Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1914. GONGRESSSETS ANEW RECORD INMSTORY "Will Close the Longest Oon tinuoiis Session This Week. MASS OF LEGISLATION WITIIOI T I'AIIALLKL GUARANTEED MORTGAGES LAWYERS MORTQAQE CO. Dlrictoru Thiottore C.Camp Henry Morsenthau Cuy Carv A. Henry Marie Edward OaWltt ltebert L. Plerrepont William J. Ouana Thot. N. Rhlnalandar Caell C. Evert fiamuel Rlkar, Jr. Chat. S. Falrchlld Oeerte L. Rlraa Rabart W. Cealat Hanry U (tlrnaan Chaa. r. Hewtand Charlaa H. Van Hlta Qeorfe A. Hurd William I. Waltar Richard M. Hurd ! Uhertr 8t..N,T IM Mnntaria St nVn Wilson Pleads for Return of a Democratic Congress Continued from First rage. lluit tlif tiitnl will exceed 30,000 for tlio entire Congitss. With tbn record of this session still I no inll('tf about 210 public laws have were an Indlspensnbto first step to rcstab llshlng competition. Tin. nrnt Cnnirress has taken that 1 atop wtlh courage, nlnrcrlty ami effective ' tiess. The lohby ly which some of the ' worst features of the olil tariff hart been ' maintained was driven away by the mere pitiless turnliiK on of the light. The prin ciple was adopted that each duty was to be tested by the Inquiry whether It was put at such a figure and levied In such a manner as to provoke competition, Tho soil In which combinations nan liten t'imriPii either in tne icirm or tuns , ,., ,,f the nr r.., Anion them In addition g'"WII was removed lest some of the tn those heretofore! enumerated was tho seeds of monopoly might lw found to le Alaskan rallroail bill, which authorizes Government building of railroads In Alaska at a limit of cost of J3.00ti,oon ; a bill iiuthorlilng the IciiHlng of public coat lands In Alaska, the bill for the of the Panama Canal tolls, the ot l ie remarnBii.i legislative 1 ' , ,. i. i .i ........ I i"'-"- "'"-1--!,erwnhP1a'vl,::f rmtt r'..has already a ,.. i,,..... tiers on the Issue of eurrenev. a bill eondttlons with kin nae I , ... .,...,,.,,, .,,,...., t. ....,,. th,, n.iv conditions are I.m 1, n. ! c..n- anmiUIIIK llirt'.KIl rilivn ... "'M"'v.m . r, it, lie IMlgSI I 'ill- " . .....1,11.1,1m. .--.e n. . . .. l .1...., Ik. .,1,1 T ip r ,V III the I'l'd- fH. II Hill I IMCl IIMIIO IIUI.1U.1 .l ...... - liurc.iu in tut ,.,-,.. -" - ment. the Lever extension Wasiiinoton, Oct. is With tha end of this aierloti of Congress In sight, prnb ably on Wednesday or Thursday of this week, party leailfrn anil niacin ill Wash Ihgton are b.eitH.ird and tak Inn stock of tn record and mi. He The se-sion t tiding litis wsck will have I tlons run close t iiii i!.i. t 1 1 ti in nit. H.fl.ion In the li s' eral Geyt rnmcnt. Th. r I prob ibly i urncc will excei il b !HI !- i idol Hie first siaslnn ol Ihi' t'"i f I ; i ; i I'wKr w It will bo fifteen in twenty ilai hi uier tnali the socond session of tlio I I'l l li til Congress, but the Intt.-r, i listen' I n b. in continuous, waa Interiup.ed h h i ;m: re-tntcs When tun presem CjiiKrvsii. tho Hlxty third, ends b liiiilta.ioii uf law at noun on Jlareh t next n win lluld the teeurd ua the Intmrst t'otiKreae in the hlilory of tha conn i . illH iiujouiiiui.iii iii.i. ...I. ..... -""I ,... i vrn r-rlll a record mr tin H.xt -llilm r.inr.reii or "i hi"i"ik . . - more than iiiJ wnrklnif days mid, wl'h , tha dur.illnu of the la' sissl' h. Mfftu-, T ATV P AQV. TfP Tfl.TlAY main In It. The thins had needed to dc done for a lonir time, but noliody hud ventured bofore to undertake It In syste matic fashion. The panic that the friends of prlvllc had predicted did not follow, lluslntss dlustcd Itself to the new Ith slrnular r.ise and elatlc In The rc. enun lost by tho Import duties was ro- Lever exiensinn , , .. . . act a bill retaliating .i n of cotton for "u"u " future delivery and the various enter-1 shifted th., burden of taxation from the Kency measures Incident to the war In shoulders of every consumer In the coun- tiirmi... neh as the appropriations tn brlnit home Amerlcin citizens stranded In the war. Another measure KrnwtaR out of an emergency, wbleh Connress readily paesrd in rei..ise to the rfonest of the I'resl- ibnt was the resolution relating to af. try, sreat or small, to shoulders more cer tainly able to bear It. IVnr's llffect on Jlcveimes, We had time to le.irn from the actual to pi to the assistance of the banks of ,.n,.n...r Tii .inl. niources of the country am mobilized, to bo cmplojed whero they nro innt needed. 1 think we are Justified In speaklnir of this as a democracy of credit Credit Is at the disposal of every man who can show energy nnd assets. Mach region of the country Is -et to study Its own needs and oportunltles and the whole country stands by to assist. It Is solf-Oovern-ment as well as democracy. AKrletilltiriil Credit KnlnrKeil. SHORT TERM NOTES TO PAY GOLD DEBTS Such nn AiTiuifroinontto He Dis cussed In Conferences With Sir George 1'iiish. . !, . IA . M V. Vt-tVA VV f V . Sft W V VnHor llutull't Svndttattd Strmmt nppmf ueiklu In apprnrimnttlti flftten hundred in Tn It'mr Uinounot) At sAi York urn cmlrollrd bu Me tyndtcatrtct hare contract, fr pulutMmi "t th", tl'tructtce itrmont In the leaatna netrtpnpen olthtt mitropoltt, patni thtr for uucrmnnif ra.r,, is'TKIiSATlOttAt. IttllLi: STVDKNTH ANSOClATlOS. ALSO SE0UI.ITY VALUES Washington, Oct. 18. Further details were obtained to-day In renard to the Im portant conferences which wilt be held t iiiidrmtniid wliv It Is not Possible nt,)i,.rn this week between Sir flcorre l'alsh. this session to mnture leRlslatlon Intended thc English economist and adviser to the specially for tho development of a sys- lirltlsh Chancellor of the Kxchequer, and tern for handllntr rural, or rather aprlcul-, t;nted Htates Tre:isury olllclals In reK.ird tural credits; hut tho Federal roserve act t0 present problems of International credit Itself facilitates nnd enlarKcs agricultural i anj finance. credit In an extraordinary denree. Tho 1 ti has been told In Tnr Hum that thniie farmer Is os much it partner In the new ! conferences would seriously consider tho democracy of credit as the merchant or possibility of establlahliiK some means of manufacturnr. I clearing credits between this country and Indeed, special ami very Ubernl pro-1 llritaln which would obvlute tho vision Is mad" for his need, as will speed- i necessity of large gold shipments. Tho ll.v appear when the system has been a , mitcgtsllon of an arrangement for an ox Ilttlo while In operation, His assets are clatlK0 of securities Instead of gold will as available- as any otner moii s, mm iw ( i,e considered at the meetings In W ash credits of a longer term. i lugton. There have been manv other measures I ti Wah Unm t,t..inv Hint in .. imss.'d of extraordinary Importance, for BllcratIou of such a plan Ureal Urltaln the serMon has been singularly rich In ,ull,j rrqulrn short term notes -sccurl-thoughtful and eonstruetlve legislation tM tnat wl mture much more quickly, Heaven and Earth Being Shaken The Ecclesiastical Heavens Shaking Thc Social Earth Quaking Thus Begin the Terrible Experiences of thc "Day of Jehovah" -"Who Shall Be Able to Standi' '-Only thc Unshakable Thing, Will Remain - -These Will Be Incorporated in Messiah's King dom Knowledge Gives Strength and Protection Ignorance of God's Truth Disastrous "My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge" Thc Millennial Morning Dawns. but I have mentioned the chief acts for which this Congress will be remembered a.t very notable. Indeed. 1 did not mean when I began to write to mako this letter so long, nnd even to mention the other Wlslatlon that Is worthy of high praise would extend It to nn Inordinate length. My purpose m for Instance, than the municipal or other bonds that might ordinarily be used In such a plan. The suggestion will be made at the conferences that notes given by some of the Urge banks of this coun try might be accepted and that these banks could In turn obtain the notes of tho Federal Iteserve banks In this coun- .iiltnlnlKtrnllnn if tho law that the rev- i ,ih.. un merelv In extiress my own . ... falls In Mexici which approved his course I ,. ri.sultlng from the double change grett admiration for Hie Industry and the . Tni-re. 'Is another suggestion that hns it-iiiu'i mm., .... ... - . . .. i already oeen cuscusae'i in me inrornisi llnnli'l Wlllnril Will .IliiUr Openlnu peeeli fur Curriers. would havn bfen abundant had It not been for the breaking out of the present war In Kuropc, which nrfects almost every route of trade ami every matket In the world outside of the l.'rdted States. I'ntll the war ends and until Ita effects upon PI ml nlng in "ei'iiiihr, deftu'i. flx.d. It is certain liat wlun th.a C nt ria ixplres on March t It will hae .mil a nenrd of nrobnb.i a II. tie liuie t' n'0 days t-- nn, ..r .... it,t ?3n .1 ii i. i . .. M-ialllViiTtiV. Oet IK f-JM.UJs ' , , .h.ill hnv.. t,i lmn.ii,.. n.t AS u lllittu- df fact Cotisns ilas D-en i raimm.T ..... - -- - --- In session inmost continuously sln-o April morrow mo-ntng consideration of the 6 ( litlon.iI taxr ti it ake up for the loss of IB, 1K13, ivmn I'resid tit Wilaou ls.'Ueil Ins per rem anvanee rani case, wnic-i u re- suun pan ot our import mines as mo m call for a special s. ..iott to revise inc . oi'Ticu. juuih on nj- ciuiuiK uu u- uiii.uitn ttirt.t- tarlff. Th' siiecia! .'in merxid witn' D.inlfl Wlll.inl, prrsiuent or tne nam-i seivt-s a vernatiie war tax. inougn we tlio rtBUltr e'slon b i began lat le- more and nhlo and of the com-1 are not at uar; for war. and only war, Is rembcr, and has tiiiitlmitd i..i;l! now, with mlttee repreetitlnit Kajtern railroads 1 tlio cause of It. the excit.on of a ! I'lir. r. . e. n.ll mike the opening statement for .the It Is foitunate that the rnluctlon of xorrlars H will lw, followed he O.i'L" tho duties cmiie ilrsl. The Imnort duties Wlun II llu Aeeiiiniillnlieil. i v, ssrlver. vlce-predf nt of th.- Haiti-, collected under the old tarllf ronstltuti d ; In such labors Boaton. Mas., Oct 18. l'aslor KUMcll. HpoaUliiR to it ttrand mulii.'iioe in "lloston Thcutro" to-day, took for hli text. "Vet onco moro lliinllv I nliaku not tho enrtli only, liut nlwi lieuv on. (IlrbrowH l!::'"). In conjunction lie rend from 21:11 and from Joel 2:30 : 3.111, Ho docluri-d that nil of the1 .Scripture nro up plicalili) to the nio- tiwntfiun I'llllllli: of Uio prcwiit Ak and nd which will be taken up In the , lliei IniuiKtirntion of tho .Now I. pooh or meetings this week. MwainhV KitiKdotn Tho I'netor (Il ls the possibility of banks In the 1 dared that these HymboliMiii lire ulroaiiy -The Interstate ' manufacture and commerce have been cuts off by cutting off the Impoits them-i statesmanship. I nm proud to have been HS-oclated witn suen men. woraniK in ueh a plrlt ttrouch so manv months of unremitted labor nt trylnir tasks of coun sel , ' it has been a nrlvllego to have n stnre I wish I cimld express , struetlve skill, which has accomplished all cnfer,.ncis In Washlngtonn between Hlr these things. , i),. rge and Treasury Department fill I wish I cotlin svnK ny nam- n inr llnj manv men who have so nnnoraoiy snar-n frrrul) In thse dlsltngiilshed lalinrs. 1 doubt If ti,i thfre has ever b'en a finer oxhhltt'n of i i,,.,i Kfat fnilo.Hiio- ihn nt'imnli. hi- K..i.l,u,lni tn lmvii fiilttltnolil Tile henv- team work or of unhesitating devotion to lhe j,-nBllin hankers In fixing Intrinsic huh that nro heiiiK Hhuken refer not to the fulfilment of party pliilees and yet V(,Ufs fol. Becurltles and aclherlnif to tlie Uivluo residence and Tliionf, "t the bent of It Is that the great measures lUem for ,ne ,,r,.sellt, upon the explra- j Hvmbolically reprew-nt thu ecclinl.lstlcnl ih linve xhowii. I venture to say. no ,, , ,.,..,,.i,,, i- i.-,.i..,i 1 u',..inni nr il... nr,.,.nt time. I lie stnrH, nnrtisan hlis, but only n spirit of s. rlous , November there will be no calling of or briRlit oncB, have heen fnllliiK lor loans by Kngllsh banks nnd what will some time, 'there is n rti'iu amount tn 'Intrinsic, values for securities oonfusioli now operating in eccIeiuHticai Instend of the market quotations will 1 circles. It will proRr.'fa until, n M prevail. J'eler flKUl ativelv declares, "thu heavens Hankem In Washington who have heard1 Khali tako lire ' tOiull ho ixiliHUmeil, of the suggestion that such an arrange- idinll ceuen to he, leaviHK the wuv clear ment might bu made In this country I for the "new henveiin, thiM'CcleslnsMuii among bankers on the reopening of tho Stock Exchange were inclined to noum 1111111,1 llll'llt tllU Ulll ,n.t,t .uiidii.ii.i i i , ox- ......... - - much largtr proportion of the ;io!o to everv one of the numbers who have I ext f!.. rini'-rnmnnl linn .In til,. IflilW POnitlTa I C,l tflUl'ther 111V Personal lip duties under the new. A still larger pio- 1 tirerlatlon of what he nas neipcu m no i whether or not It would be feasible. It revenue would have been This letter may. I hop-, serve in some ,... nolnled out that there would ho Hvstem of the Millennium, which will ho tho ulorilled Church, IllvlHime to men. hut clothed with Divlno power for the blessitiK of mankind, for their releawi 10IHru lllli llllll llirir www... '"rrmuh v. -- - , , obstacles In the wh- of legal re- , from iKtiornnc" nnd superstition nnu I ho Hi odollier, with the tvpici J)W t'ovcminl niveli to Nnliiral I r i ,,t Mount .Sinni nt the hiinds of the uti.eni iiusllator Moses. Theie, the wv Mif cloud, the dnrklie-H, the lightli.' he thundcra, the enrthimnkes, were i ral Here, now lieKlnnliiK, we have the . nt,. typi'H of these in lhe inaiiKurntleii ir tlie Covenant, whli.h, ut thi i ,n,J, of Tim Christ, l to drim: the wrirnli"ful bloHliiK foretold, to all mankind St. I'ntll derlnroM that the Word of the Lord tiiion thbt wilijcct impli-. the removing of nil thliiK thu' ran he hi i,,.n, m Hint only the unchukiit le thu i w ill remain! iiiki theeit iitiihnkalile i)iiii.m it nssoelaleH with OixI'h KiliRdtun uf tiif l ollsnesrt. When with the eyes uf t.iir underKtandllit; open we look ahi ii in, wet see very imiliy things that eviU' ii, y lire not permanent, not right, im' - n-. factory to (lod and to nil who lovi r,. ' . eotisncsrt and hnte inlmilly: nnd whi'ti rellect that tlie shaking will he hiio at to loown nntl detroy all the lin i r-rt things of tho present time, we cn i t e t r imnglne than describo the eeveri'y of that Hlinking. In the Itevcltition thia wunn li ii.:it w evpretiHixl under tho llgure of a n .. eartluilial'.e, tlie like of which then l.nd not bum before and would tn-ii r Le thereafter. Iltevelatlou ll! l' ) Innu-h. out the Apoculypeo the term In in-t'd to eymbollrally represent revo lution. Wo are to expect, then, a rmt revolution, it great earthquake, wlucli will overthrow I'verythlng that is n--T of the Ijord's tixtnbliHhinoiit and I'roin llilb htiiuilpoint n ciTliiiii clie- can read the signs of tho time intellici-'i'ly and with conlldence; nnd tlu cln- the ScriptureH call the Lord e little Hm ic ttn,, nr.,n,! an nn.' tii I2xi cutlve . more and Ohio hi. i- h ,,ih.,d not oniv ' .S.imuel Ilea. pre?ldcnt of the I'enntyl more lesis.ative work, but nwrs Imimrtant vanl.t Hjllroad. I here and It Is exprctt.l duties under tl ' . " ' ...... It lln.l.t. r...l,1.n. nl Vnur miMln-1 Of the ti-nru t..ii una f.vor imr iiiruuuu .i.-i.iir ,m.. ... m. ,,,..--.. ..v.. - .... . . v... ... , I. 1... ik.. I...I ,1.. 1 1 ..... n. n ullltlllTI lu Tfir IHni. n. n no In the same length of time ' VorK central, win arrive in time to oe , ......... ,.. ..... .. - "',,. , , . V". "J 1 ...... m, ,i ' Yu. . . iif, f; n th.t.i. I venn. to re- . hi. . .a'.ti.-n u for weil or tire..n,' a- to-mnriort's meeting ' ami a arger war -ax woun nine neen i i " V . V. . on ennui m uu- wuuw; .'hi, ... . ,,r "' ''1 J.'. ? , Z 1 .1,! ? ,L r,h ,; ii. v i necessary ..s a eon.aU,n.e No mis, il- -lections Th. voter of the Tnlted States nut mtprferc with such a course In tlreat turn them to lhe image and like is of It I. rinr,! V, po .r ,h, m --.HIo... no l..ek ot ru.Uht. crated i.,s ...e, rHl to r-wr. - . ur.a.n ,l , ICIw . lli Mlcli. mi.H.miai.ary aderi. o.' ihe part In p.A-r. who mlttee In the. former cimv. lll agiln rep. the necessity f r the taxes, but only i. ..... . k..iM, . ..... . ... ... i rn t ml tn 1 r, 1 1. 1 1. 1 u-iirlil ...'1.1.. In llu rn, liere i.-nniev.i i-nin- is nue mr mums -esent il anil win ce assisieu ny j. i - ................ - , ... ..... ,i t,ffiiVi in some ...sta.,, , ni l. the dominant 1 rurrn.xl!. ' lof " ,'rtt' lnf.,lV.ST. i , to per the C' has sought. In the tmd ' them a permanent antt .limntercs-cii oenn- : einpnaslzen mat nir ieorg nas rune- r,.w.f Euroixi commission bill and In the Clayton bill. 1 At In the shape of reforms ami .ectineu to this un hy upon tne nyitat on J,,,,,,,,,,,,, nuke men in a sma!', of business 1 laws. , .-. i.. .... .... '" - , ' ret ny on tins iti.u as free to H.ic-ee l as iren In a bU way . ...... TiisU Not Hone. ' 51, J u w'th hln, and other TrtBurv e.irtlliUilllo. w i.ic i will event ll in . , l(.ar((J f H, , them Tor fear, and lor md P. kill in., In th- ....! llefore , t)e.n..ert I..-U Not none. r , w. h him ni nil T " ,ur ancrcliv. wi l reach it. ctilinination first ,ooliltlrfalt .r ,j,.o thin g which the.n hill were p.issed th.. Hw was ill- Tbev know that, exti .ordinary as the ofll. als In brlngim. about eadjustimm m ltBf ,iost.V(r( this will not 1 e ! jn , , fr . .) , 1 ren ly clear enough that m nopolKn once record Is which I have rt cited, our tasx " ; " , ' ntI..e merely a boctloliui MitiHlllg, uio y "" , i,e,iVen tdiall' be Mlmketi " And ilRiiin. party In enntiin. n gis .itlnti Ilia, tne cnuntr to uniitnl. ' It miy be si'd 1" Juslne to the Hepnti llcans Tnd ind H n future s thit they h.i" iote.1 -..i. pe'iiici itle nie'is- i"llff,ird Thorne. repre-entlng Wesern rtl' commision and Weste-n ship pers, i here 'n opposition 'o the Inereis- The Jim stun' it limk-r V-soe'.-itlon hi. !nl,i, vnn,l In ful'm tt nil InniHiA it tires in spite or tfut tne ,nu not hn pr(..rnt time and will be represented s-elf ,,ec ine o dlscuM hi. visit to Washington ., ,"S ' , ,1 o, 1 I v M 'l"1"!. r!'.!! V1 . 'i0 T" e. this, ,,, hr ,mM talked with Secretary of the , ;aV'th,llmkH, ,KnilleH revolutions H'"1 ur. to 'un erttui.l (i7it, "l 12 in. To render I Treasury McAdoo to-morrow Thc fact ...... :...:.i t i..,M,.li,.t..K. In nw the 1 ... l" " ', y . ...iJ . . .V - . HI.' I lll-iru .w I l lll'Hl. till .linBIlT IllIllHt'l. Ulllir.'Hl -line nn war And If tlie 1'nstor llihle I .....l 'l'l -I,,. II l...U,.,., I. tll...ltlL -,,t leuclllllg 'ijr- , jn (lu) 'noo1( an, m t. htur am ,K, , ,,M approie of them In thill entil'tJ. Jlltl' Ing their seMmi m ln ground that 'he good In the leslalat.nii outweighed fie bad ! In the hearing The ,i (ier cetit. advnncu lite en? Is now Incorpor.iti d In two .....n. th,. I..l,lut..l V... .1... ...rf... ..M.t in noing tnis u.-puoiuMns naie v,..meu ,ha, m tM vomlIlU,,u. a party advantage h'ciuse th y are nou beins confren.ed IT th ;'m:',1,i. ci n .ilirri b the claim of the !.-... "atlc ninage s WILSON TO TALK TO LAWYERS, that tne AdrninUtra-nui legistl ulv.. p o- gramme cmnit or inn. icnui ny tre lie-; Muny I'riiiuliieiit lien in Adilress pUDlicaii.s because j mtny ot mem voita i Hut there w.te. no law to che.'k the prec s by which monopoly was built up unt.l Ihe tie., full grown and .ts fiult de veloped, or. at any rate, until the full opp rtnnlty for monopoly had Uen cre ated With this new leiriNl.ittnn ihpt.i In WasiiiN'.tiin. nit li. Th.. Aim rle.-in eleir and ulllclmt law to cheek and de- I teps toward consummation The Iteiiiihllciiti Tiiuiita. Uar Associatmn will hold Its annual meet- stroy the noxious grow Ih In Its Infancy. I too that without a nnn From time lo time the llemihl cans "B "tr- "n Tuesday. U ednvaday an. I hate taunted the l"in rniti on ta Wii.te for many of Its fe.itute Aiuerleiiii II nr .tssoi-liitltin. 'ormed were Illegal nr.l could be dissolved t not done, that a great work or con- h- Hlrert mn...u nt l.iiv an.l tlin.. wh,i atrtletlve devellitiment r. ninltlS to b" ac- hud muted them punls'ieil a for crime, rmipllf tied. In building up our merchant unrtne. 'or Inetarce, anu m tne nuiuue fnti nf a great proivanmi" for the con te'vitlnn "f our tiaturi' lesourcfH at-d th development nf the water power of the country a programme which has at thin ..i.slon already been carried several l lli'y Knmv rese in close WARDEN MUTE OH AUTO TOURS WITH CONVICT Thursliy f '.lis ucik. V'luing th" Htm 3llillfipillteM Houe "P.IMitlte ptoRr.lmlne. Iliere I" vi,",. 1 't',,.',t.. U 'J,'0"' lX" -Muropolles ai e built up have been th; unia! references n fin- ', ' 11 ' ' '. """r'. ' " ' 'l "' ' ntnpetltioti, un gress d tates to "canned legislation" anl "7'. ,, fomm:-sion tins power to forbid ?. ... . .... . . ... .. ..... .. fannda ltornu n r .Nairn, the Ait-entln txtcui've-ttomrmii i n uu- me resims are .. . i, i..i. i-.-.i-. i. "' ""'" 1 iiieuiniuu. In evidence. ,nd th y certainly mike a ;Mnl ".r"' "r VulL?" ,3T'L- ''J1'. 8 , h' P" Hitlf. . i . a ... It (aril limit i.ll.ll Itn . IKJ91U , laUtllll II h.. i r. n- monument of lertslHtie .Mlustry as w-ell. x , ,.(lV , ,d SB Of Uxe.-UtlVl. IlltatlVe. I ,,,,. ir, ,!,,. n, II. le,.!. IM I "'POl Is Witninre. Asi e'ate Jut-i Meltevnnhls of enterprlii1 Vre llullt tn. , hrm- of pence nnd honor and dllnter- , .... , , and the pillar of Hinoke. " which we ecu '" i"j!p.'i-v bv unfair iii.'h. i esteii eervi.-e in me . . imn in itnn .- vi muin uireadV lieglllinng HI r.tinipo. .imro uinii i.,,.... .i. u . nnn il, il lie I niuk'ni .11 .....iit:nn r 1 ... ,1 n, i ill.: .. I Ih n..vv Tnl. 1 il" . e - - ... ti llillllilll lllvil .ji 11m min.i ... .....-'i'.. ... I.liiii(l I inr n-v I neie n..i,. v..wilr.i Sltill ixmi 11 .i. 1.1 .r n.. v.- v..t . n . 111 iiniti tn fort.1,1 e.l Mill reini.iii"i .... . ...... .......... . IJII' lllliuiu 111 liie, 1111. i' rn-i .-,. ,,..,.... ... ,H to forb.d md pro- . . , llkt, BO ,, t)lI. district of1 ' nitiimic-h tin. war I nnlv hcLiinniiur. The 1 . I ., ' . . 'every membrr of foncrcs who has sua n .h." J"1 i talned and advanced the plans of th., Prnbsb'y th nine Iniinirtnnt tieanure passed at the current esslon of C mgresi was the Hrst one to whlih t set Its hand, the bank. tig and cniei cy act i s Presidents hate urgeil n.tlon. Commis sions, lig'slati - a' d e vll'.an. have gatn ered 'tifoumton and Senitor and Itepre. sentatlvts have disag'enl, hut II remained for lh!s Adin a etr.ii Ion to jirepare i plan rter of the supreme Court of Illinois. fnr.neWnrl ZJTr' , .T"",". man. . 'Westchester county In a big five weeks , ,ur'nlnK village the funeral l.yn lef Jutle.- W nslow of the Supt cine I r,!?n . . L in .. ' ? l" What he has done speaks for Itself. old touring car with David A. Sullivan, I wlu.reoI1 tm, dl,a(li ,00 Ilumi.roim to luiry. Btown old and form dable. Mo- I ' ',, tJI.T neak out my advocacy of his I Ossi.s-iwi, N, Y.. Oct. 18. Warden , ,m ",h th likoof wh lies will l.Iuye fr. created also by putting the snn- . n'l XP.,!on Tint "f coufe t Thmnaa J. McCormlck of Hlng Sing re- ", f 'h-tn ,"'"mr V, HA. of 11.11. and ,,ni1 "".f1"' "Um1I uhether apparently i elated ,,.,,,., of Congress needs a spokes- , to say about his reported rides through n), OIIy fr,1In ,1. lm,tl,.n. l.l. but also from ' u n M led to one another by trwins of ' , Westchester county In a big five weeks , vi.,nHB ,.n.i ,h funeral .yn l'"u'' H' rvcl hen these thiniiit begin to come to then look up, ami lift up your head-, for your dehveraneo drnwoth nigh " Luke .'1:25, ail. 28. The Lord's) cotieecruted people, lies eeseed of II is Spirit, cannot in uny seiisn rejoice at trilitilalioti coming upon others. Their rejoicing nun be onlv tn respect to the glorious things which lliey hone to experience and know to be mar by theno outward sign. They rejoice on tneir own ncnnii, nut ai-o of tho whole world, for IheV aMirance of the Scrinturee that this Time of Trouble, which loom lark cloud to oover the eniim so- ... .. I !!.... 1I..I I ........ p.. .... . . . . i uiui world, inertl l a hiivui iuiihh iiiiu .plosion of tons of powder and the burn-1 t RUuny th(. Morjou- Sun of niglu. ou. iiid of cities, and village is surely nflro w wl faaro jor,hi dHnil, Vf,ry C01J shadow h of ignorance and bring to muiiKiud tne Divine favor M.cured precious blood of Christ shaken, and everything in it that is not of u permanent character not in har mony with Divine rtictire. Mercy mid Truth -will be shaken loom, or, in the sytuliolicfll lnnguagf of St l'eter. the earth, society, also shall tnlte fire, and will pn- away with a great hoImi, a great cominotion, a great disturbance, in tlie lire of atinrchy Joel's prophecy, referring to this time, Cirent 'limine mi Due, Carter of the Ukul 1....I.. . i-ni'rrt of V!seoni.ln. and Chief' Jii.tle., ,0".1'1!1 now ,n lar',' measure pievents. I ,, ,. . ,,.1Mlion nf iiollttcitl for-' eoM'lcted In .laliuary. 1?13. as one of the nrihl,rn,i Whnthee nr not there shall bo , me Jud.clal Court. ' "n'en.i in-on us , b(.llrVe ihe Immediate future or ; wreckers or the cnion iiaiiK. soiueiiiiice olju.r fulfilments of these signs, wo rurely KvKlently xvonderrul changes will oe on initiative and erfectlvene-s fnr nue- 1 , ,, nu rKrtnn a the nast Is . his chauffeur and other times as his ... ......i. ilnl(lm- anil this much fill- elTeotnl. some to bo broucht about Ctnd- Tlie annual dinner of tho association . B ',"" i m mini sm nnn mm- . .' guest. fitment already commeticed. How much ually. o nil know of tlie gradual change Hug of the Massachusetts.. Suprei An T i,..ln A.'fnlnn 1 1 h. In l.nn... ' " "" ' K . Iltrtl n 1,,, ,ll,rr II .Villi and in tlilve It thri.ti-''., over tr "n: .pp- r tt,0 s.ip-eme Court i f the Cr.tted States w' 'l along the line- Monopoly Is lo be s't'.on In the c puity villi able It puri'.c 11 supp. r' The l'reaiden' r' ni ed three Important legiaUtlve :.cts fur tl.. tl -it Cong-ess un der h' Adml'.stratlon. These reliteil to the tariff, hn-.klng and curteticy nd trusts II. ti ed to have Ihe tariff and the curtene Lgs-atloii ru eluded In lh- first or evti-.i session, nr.l to carr 0111 this pla to reu.a summui regula: The the cure latter until turned tho result character One mlsslo- hlll amen effects of these two incisure will not be felt nnt'.l S ion afti" the tlrst of neM year The n.w Trade Commslor. in md In coeimeinoratlon of Its l2Sth until versaiy. M' Taft, who Is prerldent of the association, will preside. BRITONS RUSH TO ENLIST. I'nsseiiKer, till tlie N't-M Yurli Tell tf ut off nt the roots i Tm-'flelllli'.'. Iti'i.-e lif.b ,Ia. II... I laborer. Ills labor Is nn loni-er to be ' PU'hed I treateii ns ir It were merely an Inanltinle object nf c itnmi r. e illseonm-e-ed from the fortunes and happiness of n living human , being, tn bu (kail with as an object of hale and barter Hut that, gre it as It Is. lr hardb mom than the na urn I md in secure . . . .... ".V..V..... ....j .1... u'.. .... ..1,1 tn , '"IV V ... 1 . 1 .."' :'i 1 " .f. . 1... :r::r.i.. . ' The Pemncratlc party is now in i.ici me, inuui. unu mo .....v more 01 1110 Iilooti ano lire anu piuurs 01 ui 11111 leiiiiicraie 7.0111 11 i' irii-nui nu- 1 nnlv Instrument to the country's have aim, st exclusive uso of the car , smi)(. i,0Ore tho terrible ordeal is pasi-cd, , ther and lurther toward the poles We hand bv which antiltig can be iiccom- the State Prison Pcpartmeiit denies that ,Vt enn only snrinWo. , notice also the Increasing moileralion It 1, united, as tile lli-punnc-tn tile llliiciiiiin n-m l""."'.'1 " .' .lartx Is not. 11 is pi k h.i " t-i ,.i, ......... . . - - notice ili'M ment anl his i.e.n ,.,lr is llcenseo to tne raaio 01 rendered eontldenl by carrvlng nut a great Commissioner or Prisons in . . ' .....,.., ..ich as no other .slm: Prison. Hut Warden .....1. it 1. free .cill ndmlt only that the car ren,., . eiangiin, i.ll.inee which ,,.!- .,., one cm see that for himself without ( JK nial Ago and the ages to follow. ri... !.....- t..,.i ,,",.,... t M.,.,nlr ,,f nearer to tne enuntor. I noso who recoc- -. .n. 1Z ,h ' teeH . nA becain of lil ' ' tli" I'ower of (lotl cat, have full con 1- '."".. .r.'."' r iinti, n,i.. I,nt l...l,ii.,-il.ln,lnrk cloud. "'"c " . Is :nllo toperiprm an me aress n iik j ; " , " . , . , ,1 11 u ' , glorious promiees pr Ills Nord respeclilic McCormlck hlildeii from '"' !M ...V'" V' .V.V. th.. narndlsaical conditions of this earth Is mound, rise o. tn j .ew , ay ...o 1 a, I for .V,, .. of .nnn.inrf .luring tho Mlllen- .. . .. 1.1 1.... n evi'ii I, I'll, re 11- .1 K i' inn: ,ii,uii ..1 . i.i...i.........r . . . . . . . . , ,, e... .ic s,.iilli- fon i'd Congmss i.iiK.ieu ... niii... m" iiiin. iij in a iaw wnnre onject '' .. ... ,,.,,evi,!. is an In- Several nelsons In vonncrs satu to-uay I , , , , V, i . ',n ""i-"" iiiuniiuuui -m.111. up- 11 lu- pe .in I mini . . . i in, 11.1,1, ,a r, in, . ... riintti'e. uttt rh uner u canii a 1111 .evirai 1 m " 1 ' ,,,.,., i the word H M lenn 111 blessing (iodstrtlt) ,ir,. tilmiir.ul In th,. Won nf C.1 nniler tlin ,n session throuua tne 10-K am The Itev nr. 1'. St C. lllssell, who ', ',: . .i,." 7".," VI '" ..rument of reform: Its thought, : its am- tint " ":""" oi,ln evurvwhere can lift ill their heads "l, ,Yu. ".Yr " re.. ;: VT, ":,., M n.unthh .m l up to the time or tno nnlved yesterday by the American liner '-. . . i,in. p, ..t ins are t.f the vital present , the autoiiiniuie on n's siopoy r ..1 ws,,.....s f rololce throutth their tear, even na I, 1 .. .1 ' -T 'ti .s f t,ru. ..a... last Den.nili.-r. . . New Vork. says that while he was n . " ," ' "'? " -nd t-e hopeful future on Thurs,lay niormtig. to -ire vuv . ..i,,,,,,.,.,, cel.lurics '"",, , " o,r Jl . s 1 al tu iff g Xitt.m we.t through ana London on October 3 more than 30.000 .'"','",,. , , f "-""" " " I . nr,.rlcnl nntlnn l not likely to reject 1 -mor to his spuming piace in ..uu i , nrotihesied that thev would do. . it .,., tl,.. -..VniiVitniiis' i-nv. .v un Mil got undtr way. but the rirlton were accepted for service In the ' ur 'i,r,, . lo t", ""' ur10'1 ' ...iTteTm "ul- of the .plrit of public , ,lnJ then back to his private car. It could ',.r',)l,,1Ph"1 trwl1 l,u VNm"" I V, K iVliti JL . ,r!rt frI m .w. was not fln.i'ly eracttd war and that the r.crultlr.g olllce, were l.h," , ,"r'lu,'nr 1,0,11 I'r'clple In J ' ln'th( m,,.B, ,)t , ,, ,,.,, whether or not Sullivan I fTdXVn th.s ,WM and then Congress forced ,0 turn mm away because of tho J1 ft S Tli. i! g" eat task" ..Ith. r a party upon which a ,Va In the automobile at the t me bu "v People IVrlsh for l.neh of KnnVt I- fatioii niul in cmr svliibollcnl n f- attention to .be trusts, w'th rush to enll,,. . . S t, '""1, 'B,.uh'fh '". I.'""': d,en demoiall.tlon ha- fMlen or a parly 1 everal mchar able gnsslps suggeste,, ...Ibp.".. H.ea 4 :. S.. .r.'.? ftw TrS bio tin: twn Important tills or this Miss rellce l.yne, an American singer, ,,' ,. ,,, V""; '.'. i.h'eh has not grown to the stature in-n that perhaps ine unienmr nan "--" 1 ,t l,,,,,,i n naif Wen l"'-"l wn("M) hnm" w originally In Kansas ? "i'.V I v I 1 ,hl",,Tll,u wold wirrant It- assuming the re.pnnsi- llrlVetl hy Sullivan and that tho convict. Many of Clod's true p.siple have b.s.n In at hand. of them s the I-.-leral trade com- i tv, is n-re to join thu uosion upeia tlonolv liut rVlact it nlintii.r - u-littn Ai.r ' !! t'lirilnin or Ptntc , was without ins prison kui... . 1 . .-u . Let us not bo undorntood as advoc.ititnz nt nil the nil.- the i-iaymn mne-s. .-nc n incu own me .eine irom ' '. . " .,.:,", . 1, , 11 V.vcry thotlghtrui man ee.-e TO-uay. ny ""' " V u. . .. V .1. nVi, ' "fu t i....r. ...11 .1 "HMreliv r rtvolUtloil or nliy KIIMI wn tun.- the antl-tiust law. Tne rans six nays in a cnaruiren ooat wua ,';.....,.',.:,'.' .'.' ' .h,,, o rat 1" mane jui n "."iin 1 nresseu as a irusiy 111 nsni si" nuuor.n ... ...u ..i.e. r,.-n, ...u ....... ..... ......... tin. contr arv. wn urn rivini lietsl to tno irtv.rnllr ninee rerin.e In lini're. nnil ' ' "..... " . ., .in. rnru'n.n. 1 i nvi'i .,, lie it sntrt. nut 11 is nnlv nilir w in inn iin-ii iiiiin-n . - . .. . . ' ... it find mn. f.iitn It In I'u it lu "Ct HIP then got tianspoitatlon to Ilngland. ' M'ss ' nni1 mode-ate It In I 's nperatii n It Is Lyne knows something about war, hsving compost d of th. meuibeis uf whom not once tnrown a .iook at ijsonr iiammer mr,r than three can be Democrats, will stein. Her aim was feminine and tho piobabb not be appointed before the reg. ular eesulo- In December. The President hss Intlm.vcl that In- will take plenty of time In Piling thci.ii plicea. Aided tiy lleiiiilillciins. In the tvirte mmmlhslon bl',1, as In the Clavton b.U, the Pres. dent a d ills party followns in Congies. made licay diafls on lteputil'iMn s.,unes The trade com mission Idea was by no mtatis of Demo cratic orig.n of tho three national plat missile passed over Oscar's silk hat ram part. YEAR'S AUTO EXPORTS WORTH $40,000,000 k; iur purpese to destiny monopoly and maintain competition as the nnl ef. rectuai .ns-rument or nusiness -merii i..,,o.,-. , . , ,iln.r,,iinM We hale iei n the nH'.urn ami the power nun "rr"r ii;,.ni,,.w Wit sum of monopoly exhibited. We know that It fnllhfullv ymirs. ;t V u of is more apt to control gotermnent than to ! The I u e w oo.l. llou ne conirniien ny it; lor we nave seen It con'rol government, dictate lei'llttlnn nnd contrarv. uriulit i)n tlio contrary. m.., ...... ir.:...i i". ..ii ui f,,i. '; - , ; ., ,., " '.. 7"'' ,' ,V".", ,, ,,rl.nn itvle mm. v nf t hem have hum "overcharced liv I" 1 NV' r 'Vv .'J . . .1...,, a ver comnii 11 iinn oij ,-n...e.i .I-,...- ... .... ----- ............. lowers snea iioacti auii inirsuo 11, iiuiL 11117 tn W prnr.le:.: Ssaeity of the American nn, .,e was taking his ease comfortably the careji of this life and the (irceitrul- llk Himself resist not evil with evil, .w.ntil,. . wniie tne unit 11 iiairn-u ...o -euune ...u-.. ,nr(,n wu , 0ri.,, ,ut coiillll t tlll'll' wav I '"' 1 n,i ni nn. eon i H.hi ,. ,..un u'W. ! .titer than restititt to their churn cter-develotimeiiL - . i. ' L i '.. n. i .. , .1... ..i,... 1 11 hoi -,. -.n- - iii r t , 1 .ri 1 -f..i.. uinii 11111 i.oro, wain 111 111s imuis. ii-.i"t I am. I'll light any one my sire, but not and knowledge of (lod Hie t ceitfulness , u ,Ijm f(). ,,,,, r,.MlU(i ,lat wt (. t the newspapers, l.e-ause they ro bigger of riche does not signify that merely their prolll and His glory e hold and than me Thc best of us, you know, have the rich are thus deceived, Ihe great , t,,HC, ',),. VHl tj10 and poorest enrinl.s and the f.llow who wrote that mass of hunmnitv are under the lure of ov , Uii.erlor to aiiarcl y. and rti piesenlntlvc Washington I'nderwnnil TlinnKs President. lt.pi oseni atlv l.'ndcrw ood in.i... In relilv : "Mr im.wi .t i article about me took his cl.nnro. 1 guess, nonet., speiii inK uii-ir e.u niiy tium i.i.eiiis, f ,j M..m.m,iiy ,ml Jdu.lness we n un tl th's'vnu'll always llnd fellow, willing to tako timo and strength of mind iinil h, u ti'tullnp; towaid .Sncinhipi ''.it .i chance. I have nothing to say about flV',.r0,,i"K ("r 7U ! y in i n!5 they are utiHiispeetingly -hatching cock- rite to the car. no commimt at all, You fellows little. Some of th so in the distressing , ggh"; for under present ind. em ling the I...VC i.nbit of paying things back, . J im impending, though late, will , H j , lh ingress ,mVen'l you'" '' ' '.o ? ' , '" I1r,m,1, 'r,'" l rich will not give up the r ml van' . ........J t.....,iiV. Yt .1... ii.i.i.. ..V n...l ' w ithout u struggle to the del forms of 1912 the'c platform ( irj ( (ist CllSloillOr of 1'. S. . be reared to full stature In the very houe- tnoi.ths In carrying "Ut framed at Italtlmore was the o.-ly ore which did not demand tho cieatlon of a Kedtr.l'. trade commission. Thr 'Ughi'ii the soaping of the trust legislation the Demo. rats In the lSousn had the active cooperation of such sei soncd ItepubllcTii legislate! as Itepre sentatlvts Stuphens of Mlrtopo'a and (dominate executlvts nnd courts. We feel , that our penpl? are safe only In the of free Individual endeavor where Amer- Kenius il il, . lire inn Kit i.eti ........ -- ... M,an,.t,, the i ew men. as In rec. nt s-ais. but made thank nu for our letter ''''"": '-"; , 'ave , rich by the ..ctlv-t'.s f a mul' tude as In . work of mv cniieigues ... '"',.'- ' '' " - I . t as.,- ...Ml . t fl 1rsiftT I lilH TP IU II" "II a a t . 1. t ) . 1 .1 . ...! "oX thnt the. .an. woik of the 1-- SHIPWRECK SUPPLIES MARKET. ! atnlchacte? 3 , with vour1 . To such the old familiar hymn " " ' , V V,nwT , .r.a.n.n. oath; anil 'M Fivt' .Miicliiiics Sent to Ipolniid. Wasiiinoton, Oct. IX. Statistics com. rch of ' Wiscniisln. and lu the Kon.ito , tilled hy the Department of Commerce Cummins of lown, Nelson nnd Clftpp of show that In tho llscal year which ended hold of tho tiovcrnmci't Itsolf. Trnlae for Ciirrenpy T1III In like manner bv the currency bill we ,,,,,,, ...... .....I. vntir A.iminisinuii'ii n.i.v -i , t...i, cordial approval. "I tm sure unit i can sny i is well as invseu inn., ,n- for the world: for those now entertaining I SI.. .In 1 11 If. l,.,...i ,u,ll ll.wl tlw.u. 1 When all around my sou gives way. 'xu ftmj i)ccotm, nngensl. en 1 it- nun Hie Mclnimn Sold Cheap w ill have U new meaning ill its word ill SSieeiisliend liny n..l1...r.ll,.S I,,,,.- ,.n.,i ,, ,i.n,.r..,. nr er...i.t .,,ni, tiiouKt. we n.i- r., ...... - . -- at Hhet't.siicea.i u.iv yesieritay. wnore tno as has never exls , d in thl. cnuitiry be- our promises to the p , is an I r. " , wners of small craft .11.1 a rushing hual- ?k,'wof ll.n,; ' '"" nd 1 ak nL . f the fore. Knr a generation or more we have the staiute hook Bl'la o k", ness In fl-m and fruit. Tlah has been J.S" known and admitted tint we had Ihe with the Progressive splrl . ''I,'"" 11 n.arkel.d all the se.son, and the Teck . worst banking and cnirency system In the f"' " r,T ?, ' i hve c-1 ,,f ,1,r MctaiMtt eimhled the villagers to i '' ,PrnC '?,mf I ,w,wXL ,..nri,i w.,.n th. vninme nf e,,r. ' magnificent leadership that we nine ai- . . . . .. war. I gte this mlslnterpretntloii, but now. ut lln I inn lu nil mv luinn nntl ntnv . i i .1 1 . .. ... r i Ilrooklyn established nn open mirket 7 " - " l."'. " .. -i': .till jll nil. let 11 IT-l.m I.I I 11.11 III,, llill.V I ........." ,,,,. ,..r.r-, - mg inein out, as tiiey intenueu, nem. hue of benevoletice. Then they w I " drawn tn tho desporato methods i t '" ana rchi't. Wt urge all who are the Lord's m - '1 Mlnnesnia A large -uniher of June au last ,merican mnmuaciuicrn , rHnPV un whol'v Inelnstv . "hit Is, be. comiuisneu in " Kvcry launch anil rownoat tnat aims In ",.,,iiA Lt,. ,i . .. ; "A 'V..' i t' tuoro ana HKiro illitierhiuiiii ip- .1. .1 ,h.. V-.1I1. .r, V., ,1V. l,,.i,.e. sent ,,!!! .if this Cllllntrv 1. Iltotnohll SS .mill ..... .!... . ...... .K . n. ! ei.-l st 1 rtt lllll III Hie lllll'iesi I'l i il' " , u l,,,.anil hnninna nn,l when ttirt I e. ,...,, ,N nw,.,.. w,, in... 1 1 i.t (ItiplllI IMlin (ir SalVIltloll. to fltir.n n 'n l'urthei more the President and his automobile parts aggregating more than tain seasons to meet 'he demands of com- l oi'l" ",,,n ,,"'.. r. e., thu afternoon crowd arrived the docks along ' ',7n ' ..u" l" t''r I'otlle nnd spinls. wn lenders ,n Congress shnwisl a willingness siii.nuo.iiiiii in value, in rtugusi, aner ino mf,rCt, in( credit and at other times far legislation m se.i..i .. - - tho .;mmons avenuo rrontago ... -I..1.1 il,-,. ..fli'lnnl tiliins fur trust leu. beginning nf the Klirooean war, only till I m llltln. tht e. cnnhl nnl li..m tl,. Concriss met I .!,.. i k tmtteis. The. fr.llt w l.lntlon as thev did with regard to cur- niitomoblles and mntor trucks were sent voimm, w)ln, v. nPP,iHfi jo,, or Increase1 We cannot expect that he "'forms in- ,,..,,,,.,.., ,.n,. frui, venders took ndvan-1 i." L"'?.H '.i!!' ?" "'" nci needed bv th' renev leirtslstlon The bills as they were out. oompnrcn wihi i.i vi in ...ihil-v it when we needed more ailguraieu . v .... . . . llh..,.. n nr. Yi (. v., l.otMin t,1 I .. .... .... . .. .,.. i;verynouv iiiihch anoui me nns.ira imnv iiiaieiy system and its iiultn unnecessary em-, After harrassnienls, sure to produce periodic takes panics, and fverybody sa'd that It ought inntlment to be changed nnd changed very rndl- to the rally ; but nobody took effective steps to ; that tlm change It until the present Cnngress ad- which has been en irtcd a.t this Congroks dressed Itself to the task with gi'nulno s thc beginning or a nex lire tor our resolution and an Intelliccnce which ex- nation. presto d Itself in deilnlto action. And pow We have opened the wny to fairer busl the tlihig Is done m.n condltlom and estabilshed on a llrm Let hankers explain tho technical fen- found. Clou Individual liberty and business tures of the new system. Suffice It here fI(.cdom for our people, to say that It provides a currency which i believe we can now look forward to flnnllv cucCnl he.v 1 ttle resembl.ince to last year, nowtver. oruers nave ui-kuii i- the original nitasures Introduced come to the United Statci trom the bel- After mlgi-i Ulng an eliM.rat.. tnis- bill Hgerents fnr motor vehicles of vailous for thc control it ra sln'l.s vid typis. ,,,.,.... bonds which pa is I the Uoiiee anl which' Ihl'opn bouaht from the United S a es wius recopstructwl s.yernl times in the In the hut fiscal year commtrclal inr.,or Senate, tho President finally consented vehicle valued at KIS.OOO ami I3.lis to have the hill quietly laid nKideV after passenger automobile, va ued at JlO.lfiS, he bad become com. need that there could 000. Kngland UniBht more pa",.ngr an tic no harnionioiiH ngiccment and that tomoblles and aim more motor trucks the legislation propused was hazardous than mi) other Kurnpeim nation. Almost to biiflness 7."00 passenger ..iitomoblli's went to Thereforn It may be said Justly th.U Kngland, he alue li'dnt; r.,eiS,000. flor- of thwe three e.irdirnl measures In the many took 1,411 pasHiiger car?, of a totul Administration liglslatlve programme the n nation of Jl.otuooo, i in nee i,t tariff bill Is the nnlv one thai was put cars, with a value of J through under conditions sinigostlve of a ltusula 921 valii.d at close party align nent. None of theso ! Thc I'nlted Slates exported inrto laws nas nis'ii lairiy les-.en. Allieiicui inu'inire .. '-iinnni-ii-ini iii'miii nutniit-sn nnu ,t iiiiuirui inr ri cotintrv Itepire the rceults or the tariir taw as vehicles valued at joiis.nnn ami n.iau pas-1 tanning creuu to mm, nowever oi.seure ,.,, ,,,., icerely vmir ..... r i ..... . . , a t. isn noe n-h.r. I n. ...nn.i.,..t l,- h ., ....... .i . ioni,aii niei ouiv..,j mirj . ,- . i .mo il v , i, . ne !.-.-( ii.-.s ... triinri v.. I n ..,,,.,, ,. . , ..... ,,,, , . r , ", the novernmetit wie fairly tested the were also expnited parts of .mtomoblles little his huslnes transactions. I wsr in uurope si,, ten inieriering witn v.uurn ni a,s i i.niui n ine .-nrin a neri- jinro man mat, mo pow-i r to nirect m,,i,ii,.-. Preiinreil for Snlclile. c im rl i ft Camilla took by far the I thl.i system of credits Is put Into tho Urg. st number of c-tr ri r nurchases of i hands of a public board of disinterested Miss I'ellce Oumhrr, stc-'Ogranher In pass, uui..- cirs being 'lu-.l nt IV I if. 000 . officers of the Dnvcrmncnt itspif who -an he olllce of th' Austiii-llui.g.irl in Con- of lul'iumh'li part.. -.I !i:i,i:i!3.ono. I make no tnnnri out of nnyth'ng thc do .ulate-dener il. who has Just returned 1. iii.i liniight I'lT American iMssen.'e" In connection with It. No gr.,up of bink- from an extended trip In Austria and curs .t v.,ir; China, lit. Jap.n. Oil . ! crs an where "an get control: no one Hungary says that Austrian mldler go. Tuf v, 7. Cnrei. 2; Australia and Ta- part of thc country enp concentrate the Ing tn tho front aro reported to have betn uy yum ...nin...... - . . r .... irlut 'n the market py tiringlng i i r .i .i V, r. Kriiii.tiiiLr creniioii. .ienuiiiut' c 'demonstra... their, worth , .tagr.ns and carting the away ' "H, r It i.! , !'!' race of .. a law Is on the statuic nouns " tn he sold later nt retail. , V- 1 7i iV- V ,i J " t",'-" ,s.piril , slloil li "put oil I liri"t IU' month, and often year before the ,0 w 15 rents one could buy ' ? "J"" ?' "i .- meek'ness. iiatlem e " of .the country a.yusts ' ,ou,h b.nanas to list an ortllnary fam- , L "f , , . ,7- . 'J? '"'!l,lVr''-,il'''"'' . ' new conilitinns. nut i h'.-i e"in.. for ,, Wiu. and the villagers necured . ,i Vv,.. hut .... .. Af ii. -r .. ' i'i re i iio inw. ii yo ie e will prove that the legislation , ',. ,,.,, .,.,,,,1,. i,.. rahlnir tho bunches '. '. ... Vi .. ... ... iV i. ' "'i:..''.... 'A ''"''K14. .V" H'lll "ever fall lure. ire r ail 11 in with lawn rakes or lassoing the fiult ;,uri,,g t,lou $T$X'Z '' I "Kn o, HiBl'tcousniss All shall t. ll .i!:!" Itt.r ' i .or.V Au. I H.VoVir iirouKiH irom tno tomu, rrom iRuormu, ; chriHt " GYMNASIUMS FOR POLICEMEN. I superstition, ilurkm-ss, to fullest oppor- .. . ituiiity, Knowledge nnu Dies.) tipiuiiiig nymnaslums have just been established "!' the wilful enemies of Ciod and of In the six police stations In the First In- i righteousness shall be destroyed, lhe 2 l'eter 1:10, 11 Trusting that you liuve bemi i by tho reading of tin. ahum ,r '. .1 .. -..I.. ...luttillnn I -. .. . 1 (..-,! Llll.n lllll II, ll lllllll t.111 llllll nllllll'IH. -i exn inils ns i is neeiiiu anil contracts , ,.r ,,,,-icn with al forelon nut nns ri,. . ...... ........... .-........,-...... ..... , , i T, :,,,,. ,,., ,i u..... we mention Castor IiihshH h won r.l', and 'when It Is not notde.l : a curr. ncy which nnil rospertv for our people ut homo ns j s'a" . rr?"' ' '."..','.. h. nees, will usher Into its gloHous Inhcri-' ,lo,,,. "Till: DIN IM; I'l, AN " ai I8I.S.00O. comes Into existence In response to the ?hT '."!' ,,ee,.. of your great ad- 'tlcet. 'ftbey prove a success he ninety-. "?l""u ",llH(h' 0r".K.. ns "MII.I.llNN 1AI, DAWN." to North j can of every man who can show a going innUtrillon of the tlnvernmetv ot the 'lt n 'hv Rre,,u'r m H 1,1 00 , earth, even as tlio'llnaveiilv hosts, sinless, 1 nhieteeu hingimges with a ' .11.. 1.I...1.... ,..l. 1 ,,,,11 - - na, ,,-.(. .1... un.n.. fn..nn .. ...I I L. -1 II II,S.I.,'.lIIllr lIllfllHIll IIM I'l lllll, l'l ... nl.n .iijif. I in, rsjiu.T iiiviil . llllll nil" cviu llieiiiii-, - -- - . ... O. W. I'f.'tiKliwnop, tnportatUms anl the whole nsp.vt of things Cringi il T'i,. new urreni " m-. tern, althiugh an' .i r.ed u IUs tni'.i.r. toil Is .mi vet m i.pi ...,tor,. This C, ng. ss ii. is i.x . i tied all n-mds fnr the lirttmlucl! n of hills and renolu t ons litt'e more than '.'0 mi" "le u- iii-es Imi. been pi. ,i,sed Iii ihe House'a, 3.009; Africa. 1.8C1, valued nt son nearly . -.on In tlie nat with tl, 130,0011 Mnroccn, 53 i Kgypt, 22: nul luioths iFi mi et 'o come It Is likely gnrla, 43. Gibraltar, 61, and Iceland, 5, advantages and convenience nf the system 1 supplied with vials of -poison to take In upon It own selfish advantage, The ! caoo of capture by thc Servians to eicapo board can oblige tho banks of one region tortures at their hands. Thus far only dumbbells, Indian clubs nnd a mat hav stalled, but Commissioner tn ndd more apparatus later pense Is being borne partly by thu city and pnrtly by the men themselves. The Commissioner hllllts the men will take morn Interest In the gymnasiums If thay . may or may not play a part In tho trouble sh, n e the cost I of this Great Day The Idea Is popular with policemen, While some ilrooklyn precincts have their own handball courts and some stntlons are fortunate In having vacant lots near by tha lack of gymnasluina ha been fait. ...a, ,,..Hiii.,, ... , chart of the Age gives the iuoi ave been In- The Pastor s uggostcd that there might u hweeplng. historical view of liui Woods hopes 'bo also literal earthquake and great progress past, present and a er. The ex. , physical changes at this time, Intended Vea?s into tlm lutiiro from i iii Tn Hi I T. iii '"'t-'""" ' standpoint A r.iie. souvenir edi'' Millennial b lessing. but he Is not ho sun, ,, , ,.onluinilll, ntuHlransi respecting tlie.. phyHcal changes. They on tho nrmit I'ymmH of lOyvnt I'tns 15 , 'T i The .Shaking nf Mount Slnnt Typlrnl. In our context the Apostlo comparca the Inauguration of Messiah's Kingdom, with Its New lw Covenant mediated by lltstnrlnnl enll ,rl,,.ui.,.n I illr ri'l to tlie Divinn J'rognini, will be " you promptly upon receipt nf ' ' this couK.n Can voti aiTord tm.e literary treat? Addre InU'M , " Illbln .Students Association, 11 H lilreet, Ilrooklyn, N. Y. 1 r IvHi " i'si Viluuii MmmIW -r;j JI