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I 1 1(5 4- HER OWN NEIGHBORS TO TRY MRS. CARMAN TnIe.Miieii From Frceport nnil Home (if .Mrs. Haili'.x, (hi1 Municrcd Woiiuni. NEW ItKVOLVKl? WITXKSS Mts'ior.A. I. I, Oct. Ifi. rUlrlrt Attor :ey !.vl .1. Smith, It xn learned tn-drtj-, -vlll t'H'font evldenee ut tlin trial of Mr.". Florenee Ciirniuli, oh, Hired with lmvlnir Wiled Atri. I.iiIii llnlley. which will tend to prnx-e Hint fonie time hefore the murder n H rnllliro rei'ulver wan In Dr. Oar tmn's limine, .Mt-!! llnlley xvn- killed with a 3S I'lillhro outlet when In Dr. Oirtmn'n office. Tho wriereiiliout" of the revolver with which Mr?. It'tllex wnn Ulllcil In one of the present niy-trrle.s. nf tin' ense, mid thn failure nf tlin iroeeutlon to fltnl It Is nni" of tlif niont ImiMirtiitit ivenknc"."e.i cif thn proMi utlon. Tin' nlirht nfter tho murder Sheriff Stephen I'ettlt found ii nutty old weapon In tin' (".iriniui hune, but It wiim In urh ihnpe that It contil not have horn fired, And tlm Inability of Plutrlet Attorney Smith tn trnro any tevnlxer to Mr. l'nr mm will ! made inttrli of hy tho defence. Niiv, however. Mr Smith Ii.'ik a nv witness, I.ynn Smith of Freepnrt, who. the niMrlct Attorni'.v expect. Mil" enenr that he tlrnt linnil l.nouledEc that n .US t;itihrr imiiiIxit i.m III tho ('arm. in liimwe. .lohii .1 lit.ilimn. chief attorney for tho defence !"h!i lo-ilnv that If Smith l iroliiK 10 testily to thl ho will rofor to a period nlno hack. Dr I' iidtnfttcd nt tho Coroner' Inquest that mint' yearn iiko. In IiIh hunt ing d.iy. ho rifles, nml "evernl rovol x'rs In hi homo Dr Carman han testi fied, however, that all those w "ont to hl farm In New .tot my ncicnil years n,o. It wiii nlfo learned that I.ynn Smith hnfl tlnanrliil dealing with Mn. ("nrmnn oino vpiii iiko, nnil Air Graham Kave 1h Impricloii that ulnre then they Imvc not bun tho bet of friends. (JoorKc AI. I.evj of counsel for the defence nld.s that he once opiMiseil I.ynn Smith In nome Uku'. proi'ieilltiKC. apil Intlmateil that Smith lorn not fiel friendly toanl h'm hecm of tho iiiiti'ome if thin nicetlni: In coin t A report that the Dlstrlet Attorney hail found the two n 'inen who vr wiitlnif to nen Pi. the tiiirht the nhootlni: cocurrcd nnil who ran out of the house hcfOlo thev rulllil be lililltllli'll will not lonri If N IntlniHtiil that thiM to women will tetlf nt th trial nml tell of eelne Mm ("arinnn iinf tlirntmh the hallwnx 'f her home with a revolver In her haml. A pei Hilarity "f the lunel of 150 tale mrn ilrawn for tho trial of Aim. Carman la that nearly a lvlf of them live nil lilt j .1 few iniliw of IVeeiinrt. In whlrh vlllnife .Mm Ilalley wnt Killed, ami nenrlr a 'Wen live In HempctiHicI, whleh was the home of the murdered woman. .Meanwhile a movliiK picture company trvlnc to cot Aim. on the film.'" and han offered. It Ik rojmrteil. $l"fi.. Ofln If she Will i'OIIetlt to be star per- 1 former in a nix reel drama bineil upon the murder of Aire. Ilalley. Tim fTer i ntalln the use of the Carman home, and the plan Is to put nil the actor 'n the leal life dratn.i throuch thlr aetual movemenls beforo the film. The part of thoe who won't perf -rm w.ll be mki'n b iietoii. Tin i e will 1m the fare 1 .ppini; s-ene In Dr C.irniiin'H .ifllee, wlvn Airs. Car man burt in upon Air A'irinee. i nure. nfbr .iiedropphiK at the window: the dleioariph hcene, with Aim Carman In the . h'thex eloi t In her own room llt .nlne while women pitlent uf the doctor mid him their tr.iuhles; the murder scone, th Inipiest. te arrest mid tlnally the tilnl. It will he Impolble to write thU lnt si no until the Jurv has made lt ileeln'nn It l doublful thai .Mrs. C.irm.m ,wlll nrrept the movlptt picture offer. altholIKh the Jinn nan nifered would pay nil the ex penses of the defence nnd leave her with 11 no-it profit besides BRONX SUFFRAGISTS IN COURT. Jllrnl OrnnliltloM III riiclil lcr lllitht lo .Nome. A quarrel betwi en two crcanlzntlons of Hrnn woim-n eac'i clalmlnR the r'ST't to e.-ill themiehes the Itronx Woman Ptlff nilTe I.CIIUUe. IKII1IO hoforn the Ap pellate Dulsioii if the Supreme Court j fii'r1i on an application by one or panizalioii f"r a temporary Injunction i training the other from ulnK the name penrtlnc a ault fo- a permnnent lnjunc. linn. The defondatits named nro Airs. Anna Ibirvnt llolbert and Mrs. Amy "Warner Ilotchhlss, "aetlnc n the Ilronx ASi'iiiiin" I."iuue and Women' J'nlltlenl I'nlon of Hroux County." Tile court found It Impossible to de termine the rlKhts of the parties because of the blttcrnesi of thn quarrel nnd hi csuse the .'iffldnvlts on one sldn nre met bv iiffldavlti on the other. Tho court ruled that the piestlon must remain in- i decided until tho trial. The Hronx Woman SuffmKe lynsue ' Inc., alliRis t'nt 'he iis'oclatlon was' formed last e.'r with Airs. llolbert its! president and Airs, ilotchkls as sere. tnr Snhsenuently Airs, Harriot Stanton .rflntoh. head of tho Women's 1'olitlcal Tnlon. offered tln orranlratlon J30 a year and The Ilronx women voted to worlt with Airs, match's urbanization. Differences aroe and .Mrs Jlolhert and AIr lloti'hKlxs were removed from office. It Is nlleKCd that the two defendants tn pursuance of a plan to cheat tho plaln 1lff and deceive tile public used the plain, tiffs name in connection with tho sate if tickets for n ball and entertainment. LORD GRAY LOSES U. S. WIFE. .Arifilicl lleiidersiin. Who Iteeiinie I.nily (irnj In prll, im I'ree, Ixml .lames IVniRlns Moore ilray failed to iippenr III the Supreme Court yesterday to defend the nniiulnii nt suit bmuKht ntmlpst him by l.mlj flray, who wns Annbel Henderson before she ncrpilied thn .title by innrrlnne Inst April, and In ten minutes tho youthful plaintiff became Anabi'l Henderson anatn by a decree nf Justice ribneilch. The couple met last spring at a charity ball nt the Hotel Aslnr Lord rjray hail come here from I'liKlnnd as engineer for ,i Canii'Kle Institute expedition sent to thn Tar North. The couple tn turned together and In thice wieks they were uiaiiied at the Mat bin ColleKlate Church, Tho brldn'H iiinrrliiKc was opposed by her patents, Mt nnd Mrs Charlis A. Unndeisoh, and after the couple had no-opted scvetal enBMKe incuts as public dancers they sepnrnted. .Mrs, Henderson then (lied suit tn annul her ilniiEhler's marrliiKe on the ground that she was only IS jears old, Ixiirl (Irnv. who Is :;3, Ntudled ut Klon and i Irlole CollcKe. PRINCETON'S "BIGGEST" MAN. nonnri! rroellcU nf Ilrnnklyn eln hii Adilllloiinl llfiiiitr, Pjunckton, .V ,1., Oct, Id. Howard rroellck of llrooMyn Ih the "blmrst" man. as tho term Is use. I hero. In student life at l'rlncetnn I'nlverslt.r. This nfter noon the additional honor of tin, pres. ilency of tho m-nlor clans was thrust upon Mm b bin clussmales, He Is now the president 0f n)s ,.jaill innnairer of thn football team nnd chair mnn of the senior council, combination of honors that rarely falls to one student. 31c m,i elected president for a term of livo i cn f.w Realty Taxes Too Heavy, Mayor Tells 200 Dealers Commission Xow Seeking New Sources of C'il. It'evenue, lie S.'i.vs. and Legislature Will He Asked lo Trans late Recommendations Into Laws. SURPRISES CON VKXTIOX PKIKGATKS 15V II IS VOUTII Alo.-e thiin IftO ilelesutrs tn the ronven tlon or the Kstato Association of the 'State of .New York In session at the Hotel Astur Jesterday heard .Mayor Alltehel no Into details la regard to tho plans of tho city government for rediic InR the cost of government nnd rellevhic reijl estate of somo of Its liiirdens, so thnt tho tn rate limy be reduced. It was tho llret convention of real t-stat Interests ever hehl In this city. Atost of thoso present raine from the larger cities up Ktntn where such problems ns New York city faces have to be solved, so .Mayor Mltchel's words wire enthu siastically recelid,iis IndicntlliK the lie BlnnliiK of an effort to cut down thn cost of Koernmetit iidmhilslratloii throUKhout the State. When the .Mayor nrrhed at the hotel the reception commltten wan lit limclioori and nobody was thet.. to nrrlvn lilm. The Alaor found his way to the ronwn tlon lloor, where he was not ncoKtileil, lie waited for n few minutes for som bod'. to say "How d' do."' and when uolsidj did ho walked across the lloor nnd checked his anil hat Then he folded his arms and stood around InokiiiK rather puzzled until a new stupor nun ca-lled his presence to tho attention of one of tho del"K,llis. "I didn't know New Yolk hnil n boy for a A'ayor," later remarked one of tho up-Stato turn, who ndmtted that h" had teen on the lookout for a Alnwor with whiskers and an air of pomposity. William II Alollltt, president of the State association, Introduced Mavor Atlt chel, who proceeded nt once to tell his henrers that this year's burijret will be much less than that of tnt year. Pnrlnic noirn tlir llipense, "The thtnu which affects real estate npparentlv most directly Is the tn rate." be said, "and 'hi t't rite depends um the cost of government There Is no work to which the present city adminis tration .has addressed Itself with more ardor or pnlnst.iklnc cire thin thnt of parlnir down the expense of city eovcrn went In every branch this vear. "It was announcisl some time ;tn our efforts had rentfo. In the submission to the Hoard of IXInvitc of an executive budcet for those departments under the liirlsdlc.lon of the .Mayor In a total .um less than the n" appropriation.- for the 15H. That Is womcthlns wlilch has occurred this year for the first time In tho history of the el'y. "We have before had hudiets thit hurl been cut down to a sum somewhat les than the budre; before, but neve- If-ro wete the iivcn-rate of the reuuets of th" departments under "lie Jurisdiction o' the Al.iyor less than the actua' nrs-ejf.ite of the sums VTted to those dopir merits In the year lefore : and I think that I nm In position toMav to convey 'o you 'he cratir In? Intelllcence that tln npprnprln tlon when they nre made by the Hoard of nstlmntr will be larcely divreised under the uIlowaiice for the name depart ments for he year 1!1I. This will eu down tin- tax rate." The Alayor then reprnted h's p'an, first told of In Tlir Sfx yesferdav. fo- pii'tlin: the ct on a c.ish basis In fnur venrs bv llniinclns mi' of th hud ire- ill .in-1.i'-Mistainlntr Impn. vomer's He nisi ime out rcmly for new s mr co of revenue io th" end that real stut' m i be re. lev. d MUENSTERBERG CAN'T I HOLD HARVARD STAGE! Coiiii'S Prof. Wiciior. Who .(niii.s, Dr. Kliol in I'ruyor for llic Allies. rtosTON. iv-t. 16. WTictho.r or not the Hnnard Collcce Corporation will nccept or r"Jei!t the reslirnatlon of rrof lliuro Muenstcrberj; Is a ipiestk n tint must r--main unanswered until tho next incetlui; of the president nnd fellow s on October 2'i. It I Kenernlly predicted thnt It will not be accepted. There Is a considerable undorcurrent nf fecllnn, however, that it m not good policy for l'rof. .Muenstei Is rn to allow his love of tho I"atherlnnd to lead him Into such strwmr stntetnonts In defence of Cr-nnntiy, for tho mmou that that putt of the public ivhtch .s not In sympnthy with (lerm.iny does not rifOKiilzn thn differenco between the tndlvhiiia; and tlm Institution. Harvard men fear that then college nlll be considered im Upholding the Kaiser In his course The situation has uhuiiKisl consider ably, however, since limt nlKht. wlion Ur. Charles , Kllot, president emeritus, iuh Ilcly took the stand that the I'niteil States should pray for tho nucctss of tho allies, Is'causn It cm only bo through such u result that this country' can bo kept out of the fight. On top of Pr. mint'.", expression of opinion conies Prof. Leo Wiener of the department of Sialic languages at liar, vara to-day with applause fl)r )r. i;nf,t. lie declared that l'rof. mint struck tho kenotn of the whol.i situation.'' "His unmistakable utterances volen the truo feeling of all that la best In Ameri can life," sas l'rof. Wiener "Tho UnlKd States cannot retain Its sympathies lu the present crisis nnd keep Hh spoct. While I do not link for any actual asslatnpiM from tho Cnlttd State.! In be half of the ulllea I do feel that this country must nne out uneipilvnrally mid eiiuswH Its true position within tho' next two months. "An lor l'rof. Muensterberg I cannot dis cuss thnt ense at present. I only thank iTovinence that I have no more in com mon with the Illustrious, Major Clnrerwo Wiener th..n to b no unfortunate, ns to have the same name." M0R0SINI HEIRESS UPHELD. Aopelliilr Dlilslon It nl,- Amilnst Her l'l-l'ollceninn llnsliiiiid. The Appellnte nivlslon of tho Supreme Court affirmed yesterday tho decision oi tho lower court striking out twelve of eighteen paragraphs of the complaint In the suit of Arthur M, Werner, the ox policeman, ntralnst hi wife, Mrs. olulin, Moroslnl Werner, to recover $10,000 a year for life. Counsel for Werner con ceded that without the allegations which havo been stricken out by tho court It will bo dllllcult for his client to win his case. Among thn paragraphs, of tho complaint thrown out nro nllegivtlons that tho de fendant hns property worth over $1,500, 000; thnt the plaintiff resigned from the 1'ollce Department on the defendant's promise to keep htm from want for thn rest of his life, and that for soven years he had charge of the defendant' eatntn, Elmhurst, and djuhurncd $7.'i,000 a year without receiving any compensation. The cajni must now be tried solely on 'Wemer'a allegation that his wife made the agreement to pay hint $10,000 a year. THE SUN, of somo of the bin. leu It now bears. Mr. -Mitchell said that there Is to-day In session In the city an advisory commlvilon tiHn taxation, which he Appointed as one of his early arts after taklntf otlloe as Alayor. Thnl commission wait npiMilnte.1 n.s n result of the iIIjciissIoii of the fUe tlon on untaxing InilMlriK . but It had a broider commission than merely tn brlnir l.tek to the Hoard of KMhnato rivoinmeii- I'ltlons with regard to thnt question. Its dutlos Include a study of the wholo th'ld of taxation, and particularly the poslhll l y of ili-vl-lnc and utlllzlnu new ource of city icvi'iine "I"or one r feel that the burden that nsts Us)li real tutate to-day Is heavy," thn Alayor went on. "and If wc can wisely devise new Miurces of revenue to IlKhten that burden. If possible, to balance the additions, the Increases In the budget tint will take place by reason of the Inclusion of public Improvements, I for one will feel that that commission. If It did nolh liii; else, would li.iio Justifies!, and moro than Justified, Ita npiiolntmcnt. Vimv "iiMiri'es of Jtieniir, "I hop" that Iniludid In ton bgisl.i- j t x o protrrnmnie winch the city of New Vork Will present to the next I'RlsIature mm may have time tn include sonv lettls Intlon tint will Kl"o the city b-oader I isiwcrs to deieloji for Itbclf theso new I sources of city revenue " Applaus.. Kreeted the Alayor'd statement I that he was in favor of such legislation i us would reduce the number of Inspe,;. lions of hulldliurs which are now neces sirv under tho present jaw This Is one of the most Important milters belnt an! I tated In the teal estate world. It has le i j lo the snKI-ostiiin nf legislation which will 1 combine Into one department all presi nt 1 departments and nure.ius hai In to do with hu'ldluc or bulldllik' Inspection, j 'I take It" sa.i' the Alayor. "tint we all roooi:nl7o the foot that supervision and reuulntlon of various classes of business and occupation -1s sumethllmr that han como to stay Ik soiiiethlm; that Is de mandeii by the social proitress of the com munity. It t"vnics thereforo a duty of Rovernment not to nttempt n down ward step, but rather to devise menus of mnklnir the necessary nnd tnevlt.ibli.' su pervision nid remilntion as llirht and as ' little irksome as mi be. We hfHi- by i i-onsol'dntlon nnd cooperation to cut down ( the number of inspections, I do not menu , lo i ut down Inspection, but to cut down I the number of Inspections nnd tho dupll I rntlon of Inspection." 1 Aluch lntert whs aroused In the eon 'ventlon by n d'.cuslon over n proposed ' hill to license all real estate brokers. I'p Stite brokers and operator irenenJIy , spoke li favor of such n measure, while , locnl interests represcntod by members of the Kstnti. Hoard took a decided stand acalnst It I. II. Woodworth of liochi.ster was the ineasureV chief sup m -tor. llo wild scleral States 'lo.v have such laws nnd thai the association h id striven to cot such a js'rfect bill hero as to fully ptotert every lneret Her 1 be-t A. Sherman and I. A Tr"dwell op posod the lilll s() far as New York city Is concerned 1 Air. Treilwell optNs.( tiie bill beeuuse, , ho said. It wojld kep out of the real istnte husltiess a !. umber nf J.m.ill m' n tint the hur'.ness r'-q'ilres. He said that the bis Ne' York brokers lad ir-own from pr'ctlcnlly nothl u. and tin v no no: t fi ar to take their c'inn.'rs with miv :ie BROKERS' WORRY ENDED BY CORN EXCHANGE BAN X ( nil Will Tip MjhIp fur Miir- irin on Lowered "(Sutter' Prices, The important uuoxtlnn of whether Kink loans on Slock Kxchauge collatiral should bo based on the closing prices of July Itn or on the prices being uuotisl In thej .SVw street market was brought pronii-, nniitly to tho attention of the financial community jesterilay by n letter, which has been sent out by tho Com Kxchnnge1 Hank to It Slo'lt exchange clients. There j had tw-.ii reports that Important banks had ris'uiitly reiiuvsted borrow ers. to put) up moro margins on their loans on the i basis of tho lower New stnsit prlciis despite the fact that these prices, worn not ofllclally rocognl7.ol oltlinv by thu banks or hy Stock llxchango houses. Tho letter of the Corn Kxchango Hank Is as follow "Your llnu hns a loan with our hunk which based on tin- closing prices of July "il him (i margin ot 2" per cent or Iwtler The nuestlon has arisen whether 11 Is the duty of tho bank management to continue t" recugnlin the closing limita tions of that ilnt" as the best known Mtluo of tlm securities held ns rollateral In our linns or whether wo should tako cognisance of a.iles made on the curb and ask for margin basisl on those trans aotlonn. Wo havo given tho matter much thought and huo decided to place tho situation beforo each party with whom wo havo a loan Wo desire our loans to bo properly margined and nccordlng In the doling figures of July 30 yours Feem to hov sufllcli-nt margin. "If, however, you believe there have bivn sales of the securities of the i-om-panics whose sj'.isjU you have with ui laigo enough to warrant tho prlco of those sabs to bo recognlred as the correct price ot the stock, and thoso sales hsve n. ilucwl your margin, we would npprei'lnte It If you would call nnd dim'iuw the matter with us. "Considering the situation, we do tint wnnt to make demands which might be 1 considered onerous, but on the other hand we know you will agreo with us proper margining of loans Is very Important. Wo would be pleiifcd to have jour views on the subject." Stock exchange member l'wed the letter with soni" cnno-rii ns tending tn an otllela! recognition of tho New street market prices nnd to linsettlenient of tlin general loan sltuntlon. I'resldent I'jew. however. In a statement Issued tluoiu.ii tlm Stock exchange, lnmln It clear that the bank liail no . itentio" of deinandlng moVo tnnrirln on the htisls of the lowrr Hiiotutlons nnd that thn loan situation had been imillsturheii, "It sending out the letter to our Stock exchange cunlo is imIIIiik attention to the situation ns regards stork loans," Mr. Trow- wan nuoted us saying, "tho managu ment of the bank had no Intention of forcllll? .mi' m.iri'ln m.w.M it. J iixclmnge closed we have rnadn no call'i for additional margin, and have no Inten tion of making any calls now or In the future. "Out of 130 customers communicated with at least 100 answered the letter in tho plens.mtest spirit Imaginable. "The bank had no Intention of mnklng I'ufnfnncn tn tlir. nnlt-i. ni!,..t ... i ' n'-'" tinr ,, ui Jllll, market whntever, but simply to the re. port that stocks were selling nt lower 1 man .liny an prices. The letter contained no Implied threat of action In rase tho loans were not nv-iVlened." SATURDAY, OCTOBER IOWA BANKER TELLS ! OF BIO BOOK FRAUD! ArUiiii C. HiiVdirc Who Itnti for Soinitc. Admits ltiaiii Cmijrlit for 87.1100. HA IT LETTKH TS OFFKHKI) Aithur Savase, who was formerly j In the banking liuslness 1ii Adair, la., , and who locently ronteiidisl ut tho primaries with Senator Kenyon for thj Itepubllcnn nomination for the Itnlted .States Senate, iiddoil morn testimony yes-, terday to that which Judge 1otnr nml 1 a Jury In tho !7nlted Stales DIstHot j Court havo bei-n hearliiK about tho AtiKlo-i American Authors Association and Its I buslnrss niclhoils, Ills experience was with Samuel llnsenfrld, who wm rccetill) senteticisl to from four to iK yiuirM wltli (Ilenn Tarnicr, the sou of Jmne.s J. Kiinner, one of tho defendanta In tho present action When asked what Ills occupation was Air. SaviiKo replied that he wa "not occupied now." Ho Mild ho met ltoaen feld In Imbiuiue. Ia on Seiitombcr 26. 1911, nnd bouRht from him u Mfo of Lincoln, In twenty-thnv vtilumes. In-1 cludltiR n volumo of manuscripts, n l.lfol of N'upoli'on, In thirty-two volumes. In-1 cludlni; it xolume of m.ititlsrrltA. and the j fiueijim of IJnKlatiil. hi M.xtien volumes. I Kor these, Air. Siiuiro, he paid S00 lu cash, promlswl to pay $1,001' morn i within thirty ilnH. and r.ivo twelve notes j for fioi) wioli, maklnit the total ItiR prlco tT.son. I Tim wltnees said that ho I'OUKht the i books on Kosi'iifeldH reirivseiiUitlon that they rotild bo lisold ejislly nt a profit rnniflnR up to J4,nin and that llosenfeld hlmsolf wxiuld utidertako to find a pur chaser within ninety days at the outside. To show how ulnciiro ho wits llosenfeld tiMk a six months xerbal option on tnenj himself. Totil of I'liri'linsrs. S.ivnjjo umt Hosenfolit In Iea .Moines In November and was told that a m.m In Hiltlnioro was eaper to take the books for l.i.onii. That lookeil rcxhI to SaiiiRe, ho said, .ind he handed over ) I.OijO luctish. In tho follonlnR January, said tho wit-li-ss, Itosenfeld came to Adair "with tho statement that )n had the book' sold to u niiiti in Portland," that be wan roIiik to sell ten moro iv-ts and must ro to ('IiIc.iro to roi hold of one of them. Therefore ho HiiRRested another cash piyment nnd new notes of $760 each to tnki the jilaco of thn f.-iUO notes. Suviirii said he ncroed to tlls and Rave Itosenfeht Jl.oon moro. "Iid you ever soil the booksr" uskisl Assistant L'nltisl Staien Attorney 1'rank AT. Hoosa "No, sir," "When did nu last see rto-ivifeld"" ".laliuary' ". 1912." "Ild ou write to hlniT' "Vi-s, sir " "Hver luxir fiom him iiRain "" "No. Tim letters enmo back.'' Air. SaviiRe Kild that ho did suci ceil In selling th gficens of KiiRlaud for $1S0. The oxpertA tlRiire that $I!0U would be a Rood prlco for tho boohs for which Siivoro p.ild K.sOO and r.-imh notes for JI.iioi) more. InteroHt dur!n,T the mornltiR sesHlon cen trisj nb ut a letter written by .lames J, Farmce and Ool Hill Hartley to In spire their customers with speculative Idens IrviiiR A Noini rv. nt one time Knrmn-'t uteiu.RrBiih t, Irtentlfleil the let tor, which was dictated to him In part, the llnlsblnR ton. lies bttnR put on bv Mr. Pirmer hlmsnlf. The letter, .iccord li r 'ii the ic'Virnmeiit, n s sent to Cnt Hiittley. lie at tlin time heltitr in Hoston tryltiR to ell the very holu that were no titionisl In the letter. Tell. Iliinl.s He Wiinlcil, "M) I (ear Colonel," so beg ns the lot te". "We nrrhed he-e t -d.ij after a verv dls.igreisible uuiage. Ilaln ami hiKii winds piovalbd from tho shoe left New Voik until wo landed nt Souii ampton. I nm now testing and llgnrlug ou plan for ur As I In fn'ined vou I intend mnklng some pur chases ill this side, but I will ponltlvelv take tiniii nu. if mi can suppl thein. the bulk of what I purchase, "Plftdn thousand ib. liars Is nltogether too much money to put Into one set of books, but I must have fit Hx-Llbrls ttiiitiogr.iph c py of the Oriental Series, tho Nnpoleana. I'liitenn. Thackeray, Scott, llenu Ar:s (iasslcx. Kays of the I'andles. W'llde, ll.ilr.ic, Hugo, Immnrtnls. lioosivelt, Trnlli'pe, Carlyle, Hogarth, Whltiinn. rieldhig. Shkespisire, D l',iublas and the ltiitlsh Poets. "Tlnso ou can iirocure for me and have them lendv by th" tlnio my house Is finished. We expect to return III a few months, when' I will give you a full list of what my wife and self havo sc. lected for cur library." So much of the letter w.i dictated to hlni. mid Nomeroi. but beforo It was mulled the following wis lidded by Mr. ramier : "We have put aside JlfiO.Oiio to Inve In bonks nnd a few library pictures. Don you think we night to get n nice bonn llbran for that .amount? Of ceurso we don't anticipate anything llkft tho one our friend Morgan has. but with youi assistance, old chap, we should get some thing nice p. s My wife wants a -opv of Tads nnd Fancies ' Can you ecure one"" Nemerovt also testified thai he had heard James farmer c miillnieiitlng his son lilenn on having litnbd Mrs. ltlnl, a wealthy widow nf Salt I.ako Pit v. Nomerov said that the sup explained that the widow "fell for th" ftulT hind." A qreat mass of papers taken from the offices of the Angln-Ainerlcnn Authors As. soclatlon In Fifth avenue .1 the time of the raid hv postal authcrlt es was Irlertiflesl by P st Olllce Inspector Swain yeterdny fifternoon. and court adjourned nntll 10 30 o'clock on Mouda.i to give the clerk a chance lo mark il In evidence. FIRST KISS UPSET HIS MIND, Mrs, siilniniiin s ii i I in - t lle enilse of II llsbn nil's Conil 1 1 Ion. An unusual suit f"" the :inniini"iit of mirrlaae was heird In the Supieme Court yoterday when Mrs. Kugeiilo Solo laroff nskid Justice Hlaiichnrd to give her ,i decre from William Solotaroff on th" giound that her husband Is tho vie l.m of amnia, which he failed to dls chisii lo h' r at th" time he asked her to wed Solntsroff Is a botanist of wide reputation nnd Just befote Ills marriage the rolled States Hovemment sent him to "luily the park systems. Mrh. Solotaroff said that Just before her hunb.'tnd sallisl for Kuropo he kissed her for tho llrst time. He had been at tentive lo her for eight yeais, she said and sho never permitted him to klsn her before. The next Utiy hp wroto and apologized for taking Hie kiss and said ho was worrying shout It so much he couldn't keep his mind on his work. The plaintiff s.ild she mt tho botanist rhon he got back from euiopo and the s.t the wedding day. He asked her to sio that the clergyman arrived on time, hut Mr. Solotatoir was an hour late and was weiirlng a Muring ied tie. shabby scak suit and unshliicd shoes, while "he was In her wedding dress and carried a brllnl bnurliet She testified that during their honeymoon trip her husbiind wan gloomy .ind when thry wrrr out walking together he went so flint ahu had to run to keep up. Justice nianchnrd adjourned the case lo i;t the ti'fttmnns of Solotnroff, who la tinder a physician's, care. 17, jL NATHAN STRAUS SEES ' WHITE PLAGUE ROUT Says It Men in I'askMiriziition of Milk unci hi riilldron's I'lTVcntoria. SEOHEUATIOX IS I'KHEl) T'llfL'PKM'lltA, Oct. 16. "It Is rs)w pos sible to lift the curse of Hie Rreat whltn PliiRue," declnreil Natlmti Straus of New York In njutfs.iRe tecelved ut the openhiR or the first North Atlantic Tuberculosis, Conference hero to-day. "What can be done In tho way of prcien tlon of tuberculosis," ho wrote, "has been demonstrated iiIoiir thn two lines on which I havn worked, nntnely, In the imsteurb i tlon of tnllk so ns to cut off this source of Infection and In the establishment of pre ventolin III which chlldrcti taken from tu berculous emlniniiii'lits can be fortified iiRiilnst the disease. ".My practical v-xpcrletice has conv-licsil me that when these tmthiuls nre moro fully appreciated nnd moro widely appllul tuberculosis will becomn as rare as niunlt 1'ox Instead of holdliiK humnnlly In Its Rrlp, 'I'rnnsmlasloti nf lllsi'nse. "I earnestly hope, therefoie. that the North Atlantic conference will stroiiRly rentlltm the position taken by the na tional asjociiitlon In 11' II. when that Isnly unanimously recoi'tiljicd milk fiom tuls-i villous cattle ns 'tho medium throuRh which the tinnstulsslon of bo .tie tubir culosls to humtB beltiRs mostlj connnunli takes place," and H'commcudi-d 'the elll cient pntiurlzatlon of tnllk as a safeRuard iiRalnst tho transmission of bovine tuber culosis to mankind. ' "1 also hopo that the conference will Indorse nnd promulgate the Idea embodied In tho tuherouloslH preventorium fin chil dren which 1 fouuled ,u l.akewood, N. J Iti and which Is now showliiR mar vellous results In Its, pormmcnt homo ut rarinhiRdale, N. .1. "Thtse ar,- methods, of preicntlon that am thorouRhly tir.ictlcal nnd of jiroved elllcieiicy. I am convinced that upon their extenslvo use depends the con (luerltn: of tuberculosis. "I ylc'.d b none In iiikIiir the pioper euro of the tulsTculosIs patient ai.d in encoUranlliR the elf-sacrlllclnR medic, il men who aro dcvotluR thli lives to the treatment of the iMsease, but I do man tain thnt there Is a Rrenter work lo be dope alonR the lines of prevention " Mt'Krrunf ton llosiiltnls. IammI hospitals for the rcrh -'atiot a. .1 treatment of tubercular patients w i urRod lu a paper h Ur. 1.. It. Williams Deputy CJinmlsHoner of lli-ultii of ine State of New York. Dr. Williams admitted that oomph t si'sfeRiitlon of tubercuW subjects w, I never bo realized. "It Is ii Roal for us to strlvo for. how over." he said. "Sincere endeavor to iiohieve It will rcMilt in a Ri-eat advance oer our present metlusls of lluhtlnR t.n disease." Dr. Williams dlscusnnl both siRieRn tlon nnd the cure of Incipient i itlenth. He inlv.sid the locnl tubercul is hns pltul as the centre of segregation. " V'non, Its otaor ud ant.'iKes." he concluded, ",t will train the patient to nuke himself ess ll!ltlReri!.s." 1'aul n. 7 e', I of HnlTtito. execiitlvo H'cretarj of the Aoclathm for the He lief and Control of Tuberculosis, sp lie on the lnrs'e part that the school il.i'.Jr n can pl.iy In the selllnR and disi r' .nitlon nf Ited Cro.s seals In lluffalo. :.c said, prizes 'and been offeied to the children who sold tin n e it est nuinl'M, ,iini to the s.dio Is .' .;dnu the U-st records typewltere and p. anus had belli Riven. I FIRE STARTS BURGLAR ALARM. I'lilli'i'iniiii (.im's .Wlor ilileies nml I'llllls II llllKi', A alaiui ringing in Hie s, story loft buidlng at i I Hast Tweniv i ninth street iittrarted l' utto j Itauscli early last night lie ran Intu I the buHil'ng tit 32. where Hie Madison j SqiLire exchange of thn New Vork IVIr I phoiie Company Is ioeated, and mado Ins wny to the roof of the loft building I When he lifted the scuttle smoke rush,.. I Into his fiico nml he got back to the street In a hurry to turn In an alarm The tire startul on the fourth lloor occupied b the M.ivels .Mniiuf ictur ng Conipani. makers of ilnrsis and waists Ilefn-e 't was put out It ate in wny 'tit the two tloors ubovo. One hundred girls In the exchange weio assured that tin siunk" Hint entered win re they were working meant no danger. The Martha Washington Hotel Is di rectly npposlt, the lofi building Acting Peputy Chief Oeoige Itnss es tlm. lied the damage nt $10,000, Drops ! A handful of mackintoshes at a clean -up price. Short lines from regular stock. 8 coats were $15.00. 32 coats were $18.00. 51 coats were $20.00. 12 coats wen; $23.00. 24 coats were S25.00. $12 to-day. For rainy Fall dayt Double Shoes made of a double layer of leather throughout, oiled silk turned into the seams, double sole with an inner layer of cork. "Whirlwind" umbrellas can't blow inside out. Rogers Peet Company Three Broadway Stores M t m Warren St. I3ili St, 34th St LAST YEAR'S FIGURES Grain anil War Malcrial Swell I'our Days Itiisincss lo SI I...173.7.IU. llncouniRlnR silRtis of returnltiR ndjust ment of International relations continue lo be presented III RrowhtR dally exports from New York. Kxports for the Inst four days were $1 1.37.,T3t, as compared with fll.'ufi.'JTn In Hi,, four similar days of last week and J I n.iiox. for the same period last Yesterday's exports ere Jl.lor., IfiJ. a drop of $7li',.nou from the day before. Tne r.i n in ixp irts . no' n nip mini by niiy dr -iuse In Itn .orts ns 'ndlentod hy the llRiires 'r te dai of the luii'orts of dry Roods ni d me ii hnndls.. for the wick A MISKMI'.VTS. (Vlli ,v n U sits iMlly Mnls S llrtSrststl WARS OF THE WORLD I M ry M 'ht nt 1000 ( hnlee Orrhes-ff Rfl iru.Srntsnt liJU (..iii.-ry ORe. ft qrir. .seaNnt rem w Alntnui (Juhiiir.i NiiImii rrAii'.o Orrh MiXINE ELLIOTTS wi Mam pLAYHOUSF II sill s ist st l,ntnfb w I -es s ai Mts Ti dny A Weil .-jo Hy KI)UAI(I) liNdlll."' il I VniP Alnts.To-dsyAWeil Sim I fn 3" Li nlli r ii i n r ii n r l?,l. of II wny Wcl riMlLlUL Atnt llrst Si'sts i - - I a - without n dull umnieiit Piest. ilPTU QT TIIIIA . II wii i:s.s IS 10 in Oil mm. TiiHt.ll A 1 Illl, i sir, THE LAW V,V LAND n'Vir'v,A I1MII 111. ITs SI.', Msls Toils' A I'll," St is"ruC0H SEQUENCES ISIM), 1 i , ft 1 5 At ills To.ilu A Will 5U. FfilTZI SCHEFF in PRETTY MRS SMITH CORT I. ofll wsv I'liune 1 i at s if. llrjnnt i o il i- A W i d 2 10 iiimeiiifii! MYLADYSDRESS mm lbee New lurk I.emllnR Iheatres riin pr II i iii A mui m i i at, tWin nc , .,. MailM.rTii ilnv !Jl. JOHN DREW I hsi I line lii-nmiii In Illl I'ltolMI. II. Ill SHAM) ','M.VI Ill's, Ml. II I. S' VTS VOW 11 II I.I X S) III v m in it itii: GILLETTE BATES DORO III l'ir Dinir.l tiiri.nii.xi I. i v" a i mi ir.iii st II ws 1 Is sin, , .V T1 urs " U. I XCUKI , . , A Ti THE BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE K nil kill. ink it, llwni illi SI XI ii i' i i Isv A 1'ilnesiliv I .W, in. .ti t mix VI ii jiim I'll SXMIIKSOV lilt I .s, X XX 1 1 11 1 1 V THE GIRL FROM UTAH I IRCnTV "i CdM I s ftl J,l klklkll II V' ll I ill- .X l r il " III COHAN'S 1 II II' n ft I'd .t Xlni" Ii -iln-. iVW'nl Iii X I It I. II IM. It III FULTOH TWIN BEDS HI s n'wny t ot S 'II ni ,x ' ah s.t to II on V I IM I III ULII lurlrt -, m inn u,.,i xim :.v.-,ic rtiisi it x i im i lll-IIM. T Z XX SYMPHONY ill' ll'w II I X e H o r h MXI.II.l: ll.XXIIIOSIII, I iinilillliir. Eight Friday Afts. S ill. I'llnil. im i'liiie tn Light Dnllii s Sixteen Sunday Afts. Mllnerliitliins six in .iclil'-rn llnli.xrs Xlme.Si liiiiiiiinn.llelnk 111, (ittlirllow list It lime. I' r e III s n i II r. 7. I III It li I I t II ill e . Lerlmrill llr. ite l,iiuiira xtr. , I t t e I s o n xti. s, i.i.ii .i, t llr, Krel'ler Xlr. Ilnriiiiiini lime, li I ll e k Xlt, iliirnii k Xlr. Iisrrere llr. itnsmit .llr. Iliitier Xlr. lie-i li Siibserliitliiiis llonin ISO.'. i:ill.lAN HAM, FIRST QUIR0GA CONCERT immiiltovt mi. in. s,. s.iir., USXtti x'ttf... MANUEL QUIROGA .m:nm: .uxi i i i i -iipitwii Nahan Franko ;ZX V:,"m rii' . .xi 1 1 n : M il iiikk 1 1 1 1 unto xt i .. CENTURY ' Wi,AI-1 WK w r'-'i' t 11 N'bllllsnlX. lt m: T ,V Milt. ' LDIIIAlilllN." llh iHiiium, l.inkil. blnifhtiin, Krililli't, Xliirr. Welilini, KiimcIi in. IllKht. MA1IAM lll-ITLItl'IA . ultll l".ell llnunrit, Hiirrolil, ( linliin , Jneel.i Next erU Xlmliiin llullerib ' and .! wi-N ot the Minimum '"' Ctini-rii Siiniln Mirlit 1'nrneule Hull, lo.iiinrroiv isiiii.i Xft. nt :i. Piano Recital i X "rVT RUDOLPH (IWnrlll Swln Itrtlrf I un lt I'lano. Metrical Show lCvi-rytliiiiKintereMtinnand euucaiionni. ll a m to ' lipm, AilmitiKionbOcenU Jfl . A Best in Town Gnnd Cnrr1 Pilin, Lsiinrton Air aih nt IFXlNRTIlrl 5.,,,,M I'l'Miun'oiA' imiii : i;.-x i,-, llAHIUlUn riinllliuiu, s.l .X Still I fill In In, r.. I Inn s,. ll i XI lees III. I!, ;-,.,Vlc iihiii iiiixni: imiiiii I'l XVS rhninriil eulx Mils Nei'U, nil-; lilIY I III VI'.STIIUDXY ' ll"L' Sliml si'lK I l. Ml Sli nnd1 ETKEL GAHR YMflRF III. Ml.ll i lMiAl.l; rt StrandKS: U Iii .VI Nexl 'iVii'U llnherl I ile"ii turn llir I'nill IIUl,l.. Hi Slrmt llrrh ft Uunrn i I lie ( ouiuj Th ill iihiii," V! .Mi ll lit mui lu I I' .ri "TlieTmiile lloiuuiH'i' in 5 I'rfrin I he Lin ki ll ihnir," COLUMBIA J!'fJill Burlesque W'.V, l4 UAVE MARION MiMsn..- IRVING PLACE THEATRE 'Until!' Mill lolo X ul' I ii t ll, Mm,, lliinilin i Mini rviiiti-ix si xi x x,i'.xh:m' ROSE GARDENS DANSE '1(j-A lluneliit, lllnlu ". iiu. in t ill' Luxe H ,xmmi:i:si i:ivs t x 1 1 in inc. ;"l .Ml 11 11" (l'IXlel'. 11,1 Mill (Nov. eltyl IIONI I'A. lleenN n lllxi-re. Al I'lelil. JuikU'Hli.Jai.UlhiuoiiUASIbyUlrciiDan ,ulh. ended ( irlolii r 10 Impoit. of d con mid meiih.indlse for tiie wick w in, litl'.llHi, .is compared w th fid M ( ' previous wick nnd l'.i,ti09,!iSI t ,rfl spondli'.R week of 191.1. Total Imports of dry Roods ,i t,,.,, c.iatullsii from 1 o ii ii t. were f"9,H!"l.2'l. .iR.ilnst t7?l,l( the pri'Moiis jenr drain e.xpmis. wli i 'i . o now . lu Incrc.isinR volume, c ir.t: inu'i n M sliiir- of the r.iIiis It Is e-t.- , 1 i from l.oiio.nilii to L'.Otlfi.min bus i arc now b. In shipped. War a , .ire In constant dein.iiid. It was ,r, .M'ftenlay that wiie .,, cilvid for S,(n),nOn blankets for s , ,tri( .ibni.ld. Ilxperts In the coltdii Roods fa Is ti yesterd.ij that Imports . f oti. t9, fiom I'Vanre must neres'-iir ty be cm soon because of tho cess.itiot o' i r in! duOry In the war zone o. , cotton Imports here last wnk w,rf mui luavler than the previous im Contracts for .10') motor tr,i. heavy service tpe were riporti m been made In Chlc.iRo yisie .r, rosenlatlves of Tren ii .r d I r , ernments for nnny serM. e I, , ir, cement nnthorltl'-s say I . ,i t market that can be deieiop. 1 r 12,0011,000 to 13,000,000 barrel if inn c mrnt III South Ann run AMI SKMK.STM. WINTER GARDEN Mm i o dm 'I H' A lii i nml ( ii nt li. iiu'l Hi n r:l n . . tooth jubilee ;; AI .IOI.SIIV l.ltAMIIII Mll.t.X II Illl It Illl. 1. 1 I lllloil I A I.OU ItDI lll.s 1IIIIII.M. A lit UT ii nun us M EMMA TRENTINI llllli s I . I lii'H, 1. 1 - s Ir. Mnts I oil .AM THE THIRD PARTY M;;,;- r SHI III. III. I 1 hii M t r,wlV,VUr .1 MR. FAVERSHAM I THE nil mi. i.i noiizi t in I HAWK nrsT , nvii in st pi DUUin vtntiiir, ro-ilny A W i I 5 ji THE MONEY MAKERS VVXl ; I LITTLE THEATRE WILL OPIiN Ills, I II ,. Ill I 2ll ullh Hi- i - i a da in nn en v cmrnwrc l 1 , 1 1 Ul kJlL.1V Ut WIllXVJO M ITS NOW O.N SAI I muniDni.' m i. 11111 ) tlM. uinnuniiu Ms. lure 1 "- v w iibnn i ! r"rn Ul.ii l'lrn0 Mn V , . IwVk the story ,;,;. rosary lle .No llrullnics w Ith the r.i "on Co, I GAIETY '" ii'uv. iim.i is sis I Xlntlm rs io-iluj ,v Mi d RUTH CHATTERTON IN V V I'dMI 1 X 11 XX Wl If i ' n DADDY LONG-LEGS ZIEGFELD DANSE DE FOLLIES Ml.ltll.l I'Mt-iu Siiinlsx num. v IW A II' terds 111 1 lie.Hre Tel tfilll III -ni HELASCO :Yr,lVr?, HK.v"s'c LE0 D1TRICHSTEIN pre-riits n The Phantom Rival ELTINGE I'll St X nf ll'wsi I s M t lo-ibil AW ,11-. REPUBLIC IV s1 r'' Sl "' rxg i s v( lltrUSLIll Mt, I .,t, t, nl ;. GRAND OP.HO. I I st I . , -u ,ll eil r."i .VI s I Mi ".SI XI. Kl'ls 111 ItXI.III'XIl exi uecK D.XMiXlil.l) liOIMI.v 1 MIST TUES.. OCT. 20 ' Ml.HT MONTGOMERY & STONE "unin uMiii" GLOflt ' I I. s, I Illl I VXI.ll .11 x .xi, i in ROSE GARDENS THEATRE ll'wn iVrCilst I urn ; :i iii i, GREATEST MOTION PICTURE MAM TION EVER SEEN ON BROADWAY. THIRTY I AGUES 7 (Mf il trtp ,itiiy ll r ll- r lio tlir iroiiitrr 'ut inytr, , , . Ilft-rt tfreilnl I In,' m , u, murine mrtlcm, rlumlerm. n rr, ilrrp scii rr;ilnrmi"tM, tira , , ileer amllhe life-rl-kWu I iei''i iimj ,i ifmri ine m t i t',i fiilthc't LONGACRE " -:'! m vt Willi Jl)ll IIAIUIS MI1IM J,M .IOSI I'lllM ll loll nnil PARK 'r"'B ol'll'll"! I Tie I l ' ll" MI1IX j,)BI, I,,.,),,, t. ., ,, , MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL "PYGMALION" MT.S I'li'-lnX a M UNI ,l, CANDLFR ei -list ii.-jo XiMUULCn xuti To iln) A x, ii vt Pn MMiir AUCE ift? I'H M i l X l,(H MiMI I i 'llllli lu 1 llnu II.' ' rii a v 7 .si ifil lil' Mill J.V lllll'lll.s MI ltll XI ll M" "CHEZ" MAURICE ntiit HriM(lui NOW OPEN rorinrrl lnlHlili ltiiMr, l"1 ! MAURICE i Ln'i'i'i'v r W WAL N TIM I.IM.'.S I llll I'l I I INT HANK K.Nyi IslTI ( ' l llth strrct, HI, ,,-. .niiv SX11 VI it's im'iisi xn l uinri ;i i ni oiiiniui l't. mi 'm llrosilnni a .Miin to I tn MISS JOAN SAWYER vnYrV , Uau KIMxc'. UiuU-Cullniiu.ri, u U4I ,' IT xsBa&ausmMMK