Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. REAL ESTATE MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT NEW DESIGNS SHOWN FOR FIREPROOF HOMES Architects in Prize Competition Make Plans for Small Houses With Many Attractions Ati,..:t I'm e liunilrril architects from b!I juris .r llif totintry took part in o cump '. ' recently under the iiusiilces of t' t li'" khiiitdrr, for plans for a. mbiillaii cottage t' mlllt 0,1 11 l,lot , th a frontage of .'.0 feci on u street nil 11 ll,,h of 1,10 fwt't' lJlll"' t,e,itr,f'd drsigns ninl some excellent rfanUng resulted. TIip two designs to w'hK h li;-' nri'l second prizes went ew-irlid ir" reproduced here. The r qulroments of tlm competition were "ah ns to make It unusually In-1 teres! "h- 'J lhoo who t-nntcmjlnte erect tig Knot Thirteenth street wll be Improved i with 11 three story storo nml dwelling by Hcnjamln Flsler nt on expenditure of i $10,000, nnrt on tho went side of Kant Fourteenth street, 80 feel iiouth of Ave- mio Vi the Homecrcst Hulldlug Com pany will spend J6, 000 for a similar structure. "SUN" BRINGS PLANT HERE. In r.ngltsli NllkiiinUpr Interested lnriiii ti.v lteernt Morles, Y. Villi, manufacturer of itnv in thn suburban district silk nt Hove, England, Is to establish rbout X. in' York cliy. In tha place ire pin' oxioo feet, 18 nnout tho aver age fU" purchased In tho nearby sub n plnnt In Queens as tho remit of n store on tho Industrial development of Quern printed In Tub Bpn Inst Juno. Tho story u" 1.1... I......-.!.... ..A ... 1 Ul.. " , , . . . . M, filHU 11111 111 lit! lllllllUIl llllll lll'l-lll'l 111 ' urbs f T home, improvement. i no i j.roblem tailed for ft liruproof structure ' everything was being done to help tho end garage, tlio latter being almost es- manufacturer. Mr Wide. ha rommunl- ! sentlal in these times whan So many , rated with A. I., l.angdon, trnlllc manage;1 , suburban residents have their motors ' of tho Lorvr Island ltnltrond. as to what , nd Ptct. r keeping them on their homo i his road would do for him, as 'he planned , vrtmU instead of in distant garages. ' ,0',,cn,n a HlIk "'ant , , 51"" ,, . ,,, , ,,,, ,,, ,,..' Queens Is growing r.ip Id y ns nn nd'is The pr. hlei.i nbo Mated that tin- h ui.eltrln, .. H may from ,h8 was ti ! ft a Ij pi- sultablo for niibnr- M!ntlstlcs on tho subject collected by tho; Jutiti- n distinction to country liou-es. Cenus llurcau for tho Department of vunt ? i as to say that ailjolnlni? Commorce. According to theso the num. li.ats n either side were supposed to bsr of factories In Queens borough Inn t.' impr ' I vuth itweiiings ana tnnt tno h.m. t be planned should be nno . !i w mid 111 nicely In both .Mzc nml deien No l.tnlt of cost was establlshnl. T e ir uf award, composed of l'rank flioiiMiii Jlrown of lloston, K Kills Jn .iH.'ti "f 1'roVldence, Oilvln KlesslltiK of Xen Y'Tk I.inn Kinne of I'tlcn and J" It VV'illicr f Cleveland, wero nnan. mou m a,irdlng llrst ' prlzo to William (1. Itnntmil of Hostnn. Of this (lejlpn the IrfeUiilWrr says: "lrplte the Jjlo.SOO In estlmaled rust nf nnentlnns. nthcr .letiilt of the entrnnce Thpro wer ,lllrty.nvo pPtt.atons for Increased from .IDS In ISC t to "71 In 1901, n nil It Is now etlmnted that there nro i inoro than 1,1 no manufacturing establish ments within tho borough limits. 35 BUILDIN0S FOR QUEENS. Tluil utility rinnneit I.nst WitIi Will Coat XIII.UOO tu lllllld. IlullJIng operations In Queens during I th past week reichod a total of only end w'lit th. JuiIcph felt to bo some what n --.. dim; of features across the llrst m v the house was In plan so r el!, r.' v adapted to the limitations of pi "Ki.imnie and nlte: the ilesmner new buildings, of nn estimated cost of JI62.I0O. fifty-two applications for altera- I tions nnd enlargements, of nn estimated ', cost of 130,100, and forty-one applications ! bad c. franklv accepted the narrow , for p'u,".,,,'nr,,np,,rm,", of nn ,,llm',t"11 front.,?,. i,nd yet treated his logically ro,, ?,. . r-Jultn.; design so mildly, simply and ( (.luMveIy to ,e crwllon f ,iUpi1t.,, nttraciv, v that his drawing was nc- i framo dwellings. There were no npplle.i- cepieo as easily mo uesi nil round so- j tions inert for the erection of tenements. u'ln of 'he problem received. In fplte 1 Th It. A Weber Sill; Dyeing Company of th colter roust melon behind the of College Point will enlarge Its plant by jmap.'t where dilllcultles night result ! J,1'1' "cetlon of a huge eoncrete unit nt i In nortlum localities In protecting ex- , 1 Xrfvt nn'1 f,CVtfnth av,,"UP CMeK" I at I In'orior plnster from leakage of roof water. Of nil tho plans at tmptlng two living rooms nnd nn cn trnni" 1 rl hitohs the front of the bulldln?. this competitor alone was felt t h,i condensed his vestibule nnd dt'Onvav l'olnt Among the develojier who will erect I frame dwellngs nre Frank K. nilison. who ' will cieci two story duellings on Vnnde. ver HVemiB north of University place. ".Voodhaven. nt a rbit of 2.5oO each: fieorge C. Ilackert, who will eroet two' onvavto a point where such a scheme', tory dwellings on Klfth street east of , i- o.i. ,,,i,i. ,i . . Sneileker avenue, I n on Course, nt a cost ns p-s-IMh within the narrow dlmen-. nf ,nft .,, , n,, si .r- pevltlr(l. The perspective, out-' w ho will erect two storv dwellings on .de of a somewhat nwk ward layout of i Kuiton street east of Wyrkoff avenue, mi" intr bay roofs. Is gracefully nnd lllchmond Mill, nt n cost of K',500 each. 1 churm'ngH- rendered." I - Jr;ri,:.pj,.'!iL!h'e rr.:0.1,"!...!:!.'.7:: jollying tenants to behave. ! to w'.i . li n prlzn wan warded In Tub S'''s recent country home competition. The pmn however. Is unite novel and In'crc'.tig The design Is the work nf .lera'dd 1 'abler of New York. Of this drnnlng it Is said that "th draughts man ns uued- as he fairly might under th pi'vrntnmv his house fronting neirlv north upon the street, thus de "rtnimng his" arrangement of tho plnn rd Im of kllelien nnd entry. The Mr.,i. w' lie llmt:lng the 0f the pard. n a 'he rear. Is yet placed in cou ''rirxt relation to the house, making It pa- M. t'te owner to rench It ensily, rnneniene Ignored In many of tin des'L'n" The second storv Is rather rn.nd'd p irtleiilarly the bath, but tho i(inltn room- aro again plaeed nt the n rtb and the exterior simple, II vr ,n, while somewhat evidently In fnf d ,,y the woik of a leadhfr nr--h'..,i - vet free from (pin glnrlsm In om;ue. ;nid a perfectly rational snd ,i, ce-fful ttfatment of the assumed Jr -biein " CHANGES ON SIXTH AVENUE. Old I'.hrleli Slurp Viiit 1'nllrelr Hented In l,f(, , M,,,,,,, T i,,-., ,.,,rl. t he oi l Khrlch Uros. s' H'rth avenue, frifot Te'eiitv-sec- "rl I. Twi,t, -tlllld ll"-t n, yes..r,i v i.y josepii Appell. furrier. This ".s 'ne future of St)i v .-, ime. once ee of i 1 , ading shopping street of the tf Drleli Hro,. MiKpinilil ,i.1hf wnen Si'h nieuiie proved no Iotj.t the g,e,t vtr. pt it w,i fornierlv. w r ,. ,,, , ,, t,iil''l'-. n b'ork tvI. avenue nnd ext along , r., ,, Trvv streets r"1 o-ianie, W1,s a big pnIem. The rwners . on hided Hint I' pen'' . u.ed fef no'iiing hut a departnieri .tn-e Jiav ng he,- hum for such purf.-e.. St there I remained .cnnt a fow -ears va'tlng ,r 11 ''et'iirtment store to tat - : K""ter "me down from up Slate full of fnb'tlnn II I MM,,.nt he could .1,1 i vi-.'eh ethers feared to try revive th crncr department store Af'e. .i t-v he K"'" up Ho the question whit to do to an inenmi from ths bilMJi ; was I'ke.l iicnn ! wis ilre'del then to biiKII- '..' the V'r H''a"'' for '"ft purposes nut 'o put store, , ,,,, ,hl H(l(,ot flooi ,n , hnj) prove,) ,!, pronor ,0tnM of 10 ,-,,!, m , ,mVl' 'rl,n rented and jno ,r the four upper floors through the th huddJn?""' JP' 0mP',My' nKfn,', fr I'nppr Issued by OtTnrr Trrsely fells 111, Wishes. Ie Hoy Hall, at 2193 Vulentino svenue, has Issued tho second copv of I,e Hoy Hall llulletln, tho first hnvlng been published a, year ago. The bulletin Is for tho benefit of the tenants of tho big house, nnd be sides the advlco It contains, lelng amus ing. It Is Intended to help toward tho pioper management nnd reduce tho cost of maintenance of tho apaitnient. The bulletin has four pages, and ac cording to the flaring type nn the front page costs $1 a. copy. The page are llll'M with tersu ndMce us to what is ex pected of every tenant I.lttlti children nro welcomed, the bulletin, says, "but please keep them fiom In front of the entrances Last summer tho front of The house resembled Coney Island without the ocean." "Throwing letters down the dumb waiter Is dangerous, l'roin samples we have seen they -might bo used for black-mail'n-T purposes or they might be tha cause of breaking up what nro now hnppy home." lolntors of tho rttimbwnlter rulo will have thilr names placed in the ".Society Notes in I.e I toy Hall." How to wrest'o with steam heat radiators and thn cold end lmt water supply, nil vexing prob lems, nre explained. Housewives nru re t .Inded of their duty toward thn refrig erator, and hug, roach nnd mice pests. I.e Hoy Hull hns two doctors, one of whom has served on tho statf of !i n Villi In Mexico. The bulletin runlnds tenants that the night bell is not a buzzer but a rnnr, "so don't forget your night 1 key." The owners of I,o' Hoy encourage : children by giving a silver mug to every child born there. Kleven mugs have a I- I ready been passe, out. ! LESS BROOKLYN BUILDING. "n'T " Mmiy Opernllon. I'lninird o, l)riiK I'revlon. Week. Vew constriction work In Hrooklvn a d.'lded s'ump, according to plans n" '' 11 '! tile II. .11. li.,.. n -i i ' ';i I i nirril uur- past ln i III, r i thm i lll'W llllllfllt.KU ...III .., H. '" "III ' 'I T vventv.wlv ,.f ,1. ,i " , in-.-i, in ncuings, (o cost an Tim fo,,r llllill ,V no1 ,,h ' ' lllr week, total operations 1 Jo onlv $270,700, a llttlo mom 1 1 ' l ie tttl ,1 ..r I T- ,,, f. ' ui IMevious WfeK, . I IT,'.. r cm,' , 1 1 T..00.I and thirteen nils nf f,r'ieiiii,,, I,, 0OJt jjo.OOii, l . " " " I'-nenients. tnreo will " " 'llllll I.C I I A .... . ' fiuir.v i. i iieiiii'inm m i.n ' "f .Stockholm street, south of HellUe. nt ,i eiut nf Inn Ann mi... -n.i u ... i... , ... . r - '."'". inn ... iri I'V the Iin Kn II. con . i i.n i onipanv on the north side of . , ' ,M "f ""dford avenue, ,,t i. . J,,, AI' ul11 '"' fo"r stories U'Im II.,,,,. lm liuihllng Coninane lll ''lock fiont on the east xhli, ,,, ., ,. ' , 1 s "lie, between Heveiitv-ninth .. " rM' "-treetM. win, nine two i .. ,' ' ''"""V brick dwellings at a rr, H ,,,',.u't lf"llov. nt the southeast , ,,1, . 1 n(rtt-titli avenue and Seventy rn.nt r11' th "'li0r ""IKWs Anllse- tb -., '"vn"y Ul spend ir..non for a ?' tn cover n plot i,xlflO feet s ittutiieast corner of Avenue N and COSTLY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. ((ueens Property Sfny lie Ohrteil ?ir n I'rnnt I'oot. Appltcntlon Is to b made to Comptroller Prcndergnst by tho residents of the Ozone I'ark nnd lllchmond Hill sections of Queens for nn explanation of th hills for assessments which they aro now re ceiving. Theso assessments according to the best Information obtainable, nre for scwiir Improvements In the district. In this section morn than in any other In Queens during tho pnst fow yeura many sewers luivo been constructed, In ono instance which has been died a plot with !4 feet frontngo, on the Jtocknwav road was Inst year assessed $57.17 for ono sewer and this year another assessment of 1141.05 was plnced against tho nam, property for another sewor. This would make nn assessment of JB.S7 per front font on this property In two years, and the Information Is given that there nro two more assessments to be levied wh ch will bring tho total to more thnn J15 a front foot It Is said that such assessments will hs confiscatory. The property owni rs con ceded that the. Improvements are ne 'es snry, but they say that thn burdens are too heavy to be borne If they aro levied In this manner. ( - X&&gggGi ivriirimtn rxvrrrrrr 1! wr3SBfcp etw! Til s mp m m 1 iir- ' . ':m wwffiyitf !M? S r 1 ; . FTF tnl DYCKMAN APARTMENT IN TRADE FOR LOTS Woman Investor the Buyer Gives Twenty-seven Lots, Some on River side Drive, in Part Payment A $1,000,000 deal with a woman the In the Smlth-Urny building, at llroadwav buyer was closed ctcrday by Arnold and Wat t en street, sp.ico mi the tenth llrne llaumann, who sold for the Moor to lh Anlo Kqulpinent Company, Charles llinsle Itealtv Company the two Diiiush Company has subleased for the six story elevator apartment li'iusfs with Clinton Steel Celling Company tho build eighteen stores on the south side of 207th lug at 13S Jane strcM to the Heneca Dls. street from Tost to avenues. , tidniiliig Company for live years. The at the 207th street Hilbwny station. The j building has railroad siding on West houses rront 3IU feel on 207lh street and (street for the puipose nf shipping; also 100 feet on 1'ost ami .Sherman avenues, 1 leased the stoto mid basement at 494 Mis Carrie H. Weiss Is the buyer and will Hudson street to N'oiah l-'nley and the hold ill. houses for Ini estmeiit. Ill ex- spire nnd basement nt 77S Washington ihange for tho 2n7th strut Iiousm the slreet to Anthony Ilrescla nnd tho store lletisle Itealti Company tnxes twenty- nu iiaseiiient at 37 1 west rwcirtn surect I leveii lots on the west side of Haven avt lnue. running through to Hlversldo drlie. j itioiit t!i feet south of ISlst street.1 measuring 300 feet on Haen avenue, 33'.i feet on ltlverslde drive. 200 feet 011 the souths tly line, and 239 feet on tho north etly line, with a three story Colonial dwelling. The Ilensle Construction Com p.iny will erect apartment houses on the lots. Tho Hlversldo drive front will be Improved with ten story II reproof build ings. It l I I.C. OX HTTII M'lir.KT. wi:st tiiihty-i:vi:ntii .sthi:i:t. .1 Arthur Fischer has lesold for Muses Frank f.3 West Thirty-seventh street, a four story building, oil lot 20x.".S !. The selbr ncqulred tho house nboilt two weeks ago from Francis Ciulsoti through the same broker. The prop erty Is locuted R5 feet cast of Sixth inenuc wi:st i:xn avi:xi:i:. i.. J. riiiiups & Co have said for Mrs. Mallln son to 11 client for occupancy 22 West K'nl aviniic, southeast corner of looih street, a tlnee story dwelling on lot 17.5x65.Cxlrieguli r. 1, or si,i: m:ii citv i.i.vh. FAST 242P STHFF.T - Ceorge Hill his sold to Oatetano VHP Ho the lot 23. lx ldl.S, on the north side of Fast 2l2d meet, feit of Dlshrnw, place, Jutt south of the city Hue. to Thomas Tlerney. Itarneit Co. have leased tho store at 1711 Fast 126th street to tho I'hoto Nov elty Cnmpnny , also the store nt 64 Hast ISfith street to tho Crown llarbtr .Supply Compauv nnd to A, Knsncr tho toro nt 16 Flint 125th street. Ill IMI IIIIOOKI.V.X IKIMFS. W II. tlnldiy has sold the two family i'I.a vi'.ns 1,1: mi: iiot sn. F. A. Turner has Icawd for Maji (liclH the building at 13S Fast Twenty seienth street, formerly tho homo of the Knights of Columbia nnd afterward us-il as a chunh, tn the llronthall Play ers of Stamford, Conn., a theatrical and musical organization. There will be bal conies, clubreoms and reception rooms Instnlled. The lesse Is for ten years and the building will be completed next mouth. en v iiwr.i.i.i.viss itiiXTnn. Douglas I.. Flllmaii & Co. havn leased for Mrs. James 11 llenedlct, II Fast Seventieth stuet. a flip story American basement dwelling on the crest of I.ennx Hill, to Lewis M. Illooitilngdalc. The Diirofs Company has leased the dwelling at 3S rinivo street for the estate of M. W. Nack to Chnrhs F Hurnham; nlso the dwelling nt 00 Ferry street for John J. Itrog.ui to Wllllnm llr.indkamp. i.e. i.vti MTiiiiuiA.x moins. Th" Westchester Land Fvchnnge hs,s rented thn home of Mrs. Owen Meenough en Qiilnbv nvenue. White I'lalns, to Mr. Fmiiiii C.itrevas of New York city. Julia lleiciley lliggeiis has leased for house 8,"3 Fist Xlnetieiith street on Ashhel flreen his place nt Mount Klsco. lot 40x100. for Second United Itealty Cor- N. Y., 1o Halsey Mnlonn of New York, potation to a client for oecupaney , thelfrmi Xnvpmtiir I, for one ymp wfw bungalow on the east side of Fasi I Maxwell Smith has leased for "tho Sears Fighteentli stifet, between Avenues X j dale Company tn David J. Davis a dwell and o, for Mldwood Asoclates to n clhnt. Ing nt the corner of Overhlll nnd Circle roaus, fearsome, .v . I'l.AX" COll IlltOXX PI. AT, Plans have been tiled for a five ftoty tenement with stores' to be erected by the lsaiie Leader Itealty Company from plnns by (loblner & Holdheig at the northeast corner of Park avenuu nnd lS3d street It will cover an area of 7 r x S . 1 nnd wl'.l cost about $7i,.ooo. ri.Ml 'IOHUIMTOW.V IIIDIR, Fitderlck Humphreys' has given to uuius 11. llrown of Ilronklyn the general for occupancy ; tho new one family house on the west side of i:at .Mneteentli stieet. near Awmie 1, for Ascutney lteidt Company to a client for oceupnncy. and tho one family house nt 77? Argle road, on lot tOxlOO, for Mrs. C. Hui baoher to .1 client for occupancy W. It. Onldey has sold the two family hiiuso nt SJ3 Fast Tenth strn-t, 011 plot 40x100, foh the Hi mud I'nltcd lti.ilty Corioratlon : also a new bungalow 011 the cast side of Fast Fighteentli stieet, between Avenues N and o, for the Mid wood Assoi niles, a new one family house on the west side of Fast Nineteenth strict, near Avenue 1. for the Ascutney Healtv , contract to fleet a two and a half story Company, and the dwelling at 779 Aigylol terra cotta block and stucco resldenco nt road, on plot 40x100, for Mrs. C. Itur-1 Morrlstow n, X. .1 Tho plans and sped bacher. F.ich house was sold tn a client Mentions were prepared b1 Harris T. for or.cup.111c. . I Ltndeberg, who estimates Its cost nt nboilt Frank A Seaver has sold the two story 1 $160,000. Thn house will measure nnd basement brick two family house at1 40x150. 472 Sixty-thlid street, for John Hell to a! I Mr. llofer for occupancy. . XKW IX Till", I'lr.l.n. John Nelson has sold th" two story and r,.P,iinnn,i e 11, .n- ,., r .,,. SOIL MAP OF QUEENS. ! ItlCltMII.M) 1111,1, S KI.F.S. . I At lllchmond Hill, L. I , II. 11. Williams & Son have sold the three stores, on plot. For llenrnt of llnllders, Architects '40x100, at 2"ll to 2M1'., Jamaica nve tine, fnr'H. J. Culllngfoid to nn Invertor: nI"1 "")""' nl) .thn three-story on ttjQ south I The topographical bureau In Queens Is side of Jamaica avenue, twenty feet east ; colVctlng Infoimnt'on of tin character of of av line, for t'10 Hank of Long the subsoil of the borough. The work hi Island, und tho three story building 011 1 In en in progrc-s for several months and the south side of Jam ilea nvenue, forty 1 considerable progress has been made. The feet east of Haven place, for A. Weiss. 1' Ml ItOCK WA V IIOTI ItlXH.I). Albert Marker! has bought from the ( Hrown-Welss Itealty Company the 121 stoue Park Hotel at Far ltockaway, giv ing in part payment 300 lots tit Jnmnica. Tile transaction Involves over $300,000, HtniMoxn i'rroitY sitf. The estate of rieorge Iipchtel has so'd a plot, 5nxl02, on tlordon street, running iirough to Warren stret, Stnpleton, Stnten Island, to tho Sullivan llottle Works Company of New York, which will erect a factory. WANT T nttrpp "PTflKF. 'RATFii , "Vft cents each next 1,200, three cents WANi LUWJ-il invnL- Alii. 'tch. oxt ji2UOi two nd hnlf ,.im.H ... leach, excess metagi abovo 3,600 per Comfort nml Iliislne.s of Ilie cltr ,.., ,,,. ..,,, APARTMENTS FOR NEWARK. Delillind Tllenl. voar. two cents each. ! "With tbnio rat In forpo In Chicago. A measure will be Introduced In h '"" ' rir. . Tiro Xenr IfHO.nOO (o He Spent 011 Clinton Avenue. Nkwahk, N, J.. Oct. 17. Fall building operation In this city have not In 0:1 bumpered to any extent by lh war In Kurope. Not mal building activities are going on the same as usual. Permits for the construction and alteiatlon nf buildings, the cost of which will ngfie. gate $105, 000. were emitted by the Depart ment of Fundings this week Some architects declare their work Is Just as heavy this fall ns ever and predict there will be extensive building operations next spring, Fdw.ird V Warren 1ms ilinwn plans for tno four fctory brick apartment houscB In riotith Helmont avenue near Clinton avenue, for tho Her man C. Schneider Itulldlng nnd Construe tlon Company ut a coat of $80,000, next I-Bltl.ituru ashing for a reduction of teiephono rates In this city should con ferencos between tho Public Service Com m,rion nnd tho T.eb phono Company on tho subject of lowr rates fall. Nino prop erty owne's' nrsoclatlons, with 11 member 1913, 9.70 per cf nt. on Its outstiindln; capital, Wo believe with similar rntea In forco In New York city and no tolls between tho boroughs the New York Tel ephone Company will do equally well. Thero nro no tolls charKed far telephone communication within the limits of tlm stun tit thousands, nro supporting the ritv 0f Chicago. mcintirn on tho ground that New York ..t mfty a),,, interest you to learn that ought tn h.ivo the umo rates 11s other t, tereH.0 n telephonos tn tiso In Chi-lir-o cities In thi country. It Is clalmol PB0 during tfllS was 48,276, while In that the telephone eompiuiv through hleh (ireter Now York, with morn 'ban twice prlee-j Is Interfering with the comfort nnd ,hn population of Chicago, tlm Incrcaso tho business development of the city, ' ,v, reported to havn been 40,702. A 1, Iter which the Joint cominltleo of tho nine property owmrs' associations nie Company of Seattle, Wash., one of tho biggest department stores of the West. PHTLTTSE MANOR IN NEW HANDS. eondltur tint to candidates seeking election to the LckijIiiIiik1 fays In part; "Our aim Is mid will bo tn secure far tho citizens of Greater Now York tho tamo ratiM for telephono service that nro now charged In Chicago , namely, etnglo line, $43 per year, Including 9'iO outgoing message. Next 210 motstscs, yr.w cmin.VAciiKS Jleglnald C, Knickerbocker is erecting n resldenco of ten rooms nt nreenacivs, Hcarsdale Fstnles. Tt Is pure Dutch Colonial ll style nnd will cost nt least 16,000, Mr, Knickerbocker Is the cast m representative ot the Frederick-Nelson Developer of Scnrsillile Tnlir Over the Property. The Fstates of Tappan Zee, which was Incorporated nt Albany several davs ago with Hubert F. Farley ns president, L. Ward Prince, secretary, nnd P. II. Mitchell, treasurer, will take over the Phlllpso Manor property Just north of Tarrytown, Thn property was laid nut several years ago as a line residential park at n cost of $1,000,000. Twcnty-threo residences have been built theic. Tim property faces Tappan Zee, which Is tho widest part of tlm Hudson, It belli-? threo and a half miles ucross. A clubhouso and bathhouses wcio built last year on the Hudson, Tho original Phlllpso Manor dcvclopeiH old th prop erly lasl winter In a trndo for tho twpnty story loft and office building at the north ent comer of Fifth avenuo and Thlrly II rst'ti trtt TIIADIXO AT YONKJ2H. Iots have been sold at Nrpperhan Heights, Yonkers, to F. A. Wolly and Samuel Stable, and John H. Cnhlll has purchased the Sp.mrr House for occu pancy. Jlt.W HI'Vr.HS IX X42WAIIK. Fetst & Feist have sold tho gotv of land nt tlm nnr of 62 nnd 5X Soulh Seventh ptreet, south of Central avenue, to Frederick "Kllgus, building contractor. This plot nicnsuies 75 feet In width 'anil nbnut 60 feet lit depth, it ml adjoins th land now owned by Mr Kllgus, fronting nn Sixth street, lie will en-ct n lnrgo four story semi-fireproof nddltlon to his wood working plant Feist Feist haw mid for tie' Jacob Montz estate o David Strahan the three story and basement dwelling nt SS Falrmount avenue, Fnst Side, 25 feet north of Cabinet street. This house contains tw nty-tlm n rooms, Including three baths mid nil modern con. venlenceH. Feist ti Feist nlso have sold for Jacob Flschel tn lleorg" W. llrand of Fast Orango thn llorln establishment on tho south side of T.iyior street, nbout 40S , feet west of Main street. The property consists of three lnrgn greenhouses con- Inec.tlng with 11 two story olllce, salesroom and dwelling on a plot 104 f-t front, with In depth of 1,181 feet Louln SchlcsliiKcr has sold for tho An nexed District Funding and Loan A?sn. elation to .Mrs, Julia C Itellly tho two and one-hnlf Hiory frame dwelling nt K9 Sum- mil slrepl, southwest corner of New street. opposite tho new Central High School, having a rrontago or 25 recj on Summit street nnd 100 feet on New street. Tho new owner will occupy after making ex tensive alterations. IMJIIC AVllXirF, l'l,T IHIYI2II, Flmcr A. Miller Is the buyer of the flve-slory flat nt 1071) Park avenue, near Flghty-elghth street, reported sold some time iiki) by Milton C. Henley. The con slderatlon was )39,noo. TIIXAXTI I'OH lll'SIX'FSS Sl'cr.. It Flanagan a Son report the rental of the four slnry, high stoop dwelling i' 22S West Thirty-ninth stree', on .1 ten ear lease. The building Is to be nltercd by tho lessees for business purposes. The firm of 1, J Carpenter, with Al bert I.eldmnn, has leasul the fifth loft at (I, S nnd 10 flreat Jon, s street, poi th. west turner of Lafayette street for n term of years, nnd Hie llrst loft at 4 S3 nnd 4T) 'Prnadwny to tho Aluminum Sales nnd Manufacturing Company for a term of years. Chavlca -V, Noyca Company lias leased Information gathered In now- nvallahle for bulldeis and piospectlve purchasers. 'This Is one of the most Important moves for tho assistance of builders .tlint ban been made In the borough recently. Prospective purchasers of land upon which they expect to erect tenements, apartments or factories must know th character of the siilwoll In order to de termine whether It will bo possible to con struct suitable foundations for the build ings they propose to erect and nlso to ontlninte; the pribable rot of such con struction. Fach week with the upbuild ing uf the borough with larg and expen sive structures information of this char acter becomes more valuable. In the past the prospective purchasers hnve been compelled to rely entirely upon borings made upon the property. This I111H been a costly experiment and occa sions have happened when tho Informa tion so obtained has not been accurate. The topographical bureau has secured from architects, builders and engineers In every section or the borough Information Hint has been obtained by private borings. Thev are now proceeding to make boring of their own This information as fast ns It Is obtained Is being Indexed upon the borough map and Indicates tho pres ence of rock, underground waterway, filled ground and marsh land. WANT TAX SALE PUT OFF. Flushing Association (11 Asl( for Yonr's Postponement. Thn Flushing Husimss Men"s Associa tion has appointed a committee to Urge Comptroller Prendergast to postpone for a .venr tho sale of property In the Third Wnrd of tho Itoroiigh of Queens for un paid taxes. Thn sale was advertised to take place on the 27th. The association maintains that because of the present stringency tu tho money market the city should he lenient In en forcing Immediate payment of arrears. GAS FOR SOUTH SHORE FOLKS. Filrnslnii of Mollis Through llrnnk lin en A pproveil. The up-State Puhl'c Service Commis sion h is appioved a considerable exten sion of the lines of tho Patrhogtin Ons Conipiny tn the town of Hrookhaven Suffolk count v, nfler a hearing In New York city at which no opposition was he'iril to the exercise by tho company oj fianclilses received from tho town bos.rt and Superintendent of VlRbways, The teriltnry through which tlm com pany is permitted to extend Its gas mains nnd nppnrtetianceH Is Hint patt of thn tn-yn of Hrookhaven lying ninth of t main line of the Long islnnd ltnllroaTT nnd outside the Incorporated village of Ilellnnrl. between Heliport and tho l"n of Southampton and between the Long Island nnd th Oreat South Hay IIHIIiHTW TI2IIS PLOT !I,F. The T II A.Kerson Compiny reports tho followln g sales at Hrlglltwnters, L. I . Plot r.rixlto feet, on Hay avenue in Hie hnrhor section, to Mrs, Frances nallui of Manhattan: 11 pint 100x160 feet, on1 Ackerson Hoiib-vard In the Pines, to Mrs. Mary N. llobh of Hrooklyn and n plot, 100x150 feot, on Pine Drive tn the Pines, to Joseph Ward,