" "- 4, 4. '
xeoutrd ply nnd when I.more kicked his
third fsonl Yale hns 21 point.
Jlefore the period closed Noire Dame
tried a maie of forward passe, some
successful, sonic Incompleted, some In
tercepted. Most of them were looping
passes, and tiomo made on the run, nnd
one was muffed by the Notre Dame re
ceiver on Yale's 1 foot line. That was ,
A close squeeze for Yale. Hrnvll was ram-1
mm? '.he Use In coocl fauhlon when the
third period cloteri.
tn (lie fourth period Vale. fottonlii(t the
ball closely, nl.iped It nn a Notn- nunc
Jaable, TIiIh was at Notre Dame's 25
jrnrd Hue. tirm-H'i p'utiKluw and well
assorted rush plays nilvnnctel the leatlier
to within seven yanls of Notre D.ime's
Koal. Wnlte went the rest of the distance
on the next piny. He slipped thrmiKli
Notre Dame's left win. Yale punted out
for thf try at Konl and (luerntey hooted
the ball over the bar.
There was a lot of stlrrlnR play be
fore the period ended. A ilRhtmnK run
Jlidillplmi-.v Tenni S.nHs With a
Kiisli, liu Is Stopped by
Iti'tfulnr Varsity.
Hopltp the threateM.d rain and soisy
Held Kurd tin in t'nlvcrnlty had Its celebra
tion for DIcU Ituilolph yestenbiy and
by llerKmaii i netted a rain of thirty yard Mlcldlebury Poll. ire nt footlull,
forward passing', which had the ball nl. 1 of Hie Maroons pro-
within HtrlU.nK distance of the lllue's ' KNtmnie In Tl-e; Urnnx. The visitors were
line. Hercman, with a crlfcros run, I Hauler thnn Kordhani and proved easy
took It fifteen yanlt further and a for-, Vctlmii
"thf ,f?'vnr."uil?",',n l:lWnr1' U K''"ln' at ,:ot ',,"'lr nr,, n
"lUrel'ofnil was' sent In to replnce Hprtr- mlcd. while the Kordham eleven lacked
man, but the referee wouldn't allow hhn j Its usual aci;rtKlvenes. ('each Wymasd
to Rt Into the name acaln. and tin fifteen Mnrtnl a substitute line iiftilimt Middle
yard remlty. for ilelnyltiK the Kim- or ; b tiurliw the flrr.t four minutes of
for some other raise. vai Inflli'leil on , i..i . i-.,!
Noire Dame. Once more a forwar.l pas, 1 I1'I"C M"o"' "f'1' Sotvln? ord.
was brouRht Into life It placed tne nan , nam s ncaa nne me ipr u.-.i...i.
inn trie 11 inc con- ih-k.iii to smisli tne nuic tor junus"
on Yale's D yard Hue and
filet closed. The lineup:
Yule. Positions.
ltl(tlntnthm.. . Lett en
TO! not
C. .Sheldon
W. Wilson.
A. Vllon
l.i It lurkle
t.rft Ttisril
llUht runnl
HlRht tneklc
tllellt end
Lett hdlfimrle
HlKht hslflixek
I UllOftl K
and swept thlrn.8 before them.
Notre Hne. tllR 0 Iir,) h,,,. t, rexulnr vnr.lt'
eared and ire visitors iosi ineir oiny
Jones ' npp(
IMuitrrAliI ! ehance to i-core when the Maroon secured
llselmisn tne oan on an iiukhi i'"". i mm uc
l"tliron f,ated the visitors made the Marexm line
? I often appear at a illiMilvnntaKe anil the
rinnejvi whole credit of the victory rests with
I'llslen Ijih ii, Yule and Itrff.tri. who K.ilne-d on
I'lenenUilli I . ..... n,...,..i,iii. ulelmni liilfrfrpmf and
1 ifn,7"Knmtir,"' MliilnKlm lvZ"'7is f .'ft tackles which lilith flay-
'r'n'm'uenliSi"' V.e"! (lrii-r Suh.?- 1 ln.t allowed to enu.U Into the Maroon
tutlonsVAle. .srlirsm im iiiinmiiiinin. emr- 1 1 Kttelil.
?BrTffi!el,hhut.,;? ':?-ulTX 'Z '!" hP J-"1" 'virl.. ?' 'h. l!!LrJ!
MieteiVh. Cornell for PiineA. Cle tor (Mr- pencil 1!(1 tne jihiooii snow ra rw lorni
Bfll. Wnlte tor Alnswnrth. heoxll t.ir Knonles. ' ai a pur f ko.i1h, the result of plennlHK
'V 'r"" , n r.?. was the rewani.
:ir nrrciniin, ... ; .. .. . .... ...... .i.i nn .....i
n-i.. "f i-neill Krlllii.1- l,ir I'.lrhentalili omainillK win iimii uo men j.ii-
b.'irnn Httacklnu'. with the open play lead
Int. nr. two end skirts Dunn had the
ball at luldflelel. A series of irnss for
mations m 'to I a couple of first downs
wliiit Yule added ten more, Mopping a' the
23 ,ird mark. Dunn then cut InMde of
end ar.d (.printed for a touchdown.
After the klikoff the ball bounced nut
of a mass pla on the 3.1 yard line and al- i
though M.'iou'iel.d us the visitors
.. a fumble resulted and Dunn recov-
c.efl it Here IteKan took the ball
. ...... rr..l..... AM....,.. ' and c.irrylnir two tacllers on bis
Brown nun Mute IaKo.s u'ttnv ith0UMerM BtrUB-i,.,i t(. ,.,rds for nrst
, ... ,.f down. Yule and IteK.ln made a llr of)
IIV .niT(M. .unrein "i i ilmt downs by cuttlnc Inside the vlsltlns
(iurrnsry for l.eijnre: .Notre lme. nolesn fof plta?. was the rew
i'L.',"TO?'.i';,, " ?! 1 ri'J' .H.SKlS!Si I V.b alnlnu- the ba
iipr.mfln mr uinii, .1.1111.11 .... . .... i .. .... .... ..
Ileferre Joseph Pendleton Criplrr I rpil line on an llleiral p,iss. tne .Mil loon of-
Murphy. Held Juilee V. r; Mii-ire Lines
man --Michael Thompson Time ot periods 15
en.ls and then Yule plunvd live yards to
t:-e 1 foot mark. Hi re Kean ktretched
i ucro.is for the third score'.
I Lynch of the visit is did well. On two
iilons w 1th tne nn.il uowu announceu ne
hulled 'irfect passis K'od for the needed
Vii.datte and Krom recovered In perfect
form. The visitors' passes were as suc-
erjful an the Maroon thiows Hut Dave
21 to ii).
fount DtTiar.iiKM, r.i.. Oct. 17. In a
tame overllowlne with fumbles nnd penal
ties on the part of U'hlph the Hrowr
mA Whlti. tpjmTi.inaced to elefe.il t'ar-
nerleTcch, 24 to 20 to-day. The freak score 1 Hami made his spirals Bo thirty yards
does not show a real comparison between -ilni w i re e iiu'illzt il
the two elevens for arnejrle ade ly ' 'h .' lose of the nn.,1 period
one first down to nineteen by y h litli. t . ,,or(,u.im rcCf,V(,rril tht. tM)1. M,(1bury
was on miserable fumbles thu tarneele ,,,,,. .,,. k,,.UofT. Thp mi.u,ii,i
had opportunities to sce-re twlc in in t, , f (, , con,,,tHltly
third period. In the first period ( ar. , wnnh,. ,,, , ,h(
negle's touchdown resulted from a Ken- . , Th ,,.,, ,.. , fh.
ulne surprise handed to I-ehUh when on a
trick play Mitchell ran half the leiKth oi
the field
20 yard reclon. The Initial play of the
last period was a left kua .-print by Yule
Kood for the final score.
In th closliiK minutes Mlddlebury had
Left end
. I.i ft tnrklc
Left frunrd
(YMre . .
Ulihl oianl
Itlcht tarlele .
Itlsilt end
l.ill hnlfiinele
lliieht liiiltliaele
Score l'nrillinin. it. Mlddlrlinrv. o Touch
liA..,,.l uiimis UU'lll, . liryaii. I Hie- uu.ii iiimii "mi ii-
liesmnnii , ()nwa uymard. ' Substitutions Mutrnhy for
J Onltlln
.. e.'onlelln
. .. . . ii.. . 1.1-.. , in en
i..n rn siirrrrii iipnviiv itliii iivii.iitin ... .. .. . .... . .
......... .i. ii- . nits .Maroon on ene neiensive. nut inn i
mi three times w;.is within seen Ins .1 Is- t u.ng uo nM ,im! ,,,., lirn.,nt ,
uinces wnen set imck. . VV work '' Kr-te 1,1,1 ''e1' tn" Maroon
held LehlKh pn her 5 yard line for Jowns. . ,t...ur, ,, ',,le , ,ht,own .rrltory b,
The CarniKlo lwjs presented a stf"'' for- the; flnal s h!.itl.- blew. Th Maroon
line and most of l.ehlsh s Kali s w ere . , .. . . .
m.1r.?V.r"sulL"t CIeV.r l'T.- .'Iki.!. 'of the contest and their tlrre well
w in taw. on oiir .iiiui.i, '"';. 'vlwraiiW with the clever shifts evf tho
tneei ten lorwnru passes. slx o. " , vf,or. Thl. n,.up:
worseti ociimiiuiij. I MMdicimrv
UehUh could not set her machine work- 1 jAmrH' u '
Inr smoothly In the ttrst period, loslnn e;ondl; .. . .
two pretty chances to score. In the I psh . .
second period, however, the team c. t I niaii
movlns finely , a twenty-five yard for- I Morsford
ward pass took the ball to Carneule's 13 U'owles .
yard line and Halsted plunsed the ie. Tr"'
malnln? distance. Two tine forward i i,:nire . .
passe-s, I ahall to MaBUlnnes and nnnll l.jneh
to Desmond, tne lattnr for tnirty yarns
;.ive IxhlKh her seoofd celre
took the ball on the line and fell over It ; lilake. Hire or lluller. Ilutlcr for Itlee, nice for
Jus as he was tack ed. W ymarfl. Hli'.rdsn for May, utler for N ( onkl n.
r,,..,. .h,. l.lo- ,,.,r. inin I ... 11" ej- for N. I'onl.llii. Ki-llher for .1 I onjilln,
Carneste threw a lilK jiare into I.e. a ,'forKclleiier . I'Mkerforllnrstonl. Uiilftnrd
hlth s camp In the third period, tin the for Krom. llorsford for rim. Myrik for llorsfnrd.
20 varil line Cahall fun-bled and Mitchell i llorsford for l.ance Ileferre Ilnrwood. Vlr-
r.n..r.rf On (hi .,, t.lov K..lnnr fni-. Slnlil. l lnplre V llnnllOn. I'ritirrtoll. I.llies-
J ' v ' . l ,. l nnr,ni, lrlri nn
. IIU.I..II .. ...... ......... ...t.tt.... ...i.vl..'..
Mleieus 'IVch I'nts lip (iiinil (Ininei
but Is Defi'nted,
Hlevens Tech lost to Hub n nt Ho
lukcii yeslerelay, 13 to 7. Hoth teams
with evenly matched and made a much
belter showing this year than In the
same Kame of last year, when. Union
w'i ii, 10 to 7. Htevens's forwnrd parilim
wns a fetture, ni kliiK three of four tries.
In the first perloil both teams appeared
to be satlslled with punting bnck and
f.rth. At tho o'ti of lh( quarter Union
had the l. II In play on Stevens's :!0 yard
Ilemcll Intercepted I'nlon's forward pass
In the first pliy of the hecemd eimrlcr.
Htevens klckeel, but recovered the ball
when t'nlon fumbled.
Union nude th first score nt the be
B' nnltift if the third quarter on a for
ward pass, OurtliiR to Htarbock, who
cnrrled the ball over the line. Union
failed to kick nl.
Htcvens kicked to the R yard line.
Union breiUKht the ball back fifteen yards.
Union was penalized fifteen yards and
was forced te k'ck from lts. J'tfl ll1"
Andeioii recovered the ball Stevens
hiada two forward passes, reachlnn the
Union .". vnrd line. I'ool scored i. touch
down. Todd kicked the rimI. At the end
of tho third iiuarter Union had the ball
on Stevens's 30 yard line.
Union forward pased fv twenty-five
yards on the second piny of the last
quarter. This was foil wed by a series
of lliv pltitiKes. which brouqht Union
to the Stevens r, yard I ne. Stevens) ob
tnlned tho ball on downs. Stcvein
kicked, Union brliiKlnK the bill back to
within twenty yards cf Kal. Union mnde
three attempts at forward p'ses. each
hcliic unsuccessful. A drop kick try also
failed. , !
At the end of the last epiarter Union In
tercepted n forward pass nnd then mde
a Ir-nsr forward ss which won the game.
McNnbb to fturllnr. who scored, nur
line kicked roil The lineup:
Stevens. Positions. !'n,!n' ,
Howell ... .. Left end. . . CleveUlliI
"trJtclV .. t.cfi tarlele Wjl
(lldls l. ft mint nLrk
ilravilon .'c,l,rc i il?k2n
Mlddlcton I Hunt uiiard .lacksein
M eller . . IHxtit tarlele Jenkins
Molnkl. fllKlitend flown s
Anderson .... ejiiarterbark Ileaver
T., Id . l.eft halfhaek.... nosenernns
Wet i lllirhtha tliaek ... MeNjibb
in I riilll.aek . iurllnic
Score Union. IS: stecns. Toiiriidovini
Starbrck, (iurllmr. I'ool (ioals- C.urlln. Tsrt 1.
Sub.tltui.lon. Union msrberU le" "'
SlrNrns Marsliall Mr llolnUs. I'ool for Middle
ton. Ilolnkls for Howell. ''fere' t Irott. (He.
Umpire tleners, West Point Linesman-Saunders.
Time 1J and 10 minute periods.
II Inr mill Wliltr Se-eire-s lleirly nnd
Wins, HI to O,
I.ANCAKTr.n. I'a.. Oct. 17. Franklin
anil Marshall defeated Swnrthmore here
to-day. 10 to 0. The lilue and White
scored a touchdown five minutes nfter
play was started. When piny ended the
tall was on Swarthmore's IS yard line.
The visitors made only two first elowns
durlns' the entire (tame, one in each
half The lllue and White eleven shnwiel
strength In line hucklnu. nnd they Rained
most of their Krotind In this manner.
The fixtures of the (tame wero end
runs bv Smith nnd Mylln. Jones, the
star fullback of Franklin nnd Marshall,
dropped n beautiful field Boal over the
bar from the 4 0 yard line In the first quar
ter. Murch. the fast little quarterback of
the Swarthm.re team, starred for his
side Smith, the left end of the Hwarth
mores. fractured his collar bone In a play
iiRnlnt the line n few minutes after the
Kme had started. The lineup:"
U and l.
Ilrrce- .
Gild ten..
Mylln. ...
(irrhnrt ..
ilavcrfonl Team Kill In Ueforc
Local Collegians by Score
of 1 :, to 7.
N'ew York University dcfoited Haver- '.'J
ford OolleRe nt Ohio Field yesterdny iirennan.
by a score of 13 to 7. This marks the J ?'''";,(
. ... . Ilcdcnk .,
third consecutlvo lctory for the violet oeiiine.,
eleven this season. The Riinic thouixli Si'i!'!"
not spectacular wus oliei of the best ex- score Ituuers, 1J; Muhleriherir,
ItlltKera, Winner, nml Mtlhlenbrrtti
I, user, tjrl Our Kncfa.
New HnttNswtcK. N, J., Oct. 17. flut
ers defeated MuhlcnberR, 17 to 7, In a
hard played mid spectnculur Rnme here
tn-dav. ItutRers first scored nfter the
klckoff by carrying the ball elshty yards (
without losing It. Tnllman made a Held
goal soon tftenvaM. ShlenberR scortd i
In tho second period whon lledenk Rrnbbeil
n rorward pass unit ran seventy ynreis ior
n touchdown. Wlttpen scored In the last
period after n series of line plunKes. Tho
vlsllois' forwnrd passing was n, feature.
The lineup!
Muhlrnberc. Positions.
Hubbard l.eft end ....
(lay Lett tackle....
Hatter l.eft guard ...
.centre. . ... .
Itlir.t iruard . i .
Hlifht tnrklc....
Illtht end .. ,,
. McCloskcy
. Seller
7. Touch-
2; lleelrnk. (ioala from touch-
.l.eft halfback..
IllKht halfhaek.
Kuuimek , .
i Vnrlt biioli. eion Tallman.3. Kleld (coal Tallman, Iteferee
i . v ' ii?. I'cuver, Oberlln. Umpire. -T, Thorpe. Colum
lon. McNally, u. ,ncman- -Farrier, Dartmouth. Tlmo ot
periods ia minutes.
Neither Gains Much
ward passeel to Mitchell for a touchdown.
H was a pretty play. Soon after this
Cahall fumbled again, this time on I.e.
hi Bit's 30 yard line, and Crawford picked
up the pigskin with un open field before I
him. Pawtelle mnde the most spectacular!
play of tho elay In the fourth perb d when I
h picked up Krelder's fumble and mewl .
elshty yards Just before th gam eeinli'il.
Cahall kicked a pretty goal from the 75
yard line. The lineup:
Lett end .
Left tackle
Left guard
flight guard
Itlght tackle
Illght end
.l.eft halfback
Itlght halfhaek.
fullback .
t: minutes.
Time of periods
Ilnstnn ftrnse- I'tli'liliu; llerii Merls
Old Uorilliniii Friends.
After receiving public honors of all de
scription!! Dick Rudolph got a warm ro-
l.ehlch ju imoii iii'iii no "iiu.i iimi.-i j i-Mi-rii's.v .ti
llCMnond T i oeiiiiHin J leiu. I in .iiitiiiuii t-,inius huh
gridiron were scenes of wild cheering and
enthusiastic rooting when a big gold
maroon Fordham seal was presented to
the lloston Hrave by the student body.
Charles Deal, the Unices utility In
flelder, accompanied Itudolph. A largo
gathering of the Maroon alumni and nianv
of the Maroon's former athletic stars mnde
up the parade. Ixiu Hartman, who cap
tained Fordhnni nine when Itudolph was
Its twlrlyr, sat with the Huston star on
tho sine lines, as did E. Schlear. another of
his teammates. Assistant District At-
ttn.itinns. Svsarthinore.
Left e nd . . Smith
Lett t.vklc . MrC.overn
Left gin.nl . . . ,.,,'in,cr
Centre . Wldener
Illght guard . . . l'ahmnre
llliht tackle... I.ndlrott
Right end ... K. tornog
Ouarterbark . . . Murch
i . ii haiftiaek . . Curtain
Itlght halfMck ... A. Cqrnog
full b.ck Liime
Score- Kranlilln and Marshall. 1 to n. Touch-
downs -Junes. Merger. ." "' tV.i.
Jones. Goal from Held -Jones. Iteferee ale.
t' of I' Umpire- Iloprr. I'rlm-rtoii. Linesman
,,.,' .'. ,-,-,... Tim. nf hslvrs-ia minutes.
Siili'tltun-s-l'raiiklln nnd Marshall-Corroan for
(illdden. Harthmorc- Donnelly for Smljli,
Yates for Curtain. Uck for Yates; Curtain for
hlbltlnns of fouiball seen at the Heights douns- wlttpen
for several years. The Now
Held was dazzling In Its notion.
Hernstelti and) Huntley crnshed through periods If. minutes
tho Hnvcrford line and skirted their ends
for telling etlHtancett and needed llrat
elowns. Tho lino did not play up to Its
usual form, although Wiener at tackle
nnd Ilashbawn at ceutro broke through
Uu scrimmage line time nfter time nnd
brought down the Haverford backs.
New York won the tews and ehosn tn
defend the south goal. Haverford kicked
to the side lines, and one of the N. V.
U. forwards touched the ball before a ''cnnls g0 EvClllV Matched Tlint
wiiib uui, links kiiiik li.e.e'rieini liiv
ball on New York's 10 yard line. Tho
(junkers took iho ball to the .1 yard
lino by n couple of well rxecuteel for- Advantage,
ward passes. Tho Violet team braced "
and held tot downs leforo Huntley punted .
out of danger from behind Ills goal line.
tin the next play Carey, the Havcrforit Amiieiist, Majs., Oct. 17. Amherst and
quarterback, uncorked nn einslde kick Trinity played a no scoro tie here to-day.
whleih completely fooled the New York tho ,cam, ,)enK B0 cv(.nly mntchM thnt
backs. Martwlch recovered the bill nnd ,,, , . . .
raccl for a touchdown, while Huntley n,l,,!r mt1 t0 hve nn "rtvantage
and McNally. believing the play Illegal. uer the other. Hoth teams started off
etoehl still and allowed the ball to cross with a rush. Trinity made n first down
tho Vlolel goal line for tho first time thlk the first minute of p ay and Cole fol
season. Carev kicked nn e,s.sy Ronl. .lowed this right up with a 2Syard run
In the second
possession of the
II... ....i -.. .i . .1
fl.t.1 hv a rtA nf etui mn. imd li.. 'defence, so they both resorted to a klck-
Mtiin. fnr H. nrt imirhdhu-ii r!.rV,ln game, at which Amhers
kicked nn es.sy gonl ioen tnis ngni up wun a .o ynra run
1 iiuarter Now York tevik ' through Amherst's right on a skin tackle
ie ball on Its own 20 yiv,l During the rest of the quarter
eel It steadily down ."either team could penetrate the others
was then called In to nsdace Wallman
and kicked a pretty goal,
Tho local team started the third period
In whirlwind fashion, making substantial
gnlns on each plav. but lost nn oportunlty
to score when llnverford Intercetited a
forward pass on Its own JO ynrd lln. The
Quakers kicked out of danger nnd for
the remainder of the quarter tne nan
bung close to lh cntro of the field,
It was In the last period that tb
Vlolet biekflcM displayed Its real ability.
Itv live and ten yards a u clip the ball
sens steadily carried Awn tho enMre
I rgth of the Held within striking dis
tance of the goat. Mass plays were
resorti'd to and Huntley carriM the ball
across the line for the winning touch
down. Cupt. Carey nnd Tlimsey starred fo
Haverford, while Wiener. McNnlly nnd
Hrnsteln showed up well for New York.
Tho lineup: .
N.Y. V. Positions. Haverford.
Wallman... Left mil fair
Wiener. . Left tackle .... Moon
Carlough.... Left guard (.'arrlgiiis
Itsshhaum. . Centre .... llnwlsnd
Cusnk.. Illght guard .... ilu"um
llagemej er.. . Illght tackle Knowlion
Somers. . Illght end .. .. lleee
Hiintlev Oi'arterbaek .... arev
llcrnsteln Left halfback Martwlek
Mr.Vally Illght halfback Van Dam
soliiiloner.. rullhnck . Itamsrr
Seore N'cw York University, if llnverford, 7.
TourhdoMiis Hiintlev. Martwlck. Coals from
touchdown Parks. Carey. Substitutions New
York I'nrlis fur Waldman, House fur Carlough,
Story for Waldman. Ilernsteln for Parks. Wald
man for Story. Suits r fur Hashbaum. Haver
ford Shlnlei for I'arr. Siikeres (or Martwlek,
Johnson for Knnwlton. Lewis for Johlifon. .Inhn
son for Lewis, Lewis tor Gardner Ilrferee
i;. Thorpe. He l.a Salle. Umpire Hatch? Will
hms Llnesmm- Klndgrn, Coliimbls. Time of
periods 11 minutes
Score Lehigh. 21. Carnegie. JO. Touchdowns
Per Lehigh. Halsted, Desmond and Sau telle,
for Carnegie, Mitchell, ; Crawford. Coals from
touchdowns Lehigh, Unban, .1. Carnegie. Kes.
ner, J. Field goal-Cahlll Substitutes-Vhlgh
Ostrum for uecker: Mattern for Hnban, Klrle-
jiAiliKK lur nmriic iiaimnc nn .iiukuiiiui-h. t , . i.. i .
Camerle Fletcher for liolkau. Iteferee- (iod-1 tornry Cllennon of .Syracuse nrrlved to
MI...I.. ln.lll.,1. Inl.l.n l,.n.l. 1 nt-an, 111. ..1,1 a 1.1
Charles. Stevens Institute L'mulre l'omla.
Lafayette. Linesman -Monett, Princeton, Time
of periods ll minutes,
bawrrnrrTllle Tenni Rolls Up
Paints by fluiipp;- l'luj.
Headed by a band of athletic associa
tion, Chaille Deil and ills following,
Itudolph we escorted from the reception
hull to the tldd. Standing in front of the
grand stand h was cheered loudly and
received several gifts. Itudolph then pro
ceeded around the gridiron and placed the
ball In position for Capt. Wymard to kick.
t . v. , ..... , - -r I He hnd n busv time handshaking and was
M.nn.ni-.lll.l,!,, i.., I I. I Ulll-J I ... . , ... - ,
Rchool was defeated by l.awrencevllle in 'orte'' ',,nt' 1,"Lrary ",f"'r lJlc BuHme'
a snappy game to-day. 15 to 0. The ' nero .na1 'een aken a Urge Fordh.im-
Inrave nanncr. which was euspiayeil lllirillg
the game
Hunter I during the halves the band played
Medraw "TesKlc," the nlr of the Itoyal lioston
rilbbs I Hooters, while those In the Maroon cheer
rink I s,al"1 """K 'he words.
Hnmlll ,
Neuh.nis 1 1 - '
.nil Ilirr
Srnciie- llrnts llncbe-ster II) to 1)
With Trillil of Mlliatltlltca,
Straci'sk. Oct. 17. The Syracuse Uni
versity reserve eleven, augmented by the
services nf Capt. Sheulft. elefeatcd Ilocn
ester University. 1! to n. this afternoon,
llecause many of his first string players
were Inlurcil In the l'rlnceton gnme a
week ago 1'o.ich O'Neill kept all hut
Shuf'lt and Travis on the bench. Tho
lnttr. an end. played at halfhaek for
a fev minutes early 111 the jams.
The H range us'd an attack fully ns
dlerslll'.d " 'hat ent against Prince
ton. The double forward passes were
unusually effective, two of the three
loiiehdowns being the direct result of tills
stylo of play. Woodruff, who gained
con-elsti'iitly for the Ornngo. also played
a brilliant defensive game. For Uoches
ter the work nf Capt Chesbro stood nut
far above thnt of his teammates. The
Shufrlt... .
O Council.
downs- O Connell. oourun, Menuiii, i.oaisi
frmn touchdowns Hafter Substitutions- hvra. ,
j riSp. srll'lllt I'r ir.l'l'. uiinii-iiii i"' iwuir.
llAIter ior .innnmm. iai.ii-i ,ji .-u,iii.i., i.nn.
for burns. Helling for ei'i'nnnell. llorhester-
Sommers for Thomas, Doyle for (lgden. Ocdrn I
for Wrsv. Wrav for Poile. Miller for Sommers, i
Hayes for Clllette. Hojle for Storey, Hrferee
J A. Kvans, Williams. Umpire (' A Wright.
Columbia. Linesman- .1 A Cooney, Princeton.
Time ot periods--I! minutes
Left end...
l.eft tarkle.
Left guard
Crtre. .
Illght niard
lllclit tackle
Hlght er.d.
Lett halfback
Hlght halfback
III Ilochester.
.. . .Hayes
. Schlebel
.. . .Storev
.. Hammel"
Accepts Offer t Meet .Ine-U Johnson
mi Mexican Soli,
Jim Huckley. manages- of (Tunhoat
Smith, announced yesterday that he had
received a telegram fisjin Promoter Cof
fiolh of San Francisco isklng If Smith
would be willing to meet .lark Johnson
New Year's Day at Tla .nana. Mexico.
Huckley Immediately sent an arTirmotlvc
Tho liiinner's manager declared thnt ns
Coffroth claims to have oht.iinee John
son's e-onsent to the match, he believes
Smith ha? beaten the other "white hopes"
to It In endeavoring to get a fight with
Tla Juana Is In Lower California, less
than an hours ride from San Diego, C.au
TVe'Tninn Overcomes Clin Side.
New mm School defeated the Cliff Mde
High School team, 12 to n, nt Hnckensack
vestcrdry Mitchell, Webb a.nd J fTI!rln
wei the Newman stars, while f-: Cliff
Rile the honors were carried off bv
Stem. McVeigh and datln.
ehowed to
At tho opening of the second quarter
HIdcr tore through the whole Trinity ele
ven for twenty-five yards on a fnke kick
formation. This piny seemed to give Am
her't renewed life, but n fumble spoiled
their chances when they had Trinity on
the run. At this point Kinney missed a
place kick from the 30 yard line by
Inches. Itlder tore more holes In Trinity's
defence, but once more a fumble started
Trinity toward Amherst's goal line.
Mainly through the efforts of Cole,
Trinity In three first downs placed the
ball on Amherst's 7 yard line. Here
Hrown made a brilliant tnokle. throwing
Ives for a 10 yard loss nnd putting Am
herst out of the danger zone. The re
mainder of the game was a seesaw affair.
Interspersed here and there with a long
run by Itlder. Hrown s tackling wns ter
rific, the game being delnycd several
times throtiRh the failure of a man to
rise after Hrown had sent him down. The
lineup :
.. Lett end .
. Left tackle .
Left guard .
Centre ...
Hlght guard .
tight tackle
. Hlght end .
Left halfback
Hlght halfback
Klmb'll .
I.lnd .
1 tier
. Morris
. . . . Howell
.. . . Castatnr
. . Lambert
. Craig
Srorr- Amherst. 0: Trlnltv. O. .Substitutions- -
Amherst. Washburn for Cooper. Swasry for
(ioodrldge: Trinity, Jones for Lambert. I-nnbert
for iJowr. Howell for Lambert. Lambert for
JoiieT Heferec- Hlscly of Colgate. Umpire
Low of Dartmouth. Linesman llurlrlgli of
Hseter Time of iptartcrs-II minutes.
Kicks (ionl feir Mrvrnii Prep After
Aelnms's Tonclidnss n,
Stevens Prep beat Poly Prep it Ho
boken yesterday morning. 7 o 0, Neltner
eim seemed to be able to mute any de.
elded gains until the third iiuarter, when
Adamr. mule a touchdown for Stevens.
C'-ivatt kicked goil. The llnun:
Hope In AHerimle Willi I'enii Also
In (Inltlei A liny From tlntile.
Annapolis, Oct. 17. The nthlctlc rep
resentatives of the Naval Academy hope
to make an arrangement by which Prince
ton and the University nf Pennsylvania
will Appear regularly on the midshipmen's
football schedule. This Is possible In view
of the recent permission for Hie Navy
team to play one game awny from An-
imperils each year besides the army game.
The Urlvetslty of 1'ah.nnylvnnln, ('.!.
whom the midshipmen plnyeil to-day In
Philadelphia, will play In Annapolis next
venr. nnd an ntlemnt will be made to ar
range n gnmc for next year lo be played
nl Princeton. It Is the desire Here tliat
this will begin nn understanding by which
the teams piny each year, alternating be
tween Annapolis and Princeton.
Two .Misplays by Visitors Are
Followed bv Touchdowns
for the Cadets.
V. .11. I. Ileitis finllnmlrt, AlMinunli
f.ntler Plnjs Heller Foolbnll.
Lixinoton, Vu Oct. 17. Virginia Mili
tary Institute won from Oallaudct this
nfternoon 0 to 0, although Onllaudet out
played tho cadets but fumbled repeatedly
at critical singes. The visitors were held
onco for downs on Virginia's 3 yurd line
nnd twice on tho 20 yard line. Twice
(lallaudrt runners had a clear field except
for one man, hut each time the cadets
were equal to the occasion,
The home team scored In the third quar
ter on n, forward pass, Oakes to ltnln,
Oakes going through the line on the next
play for a touchdown. Oallaudet's stars
wrre Koltz. Martin and More. The best
V. M. I. playcri were Haln, Oakes, Gray
and Heasley. The lineup:
. Lett end . .
l.eft tai-kle
Lett guard.
Centre .
Hlght guard
Hlght tackle
Hlght i-ml
Fullbark .
Hlght halfback
Left halfback
V. M. I (l: fiallnudet, 0.
V. If. I.
Somers ..
Hacker... -Nelms.
. .
V M. I., tirav for Nrims. rammer for Hldd.
Massie for (ioodman. Mculn for Somers, Ayres
for Marker, MrCormlek for Marshall, Marshall
for Ayres- (lallnudct, Trenks for I'olu, Davis for
Jtosmus'en, Andrew-Jeake for Kendall, Keeley
for Horkewell. Touchdown Oakes. Iteferee
Randolph, I'nlvrrslty of Virginia. Umpire
Campbell. Washington and Lee. Llnesman
Zlmmermau, l.eslngton. Time of quarters 15
. roltr
FIN Al. SCOltE IS 21 TO 7
Hill.. ..
lluller ..
McEwan ..
Meacham .
Ilrllton ... .
I 1'rlcliard.. ,
Washington. ' Mitchell ...
.Hasse-tt Hodgson .
Hlrhards benedict
Sterns Prep
McFall.. .
Craalt ..
Li ft end
Left tarkle
Left guard
Hlght guard
lllrtit tackle
Hlght end
Lett halfback
Hlght halfhaek
Score Steens Prep.. 7 l'nlv. l'rep., 0. Touch
down Adams. Coal Cravatt. Substitutions
Poly. 1'rrn.' Malnne' for Itder. Hviler forKcsel,
Lea tor llemmey. Shields for Redmond, Hrd
mond for Shields, Referee (trnssn. Umpire
Mahan, Linesman Willis
Poly Prep
M neeimond
fJonl Vnt lllssliim No Game,
Morris High and Townsend Harris Hall
were scheduled to meet In n champion
ship game nl Jasper Oval yesterday, hut
did not play, although both teams were
on hand, and Morris claimed the forfeit.
One of the goal posts was ml'slng.
Tome School.
Left end
Left tackle
Left guard
Hlght guard
Illght tarkle
Right end
Quart rrback
Lett halfback Melsaau
Right halfback . F,atman
Fullback Hubssmcii
.Score Laurrncevlllc, Ii. Tome School, o.
Touchdowns -Hlchter and Jackson, (iosls from
Todd .
llornlr .
Ilontclalr l.nel.s We-inht.
Monti'Lahi, Oct. 17.- Ill a fast gnme
here to-day the Montcliir Actdemt tenu
was defeaed by the Itutgers second
eleven. 9 to o. The ItutgerN eleven out
weighed the Montclnlr team fifteen pounds
to the man, but the home eleven put up
a strong defensive game nml h Id trie
icore down. Rutgers made Hi points on
a .touchdown by Howlbj iuui Searlo's
drop kick. Montclalr's bjckrield, Spcncc
and Hartlelt. showed up stum,- again t
t'n hs'ivy Itirgers team. Sp,nrer of
Sloptclalr caught two lon.j pas-'es from
C-'Pt- I.'nucl, neiirle, one of the tub.
ttilultii. starred fur ltulgers.
.Ilontelnlr lllgb Victorious.
Newark, Oct. 17. Montclali- High
Eefcnal's eleven defeated the Central High
ri.t.v.'ol at City Athletic Oval here to-d.iy,
17 to 0. Montclnlr ecdred with two touch
downs and a drop kick, Central tried a
number of forward passes, but could not
pick the opportune moments.
&H,?n 2 U CocUtKils
Mnllor Soccer Tenm llrulen.
The Camerons, erstwhile amateur leigue
Champions, worsted the soccer eleven nf
the steamship Hnltlr. 3 Koals to 1, at Van
Cortlandt Tark yesterday K, Plckfnnl
and Irving tallied for the Camerons In Urn
first half, and In the second Alrley scored
for the sailors, The Camerons will meet
Clan. McDuff to-day In a league gamu at
Columbia Oval,
1fi. .iteiUS.iMf'M
C XPERT mixing in exact pro-1-1
portion gives the uniformly
uiminclive flavor that has made
Club Cocktails famous. And tho
eoft, mellow smoothness that's
tho result of aging in the wood.
As for materiale.Club Cocktails are
made of the finest money can buy.
Hartford Nsw YoiU London
Importtrs of the fsrr.ous Prtnd's A-l 3tuc
llnelsrers llrnt Purdne nl I'.nd. ,
Madison, Win.. Oct. 17. Wisconsin Is
out for Western football honors this year
I Rattling tho strong Purduo eleven to a
I standstill this afternoon, the Hadgers won,
H to 7. Purdue made Its beat showing 111
the llrst eiuarter. when Abrcll. left half
ili.ick, ran forty-ll'e yards fur a touchdown
1.-1.1...1 ...l.n,ll.l lnl.,e.,r.iip. In (tin Ihlr.l
uirilllHI s-ini-ii'ii'i ii- . ...i -
quarter Huck blocked a kick, and picking
up tho ball ran twenty yards for a touch
down In the last iju-irti-r three forward
passes enabled the Hadgers to win the
frescenls Win ."Venr the I'lnlsli. I
Tt second soccer learn of the Creyccnt I
Athletic e'lub beat the teim of t'ommer-1
elnl High School of Hrooklyn nt Hay.
i HUlgo yeslcrd-iy, 1 goals to .1, Carpenter '
'frmed twice for the Crescents in the llrst
I half and llrattan mce. The points for
the school eleven were tallied by Peterson,
with two goal, and Arnold, In the seoml '
half, ten mlnuti-s from the end. Carpenter
Hgriln inado good for the Crescents and
tallied tbo winning goal,
Vniise- heeircs AVell on .Trnps.
Five, events were cnnteited at the traps
of tho Haysldc Yacht Club yesterdny. 11.
if Vnuse dropped 03 out nf UTi bird-", Ills
handicap of 2S giving lilm lis. Frederick
It, Long broke 02 for a giosj m-oi-o of
' 102-
1 John 0- Plesler won a leg on the yearly
event Vause accumul.iled .1 point In the
Pte-vens cup series and Vnuse and V M,
Collins tied In the monthly competition.
Mnirn Island Takes Lend.
Although shorlhanded In the game with
Mensnnhurst it I'lmer Park, the siceir i
team of the Statin Island Foot hull Club
! won. 2 goalH to 1. thereby nssumlng the i
. lead III the Field Club Soccer LeMgUe, The
I brat half went against the men from Itlch.
mond county. Spelth scoring for the home !
learn. Atier the restart Macpheison tld
the score nnd Menzles acnt homa tha shot
t 7C7, the j?nmt.
A Number of New Chassis
of the Popular Lancia 35
have only just arrived here from
HTHE Factory will continue
A to send us Chassis and
arrangements have been com
pleted to insure delivery of
50 more almost immediately.
Parts for All Lancia Models
Are Always Fully Stocked
Tnarhtlensn KnemKh lei Ilent
WnshlnKtein Ncliitnllieiys.
Annapolis, Oct. 17. The Naval Acad
emy fourth class won from the fentra
High School of Washington hero this
nfttrn-) n by 7 to 0. The touchdown by
Hill an 1 goa' by Harrison, the only scores
of the ran,!, we-re. nr.de 'n the final per Od.
The lineup:
l.eft end . . .
Left tackle..
Lett iruard . .
Centre. . . .
Hlcht guard .
Hleht tarlele .
Illght end. ,
Left halfliACle .
Itlcht hnlfhack
fullback . .
Fourth ('Us'.
Ccntrsl Hlrh School, el. Touchdown lllll. donl
from toiienuown-iinrnson. Miostuuunns r,oy
fourth Clsss- Ivrxson for Williams. Williams for
Iverson. Sheek for lliillen, le-emeyer Tor Mr
Heynolds. Hodsers for Vosburi'. U hlte for Hill,
Hill for Haines. McHcynolds forllodirers. fcntrnl
HlKh School- Forester for Hill. Vntvy for Uassrtt.
Sxon for Mrllnnsld. Woks for Ssion. Hill for
Forester. Iteferee l.leut.ennnt-Cominander Gun
nun. U. S. N. t'mplrc Whentley. Annapolis.
Wkst Point. Oct. 17. Sticking nlmnst
cveluslvcly to old fn'.hloned fnoibi" t,.
tics nnd following the ball like hnunis
during the whole nf Hie nftcrm,,,), in.
Army eleven troiincid Colgate her. i... ,
by a score of 21 to 7. Three toticltdiivini
Htid three goals were the sum total of t,
Army's scoring, t'olgnte was st eng. ,n
except for miserable handling of tl ii,
probably would have fought tlv tj
n standoff with tin' score at 7 to 7.
The Army's alert forwards pnnimcd on
it loose ball twice, once early in i e ,t
quarter, when MeKw.m broke thrun w ,ni
grabbeil a fumbled pass on Cotg its s i
yard line, nnd again In the last prio,
when lluller fell em a muffed pu.it -i ti,
10 yard line. Hoth of th'se il,is -.-.ji,, i
In easy touchdowns n. moment late col
gato swept the Army team before li afir
Its mlspla.v In the llrst quarter, r,iriuu
the ball fifty yards to the cadets' var
marl: on line plunging football, inter.
spcrsed with end runs and forward pas.r,
West, Itobliison. Hunrtnut and SparfcM
nl! starring. With their backs to the wall
the cadets made one nf thi;!r ehamri.r.
Istlc stands, hut n pretty fnrunnl r 'rs,
Swartout to Spnrfeld. who wns lealy be
hind the goal posts, did the trick
Hodgson and Prlehard got :iwa' ir i,,;
runs In the second iiuarter, and the I
scored the Army's second touchdown , f((r
a fine fifteen ynrd dash around St". . t j,
end Henedlct's goal kicking was p fi.t
The Army's fine physical condition nc-s
down the visitors In the second hilf ana
the plalng during this period was a ) in
Colgate's territory. With the ball on Col
gate's 20 yard line, where PrlchaM had
taken It em n fifty ynrd run after inter-
j ceptlng n forward pass, the nhlstls
sounded, ending the fray.
I The Army wns going fast at the finish.
Ollphant and Merrlllnt. two Armv stars,
! did not get Into the game at nil Th
I lineup;
Left end
Left tarkle
l.e ft guard
Hlght guard
Hlght tarkle
Hlght end
Quarterback . ,
Left hslfhack .
Illght halfback
.1 uuuack
( nlcatc
bill cut
.Ntokrs Score Anny. 21. Colgate, i. Iteferee Whlilnc.
Alhcrton Cornell. L'rnplre McOatthy. Georgetown lines-
Wilkinson man Tyler, Princeton. Time nf quartern 10
unlley minutes eacn. loucnuowns- iienruict, nnoifvil.
Wirt Mitchell. Sparfild. (Joals troni tourhilnnu. .
Ilnberts Heneillet.3; Abel, 1. Substitutions Army I-Arkln
Mr lluller, linrn ior 1 iinoenake, iiouamnn ior
"clCwsn, Derrick for Meacham, Parker for
Weyand. Tully for llrltton. Ford for Mitchell
Mitchell for Ford. Collin for DodgKin, Hedno
for tellin.;vbn fleet lor iirneuici. ii'nciuct ior
J Wshlnton
Von Fleet. Colgate', Hvan for Ocnesse, Mencer
for Warren, Houlnson for West,
Head linesman- .Sturdy, Nt,
quarters 10 minutes.
John s. Time of
Mil n ii n I Trnliilnur Still I nbenleo
Afle-r liriine Willi Ceiinmerce.
' Manunl Training High School of nrook
j Ivti 'Xpetl' need nnrth.i. Inr i tii'.-'r
the high schoul soccer rtiamplonshlp game
I with the High Si hool of Coinnien e a
bu ptii' 1
It will be played to-morrow at Inglesldo . ""J1;"!'" uV)! .
TTisih1nt7 . in., -...., tit n.t pu
9rhool Footbnll (niui'fi los(iiinrtI
Tho nuohliiK-St. John's Prop
scheduled for yesterday was postponed ,n,n i . . l" o,7, v
owing to the poor condition of the fl-ld. . ou w.lth " ' '"'i. '!"r
yesterday at Manhattan Field was called
off, It Is not known whether tho game
will be played off or not.
Man. Train.
WUrtsn. .
Hnllhaus, ...
I llerthnld .
Madden . . .-
! I.lnd
. MeXalr
Mlel'vuiit Chnmplnnn eif l-'lntlmsli.
Tlv inklner the tiiensiire of the I'unlils nt ' (illleu
the Parade ClrouneN esterday the Mid- C'Tjir,.
wout A. O. was recognized ns the chain- Ashiu-
iilon urldlron team lu Vlntbush. The Seeire Mnnusl Tralr.lne. I t'oinmer-e l llcf.
score was fi to 0, Wat Tyler, a former . ere.- nnvld liell Linesmen H Ci:nnliu:ljn,
Interscholastlc star taking the ball over J'Kf ch'ViaV." jCiSn.'mnVerr?
the line for a touchdown, 1 i.ln-1 . Manual Training Halves- 3'i minutes
The lineup :
.Hlzht Park .
.. l.eft bark . .
Hleht half
.Center half .
. l.rfl half
..Outside rl"tit
Inslile right
( (litre . .
Inside left
(lu slue ictt
J 1P,lltlS.
t'T: trln
Exduilve Agtnti for tht
U. S. and Canada.
Adams & Montant, Inc.
252 West 57th Street
Telephone. Columbus 9620.
Minerva Motors Co
Secures Moline-Knight
, Desirous of representing a lower priced, high
grade sleeve valve type of motor car to sell in
conjunction with the Minerva, after a thor
ough investigation we have selected the
2500 Moline-Knight as best adapted for
our high class trade.
The Moline-Knight
sleeve valve type of en
gine represents today the
greatest real substantial
progress n motor car
construction. It is indi
vidually distinctive, a
powerful, reliable, silent
car engineered with
surpassing skill built
with great care and fin
ished in a high class
The Moline-Knight is
guaranteed 50 horse
power, 128-inch wheel
base, four speed trans
mission, spiral bevel gear
rear axle, 36 x -inch
tires, Bosch plugs and
ignition, Wagner elec
tric starter, left hand
drive, center control,
power tire pump and
other up-to-the-minute
Quality, durability, lux
uriousness not quantity
are the predominating
requisites in building
It is the "no-waste-and-upkeep-reduced-to-the-minimum
car" no car
bon, no valves to clog or
grind, less consumption
of fuel per horsepower,
simpler parts, fewer
parts, less to get out of
The Moline-Knicht eivrs you
a smooth even pull with quick
acceleration without laborme
-just a velvety feelinc of steady
resistless power.
This is the motor that nude
the phenomenal 337 hour ru
in the laboratory of the Autn
niobile Club of America av.r
aiiiE 38 horsepower with fufl
load and at the end of the test
averaecd 53.6 horsepower at
only 10b2 revolutions per mm.
New series now on exhibition
A demonstration will convince you
Minerva Motors Company
1896 Broadway, S. E. Cor. 63d St.
r m