Newspaper Page Text
20 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. BROWN AND CORNELL TO SHOW NEW TRICKS Tcaiiih Will Clnsh on Polo (rounds Next Sntiirday Keyed for Worm Contest. llrown t'lilverslty's fan, nnd aggressive football team w 111 face Cornell at the I'olo Grounds next Saturday afternoon with on Immaculate record for the season. It Ih true tint the Provldcnco wairlors are Mill confront! d with Ike heaviest part of their schedule, but It Is i-aunlly true they li.iv' pointed tip to Maturday's Knm tu cm- Hi" most imirtant nil the ll&t. l!row-n was mi'i of the few Kastrrn college teams was not actively oti Kaged yesterday. Tin- weekly game, was pliijed on Thtir.I. afternoon beciiusn of thu IDOth iinnlveisnry exi-rclseii and re sulted In it 1C tn 0 victory over Wcslcynn. This n'.n the first teal test to which tho nmrlilnn bad len put liy tho coaches, who were innfi opted with thn task of ib-vh ping a li-mi coir-posed lararrly of srrubs from lust veu-'s .i-oonds and fiom livHhniH.i. i In th.' game Hto'vn's light epgn K ill-n 1ii m-.i pi nty of Mpeul nougii o off."t a decided weight handi cap In view nf tin- possibilities of tho modern styli- i-f o;a-n ;d i pro flclvnev win- slinwii In nd run ning and even tn old fashioned line buck ing tactics. Ttir tea in Ik said to possess In (Iiirdoti i Hiiiiditful drop kicker and xccpttonntly clover punter. In spile of 1'orni-H'a superior weight It Is billovid that Saturday's iramo will develop limn of tho latest i meltlos of the gridiron sport. The rival co.nhoi t.rivn HpeclalU'-il on open formations. Cohi-Ii Sharpi' of Cornell watcind the Vale. Voire IMmc contest at New Haven vesterilay to get pointers on the Mil's mu tiplc lateral pass effects, a tr'ck that was Introduced Into tTie American game by f'aiiadKin rugby specialists. Cornell and llrown have Ixith mart.) arrangements to prnetlsD r.t the. Polo Orounds Krldny afternoon so that they may study the light and wind effects. Tho 'iMnts; w III arrive Thursday night. Cor liell v. Ill he quartered at the Astor Hotel end llrown at the Hlltmore. Oroitndkeeper Harry I'ahlan has al ready completed the reinodii'.lln(r of tho gridiron. As for the Army-Navy Kam of last fall lh diainonU has been levelled and reoiieil Tho turf should be linn by th. end of the week so that If tho wcnihor Is ln stsed will count I "or Hi" convenience of tho public the m.u nientH of both i-oinell and llrown tiave ir. ed to hive their players num bered for tills garm- FINALS IN OCTOBER TOURNEY. an . ni i inn i neir iin iii'n ni nir M Ilr .....r ',,.. Vo.STfl.Air.. (let. 17. The iln.iN OcfiN-r loiirnntnent nnd a l-ali "ep- stakes ! tore- elates kept the numbers or ine .Montria'r Golf t'lult Iuhj 'n too sweeptiKes, j:. c. Ierr iar , nun i.i; n. Stearns in rlas.i n, w-iin ,i, .mu i r. n.iii in ciais c, .1111 I. lie- ecure ; I Cinwi A It. r. Kerr. i 4 -U. ?3. J. It. nsiti-n. 7 11 ?s. .1. v SurliriiE. ,Ir, - 1. it, J. 11. ICreiner. P0- e. n ("! J) K. U. Sienrns, 5 IS. 7(, p y. Merrill. SO-ir.. Ti: J. N'nyes. 33 If.. ' Tk TV. 11 Lnttin. l' U 5. Ctins I' I' V. Mull. SI 2a. 13. N. 1 Hill. ; 7-1. P ! .mrte. fit II. Til Dyr Smth. li;:v, T Oct'e TotirnHiuent--llaten eight nf nrt sixteen A. C Pratt he(1i . m. .-jlnerr. 3 nd : feeond Sixteen r R Merrill best v II. Ixiftur. 1 an I lleiteti KlKtlt R. C. Krr beat P. t,. Os Urher. 1 up. Third KUteen rt. II (treitor)- '.iai T. K. Oliver. I up Pourth Mttfen S C. t.onrle het ('. M. Deuitnty .1 nnd t Ilea ten flight -W b.t K. (. nhimke .in. I 1. SURPRISES IN ENGLISH SOCCER. .Vfam-hi-.irr rilj wins mill LcbiU In lie I'lrst Ills Islun, T-oNpov, Oct 17- The results of tho principal lriu;u games decided to-day ' " ' ' r :L'rj:.' !" . Zn l ,nin iiuin f nui-i t-ciiiiK 1-IHIIIKes 111 I no I it-ri-eiing ennrges in inni tsblf.1. In the llrst division M.meheMer city scored a splendid away win over Vo.i. er.nn..- n i r,..ntno . ,.i...., record nt the top of the tnble. The Arsenal easily accounted for Mhickpool and Huddcrstltbl Town beating Fulham these two clt'bs are having a desperate race for top place of the second division, Watford at last got to the top of the Southern I.eagun bv winning their away game with Croydon Common. Tho re ull I.r.AOIT t. MMilleelioriTiRb. 1 . Nevrcaiitle tTulted, I. fhettlelrt t'nlteci 1. Tottenham Hotspur, 1. Aston Vllln. 3; llurnley, 3. t.lvnrpnoi. nrmirurd CHv. 1 ll.-.iilford, 3: cheii-en, o. Ol I ll n in Alhel.. 1; IJverton. 1 Mum-better fnlteil. ti; U'pit llromwiph A!M..n. 0. Tlolton Wnn.terers, 0, Sheffield VVednee i f. Hl.ii-khiirn Hove... 1. Sunderland, t, Noiib futility. 0. Monche.ter city, t. uiAiitii: ii. I,eieier Koe, Zl Notts Korest, 1. Ilnru,e, Prenon North I'ml, t rilim.op. 3: Unrv. i). Wrilver!impt-'n W.. S; Hrlntiil City. !. fiitlmin. -, Hudderifield Town, 3. ffui'hp(ir- County. 1, ilrtmsh) Town, 1. Ilu'l citv. 0. o. t Citv, 3: l.ln- nln City, 1. riupiou Orient, o. linrby Co-inty, 1, Arveniil. -.1; Ilinckpool, 0. SOL'TIIIIIIN I.KAr.UK. J,uton Town, 0; P.xeter City, !. 1'ortinmuth. 0, Cardiff City, 1. Fwlmlnn Town. 2. Ilrlshton an-l llnve, 1, S-mthend I'lllti-d. 1, (itllltlKhiim, 1. QJi-enn Piirk It. 1: Norwich city. t. MlKnill. :, West limn t'nlte,!, t tlrl'tnl Hovers, 3. lV'iiioulli Art-vis, 3. Cri-ydon Cnnimon. o, Watford, I. Mending, ':. Northiunpiiin, 1 fliuMlAlnpti-n, I', 1'iiluce. f. Ht-ottlsli l,i-iiKiie Mici-i-e Itesults, Lomkin. t)t:. 17 Thi-te were a uumbi-r surprising ns-jltA In today's Scottish .engtm sanies, ijuite th" most rtnrtllng being tlm defeat of the Hanger by Ayr United, the winners netting Into second place in the tnnle. The result; brdeen. I . Thlr.l Lanark. !. Iiiimiiirion. 1 . AtMrlennlhnii, 4 Ay t'nlted. s. KnnKtrs, 1. Cnltle, I , t'nlklrlt, 0 lltlnib-e A, ip,Mrta, l- lllbernlln, : llainlllon A.. 3 fsripk Thlstl. 0. Kilmarnock (' Motherwell, 0; Morton, I. n-Uth Hovers. -, Ht Mlrren. 2. tleroiiil flonnil for President's Cup, New rtocilKt.l.r., Oct. 17. Tho icond round for the president's cup and nn eighteen hole handicap were played to day at the Wykagyl Country Club The handicap va won by W. I.. o'Hrlon, with a cnril of t-0 12, 75. Th" sum-mirh-s : President's Cup Hocnml rnun.l C. 15 Mnltbv ami N. II. liuaey, Jr.. finished all even with H. K Shriller and 0 T. I.uh nun. II. (1 VVrlKht nnd O. c f-emple bent a. 11 1 1 1 ii 1 1 nnd I' II Cunntimhani, I ami 3, P J. Ito.-ker ami tv I'. Juilklim biiii 11 tv Hk.H mi.) w i Iliike!'. (t ii ml r,. II f,. boiler nnd r. If llofmAn be-it II V. Unlnee and ll. K. Wblmer, ! nnJ 1. rtnriii-s Wins nt IpnvTiuiila. P.vk. N. V.. Oct. 17. fleurgo II. Humes, Willi n scorn of 7'.i K, 74, led the ik-ld In th" eighteen hole handicap at tho Apa 'i nn's Club tn-d.iv. There wn Ii tin In thn swi-epsinki-H between W. H. Wallace, Jr , SI 3, 70, and ',. S. 'Nash, 84 S. 7il. Th-i n-nie In the handicap! il II Itnrne. TH-.h. ;i: K. H. Nash. SI -V : II T. W.Hdiii, t6- -to. 7S; Krank IVet.nj. T -V 7. Honoy I'hiiumer, 7 Cininell Ulna Hal) Siirt-patnlim. -iiwahk, N. .1. Oct. 17 -A 'ull Hrteep. f on tae Glen lttdgn Country Club s was won to-iiaj- bv p Cintull. w in a net .-oiii of 7i Tho ri-nret : r nn.. 'fti 311. ;i w Jj I.vrn, 30 'I wiiii. h s:, 7( l n 9'",- ' IS 77 J U New-e I 1 n, 7J. sl l'l", & J 7$. II. Ileeliinan, 102 . 3 U. O. Uurtlitt, Ui J7, tl. CORNELL FEARS BROWN TEAM. (in me n( I'olo Ground mi nnlunlevj- Nhnnlrt lie n Good One. Ithaca, Oct. 17. For the first time In nineteen years the Cornell football team T.-1M play llrown next Saturday ut the I'olo Grounds In New York city. The game, which Is regarded ms olio nf tho most Important on thn Cornell schedule this year, will be the flrnt that Cornell has played In New York since otlo of (lien Warner's teams wan beaten by Princeton at the I'olo (Hounds In 190G, The last time that llrown and Cornell pla)ed the Ithacans beat the Hrtinonlnns by tho scorn of 6 to I, and the members of tin- Cornell squad nnd the coaches antici pate a severs battle. l'p to last weak the outlook for a strong Cornell team was none, too promising, but the general Improvement shown In tho Carlisle Kamu and the moral effect of this victory has so Improved the football situ ation at Ithaca that the backers of this team uro hopeful that I)r, Sharpe's ole.ven will Klvo a good account of Itself against llrown. Suffering defeats at the hands of Pitts burn and Colgate and giving an exhibition of most of the footbal! faults which the lack of experience produces, the Cornell eleven got together ngnlnst the Indians and won easily. Tho Green lino Is playing a much stronger gamo and tho back Held Is giving evidence of considerable power, tly the time of the Drown gaino ("apt. (I'Henrn. who has been out of the lineup for weeks, should bo In good form, and Dr. Shiirpe expects to develop two sets of powerful, olTMislvi) halfbacks. L"p to this time the Ithacans hive not attempted much forward passing, but the prnctlce In the put week been directed toward the development of various new plays. The team will leave for New York Thursday night. October 22. Not only will a, considerable, number of undergrad uates attend tho game, but the Cornell alumni In New Yoik nro exp-ct-il to bo out In force. ENTRIES CLOSE THIS WEEK. Tvveiitj-nflh Annnnl Ilenle Trials Will lie Held .Soon. Entries closo on Thursday, (.'ctober 22. for the twenty-llfth annual field trials of the National Heaglo Club of America. Tru-so tests nro to tako place at Ulue mont, Va beginning November 5. Th eighth show of beagles takes placi during tho trial week. The secrctnry Is llamsay Turnbull, 3S Wall street, New York, and to him all entrlis must bo made. Illuetnont Is about ' flfty-iwven miles from Washlnnton, at the end of the line of the Washington nnd Did Dominion blxlh nnd M streets, tleorjp'tuwn. The heidqtiarters of tho club during the trials will be at Itosetnore, the property of W. I.. Humphrey, about one and u half miles from the railroad station at Itlttemont. The, trials will start on Thursday eve ning. Novemlier I. and the bench show I takes place under A. K. C. rules on No- tliKcs place under A. tv t rules on Jo , ,, ... ,i. of Health for the r"",.8-.. .,.1,er.,?!.?1L..,je.!nf,'5 "tbran,5obot.n;n.,;.' ' "kat' augus' body It IS orileiMi mat no miming or - - - . nnimu hud '"'.. ?J'' li!!,!ifl:meromhratb1'ls. UThlsrlwouU UIH'1 "l lU'llUi unlive -vi T i In 1'ial'two weeks pr.Vidlng th- tila's. Th" ' p-.ildent of the club Is James W. Apple- i ton. The vlce.prwl.Unln are George P. 'won In 'Cow-din. Jr. The executive i-ouimltten in riasMU-onslsts of Arthur S. Hunlen. G. Mlttlln , Wharton and M. S. Hi-yal. llarnhH- i urn- bull presl.U-i over law and representa- OUIl prei.Mf. nrr n nil,;- iiii-i tlvf fleVl trli' mmmrticc BEN LEWIS TO HAVE A RIVAL. Kriinr lliirr, Niilr-d IIiikIIsIi llnmller. Is Comlnir Over. Trom tho other side i: Is leatntd that r ...... 1I...M... nf f.ip,tlfr IntmU tn visit Li- .- U.M ..-III hi-lncr over with bill! a team of ilog. It Is not Improbable mat Me. Ttnsser will remain in the United Ktafs. Kor many years Mr. Hosser has been one of the best known of thn pro fessional Judges nnd handler- of dogs and of iultry In Wales and tin- west of Eng land. His aptitude for making the must of dogs In the rim: was nppii'ent as far back n the enrl ifle, when as a youth he led ruch cre houndH ns finikin. Meiu non, Lancashire Witch. Mother Demdlke nnd others to victors Tl-ee long tails subsequentl.v be.'nmo the winning giej hounds In the I.'nlted Htntes In nnd around 1ST.. Mr. Tlosser was assiiclated with tho famous sporting .!. kennels of ll. I" and .1. 1 Charles of . " .,il, " n . .... .... . Non,n- "IHmorgan. wmcn lea me nj , KreyhoundH, Cl.i.nb er spaniels i....i I some other dogs If Mr Kossf r goes Into the rlnc as n nubile handler lien U-wls of Lajinlowne, will have some one to beat In the various methods of making a dog appear ut his best. As n keen Judge of poultry Ooorga Ilos ser has for many years been much In demand on the other side, and his acumen In that particular line In of so high an order that committees have not had the slightest hesitation in handing over n whole show for his expert opinion, every chicken from brahmns to bantams having been Ills keen hobby nt one lime or an other. lie Mund to J ii duo nt Ilenvrr. The Colondo Kennel Club will hold its annual show at Innver on October .10, 1 .11 and Novernbi-r 1. Kntrlcs close on ' I-'rldav. October 23. !r John De Mund , will Judge all breeds. Olllccrs of this club, which Is iilllllati-d with the A. K. C. are: President. I" S. Gordon , vlce-pn-sldi-nl, J. 11. Ilenedlct ; second vlce-piestdent. W. 1.. May, nnd IV, Charlia Arthur Kills, si-cri.tary-treasurer. Entries must be made to J. H. Hamilton, 431-433 .Syjnos llulld lng, Bejiver, Col, Iltirt il'Onr Show Promise. Among tho young Boston terrlor doga receiving n good deal of notice Is Hud d'Oar, the property of Harry I. Alexander of tli'a city. Hud d'Oar has nccomplWhed considerable winning and Is by Innls Arden Kid out of lletsy Taylor. He Is a dark mahogany brlndle In color and with poifect white mirklngs. Ills skull Is flat and broad and thn muzile square, Al together he Is a well mudn and attractive dog. Wntlnntla 1't-nrl tn Ciinie Here. l"ho Alreilale terrier bitch Watlantl Pearl, considered one of the best of hi-r sex nnd breed In Kngland of late years, been sold by C. P. Walker of Wol- tanton, Kngland, to ijeorgo S. Thomnw, Hamilton, Mass. Wa'lnnils Iloyallst, nothr high clans Airedale from the same ijunrters, has boon acquired by Mr. Thomas, WatlaiulH Pearl has taken ono i-luillf nsn certificate and was rescrvo for that high honor several times across the Atlantic Iloatoii Terrier Mutch ArrHiiired. The Hoston Terrier liroedeth Associa tion will hold its third monthly mulch at tlm Hotel Gregorian nn -Monday, Octo ber 3, nt S:3n p. M. Thirty valuable apeclal prize, all leadv for delivery, will bo offered. Hutry bl.inkH irity be obtained from the sicrctary, Itobert Wnters, Hi ;-cst l-'orty-ilfth stnet. New Vork. Jurist Mil j Dnua Abroad. Jnstlco Tow-usend Scudder of New York, nc-ordlng to flur logi, has In en putvihas Ing rone cocker spaniels from II. S. l.loyd, Ware, Hertfordshire. Judge Scudder'a new dog Sonlaon of Were Is a black, white anil tnu colore d eo. key and a eon of Truthful of IVnie, u winner of many llrst prlai-s this year it all tlm principal shows on tho other shin Jtnlfe Scudder lino bottrht Grlndon Oeraldln. tlm bet blue roan colored iWughtei' of Grlndor, Gerald. Mrs, llntllry I Nw Srorclnrj. The executive of the Toy Kpanlnl Club of America announces that Mrs W. W, Hsdy of Sea CUff, I.. I.N V . Is Its new secietui y. vie. Mrs. II. S Morris, who resigned th oftlo-i after a long .ml niot successful term. Mm Haiti y m a well know-ii toy spaniel breeder and ex hlbltor, and bur txperlenco In thes varieties Is of lone stanUlne. 'DOG LOVERS TO YOTE AGAINST FOES OF DOG Advocate Soiindiiifr Candidates on Question Henefit llecital Nov. 1 1. MA XV ATTEND MKKTINO The Dog Lovers Protective) Assiclatlon of New York held a meeting last night at the Hotel Oregorlnn. Thomas Turley, 'president, was In the chair and Jules l'erond, vice. A number of woinTi wero present. Tho tntertalnment cotninlttevo imported that L. II. West of llrooklyn, a member of the association, had offered to provide a hnll nnd tho lalnt for a musical recital and concert to bo held In llrooklyn, on November 11, the pro ceeds to go to tho society. Among thoso on the progrumino will bo llnefnel Dlax, Spanish tinor; Miss Kathryn Piatt (lunn. violinist; Irwin llaseell, plimUt; Miss Florence Hurdle, meziu-soprano, and Miss Anna Ilnjhou 11.11, soprano. Tho chairman said that It was his In formation that n mi mbtr of the Hoard of Aldermen pioposed Introducing an ordi nance that would forbid tho kceplnc of all dogs within the confines of tho city of New York. The association will pro test against such an action and endeavor to bring tho political or votive power f nil dog ownerH lit New York to set nsldo suoh an object. The chairman explained that In the eye of the law thn dog Is not personal property ns Is tho case with o'hfr domestic animals; and It would be the duty of tho association to itduco and support legislation that made dogs personal property A committee Is to U" apisiltited with this end In vtw. I. O. Itossman. fiO Wall street, said that nil candidates for State olllees at the November elections should be sounded by uuallflcd voters on the new and proposed ling ordinance. This being a permanent organltatlon with nn ever Increasing roll of membership. -Mr. llossmati thought that tn tlmo tho purposes of tho usroclatlon could become Stnto and even nation wide. Members, ought to uso their Influence to havo all dogs licenced. Later on profes sional dog otvnra would give lectures on docs nnd die hltorlei of the nri-ccis, Veterinarians might provide freo clinics, nnd In maiiv other w.'.vs the Interests ol dog lovrs could bo well and thoroughly looked after Om member, Mls Poste-. referring to the rabies scares, told the meeting mat Plalntleld, N .1.. w, nulte to tin; fore In tho circulation of theso alleged "Mef" lineentlv. .i don was killed on thn nnd mne one had cut off tho head and -,, if,,,, tor by Mti-. an Hue si n, secretary or tn" '''!rln''' ' I'VTjV'itn'uM I tSnt tho T omas Orlsdat o mU t! Plalnlleld Humane Six-t- ty tinfalr. t ). , ?' ,,7 !f, j of th' '! "how ""1 ' ,n. Sj h '"" "" "" - - 7- had .Ion; "J'ln "R' 11" - , . , III 'be held next Snturdnv night. Further ll". liulll iii. in. iitaw . particulars m.i bo had from the secretary. I-'O N llancox M i-st 1th stre. t NO BIG DOGS ALLOWED. 0 , Mtllr Kelltms Will He- l,e In "I Slmvi This M eeU A rennrkable ehow nf d"gs Is expected at the Hotel New York, en Weduenlnv even'ng. October 21. This ovont Is lo be styled Dcks In To land, and will be held under tho auspices of the Wood mere Kennel Club, the. president of which Is .Innu e K. Mtade of Hronkln. Tr.c entry will ! a I irge one, and riomlnitlotu close on October 1? to W. II Pun-el'. Tlro.idway. or with nn ndded fe on tho evening nnd at plnre of show. Pekingese, toy Hoston terrier". P"m eranl.ins l;ngllh toy spaniels, Japanese epnnlelH and .ill kind of toyh will bo pro vided for. and there are special prUis tn be won In addition to money and ribbons. At the last Mi.- show of this kind held by Ih" Woodiiiern Kennel Club nt fin Gregorian there were eevernl Love dogs, l-autlful creatures In themselves, bit' somewhat out of place when competing for prl7.e against lnp dogs. At one tttn" ' Issue lay between nr.e nf Charles I.udwlgH enormous Great H.inis and ll Pi-klngesn dog. Iloth were hli'h clans. This time, however, all of the dor will bo strictly toy clog". The Is In vited to nttend. Thero Is no ch.irgo for admission, and at "tii-h sho?s dogs nto generally on sle ard may l- ohtalred nt reasonable figures. PLENTY OF ROOM FOR SHOW. I.Hrnc Spnce nl Waldorf Will He l)einliil tn Sinnll IIoks, It has now been deluded that the Astor Gallery, the Palm Hooni, tho Myrtle Iloom. the Kast IIuiiiii and tho largn foyer con necting In the Waldorf-Astoria w.ll bj given ovtr to tho Toy Spaniel Club of America for Itn nnnual show on Mumlay nnd Tuemlny, Iit-cember 2s and 25. S-v-era! other breeds will bo catered for be sides the toy Hpanlcls of the Occident and Orient. Pomeranians and Pekingese will be In evidence at thl show. Dachshunds, toy bull terriers, Trench bulldoss, Ho Hon terriers, fiealyham terriers, Scottish ter rlirs, West Highland white terriers, Schlp perltes, pugs, toy poodles. Yorkshire ter I lets, Maltese terriers, toy black and tun terriers, griffons ( Ilruicllols), pjplllons, Italian greyhounds nnd Shetland sheep dogs -will also have a liberal classification. In Itsilf this show- Is always a fashion able one from the society point of view, and all of them dogs being more or less sllwit In thnlr ways, there Is a consequent atmosphere of quiet and ease within the whole rango of the salons. Any Inform i tlon dislred may be had by addressing tho superintendent for the, club. Georg K. Foley. Iinsdovme. ln. SHEPHERD DOG CLUB TO MEET. Jnitse for AWslmlnaler !Iioit .Ibj- Of Selected. The next regular meeting of the Ger man Shepherd Dog Club of America will be held on Monday, Novralr 9, at the Hotel Gregorian, New York. At tnnt tlmo It Is likely that tho board of governors will havo received from members; their Ideas as to who should Judge the German sheepdogs at the chow of the Westminster Kennel Club on Kebruary 22, 1910, 111 New York. In the event of the vote of the members having been received the meet ing will decldo on the question on tho il ito. mentioned, A number of other Important matters concerning the club nnd the dog it In out to promote and benefit will be brought bw fore the meeting. Further particulars In referenco to this club may bo obtained from tho secrotary-trensttrer, IlenJ.imln II. Throop, Scranton, Pa, The other of. flcrra are: Preldeiit, Mrs c Hnlsteml Yates, O.ik Kldge, Vn, : vice-president. William N'uhnff, Harrington Park, N. J and Now York city; delegato to tho Amor loan Komel Club, It. J. fitewart. Hay Shore, I.. 1 N, Y. Dr. Hell Dies Xtlddenl. The sudden death Is announced of Ur. A. W Hill, secrttat-y of the Cana dian Industrial Kxhlbltl n, well known throughout Canada and tho Culled States ns a man grevtly Inlerchted In dog and dog fhowe. Apoplcvy wnx the cans" of death Ur Hell on tho nil; lit beforo his death was apparently In tho prime, of llfo. indeed ho whh n man of HltiKUlarly rine and robuet pbyelqu. CATS BRING UP PUPPIES. I'ellne Foster .Molhrr Tnkr ood Care of Mltle M.nU'bse Terriers. Among the most beautiful, typical and well kept toy doftei In America ar the Maltese terriers, lloth New York and Philadelphia lead In the illallty of this breed. Among the owners of Malte.-tfl dogs In New York Is Mrs. M. Koerlln of 173th street, and she has possi-mcd them for a long time. About eight years ago Mrs. Koe.rlln was tho chief promoter and founder of the Mnlteso Terrier Club of America, and this society now offers medals and other prlzeo at tho leading shows. Tun Sum re porter saw Champion Honny Hoy, Mrs. Koer!ln' s celebrated dog, this week. Ho Is a remarkablo Maltese, beautiful In the length and texture of his hair. Theto nro snow white puppies with Champion Folly as their dam, nnd all of thesu were In tip top form. It wm Interesting to hes,r from Mrs. Koerlln that who huj great respect for cats as foster mothers for Maltese, pup pies. They are not only nfficllohnto :in-l enre, taking nurses, but they keep the wholps scrupulously clenii. They are con tinually licking tho soft nnd Huffy conts of the puppies, and tho rough tongue of the cat removed every particle of dirt and actually promotes the growth of tho hulr, a very essential matter or point In tho Maltese terrier. There Is, however, one drawback. Cats often persist In bringing In mlco for the puppies to play with, and In one Instance last week a rat was con veyed to the puppies' bed, either for the little dogs to "pracllso" on or as an nrtlclu of diet. Mrs. Koerlln Is also tho owner of somo Pomeranians, among them being the smart little black Tiny Ulack oy, the dog which gained the prlte for tho best dog t the rcc-nt Inaugural show of the llronx Kennel Club. FRENCH BULLDOGS AT BOSTON. Annnnl .llunr Will llrlnn Out t.'ejnnl Fine ;.ieclmrti. Tin. French Uulldog Club of New Kng land will hold its ninth utinunl specialty show at the Horticultural Hall. lloton, Miss., on Wednesday nnd Thursday. No vember 11 and 12, F.ntrl'ti closo on Oc tober 19, to Charles n. Townseiid, In F.x change street. Hoston. Harry W. I.acy the well known veteran dog Judge, will adjudicate. Thcro Is an Immense list of sptclal, Many of theso nre In cash. It will be a I points show. Tho neighborhood of Poston has long been noted for the excellence o. Its French bulldogs, which hav been bred with great success, and the Important nnd substantial support given to tho variety by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold l.awson nnd others has accomplished so much that Piston has been ah! tn hold the record French Ilulldog Club iihow- of tho world. Moreover the style nr.d i-erfec t!on of the French bulldogs produced In and around Hoston have been aneau 01 all others. Some of tho most notable of the New York dogs have been bred In Massachusetts. It Is within the knowl edge of all breiders of French bulldogs that new utid good young dngr nre always lllielv to come out at th- nnnnai show of the I" B. D. C N. K. So the greatest Inlet et Is taken n the coming event. BULL TERRIERS AT MINEOLA. Annnnl Minir Will III- Held nl I'lllr Criinnris on October ill. The Hull Terrier Club of America will hold Its nnntiil show nt too fair ground", Mlneoln. U I, on s.itunlav. (.ii-toner .u lir. II. I.. jntn'e of hlue Island. 111., wl'll Judge. Them nre cash prlres tn tile rtgula- classes and a long list of valuable special prlres. There are two winners' elasscf. and a win In elthi-r of these will count four points toward the fifteen re quired to m.-iki. a dog u cluimploii under the rules of the American Kennel Club. The entries close on Saturday. Octo ber 21, with M. A. Duke, (7 Kast Flfly elghth sttect. New York. Ah heretofore. It Is expected that this show will prove a popular on The membership of the club l representative and several you-ig dogs are to come out. Non-member may exhibit In any of tho classes it a comin-m fee. The nttleers of this club an- W 1 Gartn-r. pr.lden-. It. II KiUot. first vice-president H I' Nordhelmer. second vice-president . John W. llrltton 2d, score-tary-treasurer , de k-gtite to tuc. A. K. C. Hr. A. P. Northrldge, cuModlan of tii" stud liok. Scott I.. Mbby. WHJ, JUDGE IN ENGLAND. Snrrras Lost Yenr fle-stilts In liuer leiili's llernirHKeiiietil. Theodore Offfrman of New York will Judge the Alri-dali' terriers and wire haired fox terriers at the natlonnl show at "lllnnlngham, Kngland. on January 20 and 21. Mr. Offernian judged at the last show of the KngUnh Kennel Club, London, October, 191". It was at this first event that the American's nwirds met with the highest favor, nnd In recognl.lng the Airedale the now Chtmplon Ityburn Swell In the novlci class Mr. Offernian deinonntratcd tint he could sen aheAil. Tho then unknown Ityburn Swell soon afterward became a full champion, and In Kngland ht was never beaten by one of his own breed. Ityburn Swell recently arrived here nnd Is now under the charge of J. 1.. Krothlnghiim, Westbury. I.. I. Mr Offerman also keeps up a small nnd relect kennel of wire halrvd fox terMcrs. Wniit Views of Candidates, J. G. Itossman of 10 Wall stnet, this city, has formulated a plan whereby the opinions of candidates, 'for municipal posts or positions ujKin the dog muzzling ordi nance may be obtained. The voter nsks the candidate to till up a form nnd tn state If he Is In favor of the prestnt dug muzzling law. nnd U lie will, ir iiecti-n support modifications of the law which will permit dogs with leads and under proper control to go unmuzzieo Thn nuestloner states that ho Is a nunlltled voter and trusts that the cnndl date will ri-cognlx that It la not unrea sonable for the voter to mane tins inquiry nlmtit a matter that Is of great intercut to the voter. There are many who believe that politics has entered Into the pasago of the present aog muzzling oruimuive. Cnnndlnn llnelis Ills Hull Terrier. An Interesting match will take place at tho show of tho Hull Terrier Club of America nt Mlneola, I.. I on October 31. It. II. Elliott, a well known owner and breeder of bull terriers residing at Ottawa. Catindu, Is coming to the show with two bull terrier dogs and has made a wager of Importance with Wex Jonus that his puppy Haymarkot Patrician will beat Mr. Jones's Klrft Hloo.t, The amount of the stako Is eonslderablo. The Judge will bn Dr. Ii. I. Jameu of Hlue Island, 111, Cure fop Mhiikc nn Mtirliel. Attention Is called to the mango euro prepared by Jules I-'crond, who Is well known as an owner, breeder and Judgo of dogs rn-nch bulldogs In particular. Mr, Wiond hni for years innde his living by breeding thoroughbred dogs, nnd he natu rally looked for an economic and effective remedy for curing skin troubln In dog-s, Ills researches and ennuequeut discoveries produced thu Mllnshuw m.-itige cure, and It has been placed on the public market, Cnorl Ili'Vi tot- lloton, Amonr the wire hatred fut terriers which started from ICngland with George S. Thomas for Hoston were Champion Greenbank Selection, Kmroy Patrol Leader. Wlnuctka and Klsmayu of Chuffs. There were some other good vvlro and smooth haired fox terriers on board the Devonla. Tnroiiln Trlnla on Weilni-sdn j . Tho Tor nil Kennel Club lll hold Itn third nnnnai in-agie trials on Wednesday, iicliili. - "i i ho gioiimlK nro closo to the city, there Is plenty of giimn nnd good port Is assured. All nie vv -iconic to the mct. Tlm Judges will be, Marry Taylor, Lance Farewell and James tierconib. AIREDALE IS POPULAR 1 ALL OVER THE WORLD Proves Himself the Hest of All Dogs for the J'ioneer in a Xcw Country. The popularity of the Airedale terrlor is practically universal nnd nt this season of tho year this dog Is much called Into use for hunting. He Is particularly fitted for tho rough and tumble work of the woods, and this Is peculiarly the cane when sportsmen go after tins larger nrd more dangerous game. The noic or scent ing powers of the trained Airedale nr so good that ho Is keen on nny trail and ho follows It up with great avidity. Although ho has plenty of courage ho Is easily taught to keep at n respectful distance when a savago animal Is nt bay. Tho voice of tho Airedale Is nlr-o a good guide for the hunter In dene for ests, nnd If need bo he may be corrected nnd taught to hunt silently. He Is unite, the right dog to have about n lone camp, and ho surely can bite as well as bark. Theso nre the nunlltU that have mado the Airedale a sought after dog through out tho world. No one breed has ben and Is nioro generally used by the col onizers of new countries than thn Aire dale, And he has been found fully up to the many tnsks set him tinder all circum stances nnd condltlonn of climate. He Is an easy dog to breed and rear. The young dogs not tip to first class show form find a Toa-ly market, for the Alro dale Is, perhaps, above all othem the dog fcr the one dog man In tho country, or as n. sensible companion In the city There Is no difficulty In keeping his con In order and wet nnd cold weathers nppear to liulil no terrors for the old Yorkshire, dog. The numlier of clubs which look after the Interests of Airedales nnd their own em In the Knst nnd the rnlddlo West demonstrates how -widely appreciated the Alredslo ! In the I'nlted Htntes. In Canada ho has been largely bred, and especially In tho neighborhood of Mont real. At extenslvo kennels near that city the Alredalm mr.nno well In tho severest of winters In their kennels that are open, and the dogs romp ami pi ty In the snow -while the te,nvprnturo Is nt Its lowest. Many thousands of dollnrs have been Invested In new- dogs nnd bitches from year to year; Indeed the breeder of Airedale nil over America arc con tinually adding to the value of their Ren ernl stock of Airedales. Tho numbers nnd the quality nf Al-ednlc dogs and bitches In tho Vlckr-ry Kenneln at Har rington, III., never havo been exceeded In nny kennel In the world. Young stock from these noted elrex nnd dams Is al ways available. And It Is puppies such as theo that grow into substnntlnl and .'.il.intiln rlAwlib H Tn , t, n liimlnr .It.. ' Airedale Is a profitable eornan!on and to the town dweller tli Alrednlo Is a cloie follower nnd n dependable friend With out n doubt the best Airedale anywhere nre now owned In the Fnlted States, and highly representative Airedales lire to he found In nnd nround New York. BLOODGOOD TO JUDGE DOGS. 1VIII Ofllrlulr In spnulel eillnn lit Cm 1 1 for ii In sIhmt. At the Internniloiial dog sho-v to. be held at Sun K-aiiclso under the auspice. of the Golden Gate Kennel Club H. K Itlmvlgood of New Marlboro, Mns., pro prietor of tne Mepnl ICr nneW, has ac i pted the Invitation to Judge the npnrtlni; fcpanlels. This Is an Important choice, as Mr. Hloodgood has bred as many cocker spaniels as any man In the world, and the MepMl dogs have been Invariably successful at tin- chief shows in tho Kast for n period of e,.rnl years. It Ik seldom that Mr. Hloodg.Kid Is eeii In the ring Judging dogs, hut he Invariably support, the more l-tportant events. Ae nn International horse Judge he Is of ourse also w.Ii known and ,un.-i.nn1 at Olymplu, lamdon While on the other side he found tip- country nnd visited many nf th" chief cocker spaniel kennels. Mr. Illoodgiiod, however, was not greatly iiiipri-ssiil what be taw nnd salil that the ,, .Marlboro dogs were quite good enough for his purposes and that tbev could wialli ih. i-n.i m.i, " "' 1,1 V ear) Opeliai ew Ixa-nllrls, William I.lvesi-y. recently kennel man- i agcr for Itobert Goebt. has opened n handling and bom ding ki-iitu l at l.ano avenue. Caldwell. V. J An a euocesful man with dogs I.lvcst.v has italned an envlabb) reconl, the Gm-let dogs al ways belug put down nnd winning In tho pink of condition. These Highland terriers and Gteat Pmies arc now under the charge of Mr. Mvesey's son. Hnrrv. The kennels at Caldwell will mo the practical superlntendcncii of n man who ban hud many yearn o' experience among tho highest class dogs on both sides of thi Atlantic, l.lvesey nlfio has a marked leaning toward the biaiitlfullv outlined bull terrier Ho know how to look after them In all stngen of their development, Pogs of every kind riiulred for the com tig siiowh may be quickly put Into shape at thesu tu-vv ki-nin-m. Mrs. Stern llnjs llrnasi-ls GrllYons. .Mrs, Stern, wlfo of out of the members of the well known dry goods firm of New York, has resolved to go In for llrussels griffons and .tnrted well by purchasing n champion dog nnd bitch from Mrs. Amy K. K.iston of the Closcbiirn Ken nels, West Caldwell, N. J. Tho dog, Champion Chuto tho Welcome, Is well knnwu and has been highly succeswful nt shows, ns lias tho bitch. It Ih iiotlci-ahle that there is a distinct move In the popularity of the little toy dos of Hulgluiii. Naturally they will be scarce In that country for some time to come. Hogs such ,-ih those mm- owned by Mrs ft-rn are exceedingly sharp house doss. Geriunn Prlaoner Iti-plncr linns. The I-Jngllsh Kennel Club has decided sot to hold Its show- nt tho tlmo advertised for November. Wlnthrop llutherfunl of Allamiiehy. N J., proprietor of the oldest eitabUshed ki-timl of fox terriers In America, wis to have gone over to Judge his favorite hred at the K. C.'s event. It vv.ih to have been held for the llrst time In niynuiln. Ixmdun. This htigo hall Mn,l lmtulltiuH have rit,w neen tnlcen iiv... 1 by the nrltlsh Government for the ni-coni- modatlon or German prisoners or war and others of that nation Interned In niifflniid since the outbreak of hostilities. KiiKllslimnn in .Indue nt lloaton. It is niii nun r. it. Harris or wenny Hrblgc. Hn-cknock. Wale-, will iiidgo the ..... . . . ; . . : ?. . It Is nld that T. II. Harris of Honny Welsh terriers. Irish terriers and Healy- Iiiiiii terrlei'H ut tne tinstnn, .alihs., hIioiv Mr. Harris he sent a large number of Welsh terriers to this country, nnd sev eral of the prominent dugi, of this breed either benr tho prefix of t-Vjiny or nre bred from the Senny dogs. It will be Mr. Harris's first visit to America. Kiilrlrs for Trial Cluar To-ninrrovT. Kntrleu clohe on Monday, Gotober 1?, for th Held trials of the New Kngland Heaglo Club. The trinls will take, place nt Hub bardston, Mass., Ik ginning Monday, Oc tober 2fi Bradford H, Turpln and P. A. Powd will Judge, There Ib n piogrammo calling for four all ng classes, two Perby claHses, threo pack classo and nn all day slake. The eeretury Is A. P, I-'Isku, in Wheeler avenue, Worcester, Mass, To derre Ten na Amateurs .Indite. ' The Airedale Terrier Club of New Kng. ! land will bold Its nnnual liutinv show ,n . i Saturday, October 21. at Mr. Snrlner'. ' place, uri-hard Knoll. Oak Hill, sitwtowii entro, M.ish., beginning at 2 T'. M. Ilatobl W Head will Judge. It Is tho Intention of , the club to hnvo these collections of Air' dub's Judged h nrlnus members .illii mi add to thn uiniiteur Intiresl, Durlns thi uhow Uiei-s- will h afternoon tea. j KENNEL DIRECTORY mmliila.m a mulsh ri:ait 11:111. BR00KW00D KENNELS Property of v I s I'tocior. Psn SEALYHAMS AT STUD OltAMI .HU4.M, l ee :lO.M Alii 11 nut in. Kee LVHrO.N I'll HI IP, I'ee a.on In Addition to Ihr above MIM'AIMIMIC. the Kngllih Chsmplnii. end the Ktratett nf Ids breed end iiikiii which the Health. m Mts'idsnl of (Iresi llrltAlu Is bsird will be t stud la K P teniber. Also the WIXNII Ti:itll IKK snd t'nrlle'i rhsmpliir itiNiii.KUir.ic IM M-Jd after September 11. ... 1hl fumniis terrier Is nl llll, TOP OF Ills nui:i:i(. , winner of Km: ciiami'Ion Niiirm under Km: mi'KiatK.M .imhiks In l:njiid A Wslrs, I'lltMIMON HI.NIMT It I.NII 1.1.1 III-. II Is tlie holder otitic llsrd snd Mlrr-hslrrd Terrier Association's l ertltlcste for roiit. lee Hi. Atldrrts All i-ommunlcAtlnns to a. I'liii.i.irs, I4l llrnadwhy. N. V. I'KKINIIRSE HiailEST CI.ABS i-nsmrlnn nu ehsmplnn; rd PeklngfEe ilof, bltclio. puppl-i snd sUevs specimens for lali; msy bt essi either In London or l'srli or uhlppea to order. Apply IRM. W. If. ll'.nllKIIT, fl.1 Addltnn, LONDON, IV.. nNOLAND. IMPORTED PEKINGESE FOR SALE INmilelf nitntite liv tinted Knsllsh sires, Including ' . CHAMPION NANKIMi MKU-ri. I'rlres rea.nnnble. 181 IV. Sl.t Street, Neit Vork. Pi:HIN(.KMn. Not the, but the best' Home oxriiilHt rperimens. MHS. MOItlllS MANDV, 47 Mndltnu Av- N V Tl-i l'Ura 473. pom r.iiAN ia Nn ami rKKi.vursi:. s-.unrAx poMnit.iMANts, pkhinckhi PL'PPir.H AM) dltOtlN STOCK. NO HAT.KS TO in:Ai.r.its MKH. Klt.lNK T. CI.AItK, I75T OCK.1N AVE., Sll r.r.PSIIK.lU HAT. TT.I.KPIIONr, CONF.V IHI..1NII ,141. roLicrf doos. GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS allies of the police, and armies of Kurop'. will protect your property and person even In times of create"-, danger Ideal companion bemuse of thtlr obedlenca snd thrlr almot human tntelllirerce. ELMVIEW KENNELS j:s Oonnell Hide. Hcrsnton. Pa. Ijargent Collection of r.KKMAN MIKI'IIKIllI 1-III.K K IMMi-. It.K'IIS III Mis mil KNIII.ISII -KrTKIts In Amerb c Prize winning dogs of the above breed ut atau. Pup lifes tbnt will make winner for tale at rraonabl. price. Mot-.r phone or w-rlte. tultors w eh oni. III. 11. III.OOII KI:NNI-:I.s. Ilnblnn, I.. I. M Its i: llCHINu Te: ll-vbyion 4 Tmlneil f.ennnn hhepberda for Hale. Ilecentiy Imparted inn k, Puppies of own breeding TUA1N1NU SCimnl. KOll POI.ICB IKKJC. Wlnfleld Ave. Mannironeck, N. Y Phona SSI. liKHMAN rill.ICK llwl.S. Trlie winners at Stud Puppie. own bree. -lng. for aab WINTCItVIKW KKNNI'.tA l-omyton Turnpmf, Montclalr, N. J. TiL 7I-M. .I.11MNK.SB M'AMK.I.s. roll "l.r- llenntlful male .11 PANISI. s ANIF.I. nlllbeeulilAi verv reAmnalile rrure Thiirmilhlv hntlte-hmkrli Mrs. II. MACKKV Oriental llnue, .surrprhcAd Pay. N Y. Tel P0 t one iiAiin . .Tsti.ineiie Hpanlele, th heat of Imported nnd Hlue rtlMion store leevc ana l.trifer tpr -l-mens fur sab MISS I II VUKSPN, 271 Ileriten t . llrookl)n. Tel !I27;-1 proapc- ' s ii. i.i:oNii.iitiT. .iapam:si: siMNir.i.s. Gold un-1 white and tils.-k and white tiup pie by Omur on exhibition and for rale at 3,0 lloilie aril. .iorin, l. J iciepiioite I'.Mil.lsll TOV SI'ANIK.I.s, Foil NAM.. -All botleholil stafT liavinir volun teered for Uie WAIt The HON MILS. I.MTIIN, i rrahbrt I'aik, 1'oiiiidtilll, Crawley. ,Suiex. tin-, I bind, It. hrrAklng up her nli-ndld i rleiraii-d Ken- i I ri I nf.Tiiv Spanlela. . I'lrst prize . winners and' I champion, mr im.ii:iii. 1 1 mai.k Any rraeonnble offer acre Pled. Don't rnba i lianer of a j llfrtlmo for securing leading Rnirileti dogs far liriiT niue inriiri in ini worm. lame LITTON, ("mindum, rnginnn. Knslleh Toy Ppmlel The varieties. Mrt, WHIM ANN, 111 church at., New llavi-n. Conn. III.KMIKIM .SPAMr.l.S. Illenbrlin Spanlela A IVkiiiKfee for pais. Hoeniary Krnnela, 17s4NottlnKbain ltd ,Dkn. ( Ol'liCIt M'AMI'.l.s. TOP. SALH lleautlful red corker apnnlel, male. !oz Hprlll Valley, N. V. Tel. f3J . HULL TRKIIIKKS. Htud. IIKAMOOU TKD, Imported. lre Chumplon White Noel ex .Mumley Qui en, Wlnr.rr fi hreta, challrnira certlilcnte, a ape. rla's Alexander Palaco, London. Puur ser onds Natlonnl Show, lllrmliiKlium. Tlrst. Winners Danbur). 1911. ic. I'eo 115. T. H. lll'.LI.IN, cure of Whitney i Co., Albany, N. T. Hull Terrlsr puppies for enle. The grandest young stock, by Champion llloomabiiry llldce nog, Klne chance to procure future winners In this Rrntid breed. IleNt i-oinpanlnna, guard, under any clrcumatancea. WM. LIV11SKT, Caldwell, N, J HUSH TKIllllKIIH. IKIS1I THHUIKKS Thoroushbreia, ahow-fpecliiii-iia and wtnntiiK atook pupptea for aala. MUMlUliri KHNNllI.S. Albany, N, V. HOSTON TEltlUKIIM. notion Terriers, houaa ralaed grown and faun alack, ptdlcraad and rertittrcd. for aala Oiani llloaiom Ktnnela. Ill Summar Av., Nawark, N, J. r.Ntii.inii iiiri.i.noiis. I ... sit-iil. The relebrnted biiliilnir Chanm nt. CI NTH 1 .loil.V and NI'.WINi.TON .vir.ltitv LAII. Keea 25 CINTIt.l .IOIIN hua' be. .ton evry champion buildog In the U.ini I ana me cnimpion ung or iiugianil JOHN r., HOHItAX, M Hroadway, New Vnrli ChainDlon Deortora. Monarch at fttua. Pur. plea far itle, Itobert Lnbban, JSC Itldt--wood Avd., Newark, K. J. vitr.NCH HPLLiiotw, VHllNCH liri.l. PedUree Pupple. mnle and feinalAi ulu King Charlra male Kx-i-eptlonal bargains to quick buyer lor, H.irbey treei, llrooklyn liAciisiiuvns. 1 CMITU CUflDF nirUCUUUn IfrUUri c M1'' oHUKt LInlillonUnU HtHNtLS i Tifr iii-sri- i, vi-lts-iiti vnu . iitr. vi-iiv iii:st dachshunds. .,..i crown alock Alwaya on hand. Till! I'KI.HHIIATKII CHAVIPIONs nf Tllrs- KI'NNEl.S are AT SI' I'M. They are of all the rec crntred roloi-s, Itifte Irnnela hr rourh roateit dclishiind ai well aa smooth nnra. They are all eictptlnnally rood a proven by their allow wtnnlnra and rec. erdt al llir h-adlne bench (hows under apeclAllal Slid all-round Juilk-r. Applr llta.A.IIUNtinill'Olir), llayShort, Lnat Inland, N. Y. PEDIGREE BLANKS FREE OF CHARGE New York Sun KENNEL DEPARTMENT Enclosed find 2c. stamp. Please send five pedigree blanks free of charge. NAME ADDRESS SlAtes. Posurr added toforelmeootrtfS..Chclior moneyotdei 'mulimmpuy"' 1'OMIt.VMAXil. l Olt S.ll.V.. Oranse shaded Imported mu. . i' 1 years old. Ill foi f-hnw lime t,. bred, nlsii very beautiful Mnltr.e ,. mil,, rhntiiMiui honny lln) eiock Th vt . bred In tin e Kennel his the Atnerlcn. .M IIS M K'lOHMN ,i 1? 17Mb Street, Now Vork. T-1. It , T.r mont. ' .mti. iiai. i:s. FOR SALE. .Mredais M ch by KIVii i nip v l i. iiiuiitlis o'il. "inu s wen 'r r m m.d a jipli-mihi itHiIvI'lul 1 p,.r-!ciilur u l ire-- t' H ."I st Tr- nt n. N J IM fll Ainrn.ii.r.i rhmp:oa pric. r w VUUIC n.l Tl NT RUN ItOYAt Mr I'. p., Terrer V1CKBKY VVIItn HCt T i() 111. tneh. VounK lock ilw.iv. ft,, Vlt'KKKY KKNNKI.H. llarrln c -tin, ititi:iiii.i: 'ri:iiuiKiiH Ami vn xk, i Illllt'Alll AS it Allstone Kennel lioJJ II- enW. N J a ohkat" HANKS. Panes or tierman llnnrtinnnrl. of Hit leiilluv Ores! Ian ' nir . the puhlh iu.l Mngnlrlrrnl ieimeni , prire winning teinrds. Innulie (ltR- I.t'IlVV l(i. -IS Thlru ve, Nun orli MlSCr.l.I.ANKnl'K. ' KOR SALE nt rmnxble rrlrea, rteuiiltf.i ll.n lerrlers. I'm Terriers, rrTklna.s. j-. While I'omernnlnn pilppb , troan iIosj alt healthy nnd of ni? m Ing Our d. gn mo i ai y n r . - . t Al e'Ud lb- llns'.o.i, l;vergrecn l'ri,ariilnr. nirelHiin llonrilln llreedlnr Kennrli, t'ts'liln. N V attention: mho mih imh.j Ileiilien t lnrl.1 Inteitmt'vnAl ''jdje dais tur dred dona to wlcct from, SI to I'J'r, Pomeranlir... Peklniree, Poodles. ' nellvh. nnvt m lfr, ttiillilngt- Airedales Irish, Scotch, fj te let- Prince Chcrles, tirrst HAiie. stud Dvtr, i breedf. tohk Kr.NNni m. I 111 l.l Ninth Street, I'lione. lS"f- Stijy vemnt. Near VananjiUr BROADWAY PET DOG PALACE Ti l. 10 1 fl rnliimlnil Any breed of doc ou -atah, 'rora a fart, hire to a lierman Police dor Mr. ALICE L. SIMPSON 1! WEhT tOTIl HTP.BRT. N. T ITTT. yon SA!1ITn IllaeW and Tan Terrtis nnd Pomeranian I'upple of the ric.i'il o nd pedlttee: AT STPD ley blr:t ad In CHAMPION HIP VAN WIVKI.I '.rVrIM :i potit.d; fee siOr toy doss bearded uniier tieraoual cAre; terma moderate. llvpAUECAH ItllNU, :l?4 I:aiI lllh Ftrret, llrookl)n lieu IIHlV.WtD tu uny nn lw n otT nstinir tha tin A! If. SMI A V, JANi.J 'I Ut; w-ll no- ur. nny . ml e .. ensi Oi -'ro ll-'aa and .l-'e ah 1 D' 'iist.i. l-il.-e .'.0, any ,J , .'or , .pj, Jl'I.KS FnitoNIJ. ,7 Minhuttun .S r wim: HAiin:i vox T7 t-ri-ril tor r. '.0, Ilugn l-uardei ,itm the rar round. Tenor At.K D .t.MOM Prnil Cottage, Wynnewcnd I'a. KKNNIil. M'PI'I.H. Keep Your Dog Muzzled! So i-aj the taw Hut he ran then nn Immr chew certain tmntn, bin hi-nltli require. i:iiin,A. prnvtde purevritetnble im.tiv. w rrtnovci, A 1.1. worm lo V mir lloir's Salie" kirplt handr Iy I'niril Pnai ,'ilc nnd ?l or it imggl'ts. Vsrmilaa Co., Inc., Dept. 4.?JOW.4?d St.,H.Y, IIOAIUHNU AMI HANIII.INO. IIOAItrilMi AMI IIAMIi.IMi. IIOI.K IIOlllli:i). rniiilllloned II.INIII.IIII al (he lecullng l.rlirli hen. HOGS AT (.fl'll AMI I'Olt M.ll.l., ,1. L. I'ltOT IIINOIIAM, Wrstlmrj. Long Ilnnil, N. 1 Tei. 14t Wratliurv. IV.ITL.IN'II IIO.llIIIINd KKWI.I.s. Hoard our pel or mow dona Ii ' ii ' liennel In Atnerlr.1 1)0;-- vomll ' ' .u hnndleil ut m,1 show The b. f of prdicr--stm:k, all brei-il. fur talo. Ard N Tel. :00-V Dobba Perry VH.1NK II. AIIIIVM1N, Prop. TO HUT Ylll'll DOllS I I' TO Till: .M VltK FOU KALI. AM) WINTKR HHOWS give them a i-oiirfi. of I'ltKKMAN I.I.OVII'S TUMI I'll.l.s. Tbay don't phvalc. contain no ar One dollnr boi, ioa1iaJd. IMI W. IP-th Mreel, ei? lurk. MOIIICY ItOAHIIINd KF.NNKI.f4. John I'tokrt. proprletai Heard and dltlon dai.'9 under the pcraonal attentlaa f Mr. fltokra. Dot 103. Htctcrflatd. N. I Tel. t W Morirmera. llo Iliiariled, ronilllloiiril nnd hsndlM lu Worthlntf Ion. Ocean Ave,. ltoedale. Iini li'iss MIOWs. Bull Dog Club of America ANNUAL OPEN SHOW it Titr Grand Central Palace, N. Y. Tuesday, Election Day NOVEMBER 3, 1914 Judge, .lumes A. lliu-bniiAn. Liberal offering of Hpeeli, '!i In every cla. llntrle cloi-e W ' e..1y October 21, 191 1, with Henry v join, 125 Kenlrnore ft llrooklyn N V DOGS IN TOYLAND? M'Lt'l.ll.TV HIV HOI. .Mill II III HI' YHIOHMKIti; IlKNM.'l. l.l II. HOTKI, (IHKI.OItl AN, I! Woat 3ith hire ' V w ' I Dctobor llHt, lull. l.n rle. II4. Hntry IVs 11. Oi- I oi ir s. ' extrn, .It'lHilM, M P, M. Ml till'. Llberil (.bivsltti-ition tu. l"Hk s ' r-i eranlaii. Japaue. Hnanle-. I' -) T' rlerr, To and rnlaceliaiu-ou- i aj - a t ' other breeds of Toy dona . . llrst of Judges, llrand nrtay of Spteli' lo be won outright Kor entry blank, premium n - 1 "' ther liiforinatlon npplv it ii. licit ii. priii i;i.i , ?9 llro.Mlw.iy X -I iiri.i, Tr.itmr.KT'Li ii oi imkiih V M'rXl.ll.Tl MIOW, fAIP, (lltor.N'D.s- MIM..IL. r-ATI'HII.lV, Of r. :iit, mil. Judge, lilt. It, L. JAM IIS of 11 .n 1 Cnah prtzis In the regular e i , long llt uf valuable spei-la's t ',,'ni,f i-Usaes of four point earl Hull Irm'i rilllrlera, till la Jiiur show i Hike nil M'lff III III entries cloi-e sM'tllllW. Ill T W with M. A DCKU l,' ll-rl k"- s N w V I. " ft 1 S.L. - V.J.V-'4l5