Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-day and to-morrow;, light west winds. ' Detailed weather, mall and marine reports will be found on pat 'II' VOL. LXXXII. NO. 84. NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. Copyright, 1914, by the Sun Printing and Publishing Association. PRICE TWO CENTS. ARMY TO LEAVE VERA CRUZ, BUT FLEET TO STAY Evacuation "Will Take l'lace To-day as lMamicd by Wilson. LOOTING IX CAPITAL BEFOKK VILLA AKHIVKS Oen. FutiNton will lcRln the Ame'rl can evacuation of Vera Cruz to-day us planned, Washington despatches stating tliul no change of orders has been sent tn him. The American warships will remain on the cost and west coasts of Mexico. Carr.inza's forces are reported to have terrorized Mexico city by m.irnud Ins and looting before leaving the capital. At the request of the diplomatic, corps Hen. lllanco Is snld to have called In Ms cavalry and to have calmed the fears of tho people. Villa's entry Into tho capital Is ex pected In u day or two. An army of Vllllstns under Gen. Angeles has begun an attack on Guada lajara. VILLA MAY ENTER TO-DAY. 11. 5. Troop lo l,rne Vern Cms To iln Wnrshliis to Sln, Wasimnoton, Nov. 22 Melco city Is Awaiting the arrival of Villa and the foices of the Aguaycallentis convention, according to olllclal advices reachlnc here to-d.iy. i In the Inst few days the Cnrranza ! ftrensth at Mexico city has rapidly melted 1 sw.ty. It Is u.tld, so that now the entrance' ef Villa Is legaidfd as likely to occur I niihln a day or two. I All of the fonstlfutlonallst forces ex-j ccpt Gen. Hlanco's cavalry brigade hae ben withdrawn from the capital. It Is 1 brlvil that a majority of the forces hive moved towaid Vera Cruz and Orl-. Mba. the latter city having been made' the srit of arranza s government At a con'erence held at the War De partment to-night In which Secretary (isrnon and Assistant Secretary Hrerk Inrldtte look part arrangement were made for the evacuation of Vera t.'rur Final orders for the evaluation wore for snrd'd to Gen. Funston esterda. It !s understood tliat the Administra tion has decided how the affairs at Vera f'ruz shall be turned over upon the with drawal of Funstou's forces, but no In formation on this point was forthcoming. iilll-lals are apprehensive over the rrWal of Villa In Mexico city. At the am) time they are really more concTiied over the safety of the rrslcdnts of Vera Cruz. The Administration has received guar antees from twth Carranza and the Aguas calltntes convention that full protection !! I afforded foreigners at Vera Cruz and Mexican citizens who have aided the American lulmlni.-tratlon. The United States warships at Vera Cruz and Tamplco and the vessels on the west coast will remain ludttlmtely. No onleis have been Issued by Secretary Daniels to the licet. They will continue to afford by their presence protection to Americans and be in readiness to meet emergencies. It was Just seven months ago that the Milnrs and marines under Hear Adnvral t Fletcher edzed Vera Cruz by orders or tne Washington Government as an act et for affronts to the American II ig at Tamplco. where a boatload of sailors were arrested. President Wilson Is hopeful that the evacuation of Vera Cruz, will be an en- fliir.ns demonstration to Central and South j countries 01 xne jronr)- ui un united States not lo seek territorial HKcr.indizement south of the Itlo Grande. TERROR IN THE CAPITAL. Diplomats Appeal to lllanco lo Pre vent llloiliiK mill lt.ilililiiK, AafVsc.vut.NTES, Mixlco," Nov. 22 llevico city In the past few days has been er noticing the most turbulent period ot Its iMsttnce except only for tho ten days r!gn of terror when President Madero ! .i geit in the National Palace. Tne censoishlp which has 1st on applied to newspaper correspondents in the capi ta! by the Cariauzn authorities, has now been rdaxed since -Gen. Villa's army has aclvancd sulllcltntly close to the capital to oiwn up fttriuent communication. Advli-. s received to-day from Mexico clt say that the city has been In a state of terror the last two weeks, with frequent ilotlng accompanied by blood shed and by wholesale confiscations of portable property, looting of houses and store and open robbery of people on tho strei is. The blame Is laid at the doors of the Constitutionalist soldiers, who, knowing they weie soon to leave the capital, gave up all pieieine of maintaining discipline or ord.r. Civilians, terrorized, hid In tr houses an,i Kurm of business places leniaineii ciosea except vvnen mum-u open by marauding bauds. 1'iotisls by foielgn diplomats against the iruatmi nt of their nationals were to-c-Heil with promises that aUrqu.itu pro t Mloii would bo Khun, but no protection Wd forthcoming. The dlsoidtrs reached their climax Thursday night, when Carranza troops, mantling through the city to entrain for the evacuation of the capital, discharged V' liijs of bullets lu the streets, resiiltlnc, It Is said, in much damage to property i. the wounding of no InconsliUiablo iiumlii r of people. "ft l'rlda diplomatic icpiescntatlves of ne.nly all foielgn countries represented t the Mexican capital met nt the er.d "f i lung discussion, lenounced all lula tio'is with the Cananz.i Government nn(' i'p.ea!ec directly to the commander of tho Federal district garrison. Gen, l.uclo H1.UHO, to safit,u.uil Hie city. len. lllanco, having previously repn 'I a'e. tno t.'arranza Government and an 'l'i "il his aibgl.ini'e to th" Goveriinient "I pioviHluiiul Puslilent Gutierrez, re. I" ' I v.M.iil.iy by bliligllig Into the city 'i 'in the suburbs lu.ouo cavalry, leaving i .li'eiic. of th" outlying illstiletH tTii,t the .apallstns and outlaw bnnda to i'.. militia In.. ....ill .i i.e.. luiw liatiolllflg til .Hid ai resting criminals, ii I in. it. rs of disorder. Moie than 500 I n. been Jaibd within tho last foity- - iioiii", the advices sa. 'lent GillliTiez, his Cabinet and ' a. hem of tin convention who ate ' i then cimuiiaiHls leave to-night Mi'vuo clt. They will make brief i i in Irupuuto and Uuvicturo, but ate expected to overtake Gen. Villa's com iiund befoie Villa himself enters tht capital. GUADALAJARA ATTACKED. (Sen. Angeles Lends l.'t.OOO Vllllstua III till Assault. Vlt. Paso, Te. Nov. 22. Gen. Felipe Angeles and 15 000 Vllllsta troops aro attacking Guadalajara, according to ad Vlcn received here to-d.iy. Angeles ex pects to capture tho city to-night or to-morrow. Gen. Ynei Ralnzar. former Federal com mander, who escaped from prison at, Albuquerque, X M., and for whom United' States Matshals"posses havo been fruit lessly searching, Is reported to be pre paring to cross the bonier Into Mexico at a point between Pnlomits and Guada lupe with a Strom? force for the pur pose of seizing tho border towns and especially Juarez. He anil his command are. reported to have given allegiance to the Carranza Government. HIHes and ammunition said to have been Intended for Salazar's command havo been purchased here. BLANCO TO AVOID FIGHT. Will Arrange for I'eiicefnl I'.ntrj' nf llir Vllllsliis. Special Cable Hapntch to The Srx. Mexico City, Nor. 22. Gen. Obregon wltli tho lust of his troops Is leaving this evening for Cordob.t. Gen. lllanco tenvilnlng. 'I'm: StN correspondent has Interviewed Hlnnco's chief of staff, who 1 rnji" III. II liiamu OIl.s os'n lin l'i largely distributed to thu south and front ing tin- Zapatistas. The staff officer sijs lllanco will pre serve order at any cost and has ordered the strictest vigilance to prevent loot Ins and the stealing of horses, lie de clares that thi. Vllllitas remain at Tula nnd did not advance to-day He Inti mates that arrangements will be msdc for their peaceful entry If possible. The olller aswrts that Ulaicn Is trying to avoid a fight All depends upon the VIIINtas' attitude. Iilanco heavily reenforccd the Hon guards. HUERTA WOULD AID VILLA Offers Ills Vprvleen nml Kortnnr in n Despatch. .v vaiMegrain receiveu nere jesieruay from Juan Sanchez Azcoiia, Constltu tlonallst representative of Mexico at Mad rid. Spain, says: Authentic "lnrormatlon has reached me 1 to the effect that Vlctorlano Hucrt.i has time and his arrest to-day wu3 the r offered Ills services to Gen. Villa, lie , suit. sent his congratulations upon his attack Momim 1nrrled Heiress, "i1. ''("'.. (!!:lrf' .C-,r."?:1' .""i1. '',lI'!; Morgan, whose wife was Miss l.uc.ile ",: -iiiiiik u, n-i.irn .u ,s, to take charge of h s former I-ederal ottlctrs and assist him In ousting the Con-! stltutlonallst leader. 1 "lluerta further Informed Tancho Villa ' that his fortune was at his disposal and that he would do all that was within his power to help him In his light against Carranza." j i MftTlIUD CCTC TK IlrUTUD ' lIlUlllLill ODDJ WllUUlllLill VII I T7T PIlfTlin ninrnUTI : rAllllirill iHVIHIT illill Tin bllSlO LinilStrnill, MlOVIllfr drnOPj Off Truck. Falls I'mlcr Am she s,t at a window of her borne. TS Seventeenth avenue. Hath Uracil, yes terday afteniT. n, watching for the re turn from Sunday school of her daugh ters. Susie, 11. and Grace, S, Mrs. John Undstrom saw the girls alight from nn "1." train bound for Coney Iland at the Seventy-ninth street station and step on to the other track directly In front of a train he-idcd for New York. A moment later Sule caught her younger sister by the shoulder anu pushed her out of harm's way. In another Instant tho mother saw the' train run Susie down and cut her In two. The chlldien, returning from the Meth odist Sunday School In Hay Itldge ave- . line, got off the rear car of the train with their Sunday s.-hool pamphlets In thelr hands. Several person, at the sta- tlon which Is on the surface, cried out a warning to the girls of their danger. The train was only a few feet nwav and I the older girl's brain worked nulcklyj Without hesitating she did the best she could and gave up her life for her sister, Mr". I.lndstrom, who has been In poor health for some time, screamed as her daughter disappeared under tho wheels, nnd her husband, who was standing at the street dour, ran to her side, not knowing what had happened. Two cars passed over the child and It was necessary to jack up the trucks to release the body. When It was taken out a Sunday school lesson paper was found tightly clutched In the child's right hand Patilck J. Grail, motorman of the train, wept a" the body was carried away. TOTAL LOSSES 5,000,000. I'lcU of lliiropr's llnnliooil Snlil lo llnve SiifTerril. Ily AllTIII'H IiGGCII. Special Cnrrt'poniirnl of the London "lailv .Veto." Special Cable tietpatc!) to Tun Sis. "NoktiikiiS Fiianck," Nov. 22. I have authority for stating that the war has already accounted for something like five millions of the pick of Kuropean man hood. This Is not a fancy llgure, but lure been carefully woiked out SMOKE CHEER FOR ALLIES. I.iirlllnrd Co. Gives 1 11,0(10,0(11) I luari'tlr. In (soldiers In Frniice. ToimTToWN, N. Y , Nov. 22. Miss Anne Depew Paulding announced to-day that n gift of 10,000,000 olgarettos had been made to the Irvliiglon nnd Ardsley aux iliary of the Westchester County Chapter of the Ited Cross society for the allied soldiers in Fiance. The cigarettes havo been given by the P, I.orlllaid Company and icpresent a value of 20,000. The chapter has communicated with tho Itev. Cranston Hienton of New York, a director ' the Hod Cross society, nnd he Is nt ranging for the forwaidlng of tho cigarettes to Fairope. DE WET'S SONS SURRENDER. liner l.rHiler's llcmlt Milil tn Hurt Fulled. Speiliil Cable Dtipatch to Tun Siv, Kiiktoiiia. via London. Nov, 22. Two S'IH of Gen. Ce Wet, the rebel leader, have surrendered to Cnlon forces. i,'..ii,iwlng a llsht on the Vet Hlver, , Gen. He Wet. luitibsl by four of Premier u.,11,,... iiinimancucw. maiii' ior wo " Itlver. One of bis staff nlllccrs, who was eiplurid. dlsmoiinliid, states thai oniy ; tvventv-tlve remain raltlirill to l'e vv ei nml tho remainder of 1'Ih coiiiiii indo ,in sneaking home, Kiinenderlng, ThnkiitWllif tll ronllt without otU of AN(l0STUBA mTXi!B8,-Jl', BANK SERVICE HEAD ARRESTED AS EMBEZZLER Sisters Accused William I). 3Iorxan of Defrauding' Them of $5-2.171. Lt'J.EI) TO HA HT FOR I) TO AVOID KXTUADITIOX HtnTroitn, "Vnn.. Nov. 22. Ten mln- Harold Osgood Hlnney, who was re utes nfter he stepped from the New carded as one of the most brilliant York train nt noon to-day nnd as he was ' patent lawyers In the country, but enterlnc the Hotel Hond William Dennl- ' whose eccentricities frequently ln- son Morgan, head of the Morgan's Hankers Service, Woolworth Huildlns:, Now York city, nnd former cnshler nf the Aetna National Hank, one of the biggest banks In Hartford, was arrested by Detective Andrew Williams. Mor gan was ohnrRed with embezzling JKl',474 from Miss Kllzabeth F. Hub bard of West Hartford and her sister, who Is the wife of J. W. O'Connor of New Hochelle. N. V., where Morgan , lives with his wife nnd two children. After being booki'tl nt police head-, quarters Morgan was locked up In u j cell. L'p to a late hour to-night he had been unable to secure the $50,000 ball , required, though lil wife nnd his ooun- j sel. i:rnest H. Kllsworth of Hartford, made strenuous eftorts to have him rc- 1 leased. Miss Hubbard, through her attorney, 1 I'.dwarn v . nrouer 01 iiai uoni, mm Mrs O'Connor. through Altnrncv IScorge .1. Corbett of ."i4 Wall street, New York, have been Investigating Morgan's New York business for some s I'ouch of Providence. 11. 1.. cooks I f V(.rJ oId ., lronilncm Connecticut I ,.... ,i ,i,i,,t c,r.ii,, m. " p ' V. . ' "V.h ler of t he Aetn . It li k uh 1 he ''resided maintain a yacht and a beautiful home In ', i.i im nun imit-iiieu .1 luriuur. on salary as cashier of the Aetna Hank when he resigned last April enabled him !0 maintain a yacht and a beautiful home In , Hartford. The leading director of th lMnk Is ex-Cnlte.1 States Senator Mor-, g.u, G Hulkeley. a distant relative shares of stock of the Aetna Life lnsur- I 1,,,ce Goinpany from Miss Hubbard and her sister. At one time he held 400 shares for them for reinvestment. He is charged w'th hypothecating el.hty-nlne shares be-, l"glng to Kllzubeth Hubbard and Ilfteen owned by her sister. He hud made nn j accounting to Miss Hubbard Of eleven , shares, the market value of which Is who tl. .utectlve arrested him At the police station he was willing to talk free!, He admitted selling too shares of stock and that he could account for only eleven shares. It is believed that h,s ft.r une , lias gone llllo mo .New orn naniieis Service venture and that little If anything 1 can be saved. I l-ist Thursday Attorney Hroder went to New ork to consult with Attorney . Corbett. after which Morgan was placed ! under surveillance Arrangements were made to have him come to Hartford to offer nn explanation to Miss Hubbard concerning her stock holdings. , i:trnitlttoii Tnnule voldeil. When Morgan left the Grand Centrnl this morning the Information was telephoned , to Hartford. The arrest was made In Connecticut to avoid any troubles overt t.xtradltlon. I The case will be presented by Prosecu-' . ' ; . i.,r r,nioej r.. viarne iienirr iiiik' ritsi-i erlck G. i:berle on Monday morning in 1 the police court, which has authority only to dismiss or llnd probable caue nnd bold Morgan foi the Hartford county criminal court, which m.ets next month. ! It was said to-nignt u motion ny Attorney llllsnorth for a continuance of 'h case until later In tho week would not , b opposed by Prosecutor Clarke. ' wh,'n asked conce ng Morgan Ian nigh said: "Mr. Morgan had been the trusted tlminclal adviser of my sister and my-! If for nftwn years. He handled our i stocks nnd gave us advice about Invest ments. My sister and I recently gave liim some stock to sell My sister gave lilm .Kttia Life Insurance stock amount ing to about $50,000 and I gave him about JS.ono or $1,000 worth of stock to sell. Wo did not g.t our money. That's all I can say about the matter." HOSTILE SHIPS NEAR COLON. Germim nml llrllUli Cruisers itr porte.l OIT ('mini lin t riinee. Special Cable Hetpatch to Tut: Scv Panama, Nov. 22. The captains of merchant ships which arrived here, to day report p.issslng two German eiuls ers and three Hrltish warships half a day's Kail fiom Colon. The German waishlps were headed east and the HrltlHli, which were steam ing slowly, wero going toward tho west. On November IS the Hrltish crulters Suffolk, llervvlck and Lancaster were to. ported off Colon and It was expected they would piss through the canal, If they had done so tiny would hnvo been tho llrst hostile war vessels to make th" passage. So far as Is known the cruiser Karlsruhe Is the only German warship In tho western Atlantic. CHILE SEES "YANKEE MENACE." .Minister In I'nrls Advises lliiropemi .Vnllona In Art. Special Cable Hetpatch to Tnz Sc.. I'aiiib, Nov, 22. The Jonninl ilea )r bills (piotes Henor Puga Horne, tho Chilean Minister to France, as saying that a "Yankee business" Invasion is al ready nietuclng Chile on account of the places left vacant by the departed Ger mans Former American diplomatic rep leHcntntlves, business: men, manufacturers and professors are going to Chile to look over the gtound and found new cntet nrlses. The .Minister added that the com- tntrclal and scientific Invasion Is no! vvel coined In Chile, even though the Germans for another eight months of hard work were unpopular during their invasion and when ho swallowed the hendacho mod Chile Is Francophile. lelnc. Senor Puga Home concluded i Mr, Hlnney Is supposed to have left con "It h for the Kuropean belligerents. I slderablo property, lu addition to his without waiting for the rlore of the war, wife, there are two daughters by his first to look after the defence of their rein, wife who make their homo with their tlnns and Inlen sl" In CJille on German lost ground," Holiday (lifts- Art Calendar, Ac,, nml "Htiiinlard" Cesks. Clm.K. Matthews, SI K. 21, -isf. HAROLD BINNEY DEAD; CAREER A STRANGE ONE Eccentric Patent Lawyer Swallows an Overdose of Headache Tablets. PHYSICIANS FAIL TO STIMULATE HIS HEART volved him In picturesque escapades, died at the home of his mother- In-law, Mrs. Well, nt Mount Vernon, N. V., yesterday morning. His death 1 was due to nn overdose of head- ' ache tablets Ho had been suffering from a headache and on Saturday night swallowed the contents of a box of medicine. Instead of on or two tablets. He collapsed early In the morning and physicians could not stimulate his heart, The hotly will be cremated to-day. Th case of Harold Hlnney was one ' of the most Interest. ng they have ever 1 known, well known alienists have nld. He came of nn old and well to do Phlln uVlphla family and was born forty-seven years ngo. He was a prize winning student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was n chemist, a physicist and .1 mechanical and electri cal engineer, being for some years nn exumlncr of electr.ea! vntents nt the Patent Ollloe in Washington. While there he llnlshed a course at the Co lumhlan t'nlwrrslty and later came to this city, where he was graduated from the New York I'nlverslty law school. Mrpnkilonns From Work. The lawyer's case was peculiar In that , ... for ejgnt or nine mouths or the vc ,,,. . ... , .,. n. i. ..,,,- i. " '' 'ea.l a normal life, d- oting 1 to ""' Practice of his specialty I r " " ' r',r "r ''' nnrmnl life, d-voting hlm-elf to ""' practice of his specialty In the Federal courts, and then suddenly he would abando ,,. on his olllce and for the re- ' months nf the year Indulge him- u '" eccentricities running mainly to J aeroplanes, automobile speeding through Urowded street-, fast va. hts and troubles ''.i,,, ,., ii,- i, e.t ........ ...... ..' ., ... ' "' months of mental concentration over Intricate cases brought alsiut a nervous breakdown which would be repaired by !l t0,:'' flange of occupation One year Mr. Hlnney'" eccentricity was marked bv an Invitation to the Sunreiii t.ourl (,r ,r rnltfl, s,,lt , nirt,t ,, ., vo,r h.. l,..,l ,. club joining mania nnd did join a numl-r of well known organizations. Another mm,.r )t .a, f;l.t yachts, of which he . several. Three years ago ho went In for aeroplanes and bought two, which he usei at Hempstead, L. I., until he tired of them. Tnroughou' every year the speeding automobile affordeit the lawyer his great- 'St relaxation, lie admlttwl In October that he had been in court thirty-three times on charge" of violating the speed MWP ., , ,,n ,, 111 111 rAlllll . ,11 niiril ...i .u- ,.,.ioe.l ,.t t rvlmr t. run his v.i.-ht. - the Mist, into the Atlantic City Hoard-i walk This was In January and he got pneumonia as a result When he had rucovered his famlb had him committed temporarily to the Friend Asylum for the insane. He goi out on a writ or corpus, which he argued himself. , ( Divorced l. I'lr.l Wife. He was arrested a year later In Phila for reckless driving and carrying I 11 r,'v.V Tnr: V. ' ' , V", I'V" rx 1 lm' J.1'u' ,s l,, .?. " '""u"""' ,,,,,,, ' , ,1," He did not remain for the wedding and came east. About that time be created considerable xclteniont at tin Players Club by taking iiil wtlit ill II CiU I'lllim) 'i' iiie, ii.if. working in the back yard at a Dower bed. The man was not hit Announcement vvns made In the news papers of March 7, 1913. that on Feb ruary 16 Mr. Hlnney and Mis F.llse Mar tin, a singer of lxindon, had Wn mirrled nt Paterson, N. J. Mrs. Hlnney wont after the wedding to complete her musical education, but she returned to this country tide fall, when her hus band's eccentricities became mote marked than they ever had been. When arretisl for speeding he usually got In trouble with Judges by arguing, and had freiiii.-nt resort to police .stations nnd police courts ns a complainant It all culminated on October 17, when after having appeared as a complainant against n garage, keeper for holding back his automobile, a charge of disorderly con duct was made against the lawyer In stead. The garage kes'lcr asseited that Mr. Hlniioy had lo run over him in getting his nutomoblle nwny, .Magistrate Herbert ordeied Mr. Hlnney to put up a $1,000 bond to keep the peace for six months, The l,iwer refused nnd went to the vvoikliouo on Hlackwell'H Island, vowing to remain there ' They were very glad over there when on No vember 3 Mrs. Well, Mrs. Hlnney's mother, put up n H.000 bond to get tier son-in-law out. Ilrunnlies While lliiml. He had organized a White Hand widely in the prison, which was to Insist upon prison. rs' rights, lie had been free with his advice, and had found more loopholes In the lilies and regulations than the workhouse authorities had any Idea ex isted. He profesed to hivo a good time and Insisted on running Ills' olllce from his cell, lin ulso began to write nn exposure of the workhouse system When he got out ho vvns arrested nl most ut once for Intel ruptlng a socialist meeting, lb' got out in' that trouble, and it was thought that he would settle down mottier THANKS), IVIMi AT HOT s'him;s', y.l. Oolt. I'THili, bulk, ilaiiibic, i n nn I u In rpllnr Ppeelal return trrts errfrej N. T. I A. II, Kon. Adv. Five Aliens Kitted in Riot at British Detention Camp Prisoners on Isle of Man Attack (Juards in Uijar Dininjr Hall After Complaining of Insuf ficiency of Pood. SEVKXTEEX SHOT WHEX Special Cable Iietpatch to Tnr. Scv. Docilah, Isle of Man. Nov. 22. The grave disorder which has prevailed among the largo number of men In the alien detention camp near here resulted on Thursday In seventeen of the Inmates be in shot by armed guards. Two were In stantly killed- and three others died later. The latter hail been nttacked Murine a riot anions the alien". The c.tmp was established about three months ugo and the number of persons there gradually Increased tin'.ll nearly I, 000 Austrian and German civilian prls- 1 oners were Interned. They are gunrded y 30l) nien of the National lb-serve from Liverpool and the Manx Territorials. Col. I .Mailoc Is In chltf command nnd Major Hland Is his assistant. : The prisoners ate confined in two spa- I ii,ilt,.. i-iiiiti:iii iiy a suLHerr.uiritn passage und-r A hlghroail. They dine together In u large 1 with spacious galleries. For some weeks there was the j greatest quietude. Captains who wem 1 chosen by the alb-us themselves exercised disciplinary powers. A corporal was ap- pointed for each tcr.t to see that thre was good order and cleanliness among th men. The prisoners aro from various liraurs ui hip, nui me uiajoriiy sre wan- ers. sailors, stewards and mechanics. Since the arrival of the latent batchci : ! LODGE SAYS HE HAS TALKED WITH DEAD' , Sir OlivPP KYDl'CSSt'.S AI)SI)llltC ' " nni I'olicf in Inuiim'l.'ility of Soul. I .,.. . I-onpom, Nov. 22. Sir Oliver Iodge, Presmem oi me .-..cieiy ior i .-jcnicii i Ketreh, tn his opening speech of I science wes-k" at Hrowntn Hall to- might annour.csl ttwt hn has conversed with friends who had passed away. He I,. ' ' , , .... . The mind work, the body and , ot the lsely the mind, ones realize that fin- sclpusr.ess is something greater and out' side of tt-c partlculir tutrhanlsm wh'.c.h It nukes use i.f and ou will understand ihit t'-o mirvlvil of existence is tho I ,!lJt uy,,r,MW ' ,'M ' natural, the simplest thing. We are tot limited to the few years we live on the 4arth I say It on deilnlte scientific grounds. "I siy It because I know that certain friends of in, no still exist, because I have talked with them. Communication Is possible, but one must obey the laws to llnd out conditions. 1 do not say that It Is easy, but it Is possible. I have con versed with them a I m'ght converse with any one in this audience this day. "They have given proofs that they are mating real pirsons auci noi sonieiomK em . ...... from T. oeno, imuirm ... ........ ................ to be withheld for a time, out win uiii- i mately be publlsh."l. Hut I toll ou wit n all the. strength of conviction that 1 can muster tll.ll It IS oo. mat we no i.. rs,.si. that people still take Interest In tilings that are going on. that they Mill help us ;ind know more about things than we do nnd that they are able from timo to time ti, communicate with us. "1 know that man Is surrounded by other Intelligences If you once step beyond man there is no limit until you comn to tho Infinite Intelligence Itself. '(luce having gone beyond man. you go and must go on until ou come to God, but it Is no strati land to which 1 ain leading oii. ,.,.,, vve nere mi uuo '"'nei. ' "'"'" '" i ... , .... , ,. ..... ,.. .....,. ..,.. ...... - going on. but I tell you. we are sur rounded by beings working with us, co operating, helping, such as people In visions have had some perception of, and that which religion tells us saints and angels are, and that the Master Himself Is helping us, Is, 1 believe, literally true." ARCHBISHOP DEFENDS KAISER. Prelate of York I'lrnits for Kinder Itrfrreiices In (iermnnn. Special Cable I'eipatcK to Tnr St v. I.oNlxiN, Nov. 22 The Archbishop of York, speaking at that place to-day, dep. what hn called the "gross and vulgar" treatment of the Kalrr by Kng lUh newspapers, particularly tho comic sheets, He said: "I have n memory of the FmisTor which Is very sacred to tne. H makes lll feel that It was with i.iuctanco that he felt himself compelled to necept the fact that his conduct and the eonduct of Ids ministers had Involved hlmelf In war with llngl.itid. It Is very hard for u man to resist voices In his ear which are saying perslslnntly : 'The hour of your nation's destiny has come, ou dare not fall'" The Archbishop pleadul that the people, and newspapers speak with admiration and charity of the great German people. PRINCE OF WALES NEAR FRONT. Walks lii Mud nnd Fnjoys Ills ex perience TlmriiuKlily, iiy pnitc. j, run, if. Spectal Corretponitrnt ot the London "Pally Sexci." Special Cable Heipatch to Tub M v. North I'iianch, Nov 22. -Dining tile assault on the south side of Yprcs. In a snowstorm on Thursday, November 10, the Prince of Wales was not far behind the line of attack, ploughing through the mud afoot, wrapping himself In vuln ngalnst the storm and enjoying all thoroughly. The Pilnee made n long tour of the lines, lie vloltod among other regiments the London Scottish, from whose oill. ccra he learned mote of their famous charge and nf the life In the trenches, ;iti:t:N sthii'I! scotch IV NOV IIHKII.I.Alll.r. HOTTI.KS, ANDltUW USlUll &. CO.. UJIntiureli. .Irfl'. j CAPTIVES RUSH SOLDIERS) of prisoners there has been disaffection nnd Insubordination and occnslonntly there luinpitiiiu n.v r.'IHI ICO 111 IlillillK been Insulted. The first overt Incident oc- ' curred a fortnight ago through the re fusal of a large body of the prisoners to leave the hall on a wet night nnd they were allowed so remain within doors In stead of going to their tents. Soon after- 1 wnrd the building of huts afforded more comfortable accommodations. ' Tho nt ebullition occurred ,u dinner on Wednesday Many of the prisoners I expressed discontent with their food In a contemptuous and violent manner TIic aiithoiltle. insist Hint them was a sum- clent quantity of food of good quality On Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock there was a serious disturbance, the de. tails of which come from unofficial puuti vs. rtiier twiner mere were violent ncenes nnd plates, knives and forks were thrown about nnd chairs tmashed. Some of the prisoners made u dash from the dining hall toward the kitchens. Their passage was barred by a few soldiers, who .at tlrst threatened tho prisoners with their bayonets. This did not deter the r.ior 1 determined of the prisoners, who stealthily mrproaehed the soldiers, who thereupon oegan snooting In earnest. i,i. icrrnieu mr prisoners, vvno neiu up ' their or sought to escape. IFABBRI BROS. WIRELESS UNDER INVESTIGATION Secret Service Acts on ('0111 phiiiit of Kiilaml tpt to liar Hnrhor Plant. Following rt complaint to the State re partment by the Hrltish Kmbassj- m Washington that Information of the move-' ments of Hrltish ship" was being supplied1 tn tho ll.,mnti f!nu..nni.Mt k. 1. . I wireies, ni t.e . .. ' , .. vice men nave neen set at wont to in- 1 vestlgate the wireless operations of Krnesto n ,,, A,,wilnilr0 pw,r of Nw Vm.,., whoso extensive summer estate Is at to III Harbor. Information to this effect which 1 is printed in the 7'tnic Indicates that tht N'Ttll Sim to AKiei- the "Un it inn Fabbrl brothers have a well equipped "culm" itccoi'illiiK to Pni'N, wliilo Her- rI..lSrM.L'Tl,h!l,,?'n? mvr""" Hn rt71ori" Hie situation nn.-ln. t.-.l. across the water and that the two owners ,, . of It have become expert operators. 1 1'0 InTIUiinx art' slltumly fortll.v nig For thr.e ilays Hfter th- Guman llnerltho ontlr.' Holflutl coa"! Ii.'lcl bv thclle Hswll!,, C"Ci" ','''!"',', !;p,ln, "jr Turkfj- Is nsnlli m tlvo In U,e Hhck selves up In their wlrebss room and re fused themselves to all visitors, It I" sul.l. Agents of this Government have discov ered that the two gentlemen have been on Intimate terms with Capt Polack of th" gold ship, which returned all the way across th tie Just after war was de clared to avoid Hrltish cruisers. The cap tain, as well as the entire crew of the Cedllo. was entertained at the Fabbrl mansion, according to the secret service "Rents. rrom miorm.'iuon received !t Is leleved that news of the position of era bid;'. Ibet vvns forwarded In .nde tn the rabbrl estate and then transmitted to some Gentian source. The destruction of tho two watshlp of Admiral Ci-.ido.-k Is , . . . . ............ ..,.,. , , ,. ip , Washington. . h:1- . . . rnn,,,,,. . . Har Harbor, Is quoted as waylnc that he was sure that the vvlrelevs plant ,-ibirard the Ceetlle was not sealed whll" she was ill that iMirt, his Information coming from ollb ets alinaiil her. Krn.sto Fabbrl Is said to have made a ,i,,ni ii nf the wi,.i.. .mn. n.i ,.n.i Letter as a Joke. Ills 'town house Is nt h- .:.1Kt sutv -foui Ih street. F.rno-t.. Fabbrl marrUd IMith Shep.u-d lor this city, the granild.iiig'it. r of the Lite " imam u v annnruiit i ne late y.rt enio rannn, i.ii or oi tne nroll'ers. ua a member of the firm of .1 P Morgan & Co. Is'fore lie retired fiom business BRITISH OCCUPY JAFFA. urks In Itetrenl Willi Cmnels nnd Vrtllleri. Special Cable Iietpatch to Tnr St v. Atiiksh. via Home. N'ov. 22. A HntUli force has landed and occupied Jaffa, tho port of Jerusalem. As a result of the defeat at Klarisli the Turks, with S.OiiO camels and null lory, have retired fiom the Slnal penin sula. Jaffa. ..I .Inppa, Is the seaport of Jeru salem and thevviioleof southern Palestine. It has n population uf 35, 000, of whom 23, 000 are Muslims, 5.000 Cu Istlnti" nnd 7.000 Jews. The Slnal peninsula Is the triangular tract of birren land between the !ulf o; Suez and the Gulf of Akaoa It has an area nearly .spial to that of Ireland HI Arlsh Ik on the .Mediterranean coist of Asia Mlnoi, about He tulles south west of Jnffa and the same distance east of Port Said BRITISH LOSE AT SUEZ. Turks Heport Hoik "f Foe nl Kmiliirii, Special Cable ei;trA to Tiu Pus AMHTliinvM, Nov. 22 The following ofllclal sniiiiunliuo was Issued at Con- stantlnople li-day "Tmklhli troops reached the Suez Canal and engaged the Hrltish at Ifantar.i The Hrltish suffered severe losses and lied.'' GERMAN FLEET TO COME OUT? I'niisiiiil AcllilO ii llniden , He ported. London, Nov. 22. - A despatch from Tim Hague says activity pre vails at Linden. Dutch fishermen who cruise dally mar German waters s.iy the German ileet ! prrputlng for decisive action lu the North Sea Prince Henry of Prussia was at Hin du! on Saturday for an Inspection of the torpedo and submarine craft. RUSSIA CLAIMS SLIGHT GAINS IN POLISH BATTLE Opposing Armies in Death Grip in Fight Xear (Jer- man Rorder. 2.000.000 31 EN IN DESI'EHATE CONFLICT Austrians Evacuate Nowa Sander. Fifty-eight Miles From Cracow. C.EMIAXS A HE FOIJTV 311 LES FH03I WAIISAW Kui'tllCSt Pdillt ill V(l VfllKV on Lowicz-Skierniewice Line. s.-.M H OP Till: w.tll .Vi:s. j ' lltwiln claims the Genu. in ml t vatico. In Pulntlil has Imsmi .Mnpie. 'short Piim-r-tit s.ivs Unit tin. slrUK- 2le ! most (lerioniI but Mint tho Itus jslnns linvo gnlmsl partial mhvom', Tilt- lin-t eilMerl.v point id' the Gel mini advance N on tho l.nvv Icz-Sklcr-rilcwict! line, forty mllos from Somo I'oiillriuntlo!! of the Uti Ian "tntoiiuMit Is found In tho Iteilln of lldnl report. This claims no Mctmy for the Geniinns and "ay plainly I ho ltlitlUr; is goltiK ii nnd tlicic has been no clump' In th slluatinii 'Cue swanijis in i;.it Pnisslii and l'oinnil lire frozen. 'I'lif Hiprvimis hiivt' In wi'stoi'ii l'oliind nlolic. l,Uf.ifr n-Uf lilt: nien: the Genii!ili hint' mmi.oini. In the west f.vliaii'lloii nntl hitter weather havo Mnpptsl Infantry move ments nml a iv holding I'uiiibnintiis to trench-. YpMwI.iy ihciv was ar rt.-btliii' nt Ynrcs ami near Sols. " "uns. with no ilei'KIio ro-lill. Paris , ymwU .,.. ,N ,..,, ... ... .. .. ... Sen nnd the cruiser lluinlilli'li litis bom. banlcil the town of Tiinpsi'. Killing four persons, wounding lvirnsr.iil annotinccs ilmt n ltussliiu coltiiiiii h.n iniiili' progress in tlic illrii'tloii i.i i:i. zonitn. will. Ii liiillciiic thai the Hus sion withdrawal nilt-t several ilnyi ngn unit Hint ltuslii l unco moip ml. viiiiclng lu nofthcasrern Anncnla. All fiiiiltnls nr. siioni n s to tho sit uation aluii!; the p!l;m frniiilor. It l Uiiovvii tlint the Yiiiiip.' TinU-GiTinaii t'ominnudt'rs phinncd mi Invasion of Kiryjit. ('oiisinntinoplc lias nscriril t lilt t victories lmve been .lined over the Hrltish. There N no word what ever from Loudon on the Mibjeei. The chief feature of Hie now from Ktigliiuil wns n riot in n ileteiillon (Mnip In the l!e if Mull. It nirpears that the Genn.'in nnd Austrian were Insib Isir.llnnte nml nttncknl their Jailer. In the light four piisoiiers were Killed nnd .me vvns woiinilisl. For n Ion:: tlms there 1ms been n report current tlint i Hie Uennim llll.l .lltl'lilll clvlllnils con lined In such camps r ilieir ar rest very bitterly. RUSSIA REPORTS SLIGHT ADVANCE IN POLAND Coins In (iiillclii Alan Claimed '. ( Mir's Troops. "'i.e. ui' e able lie.patcl. tn Tnr. Si Pi:TH(:itvn. Nov. 22.- The ofllclal cn'n munl.iie Issued to-day says. The lighting between the Vistula nnd the Wnrthe continues. With supremo determination we gained some partial successes, Theie has been no change on the Czenstuohovva-Cra-cow front. We lmve captured 2.(100 prisoners nnd several iniick llrers. In Gallcin the Austrians evnni nted Mowy Sandec titiiler pressure of our troops. Mowy Sandec is about fifty eight miles southeast of Cracow and tliltty miles south of Tarnow 1 RUSSIANS TAKE WIELICZA. Gnllrlnn Timn (lernpled lii ( nr's Troops, Is Heport. Special Cable Veapatch to Tnr. Sri I.onpon, Nov. 22. -It Is ndnilttcd in Hcrlln that the Grrninn armies in Poland lmve not been able to break through the Hussion The Ger man Government makes no olairr to victory nnd says in the latest st.ucmeiit that t lie Issue has not been ibtermjned. The freshest .illclal statement fiom Petrograd claim" little more, although it was reported yesterday that the Ger mans had been driven back near Lodz and that the Germnn advance had been definitely checked. It seems obvious to-day, therefore, that the real situation I "news tne immense wives oi iaiser nn t ' a death grip all the way from the Haltlc Sen to the passes nf the Car patliliins, with no vital ndvontngo to either side Ofllclal German reports "how thai tho