Newspaper Page Text
m'.'Fr '-Lii . ' i.JJ, .,, . TfilS SUiN,. MUinDAi, OOiuiibK 19, 1914. 4 11 a PAVING EXPENSES CAUSE OF PROTEST jlr. simiiH Iht-Mts Knihvnys ( ,iininn.v lli'tirs Too (treat liiiro of Hurdon. rn snon.n helimik says P' '11-e ' T" V I tn fh en ' 1 r' ' -' I. ' .t. iL mat the burden of expontll - ..' paving homo by the New u..!s I'uniiuny, opcrniltiK the Mr fai" line, entailed by Itx . fe.ittiro of President if opci.itluiis for the enr . v :i"Rp expenditure for street "r p.i-t and lit pro -tit I b'li ! nome it ml l ex- i r in I. of the 1'inipnny to . . . hat Unit nureclvea mi- n pinna thnt muld other- ; is'. fit to llUllil Up Hi" '. n! tin- lystt-m, to ln- 1 1 of tiiulpiruii: an I to : .i' rrvlie, to tho pub - or p.nmx ixpen.ea i hi mi tlw Ktri'i't rnllwny we c i i i i ivhi'ii t!if physh-iil I if. tn whlrh the P.lVo- i" nf'ally il.ftV: ent i to-ii iv. Kir instanre, i t x n!.!;:rft'otm were nr i ; i lit the time of r ii The nrumi nta ami r.q'1 r tig ii piivement . ! worn laruely ti,ii it t'li- r.-r. wore out the r re-inon for ur.le'i in the railway com . n re in iv. d anil the rnnrli y Mt ii imeiiricin anil truck . ,11.1b 'en anil horat- tlm.vii i i tltiiially weiirtnK out tli. i ' h ' I i.i il for by the rail i .itul n t In any w i. I ,. i: who an: actually uiak- i si.V qliniit to the never.. f 'ie winter Just panl vi - oi.rii' b eMraonllnurj . e - ,i:nl In the pxpttidlluri' - i in ;-a 1 1 il the miow from ii'.i.i'h our truoki are laid. , et'irmeil at the railway - . ; i .... wk nit of any ml r.i.;A.i I'lnipany, but did if in the streetH over th- - uh -h una the only npiic ii, 'ii'. ' ; even for f the F!rc Department." -m) rli) should in). rr, -ri. - 'or ' tin ti the x f He ; . , 'or t if : tie tl p i.p iy got no return for IhU ii". nij a I'k. ..lent Siionla a. mat :lie clt In reaponilblo .iv iik In the Mrerts, iitul that ii pay a reaKiuuhlc projiortlon. 'i' .t. ihe cnmp.iny f r - . mi. in t ie i xpcndituri ' hi . . 'iir iLivviiivnt. Op ii f. r the tilinwvil losfea . 'oi '.. ii. In Klin's unit tut. ,pon -, i ' n Ill.iHi S.17. n de- i . '4 'i fri'in tin previous year, i !ft. : . u iMtiuiat mi tin- ilret reiil ', .',: . i i fund. ni; ImiihIk ii bulnr.ro1 .f r Utit' I' it'iinini'il. il deer iim nf 165. .." 'i. lti'lliur tin- iiirplus In the tream .u. Juno 30, 1H13. thu iiiuuunt ival! it. payment :! Intcrmt un the I iljiut ui bonds wiim $1.1 Si l.liSI. ii lie-' .ri... .f ..' .an The aurplua fur th- j .i piwnent of fl.tlS.AN Intircat . waa Ii' l: liirlud'.ni; 12,1J: nit un me I 'rom i iier.ition of WIlllaiiitburK lit JiIk- ' . a. i iri ' The i 'ublneil eoat of claims for the I ier uf-d Mimu from the obi roclvenhlp as t I i T rent of Hit- irmn p .nuiriT ve-iiK. .malrit tj.ij per cent. Iiixt Tie i.'Ihik of lltleutlori, houcvi-r. In nn 'he .n. r. im' Plaintiff ivmi 31 per cent. of cj-. - hrnunht ujralnst th' romp my i'v hns eet anlili s per rent, nf 05 X i ue for HcrUlent rej-rrvr until ' cm '. r.-rmin from xpi'P.iiiii- Hint It fed. . The mmii.iuv has KOim In for '- . M .neurunre under the work- r- - : iK.itlnn n.t. , (Uvri-ntii' In frroaK n.isen t i i during tlii' f ast year h'is been d! .r ' it to your iniuiUKi ni'-nt." auv r I.. 'i ii-ta. "the ruiiets rnntrlbu- v f.r.t, ir,. ao rvldrtitly transient hat i mnnl be .aid In have nnv spT t ii, a'-inir on the altu.i- '"r F. n. tlrst al mnntha period nf 'ha r'. ' '- r im-, f 1 u 1 n n whlrh th.' . ' ir a wero tiriirtlrnlly th n ii.uia vear. thtn w.ti .in ere - ' 'i K-f.MH jiriil tiet earn n? jnd I. "ie i iiiiIlt of paas''iiRi"H enrrbit T'.' ' " " I thi everc wrather oon '"t ' . I - i . n.watnrnis ' f Kclirtl- 1 M .r ' i'i the nurkel low teni-le-nu-e. whlrli'ed from April to .''me .. t)i v. ir Aible.1 tn thla wna the yuri I i n.. de'ireea'nn throtlKlinilt 'h ii -i-v h:. h had Its iff'.et. aa did -O "' hi-... r. W l.'ni t, (""n tl-nei .- I i v 'it. -ruptl' ns to thi si-rvlri. "u- .' 'V'a rotis'rui'tlon of tho pin are thrown out of cm-i- r. L' ihl'y tnivi 1 to nn.l .ei-ie. nnd when hard '1 nnd thii exerrlsn nf eoono- ti,., i -:iry pli-ustire trlH u . xi i dit'ons nrn niitumlly 1 t ' .ix 1 auffcii III ronfi- AUCTION SALES THIS WEEK. Voluninr, ,i .'r,.,., otTrrlima In Miiiihiitiini mill Tin- llronx. M"-tm ocTonEit 'A I tl VESEV STREET lu I,,.,, (jay VAM.FV .- ,, T ,. , ;lJ u w lir k nr,, Mnr(, -. I' M .-I , ,ii:t i fiml Vandewater f 'I. Forater, 11 A IC, attya. i, ,,,,e' ""-"tO-"!. taxea, M -H THIRD AVENl'E.) Ms "ie.triti; Pr. e - K aw ror I'nn-l nv. ift.s? iv .n g , nileni lorry agt il A Ia. ' ' li 'I . Ida., ntty. M II Mr '. "' ret. ,i.e. Jj.t.i 0... taxes, Ac, I I I -li V OCTDIIIMI 20. I .IS ESHY STREET 1 llv losepti 1' liny r " -. mo w Auduhnii nv, ..1 irtnit-nt house .1 J Iil -' ' H l t-t al, Keltey A ( nltva. inn r . Ini He JI" 9- 4 40 sub til ir ' (.on ' w Park av 14 Sx'OA li I Kimpp ugt Either Kntx 1 l .i inly, ,1 )' Joyce ref, ' '" w s 16 n Snrlni:. !57. bl.lg St Ilartholnmew a M )'. Fimnerfrlt et al, II 1. . . uiiiii, rer. Hue. Il t." 12.111.32. ' M ST 5r,-67. a e r Mnnrne (S'n ' 'y tnmt und stra (! II ii. run. e i.reenherg, Iik M Httvs. Vnthun IliirU in I " -MO ,.e. Kc, 3,3b 20. i' II. nn llrudy i- '.i w 17ith st, "Hi house Harlem Hav I' i. mi w .-hlnet'in Ilrlghta Hh. a .'..i.'tn c.i et ni. I, s ci!,ii ' M li.ine, rof; due 1140,370,76, I Simiiel Mnrx iv Cniiiinbu. uv, 100a ' " ' '' H Holm. m et al v. 1 !' el al: (r.ller It n atty. - i. ref, due, I37,S')7 25, luxes, E n s. 126 w lit av "l Ue.ille A H Hliiiim. n( a I'-ti.nal et nl. F 11 C)ie,ei i liuhir, ref, due, H,846,2J. ' " TiuitD'i: j " l.-rt.ert A Sherman N AV. 111.2. e a, 75 6 n Jefferson , PiJ- :f t : . -3 'I. f-n.iii.-ii, 1 It 'l 3 0 4 , e ., 113 1 n Jeffer.nn 1 VI' ' .. .iv Mat -Same v smiie. s.'ne attv .anie ref, due, ill,. ' ' ' f !K3 :o ' ' liari .. a Uerrlan. W iflS tn 1913, w . !30 . 'OxISOx Irreg, 2 und 3 stv dwlga and S sty rear bldga F J P Arndt va Augusta liartholil et al, C A Furth man, atty, .t J llynfi, rati due, !!,(. Oil tmri, tie. Sl.ltS. wetNiiHAY ocTonnu Ji. tAT II VKHBY HTHUKTi) liy llnry lirady. SJD ST. W, a a. lit, a 9th av, iSx l . aty mid banit dlwai exra' tale, eilate of Caroline A 1.1 vJiiKalnn. My 1 1 r. van t,. Keniially. 1IKI.M: HAItllOIt. I, iThree lota at a w eor llrarh ITiiiimel drive and llaaeh ianth at alai 9ven lola at a n nir sama la. vol aale. KliOCMKIIK, 1. I O'-ean av. w a. RIO n .nrriniid hv, 40X100, i aty Uwlit; vol !. HAMMKI.S. t. I -drove av, 8 and 72-71, three ty dla, ech 14.5xS9i vol aale. lly Jonrph I. Day I.10TII HT, ii w, n a, jr.5 o I,eno nv, :o9 11, 4 aty dirt (tanar.ll Svnod of Hie Iteroriiied C'hunh iixt ! K llandrlck et al; Heel A l attya; .I A MeKveety, ret; due, II 1, 615. 99; taxea, Ac, s:i.40. lly faniuel Marx. 1S1I KT, :oj V, n a. 110 w Tib av, 20X99. 1 1. 3 ,ly 17 H Trilat Co (tt (leo Doctor Co et all V M I'owall, ,lr, ally; J M tionohue, raf; due, I0.I20.3S: taxra, Ae. 3t.I0. TiirrwiiAY, octoiikii 52. (AT 11 VKHEY HTItKKT 1 lly Joiaph T. Day, 71TII ST, JJ K, n . 7S iv Madlaon av. SJxIO::, 4 aty din, axr'a aale. pitata of Alex J Mayer, dereaaed, ''T.11. 1T. " r" ' " A' Madlaon av. IJxIOO.j. 4 aty Jul,,; atr's ,e eatate Xanthi H tlartlett. decaert. ,,T.'' .'L.W' n " ,!0 w Central fark t.IJ"; "J1.10.2.'.5' 4 "'' 0' "I? M.T-.?..1V' n " ,so fentral Park Urn. :oxl02Si aty dnl, exr'a a.ile. 2J1II HT, 80. n a, 15f, ,v loth av. !Sx.5i i..i"iii5lSSS,,.?P'Lr,,r bldm. vol aale Ayi'KOL'CT AV n. a e cor ISlal at. CS.Ix 4 ; vacant, vol aale. NI5K y V. IIU. w a. Ut.l n lHth at. -HxIOj.S. J aty fr dwlj; exr'a aalaj alto J,,nkeri, N y. Mile ifjuare rd. a e eor .."j'Ti1."' txt ,n '"''den av, 78.7x10. 4x J 65 ;.. '"t. exr a aale, estate of KraneixWalah.dece.aaed . 41WT -ST. 237 W. ti a. 220 a th nv, 15X1M.V .1 ty iIm-si F Ilarnea aai Ilenveii "''J" ai; j A Ilardlman. atty. bct JjXS 90. 'TaV U''3.' " ' 55 : " ' 10i)x Irrea 5 atv tnmt and atore. Metro, poll tan Truat Co aKt .1,1 Hoilty Co et il. tarter I, A M. attya, J II Itecan. ref: ilue. IK, 101 IS, taxea Ac. MS0 42 lly Herbert A. Hhermnn. 19TII ST. 30 anl 32 V. a a. 4I0 e tli ox. '0XXI.1 tivo 3 aty In. lax and ate Life Ina Co .iKf F 8 Pink' ,.J' .Alln' ") K W Webl), due T5. 91. S . txxea. Ac. 12.991 01. oj. auxxs.!. io 3 aty I.;. lax and atorex 'Inkua et elm, ref, Ity J. II. M.ivpr. K7iH.,HTL " K' ' "' 550 w l'nlon l W. J. x aty loft bide Franklin Kavlncx Hank agt c 1 Halnea et al: W M Powell. , atty. Harry mine, ref due, i, US.ISt. 35: taxen (I.6IT0; I AT 32) Tlllltl) AVENfK I Hy Charles A Uerrlan. HATHHATE. AV. 1767. w a. -00.10 n 171th at. 20 3x1115. 2 aty dwlg and store Cxrrli! We.teritahl ugt Kate Whltehread et al. II i: ItnlHlt ntty. j Dunn, ref. due, M.222 15. taxes. Ar. 1103 ill. lly Albert R Crabtree 22T1I T. 121 E a a 230 e Hirnes av. 25x 114 Ceo llaueer oat Martx Vlarardl et al; Neler V nttya; I) V Sullivan, rrfi due, 11.113 ari . t.. x-e lei ii .lit, ia i. mir of 11.500 ' 1 8TARLINO AV 17. n a, 25 w Olnrtea.l av, 100x100 itco Hauser nxt We.trheaier Wood Working Co et al. Neler V, tt: I) V Hulllvan. ref. du. II 222 46: taxes, Ac. (I0J ta rilltJAY. OCTOHElt 23 I AT 11 VESEY r-TltEET.I Ity Henry lirady A.M8Ti:itl)AM AV. 2H0-2H2 u w onr 14th at. 50x100. 1 sty tlat .ind atorea Abel Kirij, (t jl ait. M E lier.elt et al. t.e-e A C. attys. J A Lnch rf: ilue, 113." (it C. taxra Ac. 12.170 Ity Joseph I' Day IITH .ST '.il II. e a. U A I) 72 4x 90.1 I and : t bldxs ltu kany Itnlllt. Mill HP' Eiu Eblrra et al. J II Hull lull, nttv ''ourCan It NIcoU, ref, due. f I, Mr.3. taxe., '. 1(34 !. -ill. t III IK of t:o ooa I AT 320 TIIIKU VVENrKI lly Joeeph 1'. Day. Cltl-TONA l'AIIKW.W i a "I J II I'Olh ft. 15 lOvllx x56. ..mi s M llarlxr nai Weiihelm ItvadJ- Co et u'. Harold Sn.iln. uliy. .1 R TrUe.'Ule. ref. due, 2S7S: tax. . Ac. 14." 27 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. THAN.FEIt. I With name und atjrese nf lenlr and I aitornn If nttnmi' n.ime Is omitted ad- rtre.. part1 of s-rond pirt. I Dnwntmiit. i South nf Fourteenth at. i ALLEN HT. t. e s. 3 9 n Hroome st. 21. 'n .7.6 Jennie flordnn tu Jacob Oordon ISIS 7th av. or 111 liay. 1-3 r, t and I. n. i 1100 OOERCK sr, 42. e a, UO n Dlancey at. I 2Sx3f--Jrnnle tiorunn Jar -u iiornnn. 1.41 7th av. or 3)4 !!-, 1-3 r. t al.l I. I Ot 2 1100 , L.i.l lde. , (Ea.t or lit n oi, ween ourteentn unu i llDlh t i I T1I T. a e. 114 e Madlaon av. 22x100 S Jnhii It Roaan. ref. tn Firmer. L.-an & Tri: ui 1: att. '!"ller, It Ai II. 22 Exihaiue puce J3.iioo 4TII rT. n ., Hi..! Ave A. 201U0 4 Muit. Horn tn Il.bette l.n.hanslty. 309 W '.I .VI t, O.-t 13, mix I6,')i0: Httvs, Hose A. Put-el. 12S Ilia) tl tVe-t "Ide. (West of Fifth av. betwren Fourteenth and 110. h sis 39TII ST. 452 tl a 175 9th av. 25x04.9 Ray n llnere to Corn Rea'.ty Co. Oct 17; miy, J L Frl.J.T 11. Na.e.xu st. .. .1100 rptoitn. (Manhattan, north of 110th -t.i 134T1I ST. n ., 2-0 7th av, lx99 1I Helen Curtl. to saml Lyuna, Kit Fulton at. llklyn, Oct 17. mtg 19,400 Omitted llronx. (Horough of The llronx.) JEROME AV. n a, n e dlv line Ml Eden and land (ten S Oabel. 200x1 10- Win Ro.eninelg Realty Operating i'a tn John II Miner, mtg 140,000. June l; .iltvi Encelnard i l. 111 llnav Iloo WATSON av nos, n e cor oitnte.i.j uv- Jas 11 Hoggin, ref. to John T Nnrmlle I a 11,1 ano. exra. 701 llh av. llklrn. Oct 1 atty, Henry Wendt, .1 Nassau at . .omltte.i MORRIS AV, 1517. being lot 272. map Mt Hden: also Morris ,iv, 1643. being lot 273, map Mt -Men alsn lots lt;S. 16e, KB and 193. map l'earaall eatate Simon () Katxrn AITF.M.V ltlOltr. Atliinllr City. N.-l. AtlanticCiteKI will fumlih tM Beiasltln Ilou.e Open All Year. F. V. Cook'a Sons. The l'ennhurat Open All Year. Wm. It. Hood. Onion Hall Hotel and Sanatorium. F. L. Young, Mgr. Murlboroiigli Itlenhelm lloth American aud Euro pean Plana. JoelahMblUi-iSonsConipany Hotel Dennle American Plan. Open Entire Year. Walter J. Duibr. Only three hour Central II. It. of agents lorzuriner HTEL DENNIS . , ATLANTIC CITT N.J. IN AUTUMN Piuvldr. a inarm 11I iiimfnrt and rate amidst rrarartrrlallr en Iron men I that has cstab llrtied ll as an Ideal t-ea.l.ore hninn. Directly on the 01 can front. Lapacliy i-J. WAI ICR .1. ni'7.nY. IISCI!LIM'.Ol.'S. 4 'THE NEW JERSEYTOUR" I'KNNSl I.V.VNIA Drlauare Water (lap. H d aware Water Gap Famou. Autumn Re.ort. ALL HOTI.L8 OPEN. to Mollle Katin. lit Crototva Parkway. I Oct 17 atty, Mollle Katien, tt Crotona Parkway 1100 THAVEH8 HT. n a, 51, w Anthony av, 1 x 101 4 -Simon O lCatzen to Mollla Katten, 158 Crotona Parkway, mtic H,08, Oct ii; atty, Mollle Katxen, 1958 Crotona Park Wiiv 1100 1ST HT, e a, 180 n 137th at, 371x100 Auxue. tine n McMahon to lruneca O da Peyater, U H tfilh at, Oct lj attya, Shattuck, (1, II A I, 28 :chitntrr place Ii 000 l'I'.I.IIAM A V. a a, belnit lot 477, map B Cart tireltlru at al, 25x109 Chaa (1 Itxuer to Carl Itemy, dreen Farinx, Conn, Hept 2'., . atty, John l)al. 81 William at ... 1100 LOT 184. map Varlan eatate Ileal Property Ml Co lo Weaxax llealty Co, 3! Liberty at. inta; $1,500, Pept IS; atty, J W Ehrlcb. 31 l.lliertv at 1100 190T1I HT. a a, 85.1 w Honeywell av. 25x119.3 - unrvey ueee to Tiioa i Deere, I'omc kle. N V. mtK, Oct 19: atty, Thoj J Dub nn, 177tb at and 3d av .11 MOIlT(lA(IKH. (With name and addreaa of lender and lender'a nttorney ) Weal Side. ivei or rirm av, netween Fourteenth and i 110th ata.) ' WEST KNII A V, e a. SI 9 a 19th at. 19x12 Albert W J Pelrle to Michael McOulre. 100 10 av, Oct 25, 1011, 3 yra, p c... 18,000 t'ptinvn, (Manhattan laland, north of 110th at,) T!I AV. n r eor 1501b at. 99.11x112.8 Mar kert llealty Co to Louie Davla. 211 W 113th at, Oct 16, due Jan 12, 1915, p r; utty. J II y.leaer. 83 Park How 12,900 llronx. (Ilorouish of The llronx.) 3D AV. n e cor 188th at. 32x70 7x98.7x31 I Maurice Myera to Leopold Mayer. 1312 Maillmm av, pr nitx 180,000. IV I. , loll, due Aua 9. 1911, 8 p ci attya, Kantrowlli A 13, 320 llway. 7 000 VYSK AV. c a, 225 a 172.1 at. 25x100 Dora Appel to Ada Howe, 12 Marnilsn av, Oct 10, Initulla, without Intereati atty, Ada. Howe, 1929 Marmlon av I'.OO I CITY ISLAND AV. a. 100 11 Hay at, 123x Irreir ilertrude II Abbott et al to Anna Soelil, 98 Cmirtlandt av, Oct 16, 3 yra. , 6 p c: atty, T O A T Co. 178 Hivay 11.500 NAPinil AV, w a, 147 a 215th at, x aleo 1 33Mh at, a a, 25 e Herkimer pi. - x John W Curran to Chaa It HtronB Hlnln field, N j, Oct ta, 3 yra, 8 p 04 atty Tho Hooker. 309 nnny ... 12,000 AHSK1NMKVTS OV MOUTOAtiKt. Manhattan. WKINHTEIN. Max. tn Ht Luke'a Henlty Co ri llronx, PIVtinitrl. Wm H to ItenJ Zelchner 11 LAWYnitS JITd CO tn Anna M lllnea 113 HI ANMEItyON. Jas M (truel. to Anin Zln- del 11,000 CITY MT1 CO to Adolf (lanxenmuller SAME '0 .jme 120,500 V Tltt'hT CO tn City Mtg Co. . .11 !A M K 10 .line 11 JOS lirEltl.Elt. Inc to Marie E Pinke 15.000 ,kasii: to amo I3,!50 o 1 i SA.HK to same. i una .SAME to aaine. SAME tn sxnic 'li'unn 1 1J.O0O ItECOIIIIKI) LEASES. Innbattan. 2l AV. e cor 34th et. all Norn (I King and nno to Peter Uoeljer Drewnlg Co, 107 E .Ktli at 2 5.12 yra from May 1. '97. u-'y. John C lloemlnger. 407 E tSth 't . 13 4:u DIVISION ST. 21. eaat .tore mrnet Hreen. berg tn Pollack Ai Solomon. 116 Madison st. 4 r from May 1. 1913: atty. J poli.k. 2t Division si 11.220 llriinx. SOCTIIEHN HLVti. itm, alt Ferdinand Hi ht to Max Stallnian. S3S E t3d at. iJ in .mlii erom Nov 1, 1'iH. atty. (tioier Iice A nmbrolderv Co, 1123 llwy 12.090 ( LIS PEMIK.NH. I Manhattan. I MARHI.E HILL AV 2. and 22511, at, m to lit W John t HirlfoHa agt Yen Realty o isp-eldi- performxnrei . attv. tv V 7.lp.r ' ORND ST J Dtnlel H.irtnian agt Ralph I Hoaart i specific perfnrnian.n . atl). J A I Whlti'hurn. K,.'i).NT "J. ""P " Ileekman st. 127 tn 13.1 - ll-idshti Wooil orklnr Co agt' Standard ('oner ;e fri Co rt al taction u. for.clue ineelmnle'e lien). att. A J lloinagna. llronx. ED'ir.WATElt ItO. w 7 n We.f. rh.(r av, 2XI00--llertha Herlnger V. Amatla H I MulhnlUnd et al iforclo.e intKci. att Lee .4- Klelhman Col.t'MMl'S AV n SO Darnel. 1 m 2'.x 100 Ella A Hu'ler vs Ednird limp et al (foreclose mtcei atty c F Corner. MLCHANIC' MEN". Manhattan. iihovDIVAY Henry 11 Mel.e ,t- Pnn. in v. .iiavnein rnn.iructinn Co, ouner. Hr,rv Uiwenttial. contractor Ill HIT-OLE ST. I7t and 173, Ej.t H-iu.t-T s:. .'53 Samuel Has Haml'tnn Fish Cnrp Stuivaaant La Ror or lien tl King trustee, and estate nf fprunir owners. Lena and Louie KreMberir and I SuP'.k Amusement Co, Int, leasee nnd lontraetnr , . . si 7io i 3D AV. 14V2 and 194 oriental Fireproof .. . . n.t.t T..t,.r ... 1 . I..I, n II...1,... ... .:,., ,,rV,;. Vw n.r. .-V Am mnt Co, cnnira.-tor .US'). 4HTH ST. 13 W -John R HUlr i. Mar: V " ' f..'"-ni n. tr.icior... . .. ... ... .... . 1250 43D ST. :u to'si? wloui; nerni..n e ,i ' tli Ht Co ..-rner. CnrC.andi lr..n va 1Mb Works. Inc contrarior. llronx. 137.' :i i STEHIIINH AV. S5T. ). .-., ! and T3 John It S.irrcll aKt Fnxiale Realti I'n, nv ner. I'lil Ip V." lt-l and Kelg'.e '"o i-tra-tlrir i.'n. contractors 11.212 '.0 1H.CK ST. s. 200 P w nf Av St John. li'ixlS.'. Sew Columbia Iron Works ugt o-'rn i onrtnii .inn t n, owners an.l n.-i , T,.i7irv: ,1,2-i.n,,,. , .n" ,g?i !;.:!"o,V'ra'orr'''. "v," i.avti'V av n e cor of Dean ,.v. :;i',.i -, Tlif.m.ia Attlerl aKt Tony an, 1 Fllom-'n 1 Sin'.itnasenn, owner.: Max Krlandel, con tractor 1225 S.VTII'IK1) tIKCIIANICS' LIINH. .Mntilinttun. WA1.FJ) AV. 453 Maurice Ahearn agt llen- nlon Con-trui;tlon Co. Oct IS, 1914 'by l.l'.iltl 1111 29TH 'T. 21 W Joseph Tlno A Co agt Hn glneers Club, Oct In. 1911 (bv de 11. ,.1 . 1 nil 'i CF.NTIIAL PARK WKST. w a. whole frnnt h t 42d and G3d .Is Joseph Tlno A Co hui Naw Theatre Cn et el. Oct 1 latl (by den 111311 AM STL HO AM A. e s, 70.1;) ft a of lSSth st I 1 H I. HOIAI, MAIL .VVr.AM I'ACKKT CO. Jo.eph Tlno A Cn agt Ice Mfg Cn et at. 1 Regular .ailing, to B-rmuda and W..i Indl... (Vt 14, 1914 Iby . . I5 25ia ,0 f.o. U.a. Agt... 12 Htate OL ALTfMN IIHsOKT.s. Atbiutli- (It). N. J. America's Famous All-Year Resort Seven mile of Iloardwalk, 60 feet wide, with uninter rupted ocean view It. entire length. It. quaint shop., plcre, tlieatree. aalt water swimming pools, aaddla horse, on the beach, golf, good motor roads, bracing aalt aea air, and hotels that are uusutpasaed for thn excellence of their ser vice and accominodatlooa. The Leading Houses Information, rates, etc., nn application. Thn llolmlinrat open All Year. Henry Darnell Hotel Strand Always Open. F.R. Oft and II. C. IMwards The Sbelburne Kuropnan riao, J. Wrtkel, Mgr. Hotel tit. Charlea Op VU Year. N'ewll," Hulnea Co. Hotel Chelaeia In the faahlonable Chelsea section. Open Atl Year J. a. inonipaoa a vo. from New York City by through train, via ti. J., or Ponna. R. R. Oonsalt local Uckal jncormauon. NKW JI.HSF.Y I-akanood. Laurel-in-The Pines LAKEWOOD, N. J. A highly attractive and healthful raanrt lor Tall and Winter .ojnurn. An abundance of Utr side walha and drives. Prleate lennls courts and putting greens, la hnle gnlf course. Tally orrhestral concerts NOW OPEN Frank F. Shute, Mgr. OAK COURT HOTEL. A modern hotel with a homelike at mn.phere, Now open for fall and winter season. K. IS. SPANOL.NllIIHO, Mgr. Winter Trips and Cruises HAVANA Interetting and restful, because of tho fascinating charm of tropical life and climate. Excellent hotels. 5ilingi (torn New York each Thundtr and Saturday at noon. Through ratal to lola of Pine. .Santiago, etc. NASSAU the Seat of the Enill.h Colonial Government of the Dehamae, ofieia many attiactione ae a Winter Keioit. Balmy climate, charming aocial life, golf, bathini, boating, lennie, polo, motonni, etc, S. S. HAVANA H.IM Dhaliceaixat S. S. SARATOGA 19,199 Ten Sail weeVly between New York and Havana (Cuba) calling at Naeau during tha winter montha. Low telte e l panta. H'rtlttrtookltli. NEW YORK t CUDA. MAIL SA CO.. (W.rd Line) Cancral Office.. Pier M. Eaat Rivar. N. Y. 117...rwiw, Oman 1MERS59 1 60, N. R. OLYMPIC LONDON Ma October 21 11:00 A. IY1. New York Queenatown Liverpool Illttlc (lit. 'JI nniiii Adrlatlr llrl 3H, nunn 1N. Y. & 'Boston- Itnly Greccc via Azores and Gibraltar 4anoplt- Vii ll.llaui 1 Inlau m I'.noon American Line Under the American Flag No v York Liverpool New York, lu t 1 1, ncmn l'hlln.. noon AtlanticTransportLine New York- London Slln'xi La.trt.ti4.ltiain Mlnlia.llrt..'II.N::inani Conipanj'. lllllre, llroadiiaj. .V 1. THB Undtr fA American Flag REGULAR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE Irvin Hew V.rk ' l'.r I- 1'j.t p r t l la S ) ta ouaa.j.Maiea.raNaMa cxnxl, OCNTKAL AMD XOUtH AMKRICa. Si. ns eir M- U .1 n i l. JAMAICA, PANAMA, OOLOM9IA. i . I - 1 .ri l. v i. tANTiAan, cuba, naanos, GUATEMALA, CIlirRAL AMIHIOAN PORTS. krdi-t lirri I r e . I r ..i-i, f - n -i S n tour- In JAMAICA on,) .at re .in I J mla:r--:i (. J 1 Html . . ' m from, N.w, In HAVANA, PANAMA en CENTRAL AMERICA. t -..I ri.-.. .t ' i .f V -.1 m i - u .1 I o J '. Atl r . S l I .Ie- Unltod Fruit Company Steamahlp Servlco IT a.ll.ry PI..., Hmm V.rX t ',!. j ' CUNARD ,. .. . , Lttacltsned lorJ . " t , hajtest btcamcrs in the World. A . I , A ,l . I. .. rtt U1 lallIa. 1-USltaiHd, IVlrtlirCl-tllia . SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL .St i!.H ( I III I II X. X.Cl MAURETAN1 A.Wctl.. Oct. 21. Noon , -,.ii inxi Franconia at.. Uct.JI. 1U AM LUSITANIA Laconia Transylvania Franconia Wed., Nov. 4. I AM Sat.. Nov. 14. 10 AM Sat.. Nov. 21. 10 AM Sat.. Nov. 28. 10 AM - GENOA NAPLES. MALTA. PATRAS CARPATH1A Sat.. Oct. 31 CUNAKD STLAMSHIP COMPAr. l . Ltd. ,i - 21-24 Slate Stfeet, New Yoik. OLD DOMINION LINE To all po.n.. So ith at.. V.est tiler. Weekday . 1'ier .orin inter ivi, duu 1 r.inklln I'ltl.M II LINK Conipagnie iienera'e rran.A'. .antique Hired I. Inc tn llnirr (France), fiener.i. Ar n y. 1'J Slate St N V IF.A.MM1II' ! auy purl. Onrlal Agent .11 lllea. Ilajirond A llblleasak C.. 2It ilb At.. N. T, SAVANNAH LINE All iY?1"" , .New tofk .lince- SU1 Fifth ATjaao. Clark'. Orient l rill.e. I 'It. 1 1, 'IM' up; S. Rotterdam. 1'. C. (lark, lime. III. la., N. V. (ill Til IIF.I-MC11A. -l.le.l Vacation Mesnrt Days from N Y Round Trip 125 up. Any Agt CII'AllON.-i. 1 t 11 i-Tii : 1 i 1 1 ."f.u 1 1 f ritLs-r vti: 01 Ni:w I VOltK. IIV THII llllll i: (IV CUIl Fltl-H I AND INDKPI.NKLIN r To Jl'I.IA HICKK 'HILL. PHILIP H. HlCKri. ANNUS HOVT 1 1IIC1CS. MARY WILLIAMS HPAJIROW. ALFHHD HICK.H WILLIAMS. ADULA 1IRYAN Dl.Vl-ltKAL. KATH JONES UVAHTS, ADKI.A K, IIUllUAltD (and all other helra at law and next nf kin 1 or said Marguerite II. Hicks, late of the City and I Hrnadway, Horough of Manhattan, New County of Naw York, deceased, all o( whom I York City. are unknown anJ whus. name, and places 1 the County of New Tork on tha 3rd day of nf residence wlih due diligence be 1 October. 1914 ascertained to wit. the living leeun or de- Dated New York, October 3rd, 1914. srendants nf unknown brothers or alstera of ' JOHN WILLIAM SMITH, PlalntlfTa At Adela 1) Hlrka or Robert Hicks, mother and . father of said del eased 1 the heirs and next of kin of Marguerite V. lllrks, deceased, SBND ORIIKTINIl! Whereas, c ELLIOTT MINOR, who re sides at 290 St James I', HnrniiKh of Hruklyn, In the CI11 of Neu York, h is lately iipplle.l to the SurrngateN' Court of nur countv of New York, tn haie a certain In strument In writing, duie.t the 1.HJ1 duy of April. 1911. relating to bulb real and oer- snnal properly, duly proved us the last Will I under sectlou 221 of the Ueneral Corpora and Testament of Marguerite H. Hlrks, who tluu Iiw, and that It appears therefrom wunnl the time of her death a resident of that such corporation has compiled with said the city uf Sew 1 oru. Ill the County of New Ynrk deceased Therefore, vnu and each of von are cited to show causa before the Surrogates' Court uf our Countv .if New Ynrk, at the Hall nf Rerorls. Ill the CnunlV of New York, on th" 19th day nf November, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen ill hulf past ten ' lock in the forenoon nf that dav, whv the aald Will and Testament should not be ad- milted to probata aa a Will of rial and per- eomii pr.-i'-ii ... . In Testimony Whereof, We have caue,l Ihe Seal of Hie Surrogates' Conn of the said County of New York tu be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon Robert Lud. . w Fowler, a Surrogate of our aald County of New York, 111 said County, the 15th L. H.l day of October, In the year of our Lord mi. thousand nine hundred and fourteen DANIKL .7 DOWDNBY Clerk of the surrogates' Court I . rrrrr-r IIOROL'OH OF HltOOKLYN rOH HALK. DETAC1IF.D HOl'Sli. oonialning Nina t)-.n. ll lmr,PAi .n,.nl. nn ,lnl of r.nnn .... .,......-..-, m . 41x110. In beautiful King. Iflihway secllan. li minutes to New York by Hrlghton Reach "L." Public and parochial schools two block Bwnjr, ...ui,.... ,i . - Far aale at a bargain to cash buver; neigh- borbood first claas. For particular, ad drew TtARO -IN nnx 113 dm 'VCiie. . " FLORIDA RK..U. K STATU FOR M.M.K. FOR SAI.F. I 600 arras land In linker ' .-'--11. , . . . 1. r. CAII-P1.-II Co 1., riui.'in. . .-, Llmona, Fla. LSI Hudson River by Daylight 1 All Hrrx-lce Dally Except Sunday. j Direct llall Connection to all points in tlw Cntrtkilta, Saratoga, tho Adlrondaoka, tho Went nnd North. MuhIo. Ilectaurant. ' I.-ttVo DeebrowoH 8t., 8:40 A. M.; W. 42d St., 0 A. M.; V. 129th Ht., 0:20 A. M.; Yon korix, 9:45 A. M., landing fit Wcat Point, Ncwburgh, roughkecpule, KingBton Point, Cntsklli, Htidoon and Albany. Alt through roil tiokota brtwocn New York nnd Albany accepted. Hudson River Day Line 1 (AMJANV DAY LINE.) Low Fall Fares New York to Albany, Troy and the North Largril and Most Magnt flcent Hirer Steamers In the World, 'Herkshlre.' 'C.W.Morse'TroJan' 'ltentselaer.' rter na. ft. ft. Canal St.. T. M. dallyt Wait 13Jd St., Bt30 P. M. Phone Spring 0400. Hudson Nirigilion Co. To PORTLAND, Me. M3;,??.re MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE S. 8. NORTH LAND and NORTH STAR I eele tier ID. North Ittver. foot nf Warren Street, at 600 P. M Tueadaye.Thuredaysand Saturdava. A rfal1htr.,l krmn.ll. 3-1 trip to Iortland. UU.......U. .wiuur. -UVIU ine I ITl II1UTIFL1 Tlcleta, etc.. at the Pier, also at New York Transfer Co.. and Tourlsi offices throughout the city. Through tickets to all point., llagcagr checked through. N STEAMSHIP CORPORATION FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 Li I'irit It. X n.. ft, Fulton St., Dally at 6 1' M Music New London (Norwich) Line, via New London. Lv 1'ler W. N II . ft Houston at., week days only, 5S0 1 M ; Plrr 70.E. 11.. ft. H. 22.1 St., nrt) P. M. "im:' he pliuhkd." COLONIAL LINE BOSTON liVJKK $2.60 PROVIDENCE Direct $1.60 WrrK day. and Sundaia at I V. II. from I'le: y.i, N It., foot West Houston et. All Out.lde llonma, ai.oi) In 3.00. Vt Ireless equipment L'ptimn Omcc, llroadway and 3Jd at. Telephone Spflue DM1. BOSTOfsl Ttorcitrr,J.60! I'rotldence (liil.lde Slalrrooint 1.00. natlr. Including Sunday, lao p. ra. From Pier ID. r,. It. 'Phon. 2PX) Deelnnan. Cltv Ticket Office. 2W Uroadwar. N. Y. I'ptonn Ilcket Office, Jl'way and 33d at. MANHATTAN LINt To ALBANY FARF CI Oil HOUND TRIP Sl.SO rmc pjL.uu good 10 days IhiuTk't. A llagg'4 hria'ti InAII I'oinls. Dining Service a la Carte. Steamer lev dally, IMer 38. North Itlicr, fnot Weil Houston ht.. --TO 1. M.; Wet! nut M , S I'. M Telephone 9220 .Spring Sight-Seeing Yacht liatt. ry tier nail) lO-o. : 30, Til. uroaii 1171 ! HARTFORD LINE From New Pier 20. F.aet River, foot Pk Hllp. dally except Sunday, at S P. li. for CONNKCTICI'T H1VKR LANDINOfl TO U ItS. Cloomchin Rr.ervatlons Hy All Lines, Ocean 1 oou 111. 111,1 nn.l coast nise nates in forma ncKets Hon cheerfully Olven MARS- TF.RS. 1244 IP WAY. N T, Cllv. SUM MONSKM, ' SUI'Rl-Mi: COURT. STATH OF NKW rtu.ii SUW YORK COUNTY ALEX- . AS'DFIt A .TKIMtF.NSON. Plaintiff, vs WMF W STHl'HKNSON. Defendant -iimiinnns Action for Vb.olute Divorce. , To Till: AHO K NAM HI) DI.FBNDANTi I V11C A It I- HHItlHtV SCMMONKD to an ' swer liie inip'xliit In thla action, and to serve ,t -np of lour answer on the plain- 1 tiff'- .xttntnei iilthln tienty days after the .rril.-e of Hits eummoua. e.clu.tve of the day , of service, and In case of )nur failure to appear or answer, judgment win na taken I against you by default for the relief da- Dateu .New !orK. July 3atn. 1914 JOHN WILLIAM HMITH. PlalntlfTa At- To Aunle W Hteplien.on. Defendant; Tne toregning aummnns is served upon von hv nllbllcatlnn. nursuant to an order nf tortiey. 203 llroadivay. Manhattan Horough, N. V City 1 the Hon. Harlow H. Weeks. Justice of tha Supreme Court of the Htate of New York. 1 dated September 2Hll, 1914, and filed with , the complaint in tne omce of the Clerk of tornry, umce a i-. u. Addreaa, 203 DIKSOLL'TION .NOTICE". TATi: OF NKW YORK. OFFICII! OF T HI'. SIP'RIITARY OF STATU, as.; THIS CKRTIFICATB. Issued In dupllrate, hereby ertlrles thai TUB WIIITK MANU FACTURING COMPANY, a domestic stock corpornloii, has tiled In this office on this i-rn nay 01 ucmoer, isii. papers ror tha voluntary dlisnlutlon of such corporation . aei Hon In order to be dissolved. WITNESS my hand and the eeal of tha office of the Secretary uf state, at the city nf Alhan, thla fifteenth day of October one (hniisand nine hundred and fnurteen I JOSEPH 1'IDOEON . (Seal) Si-rond Deputy Secretary of state . SUKItOOATKH' .N OTIC I'M Zl r. SL ' '' . I HACIUALUPO. JHANNETTE H In outl 1 .uance in mn oruer oj lion. Itoberl Ludlnw ' Fowler, a Surrogate of tha County of v York, notice 1. berebv il. . . (1 1 having claims against Jeannette 11 fiaclra. lupo. late of the County of New York de. 1 (eased, to present the same with vouchers ' Iherenf to the subscribers, at their place of trnneactlng business. Hie office of Coudert Hrotb';rs. No 2 Rector street, In tha City of 1 New lork. on or before the 25th day of Jan. nary next Dated Ne York, the 10th day of J'; ,",!'. ..TJlJ.J.c JEANNB and WILL- 1AM M HAMILTON, Kxecutora COUDERT ,,OTHr5Rfi, Attorneya for Kxecutor. 1 Rector Street. N, Y City. ' HARHKTT. NORMA II In pursuance or mn ..ln. r.l tj.l.... ..Uin.Cfl f ... ..v . ... ....... ,., ci i.uhiuw rowiar 1 Surrogate of the Countv ni v.u. v.,.i- V:' - lug data th Ird day of Augu.t, 1914 'Notice Is ha'eby given to all persona having clalma .,u( ...iiiiM ii. iierrnii, tale nr tha County of New Yo.'k. decaaaed. to nreeent the aame with voucher, thereof to the sub- ecrlher, at It place of transacting business sa 22 William street, In The City of New "dated. 'NewYork. th.VlVy' o.'sepl tember 1914. Till. FAIIMI51IH' l.n.v kfi TRUST COMPANY. Kxecutor FRa'nk C. netiivv . . . . . . ' -. . . . 1. . ... . ,., m,..,,- mi -..i;uivr, se Uroad- A mi 1 way, New Terk City, FORECLOSURE SALES. BtipnEME eourtT, county or NEW TOUK Tho Farmera' Loan and Truat Com pany. aa aubttttuted truatea under the will of Timothy C. Kimball, deceaaed, plaintiff, agalnil Stonlngton Realty Company and othera, defandante. In purauance of a Judgment of foreclosure and aale, duly made and entered In tha above entitled action, ud bearing date the 11th day of fteptcmber. 1114, I, tha underelgned, the rafarae tn aald Judgment named, will aell at public auction, at the Exchange Salesroom, Nos. !(! Veaey Ktreet, In the norough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 37th day of October, 11, at 13 o'clock noon on that day, by Charlea A. lterrlan. auctioneer, the nramleea directed 1 by aald Judgment to ba aold, and therein I described aa follow.: All that certain lot. , piece or parcel of land, altuate, lying and I being In tha Ilorough of Manhattan, City of . New York, bounded and described aa fol lows: neglnnlng at a point on the southerly aide of Cherry Street distant two hundred and five (2061 feet two and one-halt C4 Inches eaatarly from the corner formed by the Intersection of tha said aoutherly side of Cherry Street and the eaatarly aide of Pike Street or Blip; running thence eaaterly, along tha aoutherly aide of Cherry Street, thirteen (13) feet elx and one-liaJf () Inches; aoutherly. parallel, or nearly ao, with the easterly side of Pike Strut and tor a part of the distance through a party wall fifty (60) feats thence easterly six (6) Inches, inance aoutneriy. parallel, or nearly an, wnn the eaaterly aide of Tike Street, seventy (70) feat four (4) Inches to a point on the north erly aide of Water Street distant two hun dred and nineteen (319 ) feat four and one half (IH) Inches east of Pike Street; thenca weeterly, along tha northerly aide of Water Street, thlrty-.evan (37) teet eleven (111 Inches; thenca northerly, parallel, or nearlv ao, with tha eaaterly side of I'lka Street, twenty (10) feet ten (10) Inchea; thence eaaterly, parallel, or nearly ao, with the northerly aide of Water Street, twenty-three (23) feat eleven and one-half (11H) Inches, thence northerly, parallel, or nearly ao, with tha eaaterly aide of plka Street and for part of the dtatance through a party wall, ninety nine (t feat six (41 Inchea more or less to tha point or place of beginning Bald premlaes will ba aold aublect to any state of facta which may ba shown on a survey at said premises made by Francis W. by Francla W. Ford'a Sona. and aleo aublect to tha rovenanta and condition, contained tn roro, nana june zsui. uoi. ana certinei a grant recorded In rtonk n or rliv ilram. New York Comptroller office, page 1-7. as modified by Act of the Legislature or the State of New York, paaaad tn 111, ao far aa the unit may now be In force. Dated New York. September 22, 1314, HENRY A. FORBTER. Referee. MANLTCY A. RAYMOND. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office address, lit llroadway, norough of Manhattan, N. Y. City. Tha following la a diagram of the prop erty to be soldi Its street number are 229 Cherry Street and 114 and 416 Water Street! c hsr ft y sr. 4 The annroxlmata amount of the Hen or charge, to satlaty which the above described property la soil, la wi.j.v 32, witn interest thereon from .September Jnd, 191 4. together with costs and allowance amounting to ml. 20. with Interest thereon from tfeuDtem- ber 14th, 1914, together with the expenses of sale. The approximate amount of the taxea, assessments and water rates or other liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of tha purchase money or paid by the referee. Is 11,029.12 and Interest Dateu New yorK, neptemner zz. i3i HENRY A. FORSTF.R, Referee. SUPnEMK COURT, COl'NTV OF NKW vnilK n.ttv Uusthal. Plaintiff, aga nst Joseph Kdeleteln and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and aale. duly made and entered In the above-entitled action ana nearing uaie tne 9th dny of October, 1914, I, the undersigned the referee In aald Judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the Kxchange Sales room, No 14-1. Veaey Street In the Dor. ough of Manhattan. City of New Ynrk. or, tne stn nay 01 riovemner, i:ni. ai 1. o rio k on that day, by Samuel Marx, Auc tioneer, tha premises directed by said Judg ment to be aold, and therein described aa follows ALL that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements lhareon erected, situate, lying and being In tha Horough of Manhattan. City of New York, bounded and described aa follows: nKOINNINO at a point on the northerly side of tilth Street, distant ninety (90) feet westerly from the corner formed by the In tersection of the northerly side of illth Slreat with the westerly side of Fourth, now Park Avenue: running thence northerly, parallel with Fourth, now Park Avenue, and part of the dlatnnca through a party wall one hundred (100) feet eleven (111 Inches to tha centre Una of tha block: thence westerly along the centre line of the block, twenty five 35) feet, thence southerly with Fourth, now Park Avenue, and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred (100) feet ten (10) Inchea to th northerly aide of HSth Street: thence eaaterly along eatd northerly aide of HMh Btreet, twenty five (24) feet to the place of beginning, aald yremleea being known by the street number S West 115th Street, In the Hornugh of Manhattan, City of New York Dated, New York. October 10. 1914 ISAAC F COHEN. Referee BOWERS A BANDS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 41 Cedar Street. Horough of Manhattan. New York. N. Y The following Is a diagram of the prop, erty to be aold; lie atreet Number Is 76 Kast Illth Street! Centre line of -block. lHth flreet. The Aonroxlmata amount of the Hen or charge. ,0. satisfy which the above-descrlbed firOperiy IS lO D. SV1U. IS .ta.-W.av. llllll merest thereon from th. 26th day of Sep- tember. 1914. together with the cost, and allowance amounting to 1401 . with Inter. eat from October 9, 1911, together with the ........a nr . , . . . 1 a. T. u .1 n ,,. , . m.. . amount of the tax., assessments and water rates or other Hens, which are tn be alloiied to the mirchaaer out of the purchase money. or paid by the Referee, Is 1733.16 and In- terest. Said premlsea will be sold subject to a party wall agreement recorded In Liber 3277 nf Cnnveyancee. at page 219, rights nf monthly tenants, rights of Telephone Com pany to maintain a switchboard on rear fence, and atate of fact. shoHn on euri ev made by Earl H. Invell, dated April 21. 1910. uatea, .ew lorx. xfi-ioner ii. isii. ISAAC F COHKN, Referee. LFOAL NOTICES. UNITr.D STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF PKNNA AT I'll 30011011.'". lu. wiwwr, ..fill, ..i., in Equity. Frank D. Olover. et al.. vs. American waier ivora ana uuaranie lom- pany. Nntle 1 hareby given that the Special Maater appointed In thla cauae haa by leave of aald Court filed hla Report In the Clerk's office of said Court at l'ltteburgh, Penna., and that aald Report will ba confirmed ah nlutelv under tha order of aald Court on the 24th day of October, 1914, at 10 o'clock 91., unirii uu u. u.i.'i- ...o imui exceptions should be tiled thereto and cause ba ahown why aald Report ahould not ba au confirmed. IIILAltY H HRUNOT, SpeHal Maatar. Plltaburrh. Ta . October 3. 1914, ntHINF.Sb CIIANCF.H. SMALL hotel or saloon wanted or work-in- nrtn-rhtn therein hv i- . A . n. ... t .. .. - 1. 1., of New York City, have sum capital and asalgnabl Income of 11,100 yearly: mu.t bo clean proposition; no agents. HOTEL MAN. bnx 141 Sun office. , L0ZIER ASSETS APPRAISED. FMltilrea Are- Conalrternbly Heluiv the) (10,71)11,141 Ltnlillltles. I.ktkoit, Oct. 18, Tho Dittrolt Tmat i ...... . . 21 l3 V 1 i 11 r 15 90 ..ornpany n. "...ipioic, i, eniory , -,,,,, m(le, e a.t of (Jal- and appralaal of the property of the vr.tnn bar at noon Ixirler Motor Company, Involvlnn tho In- I S Ollnda. (Iibara, 345 mile, anuth ol Diamota ventory of about 200,000 It.m, mor 8I.0-I. at noon the aaaata of the comiany In Detroit nnd jui.iier at t P M Plattahurs, N, Y. s Vlribmrtu, S.xu Juan, 173 mile, east of The stntement ahows amMn of 14.89!).-' Hnanii at P M. 07". OR, which tho recolvnr Inventorlea nt 14,312,717.07 and appraise,, nt J2,0tl9, 7 If. to, while thwlr value urOer !lo,.iii'r tlon, excludlnx real eatate, bulldlnga nnd power houio machinery and equipment of the company In Detroit und 1'liittnbui g, which am not valued for liquidation, la placed at 11,3-6,584.4.. Liabilities nro given at t-,709,141.88. nil). 1,7100 Cnrloiid of Applra, Tacoha, Wnah., Oot, IS New York men have bought fifteen hundred cnrloade of fancy apples, paying ll.il00.000, which relieves the depressed market. WEATHER FORECAST WnsliJngton I'rcdictions for To day and To-iiiorrow. For eastern New York, local raina lhl morning, followed by fair) fair to.morrowl j . . ,, nnrnier In the Interlori moderate ahlftlni unda. For New Jersey, partly cloudy to-dayi fair to-morrow Manner In Interior; mod erate shifting winds. Eor northern New England, local ralna to day, probably fair to-mnrrowj moderate ea.t winds, becoming variable. Kor southern New England, local ralna to day; fair to-morrow, warmer, except In ex treme southeast portion: moderate shifting winds. For western New York, partly cloudy to dav. fair to-morrnw; moderate shifting winds NEW YORK, Oct. 1 There wax a mod- erata atorm area moving out the Ht t aw- rence Valley and a second and more ex tensive disturbance forming over the upper Missouri Valley yesterday, the formation resulting from nn area of low pressure from the central Rocky Mountain Htatea nnd one from the north Pacific coast. Thla ills turbanre was causing rains throughout the Northwestern States und the upper Mississippi Valley There was cloudy weather with scat tered showers In the middle Atlantic States, aoiitliern New England and around the lower lake region: elsewhere the weather was I generally fair. It w aa cooler In the extreme i West and In the take regions, middle At- Ixnlli- and New F.ngland States, In this city the day was cloudy at tlmea with an occasional showeri slightly cooler! winds fresh easterly: nverag" humidity, "1 per cent ; barometer, corrected to read t aea level, at A M., 29.17. 3 V. M.. 29. HI. The temperature In thl. city iraterday, aa recorded by thn official thermometer, la ahuwn in the annexed table: 1011 1013 1011. n A. 11 al" :.. P. M. 12 M. . f. l' P. M -I 3 1' M ) M'lt! Mid lllghrat temperature, M. at 11 A. M. 1013. 50 40 Cotton State. Weather. For North Carolina, fair to-day; fair to morrow, warmer In Interior; moderate shifting winds. For South Carolina, fair to-day and to morrow, light winds, mostly south For (leorgla, fair to-day; partly cloudy t morrow, light shifting winds. For Alabama, fair to-day; Increaslni cloudiness and probably showers to. morrows light shifting winds. For Mississippi, partly cloudy to-day, ehonera to-morrow; moderate south winds. For Louisiana, showers In west to-day and to-night In eaat portion; p.trtty cloudy to morrow: moderate south winds. For eastern Texas, showers to-day, except fair In northwest portion; fair to-morrow south wdnds. For western Texas, fair to-day and to morrow. For Oklahoma, pirtly cloudy to-day and to-morron , probably shower, to-morrow For Arkansas, unsettled to-day; fair to morrow MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATL'lti: ALMANAC. in a. 13 Sun Sets ni 6.101 Moon ..eta rM lido Sun 11(411 THIS DAY. M' AH' KH !n SandylFk 7 l2,(lov.lsland 7 JOltletl date. LOW WATF.Il THIS DAY. SandylFk llttt'CnvMalatid U'llrll Oate. it .-OS 4rrled SCNDAV. October IV S.Cameronla. 4:IS P. M.. 01i"ow. October 1t. Ss La Touralnc. S:30 p. M . Havre. October 19. Ms Clio. 4 A M.. I.hbon. October J. bs llarm.ton. 0 A. M.. Cardiff, October 2. Ss Emdyk. 13 A. M.. Rotterdam. October t. Ns Antares. 7.15 A. M.. Halifax. October 15. StHayamo, .V) A. M , Progrrjo. October 13. Si Yaguei. 4:H V M . ban Juan, Octnber II. Sa in in A M Jamaica Ocmber tJ S. City of Montgomery Savannah. October IS. N.Arananne, Savannah, iictnner 11. Sa Hamilton, Norfolk, October 17 Se Delaware. Philadelphia. October 17 Ss Idaho, no-ton, October 17 AHHIVTD FROM N1IW YORK Ss Unlied Slates, at Chflstlansand. haili'.d ro7TNr.iv YORK Sa Columbia. Irnm Movllle. OtriOOINO ST1'.AMS1III'.S. Sail To-doi Malls Ves.eli Soil. 3 no P M II no P M 1 00 l M 3 00 P M 1 CO P M 2 oi P M 3W I' M 3 00 P M 3 00 P M 3 110 P M I HO P M 3 00 P M 11 00 A li 12 00 M 12 l) M 12 () M 3 IX) P M 3 00 P U 12 ) M 12 no M 1 00 P M 3 on P M Close. 13 no M 13 0i M Id 00 A M Auehrncrac, ltlo Janeiro Whltglft. Montevideo Hosllllus, Mniitrildeo 1'rlncesa Aline, ,orioiu Sail To-morrnw. Ilrrsen.flurd. llrrjen innnAM San (itidlelmn, Naples II 3'l A M Madonna, Maiselllo. Stnrfnnd, HI" Janeiro. 12 00M California, Havre City of Columbus, Savannah Arapahoe, Jacksonville. Hamilton, Norfolk Sail Wednesday, October 21. Olympic. Clusion 7 30 A M xiaureiatua. Mvcrpom, o .vj . i Philadelphia. La (iuayra h SI) A M 7.Tl en V l.avtl 11 30 A M 12 1U P M 12 COM llrln- llnhln , ;'". " ''"T"' ,"ima , IW.'Vl.V aa . i'MTO!."."'?-' '"T.,.; LVtn "tlolk . , - ....... INCOMING .STI.AMSIIIP3. Due To-day. Snperca 1 Orlnii Mcldemkln Carolyn Tennjon Mexican t'rlox i Herui Mlnnewa.ka Almerla Oct in Naples t,ept 20 Colon Oct 4 Halbna Oct 7 Rio Janeiro Sept 30 crl.tnbal Oct u Pairas. Sept 17 llarrelona Oct 3 London Oct. 10 Rotterdam. Oct. 4 Rotterdam. Oct. 4 San Juan.. .. Oct. 14 Jamaica . Oct, 14 rialvcatnn. .Oct. 1.1 New Orleans. Oct. 14 .-morrow llarrelona, . .Oct. 3 (ialvrstnn . Oct. 14 llrunswlck . . Odt, If Savannah. Oct. 17 Jacksonville Oct. 17 Mobile . .Oct. IS ay, October 21. .llorta Oct. t .Naples Oct. 10 Lisbon. Oct. 5 -Sunderland Oct. 7 Colon. Oct. 13 (lalvcatnn. Oct, 15 La Flandrc. I.eto. Coamn Concettlna dl (llorglo. I!l OHcnte Protrux Due T Inc.. Mi-llnn. . ..-.... City of St, Louis. Huron ! .ii'-.n-. Sablnc. I llrltannla..... Huropa.. Val Satlce.. Ilrrllond A, i m Mundb llanulir.. . . Ini-oiuliiK Vraai-la lly AVIrrlrai. Ss Havana. Havana, 7 miles north of Jupiter at ii P. M jr.lrrday ..... . S. r.l BUll. linivfsion, -Il murs rim in urn- vi .ton at noon I s. Creole. New Orleana 147 milea northwest I ni Tortuga. at noon i i s Cltv of Si Louis S.v.xnnah, 130 milea suiiih ol Sandy Hook at noon S. I'roleus. New Orleans, .u. muea aoum ni ... l.nHv llnnlc III nndll , Ss silima. Mobile, 14 mile, north of Jupiter at 7 P M S. Frtldft, Sabmc. 14 mile, ea.t nf Sabine bar at 7 P M. s. Coamn, nan Juan, 151 miles south of Sandy Ss F.I Orlenle ualvesion, i nines soiiin ni U.nHv llnnlc at noon. Se Anai-he, Jarkannvllle, 49S milea south 07 Sandv Hnok at 7 P M Ss Cherokee, (ieoryitowii, 222 mllra south or Sandy Hook at 7 P M. Ss Medina, Oalve.ton. 413 tulles south of Sandy Hook at 7 P M S. llllrotl,, a.- nine. e'Juin in .,,. llnnlf (it 7 1 ' M DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. F.X D1VIDF.NDS Company and Term Stock, Alsaa. Nem- York Honduras Rnsark) Mining, nuarterly - W DIVIDIINDS PAY 141.12 Maple Leaf Mining, qiiarierl) pfd fit Sieu.ri Mining quarterly or Sienart Mining, extra 24i LOST, FOUND AM) HLWARDS. DARK blue leather pocke'book, hlue lined; nna dollar, some change. 2 It R tickets, on key and some papers, rtnder keej money. Addresa to V B box 114 Sun otllce l