OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 18, 1914, Second Section Sporting and Automobiles, Image 17

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1914-10-18/ed-1/seq-17/

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f&fWiiPoAJH sssf??,""!
'1 r
Itharans Show Uiff Improve
mint. I 'sine Forward Pass
lo Advantage
li '
I :i
h i ' '
a. "ft 17. TtollInK UP one of the
..cs ever made on Percy Field CrJJ!
f fears, Cornell simply burled
,, (!) to 0, to-day. The slie of the
n' nulling, im the lthacans
'rd to believe that they might
. ..is iislstiinr. Klther Huck
. ! h nve-':iteil or Cornell Imi
I ip.-tlf hitting a rapid pace,
,ms outclassed inr visitors
Sufficient to Dent Slassachnsrtt AaT
ties nn Slippery Field.
Portland, Me., Oct. 17. Although the
field was muddy and the ball slippery lioth
the Colby an! Massachusetts 'Aggies
eleven! resorteo to the use of the forward
pass very largely In their Bme hcr-i this
Hflornoon, Colby winning, 6 to l. Aft'
the team had been hold tor downs ' n the
Aggle' 12 yard line, Colby rcgnli'rd the
lull ut the 30 yard post on a punt tml then
rushed tho ball down the Held iinl over
the goal line.
The Aggies rushed the ball to C-lby's 11
yard line after the Maine team had fopd,
but were held for downs at that po i.t.
Oolden, Colby's big halfback, was iMdly
Injured In the second period and c.u-rlrd
from the field. The lineup:
Pnsltlons. Mui. A tries
Crescent A. C. Team Falls
Score as Collegians Twice
Roach Net.
rossman. .. .
iierccy,, ..
l.esocnr . .. .
Prcndericast,. .
I. acid .. . .
Itoyal. .
(ioldrn,. .
Cauley ,
Meoie Colby,
1'raser su
.. Lett end ,,,
l.rft tackle. ,
Lett uard
Crntre ...
ltlctit guard,
ltlcht tackle..
Ill (ht end ,
Quarterback , .
Left ha fbark
lllslit halfback
1 untacK
Stripped of two star players, th Co
lumbia soccer team played like the Dravei
against the Athletic whan It met the
eleven of the Cretctnt Athletic Club In
the first itame of the season on South
Kleld yosterday afternoon. Tho Field
Club League champions loat to the col
legians by a score of 2 to 0, principally
because thev could not cat their 'jffinee
,fl?1r,IJ3 PMt Cloalkeeper Uuermeyer, who for a
'"7,Jj recruit played a brilliant game. The
.Mllilnen v etory rnlsts thv Ilu and White lsvi
i'2tJ,,1? ' tie for first place In the league.
I aimer I ti-. T-..ll t v. .....
Whorl' wen, ma iui mm . i tiiwiwii mv
a Mmv Ancle', o. Touchdown tain and now a theological student, played
bstltullnn C'nUiv - lleasry tor ....i.i. - iv,. 0.n v.... hi.
o.i.h Thev showut marked l."mr. n. Cros.man for llainnirrsch'.air. H. ' i,h roT..mhiV nil uT.ii, i.n.
, iPilsli niey snot inarKeu ( rr0Inan tor (mitten. .M. Arties ll.seln- practice with Columbia all week made
.r their playlm n-.itnt bothnm fnri'ao Perry for lisle, ""iiiler for perry, him easy prey for tha collegians. Dell
W&tty&i&VtftekWXEJV. ''fJlSE. -vas scheduled to play with the Columbia
MriP.i bv attcmmlni; to nuitle tnu Piles. 'I me of periods 10 ami 13 ml utes. youths, but the faculty ruled him Ineligible
rapid shift formation.
.. , i ,. A.irUnl tor two nrsi uoivn, i
. l.ne diagnosed It quickly
,r.. . i',-er spoiled every utttmpt. The
v!'" s it. oven lisfl successful In using
ht f H.tnt pais, none working and three
bflr.K in. . ti:d by a vigilant Cornell
la -UN
H.n iiA got possession of the ball Cor
nel '.. it r. runniiiK and rushing gnme
fro t i.un territory and Shulcr on a
1 ., tM'orrd the nrst toucnuown
i tle inlnutex. Krom that time
ft . a j.iocess.on. The Cornell line
Xrw Hnmiislilrr Slntr rolls to Make
I'l rot Dmvii Scorr Stl to O.
I.EwisTo.v, Me , Oct. 17. Hates easily
defeated New Hampshire Ht.ue to-day.
The visitors failed to make first down nt
any stage of the game nor did they hold
the Hates eleven excsit In the flitil
perfjd, when nearly .ill of the Hate lioo
inen were sultstltutes. The lineup:
K. l iinord....
W. NeUlle...
I'oMtlon. New llsnipshlre.
II. nrown
Krldny. He worked In well with the In
voders, but whenever ha came near the
net with the bait ha waa promptly bumped
out of his atrtda.
The forward line of the Columbia team
passed and dribbled like champion after
'he flnt fifteen minutes of play, H. 8han
holt and Hlggs being especially speedy.
Ghanholt shot a foal near the end ot th
r.rl half by taking the ball from Capt.
Hamilton, who had booted It through the
mud from the centre of the field. Shan
holt banged It right throuch the spread
legs ot De Daun, the Crescent goal
keeper. II. nig;s made a tally In the second
half after a hot scrimmage In front ot
tho goal. Hlggs playod tag with the
entire Crescent forward line and then
curved the imI' Into tho net for a point on
a boot from a difficult angle. The lineup:
Columbia. Positions.
Duermcyrr... , .. HosI . ,
It. Shimholdl. .. Left back
Horn to Itlihtbark
Left nair .
Centre half
...lillht half .
.outside rliht
iDslile rliht
Crescent A, C.
,Ue Uaun
. ... Iloiiwell
, ...Charlwood
.. ... ..Joe Kion
.. .MrLenDau
, .Humphreys
..... ., Pbllln
a. 2: Crescent A. c. n. r.nii.
Bhanholdt. Substitute Sanders for
Htftrto-K. Davis. Llnriman T,
Time of periods 4J minutes.
..Inside left
.Outside rliht..
Jiitis ....
Hlrrs. II.
Joe Plnneran to Play Basketball.
Kast Oranoc, Oct. 17. Joe Klnneran,
the Brooklyn Federal League pitcher, who
lives In this city, has gone In for basket
ball this winter, Klnneran will play guard
on the quintet of the Kast Orange Holy
Name Society.
LlKhter Exeter Team Crosse the
flnnl Line Trrlce.
ExbteRj N, II., Oct. 17. Yale'a fresh,
man team was defeated, 14 to 0, to-day
by the Phillips Exeter Academy eleven.
Although outweighed twenty-five pounds
to a man the Exonlana outplayed the
freshmen In every department, In' the
(lrst period Kcmpton, Exeter's midget
quarter, caught n punt under the shadow
of his own goal posts and ran through
the entire Yale team for a touchdown.
In tho latter part of the first half Lewe
Intercepted n forward and ran sixty yards
for a touchdown. Capt Hlngham re
tired In the fourth period with a dis
located hip and was removed to tha Exe
ter Hospital. The lineup:
Positions. Yale Freshmen.
"iVerner... .
rotter. . , .
Casey. -.
. .. . rates
, ..tlsldrldce
, , Uadham
. . .. Pnrbes
, ..lllncham
. . .Markle
Lett end
....I.tlt ucUls.
... Lett cuard
, . . Centre ...
.Itlsht in or d ,
...ftlcht tackle .
... Illthtrnd..
..Lett ImltbtrK
HlKht hallliack
Fullback .
Scorrw. Ritter. i Yale Freshmen. 0. Touch
downs Krmpton, IyOe. Goals from tmirh
downs Werner 3. Substitutions Bxcttr. Zeen
ler for Werner, Uumphrrys Jor Potter. Smith for
Carter. Clout h for Scott, Laltoche for Casey: Yale
Freshmen. Lewis for Hadham, Smith for voor
hers, Gates for Yates, Moslry for Smith, Vanno-t-and
for Forbes, Lovejoy for Ulnihain, Mllll
kei for Hutchinson. Umnlre A, 11 Alexander.
Iirferee It. C. Stevenson. Linesmen Cleve
land and Armstrong;. Time Four 10 minute
Indian Ifses Eyes to
Deceive Opposition
D ENO, Nov., Oct. 17. The Oak
Mand Club of tho Pacific Coast
League has tinned Harry Samp
son, a full blood Piute Indian nnd
a pradunto of the Stewart Indian
School at Carson City, as a pitcher.
Sampson is 10 years old, weighs
100 pounds, throws and bats right
handed and is crosseyod. Al
though he has terrific speed It is
said his Infirmity is his greatest
asset. The baserunner is at his
mercy, for ho never can tell
whether the Indian Is looking at
first base or the home plato. The
umpires also have been having
their troubles.
football ncso.lt.
At Auburn Auburn, 31; Clemson. 0.
At Hlchmond Washington and Lee, 1J
Georgetown, 0.
At Louisville Tennessee, It, Loulavllla
University, 0,
At Sewansa Sewanse, 41; Chattanooga
University. 1.
At Dallaa Trinity, 7, Haylor, .
Golfer Plnr First Ilonnrt for rjilr
ot Tronhlra,
MoNTCtAlR, N. J., Oct. 17 Tho first
round for tho governors and membership
committee cups and it ball sweprstaxos
were the attraction at the links of the
Upper Montclalr Country Club to-ay.
The scores:
Governors' Cup A. D. Svresey beat J, It.
naer. and l; T. J. Carlln heat J. II.
Partlett. 4 and li W. ttntton beat H. ..
Whltloek, t up: W It. Swenarton beat
W C. Ilntchrr by default! W II IMwtrri
beat F. W Kent, 7 and ti tt. M. (llonn beat
K. A. Clapp, I up.
Membership Cup C. It, Farley beat t
tl. llerrlan by default; A. Huzl.y beat
T K. Gardner. and It S. A. Sawyer beat
A. W. MacDonald by default, C Martin
beat W, C. Cushtnan by default O. r
beat J. Enlng, i up.
Bwpitaki K. Iflsglns. 9110, 1; C
I), llalssy, 11 tt, tl; J, J. Adams. Si
ll. Tl: K. J. Hehulof. Ill tf, 14, It. Stop
ford, 101 tt. lit J. U Parish. UJ :t, It.
Cdeta Trounce Mannnl,
The New York Military Academy of
Cornwall-on-the-Hudaon defeated the
Manual Tralntng High School yesterday nt
Suburban Oval, Ilrooklyn, by n score of
It to 0. A wet ball badly hampered
both teams In the first period, and no
scoring was done. Anderson was first to
cross the Manual line, makjng a touch
down Just before the end of the first half.
neglnnttiK with the third quarter, the
Manually- were unable to get neartr
than Ita opponent' 25 yarst line.
Left end .
Lett tackle...
Left euard
.,1 t!a way for brilliant runs .'"v,',:' . niiht iusni '
bv ,.)if and ltatrctt that continued Manuel. ItUhl tacldc...
. , ,,t'i thr- came .1. Neville. . . Itlht end. ..
. .ah i uir am. ceneral Talbot.... QuartrrbAck....
F J M.l.'slipplng anil niH Renerai , HtrdD,cn Left halfback..
foo'" " I t")' lini' niarkcil him , Kinney Illnht halfback..
... . vnrsitv man from now on. I Drweaver hulllincli . . .
iinri.-t orovt-d euually as Kood nt run- Scorr-llates. :a; New Hamsphlre, 0. Touch
Jlart. t t n t i i 1 ia"J . ... tem. 1 dow ns-Ilutlrr. 2; Talbot. Krnney Coals from
n'ne W'.en thoo two ro n alien "J" lo,lrniions-Manurl. 5. hubstltutlon--llatrs-rorif
lv ''ollver and Hill would step Into" turw. frtr nmirr. t-'tlllman for K. Clifton!. S.
!L. , . .i. ...i.t, rtmrhlnr- riluneAa. t ilfTnnl tnr rliikiln. Nulft fnr J. rllle. IMeron
Ir . . ,. .r.l 1..HV... aNo relieved the for Talbot. lennry for Strdbnrhrr. Connor fur
Tivi 'ttird iaSM aiso ruifuu wio i ,. w . ' iirnn,.y. siiiiman for Drew.
bar' w i'kiii tiaolts. one raiias iweivo . wliBU, for i)PrftVer New llainphlr-AVIIIard
yar-'a a ' a' otner lorty-nvo. jjuim ti
hur'fl lv I'.airott to 8huler, and each
him-I i v . tor a touchdown.
Ct.n i tpprlt'iiood her first success of
te .ar w'th tint play, and H.trrctt
shone I Judgment In choosing the
time ' u-f i'. t'oriieH's end play was
also s I the v.sltlnK backs gaining
r.olh. it; ' 'ut tla wings and punts being
(Overi'd I' r. tir or fl men each time.
few ' ii.'i'at aiid slips were btumed lo
lie i 'f K""iii"l
Siiultr hi irl twU'o In the first period,
ColU. . .-ed in the thlnl ami Ilarrett , ,h( ,,., b,lw.rn th() ninton uprltthts
tw' . I' the fourth . . f'om the If. yard tine. Though Clinton's
W. llron
for Itoderlck. liuse for Merrill. Ilcrvry for Wood
ard, Davis tor vt cMovrr, iiracKcit lornurKiu.
Goal I'rnni FIpIiI Only Srnri- AKnlnst
I)r Witt Clinton Train.
Hay Rldgr HlKh School ii-oved that It I
Is irulnr to be a factor for the city cham-1
plonthtp yesterday whin It defeati-d the,
De Witt Clinton eleven by n rente of 3 to
o at West End Oval Henry I Dutch)
Vi f iking a Jump for Ilarrett as
the W'ter ,v i -oritur the last touchdown
Kelse- Ml i-id his leg was broken. Tho
I'oMtlons. Ilucknell.
Left end . . Lawrence
l.rft tnrkle Airher
Lift KUard Loiium.1,1
Centre Meruit
Itlcht tuard ipU-r
ltli-ht tarklr lie n
. . . Kkhtend ( it f-.n
.... On irtTlwrk .... Chcmhrrs
. . . Left halfback helser
. . llKlit halfback. . . . cumlo
1 ullback lopham
( onietl. it Iluckncll. o. Touct;.liins
Harretl. 2, . onyrr. t.natti im.i, .oiici..
f o-n.".
thr" "i
.a. .
1 1. ' v
i oo.
Acderion ,
offensive playlnt: was better than that of
Hay ltldge. Jack llrlght tiroke through
thalr lines repeatedly nnd m ulo several
runs of twenty and thirty yards. I'enal
tlt prevented Clinton takini? ailvantaKo
of two opportunities to score. The lineup ;
De Witt Clinton. Positions
Hat li
( other
Uoni.v ha irtt. B. jtifere e-.schua t', li.owo.
I raiilre Minkey Vale. Llnenman ll'tll. Army
"Inie of )iilo.l H minutes, hu.'itltuttiins- -(orn'l,
h 'inert for Illll. Kcklry tnr hhrtton.
Jan"..ii t" (,ul,ocl. Snjiirr forTII'iy. Jeuctt
f 'i ( j i (inner for Lautz. Collins for ( ollyrr.
Miri-mi fi r Kekiry. (jnliogly far Jameson, Hlly
! . i i - liailcy for Jewrtt. Collyrr far fuiiins.
'II f. h ilmrt. Ilekley forsheltnn, Jamchon for
i.al. s.i de fori lltey llrnwn fnr Cool. Hutler
f ir A ri I .i ! Jiwrttforllnlle. .srinirn foi I autr.
rh It. I,. fur i uiryer, Hbiaitt far Ilia, !to ler
Mr!'" i. halts for Jameson. Illoaj foi Snyder.
Mr- f .t irnttt. Zander for .Sreman. Whltnev for
Vt a ... arr for Shulcr, Fischer for Allen.
Iiuru ". 1 Iwnn't for Dnnnnskl, lali fa-Top.
turn, r ja tor i urran, Tophain for D.iMs, lur
in fir 1 ..il Hopper for Kelser. Iters for Ld-ward'
Gardner ....
Flnrke ..
Strln.. ..
Katt . . .
ltltner ....
Power . .
Polsky .
l.rft rnd . .
...Left tackle ..
Left iniard.
Centre .
HUM cutnl
Itleht tarlile
I tl art. t end
. Quarterback...,
. Left balfbick
Itlcht halfback.
Fullbtrk . .
M. Ottrnsteln
II. Karlson
( mlrll
II. Karlsnn
Dlnmon 1
Score Uay Hl.tre. 3. lie Witt Clinton, n Goal
-It. Hanson
Itcfrree- Malor lllclow.
West Point empire Mr Jim Met Mircy, Font
from Held
I'rslnut triirpleat, While Keystone
Men lil t Thirty Points.
Sttt "'tiKtK. Pa., Oct 17. Pcnn
bam. Linesman l)r McKrnna, I ordhatn. lime
of period 10 inlnutr Substitutions Tie Witt
Clinton, llrrkoHltz for Plneke, dune for Polsky,
Carrlrk for Ulllon. lltv Itldir. Groxman for M
Ottrntteln, Cudmore for Adcltnan, II tlttrnsteln
for Washington. Adrlman for Cudmore. M (Ittrn
sttln for Giatsnian, Wahlnxton for II. Ottm
strln. (irosioHii for M. (Ittenstrln, Cudmore for
Adelnian, Youmini tor Diamond.
(Rllanher's Hashes Invlnvllile In
Ottirrrtlae Clotr Banir,
Clinton. N. Y., Oct. 17 In a hard
fnusht gam Hensselaer Polytechnic In
Ihtltuto won over Hamilton to-day. 13 to 0.
Hamilton played aggressive, but could
nut check the powerful attacks of Galla-
Ptate . I. I uo I'i'rty pointt akalnst lr-1 ner, it. i: i. a Mar r.auoaiK. in .ne
tinut at .1 h. Id tttc Coll. gi vlllo eleven ' scconu quarter .oo, eu u.aue ...o mm
senr.l... i. . t,..,Liv Four touchJon US . " v""')-io .
we., mill, .ti nieetactilar plays. Three
po ere k.ckid from touchdowns anil
it ,
forward pass.
Hamilton weakened in the last period
tVnl Z i.-n from anl ! forQ " tc Vrl i
.an-1, pop,..- a PUcement boal front MndXnj 0.IUra ,)Ver on u le, ,
is i.- ji arn line. ' , niin..i..r iHeu.i i-n..i rii.it.,.
,ica t. St ite's stone wall defence. No
team "i n ared ugalnH the Hlue and
Wh.te 'nis season. Tho lineup:
I'.itltiont. Urslnut,
I'r' t State
liltMis .
Lraf ..
" l.'T ... .
"fr'.oAell ...
Lett ud nowmitn i-a
Left tackle Carter . Mors...
Left iniard Million! Young. . .
"v" ...':'.' i I'rtnant .
ond run. Oallaghir klckeil goal. Onllu
ikhi-r stjirred for the visitors, while Lt .
Force und Keddy did well for Han.ilton.
Tho lineup:
tt P. I, Positions Hamilton
Xahn Left end Goiv
"I nt, r
i as
HUnt cuard . . .
HUlit taciite. . ,
lUrlit end . . .,
Left tialtonclc...,
IliKlit hnlfbtck..
.. Mlrilrh
. . Cinrrlrh ,
.Kennciy I
Sri will
Mlttrrlloit .
.Left tackle Woolnreinh
....Left guard Hroekvay
, ... Centre Dtvton
. ItlKbt Kiiird i:menv
t'enn State. 30. L'rrtnu. 0. Touchdowns
'i o'in. Lntuti. 2 Goils from touchdowns
i i nai I tie. nlni-ement - Lamb Sub-
I'eun State Itarroo for Hlffirins. Mor-
hi. Flivu for Kratt, Loehe for Miller,
' t i .if nr. Painter for Wood, Sutton for
. irncy for Lamb, Hlcirlns for Thomas
. .im is l.datertnn forWnlty L'rslnus
' ' 1 1 . M, . Iirown for Mltterlluif. Iteferec
' u... i nt '. Umpire -Merrltnun.
I'n -man-lllbby, Tlmo 15 minute
Ilnlfl.ael. Whitney Hulls I.eiiKtb of
Field for One of Wlnner'a IlitiTiia. (
N J. Oct. 17. Tho HlKh
v.. I
h .
"f i'l.n .m tce of Mnnhattun this . wani pass. ';
i I'.tt to tho Pawling School by 1 on three line
f .'I to o. Th local latls out
1 th. ir opponents, who put up a
i.eht Many forward passes were
both sldet, but few were buccs-
It fie nrct period Commerce advanced
. to Pawling' 15 yaid line. Left
II T i k Whitney there Intercepted a for
J 1 I . mid run the length of the field
' a i"i .down Straight football re
' I .ti ri Ni i Henrlng the Hfrond tmich
1 illli.i. k 1'ittersoii bootetl tho ball
1 ' b from the 21 sard !lnc. Tha
ItlvH l.w-lflM fli-tlt'ta '
lloddill ltlght end (Irlftlih I
Feart Quarltrtisu:k Jlrlfol
Gar.iBher. .. t.ft halfback Keddy,
IMrntt . .. ItlBhl halfbcnk Scbwara .
Locktnari Fullback La Force i
Hrore ltenssslaer P. 1.. II: Ilninllt..n. 0. 1
Substltutfuns Hamilton, Lyon for Keddy.
Little fnr Lyon, Insley for Fimeny. tirlfllth
for Lyon: H P L. McKonzle f .r Mors,
(I'llara for Lockman Itosoll fur P'art.
Ileteree Miller. Itaverford. Uniidr Wut
key. Syracuse. Linesman Itlsley, Colcate.
ICIok Wins fur HrooLIn 1'rep.
The eleven of Hrooldyn Prep yester
day defeated the Erasmus Hall Illirh
School, last yeiir's winner of tho 11. V.
Keith tniphy, on Hawthorno Field. T to 6.
With about half the second period over.
Quarterback Arthur Kelly throw .i for
ward to Fullback Itox l)enufs and the
latter made a sixty yuci nit. for a tou'-li-down.
With four minutes to play In the
last quarter Weldon hiioivepted n for-
Tuttlo then toon tno nan over
on tnree lino stnafiies. wisoti .uiieu 10
Itlck goal for the tying point.
Adeliihl Aoiiilnny Una It I'nsy.
Adelphl Academy had little troublo In
trouncing the Hoys High School, 27 to 0.
yesterday at Adelphl Field. Fnrwanl
i passes greatly nceouniru lor .vieipni n
victory. Airont anil .Moneypenny wnrwii
two succc.t'fully which accounted for a
gonl, whllo I.ey.tor scored . touchdown on
a twcnty-tlvo yard run nnd n ten yard
1 1 ft etui , ,
l.i ft tackle. .
. !-' ft iruard. .
i entrr. ...
Hi nli t icunrd
Pu ht ek
Itlirlit ei'd .
Ctiian. lb 'if k . .
! ft liHlfharU .
Kltllt luuf.iaell .
1 ii 1 1 buck
. . . Snyder
. . . Gnlllcnn
. . T'earnmn
. .. Whlckllrh
Ktuyvrsant Trnunees Coniiiirrclnl.
The Htuyvesant High Sohool traelleil
i '.'I ' otniiicrre, o. Tourhdowns
' I. f.argan. Goals from place-
" tioals from tnurhdown pat-'-I
'lMltiitlotis l'awlln-Sarrr for
'i""' fir I'etiehtHiitiL'er, Itadley
Mnnitcy for Webb. Ileamaii fur
T f it G.nriati. t.ariun for Whit
'JVill conunerre -Johnson for
1 i-i''t fir Cnlllns. 'Mardannell far
H W i:i,l, r. Williams 1 riplre
ml I lneoiinn llmilnml. au-
ofp'i'oi l.Wui.l In n InutrK.
to Commorclnl Field, ItrooUlyn. estenlay
and trounced the Commercial High School
by il score of 10 lo 0. Ktuyve-ant to-
Coiilni Hortfil to utiu'jht football nnd toro
rr ihemiirh ('ommeiL' a team nt w in. rone air
ncored tho first tou-hdown Just before the
opening period ended, going over from
the 4T. yard Urn on two lino smashes.
Hergllnd made tho second tally by somo
clever running.
. Uhltnrr
. H Snyder
i lap:
C l'red Frit"! Fhnded Tony
Sweeney out
Utitch Ilrar.dt
Fairmont A. ' !-
poi, eil Mike. Farrcll.
, u....ii.. r-i.,ii
ll,,i,. . . .1 iiroaowjiy r-i",ini,H
"""" "'' i-osiiioii loutoolnted l,ouli.iana.
Huts N J Oct 17 The Khmke) A i' Joo l)(ir' shiulcl Youns
i'. 1 1 .-.i tt-cit the pottponeiueiit I'lt.sltnnions
' in niiti'h 'hit wot to have lieeti 1 Hriwn's (iynmaslum--Franklc Hums
i " .1 i letiseen Yule ami llul- knocWeil out K. O. Kggcis in tho fifth
1 '" Itnllunol coiiisi.. I lllllllll,
in- tubers of Hie I'ltih iiinlllled Wucentboio ('-Young Stacey had
' it t'nn cup, and Paul Fu ler ,Ir hetti-r of Tummy Hunch.
' --. li. on the ball
sweep- rr
t H'li'if' tug rmtnil Paul
"T. S IP nn. 97
t nil- ;i.t u m It It
I F A "i ip Jl
,i i: i: , sopp,
w '.r.nle'lr HV I, I
It tl I llrinn. nil
llyrim, us 12, H V N.
it f St.. V V Vo.ill..
4 li
'ir ill'e
liaui'd inontlilj Mnc.i 1901 Ji.oj
yearly snmpl copies upon ap
plication, only Now York City em
porium for chess zoods and book;
ISO Nassau Btreot.
I $1250 Buys a Car i
T5E thrifty in buying a
car. Make a dollar go
as far here as in your busi
ness. Mosl: men are buy
ing cars that way now.
You musl: remember
that $1250 goes a long
way to-day. A few years
ago $1250 had little buy
ing power. To-day it will
provide you with a "max
imum car" in size, power,
coach finish, reliabil
ity and equipment.
It buys a car with
an electric smarter,
electric lights, motor
driven tire pump,
one man top, quick
adjustable sT:orm cur
tains, vacuum feed
gasolene system,
1 16-inch wheel base,
36 H. P., full stream lines,
with coach work in a very
high finish (22 separate
painting operations).
Light Four, which is pro
duced in a $5,000,000
plant, covering 33 acres,
Like This
by a company that dates
back to 1834.
ItisthelowesT: priced car
in the quality zone topay
less for a car you can
hardly expedt quality.
If you want to get out
of the little car class and
seek a larger car but
light you can s1:op with
considerable assurance at
$1250 and put the other
(f. o. b. factory)
Light Four .... S1250
(6 passenger) . . . S1300
Light Six $1595
Special Four . . . 51595
Special Six . . . $1895
De Luxe Six. . . . $2350
(f. o. b. factor)
$250 in your pocket.
You do not need to pay
$1500 any longer.
This 1915 Mitchell
Light Four is a better car
than $1500 would have
bought a year ago better
than $1750 would have
bought two years ago
better than $2000 would
have bought three years
You cannot find a
much better car than
this. You can pay
more and get speed
beyond 60 miles an
hour, but when it
comes to size, pow
er, equipment and
riding ease, you will
spend many a day in
Automobile Row
and not find its equal
under $1500.
Men of wealth have
taken a great fancy
to this new Mitchell.
They tell us it gives
them all the car they
Southarn New York
Wattarn Connecticut
New Jartey
""J'; Eastern Pennsylvania,
Eastern Maryland
.JX -Mat)
Harry S. Houpt, inc.
1751 Broadway, New York
Phone Columbus 6885
80 Year of Faithful Serrica to the American Public
250 N. Broad St.
Phone Spruce 8222
1170 Bedford Are.
Phone Bedford 8170
mi m
at ,. J 11 niiniinn. loo tj, 117,
mat am Jr

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