Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. 4 21 STUMBLES IN FIRST Mr. (loldintr n( 12 to I ( .iiituri' 1 1 ii lit its' Clinm )ion I'liilc. i IlDliY NKW IIIIIK-I Westchester Co. . M;V i Oltls WcslThestcr Co. " ' I A A I K1 1 m Mi l IfOl'OUTAN HACKS KM) tochs. f I'Aiirt TrnMiNAi.. Oct. 17. ii o"t ee'eitlotml rncca of the i I to rhc down the curtain i i -tn '.i!"on this nfterno n i '' Itiim 'n Tliu Klephntit i- Hunter Champion Date on i of the ruled Hunt meet- u ii d t.iinr sport had innrkfd . ! The Jumped Into ii. I tluiiich thr despised out i i . tn- uvfr llm llreentre liter In a rare over three, j Put ti-Mi'il tlin !tnmlnn of i.i tn the utmost lletitle- iiKiK'il ami It Ik safe to Ili-hard .Mortimer. Who rode nil Tommy Wrlitht, who IihiI ,-i Well Carter, wire tin tired . 'i;.-ir sreil, which simply v -h- H'l'sli line. lour .tnit"r fur tho 0OV . f which are ow-icd by . .ii- stanch supporter of . i t'.inrr, which Is rnred by Whitney umlM' the ilrei-ntrre -I i ittrotiK even money " an eiiil rllolco i i .Miimiii lli-reuloiii, running - ' M-s Charles Pllier Her- t ,it Ti to 2, the s.imu price i "Ku'iKt J.'iim'S Parks KukH . i Mr. lttiini''H The Kle ' k.i'i tcl tit II tn I. - l "t.i iitictrn nmotiK the the f.V"irlti- when The Kle . i .in .i lead of ten lenrths 1 If of I'm iiiMiwe. Web Car. - or i I pliii'e mimI there wan a t -i, i" tie nutiM no to the i i Tmi'iny WrlKht cleclitnt mi I Mike of Dultilh In u ii trolni; ni Mrnrmly bh any t.i-ti a they descended the ' turn of the course. There Ik titike's owner, vim un iik Wfli Carter fifteen i The lllcphnnt and Hercu ' Rths buck. .! v when turning Into the t.i.' regulars) notlreit that i ' 1 .- Wriirht wae HcmlltiK Weh i-i i " " .:i e.iriifdt he wan K.lnln t r Mcr "The Klephant may " wit the cry ami Mr Mortl- t mtr n ii I'.'t c h'.s bet to Iniure that end V- ' ' i i ' i i r pl -keil up n little, anil . . t il.e .at jump Tho Klephant hid on!v e ei- lnith advantage. ' 'Ik i "e than 100 yard remained to " . nvl, hut there were thrills en :n "mt short etri-tch to repay the i . k ,. r- :- their patlenc In ulttlnit out . irii. r raie. Tommy WrlKht ap-ftl-l the w Weh Carter nnd he re. -orl. I emu'ly that he tlahed alonK d- T 1 .i;iliaiit, whi had hetsun to werv." aft. r v'u'.ns over the !at ohslacle. .'URt m vl-tury eenieil auuriil for tho 'iv W"'. f'nrter crumpled under the nt"a n n' d with the ehouti of the crowd 'g j : "i i- i b .Hi contenders reeled io i t t wiw a inientlon of whether t' - w.i :d r.n li the tlnldli line. t i tv .i-t'few we.ik etrldeH The Kin :l ! m I ftrnlKhter to th ROal and -- i Judge two lengths In front 'A -", Her. u'. ild. outpaced from - ' the of the MttMiltlK trli " l i i.i up et.juKh uriitind ;( ttnlsh i liehlnd AVeb Carter. V. aaalti xuppllod threu of the rs in the Cnlted Hunt BACHELOR QUARTERS AT Gedney Farm Hotel WHITE PLAINS, N Y. "Xew 1'orA'n Suburban Hotel de Luxe. Wliero home spirit pruiloiniiiatof itml Hi iittnoHpIiKKi ri'lltieil, cotttforuililo mil ititiroHtliu', I to In; fimtiil i. CollVOIlll'tllTI, CllNitlU, HOtVll'llllt I Alipoliitmcnrn porlfot lonilmteilnn the Aincrltnn run Irlll Itiinin la rnrte. riceeillnjly niodcrato WrllT .,".t,l.n" rnnn m.nlrj Hull "nil tlolf ( niirte. Irnnl. Polo, Fa. '' l.lherir I naih for eoarhliiz ,V",',u""w,,Mi !iliitil'.Mim. mlnj Pool In Hind. I.ticllrtii .rrrnrim qnil 111 1 T rt'llll The tUn.nnt. rum 4 to fl Sturilay fttrnnnn under the illrertlnn ut Ml. I mllf ,1. .temple. Ticket l.w, Inrlilil Int tea. iiooklel A rate nifllled upon reijiieM. Vntrr ftrtnnal illrretinn e J. A. SHF.RRARD, Proprietor. Telrpliiim- 3n ti,te I'lain., NK1V VOIIK llea fiprtnta. i Hudson River by Daylight All Kerrlee Dally llicept Nunday. Direr t Hull Conneetlon to all polnlt tn the rataVIIlt, Kratoiia, tMe Aillrimilaeka, the Wen unit .North Mulc ltctaiirnt l.-en.V I'eshriiMeii St., "HO A M.t W 4ld St., 0 A, M.: V I2i)th HI , BW A. M.; Yonkem, tl A M Ian tins at U tat. Point, Ni'wburih, Pnuithlterale, Klnton I'ulnt. CtVlll. ifurtjon Mid Allienj All thtoukh riill ticket btlween New otk anil Alheny arrepteil, Hudson River Day Line (AI.IUNT HAT M.NKI lehroei St, Pier. ?tew Tork. Tel. Sprln 4141. STAY VOnK llen nprtno. 1." The only place in America where the Nauheim Baths, for weakness and disease of the heart, are administered with a Natural Brine. THE AMERICAN NAUHEIM WATKINS GLEN, ON SENECA LAKE. (ofte Glen Springs A MINERAL SPRINGS HEALTH RESORT AND HOTEL. The Appointment!, lervice and cuitine are the beat. THE BATHS en. Klren by ekllled attendants under the il.recilon of experienced phytklan l-'-r Mie trratment nf rheumatlem. icut. obmlty, li .'.I Ktn, dUetle "llKordirv, Hnelllla. n. u fjilliMiU, aiid illaeaaea nt til klilmx. e orttr adantat umurparsed In tliu nernui -iem, and circulation, country vr In l.urupc, Complete Hydrotheraptutld and Electrical Equipment. Well-kept nnd Sporty Golf Courts. Tennis Courts, I'uttlriK OrccnH, Music, Dancing. For deecrlptlre buokleti addrrat WM K t.lTPFINOWEt.U Prtildent. Watklni, J. V Low Fall Fares New York to Alfunr, Troy and the North arae( and Mmt Maant Ocent filter Nteameri In the ttorld, "llerkuhlre,' Cnfore'Troian 'lleniialatr.' rier na, n, n., rt. Canal St., a P. M. Ulljl Wett 1.13d Nt fli.10 P. H. Phone Nprlnc Moo. Hudson (dilution Co. A To GEORGIA and FLORIDA Whar you can fat into light elothea and tpead your dart in the open, your eyenlnf In loclal relax atlon, and your alhta in deep healthful deep. New York to Savannah DltltCT COXtdCTIORS ron ilaMtO Mwta A ! Atlaata BiraUiiia Matatrr mn all eocrniKn idints FUll particular!, am, and httratur from CITT TICKBT OPrtCB ttl firTM AVB, Wkart Oltlaa. Plar 3S. Mrth Miner COOK'S TOURS AND TICKETS wtlli or without Ilntela, etc., t ALLAUTUMN RESORTS Atlantic ritr, Manarn rll, Adlrrni. ilnfk.. It Idle Mountain, Mermada, Mralnln and t.'arollna Itrtortu, t'anatna Omul, California, tie. Ofticial Railroad Ticket Agents TICKETS AND PULLMAN BERTHS By Principal Trunk Lines TO ALL POINTS Write, rail or l'liona THOS. COOK & SON 31.', Ilriniditay, tnt rifih ATenne, .101 fifth Ar,, :nni llroadnny, N. V. WEATHER FORECAST WnRhltiRton rrcdlctlons for To day nntl To-morrow. PIERS 59 & 60, n. n. White Star OLYMPIC LONDON FALL SEASON -THE BEST FOR TRAVEL ON LAND OR SEA. cm isi.s to Panama, ! till H, SIM rll HA, I'OllTO lllttl, lll.ltMl III, Ct'llA, i:tc. IHl'ltH 7( OMl TOINT, WAMIINtl. TON, lllt'ltMOKll, ir.11ta.tU'IMI, I.I' 111, .XAll ltAI, llltllHii:, AILA.lrlf' in, lAUKnooii, ictr, 2 Ion anl Lnngtr ucn jpenie nruded. RAILROAD and STEAMSHIP TICKETS BY ALL LINES. Write Mimic or call for complete Inform, tlnn, rr".orntlnn nnd tlrlirtl. GEO. E. MARSTERS, lnc.l?,,ali?on ",. Ul1 IIHOAItWAV. N V. CITY, To PORTLAND, Ms. ";??... MAINE SIUMSHIP LIKE S. S. NOHTH LAND and NORTH STAR lee Pier 10. .Vcrlh ltler, font of Warren Street altuil M Tiieilya,Thutidyaand Mturilaye A ilcllihtful Juo-mlle, 33-hour trli" tu I'lirtionii. the tin ih:ai)iii'l,l 1 tcVe t, etc.. at the Pier, aim) at New Yorli Ttnnftrr Co., and Tourlut nUfn Ihrourbout the rltf Through tickets to all polnlt. llaircaire cliecked tlirouich. IUvTKIIN S rKAlP 411 1 V COB PORATIO.V Via tlfa.ffow t'. for threr-yar-oldi and upward, purse tl.irnu about tviu lulled Humc and aire Wt. .locUey Prices Pin riiuimilrni, 3. lis Hymi -2 even TlintK-r Willi. 4 lit I nriirtt I 12 2 llix-li Ahtii-y n. 135 l i iiiu.or ft I l a' Clvro-Maliitle. f, l'.i Pmit ren 13 4 (IoikI .tart mm liniidi'i rlmpnilrrii. h. f., by Sn PIiIIIIik Mnrinuritc l . nwneil tiy Mlti I'hamliUt. trained bj J fole MXTll lti I'. Members PI Me, handicap fur hackn and hun ter pur Uim, about one mile uml a half ll"re ami age Wt. Jockri Pitceii l'ln Wllllm, 6 U MiTWll't. 2- nut l I lay II rll. r, t.ii Mi y.t; ,l I.V1 7 12" 1'nnner, aired.. Mi MrWIIWyT out 3 Cnod tnrt won drlMnif. Willing, br. if, by Mr" Miwr- The Splimti-r, hhiiiiI by Cli-iuuu N. Wllllajin' trsliml b II J.ihnin. si:m:nth iiai i: Private Sweep. take, ltl"J a corner, quarter of a mile- llore and aje. Wt. Jockey. Price, pin niUrrt, atnt. IM MrJTllCr 12 nut I' Cricket, aged .. li-'. Mr.ll Ullell It-:, out Piyton HreckV, ali.'. Mrl'tlAI'ii s-1 7.1 i (,ood nturt won c.ivliy.CuUi'tt, h. tl . by llrldri' water Hlnck H tnir. iiwihiI b A. I.uitlnw Itrainn tralucd by J. Tucker. NF.W VOIIK I ant Itland. ERIN IS A HOSPITAL SHIP. Mr Tlinmna l,litiin'a YurlH Is flno or Mlinr H I i-i'il. fr Thuman I.lit(m'a Hinm ym-ht llrln la now a. war hospital. Tin- yacht lt-ft Moit Attractive Country Hotel Ad jacent to New York. Open All Year Garden City Hotel GARDEN CITY, L. I. Special Winter Rates One of the fost I'tchnlve Country lintels tn America A rnmhtnatlnn of muntry life and nieirninlllan hotel liuufy Idorn found i:ery outdoor and indoor nin incinent I ci-l'ent riionls, IS nitlcs from New York Pr'uucnt elprirle train service .1.. tnlniucs Virtu for lllustratrd llnnklet and rales, J. J. LANNIN CO., Propai FALL RIVER LINE I TO BOSTON $4.00 1 Sirs !. Pier II s It. ft. Kulton HU. M T I dally at 5 1 1 Miiflc .en tjinilon l.lnp strs v IMpr n. . n . fl Houston M . wrni ilas only, 5 M P. 11,: Plei 70, I' II . ft I il St . flu) P. 11. ,Ne llaten l.lne tr Iv Pier 2J, R. H. Calharlne St urek ilas, 2 II P If. llrlilnrport l.lne lr. Iv Pier 28. n. IX, wee dais nth . II A M un: pfin ! in: n.iURKn." COLONIAL LINE BOSTON VA'lSti $2.60 PROVIDENCE ,;, $1.60 October 21 i S? New York Queenatown Liverpool Italtlc Oct. ai, minn Adriatic Oct.3H. noon IN. Y. ft Boston Italy tGreece y Azores and Gibraltar 'Canople.Noi.n.llam ll'lnlnml o 17, noon American Line Under the American Flag N v York Liverpool New York, (Ii t.i I, nonn'rhlla.,, noon AtlanticTransportLine New York London Mln'wka.Oct.a4,10am 'onpanj'a llftiie. U llrnadwar. '. , CUNARD Ettahlthfi I840 Fastest Steamers in the World. Aquitania, Lusitania, Maurctania SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL ISI II.ICtT It) t llXil 1. MAURETANIA.Wed.,Oct.21. Noon Franconia Sat.. 0ct.3l. 10 AM "LUSITANIA ..Wed., Nov. 4. I AM TOURS AND TICKETS With or without Hotel., etc., to AUTUMN RESORTS Atlnnlle ritv, Maiarn Palls, Adlrondnrki, White lmintnlns, HermudM, Pnnaiim Canal, Mralnln nnd Cnrnllim Itrsorts, etc. Ticketa nnd Pullman Bertha By Principal Trunk Line. Steamship Ticket! by All Llnca. Ilr.t travel eervlcs and lateit Information, tsnerlal Toura to South America Notrmhrr It, leliniury C. THOS. COOK & SON 21.1 llroadnuy. tnt fifth Arm nc. Afll llfth Av 'iimi llroadwity, N. V. I'nr eaatern few Tork, unirttled I o-dart brohaMy fair to-morrow aoutheelj winds. I'or New Jer.ey and we.tarn New Tork. Tartly cloudy to-day and to-m6rrow eoolar In north portion; moderate aoutherly wind. NKW VOIIK, Oct. II. The prenur waa low yestatdar evar the laka rrirton outhward nrer tht T.nnane. Valley fro it. a principal c.nlra of depreaelon In the Ohir Valley, Cloudy and rainy condition, prerall.d In tho.e etclloni and eastward Into tha At lantlo fltat.a. tlniwUtre tha pressure waa hlah and tht w.ttber (en.rtlly fair, aicapt for a de pression on the northwestern border and rain In the Paclflo fttules. It wa. warmer In the middle Atlantic fltatet, but cooler In the soulliesatern Statu, the central dialed and the upper Missouri Valley. Frost, occurred In low and Kansas. In this eliy rain fell In the morntnir: partly cl.srln tn tho afternoon; sllihtly warmeri wind, fre.h easlerlyi averasa hu mldlty, 7S per cent.! barometer, corrected to read to sea I.v.l, at I A. M., 2r.l; I P. M., 5P.I9. The tempersture In this city yesterday, as recorded by the official thermometer. Is shown n the annexed table: , ,f . Mil I 10W wis OA. li , ..III' to' a p. M ,. , an IJ M.... , , H'l U, . Ill 7H s p. Vi . ...m' es'HJ Uid ;j lllfhril temperature, 7, ai 2 p M I v ii itn j ai 1 .ill. . It fool Wlrelenenainment. Tr.n.s .n!. !e M 91 in AM litiminimcc. iiruauuay and :ad t. Tcfephuna I i ' . " " ' "i"u nitas at L P f frnm Uln. lf r . HI ,, ,.f fooi wist ifoustnn si aii tiiitsido i-aconia Oat., INOV. It, IUtVi IwfumTFiaTrfl hurly wmior totirH mitlcr eecort, Nov 17 uml Ih'O 15 Triivol in (.'iillfoniin Inilppi'niU'ntly or under i'oort, m tlplriHl Through Cars Without Change Wonderful pchi'dulo of tours for Cnlifi rnia in IMS, Including tho two ..ii-nt KxtKiHltiotianl tjnn f'ruti rieco anil San Dn-so nnd tho Cali fornia Mis-ion I'l.iy. Hi-ln to mako your plana KuW Send for llooklnt. Raymond & Whitcomb Company 325 Klftll Av lid Mad. Hq. IIU70 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINlAlUlli: ALMANAC ami CM) i Hunrl.'S (i ll l.Sun lets, .t.U Moon rlsrj. S.I7 HKill WATI'.ll THIS 1IA. AM I AM' l Stndyll'k .dll.Coy.tsland .till. Hell date vM !.( VATi:it 1IIIS HAV. AMI AM i KM Htndyll'k IMulKov.lslaml 12.3s le,l (,af. .1 Arrive! -SVrritll.W. ' i--?s New Torlc, P. M.. r.ncrpoj', D.1 la. is Sophie ll., 4 P M , r.Juioiith, O.tnlier U Hs Theinlstjclcs, 7 If, A i . , . .vhv, ber2s. Ss Fldlr, t P M., Hosario. Septemlx-r . Ms Mefcti, IJ Io I' XI . t trm ru'.. i ' n r in. MsllrlstolClty, 7 II A M , llrlstnl, lictntxrs. S HnntnCrur, 2 fl P M , I'otiiii. octnlier in. Us I'labtMid, II Oi A. M . Ilallfus, Drtutu r n. Niltlvrr Ilclawari-, I'hlindilphla. tictoivr IS. He Larimer. MiS A. M . Port Arthur, tlrtobrru, Ms Honduras, Miitille, n f ni.'-r s. 6. Illinois itntiki, Port Arthur O.lotur 1L Arrentlnc battleship, n.;,j p M. xAii.r.i) nut m'av om. 8s Columbia, from ftlaseon Hs Chicago, from llavrt Ns Phllaiii'!ihta, fruni Llverpo..: . m Miniienana, rrnin i.uimon Ssfolon, ftotii Cristobal. Hs Danute, from Alitflla IHsAlmlrante. from Klne'ton Hs Mnracalbo. from Sun dual: Hi Htrptiano, from St. Jnhn'ii. I DUTtiCll.Sfi .STIIAMSIIIPS. I bail To day. Malls Close I'anniinla, Ulatrow Sail To-inntrnw, . Japanese Prince. Ilnhla I! til M Auehencrar. Hto Janeiro 1100 M Whltstft. MonlerlnVii. . 1V0OM llO'tlllun. Monterldeo... ItnAJI I Princess A tne. ;orro!K... I'KNN.iVI.VAMA Vernrr.llle. s y riHSTri.,visno li:i. w GALEN HALL'AH I I.N THE MOUNTAINS b ise over a two mllo coureo, nnd outliamiton recently mid ,ri d..l to .i M s Whitney' even money favorite waf 'o . id to trail. Cherry Malotte rar i i ,'i ".it and black stripes thla time, i t, V in'Mit I'Dwer.s in thn aaddle ' i i, . sui'tiortod over Thomas Hitch orke Tidier Wolf and Miss Ohnmlilet'a r , 1. , il i '! the riders wero professional. - f M.ilntte nor Timber Wolf s ' i i is , ip.ilily as nitKht have been il c.r'utt on Timber Wolf madii v. i ,j s with b'a mount anil Powers n ii ii. by rushlmc Cherry Ma Istte tn the fmnt troinic un tho bill un r i i i li.wm waited with Chuptt lero until tho rtrMch turn and then went 'rmt with Timber Wolf, Cherry Ms ' i i'; In close order. C , rj; t , tlin last Jump It loolteit na ho'.c'i i . -r M ilntte tnlKbt win. but - i !' t"id .uid nhe dropped back, n i n i ' iindero to roiiiu away handily "t i - Franconia, .Sat.. Nov. 28. 10AM Dry air Rrtldent I'hy.ldan Msissae.LlectncltriCabi net Hatha. Diet Kitchen. Col' Tennis Same msnifrment ss Atlantic City i eai a French port, lrivlnu on bnatil tho I)uches.s of Westmlnetcrs wnr hiispitul. wheh lins (tono to Paris, rtlr Thomas u ierlntnilcd tho nrrrantrcnients of the transport and accumi.inl il the part, which consisted of the liiuhcoM of Vct mlnstrr, tell iloctfirn, twenty rurstiiK ters ami slxty-twn nnlerlie, with a I irn" una nt 1 1 y nf mrdlcnl Horen nnd ernilp ment. The Hiirceons In charm nro Dr. Uorilun Wntson and Iir. Stone Mrs. Phillip l.s the me matron and Major HoukI.ib Ih In chance of tho son- t-ral arranKemcnts. ' Ilrltlsh yachthrnen ar actlvo In th wnr. Pevernl IirKe ati im yachts nre now! CnstletOll Gold Clin CiOOS OVOI' I - V. . . I I .. 1. 1 .. . riiiij.irii in mri'iut. niiir, tuiirn nrr I 1rirtfr.aJ.50: 1'rotldrnra direct. 1. to Outside siatrrooms Sl.llii. II. I It. Inrladlnc Mundar, EUIO p. ra. Trom Pier 1U, f It. "Phone Ifuu Ileekman, t Hc'set Olhre. 2J llroadwar, .V. V. tpioirn Ticket iimce. n'w.y and 2Sd St. GENOA. NAPLES. MALTA. I'ATRAS CARPATHIA Sat.. Oct. 31 CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Ltd. 21-24 State S'.isst, New York. KENTUCKY TROTS OFF, i STAKES ARE DIVIDED' MANHATTAN LINE To ALBANY FARE SI 00 ROUND TRIP $1.30 11,uu QOOO 10 DAYS lluu I k'ls A llaait't lui k'u to Alt I'uliits. Illnlna Merslce a la (arte. Stea- lers Irate dally. Pier J. .North Itlver. fo.ji f,l Houston M iM P. il.: West 131.1 M . ! M Telrphoni- ic: Hprlnr. TO l.KT Toil lll'IINKHH I'UHfOHKH. Sight-Seeing Yacht Lal.eiy 1 er Daily, tojo, 5 i. Tel. Broad 337J. belnir tied for tho ttoundi-il who arc convaleecent and other Michtsmen are busy with motor boats n the Ituyal Naval Volunteer Itesere. KlnB Uenri;o has ordered all blnnkets for a Year on Account of Had Weather. I HARTFORD LINE , From Nrw pier to. Ka.t Itlver. foot ro Blip. dll noept Aundajr. at 5 P. M. far , covni:i-tipi't rtivr.n i.andinob. Wolf nnd win by four , belonclnc to his sncht Ilrltannla nt I.eiin-iiton-. Kr. Oct. 17 The continued 1 ' " 'heirs Mnlottd was so uacil up ( Cowts to be forwarded lo Aldirshot for weather preventltiir tha completion of' hat tha '.dully wulchted Hock Abbey tho use of tho troop. Other yachtsmen tho raclns proKr.tinmii of tho Krn'ucky ! " " r 'I mo run in anil iook intra . hvn follnweil the exnmn e of the K nir. Trnitinir lin itrH.trs AH,,c!iittnn . As a relief from the monotony of bos- meetltiK here. Prcnldent Kd. A. Tipton pltal life several convalescent soldiers tit otllclally declared tho meetlnir nt an end , Northwood House, Cnwes, have been llt nilon to-day. Th money to li:tv bii u taken out In batches In motor boats, nc- raced for In the live atalta events was rordlnB to tho ynchtnmnn. The soldiers ,Vd.d accordlnit to the rules Kovernlinc were supplied with cluarettes nnd other ln ,uch cn,,es. The mon,y offered for tho luxuries and were on the wa er about Ashland, the Cautletnn cup and th Km two hours These i trips are belnB re-, lt.Uv for threB.,cttr-old trottera was dl peatwl ns often as tho weather will allow. vJl,d ,)rttte,,n lhB owneri) ot th(1 hlirse.s ' hern nnd ready 1o start. Tho paclnc dl- I CHANGE HINDERS COLUMBIA. vl8l"n of tllB championship stalltun stake "cut to Anna nr.iriioru oy ueiatiii, mere i AUTUMN IIEHOHTH. NK1V VOIIK ItrooiTllle. Hi hrinths behind Timber Wolf e Sinn.- Tup event, over three mlhs ard t half of timber, wa. nnother R ' i for thn hunters. The condl 1 ' i , for gentlemen riders and two t' tv..e starters were ridden by their 'v -I 1. ere possessed of the ne es ' cf saving their mounts and In " i' n i- r.e to maintain ti how pace 'n.s t'vk took a header from his mare ''at e M i d. Tbl proved a lesson for 1 w. PtHrk who s,il tnrltrnlrtr et.ouirh headway after that! IM'.UCM, In. r II fences to k1 his own horsa Tr, th. tn t Hi t won the Plplnir Itock Vuh- over a mile and a furlonir ' i a K-allop and Corooptls had . i-y in the IIlKhwelirht llnndl ii e and a quarter on tho tint. ' n' Plate, another flat race, i- I'-nvidlnc another upset, for "is rune with such a rush on Amii tht Wilt ani Wooit ef Beautljil W'alchtsttt. HOTEL GRAMATAN lanrenre rarfc. Ilronirllle- ,N. X. Ill- Xrsv llule Pciidelton t on IVreall- no omers Ki pt m tlio race. i no .rid a half to iro timn. I . i money oireren in mo trottini; uuisioii ot ulte, was only ton li nBth i ""' '"" '" i thli event was divided equally between .f or,' but ho came to iirlef ' Ono radical vhanR" at mnde In the tho owners of Peter Volo, I.udy Wanetka ...ird ftnen near the top of ' ruies when the IntercnlleKlate Wrestllni; , and lloa McIClnney. thn only cllRtblv nd and Mr. Clark had only Assnclatlon tnet ysterday mornlnir In starters. Karl Hall, Cohiinbl i linlverlty, fur Its hid ntnnsomo (torn cup Klven by David annual confnn Hereafter a man will lm 1 M. Look to thn winner of the C'astleton allowed to cimipi't" In only one weight. . t'up event, which had a monny valun uf , 1 Columbia fouitht airalnst thn motion, he- t $3,000, Is reserved until another year, cause Its star, N. il. Pendelton, who vv III i then- helm; no winner of tho event. The ' lioth coach und captain the Uluo and championship stallion etakn trottlnu ill While prapplers this season, waa expected , vision had nn estimated valuo of Js.OOl). to cliian up In both tho 175 pound nnd which waa divided between Patchen he.aTwelKht classes. i Wllknt Fnnn, IxulnsTlon. W. It. Cox of' Mnn.iirer Phctnn of Princeton offered Dover. N. II.. and IL 1,. Naah r i.vtnir. i r. way iteii, tnat wiinnir, tnota motion tnux iresnmen tin uarreu rnun ion. Thn pacInK division of this event " te. cot hiimn only by n neck, ' varsity competition, but tho movn wui estimated nt 12,300 and was nlven 1 i 'i v, rode his second winner ' defeated, It was ruled that when a bout to Shropshire and Weathers of this city, I pst.ikes, which wound up tha was undecided at the expiration of nine tni owners of Anna llradford. The Kun- ri. mr for 1S1I. He had ; minute Instead of cnllina It a lie tho tucky had a money valuo of f 1,000, which I ii I.udlow Kramer's Culvert , oombntants should wrestle two exti.i w,.m , tho samo ovtnera as that of the, m iv in the last furlonK of periods of three minutes each In nu at- I trottlnu division of tho stallion stake.1 unsn to win oy lour tempt to settle tn issue. , Th UMMIli o( tll . .la which neat reyton j Coltimbla wanted thn IntercoiieKlates, i ,.... .V1,P.,. ,2 nnn hut bowed to the request of LehlKh tli.i Th0 cumborland stak was declared off I she be allowed lo Htna the championship ,..,, n, '..,i meet this year. The lln ils will be held , ,.isinlI vnrletv. Keeroinrv vviil,,...,. : ovr.s a i.i. Tiir.TnAit. The Pall In Westcheairr Ls the tno.t dellKhtful season nf tho lear Ths riramatan Is within easy commuting illstanre for the Nw York business m.n; 3S minutes from Grand Central fiolf. Tenuis, and all outdoor sports, fiend for new llluslratM booklet and rates. llori'.l. CltASIVI A.N. Inc. If there is a corporation or a firm of good financial standing interested in leasing or buying i. Cnrtnrv 1752110. five stories I'rnliisiilkr A Oriental , rniYiiTuKrV.V.XiM'lii: basement, equipped with a iiy'ZSiT.'l.'.r."?.'?!;: 300 H. P. plant, on tho Upper iViiir'. I West Side, in the new manu- ior inn inrnrniaiiun , . . . i t innlv fiinanl l.lne. at- fncturinc district, have one or 24 sitale Mrret. ,V. V. . " . . the best and cheapest proposi tions ever offered on Manhattan Island. Apply to the Owner direct, RAWAK, 48 West 38th St." FRENCH LINE Compagali, Crnerale Transatlantl'iue rilNTAI. M'.ltVIIT.. Sailings for HAVRE LATOURA1NE . Oct. 24, 3 P.M. CHICAGO . . Oct. 31, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU . Nov. 14, 3 P.M. TOIl INFORMATION ATPLY Company's Office, 19 State St., N. Y. IIKI.I' WANTKI1 1'BMAI.K. 1D vol" want another JS dally? No ex itiTlrni.'. constant spun- time work, ltnltttmc i . -ry Ma. bines fumlvhed on contract We iiKe -.. HKLPINfl HAND HTOHES tin. , flll.Sltll. BEMUM Aveae Autumn Temperature 73 Awisortfra tu D'pl. Htrmu!a Ooi't. Very Low Autumn Rate S. S. Trinidad Sails Oct. J Qurbeo S. 9, Co.. Ltd.. A. I.. Outerhrldre tc Co., Aft.. it Il"ir, N Y or The noyal Mall flliam Packet Co.. San derson 4 son, Hen. Att ii Slate St., N. V. l.AtjIKS -Imp edlatf ly. FlUns and label HnRle. H um- work, Uvcnlnir. HfadJ' N.i eperlenre fl: weekly No canvasshiR. ru f'lent ippnriunlty Knclnsa .tamp, r.lll.SA SPIIi'IAl.TV CO., Toronto, Ont. Mall Tuesday, October M. Ilsrsrniftord. Ilrrten 10 (OA M Han (liirllrlmn. Naplri.,., II ) A M Madotuii. Marstllles., ... California, Havre City of Columbus, Savannah Arapahoe, Jacksonville riaiulllon, Norfolk . Sail Wednesday, October 31 Olympic. Glaitow. Maurctania. Liverpool., . Philadelphia, Latluayra., Trnadorrs. Jamaica Prim Wlllem V.. ltaytl.... llaltir. Liverpool... Mundale, Matamas... . C oncho. Galveston... . Madison, Norfolk. . 7 ) A M MAM KS0AM 1130 A M US'JPM INCOMING STHAltSHIPM. lJuo To-day, LsTouralD... ftoperga Orion itrlder.kln a. Carolyn. . .Havre ...Almrrla... .. .Naplr..... ...Colon .IiaiDoa..,, TennyMO Illo Janeiro., nayamon Metlran I.llo Cameronla Crl.n Ilerni City of Columbus., Arapanoe, Mlnnewaska. Ln Plandre.... Lcto Yaituer coatno. ..Proirrso,... .cnitousi .Lisbon .(llaiiow .Patra... Barcelona... Mavannah.. . . Jacksonville... Due To-morrow . .. I.ondnn . . . Ilotterdam . Ilotterdam.. Han Juan.... Man jtiau . . Vessels Salt. tOOPX 3 no P M 3 (si 1 M 3 OH ! M 1HM 3WJP11 1 nil p M 2 ft) P M 3 0UP M J (si P M 3 Oi) P M 1 Ul P M, 3 0U I'M 11 01 A M 12 Oil M 13 fl M 13 Ul M SCPM 13 00 M 13 Pi) ll t 00 P M 8 0l)I M Oct. 10 .Oct. 10 ..1rpt.S4 Oct. 4 .Oct. 7 ..Sept. 30 ,,). 10 .Oct. 9 .Oct :i .Oct. 10 .Mept. 17 .Oct. 3 .Oct. II OcL IS I'or llooklet. apply to shove st, s. t o.'s or tn Thus. Cook ti Hon, 2 1.1 A '.us I II uny ft :t A Wl Sth Av . Itajniond A" tthlt romli. 33!i 8th Av or Anj llrket AbI. ItHI.IAIII.n WOMAN to work In .pare I time, nn xiierlenri. pleasant, easy work, US weekly to start, for sample nnd Instruc l,,ns nd IS.-. HOLT Hri'PLV HOUHB, . IS tLsAtlaml st. Huston. Mass. Hi:!.!' tVANTKI) MAJ-E. HHI.I Alil.K MAN lo work In spara time; no experiences pleasant, easy worki IIS wrekly tj .tart, fir sample and Instructions nnd 13c. HOLT HI'PPLV HOUrti:, 13IIal land st , Huston, Mass. NKW JEKMIV-lAkewoad. i ' m i 'ri, ket ' ' i.tlf t lenitth for the pUoo. ,r msr', s ' 1 llt.ST ItACi:. ii. i, subscription Serial Handicap: 4 fn tii'i'e-yrar-olds; about ono mile i .e Wt Jockey. Prices Pin, ' I ' i 12 Nleklaus, . -& out 1' lis ItoMley... n-h out 3" 1 ii Wllllmis. S-1 S-5 .1 ' ' iiti eisiiv election It rt. br. f.. by a fh, SlVTr IS ,en Laurel House at Lakewood Is now open for the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons Information ln detail end terms for the early utiimn may be obtained on request from MIKIIMAN I). IiKNNlM, Special llepre irutatlveal the Plara Hotel, or by addressing A, .1. Ml It Pill, Man.ger. V. .Ml'HI'lir, Asst. Manaier. onipli-tf cnmmltten decided tn cIums.' J Hniii'.. iiwncd'by W. II. Ciie: trained ' Zolln nf I'hllHilelpril i nnd II W.'I.ln Smith, tne ?ew voril .s. i". iMrMiiriri nun wm'siiit, Tim meinhers pnsu'd a reHolnthin n Krettlnit the death "f lluici I.mi.uil hv HtritnlriK Inst ninitner The New York A, C. conch rofereid tlin Interoollesjlntc for sflvernl years. K. A, lllunkn nf Pornell wa eliTtnl prealdent for tho coming year, II "' Cnmpl'll of rf.ntinyl.inlti vlce-iiri's'ilent and tre.isurer nnd T. I,. Vnnce. I.ehlnh, sreovn HArn. i"ie ' -hi steeplechase for hunters: purse t Miles and a half over n limber "snilnjr Wt Jockey. Prl"es. Tin. " 17 Mr r.A flit. 7-S out l t, iaj Mr II Mnrfr 7-10 out S 1 i W Mr J Park... -! 7 .1 vi in w.,n esslly Indicator, ch. r., by ! Iimi nmied by 1'. Ambrose Clark', 1 1 U t lecm'ill TUMI!) Ii.U K. w '-ii handicap- for three.year-olds nnd t . - Mini, .-.ijout one mile. si' i ntr t .Inckei Prices. Fin. ' ir.i Mr.J Tucker J-7 out l' 'i i i f rowli-v . 30 l 7 -J 3' "' ' " i! n a HI Mr r Wrluht. 3-1 out s i ' urn asll Coreopsis, ch. nr.. hy " - lieu,-, owned by C. II, I'lrlsca. " ll ''. .1 IlllStllllf. 1 HCHTII IIACi; "i fh n iMim piste; handicap: steepie - Sim veiillriiieli i Iders: about three 1 ' li i nurse - a.. Wt Jockey Prices. Kin. i .hi Mr if viir t .ii-i :-i i' RAIN CAUSES DEFAULTS. Plrat lliniiiil rr I'rfslflrnt'a flip 1'layi-il nt I'ua Jlllls, The, first miiteh round for thn prnsilrn' cup wns plnyed to-dny lit the Pox I tills dulf Club, nnd thn Held was reduced frnm thii-ty-two to sixteen golfers. OwIiik to tip' wet Wfi.ither rhrtre u-er.i a fMtn ...n.e Hiv-ri-ttiry. Ilesldes the ullltes i-lectcil, I' iloruultH thnn lisiinl, Tho mininiurles ; .MfiuTsttir or i iii ii mm n nun u. riit-ii-n in Prlnnton were presi-nt us ileleuutCH from their respective colleiii-s, tlvn of Villi) appeared. is'll I eil eslit.," Js'e-STiirk Ai-Bilfiii In Tie tiiiine. President's rup--Flnl round II. il. Me beat M. o. ilraiiimont, i- and 1, 11. li. ilSml-JCk b!lt W. 1' Wlieeler 1 nil Chule. Miiihee beat K II. Itlley by ,i.. .mult. ll. J., wyiitt beat W I,. Illi hiin s Laurel-in-The Pines LAKEWOOD, N. J. A Mali ly attractive and healthful rsaorl lor I all and Vt Inter sojourn. An .bund. nee of lake ride walks and drive. Private Irnnls courts and rutllnr (rssns. IS hole stilt courts. Tally orchestral concerts. NOW OPEN Frank F. Shuto, Mgr. AdWI HTI'.A.MSIIIP I.INKN. Clyde-Mullury Ward Porto HI i Line.. JJi) Ilroadwuy, New Vork. WAN'fBH Names and by mall order house.. Ids; pay. horns work; Informa tion fur s'.imp. nlltW'T APIT.AL CO., 1m month, Indium. f0 MONTHLY and expenses tn travel, dls irllnue siimples nnd take orders or appoint j incuts, permanent. JAP AML'HICAN CO, chlisufi ' U !,00 ANNP ALLY, cooperate with me evenlncs at home, ever) thlna" furnished, Inn t worry uliout capluil, 1IOYO II, llltoWN. Omiih.i, Nehr. AtlKNTH WANTED. OLD DOMINION LINE To all points South and West livery Weskda, . t.u, i-ier nunii iiivsr iwi, aynu r rnann i w.-....s-w- ----w M .-, . HIH textile mills will mploy everywhere 1'ANA.MA and Weal ladles Cruise.. eiaPtois ,lr,, hosiery, underwear, .weuters and neck lVdn.lays and Siturdat. end for linoklai., . ,. , .., samnles; factory nrlces. many WfNin.lay. and Sturdavs Send for hnuklMt Dulled 1'rult Ciiniimn), 17 llaltery Place, N.Y THS. ItDVAI. MAIL STEAM IMCKET I'll. liven Kssu'.ar salllnfa to tlwmuda and Indl... ' Onbnes, N Y 1.1... f.n All nullll" ...apu Uf nil li'm,, no experience; permanent; credit NTt.AUl AMI .Sllill, wept. i IV, Clark. Orient Cruise, I'eb. 14. (tun up S. H, Hotterdain. 1". f. Clark. Times lllflsr- N. T. HOTELS ANI ItKSTAIIItANT.-s. AflKNTH Honiethln mw fastest ..lltrs and uulekest repeater, on earth;, profitable bu.lnens; sond for ISO to ITS a we.ik Address AMKHIPAN PHODUCTfl fit, 1500 Third HI. Cincinnati, O. "CHEZ" MAURICE fctlth and nrnailwnv j Former lr rlaU ilf III rue. MAURICE and run i is NCR NOW OPEN Phone lt:J Col. WALTON AOHNTet- ller.'s a brand new monar maker Jut outt iiulck, easr .alee: 14,000 I v.any i rite uulck tor psrtlculars, gt.'AICKIl MKII CO., 117 Quaker 111.1st . Cincinnati, O. Till! K1NCAH r.WONITEH riNIHANll n.NQL'IKITI! CWLSINK. SITUATIONS WANTKD KK.MAI.B J10t'St:WOriKHn Colored! several Bins. espMrlsnced. rood references, Ihor nimhly InvsatUatsd, want plar.s; other Mn.,l...n, r.irnl.lieil T.TNV-ni.V fStfllll. I TIlIaL KXCllANUB (As-eney). ait W f,th. lunm no:: t'oiunibiis. Kstnbllsneit nil. OAK COURT HOTEL. modern hole! with a horn. Ilk at- Now open for fall and wlnt.r 11. H. HPANQFLVIIKKO, Mcr, by default; T. I), fnnroy beat II A hiiiin- mti.pliere. bur, II and 2; tl, W. Kalrchlld hsat 1 II. 1 "a"0''. .iirviiiiu, . onu i; iiiironi Muter beat j. .m ; tell Jr . i with the. Newurk An.idemy eli-vi-n 1IiIh!v, ,., True.dala by dsfaulti' K, i:. Wurlluey ! , ,mijl MI.vr IVDCPVTmiD" nflernnnn. The two te.una b-itlel wlt'l- beat J ODonohue by default . (I. !: ' 1 1 ll!i IN VjW J LiKbti I 1 U UlV nut result ln thn tint two iiimr'ejH In Arl!,."rn'1.,' ".' ;.A. Mntnewsuti, i tin, .lohii I Nkv.-auk, Oct, 17. Th fU. I'.uil's School j Klsmliia, I and 3; J. H. Woude of..''pn sx-.k '.'I'lr;:! n,7..!?. 7.,!!:i'1d&.,s.i;i,y,:,,,T, MIst'KI.KVNKOUH. I the third'ur, bhiIiiii; hy liiter-iiptlnic I I I'n MiTWrll even 1-3 Ji , .i.,.v-i, ." in. .7 IV ' "". ti,cn.r' . ",,"."! i 1,11 Mrrtl.Ar. 3 7 10 3 ,l i'lrilJin 'H.-.. I' I- mo ni'n I un-,i. I phiiivhii nrm I IV nfllillK I Illl.l s, I " m:t Mr J Park i-3 710 I Carey ftolni? uver th line. Iln al-o kici 1 Wnoilliiirii. ttio nil. k St Iiti 'a 1 It. tliriihll! beat M Triiln, 3 and 1 una riipien out The lllephant, b, t , in line ham nniied by Mrs. O, I!, ' ' tiv .1 llnstlns. HITII IIM I! ' 1'icil Hunts ytccplechtue Handicap; the koi fillliiack, evuied mat'erH In the. List qtinttrr, Krnrlne oti n line plunite frnm ths 7 aril Una. IK', too, kicked the KoaL Ilcdlcnt tinea tn Pros lili-m'i-, 1'K.SNSYLVANIA Canadsasls. M'.w pitrrrTrABiN inn. Greatly enlurted. Finest location In Ponono lit., iiooiii. .n suit, wnn oatn. siKins Hfht. itesm best tel.phon. In rooms, sun noKTOK. Oct 17- Hutrh llrdlcnl. the : 'r,fr,,!0.5"bantri: wl Sox twlrler, wns rsltusi d to ths i i.aawanna H. H. to Crssoa atatlea. tied Providence club to-dtiy. W J, A M. D. I'MICR, Canadsnsls, Pa. .IOAN SAH YKII'S IT.HSIAN CiAIIIII'.N llrniulnav A Ulth St iLnt on AOthl Phone 1122 Col. flnen f rum 1 f I l.'IO 1 1 1 1 I In sine t line llll'I.Mtf nda v I - MICC mill C1WVFR Assisted tiv i fn.MPANlON. Secretsry or Dietitian A rnloa JUri OKI? ICII NltlKMlAltltlRireflned Am. youns- lady, 21, wants a position Dan Klldsrc Hand Culslfie tntrrnatlnnal a. cnmpnnlnn or secretary. As a dome.tle i science ursiluote, and Ihsrefors havlnff knowl- fUBe or oiftnics anil Invnut cookery, could rotlNTIlY IIOAIll). acf as dlstltlsn and conmanlon lo a inrani nave a very cneerrui ann sympAthatlc A LADY In Houtheru country home , Wo. '""ut nh,"f, V , trnvel He erene. ... Alk.n. Houth Carolina, wishes few guests fr rnsneed MLSH tl K t'Ul'l' VitK vf .Ini.r momhs. irood huntlns: rates reason. V." 3,lna l' n' ",A"' Norwich, v t. able. Address LOTT11J L. IIOI.IIKN, Mm,. " i"' ' etta. Moutn caronn i llOAItl) WANTKII. HI rtlATIONN WANTED MAI.B. A MAN J yesr.s of e, nneseeslna the . . .v.. , i -i i ..-i.i.. -l.-.A.-M I neren.ery quuiiueai lot s, I ii rei nn op. nun LADY deslr.. board In strictly Prjtaiar sm - Rl. nim n,rUn a mnil of tiy" fi'. u. Uoc1"119 "referred Address K., ( ability The Immsdlslo salary ijuesllon Is Itoz its win. of Irs. moment to him than thn prospect. -. t for The fai-t that your Una may n new in nun neen not nater you HIHINKHrt PKIteONAl.H. frnm rnitaslnc his services, a. be has nisdn ffnou unuer similar conaitions. IIH.M atiu.n ror tuhercii , .. i ki u.. lar und asihmu aufferers; result of many I years' work, particular, free. MILTON - - - IIAYMANN, Indianapolis, I ml yok HALS. K.YLCUTIVU, PATKNTH. PATENTS Hest Work !owest Call or Writs for Hooks, 30 X4H csperlrnre. KDQAIl TATE CO., 11! linOADWAT, .V. T. rim s il l:-4 VI'ks riirii'i flood as new -all makes and sizes tskrnln trades. part pjjmeiit for Moslcr celebrated safes prices Hates, nrnrktil In plain lUurra first and only aafs com- pnny thai bssnmrkso auch roods In Plain rlrurea. JtlltLKlt .VK CO. S11 nrnadiiai, iTOinna 1010 Vssnktln Concetttna dl Olorslo... .Jamaica . IllOrlente . .fialvcstmi, Proteus Nee Orleans.. Due Tuesday, October !. lnes.. Ilarcclnna Molina . . Oalveslon. city of Savannah.. .. Haraiiiiuh. Apache.. Je in. vn. c. ijabliie Mobile . Oct. 10 .Oct. i Oct. I Oct. It Oct. 14 .Oct. It Oct. 13 Oct. II Oct. 1 Oct. II .0.1. 17 Hit IT Oil. Vf Incnrnlnc Vessels Br Wireless. Is L Tour.tlne, Ilanr, due at Quarantine at 7 I'. M. to-day, Se Kl Muiide, flslrcston, ti miles Mfit of Turtiivas ut noon jesterday. ss I'roieus. New Orleans. "10 ndlis eouth of Diamond Mioids :it liiein Ss Ysiliei. snn Juan. 310 miles eouth of Sandy Hook at noon. . Ollnda, (iib.iru, 124 mile, eouth of Jupiter at noon. 8s Hablne, Mobile, pateed Alllrator Href ul 7 I'. M. Ss Kl Orients, Oilvceton. J06 mile, southwest of DUmond tthoale at noon. ,4a Cheroket, Uenrsrlow n, It miles nuihes.l of Cape Fear at 7 P -M Hs Huron, Ilrunsalck, ) miles smith of Sandy Honk at 7 P M ds City of Ut Louis, .Savannah, passed Mar tin's Industry at 7 P. M ! Kl Sud, Oidvi'Stou, crosseil L.ilvoton bar at 7 P M v. Illinois, Port Arthur, fl miles south of Handy Hook at 7 P. M. M Arapahoe, Jacksonville, ton miles south-jf Sandy Hook at 7 P M Ss Ai.i"hn, Jacksonville, tl milts north of St. John's bar nt 7 P. M Ann) and Navy Orders. WASIIINOION, Oct. 17. These army or ders were Issued to-day: Capt C O. .oiler., Hoa.t Artillery, from duty as constructing" quartermaster ut Fort Williams, Maine Major K L C.rmlchael nnd Capt. II. IL Kerfool, W I). Oracle and T. K. MnrRsit Quartermaster Corp., from duty In Philip pine Department, Th.s navy orders Here Issued: Commander M J. M. Luby, from the finuth Carolina to commandant naval station, tSusntanamo. Lieut. II. It. Nhlpp, from ths Houth Da. kota to the t'harl.stun Lieut, IL Durr, to training station. New. port. Lieut R. C. Hlakerlen, from assistant t Naval Attach., llarllu, Usrtiiauy, to tha North Carolina. Lieut. H. M. Kraus, from tha Iluffalo to ths Naval Academy. Lieut. If. T. Smith, from ths Iluffalo la Ih Naval Assistant Hurs.on II. M. Llttls. M, IL O. from marine ssp.dltlonsry foros to horns. .MoTrments of Natal Veasels. WAHHINOTON, Oct. IT. Ths battlsshls, Delaware has arrived ut Ouantanamo; eolith Mars at Phlladslphla) tuf Patuient at Noe folk; collier Jason at Lamberts Point; colli- N.rn at Tlburnns battle. hip North Dak ess. at Hampton Iload.i battle. hip Teia. at Vera Cms and tut- Ontario at New York yard, Tha Usatroyer McCatl ha. sailed from New port for Oardlnsfa Hsy, supply ship Celtic, from Key West for Cape ilsyilen, till Ilockst from Washlnslon for Norfolk; de stroyer Htandlah from Annapolis for Nor folk; lunbiiat Petrel from Vera Crus for I'rosraso; dt.trcy.r Prshls from Han Fran cisco for Pan Dlrfo and torpedo boat Chaun. cey from Zamboania for Ilollo. SnaKwood Oolfera Tic. Knolewood, N. J., Oct. 17 A tlo ra sultsd In the Lousy hnndleap ot the Knclo wooti Country Club to-dny, 1,. 3tvMIU ami a, K, D. IIufTKlns, each flntshlnc r. round 3 up, W, C. I'reeman wan 2 up, llohert K. Itrendon was 1 up nrnl Hor bert Ilarber was 1 down. Weaver, White Sox ( aptnlii, Weila. CltirAOO, Oct 17. Ooortra T)s.vld Weaver atnt Jlrlen Cook wore marrld here tn-dtiy, (5eorKO liavld la imno other than IlnOk Weaver, captain and shortator of tlis White, aox. 4