Newspaper Page Text
4 THE SUN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. EMDEN'S PRESENCE TOLD BY WIRELESS Gall Sent Oni by Operator on Cocos iRlnnd Warned Aus Irnllnn Warship. SYDNKY QUICK TO RESPOND Wtdnkt, Nov, 13. The Melbourne man nger of the Eastern Telegraph Company's cable extension tins made ths following statement : "Tho staff :it Cocos Inland were nwnro that hey mre under the protection of tho Admlra'ty, nlthough worships nre seldom seen In that vicinity. Recently, however, the fnct became apparent thnt protection hail been withdrawn, because wireless messages were not answered. We had nn Idea that this was part nf a large strategic scheme, nnd consequently no unecaslncs win felt until a foreign warship was seen i bearing down upon the Island. There Is n . lagoon on the north aide, which provides an approach only for small boats. Large j Irregularity of tho channel and the dan gerous rocks "Tho cruiser Hmdcn stood off ibout two or three in leu fioni f horo, and, a already nnnoun'ed, forty men were snt nnhore A nonu there was no doubt that the station vr.ia menaced by a foreign warship tho wirelew station des paWhed the Mgneils 'S J H Okxm.' Them were constantly repeated, and It ivwim the miny call were picked up by Che Australian cruiser Sydney. "A remarkable feiiturv Is that thn Bmdcn, which imtMt have known that distress FiRii.tls were being sent, did not drop a sli' l! a-n vhn approached with 11 view to dismantling the wlrele.a mast "While the distress Menalu wore being sent out a rush tntwign wes sent by cable to the navy ofllce tn Melbourne, which certainly aotrtl very promptly on tho In form itlon (riven. "As eoon as the landing party had stepped ashore they proceeded to search for the cable and began to put It out of action, bir ,ib the r-sult of long ex perience the l-Iastem Telegraph Company has been ablo to baffle raiders to some extent, and special precautions, which of course cannot bo Indicated, were taken In this case. "While the party were encaged In amaKhMic the Instruments the Sydney was seen npproat hlng, iind the men took ! to their boats to rejoin the cruiser. Hut the Kmden's captain apparently decided It ds too risky to wait to pick them up. nnd moved off to the open sea. Tho l,intc urt. ! ft behind, re turned to shore nnd remained while tho right lasted. They stayed until night, i when they selrcd the schooner Ayesh.i, of about forty tons. Iv-loiiging to Mr. Ho-n, owner of the Island, and sailed nwny. "The actual tight between the Sydney and the Kmden took place within sight of the cable staff. "Hcfore having In the commandeered schooner tho (lerman landing party made sure of a substantial food supply, but this la tiot likely no embarrass the cable stuff, a ("apt. von .Muller whh K-on-Jdcrato enough to tinier that the condenser and refrigerator should bo spared." FLED ON LEAKY VESSEL Fnrt7-4hrer .lien Priini Kniilrn ot Vet Clenr of llsnuer, Special Cable HetpatcK In Tmk Soi London. Nov. 13 A telegram from Keeling, Cocos IslnndB, predlrts a bad time for the three ofllcers and forty men of the cruiser Kmden who got away on the old schooner Ayrsha, as that vessel makes four feet of water a day nnd her pumps are deranged. When the Hmden appeared off the Is! and she landed three otllcors and forty men to destroy the wireless station and rut the cable. While thev were riolnir this the Australian cruiser Sydney appeared I and tho light between her nnd the Km- 1 den started. The two vessels disappeared over the horizon nnd the forty-three men got away on the Ayeslu. ENVER PASHA ESCAPES BOMB. Five nntcrrs Iteporled Killed In Ills I'nlnoe, ny p. av. iii"..vm:t. fpreial Correepnndent nf the London "Rally Mall." fipeclat Cable Uetvatch to Tns Sex. PrTnooRAP. Nov 13. A despatch from Hucha-rent s.iy there has been a revolt of the Constantinople and Adrlanoplo garrisons. Five (lurnian officers were ktlled by a bomb in the palace of Knver Pahha, the Minister of War. Knver Pasha, hlmi-clf wis unhurt. A letter which was found declared tlmt the Immb was meant for the man who sold Turkey to Germany. MASONS PLEAD GERMAN CAUSE. Mrmhrra of I'rntrrnlty to Make World Tour, .Special CaNe Petpatrh to Tnr. flcv., l.-i Paris, Nov. 13. The 1er. man Freemasons, who have been hostilo to Franco since the war of 1S70, have un dertaken ii campaign In the lodges of neutral countries in favor of tho Herman cause. 1 1 1 Kit otllcers or tlie rierman JIa- sonic fraternity am visiting Holland. Itu-, mania, the I'nlted States and South Amrr-1 leu, wnrrii ini'y lire MmniiiK lli.ii tho' Kaiser was obliged to undertake tho war. They nlso declare that If loIenee has been committed by the Germans It was only In response' to violence on tho part nf the others. The delegates state that all the Kings of Prussia from Frederick the Great to Frederick HI. have, been Masons and the protectors of Masonry. MAY SHIP SECOND GRADE SUGAR. Britain Will VSot Interfere With Mtliiucnt Prom 4?nln. Special Cable Vetpatch to Tun Scs. Havana, Nov. 13 Cuba has intcerened. In obtnlnlng from thn Hrltlsli Government the exemption of second grade sugar, known iih musoavado, from tin general embargo plooed by that lyiuutry on sugar by declaring 11 conditional coutnih.ind of war. PRINCE FREDERICK AT OSTEND. la Brother of Prlnt'r Prnnrla, Cap ttirrd nn the llmtlen. Special Cable Detpatch to Tsk Set, rms, Nov, 13. Prince Frederick of Iloheniollern, brother ot Prince Kranols, who was made prisoner after the destruc tion of the Kmden, Is at Ostein!. Prince Trederlck'n slater Is thn wlfn of the exiled King Manuel of Portugal. KAISER MOVES TO COBLENZ. Imprrlnl I'nnilly Parly tn He f.unrded by 'Zeppelins, Tun IIaopk, Nov. 13, It was reported Ti're to-dnv that the Kaiser hns moved his headquarters from Krepch to German oil and Is now at Coblenz, on the Rhine. According to the reporlf two Zt-ppellns, armed with nnchltie guns, circle con tinually over the Imperial headquarters. The reports ndd that the Kmperor has levited hla sons, Including the Crown Prince and his daughters-in-law, to visit him at CobUni. British Casualties Are Now Estimated at 57,000 Promicv Asquilh Gives Figures in Answer to Question Riiised in Commons as to Killed, AVouuded and ri'isoncrs. TJ1KE10 SONS OK NOBLEMEN SLAIN RECENTLY London, Nov. 13. Announcement was made to-day of tho death In action of Lord llernaid Chariot (lordon-I.f nnox, u Major In the (Irctiadlcr (luards nnd the third r.oti of Him Duke of Itlchmolid and llordon. Ho whs educated at I'ton and Sandhurst and served In South Africa nnd China. The Hon. William Cirorge Sydney Cadn Kan, third son uf the 13url of, lias been killed In ncttin. according to a cas ualty list published to-night. He was a Major In the Tenth lluaat and served In South Africa In 1900. He was nn eiplerry to tho I'rlncn of Wales. Ho ac companied King (leorge (then the. I'rlnce of Wales) as alde-de-iamp during the hit ter'n tour of India In li'O.'.-t!. Capl Ileauchamp Oswald Duff nf the Klrst King's Own (lurkha Miles has been killed In action. Capt. Duff wna n sou jf (Jen. Sir lUnuehamp Duff, secretary of the military department of the India Olllce and former Chief of Staff In India. Capt. the Hon. lMvvnrd Wyndham of tho Life Ouards, brother of Uanon I.rcon Held, Is among the wounded In to-nlghl'n list. Premier Asqulth, speaking In -the House nf Commons to-day In reply to a question by T. John, mi'tnber for Uast IVnblglmhlre, snld that the total British casualties in killed, wounded and minting of nil ranks were approximately 67,000 men up to October 31. The 1'remler said thnt ho was not In n. position to estlmato the losses of the Allied Powers or of tho enemy. Mr. John also nsked Information regard ing the (lovernment'a proposals ns to the tlnal conditions of peace, the effective establishment nf International law, tho cessation of competitive military expendi tures and some otffer matters. For nn swers to these other questions the Premier referred tho member to hla recent speeches. It Is estimated that tho nrltlh nrmy on the battlo line now numbers nbout 300. 000 men. The cnunltles of 67,000 added to this figure mak i ,1T,7,000, of which one In rxery eeven hns been Killed, wounded or taken prisoner. On this basis the Kreneh casualties, with their army now numbering about 3.noo,00ti, would bo 670. 000. Tho proportion of (lermnn losses to number of men Is estimated at about onn and u half Union that of the l-v. enoli or llrltlsh. Presuming that the (lermnn FRANCE'S NOVEMBER WAR BILL $182,154,504 Credit Aiiflinrized TmHcntos Decrensp of $1,000,000 a Dny in Kxpcnsps. Special Calte Petpatrti tn Tnr Sr.'r. Nov. 13 A supplementary credit of 91O.772.r.:0 francs ( H!. 154, 504) for extraordinary expenditures for the month of November was authorized to day. This Indicates a dally avernite of the cost of the war of n little over Jii.ffOO.OOO, which la 1, 000,000 less ii day than the average for the first three months of the war. The same authoriza tion gives the navy an extraordinary credit of 4,275,000 francs ($$56,0001. Of the sum authorize! the Oovern- ment will spend 113.000.000 Immediately for repairs to me rimroane mane neces sary by the wear and tear Incident to the transportation of troops and $1,31 4, 000 has been set aside for the relief of tho unemployed. Among the supplementary expenses are Indemnities granted to officials who fol lowed the Government to Ilordeativ The State pis for their lodgings. The highest clerks are nllowed 15 francs ($3) a dy and other clerks get an allowanco of from 6 to 10 frnncs (11.20 to I!) dally, while attendants are allowed 3 francs (00 cents) a day. Functionaries who earn less than 12, 000 frnncs ($2,100) nnnu.illy nre granted an extra allowance, owing to tho high cost of living. This was fixed at 3 franca (60 cents) a day for September. The coat of living apparently grow cheaper after that month as tho Allow ance has been reduced to 1 franc 60 cen times (30 cents) a day. ENGLISH BUY $12,990,000 GOLD. Hope Tltislnrsa Will .lump .After tlr- trnrtlun of the Kniilen, Special Cable Dmpatch to Tun flcs. London, Nov. 13. The Rank of Kng land purchased to-dny C2.4S1.000 ($12, 405,000) In eagles nnd fU7,000 ($385,000) In bar gold, Sliver was dull at 22'id. Merchants generally hops that the d rtrnctlon of tho (lermnn cruiser Kmden will stimulate business ivlth the J'an I Kast, BRYAN LEARNS OF CHARGES. Will ArreM Proof nf Month Amr lenn JVrntrnllty Vlnlntlnns. Wasiiinoton. Nov. 13. The personal attention of Secretary llryan was dl - rected to-day to the action of the Hrltlsh and l-rencn Governments In suggesting! that the United Stntca tiao Ha friendly I Influence with the Colombian and Kcua- dorian Governments with n view to bring- lug about a more rigoroui Indorsement of the neutrality of those countries. Hav ing ho recently returned to Washington from u prolonged abhence, Mr. Ilrynn was not aware until to-day of Just what had taken place In this matter. It became known that Secretary Bryan shuies the view of other officials that In the present status of the nsn as presented by France nnd Great Britain It la not t eral mnnager of the Great Kastern Ball nccoMary or advisable thnt the United ' way, saying he had been received by his .States take any ttcpa In thn matter at this time. I'nless the nrltlsh nnd Kreneh Govern ments persist In their tequcst and sup port It with conclusive evidence In sup port or tneir charges tins Government will tako the stand thnt the situation requires no discusHlon of the subject with tho Houth American Governments. RUSSIA LOSES BIG REVENUE. Coals t,r,nn,nno,ooo Ituhli- to Mop tlie iilr of llrnndy. The German press bureau In New York gnve out thn Mowing statement yester day: "The llrrllncr TaprbUitt prlntt thn lollowlng analysis of Hin-nla's llnnnclal comlltlon, onn of tho moat slgulllcant Iolnts being the estimated loss of bill ion Jid a half rubles In the revenues of the nation an a result of the ttop ping of the Hilo of brandy; " 'Ah N known, the Huslan budget, whoso revenues, are estimated nt 3.572, 000,000 rubles. Is based to a largo extent on the sale of brandy, which furn'Klwd almntit 1,500,000,000 rublts to the State during the year. Hut hIiico the sale of brandy wits Immediately forbidden at the beginning of the wnr by the Russian Gov ernment for military reasons this tource of Income oeaaes to flow," nrmy In Prance and llelglum la near tho 3,000,000 II i? lire., their lossa ivro nbout one In every 4, or a total of about "BO, 000. On the ltusslnn and Austrian fron tiers their firmles are Hmaller and the proportion of casualties la probably less. 80,045 PRISONERS IN AUSTRIA. llnentj-'a Wounded unit Cnntlrra Arr Very 'Well Trenteil. London, Nov. 13. neuter's Amsterdam correspondent forwards a despatch from Vienna stating tnat 731 otllcors nnd 73,314 men nre prisoners of war In Austrian con centration camps. The despatch says that the enemy's wounded nre treated tho same as the Aus trian wounded, thnt captured officers are Interned In cartle.s nnd great private nouses nmi the other prisoners In great barmcks. 2,000,000 TROOPS FOR BRITAIN. Ilniclnnri Ilipectn Another Million -Men to Do Their lloty. Lonpon, Nov. 13. A bill was Intro duced In the House of Commons to-day providing for another million men for the llrltlsh army, to be raised before March i 31. This Urlngs the total of the army, not including the territorials, to J, US, (00 officers nnd men. CLAIMS 12,000,000 FIGHTERS. Rrrmnn Rxprrt neelnres Lnrsrer Ilnlf nf Armr to Come. The Herman press bureau In New Tork gave out tho following statement yester day: "Germany can put 11.000.000 fighting men between the ages of 17 nnd 45 In the . field, according to Oeorge A. Haumann. an j officer In the Landwehr. who compiled the louowing tnmnnlion from official sources Active, reserve end Land wehr field army. ... 4.(,0fl . New formation, now In ' ilflrt . ' .. . (WI.C0 TtorMefortnatlonMrnlned sn.t realty for nervlce . 1,330,000 ty drawn formations J.090.00O . I.sndntriim, third reaerve, not trained . ... 5,50(1. 600 HOW RAILWAYS MET CRISIS IN ENGLAND Taken Over by Oovcriimpnt, Tlioy HiimUpd I5i-r Tasks Imposed. Special CabU PetpatcK to Tna OrN. Ixinpon, Nov. 13. The American Luncheon Club entertained to-day the executive committee which has been man aging Kngltsh railways since the Govern ment took over control of these proper ties at tho beginning of the war. Mr. Page, the American Ambassador, had an nounced his Intention of being present, but at the Inst moment sent a declina tion, as he did In the case of the l,ord Mayor's banquet, when the excuse was given that he nas suffering from nerve trouble In hla foot. H. A. Walker, general manager of the London and Southwestern, who Is chair- nun of tho executive committee, ex plained thnt under the act of 1871 the Government was empowered to take over all the railways which nro needed In war and other emergencies. Dut It was not until 1012, that serious attention was paid to the act. At that time Viscount Huxton who was president of the Iloard of Trade, called a meeting of the general managers of the various lines nnd or ganized an executive committee, but It was not until May, 1313, that this Udy be gan to hold regular meetings nnd discuss the details of transportation problems In time or war. These meetings were con tlnued. nnd finally, when wnr was do dared, the Government took over control or the roads, The Speaker snld that under the law of 1S71 the compensation to be paid by the Government to tho railroads was not fixed, but the Government was liable to claims In tho event of loss. Hence a situ ation aroso whereby the Government would nave to pay louses without re ceiving any profits. This was unsatls rnctory to both the Government nlid the railways. It was therefore arranged that the iiovernment should guarantee the railroads that the reerlpte during the umo tney were under State control shou equal those obtained by them during Pro portlonato periods of 1913. How that nr. rangement would work out, Mr, Walker said, remained to bo seen. Mr. Walker said he was naturally nroud nf tho harmony whereby the executive committee nan worked In the face extreme difficulties. After the moblllza- tlon the Government gave tho railways sixty hours In which to transport troops ' In 300 ppeclal trains to given points. The , whole Job ' was accomplished In forty, , eight hours. His own railroad, said Mr. Walker, had handled nt the dock ni Knnthnmn. , ton eoventy-flve special troop trains In one day. These trains came from everv rirt 1 of the kingdom and were scheduled to arrive nt twelve minute Intervals. Hvery train Kepi to its scneiluie to the minute, yet In that twelve mlnuto Interval each preceding train detrained troops, horses, ftc, and got out of the wny for the suc ceeding train, Mr. Walker paid a warm tribute to i Henry W. Thornton, the American ren- colleagues In that spirit of friendliness which dominated Knijllsh nnd American railway men. Jlr. Thornton mado a speech In which he said that In his experience In handling conventions In tho I'nlted Mates he had (never seen sueh elllclent organisation nnd spirit of patriotic cooprrutlon ns when the railways of Kngland were suddenly called on to handle ono of the biggest transportation problems In the world. 1,000 AMERICANS RETURNING. Danish Strnmslilp Tnkra tlsnnl ftnntn ThroiiR-li .Vortli fien. Corr.NHAnjiV, via London, Nov, 13,. The Danish steamship Helllg Olav sailed for Now York on Wednewday, with per mission of tho llrltlsh Admiralty to tnko thn usual route. Tho liner carried 1,000 Americans. The Krederlk VIII. has arrived from New York. 11. C. Prick Gives t lO.OOO. PiTTHiumo, Nov. IS, II. C. Krlck hns given $10,000 to thn Belgian Relief Fund, The Announcement Is made on the anni versary of the nttempt mndo on Frlek's life by Alexander Rcrkman, who, by coin cidence, spoke here to-night. SAYS GERMANS CAVE AID IN RELIEF WORK Jnrvis K. Roll of American Com mittee Tolls of Distribution of Food in Belgium. ENTIRE NATION IS HUNGRY Lonoon, Nov. 18. Jarvla R. Bell of New York, n member of the American Commission for Belief lr Belgium, In describing conditions there said: Nothing that has been written could exaggerate the misery of Belgium." Mr. Hell and the other American re lief workers drove for miles through de serted ileitis made Into cemeteries with stakes for tombstones, a soldier's coat or helmet sometimes placed on the stake. Women. nd children ran In fear Into the ruins of their homes when the Americans .t.llNMM.,,1 .. .,lln. .1.-, ll.Al, I lll'1' . . Illlft7 IllAllllb III .III. coming meant more death and destruc-lof tlon. Their faces were drawn and lined. They cannot smllo at the struggle for cxlntenoe. In many districts. Mr. Belt said, the peasants have no homo In which to sleep, no seed to sow, no Implements with which to work, no means of getting any product I to a market and no heart to struggle' against ino impossiiye. This cannot he attributed tn lack of courage on tho part of the civilian popu lation or to Inhumanity on tho part of the conqueror. Mr. Hell added. It la a m- ply war up to date, civilized. Christian wtr" The American relief ship Coblenz, Mr. Hell went on. with 1,000 tons of food stuffs aboard, reached Rotterdam from London at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, The rigid rules against working on Sun- tn. ,.. ....nn.,:!..! I . 1....V. 1 1. ri.ll.t. Government and the labor unions ar.d on I Monday morning eight bargea towed by four express tugs left Rotterdam for Brussels with supplies. A large printed notice on each bargo announced that the cargo was tent by the American commission to the American Minister to Belgium. A copy of the proclamation Issued by Gen. von der Goltz, (lermnn Military Governor of Belgium, Instructing all German officials to give safe conduct and asslstnnce to the Amer ican relief workers was posted on the captain's door In each barge. Hach of the Dutch bargemen carried a safe con duct to Brussels nnd return. Mr. Bell, with St. M, Langhorne. secre tary of the American Legation at Brus rcls, nnd Mr. Wymaii, an American real dent, followed the barges in an nujomo hlle. There was no delay anywhere on the route. The German arrangements for getting the cargo through expeditiously were perfect, the sealed hntchea of tho barges never being opened, After describing the thankfulness of the peasant population lining the banks of the canal when they learned that the barges contained food for tna Belgians Mr Bell told of notifying Brand Whltlock, the American Minister nt Brussels, of the ar rival of tho cargo and the entliU3lasni with which the populntlon received tho news. Th Germans, he said, treated the American commissioners with tho greatest csurtesy throughout nnd are now clearing the waterfronts of the towns to mak easier the handling of tho supplies. Fur thermore, he said, the Germans have promised to have the waterway to Llega cleared by .November 17. Liege Is now hard to reach with cargoes. Mr. Bell will return to Rotterdam to morrow to continue his relief work. SAYS GERMANY WILL AID. Von Brrnstorft Asserts Belgian Be lief Plnn Alremlj- la I'nrmlnt, Count von Bcrnstorff, the Oerman Am bassador, replying last night to the criti cisms of his country's attitude toward the Belgian people, said that, Ocrmuny has never Intended that these unfortunates shall depend upon neutrnl countries for relief, ar.d announced thnt a scheme Is nlready under way for the German Gov ernment to cooperate In relief work. He said ; "After several days conference with Secretary of Stnto Bryan to devise the Ik st possible means for the harmonious execution of relief work In Belgium be tween American organizations and the German Government a plnn Is being consld ei.d for the nppolntment of a commission by President Wilson to cooperate with Jerman officials In Belgium for general relief work. "I have communicated to my Govern- mit the suggestions put forward by the United States and undoubtedly a satis factory arrangement will soon be mndo, At no ttmo has the German Government Intended to Ignore the distress of the Bel gian p-op! Any suggestions to this effnet nre ludicrous in the extreme. With the effoo-ts of the American relief com mittees lre hearty cooperation will be afforded, not through German lied Cross nld, but through the anting olllr.lnls of the German Government now In Belgium." It was learned last night that there In an Impression In Washington that Hugh Wallace w-lll bo selected by ITesIdent Wilson ia tho man to devise a method of bringing iilxiut the cooperation to which thn Ambassador refers. , MAY NOT QUIT ANTWERP. Kven (irrmnnH Are nir nefnsed Prrmllon tn I.rnvr, Special CabU Detpateh to Tnu 8cv Lonpon, Nov, 13. It Is understood In Amsterdam that a proclamation has ben Issued In Antwerp forbidding any person, even a German, from leaving the city. Amsterdam hears that the Germans are completing the ruin of Belgium. They aro ransacking all factories which they aro not operating and hnve sent every. thing from raw stock to finished articles to Germany by the trnlnload. RELIEF SHOW SUCCEEDS. Lyrenm Un tertntlimcnt Add About n.OOO to Ilrltlah Knnil. The benefit matinee at the Lyceum Theatre yesterday afternoon, arrang'ed by Mrs. Oliver G. Herford for tho Hritlsh War Itellof Association, was a pleasing success, both financially and artistically. The box office rerclpts were more than 2,fi00 and about D0O more was added to tho relief fund through the snle of flowers, randy and other articles, which had been donated. Tho large audience saw n performance that was unusual for Its excellence, even for a benefit performance. Many notables among actors and singers took part. Bpo clal Interest centred In n comedy In one act by Clare Kummcr, called "What Do i You Know About Thnt?" which was pre sent by an an star cast; "Gruesome Grange," described on the programme as "A liloodcurdllng Melodrama by Anthony Hope. Comyna Carr and Rohert Marshall," which was played hy a cast of well known actors, and thn third act of "Tho ftquaw Man," with William Faver shnm, Julie Opp and others of the original cast. In this offering Charles Klein, the playwright, made his Initial appearance uh an actor, taking the part of Shorty, and Kdwln Milton Iloyle, who wrote tho play, appeared as .Uolcolm Pelrle. Mrs. Herford presented a novelty In her flower, programme and candy girls. The groups of three and four each were dressed to represent Great Rrllaln and her colonies. A company of flcotch plpera played tn th lobby before the performance. MRS. BELMONT PLANS WAR AID BY SPDGS Slio nnd Others of the Socipty Will Use Dues for Women Sufferers. THOUSANDS IN DAY'S (UFL'S Three birds with one stone that Is the campaign th Spugs aro planning for this yeflT. They are going to make garmcnta nnd furnish supplies for the Kuropean hospitals and war refugees, while giving employment tn unemployed women who have lo.u their plaoea because of war conditions and the wives n,nd datignters of reservists, at the same time trying to place as many of theso women In perma nent positions as they may. "Kvery day must in Chrlatmaa this year," wild Mrs. Augu-t Helnvont, presi dent of tho Society lor thu Prentlon Useless Giving, jesterday. "All Spug I dues will be ued tins your to help m- ploy tho unemployed. Ulght Spugs, at 10 cents each, will give itnployment for one d.y, Tho riai moaning of Clirlst niis Is to give genoiouMly, unselfishly and thoughtfully," mi.. .v Morgan Is treusuaor of tho Spugs and her headquarter la at 38 West Tldrty-nlnth Btrect. S.,1,000 Credited tn "II." The American Ambulance Hospital Kund was Increased to $151,61.00 yester day, the day's contributions being JtitlL !of which $3,000 was credited to an "II account and prcsvmted through Mrs. Ilrandcgee. J, P. Morgan & Co. ore handling this fund. The Belgian Holler Fund Is getting closo to the 1000,000 mark. $9,313.19 be ing sent In yostorduy. The total is now 94C7.2Sll.B7. H. S. Brewster and Mrs. Carolina It. Mason each guve $1,000 and U. W, F.' gavo to the Brooklyn lioad quartors $2,500 as a Meond contribution. But In spite of theso contributions the fund has beon nearly dcplettd at this time, as a great deal of cash has bii sent to Minister Van Dyke and two ship loads of fooA have been purchased. The steamer Ag.tmoiiinon, placed at the un- uusal of tho committor by the Ilooxe- feller Foundation. Is- ln-lng rapidly loaded. She will sail tho day before ThanksglWns with $JOO.O0O worth of provisions, Tho cvmmltlea Is urgently appealing to tho public for money for moru food sup plies, which urn bought at the lowest pos sible prices. Four or live steamer loads aro needed Immediately. The Bed Closs total Is now 5341,073.13, of which $496.26 was recoived yhterday by Jocub II. SchllT, treasurer of thu State fund. Besides the casn n quantity oi knitted and crocheted garments cr re- i ceivrd. Mr, Jerome's nescrlptlon. Just hew the Belgians are suffering Is mid In ii letter received by Henry Clews, managing the Dollar Christmas Fund. It was written by Jerome i. Jerome, im author, and part of It follows. "I have seen these poor people and I thank vnu for tho work you nro doing. They have nd. cryJng nnd robbing, from their homes three or tour nays ucium with a pitiful little bundle of auch things as they could snatch at as they ran from room to room ; a few cneap irinseis that had semed to them sueh treasures i nn. n nhxurd. iiiudy clock i It had heen a wedding present rarely anything of much use. ' "They have the clothes they fastened on with trembling hands while listening for the dreaded clatter of Uhlan hoofs upon the village street. They reach us In England wltn ine mos ui nin mals. And then ns one goes anout mem. trying to comfort tnetn, mo comes raw and they begin to cry. "The young women nnd the children they may find new roads to build again. But It Is the old men anu women umi nin ths saddest to look upon. They seem to be nlwuys looking back. All ono can do e h.m in uhLMwr that the ehildun aro safe; that tho little ruined home shall be bull, up again by tn cniiurcn. uiai wo are going to seo to that." More for Prince's Fund. The Prince of Wales' National Relief Pnm!. whose treasurer Is It. M. Stuart Wortley. 16 Broad street, reports that Its total Is now il.lll.v, nmni, men ren-Ived yesterday. The Committee of Mercy's fund has now passed the $28,000 mark. $2.5!.IA having been received yesterday. .Mrs. John Corbln announced yesterday that tho proceeds for the season of the Castle HOuse will bo given to tho committee, Tho French Relief Fund now amounts to $27,065,111, $30 having been added yesterday. WOMEN AID MISS BOOTH. SslTKtlnn Army l.lm-ii Ciniipnlmi Mertlnu (irent Snrcrss. ' Women Interested In the New Tork j churches nnd puhllo schools are. helping 1 Miss 13va Booth, commander of the Snl- vatlon Army, In hir linen campaign. There was hardly a busier place In nil tho city than tho Salvation Army headquarters yesterday. Mrs. J. Hedges Crowell, Mrs. i William Grant Brown, Mrs. Richard Aid rich nnd other women from the churches were on hand, whllo Mrs. P. F. Frost, president tif tho Puhllo School Mothers Council, had four secretaries ncndlng cut nppeals to parents calling a meeting ot all organliatlons nt Public School 27 on November 20. It Is planned to ship 200,000 .bandages on November 21. These aro being made at the Army headquarters, whero 250 women and fifty men wero at work yester day. Linen Is being sent from every part of the country. Moro than twelve big case and many small packagos arrived yesterday. Two sterilizing machines were kept running all day. A third Is to bo Installed next week. Garments ot all sorts make up tho gifts of old linen. Strict sanitary regulations, under the direction of Dr. Ilnrlow Brooks of Ilnllo- uafned nu se, uZ I eilevue . nn...h.?V,," . Ir(V" neiievue. vue. ntslsted by another medical expert The first 200,000 packages of bandages will go by the French steamer to Havre, and will bo for wounded French and llrltlsh soldiers. A second shipment will go to Germany nnd n third to Russia. All of tho 300 workers In Halv.ttlon Army headquarters yoxterday volunteered their services. There aro t-o mnny volun teers that It is planned to hnvo a Mothers Club day nnd days for women of different churches. The Fedorntlon of Women's Clubit In active In furnishing workers. Members of the Colony Club aro also In teresting themselves. Twenty sewing ma chines go sixteen hours each day. The appeal tlmt went out yesterday signed bv Mrs. Frost, who Is a member of the Fordham Methodist Church, asks mothers of children In thn public schools to have old linen clean up days. , Money la being eent to pay thn small' necessary expenses, and tho Army Ih rais ing a J 23.000 fund for genera! war relief Department stores began sending In remnants of linen yesterday. ' . Barker's HAIR BALSAM ICUauH sod txMtiflcs tin halt Hevar rati to iiMtor a Hlr to in VcrathTul Cell rrerrnu titlr filllni. U.S. ASKS WHO PUT . MINES IN NORTH SEA Wants Britain to Say Whether They Arc Hers or Germany's Rpfore Protesting:. URGED ON HY NEUTRALS Washington, Now 13. Tho Statu De partment, ' through Ambassador Pae, Is endeavoring to ascertain tho exact alt nation In regard to tho mining of the North Sea. which has resulted, practi cally, In closing that body of water to neutral trade. Until n moro definite understanding of tho fncts Is secured tho United States Government docs int feel In a position to net on tho suggestion made by other ncutrnl Governments notably Holland, Denmark, .Sweden und Norway, that a protest be made to the British Govern ment. The dllllculty lies In the fact that the Information which has so far reached the State Department does not make It clear whether the mines In tho North Sea are German or British mine. The only an nouncements on thu subject have come from Great Britain and theso have. In some ciuies, declared that the Germans were responsible for the m'lno menace nnd In other cases have not IndlcnttM whether or not B.-ltlsh mines were also being laid In theso waters. Consequently the United State Govern ment Is nt n loss to select the one to which protest should bo made. It Is thought possible that when this Informa tion Is obtained In London, representa tions may bo mailo to secure tho opening of theso waters to neutral shipping. Thu neutral countries on the North Sea .ire said to be desirous that the United States tnke some such action, as their trade is greatly hampered, 3 SHIP LANES CLOSED. llrnnghtnn Strnlts, Near Vancouver Islnnd. Pnt In .State nf Defence. Wasiunuton. Nov. IS. The Slate De partment has been officially notified that the western portion of Broughton Straits, near Vancouver Island, B. C, has been clo-ed to navigation for purposes of de fence Vessel nlvlnc between Johnson strnlts and Queen Charlotte Sound must now take the Weynton passage and Black Fish Sound. The Russian Government has notified the American Embassy tn Pctrograd of the closing of the entrance and exits of the Finnish nnd Riga Gulfs as a result of tho extension of the Russian mine fields In territorial waters. Mines have been laid now In the zone from .IS degrees SO minutes north latitude to east of tho 21st meridian and also nt the entrance of tho Gulf of Riga and around thn Aland Islands. No Mlnr In A'.uenn, .lays Softs. Special Cable Deepatch to Tun Res. Sovia, via Rome, Nov. 13. The report that the yllgenn Sea off the port of Lases has been mined Is officially denied. I'rnnre llnyn n.OOO Ilnraes In 'West. llAKKn, Ore., Nov. 13. A stockman of Welner, Idaho, opened headquarters here to-day for the purchase of 5,000 cavalry horses for tho French Government. The i contract calls for tho shipment of the liorses on November 27. Three hundred horses were bought to-day nt nn average price of $12S. Cmr Or Tetm TMED m $1365 F. 0. B. Dtlroll Touring Car uith Sedan Top: RoeJiltr iclth Coupe Top, IW$ F. 0. D. Detroit Cmrctbt Alter fomjr Chas. E. Riess& Co., Inc. 1690 Broadway at 53d St. 11. Colombo 3154. Iilngnld Urn., Bedford A I nltnn Brookl)n, N. V. Newark (N. .f.) Salesroom, 373 llaUryNt. N E W INSTRUCTORS Mill . V lULT-rJltnN THF wnn FNflF A conwrratoir of In- . .... ternatloimt pre.llge.l SCHOOL Of MUS C Po.mIii a faculty of I u I otIL c ' eminence a. Van 44 WCSt Oath 01, rten llurg, Parsons, U. Y.rl Htnjnwikl, von I3nde, nCW Icflt, Wllek, Hemenyl. lima, l..iHnntc, McUue, l.lchtinan. Tree ('Isnaes In lliiriiioni, HcilfeKglo, Mutlesl IIIMiiry, lllrtlon, etc. mniiliiK. I'lano, Wolln. 'Cello, Harlnet. All Oriiientrnl Instrument, Theory nnd Harmony. V'or Catalogue ait dra feey., llnx K, H Went S5lh Ht.. N. V. Ross David Music Studios Removed to 40 Wi:T 85TH M'HKKT. Telephoim UII huhuykr. WILBUR A. I VQTCRs,"h' Slng,nt LU 101 L II school. u4 1!. rust, MAI.KIN SCIIOOI, S Mount Morris )l' MUSIC. Park West, near lj:d St, THIS HlltKCTOKY AI I'KAItS ON III TIIK NI'.W VOIIK HUN, GETTING UNDER WAY One of the reason, for the rapidity of our operations is the fnct thatwc don take forever to get started. The Thompson-Stnrrett or ganization probably gets un der wny faster than any other slmilnr organization in ex istence. And it has long been estab lished that it makes faster work nnd n faster finish, with n corresponding of money for its clients. THOMPSON-STARRETT COMPANY Building Construction CHINESE INCENSED OVER JAPAN'S ACTS Promise I)ny of .Reckoning for Mikndo nnd for Enplnml for Helping Him. Pr.KlN, Nov. 13. The Chinese of all classes aro becoming much ln-en1 against the Japnnesc. The Government knows that China Is not now ablo to it- slst, but officials say a day of reckonlr.z will come. A high official hero Rild In expressing his feelings of the Japanese: 'The Government Is entirely worn out on account of the Kuropean war and -tit Japanese seize this time for their grcjjslvo attitude. Cngland by and b)' will have reaton to regret her fault In Inviting If not conniving nt Japan's mnt ment. An Awlae.lo (eermany Js never less horrible than the Kuropean Japan All tho European Powers will heave a sigh of relief nfter this terrible war, but Japan will nover lose her opportunity to bring her pressure upon China, whom sn hates and on whom she Intends to en croach. "China Is really unfortunate. She has much to do with the question of tlnatn-e within her domain, whllo so strong a neighbor Is always looking for her weV points. No time has been given for recovery since the end of the revolution of 1911." TOKIO PRESS ON CHINA. ny lirrmnn Influence Una Made It self Frit 111 I'rkln. Tokio, Nov. 13. The Japanese press generally expresses mortification at ths Intimation that China will demand ths withdrawal of all Japanses troops from Shantung province. The view Is ex pressed thnt China Is still acting t;:.der German Influence. Tho Tslng-tao nnd the Shantung ral way questions, tho Japanese newspapers Insist, will be decided after tho conclusion of the Kuropean war, and Japan, In th meanwhile, will garrison Tslng-tao and operate the mines and the ra.lways. It la asserted by lending Toklo news papers that Germany has been leading China In thn same way that It has treated Turkey and that If tho Asiatic republic continues to permit Itself to be used as a Teutonic puppet It may become neces sary for other Powers to Impress upon Tusn Shlh-k'ni'n Government the changed situation In tho world at large. Am m mrr fmmtZ The All-Winter Car You've probably noticed that the Hup is one car that ii seldom laid up for the winter, s)t Chas. E. Ricss. During the coming winter, I predict you'll tee more Hupt than ever used right through from first snowfall to first buttercups. The detachable sedan and coupe .tops for the new touring car and roadster will bring about this increase in winter driving. Best things of the kind you ever saw. Especially designed for the Hup. built strongly and substantially in the Hup factory. Cive you all the advantages of the permanent enclosed car completely weather-tight, and handsomely finished inside. And the best thing of all is that, in the spring, when you want open-air driving again, take oft the winter top, store it away and fit the extenti on top. Practically two cars in one a great big feature that is making a powerful appeal to most fall buyers. YO RK S LEADING VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL .',.Ai;:Ji.:v:m ray ,7 V.VWI UL'STAV aCOKFR Pianist unit Teacher I DCbrXtn Htelnway Hull, Coniepratory gourie with Private Tench" PAUL TIETJENS rianlst, I'ompoaer, Teacher, It II. Mh fi Caroljn nrpnp Miulln llooi'i 13. Concert lianUtH ttll t Htelnwsy Hall. Teoeher Ul,uu,-He. 14.1 W. 73d fl. V.. I-KF.SNON MII.I.KK, Trseher of hlnslnc, n;u Carnegie Hall, BUCKHOUT Prima Donna Noprsn" 26J Central Park Vtf R fl ft F Ft T Teneherof Mlngtna. TlKi nd ft nkw voitK rni.i.KOK or mi'hk, i:i-llO lla.t ,8th tt THKO. VAN VOIIX. TKN'OK. VOCAI, STUDIO. Jl WKST 3ST11 fT .lessle (I. l'enner. Teacher of Klnglnr. Mt ropolltan Op. Il'ie. N. V. 'Phono 1S74 nryin 8.VTUIII1AYM, hUNDAYS AND WtlllM-"' NKW YOltK CITY.