Newspaper Page Text
in THE SUN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1914. METROPOLITAN OPERA PLANS ARE COMPLETE pirn lors A iiuottnoo J'ronunnu' of I'tuMuil Brilliancy for Hie ( oiiiinir Season. y U s(JHS OX THK LIST i" 1 n- 4 ' fl f 1 Mi . ins-' fi! i the se- t ' 1 v 1 O'l- i l"" ' I ) teC i n.'f i E .' Ml." !. ' iOT I t'.e ir nwr i teq . )r- . re ? t' 1 V- "T :nts- v ,'s'ft and o' J're- -!. , ir frcu'iently expressed In ninny sit the beginning of the wnr .. , flint the Metropolitan Opera ,1, bo obliged to follow tlio . f Philadelphia, Boston and Chi I forego a fi'Ron of Krand opera, . ift yosterdny by n, formal . o tit from thi Metropolian i . it of It plans. Tho announce .,s tiiiidK In the absence, of Oen- ir..- "Jlullo, who , .:urio Mil who will mil on . , rr. ni Nuiilos to-morrow with , i, "f '.) I'oitipimy. It will . i i-inn of opera under the . ' M- (lattl-Casazza. i: particular grutlllca- . v.iiiagement," tint nn- -i.m- notwithstanding the ii is enabled to adhere to ' linlh its to nrtlts nnd I r .it it mn glc nssur- .1' ,ii of a season mcusiii--. . t.i to thu standard os . .'.ir... i . cnleilng Into cnmniutrl i i i-.l making arrangements .. "t g .mil transportation of of artiste scattered nil wis Indeed u formiitnlik' one, - Ni.iutiMii great skill, tact. i .nil tfort. Tho board of - h - i i... ord Its appreciation Mir '..Sgfllll) accomplished . r -i'.i. .IK71K mi.l his staff. i if lli('tnm n!io records ' of thu very kind . thi" French Ambassador t ,:' i i. 1. Kxcelleticy Ji'.m J. v-iiiir of Albert Relss, i . as n prisoner of war. t I-, . i .im .'onsldr ration of thu s.r..i"tit hi ordering hli re- 'Mnic, Mims liene" 11 .Vol city. Am.. not cities tli management miles ,i mention of "Mme. HatiK i;r..- i opera In four act (after tho "Tirni i ' Vii-torleit Snrdou anil Morenu) ; ! bri"! I: iiatit Slmonl. one of the jnojt I'.f ij'-l'fil nuthorH of oomeily of t- rn - I: ;. im Knerntlon; mup liy Maf'M I ' rto i i.or.l.ino, the celr lir.iteil )ir..- "iier.iH "Keilora." "An- itrta f r" ..n.l "Sllierl'i" me known to th" m r-ico.-.i; pulille In ev.-ry -oun-'jr. Tl !!:-. in rforniaiuv of thin opera - iv -ir- u.'l tike placo nt the Mt-t-rro. in .l-ir tx the tlpt half of the i- l M i s'ro nionlano lias prom t' ' i ' p . n ut ut the premleri In Sar 1 In r. I-...!. Hon of th.i Interest rtiown liy ti pi.t. .n ItiKflan operatic inmle a jrM i.- .ii w 1. lie niailn of Itoro.llne'n Pr!'. Ip.r." which win one of the feat."" m' of tli Ituxxlnu opera fU. !n I. r. lon laHt .nininier Th tiian trr n: i -n.. m to proilu.-i- onnie ailill i . m (mil to ni.ik.- Important ti-viVils iinor.r o'.him "Ourmcn" nnil U"br "l.tirxanthe " Pie jh-.-i ;i: tho Mxtropolttan will i" V. vrmhcr 1rt nnil will lt tf!iv ' e !; The regular pule , rip . 'i . .-rf.tnnmreii w!l taku place on Mord WetlnmlH:.'. Thunxlay and Trl v ev- - "im nnd Pntunlay afternoomi. In v ew i trie nopular demand Indicated Ir th "i em.'r: results of the past 8a tn a ' . jr-rip-: jn w.ll lie opentil wjaln tat & c-r'ii'T number of performance at josuiar ,- . n on Saturday nli;ht8 dur- lsr the ri-fi half of the pcason. An . "fr-ioon ci !e of Klchard War- .T "Inr Hlnc did Nlb'-iungm" will bo r-vn" rnrff.i: will havo Homo per-firmano-i, t) dates to bo announced it .v fries of .spt-clul matinee tier- torrnan'.-t of the novelties and certain .Br e,i ,-.n also ban bn planned. "iiii ilny Concert's. In ' , .- to maintain the established W!'f!v. of t!i Sunday evening concertn a-1 t-t r '!e tiii-n. cventH an varied an lisv thre have been onicaKC-d a num r of to :il nnd Instrumental artists who 1'l talc par- in the nroirr.iinme itv. tt'itt M'th the members of the com- pane, An Mr RntMer t Ptlll with his reirt mr.t tn r-a.vo and Mr. Gllly Ik a prl.s-en- of wir In Auatrla It Is not yet .nown whft'ier their eervlccs ran be ob ' fn- wapon The company for irmr.n will inr-lude Uicse nrtisLn: SOI'llANI tTrU-V " Mabel narrl.on (new), irrj r. MeUiue Kurt mew). v,r, r " Ii"1-'? rooM. vJ5, Kli.atieih Schumann Jrnni. 1j-.,mi (new) - r,m' tnora Snarkes ;! ...'" . Holn Van Ujck. MEZZ'. sopi-AM ANn CONTUAI.TI Kmn-i l!',r-.'rli. HHcn Maiil.on "r"! M Mattf'lfl iiijnon,... Ii '.vmnois Marrnrete M-.tenau-r. nr, i ir.arete Ulir. Ktafr; Wnsner, "Der FllKeniJo IIol laonder," "LohenBrln," "Tnnnhaeuser," "Tristan und iBolde, "Die MeUtcrnlnKor von Nuernbore." "I'amlfal," "Das llheln Kold," "Die Wnlktiere," "HleBfrled" nnd lioettcrdnemmerutiK," nnd AVolf -I'crrnrl. "II Heitrcto dl Suhatina." The novulUes and revivals will Include. Ileothoven'a "Fldcllo," Illxet's "Carmen," Hollo's ".Mefliilofele," llorodlne's "I'rlnca iBor," aiordano's "Madamn Sana dene," Kronen l,eonl'n "IOrncolo," Itomlnl's "(lUKlielmo Tell," Kalnt-Hnens's "nmsoa et Dallla" and Weber's "lluryanthc." The company has nl"o thn t. elusive produclnx rlhts In America to three operas by Claude Debussv : "I.a Chute ,ln In Miilsoti 1'shcr," "I.e. Ulnbln uans e llcffrol" und "Ln. l-fKCiicie do TrU- tan." The ballets will Include nellbes's "Cop pella," Vtrdl'n "Tho Kour Reasons" from "I Vesprl" I. llertel's "Noizo lnve" and Haycr's "llosa d'Amore," I.nrsp Orchestra nnd Chorus, All tho fnvorlta artists of last sesson. says tho announcement, remain in th company, which also Includes several new urusis or eminent reputation who huve never before sunir on this .tsif Th sor-lces of Arturo Toscnnlnl, Alfred Hertx and OlnrKlo l'olacco hate been retained. mcnaru liaReman w 111 nlso continue to semi us conductor and tho Metropolitan vpern, jiouso orcnestra will number more than olio hundred. fllllllo Hettl. In ns.soctatJon with ITsns Htelner. will handle tho chorus one hundred nnd twenty voices. American. Italian and German. When occnslon re. quires thu regular chorus will be reen forced by tho seventy members of tho chorus school, which provides free Instruc tion In ainclnp. slRht readlnir nnd the lanKUaites, In evening classes. Tho teKiilar corns do hull..!, r.nnstttlnir of foitv dancers, will lie under the direc tion or .time. I'alilino Verhneen, In chnrKe of the .Metropolitan ballet school. Mile Hoslna lialll. well known to American audiences, has been engaged ns premiere danseuie. The services of Jules Speck nnd rtomls Taylor ns st.iKc directors have been retained. ITALY BARS "PARSIFAL.'-Cable despatch. MANUEL QUIROGA'S DEBUT. Voting .Siiiii., Violinist lleiiril fori I'trst Time Here. j M.itiu.. QuIroK.i, n young Spanish vlo- J billet, iiiudo Ins Amerlran. debut In u con cert nlen Inst evenlnc at the Hippodrome Much had been set forth In regard to Hut advent of this young man, who Is n pupil of the great Spanish violinist Sara sate, u-.l expectations of n sotnewhn' exigent nature might hne been nrou.-d had not the ndjoi'tlvoi all been so familiar I nnd the prophecies so worn. 1 Mr. Qulrnga elected to disclose himself ' an a planer of honorable aspirations nnd artistic Ideals by placing ns tho ilrst number on his proimjinino the .Mendels sohn concerto. If. however, this composi tion had been the only one performed bv tho violinist a wrong conception of his musical character would have been formed. Later pieces, some added as en- eor numbers and othi is being on the printed list, set forth In a more certali. , light tho traits by which this violinist will have to gain the largest amount of public favor 1 It would not be profitable, to enter into .1 detailed rehearsal of the qualities of 1 Mr. (jtilroga'H art. t,ei t be said at the outset that it Is founded upon uncommon technical facility and that the surmount-' Ing of many illincultleH will probably bo , tho triumph of the young man's season. His tone seemed neither largo nor rb h j list evei lug, but on this point no sound rom-liislon can be reached till he plays in some auditorium better suited to vio lin sound. Ills intonation was generally good nnd his bowing suavo nnd elastic Ills mastery of th tlnger board was plainly that of a budding virtuoso of the . most skilful sort. The way Irv which he disposed of double stops even In har monics was something noteworthy and his I scales went clean nnd tluent at all times. llut technical facility ln ordr to make ' Its dUfl effect Khould bo conjoined with brilliancy, dash and lnclslveness of style These, things seemed last evening to be ' luito lacking lm the young man's play ing They were not to be found In bis i extremely cool nnd uninteresting delivery of tho Mendelssohn concerto, nor yet I even. In the old fashioned "fiddle pieces" which tho so-called "wizards" of the violin always drag forth for the nmizemont of thn multitude. ! The violinist had the aid of an orches NEW LITTLE THEATRE WOMEN TO REVEAL PLAY NOT HIGHBROW "A Pair of Silk Stockings' Diverting Kngllsh Farce. Is a lMOUT SOltT OF AH'IXd Music (German) hath no charms to soothe the savage breast. TELEPHONE GIRL'S IDYL I 0BITUARY- ARTISTS AND ACTORS IVrilrrlnk. ilr Couurf. ENDS IN ALIMONY WARIjtfUsr &s. AID VICTIMS OF WAR Tartar Sauco on Duck Shatters ftomnncp With SI 0.000 Salesman. I'reilerlok lie Coppet. Kredeilck de Coppet, eon of tile late Iuls (V do Coppft of Lausanne, Switzer land, died jesterday In hU seventlo'h i year. Horn In nrooklyn. ho spent his " early jou-:!i partly In .N'ew York and! ... , ., T, , , . partly In Swltrerland. He Joined the I KxpoSltlon to IiO llolll 111 St II- New Tork Stock Kxchango In JSCs, ami j was for several years a pnrtner ln the turn of Jncauelln U Do t'onpet Jlro tin 18S5 bo formed the proient flnn of Do f , t.'unpet & (' of which at tho tlmo of hl-s ilem'h d iris -Faversliam Fund ( I rows. COTTON'S WONDERS 'Eveninpr Sun's" Orusndo far Southern Troduet Fenturo of lied Cross Iinznnr. STVLISH GOWNS DESIGNED :i ho was thi senior partner. Tor A shattered romanr of one of the letd-' ,ny,. made hU botne In France, Tht. ,, ,t PXpn,,ltlon .,,, rn (lf ln wholesale dry goods stores of Vow I'01,1"'110-1,'1' rettirnlng to this country foi painting nnd sculpture for the benefit of Yri, 7i , . stores or .Now hhort vSi H is survlvetl by two soil, i;,,,,,,,, war sufferers will be held In the iork. In which u salesunn nnd n tele-, urnet II. nnd IuU C. d.. Coppet. both I'letro Htndlo-. r,3fl Plfth avenue, Octo phone girl llgurid. Is dis.-to.sed In papers members of the firm. 'her IS to November 1 Tpward of 200 filed In the Supreme Court by Mrs. Anna' j paintings, bronres, ir ublo figures nnd tra conducted by Nahnn Kranko and of U' '""""H In an andic.itlon for allmonv John V. hchncbimin. , fhlngs havo already arrived t tho Mme. Jeanne Jomelll. prima donna so- rom Howanl V.. IVnnell pending a PUlt Wor,, llnB ,H.ell reVed hero of the ' KxlT'resident William Howard Taft nnd prano. The latter displayed her operatic for separation on the ground of cruelty. di-.ith of John 1'. Schuchman. for m.mvlM., mi,i,.i i.L.i .1,1 t, "a , ,,U . sctno rr"m tbeiJuDtlco has awnrde.I Mrs. I-Vn- years Judge of tho City Court, on Sep- mlttee. Others in the list nro the llev 'm.1 i"Lt,lVVv.. TWn . I n11 J15 a week nlimony. llec-iuse Ien- t'lnber IS ln llisso Darmstadt. C!er- . J. Wesley Hill, John Hurroughs. Henry Mr. Iranko led his musl- , ... ......... ..... . . . . many, his blrthnlace and where, lm hud i flew. Jules M n,.rh. jnim w,,imm,i,.r n n1.,nnill-u T....I. HU H.-l- lll.ffc II" II- l.'K.tliy tlll(n if ,. - -. . - " . ' ! : " " rn " .il ' . . uvea routlro In third act heard In cians through th rhornlo and fugue to the frivolities of i h" Plaintiff ho Is Rossini's "."emlramlde" overturo and later i counsel fee. into tne wrientnl glories of Ooldmarks i illttcted to pay $200 , "A I'Alr of Silk Stockings" U the Utile Tlimtre. tMiy Omttr M llimley-ritrforrt Irene Malttsnil Sybil C.irllcle Pimeta llrlitowe Msry (llynns An-I lUrtxra Allen (.'Kptnlil lltltnal. ...... I' I'luylim (Ireenn Hxm Thornhtlt tiouKlas Mir John (lntvrr Cyril lliirnnilt IliKh Msclntyr...w...lMarit Ii.iimlns Arthur llrook t,arrnie Whit' Moron. (leotKe U.Isll Molly Tliornhlll. ....... ,1'srollns llsylry Pauline ......llstel Haulier Tim blight of the highbrow was lifted from tho I.lttle Theatre on Saturday night with the first performance of "A I'alr of Milk Htocklngs," which will be shown to the public to-night Thn now fare-, which had it long run In London. Is deli riously amusing. It Is not in the least In thn stylo of the plays which havo hitherto appealed to Mr. Ames's tastes ns a theatre director llut there Is, after nil, a certain quality to the piece which Is not common. The milieu Is fsshlonnble Ilngllrh life, the personages speak tho last word In I.ondonese nnd there Is a more or less distinguished chnrncter about the whole entertainment. Then one sees how much better Kngllsh actors play their roles than their American Imitators. All the netnrs In "A I'alr of rUlk Work ings" are from London. It hjppnns that tho silk stockings which give fyrll Hanourt's play Its title belong to a divorced wife, who ports wl'h them only to bind up a burglar, who turns out to b her husband trying to get an Intel -view with her that elm may be per suaded to take inm back. It hap pens that this wife bad herself come to thn country house at which he wns a guest In order to meet him with the same general Idea III view. The lady was not In the least welcome there, 'he pretended to be the victim of n motor accident, but she was no more cordially received for that reason. She Interrupted. In the llrst place, tho rehearsals for the amateur performance of "Caste." which they were nil very humorously preparing after the curtain rose first. Jliistmiul IioiiiiiI ii s llorglnr. Rhn upset .tho family In other way". Htm happened to get tin- room of one of the guests who bad le en railed away ll happened to b an old lover of hers, now attlanced to a ver young girl who was also at tho houte. Then her hailtand, taking n friendly suggestion from iinotlur ruest, decided to creep Into lar room and hldn until she appeared. Iln hnrpcned to go In his coitume for ytcclc and, thlle he was concealed In a wardrobe, viulous things happened In .thn room. One of thee was the return of Its former occupant, who had missed his train mid c.mio In by th window in avoid Making the family Of nurse, it was a surprise to find his former Han 'ee In hl bed. Then his preren' betrothed arrived to npologlre to tho lady for her rudeness. In the mcnntlme th husband had b.en dragged from .the cupboard and thrust Into the bathroom bound with a pair of his wlfvs silk Htocklngs. This Mas all amulng enough, but it was thn unravelling of the threads In the last not that kept the spectators In con stant laughter. It was at breakfast time and the arrival of various m mlivrs of thi hoil'o party on tho rceno with their ac count of thn night's experiences Mas de- (llghtfully nmuslng 1n a highly sophis ticated M-ny. The talk of tho ch.irau'ers In th" modish manner of Ixindon mclet) M'as umuslng enough In Itself, and in the caso of Kenneth Douglas became Irre siMlbly funny. Hut till part of the youthful Ixmdon aristocrat was delight fully acted. Ho Is thn most polished light comedian that tho London Btage lias sent hero since Charles Hawtrey Then h is almost nti fat, which did not In the hast Ititerfcro with his ability to nmua" the audience. Tho little play Is full of a euperflolal brightness that suits well tint slice of modish life It Is Inttnded to represent Its epecchcn are witty, not in tho least ln u When the Ited Cross IJaxssr and Uni versal Mnrket openn Thursday evening nt tho (Irnml Central l'alsro Tub Evknino Kt'N Cotton Corner will occupy several booths with nn exhibit nnd a salo of cot Ion products. This exhibit Is tho natursl outcome of Tii Kvknino Hun's "cotton crusade," n movement to make cotton goods fashionable for gowns and tooklng nnd for Interior honsn decoration, with n view to Increasing tho consumption of cotton pioducts nnd so to makn posilbU the naln of this year's bumper crop. The cause of thn present depression In the cotton market Is primarily the In terruption of the foreign trnde, which con sumed normally 9,000,000 bales a year. One shipment of Hl,?2t bales to Havre on October C Is thn mini total of shipments from this country slnro the beginning of thn Kuropean Mar I.ast year during the rorrespondlng period 1,323,854 bales wern shipped. Wldln business men. through legislation and banking loans, nrn trlng to meet this emergency, the. women are helping In a May In which only they, as Urn majority consumers, can employ. "It Is the first endeavor of org&nltrd womanhood to help dm men of this conn try tide over a business crisis," said Mrs. Percy V. II 1'emiypackiT when, at the be ginning or Urn month, she Issued a "mani festo" in the l,fiili),oii) members of thn (jener.ll I'Vder.itloii of Women's Clubs, of which elm Is president, urging them lo support tlio cotton growers and manufac turers ii butiiig and using as much cotton as they could afford. Among the local organizations which havo promised their support of this move nieiit are the Woman Kuffrago party, the Kiiual SulTrage league, the vacation com m'.ttie of the woiivn's department of the National Civic Keilr itlnti. tho Woinin s Forum, the Culdon Club, the (Jamut Club mid tl . I'". mil llrunh I'luh Among Its sponsors are Mrs, (Jertrudn Athcrton, Mrs. Samuel 1 iiiiimyir. Miss Kllzubeth Jot dm, Mrs. Nicholas Murray Hutler, Mrs Krinst Isittn, Mrs. Wulter Maynard, Miss Ida Tarliell, .Mrs. T Horden llarrlman and Mies Anne Morgan. Through the jourte-.y of the depart ment of hgiene at Hunter (Tnllego there will be a complete, exhibit of products of the cotton plant, including over .1,500 tex tiles, nrtld'H made of celluloid (whloli Is otton treated with acid), cotton twine, surgical uppllanccs and wall coverings. The uses to which this stapln may tin put are Infinite, as the exhibit will suggest. W.tli ths exhibit there will be a fash ion -Imiu i,ke that h"ld at Washington in ii. i,. in i ; nd i Soin of the gowns shown in ) in capital city to more than lli.ono vis tins Mill be on view here tho gown cxlilhitxl by Miss Lucy Ilurle-son or certain, and probably the dresses of Miss lienevleve Clark and Miss Callb. Hoko Smith. The cotton dress wtjlch Mrs. Athertrn will woxr at tho opening night of the opera season will be on view, as well as th" cotton drihse.s designed and made especially for this Cotton Cor ner by Kurxman, (llddlngs, ltalsman nnd others. , Xtr p ifher .-OU'.I. II nrr lata Hots on. ?'.! A'' ,v fei-ij , . , tin-ii I'. . , J tl I. .,,- R 11,, M ji' !," np, btu new, ?1 1 Annie TKNOni Kan Cnraso Ilieenrilo .Martin iinvnnni Martinelll. Allert llrisj Johamu.4 Sembach I tl.Wl Jaijii's I'rlu. H.VHITOXI It'iU rt Ixinhsrdt 'lt-n u . 'iiiis-tuo ii'.fiiti an. t . ,., ovt C,)rl sir) new), l itnmo reitl Itieearito Terani (rew. if, rmanri Weil MAS-I t.sin llnthe-r ''I )livlfiel Andrea ilo S"t irnla newt Kerlrt Witherapoon 'i ir M.ddklon inl ... rONTILTTOIlS iti'itsrn iinreman always M-elcomo "Hakuntala" overture. lived for tho last six years. In 1S88 be , John J. Phelps, Stephen II Pell, Mrs. 1S93 ho Mas elected Judge of tho City i Mrs. Daniel S Laniont'. Mrs. Joeenh I !.n.ea,r.ica.1 W0J'' ''Ut In their truth to tne t ... ii . .. . l .. . . ..... . .... . . . ... ' 1IIM or Ilie men alio women In tlie fnrv. ..hi-. j-eiiii.-ii e;i).s nun ortrrieii ine lie- t ouri anil M.ut reeiecieil 111 JVU1. Mil THE SEAG0ERS. Arrivals on the American liner New Vork. In yesterday from Liverpool, !r eluded : W J. Ilslrd Mrs. Kftle M. Mrnwn Tlio ilev and Mrs 1' t 0 I1I"U IVillisiii lieortte Ilerrr Mr aisi Mr. Howard llrnwn Comnioilfire and Mr.. Kldmlte II Ji I'.ilconer Cnl and Mr C II Hunter Mlis Tellce Lyne I)r O, I. Morer. (ienrrs Ilrewer flat ill fie. A J. Terry. J'rnf Thomas . irssii". Tim Hev Alfred H. K Vfstklna Dr S. W Woodhousn. JohnOrlMlthlVllllsma. iMAJIKiED. MR. GANZ'S RECITAL. lowing tho conclusion of his second term ii., retired from nctlvn political life. Mtls I'lonlsl (Ipens I.oenl Hrnn of Concerts. Rudolf (Ian, the Rwls.s pianist, nave a recital nt Carnegie Hall jesterday after noon. This statement makea record of the opening of the long cmcert season liefore the local publli There M-.ll bo a legion of p'anists and violinists, and It .Urn. M. C. (iooilletl. Nariivilm-;. Tenn., Out 1' Mrs M C l'ui'trer and Kva llooth. Amimg tho three hundred painters nnd sculptors M-lin hnve volunteered their ser ' vices to th. committee am Daniel Chester i French. J. S Alexander, Carroll Ileik i with. IMwIn II. lllnshdcld, Wllllnm M. ( base, Kenvon Cox-, Ilrucn Crnne, Hen , (loodlett, widow of Col. M. C (Joodlett and Foster, Chlldo Hnfsam, llayard Jones, i fendant on jlugutt (1, 1913. ln Hoboken, , after knowing him for nine jears, dur ing which tlmo nhi Mas a telephone girl In the store of Mills & CSIbb nnd Fcnndl 'inu jnrnliiw llfl flflfl ,... nn I a. ,. tn Kollihern terrtlnpv for the jnneern The wife says thnt Fennell treated her 'ou"d-r of the I.'nlted Daughters of the I Douglas Volk, Francis C. Joneji, Thomas cruelly on a number of occasions the 1 Confederacy, died nt her homo here on 1 Moran, RMert Held, J. Alden Weir, Solon llrst being when he poured tartar sauce Friday night after a long illness. She , H, llorglum, Mrs, Harry Payne Whitney, on n .inrir tim im.i nnie.,1 i., n hM.i nt wn "0 vears old. Mrs. Coodli tt was I S. C. I'letro and Ceorge Ilellows. Lynchburg, V.i . nnd siKtibd the duck Hho I'fesld.nt of tho Tennessee Uaugliti rs of I Donations of 1100 e.ich to tho fund for charees that Wmi.e shn rrfoseil to an Confederacy nnd a member of the i tho relief of destitute; families of actors .-.uiiuiiui -oiiierence ji iiariiii s nun in i.uropt' the National Prison Assoel i to n baseball game with her husband Is safe to say that many of tnem will j Inst Fourth of July he pointed .an nulo- Correction, the Nation have less reason lo expect puhl'e favor matlc revolver (it her while shu was sit- ,'r,n "ni1 thw National !"ni r,.;ir Omo ,.,r, , J1".", An.-' in 1 " " i i',o I r " r ' i I',,., Ar., (V li ' Aclolt Jtollliiifjrr. t-TNT CONDI-'CTOIIS (i',, s, . V 'i K ' " 'heik Frsnce.isi Kumel. I'- (iniho fr'ettt ' ' lt-ii. Semer iv Tyroler, 'tout's MASTBIIS II .111 Stelner. ' ' ' HNICAI. DIUKCTOH, Kii var. Sieille. -T(iK MANAOKltS. ' ' ' T.oomls Tnylor. -t WT STAOK MANAGCK9. 11 'If Sstine. I LET MATKIll 1 Ver- Ilinlk. KMlKltn DANSKl'SK. '' H , iri OalP in. '.initA UIAN Lionel Manleson Hepertory for Hie Xensoii,' J - to he presented will hn , the following standard ' c- melt" Charpentler, "Ju "' . "Dun P.iKiiac" nnd n. rnionr" . Flotow. "Marta" ; ' 1I ' C.luek. "Orfeo ed Ku 1 Armlde" ; Herbert, "Made " ,ieiflinck,"llaene und llretel" -"kinder", Leoncavallo. 'Pag I igni. "Civnllerln Hustirana" ; ''lie Huguenots": Massenet, " l iti mrzzi, "l.'Atnoro ilel Tro jsr.rgky, "Hurls OodunofT' . "e . luberlloete" : Offeuliach, .l llofrtimnn" : P.tnchielll. "Li I'n itil "I.a lloheme" "M i "rtlv ' "Million l.fsciiu ' The -Sir .tf the lj,-,den II Hnrhi, 'e d. S IglU ')-r Hoseiika nller" Verdt, ' " It llo lit Mnsrlnr.i " "fltello. ' 'ti,' "La TiNiviuta." and "Fal- abbi tilano transcr'ptl'.ti of tho Hach cha conne, which M'aH romiioaed for violin un nccomiiaiuisl. This Is Indeed a tran scription, even a trannmogrlflcitlon, nnd they may enjoy It Mho can. Hut thoro are obi foeles who do not earn to have ltach's violin masterpieces butchered to make a pianist's holiday, even when thu pianist plays tin m ns veil ns Mr. Oana: tilnved the one heard yesterday. Hajdn's sonata ln D major afforded a . ju3tc i,gier, whose advertisement she pleasant relief. In this Mr Ham showed , ha(1 f(on )n a .pw T((rk .,,r, pon. a dellcacv of fin and Ilnesin of -tle, n(). H ,)e tlltt,n-t hnow what happened whllo In the Chopin II minor sonata, wmch i a.'tfir tnat followed, ho exhibited the liest o.u,nlltle. ' ,vn,,Ji' admits that bo poured tartar of his sturdy nrt. Numbers by IJIanchet.l WMr ,, wf('s duck, but says he did who has lUured t,efor in this dayer'a , (I f(In U,.gP that when his viU pnigrammes, rjy toe iiiiiiiisi iiiinm-, ujr , n) n .n . Korngold, the j outhful Viennese composer, and by I.lszt, comiilelnd n programme pleas'ng If not of profound Interest. For u Sunday afternoon audience n roally serl ous lift might havo leen a trial. And the season Is '00 yung to bear havy burdens. "The . nnremo Court gives n woman th best of It, and I am g"lng to get money out of you nd elcip tn my bisl and llo aj long as T fanl to in the morning, and you are going pay for It " Mrs. Fennel declares that th" sugges tlon of marriage was made by thn defendant. ELEANOR R. GATES A BRIDE. i Moore. A lsn .Hurries I. lent, J'red ' in Author. PATunsoN, N. J-, Oct. 18. Miss Hlnanor It (lates, author of the plays "The Poor Little Rich Ulrl" and "Wo Are Seven," Mas married here this af lemon to Lieut. Ficd F- Moore, a former newspaper colleague The ceremony was performed In the home of Dr William I). Hplckers, tl Church street, by tho ilev. Walter Koenig. pastor of the First I'nglish Luth eran Church of Patcrson. Forty writers from N'ew Vork and San Francisco at tended I. nut and Mrs M'iore were on thn staff of th San Francisco J?yni(ner dur ing the earthquake. Lieut. Mooro earned considerable fame by Induing, with thn hilp of three others, an extra of ore shrit I op the following day Ha served through I Him campaigns In the Philippines. He Is the author of "The Devil's Admiral" nnd . h is been ed'ior of the iiooii M"s W'ilmm D. Snickers, the matron i of honor, was formerly Miss Heed Hutch- ,iis, known In the vtesi He 'The ( alitor mn Ik-nut" " Dr, William D. Hplckers was beat man.' "MOVIES" AT A.1DSLEY CLUB. I.nme tiiitherliiic JinJ".'" Illiuier, Jln terliitnment nnd llmirp. TAimvTOWM. N. V., Oct. 15. A country cluli dinner, moving pictures and a il.inrtt attracted thn largest gathf -Ing of thn autumn season at thn Ardsby Club last evening. The dinner and moving pictures were special features, and wen much en joyed Dnnelng followed until midnight. Among thon preient mcic Mi nnd Mrs. It I). WiKtcnit, Mr. and Mis Otto flay S-nith.'Mis Howard Carroll. Miss Ci.rama Can nil. M' and Mrs. , Col. Itnbiit ( ( lowry, Mr. am Ilr. I'rnnkllii fierce Miller. Dr Franklin Pierce Miller of Tnppan, N. V . died on Saturday In tho Long H was born In than Mr. Canz has. This nlrtvur w.ts -i.... , .k.i. t,ni, I tlon. - - - t.'js 'ill it. It nil til tit lit at is is 1 1 . 1 calhd out with the m lltnry reseivos of, "When I Bturted up from thn chilr .he his country, but when It waa lenrneil that defendant walked toward me. iHilntin-, tin no actlvn servlco wils likely to be re- revolver at my heart." said Mrs. IVnnell. nulred lm Mas i.errnltted to come to the -When he had pointed tlio weaion at me I 1 mien Mate-, wnen. no naa not wen , for fifteen minutes ami found that I Island College Hospital. - .11:11111 joso courage ne tiirew- 11 oui o! iiiu Mr. Can, has nlwass ehown hospitality w-tndow Into tin- cm-tyird of the apart In th arrangement if his programmes, I mfnt nml)1, nmi jmv previntnd nnd h" offered yesterday n conslderablo u mur,ier In this housn to-nlght." " raiiK.1 of set ools and array of composers. In ,ftI,ying thnt he is marrbsl to th. He beg-in with l-eirucio llusoni s rem.irK- ,. ,nni,fr ivnn-11 savs he has known her for nbout seven y, -rn nnd that w hen 1 she took her v icatlon In the summer of , li(13 she mot him in Canada and thoy remained together for some weeks. They J both drnnk heavily, be rays, ami finally I she began talking nb"Ut marriage. He I says that on thn d-Un the reremony la ' alleged to have owurrred In llolrfiknn he 'didn't know what h was doing anil was taken by tho plaintiff to the oillce of Humana Assocla- Mhli-h was Htartnl by William Fnversham liavo been received from Charles Klein nnd IMgar Sehvyn. The fund Is strictly neutral nnd will bo ills trlbutcd In all countries where tho fom lllos of netors nrn ln want. Contributions should lsi sent to Mr Favorebam or to Thomas A. Wise at thn Lamlia Club. life of the men and M-omen in the story It Is not a draM'b.ick that they all are by way of talking ns men and women of refinement do A. liliK Stilted tn Piny. Tho acting won exaitlv suited to the I play M. Ilamley-Cllfford, who has the figure of Connlo IJtsH and tho penchv beauty of blond ilghteen. Is 11 charm ing comedienne, whose pretended terious neis over tho predlrainctitu of her guests delighted the audience. Cnrollnu Haybr was tho divorced M-lfo who won her bin linlnl back, nnd Incidentally the arfertioiis of an audleiica that M-as selng her for thn llrst time. Sjbll Carlisle, gratefully remembered by American audiences for bur exriubiltn iierformaiice In "Pomander Walk," was again 11 spinster of more youthful mien and seemed nulte na girlish ns in thn days of tier first nppien'iccHliip nt Daly'a Theatre. Sim played with gleut Donations or cioining may on sent 10 1 distinction. An nllurlng whlto mouse Is Mr. Fnversham fit the hhubert Theatre. i.lPy fjiynno. tho youthful betrothed who ine jariiiiouui ur.wnuwu .iutiiniuii ihui 1 vt-jiH the youthful member of the email ,-n where he lived ., """"""'""-" " " , . 1 wan me youiniui memner of ilie emaii- years Vn the (Huy Vesant "rt'Tr'i to give 10 per cent of Its recelpta cipatod house i.arty, which Included her of thn cltv 11. . - t,lu tl,Tui- . I betrothed and tho women he had pre New Yoi'k I'nlverVv A performanrn of "Tho Spur," . viously tried to marry She guve a charm 1 .tw inm iiinersiiy., ,,. v,. in-,,, v.v.i- wilt l. 1 , . .1 ' i, .. bv Mrs Annlo Nathan Meyer, will be ,. oicture of demur., irlrllmod fur tlm first given at the Cort Theatre this nftcrnoon time aroused to Jealousy Thu audience liked Mr Harrourt's play Wisconsin In USB, nnd ten ytara later went to nrooklyn, where he lived 111010 than thirty Heights section of graduate, of tho Medical School nnd n member of the lirvived'br, i- x nV'?or tho benefit of the Helgium 111 Cross ; I fund. Thn cast will Include Louise Ran. i... 1.1. .. dotph, Ull'an Kingsbury, Lillian Keller, l-rimklMi llollctt l.o..-ll. Ktbel Wright, rrlnnlo Milne, Kl.lo Rand. Franklyn Hallett Lovell, son of the late I Ida Jeffreys, ndwnrd I-leldlng. Harold do Oeorgo and Adellno Ijovoll, died nn Satnr- . Decker, KdM-ard l.lton nnd others, day at I.akn Molionk. Ho M-as a member 1 - of thn Union Ijoaguo Club, the Society of Colonial Wars, tlm National ArtH Club and tlm Mayflower Descendants. lie Is survived by his wife, M. ioutso LeM Is Lovell, and a son, Franklyn Hallett lovell of Madison, N. ,1 MUSIC FOR TERCENTENARY. I'niir fill rn, Robert (irri-, Vonkehs, N Y Oct. IS - -Robert CS. re. nn employee of the Department of Dm ks and Ferries of Now Vork city since ls:i;, died at his home hero to-day, aged 58, His death wns sudden. He M-as born In Syracuse and was a son of N. Stanton nnd Alary L. Gero nnd n nephew of Mrs. J J. llelilen, Hn leaves a wife. FOR FIRST 'RED CROSS' WORKER. .Service Held In Memory or the Rev. Ilr. llellotts, rcc Concerts IN III II 1 Willi Opera Mors. j A featuru of the coming celebration of the 300th anniversary of New York's I trade and commejeo will be four great free concerts, two In New York nnd two j In Ilrooklyn. Reside nn orchestra of I sixty ple. is. some f those M-ho will takn part arn Segurola, tho harytotm, 1,11a Robeson of the Metropolitan company ; Mme. ln I'nsiuall, soprano; Albert von Doenhoif, pianist, and Hchmultz, cellist. The tlrst concert will lie held In the hall of tho City College on Monday, October 26. at 8 tfi P. M. ; the second at Washln: ton Irving High School on Tuesday; the third at Krasimu Hall, Ilrooklyn, on Thursday, and the fourth nt Commercial High School. Ilrooklyn, on Friday. No admission will be charged, this being made patislbln by the Htato appropriation of 1 1 00.0011 tOM-ard tho expenses of the terecntenai y. TWO MAIL SHIPS TO-MORROW. A service In memory of thn Rev Dr. Henry W. Ilellows, one of thn great pulplteera of Amorlca In civil war tlm, is, was held yesterday morning In All Soula' Unitarian Church, Fourth avenue and Twentieth street. The Rev Dr Samuel A, Hllot president of thn American Uni tarian Association, nnd thn Rev. Wllllnm Sullivan, tho minister of thn church, wero I ""e'l fJnes To-iln- 'With Letters speakers. ,-., It was In All fiotils Church that onn ... of thn great commissions was formed to rtenmthlps carrying Huropenn mall i,i..,..i.,i i scnu nurscti anu sunp ics to rn on men 1 ' "" iii-imums .1 vt . 11 Mn ino war a inrerunner or the Jieii ,,. r ll-r- D. Kstsbrook. Mr. and Mm T II. Llshlt Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Towiisond, M-. and Mrs. F L. Montngue, Mr. and Mrs. Rcgl nald II. Jiiffray, Mr. and Mrs Achur lingvood, Miss Annn DepeM- Paul ling, Chnrlcs C Paulding, Mrs. Hendrlrk Hud son, Miss lOUls Firth, Mrs II. F. Pilne. Mr ami Mrs N' A. Cimphell. Mr nnd Mrs J S Sprnker. .Mr nr, M , r , Cass, Mr and Mrs. W W Fuller Col him Mrs Q, Hrmvn, Mln lor othy Rrown. Mr and Mm. O. Mi rrls ojid'Oawald-GrVJUanL Cross. The Rev. Dr. Ilellows, Its presl dent, loft his pulpit and travelled over I the country raiaing funds mid urging rs Ilcf Mork. Dr. Flint said that M-hllo the theoloiry of tho Rev. Dr. Ilellows has not m ida I large progress In numbers It has per meated other bodies and changed their 1 doctrines into mom liberal channels, Red Cross Tuns Albany for f 2,!IOO. Auiant, Oct. IS, Red Cros tng flay tiero netted' 12,000 gensfjord, for lleigen, will lake mall, clos Ing a' thn (ienrrnl Post ifllrc at 10 A. M. for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Clerrnnny, Austria, Hungary nnd Russia nnd for other countries (except Luxemburg) when specially addressed The Italian Hmt San (iugllelmo, sail ing for Naples to-morrow, will cany mall, closing at tho Uenernl Post Oillce nt 11 30 A M. for Ilnh. Austria Hun cary 'lrrtnanv llulgarla, Humsnla, Tur key Switzerland. Ureses and for other countries (except LuxcmburE) 'Wfcerwpe. daily oddrcvedj better than his acting .as the host It seemed moreover to Ilk" thn two fat actors best of all. "A Pair of Bilk .Stockings" Is a sprightly comedy, very charmingly played, and the hoodoo of the highbrow must ut 1.1st be off tho Llttlii Theatre ONLY ACTOR FOLK AT THIS SHOW strictly Professional Audience Svrm 'Mr l.mly'n llress." Joseph Urookit Jird Wllllnm A Hiady provided n special -performance of ".My Lady's Dress" last night at the l'lay housii for professional folks. The au dience was made up strictly of actresses ami actors, which 1 iulii unusual at "professional" performances Nearly nil tho notables of tho mage who aro In New York wero there, nnd after tho siconil act Wilton Lickayn made a brief address from the stage in which hn urged plajerH u see to It that part of the proceeds In liny benefit !r which thny appeared Mcnt tn tho relief of tint wives nnd children of actors who suffered through thn war In l'urope. Much Coinpimy for Crescent Thcitfrc In compliance with thn wishes of thou sands of theatregoer In Ilrooklyn, Keith's Crescent Theatre will return on November to thn stock policy which It pursued for seven years Tho preaetut temporal y policy of motion pictures will be. discontinued at tlm nd of iioxt week, and on tho follow ing Monday thn Crescent Players will take potiiesslon of the stage. WALKKn r.NOMHll. At Chrltt Churrh, Hay ltldse. October 1, by the It H. Arrowsmlib. Ollbert, son of DsvM and Mrs. Ws-lker, Hay Mlilge, tn Annot I.yle, eldeit daughter of thn late Capt. Jam" l'.nKll'h, Lirnn. Cnunty Antrim, nnd Mr KnKlI'li. Parkgst", Chuhlrs, Ktirlamt DIED. l'lnjs miiiI 1'liiyrri, Andreas Dlppel has engaged Dr Anselm (loetzl of Vienna ns intnlcal conductor lor tho Dlppel Opei, 1 Coinlqun Company, which will present "Tho Llbio Domino" on October '.'8 t the West Forty-fourth Street Theatre. Thn New Vork Centre of the Drama League of America has announced a con ference to be held nt 3 i'.tt k 011 Oil ,t r 20 at thn Herkeley Institute Vim epi ;ik era will Include II, White Callahan, Miss Mice I.ewieohn. tlm Rev II. jd: l'rlchard'und i"ranklln II, Hargcnt CI.AItK --Kille W Hervlres at "TUTC Ft'.VIRlAIj Clltmcil," SU WeatTwanty tlilrd slrret (Krank 13. Campbell Build Inxi, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. de-cril'I'r.T In New York on Ootobsr II, 1514, after a llngrrlnf Ulnrti, Frederick de-Coppet of Hyerea, Krannn, In ths ev entltth yeir of his oe. son of ths UH Iriul C and Jullck Weiton de-Copyit Funeral private FOOT Kntered Intn rut, after llnierttJ.. llli,"K. nn October 17, lilt. t Jty N V . Jamei Iiwlcht Foot, Jr., In .1 tilth vesr, younxer son nf Jamea D. Foot sti.l the Uln I'.llen Ilellows Foot, Funeral "ervtcei on Tuei'tsy, Octobsr 10, st 10-39 A M . In ths Chspsl of Mount Auburn C"tn!ry, Uoiton. Hoiton pdpera pleaiin copy. or.ltn Suddenly, at Yonkers. tt, T, on Sunday. October IS, UK, Robert Oera. snti of the Uto N Htsnton a,nd Mary L. ilre of Nymcuie. N Y. Funernl eervli-i ut hta Ists restdmea, f 1 uMley plare, Yonkira. on Tuesday nft'rnnon st o'clock. Internum t WtraU"", N. V on Wednesday. I.OVl;I.I. -suddenly, st Lko MohonV, no O, mi,"r 17. In tho seventy-eighth year of Ins :i nr. Franklyn Hallett, huibaad of M Louise Lewis and eon of th La.t (irorsn snd Adellnn (JlaJlott) LovaU. Krvlces at th Old First I'rwbyttrUa Church. Fifth nvonun snd Eltvaath street. Tuesday, Ootob.r-30, at I o'cloiVf. Kindly omit flowera. McOKi: Suddenly, at PUInftald, N..J., n Saturday, Octohur 17. 1B14. JlSnry A, Moflse, bilnved husband of limmi liulin Mcll... In hla sixty-fourth yaar, Servlrea st his lat risldance, Orchard plsee, I'Jalntleld, N J., Monday, Or inlisr 1, S I', M. Csrrlsiu will mnt it,rs. train leavlnr foot of Llbirty strett, New York elly (C It. It. o( N. J.) 2 o'olork Mrl.Al.'dllLl.V - Frank W. MrLauxhlln. en O' 17, at Ids retldsnce, ISO nivir sld Drive, In bis forly.flflh year, Fsrvkea at AM Angeli Trotntant Epla. rnpal Church, Wsat Knd svsnue and Dghty-flrat atreet, on Tueiday, October St. st to A. M. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers, Montreal papers pLm copy. Tb Canadian Society of New Tork Msmbers sr reqiictted lo attend th funeral services nf F. W McLaughlin, fourth vlce-prealtlant nf th loclaty, t All Angsli' I'rotsitant Bplicopal Church, Flghty first alrsst and Wsit TJn l avenue. Stw York, Tusaday morning. Osjnnsr 30. at 10 o'eloek ltFV CIAItLi:H A KATO.V, rriildant, WYLIi: C MAItOmoN. Heeratsry. TOIlTHIt -Air a Iousllfc, wlfnof A. f). Tortae, mother of nthsl Vnrter nnd Harold K, I'orter. died In bsr liome, Pamdsna. cl. I'NIIKItTAKKIIH, R?ANKE.CAMPBm.,J FUlfEKAL WREaDR,V'S",.lf"'c COUSItOUJ. AtltNIION i-irnrro..