IllO.onO
KSTIt KT, 5 II. n . ill ' I'srk sv, :n
1 sty dwl C W Hlmle ut M A
llrnnnsn et si: due. 1 1 0.7 a 4 t: ti. Ac
tin 7i to plnlntlff Iln.4lli
llAtHSO.V HT, 1SJ. . 140 S e Hrsinmel st,
:i l!.l, 1 sty tut ami "Irs W I" Han
ilolpli el si list David I'lflini et at, due,
i:o,is:; tsxes. nr. t;oi,o. to mim
tirt .. :o.soo
Hy llryan I Kennelly.
830 fT. 150. ISt W, . tl5 e Ith sv. D0
l.e, vacant. lo 2M t, SH tV, n .
:H e mli sv, 1SH.. rscsnti uleo iid
et. HI W. ll . ii". il e Ith.HV, H ?i 'J.
vsesnt Mutual I.lf !n Co set K C
llni.ll-v rt all due. 4,;il:. Iltfl Ac.
: 407 90. to the Natsail MortSMse Co. .1
party In lnteett 155.0(11
lly M Morrenthni, Jr . Co,
8PHISO HT, 114, s a, 1 (Ireena at. 51 3
M, " sty I'ift fttid aloro --(Irnnan bavins
Hank agt O J Jetter Imllvld, admr. et ul;
srtlon 1. due, tt.tll M; laiK. Ac.
139 80, sub to prior mts of IH.ooO, to
plnlntlff IH.600
Hy Katnuei atari.
1T1I HT. 411-3 W, n . t0,4 tOlh av.
40xJ. two b air lentnn s tr t-.mwic
HalTman ngt J SI llnnnon rt ai due.
H.iilll ii; Uim. Ac, pt ub to 1st tnt
KO.0O0; to Hamutl Mltrhsll
AT f20l Tltlltt) AVr.Nt'Kl
lly llryan I.. Kenuell).
3D AY, 5S37. a w rnr 13Sth at. 4J llx.4 Jt
34 Rx57 3. & Fly orn'e n air inns; ie,
Korrnt ttV. 9 7. w s. 406 11 a lKSth t.
iatnn ilir,, a alv trnntta S Atipleby
rt al ant Auattn Carr et sis due. 145.. OS 3,
taxea. Ac. t3.H,3t; tub In pr mtg ere
KUllllS U.CSOi to AugUlt Moebu. . .I,tj0
lly Joaeplt P Day.
KOCTItKHN HOri.r.VAHD. 59, w a. 4S0
Ave Ht Jullll. H0IC11!'. a sty urn iimi -u-M
M .Trnsrrr ngt Sag Harbor Latntra
et al, due. !7.8S3.:i. law. e. n: ub
to mil IS4.50O; to tli plaintiff.. 135,100
lly Henry !!ray
la.tliuu, a air u ia ....
agt l.ydlard llnrton al alt due. Il.lt4.tll
u.., r. tut Hi In the ulalntlft.. 15,000
. II o..i j
lly William J. MnPhllHamy.
5BTII BT. s s. ! ft e 1 11 r. "
r r Koenisr ski i niniwt "',?,
nlslntlrf...,t500 over a niiirtiags of
MTU AV. n w a. InUrter it e " "j
Fr'ucht et ali tn thn plaintiff.. .
. .11,600
rt,. rnlliKvlna really corporations were
chartered nt Albany yesterday
441 fit. Nlehola. Avrnu. Company. Man-hattan-
capital, 110.000; dlreclora, IMwIn L.
c'Kin: flrookly,;. FranVl. J O'ltourke New
YWIIII.. H l" rp'saV "tealtV Company.
M.-hi.V.n, ...PI-'. dt ,mL0..y
Michael J. Deinpaey. t llllain H Demps.y
an.l John N. P. Daan, New York city,
an.l Jonn r, (.lir,rl,,0. Manhattan, rapt
tan. WOi dlreetora. Hoi fvrntii. A. A IM
tinl ami Max M. Hlraon, Ne- York city.
Puritan l"nd Tompany. Ilrooklyn; cap
tal 10,0007 director.. Ilaninion.f Talbn
ttrnoklVn" Frank rreamsr. lallp. L. I., and
j,rlUrb"f t Watson, llronklyn, N. T.
(With name nnd address of lender's at
' torney.)
,,,, ..T sir w. e s. 21, a frnm f e eor
I.4.II.1 Aid 14. 1H0
Andrew J and Jan. Csvsgnarn to The.
"' Denhnlm, ally. J R "uro..,
if. W 14th at
aiiBTRItnAM AV, a w cor lOlth !, ino. ux
!?Y:i. ... . ;'i,i,,.,,, .it. Haul llernstrln.
lirrorri ii - s.a oas
U llway
ietii HT 121 I, s s. II, e Islington av,
Ii' i.... ,a lilt VII. nil Xllotiirn to
Ubr.w orphan Asylum, city of b I Yl
atlys. Hosdl.y Latilerbach A J. 12 W IIW
mviNOTON ht. tu. n ...
man .. 3 ano n o KoVh.r, 331 Hush
wick av? Hklyni stty. llugo Oohn. M 2.1
rtlVINOTON HT, J10, n I, 100 HhsrlR at.
tt'-1?:. i.. ssn r..nn nf nslnnraV
,7m. Oct if. li l-Abr and Hello (IsigeV
in flanned Inland; addre.s, 110 "'vlngton
LOr.l"l'-i"' 'msp' lVl'l 'of ilii Inti 'sold at
' auction and. Died Feb IJ. 1 I. I, '''
offtcr. N Y rnunty, Hay 1. l18--Abr I.
t astriia and aim In Hy Morganlhau Co;
Im' w M 0 H tJd .1 ,12.730
DIVISION HT, 217, mtga on lease. l h il
r I itiit Int. Oct 17. IM0- Kdw Mlcha.l
in Jantea Ilverard. Ilrewerlss. It 11 133d
stl attV. H'tw M Ilurghard 111 Hrnod-
rinifaT'in'BT, ii.'w's. 'iSS n Canal' si, 'tlx
10OI Chry.ile .1. . ""'""'
23x100: Chryatle st. I. .. 301 n Canal
st 33x100; alao i.assholds, buildings, ma
chinery, plant, book accounts, Ac, Dei) 1,
Vlll -William A MII.1 it Co lo Clan II
llubln.on and Hlevenson Taylor, trustees,
covering bond Imuei 'atUs, Hal ry A
Pulllvun. 13& llway 1100.000
linOAIIWAY. n w cor CM al, 30.lx42.4x
Ml i""; "way as widened. 60.4 li 38.1 St.
2.'li33.lx25x42.t. Jan 3, tlO--Ieorgla W
Warren tn (Iro Hy Warrsn. it Droad si;
nttvs. Htewart H, 45 Wall st . .133,300
NAOl.i: AV, II.OI s n a, mo r;iino.i.i at,
80x126, June 11. lilt llalpln Illdg Corpn
to Max Marx. US I'onvrnt av, ally, L H
Marx. It llway.. . 11,000
HTH HT, Sit XV, a s, 201 w Weat F.ud at,
ll.lxlOl.t, July 17, 1913 Tha llrnlty
Company of Amsrlci, In Ihnmu 11 N Mar
tin, Monlrl.ilr, N J; ally, ll B Adama, 21
Park How,, i:,000
(With name and address of lender and
attorney. If attorney's nam la omitted ad
dress part of arrnnil part )
(Houth of Pourtaanth st.)
KJIONT HT, 359, s s, 100 w Jackson stre'l,
56TI40, tn n a Houth al (313) (fnrecloa,
Aug 4) .Matwrll Davidson, ref, to Joie
plilne F, Carpantar, liar Harbor, Me, trtia
leea Franklin K Jainra. Oct 14; sllja, W
" F Chatnlirrlln. II Nnaaau at. $26,000
KI.I.A1IKTII HT, 170, a a. 101. T a Hprlng st.
Is.3tt0- -Teresa (lldarl tn Maria lavoll,
.?!.VHl.'.".,,ft"1 n,, ll.0. ' 14. .11
CIIIIYHTIH HT, w a. 114.1 n Stanton si,
SOsloo Jacob Nuabattm to Albert Cohti,
414 llwa, HaVounr, N J. tutg I30.000, Oct
11; ntty, II HroUaky, Sid at and Uway,
Haynnne, NJ 1100
SH I.IimutV HT, ;, e a, Tt.10 a lluuaton
M. S050., j Tully. ref, to lly Hull,
JM Molt st, Oct li altys, J t T 11 Trov,
is Court at, llklyn .14,000
Kast Mlde.
(Gaat of riftli av, batwean Fourteenth and
110th Ma.)
BT, 14 IS, a a, 100 Madden av,
91.9 Annabella Curtli tn Henl F CurtU
t Scarborotish, N V. mtg ItT.tOO, Oct Hi
atty, T (i Co, it ltway ttoo
MADIHO.V AV, n r cor 40tll at. 100I4.1
Irrrn; 40th at, n a. loo e Madlaon av, :f.x
llli 40th at, n a. 215 w Fark av, 34.10a
9J. li 40th at, n a, tlO w Park av, :6x
91 9- dtlehard Hillings lo llllllnga Itral 12a.
5M",.c.n.rpn- u' l,wy! e f Hept l, atlyi.
..lhl,J'i.',' " " Wa nofl
U7il.HTl 1,1 K- n " w d
'"J H'n'd Welaa tn 111 lUat 7Hli Ht
C,l 14 ,l' mt tio.000, July 9i atty,
.,i?fc,,!EJ0i',,lln"' "l ny
l0r'l ST, 51 IX s a. 105 w Park av. 3Js
100 H--Htriry Hornilfln tn Eatar Horn
elrlit, ist Krlly at. mlg 121,000, all lien,
Hepl 10 1 1 t ....$1
Writ Hide.
tWrat ef Fifth av. between Fourteenth and
ltOth ata.)
17TH HT, s a, 3J7 w 7th av. SSxIl- Itlchellru
Ilealty Co to John V Miller, 3! Humner
av. llrooklyu. Oct 1, mtg i:l,00 atl.
..iir."n.r' K A A- !9' wy
"T'i.fJ 410 w 9th av. !59I.3
- Clifford Hnydar rt al to Conrad l'trha,
3.1 IH.OO0, fept 10; atty.
A I.r.lman, 15 Naaiau at 1100
TITH HT, s a. m.i w sv. 10s
is: S nnardman Wright to tteo It W right
et al. Naw Mllford, Conn, Oct 2; attya.
Hutro ft Wright, 211 llway. . . tt
t'ptoa n.
IMaliattan Isluml, north of 110th et.)
l.KNo.v AY. n w cor Cathedral Parkway,
runs tv 126 it 171,10 to a a llltli at i e
al v In a w a Ht Nicholas av a a a
to v a av a a - lo beg Charlotte
A W, ttlfa of Itobt 1. Fowlrr, Jr. to I.uey
W. lf of Prler C llenltt, lllngvfninl
Manor. N' J. h and a. c a g, confirmation
deed, Oct II; atty, I, T I Co, 10 llway. It
111TII KT, Mi-JI i;. a a. .00 w 3d uv. 40a
100.11 Ilealty Iteallistlon Curpn to tler
trnn ltralty Corpn, !ll Montague rt,
llronklyn, b and s, all llrna, Hept 14, ally,
M llernstel.i, 101 Mlona av, llronklyn .11
121TII UT. a , 125 e 7th av, li;.l7.3. to
c I former Harltm or llanaoiia Creek x
It. 6 to bag, nith a t to 0 I of block
Mary A Kaufman to Florence M Arnold.
Ill Montague at. llronklyn. uttg 110,000.
all lien. Hit 14; atty, i:llti II Kauf
man, 193 Mnntaguu at. Ilrooklyn
12111 HT. 621 W, a a, :it,10 w Amatrrdain
av. 11. 2x100.11-Matilda, wtf. of. and
Aarnn Jrdel tn Herbert A Canter, 337
Prorpert pi, Ilrooklyn, mtg 114,000. Oil
9. at', tloltlamlth, C. C A W." i
llway , It H0
KtNCMIIIllDCi: lit). Ilia (Irand av, being
the llntnritrad. bet Uth and 117th ts,
alio land on Klngnbrldge r.l near li'Jd "t
and all lamia. Ac of which William
Molrnuor, died, selted, f -Martin M
.Mnlriiaor to Alurln and Wilfred Molenaur
Munroa, Col, :i,xl00. pnrta of all title.
I c. July 10. alty, Wilfrad Mulrnaor, llway
and HllUldr av M
I.AWUKNCF. HT a w a. Ill 1 a e Atti-er
dam av. 50x100 - llejwlg tllaaa to lle'.mn
Ulnar, 001 W 135tli at, Oct a. mtg HV
000 .. .. 1100
1I0TH HT. n a. 91.8 7lh av. 1 4x99 11 -Catharine
M Hand to M. Christine l'ope.
121 1'roepect pi. Ilrooklyn. mtg 13.000,
O't 9. ntty. T it Co, 176 llaay II
140T1I HT. n a 144 w 7th av 3x9 U -Aaron
.1 l.rbrnlielm et al. exra. to Jolianne C
Neumann. 21 K losth at. mtg 137.000. O-t
4, nttv. T l Co. 17 llwny II
KIKIKCOMHi: AV, tt a. at c I. Hid St. run"
a 75x100 Ureal Centra Ilealty Co to Ham
tiel tlrerti. 205 W Itth t. or 13 W Sllh
at. Oct 1 . - .'
WADHWOHTH AV. li w cor 190th at. 72 Is -Wadaunrth
Terrace, w a. st canire line.
1'ioth et. II 2a -Kinlly A Hurry et al.
exra, tn llalpln Illdg Corp. t'.4 Naeraii at.
f i.-t 10; atty. T il Co. 17 llway ir.o.oou
NAIil.t: AV, a e a. 150 a tv KUwood (. 60x
I. 'S The llalpln mug t orn to i.iui.t
Hurry et al. rxra, 12'.- K 39th at. mtg III..
000, Oct 15; atty. I. T In Co, 140 llroait
wa.. t 144,000
.VAIII.ii AV, a e'a. 100 a w Kllaood at, f.0
125 -Ham tn tltntolph Hurry. 241 J.eln
tnn ave, Oct 13, mlg 141.000, atty. 1. T Ilia
Co. 10 llway.. 144,000
tllorough of The llrnnx.)
LOTS 10 and 11. map part Traak rotate
nndlle Hlchrr to Kmma tawrnthal, 15,.,
v A , part. mtg-. 16.000. Aug 27; ally
N D ly. 10 Wall at J00
UoTH HT n a. 44.9 a Union av. 10 6x77 4
Ma, rice Flt.gerabl to Wolf ! "d, 101
fatildaell av, mire. 16.000, Oct 14; atty.
T ll AT Co, 17 ay , .- '"0
rn ST 1145. vr a, 31.1x17 Annie Hnberta
laaac l.oa.nfeld, Is B th St. mtge.
II. 100. Oct 11. atty. I.lnd A P. 4 I r.Iar
coi LF'Ti: av. ' 1017. '. iixii.V i:iVx o
Mundil tn Addle H Hellginan. I K S9th
st and ana (exra). mtie. 17.000. Oct 14.
ntty. i Wrclialrr. 313 llway '
imititlrl AV. 2741. w a. 200 n 19tl, at. Mx
il.l lrn E Iluekhae to Frank I Mltiel,
ZZi 4,n av u'-t
30" Tremont av
LOTij 33 to II, I'm 10. map nruea iirnwit
Land Co--.tnhn nohlmann to l.ui-l llos-
hrn, 41J r. 17th st. mtge. Il.tro. Oct 14.
atty. I.ucl Iloschen. 133 K t7th st . . 1400
3IKHIUAM AY, v a, at a e s t'nlverally uv,
t: 10x115 Htmhar HHy Co to Somvll Hold
Ing To, Inc. 1021 F. llld at. Oct It; atty.
m'i Hiern. 44 Wall st .. ... . . 100
21111 HT, n w c Herkimer Pi. 0'V,,,J:,aii
Wrlisitr av, s a o llrooktlne st, 3S.Ixtn.l
Henry r Krll to Wedgewood Co, 401 E
141.1 st. Hrtt 10; atty. It H llergina.,,.
32I9 3,1 av . -. ' i '
i;th ht. sts k. in rr's"uir--;!m" 1
Ian tn rue sn itroa ,.ona,n
mtg.. 13.100. Oct 141 atty, TO T Co.
Its Ilaay
...... ,.u . i' . . taa a 111,1 at. atrto 1x13'
Arthur 11 Hell In Mary J W Mayan and
an" ! (exir). Ill Morrla av. June l0 ally,
llrrgman 1. ! d av ....... ... .I0
Wll.LIH AV. 310, e s, 18x100 Kathl.
MeVjisr Vo Klksn Kahn. toil K llld .1.
mtge. 111,000, Oet 16. tty, Hlrleman A
V, 331 B 14th at H
(With nam. and t address of lender and
IfllU.I . " .
rnnuth of Fourteenth at )
CHEHilT BT. 0, n a, H 10x100 Margt Far-
rail tn Andrew nelsener. iss i, im "t
0.-t 16. 3 yra, P c; atty. .
174 TlwaV 13.000
nagPX HT. 1SS-1IS. X , leasshotd -F.llaa
n Miyer and aho to'Lnuirhloek. S3 Molt at
Oct 14 1 yr, p c 12, "on
RAMB PltOPKltTT Max Hplro to same. Oct
14, I JT, P cl all)'. " 11,000
r-ast Hide.
(Fast of Fifth av, between Fourteenth and
110th la.)
an AV e r. 40. 1, a lid at, 10x10 Anton
llauch to John Jaburg et al. 11 Leonard .1.
Oct tl, I yra. 4 p c , .jS00
I rxiNllTON AV, w a 0.l a lltll st, 20x73--Jolin
llirns to ilroadway Hav, 7 I'rk
pi, Oct II, due Nov 1. !1. 3 p n; ally.
Fiichei n Ky. " V.,i.i0f-.,,,tsi
sqth HT n a 2IT.8 w Id av. 16,8x103 2 III
5 73th Ht I'n to H-rnard W 181 K TSth
, . Oct 16, nr mlg MMM. du. aa Pr bond,
atty. I, T Ins Co. 110 llway ...... 113,100
tn AV 1188. x -. saloott leasa Jacob
Hnlachilh to Oen Hhrel. 1117 Park av de
msiXi P C et I3 atty. Tdw M Jturg
u.rf til llwav ...,11,000
PAIIK'W a a. B a 17th at, 80s 100 (Iso M
1 Vtsanairlek In Joa HorowlH. 108 E 173d st,
Oct '2, t yra. p e, ally, N Friedman.
808 Itwsy 5'00,
West HldVe.
(West of Fifth av, batwean rourt.anth and
110th sts.)
nnoADWAY. n w cor B3d St. 76,10x31.8
"o?o It Warren to U 8 Trust Co. 43 Wa I
at Oct 14. dua Nov 1, llll, S P c; altys,
Htetviirt A H. 8 ft Wall at. . . IJMO?
KT. a s. 213 e Amsterdam sv, 26x100.11
UaUd Lulelsky to T.rence r Oallather.
exr 31 W 0th .t. Oct II, du Jail I, ISIS.
5 p 01 attys. IJvo A H. Ill llwa) . .111.000
(Manhattan Island, north of 110th si.)
IIOTII HT, n . 120 w L-txtngton av. 40x
99 tl- Kmma A llowson toilsatrtm TtaaHy
A ronsln Co, III Hlon. ov, llklyn. Oct 3,
2 yrs? " P e atty, Alex Sarha, lit Htone
' .' imlyit,,! 11.000
190T1I HT. Ii w cor Wadaworth av, l2x
118.6 llalpln Hldg Corpn to Mat Marx.
419 Convent av, Oct 16. due June tl,
1917, 8 p o; atty, T O Co, 178 IJay 13,000
(Borough of Ths llreni.)
uoTIt BT. n s. 36.9 . Union v. J0.Sx77.4-
1 Wolf liurland to Maurice Fltrser.1.1, 218
V ..j. . nM tl. l vr. 8 d ci attr. T il
a T Cn. 173 llway .11,740
tllfiT HT, s s. SI.4 a Bpanctr ay, 36x100;
also Int 486, map Fnrster-Hchlnltt prop
Jo. Ollll to leiula Ouirr. 181 Dawson at,
Vr miss 33,800, Oct 14. due Jan II, Sl.
I . -iiv n, n A fll.lnmul er. 1311 3d
iv .7.......... ....32,000
lliTII HT. n s, 41 . lllchard.on av, lOx
100 Mnsrs I. Flnk.l.teln to Hxml Oranlch,
Oct 8, 2 rrs, 6 P o; attr, I I. Flnkel
stein, 1110 Pro.paot ar... .... 1600
I89TII HT. n s, 91 e Mcliardion av, Box
100- Mnses I, rinkslsteln I" Itnaa Oranlch,
1850 Prnspeet av, Oct I. S yrs, 6 n c,
alty, Mini ,,. ,!"''
167TII HT US B. n a, ISt Irreg Phelan
Uroa Cuuslli Cu tu ISm U Wood and tuiu,
trua, 41 Maple av. New ltochtlla, Oct 16.
t yrs, I Wj p c ally, T O A T On, 171
llway 11,004
FOIOiT AV, n w cor Park tana, 74x Irreg
Wm II llandall 4ri Waitrhealer A llronx
Title A Mtg tluarsntea Cn. 149 Xtaln at.
White Plains. N Y, Kept 29, due Dec ,
:tl5, 6', p c; atty, T tl A T Co, 174
Rey 15,000
MKItlttAM AV, w s, nt a e s University av,
43.10x136 Hnnwll Holding Cn, Inc. tn City
Mtg Cn, It Wall at, Oct 11, demsnd, p e,
any, F A Snow. If, Wall at. ...I55.OS0
HAM ft I'ltoPKllTY- Hatna tn Hlmliar ntty
Corpn, prior mtg 5.1,000, Oct 14, due Hept
14, 1913, p l-i any, Mai Htern, 0 4 Wall
st 14,000
EAHT HT. n s. at w a ltng Island Hound,
being lota 29 A 10. tnsp H F llnrton,
165. 1x170 Tlochelle llortnn In NIcTioIrh a
lloriou, 171 llnrton st, Oct 9, 5 yra, p c;
LKVT, lwi; to Hannah Hltverstlne. ,11,000
Wm 11 lleam , IU.O0I
...v... ... r.i.n a ..ivi.iiuiiiivr ii.avo
LII'HMANN, Ham'l, A ano, sirs tn Viola H
i.ienmann a- ano it
HILTON. Fredk M, trua to Hmtgrant l'nd
Hav llank ... 114.000
OltoSSMANN, Ham'l, to Carolina llrr.n.
field , , ,.1100
NEUMANN, Johanna C, to Martha n Neu
T,,V,n v.V..' v 'x:; ; .- . ).
i lnLnl to A4traiio tai
Oenoveae , , , 126 000
COLUMHIA Tttt'HT CO. trua, to Harris !
Colt and ano,. trua 116,000
1'OPPE, Kmma ft, et al fexlraa) to Kmll
Poppa , ( t ,,IK.26o
DAVifc. HKNHV 11. to nphralm Ham
uela .... $100
WKIIFIt. I.oulae V, tn Wayne M Mu
grave . . in ,
SCOTT, Mary, to Vette Itelaa.'. ........ 1700
KICK I--4TATK8 to Marian
HON lit) FT ' V A VINiifi ' ' il A NK "to" t Mlg
aUUiliiUk.'''':. A' ,0" 'H'l'u M.nk.'. '.'"'t'lOO
SONIIHIUM. Morlll. lo l.oul, larnbar-
'r 11,500
' Manhattan.
Til AY. e ,, :s,t ii , st. 25x101 Frank
I. Lorlng v. Wllllamanna ll I tTr ng it al
SITII NT. !! e. s 'K' Mb av:!,,94 9-ll.nry
llUrdetl Kllialtrth A Ilrtnamf , rt
(foreclosure of mortgage I, attis, Cary A
IsTII MT. a a. tr.o w Ith av. nul tcn
of n y va wniiam tirnn (action to fore-
rAlV;nSW.: rfr-Msx M
Warburg va Finnish ilealty Co rt at
(amended foreclosure, of mortgage)) atlys.
slrootk A Htronek. I
!,Ii"of-T ri." 4i5 nTJr,,v.,'V.h,.W'..V.,i
He".',y-.!o";, at (f!,V;n,ur.f'rnr.gIug.,;,!
nltts. Ciirv A, I'arroll. .
lOJTff KT. 31 i: N Y Trust Co va Giuseppe
Tuaco el al (foreclosure of mortgage!,
Httva, liowrre A Sxnda.
131) HT, 414 K Hleatinr Irf Hoy va Nicho
las 31 D'Amlco rt ul (foreclosure of mnrt
g.ise): uttys. Howers A Hands.
3IT1I HT, 143 II l'.tul I. Klernan x Nancy
A Ktirst et al trorectoauro of mortgage);
ntty, A I! (lunn.
LOT 340 Iwestrrl) half) map of Houth He!
mont -Fannie J Jones ast William
Ht-limlts, at al (forecloaure of mortgage) i
alty, 11 C Harding.
CIIOTONA AV. 2J04 -Itudnlph Hchrlrbr agt
llulharfurd ltralty '.,. et al, (foreclosure
of morlsagr), Xtty, II 11,
1I1HT HT, a a. 100 frt r of IMrk av. ROxtlO
The American Hutlnga llank ast Itay
XVelsh. rt al. (forrclosuro of mortgage)
aft), Iruln A Orr. .
LOT HUli'H :li!. ae.tlon It -Hlinron M
llxrber agt I'lliert Oslirne Hmllh, et ai,
litctlnn to foreclose tax ll!!); atty, II
TltlNlTV AV. e s 120 a of ljltll et. :0xlR.J
i lly Heal Imitate Co agt Agnes ,' (Jro-gliagt-n,
ri al, (foreclosure ot mortgage);
atty. II Hnaltt.
itr.t-oniiKn I.KAHF.1.
2I AV 1314, store and b Valentin. Lap
to Jacob Holai'liuh, 321 K 13.1 at, 10 yra
from Nov I. 1I4; atty, K M llurghar.l.
Ill llny II, I0O
COLfMlirft AV. 5r. store floor slid nsrl
busement IjouIs t'tbnft tn Tho. I" Mill-
ryn, i,, ' oiuinnus uv, w in iruin ut, i
1. till, nttye, l'ltch, M A I), 32 Nassau
st 11,400
(Jlt.XNIl HT, 3i'. .lore Toor, Ac llalpll
mit, Joa A Whltehorn, 91 llway. .tl.lvi '
UiT,V7i 'iforil'n'rlV'-IO" w'Tll.h1'."
JraVrr.'-rLrlVi MtysjJbu'rg UrJ.l
,TVi ''"Vll-'ali-Annle T-iaufJ
to .lut'no ar-niu. ,, out ".' j "
from Oct 13. 114; ntty. John tt Wls.
34 Nbsskii at 11. "00
STII AV. HJs-Hlt. all Joa Hhenk to llenj
Iterhson. 70 r, lth at. 4 t-12 yra front
Oct t. 114; atty, lo Hoaenh.rg, lie
llway v 113,400
.MI-.t'llAMCS' I.IKNH.
Tlt HT. 31 tn 33 i: f Tannrnbatim A Co.
Inc. ngt llrnssman i;state, owner, t,e,i-
naro lt.tsnsrilio. contractor
MAI'lHON AV 141 -Jennings A John ngt
ltnt.ert Homier, owiieri W P Wilson, con
........... ......1344
12I.TH HT.' nr.t W- Thurnian 11 I'nrd agt
John l ajln. owner; nosse inuii-m.
Ing Co, contractor 1110
Hupremn Court Appellate Division He
fnra Insraliam. P J., Utughlln, Hcott, Dow.
ling and Hotihkls., JJ. Court opens at 2
P it -Nos 91. tl. tlO. 111. 113. 114, 11.
119. ISO, 121 126, lli, 124, 137, 138. 181. 188.
Hupreme Court Appellate Term--llecras.
Hupreme Court Hp"' lal Term Part L--llefnre
Donnelly, J, Mnllnn calendar cnjltd
at 10 30 A. M-
I'rt II llefore Ford. J. Court open! at
10 10 A. M 15x parl malters,
Hupreme Court HprrUl Term Part UL
llefore (llrgrrlch, J. Itllons. l'referrwl
causes Nos. 3192. 2861. Osneral calendar
No. 2312. 2093. 2337, 1271, 2374, 790. 1891,
1392. 1893. 2327. 2196. 2343, 1399. 2443, 491.
2123, 1940 2007 1761. Undefended divorce
calendar called at 10;13 A. M. Cans un
finished. .
Part IV. llefnre F.rlangsr. J. Caas un
finished. Part V. Hefnrn Drlany. J. Case un
finished. Part VI. Nn day calendar.
Part VII. llrfore Pendleton, J. Case un
finished. Purl VIII. llefnre lllanchard, J. Clear.
Causes In be sent from Part III. to Parte
IV. V.. VII. and VIII. for trial.
Trial Term--Part IL lleforu Page. J.
No. 2201, 2124, 1201. 1796, 1916. 18824,
2173, 2444, 3119, 2418, 1111. 2401, 3489,
2l;u, 2661, :-.7 ::. :39. 2410,
3IIS. 2SS0. 2S. 2876. 2749, 2933. InUeal
Nu. 2532. Case unfinished.
Part UL Itefore Phllbln. J. No.. 110.
111. i0$9. Case unfinished.
Part IV. Ileforo (ireenbaum, J Nn.
811, 6633. Cass unfinished.
Part V llefore Whllnkrr, J. No. 661,
71 Clear
Part VI. llefore Lehman. J. Noa. 831,
IIS, 776, 332, 3993. 6017, 601, 046, 846. 833,
677, sfH. Case unfinished.
Part VII llefnre Crouch, J. .Nos. TU,
723 Case unlliilsheil
Part VIII -llefore Ooff, J. Noa 78, 613,
811, :, 6234, l3, 81, 191, 191, 800, Case
Part IX. -Hefnrn Weeks, J. Noa. 713. 718,
17V, 671, 74, 8l, 883, 187, 873, 169, 888, 164,
Clp"art X. -Ilafnra llendrlck. J Nos. 791,
736, 714, 790, 6(9, 702, 791, 4698, 794, 118,
113, 494U Case nnnnlshed,
Part XI Adjourned for the term.
Part XII -llefore Dugro. J Nos. 818,
810. 829, 189, 101. Cass unllnlsheil.
Part XIII. Adjourned until Monday. Oc
tober 19. 1911
Par' XIV --llefore Platsek, J Noa. 641,
101, 408, 2193, 387, 870, 671, Ml, 874, C76,
678. 699, 600, 606, Case unfinished.
Part XV - Adjnurneil for thn term.
Part XVI Adjourned until Monday, Oc
tober 19. 1914.
Part XVII -Itefor. Oavegan, J. Case on.
No day calendar.
Part XVIII -llefora Newburger, J. Case
nn no uay caienuar,
Hurrogate's Court Chambera llefore Fow
ler, H. Court opens al 10130 A. M, Motion
rulendar. Wills for probate May Frlbnrg,
Francis 1,. Ogden. Lawrence Kanr, Fanny
Nathan, Patrick llurke, Hnniusl Itnlx. Julius
uorge, nnra A. (Inrilon. Fannla 11, Willis.
slurrogule's Court Trial Term - Heforr
Colia Ian, H. Cnntrsted wi s Noa. 3206. 8120
t'llf Court -Hpeclal Term Part I, llefore
Lynch, J. court oprna at 10 A. M. .Motions,
Port II.- Hefnrn Hchmurk. J. Court opens
ai iu a, .ii, r.x rarto matters.
Part I. Trial Term llefore nans. nil. J,
Nos. 1117, 8374 1,, 1119, 1216, 778, 1807, 1731,
13:'.'. 1114. 1768, 1766, 1100, 980, 941, 1697,
1704, 1108, 1721, 1736, 1611, 1211, 1399,
7773, 1376, 611, 142, 181, 687'i, 1711, 1804,
1863. Case Uhfllllshtd.
' Prt II. llefore Flnllt. .1. Noa. 841,
391, 392, 668, 664. 712. 6s2, 612, 697, Bit,
628, 636, 071, 681, 837, 638, 667, 662, 681,
639, 37, 671, 410. Case unfinished.
Part III, llafor Hmllh, J, Cass un
finished. Part IV, llefore Hchmuck, J, Case, un
finished, Part V. Itrfors La Fetra. J, Ca.n un
finished. Part vi. iieiore iireen, J, case un
Anlshed. Part VII. Hefnrn Detehanty, J, Caas un
finished. Part yill. llefnre McAvny, J. Case un
finished . .
cause, lo he sent from Port I. te. Psrts
III., IV V VI., VII. and VIII. for trial,
Hupreme Court Appellate Division 8.0.
gnd Juillclnl Department The Appellate
Fifth Ave. at 45th St.
Now York
Apartmeti's and Rooms
with Bath,
Ufsfimiiahtrd tind Fumrshed,
by the Yar or TranslenUy.
fOtUurant a U -Carte
. FnirnvnY hoi np
TO sublet, unhirnlihed, for one year;
very attractive Apartment, parlor, two
bcdronini and bittn; tut Ith av.; reJUcud
rental. Apply
3th av. and 45th tt.
tT AN ATTntlTIt 11 PnlCtl
SI ltOIIM '(Mt M;it A I'A It I l l" r
'i".'r ''."'k'; ln Tilmt I'VriiiVni v'" -Is
t"OdT,ay, cor ttlh SI Tel. 5.VII .s.h,lrr
Furnished Apartment
20 North Washington Square
fi-) qilRIPT ToMavl't,
1 J JUDLLI I ii 1 s
-PP'V Rhlnalander Real Estate Co..
WAHHAt HT. Phono sm .r,..,l,
- - 1
21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth Ay.
DCTACHKD ItOL'HK. containing Nlae
looms, all Improf rmtnts. on pint nt ground
(Hill, In beautiful Kings Highway srettan.
li ralnutae I. New Tnrk by tlrlghton n.aeh
"L." Public and parochial achonts two fclocka
awsyi churches of all denominations naer by
Far aalr at a bargain to cash buyer; nalgh
.nrknod first clasa, For rarllculara, addrea.
UAHOalN. nnx til Hun Offlrr.
rillt HAi.i; me ih;m'.
Houses at Garden City Estates
Ulght large rnoms, a I lmprn entente;
aleam beat, might exchange. J It i;i:iIH
KRN, i't llroad Ht , Manliattan; telephune
1411 rtrnad
ri.oiiiiiA itr..i. i:ntatk roit sai.k.
FOH HALK I 300 acres land In linker
rioriua ,x'liires ji iy l AHTl.Il
I.lmona, Flu,
PnoPKIITT-i:.,- 11 Ford n sam.
nofn HT. n . 120 ft 'a ui Au.liilm'n'.J ,,!,
-urt Ahern ,AU,&5V,ron7,
l l"",r"":ri ""Kfc
Va". 'tl "V.
. Kuiirarmnti, contractors 1104.24
. 14ITH HT. 412 to 420 W--Andrew Hol.lity
agt .-Nellln I. Peck, owner nnd con
tractor 1313,91
12TII HT. 41.1 K David Mejer agt Clviuro
Caleca, owner and contractor U0
21TH HT, s s. whole front between lttv.iy and
6th av Lldgrrwood Mfg Co ngt .IK Finn
Avrnua e'orji et nl. Oet 10, 1IK I4H2.30
ITH AV, Iff lo 484 Cronke H.ntlng and
entllallng Co. Ltc, sgl V V ,t J 11 llnrton
et al, Feb 23, lt I C.;.ul 23
, AV. n a. 123 ft n- of Tlrnnx Park
i av, i. ii ivi. , lurris-Itu.. Const Corp
I agt Sllchael 1, July 2S, l!'14.t(30
Dlvlslnn of thn Hupreme Court In the Hec
end Department does hereby nslgn Mr Jus
tice Charlea 11 Kelby to hofrl Nhssiiii County
Hpeclal Term of the Huiirrnie court, nt the
court House at Mlneola, in the 'ouiity of
lai, S . e W 1 .1 "n" ',. . '. 1 L" .
Datsil Klnrs Cnuntv. October 15. 1914.
Hy ordsr of the ,,irt
Hupreme Court -Appellate Division Hec
ond Judicial Department Motion Calendur.
Hefnrn Jenks. P.J.j Hurr. Thomas, Carr,
Putnam, JJ. Court opena ut 10 A. M. The
People va Walter.
Hupreme Court Appellate Term Hecond
Judicial Department ftecess.
Hupreme Court Hpeclal Term llefore
Crane, J. Court opens at 10 A. 31. Liti
gated motions.
llefore Manning, J. r.x. parte matters,
Hilnreme Court- Trial Term Dav Oilen-
dur Part L, Aeplimll, J; Part 11, (turret
eon. J,, Part IV., Henedlrt. J.i Part V Van
Hleirn. J. Court opens at 10 A It 3'. '7,
I7II.87I4. 9811-9217, 3106. 1142-1361, 2101.
8191, 8900, 3108, 7106, 3817, 4t63, 9S1. The I
balance of the day calendar etsmla mer'
until October 19. Highest number reached
on resular call. 3911
SaII1' SSi.V' f.p.7!aLT,rm.T?;' n"y
at 10 A, M, -Spei-lnl Calendar 'Mortgag'
Foreclosures. Noa. 131 4, 1 421, 14 23 lli-Kil-lar
calendar 57, f.l, 11, 831, 260, 12, 1121.
101. 1216, 1424 Highest number reached on
regular call, 1177.
County Court cy Calendar Part IV.
llefnre Dtke. J.--Court opena at 10 A M. -Actions
triable by the court without n Jury.
1 asea ready and not reached will be p.tssfd
until the following Friday, Imiuesi Noa,
2163, 4017, 4226. 4J33. 4282. 4234, 1288, 4231,
4130, 4220, 1227, 4231, 4219.
County Court s'rlmlnnl Calnedar- -For
Trial Part 1 - llrfore Hoy, J. Court opena
at 10 A. M. William llrrasen alias Mo.
Henry, burglar), aaslt. c. d. w assll, James
Martin, assault
Part IL Itefore Faweatt. J Joseph An
talottl nllaa Ansalotta, allaa Antrlntto, poia
narentlrai Italph Zurlrka, murder; illusnppa
Marendl allaa Joseph Mirena, murder; Ni
cola Do Ilencdettt), murder; Arrlmngrln Wr
tnlone, murder; Ambertn Malone, murdrri
(lluseppe Marxelln, murder; Nicole Dr Leo,
murder; Tnny Mara, murder; Peter Peter
s.n allaa Magnus Petersen, Jnhn Olsrn, An
drew Johnson, g Icy, receiving, Charles L.
llarlhela, receiving atnlen prnprrty
I'nrt III. llefore Hylan, J. Max Hose,
receltlng stnlm properly; Dottnra Ilrownr.
rob. g icy, assit
Hitrrogalo'a Court llrfore Ketcham, 8.
Court opena at 10 A. M. In thn Hall of
Ktcorda on aecond door.--No rlny calendar.
Hupreme Court Trial Term Ilsfora Jay
cox, J. Hemllngtr va Neptune Meter Co :
Callahan vs Nichols Copper Co.; Mahrr v
Conry Island and Ilrooklyn it, H. ; ilulnan
va The Central Union Haa Cn.j The People
ex ral, Mciiahon va Oreassr, as Prraiiirnt,
llxritett vs American Ptnpp.r Cn.i Cnmlskey
Ilealty Co. va Diets, namalnder nf calemhir
passed tn October 11 Highest number
reached. 611
Hupreme Court Hpsrlal Term for Trials
Ileforo Clark, J. Held In ths County Court
llotisa lit Long Island City, N y Court
oprna and calendar culled In Hpeclal Term
room, ground floor, st to A. M. Attorneys
must hav. ready for aubtnlssinn pleadings
for the rnurl whan a ensn Is plsced nu the
day calendar, Nn ilny calendar Highest
number reached nn tit. calendar Is 447A.
County Court Equity Causes- llefore Hum
phrey. J, Court op.n. and calendar called
at 10 A, M Farrell vs Moworyi Jamaica
Paragon Plaai.r Co. vs Mntt; Douglass
JL4.,i0.r JIsme! c"' vs Johnitoni ITsnk vs
U. (4. hupreme Court rateitdiir.
WAHHINllTON. Oct, 16. The day rail nf
the United Hlatea Hupremn Court for Fri
day! Nos. 4, original. 80. 430, 421. 462. 61.
368 (and 384), 409, 810, 842, 427. Ill, ill
478 (and 411), 349 and 606. ' '
Court of Appeala Calendar.
ALIIANY, Oct. 16 - Day calendar for to.
morrowi No.. 31 aid Si.
Itecelrera Appointed,
lly Juatlrn Donnelly -Jennie M. Corcoran
va Mary Hotallng, Jeroma A Knhn (two
f?'.'." ,'l"renr.n TuvbeT s Threshold;
!teatty Curp,, M'm, P Jlooney,
Very Desirable Floor
in Our Modern Building
340 Mndison Avenue
Near 43d St. Closo to Orand Coat. Subwtf
Conveniently Uld out valth tjecutlve
ofTicn with nermintnt lunlight on til
sides; suitable for Architect, Builder,
Decorator or any other butintti that
might co-operste with ouri; satisfac
tory leaie ai well ai tn unuiutl oppor
tunity ii oil (red the right patty. Call
at our office on the prcmiiei.
Pease & Elliman
.140 Madlinn At. Tel. 0300 Murray nul
Lofts for Rent
Cor. William and Duane Sts.
Rlilnelander Real Estate Co.,
31 Nassau St. Phone M,1 rnrtiandt.
run iu:nt.
N. E. Cor. Broadway
and 68th Street.
Rhinelnnder Real Estate Co,,
31 Nassau St. Phone A12S Cortlandt.
Or Jnur on broker.
Stores nnd Basement for Rent
167 Sixth Ave., near 12th St.
175 Sixth Ave., near 13th St.
Rhinclander Real Estate Co.
31 Nassau St. Phone s3
NKW tolllx, fuunly of New- York KVHIIH
I.i:V CIIILHH, PUIntm. ngalnst JACOH
l'OTHKA.M Jlolhl..!" I'ol-'alll. Ilia wile,
J.illtis Frankal, l-.tnny Ilerkelhatnmer (oilier
u i-r liiuiui. hi llrrki'lhainarl. Herman C
Ku.lllih, F.-thrr Hamburgar, Hldney Aclir,
H.tmuel llntuliurKer, K.lward lt.genhard,
Anna 1). Itegenbard, hla wife, liymnti Cohen,
Paul Hlialet. Annla Hhalet, Kinnini-l Weln-
alrln. "Hurall" Walliatelll. Ills wlf. (thS
tuiiiB "Sarah" being nctlllnua, the llrst name
of the sal.l defendant being unknown to
tilalntlrf). Illrsn M. Aiprr, touie jiaiiiusHy,
Abrahitm ( harllp nnd Holomoii Fo.berg. do.
1,,i.lo,a aa Cbarlln A llberK
llennrtt Chlnaky, Antonio Honneaex, Leon
Oold, and Ll'tn.lale Hoclal Club, Defendants, HFMMONH.
nnaner the ,'oinptalnt In this action, and to
srrta a topy or your Attswrr on wis i-iaiu-tlff's
aitoriicy within Twenty days after Ihe
-A-.l. nt llilr SiiniiiiniiM. rxrluslva of thr
day of rervhn; and In raan of our failure
to apprnr or answrr, judgmont will be taken
against you by default fur tho relief do-
ninmie.i ,ne rompiniui.
Iiatr.t York. KrDtamb.r 11. 1914,
i.' I in i- l'i:i.lM. Aitornnr for Plaintiff,
Olll. e Ac P, tl. Address, No. Wall
Htreet. Horough ot 3tanh4ttan,
York City . .
The foregoing Huminona Is served upon
y hi liv publication, pursuant tn nn Order of
Hon. 'll.irtow H. Weeks, a Justice of the
timretna Court of the Htota nf New Ynrk,
lateil the 30th d.ty of Heptetnber, 114, and
Wed nn the lt day of October, 1914, with
.ii,v of the itmendr.l Humniona and
amended Complaint In the office of thn
cbrk of the County of New York. In the
County Court Hou-e. in the Horough of
Manhattan. New- York City, thn original
amended Complaint having been tiled In
sabi omen on mo izut uy oi nepibtuoer,
lnlett New Ynrk. Octnber 1. till.
EDO K. MRltCKLIH. Attorney for PlatntKt,
omen A Post oillce Address, No. 01 Wall
Hirrnt, Horough ot Manhattan, New
York City
JeTTrllera llniird .Meets .1torney
(ii'tirritl's Vlrvta lis- Inforpnrnt ln.
llrekinnn, Menken & (Irlscnm, gvnernl
coimst'l for the Nnllimnl Jewellers Hoard
of Trade. Issued jestcnlity the followlhK
stitteinent In regard to the Incorporation
of thn I olli'Ctlou Jltircnu, Inc.
"Tills eimiptiny hits been formed to tlo col
b'Ctbni work for members of the National
Jewellers Iktftrd of Tru'le, thn Attorney
ilencral ImvliiK rs-ndereil 11 decision that
In Ills opinion a membership corporation
iiiubl not do this work.
"Thu llonril of Trillin hii felt that It
rti'slrr'l to niM't any nuggestlon mndo hy
1 II1H Alioriiey-icneriii unit nua agrfttu tu
follow citIhIii plana fur reorganizing tha
1 melhoiN nml thn comluctlng of Un Imsl
tiess without having recourse to
"Thn Hoard hn-t In th past been tix
tremely active III succpssfully prccecutlng
fraudulent failures ami wrongdoing which
might b ilccmeil detrimental to the trade
nml has taken Iheso step becautM, It
wishes to lead In tiialntalnlii standards
which Attorncy-Oeneral I'arsorm and
other memlxTM of thn bar fell. If main
Mined, would advances the Interests of
th profession.
"There hns been no court proceodlng
whatsoever In connection with thne mat
or.a, either In New York Htntei or else
',,.),., ,i
liJVi.AI bUUIilxaUx iUsTUni.
! llnI Unrna tl.Otl Per Cent, on Com
nitiii, a Oeellne) l-'rnin Last Year,
The report of the Alabama anil Oreat
Houthern Itallroad Company for the year
ended Juno ,10, 1914, shows after payment
of preferred dividend a surplus of SUM,
Slid, Apia I to fi.'.Ti per cent, earned on the
S7,x30,000 common stock, as compared
with 11.1) per cent, the year beforo. dross
earnings were fn, 350,007, ngnlnst 10,281,
nsri for IHU, with net earnings of I9S1
JS0. ns compared with Jl,:32,fiiM.
Tho total lni'nm was 1..13S.8S2, ns
rnmpareil with tl.71S,"98, with n sun'lus
after chargeH of S7b7,IS7, against 31,131,
(120. The surplus nfter the payment of
referred dlvldentlH was ID04,36C. ns com
pared with !i31,79, nnd the prollt and
loss surplus K'.i!'3,7lt on June su, 11111
agulnst VtS,73S,8S on June SU, 1113.
Iteferrea Appointed.
lly Justice Ford (inldsteln va (llllnaky,
Harvey t. .narewa. rvata ta jiniain, r.uw
It tltivhar.
lly Justice Donnelly Seaman. I)h, fnj
Hut. va ttoiueniitii. tt 111. v. Arnui.i. ii.ihtib
ley va Flue (iwn cases), jna, a. iinnrgan
Motrinriila of Nasal Vessels,
WAHHINllTON, Oct. II. The destroyer
Hterrett has arrived at Whlteatone; de
stroyer Mnnaihan at Tompklnsvlllag collier
llrtllus HI JNliriout, uetrojer niar at r,,w
Ynrk yard, cruiser New Orleana at Ptiget
Mmiti.t. rrulser west vircinia at Mania un
sallx, hattl, ship Houin Carolina at rnuaiiai
itlila: batliesnin Araanaaa at totiiDsinavi a
tuittlesliln Nebraska at Harnstabf.i battle
ship Arkansaa at New York yard submarine
K-l at Newpnr'i despitlclt boat Yankton and
in,. t'nraa nt Houthern drill aroumls.
Tha transport Hancock has aallrd from
Hxnto Domingo ror .Monte t riati; tne trans
nort Prairie frnm Marnrls for Hsnclisn col
tier Pompey from Hollo for Manila and
cruiser Harotogit from Hlianshal for Chin
wang-tnu via cneefoo.
Army and Navy Orders.
WAHHINllTON. Oct. 13. Tnes. army
onlera were issue.i to. nay
Cant. (1. XV. Dlegler. rourt.enih Cat airy
to Columbus barracks of general racrultlnr
("apt. W 11. Peak, Cj. At. (,' from Fori
Mriiiiwall. C11I.. to the l'hll ucln.a
Capt. J. II. Douglas, Hlgnal Corp., from
Fort Wood, New Yurk, tn Fort Itavenworth,
... Min ..-111. Ih,l,n-ilnn nt .nll.,..i
111 i-i.uii--. v,, -
..,n nt ,t.a H rnal Corns.
Chaplain T. J. Dickson, Hlxth Fl.ld Ar
llllrr), from Fort lllley, Kan., to nia
""Lleut-Col. J. r- Tlnley. Thirteenth lh
fj.nrv. tn Twelfth Infantry.
Capt, J J, llonlfaco from Psvanlh to
Fourth Cnvairy.
Capt. II. N. Ulttnnhouia from unatslfn.d
list to rtixtn x-avairy.
Thse navy orders were lasuadt
Cuinmandcr C L. lluas-iy to Cnoral
Wnshlnjrton Prodlcfions for To-
tiny nnd To-morrow.
I'nr eastern New York and New .Trwtsjra.
ralit to-dar and prol.ahl)' tn-morrsart tnaat
erate raat lo southeast Binds,
I'or neatern Nea York, rain to-dari prob
ably fair to-morrotv; moderate, poiatblr
treah shitting ultula.
NI"W YortK, Oct. !. Ths dlaturaaneo
li I c li has been forming In the Gulf of
Mexico moved nortbf aatward and was cen
tral over Georgia yesterday, attended by
heavy rain In (leorgla, Alabama and Ton-
nesaee and ahoa-ery and cloudy condition,
generally east of th Mississippi niver,
cept In N.w Kngland,
High pr.Mur prevailed over Eng
land, thn middle Atlantlo mates, and all
rctlena weat of thn Mlaalsatppl Itlvar, ax
ept ths extreme Soujhwa.t.
I lie tveatn.r west ot ths Mississippi rilror
' generally fair, except a llttla rata tn
It sa somewhat cooler In ths Oulf aoo-
tlnns, but generally warmer oletwhsrs.
Temperatures war. blow tho froostng
point In northern Netr Kngland In In. early
morning; alio In Nebraska and part, of
the Houthwest,
In this city the day ws. etaudy: rain at
evening, and slightly warmer; wind, light
to trash east to northeast; average humidity
s per rent.; barometer, corrected to rtad tn
sea loel. at A. M.. 90.35; S I. M 30.11.
The temperature In thil city yesterday, as
recorded by the official thermometer, la shown
n ue annexed table:
1014. mis ' ta, i
A. M. . .41' m s n u at
li m, .. (,i t:' p. Li .. . j
, it. . ev ej i: Mid .... so'
lllgnral lemperalute. M. at J P. M
f'ottna Stale Weather.
For North Carolina, rain to.ilai i nart
r'.iudy to-morrow; moderate south to s.iulb
west winds.
For Muuth Carolina, rain, slightly rool.i
o-day; partly cloudy to-morrow; moderate
null! and southwest winds.
For llenrgla, rain to-day, except a-urrall
fair In .outhwest portion; romsnhat cool'
In east portion! unsettled, probably shswei
to-morrow; moderate south and outhae.
winds, becoming varl'tbl.-
or Alabama, parlh uloudy lo day lora
rains at night or to morrow . lly Vi t ti
winds, becoming variable,
For M.-l-slppl. unsettled to.dav; shower-
at night or to-morrow; ahlftlns
For I-nulslana. showers to. days nrubabl
fair to-morrow: moderate shifting winds
For eastern and western Trias, aho'vrrs
to.dny, except fair In northwest p.irtlna
rulr to.morrnw-i Hunt shifting winds.
I"or Arkansas, tini-llls.l In-dnr. rrobsbtr
slinwera; fair tn. morrow ; anrni-r
AS, I bu . ..
Sunrises. Otxi.Hun seta. . 6:13 Moon rises. .3.46
axir Axrl III
Sand)'II'k..t'4S lov.taland..S2'lfell Oate. ,6.33
axil axil iu
SandyH'k llM)(;ov.Island.ll-t3aIIell Oate. .1:11
Arrived TIIUHt I) AY. October IS.
?s Maturlatila, ;19 P. M larrrpool. 4ct. 1.
Ms Han liiiellrlino. 17 A. M.. Almi-ila. October S.
Hs Callfornle, bordeaux, Olober 2.
Ss Isthmian, Cristobal, October .
fsllonlface, llarbado., Octolier 1
He Marin dl Oltlglo. Jamaica. October 10.
Ssllawrau. l-JV) V. M . Ilottenjani. Octobtr t
Ms Uaxrld.9.43P. IL. Wedncsdat 'I'uxtian. i)rta
ber 6.
Ms Nora. 9 A. M.. Sandier, October 10.
Nj (iulana, 1 P. L. Ht. Thomas. October 10.
Ss Philadelphia. si A. M .nnJunn. October l.
risCamluo, 8:40 P. M.. Ilalboa, October Sv,
Ha Yumurt, 4 P. M,, Manranlllo, October T.
H Mnirus, New Orleans. October 10.
Hs Alamo, llalveslon. (Mober p).
HaHalllla. lloston, October 11.
Ms Mnulson, Notlolli, October 14.
Ms Nleuw Amsterdam, at Itotterdam.
Hs Dticad'Aosta, at Naples.
Hs Jan Van Nassau, at Holtrrdaru.
S.Tonawanda, at Plymouth,
SsTlotterdam. from Ilottrrdam.
FisAdrlstle, from Uueenitnwn,
Hs Ho d'ltalla, from Naples,
SsAlmlrante, from Colon.
Hall T-day. '
300 P M
13 IO t
a ( P S
15 is) M
1 00 P M
3 ', P M
3 1 P
8 01) P U
12 M
12 0,1 M
pin) V t
10 l A M
11 on M
HOI I' 31
I l"l P M
1 10 P M
3 00 P tl
12 (s) M
3 tl P 31
3 ( P M
3 II) P il
3 00 P 31
Panama. Cristobal ....
11 30 AM
3 30 A M
0 00 A M
Hcrtiranca. Nassau . .,
Whlttirt. Montevideo..
funname, llellte ,
labels. California . ..
uauison, rtorront. .
Sail To-morrow,
st, Paul. Liverpool a .111 A M
liuca ui tirnota. .apics. sbiiaxi
Ilorhambeau. Havre.. llni.M
llrams. Ssji Juan.. . oiAM
Hostlllus, Ituenos Ayres. u fsi A M
Mandrvtllr. Jamaica.. 11 .in A f
Saratoga. Havana 10 10 A M
Algonquin, Santo Dol.tlncu 12 ( M
Storfond. Illo Janeiro l2rsiM
Ikarla. Mnnlevideo 13)M
Auchenerai, Illn Janeiro., 9,s)A 31
Pannnnla. (ilassnw. . .
Mnrtpirttr. Iiudun. ,
Hantland, London.
Ilnrriiquln, San Juan
Mohawk, Jacksonville, .
Ssntlitio, Oal cston
Alamo, Tampa,
City of Montgomery, Sa
vannah,, Antilles, New Orleans
Jefferson. Norfolk
i:i Sol, lialveston,.,
Calpprwa.llmnsv.lck .
Sail Monday, October ID.
Princess Anne, Norfolk .
Due To-day.
. . . . Almerla.. .
Oct. 10
Sept. 20
Oct. 4
Oct. a
, .Oct. 7
..Oct. 7
Sept. 34
Hept. 30
Oct. 10
,.Ocl. 10
.Oct. 13
.Oct. In
..Oct. 13
. .Oct. I
Oct. 10
Oct 3
on. a
Oct. n
Oct. in
Hept, 23
Oct. 10
Oct. I
Sept. 17
Oct. 3
Oct. 3
.Oct. IS
Nnplra. ...
.Liverpool ....
(llasgnw . .
Illo Janeiro.
-Proireso.. .
Savannah , .
city ui Monttomery
in I) la
. Jacksonville,,.
Port Arthur..,.
Hue 1 n.ninrriiw
Alum aha,,
New York Liverpool.
Clio Lisbon,
Santa Cruf Ilalboa. .
Mararas Ttlnldad.
Mexico Vira ,'rui....
hplrudor, .. Catania
Due Sunday. October 19.
La Tourslne,
( ninrroula,
. .(Jlasrow.,,.
. , I'atras.,,.
. .. Holtrrdam .
Savannah ,
1 aiiistu,.,.
City of Columbus.
Iacouslns Vessel
-Br Wireless.
Ss llaltlc, reported at 0 01 A. M. yesterday that
she would dock IhU morning.
Ss Troleus, New Orleans, 161 mile, northwest
of Torturss at noon.
Ss Hsnta OtuK Hart Frandseo, 682 miles south
ot Hand Honk at noon.
Ss Kl Orient, (lalvt.ton, 143 mile, west of
Tortuias at noon.
Ss Mexico, Havana. (0 miles south of Bandy
Hook at 7 P M.
Ss City of Columbu.. darannah, passed Mar
tin's Iialustry at 7:13 I M t .
Ss Arspahoe, JaeksnnTtlls, 19 miles north at
St. John s bar at 7 P M.
8s City ot Monltomery, Savannah, miles
south of Winter Quarters at noon.
(is Uadlant. Port Arthur, llx) miles south of
fiamly ilnok at noon.
8a Kl la. llalveslon, 191 miles South of
Sandy Hook at noon.
gs Cornel, Hablne, 110 miles south of 6anf
Hook at noon. ,
P Mohawk, Jacksonville, 174 miles south 03
Sandy Hook at 7 P M.
Iloird, Navy Department, Washington.
I.leiilrnant-Cominandrr C A, Courtney
from the Duncan to the Ilrooklyn.
L'.sutenaitt-Conimandar U'll.lim Norrla
from the Florid to Norfolk yard.
Lieut. II. Wallace from the Maine tn t)
Florida. ' englnsrr ofllcer.
Ll.ut. Ft. Drady from tha inrmingham
to Japan
Lieut. It. "1 Full.r from the Duncan to
the Hlrnilngham ns nntlgamr.
Lieut, It. II. Crosby from the New Tork to
sick rae, two tnonths,
Lieut J. W. Hunklry from bure.u of srd
nanc. to the Wyoming,
Lieut. Monroe Kelly tn the Florida.
Lieut, 11 U Montgomery to the Maine
I.t.ut. H. H. Payne from the Arkansas to
tha Philadelphia yard,
Knslgn I. o. Dickson from ths Hav.rn tn
command l-4.
Ensign K. W, Ilurrnush from tits New
Jersey tn th. Washington
Passed Assistant Paymaster V. If, Wilier,
dink from rer.lvlng ship at Mare Island.
Cal., nnd Intrepid to Maro Island yard.