Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. ' Medal Winner Eliminated TOPPING PUT OUT OF PIPING ROCK TOURNEY Mr.'tnl Wliiiicr IIphIpii by RciYi .Marslon, Wiinl mill Hyde Aro Others In Kc!in!-f in tils. DVKNT W1XDS IT TO-DAY ! -,T, I.. I., Oct. IR. The fi Ii,im been praying for rain so it $ ii ,i thoo who qiiiilltl.l In tho lv -xt.cni ct the l'lnlng Hock Club's i .turn tournament rould not con- i v i t-a-tit tho downpour tliat it r I hi tlin first mntch round this m i it I'll' ft nut ovr tho water s' , 1 cmi'-so iv.thout a whimper. In i tin' llrst two sixteen there was , i f flit. . must rrt-illtulili' show I j ii irm inuinliiR. Tho tourim 'iii:i e . lm cl thn (,'olfers out H t I annuiluc tin Hint bulls 11111)1111101 In II,. ' it u( Kin Hp KUlM 1 lifted. u UK ' the lM-rVLTjItli-i' of tho tuck i f i .i riw. the llrst i omul In thn first , tic elimination of ut twi of the Mum at t li- uutsitt. lit j J ToppUii; who vwm tlin t i . w tit .t 71, vt'fis matched iiK-ilnst ir, in Iti'il, who uiadii n 79, and Mux It v i . i niiuthi r T'J man, wan opposed o Ueii ".liJ r Worthlnifton of I'hlUUel , , 'in; tlar of the. out of town con iiiin' Hcl I and Murstoii catim thruUKh, m i k" in m thn afternoon, niul with si:in It llviln South Shore, and John M Wrd Harden City, make up tho o,u r-' tiii-Iln.tllsts. - mi! tin Waul iiKMinit Held and M.i -t ii wr.ilnst Hyde to-morrow morn- II t!,e two winners to lilei-t III the lln.ll in 'hf afternoon Not .1 irolfer In tho nm f pmyi.l Utter ipilf than did MiirsUui to day, ami the margin hy which the ic, ik Itiituirol i;olfer won both of hi n m ns.unjt (food opponent In a. fair Ir i t on of the quality of his icame. At .' at Worthlnclon ho wim out In 40, m t w..ii hv B up and 1 to play. In tho rniMii, with the a little mud dler a d rorr-npondlnnly harder, ho wnt on "i V.i up.ilimt Clifford A. Dumilnpr, N'ai, and won hv up and 6 to play. t:- 1 and TopiilnB played a Rood rr i i i ii tho inornlnK, tho former tfaln nr i f nir hole lead with Ave moro to !' n- ii y to h.ivo Topplni; rally and h H . next twn It on tho re ntecuth Kreen with Held ' up. In the ef .ii I r.'Und Held tieiit C T. ltlchnrileon, S'i.iici, .o hy 2 up nnd 1 to play, llwle pl.iyed Rood Rolf to-day, polnir out In 39 'ti his match nRiilnst A. W. Hits fiter In the morning. Ward reached the semi-final by beatlnc Howard Whitney and It. K Mundy, both Hood Kolfers. They found the former bnwbalt player a tittle ton strops for tliem. however. Down in tho second sixteen there were two former ehamplonc Herbert M llarrlman and Charlei II. Maodortalit, md nulthur of, them survived tho day. W. n Thurston, Apnwumls, beat ILurlman In fie mnrnlnK and !'. M. Kerr, Maid stone, accounted for Maedonuld In tho uf ternonn. Althoinh deprived of the rlpht to con tinue play In the tourney the day did not "I dismally for Macdonald. A uolfera' ' nr was held In hh honor In the cluh hfiso this eieiunii. and his iiork In d s.i'nu the I'lpliiK Ilok Club was tho iKino of all the kixvikrrn. It was nil nounetd nt tho dinner that tho eolf home at Hi li st tee. which Is re.ill an ex-irn-- . of the main clublintiie. had been en ted In honor of Mr. Macdonald nnd t nt a bronx tablet commemorative th'ruif win to be placed on tho structure. A silver tray on which the same Insrrlp i on w is engraved was plven to Mr. Mac-I'r-mld at the dinner. Tho Inscription Is ss follows "This bulldliiK whs erected by the friends of Charles H. Macdonald In Rppreel itlop of tho successful pl.UinlnB nrd development of the I'lplns Hock Kolf course." Tho stml-llnnln and finals In nil dM h nr. n !' bo iJayeil to-morrow, nnd there rlso wll ho n elKhteen hole handicap. Tho summaries: rir.i sixteen l-Mrst rmind John M. Ward, Osr.lm i'i t'fst II ! Whitney, Nsmsii, 4 nml I, II P. Munily, Aninley. won from r , l.vtirh, I'fplnB Hock, bv ilefaultj K M Kelit Kl Andrews, beat If J. Top plnr (ire.-nU'h : and 1 c T Itlehsrdfon. v,,.,u, lienl M ('. Hall, flanlen City, 3 m I : r A HunnlnK N'nsu, best II C Hi -n . S'n'nan, : up. M. It. MarUnn, llit iijirr I p it It S WnrtlllnKlnn. Hliawnee. n I , Jnmf It Hide, Houth Hhnre. best , W lliii.ltfr, Nrniau, 7 Hint 6T K. M Purnpii KnitlPMood, bent J, flordun Dourlua, Plldn leak J snrt :. . .... He ad Itoiind Ward best Mtindy, J i" 1 Held bent HP hrilon, : and 1: Mnmiii'i l,ft HunnlnK, I. und I; Hyds heat liH'ti"! 3 nnd S. Ileiten i;iht I'lrst Hlxleen Klret round Uhlli 'v won frnm Lynch tiy dntnulti Hall i from Tipping by default, llerner nun fro M nrihlnpT'on by defuulti Dnuglm beat It' .tltpr, t and S S t Hlxteen -KlMt round ftarilntr Hd.'i.p.t. I'lplnu ltoik, lieat .1. II Wllllinis, ,1r tirrle t'outity, tiy dolault, 1-IIIm Adams, Nit ma lie.' W I lllekn. N.l.n.lll, 1 up, Clnri'n.-r V White. l'lustilnR. beat It. M. T,-iun, Seek, t and 3; f, C Jon nlnifN NaMiill. beat A. I N'nrrla. National, 1 R-l . I' II MHcilnnuWl, National, beat I M pli-htuonil Oaktaml. I up (nineteen h m F M Kerr, MalUtone. heat K A. h iitlel 2 ami 1, W It Thurton, Apa s .'m'i.. i.iat II M Hnrrtnian. Nailnnil, 1 up, I Wmklni, PIpliipT Itock, beat (J, 1'. fu I'lpii is Hock. 3 and 1. 1-pi .mil It'iiinil -IluMmril beat Adam", 4 n1 - Who heat JriinliiK, r, and 4; Kerr 1-V Macilunalil. 1 and 3, Watklrn beat T) ' rpli.'i 4 and 3. 1'entAti Flslit of Hernnd Hliteen. First ' mil 111. km beat WlUianiP by default! - ptiin b' it .Vorrlp, 1 up U bnlop): I ' lip nd lipat Hnldwedel, U and 4; tfnnw ir, m llarrlman tiy default Tii 1 -Mlteen. I'lrst Ilonnd II H. I'rantlee, n "i Iiphi r V I,. Ilnppln, St Anrtrenp. '1 . r. Laurence, IMplns Hock, heat ' E ti.vlp NlifPiii, 3 and 3. W II Nlehn'i, 'r ,pftt J 11 lliitep. I'lrilni; Hock ? -! I II Therlot 1'lplnK Stork heat liar . ) s I.ailew, I'lplns Ilnck. and 4: H tt Tominend. lultunrnl, heat I.a.renie Wo-.rh iry I'tplnpT Hock, 3 and 3i J II. c Tipi.iu Vnpiiaij, beat ('. II. rninptoek, .Ir. Hle-rv 'on. 1 up, .Tames A. Htlllman, Na tion,', I. pat H P Worrall, Napau, S and I, A I. WfPke .Ir . I'IpliiK Hoik, beat C. V. Ii- km- Na-ail, 3 and 1. M.r.m! Hiiiitni -Lawrence beat Prenllcp, I np ii lm p bunt Therlot, 3 and 2j Town. " I hi t, ( and I; Weeks beat ftlll - .in : up llpulpri P.tiFlit nt Tltlr.1 Kistppti tl-.t Hi Iavp heat Hopptn hy default; riai'p i 'a I.Hdeu. I and 3, I'tunatork boat Witer-' I -y. '. ami 3. Wurrall won from llrokaw by1 ilefn i t I r.'ir'h Sixteen. Flret Hound P. I Tlf fiv I'IplnB Hnck, won from r V Midden I f 1'lpiuK Hoik, hy default. I. Mrntint. I'li'tiiB Hoik, tial Kiiller Potter. i'Iu'-k1 1 k '. and 3; (' P. rilann, Nation .i. he I M Pratt, Nuputu, 3 upi J. II Tiibi". J ' tig- H "k. n( from It n Ilioknw. 'ail hy dpf.iult: It. Coo Kerr, Ionian ' won (roin !:. HJi XlacKellar. Midland, by ffaillt S A K.ilt'4k'e. I'IpliiK Ilnck, woo, r ' Hayuiond Cliunir. Ilorkaway Hunt, bfailit. II I. Prill. Nassau beat , ( 1 ' Hykpr Mcsiinw, 4 and S, 0 M i 1'i'r Naps i ii, beit W. P. Tli(iiupiin, Na- I U hy ripfault o' oml Hound Tlffan beat Montant. 3 f"o 1, Dixon hast Taytor, r, nnd 4. Kerr lei SalVHB". 6 and 4, I'rall heat 1'alr, e an I ', ' I'lfih Hlitppn, First Hound Htprlint; l'""li, Arrols, heat W II Hands, .Vonnnrl , ' 'mil, Urant ,.,ninpbM. I'IpIum lloi-u F C Maelionnill, I'lplm Ilork S nnd ' ' V M'aisnti, Jr, iLirden I'liy. heat niii i haiiiii ny. National, hj ripfuult. I. c i'Pnns Myki'P Meadow, beut I. A Illpley - i ml. II and 1; Seymour .lnhuson, I'IpliiK k won from I), A I.orlntr Jr. N'aepiu, i" t",,i:i J1 H'ewliiB. I'IpliiK Hock, heal h Wlnthrop 1Iiiok Itork. I up. 'pionl Hound Ivlson heat I'atnphpll, r. oU 4 Watson beat Parsons, Ii and 4, Oee 'ur IipsI Juhnpon, 4 and .1 (.rand l lreiill'a llnlu Jlni llii.y. 'rviMiTo.s, Ky, f ift l Tho (Jr.ind c n ii t races we o preveiiieil to-day by ii was eo homy it prricllcvilly linlei the P'lS'lhilltv of then.' IioIiib s-ny contobtn to-morrow. TO COPY ENGLISH SHELL. .Mcknlla (Inters itepllcn of Ilrnlirn Hunt for I'ciin. 1'illl.APtLriiiA, Oct. 1C As u result of a collision with a motor boat after tho raco ut I'ouHhliceimlo last enr tho Ktur ll'h shell, the I'mvrwt William Smith, that wnfl tho prldo of tho heart of Vivian Nlckalls. roach of tho Unlvorslty of I'enn sylyanla crew, was badly damageit nnd Will not ho lit for the varsity to ueo attain In u raco. Conch Nlckaltn. how ever, declares that tho shell lum tho best lines of any In America. As ho cannot Kot a similar shell from Kiutland Just now ho has made arrangements with a boat builder In Nu.- Vn.i, ... I...... ... shell built on tho Identical lilies of tho iiuiiiiiftr-'l .nip, Ielft.wr Sw York tlll mornlnir to er the builder In order to make sure that this w ll lm tho rase. In his absence Herbert Shoemaker, who stroked the varsity eight lust year until he w.i tnken sick with typhoid, will miporvlio tho prac tice. Cnlniutila I.uaex Tito Snerer J'lnyrra. Cant Kd lfamllf nil if I ntii.l.l,. soccer team said yesterday that Ids team ......... .... ui, L-rippira wncn it meet tho iroseerit Athletic Club eleven In tlio first Ksino on South l'leld this iifternoon. llert Dell, the former 1'rlnceton 'p tuln nnd ernfU f,ii-,.. i. ... .. at Union Theological Seminary, wns ex pected to play in the forward tine for lis. Iltian .1 tlll.l. a ..... I....,, nun niie, nut u was found that his course of study would not makn lilm el lc bin. llnll ...ill ,,. n, ,...i.. .. i . ; ,: - - .if. win iusi to Lolunibla but also a hindrance, slurs in nin luny wiiu me I rcscents. (:, I.Ollllir. tho flllnps tnritin r.l ...III I.. .... ....... v ,,,, u ,,. able i nlnv. IimIih- n,luiu.i i... .i... ..n..i... : ,, inq i.-y to discontinue soccer, Hamilton expects in win ii- a niiKiu margin If tlio Hold li muddv. becnliPM liln m.n ,, t,n.tK i. heavy golnir. Maittinttnii IlnsLctlinll Work nrirlna. The Manhattan College varsity nml freshman basketball team began practice yesterday afternoon nt the Do I.a Salbi gyinnaslutn. l.Mwnrd Hiinrnhan, who COacllcd IllSt VOar. lllia plmrffn ,,f 1ia i',,..- slty. and Hlchard MoCunip will teach tho iresiimen. -rue most promising candidates nrn: J. Houlihan and h Karacl, guards: O. Houllhnn nnd r Pownlng, forwards, and J. McCaffrey, centre. D. Houlihan wns reelected captain'. The varsity will open the season nt 1'rlncteon on tieceni ber C. J'roellcU llciuls I'rlnrrtiiii Seniors, 1'binckton, Oct in. At Its election to-day for olllc(s to sarvo durlnif this year nnd for tl' years after prraduatlon tho senior class elect) d Howard Froe tick of llrooklyn president, and Hlchunl Hard of Hu'jiume, Cat., vice-president. Froellck Is manager if tlio I'rlnceton football team nnd Is also chairman of th senbr council, Hard Is a member of tho baseball luiund. Tho election of the secretary will bo hold next wck. POSSIBLE WINNERS AT BELMONT TERMINAL TO -DAY. hint liar Arinamrnl. -Llrrtlnn lie!, Jlelrgatr, Serond Hue -I.aniplilnrk, Indira- tor. The lilephant Third Hare Cloud, Johnny. Corenp. lis. I'ourlli Itnre Ilrrruliild, Web Car ter. Iluke of lluluth. I'lllli Dure Hay llrnok, (Irrentrre Mahle enlrji llllrlirnrk entry. lilh Hare Cloud. J'oriiirr, Willing, UNITED HUNTS CARD TO-DAY. Flrt Itace Tiplns- Keck SuhK-riptlon Serial llindicnp. ono mile and a uuartnr Klretlnn bet I-'' Lily Onno K3 lielrrate IS1' Herramot jon Arinwneiit . 11 Kill, k Knack tin Host 1D1I Aurora iw second User Shelburne Cun. elerplwhape lor hunters, shout lliriu nillis and n half mer tlmta-r roursa Indlenlor H17lJimpblck u; The Klephant . .. f." Native Maid 1M Third Hace Ill-tiwtu.-hi llainllc.iti; lor three years olds and upward; ahout one mile; rioud tToi IruilHii Arrow m Coreopill lUlDeinter 1J. SiHitch I.wlitle . IM llcr-amol yjr, Lad of Lanp-drn. . Ill Ilellniaatcr 135 Johnny . US' Fourth Hace Uuiii-m Champion Piste; handicap ieepleehne for hunters: about three miles over brush cniirpe; Herrlllold 1"! l.amphl.irk 1M Web Caner twillliu Oahell m Duk" of lluluth .. If! Tli Klephant. . 141 Fifth itace (ireal I mini Hunts Mecp!rorm.e; ii.nuln.ip; lor three-year olds nud upward: ahout two miles: Chorrv Malotte . . l"llrdlan Arrow 1S IS 13,. ij: ijj li 11) ll.iv llrook. i( ot Laiuden 115 Ilrothrr Folk. ... lWMisbach 113 Itock AhVy lsHliltlmore ..' 13ii'(.'.isv.IP(, lis! Timber Wolf. Wlnkl rhunadero Caslloslrn . . Swish Sand llor. .. ... rilxtli llaee Ji Members Plate Handlcan for harks and hunters; idiom or.o miln and a nan. Cloud I ir. Former 1st lTOllJair 11.11 tj... IdOiUuirksjiids IB 1381 Cherry Malotte... Willliu Choptu LAUREL RACING RESULTS. First Hace For two-year-olds, splnr purse, 1600. rtve furloiiKs llrlan Horn, 111 (Keiterlel. sir.ilxht M SO, p'.icn Mail, show 13 ?0, won, Filr lleln, 106 I Mi''ahpy), place 13 90. show 13 30, pecnnd, J II. Ilir rell, 113 (Irfiuder). show 14.30. third. Time. 1:01,'i Itoynl lllue. IUvrrsuck, HUH JJ.iv, Hest lllh and Tucker and Volant also ran. Hecond Itace Pursa, 1300, and upward, relllng. six furlonire Laura, ICS (rlhllllni,-). p might S3, p!aco 16 SO, allow 13 10, won, HypatU, 105 (MeCahey). place 11.50. show 14 60, second; Phyllis Antoinette, 110 (Kederls), how 0, third. Time, 1:11. Aware. Italph Lloyd, Hilda's Ilrother. Can ton, Font, Joe Finn and Fri-d Ley alio ran. Third Hace Puree, J500, three. ypar-olds and upward, selling;, plx furlnnirs Jim nspy, 113 (Turnerl. etrJlsht IA.30, place 13 70, show 3 SO, won, Parlor Hoy, HO (Slpwardl, pl.irp 14 40, show 13.10. peconrt. Milton Itnhlve. 103 (McTasBartl. show fit, I bird. Time. 1:11, rndaunled, Hllas Orump, Fifty Flu. Dirk's Pet, Martre, Nonpsrell and (!onnetnar.i also ran Fourth Hace Fume, 1(100. thrne-year-nlds .-.hit upward, handlc-ipi one mllo and a sl- i I'Tiiui- ,i.ii.,w-ii, iwu .nir..Mrili, PirSIgUI I 111 r. Ci. nlacp 13 HO. nut tr. phnu. w.,n . -n.n.n Hill. 101 fTiirnerl, plaro I! 90. out to allow, H'.m.l. Hpenrheail, 103 iMcTiBprart), nut tu show, third. Time, 1 53 35 I'nclo Mun li.w.p ran. Flfih Hane For twn-yenr-nldsi puna, ISOO live an. I u half furlonits Protector, I nr. If u'.t'il'er), strnlKhl 10.70. plnrn 13.10, phuw I J, wm, JMub'et, 107 (Ilutwoll), place 3. shii 13 50 seiririd. A N. Akin, 113 i Wolf I, slow 19, lhlr.1 Tlinp, 1 110 1-3. He W:", I.".' .1" . Mm ). Simple, Our John, J'j lux ut. I Kuwait ttleo ran. Sixth Itace Fo- foiir-yoiir-iilds and up ward, pellliii; one inv and a slxtopnth Karl nt Hail.. I '.' Ilutin il, .1 09, and 13 60. won .Mycmii- HID (Hopkins), isi ,) and 17 10, peioml llattiir. 10,1 l.Otuitlngerl J.1.10, third Time. I M S . llnish, T.iy ijy. MIsh lileanor an I J. II. Houghton iilso ran, Avoid That Run Down Condition &tout lly Drinking Imperial, the APPELLATE DIVISION DECISIONS, Thn Appellato UltUlon of the Supreme Court, First Department, announced th following decisions yostirdayi Kdwln N. Hrown, respl., vs. N, y. Life Ins. Co., upjjlt. Order reverped, with 110 costs and dliburpenientp, and motion denied, with no rosis. Nu opinion, Order filed. Henry i'nllak, applt., vs. Dudgo Mfg. Co., reept. Order affirmed, with 110 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. U'.illur Weston rt ul. vs. James It. Watts, respt lie Aleiander The In, ricelver, applt. Order nfflrmed, with 110 costs and dis bursements. .No opinion. Order filed, William II. Franklin et a!., applls, e. Joseph It. Itoadley tt a!.. Impleaded with Jnsoph Lelter. respt. Order affirmed, with 110 copta and disbursements. So opinion. Ordpr tiled. Frank West, respl., rs, Harlan It Hotlines worth Co., applt. order reversed, with 1 10 rots nnd dleburpements, and motion Krantrd, with 110 costs, on ths ground that It does not appear that the defendant cor- Iioratlon had property within this Bun. nler llled. Mary Oeheleln, respt , vs. City of New York, Impleaded, applt Order affirmed, with $10 costs and disbursements. SSu opinion Order tiled, Kate H. .Master-ton, reept., vr H'.bert H. Masterlnn, applt. Order modified as di rected In order and as modified affirmed, without costs. No opinion. Order llled. fkeele Coal Co., applt., vs. Charles T, Ilaker. resot Order afflnupd. with HO copts and dlsburectntnts. No opinion. (In- sranam, i; j., una coii, j uisse nuns. I order hied. In the Matter of John V, Dahlgren. Order affirmed, with 110 costs and dis bursements. No opinion. Order tiled. leorne O. Van Tuyl, Supt., Ac, respt., vs Annie N Alexander us exoa., upplt. Order nfflrmed, with 110 costs und dis bursements. No opinion. Order filed. Abram .Morris et ul. s. Ferdinand Cahn et al , upp,ts. Collin It. Woodward, as re tell er, respt. Hame vs. same. Orders af firmed, with flo costs aud disbursements. No oplnluti Orders nied. People ft rsl. Nut. Nassau Hank, npplt , vs. William A 1'remlsrKast, us Comptroller, Ac. reept. order affirmed, with 110 rosis and illsbursujnents. Nu opluloii, Order tiled. Melvl'le U. Chapman, respt, vs. C J?rank lln .Nuneiit, applt. Order alllrmed, with 110 coets and disbursements. Nu opinion. Or der filed John I'o'aceek, rept , vp, American Iron Steel Slfi Co. spplt. Order reverse. 1, with S10 costs and disbursements and motion, with $10 cunts. Opinion pr curiam. (IngTaham, P. .1 . illmriitliiK ) Order fllej, Jacob II. Casselberry, applt , vs. Itohert It. Tlelenbrrs; el ul . respts, Older altlrmed, wltii J0 costs and durijursementa. No opinion. Order riled. llelmonl J It Von Jenny, respt. vs AurelUtio J-Mrario, Individually, Ac, applt. Order amrmed, with 110 costs and disburse ments. No opinion. Order nied. Felitl, Moruvpk A Co, respt, vs Hrnst FpikI, npplt order alllrmed, with 110 costs and disbursements. .No onlsdon. Order Hied leiuls H. JJIener, respt, vs. flustave Cerf, applt. Order reversed, with 110 costs and disbursements and motion KranteJ, with 110 costs. No opinion. Bettla order on notice. Irstta I. Oallaiher, respt, vs. Kllsabcth Van Unskerck. apnlt Order reversed, with llo costs and disbursements und motion denied. Mlth 110 costs. No opinion. Order filed Julia It. Keleey, applt., vs. William Ilrad ley, rpppt. Order reversed, with 110 costs and dleburpements and motion denied, with 110 coals. No opinion. Order filed. l'eo. cl rel. John J Lyons, spplt. vs. John J Hopper ns Heilster. Ac, respt. Order ainrmrd, with tlo costs und disbursements. No opinion, Order filed Thomus J. Delahunty, applt., vs, D iniel Hulilvan as president. Ac, et al . respts urder affirmed, with 110 costs and disburse ments. No opinion Order llled New York Aserts lleailzatlon Co, respt, vs. Charles W Morse, applt. order afTtrraed, with 110 costs and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed. Anita 11. illvins. respt, vs. UHca Hippo drome Amusement Co., applt. order uiflrmed, with 110 costs and disbursements No opinion, .Order n.ed. John M Olvens, reept. vs Utic Hippo, drome Amusoment Co, applt. Order sf nrniPd, with 110 costp and disbursements. No opinion. Order filed Mas If. Schwiirti. respt . vs Charles Bohwelnlsr Press, applt. Order modified us stated In opinion and as so modified affirmed without costs. Opinion per curiam. rJettle order on notice. John W Hlmpeon et ol respts., vs. Ed mund If Wt.Hlo, applt. Order affirmed, with 110 costs and disbursements. No opinion, Order filed, Herman llrlll. respt, vs. Louis Abramo wlt, applt. Order revrrsed and motion de nied wl'hout costs upon terms stated In opin ion. Opinion per curiam. Kettln order on notice. Ambrosia M Henry, as sdrnx., Ac, applt, vs tharlPs Welshacker, a domestic corpora tion, respt. order alllrmed, with 110 costs and disbursements No opinion. Order nied. Metropolitan Life ins Co.. upplt, vs. lly drex 1-elt and Knelnnfrln r. H. . i .i..,. Chllds Co., respt Order reversed, with 110 costs iinn iiisnursements and motion sranted. ' .''...f10..'''''""' No "Pinion order nied. l.dlth Marree. applt , vs. Horace W rish, respt. Order modlrted as directed In orlnlon and as modified amrmed without costs. ,lin.i,r1Pr.r rJl.r'r,m' H'".'" or'ler on "tlee. Flih ey.'.' 1h' Uy' "pp"'' ,"' Horace W Hh, r.ppt ordsr modified, as directed In opinion, and us modified affirmed without notice pl"lnn p,r eurlum. Hottle order on Aoi?nii w.nni,'"'.tuffrai,a Leaeue, applt, v., irmil . kb;! ct "' "W- Order af Nom;p,n,,h oVlr".",',:! dl"h"'"" Louis .Sherry, applt . vs. Frank .Men. respt Order alllrmed. with Mo co,tp imi nliburse merits. Nu opinion. Order nitd. Jam."." V1 ! John J ""wley, applt . vs. James A Henderpon. as supt., Ac. rist.i iem.U,Nm''l;(V,h V1 .t?and d sbur".';'. mente. No opinion. Order nied. l,5 :h ,Vr?rCOni:d '"' Lea'?!' 'cSl" Xlti"- ff'FU V' versed and .noiroe,,r'.e"rt'o' ,pr Zlll irderPl.m0V,o Pln,on "" .2 Jpi!ii anil at. Km ,V...J VW "" I Ir.lap mt.t '"Il"' No opinion. ws hi t iitrii nn' " ! ?.rSnii ib tir."cur' (JlinOt fin innll.m . . court d'efence. llrrt.r'o "u cumtleto e,';!"''1'Pt . VS. l!b. T.,,. c,.t. .n.,"yA",...Jf'm. with 110 der fllcil. .1.. : illieilis .NO Oil n Oil lie. artnur M Werner, Werner, re.nt o; i.e".1.'".- '?'!" Jol. und disbursements. N0 opinion'" Order rt1':?.! 'a'ppM.1.0' .Vife'r iJflrm'p.V 1 cost. una .nahursemonts. Noo'rilon." Ordlr tstundard Mall Co. respt. vp Harry lCaur mn el ul . upplis order afflrjntd with Or,lefl,"ll",ianJ """''""' No'.plnlon! i.' J-Vrr"'"i llsffcrnan et a , spplis OrdeV modine.ra, directed In opinion un.l a. modi fied affirmed without cosis Opinion per curiam. Mettle order on police, """lun Antonla O Casaiza et al , respts, vs In. terhnroupTh llapld Co. ,t, applt, Mslvlnn Jlauer vs. same. "i-iuis. flame vs same. Josephine N. Owptrihuall n al vs same, Abrahsm t.lehesklnd vs. si ins Cord 11 flchroeder vs suns Itobert Komjnel vs. same. Josephine K Hehwefp) s. psmp nnlers afftrmed. with 110 cost, and dis bursements No opinion Orders llled Matter of Universal Discount Co Ordsr Kraue et al., applts Order affirmed, with tin costs and disbursements. No opinion Order llled. F.dwanl M Tlell, respt , l' James Jlutler. Inc., npplt Order nfllrmed. with ii costs and disbursements. No opinion Order filed William I'oitp, respt., vs. llrndley Con Irnctlnpr Co applt Ordpr affirmed, ulth M0 oupis i ! disbursements No opinion. Order Pled Matter of I 'nt vercs I Pleeount Co. Ordpr mndined as elaled In opinion, and as modi fied affirmed without costs. Memo per curiam. Hettle order on nntloe, IMmund K fltallo vs. Arthur II. Jones Ordpr afflnnPd. wtth 110 costs and dlshurse. ments. No otilnlon Order fled City of New Vork v Allleuro A Hpallnne Co. Motion Kriinted, with M0 costs. Order filed Israel llenjnmln vs. city nf New Vork Motion granted, unless appellant cnmplled wlih terms staled III order Order nied The Frances Co, is. Ilhlnehinder Waldo, Ac Motion Brained, with M0 costs. Order filed, J(tph JI Unas vs Patrick A Whitney Honied only hy thn Ilrewtrs, Ileudlestnn tVocre, New York, Order fromanydesler Stout With IJody to It. et si, Motion (ranted, with lit) colts. Order filed. Feopls ex rel. Nathan flommer vs. Kdiar " Justice. Ac. Motion granted, with M0 cosls. Order died. People ex rel. Frank B. JJoran vs. Trsnk Oallagher et al. Motion (ranted, with 110 costs. Order filed. People ex rsl. JUnry A. Ilnsrs vs. Ithlne lander Waldo, Ac. Motion (ranted, without costs. Order filed. Martin Weir vs. City of New York. Mo tion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order filed. Patrick J. McNulty v, city of New York. Motion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order filed. Isidore Adler vsClty of New York. Mo tion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order nied, James Oavan as admr., vs City of New Y ork. Motion (ranted, with llo costs. Order filed. Walter J. McLaushlln vs. Hoard of JJdu cation. Motion (ranted, with MO costs. Order filed. William J. Mrtuufhlln, Jr., vs. Vlolette .Tiunausnun. sionon (rantsa, without costs. Order nied. Herman II. docket vs. Frances M llarnes. Same vs. dame. Motions (ranted, with 110 costs. Orders fllsd. Meyer Nakrlsky vs. David Kramer. M- noil aninie.1. wim no coets. ordsr fifed. John A. McCarthy A Hro., vs. Oscar I- o'rder'flleit'0,l0n "run,J' w,th ,10 c0,,, Hubert H. Martin vs. Henry M. Whitney. Motion (ranted, with MO costs. Order fllsd. Joseph II. tuber vs. J6hn Wunomsker, New York. Motion (ranted unless appellant compiles with terms slated In order. Order flle.l. M Martin Dolphin vs. Fields R 1'endletnn. .Motion (ranted unless appellant complies with terms stated In order. Order filed. Mto Pants vs. Christian Jscobs, Ac, Co. Motion (ranted unless appellant compiles with terms stated In order. Order filed. Charles llorwllt vs North llrltleh. Ac, Ins. Co. Motion (ranted unless appellant compiles with terms stated In order. Order filed Mary Cavlnato vs. Attlllo Plclrllll, Motion (ranted, with 110 costs. Ordsr filed. fame vs. same. Motion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order filed. Frank J. Waldeyor vs. Oliver M. Arken burgh. Motion grunted unless appellant complies with terms stated In order. Order filed. famuel I'rensky vs. Max Alpert. Motion (runted, with M0 costs. Order filed. Hsmuel A. Dennett vs. Charles I. Cooke. Motion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order filed, Joseph I). Nlederllls vs. Metropolitan Casualty Ins. Co. Motion (ranted, with MO oosts. Order filed, Nathnn Calpan vs. l'lttshur( Contracting Co Motion (ranted, with MO costs. Order tiled. Nathan Hlmowlch vs. Katherlns A. Lee. Motion (ranted, with M0 costs. Order filed. Francis J Onlehantv vs. Hart Dunn. Motion grantsd, with M0 costs. Order filed Knorh Harnett vs. Holhrook, Cabot A Hot'lne Co, Motion denied, without coets. Order filed. Morris W Levins vs. 31th fit. Ilealty Co. Motion denied, without costs. Order filed. Matter of Agnes K. Mulligan. Motion granted unless appellant complies with terms stated In order. Order filed. Michael Nlcolelll vs. Allen 1.. Friedman et al. Motion denied, with MO costs. Order filed, Tho People, Ac, vs Thomas Orifice. Mo tion (ranted. Order filed. The, People. Ac, vs. Harney Clpollaro. Motion (ranted. Order filed. The l'eople, Ac, va. Tony Jordan. Mo tion (ranted, order filed. The People, Ac, vs. John Clrlggs. Motion granted. Order filed. Matter of Aleasnder Miller, decessed. Motion (ranted with M0 costs Order filed. Ohio C. Ilarber vs. Frank M. I'eet. Mo tion granted with M0 coats. Order filed. Mater of Louis Urrenburg Motion granted, with M0 costs. Order filed. James C. Hushby va. !.. M, Tlerkelpy t at. Motion denied, with leave to renew aa stated In order Ordsr filed, Hume vs. Hams Motion denied without costs Order filed. Same vs flame Motion denied without costs. Order filed Isaac Heller vs. Julius Klusman. Motion denied, with M0 costs, order filed. Frances M. CavanaKh vs. Josephine A. Murphy t al. Mil Ion (ranted unless ap pellant compiles with terms stated In order. Order filed Abram Laslnsk p. City of New York. Motion granted. Order filed, First Comm. Hank nf Ponttao vs. Moses M Valentine et al. Motion (ranted; quee tlons certified. Order filed. Altorla Ilealty Co. vs. Peter lie Lecer, Motion denied, wtlh M0 costs. Order filed. James H. Herman va. Francis !. Inland. Motion denied, with M0 costs. Order filed. Matter of Mary Forrester, decessed. Mo. lion (ranted unless uppellants comply with terms etuted In order Order filed. Matter of Frederick Forrester, deceased. Motion irranted, unless appellant compiles with terms etuted In order. Order filed, Hudnlph O. llmibold v,. nickert Flnlay Itealty Co. Motion granted unices appel lant complies with terms stated In order. Order filed l'oople ex rel. leldor Weiss vs. I'hlllp Ilernstnln Hick and Ilrneflt Society. Motion grunted unless appellant compiles with terms etatod In order. Order filed. James C llushby ve Lancelot M. Herke 'ey Motion far (ranted .is to allow de ii fendant to serve case within five days end to serve printed papers and have appeal on car andur by November 10. ready for arsument If these conditions are not complied with the motion to vacate order dismissing appeal Is denied. Hettle order on notice. Colorado und Ho. Hv, Co. vs. De Witt C. Illalr et al Motion (ranted. Question certineu oroer men Felg' Moraiek A Co. vs Ernst FsUl. Mo tion denied, with MO costs. Order filed. City of N. Y. vs flamuel Hsr(ofrsn. Mo tion denied, with M0 cost,. Order filed Hirry I Levlue s. Hose Howard. Motlnn ersnted on condition staled In order. Order men. Vulcan Jletlnnlng Co s. Franx A. Assmsn et al. Hs me vs. same. Motions (ranted. Orders filed. Matter of Harmon Hendricks. Motion de nied, with MO costs. Order filed Joseph I.elner vs It, Hoe A Co. Motion denied, with M0 losls. Order filed. Hdmund K Htallo vs. Arthur It. Jones. Motion denied, wllhout costs. Order filed, William 1" MrCormlck ve Frank J. Tyler. Motion (ranted. Question certified Order men. Hume vs. peine. Motion for stay granted rJettle order on notice. Frederick A Jones vs. William II. Woodln -i ui. ..uiiion granteii, witn iig costs, opln. Ion per curiam. Order filed. William J. Kln(den vs I.Ptltla M. Cral( et al. Motion for Play granted. Mettle order on notice People vs. Charles 8. llornwlti. Motion denied. Hettle order on notice. Thomas Kenny is. William F Campbell. Motlnn denied, without cosls. William K. Hlood(ood vs. Nathan Iteinl knff Motion grantod Matter nf Interborough Itspld Transit Co. Motion granted, Nellie order on notice Iteglnald Wharnond vs. North Side Hoard of Trade Application denied, with M0 costs. Order slfns.l COURT CALENDARS THIS DAY. NF.W YOHK COI'NTY. Appellate Division Supreme Court. Its cess. Huprems Court- Upeelsl Term Part II. Hefore Ford, J. Court opens at 10:10 A. M. Kx parte matters Surrogate's Court - Chambers Heforo Fowler, H. No day calendar. City Court Special Term Part II. He. fore Hrhmuek. J Court opens at 10 A. M Hi pane matters ....... KINDS COUNTY. Huprems Court Speclsl Term Hefore Crane, J Court opens at 10 A. M Lltb gaied motions. Hefors MannliK. J fix parm matters. II. 8. Huprems Court Calendar. .,.V'.M!IH'MT0,;,' V1' T,' ealendar of the Unlled Htuiee Huprpms Court for Mun day; , Ne. 3. 4!0. 431, 453 (end l7 and 573), 1. 313 (and 304), 40, S0. ill, 4J7, 351 403. 47 land 47S), 340, 50. ' trfrrees Appointed. lly Justice Ford Hill vs. Mack, Howard C. Lake, llwy. Bav. Instil, vs. Hose, Edw jr. 1ndeay; Clare vs, Jlalfour, Jss, M Tullvi Hoosevelt vp. Inter. City I.d, A fiecur. Co., Joa, M. Udelsoni Mabee vs. (lit Ht. Ilealty Co, Hugene T. llrackett. Hy Justice OU(erlch lCobre vs. Lewis, Oeo. Vt, Cluro. lly Justice Donnelly Hector, Ac, Ch. of Incarnation vs. Ilorton, Timothy lUIyi Hmlgr Indust. tiav. Ilk, vs. fltrach, Hy F, ''.Vr-i .,,urrH.v"- '-'l Italy Ilealty. Then. M lllelile. Union Dime Bav. Ilk. vs Lleber kind. Klek J Ludvlgh: McCormack vs. Mahr, Jr, Jacob U Diamond: Amer. Mtg. Co. vs Jaroosen, Jus. A, Lynch. NUUHOtiATE'H NOT1CM. In, Pursuance of an order of Hon. Itobert Ludlow Fowler, u hurro(ate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby (Iven to all unrpi.iie iiiiviiik claims against toward C. Hlce, Into of the County of New York, de. ceased, to present the same with vnuehers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of iraiissriins misineep, uoom rto, 113.114, fVaW York Pii,.lii.- Hjchansc. Mrs. 3, I, 6 r,d s Hroadway, In the city nf New York, on or before ths 10th day ef February next Dated, New York, the Sin ilay of July. 1114 WALDO 13, HICK. llOWAfUl K. IlfrjIO and KDWAltD r hick. JR., AdmlnlstrMors with the will of rdward C. Rice annexed, HAI.nwIN, HOY A FIHHBn. Attorneys for Administrators, 31 Nassau Htreet, New York City, 13 14 15 A LADY In Hnuthern country home near Aiken, Houth Carolina, wishes few (uests for winter months, good hunting, rates reason, able Address LOTTIE U UOl.DKN, Mon. etta, h'uuUi Carolina. S I li COI'NTItV HOAHII. L.. .l.JJ1. . I.. KT.rTlny sTJCK. j, Kf.KCTION NOTICE. BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Board nf elections of The CH' of New York, fiencrsl Office, Municipal Uulldl.g, llorough of Manhattan. Notice Is hereby given, In pursuance of chapter 33, section Dot, I-aws of lOoa, censtltullni chapter 17 of IhcConsolldalod Lai ' asp cnoe I by chap I M7 of the t.awt ol 101P if th i boun 'arles of f-ehof the election district, i the County n( New Yolk, and of ths designation nt the place of regis tration, October a. to, l and 17, andnf the polling Place for thn election to he held November 3, 1011. In each of the elecUon districts In said county, as follows: I'OLIJNO PLAC'S, 1014. IIOHOl'tlH OF MAN HATTAN. Flnl AlirrnMKDUfricf. Ct), I 3 .1 A a a 7 a 11 HI II 13 1.1 U Hi 1ft 17 1ft III 311 31 23 E.D. I 2 I 4 6 S 7 a 9 10 II l 11 13 10 17 in 10 Location. 1Kuplcl As (Ireenwlcli at ., Greenwich et,. Greenwich it,., Mulberry si . . W. Hroadway. (irand et Greenwich t... Canal at Spring it . ... Hudson it Prince st 9ulllvati st , Prince st Hudson st ... W, Houston st, Downing st. , Hedford st ... llleeckcr st. . Prince at.... ., HtAtloncry ,,,, . Shoes Ileitaurant ., .. Horlier Confectionery Hsrher Hhoes Psrber , . Stationery Leather supply i anuy K.I) t 2 .1 4 r. n 7 ft 11 in 11 12 13 14 ia is 17 Ift 7.1 21 23 3.1 Hsrbcr . . Tailor Pool parlor . ritioea . . .. Harber Pastry Pool parlor flrrond iirmMiDfilrlrf. location. Occupied As n.n. n o to ftroad st ..... ixars Tailor .Harber ..Carpenter . ., Iiarhcr .. Harber . . Vacant .Itcstaiirant Fulton St.. Hoosevelt St. Pearl at. . . Pearl st ... Madison st. Osk st ... Cherry t,. . Water st, . .. Madison St.. Henry tt. l'lkn st , . Madison st . Monroe st . Madison st .. Madison st. Henry st, It, Hroadway 1'.. Hroadway Candy . . Hsrher . . . Harber llsrber , . Tailor Candy . ..Pirating . . Hsrher , . Tailor barber Shoemaker l'.l). 1 2 .1 4 ft ft 7 ft II to II 12 1.1 14 1 a to 11 ti 10 20 21 22 2.1 rnlrd Ammblu DHtrttt. Location. Occupied As i: d. 10 13 II 41 II IS 324 340 337 77 153 HOI rrsiiuuii si Chatham sq Howery Ilowery F.lliabeth st Centre st Droome et... Harber Uarher Heal estate Harber Harber Harber .Tailor Harber Harbor Harrier , Hsrher ..... . Harber ... . Confectionery Clothing Hsrher Hotel office Harber ,. Harber Tailor Grand at Chrystlc it.. Ilowery. Ilroome st. . Prtnce st. . Prince st. . . Ilowery. .. Illeecker st ilowery. . Cooper sq.., 13 40-51 It IS 333 4 130 13 201 237 A M 210 103 nm si i.i 0th st Mtuyvesant st .... rtrd ave. . II. i:th st, . .. 3rd aie. ...Awnings Clothing Undertaker Harber 25. D, I a a 4 & ft j s 8 10 Kcurla AsttmMv Dtifrlcf. Occupied As Cigars Candy SlaUonrry Plumber Hndrruiker Auctioneer Uarher F.iprrss ofilcs . . ,, Harber Uarher Shoes Uarher Harber Harber Pictures Harber B. I). Location. si Montgomery st 60 Jackson si 34 Madleon st Ut Grand st 540 Grand st 440 Grand st 101 Attorney tl ... , 137 Hldge st. . . 47 Pitt st . . 75 Sheriff st 75 Columbia st SI Columbia st . . 7n Cannon st 33514 Hlvtncton st.., M4 (irand st IS-30 Jackson st riP Aiiemtdl Dllfrlcf. r D. Location. Occupied Aa 1 478 Hudson st Cigars 3 41-3 Hedford st Ja or 3 COT Hudson st e. Isllor 4 3P7 Illeecker st Ilartirr I 313 Illeecker st llsrber r. 304 Illeecker st .Shoes 7 104 Christopher st Tailor s 113 Illeecker st Laundry 0 so Hudson st Harber 10 012 Washington st Tailor tl 370 W lllh al Ilarher 12 IM Washington st Uarher 11 fvv Hudson si orilre 14 40i Mh ao Storage 13 (ttliVj Hudson st Stationery HI SO Am ave Insurance 17 2M W. 13lh st "I'" Is ill Mh eve Hsrher 10 120 7lh ave Uarher 30 log Hh ave J'1.1!" 31 120 8th ave Tailor 23 101 lOlh ave Harber 23 143 th ave bakery 13.1). 1 3 4 .1 6 7 H 0 10 It li 11 tl 15 Ift 17 11 10 20 .Sfrll Airm6!t Dfilrlrf. UicaUon. 2nd Pt .. .. SuRolk st Hldro st. F. Houston st Columbia st Ii. Houston st 13. Houston at Avenue I) r. I), t l0 2 ISI 3 liA-7 413-15 Occupied As Vacant Hat bcr Printer Tailor Tailor llvrber Tailor ... llarbur 6 141 4S9 4M 31 210 M 57 70 tto s2 OA 117 113 031 3rrl st cigars Tailor Cigars . .. . Harber barber Plumber Ilnrhrr , .. . Harber . . . Hrstaurant . . Harber HOIrlff. Occupied As Avenue C Avenue II Avenuo C V.. 6th st Avenue D Avenue I) Avenuo H Avenue D 13. Oih si .Seienpi Aiei6ly location. 10th ave . . . . oth ave nth ave Mh ave Mh ave 7lh ave W. 22nd at V. 23rd l Hth ave 10th ave VUi ave . .. . W. 35lh at K. D. t 2 a 4 r e 7 a U 111 II 13 13 14 Hi IS 17 11 10 30 21 22 narocr Hfirher Clothing Ilarher Ilarher Harber 'tailor Harber Ilarher cigars Tailor ,. Cigars , Harber Undertaker Harber Iiarhcr , Machines . Laundry Iiarhcr Florist . . Ilarher Uarher 7th ave . . inn ave 8th ne W. 2Mh at lllh ave W, 2Mb st W. 20th at . 0th ave . . 8lh ave 10th me KIJUO AlllrnOllf location. Henry st l'orsythe st Pike at V.. llrnndway Norfolk at Norfolk at Canal at. , lildrldge at J'oraythe st Ilroome st . . .. Delancey st Forsythe st jllvtngton st i Kldrldgc st Kssex at Hlvtngton at Norfolk at IHtlrUt. U.D. 1 3 a 4 & ft 7 N 8 10 II 13 II 14 15 10 17 Orcupled As 49 to 22 214 43 Ml 25 41 70 3o:i 55-0 177 4 10 109 127 151 ... iiuici . Harber , Ilestaurant Laundry Undrnakcr Harber Ilarher . . Harber Harber HcsUiurant . Umbrellas Codec .Hrstaiirant . . Tea house ,., .Harber Harber . .. Harber 15. 1). 1 2 .1 4 tt ft 1 ft U 10 11 12 1.1 14 C. Ift 17 11 PI 2D 21 2J 3.1 21 .VlnCi AurmMi durrirf. location. Occupied Ah W. 84th st. , .Uarher 10th air Cigars W. Sllhst Ilarbrr 10th ave Ilnrhrr 8th ave Hurbrr W. Mlh st Iiarhcr W. 37lh et Ilarher 10th ave llsrber W. Splh et Plumber W. 3slh at Undet taker Oth ave Hsrher W, Stlth. tl Shoes W. 40th si Tailor W.SOlhat Printer W, 41st at Hsrher W. 4tst at Tailor 10th ave Tailor 10th ave Undertaker lllh ave Tinsmith W. 43d at Clothing Olh aie Hsrher CD. 1 2 a 4 & 7 s 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS 17 IS 18 20 21 i:.n 1 3 a 4 a 11 7 1 v 10 U 12 U Tend) AtunMv Ie-icotlon. 24a Kldrldga at. 311 I!. Houston at. in) 1st at. 12ft I'.. Houston al, . . M 2d st AH 2d ave IM) 1'. 8.1 et (10 Mh at Itw Avenuo A to Mh st an) 15 Mh al 380 Oth at se 1st ave 118 7th at 1142 15. Olh at 135 Avenuo A 2nd 15. 10th st 318 13. Oth at. 218 1st ave. . . . 2IH 1st ave, . Hfifrfcf. Occupied As ...barber barber Tohsceo Harber Undertaker Hsrher Plumber l'liinihrr Clirarp Nnuilles Harber Glarlcr Glarlrr .Harber .Hsrher bather Tobacco Tailor . llsrber . .. Confectionery 13. D, I Jflfresih Ammblu IHHrttt. Uu'ntlim, Occupied As 517 W, 431 at .I'lgar hmes wis W. 44th st .Shoemaker S27 Oth ave, Heal estate 35S W. 4tlh st llsrber (160 oth in e Heal esiUc AA4 Olh eve Ilarbrr Ml Oth ave Cigars 617 10th ave ( itarp All lllh ave Harness M5 W. 47th at Candy M lOlh ave. Candy 673 10th ave Undertaker SNA Oth ave. Uarher 732 eth ave Undertaker 455 W, 41th tl Uarher 41 w. 40th al. ,, . .. Undertaker 70) 10th ave ,, , Hsrher MS nth ave, Uatbcr K.H. I 2 S 4 r ti i s u 10 II 13 ,Harber 602 W, Msl al. 413 W. 40th sl . 4ftl W. Slit si. , Mi W, 60th st 714 Olh ave 703 Olh ave. .. . . isiior ..Undertaker ,, Undertaker Tsllor Harber Fish I5.D, TwIttS Aitmblv Dlllrfrf. Isicsjilnn. Occupied As 14 Avenuo A .. . ,, ..Plumber 1" Avenue H Hal Cleaning 13ft Avenue I) , Heatsurant 217 Avenue O Club M1I13. 14ihsi ,. , Undertaker 2M Avenue II . . , . Harber 2M Avenue A Dressmaker -, . 13. lllh si , Elertrlrsl AM 13. 14th al , Tailor I VI .VI avo . , Laundri I mi .VI avo , Ilarbrr 3i7 1st avo , ,I)uirher 2H1 tl ave Harber 640 1:. isih at Harber 60". Jl. I7lh at 1 ....Harness 332 1st ave Harber IM 2d ava Hall .142 2d ave ., . Undertaker Mil 2d ave , Hsrher .117 2d pvo ,, Undertaker Am 15.31st at Ilarher M.I 15. 23d at 20 31 33 23 Tftlrfernla .turmoil location, M7 W. BUI sl . 742 lllh sve 4iwi W. S2d at .14.1 W 52d at pa Pith sve M4 ln'h svs 2ft Mil ave 672 uth ave 64i mill avo ,. SM 10th ave, rft4 loth ave , 643 lllh SV Ml lllh ave. 24 Columbus ave 24 Amsterdam ave. ,. 3nl W. list st IM W. ".1st it , 7.1 Amatenlamavo ..... 221 W.s.vist. id Amsterdam ave. .. 2ls W.Mih st. 13.1 West F.nd ave. . . 203 U'.Mtbat Dlslrlct. Occupied As .Harber Vacant Hsrher Grocery Harber ,,, Candy .Harber Ileal Katste Harber Shoes Harber Harber Harber .. Harbir Confectionery ,,,, Uatbcr Club Harber Harber ., Clothes , Ilarher . ... Undertaker Harber f'otirtsrnti 1-ocallon, 3III I3.2.1dai. A47 3,1 ave. . wis K JSlh at. 443 1st ave. 4isl 2d ave. 24J 15. 27lh It 1.14 K. 2ulh SI. 421 ad ave. .Ml 13. 2lh St. 64ft 2d ave. 44ft 3d ave. 410 .VI sve. 67U 2d ave. . ,. S03 13. 33d al. . 6.1ft 15. 61 th at. 401 .VI ave. , , 611 let ave. 670 2d ave. 68.1 2d ava. . . .Vl 13. 30th St 600 3d sve, . 62.1 3d ave, ... 71 2d avo. ... Ammblu nMH't, Occupied A , ..Cigars Furniture , Ilarbrr Cigars Ileal 15atste Tailor . . Undertaker alias Undertaker Harber Cigars Cigars Harber .Undertaker ,. . ..Hlrd. Store Darber Club t.ndrrtakcr , Undertaker Dottles Undertaker Clgtrs Florist tfferntA Allimblv Dlifrlrl. Location. Occupied Aa Amsterdam ave Hsrher Amsterdam avs , Harber Amsterdam sve Stationery West find ave Harber W.sithal Harber Columbus ave Laundry Columbus ave Tailor W. 72d st Vacant Hroadway, Vacant South Side of W. 73d et, 113 141 lftl 165 231 1S7 213 63 2043 15 I) inn fret eaei 01 luvereiao 1 2 .1 4 Drive Honth Tailor . .Harber lAundry Garage . Tailor Tailor ..Electrical .. .Tailor . .Laundry Clgsrs .... Tailor . ..Harber .Harness . . . .Vacant 2l 323 3M 31ft 301 232 SKI sua lis 4U 112 175 22M 301) Amsterdam ave . . ... Cotumhut ave Columbus ave ... Amsterdam ave Amsterdam ave . W. nlst sl Amsterdam ave Amsterdam ave W Villi at Columbua ave W. Kid st W. 63d at Hroadway W Mist , . North side of W. stth at. 160 feel weal of Weat I3nd ave .. Amsterdam ave Amsterdam ave Atnilrrdam ave Amsterdam ave .... . Hooth .107 Ml MJ IA2 Iks 6O0 62ft 612 615 .Laundry Vacant Tailor . Ilarher .. . Tailor Undertaker . Tailor Harber Undertaker Amsterdam ave Amsteidam ave Columbus ave Amsterdam sve Amsterdam sve fttitrrnth Ammblu Dllfrlcf. Location. 13, ul tt. 3d ave 2d ave 1st ave 2nd ave. 3rd nve , 3rd aie 3rd ave 1st nve. pt ave. . .. 2nd ave. . . 3rd ove. . . . 2nd sve 2nd sve Occupied as 250 7IS 7IP1 7 M0 161 750 Ml POO HJ) 017 M3 ViH Wl '.'HI 156 248 313 1010 narocr Undertaker Ilarher .Hsrher ... , .Harber Florist Harber Harber Harber Vacant . . .Stationery . ... Ilartirr . ., Leather . .Undertaker Ilftfhrr . Hall . Tailor Tailor I. 34tn sl 15 .Mth al IT.-Mill st 13. Sllll sl 1st aie. Nnrlli end of Workhoute, Dock, UlackweU't Island. Florist AerrnfrrUft Atirmdly DUfrlrf, Ixiratlon. Columbua ave. . . Coiumbus ave. ... Columbus ave, . Occupied aa 41.1 61.1 Ml 623 648 MJ 708 7.11 707 2461 taunury 15xpreaa office . . Tailor . . .Harber . Electrical Laundry Tailor . ... Hsrher .Iiarhcr Columbus ave Columbus sve Coiumbus ave. Columbus aie Columbus ave Amsterdam ave Hroadway southeast comer of . 0.V1 stand Hlvcrslde Drive .. Tailor Hasement 212 104 74J 767 762 IV. uftih at. W PSth H Amsterdam ave. Amsterdam ave. . Amsterdam ave. South aide of W. Oftth sl Tailor Tailor Undertaker . Harber Undertaker , 123 ft. west or nroanwav . , South side ul W. troth st, SO ft. wet of West 15nd nve, Amsterdam ave Amsterdam ave. . . . W. Uftih st Central Park West . . W. lOlat at W. 101st st Hooth Hooth M1 7S.1 41 3U.1 Ml 104 .14 67.1 14 16 20 l(i.1 ma Kit 151) Candy Ilarher Harber Tailor ... Tailor . .Tailor llsrber Upholsterer Tailor . Tailor . . Tailor . . Tailor . . . Ilarher Tailor . . Tailor 15 D. Manhattan ave. .. Amsterdam ave' W, 10.V1 st. W. pod tt W, 104th st. W. 104th st, . W. td'iih st Columbus ave. . Manhattan ave. . .(Uftlrenll AimpiMp Dtifrlcf. Uiratlun. occupied as ions 10711 lire 1060 1074 11.16 Hill io;ui him 1211 Sis) 12.VI 1277 121ft 1261 131ft 1111 nm us .-ui4 415 1361 .Y16 .145 2nd nve. 2nd ave. Shoes . . . Shoes Harber Shoes Ilarher llarhe . .. . llsrber Cigars , . . .V arrhouse Carriages Harber .... Ilarher Florist .. Stationery . . . .Shoes Cigars lltrber Harber Shoe cleaning Confectionery Ilarher Harness barber Undertaker 2nd sve lit nie, ' 1st nve. lal ave 2nd nve ,'ird ave. ... 2nd nve 2nd ave 15. 67thm 2nd ave. ... 1st ave. .. 1st ave Ill avu 2nd aie 3rd ave 3rd ave. I5asl 72nd sl. Cast 7ltn. I3asi 71st st. ... Avenue 13. 72nd al, li. 73d st, I5.I). 1 4 A'ptrfrenpi Alitmblv putrid, Uicallnn, Occupied as norm siuo 01 . lutsi. si., 75 II. west of Ilroadway... 673 Amsteidam avs, Uli) Amsterdam ave, 2744 llrnaduay 841 Amsterdam ave 2U West HUth at 71 WrMlOMIist 70 West ilium et 101 Weat IUXUi st :mn Hroadway 881 Amsterdam sve. 5J4 West 110th st Mouth tide of West Ulth at. , . , . tlonth Harber . ... Tailor ...I'lrtiires Harber , JiuiKlry I -sundry . .laundry J'lumher ...Laundry l-aundry bicycles Hooth Tailor Hooth 15.1), 1 !?a ft, west or nroauway CIO W. lUlh at. South aide Weal lUlh st, 300 ft west of Amsterdam uie North aide of West llftth st, 100 ft east of Amsterdam ave 1003 Aisierdsm ave. lino th laundry Tailor uu i-swi ll.llll SI. Ho'J w side of West l5lh at , 13.1 tt eaat of ltlverplde Hrlie Ilooth NnsiJiwrst corner S est 118th st and Claremonl ave. . . Office ftnso liiiiMiway 613 west i:7th at . M Old Hroadway . IIM Amsterdam ave, . Ki West I.1IH t M Manhattan tt .1160 Hroadway Ull 1 West I2ftlh st i29 West l'ih st 4 ift V,', 13.1th tl. 1272 Amsterdam sve, Hill Miiriilngtlde sve. 12.VI AinsDrdam aie. hi Mornliigslde Drive 451 Manhattan ave. , 411 Manhattan ave. . . ana YYcit Il7lh tt .... 2161 Mh ave. 2 Ml w 1151)1 tl , 30014 Witt llftth st Tallur Ileal ratals . . Harber .Shoes Ilarher Hsrher Stable utiles . Ilakery ..Upholsterer . . .Tailor ... .. ilarher . Ijiundry . ... Ilarher l-aundry Tailor ..Harber Laundry . Ilarher Ilarher Shoe cleaning .Harber Tailor ,,. . laundry Ijiumiry Hsrher i:.i. 1 0 0 1 2 '! iv iiiui si 2071 Hh sve. .ko W. HSih al ,,. IM11 Tih air. 2mo Mh ave 300 West 1 1 1 lit St. Vlcilnwan's Paaa, Central 1'ark, 105th tt. and 3th ave. 13 I 5 ft 7 Ijiundry 16 10 911 loth . Dwelling rirnlti Aiirmoliy DUtrUt. Location. Occupied ft a 3d ave Awnings 15. 76th st ...Printer 1st ave. ., , ' .ilarher 1st ave Undertake F. Jlthat Hatber 1st ave , ,. Dirtier 15. 77th st lvuinrlrr 15. fith at HftphT 3d ave liar It. 77th at Harper lal ave. Undertaker tat ave Harber 3d avo Harber 15, Kith at ..Harbcr 15. Slat at Ilarbiy Avenue A Harbee Avenue A Hsrher Avenue A Harber 2d ave Ilarher 3d ave Tinsmith Islington ave Ilarher ad ave .......Harber R. &2d at , Launury Tirenlw flnl AnemWy Plrtril. Ixicatlon. Occupied as Sl, Nicholas ave Tailor W 13.1th st Cigars Ht. Nicholas Terrace Tsllor 1370 340 1467 14(0 48ft 1473 311 IV) 14M 40.1 1310 1507 16.14 343 .103 1513 15rs 15.18 156ft 1 1 III 14(8 1414 233 I). 24.1 373 41 3401 3174 31.1 41 113 .Km 32110 2434 2479 2254 23.14 2166 71 40 10.1 60 121 Mini .VII 3.128 36.14 260.1 :384 Slh IV. ii.i. Ilhsve. . , W. 131th st Innx ave., W, 121th st. Inox ave... Ilh sve 6th ave sth sve. . . 7th ave. .. Ilh ave. . . ilh sve. W. IKrt el. W. I.vvi a: , W 1.VV1 sl , w.i.nihst ., W. I Mth at . 6th sve . . W, iruth at. 6th sve. sth sve. . . Plk .UM Undertaker Uarher 'I'tsh laundry Tsllor Hsrher Florist Clgarf Upholste 1. Tailor Undertaker Hlllla'di r.srbor Tailor .........Undertaker Ilarher ... Furniture Tailor .Iiarhcr Undertaker Dleyrlet II " aih sve North aide nf tr. 140th si. 150 ft. weal of Ilh sve .... . .. sth svs. llrosdwsy Amsterdam avs Amsterdam ave Amsterdam ave Hroadway W. 137th st Ilroadwnv Amsterdam ve Aniilerdam ave norm Hooth Florist .. .Tailor . .. Cigars . . Harber ,. Ilarher .Tailor Laundry . Hsrher Hsrher Tailor 2614 3.W1 1411 1412 1.V13 3.143 603 1441 6u4 1621 J"irenli.jf'ond AlirmMv Dlitnrr. 15. D. Location, Occupied as 1 1570 1st ave Cigars 3 4.1ft 15 63d sl Undertaker 1 156ft Avenuo A Hsrher 4 ISM Avenuo A bakery 6 1603 Avenue A Laundry ft 160ft 1st ave Flnrtit 7 ,166 15, Mth at Harber ft 160ft 3d ave Hatter u 3oft 15. SMh'tt., Plumber 10 16014 15. Mth st Hsrher tl 1662 3d sve Ilarher 12 1427 Avenue A barber 11 1613 Avenuo A Candy 14 501 15. 67th sl Tailor 15 447 13, 67th al Harber 1ft 1471 2d sve Hsrher 17 1541 3d ave llsrber 1ft 168.1 1st avs Ilarher 10 1701 1st ave Oil Cloth 20 lftia Avenue A Cigars 31 1444 Avenue A Plumber 23 1744 1st avo Tailor 26 1714 2d ave Hirher 24 17.11 2d ave .Tailor 7 trenfytftlrd Anemblv DUIrld. ixiratlon, Occupied as 2.121 7th nve Tailor 643 Lenox ave.. Shoes 614 lnox sve Tailor soutn piueor iv, nisi si iuu rt east or 7in sve Hooth 628 376 316 3444 245.1 647 2S0.'. 26ft 2724 248 201 354 26.10 .Vl2 3143 JW.1 ,107 Mft 170.1 14.12 113 3.VI0 64ft 661 4U.1 6 1773 1762 1711 1164 178.1 .14.12 767 37 1S44 S664 1647 140.1 18.12 10 .177.1 1864 841 3010 61129 3034 20.11 2074 1(111 2047 le-nox ave. Tailor Tailor Ilarbrr Ilarher Harber , . Tailor ...Heal citato Ilarher Florist Uarher Club narber . . . . Harber Confectionery ,. . Ilakery Confectionery Cigars Hsrher Ilarher .Confectionery Harbor , Candy Ilarher Ilarbrr Muala Vacant Tailor . ,. . Harber . .Haberdasher Ilakery .... Laundry TallA Tailor .... . Tailor , , .Upholiierer Tailor .... Harber .. , .Undertaker .... Jeiveles" .... Harber Ilarbrr Gent's Fume Tailor .... Uarher ...Heal citato Laundry Tailor Mather Stationery Grocery Storage . . .Ileal ratals norm Tailor .Confectionery Tailor Tailor Ilarher Ilarher Tailor Hsrher .... Ilarher Laundry Tailor ... Stationery Ilarher , Tailor Tslior Ilarher Vacant Cigars ... Ileal estate Uarber W, 141st et W. 142d st 7th ave 7th ave lx-nox ave 7th ave W. 144th st 6th ave W. 143th st W. i4eth at 1th ave Slh ave W. Kdit st 6th sve 6th ave W 14.1th at W 143th st. . . Amsterdam ave. .. Amsterdam ave. . Hamilton pi. .. . Hroadway W. 149th st W 141th st W. 14.1th st St Nicholas pi. .. Amsterdam sve. . Amsterdam avo. .. Amiterdam ave. Amsterdam ave. . Amiterdam ave. .. Hroadway St. Nlrbolai ave. St. Nicholas pi. .. Amsterdam avs. Hroadway Amsterdam nve. , Amsterdam ave. Amsterdam ave. . . Amsterdam ave. . Hroadway . . Amsterdam aie ht. Nicholas ave. Amsterdam sve. . Hrnsdwav . Amsterdam ave. .. Amsterdam sve. , Amsterdam ave. , St Nicholas ave. Amsterdam ave. . Amsterdam ave. , Amiterdam ave, , Audubon ave' Amsterdam ave, . St. Nlrhnlas ave. . St, Nicholas ave. Ameterdatn ave. Amsterdam ave. . Audubon ave. ... St, Nicholas sve. . St. Nicholas ave. . Hroadway . . Northern ave, W. Hist si W Hist at St. Nicholas ave. . W. 161st at Audubon ave. .. St. Nicholas ave. .. Hroadway . .. . Audiihon sve. .... W. 207th at Ilruaduay J167 II 2174 40 2220 1244U 1374 2268 2.VV1 270 16.14 1374 4161 II 750 614 1404 66.1 .140 1414) 4.124 42.1 6.VI 522.1 rirrniy fourfli Ammblu Dlilrlrl. Ixicallon, Occupied as 112 13. auih st 1(8.1 W avo. IM11 .VI eve, . . . . PWi ,vj ave 1174 2d ave 1602 2d ave 16-14 2d sve. 1101 ,v sve 224 13. IMth st I7U2 ,vt ave 2d sve 1441 .VI sve. , ., 1614 Islington ave. 1 AM .vt sve. . 1477 Lcslugtnn ave. , 2i 15, 104th st. 2030 3d ave. . . . , ...darner . . I jiu ml ry . . , Tallir , Contractor Harber . . .. Shoes narber Harbor Fruits Ilakery H-kery Undertaker Harber . . . Jewelry ... Plumber Flin barber ,...!,.., M vir: )'.:' Tutntv fltth AMrmMiy Uicatlnn, Christopher al Hlrecker st Illeecker at Greenwich ave Perry st. Christopher at 6th ave eth ave ftth sve ,, W.ftlhst W, 12th st Greenwich sve Greenwich ave sth ave W. 15th at Union Square M ave M sve 4th ave 1th pvo W. 2.V1 a I 6th nve rth ave 4th sve I-cilngton ave DUtrltt. Occupied as Tsllor Harber .... . llsrber Stable nmre llsrber Paints Tailor Tsllor ,. Harber (iarmentwelghis I-aundry Pslnn bicycles Pictures l-aundry Tapor Hsrher Harber Ilarher Ilarher Ilarher Harber Trunks Ctgare Laundry M1 .1 41.1' lt i-n 1 41 Pi 63 64 27 64 6(1 114 187 141 24 213 244 ,V1 168 27.1 372 420 412 124 7'icenfv-ifrm Atttmbtu UltlrKI. Lorstlun. Orcupled ss Iftio .VI ave. , . , .vt sve, . nd sve 15 04th at Park avo, Madison ave, Xlsdlson sve. Mull. on sve. I', und at Madison ave. Medium ave. Madltun ave, Madison sve. Madison ave. i loath at. . 13, 1 13 tit at. .. H, Il3lh at. .. Mad I ion ave. naroer , Cigars Shoes .Coal and Apron Supply Dme'let Cigars Ilarher Ilarher Ilarher Ilarher Tailor Harber Cigars Ilarher garber arher "slier trhcr 2 1664 .1 1114 12ft 125.1 1414 14011 14 HI 48 61 1522 1541 1567 I Mm 1612 14 6.1 22 17CO I., 111111 si. ...,,..ii. ...i'rin F. liaih at fojrltui Park nve Hardware 13. 11 ilh at naroer 25 16.10 15 Ul 115.1 1413 15, l6ih at, Auctioneer li, 116th tl, Madlton sve Mil ave, .. Tailor Tsllor Tailor Auem.Hi PMrltt. occupied at Harber Harbor Laundry Ilarher , Hsrher .Tailor Street Tailor Tailor .flgari Vacant ,,, Ilarher Cigars , Cigars Hsrher Florist Clgsrs Hiprejs nmre rrnfi'renPi leirailoii'. plo 611, .vs. 261 W, 41st at. 116 Sth ave, . . 6114 Atli ave, . 704 T 111 ave. . . . i;o aih ave IpI7 ftth ave 0J1 6 Hi ave, 143 Ilh ave, ... 103 w, 46th at. . IP) W. 3tlh al. .. 403 Ilh aie. . ... 361 7th ave (80 6 III ave 133 P.. 33d at 410 3d ave, 5M) 3d ave, .,, 110 P.. slat at ., 64 W. Will at. isuor