Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1914. Don Li. B r tv r.J n.- I! I' ,. ' l I.,. , m . " 1 l-V It .( . H 1 h.i . WGM'HM TO COLORS THAT iD V (SES .n-'i )OSE MATCH TEMPERAMENTS o Gray Nonentities," Says Theodora , Miniature Painter "Make Your ns Briny Out Your Personality" an Advocate of Frumpy Clothes Tl... ..Iff 1.1 (Sill i,' I 1 IH- V... I 1 till ... . ii .1 U--. Mnko your i.'i,' .nit oitr kt Th r Lruilt'scriu'o u vv .iiii-u'-" i-liihc!i 1 I .llllllillcllCT of .itif- 'I .illll'f ll'flll m - Tiii'oilni.t l..illi. . i vv lin r oi'titly re i . .ir . .iy m I'.irln. i. oiu' Boti il t uocrf on. "I tut I i int with tiiili'lifS of lid blue. KM'ii tin' :i lefmimr t'i in i lul lirnwii!. Tluv - p.irt of tin? onward ,-.1 ili.-y iwc iiiit in !i- ir in-own In token , i.r. reil ami i . -.v I'll'iri". Wliv i .1 w man nut wcur I .in. in it ii il plnlc -. f I:illllt.-V Tim .i Niv e tniii'lH'il hi r .ill; r.'R the Ktnih it. I call tliflii. In- - make int think of . tl ml th- per.tonnllly ; .nu .. "lit thimmli - Hi.- .irr.uiiti'iii' in of ri ill i-aiiii'it .ti' ik. a tins woman's .-"If '.. n- l.t iiiitlilnu to il.i 1 .ixain ami aynlti 1 ; woman wi-.trln :.. r suiil. .' .r. to match your ir i .imili'i"!i." I tr.'tn the mode of the :. it er your 1 vv. ,ir it. rt'KtirilI n m.iv say. Hit: ' .! .wn. that It thrlllt r . -t ..r its wnrnitli . .1. ri. il In a .trpuiati . mo nit lntitr nco ,1 t.iwn wi'iirinti a l :ut unih r thi- lirlm 't.vV touch of brill- ifpon to choose that .1. h I AM clioiitc. she .1 i tuit of kliin nine, , with mi' per- ; w old In- too hriuht tilt of pink aild'd i d ut't think I'- too Tt'.t tin- only thlni; Kittiiiuc that looks . d. 'You mutt Wfiir tils you. I could An.' rutin wotm-n in rant i i.-s of scarlet and the u n hy their touches of : 1 meant adventure. The , Mack meant c.npn'tiy uk coivn of th" llttl. - ii.iiaih'r may i' i. eit than onr pink. !. ippy In It.' '.ik I am ndv.ic.ulni; 1 1 clothes'. Nut at ' f .r the world luu' . ir m artist's moek or . Ii Moute.t that e ery ' N'.-W Yolk teelilt to it lu-t the thinn of , vv !i e profe.ttlun Is - : j i '!- wotnnu should al- t ,,f her iiiiwn In the A' d then she should "i i .ilor that expresses ! tiii lies, to lie exact. ... i I .iw a mil Wiilkim; Mi.' w ore a simple '.It iv .th a Mack Millor hat, i 't of .tiiinmer colors n 'tt notlceahle woman, -i li id a ru.-'xw h-at her ' md hi won- ,i loiicr 1 'f the sanv color and ! vi-n't the least Idea of ' 1 lik', and I doul't i v pe.ip;.' w ho till'Iii d i I Hut hy thoe slm-h- h id made herself who worked III the t.- I studied In Tans ' i 11 of the .-.line shade tn. it wat the f- uther ' r parasol, a pin or S'i" said It was 1 1 ure " th.uttt t 1 1 1 1 1 -1 i I and ' in in v i h.inui t ' r of f.i, t mint ,,f the ' -up. rtiiiiii' i. ii v parts h.nus he lould have Won- tile Lttecll lie. 1 '.I'M aiise It expri'tsccl ' I r interest in life. ' ' i illed her Muilemoi. it I think the .merl ' ' r Sist. r Sprint; was not always remain It chanit's wlih i not nv-er nlKlr as 'it liellcvi. wie-ti he hoiii... their Kowns r Ii their Fouls.' Hut s'.rl who alfei't.s a ' I .1 lirllll.lllt hllle ii' .t h.'iself chooslim: l'i-tel shades when PI" -'v predn'ory in the T-e. hilt When Shu he. t "elf n.t Millie man's r if t T I olol't III. Hi h rv in. in who was at nuht e.iinrn at llrist r the s.if'er oiiet after ivlhz.itlon uf colors Vermilions ami yel I "in uilor has heen ' i ouuli women's love. " to unit until one's n to chose the color i iiein. i nc can i I'Iiiik the color llrst movim? wotntin who "f i tree trunk will i lined If th. iidd-' ' - Hi It Will heilei that I'ltiimn, Kvory wanl l "lie led dress tor a ' 'Her of delft lit it. for the mood will chaiiKu lor, or rather thrco 'Us ello'iuli to Khe the .' the French call them, 'i 4 French woman I' 11 1 11 ' limit lies ' I -rtll 111 I her II'" U- . i of . r ifttmtin Jewelry it Is easy to dud somcthlnu aiuoiiK the srmi'preiioiis stone.t that matches one's ejet. Iteryl and even op.u llnd atitvveriiii; itlintt. So small a - li I nur as a handkerchief horder or the einliiol lery on a J.ihot may complet. the ulTcct. "The butterfly can clve an eMended set of lessons In the matchiiii; of tint Mis lluttcrltu; vvitnts show a thoiitatul shades of wonderful blues or browns or deep rich reds, but alt liattllollle. When he wears browns they niv warm iis(t shades or soft ulnvvlm; golden hius. Ills blues llle I HI 1 1 1.1 11 1 Without belli)' hill'd. "Add a (lame colored sciilf to )i.:ir life. Add a bum II of scarlet bell ies to your autumn hat. "With the introduction of the note of color the Very shape and aspect of one's clothes Will bt'Kill to chlltlfe Tile sad looking h.ivv will perk ltelf up. the droopy millet will shorten ''heni selvet. Mine, de ISarry, when she is tiimmmln: a srivs. 'Make it a happy Jiow" Ami almost all of the Mb, spl ishin lenther bows thnt women are weaiiiiir with their linen drosses this summer are happy bows. In spite of their hardness ami heaviness they are not out of . .!. lit'lnvv the chiffon and crepe de chine blouses. "Theto low necked blouses that wo have been weaiinn. wh.le ile-v ,u, in- tlmtely more 1 miinu and omf.utuble than tlh n ilf linen collared blouses we used to wear, have had an clTec on charniter. The bus.tiess woman who It templed to wear them must remember that they cive an Impression of soft ness nil. I mildness that miy make her work ''vvlce us hard She will do :' to keep a few iinules in her bows. . bunch of coipie feathei t in le r h.r And the mutt never allow h.-r slio. to be run over at the heel. "Shoes and cloves are an ttnmi'tak- 1 able Hides to iillir.ll ler. bv the w.iv The cut and condition of a woman's hoes shows Just how loliu hi his h.el her money, and whether lor ur.ind lllother hail any. The best dressed woman I know says that If she had onU , Mil she would .spend S on shoes and Bloves. j "It used to be that the woman who wanted to attract attention vv.u v.r lllull heels; now she Wears v rv mw ones. The business woman should al vns make a point of taking olf le i sensible shoes ami piittlni; on n niv- Ions pair of slippers m Hie ev. iiiui; even th'iimh she has her diiiiui- ..n her way home from ihe utile.- .in l sp. mis the evenini; In her own room She will do well to keep the tlulliest 1 of netfliaee for these occasions. Il will help her to keep her balance of fern inlnlty. If you have to be a tailor made ulrl In the day tlmu be a Unity mrl at uiKht. "When 1' comes o outline, watch your "ha low. It will tell sou whether' you ale bunchlni; thine about a short j neck or cuttliu; a plump tlniire off in 1 slices If your lines ate lomr and1 .r.ueful. thank the uods and don't in terfere with 'hem. If 'hey are not y..u t in m.ik" them so by n careful use of draperv and stripes. A seaif it often a sreat help in line effttt-. "If you are of the n third Ir- froth a'r type emphasize it with middy Mouse and ilyuway feather effect.s. Keep our manner cordial and Interested to match, everything must harmonize, lur these .iccessoiies of manner and expression1 can be cultivated. They -pnn from a tlncele desire to tfive all impression and need not he at all "fin the'other hand. If vou are of the demure type wear curls Make yoiir-e!t a plctiue. Help the old K. ntleman .ui"" the aisle to remember the uirls of his own day. Hut If you are foituna enouuh to have real bounty In tor simple eleu'iltiee. Don't spoil it by de tails. "Above all. when yon have once chosen your role and your clothes, fornot them. They should be a pan of you. The woman who 1" conscious of her appear-1 iini'e is only a ciotlies nurse no manor i what she may chance to look like., I "Clothes should be only an envelope but they need lint be a disunite. he villain' dressmaker used send out .ill her customers In her own but the ready made kowii has saved ii" from her thrall. It is usually the mention of some desmner with at least an Idea of line and effort, and by careful so. roh Init you can llnd the designer whoso per tonality matches your own and wiiir the uown she made. A little touch lu re and tlmre will make It yourself. "That Is. of course, if you cannot make your own clothes. ( know iheie are people who can make their own clothes and wiio oiiulit to be pievenled by law fiom doim; . but after nil It Is them s Ives they show to the world And the worn in whose ifts run to graceful I lies ami win in colors mirrors herself ns no amoiin of conversation or literary effort could do for her. "For In the city's soothing crowds we talk to our neighbors not with our lips hut with our expressions .mil our clothes. It Is the only l.inituauo that many poo. pie hear from one day's end to another. Why not send a inessauo of beau y and happiness and well belnt;? That ines sayo will both s-ender and re cipient. "The woman who makes her ilothes as 1 K'a u 1 1 f tl 1 and Ik mini; at her mean. allow the happiness of know lug that they rotloct Ilor Very self, llle self she has dreamed of being. Ami so hoy become no longer clothes merely, bill a dally sitLsfactlon and stimulant. For chiffons are the champagne of feminine existence." A;i Invention That Makes Any Piano a Player A new era ha been opened up In the world of music by the Invention of n Piano l'laycr which may be Inatullcd inside of any piano. The cumbersome old time mechanical player thnt has seen better days cun now be replaced, and the prude ally useless piano can lie turned Into a llrst il.iss, up to date and pleasure giving piano player, for n small iivrccntuvc of the cost of a new piano player. The CSulbranHen Player is more nr t stlcally and musically cipable, more facile in producing the results you wanl. more accurate .md Inst.intane oiisly responsive to the Individual's most delicate expression than any ether Piano Player and requires, leas than oiii'-filiti as much effort. Hy a s'l.ght motion uf even on. foot on the pedal you can produce the wild- st crash of chords one .nslant and the next subdue it to the ii(( f. mtnf tlulret tliillttAHIHItl. The marvelous slmplb Ity tint antolute llexilillity of the tin. metal motor a vos the performer the same control i-vci the piano and the fneilom tliil the laud player enjoys, and nine unit at much power to manipulate. The ibouuty of the ('lUllitau-eu p .no Player Is that II not only initi Kit ami is easier to operate thin .inv oilier I'M) or. but that It can bo installed inside nnv 1 1 ii 1 1st of liuno. new or old. Willi. nit wcikeiiiim the buck or injur ing .Is appear t tit e, case, ueti II ir tone It Is non-v.Hle. uses standard v-note tolls, and does not iutcifoic with h md placing. Illlnf.inti ed. Sold on oortvt niettt terms. Write for estimate to (Phliraii. s. Ii-)ekinsiiu I'". ..'' .".th Ave. at lid St., or telephone Murriiv II I. Ji'.IV I!.. Kiel P on nplilic.ltloll V ol can -ave -Lane Bryant" A good way to facilitate rpilet unlin patterned ditcuiu . with Champ liark is to omit the word "llaltlinore" from one's rem irks. A little while ago ther. Intoiiliiced to SpiMker Clark a man ii. lined llensi-l, state I'Ingliieer for New Yoik and he was not awiire of the d -slr.ibility of siting nothing about Haiti III. He. "It seems to mo we've met before," this nun r marked when he was intra. Iiieoil to the Speaker of the House "I think I mot you over at the H.iltimore convention, "You did not'" promptly delired Clark with emphasis "I wasn't tit Hie lllliiim.le on v on t ion If I had Imll ioii' I would have biwn nominated for 'estilen' " Maternity Apparel I'or the vnune moUn-r In amdr-Hlnti .'ti r i.i-lu.ii.ilo i. ,r i . ii in .11 ti. ii. u M) li s .iii.l i - . t ti In r &f c Willi tin- ilisutt . siiovviti no uh. ir tiirir Ut-. eiu my vu.i .ul pu ii ler lh nor-iii-il IlKurc. Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Coats, Blouses, Corsets mnilr "li nnr I' j own workroom is anil -iil C p ice . I)) (WuitratiJ) Maternity Dress of Silk I'oplin in navy plum, black or brown, combined with rich black satin oC ff charmcuse OO.VJU SnJ for our itason hook SM uith 500 moJtls for mnthtr anJ My, Lane Bryant, 25 West 38th St., N. Y. C. irl( for p ISimkli'i. ' V BELLIN'S 1 WONDEHSTOEN 1 I i 11. Ol s III I. IL US till t . I ' I ,i is h.itr II ii tn i'- 1 1 1 1 v . I i.ulr .ui.t iitin-i'iiUi'tiiiiis m . iiil'irsi'il liy pnyslt-lrtit- M Price il ill nil ilrni! i"l g U IMrtnirnt slur - g X. r""i iniifi'if'O'l'iM'i f s illrccl. lilt. IIIII.I.IN'S Wo.MII ItSIIIIl.V CO. i ni.i.A.M v ST m:v Yonu m-ihii.l l.y diet vvi'i the m.iniifactuiers Anv one in'eii ted itio lgh '. . .11 w 11 'm tr. itid lo one of t',e III"- de lul.ii il ispitKtices in life. Gubransen-Dickinson Co., 505F!fthAv.,N.Y.Near42(ISt. .'fll" Murray Hill. Mixed Emotions Tn make, up your mind that you ale going to like the newcomers in the next house, In spite of ver) thing, and then have thuu come in ami usv your tel. phone 'o tell their friends that the neighbors are not up i i the standard they have been used in. but they arc trying to make the best of It. To have fallen on your knees and proposed to a girl, and while waiting breathlessly for her nnswi r to bo bitten in the calf of the leu by her pet dog. To pin chase, after long deliberation, n gown (to wtiir upon a visit Ion friend) that you are sure will make a decldtd impression, and to tint, during the re. ('option that she gives in your honor thirteen women are wearing dupli cates of it. Tn denounce bitterly, to your wife, the gambling propensities of herself and her bridge playing friends, and to re i ei vi! In the midst of the tirade n tele phone Invitation to ntd ml a poker party to which you are very anxious to go. To accept an Invitation lo attend the list pcrfoim.ini f a play that you have long desired o see and thru to quarrel so violently with your escoi t on tin way lo Hi - theatre that you are. Ill all dec eniy, compelled to rc'tlllil home. To stand In the church choir, sing ing a tenor solo utitled "Your l.ovo Will Pay ho Debt You owe," and then io see the man from whom you am unsuccessfully trying to collect $50 enter ami chuckle, to himself, HOTEL LAURELTON G3TII XT.. .It'yr K.ST 01' SEVENTH AVE., 147-149 WEST 55TH ST., Is n SKW. iniilprn, Imtin.lnit. fireproof hotel of oik- hundred .mil fifty ouul.le rooms, Ho;', i.r in -.1 to. fiiriil-lii .1 or iii.fiirtil-ln.l Luxurious lurrnun.lliikM, vvliliii wl.i do iii.r. l.ileil la i.hi. of ri'lliiiiiuni The llprMurum Is iiartlcuUr.y bviutllul .iti'i attractive. 1'rlcu iiiuilcratc. Tramient Ratet. Plticle Ilontn-. vtl'h bith And Minir JiiniMi- Itnxtii.. -w h I. uh unit Mooter twin I.,H' HllllnC Ituuin aii.l llcilruum, with h anil Bliower.. 4.UU FurnlibrJ Roomi and Apartments by the Month. KlnBlo ttnioii" -l li i 1 1 it .ui.t nli.,.r . $1.1.00 li,. ui.: li.H.iii- t'i i. , li m. I nli'iw. r im ln.i- ftl.oo Slltltu; ltuuiu ana lli.iruuni, with t.ith aiul nhuuer luu.ot) Unfurnithed Apartment by the Year. One two room fui'i n li l.i li. n r m . ui $l,IMIn One two ri.otii Sulii wrh l.i'h,; iumth I, Kill One thrie r"-tn Su.-i ivlth hm l.ith tf.iMMI Ono live roum Sulu. wl h thru l.ith- nil prltJt. lull, fJCllu; s.utli 3,000 orricn suitaiii.l ron physician on dentist. , J. C. Boggi, Propr. 'Phone 9300 Col. C. C. Nobles, Mgr. HOTEL LONGACRE 157-163 West 47th St., near Broadway. EXCLUSIVELY BACHELOR. 150 Rooms, with private bath and shower, at $1.50. 'PHONE 7790 BRYANT. J. G. BOGCS. ilci7 and Telephone Orders Promptly Filled. Phone, 01)00 Greeley 3ftankUu' Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Sts., N. Y. PARIS 4 Rue Martel. LONDON 29 Jcwin Crescent Misses Fur Trimmed Suits Sues li to 20 year. No. 21 FurTrimmed Broad cloth Suit, in navy.brown, fjreoii, black, taupe or claret, new blou. coat, silk lined, warmly inierllneJ collar and luitttmiof cout tritnincJ ii'.. skunk opossum fur, new on erv oke lunic skirl. 4&7OV No. 21 A Samemodel ande rf colors ol itnpuricd vclvctecn"0W A The Daintiest and Most Exquisite Article of Personal Adornment Today is a String of "CEYLONA" PEARLS $ Specially priced, and are Neck laces which can't be bought elsewhere under $20, at fpi-ru arc ilrci.tnt In !hrr li-nmif'il ppnrl and I' it'iiN nf Hie tn-lilriil cvv Nun. M'Hiii'il mi' UciriiiH thi'in. (ir.iiliiitlcil (ir iinlf'iiin in ic iIh'i iriinN (Mim- m vln''. rii ini or lilnU In tin' Utii itiintiviit li.ur rirciiitl Imni 111 ('i.nlllit'lll. wi' irat'iri ( I.I.XilM .-M.I Kl.lll I IK f IIIIIKI tilhiT. I tin ' Inilif iri' "''"."'; III! sir.ltl.IMi MI.M It ItlllMMIIM: SI. I II VIIHI I." I.MI II I 111 II l l.ii i "iiri ruii. s i i'.s. c ('iniiiii M'.m lini llllilllv nl IlK'M'cxiilil.lli' iH TKIir. VII 'I IIMIU.'tIHI III MIl-lH'll li'inrr i lMlll. nf IIMIH III Wil li itctutailvc valui . Hundreds of Other Pearl Necklaces at $1 to $100 a String. 21 jHgift mo at "fTc fFountain'i REENHUT'v' J.B.GREENHUT COMPANY. "THE BIG STORE" both siDti SIXTH AVE.. iBiaTO 19 STREET FORMEKLY GREEN II UT-S1EGEL COOPER COMPAXY-i No. 23 Fur Trimmed Cordu roy or Velveteen Suit, in navy, brown, green or Hack, new Russian coal model, silk lined, warmly inter lined, collar trimmed with genuine skunk fur, lon sush belt of material with tassel ends, new oke oq lunic skirl. oy.OU No, 23 A- Same model and colors of bruadclotli. 29.50 Fall and Winter Style Book "Correct Dress" Illustrating "Everything in Heady-to-Vear Apparel" for V."omen, Misses, Girls, Men, Young Men, Bos, Children and Infaut Mailed Out of Town Upon Application to Dept. "T." 1 &VtBVCt C OOrt V'tftU Avn H.tH'.oii .mth m f M. 4,tf and lt .SU. Uptown Branch, Audubon Theatre Building Broadway & 165th Street New Fur Trimmed Suits Special Monday 25.00 Also eight other Striking models At above price For one day Only. Hcit'd U. S. Pat. Ofllcc. DAMP-PROOF All Leather Shoes Marked an epoch in the history of the shoe industry. Shoe manufacturers retailers and the public generally were quick to realize the tremendous advantage of shoes treated with the famous The cutsole, insole, vninps, uppers and even seams are "Cravvnette" Proof, There is no dust-gathering, oily ap pearance. Look for the label- it's your protection. ' THIS LABEL ON EVERY PAIR , . ., ror-oaic oy iciiuing onoc nciuucrs. I'MfllgBSffiflTliB 151 Ml S0LES.SEAMS AND UPPERS (Sfaiwnetfe(Sb USA 8th fir, Madison Sts.,Hoboken,N.J. An Exclusive Suburb ml .mi. 242d Street & Broadway I'iiiiiiiiiI I'liilt Mllli Atlraitlvr .surrniimlliiK. In the Country yet in the City On 1 lio.iutlfiil vvn.vloil rl.lci' 31") fpet ClAVdlllll.M (ItV llllllni'llli'lll 11 I" y do m'liiiiiU .iillii'.Mi Cltv ilrllt i rl.'ii. cjriiivi-ii flit in miiiw it iii.l . v t'i'nirii l.lneti, The 'll.iri. ft .if t lit, pl.iin Hi', .mil oiicru . vvitii. i if. inn DELAFIELD ESTATE 27 Cedar Street New York Tel. 277 John Let us eml you Toliler "S," or better, ahow you the property w ik IMPROVE ALLIED SHOPS iriVU Y L, IDtAl I AXOtXtCUn TW II catsrwxnoM auwamsa If AiDcwrun II nwtJtwa I YOUR 'HOME W'e Hill renrrnncc yuur nlil f ti t nlli 1 1 cm nml mill nrvv uncnMly pieces iircoviry ! r runt ' ' h a r in I n c I'lTi'clit vvlili h ri com. fnri.ilili' I" ii ! ii 1 1 n 1 1 mi Ilivlli'il mi in I n ii r I in - pruvi'iiii'iiu nt well ns iin-ili'ii' ftitiiishliit,". EhejniiedShops Went iillt si New Vurl. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR WARTS AND MOLES IVrniiinrntly nml 1' llrniovcil A iimii. i Hi.) (it.vic.Mi:u. . .Nil rii'mlliiiiK nr Hi ill.ilnrli'K Pwil. Ciuibiiltiiliiin I'rii'i I'rlvnci' AkMiri'il iiia i:i.Mii:it(;rit. Suite VJN. 17 el til III St., N. Y. Sunday PiaoRiAL Magazine Brin ts Excellent Results Advertising Rale 40c. Per Agate Line After Motoring Use Selma's Russian Skin Bcautificr Faco Lotion Face Powder Absolutely the belt prrpardliom ever made for autoiiti, toumti, travrlrr, anil for removing lines, wrinkles aivl , hollows. j Face Lotions J1.00. Skin Ueaulifirr ' ,ars. 50c. 75c. $1.25, tube 50c Face Powder: white, natural, brunette pink ami the famous Russian evening shade, Mauve, box, 50c, and $1,00, i li'.nlliii; ilrjuii inirnl tiinl (Inn; slnre. n in hi mill illrri'l fiiim niv l.ilmr ii.ii W. 1'li nsi' Inrliiili' ..i(.i u- lilt iniiiiri in , I u ..iiiii'i ruin Ilf llll.sM.l' .Sim ill i.i w :iiitis .ni w it s' I'tla'il t'l-.I r.i llnti'ri".ntic 4