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Second Section Sporting and Automobiles GOLF, ATHLETICS. YACHTING, FOOTBALL BASEBALL, BOXING, RACING, TENNIS NEW YORK, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. Copyright, 1914, by Ihit Sun Printing and Publishing Association. PENN DEFEATS NAVY IN BITTER STRUGGLE KviYf Tieil When Avery Xnlm Ith.-il I'linvnril iss '""1 Ititus Tiflv Yards. linlllZVs I'l.AYK KINK (I AMIS pii" i'. i il't di. IT. Toe jsnvy nss , t . rful fn.iii..r,l bum, Imt Pcnnsyl-1 v , , ., ,'.,!, pi..Vrd Itself :l little ,l , L.. "i . rt'-trioon at Franklin Field I n. A mmm. 1.1 ! The game was one , .r tih'i.'iii. t an.l thf result was doubt- ( 'il un:l th. final whistle Mtw Hoth ., . .. n'.l often, lut always) ,- r n l. l r hi t.ipMlly that each was ... , ,.U. llt.l C !:. th" tree minutes of play a ' -;i rii- ud loiw.ud pus I" oierr.sch t,.. Kill on Feiitis s yarn unci: u i , :i ir'iid !i or mi the fourth ; j.wt. lie i.i.'.ed to kick the goal. lVnti's ii. ! ,!..w ii .Mine In th last period. Aicry ,,. j,;,.,! .mother forward pass by lllod- u.'lt t m. Ill' Id and laced across tin- line nth It Huh 11 kicked tho Koal. Term . ...,1 I's r.miininK points thtotigh .i .;-. nvnt kirk by Vreelnnd from the 35 inrl . nc Im the latter part ot the. llrst Tl.e crowd that witnessed the game was the liriiiit tl. it his i M wen "I iTarmim Fie'. I tli.x a-oi.. ii. ut 2,o0o I'ennsyl d'i ii : 1 ti . 'i' li.ilf as many Navy -( t. and 1 o"9 1! v Smuts. The sailors r in th. iirlu.i b.ittleshlps In the League i'. 1 N.ivy Yard, who numbered alsiut . tho m..xt cnthusliuttlo rooters . n i'ic full Hevir.U Impromptu cheer , !. - . K.d.ited now Navy yells nnd d tlu '.i 1'urln.r tho ltitertnlslon they H(d tne I n tie crowd continually laughing it t'iclr (Hi'Undish contortions us they led thu rhier I'. :'..i puriirlned oviry ono by th r'r. rdlnary nhowlni; It made ,ic i n a team wan so much henvler. Hie m. ;i I layed with a danh nnd reck lwn II. t was continually Kettlnpthem l.urt V' di! every fifth play time had to b"' 'I'd for .ni() lied nnd llluo I 'iv r 1'. -l'( the flKlit, the team nhowcd i mir'K'd .lire veinent In Interference and i-k'r.'.- The Interference formed HHlrKb ard did ITectlvo work. .v .cvrr would havo timde his in'icli hiwr l"it foe the cplendtd Inter f. r"i. nffird-.l h ni. on the. .Instant, by M rrlll aid Jdiirneav. Tho tackllnc nlo vn miK h Improved. Tho men tackled ow mid bird for the first time this ififon N.ivy playeil n rplenilld pinw hut cnntiniiom fumbllnir nnd exceslv !( f the forward push loit It tlx bull at j sev. r il ci .t'-al itiiifes of th" Kame. Avery i IliiKhltt. the only regular left In the fO'tn.-d to t e the hoodoo of the forward j Michigan backflehl, now Onlt is lost. ,(in i.... (. j-k d one out of the air j dislocated his elbow to-day and will be . n his .. n 1 yard line, savins n possible. , out of the gaine for the rest of tho year. am -h i. '.mi nnd later he Intercepted two J This leaves Yost without his most valu tV's bis'.l.s the ono that resulted In a ablr man nnd the AVolverlneV outlook for ' i h' ii r,i T .ii-neay anil MIKn iortias were, i,. nf the renn line Journeny v tit nt centre after Norwabl was 1 hurt . .1 did rot make a slnKle bad n )i"o he played a splendid defen- ''vi- r n- The Ore'k played his first , to-dny and played far above I t- Mi s. He proved a stone wall or, S .' ' isc. recovered two fumbles and (c :he thick nf everything. 1 touchdown that f'f .1 i ...... In the flr.t nerlod , be sure In the first periou. i:. ' if " i.'K !'( ( (', .'. t j i.e.(,.,l back into the field. Ttv- lineup: lennvjlvanla. l'oltlon. i 'ofikttis . . l.i ft mil. "urll Left tackle. . Ui' Lett iruanl oriaiil .. Centre . . nutii'iy lllsht etiard srrlj . . HlKlit tackle ' irt Left foil iii i Quartrruack ' .r. tul... Lift halfback Wry .. Hlrht halfback luiArr l ullback . . Nan. .Overcech IH- ItnMle Jones Perry I lick a Kenneily (irnf Mitchell I'allln lllode ett II II. Harrison Sroi.--Pennsylvania. 13. Navy. " Touchdoyrni Jllti hell. Avery, (ioals from tourhnown Hui- II. (ii.iUfromnelil-VrciIanil.Matthcws Hub- Itutlnns-VlUa forll. II. Jones. Dorlres for .Nor vald, Jones for Mills. Matthews for Wray. hnilth f (r perry .MoHrtt for Matthews, listen for Ilnrrl in. Avery for Tucker. Tucker for Avery, Matthew for Momit. Alexander for Falling. Mur il. .i for ItonUlns. Woodnant for lllcks. all for Mltrbcll, Mill" for Jones, Alexander for Writtall. V try for Tucker, Falling for UloUireU, lilckf for Moelwaid. Parker for Kooiu. JJmut art for 1 'at u r, Hockrfeller for Vretianil, T. W. llarrUun t .' di uf, Hoons for Urouhart. Westneld for Alex .i. 't Wray for Matthews. l'mplr-Murpiiy. lof. ree Tufts. Tims of period- 15 tnluutes. W. AM) J. TUNED TO WIN. llefruls WeetiiiliistiT 1! S to (I After Ilelnir "icorelrss In l'lrt I'erloil, Waiiis-ijton, l'n., Oct. 17. Westmln- e'er Cn'.l. (to put up Its usunl stiff reslit- co ilus afternoon, W. nnd J. belns ' .n .1 to i xtend Itself to win by 28 to 0. 1 iVest n tikter played n hard and vicious i i n. 'it a.l M'lires and met tho somewhat ai It( d and lllnek team on even 'n s m the ilPHt period, which went score- n V and J. drew f rrspient punaltles ''i f;iT"lde, which helped tho visitors ma-i ''' T ie V nnd J. machine wns tuned UP -i tho ne. iin.1 pciiod, whin ono touchdown I iei!ti SjacKel mndo il lonK run for a) " ..ii in iiio tiiiiu periou anil men u . Lund attack by Voiinc on the line, lh M ... . V,..ll,.nt,l r,.cl,. ' , T, ii, """" "". i ' it u i)Uui neillll IHII IllllCllilOWIie it k.i led all four KOalH. The lineup: Positions Westminster ..Harold . . Dart .Stewart 11. McOnKton C. McOulston J. Mcliughir Jlc.Vaugher lluekley . . .Hum Whern- ' 1 . Left cn.l . ,, ' .. . Lift tackle i ... Li ft geiinl ' I Centre ' ' .'is . . Itlght guard 1 l.r . . Illcht tackle , ! 'in Hlght end ' ( ijiii'rte-imrlt ''' ... I efl Im'fl. icg ! '' i. Itlght linlfbaix Fullback .l Mci.augnr) ' ' IV and J . Sh Westnilnltir. 0. Touch i "-ilegel, b'judulii, Voung, Hovllle. Coals in' i 'in; Fleming, 4 .Substitutes Ml J Itlierspnon for McKeau, Wlnibcr , ' n mnl.liis, V Vo'inklns for Wesbrehr ' i'ter llrrry for J. Mrl.autthry. Heferee , 1 "'i, "f Princeton. Umpire- llutlrr of ' timra I rje of Pennsylvania Mill 1 v ' luue of ficrlnils-is minutes Inter, e, ted l'as. Ie. WoreestiT. W m. iTrii, Mass., Oct 17. Worcester V id. my lost In a hard fnuy;ht (ranie to Iii'tmisutn Vieslimfn fn-day by the r" r i 1. 1 r, Pin liuouth (,1-ored Its 1 iI'Mti mi an Intercepted forward i u,, eti r work d the forward 1 ' 1 v. ill throughout but was hnndl. V ' ed by ., ,u t UrM. Truisilnl,. wins rlnsa . Ch,,. ,. " Conn . Oct. 17 - At the , ( i '' .iii.t.y Club here to-dav the i.i. diss A. was won by L'alvln Willi r.c. ,1. t Kutler, with " ' "d i'Iiish II IlliiKer cup wis 'I fP'li i will) r,7 The ladies' , ' " ' ' Mls I. (Irant. with . ' ' " '' ' imi'iloni.hlp of 31! holes , ' ' " " ' bv I' J TopjUnu, Turner on his own IB yard line with a, Ilelmann Cntlett fnr IH-hin. n '.sr n-'.tl Tucker started lifter hlia .lme for ; l.vons, U.lmann fnr lli ntnn. Wat , ii.. . .. i i .t,i-.i ,i onnulif nnd I ,nn for Mcllile. Ho.hni for Cat ett, rt ett illy t.T yards behind but oaiiKht nnd ! fnr vnwn lluoh., ,or H,1)h it,f, .'nrvn.'.l him on the ynrd line. Nav ( n. If llnckrti. West Point fmnlro J c. tic bill on the next down on a for- lfoMernem Lehigh Fred Hard ird pis Intercepted by Avery. In the '". Cornell Tlm of iiuarters ii mlnuten i ex period Matthews broke th mutch the """ V-uv line f.- a clear field only to slip PLAY UNDER COLLEGE COLORS. ml fi'l ;n the mud on Navy's is yard "re lie tried a drop kick cm ( , Princeton and Yalr- Craduate. Meet .town that bit ono of tho coal posts ami i r Only Swimmers in Penn's Crew Squad PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 17. Dr. 1 K. Talt McKcnzle, director of tlio department of physicnl edu cation nt tho University of Pcnn cylvanin, has surprised the rowing candidates with a new order that this fnll no mnn may venture on the Schuylkill River in nny of tho college shells unless ho first shall present to Conch Vivian Nic.knlls of thu crews n certificate signed by George Kistlcr, tho swimming in structor, stntlng that tho benrcr can swim twico the length of the gymnasium pool, or i!00 feet, nnd that he has seen him do it. Tho purpose of tho new rule is to pre vent a possible drowning, as sov eral "times it has happened thnt bonts were upset in which students were rowing. FOR MICHIGAN, 3 TO 0 fr,,mAri,.s Play a Hard Gamo and Yost I.osps I!u'liitt bv an Injury. I.nhinii, Mich.. Oct. 17. I.irry Pplnwn's toe wn the factor which nave Michigan n 3 to 0 victory over tho AkkIcr to-day In tho hardest fought Kiror of the year for Yost. Tho .Michigan mentor, however, allowfd his men to uso lesi than half ft dozen plays and to try only two forward passes, ono of which Kave them their acorlwr chaiien In the final quarter. The ,RKle-, trained to the mlnut", fought hanl all the way They tried ten forward pusses und made only one. Michi gan Invariably brenklni; tlirm up and then IntcrceptlnB them. Capt. Pullaii at ful was the star for tho ArkIcs, nlthoiiRh his plutiKcs netted no mom than Maul btsch for .MIchiKnn. Tho farmers forced the llghtlnE In th first half nnd cnrrled tho ball to th Michigan n yard line, but failed to score. In the second half Mlchlfran failed for ft first down on the farmers' 6 yard line by less tlmii a foot. the season Is Bloomy Die lineup; Mlrhlc.m. I'nsltlons M A. r . I-ft end . . . .11 Miller . . l-ft tackle Smith I;lmnnn tvn-for d ' ' MnlaU Cm lir in. .. . J.rone. ... J!,!',!.'!,,.,,' MTXan . .I.rtt ini.trd HlraUht Centre "nuichit . .ItlKht gutrd , . .KlKht turkln. . . .Htiiht end . . . Quarterback .IWt halfbick . . Kullhsek . Vandsri ort Hi. ktork rtm.diock .. .! Miller . . Deprulo .. Jiillin . It Miller limhrcil UlKht Imlfhjrk , feare- Ml. lilir.m. 3- M A C,0 (inul from ni(i . n Mnnttltlit. Midi fin - - ll0,hm fnr iiu,),nBu. liemon fr hi. iiiipuci i en it. iMKrmiT mr ikimt.! nn IMiiliillclil I. Inks. T'laivpieui. N. .1. (let K The mem bers of the I'lalnflcld Yale nnd l'rlnceton clubs who nre m' tnliers of the I'lnlnlleld Country Club played a fouisome match on the locsl links this afternoon. Princeton wlnnlin: b a score of 22 to P. O. Kocirs was th- winner nf the Kolf committee cup with 114 lnt. A. M. Collins, SI 9, 73, led In the sweep, stnkcs. ' The team match summary : 1'RINCKTON. I vale r,. . I'elnhiirt and 1A. M. Collins nnd II ...K'-.J 1, L de Forest ... . 0 Wi Ki'.u,'m'"' n,ul R- H- H"lund nnd II. J. . llaker 5 8 Tlrown 0 nx G?rro.w, nn'1 ! E ""tier nnd A. O. II. Fleming B W. Androni 0 D- ;y c . 'V'""' Jr ' 0 Abbott and M. anl II. Italston 8 fluslimorn 0 D.,W..T.I, ft,u1 I)r- A w Hansomo and . . "edges . j E. w Jccott. .. . 0 J. P Murray nnd F,. I) Hunklo and W II J 1'alter.on . SI Tyler o II J Cochran nnd H. .K A Sleeenson and Cochran . ff r v Walla.. t COLLEGE FOOTBALL RESULTS. At New Haven Va'e. :S; .Votro Dame. 0 At Cambridge Hnrviir.1. in. Tufts S At Princeton Princeton, ; Lafayette a At Phtlnrtlphln d'enneyivsrila. 13: N'nvy At Ithaca Cornell, 4 llucknell, o At Hanover Ulrtmnutli 4V. Vermont 0 At West Point- Army, 21. Colgate, 7 At Pittsburg Plttshurif, 10, Carlisle, 0 At Syracuse Syracuse, 19. Rochester. 0 At Ifobokan 1'nlun, II. Stevens, 7. At Now Ilrunswlck llutBsrs, 17. Muhlen burg, 7. At T'lrdham Field Fordham. 28. Middle bury. 0 lr iV.rf'Jrd 7"MK'W York University. IS; At Mndisoh Wisconsin. II. Purdue, 7. i. iiu-ko-- iuchko. i, niwa. u At LurisinK MIrhlgan. 3 . Mlchlgsn Ag .. At cnnnipaign Illinois. 37; Ohio State 0 At Mlnneniiolls- Minnesota. 29: Hmiili tiM kotn, 7 At Iie'airare Cse. 2, Ohio Wesleyan. 0 At Wooster Oherlln, 22. Woostar, 3 At Illoomlngloii Indiana, 27: Northwest ern, 0. At lies Moines Kansns. 81: Drake, o. At (Irani Ills Iienlson, 20, Ohio L"nlver slty. 0. At Marietta, Ohio Marietta. 13; Otter beln, 0 At llallas Trinity. 7: Haying n At Tlftln. Ohio Wittenberg, 13; Heidel berg, . At Clevnland Mount t'nlon, 13; Western Iteserve, 0. At lTtleii It P I. 1.1. Hamilton, 0 At South llethlohem. Pa. Lehigh, 21, Carnegie Tech. 20. At Atlanta North Carolina, 41. flenrgla, f At Itlchmond Washington nnd Leo. 13, Cieorgi town. 0. Al Chattanooga --Hnwanee, it. Chatta- nnnga, 3. At Leslngton. Kv- Mississippi ,, nnd M . W. Kentucky. 1 At Leslugiiin. V.i --Virginia, 48: South Carolina. 7 At ll.iton Itouge -Mississippi. 20, lAiul sluua, 0 At Auburn Auburn, ii; Clemson, 6. At HlrmliiKhniii Alab.una, 13; (leorgla Tech. 0. At Spartanburg, 8 C Davidson. SI; Wof ford. n. t .Vow Orleans Tulann, 33, Southwest, em. 0 Ai Stnto College, 'a--I'enn State, 30, rrslnut- 0, At i:eter. N. II -Phllllps-IHeter, 14, Vul. freshmen, 0 At "ewlston, Me --Il.ltes, 2fi, Now Ilamp slllie II Ai Hilton Itouge- Mississippi, Jl. Louisi ana, 0 At N'ormsn -Oklahoma, 13 Missouri, n A Fu'ei tevllle -Arkunsss, 31. St Louis. 0 Ai Ilo.inoke Itminoka Collegs, sa, Morils Ilarvev 0 At Lexington Kv Keniucky 19, Missis, ilptil kI" IS A ' Aii'Mn, Tes Tx. 41 1 Itlee Instl HARVARD BARELY IS VICTOR OVER TUFTS Scores Touchdown Thai Hrcaks Tio After Intercept insr Forward Pass. FINAL COUNT IS 13 TO G CAMtiHinnE, Mass, Oct. 17. Harvard defeated Tufts In the stadium this after noon, 13 to ft. Tufts was unable, to com plete a myrlnd of forward pusses shot fnr over tho scrimmage, tints and thus Bet KolnR Its open frame, which Jtas over whelmed all of this Medford college's early season opponents. Only one pass by the, visitors out of more than a score attempted was suc cessful nnd that one wns for no appre ciable Rain In the third period. Tufts tied a touchdown scorn madn by Har vard In tho last of the second period by confining; Its attack to a series of split Una plays. Ilnd It been content to avail Itself of that attack and the puntlin? Kattio It Is prohablo that Harvard would have, left tho field with tho acoro tied. Tufts sought to gain Ion distance by ono of tho 0 yard passes that have dls tlnirulshed Capt. Angcll's work during the season nnd the bull was taken from mid air by (Joolldgo nnd planted In Tufts territory. From that point Harvard un covered a Htroti) rushing attack and scored Its second touchdown. Undoubtedly the light drlrzlo that fell during the earlier part of tho game and which soaked the Krldlron made the going hard for Tufts'g open pluys. Har vard, however, presented a tenm crip pled In Its lino and backflild. Capt. llrickley. the speedy Mnhan nnd Logan at nunrter were missing back of the line nnd the loss of Hardwlck und Pennock from the line was felt. The first ended with no score and tho ball on tho Tufts 20 yard line. Tufts had suffered heavily In penalties Inlllcted for holding, lllegnl ue of the lunds nnd offside work, iltrvard was unable to gain at the beginning of the second ptrlo.l nnd surrendered the ball to Tufts. After several plays In which TuftH gained two first downs Harvard took the ball over the llnu by rushes from the 4!i yard lino with Hr.idlro showing up splendidly on several dashes through centra. The hulf ended with the score 1 to 0 in Harvard's favor, McKlnlock failing to kick the goal. Tufts took Harvard's klckolT nt the beginning of tho second half. Parks run ning It to mldfleld. lly using Its split line plays Tufts went the rest of the dlstnnce for i touchdown, In Its march It over enmo two fifteen yard penalties Inflicted. Westeott and Hartley were the ground gainers and Capt, Angell scored from Hnrvard's 3 yard line by going around Harvard's left end. Parks fulled to kick nn easy goal. Tufts Mlarted ofT after the klekon wtth several fine gains and worked the ball to Hirvard's U jnrd line, when the period ended. Harvard's line then stiffened and tho ball was surrendered nn downs. Harvjrd kicked to Tufts's -4.5 yard line and then Aigtll tried his rm, which fell Into Coolldge's arms. Harvard's back Held then got under wny acln nnd Ilradlee went over for tlin second score for Harvard Houey kicked the goal The summary: Harvard Positions. Tufts .1 t'oolldge Left end Mankard II 0. Curtis . l.e't tackle ... o'Donncll ( nilerwood Left guud .... Tobln Noury . Centre . . . Hlchardson Weston. Itlght guard ... .Thorndlko Trumbull . Hlght tackle Turner Weatherhead Iflght mil Ilrnnitt Nwlecrt .. Quarterback .... Parks ilraillre. Left hairtiaek lladlcy Whltnn Itlrht halfback Westeott McKlnlock . Fullback Atigill Score- Harvard. J3. Tufts, . Touchdowns. Ilradlee, 2 Angell. Uoal from touchdown .Hftucy. Substltutra- Harvard- Wlthlncton for Cn.lerwooil, Hlgelow for Trumbull. Watson for Nwlgert, Wallace for honey. L Curtis tor Cool Idge. Tufts- J Sanborn for llennett, II. San born for Angell. Ilr.itt for Parks, Heblntterlieek for Tobln Hefernv W It Okeson of l.ihlgh t'mrlrc- ItavM L l ults of llrown Llnesiiuin 11 L llonkart of Dartmouth Time of pc'loja 12 minute VIRGINIA OVERWHELMS RIVALS. Trounces South Cnrollun I'.lcven by Scon- of -10 to 7. CiiAnt.OTTEsvn.LE, Vu., Oct. 17. Virginia beat 8outh Carolina to-dny, 49 to 7, In a gamo marked by both good and bad foot ball. After scoring tlvo touchdowns in the tlmt quarter, Virginia grew caroluss und nllowcd tho Palmetto State eleven to register a touchdown on a forward pajs, Hrooker raced thirty yards and fumbled tho ball as ho crossed the line, but Cnpt Stonoy fell on the pigskin and later booted tho ball between the posts. Virginia had two regulars out of the line, Kviins, centre, and White, left end. Flannagan, who subbed for Whltn, starred through out, catching two forward passas and crossing tho goal line In each Instance. The lineup : ' Virginia. Positions. South Carolina I'lanuagaii Left end ... Iliookcr Want.... Left tackle McMillan Culcman.. Left guard Willis (i. Anderson Centre Htoriev Moore... Hlght guard ., Hamilton J iiarKi-r . .. nignt isckie .. .tioiug Gillette Hlght end . Jlranlrau d'oocli. . Quarterback .. Pwrter Mm er... . Left half back l.angstnn Wocrd. ... Hlght halfback Hlcliard Hpiur . . Fullback Kerr Score- Virginia, 40; South Catollna, 7 Touch downs Mayer 2. Flannagan 2, Sparr, Wotid, Ward, Stoiiey. Goals from touchdowns- Darker 1, Money. Iteferee- Harry, Georgetown, I'm. pelr I etrer. DnMdion. Llnrsman- Pinty. Haiidson. Time of uuartrrs- 12 and ID mluuU'1 B0WD0IN WINS, 20 TO 0. .Mindly I'lrltt .iivt HiimIoii ('iiUi'mi" rlt' Jlt'ftirt Jlviiv)' Trnm, i HitUNflWICK, Me., Oct 17. Kom (loin's i heuvy team, favored by tho muddy Held, defeated Uoston Colletfo n Iho Hnwuoin ciimpuH this afternoon, 20 to 0. The visi tor hopelessly outwtlKhed, were prac tically powerless under the conditions to stop tho liowdoln uttacks on their Hue, nnd the score wan not Inrwer only because if miinenius fumbles. The final swirn followed n fumbled punt when Ncvens plcknl up thn ball nnd ran tliree-nuarters tho lenirtli of the Held for n touchdown. All tho scorinir was done durlnR tho llrst two periods, after which liowdoln tried out snbstltuti In every position but that of fullback. The llwuirr Ilnu iloln Positions lloston Colleite I'osler Left end . Hotter Lewis Left tackle.. . . O'Connor N Aloulton . .. Left ituard . . . Dulle-i Stone Centre Anderson Ilreivster Itlsht Kuard Duly I.euillietter .. ltle-ht laekl.. . .IV. JUC, ll, riuyd HlBht end Conbov Rhiimwny.... Quurterhiuk , Twllcheli N'evens ... Left halfback. . . . Duffy Stewart... . IllKht halfback.. . Kllny Colhuth Kulrliack. Cravens Score llolvdriln. 20; Ilfwlon C.llleifft. n Toiielidow ns C Foster, Nevens, : Unals from touchdowns Nevens, 2 I'mplre- I'raser Hefr--Kslley Linesman llnllii ilay Time of periods 10 minutes. Bub stltutlons llouiioln Wood fnr Poster, Oliver for I.evrbt, Vouns for N. Moulton, Campbell for Stone, Austin for nrewster, II Moul ton fur Leiulbetter. Chapmun for Floyd, Stanley fur Chapman, Mnnnlx for Slium way. Dyer for Nevens. Sliumivav for Btirwnrti Uoston ColleKe Klnke for Conboy (Jnftnev for Daly, It McCarthy for Dulles, Drlseoll for Hoser Maloney for Tvi Itchell. lir.i.i:y fir Cravens, ; Panama Canal Trip Sculler s Ambition C I'lUNGFIKLD, Muss., Oct. 17. To scull from Savannah, Gn., to thu I'nclllc Coast by way of tho Panama On tint Is tho ambition of Harry Bennett of Springfield, former national champion, who will Ball for Savannah on October 24, He represents a boat building firm and is having u wherry specially constructed in which to malte his unique sculling effort. His wlfo Is a sculler too, and their craft will bo about 20 feet long, 30 inches wide amidships and 10 inches deep. It will be decked over with canvas nt each end, and tho bottoms are clinker built, or lapped, so that they will bear up much better in heavy water. The equipment will include a racing shell, camping outfits, &c. DARTMOUTH WINS EASY WITHOUT RUNNING RISKS Pluys Straight Stylo Agninst Vermont, to Foil Scouts of Princeton. IIanovkii, N. H Oct. 17. If Dart mouth had anything worthy of the I'rlnet ton scouts' attention she failed to hbow Il in to-day's full Bnme with Vermont. In utnasslnrr 42 points nnd noMlnij the visitors beyond mldlleld the Oreen tenm pl.ied strictly old style foHb.ill, nnd not much of that. Not a- formation wns d's played by tho Dartmouth quarterbacks which may not be seen duplicated on any IiIkIi school Krldlron. nnd the piny Itfelf whs dull and matter of (net. Penalties nnd Injuries took up the prtater part of the afternoon. Dart mouth suffered most from the former nnd the visitors from the litter. Abell, the Vermont nuard, carried from the Held t' thu Hitchcock Hospital early In the second Imlf sunVrlnx; from a oplnnl concussion. Ills condition was not seri ous at tho end of tho Bame. About half th strength of the Green team was kept on the lieneh from fear of Injuries and rumored l'rlnceton scouts, i f whom one finally made his nppearance In I'endletoti, himself .1 star for tho TlKeri In 1909. Tuck nnd (Ihee starred for Dart mouth, the Utter cutt'tiK louse several brilliant quarterback runs In the first hnlf For the visitors Walker nt centre was the strength of the line. The lineup: Dartmouth. Positions, Vermont Perry.... Lett end Malcolm McAtilllTc... Mrrilll..,. Mllmore. . Mpears. .. . Cotton.... ITitilrlllt . Left tackle Left iruard . Centre Illelit luard lllirht tackle I'lvun Dennlnif Walker Armstronif Little It I mil end 1'iue I.hre . . Quarterback . Vliuler Cannon . Left halfback lluike (ierrtih .. ltlilit halfback Smith Thlelscher.... Fullback GilJden Retire DartmouUi. ii: Vermont, 0. Touch dounsUcrrUh ?. Cutntskry, Murilock, lihee. llolbrook. lioals from tomlidoiMis Pudrlth :i, Spears 3 Substitutions- Dartmouth, Illlms for perr. Wlnstilp for P.llme. Hitchcock for Mc Aii'lflr, Master for llllmore. Turk for I annon, I olliy fur Merrill. Murilock for Thlelscher, llurni for Cotton. Comlkey for (ihee, Soutar for llltrh cock. Kmeri- for Wlnslilp. Ili.lrllli for Wlnhlp for Trier. Ullms for Ltncry. Duhamil for Tuck for Murilock. Thlelscher for Tuck for (ierrtsli. ponder fnr Wlnshlp. Ilolhronk for Tuck, (illo for llaiter: Vermont, Abeil for Deunlnir, Den nine for Flynn, Demarco for Abell, Weeks for Walker, (Hidden for llurke for Smith Iteferee O'Hrlen of Tufta. I'mplre llrown. II. A A. Linesman llocy. Ilo.tnn Time of periods IS minutes. WILLIAMS SNATCHES VICTORY. Ilnlfbiirk 'roolnii Hero In Defending SprltiKlleld hy 17 In 1.1. Wit.i.tAMSTOWN, .Mass, Oct 17 -In one of the most eM'itliiK trames ever seen m Weston Pleld Williams triumphed over SprliiKlleld Tralnlnn Schixil by tn score of 17 to 13. Although cooperated with by the other members of the tenm, to Toolan, the Williams star hnlflnck, really belonRi ihv credit of tho victory, for ho went over the lino In tho final period for two touchdowns. Williams waa tho first to scons when Dewlndt in the'seoond period dropped n Koal from the 42 yard mark. Holmes's pass to Kchablniter for fourteen yards made It possible for (llRfon to buck tho line for Sprinjffteld's flrrft touchdown. After Fountain had scored his touch down In the fourth period Toipklns re covered n fumble, Kells passed the oval to Ijiplante, forty-five ynrda away, and Tonlan circled rlcht end for n score. When Toolnn passed to l.aplante for ten yirds Dewlndt successfully duplicated thu play by a thirty ynrd hurl to tho sam mnn. Toolnn Rained the needed twenty yards for n tuichdown, throwlnff riff nvo ir six Rprlnirtleld players Dewlndt kicked both Koals. The lineup: Williams. Positions. Springfield S. llulibell ... Left end Hell (iartleld Lert tactile Holmes F.etl. Left iruard McKlnney Tomklns Centre Cooper llrlscoll. Hlrht iruard Hanks FtirnesB . Itlrht tacklo I'rlisllune Lal'lante Hlrht end Herkimer DrHlnilt Quarterback Schablnrer Oiertoti Left halfback Miller Jones, Itlrht halfback Williams Piiyson Fullback (Jlbson Score-Williams, i; Nprlnetleld. IS Touch doniis Toolan 'I, Olbson, Fountain. (loal from drop kirk Dewlndt Coals from toucndonns. DcMlndt S, Hell, hubstltutlons -WHilama- Ilrum baurh for (ianlelrt, Austin for nirtiejs, Welch for Lal'lante, Wilson for Welch, li. L. Ilubbeil for Denlmlt, Toolan for Oierton, Mnlthan for jKiri. lllodritt for Molthau. Sprlnrtield Cant irll fnr Herkimer, Stevens for Cantell, Her In hi for Mlllir, Meyers for Williams, Fountain tor uinion. itereree Andrews in i air urn-. plre llurkeof Wurreiter Linesman Karmerofl Dattmoiitli Time uf periods lu inlnutes, Wilson Lends nt Turk Club, I'l.AlNnct.n, N. J . Oct. 17 These scores were posted for th prosldent's nnd Unkmnnt cupi nt tho I'ark (5olt Club to-dny .1 A Wilson, IH 13. SI ; Thompson. 10322. si; W V,. l.oiiRh, US 14, Kl; tl. II. Hill, 10318, ST.; H. K. Ulruler, P2 . all, Hoylo H. I'hllllps, 93- 7, fifi : W. V. Taylor, 933, 110; John Whitehead, 10212, 90; C. 11. Morse,, HU--12, 92, Dr. IT. K. Carroll, 99 r. 94; O. J. Hand, 11112, 99. SCHOLASTIC FOOTBALL SCORES. At West Knd Oval -Hay Hlde, J, Da Witt Clinton. 0, At Adelphll'leld Adelphl. 87, Hoys Hlrh.o At Hawthorne Field llrooklyn l'rep, Ti Craamus Hall, At Commercial rield Btuyvesant. It, Commcrrla.1. o. At llotioken Slavens Prep, 7: I'oly Prep, 0. At Huliurban Oval N V Mllltdry Acad emv. 30, Manual, 0 At I'nwllnr 1'uwllnit. 21, Commerce, 0 At Newark New ark Academy, ", Ht, Paul's H"honl, 1. At Lnkevllle. Conn llotehklss, :;; Cor nell Freshmen, 1. At Manilas. N. Y Manllus School, it, N V State Arrles, o, At Ilackensack N'swman, IS, Cliff Plan Illuh, 0 At Mnntclalr Tlutrers Second. S; Mont clalr Acadsmy, . At Newark Mnntclalr l!lh, 17; Central HlKh, At Worcester Mass Dartmouth Fresh men, 9, Worcester Academy, 1, TIGERS OVERWHELM LAFAYETTE ELEVEN Line Is Wenk on Offensive, hut Ability Is Shown to Grasp Seoring Opportunities. LONG M8 WIN THE DAY1 PWNCIT0M, Ocl 17. !Vtncotm nnd Lafayette rertowed football relations this fcftitrnoon on University Tlelil) nfter o lapse of three years, nnd tho Timers emerged at tho largo end of a 16 to 0 score. The Ornniro and lllnek '.Inn was on tne offensive, nnd It was ability to nelie tho opportunity when It pre rented Itself thnt enabled the home team to mako Its first two scores. A long forward pass made posslblo the last tally The visitors were sadly crippled by the toss of five of their regulars, Including dipt. Dick Diamond, nnd their fumbling proved costly. In spite of tho continued rain, the field was In good condition, although there were many falls because if uncer tain footing. In all probability It wan tho last game of football for University Field, for next week Dartmouth rumen to Princeton to open the Ktndlum, nnd If tho weather continue fair the Will Isms game probably will b played there ulso. l'rlncon'e forward parjiesi did not ment with tho hopJ' for success to-day. but their failure) nnd ulso their lack of n oonslstent attack may bo duo largely to the disappointing showing of tho line men on tho offensive. Thomn, Muxfleld nnd I.ulir wisrv breaking through con stantly iirnl downing tho man before the play had got fairly under way. The forwards put tip a much dirfererrt eirtlcle of football on the defensive, and' the time when the Lafayette mnner got through to th secondary defence wen few and far between. Tho visitors camo to Tlgertown con fident of at least n tlo score nnd their supporters In tho stands, Including the student bnnd of forty pieces, which fur nished music between the periods, were sadly disappointed. J-nfayetto wan more proficient In the use of the for ward pa's nnd gained sixty-seven yards, compared with tho Tigers' forty-one One push from Taylor to Toll was a iMiauty nnd travelled thirtv-llve yards Lafayette was o eager to scoro that Maxfleld tried a goal from placement from the 45 yard lino In the second period end Inter on he attempted nnothcr from tho 3! yard line. Hoth were miserable failures. Law outklckcd Kelly nnd the Tiger backs were surer In their catching of punts. (Hick, who did not get In until tho sec ond half, featured tho game by a run of sixty yards on the klckoff at the begin ning of the third Itrrlod, lie followed It with un off tacklo piny of fifteen yards and was the best ground gainer of the afternoon. Kreddlo Trenkmnnn also had ii good run of rventeen ynrdei to his credit, 'while lllgler, who took Mel-enn's place nt tackle, made u run of thirty yards for a touchdown. Law floored the llrst olnts for the Tlgerw on a field goal from the 33 yard line after L.nnbcrtoli had recovered Taylor's fumble and Trenknmnn had made his run of seventeen yards Fal lowing several exchanges, of punts after the klckoff Hlgler broke through and In tercepted Taylor's forward pnm Juat ns it left his hand. Taylor did not overtako Hlgler until ho slid over the goal line in tho corner of th Held. I.iw's piiutout went stray and there was no goal. A forward pass of twenty-six yards from Law to Iloland placed the ball on thu 1 yard line In the third period, when Ames carried It over Law kicked goal. The lineup: Princeton Positions. I.afayettr. I.amberton Left end Hlarkburn Hlgler Left tackle Kelly Shenk Left ruard Thomas (iennert Centre I.ulir K. Trenkniann, Hlrht guard Woodward Hallln Hlrht tackle MaMlclil Hrown Hlrht end Ton Poland. Quarterback Taylor Tlbbott Left halfback Lcreli F Trenkniann Hlght halfback Kennedy Law Fullback Furey Score-Princeton. 16. Lafayette, 0. Touch downs Illrler. Ames, (ioai from touchdown Law. Hubstttutlons-Prlnceton. Mlghley for Lamberton. Ames for Iloland. allele for F. Trenk mann, Love for Illrler, llorr for IL Trrnkmann, Drirrs for Law, Foster for Shenlt, Mott for Hlrh ley. Shea for llrown, llolund for Drirrs. Doollttle for Tlbbett. Lamberton for Shea: Lafayette, J Diamond for Taylor, Swaru for Toll, Wrldon fur Lerch, Toll for Swaru. Tailor for I. Diamond, Mummrrt for Thomas. Hartford for Toll, Toll for lllaokbiirn. Iteferee Marshall of Harvard, umpire- Williams of Pennsylvania Linesman Uavls of Wesleyan Time of periods li minutes. GENERALS RESERVE FIRE. Washington mill llenls Ceorm toivn lit to O In Wblrlivlnd I'lnlsli, IticnMONn. Va Oct. 17 WashlnKtOn anil lrfe humblesl the heavy CeorKotnwn eleven In a bitterly fnUKht Kanui to-day, wlnnlnr? 13 to Oiitpbo-d In the llrst half the (lenerals played throughout the third nnd fourth periods on the itKirres slve. OeorKetown threatened to score twice ditrlnK the conflict, but at the crltioal moment fumbled ond surrendeted tho bull. Tho Ulue and dray line held stronRly until the closlns perlil, Imt Oeortretown was unable to cope with the fleet footed barkfleld of Washington nnd Tho first touchdown rants In the open InK nunrter when Sweetland recovered Campbell's fumble rhnt followed a vicious tackle by Miles and ran thirty-two yards for a touchdown. YoutiK repristend a gonl. Tlio openlnrf mnno-uvre In th fourth qunrtor clinched victory for Washington nnd 1.CB when Touiik ran slxty-nlne yards around rlsht end for n second touchdown Younc was the star of Die battle, although Miles, Bhnltz nnd Har rison were strong on the defense, dipt. Murray far Georgetown made consistent plunges through the lighter General line. Tho lineup t W. and I Positions. Oeorretown gLmn." Left end . .. Cusack Nhulti Left tackle Ward ii''rry, Lett iruard .... Mahlum J 'ernttl.. Centre Crowe I)'n" " h Crd Ilarron .Itlrht tackle ... (Jmmlrv Harrison.. Hlrht end Camnbe II Donahue .. Quarterback .1 nicy Younr Left halfback ... . (iolilen Swei'tland . Hlrht halfback . . Murrnv Oallarher. . Fullback Noarlc .Score- W ond l... 13; Oeorretown, 0 Touch-downs-flwcetlBjid. Younr (loal from touch down Younr Substitutes- W. and L.-llryaii for Dlmrwall, lleuhrlnr for Nweetland, Nwi-ei. land for Oallarher, Oraham for Slmms, Heeley ror Harrison, Darren for llrs'an. Oeorretown -Foley for Murray. Murray for Foley. Pamtls for Campbell, Campbell for Cusack, Cninnln for Campbell. Wclser for Golden, Campbell for Welser. McCarthy for Ward. Orssler for Cusack. MrKenna for Crowe, Welser for lioldcn, Land reait for Foley. Mccarty for Oormlcy Heferee Oass. l.ehlrh. t!mplre Pee, Iowa State. Lines. man-Church, Vale Time nf quarters- IS min utes. Dartmouth Freshmen Victors, WoncESTrn, Mais, Oct. 17 Dartmouth freshmen won the first football game thoy played thlB yei.-, bunting Worcester Acad emy hero to-day, 9 to 3. Dartmouth out played Worcester In the last part of the gume. Worcester made Its scon. In the first quarter in u field i;oa by TtibutUue Dartmouth scs-M on a kicked flli goal by Eadlo und a ii.utlidowu, cm. Gowdy's Dad Just Can't Stay Silent pOLUMHUS, Ohio, Oct.17. Mr. and Mrs. II. Gowdy, pnrents pf Hank Gowdy, tho Uoston cntchcr who hit bo hard in tho world's scries, witnessed tho proj? resa of tho irarncs in front of on electric scoreboard hero each af ternoon while seated in an auto mobile. They were supposed to bo incognito, but when Gowdy made his second hit, a triple, tho father toss,ed his hattinto the air and shouted: "Who said mylboy couldn't hit?" Ho immediutx'ly was recognized, and showered with congratula-1 tions. -I ! PITT BEATS INDIANS IN : POORLY PLAYEDeGAME Cnlap, Who Mikes Carlisle's Only Score, Is Almost Whole, Hcdsiiin Tenm. l'lTTSiivmi, Oct 17 The University; of l'lttsburtr football team defeated tho Carlisle Indlnns to-day, in to 3, in a pamo featured by medlcoro play by both tennis. The only Indian who scorned able to jiut mi n Kood iriimo was Calnc, whoso end runs nnd line plunges wero equally KOvd, but ho received only fair support from his teammates. As a result most of his (,-ood work with tho ball went for n.uiK'ht, Thu university boys scored first. In the ' first period, whvn V. Hroker fumbled tho ball on tho IS yard line nnd Hnstlnirs I recovered t nnd seond a Koal from a I drop kick. . In the second period the play was about even, both sides fumbling ire ! uuotitly, but toward the end of the period Dehart made a brilliant run. throuith the Indian lino for thirty yards over the j line. HastltiKs had no trouble klcklnK Koul. Miller made two tine runs in this I period, but In each case the' ball wns lost on n fumble I The third period brnutht out the splen i did pl.iylt.K of Caluc, who seemed to ' carry the whole burden of tho frame on his shoulders In thu fourth quarter the work of tho , visitors improved, and throiinh some . splendid double p.issltiK from Wolford to I'r.itt and Cable's llnu pluniies material cnlns were made. ;"th the ball on the j l'itt 30 yard line, Calac kicked a uoal .from placement. maklnK the score 10 to 3 In favor of l'ltt. Tho lineup: Carlisle I l.tria I'lttsburr. .Carlson .Sutherland bmlth . Peck . .Itees Ilocke rumlUi Herroa Dehart llastlnrs Miller Wallet te Lassa Hill Morrlu llawkcatfle Murteil bird Welmas F. broker I'ratt Calac J-s-ft end . Left tackle Left ruard . .Centre . . . Itlrht ruard. Hlrht tackle . Hlcht end Quarterback Left hainiack . Hlrht halfbark Fullback Collins .Score- University of I'lttsburr. 10 Carlisle. 3 (ioals from neld llastlnrs, C'alac. Touchdown i iirnnri. i.oai irom tournuown itasttnrs. Sub- Mltuilons I'lttsburr-Jones for Sutherland, .Sha I Plra for I'eck. .Soppftt forlteese, Matson for Her rim, llarrlnrton for Matson, Hell for Dehart. !!T.';,U'1 !.or "''"t Morrow for llasilnrs. Dillon for J,l"'.rT.. r' 'ur fulllns. Collins fur I'r-. Ilauley for Cglllns. I ry for Hanlcy. Carllsle-ltanro for Lassa, i.llman for Itanc, Welmas for Oilman. , ejllroker liir Welmas. Wnlfm for F broker Iteferee- W J Lnnrford. Trinity Umpire II C. hmltli, I'enn Linesman - Hammond, Miclilran ARMY-NAVY GAME AFTER ALL? Humor elves It o l'hllnili-lililn for Snttirilii)- After ThnnUsKl vlntr. I'liiltJELPitiA, Oct. 17 According to a rumor In the Navy foothill scjuad, which met I'enn here to-dny, the annual Army .Suvy fimtb.ill gHlue will be pluyed in this city the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. I hum Hated that the dlttlrultles which had almost reiulted in the cancelling of the game had been settled and thnt nn agreement had been reached and awaited only the signature, of tho athletic council of both teams. It Is said that the agree ment is for five years. The games are to be played alternately between here und New York, According to the rumor, the game here It to be played at the Athletics' field, Bhlbe I'ark. E. J. Ilcrlet, chairman of tho I'hiln delphla committee which had been en deavoring to have tho two teams settle their dllllcultles and play the game, stated that In a letter which he received a month ago fnim llenjamln F Khlbe. prosldont f the Athletics, -Mr Shlbe stated tho com mittee could have the use of the Held to stage tho Army-Navy contest, provided that all temporary suits erected for the gamo should hi removed nftoriviir1 nn.l I the grounds left In their original condi tion. Mr. Ilcrlet said the members of the committee were very optimistic over hav ing thu differences uf the teams settled, BILLIARDS ABOVE BULLETS. Ciissltrnnl, French I'lnser, Ctiturs to ClinlleiiKo Hi. pin-, Flnnln I'nsslgnol, rated among the best uf tho Kuropran bllllardlsts and a rival of William F lloppe, arrived In New York yesterday on the steamer Olympic, lie nays he cainu to this country because he was too old to go Into tho French army, In which one of his two wins Is serving, nnd as billiards Is neglected In Paris and other eltlea In France. It was his intention to challenge Hoppo Immediately fur tho 18,2 championship, which expire next month, but having learned that lloppe will bo engaged In matches nnd exhibitions with Melbourne Inman, champion of Kngllsh billiards, until about tho middle of January, will defer so doing. In n practice game last spring Caaslg not ran 098 at lb :2. Hubert U Hose, the turtman, who wntched Casslgnol playing in Purls Inst summer, said: "Hi. has Improved since ho was In this country, plays more like Ives than any other player does and Is tho most finished nnd artistic bllllnrdltt I hnv ever seen." Maurice Daly enl.l "While In Paris Inst March I closely observed ('assignors playing I Indorse Hose's opinion." McGRAW TURNS 0'TOOLE BACK. Forfeits First Payment it ml Pitts tiurir Jte-slirns Pitcher. I'lrraiiuno, Oct. 17 Marty O'Tooln, who was boiiBht by tho New York club, has been turned back to tho Pittsburg club by Mannger McOrnw. The linal payment for O'Tooln was to have been inada Oc tober IE Mdlraw forfaited tho llrst pay ment rather than take n chnnco on the high priced pitcher. President Dreyfuss, when he was In formed of McOraw'a ultimatum, sent O'Tnolo a contract for 1915, which the pitcher signed, It Is heltevnJ that he will b transferred to some olhcr club In a i deal befiiri. tho opening uf next ttttvill). YALE CRUSHES NOTRE DAME'S VAUNTED TEAM Makes Four Touchdowns, Scorintfin All Hut One Quar ter Score Is 2 to 0. EXCELS WKSTKKXKKS EVEN' IX 01'KX PLAYING Nkw Haven, Oct. 17 The best th( Notre Dame football eleven, coming East with u. reputation for gridiron might, could do against the Yale tenm this after noon was to come closo to tho nils' goal lino on a couple of occasions. Yale, a pep pery nnd lively aggregation and equipped with n goodly variety nf effective plays, beat tho Westerners by a score of 2S to 0. The New Haven team left no doubt of Its superiority Yulo scattered her fout touchdowns, from each of which tho goal was kicked, through three periods ono IB the second, two In tho third and one In tin fourth. Ity means of tho forward pass. which It didn't spring until after Yalo hat scored, und running bark of klckoffs, the Notre Dame men twice hud the ball Inside jaies o yard line, and these Hashes ot productive attack came near the close ol each half, when the visitors were cutting loose with all they had In the hope of get ting over th" New Haven line. Tho llrst hair ended with Notre Dame haxlng the ball and nearer than live yardi to Yale's goal, the Flls being engaged In putting up a stiff and quick diagnosing defence to nvert the danger Just before the close of the second half Notre Dnme. again was less than five yards from n touchdown. This time the Illegal return of u player. Cofall, to the game Imposed li penalty of lirteeti yards on Notre Dame and took away the last chance to score. Cofall had been In the game twice before nnd was Ineligible to reenter again. The penalty wns fifteen j arils, though rule 3 o the playing rode says something nbout a penalty of half the distance to the goal line for an Illegal return. Notre Dauie'e attack was not nearly sustained enough In efficiency, coming only at n lute hour In each half, and Ynlo outplayed and out mniia.uvnil the visi tors, who were a strapping lot nnd ap peared to lie heavier than tho Illue by a big margin once they scored on Notre Dame Yale, with repertoire of lino plung ing and forward passing nnd bnckward or lateral passlnr. smartly executed, went over nnd through Notro Dame In telling fashion. Thu Indlanans mnilo the tactical mistake of rushing too much in their own terri tory, nnd it wan only In extremities that they ate up ground for any sustained profit. They did do some pretty forward pass work, but It wasn't dependable and was raggedly done qultu ns often ns It had pris-lsloti. Yalo mixed up forward passing with double nnd triple pnsalng nnd gnve n spectacular display of this sort of work. The men wore nlert and handled tho hall well, The Hold wns heavy nnd edlppcry from rain, nnd under the circumstances the runners keait their feet and handled the ball creditably Yale was outplayed In the first quarter, when on runs from kick formation her ends were turned for scvernl fat gains. The Yalo line defence from tackle to tackle was stanch, better than Notre Dame's, which lino wns pierced for healthy gains. All told the Ynlo offence was more consistent than the defene. which was fooled a number of times on Wide end tours. Neverthidnjis lll.r-lr,. Irathnni, on Yalo's left end, Improved as the play went on nnd was n nifty per former against tho forward pass. The Yale backfleld showed up strongly. Hergman, tho little Notro Dame quar terback, was n corker for speed, but hig Ulchenlaub wasn't conspicuous except once, when he ran a klckoff back thlrty rle yards. The total yards galrwd by rushing were -13 for Yale and Ifif, for Notre Dame. Yule wns outrushed in the first half, but In tho second gained 141 yards by rush ing to CI for Notre Dame. Notro Dame made n total of 112 yards by forward passing to 22 for Yale, trying this piny u great deal oft.Mier. Yulo worked one forward pasa over tho goal lino for a touchdown, but It wns with the double and triple passing that the Ulue hod the Notre Dame folks all at sea. Tlio latter werfn't up to coping with this piny. Afber Wiley's klckoff for Yalo In tho first quarter, the ball quickly changed hands twice on fumbles. There was more fumbling In tho first Ave minutes than In all the rest vt the frame. Although the Notre Damo mti had the wind at their barks In the first quarter they per sisted lu preferring rushing tnctlcs to punting, The strife swung up und down between the twenty yard lines with no material advantage on either sldo, Ynlo hit up the speed in the second quarter and on a quirterbark run Aleck Wilson ripped off eleven yards for a first down. Th- bull went to Notre Dame on I.egore's punt, and from scrlmin.ign Cofall stepped eight yards around Yale's left end, llllegnl use of hands cost Notr Damo tlfteen yards and I,egorev caught Cofall's punt. Yale antrexed live yards fch a doublo pass nnd using the rrlsscross, travelled along briskly for n first down. Klchenlaub broltn through and stopped a play for a loss, but with a dextrous triple pass Yale made ten yards, The Rllt plunged nlong to Notre Dame's IS yard llnu and on n rugby pass I,egorn skirted to tho 8 ynrd line Knowles hit the centre for a gain and the first thing the Notre Dame men knew the ball wns on their 1 ynrd line. The? h'ld splendidly at this point nnd stopped line hammering but sm the third down I.egore, In a back ward pass from Alnsworth. rlreb-d Notre Damn's right flank and breejed ncross with a touchdown I.egore took all kinds of time kicking th goal and a Notre Damo voice exclalm-'d, "Hurry up . go on ! kick the ball " Klchenlaub ran the ensuing klckoff hire-thirty-five yards, going like a f ream engine. Cofall nnd Mills worked a long forwarit pass to Yalo's 20 yard line Then Herg man went In nnd threw another forward pass. This landed the ball on Yale's 10 yard line, whence llerginnn run It to the 4 yard mark. A shift by Notro Damn didn't gain and the teams were fighting Inside the f. yard lino when the whistle sounded a welcome relief for Yale. Yale wasn't long In Hcorlng In the sea. ond half. Poor Judgment b) Notre Dame In trying to rush on a fourth down In stead of punting rave tho oval to Yale on downs on Notr" Dame's 34 yard line. Knowles shipped through the de posing right wing and never irtopp-4 until he hnil romped over tho lino. 14 gorii kicked ills second goal, Wiley's klckoff was returned hy Co fall, who punted to Yule's 4u yard line. Yalo made twelve ynrds on n sldowlse pass, Alnsworth cleaved tho lino for four teen more, nnd soon afterward tho prettiest sort of a complicated pass yielded n touch down. Tho ImU'B route was from A. Wilson to Icgoro and then a forward pans, diago nally over the scrimmage lino, fron i,e iroro in lltkalnhotham. who nnbbedthe. throw In the end zone. It wa-wiealiir.