Newspaper Page Text
14 THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. FINANCIAL NEWS J AND COMMENT Easy Ponicslir Conditions in Money Foreign Kxcliaiifro Strong. BEIT Kit TRADE KKTUUXS Contrastlm? tendencies continued to be dln-playcd yesterday In tin domestic and International money market. Slock Kx change call loaiiM wiro quoted nt C ami 7 Jer cent, ami symptoms of nn vuiler poMtlun In money wore matilfcHted In tho uri?rcss made with tlio banking rohermi for a laritu cotton loan pool. fThn known tiiovctut ivts of iiinnev showed that the rcmalndir of the rvsme deficit vhlch the fliurlin? Ilouw institutions hvo reported for two month" mlKht havo boen extitiKUlrlied. I'relmiinaiy eatl mate Ot cuh dianaes credit the Imnka with a Rain of 1 'J.ouO.oOD ami upward. A notlco the Villi would (pi nut for tile payment on Noemlxr - of the Ilmtj instalment f subscription to the capital ( mock of the new reserve lunk evoked no, uniMtnn. Tlii- atjxreK.ite umuunt (tilled1 for In the New Vork district will he mhiio! J,600,luo, of which thu bank In thiH city J will provide about two-Hi rcl.. hut funds or dniiH'Mte uses are now III UiereaviiiK supply i 111 the fin film the idtti.itloii i u different I', ri'i'ini a little -iinbitloua , at the Iiioiiiuil to sunKcst a $ l.'.O.nou.nuti Kold pool for the facilitation of trade, with South Amcrim when tlm I lOli.nOu.two uold , fund bus Mill to produce a rrl.lMlii; clfect ton mcrllni; exiiiatiKe lieiii.uul bills were quoted yesterday at l.tts, with cubic at i . a b Th . nlthoUKh th'Te was a cent tr-' nclioii In inch class of n-ml 1 1 1 11. before thu cloo. I'xchmiKu on Holland xolil at u hlKher premium than stciilrur, and other Continental remittance, with the exception of inarkH, , (onxpieiiininl) firm. The situation In Herman cxchanKe In puaHliK. It In hellevid to Indicate aiuotiK othur thliiKH that actual itonoinle condi tions In i.crinunv are nothing like an com fortable iih despatches repleellt them to be on the surface. It Is also underslood that Is paying heie for supplies of one kind or another and takliiK thu cluni of netting them. Afe bearing on the slciling exchange market It is of Importance to note thit the Hrlltsh Trtnsury rt pten ntatU en, air ;.! I'aluh ami Mr. Hl.ickett, nru now eiif on their visit which him been awaited fur the last week. They bilng with tin in ver encouraging resirlH of the Jlnani .,il situ illou In Lend. in and take a most hopt ful view of the dcMdupnif nts to follow the termination of the Itiitlah lnoi utnrium next month. These vlsltois rile wi ll quallfl-d to leml assistance In de vising mentis to linn-- about an Improve ment in the Intel national money maiket nnd promote the foreign trade movement ;u mI1 as to provide fur tla reopening of the Slock and I'olliiti exchanges Wall 6tret will he (tieatly surprised If In thu course of the next few weeks the Interna tional cnnfi-rtnces which h.ixe b. gun do not aid In steps for a fairly wide resump tion of tlminelal and business activities. A llitli tipple of commotion ditutled the financial dlstilet durliiK the day on, the publication of n letter sent by a lead ing hank to stock Kxiiiance hummers In reference to the rn.'iglnlug of standing loans. A good many banks have In tho Inet fortnight negotiated with borrowers, on this mbjict nnil Invariably with satis-, factoty results. It Is understood that the response by the hank's customers to the litter In question was similarly satisfac-1 lory, bin tin' c.iminuuicntlou raised a , question of recognition of the prices re- ported for transactions In the, unniril so-called cutter market which has hen set up for cash trading. Hcfor the ise of tlie tla tho Stock V.x chnni?e arrts-'d nt nn understandlnc that . jio irincnrtlfin of these (piotatlons was! contemplated In the banking community. hut It mlcht not be altogether unfortunate If the episode should have the effiet of, compelling some more ih'termlned atten- 1 tlon than Is King glvin to the solution of , tho problem of icopcnlng the Stock IZx-1 chancs. r.ixonible comment was evi'ked by th i nlxiees from W ihlnpton to the effect' that tho Administration hail (llscoe..(it I th undeslrablllty of planing li.atiR to IvlllKerents under the ban of ollhial pro- , HTlptlon. It Is a fair Inference that th i nttidy which the Administration ts now making of huslness matters bus led it I to the conclusion that If our hankers can extend nccommodMlon to belligerent bor- rowers facilities fur 'mpmvlng our Inter- i nmlonal financial position and stimulating j our export trade will be Incieaxcd. j Meanwhile It Is to be oberved that recovery In our foreign trade made con- ' slrWahle biadway In September. Imports' nnd export, to be sure, were both will I below the movement In September a year i ago. but while Imports Increased only! $P.4nn.flf'0 above the August iniioif,non, the export gain was five times as large,' nnd an export balance of 1 1 f!.r00,nno re-' pillted. compared with nn Import balance ' of Sl'M'iO.nnn in August. October returns have nlrendy been d". ' scribed as miking a better showing, a', though reckoning must be made of the maintenance of imports as ri result of for eign liquidation. It Is verv llltelv that a pood deal of tho persistent st.-ength of foreign exchmre Is t. be explained bv the volume of merchandise Imports i'n. der the leidershlp of wheat, which re ppondcl to hc.-ivv export buying all yes. terdav's g'aln markets were firm Opinion generallv on the beginning of the Intie state ("omtnereo rVmimlfulcn's ' lnnulrv Into Rock Inland Tti"wav nff ilrs na that the CMiintrv might profitably he spared such senrches for pollt'cnl capl-' tnl at this tlm I KIDDER, PEABODY&nO 115 Devonshire St., 17 Wall St. Ilo.lnn, Sew lurk Ctirresnonttnts nf EARING BROS. & CO., LTD.. London HARRIMAM NATIONAL BANK Filth Avenue & Forty-fourth St., New Yorlt SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ( U A ICt Mil II I fill. Union Trust Co. of New York HO llttOAIIMAY Fifth A'e ,. SVti St I'lflli , ,),!, s, Capital & Surplus $8 300,0115 Ulnws Int. re, I nn lleimslla. IHTVMUST CRUDITP.l) MONTHLY pnld on nrcniuit. siihleet tn Check, sprclnl rittcs on lernislt. I nlleil Mn'r. It.rlifsue & Irnsi umpsnr, ri'srsvnt "M st !. t ecnrsi l.'iihSi AithAr. !5 ""COW-ORATM Oq itunsuuunu una . CONSTnUCTION EN0INEER8 riE6 S D I Vork j PUtlLIO 8ERVI0E PROPERTIE6 FINANCED and MANAGED OP Pine Street New Vork GOSSIP OF WAIL STREET. In t estlnen t Conndence. According to oxpcrtn ihero Is a bond market and there Isn't. As they put It tho prosunt market Is entirely n matter of sentiment. If n customer can ho found In n cheerful frame of mind, say Just after tho dinner hour, he may be per suaded to buy a IhjihI at current low prices. On tho other hand, If he has hat an uncomfortable night's lecp or Is de pressed by thu war news ho will refuse to tnkn bonda at any price. Small as tho Improvement Indicated Is It Is Im provement. Uncertain ns the demand Is It represents conditions Immeasurably better than they were n short tlmo ugo. Whereas tho bonds were unsalable u dis tinct return of confidence Is now Apparent. Tho panicky rush to sell nil kinds of high grade securities nt whatever prices they would bring haa disappeared. When It became apparent that bonds could he sold oven at concessions tho deslro to throw them over illsaptenred. People who re fused bargains offered them are now bid ding for tho samo bonds nt considerably higher prlcen. Investors are, of course, still timid about tMng up their money. The preference Is plainly for short term securities over those of long maturities. This Is natural In view of the confusion over the prospects for the capital market within the next year or no. Indeed It Is now tho expectation that uncertainty on this scoro Is likely to result In tho next few months. Hut a start In tho restora tion of conlldence In securities ha nl ready been made and with money grow ing plentiful throughout the country and with an absence of further outsldo shocks this improvement will gradually extend until If embraces all descriptions of se curities. The prr:;rwi of this Improve ment of course will depend upon event! In the Ihiropean war t I'liiiiitoni Triidltiu. Wall Stieet men who are endeavoring to offset expenses by doing n little busl- I nes In bonds or stocks are greatly ham pered l the conditions under which bul- ne now has to be done. The ordinary communications between buyer and seller' are of couise cut off with the closing of the usual channels. It Is now necessary for the broker to scour aiound the Street In ordir to bring buyer mid seller to gether. Tho consequent delny In the com pletion of trades often causes them to fall through. Moreover, In the present iMtidltlon of disorganisation them has been a notable lapse In the spirit with which a bargain once made Is kept. Many people now In the business are not always Inclined to stick to their xvord when they find later that they can make a better 1 bargain elsewhere. The i-onseipience Is that the broker finds It extremely difficult to get ii "firm" bid or offer or what he can safely call a "firm" bid or offer In ordinary times, even In trading outldo the exchange, there are Innumerable In dications of the prevailing trend of the market for securities, and tlm lack of these signs mav he to some extent re sponsible for the prevailing confusion ami Indecision Hut whatever the cause. It Is now the custom of the hroker to obtain a bid fur certain n-curltles at a certain price: then after working haul to get the securities he finds that his hid hns disap peared They call this sort of thing, "phantom trading." In the so-called gut ter market "1111111110111 trndlng" Is even 1 more common it has been estimated thnt out there seven out of nine trades never go through. Hroker there now refuse to do huslness except with thos.i they know. lltllllnK Vhent. While the furious speculation In tho ' wheat market In August and September ' has iiuleted down with the reliction In prices there Is still a etrong hull ele ment In the Street. Henskorf t.yon A Co. present the prevailing argument of spec ulators on the side of hhjher prices us follows: "We have n deficiency In the Kuropean crops estimated nt 30(1 million bushels ; In the Southern hemisphere, ! t!0 mlll.on: In Canada, 72 million, while the "hipments from Argentina for the cs.1- 1 endnr year nro 7R million, below 1 1 3 , .lrnl fiom India and Australia 100 mill Ien Moreover, there Is the outlook f ir succeeding crops. With th continuation of war .'II efforts become af fected xvlth accompwiylng scarcity of latnr Mini horses of which latter over 1,000.000 are reported on the battlefields. Abo every week that passe there passes with It th" seeding time of nsirh of the Thiropean territory. With such an expose iih we hive made the iiues- , tlon naturally presents -itself : Are pres., ent prces high? As a help perhaps toward answering that question we quote ftom the rep'rt of the Pep.irtment of Agriculture. Issued on tho 7th Inst. : , AvenigH crops. 190!)-ISIS, 6Sfi.000.000 1 bushels ; average price. October 1. 87.6;' Indicated crop, 1014. 802.000,000 ; nctinl price. October 1. S3 ." With the present ' deficient crops (except that of the I'nlted , States) and il'vourniring outlook for 1 succeeding crips what Interpretation l to be placed on this year's price exceeding the avrnre of he prevlnis four years by only 5.'.' cents'"' COTTONSEED OIL. yt Much Hull) Crude Oil Still Offered. The demand from the Went and that rallied bv eonsum'ti inquiry filled to prex-ent some new low prices. Crude oil liquidation was not so heaxy on the bas's of ".!' rents, but moderate amounts wer.i to lie had and there wmk iiHultaut hedge pressure. T.arge refiners nro Indisposed to give a great deal of support. Prer. close Hi. I. f. IS r. ?a M0 :. s,-. 0 3 Closluj pr'i r, f. itJ.r.r. r, s:i r. "4 r. ?ift r. 11 s tims ; f. V.W- i pnt . ., lie. ember .Iriniiiiry . May MONEY IN NEW YORK. Call money rane'd between fi nnd S i per rent. Time money ruled at 7 per cent, for must mntiirltliH. tho ranun belni; 6 to S per cent. Commercial paper was cjiilet, with rates , at from B to S per cent. Domestic ejchiinKe on New Vork: Rt. Itotils. fine, premium ; San l'ranclsco, .10c. premium; Chlcniro, par. I fall money In le-indon was 1 V, y "1 I pe.r cent. . Sterling ochance was nrm. Quotations were: Demand, I f "Bi ' cables, 4.0' liar silver in London. Sl-Vd. ; In New York, New York riearinar lfou statement! Fix-rim lines, ISJi.1sS.77K; balances, $1,1,- " . f tib-Tre.isurj' debit balance, m2,::t. DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WAtlllNfJTON. Oil Id -The slntement of the retelpls and pny warrants nf the Tientury' .hnvis Oetnhsr 14 This mnnth Fiscal year, lleeelpts It r.T't "U UT 43.341 $l'.l.C"l v Pay wnrrnnts 2 911 P'tT S" Ml, 4:1 Ml s:o.:S Ileflclt tl SII.JM fir. S7S.OH2 40,IT8,477 Itecf-lpts frnni custom, on (Vtnber 14 were fai.lfhl: imernnl revenue, ordinary. 1719.670; corporation tax. 17.IS5, nnd miscellaneous, 4V National bank notes received for redemption, 1711 W The cnh Mntement of the Unllrd Slates Trei.urer for Otlobrr II pinis: liK.NKIIAI. Kl'.Nl) ' (told com s7'j,ii.,yj mid eerlitleates 34. im if.". Sdvrr ilnllnrs '15.701 Siher certlllcalcp P. cr.l.reii I'nlted State, note, . ,. S.iv,3 f.sji Certified cheek, on hank, .. . . .'.'. f.M Nuttiiiial bank notes ., ;?,4f! 4" Suh.idiary silver, minor coin and silver liiilllnu :.ntn m Cn.h In Treisurv m. n'.ip)- In u-itiniial binks ..... 7C. 4.v f,o Avnllahlii cash la Treasury nnd banks ... . ?ci ran i Iiediii t current liabilities is uu Ml liee tiat.iui'e lii Treasury and hank. In'i r.41 oc. Diher Tiea-nry a-,'t, ineti u t,sa.:- Net hilnnce in eeneral fund Ji7lll7!ii KUSKI1VK Ft'ND Oold coin nnd bullloii ir,arniw TIII'ST Ft'NI) Tn redeem outstanding cer.tlrlenle .M,41 111 Grand total i,h miela In Treaaury I,867,611,J COTTON SENTIMENT IS MORE CHEERFUL , , mi i.i f M...I , IniproVOIIHMll TIIMIgllt Ijlkfly , Unless Certain I'lnns Miscarry. SITUATION' TX LI VKltl'OOh I it i. i, ..i... , .,...i,i 1 I. the view of not a fexv exi-rlenced cotton merchants that the lowest prices, speaking In nn approximate sense, haV' already been seen for cotton provided certain contingencies are met. over It Is not believed Hint tho present .rvlln.l.,,. 1. .1I.1...1 I ..If... "i'""T" ''"' - to uar hoprs for gradual and steady Ini-1 proxvnvnt. .lust how much of this cheerful feeling has !,. prompted by of t .no M t ' " '"y ! biilMlnr; operations reduced over 30 perl tho prospects of tho success of the $ 1 50,- ?a'" 1 1 ) ? T. "i -'". lth a piolonged period of warm ' . ....... . 'Hint considerable of the absorption or tho ,,..,',, i ,. r .ui, n, i ,i. i 000.000 cotton pool devised by I'Vstus J. i(.r,.nW ... .-hleiiro whs for Interests I W01l,n r H,,r',f"f wlt" ' normal tie Wade It ,s Itnposslb,.. to determine, ,JBWf , Ktti plan, at any rate, h.m more of the ele-. an unusual OTomit of wheat will be , TMt'.MU HrTiw from .Hm.nished .am- ineius or sanity titan any or tii otner ii.i..M,.1r,,.,,,.,- fr tb. relief nt i... .. ,.i i.. ...... i . to contemplate measures to enable the spinner to finance purchnses of reserves ..ln,,.e ... lln,, n hn .f It has a fwituiv of commanding excel lence. It Is probable also that the. 1-llef that ; ,.;Vr,t,ntl0n"o'f wheap from Arontl.ui Is the New ork Cotton I'.xcha nge m.iy ',,, , ,h , th ra , sis).. rm, bu.lnesH hss had a pro- Hhl1Mlenls from iluimllmi. Pessimistic nounced t, luence on setitlmu.t With , yXllMr,.,nM llv,e, ,V(.rr, nfta received, this Inst tutlon open nnd npcrnVJng n which for the moment nr.-counterbalancing ;''i!l,?'k' H,"'.I,'1"H "f 1,?!,Hll,ly favorable .UgrMlho crop news, it Is real f..on i.0l)0 bales out of the pi-esent crop , tImt ,.lHl ,.,-, tho f ,hl, Ar- would not linnose an Insuperable burden. Through the m-ohanlsm of future con- tracts It would be possible to distribute ' this excess over 11 period of veirs son .. , . ?m - IS-rj .wo or .nVee vnrs VVon now ns It Is . . , " 1 lerniying ai iu present. latest estimate of lfi2.000.000 and nn out- In fact. If the trade could he rid of the ., f (,,1,000.000 last sa?on. This -would obse-slnn that the only way to obtain . not m,,iy ,lint the final (Invernment re a reasonable price for cotton Is to with-1 ,,,)rt i Dis-ember will show 23,000.000 hold It from tire market and substitute . i,uhels more winter wheat than tho 17f.. for tills fallacy the purpose of facilitating j ooil.uili) last reported, but It shtmld nullify broad channels for the outlet the oorrec-, , pfrM,t of rw.nnt intlmntlons that tho tlon of the present situation wou.d fot-j oro,, 1U ft wllole h(1M b,.p overstated, low automatically With rains in the Host during the past Keen Interest will be taken In the views , frty.oght hours, virtually tho entire new of Sir Oeorge Palsh, former editor of the . winter wheat nrea has now been eatls SfnKsf. who has Jpst arrived here In th fnctorlly moistened. reported capacity of financial advl-er of rorA bfittlr oash dHunnd helped the Ur tlsh Covemmcnt. Cotton men read tir,rej)i ,.avv rilM , ,h(, ,,, ,,,, yesterday with Interest an Inter-, cff(M.t. 1ar, raM t0 cnv,,r W,,M QUl,1itt. view in which Sir Ceorge was credited ,K HillrkM,ej. Th bulge In wheat with saylne that the cotton sltuat on was nnt Ul,or(ll, Argentine corn in one of the important mailers which he ,pa(er and less was heard of pressure wished to take up while here, lie auueu: "We fed that the situation will qulcklv ; straighten Itself Tlie opening of the . Liverpool Cotton Hxrhaiige will of course depend upon New ork and New 'r- leans. We expect your market soon to be under av. The free movement of cotton will of course facilitate the pay- , ment of the nmoimts due abroad. While some of the larger firms wl h International transactions will b llkeh , to respond to Liverpool s reipiest that , remittances lie made of funds ileposlteil In trust ns margins (,n open trades rgitis on open trades It probable that this a tlon iloc.s not seetn will , . ,, , . ... lit., be fo ow.d b the R' pa'lt1 loon! (ommlsslon houses, Thse latter are disposed to adhere strictly to the text or the conference ngieemeni sianng that theso funds were to remain III trust until the trades were closed out. Thero appears to be no actual 111 feeling over the subject, but the determination to r- slst the suggestion seems none the U tlrm. 1 . . t. I... l,H,,n,lnnl .MJ rejIliriS ' 1 e 1 - in". 1 ... ll,i'i committees yesierday. It was unotllclnlly -nte.l tlmi nroeress w is being made nl-i iiiuiikii 11 i iiis.i...jiiiii..i,.j n...... , u.iniier 10:.) in .V) to rn 10 M 10 jf. , meet the The Mercantile Kxi ii.inirii conference committee has practically Janniry 10 0; lot: 10.M loo 100: butter 1 lennmtee voted yistenlay to ehnnio , completed the examination of the mem- . Hlb- extras to pnmis iteiniiuiK Miindsy This ri- 1 hnrs nnd It Im holied to IlllVe all tlie re- '1nher .. .. II 0 n f in s.1 I0.U tl 00 dm tlon ol .1 point will throw more nf tlie , S e, h! in ,1m T m ii,. wm mll f January !. : c, ja J.:r, 9,: r i.l Intotl Mr.irra.le Trading . piles In bN to-il.i Then .he lOtumlltee 1 ,, I- WILr tien the new will know where It stand-, both as to re- "r "mat tt,re' ,r ,.xlr, ,. t,rcsil est ihll.hed It , .sources nnd the amount of contracts which . '"J" 1 " was Imim.-il'l.. yesterday to bay the finest the syndicate will have to take care of. De. ember .. UP,' 1" lVi, " I""" " ere.iteeiy 11 limit p.iMiw ie premlurn The following statement from the I.lver- May Z i;c.xt I SVmSrM'il pool ,W as to why the market there, - - rJ!X?'&' ',uA Zni V nST-J , has not reopened should be Interesting TKE STEEL MARKET. 'e extra, M wore lie : llr.ts. . to the American cotton trade: I Mate dnrv talis, llnot wiv : i"'"'! to fa?...-?; miiri!::;" m' n,:;v;Hoi.i.n,nu"nii , . i z?z?hM;. . k quate safeguards have been provided 1 Iiulness continued the steel market's -I'l.'l'"- loner in. ides 1'..-.. Ls.i,.. l'.i.liltiK , nafeguards not. let It be solely ' main feature. The present week Is de- 'i'" k hld fine -i'.ni'ic : No :. MtCO'e ; for Liverpool's benefit but for that of ,.ir,.,i ,., mie bun the poorest that the ''K?-sp1'-ii!;lr'wi. a Utile Niter yesier-' the whole cotton .raile-fhev sureh do not ; has experienced In many ,vrs ,;,l;Vil''llli1tffl understand what they nre tnlKim. annul. .Mill operations nre running at about 111 1 He,vu.r have ample lreh to meet the, "At the present moment fl.nna.onn to jw.r rent of capacity and new bookings demand and tradlnc yesterday J fair Mar C2,0nn.n00 is owing to the Liverpool mar- ure at even lower rate. Mills turning closed firmer than It opf-ncl 111 the morn- i ket by Continent il spinners, American out wire products are still comparatively 1 1"t, ,'r,l""1'",'",-,i.M",,r,' 1 ".T!1' i"'i : broker, and merchants and I-ashlre b.y. but demand for ,.,c,e pro'ducts has 1!" ?. W'!,. ' spinners and manufacturers, the lattor In fallen off peroptibly In tlio last week. Quo. ip,,. Wis.-mism daisies ll.iil'tc : twins. !)', n perfectly lipltlmate mannur, like their tatlons are nominal. I n. ; Stnte skims, held specials. i:',jiv . Continental -onfmreM having bought 1 The inn .l(;c savs: "Pig Iron is weak fresh. i:ivi,e : noor to fair 7'.il'M cotton futures as hi-lges against sales of .mil slow, buth home nnd evnorf. but K(icl -With pressing demand for hish rrade yarn and cloth. Now. supposing for a moment that, as these short sighted agitators desire, Liverpool did open with-, out proper precautionary measures anil prices dropptsl suddenly to a level which ; exhausted the resoun'es of those who hold the coutrncts on behalf nt the clients mentioned above, resources which. It Is needless to .y. havo already been very, heavily taxed, where would a number of the big spinning nnd manufacturing con- cerns in Lincaslilro lie. without mention- 1 lng M'tno Imimunnt Continental Interests? w nai would nappFii wtmni ue 'imi nun- dreds of thtiusandH nf pounds of loan and mortgage money would at once In. called I,,. ,, great number of llmltnl and private concenis would find themselves in Queer street and probably the very gentlemen who nr.. so keen upon having what they call a free market In Liverpool would bo .itnong the first to suffer and also he the fi.ut .i ni.ii.,,tfilt. tif T.tveptiOfirM aetlnn Advaucs of Kc were reported bv practically every Southern spot market of Importance yesterday I'Hces ranee from f.H to T;c, with Savannah nnd l.lttlo Itock nt the low flKiiro nnd Houston reportlliK ine nuniesi uinire nt uu ine Interior markots Kxporis wire 31.S94 bales, ohlelly to Mreat Hrltnln nnd Japan Tho Into slitht for tlie wnek was estimated nt 410.000 bales, asn-lnst fi.lO.OOO for tlw samo week last year DRY GOODS ACTIVE IN WEST. Trmle Coiislderiilily Curtailed Smith. Sns "ileiinoiiilst. In Hi Ise The Keneral movement of merchandise Is actlT In the mrrtcultural sretlrms of the West ami Northwest In tnat.uf ic - turlPK centres It Is below normal, nml In the cotton raislnu Ht'iilons of the South It Ih very considerably curtailed, says the Dry fonifs Kcoiioinlsf Where uiifavorable , week or two of low temperatures would Klve a decided Impetus to retnll triile In many sections. Staple cotton (roods enntlinin to sliow weakness, especiilly Kray Roods for con - vertcrs use. nrown couons ami ineacnen Hoods. With the raw material scWhr around fl"j cents, buyers look for lower prices, especially on thu coarse, heavy fabrics. Mills, on thn other hand, havo curtailed their production because they do pot know what price they will ho nhln to obtain for thrlr product. Similar con illtlops. thoiurh of a more ncute o.har.ic- ,ter, prevail In Kncland, wheie cotton coods production is ror me present at a minimum. SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. Tllt'IlfPA V Paid by Hub-Treasury to Imnka. Paid by hunks tn Huh-Trcasury. )i osi.ono t ini.nnn flnln tn t.nnks on d iyi Inns setlnns SINCE FRIDAY I.AHT $1 Hon. nun Paid hy Huh Treasury to bnnlia 117, ICO, OHO 'aid hy hank. In Siiti-Treasiiry in m ana flaln tn hanks t".OOS,000 bun tn IiiiiI.i si me period pra vloua week 'r, 1,1.1,000 THE GRAIN MARKETS. PorrlKners liny fjrnln Whrnl nnd Outs Lend. DcNplUi tho contlmiiil offerings from some of the big Interests In tho wheat trade, which selling represented hedgo pri-ssnro liquidation and nppresslvo tnclel.f t,e list exhibited llrmness. Thorn wiih sufficient export business sup plemctitlnit the huge dealings of Thurs day to lift values moderately, f'onscrva tlve peoplo figured ycstelday's takings for ICuropean account at approximately 1.000.000 bushels, nnd Intimated that there would havo been additional sales but for tho market's bulge. Scattered selling greeted the post- Inn of the llrtutitrrrt ntutcment, showing the week's rxmrta to havo been only n 2.4 onn nT.(lBt 8ii..7looo Jn the ptecedlng week and ,i,X34,0(M) In l13. I nless clearances Increase during the noxt few days nnolhor relatively Iw-nrlsh More-""'owing will bo had on tlio coming iti day, and In the meantime theso reduced ....... r , - .. ,.rf.,ntHr,,r tlm HirMftF !'" li( """ farm movement Tho trade U firmly Imbued with the Idea, howover, that It Is only a ipiewtlon ii'i"i ... ...u tun..... . The Liverpool market again roso more thnu cents. I'rlvato advices say that " .u "1'..' 'al 1 1 L? . J!. CUIIIlHimiH Bl)r Mimil'Cl HIlU 1 ri-lir I. . I. lape Into Insignificance, but the cash i I wheat trade Is heavy, with prices con- n ........ nl 1 ....... ...... In, I . 1 , ,1 , '.. . " V V " ' ...V" . ' , 1 """"'"""""" enlargement In foreign trade duo to the, Ju .. ,. ...,., cin.n the I w!r' 1,11(1 reports from the winter - i . "larKp.t ,, "'"' "'"Iwh.-at crop, contribute bright aspicts to ate report was published .show- , olh(,nvll. ,veree condition. While the 1 n.i.. i!!..m.. 1.. 5 1. ? ' .l u'lif nun irn, vku Mint iiif vtiivwriniirll n i n( ...... .in,.,,,,!- rnpn T1, 1.,.. ,(ppn ,,.IUP,0 of nute n mlmber of scit - ter,.,i lH)mplaints U l(H. .H,lp,.,Jln-t,vn ,iPmBn(1 lprvnd .,1,,, with that for other grain. The ex- llort ,,,,es wero closo to 1.000,000 buidicls. Cn.h house were on both sides of the nUirkc.t. ht Kener.illv there was nn lm- ,,roVKt, ton en..,,,,,;,, oatB nB!1,n ,himiH, pronounced strength. , !rm Theetipport from packers1 lvl i-m.lti.-ill v withdrawn. Snmi. lntr. ' ,i.,,t.l thn neeiirnc nf of a better cash deninud for meats. Specu- ,HtlV(1 ,,,.,.,, ,,, no, ,,,lthWK ovur tle Minn- nun rnti 11114 nui lit it deere.i-ng stocks at Chicago. CTns prer tnz close Chicago prices: Oncn- Mltf 11!, ms K7 r.Si 's CI'. tilth est 113', US', . tIS Low et III'. n;, ff.l, ( IT', Ml', wheat- p.vemlur Msv ,'"r",' jjay"' ' oii,'-"" 1I3 IIP, ff. Decemiver 4i t. 4i. ', Ml, M.av f.l I Rl X. FT P.. w.-, u. -.-, u,., ur. lorki . " 1 " " i w Lm). sMghtly more his been done In hematite The output Is still ahead of needs. The number of furnaces In blast In the three districts Is lf.s, against l!in a year .Kt. .Vrron,anganese Is weak, makers com- petlng sharply, with Utile demand. It Is nominally limited about $l'.3.2ti. Itu- mors nre circulated .if American sheet bars being offered, but it Is Impossible. to trace nny sulistnntlnl business and our own steel works want orders ptetly badly owing to the Indifferent state of the galvanised sheet and tin plate trades. -intei n.iu sn.-ei i.itin ini 111 unu ui iinoiii $21.33 cot, fielght nnd Insurance. Lust week's tin plate shlpnpnts weto the I.irg- est since the war started. About .10.000 tons of rails for Australia has In en booked by Ilolckow. Vaughan & Co and HO.noii r,ir Soulli Arrlca t.y tiu.-st, Keen .t Nottlefolds at low prices, ow ing l the sharp competition of Canadian mills, Amirlcan barbed wire has been sold fit ' .;c ..... ,..i..t. . t..... lf.R.13 per ton. cost, frelitht nnd Insur- unee. Stocks of pi Iron hi ronmil'H stores nre 1 07.1 32 Kross tons, nnnlnst 101,110 tons n w-eu npo. ' The Mill Iron Trtnlr savs: "Ileavv urn-m iim.Niu i..i ...wi.t-.i nr nun il,iv.ln. r,,., t ii. uf t. inirkti ui, ni'.ls hae tilled IMttsbnrK district mills ,,rtt,.r IlU Anv heavy well dri's.ed fowl, for next forty days, fully 10,000 tons ofler. In dininnd, and snnie were held oier ' these .irders bfltm' rw. lvcd In the past i with the expectation of an mlvnniv Medium T,-eel PonnellsvUIe who trade reached w,rP ile'ted l.-irio' fnney roast I the low p,.-,t of the year for shipments. i'Kir' ? l,,,I,n"2. .". UV!Z ' but tho pieseut nnmlnnl market prices snow no cnance as yei. .lapan nas rn- feted the American nlir iron ni.irlo'l wllh I an Inquiry iiKKreRatltiK TiO.OOO tons of all. isrii.leM Adltlonal Soulliern bliist foe. grades, iimonni , Miuinern mast rur- puces nccept J10. ItlrmlnKliam price ' hcbedule." U'llllini J.icks Cn Iron i.n.l in..t meich.ints. of (Ilascow, writ' under dale , of October fl. ns follows : "The market for Middlcsbrouph war - j rants haa shown n decided fall, prices havlm; declined from r.Os. Mil. last l-'rl- . ,i-,v i.. .'.n n.h lniver tn.ilnv , ti annul. iiui.'i.iitiiiK it. .uiiv lu.ii , Hons for the III st elulit days of the month, ,is aifalnst IS.7H1 tons for tho same period year; while stocks In public stmes Hhnw nn Inciens.. of 2.(l.M tons for the 1 work, nnd nrnhnhlv mnhitrH' slinks In Incremed to a similar extent. Prices of hematite pK- Iron are asoHteors were slow, but prlie, Impruve'l nfi.V, weak. Mldlesbroiurh liemntlto bdmr now nbout Of.s. f. o. b. More business has been done 111 America half finished ma teria', which Is now tnklnir the place nf contintntnl steel in this market. "Marki ts are still waiting for some more definite news fiom the seat of wa r." TirE SUGAR MARKET. I'ernvlnn Ilim. Duty I'nlil, llimuli ( ill d. .13 Cents. reriivlan raw sugar tn the amount of l.r.o.O inns was purchased yesterdiy iV n rellner nt a full duty paid price equal i ii; cepi- i-iinnn raws were iiunti'd on n bis's of i S!) edits Th" refined pusar market was quiet demand frnin all ipiaiicrs hr nu ver lltrht There was nn chance In quota. tlntiH for fine, Krantil.ited, tho 1'edoral Company imo'lnc n cents and other re finers LIB cents. WEEKLY REVIEWS OF TRADE. Pliiiiuclnl Conditions Improve, but Huslness Is Irrrtctilnr. Although financial conditions arc Moail lly Improving, trade nnd Industrial opera tions, according to the weekly trade re views, continue Irregulnr and conditions for this tlmo of the year nre disappoint ing. Corporato and Individual economies aro being practised. The slcel and Iron Industry Is working on a CO per rent, rapacity basis, and building operntlons are only .10 per cent, of norinnl. ) u mi's says . "I'lnanclal conditions Improve In steadi ness and ability, but trade In m,iny de partments continues Irregular nnd buying Is cautious. A few lines exhibit consider able activity, duo In port to extraordinary war demands, white In others some de pression Is noted. Corporate and Individ ual economies ijre being largely put In practice, nnd while they will ultimately result In a great reserve power their pres. ent effect Is to reduce consumption, the Immediate buying ability of the peoplo being diminished by reduced wages or profit. With the Iron and steel Industry work Ings anil curtailing the purclnse of sup plies until the matter of Increased rates i Is determined, with capital conservative In promoting new enterp. Ises. with col ',,,,, , .-,.. ,, ,h h.l. ., . creased by the fear of a longer war than was nt first anticipated, the situation presents many features conducive to con servatism." Ititttlttrret'ii nays: "Though trade and Industrial opera tions work forward very slowly, condi tions being disappointing for this season nf the year, evidences of growing ease j money market matters, romlilncil with 1 "cut., stringency In money I,., not pa-.e-l ! as yet the progress made In the direction of lessening tho strain on credit Is gtntl fylng. However, business Is restricted, and though merchants, except In the South, nre hopeful enough, buying Is marked by much cnnservntlsm. "In fact, to use an often employed slnteinent, new business Is of tho small lot type, thu tendency being to shop frequently and to purchase lightly rather than to tnke nny chances with the future." THE COPPER MARKET. Noun Mien of 1iuirnf input -Mnny I iiiiilrtrn. Clearances of copper for the week ended , Thursday night were r..inn toll"., t,ln ,n,nl October 1 to fl.4r.O , tons, against IT,. 2:1 tons last year. Thesv shipments upply only to the port of N'-w v"rl- "f late there ha- b. . n diltlculty I" securing all freight room desired for; copper, owing to pressure for other car-1 ' The coming week, as . r. -ut, may ! witness a heavy movement of th mot tit fo- Huropo. I Vesterd.iy's market presented ome, signs of Imnrovement. as ther., wero In, the trade onerles from both home and I abroad. TH- export 'demand seemed u( nf ,i,.Vl.i, ,,ng Into fair orders dur- 1 I log tin- next few days j Eleven mid 1 half rents a pound, de- 1 I Hvered thirty days, for elertiolytlc was 'the general limitation, although produceis( ndmltted that lower prlof were iieing : named on limited iiuantitiea by dealers. DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET. ,,..vr-r-.. i.. . I ..ll .. ..l.nn.-n t I I r,n - . Iiri .- v. .'I ........ it. 1 iv. . - 1 yeHenl.iy 1 xeeia 1111 u.uaiii'c nf i,e on the t',t uraiies of pn'Kiin iock mi ine inner iii-s were Heady. ih siifllelent fr.-li slink to fSJf l? 'V 'idvanee",";? ," 7n I refrigerators which admitted i4 . 11ml the nnrkit tin-ed uniisiiallv firm list nlnlil lm , '"'"l Z,a"yJ,!i,,"iLml7s ' .h SlK h'iV", "u't Ntler than It did early In the week Itcivhe-,. are ennfl'I'tit tin re will In' further advances. I s the little imports thai have liecm sent out , 2::,!,',:i!r',oidhr,sAa;1m'.t 'w.a! 'in i price. Pines Krrsh fathered extras. 3l(ilio : 1 1 extia flints sm.-iic : firsts j-.,,?v,. . mhhihIs, I I '"-'I'" ,!!'rl'r ' '"V,' .:' V""" 1 1 J,!;;;," jiiv'se'!. ".re "Pennsylvania 1 unl tiearny Hennery willies, laiify. large. 4H ri hennery tirowns, atfi'fie.; mixed colors, ";,,.lv''.. 1V)frTiiv Th. v. ,n n.un. ; yJ;n V-hl.-ken. wTlle fowf. remamM uiii'liiiiiiietl Old musters were In lietter 1I1 'nand and iliey advanced u,r , while turkej s t-ie up "' . V"""" ,",r',v . J-e.irr.iir nmnmit , mine exin 1 ti.l this morulas- Prices ChleUeii,. ' Itti Hi1.'' : fowls liil.i,t tnrttevH. mlxe.1 heln. ami oltl rnnsters. lurijeys. nilxwl hens and lonj., lis- llueks. illie'-,. Ion"'''1 Snm,"r" n,,L li(i:.i:i POIi.TllY -There a, a belter ildiinud fur fre.h killed stncli se-terilav nnd innrket ele.nitil up in Is-iter slnipe th.iu for I dome unie ims neni.-inti him uni siifni'iint to .nmltrr fowls "old rather -low Hut few old I rnoslrra wire in slant nnil these were taken, leailtiz tile mnrkel fnirlv bare Pleniv nf nrlni du.-ka to meet Ihe tlniiainl. Very Utile tu ir.i'. n -t..' ti mumm iiuv innnvc in lHr,,, r, follow Turkeis. Western Wl ' ?e : Western milk fed, It and :i IPs,, is to I hnr. rowJIc : corn fed, Ktil'jf chlekens, We.t ern. milk fed. I IPs nml mrr 11.': miml ' ".i!"' 1,ll!";l,iplll,,;,,,n1'V'y : !' .cadi, I lb? Tn I on'r" 1 em, m lbs nn',1 over lo doz ' v'c Weatern i dry ' picked. 6 lbs snd over. IV. : old rnn.iers ll'a" ; I'""' Itland dueka. lMiK.ijc , s.nial.,, I prime white. 10 lbs lii due . 51 r,n; "Itu. , sciccmi ynuna nens nini lorn,. ;ri2 c Picked, nrraiie. laiilse ., . Live Sloelt Mnrbet, . dry KIIIIIAV ..... i He. elpts nf l.eeies were i ;54 heinl I... 1 !'A'!Vnl-V,...'i1,".r.?.,;..,'l,0m',r,'t' mnkleir the iiirly hours nnd at the c ere firm to lnlr tre. hinder, bulls ruled steady and meilliini nnd cniumtin cows were unehnnaeil In prlie. fnt mws were n I rlftn llrnier , -r j , .. vanis weie clenreil. Ciiuiinnn i rlintru stt-ers snlii nt n ar. a"fj9,7o ptr loo lha nen nnd suirm nt f 4 ISntf S.l. luiils nt II 50fi $7: one choice fal hull lit 17 3,1 Dressed tieef steady, nt 1"M1c fr city dressed tlv. sides lliirlpln nf cnlws were fi 7 1 head, ilniiud Inr III! fnr the market Prices were nrm in 551ir.l'f h.Kher fnr venls, firm fnr kms. ere nnil earll'iKa. Ctiulliinn In rhnlce veils Mild at ! .01113 pir ino Ih, : culls at iti i yeillllllKS ul 14 t0, Kliliurm at 15 r.O (itv dressed veals nrm nt llfiltUn n few at I9e.: inuntry dremed nt 12H7c liecelpts nf sheep nn, I Inuihs were 7 bit ntnd, IniiudltiK Sis ciira fur Ih,. market Flieep were steady; l.imh. alow hut nnt fiui.inhl' lower. Inferior In prime sheen sold ut per ion P.. . medliim tn prime lamlis at 7 75H IH.5S cull, nt in Driitsnd mill tm tidn nt sfiltr i1 rt'-.i-, Inmhs at l.'tilli wllh Iuik dressed selllnir In n nrnil wny nt IIV B Tli'lpls uf Imas wr 7 7nn h'nd Ini lini Iiik ahnut half n car for the market I'rle.s weak In n fnrtlnn Inwer Whols ranire w,i 111 IS. 55 per 100 Iba., rituiha aold at J,5S1 17.80. ( Executor Trustoa Chartered 1822 The Parmers' loan and .Trust Company Nos. 16, 10, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Offico, 475 Fifth Avenue Now Tork. LONDON, 16 Oockupnr St.,fe W.j 20 Old Broad 8troat, E. a PARIS, 41 Boulevard Haussiranrt BERLIN, GO Untcr don Lindon, N. 7. 7 Travelers' Lottors of Crodit. Foreign Exohango. Administrator Guardian To the Holders of TheHilton-DodgeLumberCompany Six Per Cent. Serial Sinking Fund Gold Bonds On Oct. IS, 1914, the United Stntex District Court Tor the Northern District of Georgia nppointed receivers of the property of The Hilton D-idg. Lumber Co. The Protective Committee organized under the Depo'jttnry Agreement dated May 26, 1914, has been in close touch with nil development, The petition for the nppointment of receivers was filed with their approval an 1 one of the receivers was sURRCsted by them. The Committee now holds more than W'v of the bonds outstanding The Committee has determined to extend the time for deposit of homti to November 16, 1014. On or before that date bonds mny be deposited uith Old Colony Trust Co. of Boston, or First Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago. After thnt date the Committee reserves the right to accept deposits only upon such conditions os it may nt the time impose. ROPES. GRAY. BOYDEN & PERKINS, Counsel. JOHN RAE GILMAN. Secretnry, 60 Stnte Street. Boston, Mass. October 16, 1914. t,V & "Si -it ft tft ft 55 1 Franklin I TRUST CO. I Announces the opening of ft an Office at No. 46 Wall Street, and offers to its dc- positors all the conven- ienccs of a Banking Office in the center of New York's X financial district. MEMnrnoFTiiK n y ci.rAtttr:a imtsr AsfcN. AVw York Ofott 46 Wall Strrct 17 1 I ... f - C . . Ojfictti MiiMr.w iKrnoi.i:i m (nii'.NY 1.1 M I l Ol' IIIXAWAKK, 1'lrnt l.lrn unci llrf iiitilhie tlr, lnMnir 1 'iitnl Itulil IIiiimIn, rrhH '('," , (iinrnnn Trutt Comjtatr ut N York. an Su-' ejifor TruFtc un lr tl Pctl of TriMt r urintt th ntiov- iu :mil (littl Uotober 1. IKli Mjv iiivi urojt.iP.iiM fr tlif of nn man of Ut almv Wontln fix ran l purchnif. i Ih.-lutilni; .irfruil tn Tcrrwti, fur tbi "itm of Hire liiin-lred ihou natul, thto mtulrcj loll,irn anJ n(nii nluf rrntjt 1300.300 iy ) he.ilfd propi.ln will rCrUil t the ;mrntity Tnim ('otnimny nf Nw York. HO Hi ul vi uv, Nvv Yt)rH il, until 1) o't Nifk A M, lnlin . Novml-r 4, liH HomU nfrrtl at tlif ltiwfMt pilr. irnti trrillnfT 15 nn iinrut"l lntrnM '-crptfl proportion.. n-ly ami pll for nn Mutulav, Nu finluT 1 1'.. 1 1 4. upon ilellwr. toi(iilipr wiih jcrruptl lntirejt to thit ilntr onl TIim rlicht In rnprveil to rr Jrl any ami all olfMH. OL'AltANTY TIU'HT COMP.WY OV m: VOltK llv A .1 HKMIMIIUI. PruvMrnt. .mkmims i'i;rnoi.i:tM (iimmm i.i mi i i:ii, or ni:i,tv.Mu:. I'lrsl I. lea unci Kefiiiiilliu; llt. stlnlp I'lllld (iiild IIiiiiiU. .Verb's "II," i.tinrnntv Trn.t 'eiiii.iii: ur New York, ns Siiifessnr Trustee utnlfr the Iiee.l ,.f Trust srtirlnir tll slmve Issue, anil tinted (li' 1, Iierebv Invtlt'S prnpostit. fur the sste nf h. nrinv nf the nli.ivs liond, ns Min If purcliiiseii ilncliiilliu; nerriied Intel est), fur I lie sum nf two liiiiulred nnd ninety, nils lliunsnnd ntul twimtv seven tlulliirs nnd slxtv three cents I J -" 1 . 0 J 7 f. 3 ) Senlril irn tio.nts n til he rerslied st the i.unrunty Tr'nt Companv nf New Ynrlt, lm llrii,idiv, New nrk lil, nnil ill o'tiiirk a .M . Wediifsdav. November 4. lull llnmls nrfered at the lowest pricn inut exceeding 10:, nnil lirerueil Interest), will he nicepieil jirnpor tltimiiely and pnld fur un .Muiidiiv, Novem ber 10. 1!IH, upon ded'eri. tei;ehsr wllh riceriisd lliteres to ilsle on'v. The rlcllt Is reserved o reje. : .im untl nil ufrers Ul'VltAVTV iill'ST CI)MSV OK Nl:V YDItlC. lly A J lli:MPIII.I.. ITesldent. MIIMf'AN I'llTIIOI.KI .M COMI'ANV i.imitiiii, of iii:i,vini:. First l ien nml llrfunillmc (l'-r s.M,IIK rmid liultl lluiids. series "A." (iuarau1 Trust nf New Vnrk, iih Huci'essur Trustee under the Peed of Trust seeurlnR the nhnve lusue, and dated Ditnher I. IUU. hereliv Invltt s proposal. fnr thn vale of ns mum uf the nlmve bunds as i an he purchased ilniiudlni; accrued Inter est), fnr the sum nf three hundred thnu, and elKlit hundred and furl ' three dollars and furlv-one cents I Ono.S 43. 4 1 I. Sejled pro tins ila will be received ut the ilusr.intv Trust Ciniipanv nf New Ynrk, 1 in HroidwiM, New ork lin, until 10 o'clock A M Wednesdnv, Nuxeinlier 4th. ISI4 llonds of. fered nl the lowest price inut exceeding 105 and nrcrued Interest i. will be pro pnrtltiuately nnd paid fnr nn Mniidnv. No M-niher in, tJtl. upon dellverv. tiiRether wlHi ni'iTued Intereat tn thnt date unh The rlKht l reserved In relert any and nil nffera i;tAHANTV Tltl'ST I'OMl'ANy or ni:w voitK llv .1 IICMI'IIII.U I're.ldeni BOSTON CURB MARKET. HOSTON On, id (Speeinli - Kollnwlna- are to day's aalea on I tic lloalnn curb mnrket . "pen- Low Clos. In. .71 .11 Sales Ine est est. 1 jtn Atlanta Hold . 51 ;i '.si 6"i Iliy State Uas II .n u loo iieaver cnu im Calner.i 3ua Cons Copper kvi Crow n lle.erve. . . i) Davla Duly .. . IT. Knele A lllno Hell 400 First Nnllmnl .... l(') (loldfleld Cons... P'i Iron Hlns,nni 1111 I'i H. t'i 1U 1 1-16 I 1 11 1 I 10 1 1 II, ,M tVi M ,r,l .9". Oi !', t"i 1 1-16 1 1-16 1 I III 1 K, ll, t4 1". l"l 1'; I'. D. li. loo Jim butli r f W .as .f, -jn.) .iiiinno Kxien in .ia i.n , 7t"i Majeatle ... 07 .m .07 .nt, VI .Mexican Metals ... .17 17 .17 17 l' Nevu'ln-Iloiicln, . .51 f ,m m 4'WOhlo 15 .15 ,R .u 1115 fulled Verdn Hat 1 in .'19 j j.ji Tolnl .Ties, a,;vi shares. Follawmi are the closlnj bid and asked pritrs. Hid , Alv.1r.1do . .D Hay Stale 0 10 llt"40le ro lloliemla ,. 1 Ilosloii Ely . ., Calaveras . 1 Chief Cons .rn Crnwn Hes. 1 Davis Daly . fin K.ule A II 11 .-. Firsl Nat 1 tailed I lnd i.i,i 1 iwtiiti von .. .11 1 1 1 ti 111.- lit mi I 1I..1 Ito... I'i Majestic , . 7T. Men .M rials . I', New llnliic e'.i IN liouiila.s . Ik, (lino Cup 75 . '-out h Lake !"i 1' Verde Kxt 1 I !! Viiknit 1'. 1 Ml -V' 1)7 Ioh ie .17 75 1 15 ,M .05 .15 -". 31, 1 II, 1". V. Afscssinrnl paid, DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. DIVIDFJN'D I'AVAni.K Company snd Term Hlork, Arm I.ehkh Valley Coal Halea, quar terly me. CIIARI.KS V. ADAMS, 2nd DANMvl. . WINC iiucii ;. i.kvick, ci.akk i.. pooi.k ciiari.ks s. kk1t1i Coninilttoe rhl'ai'o. Seplenihe t" To tiik iii:iiiMTt:iii:ii mil. ui-lis iii pn. Tlli I-'Ci)N I'l.'llTIKI' TI.- I KJ IINH TWO AMI Tillli:K. I.- I I II i . DKII Til T CIJIITAIN I' MtTIl I it cKltTiiic vri; A(!iti:i:.M.s i ) .s or AfiiTHT ). i .n; I. ADoi.piir.i ! iiAim.r.Ti ni v K ui:!- i n iu.i:s u nci.iii i u ni:n r a e-i'it i . t i: nnhi iimi . iwi:s. with tiii:.msi:i,vi'.s ,- i 'o.sit.iiii:h ami i:.Mii m ' COMPANY Ol-- vr.W YllllK Hit i IMW AMI tup, iioi.nnit" 111 i li. I V TION l KIITIFII ATC4 i I CIINIMI Till'. rAI'ITAI. STIli K llK Till: (it II' M.O IIAH.W YX I'llMI'l' ami uriiKit Di:i' ntT'K. 1iii -unlit in a teipieet tlti.v lodce I "a and in. i,c upun the uniloreltrncd, as Den ,n. laile. uti.lfr the nhnve inenlluneil ncfee-a.nt. b Hie r."lsire.l liulitei-s uf par .n ' ia rerun, ale. ,.ie, one. Tnn and i e tssii.,1 and under add are nirnt, h' tliulr attomets In f.irt purp r in. In lit tlleretiiiln ilu,v nuthnrl'Je,l. repr .1 I tlinn lOej. nf tilt whole nil'tlli r if eiiual pnrt. repie.ented l.v panp Ip. 'I - tlfllrntes. Serbs (ne. Two mill Three -sil-l und nutetnudlns- tintler anld nRreetuetii t request Ii tvliiic been made pursuant t ' it third parnir iph nf Sectlun 4 uf Arm !e "in, nf 'aid iiKreemetit. ynii nnd e, h nf herei, nt. illled that n ineetliia; uf the x!, ttre.l hnlders nf p irtli Ip.l' Inn eertll1 -l Serle. One. Two nnd Three, l.eueil nnd it- atniiillnir under snl.l ntrreeinenl has a apnuliittd nml Is herelo tailed hi the eluned. as liepneitnrles as nfnresald b held at the Ketleral offices nf lbs Cli' IK4 Jtallwais i'nnip.inv, t',00 Hnr'ni d fl'n k it carvo, ll.lnnls, tin Wednesdnv. Oi teht r 1SII. nl the hour of ten i.'clnrk In ih nnnn of s.ild tlai. for the purpose ' shP rltiar mil ntlnc upon the n-liri ' s re.oliilluii to he presented tn said n ( tllre, i In sr the underalRneil na licpi i h iifur.'Hnid. to vote, ur cause tn be " the en.dtul ',,. k nf tho Chlc.iKU I i Cniiip.iii', nt the annual nieetlliK of the .' It holders nf said 'uiiipan) lo be he II reneral ufflc... nf said Companv. i hi r Illinois, nn Thursday, Ortnher lin nt am adjournment thereof fur Oie e i lo he nntneii n said resolution, as tllre t ri of the t'lilcnKo It.illwavs Cuitipatn fot ihl then enslltllK tear A KOt. PHI'S C IIAUTLIT1- CII.M'NCIJV iii:i:i' cn vni.i:s ii iii i lie u. AI.IIKHT A. Slit M.l I" CIIAIII.IIS O. DAWI.S Deposlinrles under the Aftreement nientten.l tn the cnpllon hereof. to tiii: iioi.nniiH oi iiiMi'.M.o. nut iicsi i:k a I'in tiii nr.ll KAII.Vl .11 i tiur.iM n3iii'ii:NT si;iui:s -n" is1, w in lllie 1. II'IH Notice la hereby Rlien. as pro i' 4 tide Xljf nf th Indenture, dale i s i n her 1st. ISO!, mads hv the llntra i. It '! littshurKll Itatlway Cullipaliv to Ii, iintv Triut rniupany of New York , tee. that bonds benrlnir the fol u iik , number, have been drawn for re leu t, the SlnklliK I'lind, and will be pull after November in, 1914. nt In, a' upon presentation at the Trust I ( nl the iiiiilerNlrrned. fter Ni ' 1111. Interest nn the above bonds wi llnmls should hae the November ' coiipnn uttached. .. is, 31. 33, 47, 50. 51, 67. f, 73 " . S7, 91, 111, 14.-., 140. 31k, 3 I. 34. 4 1 0, 535, H57. ,',l, ill.,, I,f.l .r," lillt, !, UHl, 1.39, 61.', 61.7. SI3, 7.. "I" a&l. kf.J. S71. U76. (.1)9. 903. Oil. I3 -1 Pr. n 991. 10I1S, 1095, 11. 'i, 1 1 ,-.. U 12.-3, i::a, 1SJ2, K"l, I30f. 1371. 1385. 1431, 143S, 1447 15'I0. 15911, 11181, H,nj, inn, 1741, !7i:. 1717. 1777. 17si 1331 14.0 It...! ISO', 4 11.. ISS, 19k4. CirAHANTY TlttJST COMI'VNY O' YOIUC llv A J llllMl'IlII.I, I're.l Dated September 2t.ili, 1914 W Clli'Klt CDAI. AMI IIKIV CIIMI'N'1 I'lr.l MurlKniie R"c Mnklnt 1'iinit l.ulil llontb, Ntillte In hereby ulleii, puru t terms uf the .Mnrlcaite dated thn' October, D.9S. that the under- ,1 Trustor, wl I receive sealed pi pi, 3 I' M uu Ihi. fiiurh tl.i) it I9I4, fur the sale tn It uf bonis i tlesctlbed, ut a price nnt e v I and in , rued Intrtest tn nil urn nrlent tn u.n the sum of II., . 9 "I Hi: M.W VOltK Tltt'sT a-t IX V Successor in ('until, etilnl Trusi 1 1 he City of New Vork Tr r Hy II W MOIISI h New Vnrk, October 13. lll i:i.Ki"iiiiNs ami iii:i:i imo. Mi:illl'AN I.IICIIMIIIM 1. I II 50 I'hur. ll St . Ke Vnrk, Sept N'lliil'K IS IIKHKIIV lilVKN Ih .1 1 meetlnirof the alni-klioldeis of AMtUll ' COMDTIVK COMPANY will Is. lie ,1 m ol the Ciimpaur at a) Chun h St .Si 1 on Tuesday, the smb. ,.iy ,,( ), 1 ,' , a o'clock noon, for the purpose of 1 , Jhricliira for the Irrmnf thn,' e,ii' ' ' traus.i. t Inn of such other business asm i ctimelMfiirelhemeetniE Aiiieiulmeiiisl -pi and 13 of Hie ll Laws, crealiut. .1 1 C'nmnilllex, mid cliantliithe iiumls' m I' necessar) for aiiiiiiriini nf the Kaecui v tee from four to three will Is' prese a. Ilcatlou, The polls will rrnuiui opt 1 ' o'i lock until 1 15 o'clock in the atte dey Tbeatneklransferbooksuftlit'l 11 be closed from the ','lst day of sea Ihree o'tlnck In Hut aflrrunnu, nun 1 day of Oil , 1911, al ten o'clock in the f C. II DUNN Y Seel .MII.I.IIItllllK (OMI'.XM. NOTII'F. The annual meetlni; of the S'n k' tlie .M I I.I .11 III l( ) I ' CllMPASY nl tlm nltlce uf the Ciimp'iu) 1 sink Ttluiil. Piiih Aleiiur, llumiihli ' New Vnrk I lt. nn .Mnlltla. N t ' 1911, at 1:00 n'cbiek noon f nf h Hnard of Dlrei'li.ts for t lie e 1111. 1 fur the iraiis.i, Hon uf u It ne, as may properly coma be ini'iMliik-. A i: dl.AHK' s Dated this sevente. nth d,it m Hi ' . ! IIIVIIIF.MIS AMI INTIIHKST. THU TltK.NillV Pill TKIIII !' Trt llttnl, .S J I Ii ' ntii - DIVIHKND NO t.'i At a mt-et Iiik if ihe II 1 I ' 1 held Ihla tint .1 dividend uf UMi 1 1 11) was ilerlarai 011 the n t 1'rcforrrd Stork of the rompm oil Di'tnliel- 24, 1911, to .'in l'i record nt 3 o'clock V M O. mtir Transfer bonks do not clnss C, I. I.AWTON, Secretary and T ' patf.-tMa-ir " j.L1! .1' ... .J.SULieUWl , -vksh s,,-:ysti-"'.- -iivysT.,., j ,jet if