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SENATE PASSES ' WAR TAX AFTER . Altman & (a A REVOLT FAILS 1 ; Coalition of Kijflit Son! horn i .Semiiofs With Ropubli j cans Kn(!anjrer.s Hill. cotton y i:x i.okk 1 FIG i IT KOI! I'KLIKF1 Wakiii.notok, Oft 1". Tho wr rer- m lil.l Uin Htnnt.' to-nlcht tjy a vote of 21 tn 22. ftr the utprclon of revolt on Uie part of huuthern DfrnorrHtic Sumtiir that for 11 tun thrft-ni'I tli lull. Vtmlmr r-'lrin-ral IliirlfMin. fMcrrturj . Tumultv .mI .it'll r rt pr-i ntntlvm of tlie ' f reklitu t iiurr.l to iho Caplt 1 lal. n U' iiftiri.Min '11 tM;.un to an alarm turneil I' Ailitilntftrartin Srttori. i I Al I i"i" " '. ft'-ttni')ti a mrivitp of Ihf Binl-. tnmle ly Set iitor llurhi-s of S w .1 tv.' il V" fi t that !Kht S titluiti rWfiHtum hail mt.rMl into an men m 'it to ' with tho Itet ub- Hi-.iriii to t.U. or I-hI nn'.trl) pmttn'ne th war r-xmu b.i: unl. int I-kiU- , tlon wan n'oriKiratnl In it for th rrlH'f of the cotton planter. Hi. ari rt.tlnMt tht probalily one othrr Ixmifrntlr iulr woul'l vote mtnlnt th- bill "n lt tn rlt?. ami aft-r acrount lnB fn- t.alrn anil nlwnlw. It Ioo'kviI If tl'M I'l.l watt I"t on a probable oli of to IT. Ilnllj for tin- lllll. , Bcnator Itunhri ami Senator "IIIr Jm linmi:at ly cilk-tl to thtlr iw.lrt. n nth. r Ailministratlon f nit-rs. The (tro-nnt at arm afiJ his aMtit.t r relwil 1 n.trurtlntw anil 'in o: irsiill'-d eatnpalKii hm to nv IV bill It iu the liurtl ft MruKKl? th" Art mln'ftratliiti lri h.i.l In mini' a ilay bn' the ("Hmpalcn hf no rffertlvt that on thf final !inir of thi I ' n'v two Iienio "rnt M on pi'uril .'i ofpo'ltlon to It. trii f t'ni., S-n itor l.ati. of Or'ro.n, vnt.' l .'iini'nM It b mm- tip it'll tlir alrtl- t ixti. u rc unti- wary. Tim othf r, SViit i inl itti iti. wn palrftl iiiMlnit th bill lie announced that ho hart In-forn-.-.t hia cu'.U orii'i In a party cmi trr nr- lona-' tio tlmt h voulil not vote to lm-r.n- tax -i Kvry votwl acilnut the bill. Th attimpt tn kill th bill or pot pinr It 'i made Immcdlat'lv after the Senate hud rejected S.mtor HoVe Smith'!! amendment for th relit f of th cotton planter b ft vol of 21 to 40. Thin amendment authorized the lu ance nf lmnd by the Federal Government to purchase the auni'iin of the cotton crop for 1S14 and eui eid'nc yetrs If nrcm aary, tl.f cotton to be purchased nt 11 . centa a pound, and a tax to be Imposed upon the production of cotton to reltn burie tho (ovcrnmtnt ucalnrt Iocs In th . venture. The Houthern Henatore ln!rted that thlf amounted to a loan of money to the South, with Insurance annln't lofs to the , Oovirnment. hut the opponents of the , m.nmiM acrlnrfd that it wafi unnrece. dented and would open the way to the ! wort kind of paternal'im. Threo Itepubllcani It-irah. Clapp and jone and otic I'roirn ra've I'olnlextet votel for the Smith amendment. Tr'v-two Pemocrntlc Senators voted analnst the Smith amendment. In fact, moie Pemoctata votl araliiit It than 1 voted for It. An -oon as the reiull had been an nounced Senator Hoke Smith roe and , aald that he regnrdod the wtton amend ment ai a far moro Important matter1 than the war revtnue bill, and that In Yirvf of the fact that the cotton amend ment had been defeuled he would move to "table" the war tux bill. This motion win ruled out on a point of I order, but Senator Vnrdaman then entered ' a tnotloi. to postpone the bill Indefinitely. This motion w is lost by a vote nf 32 to 20. The folio Alnt; Imocrats oted to !Kit ; pone the bill In 'oflnltely: Clark. Smith of CleorKla, Smith of South Carolina, Var-I i tn in .ind Wltlto , All o' the It publle n voted to ort pone. Tlireo of tlie Iiemocratlo Hnator , j) w1k had b n count'd earlier In the tliy I. ns fivnbli. to an lodi finite poioiia Jment bad b en won over to the Adm nls l.trn'i'ii nt 'win d in I Senator w'm Toted acalnut the b 11 on Its final pasi i;e, ' , for eome nnexpli ned reason voted against Ind -Unite poitponement , If Mr an I tne three nstnoortti who app'i''eii'l"i'-l front had, vo'r.l an tlpy wer expected to do It i v-1 .. ' 1 1 him- m' ant a eharue of e'lt'lt V des. ' jnnd ax th- nKtlon to postpone Indefinitely i w is lot by only neven majority t.' ne lrllrpt of Sell tor 1 1 Iwk's noil. Oil w hle't jibe tuirml In a Kem ral alarm nt the Whit. Ilou., wuuld luvo bun verllled by th-i ! emit. i Violent Speroliee, I Tlie te on S'na'i- Vnrdamm'a mi ' tio, ii ii-ere.i.. l bv an hour or two ' of volent 'fch'S. In which some Pno-c-Tio f m'lv llnun was washed and hum; ! iipoo tin- 1 iin. Senator W'llnnw of Mlsilsnlpil ttirnel tp.i'1 th.. I) rnorni'ie SrratorM who weri 'le illti-- the revolt, he.idnl by h'a col- 'fiiMie Mr. Vnrdini'm, and ansil!n.l t'o-m fn, trvlnn to "afrve the Treusury" and " in', i ri-.i fie Adm'n'xtratlon." ' S'-na ii- Slon- nU i " 'iln le.; (tire and Senator O'l e .In'noi. told the dla entern th t thev we o plnylni; Into th" ''hn-da of thele "po"tli'iil en' mv" on th .other M'de of the main nlele of the Senaf. ' Senator l'omertne ma In an emp'mtli , In which be olmrRed that the J; propiwal by Senator Smith was tinprec .fi di nt '1 lief ore the rln a I vote on tho bill wna ..tsVen Senator Overman ofered his 'amendnient dlroetlnK the Scritary of the ' V i to lne to the imtton irrowlnu 'ifltAte.1 of tho South the money collected f nun them under the eotton tax law of 1M".;, which taxed cotton at 1 a bile, and which returned a revenue (iKKreKatlnK over Ilfi.0o0.00n. This amendment fared exvn worn., (him tho Smith amendment, i . belli lout by u vote nf 4 I tn 14 The war lax bid will frn on Monday to .'the House, whero tin re will be a further flKht over Iho Stnato amendments to tho ! bill 'is well as over the cotton Kltuitlon. Th chntiRes made In the war revenn bill In the Senate have, already been "t out In 7nu SfV from. day to day. Tb prliK'Ipaf -J;anes ar" the Inereiee In the ti on bt Irons Jl t" lo Jl."e ; Imriel. an nddli.onnl tat on rectified splitta nf 5 rents mllon. tltq chaniio III the. tax on ilmn' wines tho Increase of tho tax, ' cn tobacco -minufncturers nnd tho chaniriil nf a Kradtutnl lax bdjfi'd on production, th elimination of the lax on life and accident Insurance und the tax tin Kanoh'iic. , GERMAN SAVANTS OUSTED. ' I'llr Professors Who Slirneit II nil I felo l'iielleit l.j I'nrls Venileni), ..eena Crthlt ftti)i4i1rh In Tlix St-S' TAi'ts, Oct 1" The Academy of In. aeilptlnns, In eerret nesslon, nppolritrd a rommlt'ee of -iirht to draw up the itrtns 'of txp.r.xl in of one (lerman ansoelato and fnur 1 orrikponiHnr niembrih. The at, so'lnle in. iiilu r is Hr I'lili ti von U'll nno. wlt.Min lb iidniff and the oorrcjiiondlmr aie Dr. Knrl Dorfeld, I'lof. Ailo'f II trim k. I'uif Paul II .n tlr. tn nd I'r Kill Hubert All of these nulled tu m inlfesto rer. ntlv Isiuiil by (ler r in Intellectuals lie r-nort We.ti.ry Wnrrcr tl.t Ari' ru in ar : ret. cn the damawo to hu Ithelms Culudtal Aim itad. ESIRE to enmplhiasSze the fact that, owiing to Its 'recent eelargenmemit, shoppiffiig can be more pleasantly and easily accomplished in their Store than ever before. Every department has now all the space it requires for the effective display of merchandise and the comfort of patrons; lighting and ventilation are perfect; and everything is done to reach the highest possible standard off efficiency in service. In order to familiarize the public with the excellent values their unusual purchasing facilities enable them to offer, B. Altman & Co. have planned a succession of remarkable Special Sales, which will present opportunities not lightly to be ignored. The following have been arranged for tomorrow (Monday): A most trnusucl opportunity will be offered in the enlarged Lace Curtain Bepcrtmient, on the Fourth Floor, in A Sale of Imported Filet LacePanels (hand-mcde) at $9.75, $ 1 1.00, $.1 4.00, S 1 7.50, $19.50 to $29.00 each (Values $!6.C0 to 55.00) Also 500 Pairs of Imported Siand-made Marie Antoinette Lace Curtains at the exceptional price of per pair .... $4.50 AN INITIATORY OFFERING IN THE NEW FUR DEPARTMENT which now occupies the entire Madison Avenue section of the Third Floor, will consist of Persian Lamb Coats made to individual measure ments in either of two models (each 40 inches in length) at the very special price of ... $1,50.00 This remarkable offering, which will continue for one week only, commencing: to-morrow (Monday), has been made possible by the receipt of a new shipment of fine, glossy, medium-curl pelts, advantageously purchased. A personal selection of skins and linings may be made. A Sale off Trimming Laces will be a feature off special interest on Monday and Tuesday. It will comprise Laces ranging in width from five inches to twenty-seve-inches, and representing the delicate, filmy effects now in vogue. These vilS be offered at the extraordinarily low prices off 38c, 45c, 75c. to $2.90 per yard. This offering comprises more than i 8,000 yards of the wanted Laces at fully one-half less than the ordinary selling prices. Special Salespeople will, iff desired, be detailed to accompany patrons to the Store's various departments. A Remarkable Offering in the Velvet Department will consist of Imported Black Chiffffon Velvet 42 inches wide, at per yard $3.90 being one-third less than the regular price. A Sale off 54-inch Broadcloth (sponged) in black, green, tete de negre and navy blue, and of the fashionable weight, will offer exceptional value at $S.45 per yard. An interesting Sale in the Infants' and Little Children's Department, in its new, spacious location on the Second Floor, will consist of Coat &l Hat Sets for Little Children (sizes Vi to 5 years), featuring the attractive styles, materials and colors now favored in fashions for little folk and specially priced as follows: Chinchilla Coats (all-wool) lined with flannel at $5.00 Semi-tailored Hats to match, of velveteen, at $2.35 Zibeline Coats, with novelty belt . 7.25 Fancy Hats to match, of velveteen . 2.90 Corduroy Coats, silk-lined; wide-belted model, at $7.75 Novelty tiats off corduroy . . 3.00 Fancy Coats off broadcloth, silk-lined, 1 0.50 Broadcloth Kats to match, trimmed with satin at $3.75 The above may, iff desired, be purchased separately. An Interesting Sale of Smart HouseOownsand Negligees which has been specially prepared for Monday and Tuesday, will present a selection of entirely new and very distinctive models at quite exceptional prices. Tea Gowns off crepe de Chine in attractive colors, finished with lace coat . at $28.00 Tea Gowns of crepe de Chine, In white, black, or colors, with chiffon coat to match, $22.50 Negligees of albatross trimmed with feather stitching and Cluny lace and lined with silk, at . ' $18.50 House Govns of brocaded crepe de Chine, in smart coatee effect, with accordion-plaited skirt at $12.75 Negligees of plain crepe de Chine, trimmed with lace and fur . . . at $12.75 Robes off blanket flannel, bound with satin ribbon at $3.75 An Important Sale of Reversible Veflour Portieres in rich tvo-color combinations or with both sides alike, and in plain and bordered effects, at the remarkably low price (considering tho superior quality) of $17.50 per pair. These Portieres, which are equally adapted for living room, hail, library or drawing room use, are priced at one-third less than usual. A Special Sale of Novelty Jewelry and Black Moire Silk Wrist Bags will he an interesting feature in the newly arranged Department in the Madison Avcnuo addition, presenting very unusual values at these prices: Circle Cuff Pins off rhinestones set in sterling silver, or of pearls set in gold-plated sterling silver .... per pair, $1.35 Graduated pearl necklaces, with pearl clasps, each $1.25 Wrist Bags off black silk moire, In plain or fancy watering; fitted with purse and mirror, at ... 52.75, 3.00 & 4. An Unusual Saleof Electric Lamps which will be held In the Depart inent for Art Q'bjects and Bric-a-brac (Fourth Floor) will afford an opportunity rarely encountered for purchasing artistic Lamps at decided price advantages. Boudoir or Desk Lamps, with brass standard and adjustable silk shade . . at $4.75 Table Lamps of gilt carved wood, with 18-inch Empire shade of colored silk . at $12.50 Library or Living Room Lamps, with metal standard in verde or copper finish and painted glass shade at $I5.QQ Floor Lamps off solid mahogany, with 4-inch flat shade of colored silk . . at $ 1 5.00 Floor Lamps (double light) of solid mahog any, also in ivory or gilt finish, with 26-inch flat Empire shade of colored silk, trimmed with ruches and fringe . . at $25. All Charged or Paid Purchases (including heavy and bulky shipments) will be forwarded Free off Charge by mail, express or freight to any point in tho United States. The methods off shipment arc optional with B. Altman & Co. and no discounts are allowed. All Charged or Paid Purchases not exceeding Twenty Founds (20) In weight will be forwarded Free by mall to all Territories, Possessions or Foreign Countries where Parcel Post rates apply. ' J Telephone 7000 Murray Hill wijtrtii-frwrtlj &tvwt Hi)iriij-ftftlf Mvnt