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The sun. [volume], October 18, 1914, Second Section Sporting and Automobiles, Page 22, Image 22
About The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916
Image provided by: The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation
Newspaper Page Text
22 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. It. If. Mncy & Co.'s Attractions Arc Their Low Irlcc. ft. If. Macjr & Co.'s Attraction Arn Their Low Trices. w omen s FUR COATS and FUR SETS Herald Square, U'way,3ithto35thSI. Herald Square. Broadway, 3 llh (o .1,'lh Si MSA iMi iaattt m m m WOMEN'S SUITS Beautiful and Authentic Styles COPY OFCHERlilT MODEL Made of black English corduroy with full co it 'trimmed with military motifs, liottom of coat has broad band of black monkey fur; plain circular skirt. COPY OP C ALLOT MODEL A smart Suit of tete de negre brown velour cloth. An unusual Coat with mili tary trimming. Collar and cuffs of French Seal. COPY OF BERNARD MODEL Made of lustrous velveteen . The Coat can be worn either long or short, as the full circular coat drapery is adjustable. Very striking of novelty gold and blue : vet. ,S ' g is a vest ( striped vel- $84.75 $69.75 .75 rimm ri.omt, .ion .stiihui. WOMEN'S COATS For Afternoon and Evening Wear $59.75 AFTERNOON COAT Full model of black lustrous satin, belted at front; ! deep band of monkey fur at bottom of coat and encircling the collar. EVENING WRAP A draped model of white silk plush with animal.scarf of white fox: broad cuffs of the same fur. AFTERNOON COAT Very effective combination of midnight blue satin and velvet. Braid and silk embroid ered in self and contrasting colors are employed as a trimming. Front fastens with a sash and fancy orna ments. Til 111 It FLOUR. rr.NTTt $89.75 $139.00 FUR COATS for the Young Miss HUDSON SEAL .dyed muskrat) COATS- flare model with large square collar of skunk. A dainty lining of flowefed brocade satin. CARACUL COATS-Plain flare model made of lustrous length and lined flowered crepe. CARACUL COATS - broad collar of Chinchilla squirrel; brocaded silk hnini flat skins; throughout with length, with $119.00 .75 $79.75 riiini ri.ooi.. a.iTii st.. nun uhtai . SLIPPERS made of Gold and Silver Cloth are approved for Evening Wear. We present a very smart model in either m . Gold or Silver Cloth, made on a graceful Sh 49 last with Louis XV. heels, at per pair J .-xu sKroMi noon, nuni sr.. num. m HIS is an exceptional opportunity to obtain fine Coats and Fur Sets at very low prices. CARACUL AND HUDSON SEAL (DYED MUSKRAT) COATS These 40-yich long Coats are made of very fine skins; newest lines with rippled back, contrasting Robespierre collars of Australian opossum, ermine, skunk, leopard, chinchillona or fitch fur. The linings are of handsome brocaded silks or satins. Usual price S145.00. Perfectly Matched Fur Sets Very Specially Priced CIVET CAT SET Made of selected skins; large, new model Muff I and smart Neckpiece. NATURAL RACCOON SETS Handsome animal Scarf and large 1 pillow Muff. J REAL SCOTCH MOLE SETS Comprising novelty Cravat and hand- 1 f Tiiiitii noon, .n tn sritrxr. $112.00 some pillow Muff. $24.74 $19.74 19.75 Hand-Made LINGERIE An exclusive showing of the daintiest creations in fine imported hand-made Underwear. Some of the new arrivals Empire Night Gowns of sheer batiste; yoKe ana sieeves composed entirely 01 rows of Filet lace and hand-made tucks; beautifully hand -embroidered and ribbon trimmed. Special at, Pure Linen Chemise; daintily hand- -t embroidered in rose design; inserts of I real Valenciennes lace; hand-made ribbon evelets. Special at, J Other imported Night Gowns of fine batiste, bodice and sleeves made entirely of exquisite foreign laces, and trimmed around bottom with soft lace frill. Priced at $16.74, $19.74 and $23.74. $12.74 $6.74 Tiiiun 11,0011. matt. $53.75 EVENING BLOUSES Elaborate and Artistic .BLOUSE CELESTE Its ethereal love- liness is more than in name. The I artistic blending of various laces ! i: shows tne work ot skilled lingers. Reaching above a black velvet belt is a dreamy blue crepe with a silvered metallic floral pattern. Rope of sil ver encircles the neck and crosses to waistline into an ornament with the black velvet as a background. BLOUSE ECRU E The shimmering , softness obtained by partially cover- I ing white satin with ecru lace is ex- ceedingly lovely in this Blouse. The v, (too CTrj IUV.V. (41l. 1 UVVI Ull(l III Jl IUI V I4 1WII VI feet, below which shows the satin em broidered in silver thread. A half belt of black velvet. Paradise and Ostrich FEATHERS At One-Half the Standard Price ! I uiimi n.ooit. .iiiii sun. in. Paradise Plumage is very scarce just now. and we were fortunate in secur ing some exceptionally fine Paradise Feathers in fountain effect. They come in Black and Natural, and make an effective trimming for a Dress Hat. 'Considering the high grade of these Feathers; they are priced remarkably low. A special offering of very handsome Ostrich Plume Garnitures at $2.97. These consist of two beautiful French plumes, one longer than the other, with graceful, drooping heads. The Set makes an attractive trimming and they are worth considerably more than the price quoted. Colors: Black. White, Blue. Brown, Pink, and Rose. S1XOMI FLOOR. H4T1I STRKKT, $5.94 $2.97 Dressing Gowns And Lounging Robes For Men most complete line of Im ported and Do mestic gar ments for house wear. English House Gowns (Double Faced) $8.48 Woven Dressing Gowns (Double Faced) $12148 English Robes $18.74 Included In the assortment is u line of the finest English Wool Velour Robes at $24.74 Standard Price. $35.00 and 145.00 main n.ooii. nr.m si. 7i r "Viewnet" OPERA GLASSES t I I' EFpW that the nU theatrical xyi season is fairly launched Opera Glasses are in great demand. We are showing the "VIEW N ET" OPERA GLASSES, direct from Paris. They are fitted with powerful achro matic lenses that give an unusually large and clear vision. Knitting "Tippet Scarfs" For Soldiers Has Led Women To Knit Other Articles for Comfort of Men in the Field N the ART EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT, 3d Floor, .Mth St., Rear, will be found samples of all these articles and the yarn to knit them, at the low prices mentioned below. I In Black Leather, with Japanese tubes arid bars, $3.49 White or Oriental Pearl, with Gold Plated tubes and bars, $5.49 & $6.94 With pearl handle, $9.89 'TIPPET SCARFS," 54c STOCKINGS KNEE CAPS 66c 50c WRISTLETS SOCKS 33c 50c ABDOMEN BANDS HELMETS Costume VELVETEEN The moH approved fabric for Autumn and Winter Gowns Imported Costume Velveteen Special per yard ). X.J Verified Price, tlsewherc $3.50 Black only full 46 inches in width; fast pile, twill back Ideal fabric, lustrous and durable. SKCONn ri.nort, iiroaiiwat. 50c 90c first n.ooit iiai-coxt, nr.ut. .I competent Iracher will show you (free of charqe) the stitch and exactly how the different article should be made'. When aUiclen are. completed and returned to up, we will deliver them fre of charge to lied Cross Head quarter.'. Tiiiiin 1'i.onn, ami sr., it inn. Antique ORIENTAL RUGS E are showing one of the most interesting Collec tions of Antique Rugs from the Rug weaving Provinces of Turkey and Persia. Many of these Rugs are at the present time very rare, and they are priced at about half their real worth. They are in teresting to Rug Collectors, Connoisseurs, and those de sirous of obtaining most beautiful examples of Oriental RUgS. FOURTH I't.OOIt, CT.NTIin. Imported RIBBONS in great variety are dis played in our Ribbon Department, Main Floor. New importa tions of beautiful flowered, embossed and metallic effects Velvet ribbons, Taffeta weaves, Stripes and Plaids, in all colorings and com binations. Taffeta Warp ribbon, dark colored grounds with large rose design, 10 inches wide, rich and effective in appearance: will make handsome girdles, etc. Sp per yard. ial, $2.96 main n.ooit, iiiTii Miir.r.r Hand some DRESSES for Various Occasions STREET DRESS-Of chiffon velvets with full waistline blouse and long graceful draperies. A soft satin ac cordion-pleated sKirt. Broad sash of V mro velvet crosses at front and ties at tpOc. I O back. Normandy collar of white satin, near which is clustered a bunch of cherries. DINNER GOWN An exquisite model of white chiffon embroidered in black jet. The jet emphasizes a high cor sage at the back and the new square low cut neck at the front. Very ar tistic is the color blending on the waist, where beaded flowers in rose shades are intermingled with artificial American Beauties, giving a corsage bouquet effect. EVENING GOWN Soft willowy taf feta of canary yellow embroidered in iridescent suaneles sunburst pat tern. Self-tone chiffon, velvet folds $134 00 i .1 : u: i ..jiL t-i i. I ' " unu uuipcntrs (.uiiiuuieu wiui uiacK i silk tulle. Cluster of American Beau- us it iniiumiig. in iKii n.ooit, cr-NTicr. $124.00 DRESS TRIMMINGS I Fairly radiate this sea son with bright-colored beads.opalecent effects. ; jetted designs, tloral i buds intermingled here ! and there, all combin- j ing to make the "Trim- ! ming" the most import ant factor of the sea son's new gown. Each foreign steamer has brought us some i beautiful Trimmings t6 ' add to our already well equipped stock. Among the latest arrivals are Opalescent Cup Shape spangled i rimmmgs conventional or floral designs. Prices vary according to widths de sired, and range as fol lows: 17 - inch flouncing starts at $4.96 per yard; 6-inch edgings as low as $1.69 per yard. Other width propor tionately low in price. Elaborate ornaments are $2.24 each, and the smaller ones only 69c each. MAIN I'l.OOIt. 34111 Nlitl'.Kr Reproductions of SHEFFIELD PLATE Most of these Dishes and Trays are made specially for R. H. Macy & Co. An extra coating of pure silver insures many years of service. The pricen quoted are as usual "lowest in the City." MEAT DISHES Heavy grape border, 1 13-inch, with well and tree. I MEAT DISH ES Heavy grape bor- 1 der, 20-inch, with well and tree. J BREAD TRAYS Grape border, in 1 plain or pierced. i DOUBLE VEGETABLE DISHES Grape or Thread border, detachable I handles. J GRAVY BOATS AND TRAYS- 1 Pretty Empire border. J " UNIVERSAL " SILVER-PLATED ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLAT ORS extra heavy silver plate on copper; plain colonial Capacity 6 large cups. Very special at price quoted design. $9.94 $13.89 $3.96 $5.49 $4.49 $8.94 MAIN FLOOR. DROAnWAT. Continuation Sale of Black Chiffon Dress Velvet Black Silk Velvet 42 inches wide $2.49 Yard Usually J4.00 Black Dress Taffela Excellent Quality 40 inches wide Usually sold ot S1J5 Special, per yard v)C sitom) n.ooit, .-ir.rnsr The Lalest Victor Talking Machines and Records at Used Macy Savings