Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. I.J J, election .notici:. I .Hon Dlatrlct 1i bounded by Vt latet el.. Amaterdam avc, n.l 6th arc. to 'hi. tornr or VV. 129th al, content iivc.. W 131th at, an. I Lenox nve., and 'enox eve, avi., Lawrence at. una OM The 10th Ettetlnn District le hounded by . . ... I "nil within W. Ulxt it., Lenox ate, W. i:.tlon Dlatrlot la bounded lijr t2th at. ntid :th ate. W J3Mh et , Convent avc. I The 11th Election Dlatrlct l bounded avc W 13Slh it.. Manhattan;, .nil within V. lllat at., Jth ate., to eo.l V. rdun ate. ... ' fn llon liliitrlct la line to the corner of VV. lSSith at. I i vt mini -i. viii. vnetenlani ave. W. 13llh at . 1 1 tl.m Dlatrlct I" bouodad bv 1 ti M . Manhattan at., V . 1 lwn. . ti.n Dlatrlct la hounded by I'.'li "i., Anit"rdam ave., 1 Hr.iORUiiy. ' I n lllatrlrt la bounded b) U"Mh at.. Miinhnttan at. W 12UH at. Him Amaicr- - on Diatrlct la hounded by v 1. Mi at. Amaterdam live, f nil the 1 orner of Ani ,11. 1 W. l!2d at to the corner .in.! llroadway, and llroad e. 1 in Dlatrlct la hounded by A 1 Ith l . MornlnRalde ave., ..!. r.irk ut W 120th at., . . a line from the )JI1 t and MornlnKalde - r nf W 123d at and Am 11 I Amaterdam ave. ' 1 n D'-irlit la bounded by 11 1. line from the corner V r."'l at. to the curner .. and W. 13M at. an I . the . .irner of MornlnK I VV l.Met ! , W Ulat at , .. V 120th at. and llrond- t'l Dlatrlct I" bounded hv 1 1 ... .1, Murnlnt'l'e drive, , -1 ie r.irk at 15tl at . M jrnlciratile rark 1 ,1 .moiiai line from the III at inil I.irnlnicM I .,f W 117th at nn I A na!..rdml IVe . I n Dlairl. t la hounded by :.cih a. Munhattiiii avc, r m the corner of Man I W llth at to the corner an I Mnrnlngalde ave., and ve . nn Dlatrlct la hounded by tic in.ii line from the corner ,t. Mnrnlngalde ate to the r vv lllth at and Manhattan ave,., . , , , W 116th at. and Morning- r-.tlon Dlatrlct la bounded by , W tilth at, Ith ave, YV. 116th t .. h t'tan ate ... . , (.'. ttnn Dlatrlrt la bounded by , tv llVlh at.. St. Nlchnlaa ate, ' a' tth ate., YV. 116th at. and tv I I i 1'' VV ten Dlatrlct la bounded hy I 'h et . 7th ave , a ill ,r .. r of YV. II Sth at. and 7th , .nor of W., 1141U al. and Sth I a-h ive. cat me. Hon Dlatrlct la bounded by n VV tilth a' Manhattan ave., YV. X'h ate. a diagonal Una from the t -Hi a' and VV 113th at to the 1I h r r - .f M-ml I"H1 lite and VV . IMth at., W 4 iii I M-irnliigalde ave. t . 'it i:iecM,n Dlatrlct la bounded bv ,,i -I. ., a II ik nil line from the corner i w 1 1 i at in., ath ite to the corner of vv : 11. c -t and 7th ate. ,tn ate. ami a p- fri.m the corner of 7th ave. i h t to the corner of Sth ave. an vt Tv 4.1 Kc tion Dlatrlct la hounded nv an , ' -i i I'lX'inai lino rrom ine corner nf -"i ate nn. I lllth at. to the corner nf tth i .i- VV 1 1 Sth at, a dlHgonal line fr, .. .ner of 7th ave. and VV 113th at. to the I'.rnrr of YV. 112th at. and Ith ave., act 'h .ve T1 ill E ectlnn Dlatrlct la bounded hy and wit in VV IMth at . a diagonal line from he c r-ier f VV IMth at and Manhattan , r i. -ii ,-.rner of VV 1 1 3th at. and Sth a. r ,t.- a line from the cor- n- ' vt n.that Tnd ath ate to the corner nf v U'mi and Mtnhattan ate, Man hi'Mn a-e and .Mnrnlngalde nte. T'i 44th E.e tlnn Dlatrlct la bounded hy an I !! n a Vagonal line from the corner rf W ,iith at and Ith ave to the corner of VV ii a- and Tth ave, 7th ave. and a r'ly ml 'Ino from the corner of 7th ave. and VV " ill at to the corner of V 113th at. ar-l I )i m Tr 4Mb Eiec'lon Dlatrlct la bounded by aai 'i'liln a Una from the corner af V iihi'Hn ave and YV tilth at. to the ft nh ave. and VV. 1I2ih at., a ding er, 'ne fr-.m the corner of ath ate. and YV 1!" ' 'he corner of 7th avc. and YV. IT nn I VV lllth at T i:li Elei tlnn Dlatrlct la hounded by an : " Hi W tilth at., 7th ate., w. 110th It ,-,1 M-i'ihattan ave, T " V ciinn Dlatrlct la bounded by an1 "t'i VV Until at. 6th at-, a line run nl r '' niirh Central Park from 6th ate. an I. a' to Park Weat and 9th ! . i park Weat T n K .clon Dlatrlct la hounded by i- ' in a line running from V. th ai an '.p'ril Park VViat tn tth ave., 6th a r-1 . . -an road, VV. DTth at. and Con-t- Piik Weat. 7"i. tnlltti .iftmhly )lifr(c, T' ' Election Dlatrlct la bounded by i-' i .i ti ,in at, ;n it., i;. 7Id at a "i t r T i Elecllnn Dlatrlct la bounded by i E 70th at. 3d nte, :. 7;th at, II. E "4th at. and Lexington ate. T E e. tlnn Dlatrlct la bounded by an i E 76th et., lat ate., E. 74th at an .' 1 a f T 4" E'ertlon Dlitrlct la bounded by an I ni' li E 7th at.. Avenue A. E, 74lh i an i ia: ave. Tli' ii i; -cllon Dlatrlct la hounded hy an i wi'i.m t: nm at, Avenue A, E. 76th i: 'i-i u.ier. k 731 al and lat ave. Ti.e h Election Dlatrlct la bounded by an' -nm i. .tin ai . jonn jay l'ark at.. E b a' . Eaa. Itlter. E TStlt at.. Avenue a t .a'n ai nna lar ave. T Tih E.ctlon Dlatrlct la bounded by 1' ' nln E. 77lh at., lat ate, E. 76th at. a i a,i are The I'll E'ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by an ttpl.n E ruth at., a diagonal Una from the .v.rrcr 'f E. 73th at. and 3d ate. to the corner I; liih al nnd 3d ave, 3d ave., K. llth at and Lexington ave. The 5th Election IMatrlct la bounded by an i in n-.n n,, i tin at., iat ave., L.. 77th at. ani "l ate Tl In'h Election Dlatrlct la bounded by am wnnin ii .am ai , a diagonal line from the ornfr of E "Ith at. and Avenue A lo E T'-ih at and Eaat Elver. K. 71th al.. John Jii- p. rk at E 77th at. and lat ave. Tl.' ll'h E.ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by nl ituhln E 79lh at., a diagonal line from E. 7..'h ! and Eaat lllver to the corner of atrni. a ana ti trui t , u. ;th at. and Ut ave. The 13th E'ertlon Dlatrlct la hounded hv anj within a ilUgmal line from the corner of Ate. i ie A and E. "8th at. to the corner '.i ia - n ai ami lat ate., let ave. and B. inn at 'ir- 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded r mn wrnin a auin at , a diagonal llni fr..m the n.rner of E. 10th et. and 3d ava to 'he .orner nf lat ave. and E. 70th at., h '.'h at and S 1 ave. The Mth E.e. Hon Dlatrlct la bounded ana winin i; aotn at. Avenue A, E H'h at and a diagonal line from the cor i.f- of :. nv, and E. 79th ri to the cor- i i.e anil ii. sotn at T' - rth Election Dlatrlct la hounded ant -.ti'hln a diagonal line from the iTf.r n 'I ave and E !0th at. to the "" ' ' :i ate. nml E. Ilat, E. Hat rfa hou ii.. aum al. Tl.n lth Eleartlon Dlatrlct la hounded yr nu r; list t Avenue A, I; '"h at olid lat ave. Tn ITU, Election Dlatrlct la bounded ' mi ni-nin u nn at,, i;aat mver, E i ii ii n.i Avenue .v. li nth Election Dlatrlct la bounded f . iinin r; aja at., Avenue A, I' I. -t an.l li ave. i"h Election Dlatrtct la bounded b and i-it E. I2J at, let ave.. E. Ilat -' ',ii ,ii axe. Th- ;.iti, Election Dlatrlct la bounded inn wimin ii. at. za avo.. oi .1 linn Irom E. Ilat at. and 3d ave, in n-nar or ia. uih at. and 3d ave i. l 3,1 ate T -' Election Dlatrlrt la bounded bv nd wntiln a dligonal line from the ""' "i i. a;n at. ami iexingtnn ave r i. aiat ar -nn an ave, 'e i, at and Lexington ave. 1 -I I. tactlirafaaDlatrli't la tiounded 1 i 'nin 1. oth at . 3d ave.. . r i Ire from 3d ave and E. Ha r" rn.r nr ri. s:.l at. and Lex I'm icixington ave I Lie, tlnn Dlatrlct la bounded ''In E 63d at., 3d ave., E I2d ii i ave. 1 ii frt-y first Ailrmt.tu lllitrlrl '" i-i 111, tlnn HMrlct la hounded hy ' i.nin a. , a tn nvc, VV. 131,1 - i m i ninganie ave. I K-.tlm Dlatrlct a bounded by 1 " 'iimk'huii nne irritn me cor ' ' ttiliigalde live nd W. MUth at i 'i hi m Mcnnl'ia ave. and VV tv i.'fth . sih ave., VV l :3th i i n.ncaiiie ave. I' e.tlnn Dlatrlct hntinded by in It until at . Ml ISIrlinl'ia ter " '."'li ai . a lino from the " i.,tn ei. and ft Nh hula ,, ' - ' "rnar of W IMth at, and ' - I- nvc , Mornlllgalile ave. and ., " e i ' fv.-i,iui irt-irici l IMiunuetl u " 't'.. li uoih at. th ave, YV 127th ' ' tiiiinuiH irrrai-e. '' E'l'tlnn DUtrlci la liun lad by - .. (i,, i latin at., atn ava 1 r' "i it. lavn ai.i iiieoce i. n.. to tho corner of YV. 130th a i 'l ' ave T ' E.itlnn Dlatrlct la bnlilulfd by '."I nln vv, 128th t. to the corner of h.nre x diagonal line to the cor ' . r vt l.'Tth at, ami Lenox me, w, UTh at and lib ate, - II!. i il'. n Dlitrlct la bounded hy i trhin VV l.'ath at, 6th ave. vy ie I ii 'Hnkonal line frnm the cor I x ,ie and VV 137th et to the ' n ave anu vv, izaiii el, re District la bounded hy , ;th at a rllagntiBl line nr cf I.innx ate and W come ' ' . " he corner of 6th ave. and , YV h .i w tilth at and 7th av. i a ih Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by within W. MOth at., tth ave, a rtlag. r-.t.JMTION ..OTICE. nnnl line froin th evrocr of W lllth at. enrner nf IV. 130th at., thinner a dlag- ami am aye., anil sin ave. . . The 144. 1ltfrlct la bounded bv and within W ISJd at., Ith ave., W. UOth at. ami Ht. Nlcholaa ave. I The Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by in within w. nan at., a ningonai iin- from the corner of 7lh avi, and V. 13ld at t tlvc rorucr of l.enox avc. and V, :i2il at .c:l at. and 'th ae. The Mth Elaltlon Dlatrlct la bounded by ami within W. 132d at., lenui ate, W. 1311 at. and Ith nvr. The 16th Election Dlatrlct la tmuniien at. unit t.ennv iivi... nnd l.enni ave. The 17th Election Dlatrlct Ih bounded by and within W 131th at., Cth ate., W. l.iKl at Itm l.'nnx ate. The lath EleVtlon Dlatrlct la bounded ny ano willllll a u axnuni linn mini 1110 ,n,- mm n linn at. in iiif nuiiri lat.w ., ...i..KnK imk ..1 Ml inrner of W lllat t nnd l.enox ate to Vt . M3d at. and 7th ave, and 7th aye. Niciiolae' ate " T''" JSl' Elecllnn Dlatrlct la in- corner or w. 13.,1 at. ami am ate., ine win isieouon inairict la nounnrn m tkih tslrcMlon Dlatrlct la bounded by 1 nn" "'"'in a diagonal line from I 6th ate, w, 110th at. ami i.ennx ate. ami wimin v nun at., mi av , i lnd within tv tilth at. Harlem Itlver. nr t. and 6th ave., tn th The lth Election Dlatrlct la hounded MM at and Ith ava. I IJy.kman at and llroadway. ' ! of E 117th at. and Modlaon ave., by ami within W. 133d at.. Mil ate. a The 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by 1'JI"'!n,h'Is,r..L,rI,1.,IiV i. u,,.n.,i bv ave . E lieth at and Mb ate. illAKnntl line from the torner uf W. 13J1 and within W 116th ft., a diagonal line from I nl W,n,J HnUyten Duyvll Creek, Harlem! T'" Election Dlatrlct la I e i. nm .nil ne m ine rnrnir ui 11. idni inn iuii rr. ill ,1 limn el. null nil, n,v. f... . . . ,,..... u ri...L...n bv and within W. 134th at. Lenox ate. it line from the corner of 7lh ave. and W. Mlth dlnKonal line from the corner of W. 133d at. to the corner of W. lltth at. and Ith at. and l.enox ate tn the comer of W. late, nnd Ith ave. "1! ',s.S'lJ,h i,.""'1. !lh V"' Tl" JJIecllon Dlatrlct la bounded by The 19th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hyn, within a diagonal Una from the corner ami mwiin a ui.iannni tinw nin ine - ner or nn ave, ami tv. ijim i. m corner of l.enox ate. anl W. 13Jth at., W. 135th at., Sth ave, and vt mm The ?ft!h rT!,.ctlnn' Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a diagonal line from the cormr of Jth ate and W. lllth at to the , enrnee nf W IXRth at and T.enoX llte.,na Lenox ate. a dligonal line from the cor- ' ner of Leuox ate. and W 13Mh at. to the corner of YV. lllth at. and 7th ave., mid th ave. . , The 21at Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within YV. 131th at. 7th ave., VV. 133d at. and St. Mchoiaa ave. The JM Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within YV. lltth at., 7th ave., VV. 134th at. and ft Nicnoiaa ave and within VV. 161et at, Ith ate., YV, Mlth The 21,1 Election Dlatrlct la bounded.,,. ,il llradhurat ae. bv and within V Mlth at. tn the corner The lath Election Dlatrlct la bounded by of Lenox ave. i thence a diagonal line to the corner of 7tli ave. ami tt . ijun n,., . USlli at. and at .xicnoiaa ate. The 21th Eiec'lon Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within 131th at., 7th avc. YV. 13Sth at. and llh ate. The 3Mh E ectlnn Dlatrlct la iwtnn ie.i by and within W. MOth at th avc. IV ISath at and M. Nlrholaa ate. The sth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd within YV. MOth at., 7th avc, W ist'n at anu sin ate. Th. 5?,!. rtle.-tlnn Dlatrlct la bounded hv an.t within a dtacomit line from the corner of W. MOth at. and Ith ave. to the corner of VV. Mlat at ami "th avc. 7th ave. and YV. MOth at. . . . The nth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W. Mlat at., a diagonal Una fentn the rnrnnr nf 7th live, and Y. Mlat at. to the corner of Sth ate, ami V. MOth t. W MOth at. ami ft. Mirnoiaa ave. The 39th Klectlon inairict ia imunnpu by and within W Until at, Amaterdam ave., YV. MOth at.. Convent ate. V Mlat at.. St Nlcholaa avc, W. 136th at. 'on ent avc. YV. lictn at, Amaieruam avc. VV 136th at and llroadway. The 30th Election Dlatrlct la l-ounorn hv nnd wirhln W. 134th at., Content avc. W. 131th at . St Nlcholaa ave., VV. 130th at. and Amaterdam avc The Ilat Etc Hon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W 134th at. Amaterdam ave YV. 133d at. and Hudaon Elver. The 32,1 Election mairici ia iiouii'i-ii by and within VV llilh at.. Amaterdam avc. vv 136th at., vonveni avc, tt . unn at and llroadway The 3 3,1 Election Dlatrlct la nouniieo bv and within YV 136th et . llroidway. vv 131'h at and ituuaon illter The Slth Election Dlatrlct la l.oiinil'"! ny and wltnln a dlagntixl linn from the Hilda n Itlver nnd VV l.l'in at in tt rain ei ami llroadway, llroadway, W. 186th al and Hud- ion River. The S.'ll Election Dlatrlct l nounuen ny and wllhln W Mlat at. llroadway, a dlarnnal line rrom the c .rner oi nrnanwny and VY' 137th at to VV 131th at. an.l Hudaon Itlver. and Hudaon niter The 3th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by ami wlthtn a diagonal line from the corner of nrocilw.ty and VV. lltth al to the corner of Hamilton place nnd YV MOth at , W. MOth at.. Amaterdam ate, tt mm at anu Itroadwav ... The 37th Elect on Dlatriei ia nounnia ny and within VV Mist at.. Convent ave. YV. I4nth at., a ill.irnoal ine rrom ine corner ni YV MOth at and Hamilton place to the cor ner of VY. 133tn at. ana nroaiiway, ano llroadway, rirenfti aecon'f Afrnbly PI'trtet The lat Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. Sd at., let ave. E. 13d at. aD1 2d avc . ... The 3d Election inairict ia nounuec, ny and within E. S3d at.. Avenue A, E- !2d at. and let ave. The 3d E'ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded l.v nnd within E. 13d at.. Eaat Itlver, E. 13d . and Avenue A The till E'ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. llth at. Eaat End ave. E. 3d at. and Avenue A Tho Ith Klectlon niatrict ia nounn-n iy and within E at. Eiat End ave, E. Kill at, Eaat inter, l. M.i ai.. liaat ave, E llth at and Avenue A. The ith Election Dlatriei ia onunuen ny and within a diagonal line from the corner nf E llth at. and lat ate, to the corner of I6th at. an-l Avenue a, Avrnue a, li. 13d at. and lai ave. The 7th ri:ectl"n inemri ia ooun'iea riy and within E ISth at., lat ave. to aSd at, a diagonal line from thn corner of let ave, and E. 13d at to the corner of E. 14th at. and 2d ate . and 3d ave. The Ith Klecllnn inairict la nnunoen ny and within E. llth at. and 2d avo. a diagonal line from the corner nf 3d ave. and ri aim at. m me i-i.rnrr oi iai ave. anu E 13d it.. E. ISd at. and 3d ate The tth rileotion inairict ia poiinoci vy and within a diagonal line from the c rner nf E. Mth at and 3d ave. to th" corner of Et 85th at. ana in ate, in ave., c, aim au and 3d ave. ... The lotn election wieinci ia imunnni ny and within E Sth at. Id ave., k. S4l!i at. and Lexington ave The llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 16th et . let ave., E. S6th at , and a diagonal line from the corner of E. mth at. and 3d avc to the corner of IX llth at and 3d ave, The lltn ,lecuon uiainci ia onunuen ny n.l wlthtn E. IILh at.. Avenue A. a diagonal lln" from the corner of E. Itth at. and Avenue A to the corner of E. Mth at. and Iat ave, ami iat ava The llth Election Dlatrlct 1a bounded by and wllhln E. llth at., East End avc, E. aim at ana Avenue a. The Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a diagonal line from the cor ner or Avenue A and E. 8 7 tli at to the i orner of Eaat End ave. and E llth at. E lath at., Eaat Itlver, E. Uth at. and A venue A. The ISth Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within a oiagonai una ironi ma cor ner of lal ava and E. 17th at. to the cor ner of 11 Slth at and Avenue A, Avetme A, E. IC'.h at and lat avc The 16th Election Dlatrlct la bounded b mil within a diagonal line from the cor ner of 3d ave and E. Itth at. to the cor ner or 21 atn anu j,. aim . i. sun ai., lat ave. nnd E lath at The 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. alth at. 3d avc, a diagonal Una from th" cornrr of E. llth at and 3d ave to th" corner of E, llth at. un I 3d live , and 3d ave. The llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and wllhln E. llth at. a diagonal line from the corner of E. alth at. and Avenue A to the corner of lat ave. and E. 87th at . E. 37th at , and 3d ave. The lath Election Dlatrlct l bounded by and within E, 19th at, lat avc, E. llth at and 3d ave. ...... The 30th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within E 18th at , Avenue A. B lltn it. and lal ave, The 21at Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy nnd within a diagonal lino from tho corner of Avenue A and E. 19th at. to the corner of Eaat End ave and E Itth at., a diagonal 'line from the comer nf E ISth at, and Eaat End ave. to the ror- ner of E Will Avomie A. and Avenue A The 23d Kin Hon Dlatrlct la bounded hv an.l within E id at . Eaat Itlver, E ISth at , a diagonal line from the corner of Eaat End ave and E ISth at. to the corner of Avrnue A and B. lOth at, E. tivili at. and lat ave. The 33d E'ei Hon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E tOlh al., Iat ate., E. K9th at. nnd 2d nv" The 31th Election District la hounded by and wlthtn E. lat at., lat ave., E 30th at. nnd 2d ave. Tirenlt-tMrd Aitnntlv nitlrlcl Tho lat Election Dlatrlct l hounded bv and wllhln W 137th at., Lenox avo., W. lSU'li at. and 7lh ave The 3d Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy .n.i within 11 diagonal line from the cor ner "f W Utlh at and 7th nve. to the corner of W 13Mh at and Lenox nvc, Lenox ave., W 137th at. and 7th ave. The 3d Eiuitlnii Dlatrlct la hounded hy ana wllhln diagonal line from the cur ner of VV. MOth at and 7th .ive to the ,-orner of W Mlat at. and Lenox ave. Ietiox av. . a dliginal lino frnm th mi ner (it W ISath al nnd Lenox avc to the corner nf W I39th at. and 7th ave. atid 7th ave. The (th Election DlMrlct la hounded hy and wllhln W Mlat at, a illngnnil line Irom th corner of VV. lllat at and Lenox ave. to the corner nf VV. MOth al. and 7th ave. 11 tin Tin ave, Th Mh Election Dlairlct I. bounded by till limn V . k e'l ai 1 4 a" II II tl YO,, ff ,t at. nnd 7th ave 1"' .... - .. . , ... . The im c. ei nun ii,iiii,-i ia uuiiniieii ny ,Y wlthtn a diagonal line . Irntn the n,r 1 ..( K.l.acninhe ave and VV 111., .. and m th corner i-f 1th av and VV M3d rt vv M2d t 7th ave. and W lllat at Tho 7th Election District la hounded by ner Knd within W MSd at, a diagonal line from lh corner of YV Mid at. and 7th av to th Corner of W M3d at and Ith Svei, thence a diagonal lln from the cor ELECTION NOTIcK. tiitr of VV. Mid et and Ith avc to the. and within W lllat at., Amaterdam avc, corner of W. Mist at nnd Edgecombe W 179th at., WadawOrth ave., W, MOth at. avc, Edgecombe avo. nnd llradhurat ave. .and St. Nicholas ave. The Ith Election District la bounded The 7tat Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy by and within a diagonal line from the ' and within W 113.1 at., Audubon ave., W. corner of W. 143d at and lh ave. to the 1 13,1 at.. Amatardam ave., W. lllat at. and corner nf VV. 143d at. ami 7tli ave., 7th llroidway, ave. nnd W. HJd at. Tlie 111, l'l...ll.,,. ni.l.l.l ) by and within a diagonal line from the ' turner or 7111 ate anil vv. mo at 10 the corner nf t..nn, uv and U. Il2ili,, at.. W 112.1 at and 7th ave. The loth Election Dlatrlct la bounded ! by atid within a linn from the corner of W Mlth 'ai and I.enoa ae.. I corner in w. 11.111 at. aim 7tn ave. 10 ine ..ri... 11, r., iini, 11 niiiKoiim ii'" curner Yi "J?. e.L ... 1 to the 'corner nf U Ulil at and ?th ave The 11th Election Dlatrlct la bounded br and within w liath at.. l.enox ave.. a diagonal .lino ftnm the corner of l.enox the corner nf 7th ave. and W. Mlth at. V. 144th at, Ith avo., YV. M3d at. and llrad hurat ate The Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within . Mth et., 7th ave.. a diagonal to tho corner nf i h ate., W. Hid 1 or tv Mini at. and Ith ave. YV MXfh at. nml 7lb iv. 7tl, at., ll irl. in ltltir. W. Mth at., Lenox ate., I YV Mlth at. ii ii J Slli ate. The Ulli Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nn.t utltiln a .tln.t 11... tnm It.. ,.,., '."v. ' ..T .... ' r:.- . ...... ..ami within Dyckman at., w Mh at. and Ith ave to the corner 1 and within E. Kid at.. 2d ave.. E ld at., u til., I. - 1 .t. .... ... .Malm.. P 11,1 . 1,1 ivi II ftath at . u illaa iilaaronn lino from the corner n'f VV. 1 4th' at. nn,( ,vp l0 ,) rorll,r f v' 147th at! Un, s,, nm at RV, I The Will Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv ' i.n,i within Yv lllat at. 7th ave.. n iiinrnnal i fr.,n, the comer of VV. Math at. and 7lh , at e. to the corner of VV. Math at. and Ith nn vth m. T,e Mth El.c lin Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV 163l at. 7th ate. YV. ISlat at. and llradhurat ave. The :oth Election Dliirlct la hounded hy and within VV lo.M1i at. Harlem Illter, YV. 16.1.1 at . 1' I'arkwav and Sneedw.iv The Slat Elec'l in Dlitrlct la bounded hv and within VV 163d at., llradhurat nvc, VV. MMh at, Sth avo. W. 115th at. and Colonial Parkway. The 33d Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within VV MMh at., llradhurat ata, Edgecombe ave, VV Mlat at, and Ht. Nlch- oiaa ate The 33d Election Dlatrlct la hounded by I and within VV. MSth at, St Nlchnlaa ave. W Mlat at., Convent avc. YV 143d at. and Amaterdam avc The 24th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wllhln VV 143d at.. Convent ave, YV. Mlat at and Hudson lllver The 35th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and wllhln YV Mid at. Amaterdam avc, YV. 143d at ami Hudaon Itltrr. The 36th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within W. Huh at. Amaterdam avc, VV M3d at and llroadway. The 37th Elecllnn Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV MMh at, Amaterdam ate., YV. M4lh at. and llroadway. Tho IStli Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and wlthtn W MSth at. a diagonal line from tho corner of llroadway and YV M6th at. to the corner of Amaterdam ave. and YV. M6th at. W M6th at.. llroad way. W. 1 4.1,1 at and Hudaon Illter. The 3tith Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within VV 146th at.. Si. Nlclinlaa ate. W IU1I1 at and a dlacnnal line from the corner of VV. 145ih at and Anirterda'n ate. to the com. r of llroadway and YV. lir.'li ii. The 10th B.eMlon Dlatrlct 1. hounded bv and wllhln YV. 150th al Colonial ptrkway, YV Mlth at. Ht. Nlcholaa ave and flt Nli hnlue place. The Slat Emtlori Dlatrlct la bounded by n-id within YV tilth at, st Nlcholaa ave, Y" 146th at and Amaterditn ave The 33d Elertlon Dlatrlct la bounded bl and within VV. MTth at, Amiterdam ave., YV. J 4111 et and Hudaon ltlv. r. Th 31.1 Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within VV MMh at. Amaterdam avc, VV 147th at. and Hudaon lllver. The Slth Eli'tl'.n lil-lrKt la hounded by and nlthln W Math at. Amatordam ave., VV MSth at and Hudaon Itlver. Th 36th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy end wllhln VV. 160th et.. Content ave. YV MSth at. Ainalenlam nte.. VV. 149th et. and llroadwa). The 3th Elictlon Dlatrlct la hounded bv and ul'hln VV. ISlat at., Amaterdam ave. vt. I -.nth at. Ilroadivay, YV. 1 lath at. and Hudaon lllver. The 37th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wllhln W. lllat at., St. Nlrholaa avc, 'W. ItOth a( Si. Nlcholaa placa, St. Nlchnlaa etc. YV. lllth at.. Convent ave., VV 150th af.' anil Ametardnm avc The llth Ekctlin Dlatrlrt la laureled by and within YV I r,l.l at., Cnionia! parkway. vt. .150th at , ft., Mchoiaa ate. VV. lElrt al , Amiterilatn ave VV. 163d al. and HL Nlcholaa ave The 19th Elation Dlatrlct la bounded by ami within VV 1 ,3.1 at., Amaterdam avc, YV. It 1 at at and llroadway. Th" 40lh Election Dlitrlct la bounded by and within VV 163.1 at., llroadway, Yv' ISlat at. and Hudaon Itlver The 4 1 at Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd wllhln YV 153d at. St. Nlcholaa ave, VV U,2d at. and Ilinadway. The 43d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV 165th at. Colonial park way. W. 153d at and Hudaon Itlver. The 4 3d Election DlafUt la hounded by nnd within VV. 166th at, a diagonal line from the corner of Amaterdam ave. and VV. 156th at. to the corner of St. Nlrholaa ate. and VV. 157th at. VV 157th at., tho Speedwa -. VV USUI at and llroadway. The 4 4th Election Dlatrlct la boundid by ami within V. 167th at., a diagonal Una from the enrnt-r of St, Nlohulaa ate and VV 157th at. tn the corner of Amaterdam ave. and VV. 156th at.. YV. 15th et. and llroadway. The 16th Elertlin Dlatrlct la hounded by and within VV. I6SH1 et , llroadway, tt 1.1am ai, anil iiuiienn itlver. Th" 16th Ele'tlon Dlatrlct la hounded by an.l within W. ItSth at, St. Nlchnlaa nve, W. 159th at, the Speedway, W. 157th at and llroadway. Th 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hv and within YV tilth at., St. Nlcholaa ate, W l.'ith at and llroadway The 4Mh Election Dlatrlrt la bounded hv and within W lloth at. St. Nlcholaa 1 ate. w. iRiitn at anil llroadway The 49lh Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv nnd wllhln VV 165th at., llroadway, W II Mh at. and Hudaon Hirer. Tlie 50th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by und within W. 16lat m . Amaterdam ave , w. MOth at and llroadway. The Slat Elertlun Dlatrli t la bounded by nml within VV ICId at, Colonial park way. YV 162d at, th Speedway W 159th at, St Nicholas live, W 160th at and Amaterdam ave. The 52d Election District la bounded bv and within VV 163d at, Amaterdam ave, W 161at at, and llroadway. The 53d Bectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV 165lh at. St Nlrholaa ate, W 164th at. Amsterdam ate., W. 1C3.I at and llroadway. The Slth Eeitloti Dlatrlct la bounded by and within YV 166th at., Harlem lllver, th Speedway, W. 163d at , Colonial park way. VV 163 1 at. and Amaterdam ave. The SMh Election Dlatrlct ia bounded by and wllhln W. 166th at., Amaterdam nve VV lGTih at, Colonial parkway, W 165lh at, Amaterdam avc, YV. 164th at., St Nlcholaa uvc, W 16tth ai. and tlroad- """Th 56th EI"ctlon Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within W. 170tl at, Harlem lllver, VV. 166th el, Colonial parkway, W. 167th at. and Audubon ate. Th 57th Election Dlairlct la bounded by and wllhln W. 17let at., St. Nlchnlaa ave, W. 170th at., Audubon ave, W, H7th at Amaterdam ave. W. 166th at., Ht. Nlchnlaa ave., W. 165th at. and Hudaon "The OSth Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and ttlthln W 171at at., Audubon ave, W. 173d at . Amaterdam ave. YV. 170th at. anl St Nlcholaa ave Th 59th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within W 173d at , Amaterdam ave. VV 173d at, Audubon ave., VV. 171et at and St Nlcholaa ave The mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a line acroaa fort Waahlngli.n Park, Depot Ian", YV. 177th at., Wadaworth M , YV 17tth at., Audubon av VV, 173d at, St, Nlcholaa ave, W. 171at at and Hud- '"Tha'i'at Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded by and within YV lllat at., Washington Hrldge, H.irlcm Itlter, W 170th at, Amaterdam nve. VV 173d al . Audubon avc, w. 17tth at nnd Amaterdam ave The 63d Election Dlatrlct la boundod by and within W I77Mi at., Aniatrrdam ave., W 175th at and Audubon ate The tiSd Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W. 17th al , Amatordsm avc, vv. 177th at., Audubnn ate, anil a diagonal line from the corner of Audubon av. and VV 1 7 e Hi at. tu the corner of Ut. Nlchnlaa .... .ml VV 170th at. The 64ih Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by and within a 1ll.1g1.nal line frnm the corner nf W 17'Jth at and St. Nicholas ave. to the corner or tt iiii ei. nun nuuuunii ave, Audubin ate vv I7tth at, W.ulsworth ..! tv 177th at and St N'lcho aa ave Tlie 6lth Election District la bounded by and within tv. nam ei cii. av., W 17Tth at. and llroadway The '66th Election Dlitrlct la hounded hy end within VV 179th at, llroadway, VV, ittiIi ai and Plnrhurst nvc The tnt! Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy anl within a line acroaa fort Waahlnctnn Park ut YV. met at., tv. isiat at., Pine , hur.t p... . ''' '.hlr. gton 1 11 CT.i ...... . - -- - - ; . a a , it at.. Depot lane, a linn a ;roas Kurt Washing- it.,.1, ,,,,,1 Itiiilu'iti lllvnr "i. " ":; , , Th" Mth Eb ct on District Is bounded by and wltliln VV lllat at., llroadway. W 1S0II, at and Plnehural ave. ' The 'JIh Election nialrlct Is bounded by ami within YV HOIh at., llroadway, VV lllat at , St Nlcholaa avc, W 110th at.. Wade - worth ave.., W 171th at. and Fort YVaihlng - ton -ave I Th TW Election TMitrlet la tounltd r W.KCTION NOTICK. Tho 73d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by . ... ..... . ... ", Ania'tefdam avc, W. TlVl at., AU- ,i,ii,n . w nil at. St N rhn aa ave.. . ...... i.. The 7ld niecllnn " Dlatrlct "i bounded by .n v 'M"h at". Aud 'h" am? ' fJY,h , nllJ,. Niihou, "e . W. la Id it. ami ,.!. l.,',n m.irtei I. bounded l,v , v eml u Ih I, t1i-,li tnu n at.. Ht. N'lrtiulna ave.. W. MUth at, Wadaworth ave., W. lSd at, llr'oiilway. V, lllat at., a line acroaa Fort Waahlngton Park, and Hudaon lllver. rue ,6tn i-Jiecuon uietnci ia nounuea ny 4tarlelri lllver. tv at. and Hudaon lllver. Tictntu-fourtt Aftmbtu filttrlct, The lat Election Dlatrlct la bounded by i and within E. 19th at., 3d ate., E. (Ith at , . and Lexington ave. 1 The 2.1 Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. mill at., 3d ave., E. lath et. I and 3d ave. The Id Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a diagonal Una from the corner of E rial at and Lexington ave. to the corner of E. VOth et and 3d avc. 3d avc, E. J'h at. and Lexington ave. ... The III. P.leCtlnn Dlatrlct la bounded hV onal line from the corner of 3d ave. and E Uoth at. to the corner of Lexington ate. and j;. pi,t t , k, i,t it. and Id ave. The 6th Election Dlatrlct la bounded ny and within E r3d at.. Iat ave. E. Kith at.. Eaat Illter. E 2d at and 3d ave. The th Eiec'lon Dlatrlct 11 boundeit hy land within E 31th at. Iat ave.. E. Sd at. and 3d ave. The 7th Election inairict la bounder, ny and wllhln E VMh at.. 3d ate, E th at., Eat lllvtr, E, lif.h at and 3d ave. , The ith ntertmn niatrict la ny land within E. ?th at., 3d avc, K. 96th at. ann Jd ave, Tho 3th Elertlon Dlatrlct la hounded hy and within E Mth at., Eaat Illter, E. 96th at.. 3d a ve , E. Hilli at and 3d ate. The 10th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 100th at., Eaat lllver, E. 5th at nnd Lexington ate. The llth Election Dlatrlct la hounded by nnd within E lOlat at., Eaat lllver, E. 100th at and Islington avc The llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E 103d at., 2d ave., E. lOIat at. and Islington ave The 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E 103d at.. Lexington ave., E. 100th at. and l'ark ave. The Mth Election Dlatrlet la bounded by and within E. 104th at., 3d avc, E 103d at., Lexington ave., E 103d at. and Park ave. The ISth Elertlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 10th at.. 3d ate. E 104th al., rark ate . E. I06th at. and Lexington ave. The Uth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnl within a diagonal line from the cor nrr nf E. 105th at. and 3d avc, to the enrnor of E 10 Ith et. nnd 3d ave., 3d avn , E 102d at and 3d ave. The 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within E. 105th et . 3d avc. E 106th at.. Eaat Itlver. E lOIat at., 2d atn. and a diagonal line from the corner of 2d ave. an.l E. 104th at. to the corner of 3d ave. and E. 106th el. TtrrMp-flfth .laiemfcy Phtrtct. The lat Election Dlatrlct la onunded ny and within Charlea a , VV. 4ih at, Chrla. torIyer at and llleecker at. The tl Election Dlatrlct la liounded by nnd wttbln VV llth at, VV. tth at, Charlea t . and llleecker e The 3d Election Dlatrlct Ie boundrd bv and within Ith ave.. VV. 13th at.. YV tth at. VV llth at, llleecker at. and Abing don euuare The tth E. ectlnn Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within ath ave, Jane at.. Clr-i-ntkii ave.. Ilenk at . VV 4th at and VV. 12t)l at. The tth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within Hank at., Waverly place, YV llth at., Oreenwlch ave, a diagonal line from th" corner of (Ireenwlth ate and Perrv at to the corner of Waverly plne and Charlea al , Charlea at a:.d W 4th at. The 6th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and wllhln Charlea at, tn Waverly tloce, a dlagona' line from the comer of Charlea at. and Waverly place to the corner of Perry at and ilreenwlch avc, Greenwich ave. YV Hilh at.. Waverly plate, Chrla topher et. and W, tth et. The 7th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within Chrlatopher at , Waverl place, VV 10th at., tlreenwlch ave., Ith avc, W. Waahlngtnti nlace and W. tth at. The Mh Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and wltliln -W. Mh at.. E. Ith at . Enl verelty place. Waahtngton Square Weat, YVaehlngton Square North. YV. Waahlng- ton place ana ein avc Tho 9th Ela-tlnn Dlatrlct la hounded by and within VV Warhlngton place, Waah Ington Square Weat. Waahlnctnn Siune North, Vnlveralty place. Sth 'at , lln. ad wov. E. tth at. tth avc. Lnraye'ie at. Oreit Jnnca at . W 3d at and 6th ave. The loth Election Dlatrlct la boun led by nnd within VV ath at., Sth ave. E llth at. rnlverelty place, E. Mth at, 4'h ave, E Sth at. llroadway. E ath at, W. ith et. and 6th are. The llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and wllhln iv win at., ri. iztn at . cm nnii wmim i a.i.i r... ... ..... , veraltt place, u. um at., am ate tt nm al. anil Ath nve The ISth E'ectlon Dlatrlrt la lounde,l by and within W. 13th at, 6th avc. tlreen wich ave, W. llth at., Waverly place. Hank at. an.l Oreenwlch avc The 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W. Mth at. 7th avc. W. 13th et . Oreenwlch ave, .lane at and Ith avc The Mth Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by and within W. Mth at.. E. Mth at.. L'nl teralty place. E. 12th at., W. 13th at. and 7th ave The 15th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within YV llth at.. Ith ave., W. llth et. and 7th ave The 16th Election Dlatrlct la hounded bv "lu within vv llth at am ave, li. Jlat al., in ,-Iiniiiiii n c, i,inn.n . mic iruni Lexington ave. and E 31at at. through (Ira mercy Park to Irtlng place and E. 30th at.. Irtlng place, E. Mth at, and Cth ate. The 17th Election Dlatrlct la !nunded hy and wit till E. ISth at., 3d ava, E. Itlh at. and lrtin'i Place, Th Illh El.ctlon DlMrlct Is bounded by and within E 33d at , 3d avc. E. mh at , Irtlng place, a line through Oramercy Park to Lexington ave. and E. 33d at. and Lex ington ave The 19th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E. 23d at., tlh avc, E 37th at., Lexington ave., E. 21et at. and tth ave The 30th Elictlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and wllhln W. 33d at., tth ate., W IStli et. and 7th ave The 31et Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wlthtn a diagonal line from the cor ner or w 2311 at and atn ave. to the cur ner of VV, Slth at and 7th avc, 7lh ate., W S2d al. and Mh ave The 32.1 Election Dlatrlct la bounded hi nnd within YV. 25th at., 7lh avc, .1 diag onal line from tho corner of W. 3 (Hi at. and Tlh avc tn tlie corner or vv. ;.i.l at and Sth nvc, and Sth avc. The 33d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV. 31th at., 6th ave. W. 39th at., llroadway. tin avc, vv, zza al, ami 7in avn. Tha 34th El"Ctlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and wllhln VV 39th at., th avc, W. 33d at.. 6th ave. and llroadway. The 35th Election iwatrict la hounded by and wllhln E. 30th at. tth avo. E. 31at at , Lexington ave , E, :7th at , 4th ave , E. 39th at and tth ate. Ttctntv tlzlh Atiemlilv Plstrlrt. Tha lat Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within a uingnnai una rrom me cor ner ot Lexington avo, and E. tlth at. to thn corner ot E. 9ld at. and 3d nvc, 3d avc, B. Jlat at. and Lexington ave, The 3d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E- HCth at , 3d ave., 11 diagonal line frum tho corner of 3d ave. nnd E 93d at. to th corner of E 94th at. and Lexington avc, and Lexington ave. The 3d Election Dlairlct la bounded by and within E. ttth at., 3d ave., E. U0th at. and Lnlngtnn ate, Tho tlh Election Diatrlct la bounded by and within E. ttth at., Lexington ave., E ;i7th at. and Park ave. The tlh Election Dlairlct la bounded hy and within E 97th at., Lexington avc, E. Cth at and Madlaon nvc Thn 6th Election Dlatrlct la hounded hy ami within E. ttth St., Madison avc, E, 96th st. and Sth ave The 7th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy nnd within E. t9th at., Park ave, E. 37th at. and Madlaon avc The Mh Election Dlatrlct la bounded hv and wltliln E. lOIat at, Park uvc, '., 10OH1 i. , ..,. uu i,i ami. r.H tn. . I ii in. 11. linn ai. nival naj, i.ivnui" I The 9th Election District la hounded by I The tth h fctlon Dlatrlct la bounded bl and wllhln E lOld at., a diagonal line from nil wllhln W. tMh at., 7th ate, W 67th the comer of E. 103d at. and Madlaon ave tu 5n,,.?ih .f,,e-., , . , , . tho corner of E. 103d at and Park ave , Park . Th' ,''n r;'.c,!n" Uletrlct la bounded by nve., E. 101st at, and tlh ave. 1 and within VV 5tth al 6th avo., W, 57th The 10th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by ' ' and 7lh v. and within a diagonal line from tha corner i The 7th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hi nt tth ave. and E. 107th at. to the -comer ) and within Vt . Btlh at. E ttth at, Park , Tl mlth at. and Madlann ave.. Tb.1i.,vm , avc. E t7th St., VV R7th St. and 6lh nte ate, E load at nml tth ate. Th Mth Election District la hounded bv nnd within IS. 106th at, Park avc, a iig". otiut line from the corner of Park ave. and E 103d al lo the corner of E, 103d at. and Madlaon ave, and Mndtenn ave. Thn 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 101th at., Park avc. E 101th at.. Lexington ate, E. lotth st. und Mailt aon ave. The llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd within E 107th at. Madlaon ate.. E 101th at., l'ark avc, K. 106th at. and a diagonal line frnm the corner of E. tocth HI. A 11,1 .tllliliaiui at ", in inn corner or 1. t07tti at. nnn am ave. The Mth I and within 107m st an inn election ii airici m nounnei n li. limn St., iiiauiaon avc na otn ave I The Itth Election Dlatrlct I 1 and within E. 110th at.. Park i The Uth Election Dlatrlet la bounded hi anu wiiiiiu iivi" ai., i hik nve., i ivsta St. Madlann ave., a. lostn st. and 6th av. I Tho ICth Election Dlatrlet la bounded by ELECTION NOTICE. and wlth'n K 113th at., l'ark ve., E. 110th at. nnil Mullsni ave The 17th Election District la bounded by and within E, lllth at., Jladleon ave., n. lloth at, and Jth ave, The llth Election Dlitrlct l bounded lr and within B. lllth at., Madlaon ave., 12. 1 15lh at. and (th ave, Thn laili El.'Ctl 11 Dlatrlct la hounded by eon -wimin a Diagonal line irom ine cor - ner or ti. 110111 at. ami Madlaon ae, corner of E. USUI at and Park ave , to the e Park e ave.. 1: 113th at. and MaJlvin at 1 lie a :oth Election Dlatrlct la hounded ny , within E. 118th at., Madlaon ae. E. . at. and 6th ave. i and IMth Tlie .iat Election Dlatrlct la bounded by "" willlin II IIIHaonai line rrom llie cnr ' l; " Madlaon ave to thn corner of E. Itath at and Park ate., Park ft,"',K0,"' "ne from the corner or ,w" ' 1,1 1,1 . , "in 'i nun Ainmiiin ute, nun .iiuiiin.iu nvc. liounded by the corner e corner Madlaon bounded by nun miiiiu i-;, nam at, .tiaiiiaon ave, E. lllth at., a diagonal line from the cor ! her of E lltth at. and Park ate. to the i corner of II 117th at. and Mallaon ave., !!"""" diagonal line from the corner of K 117th at. and Madlaon ave, to the cor 1 'r nr E. llllh at. and tth ave, and 6th ave. The 31th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by ' and within E l!0rh at, Park avc, E. lllth , i at. and Madlaon ave. Th JMh Election Dlatrlct la bounded by ami within E. 120th at., Madlaon ave., E. .uu diji ave. Tirenly tn tnth Atitmhlv Dlttrtcl. The lat Elf Hon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV 40th at., 7th avc, W. illh at. and Ith ave The 3d Election Dlitrlct la hounded by and within VV. 43d at., ?lh ave., W. 40th al. nnd ath avn. The 3d Election Dlairlct la bounded by on within VV. 46th at., 7 1 Ii ave, W, 43d at. and Ith nte. The Ith Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd w thin VV. 49th at.. Tlh nte VV 41th at and Mh ave. The IVth Eledlon Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within W. Sid at., 71h ave, VV. 41th at. nnd Mh ave. The th Klnctlnn Dlatrlet la hounded hv and within W. Mth et, 7ih ate, VV. 53,1 t. anil Sth avc The 7th Elecllnn Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd within VV 67th at, th ate. H diag onal line from the corner of VV. 5S. at mid th ave to th" -orner of YV. llth at and ,th ave, nml 7lh ave. The Ith Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd wlthtn it diagonal line from the cor ner of W 64th at and 7th nvc to the comer of W. tld at. and Ith ave., Ith ave., W ".oth at and 7th ave. Tho tth Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within VV. 60th at., ave., W. 47th at nnd 7th ave. The 10th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by anil within VV 47lh at., tth ave., a diagonal line from the corner of V 41th at. and Ith ave. to the corner of W. 43d et and 7th ave., and 7th ave. The llth Election Dlatrk't la bounded by atul within a illngona.1 line from tha corner of YV 43d at and "th ave. to the corner of W 44th au and 6th ave . 6th ave, a diagonal Itne from the corner nf YV. 40th at. and Ith ave. tn the corner of W 89th at. and tth avo., tth ave., W. 37th at and 7th ave. Th 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W. 37th at., 6th ave, VV SCth at., Mh avc, W ISth at. nnd 7th ave Th" Uth Election Dlitrlct la bounded by and within VV 35th at., 6th ave , W SMh at and 7th ave. Tho Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded l.v and within W 36th at. tth ave.. E 37th !.. Madlaon avc. E. 30lh at., tth avc, W 29th at. and 6th ute Th 16th Election Dlitrlct la bounded by and within E. 37th at, Lexington ave. E 31al at., tth ate, E. 30th at. and Madl aon ave. The 16th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E 37lh at.. Id avc, E. 34th at and Lexington ave. The 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E 40th at. 3d nvc. E. 37th at and Lexington ave. The lath Election Dlatrlrt la hounded by and within a diagonal lino from the corner of tth ave. and E. 4 4th at. to the corner of Midlann ave and E. 45th at . E 4Mb at. Islington ava., B. 37th at. and bin ave. The mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by ui.l within a diagonal line from the 1 nrnrr of W 43th at and Cth ave. tn th,. corner of VV 46th at. and Vth ave, Sth avc. a diagonal line from the corner nf VV 39th at. and tth ave in the corner of VV 10th at and Cth ave., and Cth ave The 30th E.ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within VV 60th at tth nvc, a diagonal line Irom tho corner of W. 46th at. an.l nvc tn th" corner of YV. 46th al nnd Cth ate, and 6th ave. Th" 21at E'ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded hv and within E. tOlh et , Madlaon avc. E. 54th al . l'ark ave, E tl.l at, Lexington ave. 1 IMh at , a diagonal line frjm the corner of E llth at and Madlaon ave. to thn enrner of E. 4llh at. and tlh ave., and Jth ave Th" 33d Election Dlairlct la bounded hv and wl'hln a diagonal line from the cor. ner ot VV 34th ht and Cth ave to the cor ner it VV. tSth at and Sth ave. tth ava. E 14th el, M idtaon avc, E. 50th at, W. joth at. and Mh ave The 31,1 Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by an I within VV 57th at. E 57th at, Park ate. E 64th at. 6th nvc, a diagonal Una from the corner of W. 65th at and till ate. to the corner of W. 51th at and Cth uni ave. , The 34th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv ind within E r.tth at., Lexington ate., E. 6!I at. anl Park ave Tirtntv-tlaifi Anrmhti ninlrlrt. The Iat Electlrn Dlatrlct la hounded by and wlthtn E lOtth at, 3d avc. E. 106th at ami IexIngton ave The 3d E'.ectloti Dlatrlct la bounded bl and within E lOMh at.. 3d avc. E 107th at, lat nve. E. 106lh ai 3d ave, E 105th at and 3d ave. The 3d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 110th et., Harlem lllvet, E 106th et., lat avo, E. 107th at,, 3d ate., E. 109th at. and 3d ave. The tth Elei Hon Dlatrlrt la bounded hy and wllhln E. 110th at, 3d ave, E 109th at . 3d avc, 1: 1 u a tli at nnd Lex.ngton ate The Sih Election Dlalrki la bounded by and within E 110th at.. Lexington ate., E 101th at. and Park nve. The 6th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bl and within E. 113th at., 3d ave, I'. lllth at, Lexington ate, E. 1 10th tt anl park ave The 7th Election Dlatrlct la hounded hy and wfthln E. 114th at., Lexington avc, E 113th at. tn 3d ate, a diagonal line from th" corner of E 113th at nnd 3d ave to the corner nf E. Il2th et and Lex ington avc, E ,113lh at. and Park ave The ath Election Dlatrlct le bounded by and within E IMth at.. 3d nvc, E 118th at tn Lexington at-,-., a diagonal line from th corner of Lexington nve, and E. 112th at. to the corner of E, 113th at. and 3d ave , nnd 3d nve. Th tth Election Dlatrlct la boun led bv and wllhln E. 113th at., 3d ave. E 110th at.. Lexington nv.. E lllth at. and 3d ate. The 10th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wl'hln E lllth al . lat ave, E lllth at, Harlem Illter, E 110th at and 2d ave Tho llth Elctlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a diagonal line from the corner of 2d avc and E 114th at. to th corner of lat ate. and E lltth at., E 116th at . Pleaaant avc, E. II6II1 at, Harlem Illter. Itandalla and Warda lalanda, E. lllth at. let avc and E. IMth at Th" 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded bl and within E. 115th at, a diagonal line from the corner of lat ave. nnd E. 115th at. lo the cormr of 2d nve. and E. IMth at., E. lllth at. and 3d nvc. The 13th Election Dlatrlct la hounded hy and within E. 116th at.. Sd avc, E lllth at. Lexington at-r . E. lltth at. and Park 1 ave Th" Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E. 116th at., 3d avc, E. lltth at. and Park ave. The Uth Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E. 117th at., 3d ave, E. 115th at. 3d nvc, E 116th at and Lexington ave Th llth Election Dlatrlct le bounded hy and within E. llMh at., 3d avc, E. 117th at. Lexington ave., E. 116th at. and Park ave. Th 17th Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within E. 119th at., 2d avc, E. IMth et. and Park ate. rirenfy.nlTifA Armblv MtlHrf. The lat Elect Inn Dlitrlct la bounded bl and wltliln W. 67th at., Central Park West. W 65th st. nnd Columbus avc. The 3d Election Dlatrlct Is bounded by and within VV. 6th at., Central Park West, W 6Sd at. nnd Coluinbua ave. Th 3d Elictlon Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within W C3d at., Cenlril Purk Weat. VV 59th at and Coluinbua avc The tlh Election Dlatrlot la hounded bl and within W ttlh at., 7th ate, VV. 51th st. and tth ave ' The Sth Elecllnn Dlatrlot la boundrd by and within E. 60th at, Para ave, K elat at, Lexlniloii ave, E ttth at., Park avc, h '" ' Madlann nve. The 9th Election Dlatrlct a hounded by land wllhln E (tth at., 3d avn., i: tin, ,t. . nnd Lexington avc The lOih Elc Hon Dlatrlct la bounded hy I and within E 61th at. 3d ave. E. 59th .t, , and Lexington uve The llth Election Dlattlct la bounded hy 'and within E. 63d at. Madlaon avo., E C3. at, Park inc. E. f.3.1 at. Lexlngtnn avo, E. list at., Park ate, E dull it, Madlaon ute, of E. , E. Ml at ind 6tll nve The ISth Election Dlatrlct la bounded bl ed by 'anil wllhln E ccth at, Madlann nte, E 7th c, E at,, Lexington avc. E. CM at., l'ark ate, E. Uld el, Mm!!n a e E I31 at and 5th ate. . li, ftJl" "1 'li' I "' The Illh Election Dlatrlct la bounded by ami miwiiii ,, , a,,, au i a. vim it, iand Lexington aye. 1 Tha Mth E,lccHotplerlcl Is boundefl by ELECTION NOTICE. nnd within a line running from Central Park ! YVeat and W Mth at, to 6th ave., 6th avc, 1 1J. 73d at., n diagonal line from K. 7Jd at. . nnd Madlaon ave to l'ark ave. and E. 73d let.. K. 7Jd at., Lexington ave., K. 7lh at, i Madlaon ave., K. Uth at., ttb ave., E 6llh at. and Central Park Weat, , The 16th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by , and within E. 74th at. Id in. U. 70lh at. win i.eaiiiKton ae, Tho Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 7sih at.. I.ealna-ton ae E. ,73d at., a diagonal Htm Imtn 1'. 7.1,1 at. and rara ave. to Maillaun ave. and J2. 72d at., E. 73d at and nth ate. The 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a line running from Central Park Wett Rhil U' ail. tiu an. B loth at., Madlaon ate. E. 7ltli at.. I,ex' Inglon ave. E. "(Hi at., a line running from E 76tfl at atid Mh ave. In Cantrnl Park it eat anil w. nth at and Central Park Weat, Tll ie llth Election DlatrUt la bounded by wllhln E. 12d al.. Park ave.. E. Hal at.. and I.ealngton ave., E 7Hlh at., Madlaon ave, E. 10th at and Mil at The llth Elertlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E 14th at, Madlaon ate., E. 13d ;t, Lexington ate., E, Hat at., Park ave., 1.. I2d at anil Cth ave. The :oth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. llth at., Lexington ave. E, Hit at., Madlaon ave., E. Itth at. and l'ark ave. The Jlat Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 7lh at.. Park av E, llth at and 6th ave. Thn 22d Election dlatrlrt la hounded by and within E. llth at., Madlaon ave,, E. ") al , Park ave., K, 17th at. ami 6th ave. The 33d Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by and within a diagonal line from the cor ner of E llth at. and Park ave. lo the cor nrr of E. 19th at. and Ialnatnn avc. Lex. ; Ington ave., E. llth at. and Park ave. i ne aim election uiairici ia noun lira ny and within E. VOth at. Park ate, E Itth at, a ultgonal line from the corner of Lexington avc and E. Itth at. to the cor ner of Park ave. and E. llth at., E. llth al. and Madlaon ave. The 351li Election Dlatrlrt la boundrd by nnd within E. Mat at., Lexington ate, E. Itlh at and Park ave. The 36th Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by and within E 3d at.. Lexington avc, E. tint at. Park ate., E. 0th at., Madlaon avc, E llth at. and tth ave. The 37th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hv and within E. tlth at.. Park ave. E. l'.'d at, tlh ate, E. ISd at. and Madlaon atn The 3Mh Election Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within E. SMh at., Lexington ate., E. 93d at. and Park avc The 3tth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within Tranaveree road from Central Park Writ and W. 17th at. tn tth ave. tlh avc. E. null et , Park avc, E Kill at., Madlaon ave, E V3.I at., tlh ave. Tranaveree road acroaa Central Park at 6th at. to Central l'ark Weat. and Cen tral Park Weat. TMrllilS Aitttrxblv Dtttrict (South) The lat Election Dlatrlct la bounded bl and within E. 117th at., Harlem Itlver, 11. 116lh at., Plesaant avc, E. 115th at. and 3d ate. The 3d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within K. lllth at., lat avc, E. lltth at . n diagonal line from the corner of Pleaaant ave. and E. lltth at. to E. ItSth at. and Harlem lllver, liar. cm Itlver, E. 117th at and 2l ave The 3,1 Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by nml within E. lllth at., 3d arc. E. 117th at and 3d nv. The tth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E Utlh al., 1st ave, E. llllh al and 3d ave. The Sth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 120th at., lat ave., E. lltth at and I,exlnglon ave The 6th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 131st at., lat nvc, E. 130th at nnd Lexington nte The 7th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd wllhln E. Mlat ai , Harlem lllver, a dlagunal from Harlem Itlter and E. llllh et to the corner of Plraaatil avo and E. 119th at. E lltth at and lal nve. Tho Mh Eleitlon Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E. lilih at., Harlem Itlver, E. 13tat at. and lat ave The tth Elei tlnn Dlatrlct la bounded bv and within E. 121th at., lat ave, E. 131st at. ami 3d ave Th 10th Election Dlatrlct la hounded bl and within E. 129th at., Harlem lllver, E. isitn at ami :q ave Th llth Election Dlatrlct la hounded bl and within E. 13li1 at, Harlem lllver. 3d .i , a diagonal line from the 1 orner nf 135th st and 21 ave. to the comer ot lifth l and 3d avc, 3d avc, E. 123th at atid Lexington ave. Tho 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 129th at., 3d avc, E. 125th at and Lexlnglnn ave The 13th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within a diagonal line frum the corner of E. 136th at. and 3d avc to the corner of E. 125th at. and 2d avc, 2d ave., E. 123,1 at. and 3d avc Th Mth Elctlnn District la bounded hy nnd within E 133d at.. 3d avc, E. Mlat at and Id. ave. Th 15th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within E. 135th at., 3d ave, E. 1211 at and Lexington ave. The Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wllhln E I32d at, Lexington ave, E 113th at. nnd Park ave. The 17th Eieillin Dlatrlrt la hounded by nnd within E. 1.2d at, l'ark avc, E. 120i at and Madison ate. The lMh Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and within E. 126th at. Park avc, E. 132d at and Madlaon ate. Tho Itlh Election Dlatrlct la hounded by and within a dtagonal lln from the corner of E 136th at. and l'ark ave. to the corner of E. 135th at. and Lexington ave, Lexington avc, E. 133d at. and Park av. The 20th Election Dlatrlct i bounded by and within E. ISath at.. Lexington ave, a diagonal line from tha corner of E 135th at. and Lexlngtnn ave. to the cor 11. r uf E. 12Clh at. und Park avc, and Park av The Slat Election Dlatrlct la hounded hv and within E. MMh at, 136th at and Madlaon ave. 1'arK ave. E.I The i2d Eleatlon Dlatrlct la hounded bl and within E. 130th at., l'ark ave., E ISlat at., Lexington avc. E. ISSth at. and . tth ave. 1 The 33d Election Dlatrlct la bounded by , and within E. ISlat at.. Madlaon ate. E i MSd at., Lexington ave, E Mlat at.. Park ave, E. 130th at and tth avc The 34th Election Dlitrlct la bounded hy I and with E 133d at, Harlem Itlver. E 11J.1 at, Madlaon avc, E 131st at. and tth at n. The 35th Election Dliirlct la bounded by and wllhln E. 136th at, Harlem lllvr, E, 133.1 at and 5th ave I The 36th Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy and within n dlagonnl line from th corner uf W. 135th al and Lenox ate, to th cor ner of VV 136th et. nnd 5th ave , ith avo. and W USlli at. The 37th Election District ia bounded bl and within W. 136th at, a diagonal line rrom the enrner ol W 1.10th at and Sth ave. to the crrner of W 13tlh at. and Lenox ate, and Lenox ave. The 25th Elertlun lilnrl. t la bounded by and within a diagonal line from tn cor ner of W. MSth at and Lenox avc lo th orner uf VV. MTth at. und 6th avc, tih ave . W. 136th at and Lenox avc The 39th Election Dlatrlct la hound' d by and ttlthln a diagonal linn from the vomer of YV. lS'.'th at and Lenox ave. tu the corner of W MOth at. nnd tlh ave. tth at-., a dlagonaj line from the corner of VV, 117th al. and tlh ave. to th corner of W, rSMh al. and Lenox ave., and Lenox ave. The loth Election Dlairlct la bounded by and within VV M7th at, Harlem lllver, .;h ave, a dlagnnxl lino from the corner ot VV. MOth at. and Sth ave. to the corner .r VV 13Jth st and Lenox avc, and Lenox ave. Ihe 3lt E.ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded hi and wllhln Ilariem Itlver, K, 136th at. and 5th ave. TMrfi'lraf Attrmblu fititrlrt. The 1st Eleit.on Dlatrlct Is hounded b and within a diagonal line from the corner of VV. HOih et. and 7th ave. to th corner of W. llllh al and Lenox ave. and from thence lo the corner of W 113th at. and 5th avc, 6th avc and VV. lloth at. The 3d Eleitlon District a bounded by and within W. 113th at., Lenox ave.. a diagonal line from the corner of VY' lllth st. and Lenox avc to the corner ot V 110th st snd 7th avc. and 7th ave. Thn 3d El'-cllon Dlatrlct la bounded hy and ttlthln VV. lllth at., a diagonal line from the corner of VV. 113th at and -b ave. to tha corner of YV lllth at and Ienox ute, and Lenox ave. The (111 Ele' Hon Dlairlct la bounded hy ami within a ilMgonul line from the comer of W. 113ih at and Lenox nve to th corner of W. 113th at. and Sth ave., Sth av. and W llllh at The Sth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nml within W. 113th at., a diagonal linn from the corner of W. ilsth at. and Still nve to the corner nr vv . ii:tn at. and Inox nVc, and Lenox ave. The fth E.ectlon Dlatrlct la bounded by and within W IMth at, tth avc, W 113th at and Lenox ave. The "Hi Election Dlatrlct Ii bounded b. and within W IMth t . Lenox avc, VV llth al and Ht Nlcholaa ave. The Ith Election Dlatrlct a bounded by jnd wllhln W. IMth at., St. Nlcholaa avc, W 113th at. and 7th nvc Tho Kth Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy Bnd within W 115th el Lenox avo,, VV lltth al. and Ith ave. The loth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by and wlihln a diagonal line from the corner of Lenox ave and VV. 115th at to th corner of 6lh ave and W. IMth au, VV 1 1 4 1 Ii at nnd Lenox avr. The 11th Elactlon Dlatrlct la bounded by nml within VV. 115th at., Sth ave. and a diagonal line from the torner of 6th ave. and W llllh at to the corner of Lenox av and W, 115th at. The 13th Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by nnd within W IMth st Sth ave., W iJSth at and Lenox ave. Thn llth Election Dlatrlct la bounded hy und wllhln W lldth at.. Lenox ave., W. 115th at and 7th ave, The Mth Election Dlatrlct la bounded by nnd ttlthln W, U7lh at,, Lenox avc, YV. 116th el ami tin av ISth Election Dlatrtct Is bounded h and ttlthln W 117th at.. 5lh ave.. Mth st uu.l I. emu ave, The Mill Election Dlaltlct Is bounded by and within it niagonai un irom tn cor ner of 7th nve. und vv uitn at. to the I corner of Lenox ave. and YV. lllth St.. EI.KOTION MiTlrlC from thence a diagonal lino to th corner of 6th av an.l W lljth at., and W, 117th at The 17th Election Dlatrlct la bounded by uid within W. lllth at, 5th nv and k diagonal line from the corner of 5th nvo. and VV. 1 1 7 1 h at to the corner of Lenox ave. and U'. Hath at. The 1 S Hi Election Dlatrlct la bounded ha and within a line from the C6- ner of W. lllth at. and l.enoa ave to the turner nf V. 119th at. on.l Sth ave, SUi UVO. and . llllh at '.".'.'!" """ "lamct la bounded and within u dlnsonal lln- iruiti ihc .oiri of lth at. nnd U nox a t. The lath Elei'tl'in Dlatrlct la bounded bv oiner . h. iorn-r of VV 119th at and ave. limn ItlilUCe a ill.llriinnl linn in Hi. . ,.,n nf w MMh at. and Ecnox ate. oii'l Uu Rv' The lllth Election rilalrtcl la h,..n.l.a and within vv tiilh at i.u.,., a ',!."K0.n"1, ,'!.". .'r'"" ""' '"' "' Lennji "J, "'J'1. ,,,V.,,,"L '" J'10 ; "J" r '' :'u Mihnlaa nte VV. llMh at. and nn nv The Jlat Election Dlatrlct la buiimic I by and within 119th at, 7lh ate., inn at. and Ith nvc Tl" 33d Election Dlitrlot la bouiile.l br rid wllhln a diagonal line from '1." n.n,r of Manhattan ate. and VV I19th -t to th i.irner of ath nte and VV tVh ,t , VV. 120th at.. M. Nlrholiia ave, VV Hath at. ath ave. W. Haiti at. and M.niha.ian .??'.' '!l"n Dlatrlct In boun led by frJ.v.wl."lln .w ''(), ,' Lenox ave, W. llth at and Ht Nlchnlaa ave Th" 34th Election IMatrlct la bounde I bv IP 1,. " '"agonal line from th" coiner Ii V.; Mi'J M '"' nv " tin tinner ... tv '.'a'j.'u ,l ".l I.ennx ate., Lenox v. VV 130th at. and 7lh ave. Th" 35th Election Diatrlct la bnunlel by and w thin W. 12ld at. Mt Morrla ave., vv 13 4th at to Mh nvi n li. through Mmint Mnerl. II .i I'lZ of VV isoth at and nvo. Mh at. t diagonal line from the corner o' W tiM'h JVn.i""" in" comer of VV. iV' "i. ?"'!. '"" avc. and l.ciu.x aio ..T,'" 'V..""" "la'rlcl la t.,.u, 1 uv and with n W 13 4th at, In-nnx , diagonal line rtotn 1 lie mrner of W fsiat "L,"1'" Irnix ate to the rorrer 01 W. "tl " .5.H1 V.1' v" Bn'1 :"' " The 27lh Election Dlatrlc la 1. .unlet by nnd w t i n n ,11 ,...,r,i n. . ... corner of ith ate. and vv. Is: 1 i . ti,n corner 01 tv 1:3,1 at and 7th lu e T'I, and u line frnm the . . r r- of 7th ave. and W. 121. t at. to the 1 ,, ,.r of Ith ave. and VV. 133d at. Thn 3Mh Election Dlatrlct la b..nn .-1 bv ami wllhln a dlagnnil line n. .,...r of VV 133,1 at and Mh ave. th th ,r nJ.y lStt art nnd 7th ate. till vc VV 120th et nnd Mh ave. The 39th Election Dlatrlct la l.nui .iA by and wllhln n. diagonal i ne r. 1.1 thtj corner nf VV 181-t at and VI , ,-, ate. to the torner nf VV 12:,t at ,lri.i ath avc, Ith avn., a dlacnnn,! ilti" fi.,m tt enrner of VV. 13nth and Ith nte 1.1 ihe corner of YV. lltth at. and Manhattan .. , and Manhattan ave. The 10th Election Dlatrlct la boun. Ml Vi'. w"hn W 133d at.. Mh ave. VV. ....':. diagonal line from the enrner of VV 133d at and St. NlrhM .a aie to the corner nf VV 151at at and Mmlnttnn ave., Manhattan nvc W. 120th .1 .tttd Mornlngrlde avn. Eaat. The 31rt Election Dlatrlct I.,1 by and within VV 14th at. 7'h ,.v x diagonal line from the corner nf W i:ld at and Tl h nve to the corner nf VV 1 :M al. and Mh ate. and Mh ave. The 33.1 E'eitlnn Dlatrlct la hnun led iy and wllhln VV. ISMh at. tlh ave. VV K'lth al. Mt. Morrla av . VV 123d at. Li nox ave. w. 131th at and Mh ave. Tli" 33d Election DlMrlct la bo. n led by and within VV 137th at. 7th ave. VV 116th at. and Mh ave. The 34th Election Dlatrlrt la hounded by and within W I37th at., Lenox ave W 125th at. and 7th avc The 36th Election Dlatrlct la bi. it. ! 1 by ami within W 137th at, Mh an YV 136tli at. atid lerinx nve The ,16th Election Dlatrlet la b.iun la,i by nnd within E li'Hh at, Mit ll-.m ,,ta E 120th at to the enrner of '. h nte .1 lln thrnurh Mount Morrla P.'k to the corner pf E 131th t. an rth inc. nd 3lh ave. J O.VIIItlEL ItlltTT. MOS1-S M M KKK. J AM I'M KANE, JAI'OII A LlVINiiSTOS Commlaalonera of h dion Oct. I. mi 4 AUTl'VIN IIEMIKI'S. NEW JEHM'.V Atlnntlr tlly HotDENNiS r,"i4' ,.,vr: i AtlanticCitvNJ. 5 5 The fittmctioivs oftfc ; WORLD'S SEASIDE MfcTIJOIWJS . ..I AC I 1 .1 lire ii. iieirniii uurirvy ttYp.Fnll iiYcmtfvs. J MOTEL DENNIS S 5 provides ocani-vpcofaC . e, rarxH r'ftlrtf-l'l iwnWKt una coiryori omitiM. a a, - -i,"- a. t cjvarticir.nsiic civvnoiv . ;mcivt mat hiis establ ushed J it os on ideal scasivu e home. ; DIDECTLY ON 1 HL OCEAN FROM 5 I WALTEfc J.BUZBY. j CUWtix City ?F .tf). tfCetctj v Son ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Arnerlcae Famoua All-Year Iteaort. Nr.Vf JKItvEl I n lie ii cod. OAK COURT HOTEL. A modern hotel ul.1, 14 l.omt'Jlt At lima ph ere, ?Jow open f. r fa l .md vlnte. e.anun, K 1. M'. N' IT M ' J ' . Vpi mim'i;ii..m:(m h. "THE NEW jlillSEYTO UK" NEW VOKK llronxTllle. Amid the llllh and IIWi of Reautlfi'l Vestthelir. HOTEL GRAMATAN lawrrni I'arL, llrnnitllle- .V, t. or i n m i 'I III VI'Vlt. Th Tall In Wiafhr tr la the moat delightful reason ol the tear I he (ramnlan la wllhln ca'.y cc nm' tin dlatance for the -w York business man; 3a minutes from lirand Central. Coif, Trnnls, and all nutdia-ir aporta. .srnii for new llliiatratml I, aiklel an 1 rates. IIIMI I. (illVMAI A.N, Inc. I'ENNNYI.l.V.NIA Wenirrevlll. A Fir.1iT"I.A''i IIAT TL" A' GALEN HALLfc (TnNERSVILLE I.N THE MOUNTAINS Dry air Rraldenl I'hysiclsn Msisaie, r.lectrlclty Cabi net Dallis, Diet Kitchen f"ol' Teutita. Sams tnensieinenl aa Atlantic City l'KNNSVI.VAMA Delaware .Inter tip. Famous Autumn flraort. ALL IIOTEI H Cil'l -J HAI.EM HV AUCTION. hamiiiel VOKZ1MLH. A' Icr.rer, i.,nli.M Itnnnrie.l and Jnmce'' e'rlre, w"" ' - m it m lalti