Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SAi uhDnY, OuiUiiIi.K 17, 191 Miracle Man Here, Denies Trouble With Ban Johnson Notre Dame Assails Yale Eleven To-day, 10 4 Mia a' Jl STALLINGS IN TOWN; ALL WELL WITH BAN - ;BoIp WIM Ou.nril Th l.'r.WSE.'K'SffS:! on the Outs With Johnson Sure Tcnin Will llt-pont. COLIiKf'TS CLOIHES HKTS t amnio... of the' im.Ki world's champion Hoston Ilraves arrived In this city late last night. The Miracle , Mnn of the llubjs on his way to his Southern plnntatlonenr Haddocks. (la.. where he spendiia winters He will visit seven! day l this city before con- tlnulng southward Mailings was very much Incensed over . interview attributed to b.m w , ch ''-J ' " 'nAnt was printed In a New ork paper, pur , hR M,riW ,, othpr managirs porting to lay at Hin John-nil's door all , nr,, ,1(lt nPy ,,, overlook. Kanff has bad the trouble which led up to the dismissal marvellous season with the outlaws, but of the Ills Chief from the management thit company Is not of major league call . vlt v,i, v...ri,-nii it -he elo"" bre U.iuff Is a real spr.d marvel, but of the New nrk Amerb nils at lie mo .,iihl- lies below the of the season of 1!I It will be mucin- (n,r m, xhree time's this season he adopted by the American Olympic Com bered that Stalllngs In less than twoe.ei- ,), thril ,a,0 wn,. that cushion mltl.-e, which already has accepted Indl- tons had built up a hope'.cs looking tall- ender Into a pennant proi;in t a! the time le he was awakened so ruuei) irooi dreams of Ambition toward further prog- rers. "Vou cannot deny too emphatb ally for me" said Stnlllngs Inst night, ".my rrltl- 1-1 .. .. oil. 111. al III (til cism oi nan j.Niu.-.m ";' ; V. '''tfhlw no. been frl. n llv Aiwa s I, "JUS il?? tr that never u t . y oVl 'V f 'VSf." nrd r .. .. .endo, at- --- j,i. r"i , , ,J imc I m'v- , ; ' , ,.iiii ih,. New York ered my connection with tin M ora AAt 'Iwte I told the New York writers who aci ouip.itiled the club that ill . - - .,!, "rZon 'was-absotutely blanie.e.s Certainly I sliouM not have said so had I not been nbsolufdy sure of my grounds t vl.11,,1 Mr. Johnson a: 111 Chicago .1,. , .1,, trouble broke nut with ui.iv'-' ""- , ... .,.. r.i r.un. i hi, k.ii fci.eii inter inui hm- ren-ce'That no hiam., attached to the president of the American League. "Mr. .loinisou aim i ".; ferences, IU Is -rue. Hut In PL" true. iiui in epi" ."' them hli .ilnllty always lias ntmanuen rro- resp.rt and I have . I"" ' believe tint In a largo degree that respect i. f,. much already has been made of th(e little unplcisantrlcs 'hit are hound to creep out In a competition ot su-h intense rivalry and enthusiasm as that which uiaik the annual worlds series battles I have no quarrel w. 1. any on" In oi'g.uilicd biebnll, but ir i hnd t thin!. 1 should be able to settle my private affal ulthuut newspaper exploit, atlon of lh. in "The Iiisi-j.i'I season of 151.1 Ins passed into hlstorv I urn satisfied with what my team accomplished and ntn willing to re- i. ...,...n. till another Ke.ison rolls around. UV shall .ill be out again next , season to try fo: u repetition of tbl sea- son's succes-. Hut I think It Is scarcely fair to nie or my associates to place me i in the position of a bragg.ut. boasting, over the -everses of a worthy rival I ... . ..... . .... U . ..I n In.ur lint In ,n n lr .. ' "-".I ,r winner. I hav no desire to tnugh In any- hody'B face, least of all In that of a man who has done so niucn 101 uie i"u'i",r-, ment of' .is has Johnson, nresdent of the American League." 1 Fe v r f M iim.g";.i friends ytere aware of his pres'eno- In this city last night, so thnt only a eorporal's guard of welcome, s were at' the Somerst Hotel to offer con- graimaiions w.e . ,g ...e .... .- .an hi 111 I'll t 11 IO jit tllO rlUPCsVf.l ()I nil great tight ag"lnst odds th.ougli the last bait of the season and In the wo.'d's series .iirainst Connie Mack's supposedly Invincible array Mailings win , the town much richer In world) inlment. lit. faith In the Ilraves during the visit here of the Hoston club resulted In . the Miracle Man's acceptance of sundry wagers of clothing, hats and the like. The j Chief accepted almost every proposition i that Involve 1 the merit or nis men as op- Washington Americans; i tiuik .mch-t- , K)Vl, ,)m ., ,,.nlte answer and re posed to Individual rivals on world's se- .mott. Memphis Southern Association ; f.r,.,) ),,, to Manager Hank o'Day If rle form. And on only one bet did he fall I John H Miller. Pittsburg Nationals; ,n nlter . ei onimenils Mat the lines to make good hie prognostication A local j i-Mward Zlnimcrin in, Newark Intir- i.p returned, the) will bi newspaper writer won a hat as the result ; nailonnlB Manager D'D.iv was at the olllce, but of Connolly's failure to outhlt Home Hun The number of viee-presldcnts and Knl , ).fr(. Zlmmerinan arrlvul there. Haker In the four games. '.htalllngs is very eninusiasi.c over prospects ror nexi sensno. ne ncii.-.. that he will repeat his successes In both the Natlonnl League nnd world's chain- plonshlp struggles. ' "My team Is young, energetic and game to the core," said Sttlllngs, "There is not , a man who should not be ns good nexi vear as he was this season, nnd some of . them should be greatly improven. joiiuny i Kvers is tne only veteran piayer oi inc i Braves, seasons This was one or nis very . Which proves that he Is at the ' very lenlth of his power. Now I think .i.i. a b .. n.... x-n... 1 ti.iH , thnt eveiy one who saw the recent world's series will agree finally with my views that my Infield Is one of the greatest of all time. It should stnrt In next spring where lt left off this fall. "Hudolph, James nnd Tyler, the three pitchers who were so Instrumental in win ring the pennant, are young men who nie Just beginning their brilliant careers. They will bo able to do thing" more easily In 1915 or 1 shnll be gre.ttl) mis taken. I hnve a lot of youivx pitchers, nmong them Davis, Strand, Crutcher. Cocrehnni and Hughes, who will be heard from. All but Hughes have had the benefit of one year's association with a cham pionship club I think they will show as much Improvement over 'Ins year as Jntnes showed In 1PM over hi 1913 form To Rnw-riv I hnve the best catcher In the. ftllonai League- -tnere is no nouiu of ' thnt and I have the material for an out field thnt should compare favorably with the best I expect no walkover, under stand, but my team can repeat If It Is as serious as It wns throughout the recent i campaign" i ut,.ll.,.,.u 1,u ...11..,! n nmnl... r,' ,.f . . of theatrical engagement, but i ' ng pursued so relentlessly by Da ne , i,,,, , tunlts that It would not be i- nl If he fell finally to her wl'c T in.: i . I nger of the Ilraves lost a ' (... . i .d 'i ,11 tt' 111.. l.tirmiiM ... Illu ' plantntlou I of .1,000 ncivs. neyoted mnstlv In Ihe cultivntlon nf ollnn ,1-- ... ... .... u r' ,;, v ;. r : 1 pj: his fortune by HO.noo. Certain high officials of organl7ed base ball hnve Inclined lo the belief that at list pnrt of the present reported activity i i T' League agents against m.i.'o.' league iu'o,erl) h.i'i been tho expv lot. 1 of icbeme for neeiled public'.; . the West It hns been reported thnt N.itlo.ial l.e.ignr stars Induced to break their coniiic- .-, purpose of Jolntm the liiMo'',) s Mi. League, tenni At lea-,; tl.U phi -.f Uim n ports was built up from puro tlon Waller s u-. .j, vrenurer of the llrook- I lyn Federals, who iceutl) hn" iM'timed sejiie of the liurdeiiH of I hi u-.iui'-, ni;ii. bgenient, as It would a;, . . -.intcil ver emphatlcnlly yesterdav thnt he and his business ii.boc.tes were not in the market , lor any players undo- co .tract. "iiucii icports have dune us a in .rked ' Injustice," he dcrlaml "Hobiit II. Ward put himself on reuu.l a, npiiosol lo mteli , practice when us pnsldint of our club ho decided to pioinote an Imb , nib nt t. ini 1 In Hronklyn We hnvi il.,,ut. 1 one. bit finm that uttllud. f'l ijri., ni.ib r ' contrail to uigamzed biselvli , n'.v fn; ' 1915 will i,e ibsoinieiy H:lf, r.-on, nP In- s. iii rrni- n' part .11 I..II-... .... ... i'viism.-, contmucu (tic young mag Inatr, "that there are mm proenlncnt In the lVdeml league who have no inch nusliiees scruples In connection wl'h eon tracts which some of the law fi'irtM of the land have hold Inequitable. It it trim that our league docs not tespcet the valid ity of tin' reserve clause, which has been proved mill and void. And you also must lemcmber that some of the players that major league owners announced they held than the barrier of a 191I reserve between themselves and liberty. I "I have signed ninl am signing all the players for the Ilrooklyn League, i , club and I can say truthfully that not one , athlete recruited for our team lin been ' The itrookiyn K.derai league Viuhu ab. j 1 solutely Innocent of such charges." One of the most absurd tales that has; received publicity In many a tt.iy was th.. nlleired slunlnir bv McOmw tor I2M0D 0f Outfielder Hum)' Kauff of the pennant winning Indlauapnlls Federal League club. To begin with. New Vork could not nego. :;n;:,l:ihbjj1lfr .'.nuhM.'.np. ,,ry ()f (MP i Mi (1 tl.( no( i American Ann-, elation club. In case of Kedernl failure the dlsxisltlon of Kanff would rest en- was oicupled by a friend, or such stuir nuo major leagu. sinrs are on nniue. . .ii, ,,f Cderal- J(t t,,.,(. lt ,ay Interest f.inilom to know thai !.1.tf2 was the total paid at-' tendance at all of the home games of the Pittsburg club this season. These ngurcs have b.eii furnished the National Com- .,..,, , h ,., nbl.. sourcea. In other words. It Is doubtful If the Pitts-, burg IV.lerals had a total gate of 130.000 1 for venty-seven home Kan,es, for th . ..,i,i.i.,,,v iv 1 nut iiveraa-e 60 rents Pittsburg was one of the first clubs to Intioduce ss ent nnse ia . , ..... I ,.r,.,dent James B. (laffney of the llos- ,o world's champions returned las, nhtht trm ty t Aure. Mr OafTney wa, ,,rPy Wftt orn .ut from the world's ,t.rlp, or,)t.,u , rof.r.ce to providing j ,ri,Ms for his friends and alleged frlend. " h. rt, ,.. ...., ..limbered ! The oner of the Hrave. numbered j - i( u u .ru,a,,.. a ta u-pnni ,ir run. 1 nWtri. ItalK .rMwhile boss of the Cuba. Chubby r - harle - came through with a gi for johnny livers, his former jreat boo fnr in.,,,.,.. Kvera. hla former kevstMe u af.ey Intends to s-nd a week or ten days In pursuit of the quiet " PLAYERS' UNION ELECTS AN OUTLAW AS DIRECTOR I'l-oil Slinit i. .Illliltlpr t(i Mil f fl'llS 1 1 : Kroin Urn vps. n Hnanl of Krntprnity. 1 night and has h's plans laid s that the Irish club may make ,i big howlng Hob Pavld L Fultz. the energetic president ertson said yesterday that so far as po- f the H.,seh,ll Players Fraternity Will receive every i ncoiiragement from the nnk anil file of the profession In his efforts to effect conteinplateii reiorms. . h . . r.ivcted to the n'ls JMM "HP" r" , , 1 ,' presidency of the association for a term of three years He w.u Indorsed by the )()ard of directors at a meeting held i Tmr,ay afternoon and evening In the ep(.u.,v,, ,,., ,, Wall rtreet. Blwinl M. Ileulbach. the giant pitcher of tho Ilrooklyn Dodgers, was rewarded fn. i.i. ,-nosclentlous labors as first vice- .)r,.s,iet wlt, tm. ,.w ofllce of secretary ' vlce-nresldents who with the prel- ice-pn siiienis. wno wun in. in.i dent and s.vretary. will constltutn the bo.iid of aihlsers, are Itaymond W. Col itn1 Hoston Americans: Jacob H. Dau- i.rt. Hnioklyn Nationals ; John P Henry. nn mbers ot tne auvisory oouru was in- creasiil rroni lour io six so as io give tne i iass a. a i ann .a-s , h-iikiks ,, I c each The new boird of directors will Includi Samuel Agnew. St Louis AmeCcins Harrv n. Haylesj, Venice, Cil. ; John J A ll!l", Vuilre. Walter C. Holes, Lu Angele, Pacific Coast. Heniy .1. Hutcher. ii,.,.r u-es-em Mn r: i'i.r,.v I'li'a. I xjlK .Vatlnnal . Tyrus It. Cobb, Detroit Amrrlc-an . John Collins, Chicago Ainer- i .ca1 it,,niond W Collins. Hiton Amer- ,P1 '. Samuel K. Crawford. Detroit Amer-' ' . loins, (lenrge W Cutshaw. Hrooklvn Na- tlun ils . otto Ddnlnuer. Montreal Inter- Southern Association . Lee Mngee, St. Louis Nationals ; Fred C. Merkle, New York National . Albert J. Nleboff, Cin cinnati Nationals. Wilbur Schardt, In dl in. i polls, American Association, Fre V. Smith. Ilurf.ilo Federal: IMwnrd ' Sweeii-), Ne.i York Amerlcins. William i H. Sweeney. Chicago Nntlonul , Junes S. Williams, Minneapolis American Asaocla-! tlon. F.dwanl D. Zimmerman. Newark In. icrn 11.11.1,11., nun i.ii.u ... r urz, Th. pteildent of the fraternity refused point blank yesterday to discuss the ac tion of the recent meeting further than to annouii.'e the result of the elections. Mr. 1' uu iicciaren mat tne miuhcm was m "Hv routine, though he admitted that if er 1 .1 1 1, of the nresenl r.tim ..r ' g.inlre.1 baseball contract had been ills. I cut--- d It Is the Intention of the fra-1 ti in.ty to iiemt certain demands: for vnn- tract modlllc itlons to both the Natlonnl ini ,., inilOII national!: Frank Dexnii. Lincoln. West- ... .... ..... .. .... ' i. .. r..,.t ...a ,,i.,. nin. .rn Willi,..,, Klwert. .Montreal Inlei n... . v" " m,V "r-llg 11. as uiefe coma ,."";''",:' nV"' .. 1 v need for r, contest to-day Which V ..... ........... ... ... ------- - are t ei tor a trop.) put up lor t ie ast . iinrmuj. ... ,.r, , ,mn ..,, .inc on their dual rn tlon-ils John J l.vers Hoston Nationals . ,( and Which will be decided by Lam. The athletic, association has re-, ''? J" ;, ' 1 " I h" John P. Henry. Wash naton Amer c ms: i ... n... fn.e.i in st. mmiev to n on the on v nnn.ner n ru nun pri cision ine ...e...r,. II..1.I ii,..i,,i, v...ri,.,.n. ' ' "r -.... .ii .. i.i ..l.V......j i,,a..... ..-i..!,! ' ... fcrel.t teams have (.coulrcl at this " , ,:,,' , tr pB ,. ,,,. un M r iiaipin. cnaiiman, '.i " s""'. "".' ' i of the cmn-ilc-n nnv be Tbnniis Jones. Milwaukee. Amer can As-i ............ - t.-tr. 1...1. 1 n in nf H. lie ,1 Ih nvn lntite because of "". c-nmi .iw.ii nit) no ...latin.,, -loll. .1. l.i.l,..-l. PMln,l,.l,,!,,H ' " " V"' ' "' " " ""'' ' I , . ..T.i. ...V,.. .a.., , . T-r..,,, . 1.- uftirnoon by a wot field and a v... ....... u ............. . ' I -"iin avenue. ".';,... Ivill Hnveier. most of the teams v .tiiituiiiii" , i i mi i ,nt iri iimu, .. r nil mi ii, i . . - i 1 1 ill i; ii i nil i ii fin lit tin i -i n t lit- iiit'H n .1 I ,Jns ginernlng powers of major and m Inor r I I league base'iai;. u spectlvcly. " ultg A, iwonlU no- !. . ,lst ,, tll whlll ' on. mission nnd the .NatloiiHl A.soi I InL.a il.tii.imls ,n.,t 1... II.. .1 ......... ... :t v;-, ,,,- -, ,,, . , ::,-. that iduse of th- sltii itlon until aftei tho urn, in. it luul I,. ., miiIimi.ii.,.1 ....... I .1... ... the iiivi ..f i nl2'd baseball - . s;i:.ll'iit " it which Mr Fult7 and' ;' -i- I., lls-us was the pr, - n-c or Mi . b,(1r .,r s of a ! Filler il l..'1'P I "I ll'Mtli. Fled V. , .V .. i '-.t.. v. I st of the ' Li ' U" ''I'll Hi Juniiixl , s'lll'Ml ll 'II It 'I , f I. intra, t last ' inch. mm. nU.i on i ,: n- .' -if of " ' ' '" ' ' I' "d to lme 1 - '.,1 f i It- -1. to Mil hi lot with the 'ieiiil'"it J. First iar nt It I,.. CitiiMiin, Oct. Hi- lleiiled by King I (nie. New orli Aumrlcili luiller, the N...liuial and American l.eagu,, coin sick.! is who nie lo tour the I'.icltlr Ohm and. II. wall this winter ,,h all star aggreg. ' tlons ben,,, tumbling Int.. town l ,j lllirrv Lews if he OStllll toil Knv i, It'll .imnes or lh . ll'ulo , Ilraves voie other ei"iy The tennis will leave to.mnriow ( Mlnne ,. K win re the III4" gun. wll le. played Siinlny. POI-'Ol l.-Oall'' s ni' Pi i ,. i ,(li .1 game. P" ml t. ILlll'mnl f 'seeond gain.- Hlin IV. ui. Iv, , 11. Venn', 0, Lou AngeUi. b, Hl.iluns, 0, PLANS CONFLICT FOR SULLIVAN MEMORIAL Differ-..! Sri , for"""'."," sr- V!,S":r''S!', lliiishifr Xccilcd Funds Miiy Ciiiisp Difficulties. MOXKY HBI.Vfi COIiLKCTED i Prlends of the lnt James K. Sullivan - ............. ... wero somewhat disturbed yesterday over a' sent broadcast and asking for (l Ii0piiln r subscription of $211,000 for n ..,.., , th. alh,C lpa,,fr. Previous to the appearance of this circular a fund had already been started by the American Olympic Committee and many sub-scrip- ,(in( mi(, ,)(.cn r(,.rved from clubs and Individuals connected with the Amateur i Athletic t'nlon. 1 The circular, unauthorized by present ' A. A. 1' oiriclals, names the maximum sum of $1 ns the amount to be subscribed. This Is nt variance with the policy vmu.u sunscripuons oi iyu ami ns inui ii i ,ir tuv nun, ..irinrpunuiii ...-f-wx , i tlon. According to the latest circular some men well known In amateur athletics' favor the 1 1 Idea, but there Is constderabl.) doubt among the prisent rulers as to wnetner .1 nul l suniciem io i-onime. i r r adequately Sullivan's efforts for athletics can be leallzcd an lie leanzeii mc iniuviiiuai run- serlptlons to the belief Is that . ea tribute should gi fund so limited. Their each man wishing to con- give Just what he Is able to nlluru. iron, l the nickel of the schooi- boy to the $1 if th- wealth)' athlete no win iom-s mis iiouuol n.nv ,,.... than the schoolboy will his nickel. There was lu. attempt y' T?""1 Jm K Sullivan nnrt tornrl n''' Ve gh? m o Ih b .irrt if "J " 7 the A A " In Its e rl est 0'rT".0't'',V' j,., '": '7 V. obtained If the sub- . .. ... .. ..... ..... ... E'I, ' ! . " 'r u... , lh,. attention of Jus- mailer was c.iuen m wit- iiiieiuuiii ..i u-.- II,,...... U MVal. eret,.rv.lrellir, r of the Amateur Athletic Cnlon and a member of the sub-committee appointed , hv the Vmerlein Olvmnlc committee m 1, , rnnose.i memorial, he said ! ' "' . ".'" " : . 1 on nm sol 1 letlc hive subscribed and the Metropolitan As soolatlun has fssiied a circular to the clulw In that association, but no appeal has yet been made to the general public." Law-son Itobertsan. trainer of the Irish American A C alnadv Is looking for M-inl tu the big athletic nice tings to re 1 held In connection with the 'ann ntn Pa- elite Imposition next year With the nxt tU tuple games shrouded in iiount ne con slders thee g.uii.s the most Important III "line oe wiiiini Heei uie in, nun i i'l 1111 ,,eMtlons after th-club gam -s In the (5nr irisa .iioeri iao . "in "i nei,"i i"i den on November IH His reason Is that ion m une inn .1 n.inin.u-i . i,u sumnur and will need n good long rent before starting to prepare for the San yran.lK me ZIM WANTS FINES REMITTED. Telia Tlliillllla ( litis Host llo Thill lir Si-lul Hint llNevi here. ClllCAiio, net. 16. -Heinle Zimmerman had hN lighting ciothes on to-diy. He was one of the Chicago i'ub who met " beailquarters t., obtain his share of ...i,u.i.i.. ...,,..v rollfri,, w(ll ,.,,,. i Thomas and diiniinibi that the tines i lvhlch were taken away from him this Humtni r be return. d Thomas refused y.iininerin.ui wa, and declared ili.ii "ir 1 1... trenieil white" In. ilemand that the Chicago club trade' or sell him to any club It pleases and he will not care. j Illuiiiiiiiil Kings for oinieiirA. j entries close on Monday for the ama-i teur boxing tournament of the New York I ' 111 " um gymnasium o ; ' " """ r -- V' "", ""' " , 1-1 " l1u l",uniis nun uie prizes diamond ring to wlnnir, gold writcb ' in,i n.iii ui l.,p m..iii.i iti i..u..i lit to second and silver medal to losvi In ninl-tlnal bout In inch clans The t'nlon Settlement ami West Iliir'.em A. C mem Olilrlnir Tom. Ilia Aliened Wife. I'llli.Al.n.Pitu. uct HI -Despite n' suit nied against him for disunion and' non-stipimrt n.v a woinin wno claims to, be his wire, mine muring 01 tne AthletlcH, obtained a marriage ln enso lo-uay to wen uannan u. i nomas ot IT'dgi ton. N. .1 He got th license shortly after leaving the ilomestli' l.itlons court, where he appeared to .."ewer charges of llel.c.i 1. (llrth if Wllkesbarre. Pa. Oldrlng told the II c turn clerk lie never hnd lieen nmtrled The non-support suit was continued for two weeks. Tun Full Holfer Storm. I'Kti.Atini piiia, Oct Ifi.- Th tlnal round for tho chief trophy In the tournament given by Mis tleorge C. Thomas. Jr.. ' I'hllnde!hbi Cricket Club, at St. Mnr - ,,..,, t ri II 11 llnL.u- l..rlM ' tl"'".'" U,H "' ' ,,'V1',,w',M"rl""' ' "" ' , " ! , 7 i ' V ''r'n'1i w'1" , not P aye. to- , " '' 'M'":;" "-,i of ti. second .it.t pin,c,i .icsmte "";,!'""'1I ' .MUM It Fthel Mnule Merlon Cricket ..nn., .i.erion iriiaei .Club, defeated Mrs William S Hllles ' '? IV.',,!." u'o:-"..' i.'L" , mm ,IV,M1'1 S"' Mi,,,u' t0"k 9'' ,n Ml " 1 ,llps '!'' Doliiiii Knoel.A Hut lloir.n.. .., Johnnie Dohnn k ocked out J.innile HnfTtiinn In the sixth round of the main bout at the Itldgewood Sporting Club last ' night , .time Meet- S tii 1 1 It mid Wins, j At the Viinlerl.llt A. C. last night Willie .Inritw oulltoltlteil tl.rrv Smith ti, the nmln bout of the evening. TnLea No ( linnees. , "f""'' 8 'm ''"".' 1"nttll","r c" .'V1'" ''bnnceH 'vhlle no I i I'M feet coud tlon ,11""'" ........... I'll- , innnngement Inst night that be would no - H -i :'. tlm: fo 'd i sdieduled bout with llari) S'i ne The event w is called nlf mil the dub nut .n a c,i d of preliminary Inxeis. niUfy'ng those prisent thai thel. "rain pbei ks" wo.i'd b . honored next l.'rldiy ulgnt A" the bnutK contested were sis iniinds except o ic n ten, In vhlc;- Willie Dalo outpointed Frunkle s ai.anun. "The c.mmiu.-e ha. not yet determined n P ays Hay H dge at West Lnd ; n' v. the rorm when the memorial w-.ii taae . . - Knnsis vs. IiraKa at lies .niunes. - " " . . . .. Ii. O v i'ln.1' rw? lla.. Ill, l.. I.... .1, 1. . . . . ... - i ... at l n n r.nrn hnu'M'.p Ih mil pjlinl alrnnir finrt I 1 no nns neeii aumonicu 10 i - " .-.enrasaa vs. ia- ,;" , V , ; v. , cit rubscrlptlms. The Amateur Ath-, hn Improved wonderfully then ' liaitan ,-hattnooa ' "'"V1 h',s !ir?I'nrrl1 straight attack I ITninn and its various associations j'"m promises 10 maae n ftirong inn lor me i w men in eaiiei i.u 10 nr kudu enouKn. , GETTYSBURG CALLS OFF GAME. Itrfusea to NtleU to Its I :i IkI l 1 1 1 Agreement With lllekliisoii. (ahi.ihi.e. Pa., Oct. Ifi.--Jctt.vsl.urs Colltge cancelled tills evenliiK -to-morrow's came scheduled on Its grounds ign.hst Dickinson after the latter uskcu u 10 the colleges conduct athletics C.ettys hurg tcfil'id, say In It would play Its preparatory students, even though riK.iliit aKreeinent, as It believes Dickinson had violated the contract before this. Acting President James II. Morgan, " T. , u '.t 11 rtri'i1.?!'" 1 1, 7h., rnTiis e i faculty ninl officials knew tho I college hail been careful to stick scrupu. i lously to the terms of the (Irttyeiiui g- Dickinson contract. The cancellation khis i.i-...,-. vnt or Hie foothill tv: the Y.. '"n.t ..of. .. 1 Lh. son In this sectl u and l.irge numbers of alumni of both colleges now here are badly disappointed. SCHOLASTIC TEAMS IN ELEVEN GAMES TO-DAY Cominon'o-Pnwlinp; and Clinton Rny Hidjrc Contests Ltmk Like (Jood Ones. JTIIOI.ASTtr flAMKH TO DAY. Commerce n, Pnwllna School, at Pawl. In. ' Mftrrla va C...l. a. -... I. Pl.l.l a....n Island. I Cntnmerrlsl V- Ktlivvaiint. At Cnmm.r- elal PMd Adelplil vs. Hoys' lllsh. at Adelphl Field. Hi) llldge is. n Witt fllnton, nt Vet i:nd Oval Erasmus Hall vs. Ilrooklyn Prep, al Haw thorne Flelil. rniy rrfp Stevens Prep, at Hnlioken Academy. V.t,,.rhai, fSV.l ,or" """"" Mercer.burg vs. Tenn freshm-n at Mer St. John's Prep vs Flushing, at Flushing. 1 rlairg. ..hv.. St. Paul', school is. Newark Academy, at ' A"rt,n." .v,v flu,?'"hli,.fi r.Mer The -- busy. The eleven football games scheduled for 1 i III keep the scholastic followers rnln, however. Is apt to eauro 1 ,,u"cl postponement of manv of th.i I'onlestn. Thl, nrni,ai.i.. nni,i r.,,,u th. ..Ii in ' K 'I'' The Commerce-Paw- lnK Pmp on thelntter'a gridiron prom- . . . . . .'.,.. i",;, 10 "P ne thP SCnSOnS hfSt .It-, ,ra,'!,,l0,,3 In Ilrooklyn two Interborough Karnes'. ,,r 'onusien. uommercini will nave : Stuyveaant ns opponents, while De Witt 1 I,, l. . ...... M . . ... . Oi,.. f...,.An 1 nr. . gam? The New York Military' Academy . friuii Cornwall-on-IIudmii will pn to Suburban Ovnl, Ilrooklyn. to play the Training eleven A special boat has been chartered for tho occasion and ! the students, 250 strong, accompanied ! by their cadet bind, will Invade Hrooklvn. 1 The boat will dock at Fulton street. I whence special cara will convey the party 1 to the grounds, iHK stiirt in v. v. t . i.ine. Hecauso of the muddy field there was o , utdoor practice at New York I'nl- , erslty estcrdny. Cjach Itlley took le squid Into the gymnasium for a no , indoor nraet en m V,u- Vori, fi.i xerslty jestcrdny. Cjach Itllev took the long signal drill Knch man wan i.ske.1 his duties on each pl.t) and many mis- takes wero uncovered At the close of the drill Coach Itlley d'agrammed on the blHCklKiard .11 the plays used thus far. The line that will face llaverford day has been newly arranged In order to till the end positions made Vacant by the l.s. of ('arroll and MnclCenzle through faculty actb.n It h,s been neces- sary to shift Somers to right end Hage- meyer has been shifted from left guard' ia ri-iii meUle Wnltmun will .tart :.i lift end. but It is doubtful if his In- ' lined shoulder will permit him to last thiough the game. Kven with a weakened line the New rKZL:,J:Xu Prl bv tho () . ke a 1 Yorkers are bent Horn evening tin for , at the last meeting of the two col- leges rniy Kxperta llnrdi-at ti.iine West Point. Oct. prepara- tlons for the Colgate game was com-"gone pleted lu a driving rainstorm to-day. The Held was soggy and the ball slippery Th coaches, fearing to Incur further In- in ihs nlnveri. nut the men through the lightest Kind of worn. niw,ias Wllstnn, the teams nesi uunrieroacn, punt, a session at the dummy and a signal drill made up the programme. Fori will get OUphant's berth In the backlield to-morrow, as the former Purdue star ! sun on oruicnrs, uei.ey is nariy io oe .....i rOP Merrlllat at end. although Merry may start the game In the position. The ciiwest cintest tnus lar uns sca-on ior uie c.iueis is looked for. though the Atmy will t,gnt nam lor a cienn s.aie run sioeriT Team Lacks u I'lelil, I'll II.Al.Kl.l'Kt A. Oct. Hi. Coach Stewart1 "mcs in u w . n . nc n , .an o i m .. ..... .. . .. ....i ... a . -a .... r,ur to give the men practice on regulation Held the co icli has been forced for the pnM week to take the men nut to the ilermatitoivn Cricket Club grounds at , Manhelm. This cause the men a , expense nnd wane or time ann Is cousin- enl hardly fair nfter the line showing they made last year In the Inteicollegl ates. '"rr wr ... rn -i . .ia mnnl.tii. ,tl I. & l..l..t m M mm . t .... , ,,.., ,..,.s . ,r , lllu ,.i,it, , i,,; i.i.i luiuri- l.e.iie n-l no held at the Park Avenue Hotel this after- noon. Ilcin cselitatlves cf each member of the league, which comprises Harvard. Coinelt Lehigh. Sw rthmnre, Johns Hop. kins. Stevens Institute- ml Hobnrt. will , be present The playing rules fnr the ' coming ear will be revised nnd sched- !.. ,.f r. m. a n-111 ., f.irn.A,. Ia H....1.. ,,le "f Kam" wl" ' '' r VinKea Si Sliort Worl. nf Th ii. Alfredo De Oro, three cushion ihaiii - plon, continued his winning form at I IM'Io'k yesterday. In the afternoon he ,, ., , irooi iltll.j ill sev illy - 1 ine high runs of S and 4 t tduhl he! Llnl K (l.n who I J .,'V' , ,V" VA..i ... J...... 1 1,.. .. ,.f r.n I,, in in ivi..r... i... I i,,u ' - - Middles Can Wntcli Teimla tel.e.. I Annai' Oct. in It. Alexander, Walter M Hall. Denn Mnthey and (ieorge M. Church, minis players of natlonnl 1 1 ill 1 II K Mill, I'ti.a ... . . ...... i. "ii it,'... I, I .... i.i.l.Li. I . . ngiiins, .iitiiAii linii.-ii n.ii' iiioiiirrii,v uftirnoon. The event will take the plnce nf tin usual Slturday football gnnie as the eleven pMvs thn Fnlverslty of Penn. sylvanla lu Phllsdelplila. Will Ki'i'ii IIoiiai. Open All Winter, Two hundred membera of the Larch- ni.ll'.ri-"! mciiii.ei o ui in.- i.iii.ii- 'mont Yacht Club met at the Waldorf- Aslnrl.i last night to hear the report of the I H'li clal cninniltvos of Itiycstlgntlon ap - ' pointed at the meeting of Sept. tuber 25 1 . n-ccrtnln whether It I ddvlsahle nnd pr.i-tlcnl to keep the clubhouse open this wlntir for the of tin, nn...- hcri f."cclnll) those who enjo) th spoil iif trap shooting It wag dcolded to keep .l.iu iiuubc uitis. STRONG OPPOSITION IN PIGSKIN PURSUIT Hin d lint Ming Th Troiii-sci. on All Sides In To-day's Bijr Schodulp. IjLDOOS AS. MTFHb DAJIh To-dny's roottinll tintnes. Knrvard vs Tufts t Cmbrl1r. Vnle vs. Nntre Diiie at New Haven. Princeton vs, l.afiyetta t Princeton. Penn . Navy at Philadelphia. Armv vs. Colgate st West Point, Cornell vs. Hurknll at Ithaca. Dartmouth vs. Vermont at Hanover. I'arllsle vs. Plttshurg at Plttnurg. Amhrst vs. Trinity at Amherst. Pnnlhani vs. MlJdlebury at Fordham Field. N. V If vs. Haverford at Ohio VleM, Svr.i'Mise r Itoehester at Syracui. Wllllnnis v Springfield Y. M. C A. at Wllllamstown. , , !lodoln vs. !lotnn Collegs at Hrunawlek. ruthnlle L'nlerlty vs. Vlllannva at Waih Ington A I'olbv vs. Massachusetts Aggies st Port land V. .M. I. vs. Ilallaudet at Lexington. Hamilton vs. ltenelar Poly at Hamilton. Ileorgotnwn vs. Washington and at Richmond. Ilohart vi Clarknon Tech at (leneva. Holy Oroa , Worcester Tech at Vor centfr l.'hlgli vs. rarn'gl Tech at Houth Heth tfhem, . . . Sen Hampshire vs. Hales at i.ensinn Penn State vs. t'rtlnus at State College. ttiiticers vs. Muhlenberg at New Hruns ..Ia1 SWartbmor- vs. Kranklln and Marshall at ; I. a niAtr. Sieiens vs. t'nlon at lloboken, .Mln ii Norwich at Orono. Washington and Jefferson vs. Westminster nt Washington, Pa Hill School vs, Princeton freahmsn at Pottsiow n .... Il'itchkls- vs. Cornell fresnmen al L,aae- i st-vens Pren s Polv Prep at Hoboken Hin'herford h. S. ii " KnVlewood it lluther- ford A.l.rlirlil tn.ttan Ilea at Carlisle .vn,,Hm.nMo? ' u'l,".n rrrf"r I it ' s at On.tninc , o w i .M.intcinir Aeaueniy vs, nsrsrnur o.,v. "tH.r. Wioster v. Oberlln at Wooster. .i.i.. e.i...,.t- v l.n inn al ol.lo Wasleynn Cats at I)Iaare. Marietta vs Olterbeln at Marietta. 1 , J"hl'..,;'.."lin ' I Pull .1 I lll'.l.l ... i-icarn s. State University ot ina ai Io.i fin ., , unio n.ii- i I .Mil II.CTn V. Jiinii.." a., " . ., V,: .. T.nnsssne at Louisville I n i.urHiia ai M.nllson. 1 Virginia vs. South Carolina at rharlottei- ".'. . . ..... v.n... .1 AnnCnie " " t Went Virginia vs Diinuesne at Morgan. . ton ! . . 1 wttmn oisv reicn 01 iv.n nte four football games or mioseasoi. I. . . . . .. . 1 1 1 u .-riril . I importance ann i" imn 1 h,n, .M v. V. C. Will graPPle with op- ponents on their home grounds. It's an- j t,.i,Pr ,tK ,av and of the games hereabout ,. , ..,, ,,,, ,Mttar because of " Uile-.Nr.tic n.tnie affair. b'C of - hara.hmii ........ . ' Its interse, tlonal tiavor nnu repui... .... strength of the Westerners, attracts the m,t ttentlon Also of lively Interest are ,, i..nceton-Lafayette, Penn-Navy and ... ,, .,. to-I""' ' ....... in i , ll,r '''""' '"' '. v. I -Notre Dame, 'f , ' L V n h , de Army-Col..te and 1 ""'Y ' " n .To'd-To.- of KasbinUnH a ' ' ',, ,r lh(. Tieera " '""," " n i haven't been rolling Up big s. ores anil le'inue ne o . "r-", h", ' ,rl ""'I . ""rA". "' . against Tufts with the Crimson much bat- 1 . 1 1 .a. I fl.ltt rOflllfiril IWlnit "cu . ',. .'.'. . ' " temporarily uie.. . .... rugg. d -loven and ni-tde more points r" 1 " n" ini veai. Is ns ko.iI. If not better, this. .oiri' ii. line inn .. .".ii...... year, 'mid lias been pointed especially for tlie HulldiKs. jne inainnnus mt ! In the passing game, and as Ynle haa in extensively for that sort of work the game premise to be a busy expo- sltlon of pasMng In Its numerous varl- atlons. Whether Yale will be able to put her full streiiirth on the nelil Is ilouotrui. I , isn't likely to piny, nut the reputation of the Notre Dame players Indicates ' thit they would be a hlg handful for the i best tint could be put against them. To-day s game will ne tne nrsi reany i,.,,,i m.e v.iie has whereas Harvard I .! Prlneetnn wi re hard nut to It to win j P,, KOi and both Penn and the Navy i i,,. .. in mimr. which were exactlnir to ln axKhi of bringing dereat to those I two aggregations. The Navy hn.s one of i the tuuvlest elevens of the year, but Its Jinn'in hub im-i-ii nil iiiiiik Kill IllHlietl, HUH n.'llliri ir.ijji in Kie.ll!.. nil- vllt rating. dlf- stage handicapped wet vlll 'ifu(.h dltlons. I II.' Ill II llW IliliS IM ITiltUll! IllltlCr i c sch -dule abounds In games for ,?' Ji i , I",'1."11 I .. . ..'. .... ; . ,',"'"'' "'."'. srabo'ird our fit. land will be dotted with striped fields weaving with the slam nnd scurry of ardent pigskin pursuit. Prim In Unit Muipe for Nnvr. Plill.Ai.i:i.ritiA, Del 16. Th' Culver- sny or ivnns)ivnnln football team will enter the Navy game to - mnr - rme Id l.i.l... ....I I ,i.t ... .i,..i.-.i i .niumou. in- c.lllSe ll.'UIOIl 11, IS l.feil forced to StOP niaylt,.- on account of his n.,ll.. m--iii , ' , ', " . , h,, "t,"1", Mt rrl" wlU ,hr 'luarli-rhirk berth. Moffett. "bo played halfback against Ln'f.iyUte last Saturday, probably will not be able to nnrt. the ,. . i, i, ....... troubled for the past week 'with u : .... .... ! . - . " sint.nci. aimif ami yisteni.ty on the wet II Id he turned It again. Hn wa. J iinnbli. to get Into even the signal prac- 1 ' . . ""e"iooii. "esiiies these men, '" ""'"'" gunro, iuckci- at fun- imck. .wwniu at centre and Crquhnrt at end w start the rrame In n er lr,,.,. I .. - " -..ei ' anf" '"WW Hrooks gave the men n '""' "crlmmnnge ,hls afternoon In which the varsity rnn throuch its nl.-.v. 1 mu tne scrims endeavored to break through the Intrrfen nee and touch the. 1 (......Int. I ...... '"ok the ball and walked through some formations that .ire believed to he main- .. i. !.-. . mui ,iu ntiiK ui Unn in e ncruns , atavs of th.. Sin', nfr..,,.... ......... .... varsity mm figured out possible ways and menus of breaking them up, Una Scrlniiiinise Ilef.-re (iiimr. WlLLiAMhTowN, Mass., Oct in, -When tin usual preliminary signal prartlce was over the Williams varsity lined up against the fresliman elcvm this afternoon. This la the llrst time this week thit the var u.. i i.. , . ' . ' . " 11 r,'!" H,'"lniui,ige. lormeny It tins betii against Dnly' I policy to give the men us much of u ' fill tussle on the day previous, to a game All the new formation which nre to be i used ngalnst Spi lugllelil to-morrow have been thoroiiiihls inocul.itisl int., ihA nnd It won't l. surpilslng to ice them work out ns substantial urounil trainers I iieiiiuiiuw, NOTRE DAME COACH SAYS RAIN HURTS HIS CHANCES Will Interfere With Forward Passes, in Opinion of Harper Hinkey of Yale Won't Discuss Its Effect on His Team's Work. New Haven, Oct. 16. With a heavy rain already twelve hourn old falling and more rain In sight Indications to-night are that Notre Dame and Yule will pUy to-morrow's game In a sea of mini. Coach Frank Hinkey would not comment on the probable effect of the wet weather on his team, but Coach Jesse Harper of Notre Dame said to-night that the rnln will be to the advantage of Yale. "Yale will -do considerable backward passing and tho rain will not Intrefere with that, while It will hamper our forward pa&sis on which wo depend," Harper said. Despite the rnln the Ynlo team went through nn hour nnd a half practice on the freshman field this afternoon. A punting exercise followed snappy signal drill. Aleck Wilson was back at quarter back, Alnaworth and Knowles played the halves and I.egore was nt fullback. They will start to-morrow with a veteran line. To-day proved Hinkey a good weather prophet. For the past two days a brief practice In passing a water soaked ball has been held. It was unnecisaary to wet the ball to-day, for water stood three Indies deep everywhere. Th bill whs greased to make It doubly slippery. The Notre Dame squad, consisting of twenty-six men, kept Indoors to-uay. They held an hour's practice In the Yale baseball cage, where things went well In the passing nnd signal work. There Is little betting to-night on the game, nlthough Notre Dame brought several thousand dollars nlong. The visi tors ask odds, which Ynle men do not care to give, llnlllna fieta III Ilnrvnrd l.lncup. CAMnnlnug, Mass., Oct. 18. Harvard practised hard In the rain to-day to get Its players In shape for to-morrow's match 1 with the Turta College team from .Men-! ,,,r,i' whlch ha" not mH ,n" Crimson for ; twentyseven years. The Crimson had Its ,lr"t 'xl"!rl,'"'p nt 'be season handling a I WPt 0nu slippery iooioau tins niternoon ?"'" eVii..l ..LiVa.r. ..:-..,..a VI 1 1 o .,. ,,-.. , ....arswij .... lu., j le.ioi i uueicne i-,tiKiir wan run mi. i lie nun did little fumbling, even of the hard-1 est kicks, nnd under had conditions are ex-1 lft.-J tu do Just as well. Tuft has been . . ...... ., ,t . priparinK specially .or me iiiirv.uu giui.e nnd will bring a fast team to tho stadium ) and one that Is well vrseii in nn open ami 1 f ,..,. niluu ,.. n, Th.. I.....,'u .1 This aftctnoon-the co.ielics announceo; innouneen e crippled Biime, but e services that there was no chance for the jackfl-I.l men to get Into the game they will have the benefit of the serv f,f Holllns. who until he was injured two weeks ago was one of the fastest mnn In the second string. Holllns will be In the backfleld with McKlnlock nnd Whitney. nnrt tMll w)11 nPP Ulf varsity In kicking BP wru na In Ha rushing strength. ,, Tlirer. Hri .Mn.ld, Mnl. ITni-tre. 1 Pnt.vcrTov, net ih. rorty-eignt Hours Pnt.vcrrov "f ",r,R'.l' ral ,m'K "Ke " , , Wil, , o. sieauv rain nave mane 1 n.verwiy r i'iu 'k ke a uck pon.l and mine or the allowed on the grid' con this Afternoon. The first team had a long drill In formations at one end of the field In prepaintlon for the gaum with Ltfay ette to-morrow. It will be a wet and slip pery field, ns the turf cannot possibly dry out before the game Is called. ' The Tigers have been practising with a wet nnd mud covered ball at various times during tlm ; season and they should handle It with reasonable sureni'ss to-morrow. NnTj- HrenUa Old Precedent. Annapolis, Oct. 16. Prepared to give a ' f00'1 "f011"' nf""nst the Cnlverslty or Pennsylvania to-mprrow. the Navnl Acnd- I 1f,..n i.f, Annanolln for Phllndel. . I a. .... Pnin snorny nner n mia aiiernoon. n i tfnm ,, d 0'th KV.,unrt. ex- win i.n tho nrst game a Naval Academy "I't when the army cadeu were their op- oonenis. nn ii is me o.e iraioe or in., ve.'ir fnr tliA mlilshlntnpn. lis thn trilltdrv Aeml. . ,.my ePven Is not met this year Thlrty- nV(. ,iyers ntid substltlltea were In the party, and conches and others brought : t hte number up to fifty. They will stop nt the Hotel Walton In Philadelphia and n lenve Philadelphia on the return trip Ht 10 o'clock Monday morning. Cornell Minna Three lleuiilnra, Ithaca, Oct. Ifi. The Cornell football! team will play Hiicknell to-morrow with three varsity men missing from the lineup. They nre Cnpt. O'Hearn. right end, Mnn-j sick, left guard, and Phllllppl, left half back. While O'Hearn hoped to get back I Into the gnmo to-morrow for the flrft time In three weeks, the conches have decided that It Is not woith while risking n new Injury In view of the fact that they aic anxious for the captain to be In the lineup ngalnst Drown In New York next week. For the same reason It was decided to keep Munslek and Phllllppl out of the I lineup. Neither player hns more than a ' (slight bruise, but previous experience this inn nas proven mai i. rinses nave iie veloped Into bad Injuries In the banging' sustained during a game, and therefoic both men have been told to stay on the bench, , Carlisle Ten in Hon I, title I !-. Carlisle, Pn Oct. In view or their altered lineup, the resignation of Capt. Husch nnd the number of cripples. th CarllMe Indian don't expect to do much .1. ,..-,,,,,,.,. .'.,u tisiiillint nn- i nui'-- slty of Pittsburg. Pratt will be used n tho b.icktleld, notwithstanding his fuinli ling tendencies. He has not had much experience In carrying the ball. (inlt Out Heal of Sellaiin. 1 Ann Aimon, Mich.. Oct. ic, (Jilt . ... ... . ... ... ...... .nienigan s veteran rignt halfback, hns In jured his kneo rerlously again and wll-be out for the rest of the season, Just previ ous to the opening game he hurt Ills knee and has not been lu a game this fall Itecently hn slipped . n n rainy campus walk. Aggravating the old hurt, and Trainer Firrcll announced to-night that he would bo out f ir the rest of the sea. son. The lo-s Is a severe one, at (inlt wns the best safety mall Yost had, As a punt catcher (inlt never has been ex celled on Feriy Flelil during the four teen years Y,t has coached here. The loss of fialt leaves Michigan only three veterans, Quarterback Ilugliltt, lllcht l.nii Lyons and ( apt, Hay nsford who has been shifted ti centre. The , youngsters hnve bee,, showing up well 1 L AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE WANTKH- Hecond hund auto truck, ca parity one to tin ton., with expiris body Address COLLIN?, 197 Wist Hi ALTOMIIIHI.r, AMI MIITdlt TKITK I.N. hTlll'CTHIN. STFAVAItT IlnoklBl explalnyi WHY Al'TOMdllll.K uur course In hkmt sciiooi,, Iiopect our plant .2.1 W. .Villi .t. nnd be convinced, "Chartered by N Y State Hn.ird of Iterents " Al'TOMHIIII.K .Sl'I'Pl.lKS. I.lmnualne llodles to lit Packard nnd Inn. dn.ilet llnd) In tit Cliutinera nr any ot Iter chns.lN. Prices lteusi.nal.le. MOOltll CO., 017 WKST S0TII bT. In tho early gitnes, however, and M ... gall la cnntldellt of defeating the ,i . gan Aggies at Lansing to-mo-r, w left to-night with the entire tw eight men on the varsity squid i , fariiiem won l:tt year, but the .Mmi,s , mentor Is not worrying over the n.u.. to-morrow, although bo papec , n game. Threo shifts are ti be ni uli tho .Michigan tlneup. Itehor und Mi It . two ion pound guards, will appci the first time, and litishncll r. j.i ., Itoelim nt right half. Hentm in tj pear at lift end. I, cliUlAcncult J Acta Too StlMily, HofTII HKTItl.EltEM. P.1.. Oct. 10 -- H ,ln handicapped the football practice at i.e. high to-day ns far as scrimmage was vn cerned, but It did not prevent Je d nt Coach Keady from giving tho men i .1 v. lug signal workout and drill In hnndl.: k- i wet ball from the standpoints i ith punting nnd the forward pass I.evh. while contldei.t of defeating Carnrg.i Tf -i to-morrow, when the new stadium i" be opened, expects n hard struggle Fii' .re ot the faculty committee to act na probation cases of Fred (Jrren, Tile 1 sn and Chenoweth will prevent the-" "i t from grttlng Into to-morrow's g.nm T'. team also will be without the sir'.'' .if Frank Uren, the big right guard, who wm reported taken to the hospital with llbiesa The rest of tin; team, excepting n-irum, Is In good condition. To-nlcht the siu denta held a rousing smoker In the g m naslum. II i.iliilpli nt Fnrilbnni lo-dni. No practice of any sort was heM i 's terday by the team. The h..;i day was granted In respect to young r, ;. i ley Hays, the star Prep, b.ic.k who wis uilled at Jersey City and ' hurled at Yonkers yesterday. Airnngements have been made for huge crowd to.,n at the Mlddlebi.rg ('ni lee., came. It Is Itudolnb .lav The f. i,,,Mi Itosion pttcber, who twirled for ti . Maroon when a collegian, wll h i ,,m" P'-"';n" '"' "'" '" , i.i.'ii'ii rn'i lll'll llil IM' 11 r' anec a the alumni, all of whom were notlfleC and the deminl tv tickets is ie.n . i case of rim Ititdolp'i will lis - . I. . . . ............. iiration pi.sipo'u ,1 Tin i-at'iruny. Hi , ',.1 ;t. whei It n V id State npprara ..n K'lrdhm Held i v, f -J - irrr-Jf .J L., , f--.Atkts -, r ! -BTTsS ""- " Hudson River by Daylight All Serilre llnlli i:eepl SuntU'. Plr-et Hall Connection, to nil point in the I'atskllls, .Snratocn, the .Ncilvonttack. the Wet nnd Niirih. Alu.le KiManrint Leave Ilehro.e Kt , a i'l A l W l?d Si . J ,l . V HDIIi hi (. in t : onlicr. u n M landing at Vct Print, Newhunrh. po'ighkeeiile Kliieslmi Pnint. f atsklP, Hudson, and All thro'itrh rsll tle'.ni, h-iieen ?v York ml Albnnv nreepied Hudson River Day Line . . 4 1 II AM II,) 1.IM . Ilcsbro.. t, Pli r, e fork, lei, sprln Hit Low Fall Fares New York lo Albany, Phono .Spring Olno. r-,Cr'V Hudn NaviRalion Co. To PORTLAND, K3e. $3.00 MUSK M'KAMMtlP LINK. Single Lire S.S. NORTH LAND anil NORTH STAR Leave Pli-r ID, North Itlver, foot ,,f Warren Street, at ':00 I' M Tues.ta' s T)iursdnyH ana' H.iturdaya, A ite.iKlitf ... Sao-.nile ?. hm.r trip io Pnrtl.tnd, to.' CITY lli:.l Tll'l l.. TIcketA, eli , .it iho l'lir, also at New York r.aiisfer i'o. u ,1 Tourist ofo ,-s throughout the ,m Through tit k ' i ll pnlnis H.ggAgc checked i hronc'i KAsiTKItN STHAIISHIP ('HltPOItATlOV i ' , f jr. j fk9WIrj I lair -A L IL KSYtK LfliMsC TO BOSTON S4.00 l.v PlHIt II, N It., ft Pulton M . Dalh ai 9 P. M Mu!c ..' I.nndi n (Norwich. I.I ne, la New Lnnil'i I. Pier in, N It., ft Houston st., week day m : 530 P M ; Pier "o, i; it . n i; :3dhi,r,n. p m "1111. I'l 111,11 III! Pl.HASLII," COLONIAL LINE BOSTON iJa'ar,. $2.60 PROVIDENCE ,',1';;;, $1.60 Wcel. days and Smuli.) nt .1 I' V 'in i Sit, .N It. font West Houston st All ( liniiius, l.on (nH.l.oi,. )) Ireless eiiili...eni I'IUohii nnicc, llioailnny nnu .jii t I'll. ..iiui .Spring HI II Horceile r.O'a.r.ll' I'rnildencrillrri 1,41..1 Hillside Maleriioins Ml. on. Hall;, Ini ludtiiK Mi. ul) , man p. m. Fiom Pier If, I'. It. 'Phone Shi. Ilfe'm'i rity Ticket Office. JOu Itroadway, S V t'ptonn Ticket omce, ll'wiy and ".It Nt Ut A eWTA. (U I C Al a. i liiriiaiiin i inn I To ALBANY FARE $1.00 "SL50 'Ihru 'l k'l A Hung' lie. k'll III A II I'lilnll. Illnlng .Senile a la Carte, Meaniei. l.vive dally, l'ler 33, .ortl. lllier foot West Houston HI., i:m P l , Uc.l I, . ht , n I'. M 'lelephcno UJ'Jrt Spring Sighi-Seeing Yacdf llattny Pier Hall' I...W. :.Hi I'll llrnm' .. HARTFORD LINE V'rnm New Pier ?0. K.ift Itlver, foot fn Win. dally except Sunday, at S P U CONNKCTICUT IIIVF.R LANDINGS. WiTjaa Troy and the North ftKiSKjV',argest and Most Miixnlflcent tJvt&MiiA Ittyrr Steamer In the ClW' M "orld, 'Iterkshlre.' nv't-' '"Alow." Irnjan' loy5?as.'',i') 'Hensselaer.' gjgiM rtee a,. N. .. ,, KSM-Xj dally i He.t I.Tad I SW., 11' iT.intfi rum j run h wt rTr''J' 74 -