Newspaper Page Text
4-4- U "BIG JIM GARRITY" HAS MANY VILLAINS MANY WEDDINGS ON TO-DAY'S CALENDAR 'WAR DRIVES STAGE 'MR HEMENWAY GIVES , FOLK HERE FOR JOBS 55,000 TO WAR FUND I Held ('orre.Nponilents AImi i'inil j lloston Pliilnntliropist Contrib Tlieir Calliur at an End 1 ntes to Aid Anieriean Anibu in l.urope. lance Hospital in Paris. John Mason Opens nt New York '1 lical re in Owen Davis's Play. Miss Itciilnli Eaton Hepburn to Jlecome Itriilo of Lieut. J.ninict, l". S. X. THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. WW 5- HUliKOAn IM.ESIDKXT HEKO lllii .Hiii tinrrlt" nt Thrntrr "in Ptxttr the New York John Mason ...Trunk M. Thomas . . . . William Sampson John Flood John llmer-on Ouy Nichols Hobert MoVJ Ainrlli risrdner Inneit Dunbar . Kathrrliie Hall Pevter .. . i rimn r Ms-Inn-. SMl . iirli'ln .... ! i no . . . v-r i I'rijt-n York Theatre, which fins Iwn hunting ground of any sort of .w could possibly be expected ' rent for several yeirs past, red last night to Its olrl function aa a l : .1 producing theatre. It will here- . r mike the iffort to bo what the Acad m "f Music w.ik Hero melodrama will n i !. I nt popular prices as If any ; r1 iM poss.bly lc popular nowadays -, ! t'le nnrlctit glories of Fourteenth I' he rot up In Ioni? Acre Square i . of course, provided that tho pub- rtan. coy and hard to please, t cooperation. The effort began g'i with John MaHon as the load . r in A play by Owen Davis l! .1 II g J!m finrrity. ' II Woods never Intended that tho s'.ould bo nrfered to the public at u y lower than tho foremost the - man I. but It happened that the tin 1 i . tlin-t t aine to be estimated by Its a? nlsiut one dollar's worth. So M is.ui and Mr Pavls's play were oh i't..- lam night at that reduced rale. v w.m deal, so far as quail for the money. Tin- play wan, Mr T Urst place. Uttered with villains. ' - r. . all four ads more thickly , nt. i .'..I with rltljeiiH if the underworld. Trot, tie rnn.t villainous of the lot had d?i concerning revenge almost as orlg- ,i! .is those revelled a few nights ear . ' Mr If ii lie hated the hero. Ilig Jim iirr,tj. and nave his wife opium . levMigc himself by the same sort ' -or. !lou which d'stlngulshed the i ii. in Mini ii It n 1 1 ritixt ''resident. T' ' v"Ia'n was by way of helm? a dncti r and the hero was a railroad presl lent, highly respected and prosiierous. l-..ili, .iji a sop to the present ft lie Ml'-. i : i He if the public mind toward i.l .pi dents, this one was sup ' the author with A past. .i hid a wonderful mii-cle. The of bis biceps was revealed wncn ! I. lit audle'iee itokcr before the eyes of tho It wtj nut the Urst time that this hero I irl hit' , .n with ht stronK rlnht nrm Pi'is 0 d h.- esca" from the prison In iv ii h he ih put on the ground that lie had murdered i man In California It i' i n illy the villainous doctor who did fie murder and also stole the money. He i'S- .i mot unconscionable HCamp. He j.Mt i ' rook of the fairer sex Into the 'l'lrn.i I president's house, and ho even died a buMer to the mempe who was n.l I i ted to the use of dniKs as the nil- ert .-emetits say all to show eventually 'r ,t tM- reformed rallroid president was rone other than lllu Jim Garrity, the mur- Jre r. It v nf course another trial to this I ' .nt n, in th it hi son should bav f'itt I -m, usslble to love on.' oilier irlr) in i., tins world of many and pretty k r.e ix 'ep: the niece of the man h vii accused of having killed. He hiul to I ne her and only her. Here was of nur-.- mure trouble. Then on top of all " it th.- -on was accused of robbery well li' -it.-1 bov. with evcrythlm; In the i1 l h' wanted, acciisul Just like a n.u mi ' rook The rich have their sor rows. .i anybody could see plainly l.iAt it1 N'oiv of these m Incidents had th I. i- effect on the heart of that busy II un Ilu m n'hln.itlons really seemed to know no en 1 Itljtht In his own ofllce, with no cirl for the oath of Hippocrates or m other eon-bleratlons of professional -!.iu.'t'e he chloroformed tho railroad prf I' " Had he not been able to slsnnl ti . H In the outer olllce there Ih no 'vl-.i' mlKht have happened to the Hut help arrived and the doc is ununited Tin re was enoiiKh I O"' or ' i.. in '..ft .ii the laht act, however, to "nt-- Hut he was the murderer. Villain Cliciip nt Dnllnr. In a. I I Hon to nil the wickedness lie Old rlirht out In tho view of the n. e l.-t nlcht he hnd years before and murdered that poor old man and I'm h money and then tried to fasten ie blame on another. Hven In these .'ays such a vll'.Un seems cheap at n ..o'.lar . hen not havlnn to ko all the way hi in to PourtA.nlli street to see lilm .kM t'l-.t to be overlooked. Hut ho wn u't'm iMy mule to suffer, Just on ho had nr. . I HUfferlnK on others. Ho llveil ' ... the v tlm of his morphine powders imv si..- woul'l never tako another. He ' i i i m ''"ndr'iTs too when tho audience ti. '.is' of him. N ioI ti. th' audience who wntchol te i '". . .1 t.if f described above felt the ' ii l .ut.- .' t.i the value tecflved for s r'.iiii- .utl-iv Mr Uavls's mel.i ' . ..I p. -it, most skilfully the material has 1 'I- l'i I 'hat . .1 t . 1 t in wt I ' cted There are nbundnnl th.. performance. It mlltht be ..iio'.lnr thrill would hive been the frioniTly K.ltherlnK had the irtat.t scene of the -afo rob' li involved tho son, and ulll- ' ruber, been shown and not .i.e.! ir there ever wns what tntnentators of the theatre are J St ' m 1 ,.i den-rlbo as the "scene a tn it would seem to be the one s'itn,..pii nt revelation of tho worklncs ' N ..irtlciil'ir safe could quite be '" f . t ike the place of any happening in .ii.ii" tn the audience's complete -" ; of tho piny. Hut It may r I'm .Ii " elopmmt of that episode v.. siill.'lently IntercstlriK to thu Presentation Is .iii'ionte, M Woods presented the play quite .l...r.itely an the most exacting nubile. 1 i ive expected. John .Ma.son and ' Miens. vo actors wore employed In i.res. nt.itlon. Mr. Mason, deprived of " inn.l'ar opportunltliH to anchor In '.n't.- of the st.iKo and listen to the I "' his own volen, nctwl with a 1 n inr.'u nnd Imparted so much ills ' " 1 10 tho roln that tho audience - -ti.l on tils fpenklnif nfter the third n. he said nothltiB nliout whip I' -w.IIh' ckks, for which tho spectators gintel ul. Hut ho earned his, np- P' .'ISO ni. . a liiirduer exprnssed nil the con ntionil iinotlons of the moriihlno eater 1 1 John Flood veiled his villainy under ' o.nv'ird and vlwlblo Sinn of tho most I'ort ihin 1 mbonpolnt. Fat vlllnlns are '"V.-.ty Hut It Is a relief to lenrn .' they can bo Just ns wicked as those ' 1. ivo to struggle under a lenu nnd iiunnrj lisik John J.merson did nil that is required In tho line of emaciated ! .urn K.itherlno La Kallo wns pretty, 1 tier part nn tho maid servant planted a 'I n house was really well done. M- IUvIk'b most striking merit to the 1'ors was his avoidance In his open- f.(.nt.M 0j accustomed phraseology melodrama. It seemisl for a while as ' stub expert dialogue could not possibly b nbtniniihlo for only n dollar Hut that " i region faded as tho evening went on. OUT OK TOWN MAIMMAOES A number of weddings of largo Inter ests will take place to-day, but u majority of them will be nt a distance from New York. .Miss Ileulali Katon Hepburn. ' ilaushter of Mr. rind Mrs. A. Il.irton Hep burn, will be. mnrrlcd to Lieut. Hobert It. M Fanmet, U. S. N. The, ceremony , will tnko place nt noon at Altnacralg. tho country place of the bride's parents at iliugeuchl, Conn Miss Francos llurr. second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Winthrop llurr. will be married to Alfred Illy this nfternoon at the country home of her parents at Inv renew, L I. Owing to tho recent death of Mr Klj'e father the weddinit will bo as simple as itossibb". The wedding of Mlsrt Ixiulsa II. Scuil- der, daughter of Mrs. Charles I). Scuddor of this city, to David Pago Wheelwright of lloston will take plnco In Wlntlnr, Vt at tho country home of the bride's mother. The wedding of Mls Murgarot Schuyler Williams. ilatlKhter of Mr and Mrs. Otis Milton Williams, to Charles Klni; of this city will take place tnm afternoon ut 4 o'clock In Christ Church, New HrlKhton, Stiiten Inland. Miss Marian l"oor, daUKhter of IMwnrd Krl Poor of SS I'aullson avenue. 1'assalc, N. J., will be married this afternoon t') Wlllard l'nrkcr ltrovvn. Jr. of relham Manor, N. Y.. at tho home of her faint r. MIrs Akhch J. Hopf will be marrlcil to Frederick O. Dherllnit ' this afternoon lit the homo of her mother, Mrs. M. I'.. Hopf, l.K Manhattan avenue. Ilaymond J. Schwelier, who will marry Mlwt Hmlly Jeiinnettn Wellsr. ilaimhter of Mr. ond Mrs. William J. Weller. on October .4, will Klve his bai hclor dinner this evening at Delinonlco's. Mr and Mrs. Henry Kim; llrownlnic have Istued Invitations for the marruiKe of their daUKhter, Mil's Marjorln llil.l IlrownltiK. to Uenrse Stebblns Ulckui-un on Thur-lay afternoon, November 2, In the Church of St. llarnabas, IrvitiKton onlluilsoti A reception will follow at iJracemere. tho home of the brldii'M par ents In Tarrytown. A speilal trull, for New York quests will leave the lirand Central Station at i 1(1. returnliiK shortly after the reception. TAFT'S SON TOMARRY TO-DAY. llrhle Will lie IllMflTM 1lf ll-s Miirlliu Wiislilimtoti. Wasiiiniit.iS', Oct. 1 -ICx-l'ri sident and Mrs. William H Tafl arrived at the Wlllard this venliii? t.. be present at the uiilillliK of their son Hole rt and Martha Whiato'i IViwers, wdl take place here to-morrow. Miss Helm Taft arrived with her par ents ntiil wint at (ini'-i to tiio home of Mr. nnd Mra. Frank Noes, where she will remain until after the wedding Miss Taft Will be the maid of honor Two of the bridesmaids. Miss Julia Thompson of Lake Forest, 111. and Mls Murjorle l.dKur of Mlnnealsills. have ar rived and are Ktiests of the brl.b. Tin other two bridesmaids are the Misses Ioillse Helli n, whn will be tiiari'leil on October SI to Miss Itiwi rs's 1irother, Thomas; nnd the Misses Frances and Lthel Noyes of this city. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mr nnd Mrs John I. Spenee veslerday celetirateil the twen'v-tlft'i nnnivers.irj of their innrrl.iKc at the'r I.oiiim. r.2! Third street. Itrooklyi. en.l a' tne reception tho etiKnKetnelit nt th. ,r -.m, Wllliatn M. T. Spctn.ii. t.i ,!.s t' Louise Cushniati, daUKhter of Mr and Mrs Lou.s A. Cushman of lis West 107th street. Manhattan, wim announced. The cnKaucment of Miss Julia I. Il'lff. diushter of Mr. and Mrs Slauithter W Huff of fifi9 St. Mark's avenue. Brook lyn, to Henrv T. Iledr.ird, of 117 nates avenuo was announced vestenlny Miss Hun H a emdiinte of packer In stitute nnd her llatKo is a Kraduate of Williams Colli r and the c ilumbla law school. Dr. and Mrs Frank H. Panleln have announced tho etiFTement of their daughter. Miss Marlam fjnv Panlels. to Stanley llertrand Thorpe of New Vnrk. Tho announcement was mnde esterdav nt a liinohi-on whir It Mis' Daniels cave at her home at 103 West 1"1M strict. Dr. lfenry MusWovvll Wed, The eiiKnuement of Dr. Henry Mosko- wlti, hend of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, and Mrs. Charles II Isr ids, kiown for her philanthropic work. Is reported. It Is said that the in.irrl.iK will take place enily In December NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. The nnnual benefit for Nnssati Hospital will bo Klvnii tn-nlKlit at Harbor Hill tho summer homo of Clarence W Mackav In Hoslyn, L. I. There will l a proBrammo of tableaux by Join ph Lin den Smith, tho nrtlst of Itoston. In which l women of prominence In soc'.ety will pose, j Dancing will follow. A special train will take the guests from the Pennsv lvatil.i Station. New York, nnd many will motor to tho fcto from the neighboring Long Island colo nies. Mrs. Philip M- Lydlg. whn returned yesterday from Fumpe on bnnrd the Mnuretanla, will be for tlw winter nt the Hotel Hssex. Mr. and Mrs, II Ogden Chlsliolm will remain at their country plme. Wlekopee Farm, nirtgeileld, Conn, for tho winter Mrs. Clarence A. Postlcy. who hn lived In Paris for severnl vonrs, arrived yes. terday by the Mnuretanla and is nt the IllU-Carlton. She is accompanied hero by her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C.ucriisey Curran, who will be with her for Home time. Mrs. William Carv Sanger will give a reception on December :i nt her home, 10 Montnguo Terrace. Hrooklyn. for her dnughter. Miss Marv Sanger Mrs. Philip C Sawyer will give n ro. coption at her home, inn i:.nt Seventy eighth street, on the afternoon of No vember 27, when she w'll Introduce her ilailuhter. Miss Mildred S'twyer The re ception will bo followed by a dlnrer nnd a theatre party and afterward a .supper at the Colony Club. Mr and Mrs F,. Fraud- II vd luivo re turned to .Hi West Fifty-eighth etreet from their country place nt (!r"etiwlch, Conn. Arthur Ilcnsnn, who returned yesterday by tho Mauretanla, will bo for tho w Inter nt 14 West Forty. fourth street. Mr. nnd Mrs. John C Sherloc';, who have boon nt their country place In Saga ponack, L. I., since tho early part of the nummer, nro nt tho Wolcott before re turning to their home In Cincinnati. Mrs. William 11. Woodln of FJ7 Tat Sixty-ninth street, will give a reception on November 21 to Introduce to so'lely her daughter, Miss Annlo .lessup Wood In. Mrs. W Whlttipgh.ini H.ittlo will glvo a tho dansaiit at tho Plaza on November ;r. to Introduce her daughter. Mini Dor othv ll.attle. Mrs. llattlo will alo glvo a ilanco for her daugliter lit her home, 37.'i Pink ft venue, on December 31. Mrs. Henry O. Il.ivemever. will glvo a musloal entertainment nt her country home, Palmer's Hill, dreenwlch. Conn, on Sunday aften.oon, oclohrr 25 There will bo 1111 Interesting programme b well known artists, fin wlilcli an ailmlssinn of Jl will be charged The proceed will b given to Huffrugo. MISS BROOKS, PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO, HERE FOR DEBUT Siii;;er to .Make Her Kiit Anier- icau Appearance in l.iirlit Opera. Mis! VliKlnln llrook". the pr.tna dot mi soprano, iiamtntt r or joepn nr. ois, i ie atrlcal producer, came home v.steri'iy bv tho Il.iltlc. For the lust four vi irn has been Mud J mi music utidi r I-'ile i, Ponset, nnd before I'oinK lo F. ir. P - e studied for two years un l-r r Muurrl. Miss lirooki made her first api .i ranee mo at on the conciri siaKe iwo rin llechsteln Hall, London, with Yvette C.ihl bcrt. and later toured with M'.ss (Jii'lbr't In the larger cltlfs of ilerinany and Aus trln She. made her debut in opera las' May at Poitiers. France, when she .im; the role of '-iAf(Knic ill muck's "IphiKfi e en Taurl.Ie " She was supported b' M Chiisne, who sain; In the opeia when t had an earlier presentation at Pans It had been the pain of Miss Hrooks to slim this season at the Opera Comlipie in Purls, but the war in Luiope Intel fen. She has never appeurl In public .1. this country, but will make her debut tills s-nson In u liKhl 'pet will be written for he FARRAR COMING FROM NAPLES. Will Sail on Cunople Willi (inltl- Ciisiifiii nnd Other .llemliers. Oemldlnn F.irrar of the Metroiolltati Opera Company, uccordlnK to a mesh:me lecelved here jesterday, will sail on tin Canoplo from Nuplea on Tuesday with (Jlullo lluttl-ttsalia, Kcneral nnin.iKer of the opera company, and several others of tho companj'. Miss Farrar lias been In Munich, and It was expected that she would sail for homo from Holland. Her mother. .Mrs. Sidney Farrur, had word yesterday from Miss Farrar from Home telllni of her Rood health and her chani!" ( ,,nn. Word wss also received yesterday from Carl llrfiun, the Herman nnsso, nmioimc InB that ho would sail from Itotterdam on the Holland boat Nkliw Amsterdum This was giatlfv'.lig news lo the management of the opera house as It Indicated that the singer hud succeeded In obtJlning his passports. Pasipuile Amnio, the barytone, will sail on the Duca d'Anstu on October is from Ueiioa. He will bo accompanied by his two j'oung sons A cable from his wife yesterday said "Countrv peaceful." Pin) nnd I'lnjers. Tho Princess Theatre, In West Thirty, ninth street, will open to-night for the season. There will be live one net plays, nil new to Now York. Tho Winter Unrdeu will celebrate Its 100th Sunday night concert to-morrow night. Theiu will be a number of special 1 acts, Including tho first appearance this season of Kmma Trentlni. j Miss Julia D-an. who Is pltiving the, lending part In "The Law of the Lnnd" nt tho Forty-eighth Street Theatre, Inst 1 night entertained a party of thirty young women of tho Hartley noiiso fiememem. lu West Forty-sixth street, nt the play. The Initial iierformanee of "Life" at itho Manhattan Opera House hns been postponed until October 21. William A. Hrndy found Unit the change In the open ! lug date was necessary In order to per ' feet the workings of the scenic effects, which are unusually heavy and compll 1 rated. Tho curtnin will rise each night 1 promptly at S o'clock. I II. H. Frniee's new production, ns yet without a nnme. win im ursi ires. 1 eniation OH llll mam" 011 wiiiiiht 111 . Wllkeslxvrre, Pn. Later It will be brought to New York. The piece is hy K II. C.ould nnd F. Whltehouso and In tho int nro ltita Jollvet, Frank Mills. Laura Nelson Hull, Joseph Kllgour. Alice John, .In llet Shelhy, Jean Newootnliii, Cnthnrlnc Calhoun, Marian Lord, Florence St. Leon ard nnd Arthur Hymnn, A, ". Spreelis'U Lenses Home Here, of San Fiandsco has A. C. Sp eckels jHt completed arrangements for the leas. Ing or an apanmeni oi eignveii rooms and six baths In the new n-iarlV ise nt G4 Park avenue. It Is one of twelve p.irtment.i In tho building nnd occupies I the entlrn lloor A slmllni npntment 1 ha Just been leased to Mrs, Henry S Itedmoinl of Newport Mr nnd .Mis. Sprockels havo usually passed their win ters in Paris, but Wause of the wur havo decided to remain tn America. The terror. 18 Miss Virginia Brooks. "SQUIRE" A. B. FROST SEES AN ANIMAL SHOW MeinlieiN of Illustrator..' Society I.einearnate Artist's Fa mous Hull Calf, ive. Apiopus of n.itlvlng nt nil except thnt "Siiulri" A It Fiot, who's been dtawlng funny pictures for tho papere and such for about P'7 years, never will get old unliss his friends keep reminding him of his age be surrounding him with testi monial l.aniii.'t and silting him a lot 01 other Itlp Van Winkles nt the ban quet lionrd well, apropos of th.t any w.i the Society of Illustrators, other picture makers, ou know, nicked another eon In the patriarchs life last night at the Hold Hrevoort and called to lite some old Frost comic creations. All the well kt'owns among us artists I were tin re ntnl even .Mr. Frost's bull calf. which w is n bull calf when he first drew I !t but looked last night mmii like a Slhe I 1 Ian heese hound when the aft half tried 1 t.i sit down 011 11 chair while the forward I half strong desired to stand up. "Dlrzle j Joe." Mr Frost's mule, Louisa, alias I Charlie Volght ; hw cat that at the rat poison, alias (leorgo Kerr, and Towser the Dog. alias Charlie Fill-child Frost crea tions also came after the party had pro gressed o that stage, all to remind Mr. l'ro-t that li s time he counted a few more birthdays. Von 1 otild not understand what they said tlitt a 1. 1 111:1 Ih wo mean unless jou ; ,,, c(,wl,HlrH lin, turned to the right ol ten enough dining the banquet, but .laiues Montgomery I'lagg, also a well known, mid ('Italics Dana (llbsnn, nn other, who having Interviewed several art editors can Interpret straugo sounds, did the lull 1 pie'lng for the Illustrators. Mr. Flagg almoin imccecdcd In dressing up like a farmer down at Frost's Morrlstown farm, but Instead he only looked like the picture they showed lu the Finst life seiles of Frost ns a baby whiskers mid nil drawing his first picture with 11 malted milk cow as a model. Kveu Wlnsor McCiij'h "flcrtle," tho moving picture sine" Dlnosaurus, looked nskance at him Among the others nlt-o 11 mused at the Frost animal levival were Frank Double 1l.1v. Al xiindiT Harrison, Lady Duff (lor ilon Miss "Kivvplo" Hose O'Neill, Arthur Sciibncr Montague (llnss, Ma Wilson Pickion, C H William-, Harry Dart, and others nnd others. MILITARY CUT CLOTHES BANNED BY SUFFRAGISTS Decide AImi .o;aint War Tons for Children on Ijii.sI Day of ('(invention. 1 ocukstlk. net i, 1... lorn n ra" ;sr.r.: ,:cf:. i1'-1 juui itiiiK i" ni.wii nrir iv-.,.., ..i.ImI lit r.s.itiitl.m not tn Wi.he elntlieH .if n inllltarv cut it. spite or the erf.irtM or modistes to Introduce battlefield styi :n l.'.ictful America. Furlliennori'. ch'.ldi.n of siirTraglsts will not rece.vv lo.vs of a inllltarv nature this Chnet'iiai The.e th.nge. the suffraglMs say, d" not tend to foster thoughts of peace. Tho delegates went on rec ml also In favor of early pence in l.urope. Ml. Carrie Chapman Cut In a short ppeeeh presented a resolution calling upon Pi evi dent Wilson to exert all his inlluence in bring about an armistice of sutll.Ieul Ic null to enable the nations to g t i gether and come lo a M-ttinvnt bv ar bitration. The lesolutlon tin t with unani mous approval. Another resolution was iid.ipted advo ca'iig the ennrlmeiit of a widowii' pen s.on law In New York State. The executive committee decided that the next meeting of the State body will be either a hurrah occasion or one on new r.-Milutl.jiis to light on will tie made, and for that reason the next rou- ivent.on was net for Hie (list we k In De cember, the citv to be announced ..itur. Hle.lloiis will be over nnd "f the suffra gists win It will be a gient convention, j the women assert. If they l.ise there will I be no tears shed I Delegates to the national sufrr iBe con- ventlou In Nashvii.c next month were ap pointed as follow Mis Soph e Kerns, Mrs Herbert Carpenter. Slim I. la Craft, Mre, Hobert Adamson, Miss Marl 111 Mav, MtM F.thel Fielder. Mrs llariv Vlltard. Mrs. Arthur Llvermon. Mis. l.mni.i 11. Sweet and Mrs 1. 1). iiivlor.1. WOMEN CHOOSE DELEGATES. Ncles'led to lit) to Convention of Women's Clubs on November Id. At a meeting of the Worn in s Forum held yesterday morning at the Waidort Astoria Mrs. John (Irlesel, Mrs Louis V. (lay and Mrs. K, 'A Smile vvm- chosen delegates to the conv. nllon of women's rltiba to be held In lliiigh.untoii 011 No. vember 10. For the city feder.illr n. which meets In New Yotk on October 30. Mrs. Leonard Wood. Mrs. Fmi'i' New man nnd Mrs. McDonald Vnlesli were chosen delegates, with Mre. J. W White. Mrs. Harry Fulton nnd Mrs .1. W. Need ham as alternates. Halph Folks, sis'retnry of the botouRh of .Manhattan, spoke on the 1 If Iclency of the public markets recently opened, and Mar)' Francis, chairman of the State Fed eration of Libraries, gave 11 resume of the progii'es of public libraries during the last few years. WILLS AND APPRAISALS. IlEKN'AHll I F DlUKl'.NI'KI II, will died .March 2", 113, loft J.IGI.UM to his wife. I i:il7.abeth H. Drakrnfold The bulk of 1 the estate consisted of his, '. pel cent interest In Hie firm of II. F. Dp ilienfeld & Co, dealers In mineral colors and I bronze powders, which wis appralsd at I 2fili,62ri, I HOI1FHT llAHUItAVi: .Maiitin. Mil. I died I October 11 last at Thetford Mines, Cm- j lido, left an estate of more than Siaii.ijoa lie gavo nn Income of J2,.iU0 or an out right legacy of ICiO.OOU to his wife, olive 'C Martin of 1011 Central Park Wist, and I J 1,1.00 .1 year each to his daught.'is, Grace ... am! it u 'ill I. Martin, ami his son, Hensoti II. Martin. The remainder goes to his son, Alexander Hubert Martin Kuza Toi'MEV, who died Maieh I last. ' left 49,SCfi to threo sons and grand children. ! Fmen A. CniicoitAN, who dls June 10. 1911, left J15.00" e;ich to her stepchildren. 1 ' Rd ward J.. Lorctta and Joseph A On-i 1 enroll and Fllen Treacy. Iler slUer. Julia 1 1'ecney, got the snme mnoiint, and $2,:i3n ' went to St. John's Homo. I F.MMA C. Mitch 1:1 1., who died April 22 1913, left ';n,37. of which sin- gave (51.078 to her son, I'Mwaul. and Jll.ISS, to her Bister, Kllseabeth L Mnrc. j ' Clionles' r.lld Wcildiiiur A 11 11 1 v erar , ' Pitthiii;i.p, M is . Oct in Mi n Mra. Joseph II Cho.ito celenni id 11. ,1.1 . the fifty-third nnniversn' v of tei - nur rlnge. They gave a dinner t 'a' their home here to a number of friend, r.:lc Jnnls, tin- acTrees, who- says the Augustus Heimnw.iy (jave 15,000 yea war bus put her out of n Job In London, terd.iy to tho fund for the American nnlved yisterday by the Cunarder Mau-, Ambulaneo Hospital in Paris and Mrs. A. letnnhi. She is here to nnd somethlliK j. Liuev colltrlbuti d J2.000 The day'e to do. John McCoinaek. the Irish tenor, .ni.serii.tloim iimontiti .1 to i.lVj.21 nnd ii fellow voyaiter of Mla Janls, said ho bellevisl the war was uniting Inland and predicted that so Iouk as It lastid thero wou'id bo no liitcrii".l trouble In the h'neii isle. llustavo llercman, Swul'.sli tenor, who urnveu ve-nrii.ii an. i vv no win sum un the Ceiituty Opera lompuny. cot a cable rnes..fe tltneil 'Abom" while he was In lt.itterd.ini, lendliu; "Must open Jewe',, Oi tober 2. Contlrm" A Dutch police- man came to the tenor s room HSMmr ror an . Mil.iiiatloti of the mesaKe, which the i sj,. . suspicteil i elated to a robbery or! thn ti ned a breach of neutrality. Ileri;-' mail showed his passport, proved he was a .'HiKer nnd that the inessaue merely i e iteii to niH appeurance in wns ni) in the Wolf-Ferrnrl opera "The Jewels of In. Miidotina." The Itottcrdam cop laui-h il lt-ii i-l : v and shook hands with Uih tenor. Tin Counter.! i:ieonora de Clsneros, contralto, who lost her lianaK In France, Vila ' he was hiiikiiiK when the war came, ii' nved by the White Slur liner Haiti'-. She worked a while In Patls as n I led tiros-r.ursc. She Is here lookhiK for nn en- mi." Hint She ald war bad practically, .1 i-i .-.i opera in France. Itlelurd Hardlnc Davis and Orald M .tk-iii. ar iiirrespoiideiils. who have li.'i i spiiidltu: most of their time In Kunrd ' ousiii and hov lofts merely drenmlmc of. bii'tbs, were also pnBeiiKra uy tno 11. hi.. lloitt Hneon, who rftu-ned from Parts on tie Olympic, last nlirht sil.l: "1 sailed from New Yoik on Aumist -t) d're't to Paris, where I had the privilege of wo Uinir us a volunteer In th.- service of the Ambassador, Mr. Herrlck. and of tSe Am. raiin Ambulance Hospital It Is .mposi'M. to speak too hlirhlj of l'ie cour i;e, wisdom nnd ability of the Ambassa dor In the most trln clrcunistatices. "The American Ambulance Hospital for the wounded of all nations lias made for Itself an reputation, btivlmr re celvisl the publicly cvprc-seil approval nnd prnise .r the nlllc'iiK loth military nnd piof.ssl.inal. of France and FnKland. "Its u-sefulness geems to he limited only by lack of fuiwls ndUatiiv to develop and i vpatid Its work. The profound sym jmthj which I feel for the allies and belief In the Justice or imir causn mane. n advlsnlile for me to speak or the war this time." at VERNONA JARDEAU. Former Wldel Knoivii Conile Opera slue lleml lit ."tt. Veitioii.i Jirls'iu. widely known as n s ne r in i oini.- oera .-oiiir- j-.n ...' .t.-.l v..-t.rda at her homo In Natiuet, N Y. In private life she was Mrs. V. rnona H. rn-tiln. widow of a man ijs-r .... Vernona was born In thN cjtv llfv-thne veins ao She first italne.1 tennvvn in tho production of iilbcrt and Sullivan's operas. She vvhf. the V 111 1'iim 111 the "Mikado." ..-...! .1 tn- tli.. Sttindiird Cniniviny nnd i.IiohI tho tiart of ele In "II M. Pinafore." Iler ninrriiufn nmn place lu ;Chcaito In ISSS. vn.-e comnletinir the mail imir of the . w, r,,n)wi , ,.vi M..r r.,ie m tn.. this city nnd Casino undi r 'loll mnlingeni.'iit or neorgM i.t-i.i When "Mae.ia was revived ",n riuin delphhi in l"l. she again appeared as a star In this production. Ill September. I'"H. "he Jollied Charles llnwtriy, the Fngllsh nctot. Ill a vimde vllle sketch, which wis iati r prwhu ed In many cities' , In lisvnt yem Mrs. Bernstein hail devotisl practically all her time to inisini: l'rench biilUlosrn at her Vern.y Faun Kennels, which are widely known to d. r, f un let s. llnv Id slum. Dnv'd SMaw. who .stalilishi d one of h first straw hat factories In New Yoik, died on Thumdav at Ills home. 1737 Sedgwick avenue, Hrooklvn. w bis nlnet-tlrt year For jears bis fuctorv was lit Sixteenth street and BiKhth avenue At the outbreak 1 I the civil war he .irgahl-j.'d a company, vvhlcn was later tin Duryea ..mav. s. He was a c'tnit. 1 memle r of John It Finch Comniamlerv , ill. nnd of th.' Ll'i ' iln IteiMibKcan Club o' the West Side lb' b -ivvs a d'liight' r. two sons, ten ciandehildr. n nnd twelve gtent-grand- cl.llllH II. Major John Olilersllli vv . Major John Oldershaw. 7. Is di ad nt his heme, 410 Monr'e street. HnsiMj 11. Major oldershaw wis born In lhigl'ind. nt.d cime to this courtiy when a boy. on the Ie r aking out of the civil war he went to the front with the Seventh Itegltuent of New Yoik He reenllsted ns Lieu, tenant with a Ni w Jersey regiment. II was brevitted Major at Appomattox for bravery. Major oldershaw was connected ulih The Atlantic While Lead nnd Lin- seed Oil C'lnpany and Its swvcssnr for fort -rlue .v eais. Clipl. Clllirles II. Moddii rd. Pi.VMoitii, .Mass., Oct Hi --Capt. Charles II. Stod.lud, prishb-nt of the Plj mouth Nat'on il Hank, and a veteran of the civil wai dad at his home here to-day. He wis graduated from Harvard t'ntv mltv in 1M12. m.d then enlisted In tie I' arnn. fler time cars set vice he left the iirmv. at that time hold luff the lank .f Captain of cavnlry and asslslunt qiiarte'iinihler In the regular army, lie was Hie treasuier of the I'll, gi Ilu So. letv . "Irs, Tliooins W. W 1 1 1 111 ! si. Last Oh.inok. N .1. Oct. Hi Mis. Th.imas rlglit Williams, v Ice-icifent of the Kse Chnptei. I'.iuulit. rs of the AnierliMii Iteioliitlon, and a member of the Women s Club of Oi.ini'e, died at hei hum.', 7s N fill Aillti.ton avenue, Fast oral ire. to.daj Mrs Wllllntis leaves a hush.ind, 11 sou and lliree il itinbters. WIIII11111 It, lieilne, Willi im Hunt Oediiey, a reilrnl whole. sile Ice ileal" 1, tilt d yeslerday nt his l ome In the Cull lintel, in his seventy ilghth year, He foiinerly lived lu Mamnrotii ck, when, lie was justice, of tile peace, .Mr. Oedney w is a Irustie of the Home Savings Hank of While Plains for tin yea is The Hev, Vlarcos llurr. Nor. wai K . Conn, Oct. In The Itev. Marcus lltiri. fottneih principal of Public School 2 In Hrooklvn. here vvteid iv. II. was 7'i v.. 11- obi and was graduated from I'lln.'. 1..11 iml the Ft Ion Thenlogl . il Sciiiliiiiv Ills Mist iliaig. wis the Fltsl l'i sl m 1 in chtii.'h ,tl Fieeport, I, I l'i 11 ii.'.1 111- il. Mi Hi. it wenl lo South O i-toiib 11 v 1 1 III- list pas. I"i ale vv .ii. it 1 ,1 '. iiM.ti, ii.11.1 A Christmas Card Jatgntd fur unil Si I ci"-ll. hut it must hi; orilcrcd curly Pr oU, rrbaUt lloohre 68. FIFTH AVENUE the fund's total Is SS4.1SS.7S. At a meet IhK of a committee of prom, pent women who are r.ilsltn; funds for tho hospital held jest. rd.iy nt ltf Hast Forty-seventh streit plah.s ueio lli.lile for a nationwide campaign. It is necessary to raise 50o,- ( nou to I'ltiduit tho hospital for one year ;llt , niaxlmum o.ipai-ttj of 1.0U0 beds. ,'rat,els K Orake, vice-president of the , A,.ricil Chamber of Commerce, in Paris, mHli,. H.l,Iie-s ileHurlbimr the uorU of tho AhoutslJK'u.uuj has been hv Amcrlians abroad to Urn support .r the hosjrltnl, .Incob II Si'hlff, treasuier of the New ork State lloai'i uf the American Ited (.,,, leceiveil 13,3(12". for the Ihironean war futid yesterdny. The sum of 3S9.8S came from St. I'eler's Uils- pal Church of Morrlstown, N .1, nnd I'.Oil from Mr. nnd Mrs perry .lennliiKi The funu'a total Is IHl.Ttll f'l. The Ftt ik-h tell, f fund, which Mm. Whltriev Wair. ii r ' Hast Forty-soventh stns't is collect. nt;, was turn used J300, makltiK n total of I i.Trif. VI. ' The Merchants Association reported nfl Idltlonal ciilrlhutlotiH of li)a for the Heil 'Crops fund. It has thus fir collected I M.MI. The llelKlati Iteller Committee cabled I yestcrdny Jin.noo to I)r Henry van Iyke, American Minister at Tho HaKtie, to be tired In aldlnit destitute nnd suffer I Inu; HclKlan reftiKees who havo fled tn Holland. The funds were transmitted through ltolssevatri & Co. A meetiiiK will be held the thirty fifth tloor of the Metropolitan, tower at 2 o'clock this afternon, at which will be consedered plnlis for nsslstlnft to promote the Heil Cross "bazaar and universal market" nt the (Irand Central Palace iictobir 2'. to 31. MiiNTi'i.Mli, N J, Oct. lfl The Mont clalr brunch or thu Flench lted Cross, of which Julius Lints of New York Is the head, ri'cved to-day J300 for tho relief of sick nnd woutaled of nil nationalities on French soil. Taiiiiytown, Oct. 1 ft. A irnrdon party for the benefit of tho Hod Cross will b held nt the country home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Adnlph Lewlsnlm In Ardsley to morrow (Saturday) afternoon There will be an entertainment, tea and music. Hank, N. J, Oct. lfi A moving picture entertainment for the benefit of the HelKlati Hid Cross nnd for the fund whbh Is being raised In this country to' relieve the distress of women nnd children in HeUium took plate to-nluht nt the Theatre. Mrs. Henri Werleman of Brooklyn was In charire Films were lent by the Klnotnphotn Corporation and by the Pallie i'ompa'.v. ELECTRIC SHOW HELPS TRADE. Ilrlnus Inilnslrv In Touch With (tie ForelKti .lnrl.ets. One of the main advntinges of the l.lectrical i:positl m and .Motor Show at th,, (Iratid Central Palace, n. 'cording to Arthur Williams, pris d'tit r.f the expo sition coinpativ. has In en to bring the Amirlcnn e'.istrl"al Industry Into closer touch with the tcprest ntntlve of forel-rn mnrkets who have attended the prtn'iit show. The Huropean war has practically supped the export trade of the Kuropean manufacturers of electrical devices nnd ns the result the American manufacturers ire confronted with a remarkable oppor tunity for f irelgu trade expansion. The nit. Milan. 'i' flgm-en fur the show, which i loses to-night, Indicate that UP to and including last night more than 1S0, l.ii'l persons visit.. I the exposition. It Is expected that before the close of the ex hibit to-night more than 200,000 persons will have viewed the dlspl.iv TO CHRISTEN VANDERBILT BABY. Hill of V. li, lllillerllllt Will III. .Vlllitetl l.eurge fler l.riinilnnele. Newi-oht. Oct Id The voting son of Mr and Mrs Alfred (1 Vanderhllt will be christened to-mormvv afternoon at Oakland Farm nnd will bo named (leorge Vatiderbllt. nfter his grandunele Capt. Nunc F Kuierson of Baltimore nnd W. F. Whltehous,. will bo the god fathers, and Mis. It. C. Vnnderbllt tho godmother. The ceremonv will be per forin d bv the Itev. F W (inofltnnn or St. Mary's Kplscopal Chun h, Portsmouth. Itosr Mn hi lii New Piny. IIahtimhI'. Oct. 1''. ltoe Stahl ap peanil to-night at the Parson's Theatre in a new plnv bv Channlng Pollock nnd Iti'tinold Wolf, called "A Perfect Lady." The piny will be shown In New York on October 22 nt tin- Hudson Thea'te OBITUARY. Stephen W. White, Pmi.APF.i.i'lilA, Oct 1C Stephen Will lam White, former secretary of the North ern Central Hallway Company, died her to-dav lifter a short Illness. Mr. Whit" retired In August 1010, having reoohed the iige of 7a. He wis born here July 111. 1S4. He wn a member of the Fnlon League, Philadelphia board of directors of the American Surity Company of New York, and one of Its reddrnt vlce-presU dent, the Historical Society of Penn sylvania, tho Pennsylvania branch of the AivhieoloKlcal Instliute of Amerlci, Hi New Kngliind Soehty of Peiinsvlvanla, the Hrownlng Society of Philadelphia, c.erman-Ainerl.aii IIUt01lc.1l Society, Pennsylvania Fotestry Aan latlon nnd th Pentwylviinla Chili Willis Irn 'I'vv Iteliell. IIamtkorp. Conn. Oct 1(1 W.llls Ira Twlti lu ll, for nnny y. ar Supirvi-or of the West Middle School In tli s . ty nnd one of t lit- best ki.own pal.l'. si hool edu citois in New I'.iu'l.ind, dld suddrnly tn one of the cc rldors of the s 'mol building at noon to-day. He was born In New Haven, Vt . in 1 r. 3 and was graduated from Mlilitlebury Colli gc He leaves a wife, two son , one he ng Itnil Litnoln Twitdiell of tin- Cirninic Steel Companv, and two brotheis, on, in tug lletli. it K Tw llchell, Va e-presnli lit of 'be Chemical National It.inU of N. .v York city DIED. AI'PUI.H On (i.tnlier I-.. I'M KlPh T. Afield, wire ..f lVan. Is 1111,1 Aff-'.l. Jr., ll.lilgh'er uf Mrs ,n. tin- hits I I vv tn it. K,.l..r. erv Ii . " P M . Sitiir.lHV, 1 TI t li.,r. h.stsr l'l..ilaili Interment 11' 111 colli . nll'lico ..r the fittlllv I'll VdM ll.ltllf ". I'llSS'. wll.iw il 'he lit ,'s.,ti l'i. iso. at her h one lit peekuklll, v. ti. 1. .her 10, lsii. in tier tlxty ftivsnth I'MI Piil't'1 .1 s.'l 1 1. e nt her t.- I trnes, M. 111. 1 1. in 1 niter 19. til I I' M Car rt ty" will in.'et the tr.iltt ktilng 'irand 1 Htur il Ht itlnli lit ru.1 M JVIIVIIi t lilies It.tfkt. iil."if-fi.ler Miim, iiri.tiier 11.. lull Aim-Mi Cn rrolltnn .titrvl.'. lle nt lir VI ,1.1111 Jsrvls of II.-1 iklwt. N V I'mur.i' t-ervl.iN l'l be held st ht late r.'sl'l.'ti. e llttf Itoi k li'inii i'ter, Msits, Htm la dlteriiii.iii. 1111 'ii ..Tlvsl of "Jl$ Ir tin fru'ii Host. .11 MvrilM'N' .-oil. V!i!i".n l'unrrit trom Tin: rr.snitAi. 1 nrip'H." ll wm Tnen' y-ilurl !.. U'rnnk I! Csmp In Ii.ii l.nic. u" ija'urday tttrnoon t I o'clock. . 1