Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. 10 pLERS ENLIST TO nCbr auiu rmmttni And Will Vrg Tliclr Owners to TaUt Tnrt In It Too. CTJiKEST IX THE EVENT itmirh tho automobile nacennt rtedu.i t iw" held during New York's Ijcoih bu'i" M lmhday celebration, late Ms m' ' I'" ",Ft tlio approval of , ootor c.r dealers and ngenta In New York an,l Hrnokljii at well as mntiu- &rtK ' .vKt'onal Impetus ha bo-n (jTfn t It ,,v aollon of the Automo- & Vy't-Association, which passed a rw.''" , " , in inn meiropoi tnn amulet. Long Isl rT'LKSJlSM'k Voik Stat a far noru a' V 2. unit iliat the rnemW of tho us- (orlati'.n no j!0 adVl. ilv thomstlves help hut ir I'U'tomiT owners to entor Even ""''I I'I'm-" a bundle of entries o the h 1 '' " r" "r 'he automobile, em't'e 4" Klfv-fourtii sir ?t, there "',' 1 1 ' I. tin r Thompson nnl Secretary M" ' I' I n anil thi'lr staff in kept nH" "'Ms 'he details of rreparat' n t r t'. big int. Tho com mittee his , ' i dus. n m' rltors ut work ft llnK I'' imi- in mi- iiiim rtiioll.l HI i!r the.r " t"t'k !n lb- Hu'o'nobilii prd. the. "nli-iTl'l will put the'r !V. i-i into 'ho Industrial, edttci 1 - " . il par-cant mi tin- night ef October 31 a.-, well In th latter many f th will hf drawn hy horses. Jom of !! irl?' nnil trophies offered V tit Stati- rommeflon for winners if ii Trlnii d'v'lon of the atltomolillo firtnt re l.e'rr dlsplayid In the win. ilew of n'tlle ile.i'urs on Hroailwny ndothirs hi ci enliiliitlon nt th Autn--rS's ('Pis of America. Til mp,,"on for the dealers' i!eoratM wimlow tifze promises to ba Tie t'ophy In of. rivl to any dealer crrrrtrrJ'.im on the lino of march or within cr b'cx-k. It li also open to any nuto-i-o!i!l dealer mrDse, arcenory stor or -ejalr ihop !n N" w York city repnrrtlesi d( elrf't lo-atlon All competitors In this ifM mut hive thflr windows decorated between October . find 31 and mut ,prl:"r the en'rv nt he-i'liiuariers. Th line of min-h for the automobile jivejnt ! to he the fo'towlrifr: Start fron ;5'h s' ret end M'lon avenue, weet in ir'.i'i ftreet to St. Nicholas avenue, "irn a n- .ir-.pi' nvc and Man latun .iveniie to noth street, wt to nrojdwiy ; then south to Columbus Circle, and e.ut on Kify-n'nth street to 1'lfth arenue. to the Cnjrt of Honor and re- rlswlni: 'in'l at I orty-second street wrap' to Th ty-foir'h street, tien west to nrndivrty,. md north to Columbus Clr il, uliere the paKeant w'll disperse. . in nlil t;nn to uie automoulle paceant on the iSih. and Industrial paeeant on Uotlowi- ti there w'll he music fetlvats en the nes of October Id, 27. 50 md 5?, an a'Yrtte meet on October I?: Frl diy Octob- So, will bo a special theatre nlirht : s lower S'a" street association eeltbritlon to take pi 'Ce Satnnliy after-n(v-n, October tl, whle the Harlem car r'val nd varlius relliflous meetlners. rnce demonstrations, Ac . will occupy th.i mtlre week. On November 7 the "Ol 1 Sw Yrk" exhibit In nrnnd r-ntrsl I'al ice will open and remain open for two Tceks Thtre l no entry fe for entering any of the d'r'slnns of the automobile pageant, nMch Include the folowlnKt Division C. Cla's 1 Tourlns; pars; ?f!iM to a valuation of at least IS00. i1a I. runibouts, prizes to a valuat'on uf J(!5. C'ns 3. club, prizes to a val utlon of J37C : Clues 4 dealers, for best rt jrfsftat!' n, prizes, J375. D union A Karly models; prizes to a vtJiia"o i of $175. )V'.n n (irotesque and burlesque 'irv for Individual entrants, 1800 ; mer- n.n.'s tl. cars. ) r. $110 : deal er i - S37C Clruton F Advertising. H-t. D'v j on f! Mot reyele , a m'nlmum of JSOO In pr ze ; daler' window display, HO trophy. MOLINE CAR IN NEW HANDS. Mlnerra Motor Company Tabes on Knight nnglned Muchlnr Hero. acnout cement Is made of a new doal hrebv t' e Mlnen'a Motors Company 'roTi Octii.?r 15 handle the Mollne lv'nlght cais. product of the Moltne Auto nioblle Company, F.xst Mo'.lne, Illinois. Ths Rorld record breaking 337 hour on-s:op motor test run last winter In e la.boritory tt lUn Automobile Club f Anierlra cnlled most favorable atten !cn to t'.,i Mollr.e-Knlpht and recently M. II. Van Dervoort, president of the Mo'.lne-KnUht oeiranliatlon. settled on the Minerva Motors Company as new brents, principally becaunc of their ac quaintance ulth the sleeve valve type of motor and also because of a well equipped tervlce departnui.t. Te Miring Motors Company wns or vanlnd s n year ago by Kred W, "icwell to represent the Minerva In Amer 'a. M- well has Buccfssfully sold Mlnena-KnU'it cars since they were first J'rouitht to t'.ii country. Associated with Mr. fcenell ih Howard S. Hamilton, who l In charge of the sales work. Mr. Ham ilton U V nrougti y familiar with motor car Co, i i iMth In Amerlcn ar.d In 'til! and is aasaitunt manager of tho Anierlcan t--,r v. 0f j'anhard & Levassor fo- 'he la' four years, Vhcre ht had t'largM ,,f t',.. n.'lltig of P.inh-ird-Knlght r In t'd - ,untry. KpowI-k .,,,1 belVvIr In the Knight tijotnr ai d b. tnr deelrous of netting a Knlcht Mn-,.,.1 car ut lower price than tns Mlnen i ar er .i thorough Invetlgatlon "j Knight deilgns Messrs. Sen ell and Ilamlltor, ,;,.fHid that tre iruar.-uitttd AO I r,orse-p,,f r Molinc-Knlght wns bet i "After looking over the situation f-irn kdapled to their clbntele. Tlie Minerva evu. standpoint one cannot help but bi Motors fi.mpir.j .m moving from their 1 cenv'.nced that real prosperity approach's. "Hloiat'on it Uroadway ar.d Slxty-tlxth I The wldeiwoke American Is busily on irett to the ulmn om formerly occu- i trussed In preparing to grasp each opp t p.ed y the Thomas Motor Car Company j tunlty which rjjescnts Itself. Conditions t 1''' Hro.idwny, southeast corner of I aro such that the whole country will reap W.'Mrd street The Minerva Motors I tho btr.eflL- 1T l LI . .., ,.f II.a I,u. llnl.l fAtl. -- l, vi tllC I 1,111119 IC,llb VI4l, ft.1'1 i c "nil purpose" car, la C T. Ww. in, local distributer, "Tlila is an mir, y rrw ,),.,, r,1Jrc hy tnc ,,ua. Ily btiMflers of Cleveland," says Silver. Its w-'jit ta nmicr noo pounds nnd It Ford September Sales, 21,976 Cars THE Ford Motor Company nn- 1 nouncM that In tlio month I of September there, wero sold and I delivered 21,070 Ford cars, This I was a gain of 11,470 cara over Soptcmbrr, 1013, ' Tills Is slgnlllcnnt not only as allowing that l'ord production is rapidly heini? Increased to moot tho influx of orders, but tileo bo- r. " .... ..... iD u,u .Motor Company is maintaining tho ;ioo,000 car schedule necessary to . ... , , ' K"" roiu purcnuscrs ooiwoon August 1, 1014, and August 1, 1015, a shnro ot proiits. p J Company has a large territory, IncluJ. l'oulilt.'epslc, it'rtliern New Jersey und western Connecticut. KEENEST INTEREST IN 8 CYLINDER CADILLAC Local Salesrooms Crowded All Week With Folks to Look nt Xcw Car. Local Interest In the new eight cylinder Cadillac has been keen all the past week and it has been In tho salesroom of the Detroit-Cadillac Motor Car Company, at H oadway and .Sixty-second street, very much like n jKipular car booth at show time. All the time there have been pond s!?ed crowds looking at the new nuchan lesl features, and practically every divi sion of persons Interested In automobiles, cither as user or salesman, has had big and consistent representation. That American manufacturers of motor cars have been paying close attention to the performanco of eight cylinder cars In l'urope, and that this Interest has been Intensified since the announcement of the eight cylinder Cadillac Is stated In a recent Issue of ono of tho leadlnB auto mobile publications. This periodical anys that durlnc the last six months the demand from Detroit motor car makers for European, experi mental hlrti efficiency cars has Indicated that considerable study Is being applied to this Importnnt subject, while orders from the same place since the new Cadil lac has been revealed threaten to deplete the nvnllable stock of eight cylinder cars. which had already been decreased by the European, war. This statement occurs In the course of a long article by a prominent engineer on the advantages of the eight cylinder motor for automobiles. The author states that, excepting tho small four cylinder er.glne for low powcrftd cars, the eight ...lit U. ail n.n - . At i tt ft tnn Mill it 1 r'"" S'.'r : " ' :Li.'...ii". ".Ti'" " ... mo I nr. He bases this belief on the su perior flexibility, thermal elllclency, power I per iwund of motor weight and durability I lrACI lrom on ol u ,"lers ,0 lno x of the eight. He cites as proof thnt this j we'd Motor Company WTltton from typo Is most durable the fact that after Scotlnnd will show: 32,000 miles of service nn eight cylinder "Whllo in Edinburgh, Pcotland, a week motor showed alt wearing surfaces In ago I was driving over the mountains on good condition, with but slight wear on 1 my wny to Quorns and was very much tho cam and valve mechanism. Interested In the wire entanglements and It Is asserted that the action of this trenches which wero apparently built in engine and Its condition nfter hard use a double circle around Uio entire) out are good arguments for the adoption of skirt of Kdlnburgh, the circle being tho eight cylinder design. It had seen probably twelve or fifteen miles In three yearn of service, nrd the nuthor, I diameter. It occurred to me that the who Is an engineer and who Inspected system of trencher and blockhouses the torn down motor carefully, says Its condition was as good ns that of a stand ard Amerlcvi four cylinder after only one season of similar service. This engineer sums up the adi'antare? of the eight cylinder V type engine by pointing out that It permits enual nrgular distribution of power Impulses: Its su perior turning movement and more equal ized torque permit a smaller engine to be used for the same work: It has a short, rigid, self-counterbalnjiced crank shaft and light reciprocating parts; It has Immunity from critical or vibrating speeds, and It does not take more apace or Increase the weight or wheel base of any car over a four cylinder engln of the same capacity. BUSINESS BETTER, SAYS COLE. Conditions Improving Kveryivhrre, Indlannpolla Car Maker Ilrpiirtaj. A letter sent recently to William I. Colt of the Colt-Strat'on Company, by J J. Cole, proaldent of the Colo Motor Car Company, whose Kaslern distributer the Colt-Stratton Company Is, contains the stralgbtout statement that every day finds business conditions Improving In this country, to judge only from betterments In the motor vehicle Held, and that In dianapolis In particular Is enjoying pros perity. "Although deeply Interested In foreign conditions nt this time America cannol and will not give up Its business to dream about the outcome of the conflict now In progress." be says. "Each day finds butl ness conditions Improving and this Im provement haa been going on for aimi time. Bumper crops In every sctlot, cf tho country mean money and that money is going to bo put In circulation. "The first thing that money Is used to ptocure Is the necessities of life and those conditions which will decrease the cost of llvmg and the cost of production. Tin automobile la a production cost reducer, a time saver and a means of procuring health and pleasure : therefore It Is a neces sity. The farmer sees the need of a motor rnr nn hit fjeem. and i la-ht now farmers ar purchasing automobiles to fill that need Enthusiastic Over New Peerless sells ut 12,000. My entire organization Is In ruptures over It, The new car la a effort of the Peerless company, whoso manufacturing methods need no In tioduclloii to New Yorkers. Flexibility, Duwer iind Mttoothncts of operation have BASFBALL FIGURES IN THE MOTORING WORLD SSSSl ! I-II1--I I I -II I ' ' I I II - I W' . . rlllit-r lldillp Culllna nor Johnn pari of -the world arrlrs anas; for lie Chalmers ailren by Itnath Chalmers fur the American I, en nne nnd livers ditto la) Collins arettlnir the rnr. "AMERICA FIRST," IS REDDEN'S EXHORTATION 3Iiltavc;i Sales Manager Tells Somo of Ills Experiences in Scotland. BowraJ message have corns ut Irregu lar Intervals to the home office of the Maxwell Motor Company In Detroit from tho company's salts manager, C. V. Ited don, who Is on his way home from Eu rope, whern he has been since the out break of the war. Mr. Ileddnn'i Itinerary has taken him Into noveiral oountrl-a where liattlea wcro In progress, and ho h.u even seen nctual tlclitlnrr. Ifis ex I . . ... i Pcnencc navo Deen varied irom tne , ridiculous to the dangerous a nn ex tract from ono of his letters to the Max- ( which were, made from hundrols of grain bags II led with Hind and 'stacked' ono on the other In tho form of a block houso or 'fort') would make a very In teresting photo to tako hack to the United Htates. I eonseuently stopped the car o-t a point which seemed to permit of a moment's use of tho cumern, without disturbance, and proceeded to get my picture. "I was very Intently looking Into the finder when a husky voice at my back commanded me, 'Gle me tha boox nnd coom ulong wT me.' I looked around nnd ther wna the flnost ripeclmen of Scottish Highlander I ever tw, with his rifle sbout half way to his) Bhoiilder. the frank expression on his fnco showing cloudy that he wasn't much on the 'con ver.'iatlonal stuff : so I walked back with him over tho hills to a Btono hut where tho Lieutenant of the Patrol wns located and I went through the most complete and searching Investigation any one ever heard of. The Lieutenant wan u fine chap, however, nnd after apparently sat isfying hlmolf that I wan not a flerman spy he told m to "bent It' after first taking tha film from tho camera and ad vising me to pack it In my .mink out of sight until I had left England and Scot land. "This little experience Is rather amus ing to look back nt, now that It's over, ,( there are hundreds of Innocent tour lets who have not been so fortunate. I know of several who havo had their cameras smashed, wero confined In some hut under guard several hours until they could be examined and were submitted to what In times of peace would ba con sidered abuse: but In war times the laws of oonduot of Individuals as well aa the law.i of nations change, and It's 'no safe bet' Just what will happen when one falls Into the hands of u soldier who H overawed with his new Importance and who Is somi'tlmes clothed with more, mo mentary authority than the Governor of one of our Stated. "But the thing that broke the ice for me was that I had a chance to laugh and tt relieved the seriousness of tho situation for a moment und at least saved me from a trip back to headquarters. 1 told the Lieutenant I was selling uu tomoblles; calling on dealers nnd getting In personal touch with our dealers to be better able to know their requirements and conditions. He could not understand why I would come all the way from tho United Btates to do that When lie asked ueeu .unlud iimi tin- new car, ,TJio new model will average 300 miles on an ordi nary tiled tank of gas, due lo Its light weight, And this leduotlon of weight safe und practical, ilu to tht process of neat treatment of steel at the roerli plant" Kicrs ivlll lime to speiiil muy it rnr, for the former scot the new helnir the most vnlnaihln plurer In for tho Kntlonnl I.enKue. Hero what car I was vetting I told him Max well. This seemed to please him, for he said his father-in-law owned a Max well and he llkod the car. "I huvo covered part of France, seen somo of Holland and He'glum and .Switz erland and practically all of England, but Scotland la the most Interesting of any and nt the same time less a IvcpMsed Tho people nre the most courteous nnd treat the Americans with more consid eration than any people I have met vt. They do things there, howuver, a they did 400 years arn nnd some of my ex periences with Scottish agents have been funny. Scotland Is doing herself credit In this war by sending practically all her men who are tit for war to the front I have passed through small mountain towns where It would appear that tho population would not exceed K.000 people and after p.isslng out Into the country would see I'.OOO or S.oni) soldlera drilling on some farm and getting lined up for service nt the front. "I got ,held up hero because the bridge Is out and 1 munt Iwat It back over the mountains to-morrow, Tho most exciting man, and Duy tlle .,lul1 vori,r, nn o0 caslonnl drink for the "privilege of hear ing him talk' (ho has Harry Laudor backed oft tbo map for picturesque dia lect). "In closing let me tell you one thing. I havo seen moro of Europe than most people from the lakes of Switzerland to the boulevards of Paris the castles of England and the highlands of Scotlnnd but they haven't anything In Europe (with the exception of old ruins and an cient, musty history) that wn can't ex cel In the States and eclipse so far that it's a nhamo to take their money, but tm!t some organization of patrlotlo Americans starts r well orgnnlred move lm nt to 'See Anvrtca First' tho Euro peans are going to continue to rako In American gold by feeding American tour ists third class food under fancy French names and give them amusement)) that wero thiown Into the discard at Coney Island so long ago that I oon't recall tlie date." HARRY 3. HOUrtT' " UaconpODATIIr " 'Published. New York Sun, New York City. Dear Sir:- Realizing the dampening effect 'the Euro peon war naturally put on buaineao in general when (war waa firat declared, it was problematical in mv mind at that time whether or not it waa adviaable' Jto carry out the intended advertiaing campaign I had (Contemplated. The effect on buaineaa in general ap-: parently haa not been aa marked aa it. firat appeared. i i1? l?e autoraoMle buaineaa aalea have been plentiful during Auguat and September. The automobile haa become a neceaaity aa well aa a pleaaure to the uaci, auu aa wie papera are now giving leaa room to war newa and more apace to local newa of general ln tereat I decided, when I took on the MITCH2LL car a few weeka ago to try out an experimental advertiaing. campaign ior two or three weeka in t.Vim which included the New York Sun. You will prSwy .be pleaaed to hear that the reoulta were ao aatia j factory that I have determined to extend my advertia ing campaign for the next eight or ten weeka. This J WBB mB conciuoiveiy that at thia time adver tiaing ia most valuable and that the mediuma eeled "avc biV" 4 0niy ?bJect ln writing thia ia to aay. that if other buaineaa men, who have gooda of raeri ,to aell, would atop talking war and hard times, an aaverxise tneir warea in (rood mevHnmn ni York Sun, they would find that buaineaa waa ao. bad as they seem to.thlrik it ia and also paya to advertise?.,. dcuruc MhIIIiik iiinmiKr of i lit- trluiuiibant llrua llkea peed on the hlKhtrar. Here lie la drlvlnic fcta AJnx tired Simplex car. BRISCOE CAR PLEASES "HER." Women flioT Their Liking for Finely Finished Mnrhlne, New York women have placed their tamp of approval on the Ilriscne, car, "the first French car at an America price." Since tho Ilrlrcoo Sales Com pany, Inc., oponed Its Bjlesrooms at ITS! Uroadway a big percentage of sales have been Influenced by women. The manager tjf the company says he has yet to a sale when the woman lias been called on f.r ndvtco. "All this shows that tho builders of the Ilrlscoe were right when they designed a boautlful car to sell at n popular price, Mini It. L. Do Llssor, "Tlio men jrn usually deeply Interested In the ktnd of mnterlal that goes Into the car. are impreised by the complete equipment of fered and of couiae admire Its appear ance, but the women have the keenoat eye f-r grace and things of beauty I believe fully 60 per cent- of our sales am dlroctly Influenced by the women. "We are delighted with tho splendid reception of our car. We are sejllng every IlriHcoo wo can get from tho factory, and the factory Is working overtime to sup ply tho demand. Thus far our builness In the New York territory hns been 60 per ci-nt. aheid of our anticipation and la steadily Increasing." orricc or VTME president' 0c BJtuexAenL returns. Youro v Ci N k" "Made in America" Is Packard Slogan TO lend point to tho campaign It Is waging In behalf of establishing n markot In tho United States for high grade produots manufactured hero tho Packard Motor Car Company has added another phraso to its group of catchwords. "Mado in America" follows the logotypo "Packard" at tho top of all present Packard advertising. OVERLAND 80 PERFORMS WELL IN VARIED TEST Gasolene, Mileage, Acceleration Low Throttling and Hill Climb lnf? All Satisfactory. A record which Is attracting much at tention In motoring circles was made by a 191G Model CO Overland In a series of Independent tests recently conducted by an ucceas6ry manufacturer In Chi cago, t'nder the official supervision of !. E, Edwards, chairman of the technl il committee of the Chicago Automo bile Club, the car was tested for econ m , acceleration, low throttling nnd hill limbing. On a measured gallon of the ordinary grade of OS test gnsoleno a distance of Jl 2 miles was covered. The trial was made under ordinary driving conditions. The total Height of the car, fully equipped and carrying a complement of four ia ."encers, was 3.C20 pounds. The acceleration test showed that from a standing start tho Overland was ca pable of attaining a speed of 30 miles in hour In the remarkably short period of 12 1-5 seconds. After having been throttled down to 3 miles nn hour on high speed It quickly accelerated to 2 miles nn hour. On Hubbard's Hill, the only grade In the vicinity of Chicago suitable for such tests, tho car climbed from a standing start to a speed ot 18 miles an hour at the top of the steep Incline. The en tire ascent was made on high speed. With a flying start of 12 miles an hour the car again reached the top of the hill at a speed of 18 miles an hour. Although the Willys-Overland Company docs not claim that stock cars In ordi nary use will maintain any such remark nble mileage as the a bow, frequent state ments by Overland owners attest to a mileage under ordinary conditions of IS or 16 miles a gallon. tobe rll 2 th , A 19X4 . tted. t and the New not quite "thatit trulv. sy 1 AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE JCocomobife Exchange Car Department BARGAINS 112 locomujiim: LA.NIlAt.Xr.T Very Ann condition, ltep&lnted a beautiful Lo comobile blue. LOCOMOIHl.l! 1019, 4r II, P. TOrit-I.MJ.-Thoruunhly overhauled: llfbtlnc and starting; yateica, Wr are niAhlSK a spclil Crlce oo thl cr this etk. fee it before uitnr. LocuMfliutx- loia, an ii. r.covrn Four pAMenier, lUlitliu nnd atartlnr rtteins. Look, like new overhauled; prloo llgtit. LiM on 11.15- 1014, .inn. r-Ituni.Ton nillet; II a hunt uid stsitlne tynems; very resNoasliie An ovrrhsiiled l.ucoinoblle carries our new i sr Ktisrantee. 1PM7 I'ACKAIIII, seveu paienier, for reat- Inr. lein I'lAT (fiirrtgn): rtntlni nr truck. I0IJ SII'.IAI.I.L'IKIIULI limousine snd tnurlnr bodies. 1013 AllitOT'I, tourlnf-rentlrr ear 1I3 sl.l.lll;, nne ear. very little money, IwU i.o7.Ii:it, su-c llnder. llrlarcltne model. 1U13 llt ls(l.. overhauled, 4 ne shoes: looks and runs like new: Mrhllnz and start lug tyitenis, lie haie seieral nne Llmoualne bodies t reuons1le prices. Attractlie terms can be arranged. TIIK I.l('OM()Illl.i: CO. OF AMI-.IUCA. (list M., nett ut llrnndiisj. J A. MIXI ISH, ilr Krhnie Car Dept NEW CARS USED CA.US New Motor Trucks AND Auto Accessories y2 PRICES Conttnulnr the Olrnllo "Price fllaahlr.aj Sale" Inaugurated last week, w ra ottar Ini creataat vaiuea tier advtrtlaad. Our Price Wrecker No. 1G Contains All Information of 3.000 Dm Vain. Kr'rylhlnic Tri-talnlng to thtft Autmnnbllr. Write for It, KHEK. TIMES SQUARE AUTO GO. S. W. Cor. 56th St. & B'way New Malheeon VI II IV, slt-cylluder, Isteit model: 7 iwitf.en uer: Uutr.hy body, tully eipilnpcd, n ctnulne harnnln lie Detrlcn, il It ., 4 !ncns;er road ster, body nnd top, all new Urea; KouUrr ful rfmtr and srcrd SSfO. l'ennylvanli. VI II, P., 7 psasenter; body and tup, 14IU. 1V17 40 If 1' darfnrd, 4-passenrer lour ing car; llrat-clens rendition, prke 11.900. 40 it P Jiupe Hartford, 7 pnateuger Touring tar. In tine louUllluu. bendy to run 1UII U) II Qulnby b-idj- P Simplex; 5 pnwnier in uood order at a low price aofjhalne rs I linoualne. t!oo, Theae cara ale reil bamina. J. M. QUINBY & CO., M AI K, N J. j Good Autos Sacrificed at New tuik'i Automobile iinrcUn fclitu.Hl- meal "War & Prevalent "Hard Timos' ' MAlii: OWNhhS I, AM) 11 A? I I .NAHM'. TO lull 11 T' I I'At I Hence, "Jandorf" for Quick Cash WT1I II K I.t'f.KAl ) I i I I The Public Gets the Benefit Itenaulta, luur-sli cylinders' Packtut, l lercea, Cadillacs. Metallurgies. Mricedra. lludsons, Lo comobiles, Coles, studebakcr. Ilupmobllaa. Plata. National!, Little, fords, OvcrtanJa, Paige, Vtlles. 100 Other Unusual Omortiinl'les tn "elect Prom. At $50 to $1800 TowncArn, tlosctl, inn In JtuDuLmits, Tula. For Cash or Time Payments Dfmontnttlnii!t Given, Kxamlmitlonn Iniltrtl; I'vrrythlnir as Hrpri'smtitl, Jandorf Automobile Co. MTU lKPAIlTMKNT 1763 Broadway, IK st.. NOTKK UlU M-.W ADDIffiSSF.t. l'U Droadvay, 17M Uroadway. W. AStn. Autoa. Tires, etc. Ilodles. BARGAINS Cadillac, lilt, I-andaulMte Body. Uke new, !00 00. laotta Frasililnl. I.lmoiuln. and Touring bodies, 1913. :.:00. I'krie Ar row, ISH, Llmoualne und Touring bodies, ll.fOO. Overland, Touring, 1(14, electrlo tartar, electric light., demountable rlma, used two months, cout 1 1.360. 1CC0, Over land, runabout. 1913, S3&0, Overland touring, 1911. 1200 Htudtbaker, Inuring. 1913. KM. Hte&rna 1911, touring and llmoualne bodies, I'CO Hultk. runabout. 1911. fl"( llulek, runabout, l91, 'used tiirea weeks, coat 11.410, ISOO Ford Delivery wagon, like new, 127V Flamlrra. 1913. Delivery vagon, Htoddard Psyton Taxi cab, puat 1914 In spection, 1300, New Forda ut big discounts. .Many other bargains. These cars have b'eu taken In trade on new cara and are open to any reaaonabl. ofTer. LITTI.R Ut W tSth Htreet T.le phon. Circle Sltl, UNL'HCAL HAltOAINS. 101B Ornnt roadster, elwtrle stiuiev. 1PIA (lld. "I.ldit four" touring. 11115 llctcott tnurlliK. 1UIS Oakland all, touring, 1U1S Abliull-Detriill lourllig. Above cars taken In trade on new car. No rionibl offer retuaed, must aall C. It. IILHHV & CO., 1700 IPway (cor, ftllh fit.) Tel. Clrole I4SK. A 11 A HO, IN, 1150.00- nietrant t-paaaen ger (late model) forednor muring eiir, eaey en ahoea and ga. (has elerlri nystrin), thoi nuKlily eiiulliprdi used prltiite ocluslioly; perfect oundltlon, demonsiratlun kIvii! iqusl to new, worth double. Private fttabla. Its Uuat 18th at., near l.eilnrtnii ave. IWCKAKIW 10l0-ll-i:-13-l4 Mourw, L1nioulne. sadana, Wndauleia. touring oars l:i ubsalutaly perfact condlilon. a'lrsotlve prl- im; eeverai clnaed bodlra. rACKAItl) AL'IO i:CIIAMiF. CO., lirja llrmuliiH), Tel. BOTH Columbus, Two used Klectrle roupea, almiet new. No retaauiuable offer refused. lLM'Cll X I. AMI L'AltltlAOU CO ISOO llnmiiH.J. roiiii cori'K iionins. Ilt.0. startling valu.l Ford Owner hen Ice Corpt --9 West i,4th AUTOMOUll.r. UKIMIUl.SU. REPAIRS Now ta the time to have Umoualnea snr hauled ar.d painted. Cnod work takea time. Send for ua now in make an eattmata laat you foraet. IVe have a well equipped maohlna aliop for nvcrhaiillnr motors J. M. QUINBY & CO. NriVAHK. N J. K Auto lUJUtori. Wlndahlalda, ItKI'AUl Fenders, liiiipi of all make, ft lura-ulna ulnars on hand. SELL Hudson Auto Lnrnp 11 ka.,IR30 t1 AUTOMOU1LK AM) Mill OH TltUCK IK b I It L CI lo.V, RTFAVAHT ltooklet eiplalrya WrtT Al'TOMOlllI.K Our courae la TtKflT. SCHOOL, Inspect our plant ?M IV. &5th St. and ba convtnca l. "Charturod by V Y Plate rtoard of Itearanta." ACTO.MOII1LK HL'I'l'LIKH. COIXMIIIA LA.MP irOKKS. Hsdl!'ir' .pecialtlea, all makaa r.vatT4 cn hort notice, booda. (endara, larxa a. sortment of wlmlsblelda; Ismps that wtli atay llti over 1.010 pair to select from I4S-5 XV. 47th St., N, V. Tel. Ilrjant 4IS6, Wlntir and Summer Bodlis Tnpa, 110, Top Covers, It. Wlndshlelde, I 10th Cautury Co, HII II wny. neir (3d Hi Idmoualne Ilodles to 1H I'sckauda and Iaii dsulet llndy to tit Chalmers or any other Cluaasls. 1'rlcea lUiieoiiMble. MUOItr. A. CO., 647 IVfcST ohTII ST, nEAl'TII'Pl lined ev i w pair hear rolea, elrsant fur iu itti it i ii,e cna', ii.i ri.