Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-day and to-morrojv; fresh wind?. Detailed weather, mail and marine ttYiti 8f found on paRq. f j?,exjrf'-' j&kS ' y,y VOL. LXXXII. NO. 86. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1914. copy, mi. in. tic su mh,.i, ,h.i iMMUAim, ..ociniicu PRICE TWO CENTS. PROSECUTION BY 0. S. CONFRONTS HENRY SIEGEL Federal District Attorney to Inquire, Into Alleged Misuse, of Mails. )I A V IIASTKX PAYMENTS Tn l V VK Ill'I'd-.!'!'! lP! I U l.W IV IMil I ' '"o, llenrv Sicgel's conviction and sen- i.. ... :n Grnoseo Monday night will not , Insure the erstwhile private hanker mid dry ootl! mercnatii annuls. "" ' I 'i prosecution liasrd on clivi.nsP tiers mir rotindlng th fiilluro of hit enterprises. There l Mill u possibility Unit the Fed- ral authorities may entertain charges against Siogoi lur using mo iiiuua iu defraud. Assistant I'nlted States At torney Roger Wood, head of the crim inal l.ranch of the I'lilletl Stu ex District Attorney's ntllco. said last night his cftice had th matter under advisement. Any lir.ind Jury proceeding begun by the (iovernmen. would bo undcrtiikcn on the theory thai Slegel used tho malls to induce people to buy stock In the lescl Stores Corporation, the hold ing company tor tho various Slegel enterprise. If proof can bo shown tint fiicgel at any tunc used the malts In connection with his kinking business or In sending out fule tlnanclal statements to pave the way for the negotiation of loans which were swallowed up In the financing of the dry goods stores these facts could also bo cited as violation of the postal law. I The crime of which Siogel stands con- i vlctrd . only a misdemeanor under tho ' Plate law. Fraudulent use of the malls i t a felony anil punishable by several . ...... .....I n unl.alnnllnl tine. years ,u inison m.,. , ......... Flrgcl's sentence. impised "y Justice Clark in the Itenefeo court. Is ten months In Jail and ll.tmo line. Fre quently persons convicted of misuse of the null', in the Federal courts hem have been sentenced to live years anil fined lieivily. The Federal authorities of course will take into consldcratlan the fact that S. eg!' srrtenc. ' to be stayed until June to give the c nvicted man a eh nice to . mik restitution to the depositors In the 1 Rtfgel bank. H has been suggested that if Siegi l is successful In bis efforts to . rrlmbu:e tluse depositors he may win 1 the .Pnvnev of the court. ! In the event no ffTort Is made by Slcsel io this end In the tune allotted tne i roiiiieted man will have to servo his full tc ti months. It Is pointed out, low-fve-. that the poMhlhty of a sentence cf tlve rar for misuse of, the mall n.mtil be :. far greater livfitve to the rnmbiirsmeiit of tlv depositor than ten mnnth In Jail. The I'ederal District Attorn)'" ofllce sill go into the matter thoroughly with the lount.v n strict Attnrnev and will un- j qii.jti.inahlv .-orslder any of tin tatter's j !ies Assistant I'lsttict .viiornev ,u. tHir Train, who lirosecuteel tne Megei will be asked to tutn -ver, for the purpose of any Federal Investigation tint m.iv b nndertokin. all evidence ot i tt r(.,ich Fngland on Thtirmlay. m sue of the malls. I l.ieut. Williamson, who wu 29 years ed of letter. It Is said, vvere I 0ld, was a memh r of the Inner Temple. - to h.M' y di posltors in the Slegel 1 n (MmH to Miiiitr.-al four ear ago b. i, and employees of the Sbgel stores n, was. ndmltte.1 to the bar. He wa as tirgt g them to invest their money In ,.oelated with the llrm of Smith. Markey, th S egel Stores c it poratioii. ' me the, letters. It Is said, was cut to ,ugiii llir' Tii vcurs old. of sfi Seventh stteet. i i 'Mil 121, Kia lo the Slegel li.inK at the i nf Its failure. Gxe. pt lor till l-i,- e.t on a ?r..ft'1' mortgage h ieM. Mhert. it Is said, lost In the Slegel na! i't the ui.ins he bad of supporting h's k-entv -two-year-old wife and an tin-Tried daughter. T' e lrt'ei sent 'O Albert was rtateil ,r KIan,snn of the kit I'hlllp Cor- Jmm , 191!' w is written nr. stationery j llln founder and first president of th .if the Sl-iipsim-Crawf. nl Company and , Al,.rra, Hardware Company. It was a Ke what appeared to be Henry Slegel'. . ,,1V also for his mother, Mrs. I.ll- Ign.iture tn ink. It s.'Ih forth the ad- ,,., nikeslee Cnrblii of n; Fast Thirty vantages of holding stock In the Slegel ,r!,t street. New York city, who announced Slurs f oiporailon. saying tne prcierreu inng Interest at 7 per cent.. a ilrst claim on tangible as-. ti .-fnp'. tip;) T'l'i'il be nf neirh $it onn.ftiiO. or the combined I .ct of ih.. fbie.iun store. S mnson-Craw- i f, ,i l... t.v.intrentli Street s. ot New Yv.rk. ll.r . , i u In,,,... . j..i., t.itii Vlhert Is i ... , . , ...... - . . . r .:.: ..v. . --, i n-ive ne.,, ,,,.". . ... ' - F , s I ampton cas hler eif ' SlegM hi M.g-1. It is said, talked to mm of,,. .,..n,,d , pnortunlly "" N " V u J l nVtoek s.e.-el arrivesi In New oik at l) o.bxk lf ,.-! fiom Geiiesto. PLANS TO PAY DEBTS. Ilrcel lUpeet to lleulo ,M Over Vunlii lliillitlnu I'n I'ortunt'. '.im'-im. Nov. 2t. Henry Slegil and 'h't 'j .' rs left this morning tn return 'o . h York b way of Rochester Slegel epirt.H nh the intention of beginning 'i ,' ..gain io build up hlf fortune and a i i. in the diposltors in bis v l i substantial amount befote next ' It w,i em that . eirxlitlon the court . . . ... . . 4 t i .n i .inn s,.,v..i .1 w, e-unts iicnitentlnry for 1 It Stnm-lineld notltled I., r r'U- V eiung I...I . .1... S!impf,oi ,.,.. ' ' '' "" "" l.-v tstiu, .mint, whore Slegel wax i. Hi t he would send him a check Ji Mini tn-moio-v morning to cover " m i.-d man s line I ..ii:', .., j,. i the place argued for the disprove.i authen- ' .' n In all who hear d ll eK te aj . ancient Hlbbcil history. th.t the court Inclined to a mM .ilscovered not only I. ' ,.-pe. tiag a mlsilemeanor rather ,,rn,,.,, Kpi where tho Hlbln sayn gri l,,t ',,,. ., . barged "u the in- ,s,.;1elltes camped, but also the rock . , nst Siegel -lusllce UI II .'' , , , .,,. .,, wt,n AloKr!t ' sinl I was Justlee to give 1 bi g , ,, p ,,.,,,.,, ,' '" ''', ""lU'Stul Ni 'V ' ck l , pyUWucoh ,)f ..orieul- .".ill 'Mi.isiiors who , iot Jj.m . no. 'i " w(,h ,,, roVPB ,,,. " 1 ,,uk "l,rn ' 'm velv tin- assertion of the scepla-s that - fl! . lilelprises eoll.ipsed. ' ' ' ' '.,,. ..Pe,,l I oral leL-lsbl t Inn. , . ",, s,. "l it r obu.n told of tho inaccessibility of "I have lo be, he said. Rut ,,, ,.,.,.., of p,mtve Israelite civil- , v. iv on,. , ple that the Jii' bo J" 1 ri .'.f.niy guarded in the , ..rtbiriMP enough n '; ' ' " ' e of nmr. and of the mummy of ,;..!:;:;;, "i:!!..'::;.,'::. Mil: .,,,. or M .. a,r.s.ian i.. Hnw.d . I. up 1 am eonlblent I can acta gllmp-e. ' so enough in pay my ,1 poaltom and TT.T eTpV. (.fiTVTr 1TC unfATl " mi. i h,r for dollur. Tliero Is no BERLIN SIGN: "GIVE U& UKhAJJ, l- Ii iwevei-. h.nv long that may till.. I - "1 do i.oi know who will back me until 1 ttf mv til mis. I onlv know one bus! , ie ilr guild!, llll-llli'.-h bill I " 'lii, tlorniii,lilv- 1 expect lo inal.e I. '-.i, it al restitution by June. That anient wish, inn i can , ,n- inouilM. I'll do nil III my lower ' lull icMiitullon " po-leis In a Rerbn i.ill'.vio station nar- v nl. bnt'i side- liilnied ihe ver- ing the words "Gvo us bread, Give us . v., inn. it wis evlilenl Ax lftatlt 1 back 0111 sou-- Tell us the I nth 1 Ailoinev Tralii was disappointed.! Hair all hour Inter the notice had .lis " ') iblciitlj expected a grand larceny appeared and a cordon of police tui manction. I loumled tlio blank wall, 19 INJURED IN BLAZING TRAIN. Chlcnun Thrnt refiners 'I'rnlipril ! II ptmtlnn In Conch, CttlCAiio. Nov. 24.--More Unit! a score of suburbanites on a Chicago, Hurling ton nmt Qulnoy theattc train narrowly escaped death to-nght, when an explo sion cot tire to tho smoking compartment. The tmlti was running twenty miles an hour mill the Interior of the car was a mas of flames before It could he In ought lo :i !top, With the Mi ct repoit of the explosion In the forward end of th couch theto whs a stampede of passengers to the-rcar mil several of them becim- wedged In the narrow passageway, the flames over taking them. Nineteen of the passengers were so severely hurned Unit they were t.iken to St Anthony de Padua Hospital. A"iong victim were I.. II. Pen In of ,.nvjlli a mcllli.r of the Hoard of Tr.'ide ; .1. 10, Jackson, in.iti.iKr' of the American Fashion Company, iiml Henry S. ltlch, rx-Ma.vor of llerwjn. RATE VERDICT BEFORE HOLIDAY - hnt'. Hi, lice t n 1 1 n n Cn in m r rre llimril Renin Consider,, tlou. WtstttNoToN. N'6v 21. The Commerce Cninmis'lou gave formal rou sldoratlon to-day to the 5 pr cent nd- vaiice rate ih. All ihe commissioners were pr. wilt, with Chairman Harlan pre sldlnir. I Is the general expectation Hint tho commission will take early action on the rate eii"e. (tin: nil ill, ill!.. 1. ill ,i, iii ' 11-11,- I of tho decMo'i ha been given tiy any offl-l the understanding Is that It will be I While no Intimation of the exact date loinkd down before the holidays. Itall- way men are anxious for a decision In order that they may know how they will hae to proceed on a revenue basis In the new jcar, The scope of the case was limited by , the commission and for that reason a 1 long delay In the preparation of the de- I ClSiOII Is 1101 IIKcly. diulnlstratlon otllclals are deeply in-. terestcd In the outcome of the rate case. They are convinced that a fax rra bio deelslon will Live an effect on business even more helpful than the establishment of th Federal reserve system. I Harvard Graduate ( Killed at Front Meat. (JiMH-oc WilliiiniMin. Clas of 1!MI., Was in Duke of W'ellinji't oil's Itcgriiiicnt. fptanl Vabl itpatch to Tint Sts. 1.0NPON, Nov. 2l,--l.leut George Will- lam.-on of Montreal was wounded on No. vember S and died on November 12 in a Helglau hospital. 11m was a son of the late C. J. Williamson, whose willow Is now the wife of Sir Thomas Skinner, a director of the Canadian Pacific I Lilt way, the Hank of Montreal, the Hudson's Hay Company, the Commercial Cable l ompauy anil other eoiporallons. idem. Williamson was well known in New York. lie was graduated from Har vard In 100.1 and probably Is tho first Harvard man to be killed In tlui pr.sent ivir He was serving in tne I'UKe ot vvei- Ungton's West Riding regiment t tht front MoNtiikm.. Nov. 2t. I.leuL Geoige viiHaioii. who was u the reserves, left for ,, frjnt within fotty-elglit hours aft r reci-iving nonce, vv nen u was an- noutictMl a week airo that h had been woundesl Mrs. Williamson left from New- York on tne steamship Baltic ami Is due Sklmicr. I'ugsley & ityiln of .Montreal INHERITS MILLION AT 30. I'hllln Corlii (ie llnlf of (Jrnod fnlher' INtnti- Without Cunlrst. Nr.w HiiiTAlN. Conn.. Nov 21. He.ich log the age of .10 years was a pleasant experience to-day for young Philip Cor- ! would not silo the estate. utornov Sidney H. Clark of Hartford ,f,i ln ,nv nnvthlng about the im-1 pending suit and Mis. Corbln. who was In ii.n,.i,i iid w.-ls no foumla-.'r ..... ... .... t n v .,it,.l.. ,v;"v .......i r .i... ........ t r.ilii nnri o ll loin fill oi io. 'i'nr ". .J"-- ". ' .:.?";:.'.... she would sue for tier snare as me lonuer . . M r . (rnvrl,,i ln :r,t,e wfp f ,.,,, r w Hl , sni. 11V()ri.wl '..C? " "m ., " o. nt? i-..t k. , v y,., nsn iind who Hiib-equently mar- ,r,.n,i )n n4t ,in,i a l,,,,,,..!,, to rM-B.lln , Mas-aehuseets. , !nw, nH "JfZ nl" ,'",,,,r "lf- "f "rbln' wnih was graduated fion, high M-hool lie . no f New Itrltaln's 1-adlng citizens. , ,, tr ,,,,,, ,t, w,lM, l1ui.H. ,,,,d ,,, ,.., ... . Into eljlilv i. ..... .a.i ..... the estate was to be dlvidisl Into eUhty shares and the distribution was to be n Alderman He allied blnoelf with mads b Ptobate .ludge Itein.ud J. Gaff- ' ,hn Kell In th- tight against Tweed ne when the gmiiilson liwiin.' 30 "ears anij ei s'lbseuuenlly appointed colleetor obi. Philip Corbln, therefore, to-day dellnnnent taxes, then I'lto Conimls eolved forty shares, or more than sloner. and then Mayor Grant appointed ti itoii.iinfi. 1 him Chamberlain, All the t.nn be was FOUND ROCK THAT MOSES HIT. A rellieloiilsl lls He l.oented the l', of the Isrnellte, ItAl.TlMOHK, Nov 21 - Dr. C. M. Coburn. (111 an arcliaoiogisi. loin 1110 vvorius mine ri,!lf(.n.m.0 t(1.,j. (i. story of the passage thiough Kiidcsh. Raima, the oasis near i which the Isiaelilea eiuaimied for thirty- i ,.,. ..,,,.re Jloses cave his J . i . ... ,-...11 I lnies. I Th) )M(1,B h,nR Wilderness has I n r(t ,.rntr, ot ,spute for )ii(h .u,.vt.,.K ami seepllc.s, the latter ! arguing Ibat the obvious non-existence of ITrntellrr ln? Appeal In llnllvvny stntlnii s,,,i llli,p eared. ,,rrntl fablf littfutfh to Tilt: Six. PotlH. Nov 21 -'I'll,, newspaper X'. ffuiml miism' lelates a story told he 1 Swos Havener v, 1,0 says 1,1111 ue h.iw RICH ARDCROKER I TO WED AGAIN AT AGE OF 71 Former Uoss of Tammany to .Many Mrs. Dickinson To-morrow. PLANS LAID KKCIlr.TLY; SUIUMUSK TO KIIIEXDS Itlchanl Cioker, Tl yeais old, forme r chief of Tammany Hall, wilt be married to-morrow morulas at St. Asnes's Church, I.e.xtnKtou HvenUB and Forty-third street, , ho chaiiKes nu present pians. l'laus for the marriage were laid with i the utmost secrecy, niul few of the former chief's friends even knew that he was to be married until the neiss leaked out yes- tenlay. Kvin then It was Impossible to learn from .Mr. I'rokei, or from his family or ' close friends, anything about the bride . , , . ... ..... 10 1,0 except that she Is a Mis. Dickinson. ''' that alio was received Into the Itoman Catholic Church within tho last few days ,y .MKr. j, , llranu of St. Agnes's. who . i.rforin the marriage ceremony. 13 "ic marriaM t. r. iionj. Mr. Croker illsaptared to Iniiuitni' yes- u ruuy. and at ins nonie. . i-.asi M-vemy fourth street. It was said until late last j ,,icht that he had not returned. Howard . , .;,i.i i-r,,.pr. l.l. r-litl,l r.-ll who live I . . . ,.' , i nt ,,lat addiess, wete also "not at home' when verification of tho marriage was sought from them. Kdwaid F. broker, i thr former lire chief, a .uph-w of Mr. Croker, said that he had net heard any thlng of the marriage and had never heard of Mrs. Dickinson. Tom Smith, i secretary of Tamnmny Hall undei All. lroker us well us mm . enulrl nut ..rlfv'' the stoiy. nor could a number of other iclatives and friends who weic (inen- ; l I I'rn Guest In Attend, Only a few of the closest friend hav been Invited to attend tl, ceremony, which. according to . .resent .. lans-w-hM ., avbJ u ii , changed because of premature Pub c.i- tlon will take place i,t 10.30 to-morrow ' morning. A wedding breakfast for the. I..,.- .... I .... l ,,jtJ r. .!.... a i.. .1... ..... .......... ,,i.u ,, afternoon .Mr Croker and his bible vvtllj', .,, . -hnnlil.r mil nrnbablv went! leave for Film lleach Tlicv hive al. J,,i, : u. H ' r.l"LuZ e!r Vmm! iiny!oi:!l said that di th Z'J. ...... . this trip. Vhn Mgr Ilrann was aked about the marnago ne sain m.u lie coum noi say Charles street poke., station, anything ab.nU It at all; that he refused! Within a few minutes after the sliool to atllrm or deny the fact that It Issched-llng Itobert lliiltleld. a boy who lives at .,ii Utx Wist Kliveiith street, found a rovol- ,, , ., ... , ,, crane i iuu. wneie n niase-s ins neaii- qinnters. In the morning, but he soon heard thu Intrrvh w, r were looking for him to get the d-talls of hi marriage plans and hf absenVd hlmu'lf from the ! club for tho re-t of lh' dav. Tun Si n verified the story fiom four sources, although there was a dilTerenc of opinion among the Intoiiiianis a m whit the name of Mr ('inker's itancee is. It Is either Mrs. Dickinson, or Dickinson, or This will be Mr. Cioker's second mar riHi;. his flnt wlft. Mr. Hllrabcth Croker, ! having died last September in Austria. whete she had been travelling for her health. Mr Croker's trip to America this fall was for the purpose of bringing her body back for burial, and when ho got lure he-decided lo tav nwhlb Th tlrst marriage took pln.e m 17.1. and the couple had nine .hlldren. nf whom only four. Ill.-htird. Jr. Kthel. How. ard and Florence, now Mrs, Florence, Mas slno, arc living. I. It I'd Yenrit ipnrt. Years ago Mr. Croker and his wife de- elded to live apart. and while he spent urn inn,- in ,Mn k.,iiiii iuim-ai power she spent most of hers tiavclllng abroad. Then Frank Croker, a son, was killed In an automobile race at Ormond, ! "ml ",0("' afterward Herbert, an- 0"'er son. died mysteriously on a train "'',r -'"" " "s iooukoi mai "r" '""r"' ""r." oeawis, li is mini, reiuinii-n ami u":Srr,r- :,!1,,.l!,o: 'ri??r..,ri",-:lj ".""' tint still remained apart Mr. crow lived on hi estate In Inland, w i.n ,P W a.s vetit old he was elected growing in sii'enirui .1,111 liuioein'e u, Tammany llall. le der lie r malnil o until h re 1 1 red from activ e ,, go , an eMate in Ip lan.1 which he hid purchased, Kelly died In 1" and Croker became AillMfllKIl lin ii.-i a i"l Hum vHi. m" wont Into pollHf ;uitl upver w rn- i ttiUTM it. any uuhhi'-hm nH,.f', uiai in i m)llt hllt,w aK,ut ho was wealthy win n ,,. nu.n ,e has led the life of a 0untry gentleman, ra'lng his horses agalint those of th- King of Fnglnntl. taking a trip back to America "ca- slon.illy and philosophizing gently on life and American politics. On his l.wt trip baik he shaved off bis beard. He said that he had worn It for so long that he had got tlrcii or It. ii. .i.i tin,,, ih.-i, htf. wniibl remain in v.n. v,,.1r "to see the town acatn." " ' ' ' but did nol hint that the event nf In. morrow- had any place In his plans. He said he had no intention nr entering politics again, FORD MEN SAVE 551.200.000. Profit stiiirlnu I'lini, Only 'enr j Old, I (irent iicce, DliTROIT, Nov. 24 The Fold Mo'or Company's prollt shnrlng scheme was he. gun a year ago and every employee, 1. d.m.sltlnir In banks or Imestlii' In "Imls'alrivenlge of m!?0 a month, These woikmeii are bu hex home", on conlrao', valued ,,t in ally ta.nofi.noo, on which they have paid neatly 1 1.200.000. The g.Ilu per Ulan In li.-uiV depositii I 1 .1 0 j per tent , In life Insurance, SB per cent : in homes owned, fc7'j per en'., and so on down "he llsl TltltllK.II s.;t:';t -rn l'xi;lll ltsi Prnin V .isliliuttmi lo- N V tl SI I' M., I'-ioib Pis . Wlibigloii S0 I. M Ar I'lnehurn 7.43 A. M. The Caiullna now open, lint 1114 llMuy Ail,, .. . ., AUTO GUNMEN MURDER FOE OF POULTRY TRUST Jiarnett Imfl' Shot Down at Work in West, Wash inton 3Iarkct. 1'OLK'K LAY CKIMK TO TIIADKCOXSIMKACY liainott Itaff, a poultry dealer, who has been conspicuous In the market for several years because of his crltlolstiM f) t)(, so.0l,r,i -poultry trust," was . , ..........i.. uillotl last nlcht la West Washington Market by two men who got away In an automobile. He had left his otllce at CJ Thnmp-MJn sireei 10 uiko a nmiv .minim mo ui.n- ket stalla Just before 6 o'clock and had turned into Thirteenth avenue when ,wo imtu rang out. There, were many .... ,K.())U t, neighbotliood at tho time. ,MU ,cfor0 tu,y rcullzed what had hap- pened the gunmen had escaped, The police were told afterward that two men had been seen running south In Thirteenth aenuo to an automobile which stood twenty feet away, with ' engine going. The two leaped Into thu , mwhltix llio, of Which Was llll. and . , , were soon being car ileal swiftly away, T, automobile turned eastward Into .. . .. . 1 ' , l.enc nn In tmtee. ... .,, .,,., .,, ... ,., .. I , u..i ,. ,. ,.t..ri, i of 3i " Stockton street! llrooklyn. and j another cn.pio.vee, .Morns kella. who j lives at 221 Fast Kluvcntb street. I hey , said that Mr. Itaff went to have a final , look at mat ket conditions lielote closing ' up shop for the day. Tne oillce 1 only a ' , ...... ., ...i I "tM" ""'-"" ".lit In trout of tl'" n e of tho ! fro.iUlvn fmilti'V Ciiniii.inv at 10-17-l.X lrooKIn louui.v i. ui i" " Thirteenth avenue when he was snot. , One of the bullets .tit. red the top' ,,f lil. left Mbntlliler allll lodL'ed 111 the; ..... .... - . . , .. . . ; ,.. . ...... I Hrm.Klv n'' FouYtry' Com- the Stole Of the ..,,.. i.nti um r.nio,ii lairr to the Iver at Hmk and Wasliltn:toil "lifts, ten. !l,r,'i!S ,"X4!i' In.'li'l.Trlei" Vlneof' Hut chambers wa -mptv. and Coroner Fein- : herg said later that the cait.l.lge appeared ! ... i i...... ... ,.l..,l,..l r...i,lli- "h.. line tu.p, II, .14. V , I". ." l-.. '. .......... revolver over to" Patrolman the Kellv nf th. Charles street station, ami .,.. ,l., ... unrkini- no the tin orV .1 i ...i i . 'r'tn, .Jeaiumr murdered I Dentil siioliol on nril. ,'apt. Care, and Detective, Hrown. S.lnw.l -'W niul AUrn .ittl AHi-tnnt Ms in Attorney neiiei are iiivesiigating me ' "" "r" """K" " ' ealle.l was that in January. 1010. Itaff deflated that his life had been plotted against Moses Gootmaii. a shirtwaist maiiufti-turer. who lived wlthm two door of the Hiff hone, in .at tOOtli street, 's shot down and killed by a supposed liuigbir Mr Haff's idea that the supposed burglai was a hired gunman and lie bad intended to kill tin- poiilirvman aroe from Ins receipt of a postal card a few il,is later. This i a rd wa pictured with vatlous vmlil of violent death, such as are ', frequently used by gunmen. His Idea was strengt hen'd when a fri.-nii came 10 nun nni, , ,a,i heard of tho plot from another source. i i. ii.inied last r.lcht that the 1K),. ,! the members of the District j Atoinev's st.uf who arc wotkln- on this hold to the theory tnai nan was I miir.lei e.l as a rsiut or conspiracy nil iiir certain poultry uiaieis woo o.oc . " """"' wh.. h..-.. mi th..t their Imsi'tfls wa being Injured by his austlc criticisms and his willingness a, ,11 time to expose wtiat he called the 'trust " Mr. Itaff wa the chief witness for tne pei,ile two ve.ns ago when th iitji-iiil onibinatlnri of poultry dealers to boost in li es was being Investigated n .Assistant District Attorney D Ford. On Unit oc casion he made a v. iv complete statement of the alleged methods of those he sum weie 111 ine ediiiiiu,. ,111m. Vo meinber nf.Mr Miff's faillilv W oeld discuss th" case last night lie llv ed witli his wife and family at th west i.-uin street III son Henry, lives at 100 West iisui siree, ,,, s. ,1 -ii.i-.i '"" '-'""" ''"! "KhU 'M "i"'' JhJ,h ," ,'''"' " ouM be Issued to-day by his '-iw.ver. Oitners nf Fnllr "lnir. Mr. Raff and his son owned poultiy! ! tr,rc at f.2 Thompson stieet. 1S3I Web ster avenue. The Ilronx . -117 Fast 109th . stieet and ri2il Rat Flghtleth street Five tnung un n enieied the market al 117 lias! 1 0t t tl stieel hist Maich and held up the manager. Monis Newin.iik. Newmtnk kicked the door nf the safe shut and saved i , bis employer ll.pno. The live young men got only a few ,Jnl,n Thev were piomplly linked up .ln, , nmv serving sentence ln Sing I cm.... in. ...a,.... .... i....n...i in .i. i ' .....i..i. ... .i... ....ti.... tl, ., rpin.,.t. OH H- ' ihn. I" ' nush I '"ii ...... . 'Mff , , of j,luK m, n may have murdered ,)rr j,wt,.dny for revenge. , l lt ,lM night Coroner I'Vlnberg nnd the detectives working on Ih case went 1 over the scene of the minder. I Hie of i the things that atttiiote-l their attention was a piloted bulletin dated March 20, and posted In Mr. Rail's ollhe It read: "Ran' Is under iho ban by Ihe New I York Ilincis' Association and b the Live Poultry Dealeis' Association" I'lnler this was written, apparently by Raff hlnief: 1 have been asked to give up mv four 1 distributing mill ket. I icfused their de. I , ",'tJ,'':! l0" OHIO '" ' Dlslrlcl Attnrnev Whitman wax told 1 by lilephone of the niilider and he un- ...... I. ...).. .uuli.,....l l,lu ..I,l,.r -l..rt it... ; ' '.,. , ,,,,. ... of ,,...,,,,, ; gtitlon. It wa leaiped list nlghi that Henry naff, the business partner of Ills father, was assaulted wilh a blackjack recently while on his way home llollibt. (iltts -Art Cslfintm . Ac, nnd "Hiuiulaiil'' Juki. ChsB.U.Matlbcsr, 31 K. :i. 41'. German Naval Base on 'CZAR SWEEPS Belgian Coast Destroyed' GERMANS BACK .British Warships Lay Zeebniggc in Hnins and Six German Submarines Intended for Invasion of Kniand Are Lost in Bombardment. KAISKJI'S TK00PS KOHCED n? .iamks new, Sptcwl Coirrtpovdtht nf thi London "Dallv tnl ' 'lirelat Cabtt tXtpalch lo TiiR Six. A Town in lln.iilL'M, Nov. 2t. The naval baso which the Hermans were es tablishing ! Zcebrusge has been de stroyed by tho shells of Ilrltlsh warships, .eeluuggc Is burning and th Solvay works near the llruges ship are a heap of ruins. Six submarines which had been brought there In sections have be"n reduced ti twitted Iron and large quantities of stntes have been destroyed. From '.' o'clock until f, o'clock yester day afternoon shells were rained on the town. Steaming will out at sea beyond the Cerm.ui mine II'M , the lliltisli ships used their big guns and In less than an hour the coast guard building and public school had been destroyed, military trains at the Solvay works were blown to frag ments and a large craii" which was lining used In putting the submarlnis together was shot to piece. German batteries biding In the dunes I nfar m,,,,,, nl,Pr)- tr, u, ,,.py tl, lh,,j , of ,,e swlftlv inovlnc shins, which irii liwl illm-ernlhle. l.llt In u hnrl time t . , , , ,, the German guns were knocked over like ninepins. The gun near Heyst nlo re- piled and a shot from the fleet struck th church tower there. The Germain at Zeebrugge became de- moralized, and in desperate luii-te at- t. intUed to remove their stores to llruges, '""""" "inuratus for rnaklng by- Mowa Nf couli bi oM llnp,, from ,h, shrl! . ,,,, V(l forc.e ,frrmc. .11 n till 1 Kir, uiit i r vu'Mi i mr i;.uler In the day the tlet bombarded - . . v - T . . . D ,1 A M CI TRtAD TXIPC PiR IP xjii -.i v 11 u wwi-ivii BOMBARDING FLEET AWAYi.:,,; . by Iho lirltisli licet i- roi'oriod to .W Cnblr Itrtptitch to Tiik Sis rtilng was Vaid at sea at 7 o-lork this I hl,v" rcsllltcil ill -ottlllg lire to the -ii'i-iai i awr uripatcn la nu.-i. Amstkmiam. Nov 2t to tnmi Slul- sas t... Anglo- u..dr,n wh h U.-.-b inled fori,- t!i I t.l.if..w .... tl... ..,iat .itnslstt.,l or I liree ' ciulsers and a r-unil-r of 'K'strov. - ets and torpedo boats. The Allies ashore cotieurrently attacked the German Infantry at Nleuport. The Germans an unlllterritpted the on the troops uuJ ,hLVrfn0!h forenoon a second small . . ......... ... . b.tween Ostcnd and Wendiiyne. Neltlu r ' "-r near ipori were any ne, .-ive adv .Ullages gained by eiher party Two "icTiliaii batteries wete silt need near ;Weninle. but ihe Fiatico-ltriMsb squad- r , V, i , . 1 ' 'l"'"? '""""I' .".. furious German nr wherebi one de. sir .ye,- was s.iioii"l damaged The (Pimm eoast Hie wa neces-.irlly suspended when Mibmaiuirs attai k.l Hi w nl, th 'rnMl. subinannes; Ini; , .s!tlHj" wltltrm-. favund b .1 ui st and ) BATTLE IN THE AD1UATIC? tp fentra: Xrirt I to Ml'. Nov 2t -Th. 7 ih inei .or.- sponibnt at lirton.i telegraphs that heavv ITALY WILL FIGHT TO 1 KEEP SUEZ CANAL OPEN Homo (ioYoriimoiit to Blnino. Turkey if Wiilorwny Is ClOM'll. lit I'llll.lP II. i ki:m". j.trtof rabte Ptfpatrfi to I'm: Si v. tr . .. . v..... 1 I nni I tifnttnrtl ! hfl t itfy" Wni' lolera'e the closing of the stii.. that she will bold Turkey sponsible lor such an occurrence and w ill resoit to force If necessary to pi event It. Jl.ll.V I.IKIS Hie posiliou 111.11 in.- . i...-i..h the canal would bu a violation of h I 1 r ,L.S .tt t,,A to.l i .,. .'..' , ,i,,.. ,ir.,x, ' ,'" u'jViVil'T t elose 'the 'canal' If i, .,.v, .. ,hr:.t..n.,l "" oU;fr ,,.,,,,, ,in,, eulral Powers of the cmiventlon. spam aim uie .Neiner- ! Iti's. view , ,r t.llMlll ., ,11, ectly ,ntetests. Thai Is the re nZ-n S The oi damage Italy's asoti. I am told. why Italy ii"! allow such a situation arise. ean nnn nnn for ITALIAN NAVY. .. . , . i ,. prove, I nl Cabinet Council oprelal Cablr lienpnteh to Tar Siv RoMl'. Nov 24. -An extraordinary ap propriation of (40.noii.nnu for the navy was approved a, Sunday's meeting of th iVbluet Council It will xhorth be sanctioned by royal i d' ii'tee. TO CRUSH IRISH SEDITION. I.nnilnii tn '1'iil.e Gnrl tettun unlnl l)llonl I'liper. pmal I'aht ti'fpotrl, to Tor. Six I.IISM.OM. Nov. 24. - A ilesnatch f-nin I nil, lln S.1VM earle action will nrnbablv be taken against seditious newspapers .11 Ireland. This action is expected, huvv ever, to b- taken In London and not by the execullvcs ill Irelnnd NO POETS ON EIFFEL TOWER. A.ronf r,it,if Htipateh to Tiik Stx I'AIUS, Nov. 24. Tho staff of the Flffe! j Tower "whelcs 'station lepudlates boebe ball nl printed In the Re. lln dallies a the FIlTel Tower station's last wind 111 11 poetical controversy between Nauru and tin Rirrel Tower The s'aff s-ates Unit Us membeic haven't h.-.d time leceiitly to composo verses for the Ilerlln pies. ,u Thsnkislvlnr 'tahl eompletf without kottlt est A.Mia-TUItA lllTTt:Ub. Mv, TO FLKK FK03I TOWN the coast fiom Mirtdelkerke northward v' to the Duti'li fiontler, clearing the dunes of the Germans' advanctd right wing. For several verkn the enemy had been collecting store at Cecbrugg and foitlfy I tig that port nl:h the hope nf making !t a strong ruivnl base. Now they ara thrown baric on Bruges The liombardment of th ,-at from Mlddclkerke to Knock?, a dl'tanc of iilsmt twenty miles, continue.) mi-ilny. All the 5owi, Including tiftend, which Is now under lire, nere denuded J of civilians. Klankoiiherghe, nhete thai..,.., ,. irivpt p i p Geim.iM" tried to bring their 12 Inch giin JH 1. 1 J lil'. A It Into pUy was exerely shlle,l. the in-1 habitants (lying in a oanic I The naval guns bae been th-- searching the sand dunes for Ger man troops. At o:end many motor b.ati, ,,. , fo'c(inill t S fol (icl'lliail wun niacinno guns mount'il in tne, Intended for use mi the Y.-er were de- stroyed bj ltrkili lite The German guns' on the protnen lib' a' u-teiid were ,iu demolished by naval slu-lls. Ilefore the lointardment the llrl-Jsh war planes scouted north nnl west in Helglum. alMng tllc ul-Poitlon of tro ips and gun- orrosiTiox i-eedlk. llrlllsh -liltis lletnriieil Sntr Smm Ollleltil Iteimrl. 'lit' ..1 t'aWe tirffleli to Titr ?i I.oNm)X, Nov 21 -Tile utlli-lal preM bureau Issued the follow lug ."tatwiunt to nlgot : ATI tu-,l,it of mill, nr. ul.-, .1,1.. .... 1,. . Zeeluugge were subject, d" to a sevvie bnni- bardinent e-t. uluj by two Ilrltlsh war - ships The Gei man opposition was fteble in extent and the dniniige Inllleiid Is int known. The IliUlsh ships n turned safely " uxn N J LyiVl V J i nilllg Was 'ie,n, al sea .11 7 o.'lorK tHIS I ' morn. tig and It is believed 'hat naval engagement was fought . Daluiat.a ' . . ! DEMES LOSS OF U-1S. . ,. ,, '.. . . I "orlln Mi Ilrltlsh Itrpo.t on . I murine l Frronenu. S- ' ,n S"" .'Ill I. I Tli.. . ..ti ..... 1 .i-Aua IxiiA.ii .1... ' ntes a t.iten)e:u made hv the llntlsh Admiralty t U.t a l-iit sfi patrollms c s,, sank a German tubiuailne off the Seirtieh coast. It adds that no submarine Is missing The Ilrltlsh Admlialtv gave out a -t.t'e. in. nl fiil.. tllrlit :itinfililie'.:ic t'l.ll the ,:,.,,.. ,."m ...i,,,, p.n, ,M i-.,i,imw..I I SlllIil m, rnln ,v ,, ) pittnl ship , V111,n',,,,, '1 "f ,",laml Coi'BNHaoks. No 24 - The G rman ,detro.ver S-Ul, which was st.nck by a steamship tirdv was i.o sunk, but was talon .i, t'W lo ot'iei i;.-.i,.n wa' .s ls FOR WAR ON KAISER I'arliiimont Adopts Hill "To 1 11 torvono in Warlilvfi .Manner." .i,rr,ni (al.l- ei.atc, to 1 nr s., l.isnoN, Nov 21 P.irtugal has tnrmady decided lo enter the war. Premier Costa 111 speeches to the House of Deputies and the i ixplalued tho Governments I attitude, dictating that II had acted In lu.jal accord throughout with th alliance ,. ,,... Ilrlt..,,, The Pi emu 1 presented ., h.ll aiithoilz- t ",K "H rtlllli lit t 'Inteiven.. iu .1 I "r- mai-nei ulmi ,mI in tho maniiei s,..-...-,... ....... .. ,, r"'s " J 1 ''; 'jV;''1';" " , ' L ,...., '...,., . ,.h ,V,,,V.;,; ,,.., i. ':'-!, "i'1:, iiioilslv adopted the. bill i Deputies and Senators cheried I Hi' 1 1 ., t li ami the Allies sev. r il llllln.s dur ing the procei ding a local newspaper stale thai partial mohillz.U.ou will lie or dered forthwith. The Portilgues,, ictiv,. rtriu in tun of pc.ue numbers 2. SOU ollleeis and 30.000 men All adult males between the age of 17 and 4.'. are liable to military dii'y. rheio is also a colonial fori c of S.SuO Portuguese ami 7,000 natives. The navy .s small There Is an old so-called leittleshlp nf tl lil.i tons and about a ,ioz, n old cril'seis Theie aie tune destroyers built oi building, two Im pede bolts and one siilituarlne ALLEGE PLOT TO KILL HUGHES, tt liirl. I'luniieil in Vtlnel. In no d 1 1, n Xllnlsler, n V ,, l burl t li s. l.nNlioN, Out , Nov. 24 i n e ocai no ice ' .,.,.,,.,1 ,...,lne ih ,1 uv ih v, ,.e ,v I -r. .,,, ei,..r.,i ... i..i,, .1,.,.. 1....1 ...... trilled an attempt 'to' M Got ' t rjell, s,-,,n llughe.s, Canadian Minister 1 f Miuti,, and Defence T!u iluthon'les asseited that letter found In the possession of the prisoners into the river. The .strong central .id and Interpreted bj Government secret value by the Russians continues up. service men Indicated clear! v that an 1 ,v,(1-d and across the ll.ui'ti. The mm h attack was to have b. en ui.ule on Gm ',,,. t,sin coliiinus emit nue to .'lorn Ilnghe upon Ills airlval In the .-it. the' "iri..v v. I eta. of "' f V1"! ehaieed bv the Police were obtained, ihet tisse I, 111 Di'iroll. One letter bears Detroit postniiiik and urges the Turk "do then- ilutC' ami not be afraid "ineetng 1'ie nan" Up v hid been strucled tn kill 11 It I' II N I It 1 I' K -I'lll II ANRUKW USIHRt 4 CO.. UJInbui eh.-.4dr v 1 1 1 1 1 iit-1 1 .1 viii. 1- in 1 1-1-1 ,1 :4 NEAR FRONTIER Kaiser's 'J'roops Are ilelrcat inr llapidly, Pursued by , llussian Armies. FLKKIXt; IXYADFIIS HFIJX LKXCJUZA Are Thrown From Hase at Thorn and From Com munication Lines. IJOIiDFiK FXI'KCTKD Forces Probably Will lleach Them To-day. . MVtMlV Of Tilt: M'Mt NF.W. Interest crntros in the flshtini; In l'ol.'lllil whofo. .!!' I : H i;i 1 1 iinofrielnl iiilvbc, lite Gonna us urn p-trcatlng. hut on tho arrival of Goriiinn reon rorcrinoiils a haril batllo Is oxpci'teil near iho Fast I'm ian Hue. It 1 also roporlcil that tho Gcriunn nrin.v nil I vail.'lllK culwnrd from Thorn bus been 1 v,,n, i , th..t il, t!ni:,i, i,v. (llsloilgi-il tho Germans from live town. Gorman oll'loinl rcimrts sty tin; Mtrlit In., coittliiitos in iioi'ih ami smith 'I'oliiiul without ilrclsivo vi-uli. Tho boinbiiiiliin'iit ol oi'lirusgo. tht atnwn. Tin Solvay works, near lite ' , Bruges ship .,,1..... .'.to .,w a heap of , i t.... ...i. i... i ruin', si lii i si sumiiiii un. uiio u nen Ibrol'llt tlli'iv 111 scotlolis well" rcilueeil ' in ivv I -1 til Iron. j In France tho German have made ' several llcrco lufmitry nti.icks in tho Afgoiinc. 'I ho I'l'i'iicli nlTlcial repot' .i,vs these ni'to all M'iiiliil. Along too rest of tip. front there has inn ib.u j tory 'iinioiin.lltig. I Italy announces that If I'.sjii l tlire.itcneil by Turkey ami the ',rlt'h cloi' the Sue. CaiiMl sh,. will i.,,,. p,,., the action tigtiln-t the ( Itlniii.'iii Go - fill It. which she will hold repoii-i ,,. fr ilaiiitiglni; lior Interest. Il ..' will not tolerate the closing of th .tnitil. Tin I'ortiisues, P.irlliinient iiiloptoil II resollllliill to t..ko Jitll't In the w.if on the s,l,. ,,f th,. AIM.. wlii'lieier Ihe Utile is iijip.jitllll". GEHMA.XS RUSH HACK XEAR POLISH I' BOX TIE It Intnders, In rilLiht, llui-ii Tin, 11 of l.enclilen. it r. w. iiiivm: r, s''.ca ( e, re ipnndrnt of tir I ondtri halt AV if.." prtinl Caht iiMMfcA tn Tit. Si PcTnemitvii, Nov. 2-t. The laitl i" tlnties in Poland, but Its drift '. vveslward ffom Ihe Vistula. The .ml u Hons are that the Hussion storm w '1 again sweep the Genitalis i.v.r ih , western frontier .' tiu, (jertnans have nnoiher nnni 1 j th,. legion of Wlelitn Ihe fro-' midway between Waits,"' and 1' - stnchowri TUey intended to sir ... again! the Russian lelt wing, but wen forestalled. They suffered terrible los. 'luring their tepc.iled dltaek- .01 i , Rllssldll position tll'tlll ol l.'Hl 1 bet ' Germans were also ,li iv. 11 w-stw ird. 1 I have tcneoii t . know t It tt t (.11-11.1 1 hea,l.ii!irlers is .r,.f.nilid:v dopiess. d V ,,,p ,,,,, ,(.,lU ,,r the pnsent tna- i"U. The Russians have se..ed tl , ,n- 1 itlative and thrown tin- German- .iw.,v from their line of ,oi,ir,,.t ica-:. " a, I from their base nt Thorn. Th K use has made an exhurlalioii, sitll .:oiiu-li: Ills 1 1 hi is, nil' viitoiy A phelioliiell1 01 of the t'tipi.l siu-.-i ,,i o! battles in I'lil.iud is tho -pei d ) ainiies ami ihe crcit ii,in. c ei-ed. desplle the intst r.i'ile in. I ll.e freejung swamp. 'I'll- b- iii : nl -b" ' struggle has swung south and w. i un- hi Ihe Russian on i V.eii-'oi b". a is llnkid v.ith the genual lepil-e ,. the Get mails, nllllollgh ' 'Xellstneh "V i . more than Itio miles fivin Pim I, wli h was the stnrin letitte a tew di ouo M.inv wagon:, i.uls of 1 1,-rmaii p. . ...n i. are being bloiigbl lilt" l.oel. Ii-om il lllle nf Might 111 till' direction "f ami along the Warlne Mos' m tin m were captured trying In" Inn swaintis. The Germans i-otniii.'ie'v I I .eni'hiy.l 111 t'.,.,r P..I.- t'tis. Ilatucs lit the kv tor miles. Among Hm i.... 1 iipuvei. .., .....,... vv lin are Intel iy I'XiiiniMeii. Tl1" ''"Minnns .ontinue their "tnt '"Ifnrt fi'"tn Wlcliin lo hnrass the Kii-..m left, which Is driving 'he Ki.sei i trooii llloilg th" Warthe, fieiiii'iith 11 niound Ctacovv. Fighting ha ! i lined with the oiiw line of ,b t,n - """' ". " a ,"" "'" homlunlllleiu Has II"! II to slar'eil of. The real key lo the cistern witfiro In - remains in Fast Pitiss,,, where Hut Ibtlltlng is I ik'OM-.itiI . Ainong the lb .-. nnill population Uiere is the deep, 1 gloom. The tnovemciii nf fit-."' vc ) 1 .. ... also taking gloat dimension-, rupvr