Tub SfN prints to-ihiy ntiotlir Hat of I'AiRle Utyg
places tnentloneil In recent war ile.spatcpoii
, with the Kiigll-h pttilnlrTitfi of the names.
i m fur h It Ik possible tu glle them.
! , Is well known. It Is Impossible to
'Wllllf ffOOll for Mj' SoldilM'S! Indicate exactly tho sounils used In pro.
, , . ,' ,, ,, nouiicliig some of thn originals, pnrtlcii-
1 lilllMl r.llOllirll for .MO, larly In the case of Krelich numes. The
I I'mic'li t sotinil i eiiulvaleiit to the Herman
hllipiTOr A tlllOtlllCCS. I r with the umlaut maik) has no enulVH-
' lent In KiikIIii, In attempting the suittnl
' i purse the Hps ns though to say (), hut
,,,.., , ,-rv I r,rv K I'isIimiI. T,1 Rrent stress should
I)K I II I ISIH I AM I 1 not be pluceil on the. nasal sounds Mig-
1 Rested In some of the names.
I'lir.NCII AND lllll.MAN
t IS Th nailp .Vrirs i
j...., vp tn.da fiom Its eorte.
tre,i. -it it llerlln under date of Septetn
W T . i -fne of the Kaiser which one
, - f-m th" (Jennm-Amerlcan news-
, - ,i r lord pioudly seinllhg his
.. ii . battle, cnnvineeil of his rlsht
. lii rin in culture, absolutism tin
it tne point of the hn.lnnet
fferf nt from tin- Impression of
,.. i Alio come cee.tsloually to Iter
i gmeril heailiunrlers. where the
Albert Al Imre.
ArMntiert.--Are men te Mr.
Hap tinne lu pome (short si.
Hrru Hear u
(.imp it Honmlns Com ilny rn nun.
IViinhles Tom lit
i;mre Onk r i short n).
l.n J,on (short o).
l,s l'nrorhss . l,ny pa roshe (seeoml a short)
ltllierourt lteeb coor.
lloe tln-ft.
Ilupt do Mml lloopt de mad,
felohrpre Saysh pray,
It lifts I A,
I'xe nstnehoiva Chen sto ho va (neeent third
s liable)
liiitignnitl 15 van rir od (third syllable),
l.ailzrr I,nd le n (first sylbilile).
ItrflRrod Ity e urod isernnd svllshls).
Mumikltz Nee eool Ish (second syllable).
I'rrerojl Psher sol ( first yI:.iWe).
HatniomlsM San sto ml er.
Wlereboto Vlers bo lo
.Mnrnmnrossalget Miir mar ns"h re get
(third syllable).
Itndnn Its, ilon.
Hiryj Niree.
Tirnerkos Tar a. schknr (serond sylWMet.
Tarnobrieir Tnr no hilirg (first syllable)
IV, T ui.,1 thev sny It 'iiw that the
,- is ( .hmgeil M character It?
ire a" " 1 .en'hs. lie still Is the pro-
feu '
let'ler, Irr.petuouslj loyal
pi.iinptvil by a deep i-ooteil
I an eM'.i rillnnry stlisl- s: n
:t n i
no 'i
tu V i
.inn1 1
Mr. ' e-
K. of course, that the distant
i rro a fm'e in tnls many sldcil thi sr close to him are
. f, .mil lb it eiili t'i Kaiser l
u of th- Mephlstophi'leim per-
Timber of Vessel in Trieste, Sn.vs Wenk Xiitlonnlilies Will
Yards Fiist Sonkctl With
Tiiite to Free Themselves
From Oppression.
Senate Also Adopts a Substi
tute on Taxing Newspaper
Sperlol Ctlhlr Dttpitth tn Tnr St v
lto.ur., via I'arls, Oct. 15. The (iatsrtta
IaiNPo.V, IVt. 15. The Central News
nu i it "in'ifm m uiiio" leirur lime iiuti mi
Austrian dre idnoUKht nnd six destroyers , ,1.1 ii;n n Tri i,. ..,i,....i ,1,. ,,.1.
under construction at tho (1n eminent lowlni: nplv from dun M.irtlnovltcli.
-hli.ynrds mar Trieste have been dam-1 r,lne ,n tllo nam- of NPmlll(l f
need bv :i Mle which seVer(dv CrlDnlcd 1 ,..,.,,.W . - .. .
v.. nim.n I HUT MOV lllie U'll.ll.l... .. . , . .t. ui. ...... . . . 1
1 " ' Wlf nisioil nun "i ni-ntia. or tllll Ivllllfs VIl'H S on the wnr.
kni i"- "." llf ,ho Kaiser knows that ; The ile-pitch says tint timbers In the "This terrlbln war Is thn uciikc at-
v- 'm, 1 tu ius to Iw wllllnsl) deep-I 1'UlldliiKS nnd al timbers used tern- tempted thrmiKhout 11 centurv. which this
- ."" - . - L''Zt,
,.. . 1 "j'l'i c-, 11 ii.iiiuoiiiiirs UKaillST llie neid-
rlous ttork of the Vienna coiiKtess. The
It '
,W '
ir. tnls
of . n
Kei'l.n ivri'iill ".No one can llIlmi,er nf workmen have been arrested,
e what 11 heavy limit I I
.1 t.i let my people bu Involved I r; 1 linilDr r fri7T cr7.Vf.'
IIll'lilli MtlUlK
it wns 11 true state. neiit
r Lord" Cm onls be seen from llrltUli miser l)eslrn llnrUnnmn-
I have heKnl two iiluiiliitoi . , ,,,, ,.., (irr.-U Mi iuuer.
.. I. it- i- at kithimI hemlnuarten 1
ht aim- 110111 i.-uaiiio Miuiccs aim I i.-i-.-. . .. . 7
h'.n l ave not iippenrril In the 1 ierman j nounc-d to-ilny that thn Itrltlsher cruiser
SltsS- "ne Is nhoiit Ills diet, which 1 on
11 s- .
tbi'iit '
...! of a tniCK soup, 11 piece 01 siiumik
.1 piece nt bread ami butter, although
r ni.l liave the lust f od tn be obtained.
JI s adviser arc impatient with him for
n '.v.jti nuK hi" health, but to their lm
( he redles
It i, m soldiers nre KettltiK on
the batilefiel.l It It Rood etiouuli for
Yurmo'ith had sunk tho llainburtr-Atncr-
kan I.d.h steamship Mnrkomannla In the
waters about Sumatra and that th same
ciiler had captured tlio (Iriek steamer
1'ontiKirts and Is taking her Into a har
bor. The Yarmouth has sUty (lernian
prisoners of war almanl
The Mnrkomannla and the l'ontports
have been reMirted In previous Admlrnlty
lespatches a" aivompatiylne tho iiernun
Ore die he heanl that his men it thelcrtnser Kinden. which has been operating
f.-rr.' ii'f reduced to a puce of bread j 111 the Indian Ocean,
ar. l red wine. Me cut his diet accord-
nE'i I T'le Markom inula was 11 vessel of
T',P second sUry ts the obverse of the I 4.305 tons normally encased In the 11am
"Oc" 1:1 at' cities" which have played a ' burc-Amcrlcan tine's African service. The
;' 11' !i. s rvom tne nines 1 ne
Xs'ser Y is ..rdered that no ficrtnan artll
lfr s'i ill flre on the provision wnsons
ef the enemy and that any ("u rman who
fires on the fled Cross tlaK even bv acci
dent slinll receive the death penalty
71 tsc little stories better than Htiy
(V'.ri: elsn strlko the keynote of the Hm
TP'"rs life durinir these times.
1'p.ilch would Indicate that the two mer
chant Vessels had been used n.s colliers
and supply shln for the Kiinlrn, which re
cently boinb.i'iled .Madras and olherwle
'las made trouble for British shlpplm; tn j
the lliillan Ocean
j llllll to 4'osl. loo In I'lirllntiieiif Insists on j Oct 1.". -Tin- Clerman un
liiipurthil Alfltii.l.-. protected cruiser (icier arrived here to-
day from TsliiK-tao. The Japanese liner
P cti. Sipt IS The. opposition In far-1 shlno .Mam Is due heie to-morrow.
Il-.rre-1 us m ule pu.illc a communliue , bound for San l'ranclco. Tho flermnn
ftit-c tint It Is ab-olutely nerpssnry for , cruiser's oltlcers nlil they were polnu
n i-.irta to ob-erve an nttltuile nf strict! to take on coal.
neut' il t 111 the Kuropean conflict and The iippenratice nf the fteler's port .side
to ref'am from any manifestations In Indicated that she had been coaled nt
fi..r of or opposed to any of the I'owers. sea She Is ditltled to a s'a.v of twenty
T "'tlci il Journal. .Viiinifin I'rnvtt, four hours anil to 1 nouxh co il to take
sr. i that any leports to the effect that her to the neirest Orrimn port, which,
the r i'narlan Government ha had i"iy'ns Herman naval stations In the Pacific
!n' -ion of vliil.itlm; Its declared twu- nre now In hostile hands, means that she
tr.Mm. ha manifev:ea any desire to'tna nil her-bunkers
fivnr one or the other trroup of warrlnn
nationalities supported b tlm. Triple Mil
tent ti did not provoke 'he sanmilnar
slrui:i!le whlih was impo-sed upon them
by the reactionary spirit of the Oerman
world, wIshliiK definitely to eoneolldatc
Us own rclcn on the sufTiTlnKS of the
weak In contempt of International law."
The replv continues that the neutrality
of Italy has contributed to the successes
against the oppressors nnd that the Ital
I ill 1 loM inmeiit will be able to choose a
favorable moment for maklni; such new
decisions us may be reniiircd by Ilnllan
I' expresses the hope that Itnly, In
addition to recover nit lu r peoples out
side of tho present kingdom, would help
the Slav nationalities In the Italkans "to
take the phi' e due them on the steps of
the altar wh re Justice is law "
fienrnr's Condition Is Hlil to He t'n-
fn limbic. lliMwter.
ItnttK, ia 1'irls. Oct. If.. The wound
of the head which Crown Prince Alex-
andir suffered In n recent encaKement
was sllitht. ncconllliK to private letters re
ceived here from Seivia. After It was
dressed the Crown Prince was able to
leave the hospital and lesume his military
The letters say that the condition of
Prince flenrce. rider brother of the Crown
Prince. Is not favotable owlmr to his re
f lis il to ob. y h.s phvsn 'ins' orders
WARttlNOTON, Oct. II. Tho enate ap
proved to-day the ncMon nken hy the
Klnancc Commltteo In striking from the
war revenue bill tho tax on proprietary
medicines. It also adojited the amend
ment retmrted this niornlnR by tho Finance
Committee ns a substitute for the stamp
tax on newspaper packaues, The sub
stitute adopted by the Senate follows;:
That a cotislirnment of newspapers to
any one point or to dlffeient points by
the satno train or conveynnce, when en
closed In one Keneral bundle, shall be
considered us one. shipment and In lieu
of the Mil of ladliif,- therefor tho pub
lisher of said newspaper shall fllo on or
before the fifteenth of each month with
the collector of Internal revMiue for the
district In which such newspaper Is pub
lished a report under oath showing the
number of such shipments during the pte-
cedlnB month, to which report such pub
lisher shall affix and cancel stamps mini
In value to one cent for each shipment
so reported,
"Priii tiled that the report hen In re
oulred shall not Include shipments of
newspapers to different imlnts within the
countv within which the same are pub
lished." .Senator Oliver' A inelldioelll.
The amendment Is In the main the one
proposed b .Senator Oliver of
lanla, who l a publisher.
The committee also reported n. substi
tute for tlio section Imposing a tax on
domestic -wines, but lit the request of
Sen itor IMIndexter of. Washington con
sliUr.itlon of !t went over initll to-morrow
The substitute Imposes 11 tax of 8 cents
a gallon on all domistlc wlnrH sold 111
bottles anil In addition Imposes a tax of
55 cents 11 gallon on wine spirits used In
the fortification of ilmm-MIc sweet wTiks
The committee innde another change In
the propositi graduated tax 011 tobacco
manufacturers, w ho produce m.imifaf tun il
tobacco, elKirs or cigarettes The maxi
mum tax on inch lo inufacturi r was
raised to JI.41"!. The scale proposed is
as follows:
Manufacturers who produce up to 100.
000 pounds of tobacco annuiUlv are to pay
IS. those who piodiire over 180,fio
pounds and up to inO.uOO. $12. thoo who
produce SOW.iiOO pounds and up to 400,000,
24 . those who produce 400,000 to l.OfiO.
1111O, Ii'iO , those who produce l.OOO.onn
pounds and upward to, jsnn
.Military Kxpert Sn.vs Hermans
Arc Tiikoly to Attempt
fpttfal Cabl ntfpttrh lo Tnr. Pes
I.onpon, O-t. IB. The Timet military
ox-port, In dlscus-slnir tliei protiahillty of
n rjermnn nttempt to Invado Knglnnd,
"Now thnt tlie wnr Is ronchltiK tho
climax of Its vlolenco wo must nntlcl- j
pnto that nil the forrcs of (Irrmnny
will ho thrown Into tlio ronlllct nnd
tlmt tho Oennnn navy no longer will
remain Inert. Wo must expect to bo
nttni'lted nt homo and must not rest
under any comforting Illusions, but
must look tho situation calmly In the
"From the soldier's point of view tlio
nnvnl defence of tho Hrltlsli Isl"fl
presentsi illlllciiltlcs which not even a
marked preponderance of ships can
with absolute assurance oven'onw. Tho
length of our coasts, the nhsenco of our
best troops oversea, the -want of a na
tional nrtny which Is still only forming,
the submarine menace which keeps our
irrnnil Meet often far from tho ulti
mately decisive point, Zeppelins, mines
nnd other conditions which nre more or
less novel throw upon Admiral Jelllcoe
11 burden of responsibility which must
not bo underrated.
"Girmany, while ncknowh dglng the
uncertainty of success, will probably
hope to keep tho 'Iirltlsh navy engaged
with she CSermnn navy while transports
escorted by tho older warships slip
across and make a landing under tho
protection of mlnrn. submarines and
Startling News!
A Wonderful Sale of
$25 Overcoats, Suits
& Balmacaans at $15
To-Day and To-Morrow
For Details Sec To-day's Evening Journal or World
111 11.u1.1x1 oiixro oaiij lU-iiAl.
Three Vessels Will l.enie To-ioorroir
M'itti .ttoll for i;oroiie.
No steamships carrying Kuropean mall
sail to-day To-morrow tho Italian liner
Cuca ill Oenova, for Naples, will tke
mall, closing at the Oenral Post Olllce
nt .1:80 A. M., for (lermany, Austria. Hun
gary and for other lountrles
Luxemhurg, when sperlnllv addressed.
Tho American liner Kt, Paul, sailing to
day for Liverpool, will carry mail,
at the General Post Olllce at S :30 A. M
for Murope (except (lermany. Austria,
Hungary' nnd Luxemburg), Africa, West
Asia and the Iiist Indies. The French
liner Hoehomuciu, sailing for Havre, will
carry mall, closing at the Oeneral Post
Olllce at noon, for France, ltumitil.i, Hul
garla, fervl.i, Kivltxerlattd, Italy, Kpaln,
Portugal. I'gj'pt, (Sreis-c, Ilrltlsh India.
tll.l.U L'na. A trn-t (JI..., M ltd Clll,-..1.
tar .'Cejion. Strait's Kettle'ments, Dutch ! 1.GOO,000) was subscrlbtd, compared Indies, West Australia and Perski
and other countries (ixcept (term my.
Austria, Hungary and Luxemburg) when
socially addressed.
Finnneiiil Stntna hi Fntherlnnd
Kqinil to Mnrntorimn. Krencli
Pn per Asserts.
Sprlnl rj1fs rrtpttefi n Tnr. Pi .
noRDKAfx, Ocu 1R. Subscriptions! to
tho national defence Isinds continue
most satisfactory. From October (? to
October in nearly 83,000,000 francs
Flirnrn" Siijsj t'ompiiser's f.mnd
fntlier Wns Htirled nt l.onvnlii.
Speml I'abl lrrpilrti in Tnr Si
Pahis, Oct I.".- The IHiinrn snys It
has discovered that thn family of Hc
vcs.kiiIh sunk Inn fairway, shipping from thoven. the composer, was llelgian and
tii i nian portM for fmbarkntlon n quar-j rnme originally from Louvaln. The
ter of a million men or more, nnd from family lived Inter nt Antwerp nnd
the evidence we huve had of the culm- Ohent. 'Hie composer's grandfather,
ness with which (lirmnn generals sac- tm. pnper says. wa:i burled In one nf tho
mice life lo nttnin their objects v.-n can j churches at Louvaln burned recently
b-- sure that the loss of fi.000 men In
transit will be considered n chenp price
to pay for throwing the remainder
The writer argues that dermany Is , phonies.
well able to spare the troops for the
by tho flermans,
Tho 1'iunrn suggests heading nil fu
ture Parisian concerts of exclusivrjy
Helglan music tiy lieetnoven s sym-
nrn.ln... -u fit f. Ana nftft n vail nt, nt,.rtitil oofl thnt nllbooirb the oiIiIm nte 1
to 10.000,000. fflno. producers of 10,000,- I ugnlnft success the adventure may be 1 Fitlfl fITl OH
....a ... a i.t.t, ...... ......1 ii qnn . . . . I wi -ii JJJM-J uss vli
...... .,..,.., i.,,, .in., attempted, nnu ne urges tne uovern-
mose win, produce :i,.hm,...u P'-uiius an;i ,. prnII1Iltiy , nnouti
I' ii rs or has permitted the pasiK of
.irT or ammunition Intended for the
bsMlsrent Powers through Ilulgarlan
tsritnr. are mere rumors without any
founlation in fact. Ilulg.irla ha done
noth'-ig which could be construed ,i con
'rnj'v to her duty as a neutral State, and
ihe 'is det Ided to maintain this attitude.
The (Jclcr Is an unprotected cruiser of
1.B04 tons, carrying eight 1.1 Inch guns.
Snlllm? Milt Cnrrlnlf
(.'ilitiiriil In Pnetflc.
London, O.-t The Admiralty an
receipt of a
Hah ml, on
Blanch Hay near Heibertshoi-he, In tho
field Trops Prom ltool Domain to ' Hlmarck Archipelago, telling of the cap-
'ture of a small (iirnian sailing vessel, the
f.ernuiiiy. I Comet, carrying a complete wireless
. ...... noiincid to-ila th
IjAJ Vj KIALr AlUtsU Ai.VWC. from the mlirlnistrator at
MfetiAnKST. Sept. 16. Through the In
termediation of the Iliiinnnliin Credit
J'uik, l.imelv I'ontiolled by Oerinan cap
ital, the Kim-- twh died (Jctober 10.
hm sold to Ocrmany tho whole of this
yenT - '-rip of 'he royal domain. 'I'her
srs"- landowners, such as M. Marglloman.
formei Minister, and Prince Stlrbel, have
fePaTwl the Kind's example anil sold
their crops through the same medium.
Tills a 'tlon hu aroused great Indigna
tion. The I'arla puhllshi-s a
strung article which ends with tho words,
referring to th" King, "Dutchman I Kven
In these great times ou remain a Dutch
man and a puller I"
The archipelago was occupied
Ilrltlsh naval force September 11
Censorslilp llelieled to He lllileil nt
Messages tn IVnrshlps,
Tho Hrazillan Consulate In New York
had rccelv-d 110 ofllcla! exidnnatlon yes
terday of the rcas'tis unilerlvlng the an
nouncement by the Coo irercltil Cable
Company that a c nsorsh i. had been es
tabllshe l dvi r all di sinti'lies for Ilrjizll.
The VI -'oliul slid, howiver. that am
p 11 tlsatsliio for either (treat Britain or
lOermanv was out of the question.
"Hrai.1 desires to be the good friend
of eiery one of the nations at war." ne
said "Oeiman Interests and Ilrltlsh In
terests are veiy larse In Ilr.i7.ll, and we
are very frlendlv with France and Hsl-
Wlreless, I ' (1 I'ortmtiil"
.o t' conoi oe ooiaiiieit
through th cable company, which had
rerili eil Its Instructions tluom'h t lie In-
report 1 tirnntlotial Telegraph Huremi at Heme,
W ll7.eri.Hlll.
Brazilians In New York yesterday sug
gested that the operations of war ves
si Is of the belligerent Powers had been
facilitated by cable despatches to these
vessels ,i(T Brazilian tmrts, and that the
iloverninent hs established the censor
snip to remove the posnih!)!ty of 11 vlo
.atlon of llr.ulllnn neutralltv
Minister to Swltrcrliiiul Declnres Sbe
Will llenuilii .Nenlrnl.
Pritts. v.! London, (let. 13. Heports
re'd 1,1,.. from Home say tlmt the
I'l-cihinu .Minister to Switzerland as.
sin, I 0.1 Tuesday that Humatila has not
'e-i Inf.uenced bv tho alleged attempts of
Trlpi" Kntmte to draw her Into the
He itd that these rumors were circu
ital ni. r. with the object of Inllueti"
Ing h.' policy nf the Rumanian (lovern
Jnen ,. , .Vns fixed long ago and will
Jot 1 , t , .,1
Hrltlsli Pa I rot Milps not tonnirii vre
Poe 41 fT Dtiteli Const.
KntNnriinit, Oct IS. The Scotsman
prints a report that Ilrltlsh ships found
a submarine off the Dutch coast
last Saturday night while the submarlnu
was waiting tor her tender. Tn Uie en
counter which followed the nritlsh patrol
ships finally outmnniruvred tho sub
marine nnd ns the latter came' to the
surface sank her with their gunfire.
Ilt-Klnntns Mnmlny "Polis" Will
Close nt 111 P. .11.
Lonpon, Oct. Id An earlier closing
.Indue .Mnjer's Iteeeli erslilp Orders
Permit of I'liiiinctnu.
The orders of Judge Mayer apiiolntlnK
W. Csmernn Forbes ancillary receiver for
the property In this district of the Hraill
Railway Company of 25 Hroad street and
Mr. Forbes and David T. Davis ancillary
receivers tor tho .Madelra-Mamore Hall
way Company, n subsidiary company.
wero tiled tn the clerk's office of the
United states District Court yesterday.
The order In tho case of the Uraif!
Railway Company provides that the re
ceiver ehall have power to advance or
loan money or In nnv other way give
financial asstanre to any corporation In
which the rallwn" company Is dlrertlv
or Indirectly Interested an .1 stockholder
or ci editor, if In bis judgment such ac-
ovcr must pay the maximum tax of ll.tpii
Clicnr Tuxes,
Manufacturers of cigars whose output
does not exceed 100,000 cigars annually
are taxed J3 . thos- who produce IOO.O'iO
to Joo.nOii cigars, $1 , those who product!
HOO.nOO and not more than 100.000. $12
those who produce 400.000 and not moiel
than 1,000,000, no . thoe who produce1
I.OHO.OnO and not more than, I
f 150 , those who produce 5000,000 and not
more than 20.OH0.O00, IH00 ; those who
produce 20.000.000 and not more than 40,.
000.000, $1,200, and all who produce above
40.000,000 a ear will pay the maximum
of .2,4!fl.
The tax on cigarettes Is graduated as
follow s :
Manufacturers who produce up tn 1.
OOO.UOO cigarettes annually will be taxed
$12 those who produce more than 1,000.
000 but rot In I'M-' ss of 2.000,000 will pay
$24 , those who produce more th in 2.oon,
000 and not more than fi.OOO.oiiO. $H0;
those who produce t, 000,000 and not more
than 10.000.OiiO, $120; tho.-n who produce
10.000,000 nnd not more than (O.OOO.noo,
$100. those who produce CO.OOO.noo and
not In excess of 100.000,00a, $1,200, and
all who produce more than I00.oo0.000
cigarettes a yiar will p.ij the maximum
tax of $2.IOfi annually.
This aiiiei.diiif nt Is certain to produce
considerable debate.
Chairman Simmons estimated tn-dav Ir
11 statement made In the Senate that till
tobacco tax would yield I4CT.000 in revenue
metit promptly to announce the mias-
ures it proposes to take and to instruct
the public how to act In ense of such an
invasion. He suggests the appointment
of a commander In chief and wnrnfl
against Indulging In a false sense of
' Cure1' for Leprosy
, 1 ..-.. ....! T ...."! I-U'll"". I . I" I""
liour lias oven Itlon Is leces-ar.v for the piotectlon of
,ants, club, and 'aloji'is k" fM the Interest of the railway company In
next Monday night Larly In the war the . rornor,t1on or fnr ,',,' ,
11 ii'AlliV Til 1 ' r
I V- v. Oct. 15. King Oeorge and
Qie Mir), with Princess Miry. Piince
A ,md Prince .loan, left London to
d ! i 1 frpi" lal train for Sandrlngham.
Tll .r,. picede.l by the Queen .Mother
v Ira an l Princess Victoria. The
1" k' of the proposed stay of tho royil
' it Samlringham has not been an-
II.--i- v Thornton, the ex-American
Pi ' "r of the Knstcrn Hallway,
led to Hie details of tho departure
r ' "i .il fin'l In iermn, nnd wis
T" '.d to King George and Quten Mary
' ' " " 1 1 on platform.
' K ne and Queen were the objects
' 11 enthusiastic ib tnonstratlon hy a
f '' "id at the station.
"Won. 11 Thoimbl Miord Meel Ton ,
timid for Pnperiielglits,
V' iiisr.ToN, Oct. 15 An aftermath
letar) Hr.ian'n preern'nttuii of
(li e .ires to Ambassadors and Minis.
10 haie Joined lilni In signing peac
t'eit 'Lm appeared In the form of a re.
f'1 ilii-cii among Adntlnlstrit'on oin-
1 . to. liny
'' 1 i) m obtained from the War 1.
t se..iil ud swords to be con
' ' ! to the paperweights 111 the form
nil 0 plouglmhaii'S. He sent them
'" ' ' ' tl" naval gun factory In Wash
1 it " ' t conversion there.
il l that the workmen at the gun
"cling that It was 11 shame
"I'h good steel, drew upon tin.
ip heap for old nuts and bolts
h t" make the castings of tin
"cs The sword lilndes It Is s.iul
closing hour was sot at 11 o'clock. This
Is changed by the new order to 10 o'clock.
I A closing hour of 7 P. M. h.iB been set
for Woolwich und Oieenwich, and It Is
I proposed to forbid the reopening of
' ralnnns until 10 o'clock In the morning In
I stead of the pn f ent opening hour of 5 or
j d o'clock. The changes In the closing
, hours are taken with a view to decreasing
drinking to a minimum
the business and pnuierty of the railway
In the case of the Madelra-Mamore
Hallway Company the recelverH are pro
vided with power to redeem any securi
ties belonging to the company pledged as
security for loans of money In cases
where In their Judgment an eipilty exists
as to the collateral, .abrlskie, Murray.
Sage A Kerr aro atlortieyn for the complainant.
II ei'ol 11 1 Innlst s rrct finite on Wnr
rnnt Ten Veiirs Old,
fiperttil I'nhle 'ejwilri to This Scs. s. net. 1.1 A letter from Petro
grad, dnted September 30, printed in
It'll iimonlfc, says on Imiulry Into the
nrrest of Vlnfllmtr Hourtsiff, tho Ruaslan
revolutionist, when he entered Russia
some time ago, shown tlint the Ministry
of the Interior had Issued no warrant for
bis nppr elienslrm.
Tm yeans ago, however, the Ministry
of Justine Issued a warrant for tho arrest
of Hourtseff on account of pamphlets
which ho wrote at Geneva, and this war
rant wns never annulled.
Tho present Minister oj Jinnleo. Is
studying the dossier, and the llheratlo.i
of Hotirtseff Is expected soon
Mine. Vli liinl flnesto Ocnevn In
Senreli of Hoy,
Gknkva, via Paris, O. t 15 Mme VI
Vlanl. wife of llene Vlilanl, the French
iT-emtor, has arrived here from Paris to
try to obtain news regarding her son.
who wns n stuibnt In Geneva and of
whom she has been unable to hear since
the Fiench moblUzntlnti.
She asked the ifr-tl Cross for Information
regarding him nnd will appeal to the
President of Ihe Swiss lteimhll'' to lieln
ter In her search. "
In iilc of HiiKlnml Minis s Week's I n-
creos.. nf i:wo,iior,,ono.
SprrUil Cnlilt lirtptitrh to Tin Pes.
Losisin, Oct. 15 The weekly state
ment of the Hank of F.nglnnd shows that
the gold In the bank was Increased bv
fj.43rt.niK 1 f u'.tso.noo) to
1 H'lilt. "."'. onn 1 There was a ellght 1011
ti.ictlon In the note circulation The re
si rve In the bank Increased f2.H4ii.OOii
J13.2OO.O0Ol to 43,01VOOO ( $2 1 5.H!IO,000 )
nnd the ratio ol n serve to liability in
now 2i 40 pur rent.
Public deposits lncrensed M.SSO.OOO
1 $20,400,000) to 23,732.000 ($11.
CSO.OOOl. This reflects the last Issue of
Tnasurv bills. Private deiiolts are now
f ISS.2!',000 ($19 4. 1 43.00(1).
The bank bought tn-d.iv 170.000
Irin.nn0) In eauhs and fsil.noo (4.
II70.IIHO) liar silver fell to 23,il. under
in-essure of American selling
Public HeiilHi Service Sees
Hoiie in (Miniiliiioorrra
Wasiiiniiton, Oct. IB Leprosy may
leld to the ndmlnlJtratlnn of modern
science In the near future If the apparent
succeses of a new treatment of the
Public Health Sendee develop further.
Chaulmongra oil, a tropical product. Is
the basic element of tho ne.v remedy,
which the service to-day reported Is more
itllcaclous than any other medicine
"It produces apparent cures In some
casus," tho service stated, "causes great
Improvement In many othere nnd arrests
tho progress of the disease In nlmosl
every Instnnce."
Kxperlments In the Philippines have
led the service eyierts to believe that
tilth (55,000.000 francs ($13,000,000) fnr
tho five, previous days and 55,000,000
franca ($11,000,000) for thn five days
before that.
The demand for on year bonds Is In
creasing. Of the total subscriptions for
I the live days from October B to October
10 inclusive 41,000.000 franca ($S,2tii),
000) were for otio year bonds. 13.i00,(i())
francs ($2,(100.000) fnr six months
bonds and 29.000,000 francs ($r,SU0,0i)0)
for three months bonds.
Tho Journnl ilrs Drhnlx says editori
ally to-day that the claims niado by
man commercial life, but It does not
state that forced currency has been de
creed nnd that the limit to the Issuo
of paper money has Is-en stipprcesed.
Furthermore, according to the Vcbnli,
Germany ha.i Issued 1,500.000.000 marks
($375,000,000) In special paper and tho
public Is obliged to accept treasury
bonds ns payment. The result Is thnt
the paper money suffers ciuisldvrnble
loss when e.xchnnged for gold within
the country Itself, whereas In France:
there Is no ptemlum on gold nnd t'.io
paper nf the Hank of Franco ban pre-i-erveil
Its Integral value.
The circular, says the Drbata, boasts
thnt no moratorium Is necessary In
Germany, but slates that all debts crn
tracted abroad beforo .Inly 31 cannot
form the object of Judicial action.
Kvery German merchant can ohtnln for
Internal debts a postponement nf three
months of any Judicial procesn, which
virtually means n moratorium.
Tho .owrnaJ iff Debuts draws atten
tion to the fact thnt exchange at Now
York on Germany Is iitotcil at 3 per
cent. loss, while) exchange with Franco
Is quoted at 2 per cent, premium. Tho
German mnrk has depreciated on the
Germany of being In a nourishing
economical condition are merely "bluff."
A German otllclal circular says ths
Relchsbanlc him taken tho long foremen
measures to assuro the working of Oer
Dutcli market, which Is one of tho few
remaining open to Ocrmany. A 100
mark cheek on Amsterdam was worth
soon they will be able to cope successfully
with the leprosy scourge which makes Its . 59 florins on August 0, 50.05 on Sep
lictlm an outcast. j temls-r 22 and 53. SO on October 7.
Stem Brothers
42nJ and 43rJ Streets, st of Fifth Avenue.
The Men's Clothing Department
Has prepared for To-day and Saturday the following attractive values:
' ir I
.1 u
t u
f iT
I'onsiil-Renernl Here Thinks War
Hole Depends on Ilnxlnnd.
Although Portugal has sent soldiers to
Africa to strengthen the forces guarding
the c lonlal possessions or Portugal ad-
Joining those of Germany, this should not
be understood ns a declaration of war. ac. j
cordlnir to a statement made by 11. C ,
Sanipalo. Portuguese Consul-neneral In
New Yoik, yesterdav.
It was announced yesterday afternoon '
that two forces nf Portuguese troops, fnr i
one of which Kngllsh transports were !
usee?, havo left Lisbon for Portuguese
colonies In Africa.
Commenting on this. Senhor Sanipalo said ,
that Portugal would not declare war un- I
less called on to do mi hy Kngland. In I
that event the declaration would only
take the form of an announcement that V,
Portugal would live up to ner ireaiy wun
Kngland and give aid to England's forces
In Africa. Portugal has no Intention of
Joining In the war In Kuropo. No olll
clal word bus bun received hero as yet.
-A --.-
Ilrltiilo llHrs Transit nf Messages
Kicept Through Post.
Sprrial Ciihlt Htuptite) In Tim Hcn.
Loxikin, Oct. 15. A royal proclamation
Issued to-day forbids tho transit except
ilnough the post of any letter or written
1 message for any person of whateier na
tl nillty who Is carrying 011 biis ncss
with an enemy of the country Any one
use in inak'i.g 1 lined tnoN land ng '11 or embarking from the Pulled
' J t riptionu uiioi 111 the gun
Kingdom must declare whether ho Is con-
Stem Brothers
42nJ rl 43tJ Streets. WZst ofMi shenue.
Are prepared to make to order in the greatly
enlarged Dressmaking Department,
on the Third Floor,
Tailored Suits,
Afternoon and Evening Gowns,
Daneing Frocks
from the latest Parisian interpretations of
the new modes and from correct materials
such as are used by the leading French
At Very Mpdcrate Prices
Men's Fall Overcoats, at $18.50
In smart, looso-tltttnp; rag-Inns nnd ulip-ons,
made of hich Rrndo fabrics, in browns, blues,
prays nnd mixtures; nlsn full silk-lined models
for dress wenr; in sizes H.'l to -If! chest.
KcR-ulnrly ?'J5.00 to 30.00
Men's Fall Suits, - at $25.00
Carrying- the conviction of style nnd qunlity
in fabrics and tailoring-. There is nn excellent
choice of models, ranpinc from the conserva
tive to the most extreme; sizes ,13 to 48 chest
measure, in nil proportions.
Men's Light Weight Overcoats, at $24.50
Full silk lined dress models, some braid bound; sltiRle and double-brcnstcd closc-fittinp; styles
with velvet collars; nnd n wide rnnite of loose fitting- rng-lnns nnd slip-ons; 3-1 to 48 chest.
Rt-Kulnrly ?35.00 to 40.00
Young Men's Suits, - at $1.5.00
Cleverly hnnd tailored models, in plain blues,
prnys nnd n splendid variety of new dark mix
tures; sizes 32 to 40 chest mensuro,
Refjulnrly $22.fi0
Young Men's Overcoats, at $15.00
In loose-fitting: rap-Inn effects with lapels or
button-to-ncck models; neat black nnd white
mixtures predominate; sizes 32 to 42 chest.
KeRulnrly $20.00
The Men's Shoe Department
(CONVENIENTLY located on the Main Floor, Sixth Avenue Entrance,
offers a large and complete variety of correct Fall and Winter Foot
wear made of the most approved leathers, for evening and street wear.
Onr .Bench Made Shoes at $10.00
should appeal to the man who has heen having his shoes made by a custom
shoe maker. They are constructed on the most approved lasts and are
equal in every respect to the most exclusive made-to-order shoes.
Special for To-day and Sal unlay
Men's Shoes at $3.75 and $4.85
Regular Values $5.00 to 7.00 a pair
made in lace and button styles, on good-fitting custom lasts,
in tan or black Russia calfskin and patent coltskin.
vc) lug Icltua or nicbsaKea.