Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. FASHION RETURNS TO SMALL ULTRA SMART HATS FOR WINTER 4 Picture Shapes Will Also Be, Worn -Grapes Among r.hc Favored Trimming s W h i t c Plush Toques Among Novelties of the Winter '--Latest Beauty Veil , R equires a Queer Make- .A'!- .i.piiiiiT.-!, France, October 7. . LEWIS, tho Pari milliner. In show Ing In his brunch establishment fit tti'ifilt? tiiA new models for vla; r c nr. They nre hp lovely s they tire becoming. We seem to have returned ! ui affection for small, Ultra Knurl hniw; nt least Lewi Is ihomr.K these in considerable numbers. tirnicful picture lints will ul.o be vcri- niueh worn all through the winter, but , for ordinary une we shall llml cloe i r.ttlng toque coverid with coque fonth- crs and (iiialnt Utile felt hats with nnr row brttns very much to the fore. Lwn Is nguln using nrtlllclHl graps black, v. lute and pale preen on many of nts new model. These grnpe are always small anil lire framul In velvet leaves. bl.i''k or while. Another favor ite trimming Is a fort of cone made of small grape... This cone Juts out de ll.inly at one side of the hat and clvn n particular!. -mart effect. A hut of thh order Is illustrntcd this week. It i a dose lilting shape, well drawn j down on the had. and the trimming consists of one of the Impertinent look ing cones winch I have Just decrbrd. have seen this model copied 111 dark purple velvet, with the cone trimming; in "black '-rapes framed In dull silver leaves, the effect was excellent. Tbe eeoiid held shows another Lewis model which Is having an Immense suc cess Ju-t n w. This Is a supple velvet shape bordeicd with ermlneand trimmed at one side with a single rose, or with n c'histci of smaller flowers. In ogg shell blue this model Is lovely wh n botvlered with skunk and trlmnied with ft flull pink rose set In dark brown leaves. Soft frit shapes are very smart when trimmed a band of ottoman ribbon around the crown and worn In conjunc tion1 wllh a handsome white lace veil. Some of the new high Implex ate cov ered with a peculiar make of plu.h which closely resembles silk beaver. It Is luui; haired and Is brushed or ironed lint. Toques covered with this material nt1 verv nttrm t:v: e.peol illy the large trk'ornr sn.ipo which are trimmed with n cluster nf winas at one side or wltn very lmg. hut heron feathers. White plus' toques will be one of the leajim: novelties of the winter seaum nnd a d.i.nty notion Is the Introilitctlon ,f a whole ermine around the crown, the only other trimming being a bunch of 'realistic violets placed close In the front. Sailor shapes covered with silky pltith are alo among the novelties -f the hour: some nre trimmed around ! the crown with a numbrr of flat dahllits j In NHllouy shades ,f red and purple. . ,, . . .u - .i,t f tncc hArrioc in fnrm nf a rnne .et Acnrmuig little novcltv is the bo,l " J-cwis inuuci in uiai.iv. vc.vci wnfi . uuv W4 - toque .'over. d with piu-di or velvet and 'at one side: the berries are framed in leaves made of white stamped velvet, tritium d with clusters of Hat roses, the , flower lHn arranged neatly all ar und 1 these nre carved and Inset with sliver: French cakes nre served also.. gla-s. squeeze a piece of orange peel the. edge of the t. .que. These little hats others are quite plnln. 1 have seen Albemarle llraeer Into a whiskey on top nnd drop It Into the glass, h.iv., in. l.iiois and thev are worn I Ivorv buttons rlmnml In rosi diamonds. ! class pour one-half Jigger of Picon, Zni Cocktail One-hnlf Jigger each . . . . i. .... .. .1 , ii -. . prenxed .1..UII on the iiireiifi.t. nut these art not stillnole tor taiioren A leading Pans milliner Is making a milts. They would look well If Intro curious hat irlmming which consists 'f duced on an elaborate visiting costume conventional flowers made of bended 1 which consisted of a black chiffon velvet and' palll. tied mile. The tulle Is shaped skirt nnd a white chnrmcuse Louis XV. Into' petal and supported on ''ry tin", coatt Invisible wni's. I cannot say that I ad- tamV 1"'.'n'V1n,.no,.!',I,ml,1,;' ,,Ul ." ' "r' j DURING THE ROUND OF THE Tie m i;, latest b.-iuty veil Is n cob-j CLOCK. W'di mesit In i'r.iiroiiard blue dotted over Irregularly with black vehet tHLE cooling and tcmpemnce paWhes 'I'lie milliner who Invented this iW drinks nre always In demand veil says the face powder which ac- I p, warm weather the favorite O Mia. l tl"' "A woman must knou) her corset before she attempts to wear it' Do yu know your corset before you make your purchase? The reputation of a corset should weigh with you in its selec tion. On it depends your appearance, your comfort, yes. even your health. Select it for its line and its fit its line is fashionable and its fitting is comfortable. Redfern Corsets have & reputation for style, comfort, and service. Intimate con- A t High Class Shops Three to Fifteen Dollars nections with the Fashion rulers enable the Redfern designers to produce designs lace back andlace front accurately adap ted for the modes of dress. These designs are tnen worked out with choice materials to stand the strains of active wear. Two of the styles most popular this season are : 5eyl 7i78 Uee-Ud 17.50 Style 7)55 Uecfront $5.00 Titled English Women and the War v nent rr h,vm for nn their wish nB to hospital work and sev- A abandoned child or for clothes eral of them are at the front. bitters, n half Jlscer nf brandy, n half 1 of nordon cln nnd Dubonnet bitters, JlBRcr of creen creme de menthe, a I frnppe nnd strnln Into cocktail glass dash of absinthe nnd a tablespoon of i with red cherry in the nnitom. c m pa tiles It must be of a strong "Tta. her tint and that the eyelids must be"tonched with dark pink rouse; like wls the hps. Of course It follows that sucfi a make up looks quite unnatiiril hut It l uniioubtedly attractive, -i in cocktail Is nut overlooked by Its devotees, and different ones are sacred to special hours of the day, starting with the before breakfast "bracer" and finishing with tho "moonlight" nt night. The cocktail habit Is encouraged by shnved Ice. Coffee Cocktail--Take n pony of port wine, n pony of brandy, a teaspoon of powdered sugar and one fresh egg. mis In tumbler half lllled with shaved Ice, then strain Into cocktail glass nnd grnte a little nutmeg over the top. Hronx CorktallOne dash orange hit- ters, one-third Jigger of Italian ver mouth, one-third jigger of. Krench ver mouth and one-third Jigger of fiord. n gin, Frappe nnd strain Into cocktail gojden yellow face powder gives tile fnsonntnK. .sets that shop keepers slclti a particularly creamy nppeornne-j Hnnw for , brewing, and which nre ns utflter i ne dull blue veil and the touch tantalising to the "can't affords" as the ofSv.Md color n eyelids and lips PH t "tiiiitiiltiH" or padlock whiskey decanter tlw finishing touch to an effective pic- j ,s , th(1 t,piing butler, ttnte. j The rocktnll baskets are t specially SAiwthei sueco-sful b.auty veil lJ ,,..Kned for porch use; they are white mjijd'' of hihotrope spider's web net I j,.,!,,,,,,, Wci.r wlth dainty cretonne p-rtvdirrd white pin dots nnd UnliiKH and nickel standard trimmings terivd with two large black velvet . lln(1 (xtures to hold the glasses nnd patches, the latter being so arranged i)()ttlrH In place. tltjt they fall at the corner of the right j Tnf, vtc,y j,tlinl f nckel holds the eyj ami on one cluek. Heliotrope net revolving bottle In the icntre with Its ortulle pow.lend with black and white ! lender funnel to guide the vlchy ill d.'ts is extremely flattering to the rcctly Into the glasses held in the sur Mcin There Is a certain shade of pale rounding, frame, and tho rye or Scotch roj" pink mil. which gives good results filled barrel with Its silver faucet and ItiSlhe same circumstances, but to fair . mountings, accompanies the stnnd. The coniplex.uns the transparent heliotrope ; little barrel of hard wood Is a replica clDU'l .i.tiinst ahvajs proves b( coming. , of the big ones, but holds only the Ipor ordinary use there Is no prettier , traditional quart. f.lCe veil than the length of tine white1 One of the friendly bite baskets has ttijle tin. kly dotted with black henllle n cracked Ice receptacle In the centre pCfi hi.ots If the tulle is of n reallv 1 and over It tits the ruck thnt holds two CW"1 'luallty the veil can be wa -lied sandwich or cake plates, and around rsf.ln mid again. White lliissian net them the vlchv, gases, whiskey and veils in sillt are mote fashionable i Mttcrs bottles are arranged, Whiskey .a.r Mil iiownd.ivs ibe desiuu on tlie1""1! ""da sets arranged on handsome noi-dcr ih not allowed to disllguro the'tniys with nickel racks to hold the American Ttenuty Cocktail Into the mixer half filled with shaved Ice put two dashes of grenadine syrup, one tlurd Jigger of Italian vermouth and two-thirds Jigger of Tom gin. Stir well and strain Into cocktail glnss with a red cherry in the bottom. Moonlight Cocktail One-third Jigger Dubonnet bitters, one-thlld each of French vermouth and (lordon gin, frnppe and strnln Into glnss with one white grapt!. for the destitute used to meet with, faint rcponse," said a worker among the poor In the slums of London recently.' "Now every appeal brings an nlmost overwhelming response. In fact, no appeal is necessary. Clothes arrive In hampers and mothers already over hurdened with the care of children of their own beg to be nllowed to give n home to n small, suffering Belgian refu gee or the children of soldiers and sailors." So much has the w;ar accomplished In London. Kverywhere among Eng lish women one notes nn almost fever ish desltv to be of use, to help those at the front or those In want, or those who have lied from their homes, ami If there Is a certain lack of organization In much of the relief work It is inspired bv good Intention anvhnw. At first all the money nnd work were devoted to "our brave defenders." Kvery rich wmrinn wanted to qulp n hospital nnd st vernl women made efforts to es tablish Held hospitals and to put them selves at the head of bands of specially engaged surgeons nnd nurses. No doubt mnny of these offers were a se who equipped her own hospital, has been at Namur and cama through the slego safely nnd pictures of her Ib "jd Cross uniform with her staff of r ,ises as a background are popular In England. The Duchess of Westminster has had all her household nnd friends at work on bandages, sheets, pillow rases, &c for she too has equipped a little hos pital Lady Hoxbtirghe, who has always been prominent In political work, equipped n hospital In Helglum In ten days, nnd she spends her time going back and forth across the Channel. Lady Sarah Wilson and Mrs. George Keppel nre di recting relief work near Le Touquet. Lady Sarah Wilson has had experience of relief work In South Africa, and Mrs. Keppel Is a willing htlper and con trlbutor. In fact, It ! at Mrs. Kep- pel's house that the work has really been carried out. and her beautiful rose and gold drawing room Is n sort of storage place for the garments and surgical articles collected. A.s for the hospital' In London, their name Is legion, and 'beautiful houses In rious embarrassment to the War Office. jOrosvenor Square. Portman Square Jlayrnir ana ueigrnvia are uying m-u Cross Hags outside, while Inside nre tap- It Is not ensy to reject the offer of nn earnest Duchess with plenty of money. Influence and wealthy friends. You may not want her about, looking lovely In n Red Cross uniform nnd doing nil the pknsantest part of nursing Igno rnntly but zealously. But how can you till her that? Duchesses are luxuries not necessary on or neap battlefields. Hut what man Is brave enough to say this? So both English and Krench duchesses have I'.Jfe; It is rather not row and not at all obJniMlvc. These whiti net vflU look viiy smart when thrown looely "over willle felt or velvet sliapeM. JPonie of the new button for tailored nulls ate made of einbroidi r. d leather. V4ry Mirtll Louis nnd line silks nie iim'.I for the embroideries, and the color" ihj.sen ale mi vve'l Imimonlcd that efrn on close Insp. etloli It Is dllllcult tienv how the button has been made. Ijjmve Men sotne admirable buttons of t)j k nd u ed on nut brown cloth coats nnM -kiits l.ailtct'i winch won In r. .titty tajl Mil. was almost eiiHtely cev ig'l with . nibroldei v. Heir and there ldjl" . oniers of plain lentlur gave ny. m-'tii to the design nnd Ihe silks vjX'' in several shades of dark blown rfi.l piuplr The liny bends were trl ?" . 'ii ind vv. i so .'-mall thai tin y njp ic ,i Hat surface with the xiiu em "' ' v:. - Tin "e buttons weie l.irge glasses In place are varied In sizes. Lemon squash sets are attractive to the eye and suggestive to the palate and consist of n round board of ash, like a bread board, with a hollowed out place to hold the sharp knife, a small white wood disc on which to cut the lemon.! an'i tne nienei irnme. crrscert snapoa, holds two glasses with the lemon cup holders, sugar bnsln, and In the centre Ihe lemon squash wllh Its strainer and drip cup. Altogether n most satisfac tory outfit. The mixing of drinks Is sometime, rather problematical In households where it is not of dally occurrence and recipes nre not nl hand to help one nut In emergency. So here are Just a few cocktail secrets nnd Just a few wine cup hints, The nome equipment for drink mix ing Incudes an Ice shaver, cocklnll shaker, lemon squeezer, strainer, long handled spoon and toddy slick, sharp knives, a Jigger for measlirlng nnd e bowl with "1 1 11 d i en i' of iL' Louis proper glasses. A cracked Id " r' '!' wa- llnlH'cd on wllh a it. ., silver tongs Is always on the tra. .a re Mii.,.r ina.ic ..r dark mini; The tVhen cocktails nre served In the middle vtji..i.. si. i wis Mipreniety elegant and of ihe morning or afternoon or In the ystiipa in .lend (evening crackers nnd cheese or hlghlv ijFoi whue Kiirr and iloth suits ivory seasoned sandwiches are -offcied with Mi ions are in great demand. Some of them. If women are tn the party little f fr s ' iv .1 ' estrles covered with linens, empty spaces where vnluablo old pictures hung or rare china and crystnl rested, and nnr- row beds and straight wooden chnlrs where once were Chippendale tables and Jacobean carved cheats. As n matter of fact the War Office had to call a halt here also and has declined to accept any more offers of hospitals In or about London. The Amerlcnn women's hospital Is a particularly tine one. No expense has been spared nnd tho house kindly given by I'urln Singer Is very elaborately eoulpped. Mrs. Lewis llarcourt, Mrs. Astor. Mrs. Walter Hums, Lady Henry and other Anglo-Americans meet dully and sew and plan for their project. Devonshire House Is a Red Crius cen tre, with Queen Alexandra at the head of It. She has a way of dropping In there Informally to sec her lieutenants at work, while Queen Amelic 1a a dally worker. One can be enrolled ns a war nurse there, but one has tlrst to provo that one Is a trained and experienced nurse. The Ited Cross Is adamant about this and nil tho untrained women In every walk of life who yearned to be minister. ing nngels have had to return to their vocations. And nn applicant has to run a gantlet at Devonshire House, First there Ih the building Itself to Inspire nwe. Great, heavily carved and glided Iron gates to enter; a commlsslonare In nwe Inspiring uniform to face; then the wonderful hall nnd the broad staircase, all ghastly In whlto linen hangings now. nnd flnnlly an array of titled and strong minded women and stern vlsaged hos pital matrons or lied Cross olllclnls. It's an ordeal. Tho best day for nny one to go is the mnklng out to women Who were suffering from conditions arising from tho war. This was a great thing. Labor bu reaus started. Hed Cross groups gave up sewing nnd employed poor women and working England smiled again. And what about euffmfflsts nnd suf fragettes? They dont exist ns such am more. They are nil Just helpers and patriots, with this very slight dl'tine. Hon, that most of their efforts nre mad" for women. Thus the emergency corps, wllh ttv Duchess of Mnrlborough nt Its head tb Hon. Mrs. Hnverfleld second In c an mand nnd n score of actresses and wrl' Vrs to help. Is registering women f"r nny sort nnd kind of employment "They enn take places left vacant men who have gone to the front." Mi Hnverfleld, who Is the daughter of 11.1 Ablnger, told me. "They enn gather ! the harvest, they can drive motor cir-j nnd look after them, or net as bus .on ductors or even groom horses." The National I'nlon of Suffragl' s has established a labor bureau and has the London Suffrage Socletv ini really the only suffrage nrganlzatl 'ii which Is not nctlve ns nn nrgnniza' in Is the W S. 1. V., the Pnnkhurst . ganlzntliai Individual members ar working In many ways, hut the socle' as such remnlns coldly aloof. And If does not mention suffrage neither do. It mention succor. Nnturall.v therr much criticism of this, at a time whf the whole country Is throbhlnc wh' pain and anxiety, nnd grievance nti'l causes, political or feminist, nre 'a 1 aside. A WAR DINNER. WAR being the prevailing su of cotiversatl in a clever ho.'te--despalrlng of other topic s dinner, said, "Very well. If thev si' want to talk of war I shall give n dln-, a la guerre,' ond encourage my frlen.N to fight It out amiably 'vcr dishes of the belligerent countries." Accordingly at her next dinner the table wns decorated with toy soldier and guns to represent n battlefield. The plare cards were flags of the wnrrlmr nations nnd this Is the menu she -'t before a cosmopolitan gathering; Servla Caviare nlnd. Russia Hortsch In cups France Filet of Sole. Marguer (Sermnny Aspics of Strnssburg tn (Srns. Austria Paprika Rhb.. Hungary Stuffed new cabbage Japan Japanese Crosnes. I'.iiglnuil Orouse, roasted Helglum Salnd Waterloo. Turkey Peach Sherbet. Coffee. The caviare salad wn- wrvod n Servian style, the three varieties ' caviare, distinguishable ono frsra "vie other by their color, being plccl m a trefoil of three white lettuce le with a centre of fancifully cut leu e and the usual minced onion nnd chip" l egg conspicuous by their absence The Russian Hortsch was deb' although mnny of the guests w 1 not tasted It before made ,i wr ' e nt the suggestion of wiur cream. Hon like olives, Is nn noqiilrod taste v't agreed that of all the wonderful d A popular Biarritz model in white velvet bordered with rose set in dull silver leave. ermine and trimmed with a white when Queen Alexandra Is there, for she of Fiance sole a la Margnetv. vv i is nie niosi gracious oi royalties aim ner luscious sauce of while wine rr smile, even If It l n little tremulous ' mussels and other good things . nr now tror sue is aged ana broken by 'nearest to perfection. the war), Ib ns kindly na ever. , ciermany's contribution was S . - Hut If one can't nurso. one can sew .K K(MHI uvrr ,,. ,, . ,,,.,f and knit, nnd nil tho feminine world Is miIl, ,,!,. wn M10,(lri rc. . doing mm or tho other, or both, nt this, surmounted by trullles In t ie moment. Ever since Queen Mary were n happy thouirhl. Tt P" stnrted her needlework guild making chicken of Austria was flnn-aee garments or knitted articles has be- .my, ,Pml,.r yolmK cabbages stun come the nige, Hut there was an tin- Hungarian stvle, and all agreed expected result. :,Mf pPi,rn enhbage well de-i rx' "For God's sake don't take the bread place upon a formal illniirr tin n out of tho mouths of the women of; Thp ,IiM,amf)0 ,,rnHnPS Lnglnnd! was the message sent to , ,,mmnM hl ,,nim.r ,, KnaUllA Queer. Mary ns she and her fair haired lypt unfmnmr ln American n... daughter and the Indies In waiting were ,lm1 ,vorP delicious Indeed, then ' placidly mnklng shirts nnd socks. shell shnped roots fried g. Men la- Following this appeal Miss Mary Mac-1 Italian batter, faintly suggest. Arthur, the head of the Women Work-1 the Inevitable brandy. The Wa' ers' Fnlon, obtnlned nn audience with salad had curly leaves of op. I've . the Queen nnd explained to her that the I basis, with oranges, gratiefru t 1 movement had caused many a poor white peeled grapes blended Hi a i worker to lose her employment. Ing vf whipped cream and gr u" ' Queen .Mary wns horrllled, for she Is 'juice, a very kind woman, and Bhe was prompt ( A peach sherbet made it, To tn remedy the mistake, A me-sago from fashion wns delectable and ihe T ' the Queen was published nt once, and It ' coffee was served with a sji tip urged women to help and employ other' from preserved rnsclenvcs ami women, not to work on garments them-(The wines were well chosen aid ie .pelves but to buy the material and give ! dinner waa a great euixess.