Newspaper Page Text
,. rf -IS. .1 THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. 15 REAL ESTATE MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT foinrnii'Hi of Cliicf Infercsl lYw Im-iiIs. lf('01''(,,l War Helps I.riiso. Lofts. IH.K.II is AI'AKTMKXT SOLD Th noro tntfrt In t!ui market . ....... .t ti.i. ,M I''1P ' ""J "" --!. .1 i ro'tivu ilnyi that could not I j. -I ll ' It ri'lil l"rliilU I WIVIM!- . . I t.1 '' wtl rvi'i I" a IlintSi IKIIVO period Ti.i'lni In Manhattan ' 'he h.ils for Ardsley Hull on!"' ft f,.w i,j ),ulbl-'f n imp' ,. teii .idjicent to tish , In Tim llronx a block if widi was bought by n ;..n i x uhkli sonic ilios ngo ui.i indue of the block for ''.0' ' , i I1UUK1I 11. l .ir. HI,. III!" ., , l,.r U n,l to h'lVii secured '"t liilllillUK. rui uiu ninr ii . .. ii ,,Vi'.. . Z,lllZ '''l"iic of visiting; buyers and members 11..,,. well avenue rvporty d , of ,h nn(.lltlnl. ,lUro floor about I'ns .-uUimn. The war " 40.000 nquaro feet will bo bedrooma (Uid .U' t about jeterd.iy the lea.s-, .1 1. .Ms 111 llm old mercantile! ' . , .Hirers preparlns to (!l,l..vwil! vil,Lnn .ST.ini.n. . 1 previously eupplled by! , - The National Hetiitl 1 J. H. Maher, architect, ban filed plaiti A- . MiioM. a natlonwldo or-j '"i- three story stable, costlnB n.Mir many department I 000, to he built for the Smon Donovan , i, -s. is consiiiertnn; lite $ 000.000 heaibiuartern In the plans will Ivo put -! -ti detieiiils on tho vote, m the subject at the nsso. 1 .111 t.ext I'ebruary. ' '0 t) ' a" AP.ii-u:v ni,t, .,i,n as.i.V. A at the northeast corner i.ctiiie and 172d street, uiiiy lloblliiB Company fiireetiwurn action 00 sold yesterday by James mer,-antlle district on each side of llroad it a profit said to be as ; .a. )(.Nterdiiy won tho direct result of Tom Itees of Wilkes. ; tnr wnr n i;urope. American mauufac- 1 irte . A ' 1 tlm new owner. Mr. Hoc , tif.ictuier and has Invested .w York rial estate. Anlsley s six st ir s and covers a plot 94, tlx ...- built '.iy the Collier Con. pirv with money obtained 1 New Turk I.tfo Tnsuriitico Com-' I'uiiij jHimwih .iin,aii. ,... .,,n ittm. '....- ,ie . I, f "HII . JfH. : was b'oiiirht Into the auc- ..!. ., ,'. Iir.. I, ..Mr 1 m..a nmntinv "T " ' " "I..-.. t ian Tho County Molding ' iii.m inlying tn prois-rty put a , I. "imo on It. 01,11 m'.itiii.n mil': i:s sol, i). sUl.' "i N ."TltKKT- The Atlantic Mac- r. 1 !! . v obl the three five r.o . M.rgs at tj ..J suiuvan t , Th houses aru i nch .5x100 1 1 ard ire lo, ted , n the east side of the -, ' 1 s uth of Third street. T s" . ig o'n,an acquired them last . J 1 Ml I III. tomJIieniai noiulliX M iii'v-T-.urn ssTlll'PT The Ilnlind A 1 HU K. M.I. M tl.l.T - Thr ulan.l A . .'r1,'; -h.i Com Ill ( t I or-slructloi ompany 341 lll'"ri.,7."'lr'i,,'i,-V ,!n isht story loft and oiiice building, ciiattkiiton av :?::. n -. ! 1,1 -s I ullding. on lot 21.13-.x.9.b. , " f ... noo fnim plans by Archl-, II. nry Cohm to Martin Hchormnie l. 2.'23 nM. ..... n,r,..opher street station of t cost of , 0 , p,an b Aru ' ISOoO. Sept II . fit. tu .-eienth ..venue subway. LiUvMneut Is under covdderatlon for I ( frfr'itM rvaViV V . . " rT. - ........ nui ,,,... ,v r.i,... ........ T. Mercdis lltllldlng C mpany has OUKht tie block front on the east side f the Concuiso from lSlth street to H:d Place from tho Nelson estnte, which as owred the property for many yexrs. ' b'lrg alt that remained of a largo par- .1 aftsr the w.dening of the Concourse The pr perty Is IS 6 felt on the ( on- oitrse .Tid ; feet on ojch of the, other , building to the Terpezone Company; witn etrer'.s. Tho building company owns Messlmrr A Carreau. olllce spaco In the is reminder of the block, having bought 1 same, building to Hobeson Process Com t ah" i a wi.ik ago The combined prop- 1 pany, and, with B. Osgood I'ell A Co. rtv tiir.isiirrs 1I'7 4 feet on Hyer aienue. J tho corner store at the southeast corner MS f - t nn Field place. 1 feet on lftthlof llroadway and Sixty-third street to j is, t and llt'5 feet on the Concourse, I Fred W. Hewell. Two Ave etiry flats will bo erected. ! John N. Goldlng has rente.1 for .lohn ... I W. Sterling the stable at 12J West Fifty- nitoNY in 11. dim; mti: sold. HONr.VWIH.I. AVi:.NFi: C.. Tuotl A Co. h.' a sold SOLS Honeywell avenue, 44x , US . ss.nnn iiiiddklv.v xiovii: T.- Frs o Amusement Company (Hell-' A s juatty, on the tenth tlKr to Sam m br bam Ac Hubln) has iKitight ' Ufl uiumb:rg, on tho thirteenth floor to 'or' Harr .1 Woronow tho plot TiOxlBO 1 t))e gcfnl Cooiierage Company, on the n fi" s!d of Urabnm avenue 1SS ( Khteenth floor to Merle I. St. John, on fet rnrtl. f (traiid street. The new 1 ln rxtecntli floor to Saul Hotchn-r; th wners . ive had plans filed by Architect 1 tllr,j ejuor in 3; West Forty-fcurth street lec k. e for a motion picture theutre , tf) MrH jtarle Kl Khourl and 10 Hast vlt 0 .tores The building 1m to have Thirty-eighth street to ii. I.ldva for 11 n ,.i.e ...f for summer performances . tcrU of, nd s est 111 ited to crwt about $SS,000. I j,, j whlton has leiserl space In 10 ts iioikiev A llorton Company has. ,.i.i,, i n .1 si. Jablow & old l fis D. .in street, a thrw story and xse 1 nf t nu lling, I'etweitl 1- raiiKim nnn ,1,'f . l ,i nues, for Mrs. T. S. .Miller nd Mr. Fdw.inl lluncr to Mrs. II. J. Vrp' "lOUKh T1 M, Inrrnev-Kllnek Itealty Com ,p I n r .. 1 the tw., story and cellar rM bu'.dirg at .1411 Kusl Twenty'se. nd Mr. e. on lot 20x100, for William f.srk ni cits or ih i:i:n? iiomiim. T , f jmi h Court H.-nlty Company re oris i-i- f .llowing sal-a nt Queens Vi.i t,i. . 1 s County To M. II. Oulnn. rr 1. 1' . on plot 40x100 011 th" i-ou' . - .! of Ascot place, 140 feet east ' Inn iv nue , tn Arthur 11 Fettts a n '.i.g,'r.w ,.fi plot 40x100 on the s-inii s ,, . Ascot place, SOI) fert esst f I. nil., and to (tenrge A Kngel, .Ir' I'xl 1 1 tn.. south eldo of Aacot Place mi '! of I.ynn avenue. TH (HIM New vi k. N .1 I.N Nr.WAItlC. Oct. 1. Aim Feist of Fc'si & Fe v h.s sold the two story nnd bssci it I.. i.-ii building at 17" and 17H fspt. ,1 ,,, , ,, t ihiIh Friedman, mana ser ' I Wolff a Co., and to William 1' I."1 c . chltect, the threo story '' i' "i'- t house mid etoro build- 'ng a.t ?" ,1.1 ;;i, South Orange, avenue i A v i picture theatrn at f.Oa 1 err -r . Tho oonslderatlon for the svi lai'c- iuriiiase,s was 109,000. MONTCI. I It IIDIISr, SAM". M'XTTe j., Oct. 11. Tlie large res 1,. p ;i .jne North Mountain avenue, ewi 1 r 1 1. I.auiblc, was to-ilay sold '1 W .l 4m iLinier of Mouth Orange. Th pr ...urn faces Rilgmniint Park, The 'e 1 . d :s mi d t ) be 117,000. nn . AiiDxi,r.v i.hic nonsn. K'rncth Ives A Co, have eold for Mrs. -g N unrdlner her residences In Vrdi-', v r.ri,, Ardsley-on-HudKon, to Ar nur . ,,, s , f ths Street Hallway Ad- .'s ig i ompany Tim property con ''tn . f 1 large dwelling nnd on acre n j'.'icl It was hold at $30,000, cvjn.nno (iiii:i:vA( iti:s n.w.n F'm ,v Mmtln h.ivo sold nt Scarsdnle r 1 r . i rl. k rm,,, tn vt'.iitee w ciris. ''Ih a properly lu the flieenncres section ' " ; 1100. The purchaser Intends oo .p. tlie plaeo ill tlm near future. nn; ri'-sTATi: i'ah.xi hmi. ' ler liunno has sold, the ,T. I1 ir- v f,rm nf ijsO acres at Uast Oreeti n . ' ",fl"rr '"""'ity. N. V.. to Hlraii ... ,.s 01 tins city. ItKALTV rOIII'OHATIONN. The f "5 realty corporations were cr-rrr I A, , c,iny jimterday! ti-t f ,,, ,!,,), xtrsat Itealty Corpora. Mactia'ian, capital, 11.1.000: director!. ' " 1 virahelni. Naw York rlty; Morrla . ' ' nrnnx, aim i;isio 1;, Jtoh- k. n. . V 1 " v 'iniipanv. Manhattan: ennttal 1 11.., ii... .. ii...i....u. ,.X rr, c.oirtenhluin, Jlriioklyn, and "" s harmi N'rw Vurk city, fill,"". .'I'1'? .'nrporatlcin, Manhattan, P i.i i w tfirfctors. b!dcin , Hammla, v' V?rk cjty a ""W"1'" Churchill, $3,000,000 BUILDING PROJECT. Ilrr UmiiU .Men Consider I'.stiihllah Intc Ilrndimnrtr rs Here. A thirteen story building to house, tin buying end of dry goods. Interests of tho country 1 being; eonshleteil for tills rlty. Whether It will lie built depends! on the result of tlio Natlouiil Hctiill Dry llood.s Association's convention next February, at which Hid question will be voted on. The operation would cost S3, 000,000, no rnnlliiK to the plans that have been tinipped out, for tlit; coniililcnitlnu of Mio convention, Two Kites will l cUKK'Xtcd to tho COII volition. One, In the Pennsylvania Million, presumably llm block front on ,the onHt sldo of SVveiilh nvenuo from Thirty-second to Thirty-third trcet ol: tHJ.iItu tw ntiitlon and which U onitfn by tho railroad company. The other alto 1st In the New York Central buslnee.i col ony. Tho purpose In to bo near one of tho iifi lie,,,, mic iniitimuoi , .i. ....ii.ii. ...ii, l . .1.. m a m um Dunning will io mo unices "I association, which has n membership Per cent, of the department stores country, the association's! library aim a inrgc restaurant. Members of the association will have ofllces there, plnccis where, representation of other concerns may come and offer their wares. One concern, It la ti.ild, him aKrerd to take 6.1,000 iwtuare feet In . ..., ...., . - ... . ; """ ... ... ...... r.icvemn sirei'l. iiia run Tiiruniirc. 'i 100.3, and was purchased In August from the Hi. John's I'ark Ilealty 'onv pany throiiKh the DourIrs Hoblnson, Charles S. llrown Company. WAR AIDS LOFT LEASING. Toy "nil 4.lna XInUera Prepnre to 1111 I'lirrlmi Deniiinil. Th lraslnir nf sfX-erat lofts In the old .r,,r, rr. l.clnir forced to make tin for the lack of Imports from countries en gaged In the tltantlc Atru&ule. To .In an In.r.r mif, nil naorj.s.irv The Nonparlel Toy and Novelty Company, which hns a place In Ilrooklyn, has taken much larger spare In 13 to 17 Crosby street, witn ine privilege 01 auuiiiuuai .. . . .11 L . . . . . 1 , . t I. .... ,,nc In the hulldliig. and Harry Abra ...I ... .Ar..lH I nnm. llin Rli.rirU HI I,to i.r...... . glas, a product of Kranee, ut 155 Leonard otreet, realltlnB the nceila or glass 111 tnis country' before French factories will be , able to resume operations, cnanes i. Walker negotiated tho lenses. BIG LEASE OF 40TH ST. PLOT. Parrel .Venr nlls-Cnrllnn Xiixt He liifC Imprnx'eil Inxnlx'ril A new corporation, headed by Hubert h... r..l .c l,.n.e from the "lu "e'ty Company for twenty-one wh veral rflwal,, 1: and 1 kist Vorty.slxth street. Tho twenty.flve ' , , mn,Vsd with the lot nt IS. which the Hit Healty Com- acqu,r, ,e to only a few days ... go from the Home Club. Lester Flor- nhelni, president or the Hltz Healty Com- I pany, Incorponiteil yesterday the liist Korty-slxth .Street Healty Company. I 1 The Cross nnd Ilrowii Company has , leased olllce space at 15 Hast Forty-first treet to Frederick A. Hose; with Kwlng, I Hacon .x. Henry, olllce space in the same) ! first street to Frnnk Dean for a term of I years for use as a garage; in su .1amn1 1 Inne oltlces on the sixth tlnor to Charles H. Hudson, on the tenth floor to rnco. iia ranco & Abbee : on the sixth floor to James ' A. Mcllhlnny, on the tenth floor to Heu I Knn Samuels, on the sixth floor to Thomas po nnrj'tho second floor In 31 Maiden lane to Doehrmatin A (ioldlluss. Charles H. Walker has leased space In Sin and 213 Canal street to William Jto-,1 c.hvln A (Joodwin nave renien 10 tiHVld Kichner the store, at 3SS Ls'nox avenue. citv Divi:i,i,ix(is ni:.Ti:n. t e n-1 .1 xt TUoomlngdale of Hloomlng- i..i' nr.. haB leased from Mrs. James I., llencdlct the five story American bimo ment dwelling at 14 Fast Seventieth street, Douglas L. i;illmati o. wero uio brokers. Th,. mi'oss Company has leased lledford street, a three story dwelling, foi Clarence K. Natlian to Paolo Jlnesl for two years, and :i Wst Nintn street tor Mrs. Hose M. lilcier in 11. irmc-rrn, rotils Hchrnir has leased ror Samuel Kosetithal the four story dwelling at S40 West Tweuty-fo'Ith htret 10 Pnullne Domec for a term f years. A. Kane ft Co. have rentisi me aweinng at 257 West 139th btreet to George H. Hozelle. nuiiritiiAN iioi'Mi: iiiwtai.h. Touls A.Abbot of Albany has leased from the Queens Court Healty Compnny a smut- bungalow on the south side or Ascot place, Queens Court. RESULTS AT AUCTION. Public OITrrlnns Yesterday In Mnn- ltnttnn milt The llrong. t AT 14 VIVTZY HTItnKT ! Ily Ilenrv llrndy AMHTKHDAM AV. .'M0 and Silt, n w eor 1118th st, 60X100, 0 aty nat an'l atrs Abel King el ul va M P. Orrlrlt et al: due, lll,Sl.S: tales, Ac, 12.470; ad Journrd to Octuber 23. CAT 3201 THIIU) AVK.NUI5.1 Ily Ooome Price, 23ST1I HT, i:, 11 s, w Martha av. mm n 109x a w ion ix w a vv aix e vacant II H Mooro vs. M I. Knox; 1I110, I2.1H.3; taxes Ac, S0.7; to the plain- iirr ASSIGNMENTS OH .MOHTOAtiS. Manhattan. i:STATK OH HliNltlJIt JAItMin.OVBK V to nnn of 8 Jarmiilowsky I In, 000 ItOCKWIVLL A.N.N A M, exr, to Anna M Hockwell 11,50'J PI.A.NTli.N, W HUTUKIt J et nJ, exrs, to V J Planten el ul, trua l CITV HllAI. I-STATi: CO to Navvbjrah M.ivlniis Hank (lit') 000 rx'KIIAItDT. I'BTIJU O, xx, to Mabel I, llrnnrlt IJ. 113 SAMi: to same IIS, else riA.Mi; tn name 114,330 KIl.NK.a.. haMIi K, nnd another, trua. to limbics llstatB I'orpn I'JO.OOO HAMK 10 SHina IJ.OOn HAMi: to same , 110 000 HA Mil to same I20.00H ritiiAHl) TIIL'HT CO. trua. to Olrar.l Truit Co X 137,000 llronx, J1KI.1. AUTIIUIt. to Hmlth William eon I4.00A DAYTON, KB A NOBS, to Ulla H Claaseti 14,000 HAi'iiii an, Kiisir.-su j. exir. to jrtuiaa liui'hriii 11 l.Nlll'HTIUAI. KAVINOH A IA-N CO to Freclk II Ht .loan 350 A.NWA1V. ITLP.A to Tweiitv-thlrd Want H. nk . . . . 13,000 W H MTC. A TJIPBT CO to llso T Hsah II JIUCKH.NIIASI, HARAII C, to I'ouxhkacpal Trust Co 13,50 STUAHU H13AI.TT CO to TJIIx Darnd. .IMO TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TIIANsrr.HS. (With nnme and at(tre of trader ami Attorns)'. If mttorney'a name la oinlltrd ad- (Inn party of arconj part.) Donnlotn. (South et l'ourlrrnlh at.) lir.STL'H ST, 88, n . IM.9 r Allen st. :t.! 63.1 )ut of H-iuIrr Jarmulowaky to Johanna Hralty "o, (4 ranal ft, Hept li Httva. KIlMldarU & 11, lis llw ay. . 3M00 (IUOVK NT, (0, n a, 157.1 e lllrriker St. 20.5iJ6.22; :41.r .To.rphlna Van Val krnburgh to l.lvla Iteulty Co, 2 llroail way, nite H,7S0, Oct 11: ally. T l Ci, K llav HDD HA Mi: l'llOPKHTY t.lvla ltealty Co to Vlncrni,, t'raarri. M Carnilna st, intK 14,1.0, Del Ui attr, aame 4TII HT, 11 s, lot 127, niup M Mllitliornr, !S.2 Alarrnftii Norton, ref, to lllrdle , llirllnrr, t,22 W tUlh at. Oct ID. 8,noo 1 rr, t,22 W I14lh at. Oct l'..."'7 ' lit nilRi attya. Myers, A O, 100 ner 1 at iiiIki attya. Myers, . u, 1 llw.v I 12TII HT, e a. 44.4 w Jd v, JS.Iil0. ---IMwIn J andr to Cliaa II C llki, S4 V Ttal at, Oct Ui attr, T .'". 176 11 way 100 Kaat Hide, (Laat of Kifth V bM,.. Tourtaanth and I 3X1I HT a , ".J1 "J blk 48 on land imp leo an to ,i.,.in 1i.,.liv u l.lhrrlv at. Oct atty (leo V Mullan, ti l.lBerty si. ...II Mnx:ili:id. I'U n . 13 1st av, Ux si), 10 ..Maa llaron to Bailie (Iroaaman, 3!" n ltd st. Oct IS, tntK 14.100; all, T 4j jV'st-IVs." lii.i ' v d' V)'i'V".;?Y'r Klldulnh M t)e l.rruw to Katie Oavldaon. and Al M t-r-uw. 10 t Mcliolaa av. and llebecea lllrsh. 371 WV.l Knd av. 1. nt. h t. Oct til atty, Abr Cohen. Ill Hnay ...II MAIUHO.V AV. s w cor In. V,,. 32 st. Ofl H....IM. H IITII ST. 322 V:. s s, 32J e 2d av. SSllOO - .. t ii iv 17 ltwav M0' lftsTIl' HT. s , 1S 1st ar, 'OxlOO.U Mlnnl- I'e Veau to Zacharlab and Samuel 1 rsch, 101 1'. U2th st. 1-r. part, q ; ;.tw Ui alii- Aaron II Hchari. 130 Til ton rt West Side. (XVaat of Klfth av. between Fourteenth and 110th eta.) 30T1I ST. 234-JO W. s s. 30M w 7th av. 1 llxS.- H.becca Cuhn. widow .to 1 Am lolilton and ano, exrs topoM M)'t XV lth at, Hapt 10; atty", Kantrowlti A 1.. soth Ir'ii w. a V, ms.t w lib '':' 9 3-Hame to same. Oct 7; atty. s. me 11 S1HT HT, a a. 120 rr sth iv. 0 'JO Knleha Uealty Co to Haniuel Abe oft. 307 xv 112th st. mi i:.". J"" f"'i ilrllrrt A If. 31 Ub.rly st.. . ''v,) 7TII ST, 221 XV, n a 2SI w,1Am",'5 -Vi 17il02 2--.xtarlon II Carroll in llroadway Trust Co. 281 Uway. mt 120.000. ail liens Hept 2. attya. llreed. Abbott A M 32 Liberty at 'll,g Vptown. (Manhattan Island, north of 110th st.) 11T1I HT. 310.12 K. a , Itt.t e !d av. 42.xl0O 11 llmrltlta Vlckrr. to WH'r J Hhrrldan. 326i Hull av. mtu 131,100. AUK 2. ....1 HAMB i'HOIT.IlTY Ctro I'ontoraU Jo ame. o c. Auc 2 . J; 117TI! ST, 21 I-., a . 200 1,1 nv, 25X100 10 1..,!..... 1aV.M In Kittnlf r.,nn,. .-- - ----- - - ... - , , ., JV,V !' v 9t r nith Tt HOti p-f n ;i w t.enox nv. 3xl00 n , v nil. t ltnllr H llornuouer. ,a Park av, Oct 14. mtg IJ4.O00; atty. Ojo H llornblowrr. 14 llroad at.... ..... ' 12JIJ HT, n a. 271 3 1st av. H.81IOMI -I-.1H& and Minnie XVoodle to Trreelna Mordents. 44 K 117th at. mtc 3.100. Oct t.. atty. T O Co 171 lla-ay ... . . . It 13ITII HT. n s. e Mil av. l'Xl r.mlly A A Philip Toury to Kuultat.le Life Assurunce Hoi-lrty, its llay; Ii A s, xt.i tlve. Alraanuer A. v.. i. lioo liojll ST . . ; ro M7b .vHU. Jiay l.r i Morris lleattlea, Inc. 8I 12 l7t)l rt. oil Urns. Oct IS, atl)a, Wood ford, I A II. I Madison av Ilrom. . 1100 Mlornurh of Tbs Hrnnx ) av Ht John, toxlis--txiuls Frldler to J,,V? r7,rafI!' ,.,. s Levine 1I v.-IiS'ai .. V. " . . V-. . .... f 1 . 0 " cosTHIt HT. e'V,'s2b'a Hpofforil av, 20x100 -Ij.lna Furrrr tn Chaa r Pope, ninion. N J. nitita. 11.000, Hept 30; atty. T o T,fr5it'5jv,i"A,v s r eor' Slo'tiroa aWsVki.o .element II Smith Co to ciemrnt II Hmlth. ll4 Mt Hope a , mtKe.ll3.at0, Oct 14; attr attys, Wood A M, 2S Urn. I ., . . 1 iuci WKHSTEK AV. n e eor 17tb at. Slxlto.S rirment II Smith Co to Clement II Hmlth, till Mt Hope av; mtgr, IIS.OVO. Oct 14; attys. Woo.1 M. 36 llroad at 1100 COSTBIl HT. e s, MO HporTord av, "OllOO. n.'.i Coater at, e . f,:0 a Hpottnrd av, 30x 100 ileo J Amann to Llna Huerer. :011c U.xly av. mlg lll.soo. Dec 18. 113. atty THAT Co, 176 llway !' 17311 HT, a s, 0 e Wel.ster av. SnxlW 10 Helen Vallcentl to Jcieephltie Zimmerman. Hlxh.And I'ark, New llriinswlik. N .1. m'g 17.500. net e. ally, THAT Co, l, Hway J100 HOI'TIIKHN Hdl'LEVAHU, e a, 3S a Jen nlngs at. 50x100 York Conain Torn to Hajliuel L Itrnsteln 1031 Soullern lllvd. and ano. mtg 131.000. Hept ii. atty. T U .v, T cTo. 17 lloay II IlltOOlv AV. w s, 235 s Klndrrmsnn pi. 36 3x to w s Mill Ilrook x n e Taxpayera Illty t'u to latdor Langner. TOO Trinity va, Oc t 15. atty. Isldor Ingnar. 700 Trinity uv 153I HT. n s. 110 av. 37 llx 10S.S N'alpak Itlty 'o to Vincent I'aUx- olo, l Wntchmter av. mtg 111.000, Oct 15; atty. T U ft T Co. 171 Hway. 1100 U.NIi:il1I.lPP THHIIAIT.. V r 19 11 ll Waahlngton Ilrldae Park. S0rl4.l; also Pnrterclltt Terrace, w . 169 It n 1li Inrton llrldjo Park Mack Constn Co, Inc. to John H Kalsrr, 3114 lledford av. mtg IMOO Oct 14, attya, Todd A St John. Ilivny U"v MOHIU.H AV, a s. 37 11 a Hurnilde av, 1 x 100 llarbar.x l"oretr to Geo H Jacob, Feby 10, atty, M llatachem, 3031 Morrlj fcv , 8100 HAMT, l'HOI'KHTY Jo H Jacob to Marin llula'-hrm. SO!! Morris av, Oct 14, tly. M Italscher.i. SOU Morrla av 1100 OIU'IIAHI' HT, w a, ad land now or lata Tho Martin. 70x100 Auruata A Nelson to I'liaa 1' Ilal'ock, 3070 Honeywell av, mtg 13,000, Oct 15; atty. C V Ilallock. h UOth at lou IIDP AV, w . 330 t 115th st, 33x150 Flor ence J Hu'.llvan. ref. to Amrrban P.tate Co, 537 Sth v; atty, K T W-'od. t,27 'th av A;'i-.0J PItOl,i;iT AV. s e cor 17mh st. 40 1x7 . 3x 407f, 3 lo (I Knltrar to Argonaut Healty Cnrpn. 14th st and 3d av. mtg 176.100. f.tpt Hi atty. H W Chambara, 13 William Ht 1100 LOTH 34 to 37. map Aden Park Andrew It McLaren In Argonaut Healty Corpn. 141th st nnd 3d av. mtg 85.700, Hept 14; atty. p XV Chambers, S3 William st 1100 WASHINGTON" AV, 3191-6. a w cor 113d t. i.3.SxS6 Clement II Hmlth Co to Clement 11 Hmlth. lm Mt Ilirne av, mtg IH.D00, nn if. m iv. c II Hmlth. 460 P. Tremnni av 1100 Hlit'TlIKH.N HOl'Lm'AHU. n w s. 450 Av Ht John. 50x116 Mary M Tragesrr to Chaa I. Hen. 671 urigis av, ui' anion, 1 Illll, N Y, mtg 184,600, Oct 16, att. Stsnsky A V. lllchmond Illll, N V II MOflKIH AV, n h cor 168th st. Sliioix AnUiony J iirimn, rer. 10 uuver u uxvia, li':4 Morrla nv, mtg 143.000, Oct It, attv, o : Isvl. 830S 3d av ,. 110,000 WHIIHTHlt AV. 1853, w a, 35x10 Ilhod 1 C Jseilliea to lllenard I'aimer, leanecs, . J. mtg 113.600. Hept Hi atty, N Y Title Ins Co, 135 Hway f 100 31311 f-T, 11 s, 2.1 e Dlsbrow pi, x -Hco III1. to iiastano itiatio. oxs vvniifl l'lalna av, Hept IT; atty, Title O t T Co. 17H Hway 1100 163I RT. a a, 100 3 s Tlnton nv, 50,6x94 - - Timothy e Htiiuvan 10 uunaay o 01 1, mtg 11,000. Mar 36; atty, Tltlu OAT Co, 176 Hway II flllKfl, HT a s, lot 139, map Lxronbi Park Julius iiaiusmun, rr, 10 i.eo 11 wwrinrr, III IVaat Lincoln av, Mt Vernon. N Y. et a', Oct 13; ally. O If Lawrence, 334 West Lincoln av, Mt Vernon, N Y 1840 .M1IHTOAI1KS. (With nam e.nd address of lendar and land'r'a attorney.) IloenltcLiwn. (South of Fourteenth st.) IircSTKH T. n s, 101.9 a Allsn st. n.2T Johanna Itealty Co to Estate of IH Jar mulnwaky, 12 II (ISd at, .Sept 22, due Oct fc. 1917, 5V1 p c. attya, Stoddard A M. Kl Una 110,000 OllUVi: .UT, .,. 11 s, 167 Hleeckur st, 2'J 2S 2x:7.J41.7 Llvla Heady Co to Joaephlne Vlttl Valksnbtlrgll t Hast Orangt. N J. Owt !C, 6 yra, i p ej atty, T O Co. 110 Hwy 14,750 flAMR Pl.OlMIHTT, pr mtg I4.7f.fl -Vln- eenso cesarso to i.ivia iisany 10, 1 .J.TC-e0" 'S'AI' I P,fi."Jim."s alVa.'a" UTH MT . a s 434,11 w- Id av. 2!,xl06. - - Chas II C llke. tn Edwin J lender, 111 W 67th at, Oct 11, 3 yra, I. p c; ally, T O Co. 176 llfl)' 112,000 East Side. (ICast of 1'lfOi av, balwsan Fourteenth and 110th sts.) 2D AV, 711, w s, n n 39th st, 20vtll Hsrtha 1. norgelt el al to Annie 11 norgaii, :ja 1; f7th st, f yra, p o; attya, Strouss ft S, I :tU Hway 18.000 I Meat Side. I CWeat of Iflfth nv, bstwtan Fourtssnth and 110th sts. I 3TTH HT. s a, 191.7 w 7th av, ST,9I P John A Farrsll to the Soolsly for th Hs llsf of the Destitute Illlnd In City of N V A Its Vicinity, Amsterdam viiemie, net 11, pr mtg 111,000, due Nov 80, mid, II p o: atty, T tie P Potter, tl Wa'l st II, .100 I4TH FT. n a, S17 w West End av, 102.2 Itiith Drucksr tn Astor Trust Cn, 319 fcth av. Out II, pr mtg 112,000, dua as 1 t per bondi atty, T O Co. 1T6 Hway U.000 t'ploirn. 'Manhattan Island, north of 110th at.) lKTll.HT, s, 200 e 3d av, ir mte tl,60l)--Wathln richr to Klkun Kahn, loll II ltld st. Oct If., 2 rr. p ci altj-N. lllrlrmiui & V. .IH I'. 14tlh st Jl.000 120TII HT, n , 3li r l.rticu nv, 20t9H.11 Annie c ileraty to fhn I' llm-kley, Kiln, Tenuity, N J, O't l". due Nov 1. t V c; attr, Chaa W lluckley. 141 llroad wny 13,500 KITH HT, a w iur lldrecnnibe av, 1.0, Ix looltourr Mnrrln llenltlra. Ine, to Metro politan 1,1 fn Ins l'o, 1 .Miull'on av, dus Hrpt 1. 119, 1! p c, Orl lJ UttS. Woo.l ford, II & II, 1 Ma.llioti nv 3,i.09 Itrnllt. (Iloronrh of Tho Jlrom 1 i:i,l.A 111: I'll HT. a e cor t.'lly Island av, 3.f. -l,iurd I, llortnn et al In l,olll II Vosbrllicll. 747 i: 16M1I st, (let 1C. 3 rs. pe. alt)', T II A T llo, t7 lln . 1,0')0 hc'U nifllt: !II.VI). s 21 s JennliiKS st. (oxlov Hamuli I, ornateln unit 11110 10 llathar Itelch. 3 1st av, Hept it, duo 11 per bond, att, THAT Co, 170 Hrcul- h ur.,ono HAM K l'1lOPHItTV--Hrtme to same, Hept 2, clu- Oct 1, 11H, I p c; iw ally. .Jl.iJU CIWTONA .. 'iS,'1,.1 V,r:nVrMJo? V lie,V!,f.Vo,;S0,,i,'i.,-a'y-.,,S,)oVo ttvit-KUMiTr a. er llih si. 31 1.000 U.NIVKHHITV AX, 11 w cor 176th St. 36x looxiOJ. 6x130.7- Henry cieiatiu, inc. 10 Joa L I'elnberg, 260 Convent , pr lutge 137,000, Oct It, due Apr 1, 1U17, p e, attv. I. T I A- T Co. liii) llnay. . .ItO.SOl) OLI AIiHAN'Y POHT III), e a. 701.6 n llalley av, 3Sx3 1 Morris llaati to nenry Hchmldt, (51 W 67th st. Oct li, 3 yrs, 64 p c; atty. Win I) MiNulty, 141 llrcmd mv 83.000 SOt'TIIKlt.N HOfl.HVAIll', n w s, 130 a w Av Ht John. t,0xiis -chaa I. lleis 10 Mary M Trngrsrr, 3S 7lh av; prior intge, 134,600, net l... 3 )rs, 6 p c; att, H Lei Ine, 1 16 Nasritl st R300 POHHHT AV. e s, 2i0 11 licllh et, 3T.X Irreg --O-Car I. Lons to Alp s .1 1. Union, 3li I'anal st, Oc- 1,1, due Oct 1, t17, P c: atty, T (I T Co. II Hway I3.O0O UI.IZAUP.TH AV. s . 10 from city Is, and av. 061I6.I I. llorton et ul to Kllau -M linker, 3e3 11 I40th at; Oct 16; 1 yrs. p c, any. T II T Co. 176 llaay 15,000 LOTH 361, 36D A 310 tn 3.13. map Tri mullt Terrace Moms H Kahn in Patrick Ilyrne. 1313 Kdwards av; Oct 13, due as per bond. ally. THAT Co, I7C Hwiiy. .13,000 LOTH 7 & 31, map .Slema list - Oollltnlc A Trotta to Agnes M Kulin, 336 K 7 1 act st: Oct 16; due a per lnuid; utty, THAT Co, 170 llnay 11,000 TIN TON AV. w s. rill a ltlst St. 31x83 - Hitmen T Hatei to North Hide Mtg Cnrpn. 3'1 i: loth st; in t it; due as per bond, attya, Cocke, l A II, asl H 14'h si 11, 100 CLAY AV. e a. 117 6 n I7lth SI. 54 11x95. also Clay av, e s, 113. C w 174th at. 6Vx .'.. sl$o 'lay nv. e 19X6 w 1711I1 st. 5Ax100--Jas H llreM an,l alio to KUi A Tianwaln, 1 744 Clay av; Oc 16: due April 1. 1K16, 6 p e, utt. 53d Ward, 54611 3d av 16,000 LOTH 59 .10, map Paul Ibtale- l,,i C Pettrrson to John J liersghty, 766 1nn Nest : Oct I."., due Jan 1. IIP; 61, P c, atty, II hler. 1156 Walkrr av ; soo 54311 HT. n s, 56 e Dluhrow pi (t Vltello to ileo Hill. 63 Ilrechmxid rd, Hiimmlt. .N .1; Oct 11: 3 yrs, 6 p c, atiy. THAT Co, 176 llwav . ,.r,00 ALKXANDHIt AV. S6X-70 1 leasehold t Bd njrd i: Anger to Atlieuaer Hrewrry An. Ht Louts. M,i, Oil t.'.. due April It. !93. 6 p c, attys. lllulneliallel .1- II. 57 Cedar at 153.601 HATIM II'.II XIOHTIiAOF.N, (With name and adrtr of lender-n atty.) WAHIIINC.TON AV. 3093, w s, 6 10 s KlOth at. 54x100. S.-PI IT. IS0 Isabo'la V l'atton 10 It C.wnl ,a Uilllaint. 651 i: 191th si ft 000 ...if s-i, tin 1., n s. 771.x e is! v 16 XX 100.11, juiv ai ion i;u,a Mn, jilnnle MoiHl.e to Hnnceon !... lilcun. 31K W 1116th at; attvs, I.arhmcin IL li. 3,'c Ni.suu st.3r.00 116TH HT. 15-17 W 11 e. 201 w 6th av, lix 100 11, Oct 10. 1906- Ily Prince to Anna .11 jonra. l.l i; :. stly. T 1 Co ..,' H ... . .,113.000 -' n -"' i Am.tirdam ,n i.xioj.:. June :i I9M M.,rlon ! Curroll ic. iirnuanay irusl c. Ilivny; atti llreed, Abbott . M. 33 Liberty ,t .J3.0DO ccjiuc .ii ,i, e 13; 0 n lirillld st . ,x. a. Jan 37 1)14 Morris nnd xm.le i.old.teln to i! Mcrg.nstern. f.3 l.enc.x av, attv. H N Tuekerinau, 330 Hway 11 00o UOTH HT. a a. :0cl e St Nlcb,. is i. runs e 120x e to i s lidgecoinl,,, ,iv in-, to a a st I v 160.6 to be. Ada 4. 1906 Havld 1, lllmk to American Mtg Co. attvs, Howora & H. 44 Cedar t III ooo ALL r. t and I xs legutee and belie nclary IH of wif Kroneihat. .tun 31 ltAT, 1... . ir., ,. , ...... Ht John. 31 Nh.suu ri ...31,000 iii:roitiii:i) lui. Manhnttan. 3P AX". S31, all -Kugeiie Htnubrandt tn hrank HreJmel, 031 3d av, f, yra from Oct 1. 1914 , . 13,100 191HT HT. ts IV, cor sloi e Ilonalcl llobcrt son to Hlirmund Hermann .".9 W lMet , 10 yrs from Nov 1. Ul, ntty, lira Meyer. 40i I.cilnr'on av . .31, 100 1HT AV. ;o;,t ,r store l'rnnk, tn Aclolph Neuru.l, loTi llm Harms 1,1, S yrs from , .Tnpl. iloii of alterations, nity Hhllng llreulog c.i 760 Ht Ann s al. 11.140 AMMTKHHAM A " 3.' elnre and nart t.Ne t,,.n, -Ml. h,l f.,.l. t ... . . - vii i,u..,ir vi aril. I 161 U ' 41 h ;. 7 4 1.- yrs frm He IS 190; atty, .lemma II lliick, 3 lcrr t fl .en I NAHLB AV. 6. Si from Dickmuii et. the I end store and tmsein.nt John V Hill Patrick to Hirman Harli-s. loo tt, 5 r from Aug 1. 1913 11.160 llronx. 3l AX', rr s. ;c: l71t st. 10 Still 1x Irreg imnitng pb turo thentrei Alls worlh It 1 1 x Co, tic, tn Israel Huch man. 155 Hlllngtnn l. 6 re from Oct t, 1914; nity. Hand Cohen, no.- Iiwuy, l(.oo to . 16,001 ALHXANDI'H AV. 563-70, .nry l Morris, true to Wm Wuemche. 36s Alex ander nv. 13'j r from Oct 16, 1914: ally, lllumenatlel H, 37 Cedar St. ..14.500 COl'HTLANIlT AV. s w e 15et , .-or .tore Haml Williams unci ano to HlRiuund liardner. Hov Coiirtl mdt av. ', re fiom May 1, 1911. ntl. Win Kallln. 13." Na au st I960 In 81 140 GKANll HOt'L AND CONCoPHHII. 3391. store, Ac c'ath IIhvic k to Anthony J Honglovannl, 23V4 Oraiid Houl and Con rnurse, 6 ra from May 1. 1914. atty, An- l. ...... I llAntfCnvotiHl . . I ....... and Concourse .. . . .' . 3100 ' 149TH HT, 364 K. all- - Vdam Nlmphlua to I Thos M lillllgali, 59Cii Mnrlou u. 6 yra from Nov 1. Ucl5: utty. Hbllnir llrenlnc . Co. 760 Ht Ann's av.. ,3.u00 to 83.600 WILLIS AV. 164, i or atnre Henry Heller and ano, exrs, to Hugeiie Kurdos, 1606 Ho lluiilevard. 10 srs from Oct 1. 1914; atty, H i: llergmnii. .nib st nnd 3d av 81.300 to 11,801 I.H I'r.VDILNS. Muiiluiltiiii. 21ST bT, 117 W-Joseph Huslilar, Inc. sat Anna (1 Pell et ol latnended foreclosure nt Inortgage): attys, McLoughlln AV Martin 10UTH ST. 10 V, Herbert II SrhalT agt Henrietta Hachruch et al i foreclosure of mcrtgagaii ,itts. (Iruham & I.'Amereaus. ISITH ST, 227 W---Toseph Itea'e nptt Samuel L Conweli et al (foreclosure of mortgage), ally, M J llli. llronx. 23ID ST, 11 a. bet White l'lalna rd and Car penter uv known us let 10ft7-3 nn Wake. Held map Amu llm, or ugt Fatinv It flurclner at ul I foreclosure of mortgage). Httys. .'.lebruKKB Musfleld. MAPHS AV, e s, where same Intersects lot !3, man of village of Lsat Tremrnt Ouasle Morgenslern agt Cornelius O'Kecfe et al foreclosure of mortgage), ulty, ,H N Tuckman. c IXT 442, map of I'hlonpnrt Minnie Wester velt agt Salvatnre Dlppnlltu et al (fore closure of mortgage) ; attya. Clocks, Koch A llrlrty. H16T ST. a o cor of Davidson av. 73.4S7 i WlilUm II Ciuldwell. Jr, agt Roth klrch lliilldlng Co et al (foreclosure of mortgage): any, A Knoa. .Mi:rilAXH's,r.lKNH. Manbnltan. ISlTir ST. 12J H- -Joseph Warm v Henry H Koa, owneri Aendsr Ar Ma-wsll, con tractors ... ..... 113., AMSTHItDAM AV e ., 7 10 , nsth st, usi.fal.o 10 Lnurei inn Terrace 103 :i 230. k -Joseph Tltio Si Co, Inc. va Ico Mfg Co, owner, White l-ireproof Const Co, con tractor IS.Ji Cl'.NTllAL PAitK MUST, w a. whole front betwasn 62,1 and i.3d sts, SOV.lOxSitx Irreg 200 Joseph 'lino A. Co, Inc, va New Theatre Co. owner. White Plreproof Consi Co, contractor . . , J23 3 ID ST, 2 to Is W. und 32d st. C to 9, W Joseph Tlno & Co, Inc. va James H iinoeevrit, imumai uoMneon. Nicholaa Hlddlo and Wm V Astor, exrs, owners, Whits Fireproof Cutui Co, eonirac- Fireproof Conn Co, tor ... 3D AV. 207H and LOK11 ll.iisis.7z A Shemel A- Co va Atarv 11 Junes and Film .liiiimemnnt ni. Inc. lessee und owner; John Corluccl. con tractor 162.10 7TH ST. 11 1 W- 1'erdlnaiid T I.andor vs II S A Henry Frank, owners; Hart os. T" HT. 8 W- Hdward Ha d vs Alary , Huh,r M1d j0, naatou. owners; J J Campball, contractor . Ml contractor 9,9c, 4TH ST, HI W .Stalsy i:iectrlc Hlavntnr ami jincninery 1-11 vs John J lioyii vt ul, owners, Hmll Frano, lessee; Frmnl run trading Co. contractor irenewali 1571 46TH ST, 41 W -Sam.. i .losephtiie Sharkey, owner. Pa Ajlolphe, lessee, Kruad Con tracting Co, contractor (renewal) .1604 89TH ST, JS W-Joph Tine As Co, Inc, agt Engineers Cluo, owner, White Fits proof Construction Co. contractor .1131.21, 111TH ST, , 100 e Hh av, 28 Hrsg to Cathedral Parkway Kiosk Contracting C11 agt S A H Amusement t'o, Inc, owner; Melchlor Longn, contractcir. . . tl fto.fici 74TH HT. 334 to 3Ss U Jacob Welngstrten agt Hohemlan lloneiulent l.ltarar So. rlsty osvnor. Oeo H Vlolanir. cnntrar tor . .11,1100 I4A riSnEIU'ClIANICN' LIHNS. slnnba1lHii, J8T1I RT, 414 to 414 W -Kpplns Carpenter Pump Co act I V llerlon et at. Dec 22, llOHOUtlll Of 'lltOOKLVN FOR SIALIC DKTACIIIStl IIOL'SF. contalnlna; Nina Itooma, all Improvemants, on plot of around 4t115. In beautiful Kirn. Illahway arctlon. li tnlnulsa to Nsvr York by Itrlfhton Heaeh "I,." Putillv nnd parochial schools Itto hlocka away; churches of all denominations nar by Far aala nt a birxalii to rash buyar; nal(k 1 oorhoo.t first etass for partlculara addreaa mmniN not lzn fno .riiee. I.O.MI S.MI IIIIAI, I lilt MALI! OK ItL.ST. Houses at Garden City Estates Hlght large rnomsj all Improvements; etrmu neat, nilrht exchange J II, nl'.lllt KPN. : 'i lirnnd Ht , Manhattan! telephone ri.iiitiii.t hi:ai. i:sta 1 1: run kali:. HO It HAt.i: -I S00 nrres land In Maker Co, Florida Artilres It. V. CAHTBU, Idinoit.i, Fla. in Lirr oi:t or town. TO L11T In the country, three furnished rooms, use nf nam, three acres of choice bind. Hot 126, Hprlng X'nJley, N, y Tel 93J. Iel.1 ..I1C.330 5IT1I HT. 501 to 207 H Manhattan Tin Hoofliif Co ngt Third Avenue and 61th Hi Co. Inc. et ul, Auc 56. 1911 !.. I HOIIP.HT AV. s, 200 n 166th st -Cr iss, Austin Ireland Lumber Co ngt Wes Hide Maaou Cniitractlng Co el a", Hept t , 1912 1193 3" 1 HMHHST AV, e s, 500 n 156th st Lilan llrica, Ine, agt Oscar I. Lnns el a" Hep' 7. 1915 1511 13 . 31) AV, w s, to s 13th at---Conper It Pol i iock Htruetiiroi iron Works, in., agt N I Life Ins A Trust Co el nl, Hept ! 1911 130 3SD HT, U0 A 172 W -Cooper A Polio k ugt Iiaac I'clern ct al. Hept 36, 1914 no llronx. WII.KINS AV, e s, 390 s Jennings st, J'x i 116 -The Atlas Hiecl I'olumn Mlg . u aK 1 W T Hulllvan et al, Oil 7. 1914 131 316TH HT. X s, 276 f Paulding tfv, 3r.xH0 -l'eter Guiirlnn ngt Lucia Krrlro et al. Hep. temper II. 1914 140.10 THE C0FEEE MARKET. Llltlldnlll(C ( olllllll Iter XVMl Hi-rrlvo J Aiv Hujliikc Orders. 1 AntiMincrmcnt by the (.'offeo ICxclmnge thnt the voluntary Hnuldming committee will receive new buying orders, begin nlng next M. ndrty. liml u etlnuilnlliig of-' feet on futures ut thn nfteniooti session of the coiiiinlttcc'. I)cccmber, uhlch sold In tlm forenoon session nt f.3ii, closed nt l.iO bid, xxlth none, offered under 6.70, The total buUnesi transacted by thn committee amounted lo S,760 lings, h dTK proportlcn of which reprcsenUil switches from Decembor to .March. Tlm notice referring to tho new buying orders follows "For the purpose of fur ther assisting llciuld:itlin on existing con tracts the xoluntary liquidating conimltteo will recelvo lids Irom buers f r new uc counts on nud after Monday, October 19, such buying only to bo supplied from sellers of out Lulling long contrncts, Quotations In the I ,cal epot nurlvel wrre unchanged und bttsliuss xvas quiet. Hlo 7m were held at H'.C, and s 4s at ini4c. Cost and freight offer were also prui'tteally unchanged. Tho Hlo market on Thursday whs steiicly, with No. 7 unchanged at 4$d7.". Kxcbango on l. fulon was lower, at i:'d. cantos wis steady, xvitn .o. 4 imi tela lower, nt tj7oc, md No. 7 iso lower, at 3$DnO. Ho nnd Santos receipts totalled .14. POO bags. Pao I'.mlo had 15,- nnci junuiaLy nun .a.ouu. ( New York nnd Now Orleans warehouse! deliveries of llrnzlllnn coffei. on Thnrs- diy totalled ifl.iil bags, ,nd for the f ut days of the, xvceU they ntnosnt.-.l to nr..- BUSINESS TROUBLES. Tlrsdstreet's report. 302 business failures In the t'nttcd Mates during the week. ( 1ST, IIS and IS" for the nrrer-n'1liiK e.k of 1913 to 1910. The middle maiea irsu ic,.i New iSgland. 35. (southern. C Western, ('.; Nnriliwest.rn. II. nnd lir Western. 7 hansel had fi. agalast 71 for the pre-eillna week. Alcout XT p-r cent of the total num ber of c in. ems filling had capital of Ice. tiian 11 aoo. ant 5 ner rent, had from IS OW io ItO.ODn capital. t Petitions In Ilankniptey. i . OVKltMAN TlltH rOMl'AN'V. ISC. sales- 1 rooms at 1X53 llroadwuy und factory at I ,f live fr'lfy founll a'reet petltl.,0 In' t. micron', 'V ni.,1 for creditors hy lllau. , Zaikin a "ohem "'f': ... ij.,.ml,.f. 1? nirfe n nreferentlal nav- ment of lie 00 to ibe Manhattan lliibtier Comnany The enmpnny was incorporated .. t i.l .... I,i r.lir,mri'. IfitS. with no. Ital stock 13.000.000 lidviiril It Perkins Is president und there are u number of wealthy nidi on the Ijo-ird of directors Jilds" M.l.vcr uppolnltd 11 W 11 Ilr.cnn reseller, bond, I "..000 The re, elver wi.s authorized to tarry on hustne.s for ten days. Illau. Zalkln I'ohen e-.ld that the wer Pel ween Jcncjg inn Icic- uoo. .uid that the assets were more than I i:o.l)00. i ALOIS KiHIN CO, INC , manufacturers' of . halns. Ac. 1-1 Maiden lane, pe-.ltlon ! In bankruptcy by creditors The corpora- linn Weill inn. ,iiiii, iniioii r,v,',,cM-, i nn. I made Henry 11 Sluccr trust The business was started In U10. Judgn Mayer would not appoint a reclver yes terday a Mr, Singer could liquidate the culnes as trustee Llibr.ltlcs atviut llfio.000, Including secured and contln- gnt nombial asseis. 1100.000. , ISAAC LHVAN illltSTKIN. men's and women's rurnnmng i04 rrn avenue and ut Centrevllle. Sullivan county. New York, petition In bankruptcy by creditors. Liabilities, 12.100, assets. UOO. He bfirun blislnesa In 19a PKINHKHU rKINIIKHH, INC.. pla"" gllisa, 433 West Pony -second street, an aesignment to Morris II Arnold A petl lion in bankruptcy was also filed against the corporation by credltora. The busi ness was started ten years ngo and waa Incorporated on January 2. IMS, with capital stork of 120,000 Sarhrry I. I'eln berg Is president HHOADWAY HICYCI.r. ANII ACTO SHP 1'LY COMPANY -Petition tn bunkruptcy filed by creditors against Ssllm (ihlr. trad ing as the llrosdwny lllcycle pnl Auto Supply 0 Vesey etreet It Is alleged that he Is Insolvent and bos trans ferred real estate, merchandise and ac counts to the nmount of 115.000 Ltahl'l tles. J9.000, asseis, 12,000, He l.eran busi ness In 1.911 TH KODCHll'l KCONOMl', clerk, nf III Wast Thirty-seventh street, formerly dealer In Itallsn and Oreek produce, nied a petition In bankruptcy: liabilities, 128, 931; ussets, 11, 1117, In accounts. Ileceltera Appointed. TA1IACCHINI - 1)1 AM ANT COMPANY -Judgo Mayer has appointed Samuel J. Itawak receiver for the Tabicchlnl-DIa-mant Companv. manufacturers of women's huts, of II West liath atreet and 111 Lenox uvenue. to aerie without compen sation. Liabilities, 13,000. Schedules lilcd. HHNJAMl.N" SPIIIKI. phonograph", II p. lalicey street; schedules u bankruptcy shoes' llubllllles of 14,101 and assets of U,03. Assignments. SLVOnit DUOS A NniClllllOItHN, whole, sale dealers In butter unci egg, id; Heado street) assignment to Mim Kanluk Hie partners uro bam and David Singer und Lena Nalgsboren, They began business In July. mis. M-MI'IUIAY'S. -Frederick Cirltnn Dav., Alfret K.dwnrd Davis and Alice Mabel II, vl, lllncWI.vr. IriHInu u. II. M,,...'. deiler In dry anuda. v.lcjd i:ibIhi, veiiu.! nsslgnment to I.esier II Kelson They be. anil ousineaa in rcapieiiuier, isus. PUBLIC UTILITIES. Surplus earnings of the Columbus Hallway. Power and Light Company available for dlvl- 'lenus cm ine common sioch nave i-en eleaillly ' growing smaller Dross and net enrninss him. , been showing some gains, hut Intern! elurgea nave neen nmunting, ueing u.ui higher In Aii.ust than In July and 11.21", hither than In June Tlm rutin of operating costs tn rrnss was M per cent, lu Autust last nnd f,t per cent In June. Gross for August was II, Mf larger man ior Jiny; operating e,enses wrre less and tie! increased I:1 n nver ilie hr.n.rlin, month. Aflrr providing for Interest charms. tasrs nnd dividends on the first and second preferred slock, there was a surplus for the month available Iur depredation, renewals mid dividends on iho siinmmi suck ul ;3,4i, a .h.ii,,i,s e s -,.i f..v .i,,i. -ci.. I..!... .... the innimon slock lor Jul was eini'ivalenl m '.;i;idu,r'fn7,i:l;!;jea ncrlcidW1Vi, .....n,n , COmniOII dllidendt All nylletby electric pronertles for the eeU ended October 2.. report new biislneas cmi tracten ior as iniinws i t'nt ctiHtoniers, with. ,.v niici", ,ii,.i(,,. ,i ,ii r... iiurai ioM,r In motors Tho tut eonncied load uaui for the week was KIT customers with 'st kilowatt, lighting load and II., hnrae-poner In moiois Oulinll of the properties fur the week whi 77s,1'i7 kilowatt hours, n run of Hi per cent over corresponding week of last j,r Msn ' d gas output for the sretk ruined .a psr ma. , , Jr., To GEORGIA and FLORIDA Whire you can get into light clothes and spend your days in th open, your evening in tocial relax ation, and your night in deep healthful deep. New York to Savannah nmrrT connictiosb ron Jacluwatilla Mai Ausita Allaata Mnalaikua MsatftairT AMI A IX SOUTUIIIN IX) IMS Full particular!, am, and litttaiurt from citv TicgcT orpica oi i-iptm av. , WM'l orriat, plerOi. Narlh aim White Star ITSM OLYMPIC LONDON la Lla.gnw Ol 11:00 xw lTLir IV'tVJL JL A. ill. New York Queenatown -Liverpool llaltle Orl.31, noon Adriatic Oct. IN, noon tN. Y. & "Boston Italy tGrcecc via Azores and Gibraltar ('annplf ,m 41,11am 1 1 Inland ov, 17, noon American Line Under the American Flag New York -Liverpool Nf, Pen I, l) t.l T. noon .New Vork.llct It. noon AtlanticTransportLine New York London Mln'iTka,i)rl.'i4,lOam xtlnha,ort.:il.H::iOam fnmpali)' itltlii-, II llroadway, . X. CUNARD EilaUiihti IS40 Fastest Steamers in the World. , , . . . Aquitania, Lusitania, Ivlaurctania SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL ISI 11.11. CI III 4 IIA.MlHI. x i tnrrTA Ml A T'..I n,t 71 M iniu.irauni lu'1""' .' mx 1 rrancoiua i)at., (Jct.Jl, lUAm ; LUSITANIA . .Wed.. Nov. 4. 1 AM 'Laconia .Sat.. Nov. 14. 1 0AM .Sat.. Nov.21. 10AM Sat.. Nov. 28. 10 AM 1 Transylvania i Fraticonia. . GENOA. NAPLES. MALTA, PATRAS j L.AKI A 1 W1A Sat.. Oct. 31 CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Ltd. 21-24 Slats Streat, New Yoik. ritHM'll LINK Compagnle Generals Transatlantlqua. Direct Line lo Havre (Kranee). General Agency. 1 Mate Ht., .V. V. AlilVl Mi:XMsI. LINKS. Clyde-Ma. lory Ward 1'orto Hlco Llnea. 290 Hro.lctv,iy, New York. OLD IIOM1MUN LINE I To all points tSnuth allcl West. Kvery Waakda IP M, I'ler 26 North Itlvsr. Tel. 3100 Franklin PANAMA and West Indies SatMiiae ' Wiolneslas .ind taturdas Mend for booklets , fnlted l"rull Company, 17 llattery Place, N.V, , - - , lKAMsllll' 'Ut'kCTH la as pert, ORlclal Aganl M lilts, I llaymasd A Wtoltrama C. til Alb As., K, T, l . mi. KOV.VL MAIL HTKAM PACKET CO. itegulur sailings to Barmuda and Wast Indlaa. la son s Ion. Osa. Acta., 12 Hate St. - rark'a Orient Crul.r, I.I.. 14, f lull np s. s. nnrr,iain. I', v. tbirL, Times llldg., N, V. Ideal a. ation ltesort III) TO HKHMl l Days from N Y Hound Trip lis up AnvAat ilH IC-c i Ctaome bin Itessivatlons Hy All Llnea, Ocean MeamSlliP and coastwise Hate. A Infarma- 11,1,1, i'An i heerfu.'y Olven. MAHS- . ,rHBl5 -- -- - THUS. i:i IP WAY, N T City. DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS. Company and Term. Stock, Amt. Payable. Sears-Kuehuck, quar terly com is;ej, Nov. IS Jacksonville Traction. iusrtrrly pfd II. SO Nov. t Jacksonville Traction, quarterly com 11.75 Nov. I Cape Hretnn Hlectrlc. Ltd., semi-annual . pfd II Nov. 2 Cape llreton Hlectrlc. Ltd., semi-annual . com 13 Nov. 3 Atlantic Terra Colta, quarterly pfd 1 Oct. 31 Trenton Potteries, quarterly pfd 1". net. 21 CouUgaa Mines. Ltd.. 6". Nov 2 Hood llubhtr, quar terly pfd ls.r. Not. 2 Thomas II. Plant. qusrterly pfd 11.73 Oct. 2 Mills, semt. annual 18 Nov. 2 Hangar Hallwav und Hlectrle, quarterly., com 't Nov. 3 Public Service Invest ment, quarterly. pfd It CO our, 3 Army and Ntj Orders. WAHIIINIITON. Oct 14. These army orders were Issued to-dayi Second Lieut. J. P. Lucas from unasslgned list to Thirteenth Cavalry. Second Lieut W. II II Morris, Jr., from uncisstgned list to Ninth Infantry Chaplain J ) Houlihan, Fifth Cavalry, transferred tn Second Plold Artillery and alanlcu. Col W. r lltuuvelt Is relieved from duty with Tenth Infantry and to tho United States Capt. v. r.. ciarn. aviation ntneer signal Corns in 110.1011, ..ins.., tor course in ju- .,111111, of TechnoluCl . i First Lieut It. It Welshlmsr, Coast Ar- llll.l), ,,.,,, ,,, ..u..,. it'ouvni. (ianerul's dapartment and to coast defences of the Delnwure Capt S 1" Dallam, Quartermaster Corps, from detail In that corps and assigned to Ninth Cavalry. These navy orders wora Issued! Lieutenant-Commander S. I. M, Major from nasal attache, Paris, to the North Co roll on. Kn.lsn V S. Wilkinson from assistant to null attache, Parts, to the North Carolina. 1 nslrn D. C. Kdgar from tho Montana tn the Smith. r.nslgn L. K. Porde from the Montana to the Sterett. Misign r. II. coiner from the Montana to lbs Walks. I Hiislgn A. S. Merrill from the Missouri ' t".!," ,., .... I Lnslgn H . Paine from the Patterson ' 'ruins . Lnslin II r , the Patterson. Keep from tho Jenkins to 1 . ,:""JB" ,,' ,n:LJ.'" M"u ,rmn th New To,, ,h. Connecticut the Lag,, I" ' e I !) l II f I l ll U I l',l. K. II McKHterlrlr frnn, I..I.I,. . "V. .' '.!' Vi t'-'i"!.. ''..'. '..'..'. 1 aiaiion, iireui i,uue,. in, in ins i;ag e ' .ame,!,. .isilnn in two month, ., Passed Assistant Surgeon N T McLean i lu trsiitineni naval porpuHi, ivusnington Murine Corns. Major A V C.itiln tram the Wyomtnr to Hie New York; ('apt F i. iiruciinan irom iu ma ine narre hs uuan tanamo. to N'orfcc k imriarka. c.iut c 1". ! u (inn of KOO In rlpcclal fessiona letter w'1,l.,m,c..,.r.?m .au.m :..V"r l.!""'1 J.'.": I day for imllltiK t-tli without u llrenM al Hrtgade, Vera Crut, lo returns dutlta Uor V?.C'. 'A... '.. "?"'"' '. ;'.". !.'" oik harracKs WEATHER FORECAST Wnshliiirfon Prnl id inns for To diiy mid To-niorrorr. Per eastern New York, rnln lo.ds.i t fair lo-morrou moderate east In soulbeast Kinds. Pur Sen- Jemey, riln to day; sllght'y, f.ilr to-morrow; moderate eaut to suuth wltids. I'or western Ne York, local r.ilns to-day. partly cloudy to-morrow; moderate shifting winds. , SKW YOIIK, Oct, 17 -Unln and elmidy een I dltloiis continued icsterdxy urar all aerlloivs eat nf the Mississippi Hlver, except In the I upper lake regions nnd the lower MlMlsMpp! Valley, caused by an aren of moderate deprea slon central over eastern Missouri Tlio preesum was also low oier the North I west and the ettremo South wet, hut there I was no other disturbance, and tbrnuehout the West the weather ski reiirrally fair. It was warmer In the Northwest and over eastern sections, but cooler In central porta of Hie country The only frceilng trmperMurra were In Art ron a. In thla dlv the day was forrr and rainy warmer, wind, tight east lo northeast: averse humility, 'A per cent ; barometer, corrected te, read to sra lex el, al s A M 3!.J; 3 P. M., :.9i The temperature In this rlty yexterdxr, s recorded by the nfflclal thermometer, Is shown In the annexed table: mil. 1113 I 1014 A. M . M- 47 n P. t . . . . f 13 M av ap a p. M . . iti" 3PM til" IS" 13 Mill .... OJ" Illf hext temperature. M". at fl A. M 101.1. at nv Cotton Htiites Weather. Tor North Carolina and Houth Carolina fair to day and to-morrow; moderate aouth and southwest winds. Per tleorgla, fair to-day and to. morrow, slightly warmer; light southwest to wat winds. rur Alahxmix and Mississippi, fair to-day nn'l to-morrow, warmer tomorrow; 1ht shifting winds For Louisiana, fair to-day and to-morrow; tight shifting winds. Kor ea'tern and western Texas, fair to-day ana to-morrow; moderate south wlnda. Por Oklahoma, fair and to.morrow; warmer. MARINE INTELXIOEJICE. MINIATUIIR ALMANAC. .. M' " Sunrises. SHO, Sun sets. ...M3'toon rises IIIOII WATKIt THIS DAV. All I AMI Sandyll'k .SJIOov.lland .&r2,Hell Oats 1U 401 au 7 4? LOW WATCH THIS DAV. ! AMI AM SandyH'k.ll.Unov.Island.l3.n)lIell Oale.. ,3i Arrled-nm)AV. October 1. Ss Olympic. t:i 1'. t , Kourock. October l. naitic. : A, .si . Llrerpool, October 7 Ssl Aiollnn E. ric I'erci. 7 A. It., iellle. Sep tcmlerss. Ss splendor, 3 1' M . Catnnl.i. September i, Ss Hlver Hrlaware, .) 1' ,M., Oran. Sepiem her 25 Ss Kelilnbank. 7 31 A. M . St Lucia. October n. .NsAlltanca. 415 A. M Cristobal. October 10. Sn Karnliam. 11 P. M., Thursday, Clrnfurtos. October 7 Ss Peter Hamre. P. II.. Thursilar. Turka Island, October B. Ss Mnrnras, I A. M.. Urenada, October 0, Ss l'rtmu. IS A. M., SI. Lucia. October a. .Ss 'omct, Sabine, October a. Ssltadlant, Port Arthur, Tel.. Ortober I. ,S j.Mohawk. Jackronvtlle. October IS. Ss Altamaha. Port Arthur. Te., October a. SsHlHla. Halirston. flelnber in Ssi Ity nf Mnntgomenj Savannah. October II. ... '.. j...,, ., t f, ..n, nillinii Ss Jcrtorson, Norfolk. October 13. Ms Mis-ea. nosion. October IS. Ss MacU.nii, Norfolk. 0iolr It. SaClty of Durham. Philadelphia. October It. hat, V Stoiidard. Ilo.ton. October II. Ssl'.iwnee. Phlliulelphla. October IS. MsUmtward Ho, Ualtlmurr, October li. SAII.KH I OH Nl'.W YOHK. S Hrederlk VIII., from Chrlstlansand. Ss Danube, from Klnjstou. AHHIVI'.I) lTtOM".NT.W YOHK. Sp Ducn d'Aosta. al Genoa. SsCedrlc. at Liverpool. Ss Chicago City, at Urlstol. Otn COINirsTKAMSHIPS. Sail To-day. Malls Vessels Sail. 11 fi) M 13 in M smPM 12 no M 12 is) M 1 (l P M 2 00 P M 3 no P M I 00PM II isl V M 13 no M III Oil A M Pi rn , M 12 II) M :t m p M 1 fl P I is) P M 3 no p t 12 no M .1 on p M .1 is) P XI 3 00 P U 3 00 1' M 31 P M 3 I.) P M 1 IO P M 3 00 P M 1 no P M 2 l P M :i is) Pi.M 3 (l P M .IOii P M I is) P M 3 U) P M Close, a 30 A M a 3D A M 12 ID M (1 A M 0 SO A M St, Taul, Liverpool Dura ill Henoia. Naples, Hocbambcau, Ilnvie.. I Ilrn.M. Kei, .lit.n Mandevlllr, Jamaica.. , aaraioga. Havana 10 ul A it ' Al'nmiuln, Santo Domlnco. 12lM ciuiiiiiiiii. mo jnniini 12 00 M Iksrla. Mnnteviileo.. .. 12 00 M . . 6 M A M Zulu, Curacao,. Pannonla. (Glasgow', . .iwirqueiie, iinann Samlancl, Lomlnn Ilorrnqiiln, Sun Juan Mohawk, Jacksonville.. Santlsgn. lialveston Alamo. Tampa.. C Ity of Montgomery, Sa vannah.,.. Antilles. New Orleans Jeflerson. Norfolk I'l Sol. tialveslon Chippewa, llninswlck 1 Sail Monday. October 10, , Japanese prince, llahla 12ii l 3 AurheiicTaf. Hlo Janeiro L'OM IVI.I.f Mn...-l.l... , Hn.tlllus, '.Mnnlsvlden'.!'. IfliftAM lilnccss Anne, Norfolk Sail Tuesday, October 20. nrrgcnsflord. Ilergen 10 1") A M San (in irllelmii. Naples.. . II.UIAM Madonna, Marseilles, ,. . California. Ilairc. . City of Columbus, Savannah Arapahoe. Jacksonville Hamilton, Norfolk .. lNCOMLVtrsTKAMSHIPS. uue 1 onlay. Soperra Orion Meldrtskln... I arolyn . . . Thriulotoclcs Tennyson..,. llayauion Mexican New York.... (ilo . Santa Crur... Meilco Almerla .Oct. la Naplr sept. 2a Colon Oct. I Ilalboa Oct. 7 Palras Sept. JS Hlo Janeiro Sept. so Prottiso Oct, io Crl'iubal .Oct. v l.herpool Oct. in Lisbon Oct .1 Ilalboa Oct, a . .. era Crut Oct. 10 Ilu e To-ninrruw. . Hnre Oct 10 Ulasgniv.. Oct PI Patraa Sept. 17 Harrrlnna Oct. La Touralne Camrronla Crlos Herm Calllno City of Columbus,. Hottcrdam Oct. 1 . .Savannah . ... Oct 1.', Jacksonville.... Oct. t:. Arapanoe. Duo Monday, October 111. Mlnncwnska London Oct to La Plandre .... Hottcrdam . Oct I I.etn. Hotteritam . Oct t 1 ague SanJunu Oct tl Cosmo. San Juan Oil ll Conccttlim ill (ilorglo . Jamaica . Oct ll III Orlenic. fjalvindnn. Oct 1 Proteus. New Orleans . Oct 1 Inrnmlnir Vraaelse n jr Wlreleaa, Ss Santa Crui. San Francls,si. ,711 miles eolith of Sand) Hunk at ininit yesterday Ss Kl Mutiiln, (lalireton, sw miles southeast of (lalvestnn bar at noon. Ss Illinois, Port Arthur, S3 miles south nl Diamond Shoals at noon S .Mexico, Vera Crur, i'l miles south of Sandy Hook at 7 P .M Ss Arapahoe, Jackonrllle. t!7 miles south of Sand) Hook ut 7 P M Ss haiiiue. .Mobile, Ik, miles south of Tamp Par at 7PM Ss Medina, li.ilvrstnn, ' mllea west of Tor tutus at 7 P. M St Proleus, New Orleans, 77 mllea south ol Jupiter at nuoii. Ss Kl Orh iile, (Jalicstnn. H miles south of Jupiter al noon Ss Cty of Columbus. Savannah, :: miles south of Diamond Shoals at 7 P. M. Moseincilta of Nasal Vessels, WASHINGTON, Oct IC, - The cruissr North Carolina has arrived ut llalrut. ttipplv ship Celtic at Key West, tender TonopaL .uid tlestroyecl Mufdnnuugh ami submarine D-I. II-.' US. HI. Iv 1, K-2 Tv'.-s London, transport Hancock ut Monte Chrlsi lug Yuukloii at Hamilton Itoads, destroye Preble ut Sun Francisco, battleships ileorsi anil New Jersey and tug P,iiapiao tt ..mill cm drill grounds tug Hc.-h.-t at U.ashlugioi The irutsccr Des Mnl.ies a.. Te.i fn progress for,, N, il ec.r.r Nereus from Haniplon lioads for Veru cru supply ship Areihus.i frum Port Arlbur f New port, co.'ler Mars from siurfoik r Philadelphia, lug oularto fiom Huiiip'n for New York Clulser llillelgh f-oi, San ICraiirlfi-o tor San Diego, submarine:) H 1. II It 3 front ban Franc!,,, for bai Pedro, transport Prulrl from Sancben fm New,urt. It. I , via .Monte Chrlsil and Cap Ha)tlen. tcirpcdu Uutt ('huuticty frum Jo.u . for .amlioanga and cruiser Ctn.Innatf from ' Shanghai for Nagasaki 1 1 try I II" Toolli Puller Senleneed. i. It. Peiiirjiiin, nn wis sen- fenced to aervu three iiioiiIIih nnd py 1K mide.t avenue Till. 1,1. tt.UA 4S Third avenue. conviction.