Newspaper Page Text
10 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. I! MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY CITY GOVERNMENT Realty Board's Budget Committee Shows Where Economy May Be Practised Without Warm ' Further re imimcmlalli'tiM for I'.'on.uny in tills yonr'" InulKi't wmc inmlc ; tin' biiilcd cMitirnitlP of tin- of 1X1 mate Lint wk liy tho II. al llftuti' Ihmril of Npw Yorll Ih'tminil ly rnutity nlllrinla for Inrcc iiinoiints wer ntt.u'kcil .-pi-flally. The District Attorney of The llronx nakeil for U'1.ll'i'. to which the, lt"iil l lntc Iloanl replies that tin- KiiltirlfH iiki'il for tlm tloputli'M or Iti tills olllm arc nut of all irn.iirlnm to tli-. iivcr-iK' earnlnRK of altorneM In Th" llmnx Hint the ailoitiiin' r rorc Im i "trtni"l o ntul ovrrpalil ax "i.ipaieil the al!uli':i of pniploy orn iIoIhk Imlhir utk n pil Vftti' liiltlhi .. Th hoanl nik the lt.ur.1 of Ot.tnatf rot to itrui.t any Im reuses keil liv i'.iunl .hnlfrx uni' of tli ic in ereaes I to proWil for mi interpreter at 13, "00 a ypiir. o more lmti In alil to manv of tho highest itrml te.ifh.eiK o( forelKn lntiKtinKc. It fpurm tint the. Hherlff. In all of tlio counties of (Jreater New York huvn uske.1 for Incre.ts.. that more, men imiv he placed on th payroll. The rt'nlty Imnrtl asked that theso rrUestH lie ilrnlnl. Thn Sheriff of llronx county wants SlSl.Ki and tho hoard nk thnt If the nnmiint Is granted n law part of It ho taken from the. Shorn of New York r.i-.iniy, as It wait clearly undiritood .n expense created by llronx rnuntv would he wiv-il In tho nilmiiilstriilliin of New 1oik county. ' HedueMon of the I'lre Department limine' In demanded on the iriouml that milcl of the wort, of Inspection fornierlv df tie by the I'lre Prevention Hut ran In now done hy the State l'art.u-y l.ilwir I'cpart ment The I'lre Depm tinrtil ha? asked nn advanee of ITHX") for forty-. t:- additional civilian Inspectors, whle , the fealty hoirl thinks are quite tiiiiicrt mm i) . Complaint Is mad" aitalnM several de partments. Including HclleMic and Ailed Hopltali and the lup-irtaicii: of Ihibllc Chirltlos, that they have mr eo-nplled with the law requlrlnt! departmental estlmite to he made hy Sept. niluT Hi. The board called attention to a l per cent. Inert-.! In the cost of since UMifl and nearly 200 per rent id we )90ri ("if the Charlt'cs Department the realty hoard says: "It l a xlsnltleant commentary mi the city's present method of irlvini, rhnrlty to Its dependent poor that out of an allow ance, ir f3.T33.3SX. fl. -.".:. f.S I wan for per service The Commissioners lllce alon.- cost llftT.ojn." The only critic. sm made of the Hrldite Department' estimate Is that inrt which provldca a salary for a deputy commls loner equal to that of the l'ttsldent of the Hoard of Aldermen An appropriation of $150,000 asked for hy the ('oinmls- lon-r of Hecords the ie,ilt believe would be a waste of puMlc moro situe all of these records rould be kept etthci by the County Clerk oi the Herlster. HELPS HOME BUYER. Kiivornnivnt will lunstime n mortKnKP for I'.OOO ntt them. They aro In the suburbs of tlio town, with every comfort anil ml vntttiiRo that will mid to tho health of tlio tenantM. BROOKLYN HAS MOST HOMES. Sh. I iiv nml I, oiiii I'lnn linn filren .Mnnjr Tlielr Onn Houses. No man or woman who emi pay J2." a month rent and has a few hundred dol lars saved need live In a tlat tinltss he or she prefers It. A moibst alx or seven room house can bo paid for In tweHe years at tho outside, rent payments holnK applied to pay hit-rest and reduction on the inortK.aKe Thero are manv Rood houes to be had for J3.oan within the commutliiK section and ev. n In the ureater city SavlnKs and loan associations ore em pouered under the lnukl'it; law to lend on first mnrtKHKv up to mi per cent, of nn appraised valuation, and the monthly payments on the mortir.iKo o'o cener.illy on a BO-no basis that Is. a mortnee loan of J2,.i00 will cos: each month, one-half of which Is Interest at i! per cent, find the other half noes to reduce tho mortKntje. Profits on this $1:50 average i ; or .' per cent, per annum, and S per cent, profits with these rutin' lily payments cancels the mortunKc In telv years. In the meantime the borrower never has any renewal charces to pay and ho has many options after the. payments cut down the ni ntKHKe mibt.intla!ly as many associations will kIvb lilm a Hat mortgage, and If h" Is unf"rtun ite throiiKh sickness or loss of employment the nssoelatlon will take earn of him In si me way, even sus pending or lediiclnic payments, as It docs not want his property. Koreclosuies do not proceed automaMvallv In these asso ciations ; the human element Is ever In tile foreground ainoriK boards of maii'iKcmcnt. It Is well within the mark to state that three-quarters of thn mortgages held by associations In th" metropolitan district are on bonus that would not have, bt.n acquired by their owners In any other manner. Ilteeeils In .Nomlier Tntnt for Man ) n t (ii it nml tllelia. tn Hriioldyn there nro nioro homes than in any of tho other boroughs of the greater 5 1 v Manhattan has about half the niiniber of ilwellltiffH In Hrook !mi. atnl tjiieuis about half of that In Manhattan. The total for Manhattan anil Ut tin m JIH.OOO less that! tho totnl of Iimiuom In lirooltlyn, which illfference Is within fi.oOO of tho number of homes to be found in Quoon. Tlio City of Churches) has frrmvn rnpldly In the last ten yearn, no much -to that It may rlKhtly b called tho Hleeplng place of workers In Manhattan and u few other borouRh.!. Congestion In the older aoctlonn of tlm city, which Increused rentH, better transit facilities nml the bulldlns nf i-uliw.iys which will ulvo tlrooklyn dwellers the mlvantnges now enjoyed by Manh-ittnu nml llronx folks liavo In ilnei'cisl many to move across the river in th- past three or four years, Ae.-orditiK to stntlstli s that havo been BHthered and which nro said to bo cor rect tin re nre In Brooklyn 147.6iiO lictniH, in Mnnhattnn 75.140 nnd In (.Miein .111, TBI. It onn be rendlly aeen tint the total number of homes in Mnn hattin anil t.iiieens Is far below that of llro.iklyn, which ,t dozen .vearw ago was iiothirir more than n suburb of Man hattn n. SCHOOL FOR SCARSDALE. Iloll.lltiic Will llnriiionlre With Ari'lillrpturp of Colon). The school board of the town of Scars dale Is planning a public school. The bulbil!- Is to be somewhat of a departure from old time schiml architecture, belriB of the low, rambling ono story variety, nrim'ttlnr of an unusual amount of light and air. with nmny lire exits. Thn struo tur will he planned to hnrmonlie with the architecture of the colony. The school board hopes to have the building In readiness for occupancy by spilng NEW JERSEY COAST CLUB. Nr" Hiillillliit lit Vlinrk lllter Hesdr for I'se. The Asbiiry-lt. lnmr Club, which la near romptellon, mav be opened as soon ns tlnl-hed and not delayed until next spring Hevelniiers of the Asbury-Hel-rnar property on Shark 1 liver, overlook ing the ocean have been petitlto.iod hv residents nnd others along the ,Iei.e'y roat to open tho club for the winter months. Theelub house Is three stories high, built on a 700 ncre wooded peninsula. A wide 'eranda Is built around three sides of the building. It will have a dancing (loo- tux", restaurant. Hutch grill, re ception room, lounging room and twentv Hlceplnr; rooms. NEW JKItftEY UK A I. KSTATI! SAI.M. SKW JT.ItHKY REAI. ESTATE FOtt SALE. I Inve5tmeat Is the Jure Foundation of Prof it The only sure way to gauge real estate Invest ment is to find out "Is it in the path of development?" The properly offered at Grantwood, Leonia, and MorKoniere is in a section where values nre increasing steadily nnd have been for severnl years. The State Banking Department by order of the Supreme Court is making the quickest possible disposal of choice building lots, plots, bungalows and houses. The terms are liberal and prices exceedingly low. Already over 1,000 pieces have been bought by judicious investors nnd still some of the most desirable pieces remain unsold. Investigate at once; phone, call or writo for details. BENJ. D. HAIGHT Special Deputy Supt. of Banks 601 Times Building, New York City. Pliono Drynnt 507. ATAIlT.MENTfl TO LET OTrTKMl'IIIED. ArAllTMKNTS TO I-WT ?'tJLK?,.tf J.n; ,A!'!!:?T? - TP- -1i?T V' "N ''H I I g Pease &Ellimai2 WESTCHESTER TICAI. EHTATK fOK 8AI.H tJl'EKNH URAL HSTATK I'OU HALE. Taka Advantage of Low Pricei and buy Lota now in SOUTH YONKERS LAWRENCE PROPERTY At RlvtrdsU A snd Vsltntlna Line Oreat brcln In ona of tha most deslrabla suburban districts. Part of property restrictad to prlvat houses, part available for two-fsni ily houses and apartments. He markable buildinR activity ihtta now. Visit the property today younelf Easy terms of payment Kfsrhed bf hroadwaf Subway tta prrin to Van Cortland! fntk. thn tlol ty to Valentine Lane or by New York Central main Una train tc Ludlow tils tlon. For reap, cdioloe, etc . addret. nirrlran mI (fafalt (mnpan PS7 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 165 West 72d St. Near Broadway 340 Madison Avenrc Near 43d St. Tel. 6200 Murray Hill 55 Liberty St. Corner Nassau St. Real Estate and 56 West 11th Street 8 and 4 rooms nnd bnth ...SGOO $900 105 East 15th Street 1, 2, 3, 5 nnd 7 rooms & Imths, $42031,200 112 East 17th Street 8 rooms nnd bnth $1,000 $1,200 1 West 30th Street 2 nnd 4 roomB, 1 nnd 2 bnths, $720 $2,400 1 04 East 40th Street At Park Ave. 0 nnd 11 rooms nnd bnths. .$2,000 $B,000 144 East 56th Street 7 rooms nnd bnths $1,300 $1,800 116 East 58th Street 8 and 9 rooms, 3 nnd 4 baths, $2,100-52,800 200 West 58th Street Cor. 7th Ave. 8, 4, 5, 6 rooms $1,100 $2,800 24 West 59th Street 8 rooms nnd bnth $1,800 116 West 59th Street 2, 3 nnd 5 rooms nnd bnth. .$1,000 $3,000 27 East 62d Street 0 rooms nnd 2 baths $2,000 40 East 62d Street 7 roomn nnd 8 bnths $2,100 $2,000 General Insurance 11 East 68th Street 0, 7, 12, 13 rooms nnd baths, $l,900-$5,900 Ono furnished npartmcnt, 14 rooms. 4 bnths $10,000 165 West 72d Street 2 rooms nnd bath $720 136 Madison Avenue Cor. 3lst St. 8, 4, 8, 0 & 10 rooms & bnths, $1,000-$2,G00 510 Park Avenue Cor. ooth St. 2 rooms, bnth & kitchenctto, $780 $1,250 535 Park Avenue At eirt at. 7 rooms nnd 2 baths .J$2,500 563 Park Avenue At 02nd Bt. 8 & 10 rooms, 2 & 4 bnths, $3,000 $0,000 829 Park Avenue Cor.TOthSt. 7 & 8 rooms, 2 & 8 bnths. .$1,200 $3,200 875 Park Avenue Cor. 78th St. 7 & 8 rooms, 2 & 3 bnths. .$2,000 $2,900 244 Riverside Drive 8. W. Cor. 97th St. 5, 7 & 8 rooms, 1 & 2 bnths, $000 $1,300 465 Central Park West At looth St 7 nnd 8 rooma nnd bnth. . . .$1,000 $1,200 For floor plans nnd further particulars of the nbove nnd other houses undor our mnnnpe- i HO mont consult tho special apartmcnt-houso edition of Pcaso & Ellimnn's Ileal Estnto Indicntor, 'rjv' WniCll Will UC ,. J MM Wll .VUVl'. aft " " Jlf jSEalCyJL' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 DJ-a-a-aJDJ, j-octEm iiiijiuimnffrrT ag-y Surrounding Kfte Station. i, s 1.1 111 ritOM IIKUAI.K MIKAUK. All ,VIt Service. MM M. IHIISKS . u-t. f.nvllI.PTl?Tl I rices JMSO to tSJ.500 Conee nlent Terms. Information on reauett. IOIIN .1. MUTTON. Mnrlirliljf IJblr. Telepli .lie Orretay 8580 and 6S51 i tVr.STCURSTEU ItCAI. ESTATE roit SAIJ) "Volt HAI.K OH UKNT. AT TAUUVTOWN iMrr' forner rroperty on Main SrcM 1 acres, larira hnuee. ga rnr e.. f.r ssle or rent, reasonable terms, i K M.IinVIIKItn, 4 33 Ilroonio St. New York Al'AimiKNT TO I.P.T t.M'l'ltMIIKll. I APAHTMKN fS TO I.KT UNI'l'llMSllKI). GOOD MOTOR ROADS HELP. I.iuiir laliiml linn Drvflnpril Tnnalil. .rnlilj Sinn. It ; nnip, fiouil tMiiHiioitation r,ipltiiH nml t. colb-nt motor r.iulk an- tvn ri'.ionii gvn for tli r.itihl ili.cloninont on th.; north xli'in- of l.nn InI.iihI In th lat fw ypars. Tin' ! trl- scrif (irnvlileil on thn Port W.iKhlngt.m illvlslon, tin. trolley llniH ami th. riTcntly oomibtri nnphnlt motor roailn tliroincl.oiit tin- HorotiKh of Quecim haw Iir. ttvrttt many awtlon: within a phort ilistarn'o nf Manhattan. one of tho ilevi'lnnniiMits tliat have lirti. "li. In t lllRi. fxtt'llt I. tilt Kat.ltPS of Hrrnt i t-k, a ilnvpliiiinPiit of thp hlchrst typp, coriiprliiinn 1,10 arrns of l.ifh rntlfm unnilml ...tunl., r.n ..,....., (iiiii :Mii,(iiifi h,is li. en hjh nt In ilevnlopmpnt j THE MADISON SQUARE, 37 MADISON AVENUE To those seeking a quiet and comfortable home, amid dignified and refined surroundings, at moderate cost, the Madison Square, corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street, offers many unusual inducements. Pleasant outlook over the Park; homelike surroundings; sunny rooms. Housekeeping and hotel Apartments, furnished and unfurnished; lease and transient. Well trained, cheerful service. No tips allowed or expected. OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY AND EVENING. F. R. GOING. PHELPS STOKES ESTATES. Owners, Resident Manager. joo William Street, N. Y. C. i.ost; im.m v.r.vri: l'Olt H.W.K OK ItK.NT. Houses at Garden City Estates Klirht lure ronma. all Imprnvemen'i; teniu heat, mlfht eihanxe J II finil't KKN. J." nrnari St, Manhattan, telephone "99 Hroa.l work. At tho prcai'nt time, thern aro In courap of construction mor than twclvp houses SELECT APARTMENT DIRECTORY Name and Addren. jNo. of Roomi.J Rent Pirticularj. Agent. CAIRFAY ARMS' Vnrtn ! ""r"W 0'. a,,. on wmla., lt HAST 1QTII ST. and ff ff?f ru;.. under my mon. Ue.lnffi;, DLI.m. Anavtmonfe annorna. llleh-olan. attr.ictlvp bachelor ASIIKOUtl A ro XSaCiielOr ApartmeniS ,.,..,, 1 apartments: conveniently I rn 30H..H0 . tarn st. ' ' E"M fii fid fast qqth ST Mp,Por"5 !n,.M srnrr'ni Dl-DO LA31 OjCIl Ol. .Jjyj,, mimlh 1 mreleni Improvement, eon- " P",'"" , ; " mi.nin. ventrnt locality. Telephone 44'n) erii y-ii . ( II . . Fireproof, lo-tor- elevator build.' . . , . . I no I ht!fr'rlGlCl 1".. anon Inc- all outside room; pnrlouiiiArPly Itesldent MnnT I nC VyllCSlCrilClU , , wltla ",0 foyers: abuiuUnre closet spkrc: .n,r,'.s",'.IVT':'' 2O0 Ilivniismr. mini:. iiVi!." Hl'min. Imtlcr-r iwntrlra: day runl nUht "' ,;" v,..,. IMtln ......... rrlce, Incliid nir door anil rnr- -v4. 'i!" Avr rorner Mlh Street. rlnut- nttindauts. ! Tel Mnrtl'oii .Ti TVl IpSKlCa & JaSDer . mo .Elevator apartment.. All moarm'!' Jr.''nr" ' ' ine JCoSltd W. jaapci ""?"',. ' nprovements. Day and nluht .Mim-rnrii J-I,V 1 7ja mh IV, lhKI M. PrlintP llall mono. senlre. Oinenent to lKlst .St. ' "'M, ' ".f '1,, s.1,.lnr Adjolnlnn Ft. Axe. "'" Suha. j Trf Vaiiufm :Vw NON-HOUSEKEEPING Apartment Honm. oVlirier ItKNTS Inir All meala aerved In Hpart- rhna. I-, ite r.inm I 3DPIMrPIJ iptc comblnatlona tjr. Uvery coiivpnlence. .ill Agent on l-reml, AKiYlo III outslil' room. p. rmanint fir your wn h- er i .,.. ... , Maid Service In- filar.. light inrirp rlnet apu-r, mnat Tel. Colurrfai.j 3 i I S. F for. OOth Nt. llroadwaT. eluded. c nvrnlent Inc.itlon In ciij , I ' HOUSES FOR $1.82 A WEEK. mill 1 1 ii in on IIpIiik I'.ri'rK'il liy Miik llali Cltli-a rnr Wnrl.iTs. Newport in Ilnstlnnd anil C.inliff In TVnloH nro bnllillnir honsps by tlio whi !' nip which workiiiKmi-n tnny rnit or buy at tlKtirps tlmt nrt xtnmi'ly low when ('omparoil to what wnrknicn h.ivo to pay for tho tlio of n few rimnvi In a many family limine. In tlm matt un nml oonirvHtPil Hectlon nf N- w York. Tin- city nf Newport ln ilr cldp.l to erei't SIS lunipet for the u.' of Its thrifty workmen. The hmiws will bp rented from $112 to $:'.0l n werk Of (he 3 IS honsps to be built, "is tmy1 bo hnd for $l.S2 n week nnd thp remain. 1 Inir 10 will be rented K'.ni a 1 Tho rlty of Canliff is erectln 2,,o ' houses fur tho ue of Its workers. Thi ratcH will be about the same as tl.. charKed at Newport. To nnenuriKP thrift and the ownership of lunn. s the i munlrl!i irovpn.ment Iiiim ndup;. I fie small dwellitiK ncqulRltlnt. net, which autlinrl7.fH the cltv tre i"orer tn' o money to Its people for th.' imrch.ue of homes that don't cxereil J'.'.iioo in eoat The city expects that the bonnwer s .1 pay a quarter of the price nf the hnii'e he in putchaHlm; The remainder may e piid back to th city treasurer in twenty yearn at 4 per cent. Interest. Mutiy people In Cardiff are preparing to avnll themselves of the opportunity of ownlnic a house. An Idea nf the chancier of the hou'e I belilf: erected by the city for ItH Woi kern njay be Judged by the fact thit the cl"- Old World Architecture Seen at Grenwolde 'III ill ''lS APARTMENT HOTELS JLE rMT, .lOIITHASII'TON IIOI'SP, Hi:.VTAI.H, AlfriMl I-:. Schermprhorn reported tho followlnR cottaire rentnln at .Southampton, U I., for tllP Hliai)n of 191C, Kor Orcnville T Kinmet, llnnlto, on Oln lanp. to J Bcarle llarclay, for Mrs. P II Burnett at Mulu Btn-Pt anil Toll mio lane to (JeorKe U. Dadmim , for Cllhu Hoot nt Pond and Cow lanea to l'".ilrfax S. I.andatrept , for the estate on flln lane to fleorKP H, I'attir non for .Intiiett T Kllbreth, Dalsj llelda, nn 1'lrHt Neck Inne, to Klien M. Ilyera , for Mrs, Percy Kent on 1'lrHt No-k Inne to Mm. n.-orfto Q, Whltuuy , for William ClKutur, Halcyon Lodcv, on flln lane, to Mr, (Torncllm N, llllaa, Hr. ; for K T H. TalinuKK on fJIn and I.lttlo Plains road to Henry It. Ileal for William Allon Hutler, To Windward, on Oln lane, to aeoro Arentt; for Ml Sophie Johnon, Motauwack, on ToIIhoiiio lane, tn I.yttlp. ton I'ox , for tho eUntP of Jatni'H II, Hereon on Main treet to .'rml..rlek f 1'erklna. Kant Cottage, on Main Htrect. tn William (', Potter, for Minn Julia A. Wll non on Main Mreet to Oren Hoot ; for Mar ahall Kry, Wnyalde, on Hhlnnecock road, to Hobert JlaRer, Jr.; for J, llervey Top. pint; nn Wyandanch lane tn flerard n. I.nmbert I'l.OltlllA HIIAI, UHTATK I'll It HAI.K. I'OU HAI.K Co., 1'lorldn, i.iinoh.1. ru. l.fiOO acre Adclre It, Unci In llaker O, OAHTIilt, FL'HNISIIKI) tOTTAtlHS TO LET, FVIIMNIIUII IKM St:N for tho Winter Baa. aim. For particulars, addresa Mils, C HOSVjtNOIl TUCKnn, 1. O. nox ITS. Hamilton. Ilermuda. i AI'AHTMKNTH TO LF.T 1'L'ltNISIIKII. Bachelor Apartments 11 East 55th St. Opposite St. Regii Hotel Maid Sericc, All Night Elevator Service. 5 Rooms, 2 Baths, Kitchenette 2 Rooms, 1 Bath, Kitchenette Rents $2,500-$l,250. Building ii 31 feet wids, insuring large, light rooms. 'AST Located in the most convenient sec tion of the city, within easy walking distance of practically every attraction. A perfectly appointed .apartment hotel so arranged as to meet the demands of the most fastidious. Apartments of any size desired, from one room and bath to six or eight rooms and upwards, each bedroom having its own bath. Large open fire places. Apartments to let unfurnished on yearly leases. Cuisine and service maintained at the highest standard. Under Some Management ns Cs)fce Iggraisi and quinoxKoim to let roK iiuninkhii niitrosnH. Very Desirable Floor in Our Modern Building 340 Madison Avenue Near IM St, Close to Grand Cent Subway Conveniently laid out with executive offices with permanent sunlight on oil lidess suitable for Architect. Huihler, Decorator or any other business that might cooperate with ours, satisfac tory lease as well as an unusual oppor. tunity is oflered the right party. Call at our office on the premises. Pease & Elliman n-MMadlaon A. Tel. MHO Murray I f II I Fifth Ave. at 45th St. New York Apartments and Rooms with Bath, Unfurnished and Furnished, by the Year or Transiently. SAME MANAGEMENT APARTMENTS OF ANY SIZE Restaurant a la Carte HOTEL BERKLEY 170 West 74th St., ('(HlNril Oi- AMHTI llDAM APARTMENTS Unfurnished hy the year. lUTitnl from soon Annnm. Ile.lnurant n la riirtfi. 33 West 51st St. CLOSE TO FIFTH AVK. New 12-Story Apartment Si lesiir l. i, s, i nnd ,i mint mtUlm' ilrilmi XI n til fervlce ami eleei ir hut i i rlMiiiM' Due lineinr npnri eip A LA CARTE RESTAURANT M'I't.V lll'.SIDI'NT MN(.t a- EQUINOX H0USE,utt'r' IIIIAI. llsTATi: I'lllt N.W.I, Uii.MirliiiM-tt.. I'OU HAI.II MM llii' II. .11 farm, 1? romn linune. Iiiru J trout kiiimiu m II. n piinil, ruiiiniiK mi r in li uy l.irn Si. He rom I nn.l n itii' rnt.l tliroiiiili ' firm, farming uihhII, .rm- etc. i liirJn wnnil, 11,100 wurll Ion' . Jt mil, ternia to null l II. rultNi:i.l. 'ii in rlnKtnn. Miihh i isi,.i, i, '.r. 1 1 I Store to Let. A DESIRABLE STORE AND BASEMENT ON WEST SIDE OF BROADWAY, BETWEEN 79TH AND BOTH STS. SUB. WAY STATION. APPLY ROOM 2, 2231 BROADWAY. Tl I OK h.Vl.i: I'liniiri'tluu, NBW, madam oomtr atora.. lao alda toraa. Hi w, Ttnton , Bron. I'OK HAI.i: In rl.iiiMluiry. I' .nn . f.trm, I.M acre lieiuiifiilly altuate.l. iiii.m'. Iinu.., tenuitt , li.iu.i h, fcllo u "Milet ful c.iw b.iru Willi rlFi'trel' linil I'leiMrli mll.r ll.l.a frnni ilepot. .IIMIeml piyt'i, rou.l t-r.i'.iri i.... Iiu:. prlri', l-O.uon ii,i,.,i iuP pi,,, . ;, onu In oi liuimi' ! 14, rnltvui.i, ru. 11. liar rlnglrni I.iib M.V .U'.ItSf.V HIIAI. IIHTA'Ii: l'Olt .sai.i:,' roil HAI.i: Hrvaral cliolrn Iota. !ii's each, In rtrlct.l aummer rnlnny, on Hanily Hook Uay, liathlni, hosting nnil ilthlnK. Qooit roadt, three mlnutea to water, .oven minute to train ana troll. y, c. C box 118 Son offloa. HOTEL GREGORIAN, ' Til ST Hl.T Ult'lAPW Y S'I' feu Intuit. Mllu p.l I'lf 9 prlnite hut, 1, e. ep'loi.a. . t'po.lire Minnie Apiirlmenia, S .1 per I'tirlnr he. ire... 111, Ii. lid' ip 1 UnmellHt' .ihm.l iien rMli t 1 iitiitotniii oi' nitiiDKi.Y.N roit nCTAl'lint) lIDt'Sh. ontaiiilne It.ioini., nil Improvement, on plot f i',u'' 40110, In henutlful Klnn lllihw y 'I"": 11 inlnutei to New York hy HrlKln n lit'1 "I." I'uhilc .in.l p.troehUl e-hoil. i' anay, ehurrhra of all ilennintiuiil.'ni ' ' " Kor aale at n harroln t.i cah huyar " onrhno.i tlr.l eli. Tor partle'iMr fl lAlinsiN' lliix t?S Sun effl.e. TO I.KT OI'T OI' TOWN I S'h'fltNIrill IJIJ houee 11 W frn n N'nv 11 10 ronui. .n I 11 er.l HUM'll ll.lllwrt with iv .1 ereat n.iv lllro. AU.Ue.i 1' i" ' Woo.lniere. 1,. 1 TO l.HT In the country. thr ' room, uo of barn, three aerf" ' land, llox 136, Spring Valley, N SIJ, T