Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. 4 A CHEMIST DIES IN FATAL TEST; 27 ARE INJURED Heavy Laboratory Explosions Wreck Mockers' Aniline 1 Mil ut in Brooklyn. TWO WOMEN HUNT IX ADJOINING HOUSE .iiu- of four explosions In fleckers." ic ami Work. 10T under ,venu. Hrooklyn. wrecked the plant. .,, the chemist whose experiment lit .ii t to have caused the ftrat explosion. Jured twenty-seven persons jester i i afternoon T ie tlv w orks Is lie tween St. Mark's ave r ii' ,imI I'riojiwt place. Clnis was broken ii. lu'ngs as fur as thfee blocks nwny . , 'lie exploelon wan heard more tlian . t ! . It ii thought to have been cmiwil i,.erlnnt- through which the. chemist . i -yliig to produce Merman dyes, r ie, have not been obtainable since the u ir ifg.ltl. Tlie Mead. HAtn'iN WAI.TKlt i:iiN!:st. : rhmNt. Ill Went 131-1 s'.re-t, Manhattan; burned p .1- st'i T'n' more .seriously Injured are: ni"'"K i:tts. DM WILLIAM, 4. oatier of .lye i 4) r.lglith avenue, llroohljn: Ih h i and fare lacerat-d, rlxrlit ar t ofT Taken lu Je-vph Hospital. Wtil.TFIts. AllOt.t'll, 11. laborer. 24 Ster- '. x - i e. Hrnokliu. burned about fare. it. k j 1 1 bntlv. l-ft hand tnrn orf. Taken te . i ii'ie'Und fireet Hospital, i' Hi .-ID.MIY K.. 95, manager New Lng- ' i liran'h. Hoslon; lacerations of left it it'i la-- Htnt lo his hot! HAI'.TWIiil'.U. JOHN. 3., foreman, 11J V it-rul' avenue. Hrooklyn: burned about t: t tie. k mid urm. Taken to Hotr Vt n lloppl. M:fl,nt. WILLI VM T.. a:., tnanaier. 444 W tt avenue 1th lunoml III!: I.. I.; U M' of left bund nnd una. Takrn - iinher'an.l etre-t Itoapltnl. Wl' i liUIKII. 1. tl'rk. 30 Cornelia street. p- k'n Warned about arms and bead ) I'ltn to r-ijnibarl nid Street llo.pltat and L-er .it hl home. STOI '. JlltS KLLLN, 3J. 115 I'nderhlll a .nu. HrooUiMi. lacerations of face and ha Tlken to Jeulnb llo.pltal. tn'NNI.MHI VM. Mil's HAWAII. 10. 11K I 'erhir .venue. Hrni.l.'in, laceration e' f e Taken to Swedish lloeplth.1. rr.i HTi:n. joshph. is. clerk. :ti nw 1 " a.ptiuc. Hrooklyn. urini and baada t . i i Takn to finiherlnnd .street II .pni! ard 'air to lil home XA'iIIOM:. PKTKK. 40, laborer, JVI rower tfat. Hrook'yr: face, even and abdomen b' 'nd T.iVn to Holy Famllv llonpltal. BCN'SKV. U'll.l.lAM. laborer. J Noatrand a' enue. ltrooUlynj burned about fare, neck. ht I and arm. Taken to Cumberland itrert lloplul. lll Krnped tTnliiJttreil There were twenty-six employees In the lis; one of them was killed and I ii worki all of tli rest Itijurrd. The two Injured uoimn lleil In the hotife next door, tvh.'h eliukcn and racked, althoui;!) .1 did not fiill. Tim must Herloujily In lured Mere In tlio rear of th- dye work. .n t te laboratory, where the exploelon o,-curied. This part of th building was r,,..,l n,l h. i., l.i.rt..,! ..nr1.P Manh.itt-in. nnd in.nile his hnmu nt that ildres. His brother lilentllled the body ias' mgliL It was charred almost beyond recognition. Tlie tle works Is owned by Dr. William R" ker. ho was seriously Injured In the explosion. Just how- the explosions oc curred will probably never be known, but ...r urn u . .... ,...eier. , .. ...... ....... .... . . ........... ...... i,iH,i,,i ,,.i1 riik-umeiitarv tiro'if Is In the Tombs waiter i:rnest uarren th.- young re- wer.- cihwu on in.- ""h 'K w M ,;vidence At ,g this maVwere ' chaiglng him w " iu ' urneu, , .-kh' -. -rn . t)l( tfPrtl,lP.tin Mlets of April 211. May 1 Kresamen for th- iatea irom iirooKiyn iiisiau.s iirmiutm. fi j, , , ,hat . rur l26on 1 J. P. Morgan - Co. in the Claes Of l!ll3, II W.IH the SOU of lni..e.l I .....m nr tli III ID Imm nht.ilne.l from rfleel Cirtinnitlon. 'i; n 11 uarren oi ui i eei i.isi street. the large explosion, which was th second ji-ultles, th Central Trust Company of ( n,.,j that on October 27. 11 1, he examined ' released from the Tombs, us he has al- should deal with each ither at arm's one. Is thought to have been caused by u Illinois) took over the bank, assuming Its j the records of the bank and found that on ' ready put up 110,000 ball on the third J length to get the beat prices And is inialler explosion of chemicals with which assets nnd liabilities, and In February, i Jun 1 1, 1M3. an item of Jiill.Or. came indictment charging hltn with conspiring ults thivugh the operation of more than joiing II. men was woraing in tne email reenreh laboratory on the second floor. It is InUeved that the more seilous ex-plc-ion in the large laboratory on the g'outid Hour came with the breaking of retorts and glass containers as a result of th llrnt shock. rr IJeckcr. according to the story told n vme of the Injured employee, r- "tlj returned front Leipzig, t.ertiiany. Most of the lln dyes used In coloring textiles have beu Imported to America f-oin that city. II saw these dyei manu 'aettired, and when the war stopped Im .eitatloti Ii Is'gan a series of ex pw Intents .n his Hrooklyn plant, attempting to pro du . a dye that was eipial to the Oerrnan nduct Ills chief chemist went on a vacation ecently and Or. llcckers was conttnulu! th experiments with his young assistant, Uarren. Left .lust nefore I'.xploslon. II had Just left the re'earoh laboratory verierd.ij aftcinoou and was on his wuy 'o iho frnn' olllcn on th first floor when "'. was an explosion in the small lab- ".Miry followed nulcltly by another In h dye works down stairs. Hr. Ileclters and Ills employee!! elvher 'in out or Acre blown Into the street hey don't remember which by th . ind c,iIolon. Tho building was Im- I'l'it'ly In flames. Ther were two nailer explosions a few minutes later. Il.irren was probably killed by the "i explosion. His body was recovered Iter T i.- first explosion was a. 3 :39 P. M. rhe ..pirk. m Arthur Lannlng'- delicatessen sp-r across tho street at 104 Underbill irnu. stopped at that time. I'lre lleglna IiKliilry. Fi e Marshal Thom.i Ilrophy examined witnesses last night to determine ' ne e.tiih.. of the cxnloslon. They could " endghien him and he could tell llttlo , '"nit It he said, until the debris was Seared away this morning. Sidney It. Id. manager of tlie Huston brunch, ''.! Mr Ilrophy that h was In the re search laboratory when the explosion oc urifd and that tin waa blown through tti window Into the street, WH Mm T Miller, the manager, and Hauy liullfnyle of Providence ald Vi Jumped from the second story win dow They said no explosive chemicals !' kepi in the place and that the ex plnsl in must have come from the boiler. FORD BUSINESS DOUBLES, Unroll Automobile Company ots aaets of 111 .ldl',o7. pETroiT, Nov. 13. Despite complaints of general business depression the poru M.nor Company's statement lenuert to rt.. x shows a business Increase of prao t .'all) double that of last year during tho unie period T al asset of tl,(i32,257 and a sur n'.i of J(S,!)27,032 are nhown In the bal sheet for the ear ended September Last year the llgures were: Asets I 'a 033.919. and the surplus 128,124.173. f'H-h on hand and In the bankn on Sep te nivr 30 amounted stailift 113.225,710 nt the same time last ve Hulldlngh and llxtuies now reacn I'" total of 110.714,928, compared with Il.iil5.l5ii last year. Tlie surprise jo tlie bankers who re eeivwl the stutcmcnt of the company Is t'ie enormous gain of cash on hand despite V distributions of profit. among em n r(s under Iho new prollt sharing s- teil. The Canadian branch shows a 100 per "i. taniln; on the capital slock. Kept Two Sets of Books, Stegel Bank Cashier Says Continued row First Vnge. teenth Street Sloro. Thus tho wholo j:5, 000 eventually reached the Simpson Craw ford Company, although a part of It wan ent thruUKh tho Fourteenth Street Stoie." Champion explained that on the open Kt of tioolts In the Sliel bank tho Simpson Crawford Company won deal, nnled as Nn. 1, the Fourteenth Street Store, No. 2; the Henry Slepl Company of lU.Ktnn, No, ,t; siegel's perHonal ,ic count, No. A, and the Hletfel Cooper Com pnny of Chloaso, No. ft. U could not re call the pereon or Mtoro denlKimted a.s No. 5. Champion will rciunio hln teatlmony -Monday mornltiK. No eeaalon of court will be held to-morrow, It la on Champion'? alory of wheio the of the depositors money went alter Slearel not It In at bin caihle.r'ei win dow In tho Fourteenth Street Store bank and the teatluumv Oscar A. l'rall. MlnueVa j confidential financial man, will rIvc of viu-uii niaienicnis matio to orue.r on which to borrow money from outaldo banks that the Statu telle In thu main to prove tho wholesale, frauds alloKtd attalnst the In dlJted banker-merchant and the lai-cony of the tb34.C5 chock In question. r.riitimt AVorl; of Cnr I.eild. For this reason much of the ftround work of tho prosecution's case was laid before Champion took the witness stand this afternoon. Louis. A. Keldel, an as slstant cHuhler In tho National Hunk of Commerce, from which tho larceny Is e.tld to liiiNe been made on June 14, IIM3. testi fied enrllcr In the day that betuecn April :r and June U. litis, the Fourteenth Street Store had made withdrawals In excess of amounts It had on deposit with tlio bank, which necessitated taklmr tho money for the JiSH.O.-, check out of tho prweeds of onii of the four 123,000 notes discounted by the bank In maklnc tho January loan of J100.000 to tlio ntore. The fctato contends that the mone" rep. i rv.ei,tn the dlscuunl on lit- notes r-illv lf.liui.ui ... ii,.. i. ... t... ii ' 2 , . i n i i m ? . ...,! L i ., "V. " ... , , ., i . '. ? f I . 1 '"rltr 'I'" Imerval Uetween the cancellation of the old one .,,.1. tlu. I.,,.lalnn ..f .1,. .!....." " "" . . , .... .. .......... . ... ., ..... the cnocl: in iilieafliin was iitf.titnl :itnl I the chocl: In .iumII.hi was i..e.en(e.l and " ; . . ' ! 'ashed. Aliotb.' mis ...aahter. II ne ' , , . . . ! A. Pilot, who followed Keld'd. then testl- i Mini that th lmkV Umii of MO.nOo to j the Fourt'en'h Street Storn !h .liihtmry, was iMsii on siegers vutemotii or t Urn financial cntlltlon o' th More for i the Msetil year endd January .11, l'J12. J iiim-iii jrnr rim.. .luiiu.iry at, ..11., 'linmiilon's testlmonv Il-mm wlih bis I Mr't employment by Slegcl '.it 1D0O. r't mployment by Slegcl '.it 1D0O. Cliumploii then became isishlcr of the 1 bank corduoted by Slegel-Cooper by Co. Slegel. Vogel and a Mr ICclm the topaiinrtK. kept In touch Willi trie affairs of the bank, he Mild, and each had an I 3 ay In the mana.emeut of the bank. "hid Slegei inslruct you what dispo sition to niako of tho ilpoltV" Jlr. Train asked. "It Was understood that If they gave me Instructions I w,.h to turn over the money to the corporation." "Was all the mony on depoit turned over to the corporation of Slegei. Cooper Co.?" "I would say a greater part of It was . I am able to nay everv ilo'.lar was. In a1',l,lon' at ,l" H'"" WH I'"'1 11 consider- mlm ot mon?' Invsld In btinds." tajinn w.-rr jiihuc. 111" iiiie. tesiiiieu. ; to Individuals ptiridufslng stock in the 1 ooriior.itlon of Slgl. Cuoper & Co. of ' Chicago and were sheared by the stock of 1 I'UCh putchnseis. About 11.00Ci.0rt0 worth 1 of thse loans utiil .llectmutH were In the , bank In Champion's time. They were mad to the col lion Itself In cash or 1 Whenever the minis In the bank ex ceede.1 $40,000 or 5i),000. Champion de- clartd, th b.Uuiioo was sent over to the Htorc by check or In cash and the Interest due from the ttore for Its loans was charged against thin. Thu bank kept track of the transactions. They were set tled or charged. Owing to business (llflb noil, t nampion was again empioyeu oy , Slegcl for tho opening oi tho Fourteenth Street Store on April 30. Slegcl and ogel had :i general eon- varoathin with Chn.mnlon at that tlin.. ' They wanted him to draw up the books , and forms and everything of that kind, Vogel gave him oxpllclt Instructions to HUbmlt the forms to Ito-e & Puttel. his i attorneys, for approval, and no form wa- ' to be used without their O. K. Slegei . was pre-ent at Ihls conversation. ! "Anything said about savings hanlu nt , that Interview?" Mr. Train asked, I Well, It was understood on my part 1 tea icir. n.t tn Mia ttii.t ierrt 'fli. that we were not to u-e that word 'sav ings' or to ti"e the word 'bank,' " re sponded the witness, who added that he got Ills understanding from tho New York State law. He. told Mr. Train he understood pretty well about the law and thought Slegei and Vogel didn't wa'it to violate It. so they Insisted on the (). K. of Itosei & Putzel on tho forms for the bank. Champion ha Id he first met Prnll about tho time the store openeii and that they and Slogel and Vogel were together many times dlsctieslng the affairs of Urn bank, i and purporting to give n true and correct Slegei himself llxisl the rate, of Interest, i refiort of th financial condition of that the witness stated, and gave Instructions corporation for th. fiscal ear ended Janu about It to him, Siegel wanted then-ite I nry 31, 1912, In putting through the loan fixed at 4'i per cent., nnd th manner of , ,.f granted to Ih store on Janu paylng It was referred to Vogel. Cham-' nrv 7 1913?" Pilot added that everv vear plon suggested that they pay Hi Interest tne same as tne savingH uani;s pay u. Hepiying to Mr. i rains oucry Chain- plon declared that tho statement that the bank -would not accept morn than J3,uu9 TIME EXTENDED FOR GERARD EXPENSE LIST Union Lonpue Oi'tlfirs Kleetion Kcfcipts anil Kxpemli turcs of $d,."5l0. Ai.ban't, Nov. IS. Ambassador Junes W, CerniH. I)"niratln camWdHt.. for United States Senator, on November 4 mailed fiom Jlerlln a statement of bin election exie;nses, and at the. name tlin sent a duplicate copy by courier to u.n don to ne maiieii to in oecieiaiv or Z:., .r'w t"u.c,,5 'T ,'ir::1 ; c , ..iii.' ...n ..n .. to-day by John M. Howers f the ta.w llrm of Howers ft Sands. Tlie time for tiling Individual nleutlon oxifjis jHt.itemcnta expired at midnight, but Secretory May s,ild he would accd Ambusador (.erard'a anv time it arrived, State Knglueer John A. Hemel certi fied he tecelved 11,000 and spent f3,097. State i:nglner-eIoct Frank (I Williams received nothing and spent Jti.'i'. A, I). Fletcher, trensuixsr of tho Union League Club In New York, certllled the recHpts and expenditures of Hie orgnnlza- V ,t ii i'6e 'i I Hon were 15.510, Iklwln Mould con to 1. 1,441, hliS. ii n -.i a It lletilnirn. iriuuir.. i iivw, , ... ... ......... former Statu Superintendent of Hanks, M00, , , Judge ICme.-y A, Cliase. unsuec.-fsful candldato for Attwiat Judge of the Cotilt of Appealf, certified lie received nothing and spent 11,330. Halnbrldge Oolby. Progreslv candi date for United States Senator, spent 11.07S, Ho n-cf.ved no contributions. Secretary of Htule MltOJioIl May ctlvU ?90 and spent 1910. aM 4'oprncht American Pre.. Ainoetatlon. Frank L. Champion . ,, , . . . , f omA,,let'0:,,nr w?" "r'.,',',fl '? ' saviiiKs u.uiK mea, a inougn too lunar "MiM "V" i"-''M.ted any amount of , money No obligation was felt, however. t(, ,,n). llt(.ro.t 01) moro ,hnn 3in0IJ utllOT, ' ,ho ))a,lk ol,.,,.,i vnthlni- v:ls alii In ih. 1.i,iL- U. tA.,,...l vno.l..M ...... ..l.1 l .." "V?.." ' i. Zrii? . ,no in.);inning anout investing the money .1 ..... .. .,. 'n .i'i.ii, nui as in toe taia nuoui wniu . ......... ... v. . .1 .1.- nn.i k'hiis in' imiir mviitv champion hail this to say; 1 "What money came In there. I tinder-1 sfio.1. canto In as deposits with the bstili-1 nig llrm and tho two tuen Slegei ami ; Vogel were In the banking llrm and what they did with the money was no concern uirj iii. 11.1 mi" of the depositors. 1 imnK tlie oniy evi-1 oence 10 no dence lo how th.u thy were letting 1' I b underslood ioou mat 11 waH to u iem to orations was the fa.H that they ( ln" corporal used the Fourteenth Street Store's trade mark on their personal advertising in the newspapeis." "Kid they ever say a word during the time that you weie with them to tho akOT-.a. (lanO n. ai tint lioln fSe vie nut. nun juuiicj tn iiw "mii1! 1 Hll 11111 HI H P I'UI J " i i 1 1 HII1"( UUfc tr !np lo.mpd to IndlvlduaHv?" was Mi. Traln'rt no;;t iiir!tion. Trllft llintit l-'lrftt l.nitii. ''They m.ule no ntntint-nt or roprf'n tatlon to nif' .Tnnwerei.1 "h.iinpiou. "' niiincv iv:ir linltit? 1(i.itifil to thfin iht- youtiUy and Mr. Vojrfl Ra m lnntruc-1 ,,, ,.-i,, r., ,.i,,,..e th.e rtif. -rent enrtinr.itli.ns with the amounts that w,.re advanced." The llrst loan lo any of 'the corporations, lie said, was J10.O00 to in j'ourieemn r:reet .".ture in jvucui, 1!04, four months aftr Its opening, Louis A. Keldel. who ib erlbed the HK4.n." check transaction, and how It be. rtiine necessary because of the excessive withdrawals of th Fourteenth Street Store i y " r " v.e ..-,, .,. of the JJu.nOU notes dlsc.un ed li the ble bank on January 7. 1!13, were can-1 celled before th new notes wer mad loan was merely a continuation of a yearly, line of credit. Regarding th check for 165 1.05 drawn by Slegei on June I I, 1913, payable to ' Austin. Nichols & Co., and paid by the Vi.tli.nal lLinli of roiiimerce. lveldel testl. through the Cleirlng lloue frotil th Na- Park Hank - that this Item was only one of that amount passing through, the exchanges on that day and that this ' n.n .u ih.. lv una eh ireeil ti th.. account of th Fourtienth Street Store I on that day. , ICeld.l established the fact that the ! check was paid out of th proceeds ' of ono of th 125,000 notes, which was reallv Ih bank's money, because the Fourteenth Str.t Store's deposits; In th Natlnial Hank nf Commerce when the rh-ck was cashed were In the aggregite less than Its withdrawals and had been ; A ...11 0 ... 1 1 . I . 'I....I.. . 1 1 .... I ji.'ik .. ... ... ...i. ii. nil garded Keldel's testimony as most vital to th prosecution's efforts to prove thnt a grand larceny was committed by Slegcl in drawing and cashing that check. Substantiating Keldel, Oliver A. Pilot, ..rother assistant cashier In th" bank, gave an emphatic "I did," despite Itoss M, Iovell's vigorous protest to .Mr. Train's nuestlen: "I'id you rely upon a statement furnished to th National Hank of Com merce by the Fourteenth Street Store, signed by Slegei as president of the stoie. tho bank loaned the Fourteenth Street St ire IlOO.noo it relied on the statements ot the nrelnus ilscai venr. whirl, th. many Indictments against Slegei allego I wer false. 1 CAFE TURKEY RAFFLES CALLED GAMBLING NOW I!oii(Iiii- Conipanirs Notify Sa loon .Mon Tliat fiamos of Cliaiifc MustUo. The man who likes tn go to tlie corner cafe to get his Thanksgiving and again his ChriBtinas turkey by a twenty-five cent chance In n raffl Is likely to be dls appointed this year. For there will b no more, tut key ruffian or other harmlcMi In front of the bar sports. You may not even be. permllted to throw dice with your best fr end o seii w io tiavs for tho dr nk. That kind of chance taking Is now classed ns gambling, and every holder of a lliiunr license is forbidden to allow It In his place. Notices to this effect have recently been sent to most of tho cafes In the city by bonding companies that have made themselves lesponslbln for their good character. The letter of Al bert 12. Sheridan, who represents a dozen of these companies, states that Inasmuch as the highest court of the State ha de cided that gambling In any form or th presence of slot machines In a cafe Is a violation of the liquor tax law and Is sufficient ground for the revocation of the liquor license as well as the bond the bonding companies Insist that mich fea tures be removed, Several breweries In close connection wllh the retail trade havo sent similar notification. Cafo owners who have always been careful to prevent professional gambling in their Places declare they rnnnot see the harm of raffling a turkay among friends, as an Indoor sport. 1.. in tiiiik ni, tin. linn nun tn the GIRL DDES AFTER DANCE. Silas Mabrt A'orlon of Nan Francisco Ilropk Demi In Martinique. IIs Mabel Norton of San Francisco, who had been spending sveral weeks In , New Vork as the truest of Mr. and Mrs. I .lames Kearney of 253 K.tst KIliRsbrldKe load. FordhJim, was to leave for home at mldnlarht last night. Yesterday afternoon her friends, among them Jtlehard Covert. I .1,1 . . . 1. I 1 .. TI.......II.... ' I mi iiiiiL.'r .'i in. ,nir riviiii-i m w ti nun Steamship I.lne, and Frederick F. byden of the Hotel Lafayette, gavn a dance for her at tho Martinique, Shortly beforo 6 o'clock, white dancing with Mr. Coven, Miss Norton complained of fevllng faint. She went Into an Inner nxim and n moment lAter the maid In at- ....j ,...1 t... rt it,. .iiiil..... door l,;; found the young noma,, dad on against an lnlrenched droner- PhMlelnit Otto Mchnltz ' unfl rre-sponHblt- policy 'publlo b tlMhTth. npopUxy waaire cause of Jnnd' utility eompanles but It Is a deatl" When Mr. and Mrs. Kea.ney told "rV of, 'M eMfK, " " him lint Mls Norton had nnueired to be conscious to be called on 111 case private In ho ' beal "of h?lfh t ?.Sr nwnicr,t falls to meet tho standard, to perform an mitopy. The body wn.s "! wh ch contemporary pub Ic opln take,, to ait undertaker's In Twenty-third J ''j',!' Miss Notion has two sisters, one of f 'le conference of whom Is tha wife of Ktchnt-d V. O'Connor, Ml'5;or,,IU'ro- , , . , , .. paying teller of the Hibernian Hntik In The New " ork Mayor ehar.tcterlr.ed the San Francisco. Iter home Was at 117! "inference clearing houso of li.for Pino str..-t. Mm was about 30 yearn old. matlon for cities In the li until Ing of tho public utility problem and declared that uaTTp VTTTntJ Til UrtV "PPTTTl 'Now' YorK hfl" lor"t folt ,ha necessity for llAJJUlT KIM LiHU UVX liU-CJJ. ,r(UrK mll.i, information In lis deallm? i t)e coml,it.x public corporation eys- .in Hull lloml l.lvrn I'rniliiiK at- tlim l,r Pardon. Hoard. Pt.atNrit.P. N .1.. Nov. 13. Oacar PhllllpMin. the nineteen-year-old boy who wns recently sentenceu to mo ihuiiw J'"',b'en a groat lienellt ! for 120 days for shooting a rabbit, was ,,; ., , ;, released on ball this afternoon pending i an anneal. His release n.,.,nl Ilia f.l.n.A WiiM HfUMiretl throurh tho efforts of V, S. Angleman. , his counsel, and State oflb'lals. Former Mayor N. II. Smalley put up the z.i" oau. i:rnest Nnpler, president of the State trjame Commission, nnd William Hoblltzel. game warden for Fnlon county, conferred with Mr. Angleman this ntternoon and an appeal was decided upon. Justlco of the Peace Thomas Snnp. who sentenced rhllllpson, accepted Mr. Smalley's bond nun "" v-. - They then went to Somen III and brouuht and Mr. Napier paid the r. costs itimseir. I'lillllpeon home In an nutomoime. nis ,lother was not at home hen he arrived. She had !een able to Ret work Cl, lin nht to Bft work ......V-. since per son was imprisoned, .riniiuun ... ' i 1 l.iu ...nMiut ' T" . ..i i... .,i,r I gave mm u kiiiiik. .ni. ... P ,. , . T.i i. I.........I 11... 1 lie llurriru f.uinn uII fii- ,rm,,u ...... had been releaser" There Is .1 feeling here that the case will not be argued on appeal. Oov. Fielder hlmnelf su-irested an appeal as a means nettina tho Ikiv out of Jail In the event that the Court of Parrtroif, consisting of the Clovernor. the 4.nvellor aim six members of the Court ofIiVors an AP- ,1W, should not look favorably upon a .)ttl1,m T,e (loverncr has directed his B,cr,tu'n', I.. KdWHPl Herrmann, to make a) mitigation of the whole case In preparation for the mealing of th Court nf Pardons next Tuesday or ' rm,n next mesia? WRIT TO GET LAMAR FREED FROM TOMBS Coiirl to Hoar Habeas (lorpus fuse for '-Wolf of Wall Si-(M'f To-diiy. Attoinev Louis II. Williams visited Judge Itu'dkln of th Ffilted States I'tls- trlct Court In his chambers at o'clock y.-sierdav evening and swore out .1 w.-k of habeas corpus for Il.ivld Lamar, who on three Indictments Ith impersonating Con-1 purinete of defrauding and the United Slates The writ Is irturnable at 10:nn 6'cloel: this morning. I: was sued out on the (hut the Federal authorities here had no right to detain Lamar on the first two Indictments against him. Ina. much as the question of the validity of tho Indictments was hefor the United St.ite Supreme Court. If the Judge tus- tains this argument to-day Lamar wdll bo win liuwaru laiuieroacn 10 impernunai Congressmen. If Judge HuaKIn dlsmikses tne Lam.if writ win iiiihi.iiik "' iioi-ni brlhg the "Wolf of Wall Street" to trial by th middle of next week, according to Mr Marshall. In case the I. nttr- neys try to frustrate this plan by again bringing up the prior right of the I nlted States .Supreme f purt to pnss .m the mies- Hon. Mr. Marshall will have the Attorney ask for a dismissal of the writ of hab.u corpus at Washington. MORE ENGLISH ACTORS TO COME. Charles Frohmnn Pinna Ontlet In Chicago for Idle Talent. Charles Frohman will leave for Chicago this morning to sen If he cannot carry out In Chicago the spring and summer theatrical platm originally Intended for IiOiidon nnd upset by the war. Mr. Froh man's Duke of York's Thenlre Is now clo-ed except for matinee performances. A number of English actors and actresses under long term Frohman contracts are still on his hands. Some of these plays and even more of the Hngllsh players will hfi made use or by .Mr. Frohman In New York, but tlie bulk of the Intended Iondnn production are such that they cannot be so w;ll transferred to New York as to Chicago. Mr. Frohman has already made ar rangements for MlrH Marie la-ihr. Miss Iiene Vaniirugh and Godfrey Tearle. three of his 1ms t known F.ngllsh artists. to como to America. Mr. Frohman feiils ihnt h can make use of them for an all star production In Chicago. Independent of nnother that he Intends for New York In the eprlng. COMPOSER ACCUSED OF FRAUD. John T. Ilnll Arrested In llenl Nvrlnillr MUr lOllogtr'a. .lobn T. Hall, composer of several popu lar coiulc. opera-s and head of tlie John T. Hall Music Publishing Company or 2 i o Innihus Circle, was urrested late yester day afternoon by Post Offlco Inspectors Mayhew and swain on a cnaru oi usina the malls to defraud. The nccusat otis aga nst Hull are mucn Ilk those. In the case or Hubert J. Kellogg, th young iiiukIc publisher who wiu) sen tonced to thirteen months in Atlanta peni tentiary recently for carrying on a mall swindle In which he. promised to make young song poets famous for a consiuera tion, Hall, tho Insnectors admit, actually ..... . .i... ...... ...i.... wroio me niunu m uic jiucuin . tlsed them and secured copyrights, as i, nrnm neil for from to IID. I in trnuil. I thev say. lb In the fact that Hall would accept any kind of a poem Irrespectlvn of Its merit. Ho was arraigned before rniteu mates Commissioner Clarence Houghton, who at thc request of Assistant United stales Attorney Kdwln M. Stanton Dim ni 15,00li, which Hull furnlwhed. GETS FIRST G. 0. P. PLUM. ,f. A. Wrnilell .Vnmeil' Comptroller's Ilepuy by Tr.ivls. AubaNT, Nov. 13. State Comptroller elect Uugene M. Travis tnndo the llrst appointment under the new Republican administration to-day, when he named James A. Wendell of Montgomery county one of his deputies, Mr, Wendell has been In the Comptrol lers office for tho pant twenty years. MITCHEL PROPOSES CITY SERVICE BOARb ''ells C'OllfcTPllOP of MllJ'OTS ' , Stlltc ComilllSHioil Lacks AffCTOHsivcnoss. LOCAL XBEDS XKGIjECTBI) tein, r-peamnK oi in- ,wv iora maie i uu- He Snrvlrn fniitmUslnn. .Miivnr .Mltehid ,.Ti1c iui,n0 .servno jriWWVJOY RIDE" WINDS UP ,u. ... ,(,..,.. i. iH in.J ... .. ... .... .. . . .... I not so much of tho spirit and purpose of the community iih It does of th nuunda toty laws that orealcd It. We do not feel that It Is rloso enough in touch with public thought. For this resson 1 have thought of a Plan to cHtabllsli a local commission which will be rspons!hlc to the people of tho city , which will speal. the vote and lnteret of tho peoplo of the locality and be nllw to tho demand and nocss!ty of tho community It Is estab lished to wrve," I t,...!,,- ..inri- peiham Parhwiy near Neither State or t.x-al regulation are tlu, I bert methods for the .-ontrol of uttl'.tle.s, according to Mllo It. Mnltblo of tho Pub- servic i.miimissivu wr inc nrsi nia- it - lot of New Vork. i-l V ? . Mr. Maltble advocated a middle ground. which would Include both forms of con trol. The best plan for regulation, he said, Is one In which local authorities would contlnun to exercise the control now vtstcd In them by statutes and city eh.uters, but to that. In cas of conuici neiwcen umercnt iocvii rehtiia tl 'n, 01 between lo.'Ji and Slate regu lations. th notion of :ne State regulatory body should be I'on'.rollmg. Ileclproclty between the giant utllltv corporations of tho country and the mu nicipalities of man Commonwealths, from Main to California and from Canada to 1 tuin.. .,, v.,, ..,(, n...,,t .er.i.. ... v..t (.titlco for both th corporate Interests ,auii tne 111 me inniier 01 um..n.r... luctssltles of modeni life loomed lilgn as a keynote of . ommon rtideaor at the cenference earlier In the day. Prominent among the lenders of munici pal r'form were Ixiuls llrandels of llottun. who declared water stock corporations and Interlocking directorates should be abol ished because they obscure truth and elll clency , .Mayor Carter Harrison of Chicago, who told how Chicago had obtained practi cable results through th application of public ownetshlp. F.duard Hernia of Chi cago and Stiles .lone- nf Minneapolis, who !nl-n advocated municipal ownership. I lilg business projected Into the meeting th cont-ntlon that In all regulation of i rorisirutlon- and business roncrns private 1 capital tlghtfully earned s da.ervlng a j fair return In Piotlt. Nathaniel Guernsey of ? Vork. general counsel for the .im. "nil ini-iuinni. nini leiegrupu t:om- I'any, strucK thla note when he argued mat lesuiatiim co-is money unu me otir- oeri iuiis ii.on tae ieopi. tie lavoreii 1 State control, but cautioned that regula j 'ions must at an naznrne ne in in nanus oi men win. are iree ; entali- i gleniellts, Taking up Interlocking dlrctoratis, Mr. ! llrandels Asserted that no man could give .his attention to many concerns and have a i!tlnlte knowledge of each. "It Is obvious." h said, "that In any I trad there fhould be two sides. Man ione nimu. i ne oniy return tor tne exist eiic of a director Is not merely to manage piopetty but to give fair nnd Intelligent aavir anu criticism ot on enterprise. In dealing with public service corpor ations we must sec to. It that there do not arise conditions where the power nf men on on side Is so grout that the con scientious Judgment or actions of thos dealing with those big problems Is pre vented ftom being clear and right "One of the greatest objections to lnter- l locking directorates Is that they have cre ated n (liiniii'Uil power so great that even men whom we have regatded ns the best 111 morals have found themselves Inilu eticed by a great wall of p.ver." Delos F. Wilcox, franchise expert of New York, said : "Public utility Invest ments should b placed upon a non-spevu-latlvn basis, and their security should approximate that of municipal bonds. In tho establishment of the non-speculative character of theo Investments) cltle should not undertake to make gocd past losses." PRODUCE EXCHANGE SEATS RISE. Ileprearnlntls es of roreign linirrii nienla Jlml Pny for Prlvllenes. Ttenresentatlves of Iluropenn (lovern- ments and supply purchasing commissions have begun to buy seals on tho Produce Hxchange. TJinir action Implies that they are here to stay lor some time, Tlio re suit Is that tho price of Produce Ex change seats Is rising. The average price was 1425 shortly before the war. It Is I -ported that 1550 Is now bid There are. about thirty-live representa tive of foreign buying commissions on tho floor. These men are accorded tho privileges of th floor at first as visitors, with the understanding that they wera not permitted to trade. They did trade, however, and the exchange authorities re quested them cither to purchase seats or to give up trading. The rise In prices Is the result of a number uf sales of seats. CLAFLIN CJLAmS LEPOSITED, HetiTreii ViMli.OOO nml 910(1,000 leach Creditors' Committee. Iletween 1350,000 and 1400,000 In claims against nit H. H. Clnflln Company have been deposited with tho general creditors' committee within the pat 'few days. Nearly all of thu 1250.000 tif out standing claims held abroad are on their way here. It Is said that the number of I creditors of the retail stores objecting to i t ie compromises proiKweu is reiaiiveiy - ., ... arnall, I way for an earlier termination of recelvei ships for some ot tho rttull stores than was originally expected. Under tccelver ship operation some of the stores are ion Ing money, which It Is thought could b stopped If tnken out of receivership, at least temporarily. The sickness ot Joteph M. Hartllebl, counsel for the noteholders' committee, has delayed the adoption of the reorgani zation plan. SUGAR REFINERY TO REOPEN. YoNlci'.ns. N. Y Nov. 13. The Federal 1 Sugar Hrflnery will reopen Monday afler lh annual snutdown between seasons. Tlie period of Idleness was thc shortest In several years, llnnugh raw sugar hns arrived already to kep the plant busy two weeks, and more Is due from Cubu. Fifteen hundred men are employed. The abstract and the concrete To those very practical business men who, while preeivin the possible advantages of locating in a building so famous as the Equitable, never theless prefer concrete to abstract reasons for signing an Equitable lease, we submit the fol lowing paragraph : Irrespective of its size and its frame, the Equit able Building is the logical building for you to locate in, because it offers for a reasonable rental, a greater totality of advantages than can be obtained in any other building in town. ar note bring made tYom Van 1 IBIS, The building, Aoi. ever. I due to be completed 2 or 3 months ahead of that date. Equitable Building Temporary Office, 27 Pine Street WITH ONE GIRL DEAD T)iUtht(T f Lilt'' ShifrlHnii Viiii(Sovci'imi(.it Ucpoi't. Jiis( Out. Scliuick A1m llurf When Cur I'lots. ,.., "., , , llnchelle road. ill'- iniirio'vu"" a touring car turned over yesterday morn ing, killing onn girl nnd Injuring the four othr occupants, The Head. DAYTON. r.MZAIir.TlI. :rt Sear old of 3:n Uecatur avenue The llron. The Injured. VAN -iiaick, VIOI.r.T. 1. of IS Franklin aenue. New llocbelle. md to be tne dotif'tter of tb late Mngletou Van Si-lulck. WIIAV. ANNA P.. -':. of Wlnthrop avenue, j the nation's growth. Sine 1X50 the popu Vew Hochelle bitlon of the Fulled States has mot than Mriirilli:. JAM IIS V. :6. nf r,; West l.nrt , nuadrupled, being approxlinatelv Ifinnnn. avenue. Munliattan, son oi ine nun jam 1 1 r Meuuire, pn kii. iiiunuin. mi'i. WILLIAM H. in. or ct et Sixty-eighth "trret. Jlnnh.itt.ii. m,.- I... . ...... .... .itMnrtn. fe.m -lit and bruises, According to the story told b the police MrC.uIre and Hoelie met the gills at th St. Nicholas Skating King on Sixty-sixth street at S o'clock Thursday night. After S . visiting two restaurants they wound up at an Inn on Pelham Parkway, where they - diunk, danced and mail.; merry uiiiu i o'clock In the mornln.r. , . , , , , Vhalck. win. It is he tat.. Singleton At this time Miss Vim So slid is tho daughter or tn lain singleton Van Schalck of Pelham. who died tnysterl- ously on July 13. 1913. asked tho men to take her home. She rode .,, the rear seat with Miss Willy and Hnche. while Miss Dayton sat In fiont with McUuIre, the owner ut the car, who drove it. Th car went ut a tetrlllc rale along , ' , .,, .. , , ., Pelham Parkway until t leached th New Horheli,. road, where the roadway makes a sharp curve. Mc(5ulre. Il Is said, ut- tempted :.. take the curve at high speed. Tin- cir skidded and turned over. .I .Ml-s nayton was pinneu unueriieati uie seat. T,rl. , "I Dayton has been Instantly killed. i a . l 3 Coroner Flynn ordered Mct.ulre de tained as a material witness. Miss Van Schalck and Mis Willy, who wero badly bruised about the face and body, were taken to their homes In Dr. Fitzgerald's machine. Itoohe was allowed to go home. The dead girl recently left her home with her stepfather. Paul A-kenasy, at 2071 Hroadway. to live temporarily with her cousin, Mrs. James C. Warren on De- c-atur avenue. Her body was Identllled by her Mepfathei Cuban Undue! Cnlls for HI, "(Ml, Olio. tpflal I'ablt Iifi-atcli to Tar Sis. HaVANt. Nov. 13. The new budget. which Is awaiting the approval of the Sec - rctury of Hi" Trrnsury, will iair total appropriations or f 40,uo,o IN thc effort to s.ttisfy the popular demand for a Stcinway Grand Piano suitable for the modern drawing or liv ing room, Style M hasbeen produced. This has the unexcelled tone and the perfectworkmanship of every Stcinway, and differs from thc others offly in size, design and price. It is thc smallest Stcinway Grand made, with, 7 octaves and all the tested Stcinway improvc mcnts and patents. To the music lover it means the world's ideal Grand piano at an ex ceedingly moderate price, $750. We invite you lo see Hit's Steimvay, and test its exquisite qualities. STEINWAY & SONS fitrlnway Hall 107-109 East 14th St., New York SuDs-ay Cxpreis Station at Hit Door I M GAIN IN D. S. SINCE 1800 MAKES BIG SHOWING CoiUniiis Simiic Shikiiio ( iiiiiiii'isinis. tVAsin.N in.s-, Nov. 13. An rpltom.?.t.ii lecovil .,f the nation's groath In area, pop. illation yiind t.-oiirres Is contained In k pamphlet Just Issued by thu Department of ( ominerce throut!li Its buieau of fot gn ..nd domestic commerce, entitled "Sia tlMienl Ibconl or the IMocress ot th' I lilted States. Uno-l!t4" I,, all where the stall-Heal, data permit the ti.bKs em! moii! than a century, tlie late, i of certain line- f statlsllis iirresN.irll) restrlctH. In those c..-es 11,. Period covered. A half century retiosiiect, readllv avail aide by Hderence to ii.nieu ,.... 1.. the pamphlft. arrords a clear perspective ot i uuo dt m,. present time. In th same pe- i.i.ii. uiiupicr, roreign coinnieiee h I srown from 31S.fiO(i.ifflO to ll.s.-.n nna ana .iml the per capita value of exports from to 23. .National wealth lias in. t-i fit .. i rniii it nnnnnn Ann ,.. ..... approximately 1 iii...m..o,',o1nor, n'on'ev n circulation. ft(,m 1279,000,00(1 to 13 419 "OO.OuO. and New Vork 'bank clca'tlnu's '"J" a,'prNll!l:itP,y '"-"oo.noo.iliirt t , "'?,,", ci Z iJM" f"r ,hc ,'",lrf' co"'- tr "nK dealing- have grown from , nnn.nnn.oon, )n .vs7i the "'"r for which llgtttes ale available, to 1171 nnn . . 111)11.000 In fun ..- . . - "i oniuoveu social conditions """g the people nre alo found In the tecorii. For example. 1 9.000.000 chlldre ure now ..moiled n tniltllo schools nod ure now nioile,i in nnhiic hrhools n.d about 200.000 student) In colleges and "l,,,r higher Institutions of learning, and tZ .,00 floo''', jear, thc result being a rapid Inert' :e l'n genet al Intelligence and a ,v. orea-e In illiteracy. Over 22,000 new- "TI" l-"''fllcals are .llssemlt.atlng Information among the peop e. and the ,el)ort Btf,, ' th " mil - 1)(T r ,..., , , ,e t.,)f" r , , S",l ,ie,,osit.,rs In savings banks ', -e 251 '00 , lmmH.r: ,..,,.. ,,. nllJL,.Wf. ,, r..V , ' --.. iiviuiifv. in j I .linn iiii-j ,..ii. ,,.,,,,st ...clnwli r ,i,.... i.. ....... ,avKn institutions, aggregatlntr 11 710 " ui .tiu.-. iii .i.tirr ",n'0"' "'"- " times as much anl r""- or iniat cmtury. Increased activity on tlio farms, in n. factories and In the great transportation Industrhs has also developed during the last half century. The value of farms and farm property Increased from four billion dollars III 1S50 to forty-one billion In 1910, the value of manufactured from ,','; " " , nf ,. V,,7,,,' 'm,mf o' '" k X i '" I ' ' .',.' " nuHr,er remn v" the 1 ,r' J,S " rW m- one billion to oer twentj billion, and creased from 192 million lo 1,004 million, and the volume of freight handled from 032 million lo I. sir, million short ton Nearly twenty billion pieces of outgoing mall matter are handled annually by th 1 l'ot oillce Department, which disbursed (last jour 2ii2 million dollais, or 12.70 (per capita. r f .-..Ji. 1