Newspaper Page Text
12 THE $UN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. ELECTION NOTICE. So 21 g 21 75 iv. t7 ih t. ... 21 v.. initi i OK Alh avr 01 Alh air. . . (20 Lexington alP. Undertaker .... Tailor Harbr Tailor Harper Tu-tntvttOhtH AiiemMv ntttrlet. r..n, 1 3 Ixirntlon. Occupied An Ill V.. 111111 IrfSI M HtP. . . . sm'l K, until m. ... I7A0 I.rxtniMoti Air. 1.12 i:. linth Hi 1701 laxlnrtnn hip, IM3 l,ex.trt7Uin ave. 701 n. 113111 It. .. 5033 11.1 avp. 21ft 2l AVP. 201 PlrAxant ave. . . 2m r.. mm fit. . . 2(iftA Ad ax r I WW l.ejilngton air. 2( i:. uiih it. It.72 Lexington nv. I0Q2 Lexington nf. ..UAuntiry Ctgtri Furniture llnrlirr llnrlirr . .taitindry . I Jiini'lrv .. llarbrr . Cnrtirt llarbrr ... l-nfTrr .. . Ilrlirr ... . Until .. Clear .. llarbrr . ..llarbrr H.irbrr 3 4 A A 7 a 10 ii IS 13 14 IS 1H 17 Tvtnly-nlnilx Assembly Dlstrlrt. E.D, Location. Ocrtiplrd At 1 31 W Mill si. .. 3 li W Atlh l. .. . . 3 l. Cnlunibui ave 4 34".-. w. uiih at. Ii me. Mh nvc. 1031 f.lh nvr. 1 North Mdi- "f E SMlt (.. I7S ft, rani of 5th nvr. tilt K 0!h At. n 713 Lrxlnzton ave 1(1 1011 3il nvr.. i 11 SI K Aid tl 12 A3I Park AM? 13 1IIA3(I AVI- II DM Lrxltlglim AVC IS T.'lJ 3d nvr IA insfl Lcxitii-inn ANP 17 111! Lrxlnttnn avr H ll.Vi la-xlngt'tn ave 10 01.'. 1'ark avr 20 127A Islington Ave ri WSO Park avr 23 lion Madison ave 23 107 K. th ft 21 122.1 Madlwin avr 2S 1127 Park avr r-A i?a Millr)ti avr. 77 7 r nith i 31 1132 Iz-xlnj-ton ar 28 I3.V) Madison avr I amain Plumbrr . . llnrlirr .. Florist llnrlirr . . Ilooih . Tnllor ..laundry . . .llnrlirr Tailor .. T.illor Clitnrx laundry .Laundry .. Ilnrliir Tailor . Tailor Tailor llarbrr . llarbrr llirbcr .. Tailor . ..tiarhrr . .. Hirber , .llarbrr . (irorrry . Tailor . ...llirbcr Thirtieth Assembly Mstrltt. i:.n. tairatlnn. ilernplpil nx I 3712 Itt air. I 420 i:. mm st. .. .1 211 T. 117th St. . 4 ?in I:. 1 1 nth st. I 2iA i:. isoth tt. 23VI 2nd avr. 7 2.111 tut avr. . . . A ?!1A Ul nvc. . . . 2111 2ml avp 10 211A 2ml avp II i)H 3rd ar. 11 Sill tfxlnirtnn avr, II 2W i: 131th M. . 14 H B 122iicl ul. 15 2021 lxlnirton ave, IA 1727 Park avr. 17 7.1 1.. 120th at. .. II All K 2.1th t. .. It l)7 l'nrk avr 20 l lUrk avr. 21 2ii21 MailUon nvr. 22 I Oin I'ark avr 2.1 10 MvlUon avr. 21 2001 MnilUon avr. 2S 2111 .lib avr. 21 11 VV IJ.Vh l. . 27 Sin tnox avr. 2 1 W. I31lh t. . 20 Mi lynox nvr. .. .10 02 Irnox avr II W rornrr K. MAilltoti avr. .iiaro' r t'mlf rtakrr rin.miih i Tailor Vnnnt 1 tlrln-ri Ivvi-ndrv lllrnrr Tlnainllh ' 1-i irlV 1 .. ..IltHlaurint llarbrr Va-ar.t llnrti"r laundry Iiiitrhrr .... Clirnrt ... I'ndrrtnkir .... llnrlirr . . .Autor-i'ibUr Rirtier Iink'ry . Mhiir rlmnltii; llartirr llnrlirr . . T.illor 137th xt. and , rirrppKiBiis INrfi.riM! Autm't'J DHtrtft. r.n. i tjK-Allotl. IHTlip'rn n 1321 .th xvr Clear 10 .St Nlcholnt avr. 21 l"iiox avr. 1311 .llh nvr ... . An !.rnox avr. . . A3 l-rnnx avr. 4-1 Ixt.ox avr. A.I SI Mcholax avr. a7 lnox ave ax lnox avr. . . . 1311 .lib. avr. .. .. .m vv IIAih l I3A U. until t. 12.1 lxnox avr. .. , 1 420 .1th nvr. . .. i7 W. ii;th t. . .. lilt .llh avr. . . 1 W. H8th M 171 Irnox avr. ... 1015 7th avr. Ill St. Nlchnlax avr. 2217 "Hi avr. 1017 7th ave 2n.i 7th avr. . . koi 3th avr 239 ennx nvr. 20A 7th nvr 2i2 St. Nlchulax ave. 2211 iih nvr sun Manhattan avr. 2(41 V. I2lth at. 2O02 7lh avr 21.1 V 12.1th M. 321 lnnx ave. 321 lnox avr. . . 1W8 MadUon avr. . . T.illor Tdlor llnta Shor rl'-.inluir llnrhrr llvrlur Tailor .Cliira .flolUl .llirb-r ITnderlnk-r llarb.-r Clcnrt . . Clirarx . . . I jviiniley Clirir Tailor Clear. llnrhrr Tailor , ... CUnr. . . . Tailor . . laundry Undertaker . .I'tnleriakcr . . .llirbcr llirbcr IlirVr Tnllor . . Tailor , . . . dim ...Uud-rtakrr llarbrr Clear. Ijimulry to It 13 13 II IS 1A 17 in 10 20 21 22 23 21 2S 2A 27 2 30 10 31 31 33 34 33 34 Ot'NTV OK NEW VOItK. Ilorouch of Manhattnn. t'ittt An'tmblv Imtrirt. Th lit Klertlnn Dlttrli-l It bounded by and within Morrlt t.. (lrreiiwlch it.. Hector t.. Hroadwav. Wall tt.. William tt., Ilnver It.. Whitehall it. Kail lliver. lludto.i P.iver. Oovernor'i. Klllt, njiter and Hedloc't 11 andt and Hudton ltlvei. The 2d Kleitlon Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within Liberty t . llrnadway, Pulton tt., William it.. Wall tt.. 'llrnadwav. He. tor it., Ureenwlrli it., Morrlt n. and Hudton Hlrr. . ... The 3d election Dlttrlrt It bounded bv and within Warren tt . Ilro.idwn. Cham ber! tt.. Centre tt., tt.. P.itk row. North William tt . William tt . Fulton it.. Broadway. Liberty it. and Hudton Itlver. The 4th Kiectlon DUtrb t l bounded by and within Worth tl . Pari. row. Dump it.. Cltv Hall place. Pearl it .mil I'.uk it Th" ;,tb Kiectlon Dl-'rlil It bounded by and within I.alrht tt . Canal tt.. Hio.idway. worth tt . park tt.. reiiri hi., my inn place. Dimiih tt.. Cetitrr tt., Cliiinibert t.. Hroadway. Warren tt , Hudton lilvir. Ilar rlton it. and Hudii.n it. The nth Kiectlon Dlttrlrt It boundrd by and within Prime tt.. Hroadway, Canal it., Sullivan it.. Hrouin it. and Ibninpton "The 7th Kiectlon Dltlrlrt It boundrd by and within Spring tt.. flreenwlch it. Canal it.. LalKht it.. Hudton it , Harrl'on at. and Hudton Itlver. ... . ... Th tth i:i lion Dlttrlrt l bounded bv and within Ilroome tt.. Sullivan at., Canal it. and Hudton tt. The 3th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Sprint: it.. V.irlck tt.. Ilroome tt.. Hudton it.. Canal it and dreenwlcn "'ihe loth Klertlnn Dlttrlrt It bounded hy wui within KlnB it., ilreenwlrh it.. Chnrltnn .... MaciloiiKnl tt . tt., artrk it., anrlnK tt and hudton Hlyer. Vh 11th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It bounded hy na within Vandtm tt , MardiiUKal tt.. rrlnre tt.. Rule ran it.. Ilroome it. and The i:th Kiectlon let It bounded by , and within W. Hnutton it, Thoinpion tt., nroome t. and Sullivan tt. The 13lh Election Dlttrl'-t l bounded by and within KlnK tl . MncdouKul tt.. W. Iloutlon it. Sullivan tt.. Prlncu it., Charlton "''The'lilif Klictlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W. Hon. ton tt.. Varlck at.., Charlton tl . tlreenwlch tt , Kins it. und Hudton Hlver . The ISth Kiectlon Dlttrlit It bounded hy and within W. Hnutton it. Hancock tt., Hleecker tt.. Sullivan it., W Hnutton t., .Maedouital tt . KlnK it and Varlck H The Hth Kiectlon Dlttilct It buundi"! hy anil within Clarktmi it., Carmlni tt . lied ford tt., W. Iloutlon it. and Hudon Plver. The 17th Klvction Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W Srd tt.. Sullivan tt.. ll'Vrk. rt tt . Hancock It., W Hnutton tt., eil ford tt.. Carmine tt. and (ith ave. The Hth Kiectlon Dlttrlit It hounded hv and within W 3rd tt , Thomp.on at., W. Iloutlon tt and Sullivan it. The 11th Kiectlon Dltlrlrt It bounded hy and within W. 3rd tt., Hroadway, Prince 1. and Thomp.on tt. Second Atttmhty Mttrlrl. The lit Klertlnn Dlttrlct It hounded hy and within Wall it. Pearl tt , old tllp, Kail lllvur. Whitehall it., Hroadway, Hea ver tt. und Wllllani tt Vile 2d Kiectlon Dlttrlrt It hounded hy and within Fulton it . Pearl tl , Dover it Front el.. Hootetell it , Katt Itlver, Old lln. Petri ft. Wall tt. ind Wllllani it. The 3d Klectfnn Dlttrlct It hounded hy and within New Chamber it., Jamet tllp, Unit Hirer, Front at, Dover it., Pearl it. urn Oak at. The Ith Kiectlon Dlttrlct It hounded hy and wllliln New Chamber tt , Madlton it., Hootevelt tt. Oik tt . Pearl it, Fulton tt., William tt., N William tt. and Park row The Sth Klertlnn Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Hontavelt tt . Madlton tl., New Chamber, tt and park row The 'ith Klertlnn Dlttrlct It hounded by nd within Cathxrlm tt., Madlton tt., Jarnet it.. New lloaery, Hootevelt it., Patk row and Katt Jiroadw-ay The Jlh Kiectlon Dlttrlct It bounded hy and within Catharine it, o.ik tt.. Jnmet ii., New Chamber tl , Hootevelt tt., Naw lion cry, James tt. and Madison tt. The tth niectlnu Dlttrlct It bounded hy and within Catharine tt., Catharine illn. faitt Hlver. Jumea illp, Jamei it. and Oak 4, -he 1th Kltrtlon Dlttrlct It bounded by apil within Market tt , Market illp, Exit River, Catharine tllp. and a diagonal Una lr.m the corner of Catharlna nnd Cherry :, to the corner of Hamilton and Market TVe 10th F.lectlnn Dlttrlrt It hounded by nd within Market tt . a dlaconal line from the corner of Market anil Hamilton tit. !T the corner of Catharine and Cherry itt. Catharine tt ,,i Madlton it, ' The Uth Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded br and within Myket tt.. Madlton it, cVthi' fine tt. and Hrnry it. ,nV"u ,'iV," "'""J "nd. and t.. Mad ton at xt.i.t .. . . i - alhli!i!h. 5Uc,lon llrjet Ii bound.d by nd wlthlni Huturt it., Rutttri tllp, Eait ELECTION NOTICE. ttlvrr. Market (Up, Maillnon at., I'lke st. and Alonror at. Thr lltb Klrrtlim tllitrlrt It boundril br and within JrlTrnon at.. Cherry at., Iluttera t. and Henry at. The. ISlh Klectlon Dlotrlct la bounded by and within Clinton it., East Itlver, ltutrrra allp. Cherry t . Jeffersnn it. and Madlnon t. The leth lllrctlon tllitrlct It bounded by and within Mntiticomery it., Cherry at., Clinton et and .M.nlljon tt. The 1 7 Ih l.lertlon tilttrlel It bounded by and within a dliiKonil line from the corner of MontrriMiery and ll. nry tin. to Hie corner of Hnuvernr and M.idlmn t., Madlion tt. Jefferson t and llenrv t. The ISlh tiletrlct Ii bounded br .m.l within tlnuverneur at., a dUaonal line from the rornrr of tlnuverneur and Madlnon tt.. to the unrner of MnntRomery and Henry l. Henry at, Clinton at. llaat llroadway, Jlnntiriiniery t. and lilvltlon M. The nth lllertlnn Dlntrlrt It bounded by and within (louverneur at.. tlvllon tt., Mont romery at., Kasi IJroadvvay, Clinton tt. and (Irani! tt. rfrrf Antrmtilu ntttrlrt. The let flrrllon Dhtrlct It bounded hy and within Canil t , Mulberry tt., rark ., Mnrtli tt. and llrnadw.iy. The 2d Klrrtlon lilxtrlrt It bounded by iitul ullhln llxy.ird at. Mntt it . Pell tt.. Mowerv, C.ilharlnr tt . B. Ilroadwny, Chat (Mm mu.iro, Worth tt., Park tt. and Mul berry tt. The 2,1 Klertlon Dlttrlrt It -bounded ly and within Canal it. Ilowery, Pell tt.. Mott it.. lUy.ird el and Mulberry it The 4th Election Klttrlrt It hounded by nnd within Canal tt., Chryttle it, Dlvltlon it nnd llnvv ery The 8th niirtlon Dlttrlrt It bounded ly and within Hrtler it., Chryttle tt , Canal it. and Mott at. The nth Klrrtlon Dltlrlrt It bounded by and within Sprlnc it, Cleveland place. Ilroome t Centre Market, llixter t Urtter it, .Mott it.. Canal it and Hroadway. The 7th Election nittrlct It bounded by end within Uronme it , Ilowery, Orand at., Mott it , Hetter it., Iltxter it. and Centr .Market place. The th Klectlon Dlttrlrt It bounded by and nphln Orand at., Howery, Hetter it. nhd Mott tt Th nth election Dlxtrlct It boun.le, l,v and within (Irand tt., Chryttle it , Hetter it und llowerv The Kith l;.rrtlnn Dltlrlct It hounded hy and within . ntvinifion tt . chryttl- tt . (irli.l .t . Hovverv. Ilrnnme it.. Klllaheth tt . fnrlnir tt and tlowrrv. Tl1" "'Ii Klei-Mon IHxirl.-t It hounded hv nnl within I'r'nrr t , Mutt it, sprint- it. l.l'abrth t-. ilroomr tt.. Cleveland place, .sprl'i.' tt and Mulberry tt The 12th IJInlloll fll.lrlrt It bounded ''' '"' XX It tl t II K HiVIKIoll kt . Klllalielh I'rlnre t , .Mulberry tt , Sprltix tt. The 13th IJurilon Ultlrlct It bounded by and within K Hou.lon n . llowrry. Sp-lnn tt.. Mott tt , Print r tt. and Klliabeth tt. The l HI, Uli dl ui lil.trut It bounded by and wlihln K. it., Chrttle it.. Itlvlnntuii it .md llowerv The r.ih Klertlnn nittrlct . bounded by and within lion, I at., linn ery. Flnt tt . fec und ave, ii Hotitton tt and llM.idw.iy The inih lllei-tlnii lMttrlct l bounded by and within R Ith it., fecond live., Klrtt 1,..,...,... linn . I ltr..,,luuv. ( . 1 Jonee It. and l..lf.V)et1e It. i;nr' it -) 1 7tll Klertlnn Plttrlrt l bounded br .. , '"land wlthlu .Vitor place. Cooper fipi.tre. Sth Pool parlor -,, avi, K th . H, lf.ielte at Tin. Hth HWctlon Dlxtrlcl l bouniieit nv and within Mil tl., 2l mr.. Mil et and Cooper Square Wett. ... Th loth lll.vtlnn nittrlct It Winded b and althln .t dlK'nl lln- rrom the corner of 7th it. and Cooper Sijuare Weal to the i-orner of St. M.irkt place and 2d ave.. ..( nve. 1th tt. and Cooper Siuar Wett Tllr 201 It C.trr'lon nitirl. - la bound-d by and wllliln II. lHh tl . 3d av.. h. 9tb i it . Sliiyx . i .111 m . P. 10-11 f . 2d ave. a dla oinl line from the corner of 2d ave and St Mai-k- plire to the rorm r or ,tli tt and Cooper Miuare Wett, Coopr Square We.t in. I lib .ive. Hie Hl.rilon nl.trl.t It bounded by and wlthlu K. tl 2d avr. F. inth 'tj. Siuvveitnt it.. K. Jth t.. 3d .ive.. h. 10th tt and tth ave, Tn. 2.1 i:.irtlon DNtrlrt l bounded by mid within i: IStb a line from th- corner of V. 12111 tt and 3d ave to the lormr of V. 1.1th tt m.l 2d av-. -d ,11., i; iitb in i fh . . . fc Th Sid r.leitlon nittrlct It bounded by nrt within li. I lib tt.. 2d "titl line f.-oin the corner of 2d ave. and B 1 3 Ii .i tn the corner of .Id avr. and K. 1-th tt.. K. 12th at. and lib ave. fntirlli .IttriiiMv Inttriet. The V"ectlnn Dlttrlct It hounded by and within Cherry tt.. Se.imniel it.. 11 .iter tt . Jack. on t . r-ati iii"f,n 'i ,- The 5.1 Klertlnn nittrlct ! Iiouiliieil by and within Monroe it. .I.iokton it.. IV .iter tt . scammel n.. Cherry it and Montgotn. Th- 3.1 Kl-ctlon nittrlct It hounded by and within lladlmii tt . Jaikton tt.. Monroe xi. and Monicomery n. The Ith K.rcilon Dlttrlct It bounded by ind within ilouverneiir tt.. tlrand t. and Midltontt. , . . . wo The Ith Election Dlttrlct It bounded by ind wllliln WIIItt it., Ilroome it.. Cannon tl. DeUncey t., Lewli it and (irand it. The Hth Kle. tlon Dlxtrli t It bounded bJ ind within Hblse tt.. Delancey tt . YVIIIeU tt and firind it. The 7th Klertlnn Dlttrlrt It bounded Oi and wlth'n Clinton it, Hlvln-tnn it.. At torney t- . Hlde tt and (Irand it. The 1-h Klertlan Dltlrlrt It bounded by and within Attorney tt . HIvlnB-.nn t . Clinton tt , Stintnn n . H!dR tt. and 1,e -i-h Kle. tlon Dlttri. t It bounded by and within Hldce tt . Stanton tt.. Pitt tt . .. Vl'iuf, .1 i.o.l llel.lncev I. The 1'ltll li'ei-lion I'llirii i ir i.-jwu-.e.. ind nlihln Wlllett t . Itlvlngton tt . Pitt tt . Sunton i . Sheriff tt and Delanrey it. The llth Klictlon Dlttrlct li boundrd hv and within Wlllett .t . Delnnny it. Sheriff tt Htanton . Columbia tt. and Drool le t Tin- l2Hl Klertlnn Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within Columbia tt . Stanton tl . Cannon tt ind Ilroome it .... . , , ., The 15th KleT'lon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within c.innn ii Stanton tt.. (ioerck tt Klvlneton it. l.ewlt and D'lincey it. The It'll Election Dlltlli-t It bounded by and wphln Stanton tt . Katt Hlver, I)c an-c-v .t . l.ewlt tt . Hlvlncion it and floi rck tt The Llth Klectl-m nittrlct It bounded bl and within Lelt it . Delanrey it Tompklnt it. Ilroome it.. Mana-ln t and (Irand it The Hth Election DMrlct It bounded bv and within it. Ma limn it., (Irand tt MitiKln tt . Ilroomr it , Tompklna tt., Delancey tt. and Bail Hlver. flli Aftml'ly DMrirt The Itt Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Harrow it.. Hudton it, Clarkton it and Hudton Hlver. ... The 2d Bin Hon Dlttrlrt It hnunded bl and within Morton tt . Illeerker tt , Car mine tt., Clnrkton it and llu,lmn it The .1.1 Election Dlttrlit It bounded bl and within Harrow it.. Iledford tt , Com merce tt . Hleecker tt , Morion it. and Hud- The Ith Election Dlttrlrt It bounded bl and within Harrow tt.. W.ithlnBton place, ,ih ave Carmine tt. and Illeerker it The Kle. tlon Dlttrb-t It bounded by and wllhln Chrltiopher tt , W 4tn it- Harrow it nnd Hleecker tt. The sth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within drove tt , Illeerker n . Com merce tt.. Hedford it. Harrow tt. and Hud- ""-fhe' 7th Election Dlttrlrt It hnunded by and wllliln Christopher tt.. Hleecker it . (.rov-e tt Hudion rt., Harrow tt. and Hudton Hlver. Tha Sth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by ami wllhln Charln ft. Hleecker it, Chrlt iopher tt and (ireenwlch tt. The 9th Election Dlttrlct It bounded bl and within W llth it. HIeeckfr it., Ch.irlet tt and tlreenwlch it. The lOili Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and wllhln Pern' it, Wathlngtnn it, W. llth tt . tlreenwlch at., Chrlttophrr tt. and Hudton Hlvei. The lllh Election Dlttrlct It bounded bl and within W Uth tl . Wathlngtnn it., Ilethune tt , tlreenwlch tt , w lllh it., W.itliliiKton tt.. Perry it and Hudton Hlver. The 12th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It hiundcd bl and within .Line tt , W.ithliiKlon tt., Hor.itln tt , (ireenwlch it.. Heiliune it.. WatlilnRtnn tt . W 12th tt. nnd Hudson Hlver The llth Election Dlttrlct It bounded hy and wllhln Horatio at. a diagonal line from the cornt of Horatio and Hudton ta tn the corner of tth ave and Jane tt . sth ave.. llo,dmn tt.. Hank tt , Hleecker at.. IV llth tt. and (Ireenwlch tt. Th Hth Election Dlttrlct It hounded by and wllliln W. llth tt . tth ave to Jane tt., a diagonal line from tho corner of sth ave and Jine tt to the corner of Horatio tt and Hudton tt , and Hudton tt. The Kith Election Dlttrlct It bounled by and within W llth t , Hudton tt llnritln tt . Wathlnglon it., Jane at, and Hudton Hlver. The Hth Election Dlttrlct It bounded br and wl-hln W Hth t , a diagonal line from the corner nf W Hth at. and Sth ave. to the corner of W l.ltli it, and 8th ave., Sth uve, W lllh it. and Hudion Hlver. The 17th Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within W Llth it., 7lh ave., W. Hth it. and th ave. ' The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and wllliln W Hth it., 7th ave, W 15th it und Sth ave. The 19th Election Dlttrlct It hounded by and within W llth it., 7th ave., W. Hth tt and Sill ave. The 20th Election, Dlitrlct It hounded by and within 11 1 Tl h tt., tth are,, a diagonal line from the corner of nth .... nnd W. Hth it to ihe cornu- of W. Hth t and 9th ave, nnd ath avr, The Slat Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W llth it, Sth ave,, W. 17th it and Oth ave, '"" The SSd F.lectlnn Dlitrlct It bounded by anil" within W 17th tt a diagonal line from the rorner of IV 17th tt. and 10th ave. to the corner of W Hth it and 9th ave., sth ave W Hth tt. and Hudton Hlver The 2Sd Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded hv and within IV Hth tt 10th ave, w is th t , Sth ave., a diagonal line from the cor ner of tn ave. and iv nth t, (0 tn, , tQinri in i.iii ;, tun inn it., vv uth t. and Hudion Hlver. SUtK Ammhhj Dl$trict, Tha lit Election Dlttrlct li bounded by and within Id it., a diagonal lino from tha corner of 14 it. and Avtnui C to the corntr i " 1 T ... ELECTION NOTICE. ELECTION MITIIT. , "".."" V- - -- of Avenue U and K. Houiton it. E. Houi- The 2d Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by and within K. Hnutton it., Attorney, it., Stanton tt. and Norfolk at. ... The 3d Kiectlon Dlttrlct l bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of B. Hnutton it. and Avenue II to tha corner of 2d tt. and Avjenue C, Avenue C, Pitt tt.. Stanton it.. Attorney it. and E. Hnutton it. ... The 4th Election Dlttrlct It boundrd by and within K. 3d it., Avenue D, a diagonal line from the corner of Avenue D and E. Hnutton tt tn the corner of Sheriff and Planlnn itt., Stanton at., Pitt it. nnd Ave nue C. Tlin Sth Kiectlon Dlttrlrt Ii bounded by and within K. 3d it . Lewli it., B. Houilon it.. Cannon it , Stanton it., a diagonal tine from tho corner of Sheriff and Stanton iti. to the corner of B. Houston and Columbia itt. and Avenue I), The (Ith Bleitlon Dlttrlct la bounded by and within K Houston it., Katt Hlver, Htan ton tt. and Cannon at. The ;th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within B. Ith tt., Katt Hlver, B. Hnutton tt., Lewli tt, and a diagonal line from the corner of K. 3d and Lew It tta. tn the corner of K. lib at. and Avenue D. The llh Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and wllliln K. 4th tt., a diagonal line from the rornrr of B. Ith tt. and Avenue I) to the corner of Lew It it. and E. 3d it., E. 3d it. and Avenue c. The Mli Election Dlttrlrt It boiindeci ny and wllliln B Ith tt.. Avenue C. 2d it. and Avemifl 11. Tha 10th Klertlnn Dlttrlrt It bounded ny and within a dligonal line from the rornrr of Avenue H and B. Sth tt. to the rornrr of K. Sth it and Avenue C. Avenue C, B. Ith at. and Avenue 11. The llth B ert on Dlttrlct It hounded br and within V. Sth tt.. a diagonal line from the corner of Avenue D and K. Sth tt. to the corner of Lew It and B ftth itt.. B. (ith it.. Bait Hlver. K. Ith tt. and Avenue c. The 12th Kle, tlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within B. lh tt . a diagonal tine from the corner of E. 6tlt and Lewli itt. to th rnrne- of Avenue u and K. Sth it.. 1.. Sth t. an.i Avenue C. The 13th Election Dixtrlrt It bounded by nnd within K 7th it. Avenue C. a diagonal line from the corner uf Avenue C and E. Sth it. to the corner of B. Sth it. and Avenue I). and Avenuo It. The I th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within K. 7th tt., a diagonal Una from the corner of K. lh it. and Avenue D tn the enrner of Lew-la and B. (ith iti., B. th it. and Avenue C The 13th 1 ect on D tr rt It bounded by end within a diagonal line from tha corner or .iven'i' ( and B ,th it. to the corner of Avenue D nnd E. tth tt.. B. 1th tl Katt Hlver. E (Ith it , a. dlaronal line from the lornrr "f I.ewlj and K. sth Hi. to the corner of Avenue D end K. "th tt.. and B. 7th it The Hth Kiectlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and wlthlu B. Sth it., a diagonal line from the corner of Avenue D and B. sth it. to the corner of Avenue c and E. 7th at.. E. 7th 11. and Avenue II. The 17th Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within B 101b it.. Avenue D, E. Sth it, and Avenue C. The lth Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within K. 10th it.. Avenue C, K. Sth it. nnd Avenue II. Srrtnth Amtmhly Pltlrirt. The Itt Eelectlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W. Silt it., loth ave., W. SO'h it., Sth ave, W 19th it., loth ave.. W. llth it and Hudton Hlver The 2d Election District Is bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of inth ave. and W 22,1 tt to the rorner of Sth ave. and W 21tt tt . IV. Slit it., Sth live W 20th it and Hth ave. The 3d Election Dlttrlct It bounded by nnd within W. 20th et Sth ave.. W. Hth t and Oth axe. The Iih Klra-tlnn Dlitrlct It bounded br and within a diagonal line from the corner of sth uve. and W Uth it o the corner nf W. 20th it. and Ith ave.. "th ave., W. llth It and tth ave The Dili F.lectlnn Dlttrlct. It bounded by and within W 2lt it. Tth nve a diagonal line from the corner of 7th ave. and W. 20th t to the corner of IV. 19th it. and Sth ave . and Sth ave The tth Election Dlttrlrt it boundrd by and within W. 22,1 it , Ith ave.. W. 21it it. And 1th ivi The Jlh Election District It bounded by and within W s:d it., sth ave.. W 21st tt, and a diagonal line from the rorner of Ith ave. and W 21tt tt. to tho corner of 10th ave and W 22d tt The sth Election Dlttrlct Is bounded by and vfllbln W. 23d it . 1th ave., W 22,1 it and 10th ave The "ith Election District It bounded by and wllhln W. 24th it. Sth nvc., W. 2Jd it and 10th ave The loth Kiectlon Dlttrlct Ii hounded by and within 11 26th it., 10th ave., a diagonal line from the corner of 10th ave, and 11 23th II to the corner of 9th ave. and W. 2llh tt . IV 21th it., 10th ave., IV. 21tt it. ind Hudson Hlver. Tile llth Election Dlttrlrt It bounded hy and wllhln 11 2ih tt.. 9lh ave, a dlagnnil line from the corner of 9th ave. and IV. 21th tt. tn inn corner of 11. 2Bth it. and 10th ave. and 10th avr The 12th Elertton Dlitrlct It bounded by an, I witnin vv :;,tn et . itn are., w. 24th it. and Oth ave. The 11th Election Dinrlct It hounded bl and within IV 21th it. S'h ave., IV. 27th it . .th ave, v -,th it. and 9th ive, The llth Klertion Dlitrlct It bounded by anu witnin vv. :xtn it, ,tn ave., w. 27th it and Sth .tve. The Election Dlitrlct Ii hounded by .inn witnin vv. :ttn it., llh ave., w. 27th it, ith ave.. W S-ith it and 10th axe. The Hth Election Dlttrlct It hounded by and wllhln W. 29th tt., 10th ave.. W. :th tt in,i million lliver The Kth Eleitlon Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W Jth it. 9th ave., IV, 2th tt. anu iutn ave The Hth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within w. 29th it., Ith are., IV ;jth tl nnl am ave. The 19th Eleitlon Dlttrlct It hounded br and within W. 3ltt it., "th avr,, IV. 29th it. and Sth ave. The 20th Election Dlttrlct It hounded by no, i wiiuin . out at. till ave., VV . 23th It rind 9'h ave. The Slit Election Dlttrlct It bounded by ..ii, , ... ouui .i. 10 iutn ave., a itlag line torn the corner of w. joth it. and 10th ave tn the corner of W 31tt it and Jlh ave., 9th ave, W. :th it. and Hudion Hlver The 22d Election Dlttrlct It bom,,), a by and within iv. J2d it.. 9th ave. to IV. Slit ti a diagonal line rrom the corner of IV Slit it. and Oth ave. tn the corner of W. o'lii si. aim iuwi avr.. anu lotn ave. nights Autmblv riiitrici. The Itt Election Dlttrlct It bounded by 7m . ii . .-"narine it.. Dlvltlon it., ilen'ry tt ' "' ""rK" ,n" inr s.i i. lection District It bounded by and w thin Chryttle tt.,' Canal at.. Division it nnd llajard tt The 3d Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Market tt . Dlvltlon tt.. Hut gert it . a diagonal line running from the corner of Hutgert tt and E. llrnadwav to the corner of Henry aud Pike tt, and Henry it The Ith Klertlnn Dlttrlrt It bounded by and w-lthln a diagonal line running from ine enrner ni uenry anu riKe tia to the corner oi iirotnway an! ItlltKert HtitKert it , Dlvlilon it., Clinton tt. and li'iiry ti The Mb Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Ettex tt . (Irani! tt. Suffolk t. nroome si . i nntnn it and Dlvltlon it The tth Election District l bounded by anu Miiniii r...e-v n , neiancey it., ruurolK it and (Irand tl. The Ith Election Dlttrlct It hounded by nnii witnin virciiaru ti , iiroomr tt . i.u.i low it., (Irand it., Ksie it, Dlvltlon it. and Can il it. The t;h Election Dlttrlct li hounded hy anu wiinin iirauu it, .xnen tt , nrnomr t.. Orchard t . Cinal it. and Eldrldge tt The Oth Election Dlttrlct It bounded bv and wllhln drand it , Eldrldge it.. Canal t and Christie it. The 10th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within Ilroome t., Allen t Orand it. nnd Chritt r tt The llth Election Dlttrlct It bounded b nml within Hlvltiaton it . Eldrldge tt.. De lancey tt.. Orchard t., Ilrname t, and For- lyin !. The 12th Kin tlon Dlttrlct It bounded by i anu wnnin m.ininn ti , rortytn tt. nroome ti anu v nrytiio ti. The I3lh Klictlon Dlttrlct It bnunded by anu wiimn piauion it., wrcnaru at., iiiv Inutnn tl and Fortyth at. The Hth Klertion Dlitrlct It bounded by anu witnin uivinaion ri., wrenarn it , Ht.intnn it , Ludlow- at , Delancey at, and F.lilrl.lce rt The Hth Election District It bounded by anu "mini ni Usui e, . irr,.nrer ti,, i.tti low it., Stanton tt , Katex it., Orand at. Ludlow- tt and Hronnie tt. The Hth Klictlon District It hounded hv and wllhln Itlvlngton tl., Clinton it.. Ilroome it., Suffolk it., Delancey it. and Et.ex tt The llth Election Dlttrlct It hnunded by and wllhln Stanton it , Cllntnn it., Ill v Inglon tt, and Ettex it. .Vnfa Anttemfily Mairict. The lit Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by and within W. Sth it.. 10th ava., w. 30th t and Hudson Itlver The 2d Election Dlttrlct la bounded by and within W. Slth it.. !th ave., w. 33d t., 7th nve., W 3lit it., 9th uve., W. 3:d it. and 10th ave. Th 3d F.lectlnn Dlitrlct la hnunded hy and within W 35th it., 7th ave., w. 13d tt.. th nve.. W. Slth it and 9th ave. The Ith Election Dlttrb-t la hounded by and within W SSth it., Sth ave,, IV, auh t. and inth ave. The Sh Klertion Dlitrlct It bounded by and within W 3Hth it., 9th ave., W, 35th tl. and loth ave. The Sth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by nrrd wllhln W. JCth it., 7th ave., W, 35tH it. and 9th ave, The 7th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W S7th it., 7th ave,, w, ji(, .i .nd 0th ave. Tho sth Kiectlon Dlitrlct It boundrd br and within IV. 37th it,, 9th ave., W. Hth it. and Hudion Itlver. The Sth Eleitton Dlitrlct It bounded by and within W 19th it., llth avt.. W. Slth it., Ith ave,, IV, 31th it. and Hudion Hlver. Tha 10th Election Dlitrlct 11 bounded by and within a dlnoni) Una from tha cornir tn the corner sth ave., W. nf W, 39th it. and Sth ave. SSth it. The Mth Election Dlitrlct l bounded by - and within 11. 39tll It., tin ave.. k , li'?; t'oThe'rnW S.'h "'"an d W'.iS I ?h,'::.Crnrrf(n1.8i,.,.,t' ttn I The utn K eetinn uinrin it """ and within W. 40lh it.. 10th ave., w. "in tt., llth ave., W. SOth it. and Hudion llThe 13lh Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W 40th it., Hth ave., 11. 33th t. and 10th ave. . . The nth Election untrin i- """"r-ir.rh and within V. 40th it., Sth ave., H. " tThe"l5lli Election Dlxtrlct It p"""'1'1,' and within a diagonal line from the of W. Hit it. and Hth ave. to he corner of W. 42d t. nnd- Sth ave.. Sth ve . 40th at. and th ave. w...e..( hv The Uth F.lectlnn Dlitrlct It 0'n1,'!.,l) and within W. 42d it., l ?' '"" ' line from the corner of th vp. and w. 40th it. to the corner of W. Hit n" Oth ave. and Kth ave. .,i hv The 17th Election Dlitrlct It bounded tiy and within W. 41M tt.. a diagonal line .. the corner of W. 41tt it. and 10th air. lo th, corner of Oth ave. and W. 40lh M.. 10th it. anil inn ave. fc.n,,,j The llth Election Dl'irlc' , ' .b"un'v by and within W. 42d it.. 10,l,,.e?rt ilu.W 4it it., llth ate.. W. 40th it. and Hud ion Hlver . . ..A hv The llh Election uiitrici i. ; and within W. llth tt.. llth V,,,''1 "l" 10th ave.. W. 42d tl. and Jlttilnori hv The 20lh Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W. 4Jd it.. 9th ave.. . '-" ',,Thi02,i.r'Blectlon Dl-trlct I. Y and within W. 43d at.. SO ai-. '""""iti line from the corner of W 42d it. nd Ith avenue, to the corner of 11. lt it. and Ith ave.. ana ?tu ave. r. A.,,mhlu Mitrirt The 1tt Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by .nd within E. Hnutton It., urrnniu at.. Stanton tt. and Chrittle it. .,,i.j hv The 2d Kiertiou iiuirn-i '.".. ...... and within Flrtt ii.. Axe. a. Norfo k it . Stanton n.. wren.,., .... Hnutton it. and Itt ave t.i iri.eiinn iH.iHrt t nmimled b and within a diagonal line from the corner of d it. and lit avenuo to the corner or t. 3d it. and Avenuo A. Avenue ,x. m 11 avr. , , fc The 4 It E ec ion nitiriri i. ! - and within 2d it., lit avr., E. Hnutton it. and 2d av e. , . . .. The Sth Blerllon Dlttrlrt It bounded hi arul within E. Id it to Avenue A. a diagonal line from the corner of E. Sd n and Avenue A tn the corner oi ill avr, anu - . - tt. and 2d ave. The Sth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within B. Ith at.. Avenue A.. L. 3d it. and 2d ave. The Till Election DlltriC! ll tmnnra o and within E. Ith it.. Avenue II. 2d it. and The'sth Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded by and within a diagonal line from the rorner of Avenue A and Sth it. to tho corner of Sth tt and Avenue n. .xvenu n. r.. t. and Avenue A. The Pin Kiectlon intinri i nnuoue.. and within Ith it.. Avenue n, tn a diag onal line from Sth it and Avenue 11 to the rorner of Sth it. and Avenue A. and Avenue A. ..... . . . The 10th Election lllitrici li nounnra and w-lthln a diagonal line from the ror ner of Sth tt. and HI ave. to the rorner of Cth it and Avr. A, Ave. A. B. llh tl. and lit ave. ... The lllh Klertion lilttriri it nouuuru o nd within a diagonal line frm th' rorne' of 2d ave and Hth tt to the rorner of Mh and lit ave.. lit ave.. i;. (in tl anu 2d ave. . . . The 12th Klertion Ulttrirt . noun leu ny and within Ith st . i.t ave . a diagonal line from the corner of lit avr and tt to thr corner of Sth it. and 2d ave, ami 2d ave The 13th Election District It bounded bl and wllhln 7th at , Ave, A. a diagonal line from the corner of Sth it. and Ave. A to the lorner of Sth it and lit ave. and lit ave The nth E ertlnn Dlttrlrt Ii bounded hy and wlthlu St Markt nlare., or E Mh tl , to lit ave., a dligonal line from the corner of lit ave. arid St. Markt plare. or B. Sth at . to the corner of Avenue A and 1th it.. Ith it and 2d ave The 15lh Elect on District tt hounded ny and within B. 9th at. lit nve., St. Markt place, ur E. Sth at. and 2d ave. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within B Ith it.. Avenue A. E. 10th tt . Avenue 11. 7th it. to Avenue A. a dlag onxl line from the corner of Avenue A and th tt to the corner of St. Markt nlace. ur E. stli tt., and lit ave., and lit ave. The lllh Election Dlttrlct It bounded bl and within K. llth at.. Avenue A, E Ith it and lit nve. The Hth E ectlon Dlttrlct It bounded bv ami wnnin r-,. inn it. III ave., 1.. ?m It, and 2d ave. The l?lh Election Dlttrlct . bounded bl and "Until B. l.Hh tt.. lit ave. E. lllh tt.. Avenue a, E. llth tt and 2d ave. The 20th Election Dlitrlct It bounded bl and with E. lllh at. Avenue a. E. 12th ti., in ave., r.. lain tt. and 2d ava. Kin f nth Attembly Itlttrlrt. The lit Klertion Dltlrlrt It bounded bl and within IV 44ih it., inth ave.. IV. 43d it an j utn ave. The 2d Election Dlitrlct ti hounded by and within W ISth at., a diagonal line from the rorner of W. ISth it and 9th ave to me corner or loth ave. and W llth it.. W. llth it. and Hudton Hlver ihe 3 1 K eCtlOn Dlttrlct U hnon.14 hv and within a diagonal line from the corner of IV llth at. and 10th ave. to the rorner oi vv inn si Hnii in ave., Jth ave., w. tj,i it. ami lotn ave The Ith Klertion Dlttrlrt Is hnonrf.d hv and within a diagonal line from the rorner of Sth ave, and W ISth it. tn the corner oi tin ave. ami vv . inn it., sth ave., W 4Id tt and 9th ave. The sth Kiectlon Dlttrlct It hounded hy and w-lthln W. 4th t , sth ave. to IV Mth it., a diagonal line from the corner of W, 41th t. nnd th ave. to the corner of W, xjtn tl anu 9in ave.. and sth ave. The Sth Election Dlitrlct ti hounded by and within W. 47th it., Sth ave., W 4!th tl ana tin ave The 7lll Election Dlitr ct It bnun.l.d hv and within a diagonal line from ih. eo.n.e of IV. ISth tt. and 10th avr. to the corner oi vx iix ti. ann sin ae tun ave.. and diagonal line from the corner of Pth ave. anu vv uin si. to ine corner or loth ave. ami vv (tin ti. The sth Election Dletrlrt It bounded by and within W 4lh tt a diagonal line from the corner of W ISth tt. and loth are. to ine cornei oi tin ave and vx . 44th tt., 11. 4iin ii. anu iiuuion niver, The Oth Election Dlttrlct It bounded bv and w-lthln W. 47th it., 10th are., W. 46th at. ann iiuuion itiv-er The loth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and wllhln IV llh at.. 10th ave., W. 47th it. and Hudton Hlver. The Uth Election District It hnunded by and within W 47th tt., a diagonal line from the corner or w. 17th it nnd 9lh ave. tn ID' corner or vx. 4tn it. and Ifitli ave.. and luin avr. The Uth Election Dlttrlrt la bounded hy and wiinin vv tin ti., 9in ave,, w. 47th it. and ictn ave. The I3lh Election Dlttrlct ti bounded hy nnd within a diagonal line from the corner of IV 4Mh it. and 9th ave, to the corner or vv. i-jin ii ann oin ave., am ave., 11 47th tt. nnd Oth ave. The 14th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by ana witnin vx atjin n sin ave, to w 49th et., a diagonal line from the corner of Sth ave. ami vv iutn ti to tne corner of 11 ISth it. and 9th ave., and 9th ave. The ISth Election Dlttrlct It bounded hy and within a diagonal line from Ihe corner nf 10th ave, and W llth it. In the corner of W. ISth it. and Ith nve,, ith ave, and w nth it. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bnunded by anu wiinin vv inn ti 10 am ave., a dlag onal Una from the corner of W 49th it. and am ave. to tne corner or iutn ave. and W 4Stn at., anu lotn ave. The 17th Election Dlitrlct It hounded hv and within a diagonal line from the corner nf W. ISth it and llth ave. to the corner of w. 49tn it. and win ave., win ave, and IV llth it. The Hth Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded hy and within W. r.2d it, llth ave., iv 4Uth it., a uiaaonai line rrom tna enrner or vx- 49th it. and inth ave. tn thr corner nf nth ave. and W, ISth at., W, ISth tt. and Hudton Hlver. The I9th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It boundrd by and within W 50th it,, loth ave., W, 40th .1. illlo I ..ll e..e. The 20th Election Dlitrlct It hounded hv ami witnin vx. aiti ii,, mm ave,, w (Oth it. and llth ave. The Slit Election Dlitrlct It hounded by anil wiinin vv. auiii it., tin ave., w, 19th I. iinu iutn uri,. The 22,1 Election Dlttrlrt It bnunded by and witnin vv. .m ii,. itn ave., w, 50th it. and ii'iu ave. The 23d Election Dlitrlct It hounded by and within W Slat it., llh ave., W. SOth t and Sth nve. The 54 tlx Klertlnn Dlitrlct It bounded hy and witnin ,vv, tin ti., tin ave., vv. Slit it and 9th ave. The 2Sth Election Dlttrlrt It bnunded by and witnin vv, e.u ei., vin ave., vv. ant at und mm ave, Ttrtlflh Antmbly nittrlct. The lit Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and wlthlu K. 121)1 at.. Avenue II, E. 10th t. anu Avenue a The 2d Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and w-lthln E. Hill it., Avenue C, E. Hth t. and Avenue II. The Sd Kiectlon Dlttrlrt Ii bounded by and within E. 12th it.. Avenue D, E. Hth tt.. Eat lliver. i.. tin ii., Avenue D, B, inili it. and Avenue C. The Ith Election Dlttrlct It bounded bv and witnin ii. inn n Avenue ii, n, j;tn t. and Avenue II. The Sth Election Dlitrlct It hounded hv and w-lthln K. llth tt., Avenue II, K. i:th t. and Avenue A The sth Kiectlon Dlitrlct It bounded hy and within B. Hth tt.. Avenue C, E. 17th !., i;an niver, r.. ism ti., .avenue a, r. IStli ti ana avenue u The 7th F.lectlnn Dlttrlct It hounded sVi nd within E. ISlh tt.. Avenue Tl. B. 1st t.. and dlaronal line from the rornar of TC. ISth it. and Avenue A to tha corner of E. Hth it. and lit ava. of h ave. and W. 3Sth it. The Sth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and wllhln a rilnronal line from the COmtf i of E. Hth it. and lit ave, to the corner of IS. ISlh at. and Avenue A. Avenue A, L. tk. oil. l-l.V.I,Vn tvl.lelrl I. hounded br " Hhln "."l!." LIvTug"." "nlac'V: tt. at,, lit av,.. K, 14th ...t, and J, ave. The loth Election Dlttrlrt I bounded by and within E. 17th tl.. 2d ave, E. llth it.. Irving place. E. 13th it. and 3d nve. The lllh Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and wllhln E. llth at.. 2d ave., E. llth it. and 3d ave. ... The 12th Election Dlitrlct It bounded by u-1 within E. ISlh it., lit ave., B. Hth it., Lrfngtlon place, B. llth it. and 2d ave. The lath Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within B. ISth it., Avenue A, II Hth at. and lit ave. The llth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within E. 18th it., Avenue II, E. Hth it. nnd Avenue A. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within E. ISth at., Katt Hlver, E. tlth it.. Avenue C, E. Hth tt. and Avenue 11. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within E. 20th St., Bait Hlver, E. lllh at. and lit ave. The 17th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within E. llth it., lit ave., E. ISth st. and 2d are. The Hth Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by and within E. Slat tt East Hlver, E. 20th it., lit ave.. E. 19th it. anil 2d avx-. The 19th Election Dlttrlct It ununited ny and wllhln E. Slit ft., 2d ave., E. 19th it. and 3d ave. The 20th E ct on D itr ct t bounded by and within B. 23d tt.. 2d ave.. E. 2111 it. and 3d ave. The 2lit Election I) strict Ii bounded by and wlthlu a dlaconal line from the corner of B. 22d it. and 2d ave, to the corner of let ave. and E. 23d it., E. 23d at., Bait Itlver, E. Slit tt and 2d ave. The 22d Election Dlttrlrt It bounded ny nd within B. 24th tt.. lit ave.. a diagonal line from the corner of B. 23d tt. and lit ave. to the corner of E. S2d it. and Itt ave.. und 2d ave, Thtrltrnth Antmhly Ditlrtrt. The lit Election DIMrli-l It bounded by and within W. S2d it., lOrh ave., W. Slit it. and llth ave. The 2d Election Dlttrlct Is bounded by and within W 34th it., llth ave., IV. Sid si., 10th ave., w. f,2d tt. and Hudion Hlver. The 3d Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within IV. 33d tt . 9th ave., W. 32d it. and 10th ave. The Ith F. ect on D ttr rt Is bounded by and wlthlu W. Slth it., Sth ave., IV. 52,1 tt. and Ith ave. The Mh Election nistrli-t It bounded bv and w-lthln W. lllh tt., Oth avr.. IV 33d tt. and llth nve. The lllh K ect on D ttr ct It bounded by and within a diagonal line front the corner of llth ave. and 11. Slth at. to the corner or loth ave. nnd IV SSth at., IV. SSth tt 9th ave and W Slth tt , The Ith E eotlnn Dlitrlct Is bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of W. SSth tl and Sth ave. to the corner of 11. SSth it. nnd Sth ave., Sth ave., IV Slth tt. and Ith ave The sth B eet on District It bounded hr and within W. Slth tt.. Sth ave., a diagonal line from the comer of IV 6Hth it. and Ith ave. to the corner of 11. SSth it, and Ith ave, and 9th ave. The ih Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded by and wllhln a diagonal line from the corner of W. SSth it. and 10th ave. to the corner of IV. Slth tt. and Ith ave., 9th ave., W. SSth it. and 10th ave. The loth Election Dlitr rt Is bounded by and within W, SSth tt . inth ave., a diag onal line from the corner of 10th ave. and 11 SSth it, to the corner of Uth are and IV Slth tt., W. Slth tt. and Hudson Itlver. The llth Election Dlttrlct It bounded hy and within W. .Mth tt., llth ave, W S7th . diagonal lln from the corner of Ith ave and 11 STth it. to the corner of 10th ave. and W. SSth it, W. Stth it and Hud son Hlver. . The 12th Election Dlitr ct It bounded by and within W (Oth it.. West End nve., a dlagnna; line front Ihe corner of w eat End ave and IV, 69th it to the corner of W 60th it anil Axmterdatn ave., Ainiterdam ave., W Mth tt., llth ave., W S8th it. and 11-lilion Hlver The Llth Election Dlitrlct Is hounded by aril within W SSth it, Ith ave., IV. STth it. and loth ave. he llth Election Dlitrlct Ii bovflided br and within W Slit it., Columbut ave., Sth ave., iv, Slth tt., 10th ave. and Amsterdam nve. The Hth K ectlon Dlttrlct t bounded br and within W. Slit tt . Amsterdam ave., a llagouai line irom the corner or Amtterdam ave, and IV noth it . tn the corner of IV. Slth tt and lleit End ave., and Wett End ave. The Hth Election District It bounded by and within W 12,1 tt , Amtterdam ave., W, alet il. and vxett! ave. The 17th Election Dlttrlct H bounded by and within a d agonal line rrom ii srd tt. and Amtterdam ave to W SJd et. and Co. lutnbut ave., Columbus ave., vv. eiit it. and Amtterdam ave. Th Uth Blactlnn Dlttrlct It boundtd by and w-lthln a diagonal line frnm the corner of Amtterdxlll ave. and IV. 13d it. to the Titlirr oi i n.ljl ! .nil i..,iiiitiduh are., Columbus nve. a diagonal line from the corner of Columbut ave. and IV 3d it. tn th corner of 11 Aid it and Amaterdam e . and Amtterdam ave, The 19th Election Dlttrlrt Is boundrd br id st and xx ret End ave, The 20th Election District Ii bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of Weil End ave. and IV Aid tt . to the corner of Annterdam ave, and 11 A41h it.. W Slth it., a diagonal line from the rorner of Columbut ave. and IV. Mth it to the corner of Amtterdam ave, and IV 63d it., and iv sad at. Tha 21 it Election Dlitrlct la bounded by and within 11 SSth it.. Amtterdam av-e n diagonal tine frnm the corner of IV Slth it nd Amitertiam avenue to the corner or xx A3, 1 it and Wett Knd ave., Writ End ave.. W 60th it and Hudton Hirer The 22d Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within IV. 6Ttb tt., a diagonal line frnm th corner of iv S7tli tt. and wett End ave to the corner of W. SSth it. and Am tterdam ave., .Imtterdam ave,, IV 63d it and Hudton Hlver The 2ld Election District It bounded by and within IV ATth it.. Amtterdam ave. and a dlagona line from the corner of Am tlerdam ave. and w th it to the corner nf Wett End nve. and 11. 67th at, Fourteenth Atterixbly Ptttrtct. Th lit Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by and w-lthln B. 2Sth it., 2d ave., E. 23d it. and Lexington ave. The 2d Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within B. 27th at.. 3d nve., K. SSth it., 2d ave,, B, SSth it and Lexington ave. The 3d Election Dlitrlct It hounded by and w-lthln a diagonal line from the corner of E. 26th it and 3d ave. tn the comer of E SSth tt, and 1st ave, lit ave., v.. 24th it. and 2d ave. The 4th Election District Ii bounded by and w-lthln E. Slth it.. Eait Itlver, E. 23d it. and lit ave, The Sth Election Dlitrlct li bounded bl and within E. SSth it., lit ave., a diagonal line Irom the corner of E. 25th tt. and lit ave. tn the corner of E. SSth it. and Sd ave. and 2d ave The 6h Eletlnn Dlitrlct Ii bnunded by and within E. S7th it., 2d ave., E. 26th at. and 3d ave. The 7th Kiectlon Dlitrlct ! hnunded by and within E S9th it, 3d ave., E. Slth tt", Sd ave., E. STth it. and Lexington ave. The Sth Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded hy and within E 30th tt., Sd ave.. E. 21th it. and 3d ava, The 9th Election Dlitrlct I bounded by and within E 30th it.. Bait Hlver. K. 29th t.. lit nve., K SSth it and 2d ave. The loth Klertion Dlttrlct It bnunded by and within E 31tt it.. Knit Hlvir, K. 30th et. and 2d ave. The llth Election District It bounded by and w-lthln E. 31it it.. Sd ave.. B. SOth it., 3d ave., E SOth it. and Lexington ave. The 12th Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded by and within B. 34th it and Id ave., B. 31H it. and Lexington ave. The 13lh Election Dlitrlct Ii bnunded by and within K. 33d it., 2d ave., E. Slit it. and 3d nve. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bnunded by and within E. 33d it.. East Hlver, E. Slit it and 2d ave. Th 1.1th Election Dlttrlct It hounded bl and within a diagonal line from the corner of 2,1 ave. and E 35th tl, to th corner nf lit ave.. and E, 31lh it.. E. Slth it., Eait Hlver, E 3!d it. and 2d ave. The Hth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within E. SSth tt., 2d ave, E. 33d it. ami 3d ave. The ITth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within E. JSih it, East Hlver, E. 34th it , a diagonal line from the corner of lit ave. and E. 31th at. to the corner of Sd ava, and E 35th it.. E. 35th it. and 3d ave The' Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and w-lthln E. 3Tth it., Katt Hlver. E. 36th t. and 3d ave. The 19th Election Dlttrlrt I bounded by and within K. 38th it., Eait Hlver, K. S7th t and 3d ave, Tha 20th Kiectlon Dlttrlrt It bounled t:y and within K. Slth it., Eait Itlver, E. 38th it. and 3d ave. The Slit Klertlnn Dlitrlct It boundrd by and within B. lOlh H., Prospect place, B. 41st it.. Bail lliver. K. 39 1 h it. and 3,1 uve. The 32d Election Dlitrlct It hounded by and within B 42d tt.. 3d ave.. E. 41tt it.. I'rnspert place, B 40th it, and Lexington The 2Jd Election District It hnunded hv and w-lthln E 42d it.. Prmpect place, 43d it,. Eait Hlver. K. (Itt it, and 3d are. Fifteenth Attembly ltintritt, Tha lit Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded hr nnd within W. 65th t., Columbui ave., W, 61th it and Amtterdam ave, The 2d Election Dlttrlit la bounded br and wllhln W. STth t Columbui ave., W. b r, l li tt and Amtterdam avr. The 3d Election ui.trict it bounded by and within IV. IS 111 tl., Hroadway, W, eiih I. nnd West End ave The Ith Election Dlttrlrt Ii boundrd bv and within W Ttit tt . Writ End ave. W STth it., and Huileoii Itlver, The Sth Election Dltlrlrt It bounded by and wllhln W TOth it.. Amilerdam are W 6th it. and Writ End ave. . The flh Election Dlttrlct It bounded bl and within W TOth it., Hroadway, W, ath at.. Central Park Wett, W. mth it., riroad. way. W 61th it. and Amilerdam ave. The Tth Election Dlitrlct la bounded by ani within W, 71st it., Columbus av., W F.I.ECTir,.. NOTICE. 70th it.. Central I'ark Weil, W. (tth it. anil 1 1 i n ii 4 nan The Sth Election Dlttrlct Is bounded by and with hi IV 74th :.. .antral ram vx en, , IV 7mh at nr.,1 r'olomhllt ave. The Ith Election Dlitrlct li bounded by and xvlthln IV. "2d it., Coliimbui ave., 11. Tint at.. Hroadway. W TOth it. and licit l.nd ava. The 10th Election Dlitrlct It bounded hy , End ave., W. it.. Writ End no Itlver. . and within W, 75th it., Weil 74th it., llrnadwav. W. 72d are. anil IV. 71tl it. and Hudton Hlver. tk t.i.l.. i.a....i. t,v I and within iv. T.ih it . Amtterdam avef, W T4lh .1. l'l,, ,l,. .... XV. 7l it and llrnaiwav. ' I The 12th Election Dlttrlrt It bounded by and within W, ISlh it., Columbui ave, W. 76lh It.. Central Park We. I. W 71th ll and Amsterdam ave. The Hih Election DMrlct It hounded by and ivlfhln W, 77th it.. Central Park Wett. IV. Hth it., Colutnbu avr., IV. ISth at. and Atntterdatii ave. The Hth Eleitlon Dlttrlrt It hounded b, and w-lthln W 77lh tl Amtterdam ave., 11. 75th it., Hroadway, IV. 74th tt.. Wett K".!.'. "vf "nK W. fH' tt. and Hudson Hlver. Ihe 14th Election Dltlrlrt It bounded by and wllliln W. 7th tt., llrnadwav, IV 7tn t Columbu avr., W. 77th it. and Wett End ave. The Hth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within IV. S2d it., Hlvertlde Drive, H Slit it.. Hroadway, W. 10th it., Wett End ave.. W. ITth it and Hudion Itlver. The 17th Election Dlttrlct It boundrd by and within W. Sltt tt Amtterdam ave., 11. ,1th it., Hroadway. W. 79th it., Wett End ave., W SOth it. and Hroadway. The llth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within IV, lOtlf tt Columbui axe., IV. Sltt it.. Central Park Wett. IV. 77th it. Columbui ave., IV. 78th at, and Amsterdam ave, Tha 13th Election Dlttrlrt It bnunded br and within a diagonal line frnm the corner or 11 sltt it, and Amtterdam nve. to the rorner of W S2d it. and Columbui ave.. '.oiuinout ave,, w. soth st. and Amiter danj ave. Tile SOth Election nislrlel I. hnttnd.d hv and within W. SJd it., Central I'ark Writ, .. . m.i ei. .on i ii u m i s ave. The Sltt Eleitlon nl.lrlet I. t.nxnd.d hv and w-lthln iv tad i i'niim,i,in ..... . diagonal line from Ihe corner of W. 2d ti. anu. i-fliutritiui ave, to the corner nr iv. Sltt tt. and A lOMterd. n, .v.. nnd Atnatep. dam Ave. The S2d Klertlnn ni.ltlrt I. hounded bv anil within W tlth it., Columbut ave.. 11. 3d tt. and Amsterdam ae. The 2il Election tllalplef la hounded hv and wlmin W. 83d it., Hroadway, W. Slth it. Amsterdam ave., IV. Sltt it., llrnad wav. v S2d it. nnd Wett End ave. The Slth Election Dlttrlct 1 bounded by and wllhln W 4th it., Wett End ave., W. S2rt tt , Hroadway, W. Slit tt.. Hlverilde Drive, W I2d it. and Hudion Hlver. The 2Sth Election Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W, SSth it.. Hroadway. W. 3d st., Wett End ave., W. Slth it. and Hudton Hlver. The 26th Elect nn Dlttrlct Ii hounded br and within IV. SSth it., Columbui ave., IV. llth tt, and Hroadway. The 27th Election Dlitrlct It bnunded by and within IV, SSth it., Columbui ave., W. tbin it. anu iiroadway. The SSth Klertlnn Dlttrlrt ta hounded hv and wllhln IV. Hth it.. Columbui ave., W. 6th it., Hroadway, W. 87th it. and Am sterdam ave. The 29th Elect on Dlttrlct Is bounded br and within W 89th it.. Weit Knd ave. w. 98th it.. Amtterdam ave.. W. S7th it.. Hroadway, W. SSth it. and Hudson Hlver. The 30th Election D itr rt It hounded hr and within W. kfcth it.. Columbui ave.. 11. B5tn it. and Wett End av. The .net Election Dlttrlct Ii bounded by and within IV. 90th it., Columbui ave., W, lllh ft and Hudson Hlver. Tile 32d Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within W Slit tt., Columbui ave., W. 10th it. and Amtterdam ave. The 23d Election Dlttrlct ! bounded by and within IV 91it it.. Hroadway, w. 92d it , Columbut ave., W. 9lt it.. Amtter dam ave., w. 90th at. and midion Itlver. The Kill Election Dlttrlct It bnunded by and w-lthln IV. Slth tt., Columbui avt., 11. 92d tt and Hroadway, Slileenth Assembly Dltfrirf, The lit Election rrlitrlrt It bounled bv and ullhln B. 41th it., Sd ave., E. 4Sd iL ana i.exingtnn ave. The 2d Elertlon Dlttrlrt It bounded bl and within ISth tt.. 3d ave.. E. ISlh it., 2d avi., E. 14th et and Lexington ave, Tha 3d Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and w-lthln E. ISth it.. But Hlver. E. 43d it.. Proipeat Plare, E. 42d it. and 2d ave. The 4th Election Dlttrlct It hnunded hy and within E. (Tth et., lit avp., B. 41th It., Eait Hlver, E. 43th tt. and Sd ave. The Sth Election Dlttrlct It bnunded hy and within a diagonal line frnm the corner of B. 46th it. and 3d ave. to the corner nf E. (7th et. and Sd ave., Sd ave., E. 43th it. and 3d ave. The Sth Election Dlitrlct ti bounded bl and within E. 4th it., 3d ave.. E. 4Tth t., a diagonal line from tha corner nf 2d ave, and E. ITth it. to the corner of 3d Ave and E. 46th it., E. ISth it. and Lex ington ave. The Ttu Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and w-lthln a diagonal line from the corner ol letxtnglnn ave, and B, ISth at., to the corner of 3d ave, and E. tlth it.. E. 41th 2d ave., E. (ith tl., 3d axe. und E. ISth it. The Sth Election Dlitrlct li bounded hy and within K. SOth it.. 2d ave., E (9th it., a diagonal line from the corner of IT. 49th t ami 3d ave. to th corner or I.. 48th at. and Islington ave.. and Lexington ave. The Ith Election District It bounded by and xvlthln a diagonal line from the corner of 2d ave and E. SOth it. to the enrner of ltjt ave. and E. llth it., E. 41th it.. Eait Hlver. E, ISlh it., lit ave., E. 47th it. and Thi'lOth Election Dlitrlct It bounded bl and within E. SOth it., lit ave., E. Sltt tt., Kaat Hlver. E. lllh it. and a diagonal line from the corner or e. lm it. and lit ave. to the corner of B. soth it, and 2d ave. Tho llth Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded bl and within E. Slit it., lit ave., E. SOth et. and 3d ave. The 12th Elertlon Dlitrlct li bounded bl and within E. 52(1 it., 2d ave., E, Slit it., 3d ave,, ri. sum it. and Lexington ave. The 13th Election Dlitrlct It bounded bl ind within E. S2d it., Kaat Hlver, E. Slat l. and .u ave. The Hth Election District It bounded bl and witnin r,. oju it., itiver, ri. s t. and 2d ave. The 13th Election Dlitrlct It bounded hy and within a diagonal line frdm the corner of E. SSth at. and 3d ave. tn the corner of B. Slth it. and 2d ave,, 2d ave., E. S2d rt, and 3d ave. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded hy and w-lthln E. 36th it., 3d ave., E. S2d it. and jxingtnn ave. The 17th Election Dlitrlct Ii bnunded by and w-lthln E. 56th it., lit ave. K. 55th it.. Sd ave., a diagonal line from the corner of E. Slth t. and 2d ave. to the corner of E. SSth it. and 3d ave. and 3d ave. The Hth Election Dlitrlct It bounded hy ...1 ..Ifl.l. V- Stth u, 1.. ..... L- P.. a n il 2d ave. The lllh Election District is hounded In and w-lthln E. SSth it., Eait Hlver, E. 33,1 it. and lit ave. The JOth Election Dlitrlct It hownded bv and w-lthln the entire Island of Kackwellt inland. Seventeenth Aiuembly Plitrict. The lit Election District Is bounded bl and within a diagonal line from the rorner nf W Slth at. and Columbut nve. tn the rornrr oi vv ti. anu (.eniral rark Wett, Central Park Wett, W. 83d tt. and cuiummii ave The 2d Election Dlitrlct Is bounded by ann wnnin vv snin ii.. xenirai rarK weit a diagonal line from the corner of IV. 85th et. nnd Central Park West lo the corner of W. Slth it. and Columbui ave., and Ldiilinuui avt. The 3d Election Dlitrlct It bounded hy anu wnnin i . nun ei., i rnirai I'arK IV ett vv . toiu ei .nn viimiunui av e. The Ith Election Dlttrlct Ii hounded bl and wllhln IV Hit it.. Central Park Wett. 11. tlth it and Columbut ave. The 5th Election Dlttrlct It bounded by nad w-lthln W 92d it , Central Park Wett, W. Slat tt, and Columbut ave, The 6th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It hnunded hy nnd within IV. 93d it., Central Park Wen W.'92d it. and Columbui av. The Tth Kiectlon Dlitrlct It bounded by and w-lthln W. 95th M.. Central I'ark Weit W. 93d it. nnd Columbui ave. The Sth Klertion Dlttrlrt Ii bounded by and wllhln a diagonal line from the corner of W I5lh at and Amilerdam ave to the corner nf W Hth ai. and Columbui ave, Columbui ave., IV. 97th it,, Central Park Wett and IV 95th it. The Ith Kiectlon Dlttrlrt It bounded by nnd within W. 95th it., Cnluinhut ave., w llth it., Hroadway, W. 93d it. and Wett End ave, The 10th Election Dlitrlct Ii bounded bl and within IV !'2d it., Wett End ave., IV 93d tt Hroadway, W. Slat it. and Hudton Hlver. The llth Klertlnn Dltlrlrt It bounded bl and within IV. f;th it, Weit End live., 92,1 it. and Hudton Hlver. The 12th Elertlon Dlitrlct li bounded by and wllhln W ITth tt., Hroadway, IV. 93th it.. Wett Knd ave, W. 91th it. and Hudton Hlver, The 13th Kiectlon Dlttrlct It bounded by nnd within W. 96th tt., a diagonal '.Ine from the corner of Columbut ave and IV '.nith t to the cornier of Amtterdam ave. and W 95th it.. IV. 93th it. and Hroadway The lllh Klertion Dlttrlct It bounded by and within W 9Tth tl , Columbui ave.a W 96th it. and llriadway, The 15th Klertion Dlttrlrt It hounded by and within i dlngonal line from the rornrr of Hroadway and IV ITth it tn the rornrr of Amtterdam ave. and W lllh it., W 98th it Columbu ave. and W. 97th it. The Uiih Klertlnn Dlttrlct It bnunded bv nnd within W 100th tl, Hroadway. w. 99h it,. AmilerdaTi ave, diagonal Hue from the comer of W 98 tlx it. and Amtterilani nve. to Hie corner of W. 9Tth it. and Hroad way, Hroadway, W, 98th et. and Wett Bud ave. The lllh Election District la hounded bv and within IV 09th it., Wett End nve . W 98th tt.. Hroadway, W, 97th it. und Hud ion Hlver. The ISlh Election District It bounded by and w-lthln W lOlit it., tt diagonal line from the enrner of Hroadway an, I IV mitt it. tn the enrner of w. 100th H and Witt End nve, Wett End ava., W 99lh it, and Hudion Hirer. Thr 19th Election Dlitrlct It bound. d hv and within a diagonal lln frnm th enrner oi wen ave, ana w. lootn it. to the ELECTION NOTICE. corner of Hr(.iilway and W. Inl.i lOttt it., Amtterdam ave., IV 100th luinbui ave., W. 99th it Hroadway 1 ll .vein ti. I IIP inth Election Dlttrlct It bou I., I v, and within W. 99th tt . Columbut a vc 91th tt, and Amsterdam nve, The 2lit Election Dlttrlct It boun 1 ,t k. and Within u .11. ...... I lln. I. . 1. - . ' D' pd within a diagonal line from the remit ' H. ISlh tt. and Columbut ave j i. ,'"rn.'r,."f.W. .?"!' .V. "nd. Central y"1 '"'f"1 '' Wt. 97th Coluinbllt nvr. ine .'ii i: rrtl t i l ! ,:lrr1,,n" I)IMrl'1 boun I,,) t,, ' "J.. "'''!'. -llagomvl line from tl. I"' . n" (-"I'llllliut nve .nr D leth nd Cenlr. I Wett. Central I'ark Park Una from the comer of Central Park .'! and W. 01th it. to the turner of 11 .in: it. and Columbut nve 0 VVeit, ,m, I tin .1 The 23d Election Dlttrlct Is hciini 1.4 and within W. lOItt tl.. Centra , ! llett, a diagonal line from th f a iv, loom it. and Central Park IV esi me corner 01 vv lll'in S.I and tr nve., and Columbut ave. ihui The 24th Election Dlttrlct I. hotm , and within 11 mitt xt , oiuinbut ., iv I'linii si. nun Amtterilani nve The 25lh Eleitlon Dlttrlit It bier and wlthlu n diagonal line from ihe of Amsterdam ave. and W. loitf - enrner of Columbus avr and 11 it., W. 1 02,1 it., Manhattan ave lOlit it. d hr I IV The 26th Elertlon Dlttrlct It ho. 1.1 t, and wllhln a diagonal line frnm " of Aintterdatii ave. and W I0( the (orrier of Cnlumbut avr, and U r, i it . ii diagonal line frnm the . ,T Columbu avr. and IV in;d st (. corner of IV. initi it, and Amtterda n and Amtterdam ave. The 2Tlh Klertlnn Dlstrlrt It bound, d fw and wllhln W. 103d tt . M.itihatta i n . vv in:, I it. and a diagonal line fr t , corner or w m2ii ti. ami Colutii ,s v. to the corner of Amtterdam ave n 1 v at. The 2Hh Elertlon D ttr rt It ho m .a t and within IV. 103d it. Central Pa k Wtsi 11. 101st il, and .Manhattan ave The 29th Election D Uriel Is hnnn4.a k nnd within W loith it. Cent-, p..., IV. 103d tt. und Columbut av., i lie join i. lection uitirii-t it t, ,,e i.a v.. and within a diagonal line frnm ihe -n.r nf Amtterdam ave. and IV. lnitn t 14 the corner of IV. 10.1th it and r x tl ave,, Columbut ave., W. in2d it ai 1( aterdam ave. The 3Ilt Kiectlon Dlttrlct It boun d h and within IV 106th el., Columbut av. diagonal line from the comer nf rv tnsth tl. and Columbut nve to the rare.. nf W. 104 Ih tt, and Amilerdam av ind Amtterdam ave. The 32d Election Dlttrlct It boundsl hi and within IV I06th tt . Manhattan tie W. 105th tt., Central I'ark Weit, VI Huh it. and Columbut ave. The 33d E ectlon D strict It hnunl.1 s. and wllhln IV. lOTlh tt.. Central Park West, ix main ei.. ainnuaiian ave., vv ivtin it and Columbui ave, Eighteenth Aitembly Pletrirt The 1st Election District It bound.. x and within E. Slth it.. 2d ave.. E. S4th m and 3d ave. The 2d Election D ttrlct Is bound., w and within E. 67th st.. lit ava. E. llth el. and 2d ave. The 3d Election Dlstrlrt Ii bounded br and within E. Slth at., 1st are., E STth t. and 2d av.. The Ith Election District It boundtd ,i and within E. SSth it. East Hlver, E Slth st and lit ave. The Sth Election Dutr ri It hound. m nnd within E. Slth it., Eait Hlver, E. Slth it. and 2d ave. The Sth Election -District It bounded s. and w-lthln E. 6.'.th it., Av A, E. 61th st Katt Hlver, E. Slth it and lit ave ine Tin Kitciion uiitrict It bound.1 he and w-lthln E. 62d it., lit ave., E ,1-h it Id ave.. E. 60th at. and 2d ave. The sth Election District 11 bound. 1 nt and w-lthln E. 62d it., 2d ave., B. 6'uh st and 3d ave. The Ith Election District It bounded hy and within E. 63d tl.. lit ave E 1.1 n and 3d av The 10th Kiectlon District ti bounded bs and w-lthln E. 65th it, lat av., E. t'tl st ann 3d ave. The llth Election Dlttrlct It bound! bv and w-lthln E. 6Sth it., 2d ave., F. 6."- r and 3d ave, Th. ISlh Election Dlttrlct It hounded hi and within a diagonal line from the c rnr of E, 66th at and 2d ave. to the comer ,f E. 6Tth it. and lit ave., lit ave., 1-. ith it. nnd Sd ave. Th 13th Election Dlitrlct It bounded by and within B. 69th it., lat ave., a d ig Til line front th enrner of B. Tth tt an 1st ave, to th rorner of E. 66lh it ami .1 ave., and 3d ave. The Hth Election Dlttrlct It hounded and within E. 6th tt Ave a. b. 69t', i Eatt Hlver, E, 61th it., Ave, A, E. 6 '1. and lit ave. The 15th Election Dlttrlct It bounded and within E Tnth it., Ave. A, B. Tit- si Kaat lliver, E. 69lh it., Ave. A, E. r.Mh and 11 ave. The 16th Elertlon Dlitrlct It bounded 1 and w-lthln E. TOth it., lit avr., E. 69th -and 3d avr. The lllh Elertlon Dlttrlct It hound I ' v and within a dlngonal line from the c of E i'.9th it and 3d ave. to the oornn I E. TOth tt. and 2d ave., Sd ave., E (I'h it. nnd 3d ava. . The Uth Election Dlstrlrt It hoiinde I h and within K. Tnth it, 3d ave. B. T' t Sd ave., a diagonal Una from th rorn f 2d ave. and E TOth et. tn the rorne- of 1 ave, nnd E. 69th it., E. 69th it and Lnltt ton ave. The 19th Elertlon Dlttrlrt It hounded M and within B. 73,1 it, 2d ave., B. Tlst st and 3d ave. The SOth Klertlnn Dlatrlrt It hnunded h and within a diagonal tin from the , rntr of E. TSd tt. and 2d avr. in the -v r , f E. Tltt it and lit uve., 11 ave., E Ti'i ' and Sd ave, The Slil Elertlon Dlitrlct It boun led h and wllhln E. TSd it., Eati Hlvrr I 71". it.. Avrnue A, E. TOth it. and lit ave The 22d Election Dlitrlct Is bound"-! bi and within E. T3d it.. East Itlirr I' TI 1 t, and 1st ave. The 2.1d Elertlon Dlitrlct Ii bound. ' and w-lthln E. TSd tt., 1st av., a d'jgint line from the corner nf li, Tltt t .11 ave. to the corner of E. T2d it, and - 1 ,m, and Sd avp. The 21th Election Dlttrlct It bound t re and within E. Tlth tt . lit ave K 1 1 I nnd 2d uve, Slneteenth Artembly liutnrt The Itt Election Dltlrlct It boun 1 1 br and within IV lOiith tt.. Writ Bad ,1" vV 102d it., Hroadway, w. lout 11 an. J 11 u 1 ion Hlver. Th Sd Election Dlttrlct It boun le i 1. and within W. 103d tl . Amiterilltli ave IV 101. t tt llruadway, W. lO.-d tt and We. End avenue. The 3d Elertlon Dlttrlrt It bnunlel r. and wllhln W 104th 11 . Hrnadwi, 11 105th tt., Amttrrdam ave., IV 103,1 i- v I Wett End ave. The 4th Election Dlttrlct It boui i.i 1 and wllhln W 106th tl , Amiterdam W. lOSlh at., llrnadway, W. iOllh mi Wett End ave. The 5th Election Dlttrlct It boun I-1 t, and w-lthln IV. lOTth tt., .1 dliBn.i' s from the. enrner of Amtterdam air -i IV HTth t. to th enrner of Cnlumhui av. . d W 106th tt , IV 106th tt and West I'i I .1 The 6th Election Dlttrlit Is In. 111 l and within W. 101th It., Aillllerdii'i n. W. lOTth it. Wett Knd ave. W 1"- -t and Hudion Hlver, The Till Kiectlon Dlitrlct t bnnn le ' 1, and within W 10th 11, Central Pirl w '. vv iu,m i . columbui ave, a ill. x from the corner nf Columbus tic , 106th t. to the rorner of W ini'h Amtterdam nve and Amtterilani n The Sth Kiectlon Dltlrlct It b"un and within W. UOih tt . Centra Wett, w. insth tt. and Columbia The nth Election Dlttrlct Ii limn. 1 and wllhln W. 109th hi. CoIuioim- 1 h l'a-)l d b W insth il. nnd Aiutierdnm ave The Hth Election Dltirb t I limnl- 1 br and w-lthln IV. linth ti . Ilr..a.t, ' 109th it . Amttrrdam avr., w I ti st, and Hudton Hlver. . The Uth Election Dlttrlrt it i.oun 1 and within W 110th tt , Columbu 109th tt and Hroadway. Tho 12th Election Dlttrlct It Loo- I Mm I within W tilth tt . Aintt" I H W, 110th tt. and Hroadway Tho 13th l ectlon Dlttrlct It bum nnd wllhln W 113th t . Hn-, linth it and Hudmm Hlver. The llth Eleitlon Dlitrkt It b- 1,1 und within W !12th tl.. Amttrrd m W 112th tt .and liroadw. 11 The 13th Klectlm Dlttrlct It b and w-lthln w 1.2th it, Ains'-i.i.,, IV. 113th tt., Mnriilngilde drli, IV tt , Amtterdam ,vve., W. 111th Hroadway The Hth Election Dlttrlct It hum and wlthlu a diagonal line fr.-in th nf Amttrrdam uve and W I'Ttb -' lorner of Mornlngtlde drive and W it., acrott Mornlngslde Park. M avr., Mnnhattan av.. W. 110th 11 1 tide drive, w. inth tt and Aintt-- The ITth Election Dlitrlct Is ' , . and wllhln W 120th tt . Aninter 1 1 n diagonal line frnm the tornrr of t. .mil Aimterdnm ave. to the , ,n 114th tt nnd Hrnadnay. and llrua 1 The ISlh Election DMrht l i-n- IV vv 1 bf tl il VV -,l bv ami wllhln W. tilth tl . a ill i, II .nil the inrner of IV. Ulth it .ml ll way to the corner of Aiiittrrdu ir 1 W 113th it.. W. 113th t ami 11 Hlver The 19th Klertlnn District Is boun and wllhln W HCth st . llroil-i IHlh it. and Hudton Hlver The 20th Election Dlttrlrt I" I nnd within IV, ninth tt , Hro-i 116th tt. and Hudton Hlver The 21st Kle, 11,111 District Is bou and within a line running from th- 'i Hlver iK-roi Hlvrrtidr Park an I 526 an I 52S Itlvertldr drive, t ' 1 1 - - t. view- ruurt. 1T5 Claremont ate v Kt , Iiroadway, W. lsnih it. und 1 1, 1 IV Hlver. Th 22d E'ertlnn Dlttrlct ll bo 1 and wllhln W I2TII1 tt . Mrovii." w 125th 11., a line running through F 1 ourt ITS Clarriuont avr, and hf and 551 Hlveitlde drive, through I' - Park and Hudton Hlver . ... The 23d Election Dlitrlct It b ,.v and wllhln W JSSd tt Old llrn.11 a v 11 l.inth tt.. Iiroadway. W 1 STth 1' ant HuJ' .on niver . ...,, rh 21th. Kiectlon nittrlct u wuni" I and iW. I an wnnin w lam tt.. .vtii'tensm lllit it, and Old nruadwny. ; iifaV..iCniMiitiiiniiii 4W.JU .Jltl it r-,yW""J