Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. Germans Halt Retreat for Stand Near Warsaw Jii;iil'is Arc Driven Hack Twonty-tlira; Miles From City by Russians and Arc Forced to Give Battle, on Unfavorable (round. fZAK'S TIIOOl'S HOLD POSITIONS IX MAST PRUSSIA In I f. r. a unt. T r ' i ii'.l Pr'palci In Tnr Sr- Mi. He!. IS, A Bruit battle Is - tlilrty inllcM west of Wnr-t- ihi tli'rm.iiiH, lifter a trt- t unity-three tnllrs, lire nt . favornlilc Krotitiii to ti-t tlic new IliiKlan ntlvancp. , victory iiIoiik tho lint of i inxtiroit ua.s n trlmtili for ii, 'i "f the (Jciinrnl Staff. When i , stM-Oerituin forco comma ruled I,, i, hi ltlnilenliiirK aiiproiirlii'il t-. t.ntral l'olatnl Hie IttiM.qiin , . w tho lllver Vistula, f.,.. ii lirlilqrs anil ileotroy (iir r,i 'ills coiiticctliiK I.oils'. Warsaw, K ,.v ami lvannornd, Tlih ilelaycil hf (iiiMii ailvanco and comielled hm ' attack upon unfavorable sroi n n a district tirrvlnilt chosen by 11 ,M,-irf for innldnK a stand. T' I' line now extends aloni; ithe bank of the Vistula, be tvrf Wuw.iw and lvanRorod, south marl i u- ii i.sttrn bank of tho Vl.i- uiu .in 1 coin, milnK pouthwiinl alnmc ahe Si" and Dniester. The strenKth rf i" ! rm.i-.i and Austrian force, Is jvi r l a' 1 .".no.utiO men. Tie (ler.nans approached to within fcevrn Hi..i" of Wiir-nw before meeting ti rh'.k anl suffered a defeat which rompei ed them to retreat. TV llissl.m success was dun chiefly! to ih- excellent work of their artillery. Tt' (ii rmans are maklnK lino use of BPropianis. which slmial by means of lor.c b'nek streamers whenever the ji.anrs p.i-s over Husstan positions. , T ..' .ivn of (, which had been CflptK 'l 1 the (Jermans, has been re tain i- tin Itusslans. The tattle which has Just lieRiin i Sn.iiMS i f'1 ous battles Heem Inslgnlll-1 ion- T'ie lm of IlKlrlnK is about lt'.O it, - - fr.'m a iiolnt west and north' of W .-aw to the south of I'rzemysl. , M' iiw 'il'e II vint; columns are operat ing a I'ast l'russia, from where there '.r .tl la reports that the Husslansl are I ! ni; their crotind. The mnliij ttr 'iv'.' .11 Central I'olnnd and may t. r. .11 e f"r mrm'hs before the Issue Is tie . ! i. I' .- .'tllcla'ly stated that the bom hnr lni' r.t of I'rzeinysl continues and thi: ' Itusslsns are muklnK headway In m "f the desperate resistance of thi f.r- K .M ,111: continued south of Przcmysl, wh r the situation Is unchanged. ,1 ; I VI NCE .V VISTULA . Antro-iTiiiiiii Annie Tnke OnTeii !, lli lllllflll Muff. ,. I ali'.t Ieinr In The Sin Pi i "MUD, Oct. Ifi.- The (lenernl fJtnff Mi.nle public to-day the follow nc r mi. of the operations of Russian "T t has been a sllcht encnKement i ". r.ast I'russlnn front. "in he central Vistula reclon and l r,. i , 'ie Aii-tru-'ieriiiiin armies took the 'fr.-nsive nlonir the whole front in T'' riu. S,.ni nf I'rzemysl our forces have j en'" in ! tliree companies of with s off cers." PRZEMYSL STILL HOLDS, SAYS VIENNA No Itlissiaiin Left, Kxccpl on KiiNtpi'ii Side Other Sue eesses Cliiiiueil. FIGHTIXO XKAll CIIVKOW eral as a rie-pnh-h received from th Autrlan Kinba?y In Mnnchrater, Mas.: "Itecelved tho following- official wireless nfter the Inst unsuccessful attempt of force at l'rzemyst On the sniinhem t,tn yesterday tho backward movement of the Hii'tl.ins from the fortress of Przemj.! beoino irenenil. Our own cavalry has al ready leached the fortrens from the I Went. ! "Tim enemv, iiertdexed by the ipilcknees n' our operntlonn in ltiKslan Poland and ttallcl.i, tried In valu to protect attacks om the fortre-s liy iletachlntc foops to tho which could not resist our Bp-pro-ichlns nrmles, 1 "Tim ilfth ard sixth Itusttlan Infantry1 divisions attacked by us at l.ancut fled toward the 11 ver San, A division of Cos "3c!;s and a brigade of Infantry In stronn pos.tlon" east of Dynow, on the San, were reputed Our troops arc everywheru at tho heels of the lliissliins." CLAIMS RUSSIAN GAINS. ' - , (.'I, ColeJrvsUI Oltr Out Itrport of A iiKlrliin ( iiiitiirr, Wasiiinutov, Oct 16 -Col. Oolejnviikt, Military Attache of the I'.insliin ICinba-sy, ' lsiied the foltowlni; statement to-nlRlu : i "In eostern Prussia only unimportant I skirmishes have taken place. On the Vis-1 tula and In Callcla the Auatro-Oerman . arinlis, under the onslaught of our troops, 1 nave neon rorceil to tuku the defensive alonK the whole line. South of Prremvsl our troops hnvn captured three Austrian companies, with six otllcers." I'. S. Ited Cro., In Aimtrln. Vr.Ntcic, Oct. IB, via Paris, Oct. 16. Tho two Austro-IImiR.irlan detachments of the American Ited Cross expedition arrived la Vlennn yesterday One of them was as signed to the hospital In tho suburbs of Vienna snd the other proceeded to Hungary. DENIES BRESLAU WAS SUNK. Tiirkr? Tlirenleim Conrt-Martlnl for lillse ps Dlssenilnntors. lirrlal fable rjir' In Tiik hrv Constantinople, Oct. 16. It Is o(tl. dally aiinoiinced that the report that the cruiser Hrel:itt. formerly of the Crrman nav, which Is now tl'lng the Turkish line, had been sunk Is untrue The olll cla! stntemeiit httys that disseminators of such rumors herenftiT nil! be tried by coiirt-irartlal as traitors. T' o conimiinIiiie n Iterates the tieu trallty of Tut key MANCItBSTKn, Mass.. Oct. If.. The Aus trO'lIungnrlAn Embassy gave out to-duy the folloivlng wireless despatch from Vienna over the signature of Count Ilcrchtold, the Austrian Foreign Minister: "Austrian troops have occuplod the fortified heights or Ktarasol. east of Chyrow. Our attack against Stnry and Sninbor hns extended north of the Htrwln lllver. Alistrlnn forces have occupied tho tango of heights up to tho northeast front of Prsiemysl. Fighting also has taken place on the banks of the San Hlver north of Przemysl. Fighting also has taken place on, the banks of the Han lllver north of 1'rr.einysl." Another wireless message received by the Kmbassy reads: "The American Ited Cross committee IIP iirrlvo to-morrow. It will have u special hospital with ISO beds anil modern appllanies. The American phslclnns and nurses are the guests of the Austrian Ited Cross. "Tho councillor of the Foreign Olllce, Huron Franckeiisteln, and Mrs. von Hchol Icr are attached to the American con tingent us delegates of tho Atistrlun lied , I'm.. I "The second American detachment will travel from here to Hungary. "Our forces on. tnn march toward Pneniysl defeated parts of the Itlisslan Investing army. They were supported by the narrlson, which made a sortie. No more Russians are left around the fort ress except on the eastern side. During the retreat of the Russians several bridges broke down at Sosnlca ami many Hussions were drowned In the San Hlver. "The fight cist of Chyrow continues. A division of Cossacks has been driven toword Prohobycn by our cavolry Tho Austrian forces are attacking the forti fied positions of the Russians south of Prxemysl, Our troops retook Tnronyo In the Carpathians nfter four days lighting mid are now pursuing tho Hussions toward Wyskow. In other placen In the Carpathians also several successful en gagements took place with the retreating Husslnn columns." AUSTRIAN BATTALION LOST. .MontencKrlim Annihilate I'orce In Detlle Xfnr Snrnjevo. ' Romp:. Oct. 16 A despatch from Nlsh to the rrfbiiso says Montenegrin troops have annihilated an Austrlnn battalion In a defile at Homanln, near Sarajevo, Other Austrian troops In the lclnlty' are fleeing, having lost their artillery I I I PRZEM YSL DEFIANT. rnniinnnder eoriii tn Answer lie. iniinil for Surrender. V'rwt via London, Oct. IB -The Hiiss ,vi ftoneral Itndko Dlmltrleff, cmnnnISiiK the forcp beslegitiK Prze tnl 'ent on October 2. under n white flag "i the Austrian commandnnt a de mo,.' d f"r the surrender of the fortress. Th d.tnatul w.i.s instantly rejected, Hon Pimltneff.s proposal was as fol lows Oiml l irk, which left the Austrian s:mv :tli Its Inst successful en- ' i .'er- ngnlnst our troops, hns e v. n me the opportunity of luvest l'g i'io fortress of Przemysl, tho , il. '. ie i,' which has been entrusted to v., ii I ns.sume that It Is not P'--ille to send you help from thp tii's.;.' In order tn avoid useless bi n .l-'md dip present seems to mo t' r ' moment to prnposo to you rig a ,ai ,,.is for the surrender of I' " f nresn. If you surrender It l.e pi.t-slble to obtain honornblo . for yourself and your fr m from the liltrhest ram n bT in chief of the Itus-slan I' v,,ir Kxcidlency wishes to be-' n negotintlotiH I beg that you ' I .mmiinicatn tho conditions tn i nlmrlzed delegate, First Lieut. I embrnco this oppor- io express my high esteem .r Kxcellency. c ply to this proposnl was' ' ''ie Comiiiniuler I find It be mv dignity to give to your ting proposition the answer i u deserves, " M - HKIt or TIIK Garrison or ' 'N7K.M VH!,. t T tN I RUSSIANS HOLD KEY. THE AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. have turned over to is a complete stock of repair parts for ALCO trucks, taxicabs and pleasure cars in. order that we may handle their entire service in this ter ritory. ALCO owners are assur ed uninterrupted service of the same high order as that now enjoyed by the users of MACK and SAURER trucks. We are fully equipped to do overhaul and emergency work on all makes of motor vehicles. INTERNATIONAL MOTOR COMPANY 64th St. & West End Ave, New York ' rltle "mi), (irrninim Must Conform to I'oo's Wishes. I ' . net The military critic ' e Nome Wciiiio explains present i- In the eastern theatre of war ii - . f ! iiniie of the Russnln defenco Is ' ' n I'f ml leached camps from Wnrsnw ' '" 'geopigiovsk. It Is secured from ' the fl.nkH by those fortresses covered ' i. liv the Vistula On the i'i!' ink lines of natural defence stretch 1 "st along the Niitew tn the fort I '' ' s f liniza, securing the extremo uii Hie left the direction of the f " it in ii defence extends southeast c ie iHtiila, with the left resting on 1 1 "' "ie aii niH In the southern region by tho iiiriaiiH, with the object of envflnp. ''iK 'n I(iihI,iiis nlong the line of Ivan P'r. mm. I Sanilnmlr, would expose thetn i i r, ei Mow In flank and rear from h p , . ,i us defending OaMcIa, The Hum- ' ' ei,t,, tin, initiative. Tho Hermans ' .iiiiform to the wishes of their l.' ' I. St." SAYS RUSSIANS FLEE. Austrian F.inhnsay Reports Retreat t ,Vfr I'rirmrnl, fhts ststement wss given out yesterday t inn AusUu-liuiigui'lun Connulftte-Gen- ma The targeit, hul tquipptJ lervm nation in the country. mm til! I The Latest Victor Talking Machines and Records at Usual Macy Savings R. II. Maty & Co.'s Attractions Arc Their Low Prices. MIL JtB. Va Herald Square, n'way,.1lthlo.l'ithSl. When n personal visit to the Macy Store i not con venient, you may write Macy's Mall Order Shop ping Service (or whatever you want. Men's Cape Washable rn GLOVES (Macu'f UKiial price, $1.3$) Cape Walking Gloves. Washable with soap and water. Prix sewn seam, one clasp. English cut thumb, gusseted fingers; double draw spear back. Desirable shades of tan. Washable Chamois GLOVES $1.39 Can l)u washed with soap and wnter. I;nll pique sewn. One button and buttonhole. White and natural, with spenr back, alvo three rows of heavy black em btoidery, on white and natural. MAIN FLOOR. IIIIOAIIWAV. LondonMade RAINCOATS for MEN Thoroughly $9.75 Waterproofed JSarU OME are of single, others of double texture material. Seams are carefully ce mented; Raglan or regular shoulders. Some have convertible collars; tab? are on collars and cuffs. In Tan only. These are well-made and thoroughly water proof and reliable. Also American-Made "SlipOns" At the Same Price, $9.75 Made of dark Oxford fabrics, with plaid wool lining. Sizes .1.? to 42. rirni I'l.oott. intoAiiuAV. sun Fumed Oak Arm Chair $7.24 SgPilAS an automobile seat, jtl covered in brpwn mm leather, comfortable wide arms, and panel bacU. SIXTH VI.OOK. Imported Seamless Axminster RUGS HENILLE Axminster Rugs imported solely by R. H. Aacy & Co. from Scotland. Beautiful effects in tones of gray, blue, brown, rose, and Oriental design. Each Rug is woven in one solid piece. 2 ft 8 in x 5 ft 3 in 5.74 I 6 ft x 9 ft $23.24 4 ft 6 in x 6 ft 6 in 13.74 9 ft x 10 ft o in 39.75 9 ft x 12 ft 46.50 In addition to the above nlzen we can furnish some of the patterns and colors running from 9 ft x 15 ft up to w ft 6 in x 15 ft. FOI itrn Fl.OOIt. FRONT. Special for Saturday Fine Oriental Rugs More than seventy-five room sized Persian Rugs the patterns of which are strikingly attractive. $74.50 $99.50 With several intermediate prices. All of the beautiful Musknbad and Mahal Rugn arc repre sented. Prices are lower than asked elsewhere. All new selections. FOfUTll FI.OOII. A Special Offering of French Lace Panels All of these panels are hand made from our own specifica tions on the best quality of French net. "Marie Antoinette" Lace Panels - 2lAx36 in. $2.89 2'x40 in. $3.24 2H.45 in. $3.49 Lacet Arabian Panels 212.40 inches $4.24 i 2,2.'45 inches $4.49 French Lacet Arabian Lace Curtains (pair) $5.94 Better grades at $7.49 and $9.89 per pair. FOI'HTII FI.OOII, UK A It. Pure Wool "Amana" Flannel This is from the famous looms of the "Amana Brotherhood" of Iowa. Usual price is 49c yard. Now selling at 39c yard You cannot get a better all-wool Flannel anywhere. It is used for skirtings, suitings, skirts, etc. In all plain colors, and a large assortment of fancy mixtures in checks and stripes. F.roNi ri.oon, orrmia Latest Fiction At Macy Prices 1TH the days getting shorter and the evenings longer a, book is a welcome companion. No department in ' Macy's is scrutinized more closely and watched more carefully than the Book Department, inordertoensuret the latest and best in current literature. Putllhrr'j I'rlce. Wall of Partition, by Florence L. Barclay S1..35 The Clean Heart, b A. S. N. Hutchinson. SI. 35 Achievement, by Ii. Temple Thurston. SI .35 Blind Spot, by Justus M. l-orinan. SI. 35 Teeth of the Tiger, by Mau rice Leblanc. SI. 25 Laughing Cava lier, by Baroness Orcz . SI .35 Little Eve Edgar- ion, dv Ulennor H.Abbott. SI .00 Perch of the Devil, by Ger trude Atherton. SI .35 Hidden Children, by Kobert . Chambers. Just Around the Corner, Fannie Hurst. The Raft, by Con ingsby Dawson SI .40 SI. 35 SI. 35 Evea of the World, by Har old Bell WHrIU SI. 35 Prince of Grau a t a r k , b GeorRe Barr McCutcheon. FrlCf. $1.21 $1.21 $1.21 $1.21 $1.12 $1.21 89c $1.21 $1.24 $1.21 $1.21 $1.21 How It Happened, by- Kate 1.. Bosher. Bye-Way, bv Robert VV. Hichens. PUblldhM'f price. S1.00 SI. 35 Night Watchej, W. W. Jacobs. S1.25 Love Insurance, by Farl D. BiRgers. SI. 35 $1.21 Woman in Alcove, b v the b Jennette SI. 00 89c MAIN FI.OOII. lll'Alt S1.25 SI. 35 SI. 25 SI .35 SI. 35 The Swindler, by I-thel M. Dell. Arizona, by Au gustus Thomas. The New Clarion, by Will N. liar ben. Auction Block, by Hex Beach. For the Allison Honor, by Har old Bindloss. Choice of Life, by Georgette Leblanc. Personality Plus, by Hdna Fcrber SI .00 Roiie World, b) I'arker Fillmore. Big Tremaine, y Mane 'an Vorst. M.rrf. I'rlci.. 89c $1.21 $1.12 $1.12 $1.21 $1.12 $1.21 $1.21 SI. 30 $1.17 SI. 25 $1.12 89c Sl.30 $1.17 by Mane Van Voi Bambi, by Mar jorle B. Cook. S1.35 S1.25 Daughter of the Dons, b Will iam M. Paine. SI. 25 $1.21 $1.12 $1.12 Some Fine Specials In BEDS and BEDDING Hli following items and prices are not only interesting in themselves, but as illustrations of how "economically wise nouseiseepers can reiurnisu ine noine with ne cessities of every-day use at Mac's. BRASS BED, illustrated above $ 1 6.34 The posts are high, 2 inches tn diameter, l'j inch cross rod, panel effect with five 1-inch filling rods, pear shaped. Has large husks and is finished in a reliable lacquer, in either bright or satin finish. Can be had in all sizes -3 ft., 3 ft. o, t ft. and ft. ). An exceptional offering. Hair Mattresses Of No. 1 black hair 2ft.r, .Hi., 3 ft. s. 4 ft.. 4 ft. 6. $14.90 $18.68 $22.79 $25.51 $28.74 Same, but filled with super extra black drawings- 2 ft. 6. $10.23 3ft.. $20.41 3 ft. 6. $24.93 4 ft.. $27.92 4 ft. 6, $31.50 Box Springs Covered in an A. C, A. tiJ.mK and uphoMered with the best jradc of tempered steel 'prints: $9.24, $10.49. $11.21 $13.49, $13.74, $16.74 $19.24, $24.24, $27.25 Can be made to lit either wood, iron or brass beds, Steel Springs, $1.89 to $9.89 that will fit woxi, iron or brass bds. FELT MATTRESSES, ranging in price from $7.22 to $24.24. BRASS BEDS, ranging in price from $7.49 up to $45.25. WHITE ENAMEL BEDS, ranging in price from $2.49 up to $16.89. MXTII I'I OOlt