Unsettled to-dny; probably fair to-morrow;
moderate southerly winds.
Detailed weather reports will be found on page 21.
NEW YORK, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. Cop-sr,,,.-. 1DH, by the Bun Pricing and PuWMng Auoelatlon. 72 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS.
$7,500,000 NET
lie Tells II mv He Also "Put
Ono Over'' on Ilarriimm
in A 11 on Case.
trw"i'".iv. ""( IT O. I'. Vonkuin,
v.;.. Di-lel li Hold. .1. (!. Monro
.-.i u li was mi i.ctHe llgurn
.',. , u-ni. 7..M.,,, ml tlnnm-lug of in.'
n-.-U I 'ii'd companies, wns a witness
, ,i , ihr Interstate Commerce Com
,... .... - inquiry Into the management
Of I M tflll.
iMl 1 U of tho commission W
Mr . t nut thtotlgh the maze of Rook
It, , .i .liuim-os. cliiiw luir how a
rtp . .''i"ti of $n:ii.mio.toO had boon
pu ,-i .li'.l through holding companies
Pn ,,n original capital of $75,000,000 In
trr . 1- miuic railroad.
Mi IVlk ili.'W from tho witness th.
.i. ,.n tlm these things had hap
i t. n e.irs ago whoa conditions
itm.iM the minimi business wore
(jM.iriii from what they nro now.
Mi. nnkiini i xprcssed faith In tho
n . I-lntid system, but left uruin
n r .1 a -t.itimcnt by .Mr. IVlk that .t
wa- t.oii'ioo.ooo of water that broko the
He . I . i nil's ImiK.
Mr. I,nree' I'nnpellsntlon.
M .,.ikuni ilooHi-od tlint I.. F.
Is , furniet president of tho Haltimoro
nr'l i'iio, who bud ben nirnited by i
rr l;. i I M i r- ninnnpeniont to vim tho I
Vl'f k Isl iinl in n, snlnry of "5.000 a
e r i' il a bciiiu- of $500,000 at tho end
nf tie vears. Instvd only ton months
b. bis way of doInK thlncs did not
ti i t i, men In control, yet Mr. I.oree
-. mv 1 at tho end of this brier period
"" mm .a lmniR
Mr Yoakum advocated copartnership
t aw n the tiovorntiii lit itnd jirivato
". r, -is. in tho runnlni: of railroads
.r t fivored a profit sharing arrange
J V Wallace, president of the Con
'r t Ti nst I'linmniiv of Xiw Yolk And
. .. .. -i i i ,,i i hi.i,,. !
hf .i .i the itook Island bondholilon
0 nr., -tee tllal n.TS l.ogllIl ioreeiosuril
l.n. ...lugs to compel the sale of the J
- .million of Rock Island stock held -si
tr'iMi. by the trust company, also ap J
pwr I .in a Witness to-day. The iues
io s out by Counsel Tolk Indicated a
U'P'ioi that some or the mn hock
'! . d r.iwd Is behind tho present foro
.' -nr.. proceedings, but this was
en j i it ally denied by Mr. Wallace,
who u.-.sertnl that the trust company
was ..nl) doing its duty.
T.e witness acknowledged that tho
fercd sale nf the J71.000.fi00 stock at
this t'me would have the effect nf
wljilng out the $350,000,000 of securities
cf the holding companies.
sir. YonUiim. Cnnp,
Mr T ilium, the railroad builder, for
mtr president of the Frisco and a former
RocU Uland dlreelor, described In detail
Ms tslo of the Kilsco to the Hock Island
In 1505 at 120 n sharo nnd his repur-
eh me of the same slock In 190'J at 371. a
A "paper deal" was the way he char-ac'erin-l
It, The Rock Island, he said,
paid 151 60 cafch n sharo and paid tho
rr in ten yer collateral notes of the
N. w Jersey holding company. In other
w M.s, Yoakum said, Hock Island paid
Im D" '."0,000 cash for the Frisco and
r 1 It baek tu him for MO.000,000 cash
t'r ii.. later.
Hoiv Yiakum "put one ovei" on the
lat. ' 11 Harrlnian in the purchase of
!'. ' I. ago nnd Alton, then controlled
'i Ha" 'in. .li. was disclosed in response to
'I !'innp of Folk. The Hock Island
art -' die Alton, but waited until Harrl
. we. t to Hurope.
"W onsldeird it a more propitious
tltnt 'he.r said Yoakum with a chuckle.
v t was suggesteil by Mr. Folk
tut '. ,r of er'mlnnl proceedlngi against
! , T.l..l .1.,. I... I.,.. nu,.
- f J,-.lee had hastened tho sale of
V'.. hy the Itock Island, Yoakum (
" " is was untitle.
"T - w. .e going at a pretty fast giilt J
' - ie r.itl. nails ten or twelve jeara.
''!. "Those were the days of
' m Lots ot projects were
i ili.l not pan out. Take tho
' I' .. M. It has -pent 11)0,000,000
1 ' ' ; i thi Hlo (Inilido on tho Coast,
' . ug 1,000,000 to J5,u0o,000
ill i .K t
I'nr riu-er Ue.lernl ContniL
T "i -.irpr'nd the Inquiry by ad
' . l ii. i I'edera' control of the
lb went even further by
i.- i .'Op.i!tiii'rnlill between the
t. and the Governiui lit, In
Mr liuvernmeiit rhould participate
i rurs1 earnings and have tho full
,n , . K, regulate.
1 would be a good trade Isith for
' ' -mis and the public." he said.
. mi expressed Ills faith 111 tho
'' at.! declared the ftoek Island to
' f the best n'Mils In tho country,
1 p.. Meal condition us good as
' or r-iiiroad of Its section. He
' ' -it Is a splendid and profitable
Water to the extent of more than
"j uoo broke Its back,'1 said Mr.
"," Tr, this the witness made no reply.
1 i oIK asked the witness why it
'' f the Itook Island Is such u
iropetty It tiow had to be
1 off
' I posted suffleb-iuly Io nllnwul'
' li nld Mr Yoi-kum.
Mr, Yoikum's tentlmoiiy It was
iu.i Contfitufrt on Seventh J'aoe.
Dniilile Trnscil) In Chrtlc Hirer
"llonse of III I'nrlnnr,"
Plfdol llrlng Ht OhrjHtln and Houistnn
I streets Into laKt nlrrlit throw the neigh
bothood lnli u panic nnd started events
which resulted In two deaths.
(Illl-oppe, Dcstlfcmic, wild llvotl at "52
C.hryslln street, known to tin. neighbor
hood as the "Housi. of III Fortune," nml
Jon-ph I'lilllo of tho same address wore
standing In front of Iticlr home nbout
midnight, lloth had attended an ttnlinn
celebration and both had ben drinking.
In on argument which followed Destl.
feone, flrod tlvo shots at bin companion '
I'.illln dropped dead with all tho bullets
In his head. Throwing the pistol lnt;
tho gutter. Dcstlfcnt.e Med Into tho hou".
dourly pursued by Fntrolmen Oris and
Sabntell of the Fifth street police station.
Up to tho roof they went, tho polled
men firing their revolvers to holt tho
num. Frightened by the shots behind
hlni. Detlfeoiu leaped t, tl)n adjoining
roof. 220, then stumbled mil plunged
headlong five stories Into the street. He
w - Instantly llllo.l.
Ten yinrs ago 222 Chrystlo street wan
the scone of u disastrous tenement hours
fire, twenty.one persons holme loft. Tin
block from Stntitnn to Ilouiiton -trcct nas
been tho KOenr of many erlmoj. and bomb
Aiuerlrnii kiIcm -IOO II Men In I llonrx
unit I Mlnii).'.
OmtMno, Oct. IT. W. C. ltoWnson irf
Orlnncll, la., tn a monoplane built by him
ndf. biolco tho Ami'rlcau record to-day by
llylnir from Dos Molno to Kentland, Ind..
approximately -ton ml!e, in four hours
and forty-four minutes.
Hli destination wan Chicago, but n wind
anil rain utorm drove him out of his courco
and ho was lost for three bourn above
the rlouilt. He carried letters from the
Den MoltiHf X(il foplfnl to the ChlcaKO
Tho hltrhmt altitude attained w.n 7.500
font. Robinson b ft Pes MoIihh at 10:56
In the mornlm; and InmV-d with his ma
cliltio in Kentland at 3 -10 In the afternoon,
having run out of Kajolene.
Scores of I'ns.sonsriM's Cut nntl
I!niN(Ml as I.iicKinvanna
Trniii k Snuislioil.
,,. . .. , , .
fiswr.oo. N. 1 , Oct. 17. TIih "Mauhat-'
tan Flier" of the it lck.i wanna llnllroxd.
In'vliur HoboUen at 10 A. M. this mnrn I
intr. ran Into an mini switch a -nllo nnd
.,. , v ,.,,,. ,
th ,nltru trtllrii wjth lhf, exrPp..on of
coach, leaving the inirk.
Krglneer Charles Wilson of Oswego, j
and Fireman .lame., Hotllm, . f Syracuse.
nd Mall Clerk N llll.uu Mpper of Ful
ton are dead.
Nlppers body has not
lien founn. All were lilimeil In the tvrerlf-
.... 1
Haggageman Michael l.alton. Oswego; j
lied Ilrakeman James (5ll.ni.re. Syracuse,
and Conductor James Call.thn, Oswego,
were seriously Injured
Scores of passengeis were badly cut I
and bruised,
Haggageman Dalton was scalded and I
burned In the baggjge car and was re- '
, , , ,,,, i
moved In an unconscious condition.
U. Il.lnre,! sre ot a Kultoll hn.l.ltlll.
The conductor's skull Is said to be frac
tured. There were thirty pasnencers on the
train when tlm accident occurred. Only '.
two wero In the rear coach, ono being ,
Harry Hti.lnworth ot th, Third United
States Infantry. Foil Ontario, who p.r- ,
lorineii ncruiu nwni in iciii.i.ihi, u.c 1
Kredenlck II. Shepherd, prceident of ; 'Ht wtnt tho advance of Oen. von
the Oswego Chamber of Commerce, ono ! u'"r "elRlum. while they nro
of the passengers, was bndly bruised and "lowly pushing back Oen. von Kluck.
was taken to his home at Oswego. C. C. ,'rhe text of tho night communique, fa
ll, 1-egg, a sahsman, is among tho pas-( sued at 10:50 o'clock, won:
nengeis badly Injured. Not one of the . f)n Um fnt h on
train crew with the exception of a pur- cannonading.
ter escaped unlnjureu, '
An Investigation has been begun by the 1
.i ... tv,.
Coroner to uncertain the cuuso ot the
The I'reslij lerlmi" Accuses
MHIrr of l llliellef.
I'niLADEi.i'iiiA, Oct. 17. I'rof. ..items
II. Miller, head of the department of
Hlbln instruction at I'rlncvton, Is charged
,. v.l.. ..1 1.II...M I... sl,- Il.l,...
,rrvln, national weekly organ of that
denomination edllod by the Hev. Dr.
Davis H. Kennedy and publlrhod In this
rhc l'n ahitmtin asserts that parents
Who permit their sons to take up tho
Hlbln couise at I'rinceton )iem tneni l'
to the baldest Infidelity, both with re
gard to the Hlble and to Christ,
"Those who Join in the class of I'rof.
Miller will be instilled with Inlldellty,"
says the editorial. "He does not believe In
the divinity and has publicly declared his
unbelief. Wo know that to such teaching
tho money and energy of I'rlncetoii Is
devoted and the sons of evangelical be
lievers nie exposed "
100 Houses In Tlielies Ileal ro) cil
llaiiV In Alliens llnmnuril,
Sii,ciil Cable Deipotch to Tun .Mcs.
ATIIKNC, (Jot, 17 Greece win shaken
by selsinlo Mhocks to-day. Tho centre of
the dlsturb-mee was at Thebes, in Itoetla,
about twenty-six miles east-southeast ot
Llvndla. whom 100 houses were destroyed.
Many lumscti In Athens were cracked.
WiiK.ier Is to He Replaced li Siilnt
Sneus. SptciHl Ciiftfe Dtniiotch to Tub Sin.
l'Aitin. Oct. 17. A dispatch from Hume
to tie- .V'h) ife rail's s.iys It Is antioimrol
ibui "IMrslfal" will bo i-placed at Li
SchU nnd San Carlo opera houses by tho
works of S.ilnt-Hatns.
This action was taken because of pub
lic hostility to Gei many.
ITT TT1fl5 ITATi mil
allied nuiun
Seizes Outskirts of Armon
tieres. Driving German
Forces Back.
,spcirtt CtMe DenjoiteA to Tnr. Jtv.
I'aiiis, Oct. 17. Tho Kronen and llrlt
Ish cnluinns attacking tho Oerman richt
wlnB near I.lllo udvanoed five miles
to-day, drlvliiK the Oermans from Fro
molles and Fleurbnlx, mid seizing the
approaches to Armonttcres.
ThlH movement sen-od to striilghten
tho allied lino, which runs now almost
directly north nud south, from the
North Sen, near OtUond, to Ypres, In
HolRlum, nnd to the vicinity of Armon
tleros. In Franco. The Government re
ports to-day Indicate that Qcn. .loffre
Is rapidly strengthening tho barrier to
a now nerman advnnco through tlel
lum and the oxtromo north of Frnnco.
French marines arc lighting along
tho canal running from Ypres to the
North Sea, and there Is little doubt that
a considerable part of tho Hrltlsh and
Itelglan force that efcaxd from Ant
werp and Ostend Is operating on tho
extreme. left wing. A now Hrltlsh force
has appeared In the north anil made
Itself felt to-day by taking the town
of Fromelles.
lr.cronsi.Ml activity In tho north nnd
a lull In the righting along the old battle
! front of IjslgnyIloye-SoIssons points
' to a greatly rvenforcod allied lino at the
Helglan frontier. There can bo no morn
turning movements by cither side. The
allies, it Is reported, aro tn strength to
withstand a now frontal attack.
There Is no nltlclal news of tho Muni
tion along tho centre from Itholms to i
tho Argonno rldco, but newspaper cor- '
respondents assert that fiorman resl!- i
I once has weakened. Along tho Mouse.'
! near Kt. Mlhlel, th flovorntnont r
I ports an advance. There ts. an unotllclnl
report that the French advance toward
, . , ,. .
icXZ Un t' ttI'n tbo rrdun
..Lot z iiignwu) io wunin icn innes 01
the fortress. The situation at the eatt
f ,h..-hnttle lln.. frnm Venlon tn Ilol
fort nppenrs to ho to tho advantngo of
tho French.
The fighting Is now carried on under
mogt ,,lmcuU oon(11OIJS. wns nlin.
, hoftVl . ,.,, j,rant.0 ftml
iralne. Wln.rv weather at the east of !
... , . . v. .... ...
tnern wore reiwiriM nr n i.
the lino will probably delay operations
in that .purler, which can hardly lie to
the advuntugc of the Invaders.
Mnpxrirr IAKF PROflliFfZ
,,,,, MnP , vnmt .ignlnst Illic r.-r
ninn Afls'nnre.
S,.'Ciul Cabl, ltUtcA to Til SYV
1'amh, Oct. 17. The striking points of
the Government reports to-day were tho
successful advances made by Urltlnh
and French troops In the north of
France, around Mile, In which reg'on
,m. nhting has been more violent tlinn
nny,vher llltynK tll() l)RtUj ,, of 3(!0
tullel Thl
allies hold a lino to the
Jn our left wing our progress
The Hrltlsh troops have captured
Fromelles, southwest of L,tllo. On
tho canal running from Ypres to
the North Sea our fusiliers marlns
(sailor riflemen) have repulsed a
German attack.
(Fromelles is about twelve m,IrJ
I from J.llle. on an Imisirtant railroad
,. ,,,... - ,k ,,. i.u..,i
"" " ,...w...ww., i.r.i.mni
llml tho v not been able
s 'ft to progress southward from
Ostend. Incidentally a successful movo-
i ment by tho ullles toward Lille was
mentioned, together with an advance on
ile Mouse, The communlquo wiia
given out irt 2:66 I'. M. and was ns fol
In Helglum tho German troops
occupying western Helglum have
not crossed the line running from
Ostend to Thourouf to Haulers to
Then. In relative qulot along tha
greater part of the front.
On our left wing there has been
no change. In tlm region of Yprc,
im tho right bank ot the Lys, the
allied troops have occupied Fleur
Iml.v, as well an the Immediate ap
proachcH to ArmentloreH,
In the region of Arras, and also
in tho vicinity of St. Mlhlel, we havo
continued to gain ground.
In the Kiiewlun field of oporntlons
there haH been no change of Im
portance on tho front In Kabt I'rus
Along the middle readies of tho
Vistula River tho Austro-Oerman
armies have been driven to tho de
fensive along tho entire front. To
the Houth of l'rzemysl tho fighting
continues, and the Russians havo
taken 500 prisoners.
Speriat Cable Peipatrh to Tim Si sr.
I'aiiis, Oct. 17 Military critics nnd
leason for Hitlsfactlnn In tho steady ad-
Continued on Second Page,
Liner Reported Badly Dain
Mjrcd, but Ts Able to Iioaeh
Vexsel Left New York Oct. (5
Willi Small Passenger
Steam Trawler Ajax Blown
V) by German Mine
Nine Killed.
r.y Ctntrl Air.,
!.ondon( Vt. 17.- -A tli-sp.iii'h from
Amsterdam says that th Dutch liner
Tub.mtlu, which roach 'd port this
afternoon from South America, reports
that she received a wireless message In
tho North Sea saying the steamship
Noordani had struck a mine fprosutn
nbly Kngllfh) In tho channel.
The liner has been able to reach Rot
terdam under her own stonm. though
she Is siM to be badly damaged.
Seven nersons nboard the Nonrdatn
, . , , , .
wore mj.iml by th- explosion.
Tho Noordam, which left Now York
German "Factory"
in Scotland Raided
Biiildinir Hud Cont'roli ImiiiikIii
tions Fit toil for Mount
ing1 Onus.
.ji-oi.i.' Cablt reriiteh tn Tiiic Sis.
i:MNliwm, Oct. 17. A largo factory
building hero, owned by a fioriiuiu, was
raided by the military authorities tu-
ni,,,t. The factory, which lu nn lmpos-
In affair. Covers a largo area. It was
ten years ago ami. although It
cll" ot accommodating ..00 em-
ployoes. then, were never more tuan
six workmen to be f-ccn, and these were
all Germans.
Tho builders of the factory say that
30,000 O150.000) was rpent on con
crete foundations, th proprietor ex
plaining that enormously heavy ma
chinery would bo required for tho fac
tory. The machinery never arrived and
tho factory was never started.
It Is rumored tint a secret wireless
Installation was discovered In tho place.
Heports of the discovery of unue, fae-
tort., ,vth heavy concr.to foundation
.have come from many piaets sinre me
I outbreak or tile war. anur nu- - in
Maulieuge It was fo.itn. tnul tne ui'nnapi
luiil used the concrete foundations for
their 42 centimeter linwltiers, and It w.iSj
then recalleil tha'. Hermans bad bought ,
property In the neighborhood two years ,
ago and announce.! Hint iney niienueu i
start severnl bin factories. Heavy foun j
datlons worn laid, but tho bulldhiKH were I
never completed, Similar building were
dUeoVered In one of the iihurt-s of Ant- !
werp, which Is lnhuhlt.il prlncip illy ny
Ue mums.
During the present week the Kngllsh
nuthoritles raided a tmisle publishing
house at Wllle-den, n suburb of Limbm.
nnd arrested tweiity-two ot the ''"''''nan
employees. It was discovered that tho
roof of the building .van supported by
heavy concrete and the foundations were
j or '"'mu
rim I (Icriiinns In Hrltlsh liiny,
Ity IVyfra Xrut.
LoNTiOV, Oct. 17. Three Germans have
been discovered drilling with the citizen
army at Heading.
I - .... .
I'rnnee, Is Report.
London, Oct. 17. -Wounded German
otllcors now prisoners In I'liglaud are
given ns the authority for reports that
(Ion. von Kluck lias been sup rscded
by Oen. von Arnlm In command of tlm
German right wing In France
One of the ofllcers :..ven as autl'.rrl'.y
fur the statement is Lieut, von Arnlm,
a nephew of Gen. von Arnlm
Hrltlsh Anibiissiiiliir s.i)s Hrltlsh
Fleet Turned Hack Turkish limit.
fiptctjl Cable Dtipateh to Tub sin
Conhtantwoi'u:, Oct. 17. Sir Louis
Mallet, the Hrltlsh Ambassador hero,
has sent n circular to nil Hrltlsh Con
dills In which ho refers to the mussing
of Turkish troops on the frontier. Ho
points out that the Dardanelles was
closed by a German commander because
n Turkish destroyer with German olll
cers aboard hnd been turned back by a
Hrltlsh fleet.
The Hrltlsh Government. Sir Lou:s
says, had previously Informed the Otto
man Government that no lorg as tin
Ottoman fleet was olllcercd and manned
by Germans It must be regarded part
of tho German licet.
r'-- AmtRP
October ij, was taken Into Falmouth,
Knuland. yesterday by Hrltish warships,
which have boon overhauling nil vessels
of that lino and taking off suspected
ren'ivlsts and others.
A despatch to tho 7.'tc(ni A era
from Dowr earlier to-day reported that
the Tulnntla of tho Itoyal Holland
l.loyd I.lno had gone aground on the
coast of Kent, t'nlls for help wore sent
out to Dover and other points along
tho coast. It was believed that there
wore a considerable, number of pavtcn
gers on tlio stcumshlp.
The Tubautiu left lluonos Ayres for
Kottoriliini on September 25. She Is a
now steamship of S.fiill tons.
The tlrttnshy steam trawler AJ.ix has
bieti blown up by a (iennan mlno in
tho North Sea, with the loss of nine of
br crtw.
The Noordam left New York October
for Itotteid.im with u small list of pas
sengers and .1 light cargo of freight. Like
; mi mini) o.'.ier Holland-America boats, sh
was sillitecled to search by the Hrltlsh
after a cruller had overhauled her anil
,.seort.,l her t.i Falmouth
Vp to lute last night the line had heard
GUI. AT HI1ITAIN. The olllclal war press
bureau announce that four German
torpedo boat iloMroyers were sunk oft
tlm cont of Holland yesterday after
noon It la understood that the Meet of
destroyers utlackud the Undaunted
whllo ;ho cruiser was on patrol. In
the battle which followed, four of the
iletro)cis wiro quickly ent to the
Isittom. The Undaunted was acenm
panlul by live deiroyerw and she bad
been searching for the vesrels which
had been oreratliiK from the mouth of
the Itlver l.m. Four jnllors and one
ollleer were reported Injured on the
Hrltlsh vessel. Tho Undaunted was
slightly damaged.
FRANCI.. The olllclal communique It.sued
at I'.nis last night says that on the
Flench left wing the progre-s continues.
The Hrltlsh troops h.ivn captured
Fromelles, southwest of I.llle, and on
the canal running from Ypres to the
North Sea Krench matlnes have re
pul.eil a Gei man attack. The nftef
noon communlquo mys that the new
line of the Germ in advance In western
lli'lRlum extends from Ostend almost to
the south of Menln on the Wench
bonier, llfleen miles north of I.llle, and
that the allied troops are standing firm
Italy to Keep Army T
Up to War Strength
of 00.000 Reservists
Sent Homo Will He Taken
by Itccrnits.
Sprcm! dittr Unnntch to Tun Srs
Itoj.tE, Oct. 17 - The partlnl demnbll-
i.itlon of the Italian army, which Is
imminent, does not imply u diminution
In tho army strength, since about
110,000 reservists of the ago of 25 who
nro now dismissed are simultaneously
to bo replaced by nn equal number of
recruits heretofore exempted from ser
vice. The recruits now summoned to
the colors: are fully trained,
If the calling out of more reserves
! Is necessary In the nenr future tho
(10,000 reservists dismissed now after
three nionthn training will lie Im
mediately recalled.
I'reneli rollers I, nml l.nte "Hnlaler
llesplfe Ills l'iillo Tiivtaril I'rnnee.
Special Cable lirspatrh to Tub Si v.
nonpRAi'x, Oct, 17.--Hxpres.s!ons of
regret over the death of tha .M.irquls ill
San Giuliani), late Italian Minister of
roielgn Affa'rs, were general hero to-
FIRST -Cfncr.il New. ... . 16 '
SEC0XD -Spotting, Automobile., Kenneti ... .6
THIRD Foreign, Special Featurei, Real ..state, Financial, Gardens,
I'oultry. Books, Queries
FOURTH -Pictorial Magazine
FIFTH -Tlie War Illustrated
SIXTH Fashion Supplement ,
SEVF.NTH Society, Resorts, Fashions, Music, Theatres, Art, Schools, Problems
Total . . ', ....
R'.adtts or niuidialtrs uho Jo not rtttltt all of thue stttlons uill conjtr a jatot
tn "Tht Sun" fy notljulnl the PuHitalton Dtparlmtnt at one rv Me eAone
(2200 Busman) and the mtutnt lettfam Uill it promptly JarttarJeJ, Ij potiiblt
nothing of the accident to the Noordam.
A (' 11. Nyland, the company's repre-
atatlvo, was very much Inclined to b
llevu that thure. was l'ttle ttnlli 111 lb.
report that she had hit a mine and
mru that if It was true, the accident was
rot serious, Oth"iWlse he would huve
heard by cable, he s.ild.
Tho Nooritani Is a twin screw ship of
12,000 tons, 560 feet long, 62 feet beam
and with a draugnt of 43 f -et. Her odlcers
am dipt. W, Krol. I.leut. It. N. It., t'hlet
(Hllcer Van Do Ven. ph)-slcl,in. Dr.
Wheeler; Purser Heyntjes and Chief
Steward Hooft.
The Hrst cabin list whm slio left New
Yortt was aa follows :
Mr. and Jlr
J. J
Clurlen W. lie IU-Uo.
V.i I.
Mr. ,tml Mil Simon
s. hvtfrr.
Mls I . l.i Tluni
Mim Maria Tnuii
Willinm Ilr.mdl
Krancln Kin Carry.
V .1 lillniVin.
"iler I.tl'Ioifea,
Siilcr .Maria.
li" Amelle TouiKiInl
Mrs Anna Olwrlsnder. Ml" Klltnbvlli Tout'
. I,, rethknn. mini.
Murk II. llnhin'on. Mrs. It. von Uflnr.
The second cabfn passenger list was as
follows :
V. II Carlson,
nuuenn lllaniotiil.
Mrs. K A lirautx.
M:iter t-erire Or-iutt
Ml.s Maria ll.ni"!t
Miss louta Ifo'milii.
Ml. Knril.i It HuW
Mti Anna Kiel njolmnn
Mil. M Kiittniann
JL I.ln Krauw.
Mrs Oeoric S. Minde.
K. J Ilrvi.lt.
Mr. ami Mrs O II.
MiMKhzabrth It'iitter.
Ml K V. Seliprk.
Ml.s Anna ftehaefifr.
William It. Schmidt.
Mrs. Ortrik'e !vh':U-
Mrs Klnra Simon.
Mrs. IahiIm. Minna
on their front from Armentleres to the
sea. The communique also notes the
Knnch occupation of the village ot
n-urbalx on the right bank of the
l.y and other positions cloto to Ar
mentleres. HFSSIA. Tho Rutslan Geneial Staff re
ports that tho Germans have been de-
clslvely defeated in a battle west of
Warsaw. Tho Germans, according to
this report, had at one time advanced
as far as light miles of Warsaw The
Czar haH decided, a report from IVtro-
grad says, to make t.o further efforts
to drive the Germ-ins from Russian Fo-
KmIS" 'V" Irr',',r""t fo.r a'
winter campaign in this country.
rriemysl. the same report says. Is still
under tire and Its fall Is expected soon,
ITALY. Partial demobilization Is under
way In Italy, but the army will be kept
up to war strength by the addition of
troops to take the places of reicrvlat.
whose tetms are now expltlng.
IJI.I-GIUM.-A new Hrltlsh expedition ,H
arriving to take the field In Helglum. A
seicro engagement Is reported along
the German line In toutliw-eotern Jtel-
HuulerK tn Mcnlu on the French border.
ilay Tho local edition of tho Echo v
'aria says:
"His work belongs to history. We
shi'tild comlder It unworthy to Judge him
befote his open tomb tven should his
attitude lu regard to France not com
mend lt.elf to us. It Is not the policy
of a nation, but tho figure of a man
which disappears. We like to dwell on
two traits of bis character the Invari
able courtesy with which he discussed
everything and his happy inspiration In
fending tho Marquis Vlscontl Venosla
to the Algeclras conference."
I)lsreKnrileil Precedents Mnee IHTO
In llonnrliiK l.nte I'orelun Minister.
Rome, Oct. 17. It became known to
day that Hope Henedlct XV. sent tho
I'apal blessing to the Marquis dl San
Glullano, tho late Italian Foreign Minis
ter, before he died.
This step by the new Hope Is In dis
regard of nil tho precedents since ls7u
nnd Is regarded as Indicating an Im
provement of tin. relations between the
Church and tho State,
IliilogUeil li) the "Temps,''
tprrlal Cable Urtp-itcl. to Tim Sis.
1'ahih, Ocf. 17. The 7'otni in an
obituary riotlcn of tho Marquis dl San
Glulliuin avoids speaking directly of Ids
r - . , . w n ii.ci.
to declaring that be wn one nf the most
prominent statesmen of tho day, a great
orator, nn Influential diplomat und a
toady nnd successful advocate of the
Triple Alllsnce.
n inrv mw.rii i. r:inre if ertn nti . !... I
Mosquito Fleet- Takes Swit'tj
Revenge for Loss of
the Hawke.
Between 200 and .100 of tlio
Kaiser's Sailors Are
Warship Is Said to Have Sent!
an Austrian Destroyer
to Bottom.
p'Cui CnbU Ptsrntrh to Tor. Si v
l.o.viKiS, Oct. 17. A Hrltlsh inosqult.l
fleet sank four German destroyers off
the coast of Holland this afternoon.
; swiftly nvenglng the Iom ot tho light
cruiser Hawke ami uo men. Tho Gor
man loss In men Is probably 300. It l
believed that none were saved beyond
thirty-one, who were made prl-onors.
In addition to this victory Tor the
allies comes n report from Home llmt a
French warship has snnk an Austrian
destroyer In tho Adriatic.
The fast, now light cruiser Un
daunted, with tho destroyers. I.oynl,
Legion, Lennox and Lance, the fleet
commanded by ("apt. Cecl'l Fox, we e.
attacked by tho German destroyer Meet
while on pntrol duty oft the estuary of
tho Hlvor Kms. The battle which fol
lowed was short anil fierce. Tho Hrltlsh
casualties woro live wounded. Th
ships woro only slightly damaged.
The C inch and 4 inch gun of the
Undaunted riddled tho German destroy
ers, tho Hrltlsh destroyers completlnif
the destruction. Apparently the en
gagement lasted only a few minutes unit
, thero Is no report that any of
( British warships was seriously damaged,
c , s , f , ,
I .
1 'ommanded the );ht cruiser Amph'.ou
when flho was sunk by a German mliu
AuK'"it ft'1- Mnklng tho German
, , ... . , ,.
minelayer Kocnlgen Ltilse. Capi Fox
had a narrow escape when I3t olllcers
and men of the Amphlon went down
i with their ship.
I Enormous crowds massed at thi
1 , ,
.newspaper bulletin bonrds to-night were.
oh.-.rln,' his name and were demandl-i
) deiiillo of the victory. All that the Ad
! nilralty had to offer was a mere an
! nouncemeiit. received by wireless from
'"'" "t r..n.e.l and l.r
the bottom four ot the Gorman do.
Oernuin f.osses llenvy.
It enn otjy bo conjectured that 'h
lots of llfo among tho Germans was
heavy In proportion to tho numler3 en
gaged. The largest and fastest destroy
ers of tho Kaiser's navy, such as tha
8 3C-25, carry a complement of eighty,
three men nnd nro good for 35 knots
l,lb Torpedo ringer? of this class
1 '"'" f tons displacement, nrn
equipped with seven torpedo tubes und
two 3,5 Inch Titles. It Is probable that
the Germnus lost from 200 to 300 men,
thirty-one being inado prisoners. It Is
possible, however, that the ships sunk
were of nn older typo, such ns tbu
G 113-10S, which carry only flfty-flvo
men each and are of 400 tons displace
ment. Tho laconic despatch flushed hy
Capt. Fox after the victory romi
at a most propitious moment. Within
twenty-four hours nfter the public was.
depressed, even disheartened, by tho
terrible news of tho loss of tho Hawks
and most of her company, tho Hrltlsh
navy, by tho second notable stroke of
the war, takes revenge for the disaster
of Thursday and does much to rehabili
tate Itself lu tho conlldence nf the
! nation.
What most thrills and pleases the
people Is tho intimation that tho fore's
engaged were nearly equal, since It Is
assumed that more than tho four Ger
man destroyers which were sunk at
tacked tho Undaunted und her escort.
It remains true as for generations past
that when the fighting Is on top of tho
water tho Hrltlsh carry off tho victory.
Germnns Win Under Sen,
Hvery Important German success Ins
been nn underwater thrust, and thero
Is reason to believe tlint the Hrltlsh
navy will .iccomplish something In that
For several weoks German destioyera
from Kiel nnd from tho Helgoland hi?o
havo been active tho estuary of tho
Urns. They havo been protected in
their operations by numerous subma
rines and mines. The suppnpltirui if
that Capt. Fox received orders io
venture daringly, hi the hope of otitt ng
off a fleet of such destroyers,
Tho Undaunted was built nt Fa r
Acid In 1113 und went Into commission