Newspaper Page Text
j,y rev THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. CZAR AND KAISER PLAN WINTER CAMPAIGN IN POLAND KAISER INVESTS POLAND; CZAR! AWAITSWINTER Onsliiuirlil tl'(Vnuans He imlscil A loiio- Kn( ire Lino. October IT, printed a telegram from Pot-1 rograd il'iiiii Ootoh. r IC which In part 44 We Wanted to Burn Alt, " German Wrote in Diary ''This IMncc (Kolliel) Is a l)isTac' to Our Army; Vandals Themselves Couldn't, Have Done More Damage." Officer- Said. Aeeordin to British Hejiort. IMJZKJIVSL. I'XDEK FIKK. IIKI'OIITKI) XKAK FALL haw .- i ' i I,U tiftirttrh Iu Tur. Sl.v Kt'. Ui't I -.iiT .ii a sinlcittent Issued this ns. its that the German: ., c 1 tlt-i.'lMVl'ly defeated west uf ,,i ,iiil tlii tronps bcslrsliiB I'liw i Gnllrla. an- ninklliR such . I"" fortress must full i dajs. Thi olllclal state- ,. i,. i .f: i .. , , ;. npin '.trlitn of th German i: t ii- battle lint In Hus , t i i il hate been repulsed with .. ih in lib' lumy. . .i ', . mjc I'fcn iltlvcn bad; from , . ,iw i.'ei'i '111')' bad advanced to , i rfht miles f that city, the Gr trom mtri'ifhoil positions, tiKuIn ,. tuo ortehslte. bill every attack 1 1.- e.y them was repulsed and they i. :e ilriton Imol:. iia f 1'H tho enemy tuko the .if. iivi for irutri!lo reasons. They ntl.e iM mail llli'ii in iiiu'u, oui.ue,4 aim prisoners ami wo have captured I inn l-ii i- .fill an aiiimunllliin corps. , JCi.ii" ItdtiKnrod tho Germans c-suyoil . imtht .is-i.mU. but our troops throw uir:r hMirhbtSlitf uion tin- mli'mii'ln'; tm nit ami m a tfiTlllo battle whloH m-aed the !rrinan.s wen. with aratj I.-T3. iL'.Iltt "'The Austio-ncrman troops o,i Octo ber Kt assumed eh-' offensive, nil alorut the front bctwton llio Vistula Ulvcr ami 1 Gall-la." i "Thn rtlhfh.l,!..,.,- ,, t..t.l..l. Jevsk . military nte iche to tlii ltu.l in ' I Kmb.ti,y at Washington, receltcd on the evtnuac or ucuuier it; wn: . "On the Vutut.. and In elall.-ln Hip Au-tro-Gormati armies, under tin on-' sl.ius'nl of our troops, have be.-ii forcil 10 ' take tilt! dt.-fenlv.- thf whole line.' "The iiftvitpiipfr ili p.ilcli from IMro-j Knul tthHi ufil thf moiiI 'orftinlto' h.ii Inmrrert unil imauthorlzeil. Tli mbill-' tullnu of tin- ttonl 'orffl'ilVf' foi- elm wit. 1 1 W'X;;! 3i KX AUK A3o. VICTIMS AT JnM wlshM to T'tfrat'. hl fl.iti .iK'nt i 'that tlir only Iii'Wk aimunf'liii'nH nt-. p.Mrlnc In tht Auirrlcan preH rpirtliiK the tlunKlim military iMinpalRii which, "y f"ifi,i Xtr. h.ivo any rlifht to In- rallcil 'olllolnl' lira 1 London, Oct. 17. Thf othVlnl prctn llira.ii ImuiiI In his nnnir. The announc- hnrrnil IniUffi to-ilav omi. Inliiri-atlnK i'V Staff of PftrtiKrinl art- In the ltti'n.m lan-' ' ..I... t-i ...I n u.ttMi'iii.iti rt'i'fniiy. 'i inn fxtrtH tlvfii thf ftil.owtiiK nro the most Kirlklr pnrtlunii. "AiiRUnt mar (ioiivy, Hi'IkIuiii. LKIM'H BU.iKf They tm tht-n olllflal. Thv littlinis Into KmrIIhIi af 1'itroRnd art' t.ot Th. Uusnti (Sen- , f " "p ' . .. " U7 IIOXOR II IN DUX li V KG nrit still without orders to motf. WV had a b.ittlc in a hiii'.hii. Our uiiIitk mut hui'f )...! i l .1 mi tiw. i, r-iiiuiiti? lift, wlicif heard that thf tiu.irrlM ii.rt. (.fiirrnl XVIiii npfrnifil lliiliin, i n,. ..,, .,, , ,...,,, ,, P thrown the tntmy b.wk. Our diflMiui wat ", '"".'.""- jewmrthlne Ilk. I.V.eJ. Tho N.iKtfon.h ZV" ! ...If fMoVM. flrnt.tN. via Tho llaeuf. i".. IT.Tlw l'ltMon ajtsi'inhbil at AflH'lU'. vtlit-ro wt- WJH not anion Hum. UV rouliln't ml. notiibte MiiTe.'P jral.v?d by lion. tonlni"l thf Jaccpr. ho took IMli.inl but ' funiifi- tin- t-nciny wa ton Mrnm: Illinlilibj.-a. nrji In Pruxiilii ii".d ' had to rotlro In tho facr of Hiipvrlur I'',' ""l .u'"" H'l' rnal nh..l Jlro. A thei In Hu1hi. lolatd, ,v to hi- r.,.ul!-; muni.. r of lnfnlr. vV'iL, fl, r Kl. 'I'.. V.1'. "'''!:!'" "'' nlr.od !) the i;miin ". It I: fn- -.smr,.,, :,., ,n, ,.irnli.K tho . anv 11I1K1., .,.';. IMln, ""'.V.',1 V Marf ai'iit i.o..rf Niitnur lia f.illflt. onlfr fiotn (Jtn. Joifrt. to in.. iMiiinmu.lf r Wf kui utile lo be le.itly to inarch. "l V"1 ."""coiai i-ren-h ro, tdllnv hint to dve couldn't have dntu- more iI.hiihkc The placo Ii a dliKraco to our army. The column commntiilfr nr,. rfponllilc for the Kriatcr part of the dimaKf, as thry could hate iirctf ntr.l the lootlius and tic Mrucllon Tin- tl.itniiKf amounti to u million marks. I couldn t resist tnkltitr a little meinetito myself hfrc nnd thrr. One homo unit iirlli ;il ulv t lexant. Near the staircase I found a splendid aiuascuium in 'in tin t .1 riil a e.imeri for Kellx. "b'eitembir 6. lie idled Vllleneuvf. BRITAIN'S ARMY NOW 1,200,000 FIGHTERS;", n hen the ullltui r.ed ,i ivst, Wf fhotl 1 In i position to muko i?ood viht. "NothltK can arr.vt thi ntiadlly ai cctnllni: riiriirii of o-n army. Their cost llttlu icoatit, .Inco utTiiiauy vlll ultlm.iloly have to p.ty In terrltotr well as In money. I "Im.iKlnp things nt their ivorst. IrrH ncilie tlie lust Cossack on tho Urals vnd DRINK Whit&Rock. f 1 he Mineral Water Dc Luxe Itself We hive practically r.o olllcers l(f "Soptemlt. r ! Pni'sirl through l n hareu and were billeted at Durmlncn. There was a rumor that the army tins hud noun disastrous IlKhtlriK. I am terribly ibpi essed. IIver bodj thinks tho ultuitliui Is ciltlcal. 1 think we mltHticed too quickly and were worn oul by march Iiik too rapldl and MahtliiK liccs mtly. W'f went throUEli .Mourmelon and l.n P.tlt. whete we dui, otirsclveH In Tour of our avlalor .ire sn'.d .t h ive been br-.uK'.it dun n by Ihe on. my. September 11--.Marched to- Pont n.. ti....i i i i.i ii. . i.. lb'' Iat Krench tloorkonpor evloted frofi i r..i.i. nrm iiiiu riinur .nn ui,. ( rdeaux. Then wo would bosln a m. I tlmu wnr nitainst (lermany Mid BtlU b ' no worst- off than when wo began war 'Advniu'o Ouni'il," Says Military Kxpcrt. MOHI MATTON IS SLOW Iz-iNMiN, O.'t IT. The mllltart cor respondent of the Tlmr.i rejdlcs in-day to a s'atcment publls'ied In tin- I'rankfurter Zclfuiii; that Orent Ilrlt.iln has been tin nblo to rnls- moro than f.Oft.000 trooirn. IIu nays: "Wo have at the prusent muirisnt aclly double that nutnber, namely f.2O0, aou men. and the number iftows faster than -v- cm cope wlt'.i !'. This Is only lh 1..;lnnliiK "It Is .nir .!'. .11 ell as that of America, to l.i-cln to raise our arml axalnst Nupokon.' jCIII ll' the rank tl'.n to i let at-- th of Pl'iii.--. Hon. von llltuutrhure. roninipnilT In t'hlef of tin- iltroiHii artiues in tne t-s;,, .""ii -i-.i.oi .m W(1H thi (,nn) tlefoatf.l the Hus...ins In lh battlis of spreuil thai the houst was on lire, prob-l.u .,' , ..',' Allotistoln and Tntinetibf rir, tnen stiffened a,y to ,No!o.,. our position to Ihe eneniy. 1 "tVptemlier s--Wrnt f.irwird ajf.iln to the .Mi-flnn reslatniice In llaUcla. mid j A nml ,ltol, c mardisd , attack an enemy n-rf.ctly Intrenched. i.-i th iMimin t of ittrn.inv 'tin! . . ... timlh from on.' wnnii r 'itw.fji.f button pho'tOKr.iPhs of the O.-neral r.i and w had & T,r twl," ewr m belnB worn by Gertnatis aeneri'.ly 'n ihtlr ; ri turn oter our tracu,. Our rcKlnit-nt , ,,I0rmmi, The l7Mh alone had I.t'iio men coat lapeli. ' it i ployed in a little t alley leadlnB to tho wounded besides those, killed. It 'was hell ! M-llse. 'Ihe Klrst and Third llattallotu. of Ha- ITith UcKimciit tterc on thu lltltiBi WAR OF 7 MONTHS SEEN I rr x .tt 1 BY FRENCH ECONOMIST 1 !Xu"lcT 'oul of action for the time biln. oui men cams back to II,- point wheie valley Julne.l tin Mcusi, but could I pioievd, a the Welt shoi ai us iron, t-t,-ry nousc t t. nun i-io ttliolu lot -stxlieii of tln ni. T'ii ,ur, ', tliawn up :u Hire- ...inks ami tit, sayie ! shot did foi th: -i ,.' a time. T't si I Inch holtlUtld HUi cvetled in K ItlllN' a ' i..sltlon and iweiit) "li-iis iitlu. -u jvilliKe of llolltlllK lo ruliiK. -To-nltthl an alarm was hold 111- position at all co-It, itn Iric that It w.i si.t-lU llntti-r I'm i-m l. "Je th. liallclaii tlit-.itrt- of war wo are is.nt nr.ilni our henvy bombardnont jf Prmitil. All sorties made bj thf nrr'- in i lior have been rcpillf-d. At- I-.. th" Au-trlans seem to bo tak, . . ik Tho fall of tin- lortri's. Is ut a matter of n few days, ih every ' dvantuii. I wltli our tn.o. Mtdilross o.i the nspcctH of fat- Ti-di- - -I1.--IUI stutetti. in. iiimo tic-i , , ..i ,r , . .;. , i war befort- th". Ai-adi-my Sli.,l".,.lHi,'ir,tl.i'i.i.-",.'-- , ,,-r ... .. -.tie of baltl.-M apparently I Political Sciences t...,j. lie .-ilu.i.ic.1 t-ik..' .-ieribiy. on TueMlaj and . tho btiBlli of tin-war at m-vhii inotith.-. Wiilnesil.n I'.e ijerin.tns. puHhlnu; for- l)4 u 1"7". lC.irh of the live itrtt.t nn .. inl e.clu army corp.-, or ab..i.t 400.- ; ,,,,. .,, ,.,.,, .,. , .), mi", In- -tt!d. would siend l.ntii.i.noo.ooc francs OJO'i,- fllvart. Wo tvero alivilutily done. ) tafta-r war bi.-ke out, and to k on nils-wen- suit Into th. lUlit iiB.Hn and thev . . . t,i Vr ultimate rll are call ua re.t-rtn troops v, .- .earne.i tnt-. nchl,.u.,. vlth l.Son.Oun inui at i.ome. r.HIll WII1K "it l ' i ' nil iiiu,,i,-,,iui llRh- inui eiilreiiflifd ourselves at Villi nut -Hoi". Si plemher li'-.-Wt, were attacked sett ril's t.y the .-iiem ind -,ur fist WITHIN 5 MILES OF SARAJEVO. Servlnn nml 3tnnenrirrln DrlT Anslrlnna Ilni-U. (?;eci,il Vablf Detpiitci lo Tnt Sv. lloMi:, via Havre. Oct. 17. The ocm blncd Servian unil MnnteiiCKrln forces, nccordltiK to ilevpntoheH rectdved hore, have advanced to within flvo miles of riarajevo. They attacked an Austrian forcn whlrli wmh holdlm; a hill, and nftur two hoittfi of Imrd IlKlitliiff droVe tho Austrtntit back. The Austrlans lost -00 In klllcsl and many wounded. CATTARO'S FALL MAY BE NEAR. artillert Is sho .!ln d niKelouslv si. -rt ' " ' "u" V H.pttmbc--Tro.d.softhIOlKhtfMith Mnnds t-. rtasui that at, e,,, - r 0tl. l-orpf. pas-til all .lay ppar.-ntlj they ..Hi never lack met. This war a.-.- to utile up -. lb - rlifat u hlR (led f'" ll !ia'" n'V'llv ,"'-,m- ,We ''"J," ',, knoAs whi-t t'e idet .,f tins rornfon... merely no Hilvance uar.l Into I ,-ntue. inent Is I'm -itn'Kff d that this ciiiii-'Iii the sprlnft the remaUiiler of the ad try will Kive u il! a Kiave The lOJti. mice ciiHrd will follow nml somewhero Itt-Klmoit has tad a furious tUht with toward the end of ID1S ehe main body th.' Knullsh shell has Jus! burst In th. will ikkid to conn- wiiain vn-w house and hilled ten men " Th- diary ends a .par rtly or Sept tn-. i A i.iclo-rri-nrl. f'li-et ltt-nnir Dnm, (Vttli.Je llritrs. 1osii.iN. Oct !7 The fall of Catturo ta the army la tho field, and th'- hundreds . reported to !, imminent. In a despatch of thou-andis formliiK in It tll.i. Ciuada, ' r-t l ived ' , from CetHnJe. Ati'tr ill-it and tf where air merely fie ' AecordlriK to tho Wit'h tho Anglo- tm.-leiis imoii Ahlch othir armies ni l i rencn ih-.-t m lotiv unit", witn the oo eventually be built. i opt ratio.- of the t--w K-eiich sleire grun bittt'.rv hi -tloiirt Iie,-hcn, n.i resumed the bombar.lnittit of tin- Austrian port ber 2S llnjelat. Iti-I.elii J-eelt Anna, .;.ert..' Coble ltnitch lo Tub Sin-. JUv.tNA, Oct 17. -Tho Haytlan Oeneral Deilj has chartered the Dominican Hchooiier llruda Alexrn and has sailed from Santlaco for Jamaica. Ife oxnecta Wo are sony for tat- allies that we, to olitatn at tho latter pliicn arms whloh n -t- i-vn slower llusst.i m maklnif he failed to Ret In Cuba for a rovolutlon our welpht f-lt, but a year or so hence, nry .pdltloii nB.ilnst Haytl. tie. Kiifh lii'lliiri't'pnt Will simuI(11;oi:i:vV ,',.. vi'i:ai.-,is wti. shootmK .S2(I0.IHIII.()00 .Monthly l.eroy Hi'nnli'ii I'li'ilicts. .tjieeirt ' ,l.(- elf.-A Till. M N Puns. o.-i. 17. -Paul l.erii.v-lteaiillcil. tho pol'lk-ul ci-onomlst. continual li..J 'W anleil lo llur.i lit t-r; tlil.m," "Til llllllli l'oloiau: then t-nt reil ia (.00 no ii win- r.tnldlt liearlliK tin- we: I. . in. t,.i.n':. tmtl w. n. :it.t milt .1.,..,. ,lf.,.nl,m..,i.U .l,-r,i 111.. lUtlO.llOOl niouthl.t. rlt, r -,i Itanirori-d, while tlirealt-nini: ! tt'ar-.r.t. l.vly-two Milieu iiti thwanl, ' ,i h .i -ti.uii; ciiliitnn. ' T, l:.i-liiti il'-featnl the.-e roliimni n -. .lays of il'htlm; ittnl forced tin- ' I'if.m.iiis to twetity-tbrce miles lo . 'ni of lniii'iichtiientf. Unity t.'.hiBe. W , took up t .s.sltlon of Mi.r.l'. utid , houe o t rioi-Mrx? lite iluu.e. At !' lioor ol 11. e OdU't i sit'lil.t". m'T nil- ii'.u. I of the ottl.t-i. Our nien well1 ahsoi'ite j mad at tills Mii.-akltiK wa of l uhtuiK .. u.i j wantfd lo burn eter.t tiling. Tin ui jOeeiliil too III stttlllK lilt IO nctel.ll "Ill the iitt-i Mo-iii our ..rtllb r.i in I K , , the principal . Inilldlm;- 'if the pl.o . i t wht.l.- Pm,-t;i of in- till. i.-,, .tltn ii sh.ll". It was a I'li.tellou. -iu ,i Thu hUh ground from M.natit to l.ippc ovrlookliiB th. Mt u-e. wilt all in ll.nne-. I Kttry liulli.tliir was burnlnu. It -e .. I most as Ilwht as dn and th- Iiifht h Ip i our .t-ippM-s to build a brlilBf m.r wli'r , tl.t- dU.Sloll l-IONtetl the Mt ll-t -'l ' never Haw such disorder, but the l-'rei . o rnkonrd our tirt'll-ry, our h.iitlls-.eis. "August - n ulled N'iii, ciinie to Illers-' ii-Kn.n-. Tin t. im.s had warred th- I'lench of our :-r- .... . . 1 ..... ..i.,.f..l, i i ,t k, forced UllfiU-y. sti '.n the r-.nP we set III- lo Ih- til Addlni; lo this the (.enes of the .stnalb-r nations and neutral -..tmlr'-s uti aci-onnt of the war wuiild make 1 1 1 -Kranil totals wlih-li ill the eiotetntnetits would be fot'i'-d ' f ' at from IC.lii'O.- OuO.nCio lo .'.n.l'iOO.Oiin.OOil francs ii!M".'t,- Oilu.i'Oo In'o.QOOl. tnii.i.,1-! ru. u i oi i ee, i i in lew mans. . in i i 'i.v i-d ilertnin f.perattonn and n-, M. l,-iot-llcaulleil ilcs-riiieti inrrs -i i.,l in fit- lost- of many Ill-Id shim i m. tbi.ds fur meellil tho ti.omeiit of j ami f-rtt-two laru'i- el-no wmi. which i,-, .-cih-jis.-h; elrM. I le-nvlnp cold In' cl n bi-nushi up lo l.ombiiid War-tlM 1ankH f(l). ,1,.rnil,ton ,,.iym..t,ts, a 11 . . - .1... .ii.. i-!a. wmw paiti-r, t lrc'i "'urnwi, ' k,i :n the'w ti...,,. rrformlns from thlr h.trem-hrd ; ut.llz.-.l .n.-i.iilt; in- '-,' ' 1 '" " ' " . ,,, . n.,.. ... .he .In.- of 1.0WI.Z. eliojc- mianco of l....t t.-rn. tieaMiry N....W. tanf, ";, .u, o .. llliisk... i-sayed a new us an rimi-ine i... ...... ,, . Wt. ,.,,. i,i:i,.i,,i .(t One po. , Warsaw and IvatiKiiind. but tlilr.llj. b.t poslponltmr payments, iih .s lh i-riIlc, vlll.iu-.. that wis . .. . ,. . . I . I . . . . ..p ,1.1, lira 1 o. nils'. li.T.i-,1 It.lll Cl't- .... ,i...l ...i ...ii. were tiir-t more tnt'own naca. u it . -- ,,, -- t , ..,.t hiii-- i ue inn. inn. hub iu-h , no. the ltissau success wis due lain iUpplltM. (men aa-.itn. Two hunuieu men were soon ll l.eid'e 1 ilt'l'l and .tiM'n-t .irirelj t, theii prcp,iiilernnc.'- in ar lillery ..nil t . the ..cellent dir. ctlou of the-r ar dler.t lire. In the news tber- is the iiitcr-st-inp e .mnie'it that tilt- ItiiHslim fortllied "nt w-sl of ihe Vistula had Ik en prc- DHIisl w.ek.s Iliro. wlllell seem., to ll-IU' ! Uotiu for iIiIiiks iciiuls.tiot.i-il and e-ct- , tain iUpplltM. 1 The lluuldalion of the i-olmsal sums which tvlll hate to b- paid on accouni of the wnr Is llkel to cMentl. at -co id Ins to M. I.eroy-Hcaiilli-u. from thrco to ' bve years and will al.Morb tin- Kreatc't part of the world's snvltiKK. ko that piuKi-cs will lie Kteatiy .... i ..... 1 I . .....I. !.,.! ou inn Uus.lan coiltelltioii that tile .Miacia-ncii nun uu- uinmn ... ...... Or man i.tH-l-n of l'.i'.and was t-x- ller.-nt will b.- t-barced with an nd jr uil inl 'Inl flrand Duko Nicholas, dltlotial flno.Dno.oOO or 7u0.H00.0a0 francs for iiecli-al r-aeons, witlidrcw bin 'or-., from western Poland to an Ini-',r.- ,.,Mi. i, no In i entnil Poland. must hatti bien ltinoetn. it it it. ir them. ! "In the future we shall hate tn hold an lniiulr Instead of liootln them W. inarched to Maubert Pontalne In the eve- t nlns. .lust a.s w. were havim: our m-al i an iil.uni was sounded nt cry one Is tery. Jump. Tht report Is that lo nriiueo of the enem have taken up a position n.-ir Meil-ros. i M"".MOO,O0O to Uu.OOO.noO) a year. tl.t ll-i squadron A in. II. Haled. "Ainrost . Wh have heard that 259,300 CAPTIVES IN GERMANY. I Kiuadton of has been almost an-1 1 nUiiIated by the enemy's Infantry III a ; , . i.. . ,i... .,111'iirA tt .. tnnrelleri . a hint from olllclal sources' i-j,-,.ei.-,e rr.-oel., s.Tsm llrlil.l.. ) L,y l.ii.l.aye I ") i. , .,iri t,f tin Itilsslrtl Plan to' rrlli. Iiiomle. uKust2.Off at 3 A. M. In almost I , ..p. au,.iit- In Poland 'n as In I ondoni (V-t 17 c. total darkness. On the other side of i, 't'. i; rnviiistt.k.epa trcmendoiiM ib.i.u.. eu i.onuoii., ui. i.. .ti ,)nmlll,.rv raw to a wood when- it! enuaf.-d tlu-ri-In Up- winter, when oordlmr to official German est. mates, i.elllsli tire Mopped us. Tim whole eiUu , i .nt:. i;.. would I"- ill favor of tho tho Kaiser's armies took L'Wi.Snn prlh- of the wood was a lliiti of lire. Thero loners u to evtober 1. w- P"" V lVe-'1un,',.r ! I ' , , ., . bodj tliouclit or itiunc us i.i n- ....; I'PII' H'lPlMirBimt' 0f l,"'M' lS0 ",fl,'l'r'' M'1 S,,,"IJ '"" ' There was a sh.ickliiR mess. Shots canie r. II ll,li.ail , nM,., ni.-n arc llrltlah. 170 oITIcith and i troin every dlnvilon. At Inst the cap-. U KU,K Wc,",r ..,i.rr-l".S50 enlisted men ..c-ll,i.,. 2.150 off.- ' !'' '"X'lJ'V 'Mta! 'I congratulate you on The Grand Pianola. It is the climax of all paver - piano instruments. " E. HUMPERDINCK until lrloii llnrk, PEERESS SINGS FOR WOUNDED. j -. in-,. -,7, fui-rehpondeiits 'n ."it; ti,' itporl tbut c.innonadlni; was lnrn.i -dai by the citii-cns of Wal--aw : ,, iial ,i nPlv l.attl.. .s raKlnK fes .r the ritj. The heavy rains of V nai i,tk were vJIsn.strujii to the 'ie n. ,, mans. At tile time tliey ov-i'-s eii t., advance their heavy artillery e ' ,,ml,inllii" distance of Wniwiw tho r 1 i nine Impassable. W ft f ,. iius-dan tittucUeilall alor.R 'he l r,. -ii,. ejermaiis. conipellcd tn kIv w.r .t -., forced tn abandon many run.i "'' - i ej. not l.t- moved In tho mlreii "01',,!- In oriU-f to till tll- Kapri In their aturj .i ml transport tlio termun- H. wm Hni to th. stilcketi soldl-rs seireii inrsrs rrom the peasants, taklnt? - . yen ,,. p,..,r..t animals. Tho natives . BRITISH OFFICERS KILLED. nre ..ini! n, rmy ,y tlestroyltiK ! ""'-es , , lavlnir wasto the- tb-lds. I oers and enllstcil men Kdsslin ' hy fri,.,i an, foe. It wns a Bravo error l.o.i'uii euiist-u , ()) tn(. .,,,.( ,,f 11, Sinn io suin a I'-si- -,..W .....r.ili rift rir IhfW- UrIlV' mer.i oa u iimin ,.i.,n.. , , nnd L',o,"o ofllcei-H and men .'r--ncli. days It was dawn nelore we coun. re sume our march, and then tho HrlnK com- ,if.inr,l nr-nlti. - - - "The em nit Ins 1 n remarkably well Duchess or Westminster tlso llrltes trnl,u., n mai.lnB use of the ftround. It was lle.1 l r 'nr In IVaiu'r, an awful Hunt. tuir machine coinpany -.uffere.l he.itllt fioni our own shells tte lly itulrW .te, .. ; advanced iiBaltt and twain and rorced n Pauls, Oct. 17.- I'ollowlllK tho e-tample 1 Zmmti- hattall'iii to retire. Then wo of l.mina ej.ilte. the opera shiBor. who Is marched to Vlllicr-le-Tourncur, wh-re sl.iK.iurn.. the soldiers at the ,,1p,tnK. , the division bltouacked. A t he v llaKef. , . , ....... , , In the iiciBhlMihond were blaz.nif, as our the luichcs of WestmliHter. win. Is '"-r- ( rtllit.,.y i,d set lire to them to protect self driving a e'ross ear. went to u;Ui;a1nst att.ulis. music store In tin- Hue lloynle jesterdny j "AuKUst 30. We have selzttl Aubon to buy I'lt nch and KubIIsIi honns which court. W. wi :-. In a t.-r.M.l tlcht place. ar we nave pnsneii i,t..'ih ninv...... "September 2. -At Itethcl, which haa been i iliii'il. AH the H".l with tvonibn beams and roofs nnd stafk.i of fovtiltur. fed the tlnme.s to the full. Tho The Grand Pianola (Priced from $1350) The climax of all player-piano instruments M.iji.r-l..-t. unit l,lent,('t.I, tllllttell Lose lilti-n, Siftlal e'ufce Dttimleh lo Tur. Si". lAisnoN, Oct. 17- Tho War of lice an nounces that l,li-ul.-l'ol. Mawel!, hell' of fmn l irn Sir Hetbert Maxwell, tho wed known smashed writer and lecturer on Scottish history, was killed In the lUluluc at Antwerp. I.leut.-l'ol. Maxwell, who was .17 eurs , of age, rervid with tho Grenadier Guardi. In South ifvlca. He was a well known spiirtntiau and author of scleral bonks on partrlrtKo and covert shonlln':, The (usually list Issued b) the War Olltce Included also Hie niioie of Majoi eieu, Hubert Ian Wetheral! Hamlltiui, w ho t.-ris l.lll.,l i tn. ii..i 7, .Newspapers here hnvn tlen. Iliimllton hud be.ji In the uiiny 'f e.v. d (lesM,-hes from cnricsponilentM for thirty-live years and received numer. n feinwrad who pay thai Prs-.eniysl has I ous de,sirations. Ho seited iu the Kup '"'Ion Thr S ,, oontlrmatlon, but "n K"11"1 -M"rlrnn canninlKiis aim ''rninn aiteinpts lo cross the Vistula I ' wr'' 1 by tlio hlKh slnKe of tho nte- mado It Impossible for them e nii'-ii'u.'t pontoons. Hundreds who ''etr.p-ed to swim their horses across 'he iiua ucre mowed down by Hus--nn an .11, rj- PIMKMYSL HAS FALLMW IS PET HOC, RAD REPORT Cii. tu ... n .Mitlrioeil, Hut lliisalunn ( null. in,, slt-m-, l-t-trouriid i s. iicj Cabl- Drttwtcli In Tub SI.V next day the town was nothlnB nut a heap of ashes, S. ptemher .lStlll at IlclnG, KuardluK ' luisoners, Thu liousrs aro clnrnilnu In slid Ian n what a state' Kvery hit of! IS ,r i .1 , l fjtiod nod ' .,,1 .,ii i-.i.-s are The" Vntidnls them- ""' ia, stateiiieiits show that the Hub- j -ns 'i.ite not abandoiied the h!oko us u.i-. ..ssertcd in Vienna. l''er. is heavy IK'htlm,' south of Pr.i i-i.n: where the Kussluns are rcslst iB a strnntt Austrian army which ml tinned from tlio eVirpatliiuin to tho "lief of tin. fortress. MltMA.WS OX' defensive; I.olelt-iskl ii. HiissIiiii l.llleli.l eniPn.ent Whs, Wi was mllltnty seen tary to l.rd ICItelieiiei In South Africa. He hold tin- siimc r si tlon under Lord Kitchener In India. Ills latest pci.t before tin- outbreak of th" war was th" command of Hie Noith Midland dlvltlon. GREY'S RELATIVE A PRISONER, I.ONi'ON. Oct. 17. A wireless despatch ft om Htirllu, qui, link' nu olllclul statement I. sued lit the Germ in army he.idqmirtrrs, says thai t'ol Grey, relallvn of Sir l!d- I w.ud Grey, lie Hiltlsh Secretnry for For- r'Kii Affairs, Is ;i prlfconer In tho hands -M.VilTOV rY.t IT rv.l t-l, ln ... the I lerm.'i MS. rnl '"rry attache to the ltusslan Umbassy, The ilespatch nais Piat he was the oh. ' l mo foiioninn htaifint.nt to-day: server I a Urltlsh aeroplane shot down J'ao mornlns itowtipapors of Saturday, near I'nunuo, A. M1SSIMC A. Ravenscroft: Siddons left home of relatives Octo ber sixth, with intentjon of having operation performed in New York City, for a tumor on. the neck. No fur ther information has been obtained. Any particulars regarding his whereabouts and physical condition will be gladly received. Ad dress M., Box 140, N. Y. Sun Office. HUMPERDINCK, ns an artist, is widely known as the composer of the lovely fairy opera, "Hansel and Gretel" n work of such exquisite imaginative quality that it is quite aptly called the "Peter Pan" of Grand Opera. In an entirely different field, ns a teacher of harmony and higher musical theory, he has also won an international fame. In 'common with every other great musician of the present generation, Humpcrdinck warmly endorses The Pianola ns a musical instrument of unusual artistic impor tance. And Humpcrdinck has gone much farther than mere endorsement. A master of the art- of imparting musical knowledge, he has found it desirable to use The Pianola as an aid in the musical education of his children with results most satisfactory to himself. So. when he characterizes The Grand Pinnoln ns the climax of nil instruments of its type, he is uttering not a superficial cuphonism, but an authoritative opinion based on unquestioned musical judgment and a practical knowl edge of the instrument of which he speaks. In the mind of no one can there be a doubt that the grand pianq is the, most perfect of all musical instruments for the home. Its tone quality and adaptability as a solo instrument is unequalled. The Grand Pianola is a grand piano it serves nil the purposes of this instrument. In tonal capacity and beauty, in smoothness of action, in every piano quality, the critical musician wilt find it irreproachable. But The Grand Pianola offers infinitely more than any piano. Its wonderful Pianola technique enables the musi cally -unskilled and unlearned to enjoy the entire resources of the greatest home musical instrument enables the musician to revel in a repertoire embracing the whole of musical crl. The testimony of the world of music upholds The Grand Pianola as the ranking instrument of its type. Those whose pride of home dictates that they be satisfied only with the best, obviously will choose The Grand Pianola the piano forte supremel The Talking Machine Department .1 full line of ( 'iiliimhia (ireieiiiiiei.i nml I'ictor Talking Murhinrx, All the Inlcsi I'vlnr and Ihe j'nuinm (' n I n in b i a Ueei)rd,o, Courteous ejjieient anil , prompt aerrirv. The Grand Pianola is obtainable in these three models only The Steinway, The Weber, The Steele. Prices from 1350. Upright Pianolas from $550. The Aeolinn Player-piano, price $450, will be delivered in your home for a down payment of $15 On Sale, in New York, only at Aeolian Hall The Aeolian Co. The Largest Manufacturers of Musical I nsiruments In the World The Piano Depart ment .In immcHae rtoel: af Imth (irand and l'p riflht p i it n o a , The world's lendinij pianos in their respective ijriulcx. Price. from $-l'0 up inird. Easy ternix. Renting. 29-31-33 West Forty-second Street, Between Fifth and Sixth Avenues wMll'e"