Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. f-f ROGER P-CLARK FOR GOVERNOR'S COUNSEL Harvey I). TTfrnnnn's haw i'nrt niT Snid to Bo Slated by .Mr. Wliitnmn. ,1. K. CIAlMv OX PLACK LIST MR. TAFT MERRILY CONDOLES WITH HILLES OVER ELECTION Explanation of Feast at Biltmore May Be Shaft Aimed at Col. Roosevelt's Bull Moose --Other Tales of the Hotels. GARDNER ASKS WAR ' SECRETARY'S HELP SIEGEL MAY NOT OFFER DEFENCE Formei Preside nt William Howard Taft I take, them to the Martinique ana McAlpIn dropped In at the Hotel Hlltniore last for dinner, rtiT" ,r. Clarlc of P.lnghamton, who sis counsel to Gov. Ilughc.t and who Is n Itu partner of Harvey D. lllnman, la : riy to be named by Governor-elect Whitman as hit counsel. Humor Inst night hud the appointment nit fettled, al though Mr. Whitman thiV far has made no mention whatever of Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark formerly was District Attnr nei of llroomc county and Is strong politically "l State, lie became legal ad .er to (iov. Hughes In January, .1010. He Investigated the forest and Game Commissioner and as a result of his reiport Commissioner Whlpplo resigned. The expectation l that the appoint- iient of Mr. Clark will placate the foi lower of Mr. lllnman and prove a con ciliatory measure toward those men. The pliee pays Jfi.OOO a year. It was said yestetday In reliable quar ters that John Kirkland Clark, former Assistant District Attorney and more re cntly counsel to the Assembly Kraft In vestigating committee, of which Hoger 1. Ol'ark was a..ltant counsel, mlRht be sleeted for District Attorney here. At any rate, Mr. Whitman Is repore to have him slated for some good pot, for he has gnat confidence in his former assistant's ability and Judgment. If Mr. Clark does not net the appoint ment of District Attorney he may be placed Ht the head of the Department of Kfllcuncy and Kconomy, made State Hanking Superintendent or Commissioner of Highways. Statements In hehalf of his selection for District Attorney have been consldeted by Mr, Whitman, ll has been pointed eut fiat It will be essential for any man taking the oftlce to set busy and win the support of the anti-Tammany voteis In this city within sit months. That would be an especially hard Job for a man who knew nothing about the District Attor n's office, wheioas Mr. Clark l specially equipped for the place by his tralnlns and his achievements, Mr. Clark was Mr. Whitman's chief as sistant In the Investigations that ltd to the Indictment of Charles H. Hyde, for mer City Chamberlain. whose conviction afterward was set aside by the higher court. He aided in the Northern Hank Inquiry, which led to the Indictment of Joseph G. Ilobln. who afterward pleaded guilty, and to the conviction of Joseph Heichmann nnd William J. Cummins. He was nlso Mr. Whitman's chief aid In the Investigation Into highway, aque duct and canal matters, resigning as As sistant District Attorney to become coun sel to the Assembly committee which in vestigated graft charges. Mr Whitman went to church yesterday trornlng and took a ride In the afternoon. He had planned to leave the city on Thursday to go to White Sulphur Springs, V Va but he Hiild yesterday that It was doubtful whether be could get away. Mr Whitman was asked yesterday what he thought of the selection of I.a 'avette It. Gleason as the Suite Comp troller's attorney. He said he admired Mr Gleason very much. The Governor-elect has about completed hli military staff and announcement of he riaint will lo made this week. The elections, have been made In conference v'th l.ouis W Stotesbury, who will Lo the adjutant-general. night, having arrived from Cleveland. He dined with his Tornier secretary, Chat I s D. llllles. Mr. Taft was In a Jolly frame of mind. When asked by Tun St'N repre sentative If there was any significance in his meeting his fornnr sectetary, he smiled and said : "Yes, there Is. 1 cam to condole with him over the tecent election. 1 am now going to take the next train out to New Haven nnd will be nt Yule to-morrow, where I will resume my collegiate duties." The former President was greeted by a great many friends In the lobby of the i hotel. He continues to wear the same old smile that mndo him popular In Washing ton even among his political oponents. Whether Mr. Taft, In speaking of meet ing to condole with Mr. Hill, aimed a shaft at the Hull Moose was left unex plained. Neatly I.Oao youngsters bos and girls of from II lo 17 .veara of age - are to have a day In New York on December 4 as a leward for their labors on the farms of Ohio The New Yo k Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Agricultural Commission are defraying the cost of the holiday. It Is announced that ox-Major Seth Low, president of the chamber, and Dock Cojnmlssloner It. A. C Smith are responsible for the piogtammo of enjo) -ment outlined for the visitors. Their Idea probably wai to make the young people n tired of pleasure that they would he glad to get back to work. Much Is crowded Into the hours between breakfast at T A. M. at the Waldorf. Astoria nnd dinner at 7 1'. M. at the Martinique and McAlpln. The excursionist ate to arrive at tne Pennsylvania rallrpitd elation In seven trains. They will march In regimental f oi illation t the Waldorf. After brenk fast they will go on foot up fifth avenue to St. I'atrlck'.i Cathedral to enjoy an organ recital. Ttten they will go to the subwny at fiftieth street, where trains will take them to the ltronx zoo to took at the animal. From The Hronx they will go to the After dinner they will be the guests of the Hippodrome. After the show they wilf walk clown Hroadway from forty fourth street to Bee "the great whlto way." They will end a huppy day where It started, at the Pennsylvania railroad sta tion. A dance Is to be held at the Hotel .Marseille on the night of December S In aid of tho Day Nursery at 138 East Ifilst street. The dance will be held under tho auspices of the Sisterhood of Social Workers. Mrs. L. II. Sterne and Miss K. Hytcnberg will bead the arrange ments committee. The twenty-fifth anniversary of River side py Nursery Is to be celebrated by holdlig a at the Hotel Ansonla on tne anernoon ana nignc ir uccemuer .. Requests Gnrrison to Permit Army Officers to Testify Vol untarily on Defences. A PLEA F01t FA Tit PLAY Wasiiinotos', Nov. 22. representative Gardner, who Is seeking to have Congress authorize a special Inquiry Into the state of the national defences, made public to night a letter ho has written to Secre tary Garrison asking tho latter whether he would permit army officers to testify voluntarily beforo the Hitles Committee of the House as to tho advisability of such an Investigation. Mr, Gardner's resolution authorizing such an Inquiry Is pending before the Itules Committee, which has Indicated that such a hearing will be granted early In December. At this hearing It will be th nlc of Mr. Gardner to prove that the The annual Christmas dance of Stone- ... .,ii ,i.rme. t such as wall Jackson Chapter of the Children of , " the Confederacy will be held at the llret- warrant an Instigation. ton Hall Hotel on December 3U. i Secretary Garrison has heretofore In- dlcated Informally that his position is Frank W Harrtman, mannger of the Hotel Anfonla. announces a pi lie danc ing contest nt his hotel for Wednesday i for tn, nuking, ut that be will not aug' evening next, me nance win ne incnorKe. , ., . ., nmr, thf,. un... volunteer Dunham nnd " . ' . . . ,.. to uo wtincsses i i-.iiii - Gardner resolution or any other similar Counsel Helies on Cross-Exnmi-nation of Witnesses for the State. PLANS NOT VET COMPLETE raslijr itMDiW Hvntttattit Httmmt np; fur wttklv m uv,ri.slmi::"lti fi!lr li iirfidl -leir. Upopfff tn Iht Cnlttd Stat'i. Canndt, V.tfr.l llrllam, .iimfiAtrlen.AuilrnUa and firuniltnarla, m .iir Ijfitn.iiffet. MtltepoUlan tiUn ntr tint rimtrollfit b-j the frwn'ica'r. h'ner tcr arr prrMKf .lo puMlii (if se Inslruetlte lermmis tn Hit ttatltno t mpaprrs, paitni thrtrtt" at iii.'rerltm tcfei & tXTEItS'ATIO.VM. mm H FTt wxr.i A .s.snrj 1 7 7().V . Giving Thanks for War or for Peace MANY PERPLEXED WORSHIPPERS that any Information if girding the War Department Is at the disposal of Congress of the Misses Myitle Hes trice Sweeney. NOTA11I.ES AT THE HOTELS. Gnesta nml Those Mmrlng In the SrlisoiCs tillet. At the Waldorf-Astoria are Mr and Mrs. I C. Knox, Pennsylvania, Hubert Oliver Lelir. Haltlmore; Dr. and Mrs. W. S. lilkin. Atlanta: Mr. and Mrs. C W Kllbourn. Wmt Virginia, and M. f. Kul Ion, London Tlioso entertaining in the grill room supper dance at the Waldorf-Astoria were M- and Mrs. G. II. llcrlln, Mr anil Mrs. J. II. Nunnally, Mr. and Mis. N. T. fol well 2il, G S Hendry Clay, Mrs. II. Taylor and party, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Alrm uiul ittirtv. Mr tnl Mis. Iltiork. Hattery, whete lunch baskets will be ills-, p,aer. Mrs. J. 'it Heynolds. Mrs. A. II. resolution. He holds that the relations between the army ami Congress should be maintained through the Secretary of War, who Is re eponsibln for the execution of such mili tary policies as Congress ailopts and that army otllcurs as individuals should not of their own accord appear before Congress committees to dlscuas matters of military policy. The Letter to the iecrctii r. , Mr. Gardner's Utter Is as follows: Okkbrkc, N. Y., Nov. 21. Whether Ilenrv Sleeel takes the stand In bin own defence or John II. Stiinchflelil, his counsel, relies on the vrosa-cxnmln.itloii of tho State's witnesses lo frru his client of tho grand larceny ehatge depends. It was slid to-djy by those closo lo tne defence, on tlin testimony Joseph K. I'rldday gives when Aseistant Dlslrnt Attorney Train recalls him for tho Stnto tn-mortuw morning Holh Mr. Stanch- field and Ills nnoolntes nnd tho Assistant Dls'.rict Attorney's stuff worked n.l day to-day mid part of the night proimrlng their final arguments Mr. Stanchfleld s.ild he did not e, VCk I It would he necessary to cat Slegel, but that h would not dccidn tha' jmlnt until Mr. Train's last witness nail com pleteil his tesllmoi. . While it Is thought likely that no de fence will Uo offered by Slegel's eoirisel the defence lias tlueo or four witnesses who may testify that S.egcl had charge of the merehatidlso end of tho Slegel Vogel dry goods enterprises, whllo Vogel attended to the financial matters. Mr .Sltuichflelcl, however, has already of fered to the Jury testimony to that effect In his cross-examination of O'car A. frail In particular. How "In Everything Give Thanks"? - Knowledge Necessary Ap proaching Throne of. Grace - Variant Praises and Thanks to God Throughout the World The Solution of Our Perplexities The Bible the Only Guide The Spirit, of a Sound Mind Rare Majority of Thanksgiving Vain Formality Unnoticed or Resented. y Tim solution of Our ferplei Mies. The hour liaAlng come for Meinu to take the re"i. of gineiii'n nt, He u If stand fort:- in IVnwr rtrd M.itestv nt the proper moment, alul e Miami to the rngleg elements at the rcth buuiati .-a "fenre! He Mill!" And theio will he a calm Tho lesson Iwnrnel In t-oll'ilfl will be a lasting one, and Him tho ronditlon of the l,lcril opportunities of Mcs'.ili' King world, tl e speaker I iloni, which lll be built upon the nslieh of dei'it i' ' it mii"t i ,r-s. nt Institutions, will Mua eM i.ast'ng p.- n ii M' alt matter I life and Joy to all the wllllnt, m d obed'- f ir tin ni.ij t or ' ent. f 'l l.lllelplllll, fa., November 22 - f.i Ur Hussell used for Ins text 'o-day the wjids, "In i very th'ng g ve thanks." . l Thewsalonlnn." r, 1 Iteilewlllg briefly VpctroggrTni I" I'1' l" deliimlnel Those who see the war from tliH view IPASlOK. KUoattl) ljrlltij tlir nature point may indeed In everything g'vo of t!i thanks thy I thanks ; lejolelng that the reign or Min would ff ti G d T .re. hundred and 1 and Death will soon be "nihil: rejoicing The' strongest witness for the defence , fifty im ion- of Human tv. our blood lei- i nn .-.umi win . '" " ' .i i oi.i i.L.n.r.,. ,..,.. ......i ... ,,, , tiiiv i inousann yeais: rejuioiiis uiul wu.i chandlse manager of ihe Megei-t isiper . v!ll,t. fcui,.,. Ninety million A-nerlcans, storo of Chlciigo. who fotmerly was man- . .tl.1(.,lP( them, are inv.tnl by our llviiorahln I'r. slileut and Hi" Gover- ager of the Koillteentli htteet More nHioui'Jii i-.iinij 1 1- . i'-t ". I ..fc.i .,,..u ,,,.,1.,, ,l..,nl.. It Is known too that Mr S nnchflelil In ni oi um en .-u.i. - his nrgument to strike from the record to tho Almighty. Truly, we haw tunn any testimony relalmt? lo a conspiracy causis for thanksgiving to -ur Creator : on the pan of Sit gel. Vmel and I'r.ill , f itself Is a blessing, a boon ; our nation and to dismiss the itwl.rtment will inane (l Ini,y r,,spects Is the m st favored on a strong point of the fact that tho Jury . f f , ,,, rm.,.bed bv God's .'.,i1rv''.,," VZxmy m,.ne m ..-.hers, ..t .1- wast f s'nd i:rrt Aeeountant John flint. The.ei'ir ble-slngs being our civil ami tellglous I made eomparlson In ml olio liiacic tigures ; unei nee. trlbuted to them bv fiesldent Low. Then as guests of Commissioner Smith, they will be taken five miles out to fcea by one of the municipal ferryboat". None of them have ever seen the ocean and It is expected they will be much Impressed. On the return trip they will be shown the flft -ninth street bridge oer the Kast Hlver and the dock lmpro ements In the North Hlver Disembarking at the Battery pier, they will inarch up Hroadway to get a view of the skyscrapets, fost OlHce nnd City Hall. At fark place elevated trams will c'lardy and party, M. A. Warren and party, Mrs. C. M. Woods nnd parly. J. H Hell and part. Mrs. Duff Merrick and party, Mr. and Mrs Frederick Conde, Mr. and Mrs. Geirlcen and party and Otto Carmlehael and party. At the Martinique are Mr, and Mrs. Stanley K Kowden and M ss Virginia Hiiwden. Cincinnati . K. C stelner, Hioh niond. Va ; K, S. G'ady, Cuba , William Hill. Hethanx. Mil , Dr K, C Sharp, Jn dlanapolli. ; H, II fennv, Cleveland: II Lasker. Little Hock. Ark., and George f. Whltmer, Clarion, fa. HOME FOR JEWISH ' GIRL WAITS WITH GUN GIRLS DEDICATED FOR BLACK HANDERS Young Women's Hebrew Asso-;0ne of Missps Kopp. Annoyeil eiation Opens New Eight for Months. Goes to Place Storv lluiltlinsr. Nametl in Letter. Mr Dear Mh. Skcuictakt; 1 have ' of the condition of the Slegel stores, ac- read our open letter published Novem ber H, 151 'this letter was addressed to the editor of Tiik Sl'.N). In which you take up my resolution ptovldlng for a commission to Inquire Into the adequacy of our army and navy to protect this country. "As l well known to us both. It will be necessary fur the Committee on HuW of the House to hold he.n Iiiks and make a report before menihei eif Cong! ess can get a chance lo Mile on this resolution, no matter how much they mav delre to do so. f tirtllermoie, as Is also well known to us both, the Comm'ttee on Kules can absolutely prevent such 1 ote by the simple device of falling to make any ie port "Hefore commenting on your lews per mit me to express the hope tha you our- self will be tho very first w I. less before cording to the credit statement and the actual condition as flint saw it. Th de fence may put on the stand an expert who has sat at the ilefence tabl all week to offer other charts with other compari sons Kingdom will soon come, and lilt will b- doiii on earth, even as It Heaven! rejoic ing that soon the knowledge of tho trut (h.uaiier of God will be universal; re joicing that then. In the light of thnt knowledge, "eveiy knee jihall bnw and evelj tongue confess, to the glory of God" ! rejoicing still further, that any who under all thoo favoralibi conditions wl.! refuso to maki a full nirrender to tho loird, will bi mercifully cut oft from lire 111 the Second Death ! During Messiah's Itelgn of lllghteoue neon, .ill nations will be tntructil, en lightened, blessed. Christ's merit will then l applied on behalf of the billions who haw gone down Into the prison-house of death Sheol. 1 ides, the grave. The Church' will constitute the flrK Ilesurrec t'O'i. All sharing In It w:!ll atlnln life or. Su elv i.o one of even acerage lieait and head hns raii'e for other than great tli.nikfulii' ss to our creator. "Our lines have fallen lo us In pleasant plice-." Those who feel no gratitude me surely soured by discontent, the fruitage of Igno- i- Tr.,i -hA -iu einih hiu esae h.itr 1 rain e. m HWhnes ami "In. now appro- ' . ' . . t. .. . - ..J nil X I an hour utter court convenes in ine morn- prune, nun, m.u i-.ien aim .' ' i ,, .,,, .. .-,,,r .iiir'n- the, Mil of Slegel's l oniiection with alleged frauds ' itlllj ,,Prfec In the credit statements to the banks '"'poiiim- be followed heartllv, without h get money for ill" S'.eg.i The two, doubtedlv a blessing will r-sult, main points will be frails testi.uonv that r , '.' , 1 , . ., , , .,., ,..,nm while Vogel was III for live months In indlMdualK and n.itlonall . 1 he custom 1PH) Siegel sat at Vogel's di-sk and took ! a behutitul on. charge of his work, discussed the losses' Theio Is a dllTeieiiee ! tween thank" of the -tores and knew that they could giving nnd pt.iver. None hnvn the tight not show the profits Indicated by the np the privilege of upproiuhnig the Thtein" business even after that time. The other I Grace In pracr e.ipt those who have point is that K.-ank L. Champloii. cashier j (. ,n(o ,.m,nant relutionsliip -ws. it it God. of the Slegel bank, furnishes non-partlcl-L,,. . ,iu , .... ...,,,. ,Mn,!sliln llig. will argue twentv-one mert instanees,.,,,,! li .nl before the I. iv.r or iverv goon ,, frnm th ' gTt! To whatever extent this "" resm i ctlnn pmoew will continue with them. In "iib r th.i' the willing ami obedi ent may t'i'-e g'.id'l.iliv toward perfesitlnn and fluall v attain It Meantime the oirth will be rejuvenated nnd hcomo the prom ised faradlse cloud. p.itory corroborative evldencu of the con- nl,tle Tlilltil.s, l.onkliig down self will be the very first w i-aess oerore ;v . , , , bv ,, ,, jwlth God through their Law Covenant by ,ho , (m 10 c,r the wmmltes and that A'"";; U ,he Jury renders a verdict other than Divine airangement through Moe. 1 h- ! ..,,, f0. , rvo''ion y" Thrctr, ?'tt" t Is likely that Siegel will be followers of J" '- , toward s that constitutes foe He Is Good." Into the flit III l, t'e 'salmln exclaims. "I ' give thanks uni.i tho 1 .01 .1 ; for He is gmid' for Ills inei e Geil's me'., SYNAGOt; l.'K IX TIIK HOU-SK II0.MK GUARDED AT NIGHT AT THE IMPRESSIONISTS' SHOW. .Most Consistent slum of Hie Year nt Mnolloncll-Vliili. The present "group" exhibition In the MaoDowell Club galleries Is the most homogeneous yet seen titer. The groups ivho exhibit In this Institution are sup pAed to amilgamate because of affinity of feeling or became they have a special ceii'e tn work for. but until the present show they had appeared to hae united this year by accident. Allen Tucker, Sidney Dale Shaw, Charles Heiffel and 1). fulnam Hrlnley a grjU deal In common, being In love with bright Impressionistic color and resting heavily upon design in their pic tures. One of Mr. Tuckers pictures Is , T.fri,i Orthodox Hackhs-sack. N. J.. Nov lIierems .. I e u- ,.l and Conservative weie orgotlc n - . -- ' da. and Jews ,.f all s.iadrs of belU. nl , ,nntlM by means of Hlack Hand threats the new building of the Aoung omens 11u, tnp dlsehnrge of firearms at night Hebrew Association. 110th treet. near ' on the farm near Wyckofr. where they wireh avenue at the dedication of the , live with their mother, have received belong to the Hepuhiican party ny no means forbids me to express openly m belief that you Isith deserve the conlldenee of the public and that you abundantly ixiseess mine. "In addition to extending an Invitation to you and Mr. Hrecklnrldge I am Inviting the' testlmonv of a number of nrmy otllcers particularly well qualified to e.tlfy as to tho facts. Predicts Mnrtllngr F.y lilenee, "I am prepared to admit that I am espe cially anxious for tho public tistlmony of our army and navy otllcers, because I be- 22. Miss i),.v that the facts which thev are sure to disclose will be so astonishing as to the criiund fn ' letnlned In this pait of the country. per- arrangement of the Gosp-i Age, are pnvl- ,, ,...,.,,,.. , rf ti,, i.,w,. tnn-t natss iiniii ine enu oi cue i.nores p K(.ti tmis to come into reincn UMiqi vvun will be made at once to secure his release I t)le creator through Hun. lie Is our Ad on ball under :i certlflaite of reasonable v(rafi .,, h.t oponoi, up fo. ,ls a ,.. and living w:i), through tin- sacrifice of doubt pending appeal If he Is convicted. $200,000 WILL IS HELD UP. siirroKiile n Mrs. Herrmann Wns Coerced by Wnninn, Surrogate Hobert L. fowler, finding r..nv from thankful hearts; and thnt to h properly thankful one must see nioi" than I" ti"W villil" to tlewe wh'i h.e ner ,1m ..if. nf fmlli ..n.l the tlU'ltlit t-e l-uillll" His llesn. .vu wnoin me i .uner n.i- - ()f mnK t0 ,,,, , ,,1(S. vtIV ,,,,,.. ceptcd through lllm all whom th father uinltu.j tho u.,vt ,.,... ,i.., ns pos- has begotten by HI" Holy Spirit aie Scrlpturally tetmed sons of God. children of God, heirs of God, Jolnt-helrs with Ji-us Christ their Lord. 1 John 3:1; Homnns S.1T. The?e lire tin tied ;o eon to tin ir another letter, which reads as follows "Madam : We demand JLODO or we will kill ou. Give Monee to girl dressed In bliek at the corner of Hroadway and . Carroll street. I'aterson. Saturday night. dltlce. Temple Kmanil-EI. Temple Heth Kl the free Synagogue anu me i ..r... gu'ese Synagogue weie some of the par- f lelnnnts. The cllOlr of the I'orlUguese e; nn'- . n uil noil l iaj e iii iiie Jiiur noose. -a ii. ribbl ihe Hev. Dr. H. ferolra We know your horse and wagon. We live and lis raoui, im . .t,,n. iii v.- ti if .t- c, Mifs Constance Kopp. the elder of the petual lamp. Years ago the lamp was not a lamp at all. but a candle. Then t came to be a gas light, and the one turned on yesterday, to burn perpetually. w electric bulb, Mr Heiffel's canvases on the other hand are the mo't consistently decorative. Mr. Tucker's agreeable picture! Is a snow scene on "Sixth Avenue." The erow is terrific, appealing bent uion sub merging even the elevated, but the color of thi ti ing Is -pleasant, reminding one of the pood Twachtman i-now scenes. l- Tu ker s color Is not applied with the Twaiiriii.ui tenderness, for curiously err, ug' jo'ir,: artists are never tender. M Heiffel's landscapes are coinpllcate-l. He t iks gr. at stretches of countryside, md int inutent with that looks at It hmmrh the latticework of small trees in fie foreground. for homo use theso lev er landscapes might be i bit dis- irhing, hut as panels in a hotel corridor e- a stiamboat saloon they would have euev-ess M' 111 ln!ev' pictures have more pslnleiiike ( ties' than Mr. HelfferH iji aie not i-o clear as decorations, do not earn- as ibcorately from a distance. Mr S'iiw s canvases are on a par with th "iiiers mentioned. Tliey are artistic, 'n gKMl color and are too complicated. H h-s hren undying the eucalyptus i-ens n California, which r certainly hHidsome tieis, and with their strips of rrfl , , ,g ng to Hie bail; provide lipe mater. .il for Impressionists. It Is a curl ii'is liinnaii trait, though, that the Impres. "'t must contend against. As long is ! is "a tne" th- spiotator Is willing to aercpt an Impression of It, but the mo n.en' one knows the artist Is describing Ciliforma, then the phlllstlno thnt Is In ..II f is demands some facts In regard to the iinnh talked of place. Two sculptors contribute to the group, J Mowbray-Clarke and Lydla Gibson, The pride of the sculptures Is tiny ii, hy Mowbray-Clarke about one en . go. It ha bee-n given the honor of immense pedestal all to Itself. To '"Miii timid lady visitors the mouse .is been securely attached to the pedest'll si lit copper wires. the most agreeable In the exlvlbltlon, butb ,(,,,., of vesterdny afternoon's dedication apart from the inspector. " ..,.- building was the trmuic pai V. Cohen, far past SO years of age, she Is tho mother of tho association, and chairman of the hulldlng fund committee of the present edllice. Fell Warburg's Address. The building was turned over by the building committee to the president. Mrs. Israel fnterberg. and then followed a brief address by Kelix M. Warburg. Judge lullan W. Mack of the Court of Appeals in his address emphasized the value of the nearly two hundred rooms that afford homes for girls. Miss Wolf, speaking 'f "'rls of thc association, said that the- building Is more than a boarding house, moie than a school, morn than a home. It is a ceime ui Ish religious thought, culture, activity, worship. The benediction was given by The Hev. II- Knelow of T"m',le KnMlsi'"t;i1i'tola Warburg, a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. Jacob 11. Schlff, scored 01 .... ,.t irettlng silbsctip- tlons for the association's work. Thu building li eight slorl ' ""lK'; 's cost, with the site. 10.0(0. A save I has neen kii iii fcatuies of the building ate the ISO room, for working girls, whero they may live at from S3 to SO a week. Ihr Among those seen , . oe .. ...... ; were Mr, ii. '.' ' ": ,',- , :. M Warburg, Mrs. .mcon n. r-.-i..... Daniel J, llayes, Mrs. Albert Stern. Mrs. Adolf Guggenheim. Mrs. Max W. Solomon. Mrs. J. H. Greenhut. Mrs. Samuel I. I y ii an. Mrs. Alfrcsl H. K'ornfeld, Mrs. Adolph LevvUohii. Mrs. Simon LlebnviU, Mrs. J. i, -Magnes, Mis. Moses Hjamson. Mrs. N. Tavior fhllllps and Mrs. Henry Glass. The Inception coininlttee had on It Messrs. C arles f. Samson La wrei.c. Mirier. Jerome J. lianauer, .imum " - i,,r. i.,i Israel L'nterberg. The commlitee of young women Jncu'lrl Misses Henna c.ugKeiniii. "'"'' Selma Schwnrz, Helen Sachs. Delia Am steln, Mlrkam Cohen, Huth Dorfman and Jeanne Jacoby. that Mrs M.iuii.ue 1. 1 He run u was coerced in leavng m e 'ate viuued a .'Hi.ii0 to lie s.,,,4 it tWated to her, has pntlirr and to addri's linn thus: "Cuir refused to ad.ui tn woium's wil to pro- ,.vhp . ,, , tP,l(.n." and to al. bate ll wis ,loi .sum u sustained on an- i hallenue the attention of the country and ' ,.i nlMt ,,.. ,P r.1t.. 1f ' i for tfe w men i ,..,,......., force the hand of Congress In case It Is, Hetimmn. who was m vears old, wil. go f Ulldren. i.ecordlng to His Divine to a nephew. George 1 lei riuann, who was pu'p.'ees and a-rangement" Hu. nuie made t!ie hen tin i v jn ii'iother w'd. , othem are permitted to enow to this urro.'ile f.twler foonti Diat one of th ,e... ..e r-r...n Seens.. mil in ni-nHiit 2"",:?Be"r",B,:, 'n!...r 'hi'-.".r. v.' "':ruv savi,.,,.-. b.c,u,.e m "i'i - " iniuii- in .hi.- reluctant to Krasp the nettle of adequate expenditure for our safety. "Now, to put it a little bluntly, th Mendes, rendered the cjmuiaiw.i vice. Miss Adele l, melons." sisters, waited nt the corner in fater the association's president, lighten tne per- 9f)n ,,,1, 9 ,.poc,j. .Saturday night nut no girl uresseu in oibck npproacneei as though seeking Sl.OOo. Miss Kopp then left for her home. She had a re volver concealed 111 her muff and was -eidy lo use It. Sheriff Heath of Ilarkensack nnd some of Ills deputies patrolled the neighborhood of Hromlway and Carroll street In an automobile for an hour, closely watching Mls Kopp ami all women messed in black who passed tills comer. The Kopp family lived happily together on the Wyckoff farm until one day last June when the flist anonymous letters reached them. Then nocturnal prowlers began to dlschaige revolvers nnd shot guns under the bedroom windows at the farm. . . . . After the county detectives had failed to capture the piowlers and the fost Olflce nuthniitlei had failed to find the Hlack Hand l iter writers Sheriff Heath Motioned a guard at night at tho farm. This watchman Is still on duty. Thc Misses Kopp recently won a verdict of 30 In n suit against Harry Kaufman, a fatetson silk manufacturer, whose au tomobile, struck the buggy In which thev were rldlnc last June. Kaufman did no; pay the jr." until one day recently, v,n Constance Knot., seeing him g' Ing ilmg Main street, fatersnn, In his nutomoblle, created a scene hy running after the machine. A tramc policeman stopped- tho nutomoblle. Then It was seized to satisfy the Judgment, and Kaut man paid Miss Kopp the 50, SAYS WOMEN FAIL AS VOTERS. Mis, Undue Asserts They Get Privi lege Without (ll.llgnlloin. The voting woman lias retained most e' f.e special rights and exemptions made in. ie' man mad" laws, while she has failed ' 'I hargn the obligations which thc ' .i g in .i ii ai-sumes with tho elective fian ' So wr.tcs Ml". Attlllir M. Dodge, ' !' nt of the National Association Op- i i 1. 1 Woman Suffrage, In the current - i' of ihe ,lmi;. of the American Acad- of and Social Science. Tlie of tlin men," Mrs, Dodge s. ' is a sort of contract lo support the veidie . f Hie bal tit box. If need lie, n ,k" lu t b x, Hie partridge belt or the 'Mifs summons, The woman Is ex- i -e.l from tills obligation, The ' fe of the average woman Is not i 'I' red as to give list hand knowl- f .f thotu tlimgs which are essential mind gin fit Tariff reform, ' si pe.lleieg, Intel national relation", tlioso k ' endiavoiH which nvn now deter re rmelgn o the consciousness and I' ru ta f tho averace woman," SMASH SAVES CROWDED BUS. Ten CATHOLICS LAY CORNERSTONE. Work l Hrmm n .New St. Tlmrtins I'liroiililtil School, Two thousand Catholics, membeis of the pailsh of St Thomas tlm Apostle, nt Ht. Nlcholiui avenue and lLSth street, i, ..rt vesterd.iv In the laying of tlm coiner stone of the new SIOO.WIO parochial school. The Klght Hev. M. J. Lavello blessed tho stone, ussisieti u)- un nn, I H. McGinth, Iho tector. Tlm Hev. father Gregoiy (' Illicit preached the sermon. , S(, Tliumas the .vposue e iiurcii v h ibslioyed by Hie almut two years ago, llehldes lebiilldtng ll. the inemheis of the tlitirch are now building a modem paro chial school, The building will b" (lie proof, live stories high and will con tain clasrooni!. for 300 pupils. Irenieii llrnve 4'olllilon for !nfety of rnsseiigers. Hook and Ladder 12 was rushing ihronirh West Twentieth stree: on tne way to a smnll lire at 139 fifth avenue last evening srhen the driver, James Harry, saw that a crowded omnibus was coming down tho nvenue. and that blgh pressure Hnglnp 72 was racing up the nvenue Slialglll COT llie nils. IUII uruir ins truck across the avenue and stopped It there as a barricade, with the result that tlm bus came lo a stop unharmed and the high pri-ssuto engine piii.isneu into tin truck. Lieut. Heed and nine firemen, who were clinging tn the truck, wern dumped Into .the street. Keed was cut nnout the ace ami head. James canning, one of tne nrenien mil a noHslhle fracture of the skull and a broken left mill. Ho was removed to the New York Hospital, firemen Harry and Moran received bruises, TO ASK DISMISSAL OF TROOPS, Gov, Amnions Mn I mr AVI I son to Act Wil hi ii Ti Hours. Dnsrcii. Nov. 22 It Is expected that Gov. Amnions will ask 1 resident Wilson within seventy-two hours to withdraw the federal troops from ( tiloratli) ami roilow this with a proclamation to the effect that the State has determined tn uNciclsa Its sovereignty In t ho stf ke zone. Tho report of the minis legislative in- vistigallng t'ommlllee calls upon Amnions otllcers whom I have Invited "I was a little concerned to notice that vou pointed out the fact thai the Com mittee on Utiles hns th tight tn summon any otllcers whom It fees m to summon. That Is tine, but 1 am somewhat appre hensive that jour emphasis of the fact may signify a belief on your part that the responsibility ought ti rest with the Com mittee on Hules rather than with th Se. letary of War It surelv would 1. quite unusual to require n summons from the committee, would It not? "I cannot remember that I have ever heard of a member of Congress being obliged to aslc a committee !o pass a resolution summoning his witnesses for him unless, perchance, they showed re luctance to testify voluntarily. I cer- talnlv hope that you will not Insist on any such condition before ou aulhorlre the eftlceis of tun ormv to testify. Is It likely that the Committee on Itules will adopt a resolution summoning the nrmy ofllcers whom I have Invited" Is It not desirable to keep the question from being drugged Into the vortex of party isdltlcs? A flirty Instrument. We In Washington all know that the Committee on Hub's Is to-day and al ways has been a party Instrument no mat ter which party Is In power. Wo realize that the piesent Committee on Hules has hitherto reflected with umistnl nlcey the ittltiule e.r iiiti iiminisiraiioii oi which you are a part, "Suppose that the ionosphere becomes surcharged with the Idea that the fres. dent deprecates all discussion of our mili tary and naval defences, is It a fair pre sumption that the Committee! on Hules will summon army otllcers tn testiry ac mv request" Vet without the consent of tho Committee on Hules there Is no way hv which my resolution tan be brought to a vote In the House, a fact less well known to the public 'ban It Is to Us who are In the public's pay. If the House sees no need or a com mission of Inquiry and votes down Ihe resolution well and good, What mose or us who are luteiested In this matter lire trying to guard against Is a possible er ror! to denrlvo the resolution of Its day In court by embattling It In the most Inaccessible nrchlves of the committee. As a matter of fact, we no not tie- llevo that this resolution can n he.iten except by preventing It from coming lo a vote. At least (here inn no no im propriety In our asking ."ou to help us see to 11 tnat mis issiin is nimun) nu and not defeated by silence or Inaction," ' ASKS WOMEN TO SAVE BIRDS. Mrs. John I. Mierinnn I'ritei Clnh to Help enforce l.uvr, CiiicMtio. Nov 12. Mrs. John Dlckln son Sherman, chairman of the consent! Hon department of the tie not nl fedew tlini of Women's Clubs, has Issued an appeal to the nienvlieis mglng them lo help enforce the fedeial mUratory law. "Wutch local coiiilllluns nnd uphold the law n.'coidltig to our oppoitiinltleH," sho writes. "Do jour shine In forulng Congress, through pressute nu your Seiiatms and HeprosentHtlvesi, to inako ntleu,ito sp Pioprlatluns for the enforcement of tho law. "fse your Influence to seeuie the com pletion of the pending tic.tty with Can i.d.t r. r migratory bltd protection "KLuht for the strut eiift.rcement of the II Is to Mrs. Herrmann toward the end , rangeuient "Tneie I- non- lire fo- tne p.iri'iso o' Influencing ' , ,, , the making of her will Heatrice '" given under Heaven o- an of her her in N'oll Is described by the court as "a Gei man woman of marked criminal ante cedents" who entered Mr. Herrmann' lifts as a servant two yens .igo, when the disallowed will whs made, and ".soon as cended a most fam.l larltv and influence with old Mrs. llerr- innun other amongst men. wheieby we may be saved" from t ur sins, or bo brought Into relationship with our father. Thus we see that onlv s limited num ber miv enjov the privileges of iraer or expert answers to thir praveis. nut. thank God, others may woishlp a"d now In his op'n'on Sur'ogate fowler d-- down ' "Come, let u worship and bow crlbes Mrs. Ileum. inn us a woman v Uo down let us kneel before the Iord our started xs a wal'rt'SM nd he.aiiiti t'.ie wife , x.,!er Many have this privilege, and of a rich butch, r. at whose d.ath she was ; ,A,.,; 0f !t lB sur to b-lng a hie.,.. entangled in a noted will contest. Hull- , ........ .i,',c,i i, ., , i,i,.h triiL'M nralnst Hollwi.ieen Sul.sciii.-nt v 1 '","v"1 : thamcful he.n t. w hi h she was married to a man mimed llei mann, later dlvorctni him ses. A It Is welneii. "Klissid are ymi eves, for they s,.,. , .nd vour ears, for th v hear." Hut to the extent that any e and hear of the g-aee of G ',! he h,tH rtsiion stbill'. To .iis-hss tie- know le.lte.. .tfij-i.t and to d sii.i.n it In t" : ' w l n- . i ,t. . o' G"d oi v.t n. G'd'- I" "pie in" on,, gae " ii ks f" f ii t ii ' ' bit'-..' he ii-i''iil iimi b f.n' but iitld'ti 'iiallv th" .iiq.riMiit" 1. 1 -s-lnis -granted them in tin nts. nt lite, .i'.l gt lh,iliks for these. The 111 si of the is tl knowledge of God s goodness III iileasts us by faith flom sin ami Its tsii.tltv, s that without waiting for .villain,' s ve can now re-joltn In the merry wlu-ii i Jlistilled Us free y t.irough liie I. 'on. I Christ. All nt .r Idesspus km upun t oiio and nl' tliaiik-giv inu sh uild prupe ' . Include thinks r .r our Jurtltlcalitni b f.nil After "111 I'm vv were itidiirten Into i -til! fu-ther gr.ic or ptivilego tha of htciiirng niemheis of the Htidv o' Chr St. Thitiilin ii'ieptation of this pr ' bee we gain the 'Piioiiuhlty of a ehime" oi 1'ituie- from liuni.iu to Divine t '.' f 1:1 I Our hiini'in nature Justine,, titi.iti.-ed, inuile ;icc ptuble to G d ss h s irrlllce thi'tiiiKli I lie inent of Ch TAKE TOY SOLDIERS AWAY. ho tns Mrs, Gllliian, I riiluu New hsfelii of Iblneii I Ion, takes ti. light in offeung worship to the Giver of eveiy good gift, will suieiy re- i. r placed bv a sient ii.ttuie i' d u- eelv e a reflex bl'i-sliig Hi" love of right- honor .t'ul 'miimrtal't , lolnt-h -Irsh , n ' eousness and holiness and good-, ;.;;r l.rd .l , f';:;, ' ness, merov and Justice, will thereiiy he j h l ,. 'or ,, u ,... . vi,.,t M, ,1, . sll eligthened slid vn also will be the iin,r nut . t1'' l.oitl foi si III- l eiie" s proba'tlll'v of Ins soiii" dav le.ieui.g the toward us" noint where he will see Lie w isip.iu and ., ,...,, , ., .. .,, , ,,,,, i. , If women would lns'st on teaching ,,,,, ... r -i. i,,,. i,s hem t his ' ,v,.ii, ,., , i .1.1, ff ,i their chlblleit hlslorv as It teallv ..'' said,,..,. ... , ,,,,, t0,.,i i ,,. enitlon - to 1 I ! v t "!v f.tto. lovne P Mrs, Charlotl" ferklns tiipnan at her i " ' ... . .... ,i,., t, ! liililren. ,io. . oh fi.Vi ,.r kin... second Sundae evening lecture on ,u-' ,r " ta"""" o ' " edge is ,i new w e!--priiiK of pie is,;. . !' d'. nut' asonoictiti. sh'isii. iii ine i ng'iig s.oii n e .i-t' 'thev thai linngn and t'nm' after i ik liUhm TlinnUs for War. .ou-nes.., foi thev sh ill be till, d 'lie it, the exi.erlr tees of th"-f t .pi i 'li Ve-v evldenllv the. majority of man. .,s .-atled up. n h the i 1. .. I;. ml hive an insullletervv of knowhdge i;n,l fur everetliltig in, tn U"'i till' t of God. of the Hlble, .md of the Dlvlii..! I- th. wil of God n r. -pr ! to ,11 el-. . 1. I . i. ..i. ... ti, .,.1- i ..I '"" members' of Hie llod'- of f"h'l! flan therein set foitii, to lli.nii, imd for the present state of war Hut to iiiitnl.s iliroiith ifitrs, the Chinch, whose eves of understand-1 fr, ,,K ,,, ,,lo.-ilt the fot ;' it lug have hern opctietl tn see the lengths lest nnliiiitts thu aie u. mo th,, and the breadths, the heigot- and ' i pent re'ii''' ' a iVVi's f' ' rnn"U' , ,' . depths. ,,f God's love In the Message of ,,, ,,,,,,M., , i v ,,rd ev . Ml, the Hlble. St fa ill write : "In evtry- n 'udes ,11 tliigs .c w tins f.,. ,.i . .1- ih,.l" Sinntuie lo th' efTect The pslleti. thing give thanks. wheiv iirvs t m n-br s .,f ."mis' . Hip" have learned to che ,,.,,, , , t,lliM , .lu t I'm' i thanks to God for the adversities of life , works mil addition il pin "i.c-, and l .tin In their own expel iences, convinced that ! 'i jugs . iddit'on i' lev pec i, ,., w hi. h i Ir n in turn nil., .i . -1 brings I inter t'l' mtil e -e it under God's supervision, the direst of ,ri1 llf r t, ii.,ti,i'-s. I. ie calamities til iy be overt uled for good to j Hit i , !c, the lo,. n' God is -I'd al "id 'i " ' '7Z , n bm'd Ti;ru;;,V;;f"au'"r,...;icliur'':;. ies, .,. Hut only Hie advanced, tne eie olnpni, . , . nii ,,. .or,, it r . i, Christian. Is able to give thanks uiidtf in the fact till' thee Is a God. 1 it II. , r a,.vcr., .r'.ils and tist-.lias a nohle ihaiaciir; thai His , and the World Hope" at the I'll. led Chari ties Hulldlng last night. "Hislt.ul of let ting them learn it cut of text books which tell of nothing but battles, we would soon have an ttitliclv different point of view on the war question "1 would even advocate taking toy sol diers away from little bote, lemoving from them all the paraphernalia and glory with which we have surrounded war for centuries. Women have an Instinctive worship for a uniform, Wc need a new svetein of education to tear away tho mass nf sriitiment which we have thrown around these dreadful facts, and to give men something to do in Its place "I do not ii that war Is net necessary ii' times, but ceitalnly a soldier is really no more tomant'c than an ordinary busi ness man and Is not pet forming any moie leal service to his ciuiuto than a busi ness man " , Mis, Gilman will give four moie lec tin es on the Miceccding Sunday evening at S o'clock. Her subject next Siitulav will bo "The Life Wo Have a Hlght To," SAYS SON-IN-LAW KILLED HER. ... ... ....nt t!i , . nnneltilllt o nf itin In! fi lnlne .. I., ii,. !. 111 .tiaiuis. die ', tlernl . niovlsloii against spring shootln troops and tn notify all able bodied men .filmlnal foils to kill niiilHie ht-ds about that t icy ate, untier mo law, rcscrvisis ji , io iii-oi the State mllltlti Amnion and Governer elect CarltJn are In uoufciuiitti to-nlgUt. "I'rotest against the sale of gaum birds for food. Destroy the market for game birds and you Jtop the market hunter." Woman Dies In Hospital Iter Hnnr rel I flintier Is Arrested, Yas'hKUH, N. V.. Nov. 22 Hetiben Jon s. ii rainier, ,lu .ve.ns old, of t'lOldni brltlge. Westcht'Sli r county, was locked up to-night charged with caus'ng the death of Ids molhet -In-law, Mis. Ida Sniff en, a Goldenbridgo widow, aged .'.rt, b striking her with his tltt dining a family quarrel last Thursday. Mrs. Stilffcn died In the Westchester County Hospital at Knt View-to-day from concussion of the brain. Coroner Dunn of V tinkers urd. "d Jones arrested on a charge of manslaughter, ami .'li Inquest will be held to-inoi row Arenr 1 ing to Coroner Dunn, Mis. Snillen slated In tlie hospital that Joins called at her Inline iiiuiHd.iy lo li.v to trier; a icmti cillalicui with Ills wife, Mis. Siiilftu's tl.iiightti, tlm couple having parted .iffiT a family Jar and Mrs. Jones having tv turned to her mother's home Mis. Snltlen, tne Coroner save, lefund to let Jones In. whereupon an alteirntioii ensued, nnd Jones stiuek his mother-in- law, knocking her from the jiutch on her head. Wltl o tv Dies While lleitliim Hns. Mis Mary Dlngce, ti(l, a widow of 10 Montgomery Mi ret. Tiunpkllisv tile died during intis a1 the St I'elers Itoiiiini Catholi, Chip eh, New Iliighto'i, Statn Island, vesterda moriililg. She had bteti a regular ntirndanl at Ihe church for j ears, but no one know of any relatives, 'A . , ... .Uli'lli., I '.., i im-r- i.i i !ng. t'nly those who n.tvo grc.u mini, i qr .n,ir,mi,iv e.i-ntd!na'"d 'tin i'o... built upon clear knowledge of the Divine j m rll'iites ill enllstnl in the s.r.v if .i promises, can .ealUe thomwlily thi, all ..r Jh; w ; 1,1 . lha, .ib atlon u ... ,, V.htit, i is . ii woi'Mllg nut in I"" Hfl.ti.'.' "f His Church , and that i" '' if will heg'n lo lak" nraiin a! shi;.. In he cstahllsitnciil or runs' s v r - it ii fXteild to i'l I'I ' I'l'C'ltUIV of our I'I Then bt tvety tpati In the i"1,!" nf his i nlllthieii'iie nt )iiiii'ii.'itt. and oi.' s the Almlghtv God and Ue thanl.- I.i 11 4 name, for lie is good, and lis inei " en lureth forevf lst those vv'i" lusted of Ills Bi.tee ...iilunic to grow 'i know IciIki finiti md likeness to olll I .ml Ie I 1 1 s l,i is, w Ml are nihil ns-cd m ..ii' fx', more .n,, n'o-e uinireii it. tin i- W" iileif'i' " iv lb ue. lino bliiii eaii mr "f G 1 .m Chi si ,i, sq. t n nl .1 nut c. us mi n Lord. thing are working together for thelt food Slimliulv In iepict to tne gicai" .....nt war now in progiess. Its t asimlties , , i.. ,1,. ....11 T C-l It Olis'lllicill oi l ,1 " li ' desolations and wounds, onlv the well- 1 1Cini!,MI1l. throinro which n bltss-th wl mstti d of God's peopn mav iiiuifi sianu the Divine plans and u I aiigeiuents so thoioiigtilv as to be able to give thanks In tespict to tli war, unci able to exercise contldciit faith that tho outcomo of It will mean blesstngs nf Instruction and prepa ration for future blessings. If tho Seilptures did not foretell this time of world -wide "distress of nnllotis," we might not know that God had fort'seni i of It mid had made provision for lis nint lietoio peitu'.Ulng It. Hut the same Hlhlu that fimlells ahoill the war tells of Us te.sill s. saying: "When llie juilgiii"lits of the l.o'tl are iihi' in tho eaitli. the in habit. ml of Hi" world will lt.nn righteous ness ' (Is.ii.ih 20.1O If, then, the win is ti jelling tlm, world lessons n'ong the llnes of light. 'tiiiniess and Justice. II nil' ho doing pel liuiiient good Vloieovtr. the s-itiie Hible t . l that the w.n is inert l.v the outgrowth of bun. an selllsliness, Ignoi ance. superstition ami faK'' dnettim , and assliifs u that althouch H w il l.-ad .ui to revoliiloh. itnatehv .I'.il t1 ' w r. I of the pies, nt oi'.i"! or mugs n - em ci dL.ttlo . n.-'.fi".. h -. G 1 p - pined for ,v,e meigti "Mm - eN livliill) will li G"d "I'.'Ol l'ml;." M.I Mil C I "1 l'lV I ,.. mki . , , , , . I , , n li Ml'" .' I '. l I V- I ii ll ' 11,1... I', 1 H 1. ' I I I, , , , 'Mi. I VI I 11 - Km. ii I . VI I I I.KV I v I 1 1 V X in,', ll-h. .1 in I. ' n H'K i ' - " "I' ' ,1,, , in ,i . , ...I 1 '.in ui"' 1 ''" iukiii nslt.. ii i i "i i As." i'o - n hi, i'ii -. . i.'mi hi iioric' v .... ..r lii,, . ' . i . Ui' pie- 'i ml . I ', , . ii I i , - iii. '. 1 i" I ll lire 1 i l '. Uiul. - tn- I" .i V . "-' -iiiivt'ii "il'i.i , i in , s,.. . o .in. 'it ill 'I' i ' no ,. ,.,i,i , i, ihe i.'.e.l' I'wu'oil ( lis .' ,. , pa I ,. jill. il . Ilgle ' c .' " ' . i ., H'. ., ,, IUm ,.. I ..l in " ' ,, . ' . . ,.niii '' .1' H' ' " ' ' I ' ' .,.1, ' '' 1., i - - . . II - ' I.