Newspaper Page Text
11 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT II it lib I iiMH'iililr Mil uk Slnk1 iiM tit iuHlier r.vidcnco of IMimiinir Coiifidfncc. i,n w m ' i "r hkcovhhs H Tiieiil tens niinln .1 lilnlily . n! Tho slrllllliK feature i a wiping out .i, i ih nscrirs bclntj lens ck tlmtl IrRfil require . in view if III" fact . i.ikc .pi fin- in nssutne Unit tlio , ii'.un if they uero made iniblle . n tut ili tli'lt entirely ellnil- rrMuilng confidence In securities nnd t thereby fiirllltiitlhit: the in.Un problem 1 of ri'titicnlnK the exchanires. j Kavnmlile comment wan evoked by the ( forflRti trade stiiletncnt for September. AlthMiKh the totals wcr'o well under thonn ui uiu umv tnuutli I. lit year there wan a mnrh'rt expansion In exports ns d THE COPPER MARKET. MeirUa MIrrrn and Onr-lfnU Cent Lost t.rvpl to Dnte, Eleven and u hnlf cents a pound marks th bottom to dato of electrolytic copper with the previous month mid fur the llret milcn In quantity by producers. Transac- time since last March tin export b.ilnitco tlorm have been booked below this level. Ill our favor. Durlnff tho present month teports nre that the volume of trad out of tho country Is steadily Increasing under the leadership of wheat and other grains. GRAIN MARKETS. Prices tn Hlse Dullish Conditions. rf t. t in n i I. ' oi. . i V f Mtu.l A 'U ' I I I I ,r' i l".m tun i ini, ' furl. ' V. i 1 local U. I ext..' It III : it i i n. t . CO. U'.n T turn ' l.j it fl.'l V i I.. 1 . e ltd..' hive I. M t" COl I" s .- lief i. inn' i si ' . At he f. furtr. .' i - t'eilltlneie- I'nrelun l-'rom the outset of yesterdny's wheat market there was HtrenRth, which was retained until the session ended A feit- I turn was tint rise of more than I ccntn I at Winnipeg This relative firmness was ilny delivered quotation nscrllteii to tlie fact taut the receipts nro averaging about 2U0 cars dally, against but they have been exceedingly email and generally by dealers. Producers but sel dom figure their copper sales on a cash I basis, tho usual method being to compuU I payment In thirty days at delivery point , .igalnst New York or refinery delivery when considering cash business. The dif ference, matin up of freight and Interest, usually amounts to about .16 cent per pound. e'lish sales have been made during the past few das at 11S cents a pound. which about equals the 1H4 cent thirty now published lepiesi lit j me movement or approximately l.tiuo cars .onihtloii of the batiks I'er day at this period a year ago i nnnir nuiiisn crop esnmnits impaneu couragn to speculative Interests. A (t liadiau otllclal memorandum gave the wheat yield In tho Dominion at KiS.non, flfio bushels, against ::3u.0mo,(I0O recorded last season. Thus the most pessimistic Ideas expressed recently nre being borne out. Authorities cabled from abroad to calculate on a 3ft.nno.uon bushel yield In Australia and an Insignificant expnrtablo surplus against nn excels of 5T.0n0.U0D bushels in 1913, when tho production was lOP.dilO.noo bushels Tho foreign Inquiry for wheat on this J slile yesterday did not materially, j lluslnrss was fair, but again hampered i by the higher cottj. American grain eih i ers realize their position, however, and i the view l voiced that sooner or later , ..m iik nt was accomplished , .v a fuithti contraction In I I s re- ltn Unit whs less marked! ileitis weeks It was, ncverthe-1 i ,.iiir.iitory as Indicating a i l.i'ion of the loan position , .L.r In ilia uulbieuk uf tho i v n i nl in the position of the. . i i w io:itlimd by the Clear iimil was plainly foro n ir.oils deelopmelits dur- . ,i, I'inerlliK of , ltMtia following action' s Hank In olTertng i I .it 7 per cent. The slg- i tu i move Is plain ulitm I ih it it marks the leestnb- i.Mii ro :, u. thI loan roar- 1 Ins' lime mlicti tho outbreak 1 i i'i. i umi is -I., i mi'Hints of money iverie n 7 nl cent, anil a few ,'pliolial cnlliiteriil were .is . tier cent. Also ill paper there whs i-h. fling until business was . i. i.T i ellt. . .npnrt.iiue of this relaxa- ninrkt't i etiipnasieil that Is afforded for dug of the stock Th. ,ibllit of Stoc' i.litaln funds on col li . rates will make ms- if loaiit to lending in ihlo to stand the burden -. hi k p isetlhlc il gelu'l.ll u ..f in irglns whero them llsllllli li lit. M. ri1nnei of the bunks i. . .'int on Htix'k i:chauga ii . I r the prttseiil clieiim ! it,. not only a desire to . il sit nation but also a !" i. moil, v maiket has perin.i- ,.i ,.. iipnii a iimifortahle stage. . . .. . j- ... r, ..... Hi.. '(l.-'I'-.'S urn- in.-.ii ....... ... , . that the Ni-W York biink , i,i in extend their aid to the I .,i ! With the approval of i' Kisei'M' ltonril beliiml it mid , . it li.ioks cooperating fully Tun iSuN 1ms learned of some, fair fxport business pending, which may ac tually develop Into orders early In tho coming week. There also exists a do mestic demand, but not to tho extent of the foreign queries. Freight room for copper has become scarce, owl it r to big demand for other cargoes. This accounts for the slurrp In clearances fitim 13,000,000 pounds to 3,00(1.000 pounds during the past week. Delated figures of the United States (leological Survey covering the year 1913 contain Interesting statistics not hereto fore mndo public. Tho mine production of copper during the year was 1,253, 519. 727 iHiunds, while tho smelter output was 1.221. 184. 098 pounds. The retlnery yield iltiriiig the same period was l,iC2.290,&41 pounds, which Included 37.222, "SO pounds of copper from secondary sources not considered In the figures of the Copper Producers Asanclntlon. A complete summary of statistic for the past four years follows' PrrHluHInn In Pounds 191? Sm.lier 1.24J.WVTJ) Mine i.:i.mi,Mi,K5.;.n ItefliiiTy Keetroljlle 914 SV..17I .Like 3I.ll!.2."( ',itiiiir anil U (;.6.'9..W ilnniestli... l.mi.OTCHyi Total iiomeitle ntnl tor- eun l.S,lftl,;4 l.UlM't.'K '. Tumi Ions old and new iHip-r . u.e! ioi Toial tons ore Iiroilucrd X.;i.'i:t ion copptT ore pro lined . . . Average yieUL pr lent PLANS FOR COTTON RELIEF TAKE FORM Much Interest Jlanifcsteil Profxross of tlio Wndo Ryndlcnte. in KKDUCTION OF ACHKAdB Developments In cotton yesterday con cerned chiefly the general situation rather than local market conditions. It was. announced that a meeting of the Cotton Kxchange members would be held to morrow morning to vote on the chnnges In tho bylaws. It wbs nIo announced that Walter It. Johnson had hern elected n member of the Hoard of Managers to fill ono of the existing vacancies. No statement came from tho committee which has charge of thn syndicate plan, but It is thought that tho proposal In Its com plctid form will be submitted to the exchange early In the coming week. GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. Protecting; the Public. Only ensua! attention was attracted by tho announcement one day latt week that , the governora of tho Stock Kxchange hud voted to form a new commltteo to be known as the committee on quotations, i Ami yet this action represents the last step In a movement mnde after an Im mense amount of work and Investigation In the Interest of the public welfare. This movement has betn tho solving of the' problem of protecting tho public from the bucket shop evil, Tho polo function of the committee on i.uotatlotiB will bo tho supervision of mat teiH relating o thu collection and dis tribution of stock quotations. This mat ter formerly camo under the JurlwUctlon of tho onunlUco on arrangements, but no Held of upttrvlslvn over quotations became so enlarged and tho hands of the commltteo on arrangements became so tilled with other matters that It was de cided to form a new standing committee jo deal with this highly Important sub ject. The foiiiwllon jf a new Handing com mittee nccetsttate an amendment to tho constitution of the exchange. The for malKlivi required. Including tho approval of the members of the exchange, will be gone through within a short time and tho peisnnnel of the now commltteo appointed. The work uf tin nuw committee will uo THINK NEUTRAL SHIPS'TO "BOOST" GOODS ARE AIDING GERMANY ''MADE IN THE U. S. A." Kxt'Iiiinpe Kvprrts Think Car Koes to Scandlnnvin Aro for Kaiser. HASH OPINION ON HATES K. position Will He Held In This City to Advertise Homo Products. lU'SIXUSS MEN AT WORK That Germany Is Importing fiom the I country through 8candlna,lnit countries! and Is exporting some goods through I Holland to this country Is Indicated the movements of Hcntidlnavlan and Dutch exchange. In tho opinion of foreign ex change experts. Scandinavian exchange Is below normal, ruling about 2'l, against 26i, a normal rate. Its plcntl- fulness Is believed to hn due to the Inrg" Considerable Interest has been aroused a (rlct supervision, not only of tho sub by tho development of the 1 60,000,000 scilbers In each city to whom stock quo svndleat.1 headed by I'estus .!. Wade, tatloii. ure furnished, but of all contracts This proMisal seems to have elicited moro favorable comment than any plan here- .r..v.M!i I 71 4l4.144.2ltr J7.Von.-jH nus InipniVfinent was ti,rt unfilled Inquiry will hae to be instance, ill a taligtb.e satlstlcd m a dearer bifsit. I'xport houses rates on , among tin best buyers scetcrday. A member of one or thn large interim tlonal concerns, who has Just returned from Kurope, declareil thnt the wheat situation Is Inherently sound, with higher levels Inevitable. Tho desirii to take profits over the week end gave the market brief roaetlonarv 1 spells. Tl-ere l only light short xelllng. 1 which naturally account" for the slow upward trend and absence of violent 1 ttuotuatlons nt this time. Iledgo pressure t.MrM rrimnnlle. Tli. nolnlon wits ven- ' . . 1. .... . - I Aver.ije n lureti cnnBnicrani uie nri mI,nr;, ,OUIHj, eelllnir Is against country holdings or pur- I Htrpurts . . . I chases. ! Coitmaiptlon: i. it. i. ..,.,. .,..,,!,! Total tteu cornier. ' . "-- V."'"'1 . Tolnl iir- and ..I.I coo increase more man o."ini.,.. uumin- ,H r l.or.l.o.iivx) Interior receipts for the week were tn.- World's production. . J.MjjlOl'.lso , Sf3.l0n bushels, against 1 S.lfll.OOO limt Value of iroduclioa in t..v ml : n!? nnn n m. .Shin-1 the I ntiel Mate. .-.. irr.t. Ms 1 ments were tt.3:u.onn. s.431.nn and I.SSU4. nun lespet-tlvelv and ncual sealtoaril ex ' liort. 2,045.000, I, SO1!. 000 and 2.040,000 , bushels. I'orn There was a sudden rle which carried the list to nilvHhcen of nlsnit a 'cent Shorts found difficulty In covcr 1 leg. There has lieen considerable nhsorp lion for large cash hoisos Th better i weather has caused freer country nffer- Inis, which, ltowever, are meeting with a , larger demand. Ktrengtli In wheat wns ' not without Iniluence ; Oats The report that l.nnn.nno hnsbels i of oats wero sold to Australia cau'ed fresh speculative billing Iledgo selling was readily taken. An official Canadian report placed the .ileld In I'anad.i at only Sll.onn.nnn hiishels. nsalnst 408.iino.ono lout settiHiii. The oats market in Wlnnl- , Mt mm'iii ! t lontii tor keep.-i cotniaratliely strong I ,ui.i fiat tint plan will g' for-j Provisions Larger bog receipts than I anticipated Induced cnttired selling for j.'.ls nraelienl results to be hi-I n time Tho bulge In grain checked 111" i"-,l hopes have brlghtenod coimld- depression. No perceptible betterment , ih.- toHPrie Ito'ird gale the w!1s ohscrvisl In Ihe iuli or speculative tlie eal of ll approiul In place 1 Inquiry .t.l llotiM to any such inoile fore siiggcHted, and there appears to tie fair prospect of Its consummation. This nroiioriltloii. of course, has nothing to do with the op rations of the snillc.itc fori the dlsK)al of s u.ntlvo long contracts on the New York Cotton Kxchange. Its ijtj ! success. Iiouever, would hale an Indirect .224.4M Ml . ffect upon the outcome of local enons, os woubl nn thing that streiigtnencu uie Kin. ra! situation. I Various localled attempts to give aid . to tlie grower nppuir to btj taking moie definite mid iffiitlve form 111 Arkansas,! for Instance, a last numlxr of country, merchants are taking co.ton from farmers on Ihe basis of sl cents for the payment I by the telegraph companies to which thn exchange sells quotations tntotign out the c 'Uiitr.v. All contracts so made by the teltgraph companies huve henc forth to bo submitted to the exchange aulhorllles and approved. They nr teimlnable at tho option of the exchange. In hoit the exchange has uielcrNken full responsibility for the use of Its qlip t.itions thr iighout the country.''7.'l i.'&,;ii jm f.l.4ll.0.'ll l.Sn.C3.SI9 A lllu t'liilcrtnUlnK. of the exchang I.IM fll.Vll 9A.MI.ltn TI.e extension out quotations s an recommendations of th. gating committee. The Rinded n control outcome of the Hughe" Investl- enmmisslon sug i.xr 4Ul,:wl.'.C4 90MI1.142 et.isir supervision of tho tin- of accounts and are making agnetiieiits to trlliutlon or qiiolalione io overcome im i,i.i ihi. mitnn tit the ii.unt of tlie In- I Imcket shon evil. Hut the exchange has farmer for six mouths Tills I. il. TS.JtS.iK SIS.MI.CSt l.rnt. oil not 2,1II!.:.!.-M IS.TtC.ifi I In ii.lll.tlim in the 'III "isr.. Ill" noiin.U .,t retltied copper In st-ak on January i, l'.'ll. there was repotted as at smelters, in transit to rcilhcrs and at refineries 247,7S'.i,MI pounds which the Copper Pro ducer Association did not report. These figures c 'inpared with I l.'t. 4 Ct T.0t3 pounds ittock and 27l,072.o4 pounds In transit in tho previous ye ir The imp hslhllity of getting through : their ports of destination oarcoes of cop per metal consigned for Holland and the elimination of liermnny as an lien cus tomer for Amer'onti copper resulted last week lu a matorlil drop In thn amount of time of holding might be extended. Such efforts, which ale h no m ins confined to Arkansas, show a disposition on tlio part of Southern cotton Interests to help them selves and thus minimize the butden of orgiinlr.itlons such as the Wade syndicate The .Unnnortircrs Un-niil of Italtlmoic takes the stand that efforts to i educe cot ton acreage by legislation would he Imth impolitic and unifonomic This Journal, which represents some of the soundest opinion In the South, holds thHt tin tton belt i iinnoi eiitlreli iidlust lts If In one ' gone runner inio me maiier in. in .: , commit on .suggested. The problem of how this could best be domi has engaged I the attention of the Stook llxch.mge authorities for the past four years The present mode of action, which It is b'lievi',1 will effictimlly bar an Impropii . use of quotations, has the hearty of the members of the Hughes commission As a innlior of fact the exchange nutlmrl- , lies hale been In ismstatit communication 1 with the menibets til to th present time I Tin. iissnmiitloti of control by tho ex ' change over the dlsti Ibutloti of quotations is a dr.i.'tlc procedure icir to aoaniioiiuiK us oiei i-roi - , ,,.. .i.;M. i.. ih,. f.r D,,l. ,,s Hum If II uoUllI I I I"' nitnKf - ottnn ClOp It leiestr.ipi. I ' '"' conlenileil llfli wni'ii solo me makiiiK i. use 'Hen Iv H moderate cotton CIOI beiievifl thai the ndjiu'tmciil can be safely left to the experience of men who will he hroiight face t. face with the fact that , they cinnnt go on Indefinitely liorrowlng j money with which to make a crop. , Joltn M. Hale, lice-ptielib nt of the uitui..1T.,t,. stats Hank of Oklahoma Cltv metal cleared troin tho port or Miw lork. , Ktur!j(.si, fr the reduction of cotton acte the total being but :i.012.ii2U pouinls. i , K,111P mpt,,is that w. re einploved against 13, 032, S2I tsHinds In the preceding , Ki-ntueky tobacco glowers a f , w week. I j,.nrs aito He proposes that cotton grow- No effort was made to get any i- pper I r(l im, rgnnl... lu each cotintv and through to Hotterdatn. to which port I .1BHEI, 1,,, nf acreage to the indM'lual there was cori'lgncd III the previous ueeK ..,,.,.. f i,t, r exceeds his assign- fortnetli exchnngt had i.n fmthr Jurisdiction over tnem Viiriherniiirn. It was held that unpen l'.iii ovi r their use lay in tho province of the various Slate governments. innercm States, however, treated the bucket shop evil In illfTerent ways. In Masachus, tts, for Instance. th State laws have abolished the bucket shop, while In two other States bucket shops wore even legalized 1 he tiecessitv of action b the exchange was therefore plain If th. public was to receive .idenuate nrotcctlon. anil the exchange hat tlu.ilb taken this action I. n nsilr c f he i ,1 w'i - t ' 1 Dur , - " i ne " l'., . .. i P tv .1 1 v ! lp" ' f.r-' V 'v , e ' i lltwM. I l'i ..- th tin i ur ' rn'i' there now seeitiB to in a i degree nf unanimity in me hi- u'ti if the proposed plan I . ti.-ks It remains, the inot , ... ingestion that has et been r . popular cbiiiior for action , ,t'. Hie n If It falls to 'i. ar nniplctely It Is pointed i' i ' ' ks obvious cleinentN of ,,.k,si.i by most of the other .. .. , ..-.I Hi- , nl. pint of tho ivefk there . ii.le a distinct Increase III . m the Wall Street district, eii- iis,., In tin. news from the ii. Curiously enough, hmv ti.l. ,. sttengtlienoil later when ..hi ions that the allies were i own. although there was no ,. ,.f tiIP general idea that Ihe .vi".le etnphnslr.eil the prob- it I'.iigetl contllct Theie Is K i . h, f thai the war Is to be tl em-mode exhaustion of tho .' i,ii lnvolveil. and meantime .il tiipoiii.e to the war news I'.Mte pretty plainly the eide i t ,e llnancinl Interests of this ... rrr I' tl e n 1 i' 1- f.r . Ie Ar'- his et- on . cbr . 'nsilon th rtsscnt iletilne In , 1'inet't has a ilhd'.iict bearing. . r. ir' i del s a fair cotijecluro thai lei, I t. i.'i.l to some txtent lefbs-ts m, , Minions In the Herman ctnplto I . , i . report f'om that coun i ! out .-. iij uchaiuei market was i '. ini'C'l lislllg to the hlghi st th, tiitrn.itiott of the gold pool, r in., strength of tho market , i .1 front continued covering by r,,. who sold the m irket short .-, .us of a big drop in ex- Chicago prices; Open- lllsll- I.n. "o l'rrr WheM. tnx. e-t. est llitr lo lie.vtnlsr . Ills Ill's ll. I"' tt't .list . Ilt. l'' IIS 1J'. II'. Corn IKHrilltT T W, T tV, l'i Ml.jr . ... 9-. : SttH !', Ost' Deceinljer 4H. en, tee, iv, t'. Mm MS M'i Sl. 6."t H'. Potk' J.inusrv l.r n I l on l.M Is us lird: IMntsT I" l January 1""i lnM fM 7 l" w Hlh.- O.lolier H l Jatitlsry . . . TO J 7 ! 7: :" Ni-w York wheat prices were: Open Huh f.o't- I'los I'rei lav est est 1IIJ el'iss. Ileet'ltlher '-"tl I.'- Mr ... IS li'. l.nno.noo jiounds The metal was c n signed as follows Christian'..!. Norway. l.X 13. ".' pounds, lienoa. 711.2'J'' ikiiiiiiIs . c.l -gnv, Sfi.ntr. pounds; ilotbenhtirg. Sweden. 2P..3i'.t pounds: Ixmdon. 112.0US pound.. Total. 3.042,029 pound... THE COFFEE MARKET. i ment Ills exefss Is to be destroy ed. I .Mojse Ik Holmes Issu'sl an Intel estlng , ' letter mi the cotton situation cst' iday. I I Their observations in tlv functions of i cotton exrhimges and the )mrt they could take III mitigating the hardships) of Hie present crisis nn esperiallv pertinent. The letter says In part -Local fe- . Ii r Ce. t I I' I I I ' . . B i t e' Pro riarg. ," -t1 .it t J'lh I f. t i , p. r cent Instalment of t io the gold pool was culled ' ,. .in.l Ihe gold Ih now coming 'i however, the operations of I , " I ii conllnod to the hup ,' ' . hinge where absolute nc i. mm. .1 .icrommod.iiioii or where t wnld have heeti dislocated .i.t.i mil heeti refirretl to it. In the golil pool has been used -,. King Intluenoti rather than as for. rates down, n ,i.i accounts the committee In has mold little exchange In the - .nl It Is I disenable to suppose e .irruiil on this evldo of Sir C.i'orgo I His. I II Hrackett. IkiHi con- I w Mi tin. Hrltisli Treasury, to inn ". m tbods of dealing with inter- il llnincinl relations has further t V r V v p'l'imi t'.: i fere , l .'th A'i, I : I i I tun employment of caution on '"i.'S have been entettalned that these eminent llritlsh financial .i I l.e prodnctlie of Hilbstnn ',r. .-s i'i putting international up r a solid footing Kir eleorge n , . Is . hpe"mly well liiformod oil mi iinino. is lirilleveil to have bad I I', th.. ' iimil.'it ly successful tsteps 1 It it sh finance tnivnrd a resump ' i i',,Miii.itely normal conditions, i i . it'on of the llritlsh banking 'ie. thr. tiglt his olllfi's is, therefore, w'. one and It Is expected that ' tie ohst.ll'leM tioll Standing ill the f , ictoi .itinti of iinaiiclal and busl " I, tons in.ii be shortly remw d. ' " l" taken us another lgn of ' nt- , citi. n-o tliat then. Is nil !n- h '.(.icon on all sides for a more ,' I iit'iii,,n upon the piohlent of i ihi St,,! k llM'hango. Whether ' i." sin it. in is .let ripe for action i. - I, ne It Is plain that the 1 h e in Uiil Hlrcet in chilling ' " t. forced Idleness, Tim publlci ' i wit r sent hy a leading hank '' '. i:i' h.uige ciiHoineis In tefer I'e inliiiiliiiiul inantlllllig of id, nit ' ' i piesent circuuisliilices sug 1 ' 't iictiiHl iiotlci was beginning to ii some qu.trtei'H of tho lowivr f" lUtcil slocks now Is'lng " "i i, in, -i,, trading '' '" '' win' h h ih a close binning 'ie fiiiute of the Investment mai 'ii., Kiiperlui; lo-morrovv before 1 ' il CniiniHTC. t'ollllllissiou at ' 1 i "f Ihe heal ItlgH III Ihe ICis'. ' ' ' ' 'i rate rase it is tit,, i iittitimn ' tne i nminlsMuu will apples late ' ''' '. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 situ Plon in wli ch lu I Ih n. k Ives thii ui li no ' ' " e own and ,n, i inlociir.e . " 1 mi ha upon the stability t ' I'i n, a) faliii" of the conn- ' ub1 icniiil ih thai If llir rails " rr.itiled higher rntcs the de duct! w'd ju of IncsUinablo btncilt In DAIRY TR0DUCTS ItLRKET. nt'TTPIt - lleeflpts list wll showed S tininiil jhrlnksae ii l telsllr'1 II iks . itK-iliift 4.. Jin Hi'' pre. lotiM 1,,'tk I lltrlit lll.tke s ..j', tt?, trelll linn ell Then Were till ehmitze III prices le.terrtsv hot s tinuisrsts nioteinent pre. ml.l Motttnenl In held rather limit, d I'lii" pre' ess In i, heller iImiisii'I. Int lower grs.hs dull. 1, idles chow seme tirrniith with a fiilr tllitvetneitt nt Junes pre , sIlltiK. Talking stiek ll little llrtncr. Prhes. Cresinery, extrits. 'IS score. 3J' . . Iiluhet s, nrlng tlrsts, 3k d3,. ui, sur.ts :! scon . SI . tlrsts. 51 lie. Ktste dsllN. tlltw .101f iltl'ti . e,,. to prime. 2t, I'Sr , loliimioi to fair, '-'2 ,i '& I'i'iii ."ii eitrss. v.',tl firsts, ,iii;lhi'.. lower ursdis. ijti .'3i , Inilt ittoli reiiniery tlrsts. :3si24e Lsilles, eiitrent IllBlie. tlrsts. 'JJSO'se. sei'iimls. -I li :'l ie. , ptwer crudes. I ti it 30 e. e. Pin k IliK stock, lield. line. -1 'i ill V . 'f i0'i . tower Brailes, li i If 'e. t'lllll'IsK The tllirleet si ems Ie lists truck hnttmn mid fair trsdlnc prsvie,lls with the export iletnsllil H little inure lotlie. ilsrket closed etiMiller than It hud hei-n nt any time ditrliiB th- week Held skims are tint pres.ed fur s.lle o iltiy I'ltetlt Prli-es telhiw : Htate, tv in., frmh. ethlte and ! (red speilals, H4tl',c , tillered and white, average, fain ll'i'.: undi-rnnnlcs. w if H'.c, Wl.emisln daisies ll'-ill',-.. twin... MUllIPe . Htate skim-. held ne, litis. 1 ! ', l 1 lie. . fresh. i:ill!llr, pour to lair, '"lillirl -Ite.flnts lllls ws.l. wire CI. 943 cases wllh'' last week rine rresh in lighter supply and somewhat liruitr. with tnedliim itruilBs still plentiful and weak. Idrtles ami i uei ks riosen n oi'i- !,.n,-. SloriiKi iKK" "hewed inure uittilty last werk on account or the enpnrt nnneineni. wllh a better loial call. Pine ne.irhv while Ktnl hrnwn -kk scarce. Prices: l'reh Kath ered extras. 321f3lr.. extra Jlrals. 2'J'3b tlrsts SSQSke. sseonds, :li2lc lililles, Sn. i. -Or.. No 2. 1 1 l Pic Checks. ls',r (dr. Itefrlgerators. llrsts. ehnrK jiald, ""litl23c.; seeulids. 2ltl2!i' PvlinsylialiU and nenrhy hennery whites, faniy. large, 4SWf0c; hennery browns. JI4(Jee.; niUed colors. 27 41 S 4 c. 1,1 -1; 'ol'l,TltV - The weak market l. rl diey continued yesterday ntid with Utile tt.idlng receivers were unalile to i lenn up. Old roosters tinner. Murks In fair d-iiiiind and st. aily. tiers, dull. Turkeis In limited sutinly. I'rle.-s- Chi. ksns, H.rUli . fouls. 13'4'ii iliijc.; old roomers. Iltwl2e. tur k.ts. mixed hens and loins Ik4i Hie. riueks. 141i lie geese. Western mid Hmithrn, old. I4e tlulneaa, W. IiKi-nns. 20e. Illir.l-Wlill POtl'lUY Ueielpt. vers mmewhiit lluhler list week, totaling pnekases Turkeys .irrlied H.iturduy am met poor demand P.m y )' pound fowl steady, hut undergradea dull, old rnimlers In IlKllter upd. hut llrnisr Senrhy spilng ilin klliig" nn- winding up and line grades Kouilhs In 4-ilr supply and moderate ileiiianil. Proien turkeys almost diad lletter lleinniid for futures Spot Is Unlet. There was a heller demand for coffee futures vest'idav. December selling thiougli th- cMiinnge voluntary liquidat ing committee from r. 50 to f. SO, and dos ing ."..''.0 bid. offeied at f. 70 Including switches from December to March tit 32 points the litiitieett transacted by tho enminltteo niiii-tlti'cil to ftoiUO bags. Heglnnlng lo-inorrow tlie llquldaeing committee will reielve lilds for new long purchases, this demand to be supplied onlv from m-IIith of existing long con tr.iclM. Ily this inenns It Is hoped to fa clli'ati liquidation of the outstanding posi tion The local spot market yesti rday was quiet, wllh limitations unchanged from the prei'.ous d.i. The Hio market on Prhliiy was qille-t. with No. 7 on f0 lels at l02r.. Hxchange on lmtlon was '..d. higher at 13', d Tho Santos market was stenilv. with No I I Oil rels lower lit l$on, and No. 7 also inn rels lower nt 3$Snn. Illo and Santos receipts totalled r.T.onO bags. Sao Paulo had fi.'i.noo, and Ju'ndliliv had U.fion. New York and New Orleans warehouse deliveries of llr.izlllan coffee for the III ft nv.. date of last week totalled Iiiil-n aL'.ilns'. 72 737 bags for the 1-pOlllllllR i-el ioil 7S.I107 corre- 'ii the previous week T1IE BANK STATEMENT. The weekly slatenient of the Clearing House shows tho average condition nf the banks, together with the changee from the preilous week : Chnntr. from lill prev week. $: i-t.r.n.ooe Dee Ji.ta m ar. fo ",1t,t MW ii; (svi iet..227.f-iO I 'IjxM teniler Net itsposlls . . t Ciri'iiliitl'iu Pinks' cash lu vaults I Trn-t io ' cash In , V.'4llllH Asirrrn'ite ei.h re. Tru-t in.' res with inrnihers Pencil reserve 3i. 191.(100 rr-.tnfi inn 41 ",r,s.oon M.W.ooO J54.IM Inl ine lire Inl ine Ine Ine l.l'T. eon 1 III (OO 3 79.' oinl V list. Oi ill B.ftM.iew eil.ivei 121.00 London I'llnds to Iterlln. A New York man r.seiicd the follow, lieu teller from Amsterdam, which ex- iilnins how eiermanv Is able to sell securities In London anil thereby establish credits III New York: "ArHlrago liusi- 'Th.. closliiir of Ihe Cot ton r.xchiinge I neive 111 nut unite as eleail 111 tills country !,,. wnrl.e.1 untold h.irdshlti tlistn . ! nun tnterlit tunieise: only Inttctid of hut It has i st'ilillsbcil bo.iond taiil the h-liig cnrrhsl on between Amsterdam and fact that i chiing. s nr.. ti's essiiry to tin- Yoik II Is being done betwi-cn Iterlln conduct of modem hnsin-ss. Then- must j H ml IavhIoii and woiks out as follows: i e. oii to extn ess In value the con- our linns here I Amsterdam ) wctil ehoi t cretc worth of an article so iinlversallv j ,, pjoek m lmilon. borrowing tho stocl in use as cotton There must be a hnsls . there for Immediate dollury. They sub upon which mills can contract for their neipiently bought lint Mum. Mis'k in output and t'rit bankers can llirnre upon iterlln, this alis-k bcung slilps fnnn In the iirtatu'emetit of their loans that , Iterlln to Amsterdam, and then front merchants can regard as dependable ns ! Ainstiirdain to Ixnnlon, where It was used ...nswini! the ihole world's crnsp of for returning the lorrowI stocu and on value nuking It atttnctlve for them to . tainlng the proceeds of the preiloits sail ttiac- hog- orilern tor uii-ire srnii!-o The nris eiMls lu re then tninsfi rrnl from I,,.! i ,,, !,,. rl.! This basis can only Umilon to New or'i and used more lor i.' tt-.i n.rooirh nn evcliance. liernititi tiurrhaees of American gooils, .finnrf ,.,i.v offer, the most aitrnc- "Some of then transactions have been .1..- , In tin. world. It Is ills- done with such itrirglns " to leave,'. f..r nrtler the cost of. profit of nmn than 2 per cent for tin- ti i. i.tlom. thin am ! 1 Mitch tiiiddli'itian The transaction hav lertlcle that can be bought for two-i probably totalled filon.nno. I understand .i.i.i. .i... .t.i of neodo. Imr It Is ii self-, sov.-iat New York tlrm-e have done the ai nniit tf the Ticnnlo of same. i.tnelen .-oitld be bronchi to realize the "Theso transactions Hero handicapped truth selfish motive alone would I through the rerIetlont ltupowd on trad ttenmntlv restore values Alttn st anv one IVe. LD-Wl noo Pee .K7,S0H dull wo rv . 1 and 21 11'. fed. 17 nl:"-, I His and over, , IMillailelphhi. , hrnllers, Hill lbs. illtd over, wllh Ih" m.irl.el weak i.-.l l'rlirs follow. l.'i25e: We.lern milk fed. i2 in hen,. 20'u :; i n i-htekens. W'eslern. mlik fed, 19, . inlsed weights. !. latliy, 2 lis. each. tiU n. ti I. ll si . tlei . 4 T.t,'.. eu I, ' 1 - lit latt. IVestsrn. till II and over to do. "' 1 Western, dry picked, r. lbs and over Pj'sc ; old mucins, US' . lsilig Island ilueks. 1 0 'a 1 'j e : s,llnli. Jirlui" while 10 lbs lo do. t '.; 9 Hit.. 3: ' ll.s., $2 ran dark. II 2'.ill li gull . 3 and over, 75iiS0c Pru.en lurkevs, Meslsrn, uleilsd yniiiig hens and loins, 21i:2e, dry picked, nier.iKe. IH',1 19'' I, III SlocU llllli.el. NATPIIPAV. iniober IT lie, lids nf beeves well' '.l.0 head. inallllV eonslKnsd dlreel to local slauuiiteri rn. K"llng li'iinlnallt steal! Ilreshed l.eef, ipllet ntnl ll lie h a ll Red nt U'tlUn per lb for, ordinal r to prime ii.itl.r aides. Ite.elpls of . attes wire -.': head, 111 ilinllnir I r.n fnr the market Keeling e,idi No iirllll. Htnte eels iitlered lloiid teals sold n 112. f.o p- r I'HI lbs. Ilnlbui.l c 1 tea Ii. s 111 .Ml ..Him, Hi Bolsters -il IIP. Dressed inl llrtn. cliv dressed selling at I I M, l 11 'fcc. per lb; ll feit ehlib'H carcasses a "'.ie . eiiitnirt ilressed I2i l,e IW.'elptH i-f shepp ,ii,d laiubs were 010 he i.l lie Hiding 3'j '.nt f',i Hi" m e . Peeling He op Or'lilllli In il loo i-'ll. p ief mid in i or ' g i l prime ULiuSii nils li; Dres-ied mutt i istfiidv ai to lb per Hi dressed lainbs quirt it 1 ill' lleeelpts of luigs wire s a head, aM eon slittisd dlreel I local slaughter re Pee'stur tinmlnslle tee tl v Cnuntr drr.-e,l hits dull at Mil 13c. per lb, fur medium lu limn wollhts. . , linluilltir nitlnnnl bank note. hld by Stste hanks and trust companies The State Hanking Department reports the condition of the Stato banks and trust comnanles not reporting to the CTearlng House ns follows : I l.mns and Iniestmrnts Dec. U7,oon Jjoid 41,1'H.W I1ee.1.is1.r e'urrency and brink holes I3.M7.2'1 Ine 41s,.-i.i Total deposits . MUSIS.. Dee 304, ,U0 li c posits eliminating unintinls dtt from re .i-rre deposllortes and from oilier hanks and tru.t companies In New York city and ex- chaniies . f.67.:ni.Ti"1 nee JH) TflD 11 serve nn deposits .. miO-Uno Dee wi.rjo Petcenttire of reserve, 2L7. Impurts of Mrrrliiindl.e. The linporls of dry (roods end general merchandise at Ihe port of New 'York for the week ended Orlnber 10, a' compered Pioseii i-hhkeus , ,,n ,,r, V0, w(.k and lbs rorrcspnnd' lug week of 1 W 13. follmv- lYeile Previous Oil. 10 week 1913 llrv nmds I1.li22.r,3t I3.0K4.93I) I4.SS4.SIH fiin mils... 15,019.431 15,460. i:i li,3S.,..44ll Totals . U.r.4!.e)1 SIMilSSSl $l.0ti.ri4 linporlathms at New York fur the ear to date compere as folluivs 1911. lirv goods jiji :30.:.i den merchandise . 42 74.en of us would give 70 cents ror a iimiar IP gold If wo knew It to be gold, and the situation In cotton admits of no other construction BUSINESS TROUBLES. AMf)T MANCPACTCttlNll CO. IN'-. t"h brrs In eloaks dresses and skirts. II nest -i-.......t..(ii-!i, a.slcr.ment to f'hns I' llronkhelm Two petlilnns In bankrupt! were also fllrd aKaltist the e-nmpsny bv ' rreilltnrs Liabilities slid to he ICOOO.! assets, 4.f'"0. The company was Incor porated on December ST., 1913. with capital , stock , , CI.DVnit IV A I ST C(l--l'llllon lu hank ruplcy filed against Abraham limit and Her.lainln Kratm l-en. trailltiK as ihe i level 1 roinpany, tnanuf-iiturers nf silk wnl.t. til IVest wentv-sliili irei nt H .1 Aron.ohn. a i-ndltir for ll.'.on An j as.lKuiiieiil was also inudu in Henry II.1 sinner. DAVID WP.IKS. manufacturer or ostrlill feslllrs, S IVaSlllllgtotl JiLlce )irilll'OI in bankruptcy by creditors lie made an asNlxnutent on Detntier 15. AllNIITT O I.AWItllNCi:. llintbrr dealer, S! Nepperhan street. Yonkers. petltlnn In bankruptcy by Ihe Rngllsh 1-uml-er Com pany, a creditor for IMl It was slle-ged , that he made an assignment to William lllntl I.tshllllles. H.tlOO; assets, 13 000. MOrtlllfl PCIIACHNKIt. snlrsmsn, 137 West 141st streat. Illed a putltlnn In bankruplcy. ll.iblllll.B. f,;i, nn assets Wtl.MAM J Ili:t,L, salesman. Mount Ver non, prtltleut in bankruptcy, liabilities, 1 1,769 . nn ass, I. Petition Dismissed, HCIHJI.MAN. YUI.MN CO Judies Maver has rilsnilsaed Dm petition In bankriiplcv tiled on Hepteniber 21 netalnst Hchulmnn, Yellln A Co., cloak niiiiiufaeiurers. 41 West Ketenleenth str'et nn n settlement at Si eents nu the dollar cash. Iterrliers In Itunknipli-t, ISAAC I.HVANDHIt.STniN'-.ludge .Mayer has nppolntril Nathsn Atirsntsnn receiver for Isaac I.eiandi riteln, in. n's and wninnn's furnlshlnir goods, 1 CO I Park iitenue, and Centrcville, N. Y., bond. 4500 Mr. l.tivan dirsteln uls.i made an assignment jes. terdny to William Kirk IlltOADWAY IlII'Yl'I.H AND APTO SI'P 11, Y CO .liidxi- ll'iinl has uppnnleil Miss llertha Itemb.iuitli receiver for Sallm eihlii. who did bustnsss as the llroadway lllcvile and Auio Kupply Company! i-o Yeeev street, bond. II 000 Him was .uithnrUed to carry nu the business tor ihlrly days DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS. A committee of twenty-five prominent merchants mid manufacturers Is being formed to discuss ways and menns to hold nn evnosltlon nr series nf exhibits by t of 'Wiitu titaiin In the ITnltcd States." exports to Scandinavian ports, which, itjtli-eidfd t Invlt thought, nic being sent Into nertuatiy 1 1 171 fa ml guilder exchange, on the other hand, is high, ruling nt 42, agaliuitt the normal of 40 t. This, It Ih believed, is Indicative of credit being developed here nn sales of goods from Holland sent thoro from (lermniiy. It Is recognized that high lates for Holland exchange are also due to the payments of linen nt and dividends on American securities held there, but It Is thought that ne one of the chief emt- It'lM (lermany now has for Its products j to bo sold to other ncutrnl countries Holland Is carrying on a lery ptolltable trade with this country In exporting Oer- muny s products. Much of the goods from cierm.iny that nre coining here are b'.ltig paid for e.iher in guilders or In Amerl-'iin dollar c.- ha nge. Along with the wenltnees In eiitmnti marks, exchange on other Kurd-pen ti debtor nations has dcprcclntid greatly Austrian rown exchange has declined more lliim s per cent. Itiissinn rubl exchange-, which little doall In evui In normal times. tins practically disapiienit-d ainl bankus do not regularly qiloto It. The decline n price has been heavy, ltuscia Is under stood to be a heavy buer hero of all war upplles. An estimate of the amount of credits held by American bankers: in tlermetiy on hills Is pliuiil at alioul f 32. 000, Olio. 1 1 was leained yesterday that an Important hanking concern had .1,0011,000 marks, which were brought around 97, ami which ould only now be told in e-mail quantities and at 11 loss of about ." per cent The Ptlmipal buyers of mark exi'srango ave those who have debts to pay on old orders of goods. lnsui.iuce rates on tlilpmenta of grain. foixlstuffH and other commislilliw going to Scandinavian countries nro subject lo a latiso which exempts tho itis-ur.tnco com pany rrom "risii or iinusn seizure. Without this clause rates are from three to live times higher. This la the rtiMilt of tho seizure by llritlsh warships of three riceut cargoes consigned to Hcjindl ii.uiaii ports, which tho Hrltisli Admiralty ouehlercd suspicious mid as possibly as suggisted by Joseph Hnrtlgan, Coin- mlssloner of Weights and Measures ,nd sectetary of the Majnr's Committee on p,K.d supply. rtfm At a conference attended tiy seven well known huslnens men and Commis sioner Hnrtlgan on ! rldny night It was eighteen more business men to Join the original seien, and to organize a committee to work out the detail of the undertaking. This com mltteo will meet text Wednesday after noon. Having started the ball rotllnc, It I Mr. Hnrtlgan's Intention to retire from active participation In the work of the committee, nlthough there Is no doubt that his iidvlco will bo In great demand bv the members of It It l Mr. Il.irt it-'nti'-i Iden that "Mafic In the I", S. A." goods should be "boosted' at all time, but particularly In thes tl evs, when the closing of many mnnufnc turlng plants In Hut-ope has been made necessary by the wnr. He says that ex hlbits of American mide Roods will dr much lo roiivlnee btivers thnt articles manufactured In this country are Just as good, if not better, thin fon-l.n made articles of Hie same kind, and will stimu late buMlness and attract buyers both at homo and from abroad, lie proposes that at expositions .irrnnaed by mer chants' and tnanufncttirers' nssrxintlons "!' S A goods" shall be placed along side the Imisrirted article In order that people may see for themselves and be eoniinceii of the quality and workman ship of the former. Mr. Ilartlgnii Iuih urged the holding of exhibits In armories and public halls nt the end of the month in connection with the 3'inth anniversary of the be ginning of the city's commerce. Mrs. Julian Heath, n-illnnnl president of ihe Housewives I. civile at-.d a party of housewives tire going lo Patersun by automobile mi Tnesii ij afternoon to see the big silk show. GROWTH OF U. S. AERO CORPS. W on 17 Ih-. limine r port of tien. (Icorge 11. Scrilen. chief of the Sicnnl Corps of the I'tiited Sfntes army, which will bo made public within the next few weeks, will show that within tho past three months this liovernment has mnde trenie-ndous strides In Ihe Im provement of its aeroplane arm of tli. military service. Last winter there were about a tlozei qualltled military aviators In Ihe Pulled uiMiiicti 11n.1111.1n1y 1 or ttiiiiii.tnj. to" .ttates army, and these had to operate ships were seized pending Investigation. vt, seventeen aeroplanes, some nf which uniiusiwortnv as 10 cause the 1913. 1121.311.11, ti',o, ,iig,liif Totals I7l.l2r..27!i TTI.".IU,2'2 COTTONSEED OIL. l,o it Uceoids A go In 4111 lle-a 1 y. The outpouring of eiinle oil has not boon appreciably checked. Sales on the Ii.ipIh of "'.' are frequently leported. Ile llueiM were selling jestenlay III the local This hedge pressure se verl lo produce 11 new s"l of ow scihoii records. Theie was Wrslern absorption, short env eilng and consuming demand, but not enough In the aggiegalo to liningo the trend if values. Hales wcro 7,fino bnriels, Prev Company and Term Stuck Ann P.i).ible. Kill Utter eta. Wurka. quarterly . . . 13 Nov. I West IVnn Hallways, qua-terli . . . pfd 1 i Nov. ! Hubert Simpson, semi annual pf I 3'r Nni. 1 American Soda Koun- I I 'ub in' I 'etilrat Hull. I ways (nrd.i annuel. - 21, Nov. 12 Ma ele Crude Cuba nun 5 Nov. 1 i lllmlnt and Willlauis- pnri mm 12 21 iv, S N'lislnt'i and Lowell. - 1 1 ; h'.nv. 2 pyrene MilllllfacturluK. It-j'e Nni 1 Inir lu Ixiinlon They wwo done prin cipally In Canadian Pacltlc shares and resulted In a decline of several points anil In a sympathetic decline of thn whole Ainerloieit niirkct. The Ijoudou Stisk Hiiiiaiigo autliorltles got so alarmcil that thev have now put up the closing price of July HO a) nilnlmum prle-tts. Hut al though these transactions are thereby greatly bamporrd in slocks they are merrily going on lu bonds whero they aio curried In Dutch, and specially In New- York, nntner." TILE STEEL MARKET. Pessimistic lltlllooU for October io. lot" Sllll Ciilillnoes. t'nless a n arked Increase In the do main! for steel del flops wllblll Ihe next foithlKht, which Is unlooked for b eien the most s.ingttlre trade Interests, Ih-to-bcr's steel buslntp-e will compare unfa vorably with the very pour showing of September. Mill schedules aro now at the lowest ratio of rapacity since tho war began ami product-is mo unable to com mand anything; like tho prices ruling two mouths ago. Hopes cntertnlncd when the war started that American, steel m'intifacttirers would obtain enoiish foreign business to com pensate them for tho loss In homo trade have been abnndoned. The amount of export steel for which contracts have hull placed here Is negligible when com p.ued with the tonnage losses that re sulted directly from the war. Deininnl for the heavier forms of steel, the bulk of which comes from the rail roads, K decidedly light, ntM there Is small likelihood of Improvement in this connection while the roads find It neces sary to practise such rlKld economy In const ruction work and In the purchase of equipment. The effis-t of this retiench ment laillcy Is strikingly Illustrated by the fairly large number of structural con tracts calling for two or threo hundred tons and tho e-nmpb'to absence of orders Involving ten and twenty thousand tons. In former times tho big order was 11m rule; now It lstho exception. The I'nlted States Stei I Corporation has i'1-cei Ily taken the following ordti s for rn'ls: Minneapolis .mil St. Mills. l.fiOO tons; Toledo, Ontario and Western, 1,1100 tons and Western Hallway of Alabama I. I'm tons MONEY IN NEW YORK. It Is understood that tho Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Ministers at Washington are In conference with liovernment officials on the subject of a more rigid neutrality. COAL TRADE MARKING TIME. Hrlntlvely IIIkIi Tcetiiie-rntiirc-i lliere Moivt'd Pe Deieinliel. "Tho relatively hluh ti-mpetatures pre lading over lite last few wc-k hale caused a slowing up lu tho demand fin hard coil,'' sas I'unl .ioi, 'and the 1 1 . i I - is essentially maiklng time pending t In-1 appeal. nice of colder Weather. Market j observers, howevi r, are agreed that this Is but a tcmpoiiiiy condition and that the trade will respond quickly to a return of more reasonable weathei ; In fact there' are repoilH lit suuio ai-ctionri that thn com panliH are eun now- falling behind In I heir shipments, ho that there Is some anilely as to what tin- situation will be when tin- fall rush opens up. "The demand still centres on .stove coal, which cotiiniHiuls a premium when sold by Itself, Mgg i-oal and Ihe steam are inclined lo drag." EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF SPECIE The exports of specie from tho port of New York for tlie week ended October 17 were: Silver, S'i.'ll,22.ri, and gold, j:.7, 4 lil. a total of f i;ri.H71. against a total of Jl.l-llolHI gold and silver last week, and $.Mli:.ll2 In tho correi-poniling week last iar. Since January I the exports f gold amounted to $12S,Ol.i',14, mid silver J.ll.tPi.'UVI, against i-.'isi;.4 1 1 gold, and jrtli.o I.l, ii is silver In the corre sponding period last year. The llilpiiils of .ipi-elo at the jsirt nf New York for th" week ended October 17 were: fluid, Jl0r..ns-, tind 2.V-'.'tl 1 silver, making a total of f 35S.294, ag-iinst a total nf $22fi,0:)7 In the ptis-eillng week, and $!i'l!i.Ss2 In tho i-orreHisiinllug week list year. Since January I the Imp tim of specie amount to l4,i'i'.ii5,17,'l, against f2A.49S.773 In tho corresponding period last rar. BOSTON CURB MARKET. UlTsTON Oil 17 -Kollowins m airs on the Huston curb market Open- llmli- e lo day's I,o w- Cios Sales. ItiK e.t. est inn. fsi Atlanta 22 "i "i 22 ;. Ilav hi ul e Gil 10 10 .I'i 10 SjO 4'alavrrss I 1 1 t 3.V) Crown lleserre.... 1 1-16 t 1 16 1 t-lC 1 1 10 ino IHils.p.ily W re) .tj .i llfl Kaglo A Hluehell... .'..I .93 .!) .11.1 or. First National... . 1 1 .91 .1'1 Jio Irnli Hlns.nm . Hi Pi Pi I'i 10ii Jumbo r.stcnsion . .41 41 .13 .n rem I,.i Ho.e 73 .73 73 73 rW Mexican Metnls .. 16 K ir, K, rief Nevaib Pmijlns . 50 fo .46 .41 less) United Verde Kit.. I 1 US .In Total sales, J.KO shares. Following are elosing bid and prices: Alvarado Hav M Ibis lloliemia Hostnn Kly.. llns & Low. Calaveras . finer . Crown lies. Puis D.ilv Kecle .V 111 1 irsl Nal t.oiil Cutis. Hid. Asked.; Ih) 10 I'i 1.10 llnitiihtnn. , 11 ,l.a Hose P, iM.ltinley ... S.. I.llan-stie ?1 Mex Mrttlls, 1 l-16Nev Pnutlas SI INew Hslllc. Ps initio Copper .10 I South bake. '..i Pit V Kit . 1 00 1 Yukon 1 31C Hid Asked 1'. 2 70 .75 .41 .41 7 .16 .17 47 Nl .r, 15 S 3 fia l f.l I'i S's were coiniiient that the allators. In case of wa would be more In danger from their ow-i aircraft than from thn enemy's fire To il ty at San Diego, . the aviation head quarters, there ate lid enlisted men on duty and twenty. live olllcers. who have become or are becomllng trained aviators At Hie War Department It Is said that both olllcers anil enlisted men are coming forward .111, 1 nfTi ring their services for ail.ttlon fabler than they are required 1'iiler the terms of thn Hay bill there .-an In- in the aim unit sixty olllcers and Hiipiiiilmatolv 20n enlisted men Al the Ihpartmetit, howevet, ll Is said thai Ine nil qtint i cannot be used until the aero Planes are required In Mifllolont number or until all the olllcers ate fully Instructed in their new duties. lien, Scrlven's report, necoidlug o army gossip, will set forth that, while the Ihiropeatis have been iletuoiistnitlng In war the tn-ei-ssltv and the iffeciu eness of the aero, tho Pulled States arm., oper .ithig III lime nf pe.tco beie and using San Plego as a base, has been losing no time lu assembling the machines, Ihe offl ceis and the men needed to make the Aiiii-ric-in squadron the equal, If not the supeilor, of atij other In the world. FINANCIAL NOTES. tispnslts nf Chlesgn, llork. Island and Peiill. 1 nil iters! trust bonds with ths .limes N W'lllaeo committee nt the Trust I'nmpdlit total 32.r.S4 000 id Ills tll.ono one otitsiandliiK Pour dais ago tlie ileporlls wer- 2I.I.". 000. No ai-tl-in has hern taken en the semi- -t mi nt. 1 dividend u.ii.ilH- paid ml Oeenbe- 1 on the 11' :ino 4 ,.p eeni rum-i'silvc tireferred s,,k of Hie Itiillrnail t-e. iltllles i-itiipani. all nf wl,b-h Ie owned bv the Pule-ii PaelOc Itsl't .ad Pavttietil w-ers made In full from 1102 to April I. 1911 SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. CHIDAY. Paid by Sub-Treasury to binks Paid by banks 10 Sub-Treasury l,n. to bank, on ictlntne ... I, is, to binks same t lolls w ei k -. . . rt ey's tt pirlod nie-e-lrlc llollis sioiinil I'lrr luii . in t i; l .93.000 1.9.6,000 ir ooo I S 000 A Inrin, I'. .UMI nsi.M li.l . lii.l . tli ( i; , it i - of electric light globes a'.l over the house woko .Mrs. (Icorge ITru, Jr e-arly In the morning mid revealed the fact that ths house was on fin. The loss was trilling, duo to thu prompt arrival of tho fire d partment. It Is supposed that lightning hit the electrio light wires, exploding ths lamps, Tho Jersey elross f Iper RAILROAD EARNINGS. Central Itallrosd Company of N'es reports fur August: 1914. Chaiiires. e i r llln ge eipeiiHrs Stmt ,. I isi-r mber.M January ,,,, March , l ., . Net liu-ninr Clntlllir close Snrplli-e pnees Bids I'loin July 1; 6 1611' 10 ft. J R (iross earnlnsa S.IMrf, "0 S.JJ eopsr. espenses, e'.'ln,..-si .S1 ii.t.64((l.,iT fi.l s;t Inrnins,, l.:'5j;.W .S.'. BurplUK is,.! a'i; ii" 1.1,3",' U Ine 11. IH, I 1 I' ll th'i, tit, 6 Pee t (02 914 3,tSM" Dee Inc 12,364,074 Per , X4,26a JHcv r,1 444 i.l 422 i 00,1th. lOt.SC. spl,(,f,9 17 404 1431,075 ..Mint Call money ranged 'between fi and 3 per i-ent Tliim tnntiey ruled at 7 per cent', for most ii i;i t m 1 1 1 rs. ihi- tango tsMng i, to s jier cent. Coniineie-lal paper nan quiet, wllh rates at from to S p.-r cnl. Douieslk- eiMiiange on Now Yoik; St. l.nulii, fide, preiuliim; S.m l'rnnclwo, 30c. premium: Chicago, par. Call money In London was Pi ffl; per cent. Sleiilng exchange was stropy; uisl week, the range bcliiir 4 . 1 s high on IMd.iy and ISfitj on Tiicnbi.1 i.'inal nuotntloiiH were Demand, I 07"h cables, 1,!IK, silver In l,npdnn, 2:ivd . In New Vork. f,0Hc New York clearing House statement: Hxchaiiges, 22S,077,SSR ; baUnu-es, H, (1115,113: auh-Troasut't- debit balance, 367.05.. DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON. O.-l 17 -'Hie slnlrnient of the irieipls mid pay warrants of the Trrasiuy siiow s: October tfi.Thia tnnnlh year Keeeipls .. ,2.24.'..22 $l9.-t.t.!'i,6 JIIO 93T.41.1 Pay warrants 2,6i6.;f j:,, ,4I6 j?c 1st jts Deficit.... 1371. si-4 sn.7i9.ty) iu.-,nM., Ilei'elpls from customs Oi-tnbi-r b'-. ll'O.TT.i from Internal ii'ienue. ordinaiy. thnoiot-i inr poratlnu tax. f 1 7. .:i. and nilseeilaiientts. I'tSiHtfH N'ntlnnal hank poles rcieivcd for reilemntlnu. I1.iA1I.63i-, The cssli ! ilrnietil of the Pulled ?atrp Treasurer for Ditolier Ui fhnv s fiKNlIHAI. I'PNII Hold roln 171. "o r.pi Colli oiiilfloairs 4:.7-;.i it. Siller dnllats P'T 1 16 Silver cert I tic lie. 9 11.' HI I'nlted Slales notes ti.Jio a C rillled i hei-ks on hanks .-.6"i Natlnnal bank notes' SV I. " 2 Subsidiary nlier. minor njln and sllter bullloti " t-fJ.. 411 Cii.h lu Tre.i.iuy . 1M ?t '. In national hanks . . T6.tsl'.9IO Available ill Trensiiry and hanks . . SO.Sel.SU:. Hi'duct I'lirrent hnlillltles ir..i,s: i;i Free balance Hi Treasury and banks ires .'d 411 Other Treasury as-cta ini-t) I Tin Net balance III general fund '.e;, HKSKItl r! PI Nil (Inld coin ami bullion JIM o-w eos Tltl'ST PL Nil To redeem outstsutliiig eertllieatrs $l,4j9.0"it,ii9 ejruad toted-cash Meets, In Treasury M72,Usl,II4 1814. for lie- rlbe.l nn.l to ri (l lb lent tn Till' V Su-'i cr-nr til- HARVEY A. WILLIS & CO. I.lnbll.lird 11101.) STOCKS AND BONDS Tnntinir tn Mtick drill nc hrnw fin no per shire now ii-nnlttnl Wc wiHrlt buMrur,n on h cnh! Prompt ft m r.trrful rrnitlnn uf on 1 r r 'ini:u ro.w, ,m utov (i.mi'anv 1'lrr.t MiirtKulU' A" MnUlnit I'tniil (mid Ilum!, Nc.liP fn l.-fT'.-" kI.'-h piirtinru ti f h !trini uf th MortitiiKe it itctl tho tlr-i iUy i)f t ctuln-r, UltS. tlutt Hit uni.TiKnf d,'f. . l efiri M'f I (proineH i. up t j ! m on uie iuir' 'i -i iv or xnveiti tin hill fu U .. hoinln ni a 'OV- it .4 p-l !!. rv Ps-'Umj 105 I ! nt t'l. it tn nn Htimunl uf i.W )J Iv TIM JT CdMPANY, t Cun. ' esti t rru ( mpany of ( lt nf -w YnrU Triliittt, Hv ll U MtiUSI sprrJrv i i . n i , i i Water-Fronl Properties FactorieH& Factory Sites I I 0 II S H(UI.. lOMitll Itl .slMlS. firi'OK'l t'MTlKH. Ill V H foi k lii ')00 ft0 ivmipfiny, jtiai niR,uil7,.'il , nrr.inil It'tor VroP',-tl'jn, nQf ith i U-n-l" itint't Illlll 0 we nm'f nut' U rt tl.-iti n : "ir nnni-s M rr 1 i ti utti itr tvh xtrn ,it : fh trt tin ti() huv j,iiio oo pti ,i!iit nf" 1, litrf iidVeiiirn In to k se'llliK f'-' r--n,l' twit lit t. tor ilr l it. nun'!,, ii. ill Idi n l- ,l,-,-'.irei nnn AM VI iiAMM'l.h nil. IHMI'AV'V linn Cnicsrd III, Is- . ellel ilirull, Ok!;i A REVOLUTION IN PRINTING! Tlin.tiK.i th- I'lNtei'IaMou of iMMiinU' nm-tliiit'-py w" urn iliir. io cut our prlhtlup bMU In li.ii- Mur toHpr ? p.nrt I,ittir 4 'In, fine color if)i l-ttTlf hip, two f.-lirH, IT on i-irnl fnr riimplpn mini nthniti M';TTKllHi;AI) ritlss HniaUvar . IN snuthcrn New Yurie, eonihlnstlnn rro ert- ments and eti-lleni whole ale -in3 retail bakery iniulrei J ,000 cash, best rea sons Inr scllliiK, nu brokers, 1'., has 110 UA,-OfUCS -r:ijivzsiiii 'csis st .-s '-ttf-.ti ".mi BBBS-M.-eTB