Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER FORECAST. Pair to-day and.moirV; modcrat southwesttwfpHMiiWinds. Detailed weather, mtW'uxiauine reports will be found ori'pjpgd 13. VOL. LXXXII. NO. 87. FEAR SEALS UPS OF POULTRY MEN IN MURDER HUNT Scores of Detectives Seek in Vain for Clues to JJimiott Huffs Slayers. SrslMCIOXS l)IHK(TKI) AT "CHICK KX ITLLKI.S" 1 ti,. Mli'Mi that are called nvenues In we-t Washington M.uket hummed yester iav in undertones of the murder of liar rdt H.ilf, t tic poultry denier who was probably most r.l man hi all that Orotic f ir-.iiMTi" and mcichants. The ir.'tt who known him chatted In little I nui's between the barricades of crated jMekcns .iti'l geese, whispered and dls--'iscil u 'i' a slr.wgcr appenred and tere ,i" irnt as H.lff's on n closed stall hen M asked w lint they thought of It. Nrc Wfoic have so many detectives tin ul itfil through those noisy, narrow rr.ets The buttonholed ovcry man In qu.iurr Tin)- ran down every hint ft u At thi List they went back to H trrg to nport that they had ltirncd little during the day's search. The mysteiy of the whole thing only urged the rohre to greater efforts nnd last night ud d.tie'.rT scons of men were out searching the neighborhoods where ltaff enemies re mom numerous And the variety of th.. iimii ? etiem'es . what In m.iklnK the ulution of dc.-th fn dltllcult. There are three theories' ns to the mo lars that tnov d tnu men to shoot him down Tuesday night One of these is that certain mcmbris of the "poultry t-uit. ' against whom he had turned In-frm-int. had hlml gunmen to do away 1th hhu. Another was that friends of tne. live Italian' whom he sent to Sine 5!e for robbing tile manager of his store In Kist lOSth street last March, had made jowl on their threat to Bet even with him The last tluory Is that ho was-murdered Iv some 'f those men who are known to the trade as "chirken pullets" and who ire admitted on alt sides to be Individuals situ whom it Is ilaiigeious to get Into troublo. Our Theory Dismissed. T.i. authorities linve dismissed tae mea that ll.iff was murdered by men hired by tne oiganlzatlon of poultiy dealers whom he hilped to prosecute T.ilrtren of these men were convicted and sentenced to ne time and to pay line. Tneir cases rt now awaiting nigumerit on appeal II ould have been worse than absurd, their friends and enemies alike maintained yes tfnlay. for them to have u man killed I under such circumstances UavtiMjo .was undoubtedly the motive for the murder, i iui uuj me revenge oi nir men im ric lonirted two years ago It may more reasonably have been, de- t'ire ttie police, a dlre for revenge on t.. put of many small dealers on the Kt t'lde who had been forced out of Vnine by B.iff. In thls connection It a pointed out that ho was not only a melier, but also a butcher and a letail ali. He received and bought at the tjct.nn sabs as other merchants did, but ! In addition his own killing plant. It . charged against him that In 'lie ii- t unci: the live poultiy .market was raje inly onco a week and he failed to c.lo. of his shipments at llie current late had other icsourcis which his umpe tors did not have. I.'nder such c.r. aniktances he would kill the remainder if h.t B.i.pment nnd then offer his poultry for '.,le In his reta.l markets at piles telow tnose his eonipetitors were forced tip,. n toe wholesale market. Tne i iil: n.i that ltaff did an enormoii" bust i.tM at his retail Mores while competing ict4 . . j k wire forced to cloe up shop. H hjs been known that retail dealers : 'he i:,it Side have been bitter against lijff f i hi methods it Is also asserted 'u f" .it least nine mouths he has l"n n file' illy trms with the men ''oe met!' ds he eoei two years ago. I'.n . t'.e-e fa. ts the poultry dealers who UUeil n -,, no detectives yesterday con- i.udfd t wt i lie murder may with more l.iielui "'d he laid at door of these small md s ottered retailers than at that of "t oig.niu.itnin which leaped Into evcry Usl; . mind as sum as the muider was t..ide known Pressed Theft f'linrices. "'ImI ihee findings of the Invest. -F. s is i ne f.icl that Baff wis the one f.n ,:. West Washington M.ltket wlin "mI liu iltsilaiu of the ". hicken I Lars' H-. Iioasted that lie would spend li l.i: ent to laud In Jail any of these t'rn vim robbed him. Am piniltiy dealer will admit that the 'rh'. ken puller" Is a hard customer lie v')rk lor small wages In 'he great r.l II l"d arils of ,ler-ey City and Wee limv ken joi, IH lo transfer the ili.ekins turkevs, ilurks, geise and pigs f 'm the ems to crates piepaia b'ri to shipping them over the river, "he pui-finsf. of mnnv of these poorly paid n'n is to much fiom their em lloien as thev run Kieri one of these men knew Baff foi 'f it.ieiei-ite ciimiiv He discharged ull t i ni ni his emplox a lear ago und ''iS'S-'l men moie to his liking. Hun t.lits .inrl me loss of much of Ills stock 1"J I.. ill to chiiture Ins tactlm. v few v.,ti HKo when this llglil against la clil ken handlers was waxing hot Ball' l.i'l a good frlnd In Police l.leiiteiiant ' hi le., Die iron listed leader of i" "t ami siiiint" ho Is now In c"S S'.ii- foi the mnidei of Heiinan 'ountlml ll.eker liked ll.iff" opil It and j e-j-ift,tlx liis sea, d,,,, fi culprits led i. oi'., tio hatin's of th,. mnii who were t'. ii -hiiigs wriiin for Haff. r'.nt tp rli'rfceii handlers are a real " i e 't, iiin, cmplowis war a. .veiled hv '""e Man ,,. iii, ih i yestfrdax One of ' ' - i.d he ni i left his market with. in perking .iliniriil to .sc.. If nn us- ehaini,. were King in wait foi I Thev polntiil out that . T. Pearson Thompson avenue was assaulted nnd ' '"I Into tin. stint a few weeks ago III j i,' i,e vi.iv iilnie where Half was ' ' ThM told in,. ii ici thes the te.ieou -o many of them weie sib nt on this '' ' " ilia Hint i was a tradition In III" J " that If the "gorillas" started out to ' .I'U'Sirlv Hint, filuvitt. ni.i.l.. i.t.l . iid thesi. llo'iirli's ns lo the motive. ' ' . .ii"i iidiiiltte.l 1 hey had tinned up tlllery Porps has iieen nn duty heie ror '"' One of the automobile numbers more a year observing Mr llsm-rnn'-,1 to them piovd lo be that of a inond's experiments One mutter which 'l"i ' Brooklyn mill The two otheis ompici,. (in, i noise than useless "Iv.'r found In the strict afler the 'mains a. trim li of .1 mysler . 1 'i y of the men who ate hi- ' ' ' li.lle d o d It, a-i employee of Huff, 'I up for a while yesterday ns ' ' ml witness lie was near ll.iff a iht allots wen fired. ll couldn't NEW tell whether the men who did the shooting were white or black, lie was leleased Into n the afternoon on the' understanding that he would appear when wanted. .. X,7orl! ,nuv 11 telephone call to Buffs olllce Just before he was shot were rutlle. As near as the police could pet at It some one called, but when an effort was made to llml out who It was the recover at the other end was hung up. Aside fiom the assault on lit son lurry, other attempts wero made to tlici-v tun that he hud enemies. Shortly after the nvo men who robbed the Kast 109th ticet slore wire convicted n bomb was set In the ltaff home. Ills son spoke yesterday rather Indefinitely of other threats upon his father's life. The body, guatil assigned to llafr by the District Attorney's oiliee was abandoned three weeks ago hi llaff's request. Funeral services for llaff will be held this morning at Anshe Itlallstook Svtm- lniltn 11 It'll!.... . ... ... . ' , ... street, aim interment will be In Washington Cemetery. JURY SUSTAINS BAILEY WILL. Ol.Ono.tioo K.lntr or llrrn. tlnnrr llitnlvrd In Contest, Wiiiti: Plains, N. v., Nov. 25. After a trial lasting eight days J,lry n Jwliee Ixcoghs part of the. Supreme Court to night sustained the will of Mrs. Ituth 1-oulsu Bailey, who Inherited the M.000 -000 estate of tier husband, .lamrs A. Halley, owner of n.irnum A- llalley's oil ens. ' The Jury was out Just fifty minutes. The Wmtestant who sought to have the will set aside Is Mr. A mm lsalwllu Hutch inson, T eais old, of Bridgeport, Conn, n sister of Mrs. B.xlley. who gets nn an nuity of 510.000 by the will. Shs charged that her brother, Joseph T. McC.iddon, who Inherits a large part of the fortune, unduly Inlluenceil Mrs. Bailey to prevent her from sharing In the reslduarv estate, while the contestant's sons, Charles and Frederick Hutchinson, were cut off with out a cent. Geo. F. Baker's Grandson Killed Lieut. 11 own nl St. (iooi'e Loses Life in MatHc at Ypres. Cable despatches were recelied In this country yesterday that Howard Avenel Hlleh .-t. lienMe, u Lieutenant In the KIrt I.lfe Ouards Cavalry Brigade of the British forces, was killed Instantly on November l. while Icudlnc his nn In a chaise nl Yprei. I.leut St (leorge was a srandon of Oeorgo K Baker ot this city and was well known In New York society. He madt. ni.u y visits to this country. He was the on of Howard Bllgh St deorge, Peputy I.'.eutenant and Justice or tile peace for i the cnunti's of fJalway and Dublin, who in lvJl marnieu .miss llorence l:vcln Baker, dauglitur of the banker. I.leut. SL lleorge was ljorn In 18!M and had not lone leen a member of the crack c Hards brigade. The family Is a very old one, being descended from one of the Coin parlous of William the Conqueror. The he-id of the house Is Sir John ML (Jeorce. I who Is fifth baronet. r-iv...i in thin emmirv. Th f.imii,. ,i,rn.,i ba(J tlly the cutt notification of thp lle.n from NVar Ortlce and could .,, nothlnc more to this countrv. There are twv other wins in the family, one of whom Is In the I'ntted Slates, AT 89, HE'LL QUIT TOBACCO. Vermont's Oldest !,ltntr l'i-(;o-eTiinr Also .tiny Ilrop llrldxe, MtnnLKlilMiT, Vt., Nov. 25. Vermont's oldest living e-Clovernor, John W. Stewart. obervd his eighty-ninth hlrth day quietly jeMerday. When asked If he had any message far his friends Mr. Stewart said: "Tell them that I practised law for fifty years and then I took up bridge whist pluylng. I am probably the poorest phiyir In the world and may for this "'""fj' 'L"c,,.cf. of ,,aw: He also announced that after having smoked tobacco for seventy yeais he In tends to give up the habit. GEN. CHAFFEE LEFT BUT $1,250. .Voted Army Of fleer Unit r'e it iliit-Ua nnd lt Acres of I. nnd. I.os AS'ni:i.i:s, Nov, ;r.. The will of flen Ailna liomaiun Chaffee, former Chief of Staff of the t'nlted Statu army, was Hied fT nrobate In the Suneilop Court tn.,t!, The estate ki valued at Jl, '.'50, according to the papers left to Airs Annie Itorkwell Chaffee, the widow. The pinperty consists of rotn "tock in nn Insurance company and twenty ni tt of land In Kansas, the value of which declared in the petition for probate accom panying the will to be Indefinite hut not of very " value U.S. TESTS TORPEDO BOAT RUN BY WIRELESS I ti von I ion of .Toll n Ilnys II n m nionil, Jr.. Aliiy I5e Houht li.v (ioveruiiicut. Gl oti rsTfir. Mhss, Nov - p'our I "lilted States aim and niuv oftlcers of high rank have returned to Washington to ptepare a teport which they will lay before their superiors icgardlng the radio coutiollid torpedo boat Natalia, the In vention of .lolm Hays Hammond, .li l'or a week pa.t these ottlerrs, detailed by the War Department, have been her studying the crnfl as she has been sent skimming over the ocean's suiface at times without a soul on lioard, her engine and steering geal being controlled en tirely by wlrcbss apparatus manipulated by Hammond as he sat In his radio te. sent eh lalioriitory nt I'resli Wntnr Cove. Tile names of th" officers that have been lieie, Just what experiments were con ducted and what success wus met with ure matters of serteci Mr Hammond said to-night the trials were com plftrtl yesteidav, The. Government Investigators will re. port on the advisability of the purchase of the invention for the exclusive use of America In effect the craft Is n huge tor pedo which Is directed fiom the who less station by waves. A loud of txploslve totalling I,i100 pounds can he o.irilid bv the novel weapon Cain. I-. .1 Belir of the Oust At the olllceis have considered dining the ,week has been th" fnini of earlier for Hie evploslvf Tlmt K whelliei or not 1 bn'it con' rolled by wimess and rarryirig e. p,.s vrs would he belter 'hail u large 'or p.dii filled with the Hammond apparatus, F'.u h ilins PlinoiEinpli.r (U-il 1Mn, ,,70 illl Al. li St llesl I eaults, flwrg.. Arrsim. nn t.r X11111 t'hnlo.. 7t0 YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1914. SHOT IN HOTEL ROOM BY THIEF, WHO ENDS LIFE riiiladelpliiiin Grapples With lfoMier to Save Wife. Who Calls Help. SHOOTKK IMtOllAHLY AX 1. W. W. I'TGITIVK Plt!t.tEl.riltA. Noi. I.'.. Mnril G. Condon, president of the II. II. Underwood Machine Company, was shot to-night by a Xlexlcan who cnterrd his room In the Hotel Adelphla and at the point of a le volier forced hint und Mrs. Condon to give him money. While .Mrs. Condon, fleeing to nn ad joining room, was telephoning to the bote) olllce for help, the Intruder walked to tho corridor, placed the icvolvei to his owp head and sent a bullet through his brain. He fell dciid at her feet as she inn to the sldo of her wounded husband. Mr. Con don Is In the .lefferron Hopltal with a bullet In his .ilslomeii and physicians said his chances for tecovery are good. The iwlice believe the man who did the shooting came here from New York and that he may be one of the men made the subject of a warning message sent here earlier In the day by the New ork police. The message asked I'lill.ulelphta detectives to bo on the lookout for I. . W. men watltui in New York nnd believed to be headed for this city Mr. and .'Irs. Condon were sitting In thetr rooms on the fourth Hour of the Adelphla when they heard a knock at the door. .Mr oniion op.neu uie ooor iinu saw i wen llirsxeil iii.iii wiiu, ihiwiiik iu Mrs. Condon, explained that he was tne "house electrician" and had come to re pair the elect lie switch. I'laclng hU hat on a table he walked to the switch 1, links Into ii tlrmlirr, As he wns about to return to his chair Mr, Condon was startled by an exclama tion from his wife. Turning uulckly he found himself looking Into the ban el of a levolver In the hands of the bogus elec trician. "You know what this i," the Intruder said. "1 want your money, and 1 want It right away" Mr Condon walked to a bureau drawer, plckesl up a handbag belonging to his wife and bunded it to her. Trembling, she passiil it to the Intruder. He opened It, discovered that li contained only $.1.f.n jnd threw It Uui the floor. "1 want more tluyi this," he alfl, n-m menacing man and wife with the revolver. "I have a J 10 gold piece In the bureau." Mrs. Condon told her husband, w ho got me mm nii losses K Ui in man. Jte I " ",""'o'U. many the unoillcinl xi . . . I ceporu to ipiarters unfriemlh to Villa. Mrs. C ondon. sinking Into a chair beean 1 Coming on the I.eeN f the nbandoninent U remove and se-crete her d.ainond rings. I of Vein Cruz lie the Anieruan foro s u In her ne-vousne. she ,ro, ope and I Is fully aptuecldte.l here Unit the lim it fell to the tloor. The man saw it and orders in Mexico citv will create a p.iinf il sprung to her fide. nipresslo'i -h,. eifectu etiess of the inn are y ou uninc ""iiTe . manded, as he graspiil Ut arm lie de. ! I want1 Ttllltlt.V n.lil 1' I'll! tr. i-l ,'n It n ..... 1 ! ' ., ... am badly wuntisl by the New Yotk police, 1 don't care what become- of me. the in'iier iii i;ei me any way (irnlis tVnuld lie .Murderer. fleleaslng his hold on .Mrs. Condons arm. be ualked toward the door. Then itio again tutl'ed t'ward her Pea ring for his wife's safety, Mr Condnp rushed at the Intruder and grappled with him. A thy fell, struggling, to the Hour, Mrs. Cordon tan from the loom The door of a lonin adjoining was nnd she entered It anil grasped the lileplinne At the same m imerit the sound of .1 shot reached her, followed by groans of her huslMiid. "l'or God's sake send help"' she pleaded, when tile operatoi coiitnctil her with the olllce A she went hack Into the hall the Mex lent, war IrnvtriR the loom. He took n few step. In the direction of the elevatois. then stopped, Slouli lie 1 rnlsed the levolver pressed the trigger. lo his temple nnd The dead man nas shout 2a old. He was f. feet i Inches lr heleht" smooth shaven and of dark .complexion. , Villa ami Zapata are not known. accord He was appnrentlv of. Mexican birth inc to Mr Ilrvan. It . understood that In his pickets were stubs of twenty- Zapata s at .east willing to cooperate III five -New York iheatie tickets, including . tlie m .vement against C.u ranza ine i.onacre, iiomn nuipoi rome .-ml Hauls EAST SIDE EXPLOSION DT7UDAIC DniUTD CIPMC ' "";Ul" ('0,ll"'l Siblmarrs n ports, which , ntjlCnLij DUltlD OlUfliJ'tl1'' latter was iiiMlio. lo get through bv " " Detectives Kind (tiinpowilcr ami ' Mortars', ami Hold Thret Italian'. An explo-lnn on the ground Ro,ir of n In story tenement at i:i:i (iierrv street j last night shuttered severnl windows ami sent terrified men. women and children reatiinerltie Into the stwl. Three I into rhe strwt. Three licrlbmg thom-elie. as .Inhn is Cherry IV.mces, 0 Italians, describing tlmnielr as .Inhn Vltiile, Its Castro, l.ia Cherrv Htrcet, nnd S.ilv.ilorc 1 ulli.na7.o. 1.1 Chem s.reet. ran to I nearby ding where e-e -es Bar- l.lerl aml l oiey found hem. .Metro's face wa. burned and lt.iles legs were Hn,- 1 Hie trn were -iiKeii n.ici; 10 the tene- iiirin. ,11 mi: ii i.i j iii-miuu i-ooi llie nmmgive iniinu h Kiieneri witn a .sloie, 111 which tlio Italians said ' r.omethlngi nl blown up, ' Inspector of Combustibles Owen Kiigan dliverisl cobwebs 111 Hie stove, and exprefsed the op'nlon that It bore no Indications of recent comhusinn of any kind A padlocked door lending to 11 small rear room excited the curiosity of the de. teitlves, but the Italians said that "peo ple lived there" nnd It couldn't tm opened, Harblerl and Foley forced their way In. There they found physical evidence iif an explosion M.igjn picked up what he said lonkul like 11 dark gray powder and an tltnonv In the loom weie half a dozen old fashioned mortars such us were oricii tried In fireworks fictoiies, an emptv one pound powder cup milked "Im Punt" and n ttntull sieve Tlicie was also 11 mpt besrlng the ItiHcrlptlon : "Aiigmt Siinil.n, liianiifiictiiter of llrcwnrks. Uii.'i ,w lhit hum avenue, North lleri'vp. . .1." The thtee Italians were loc'ted up chnrged willi mnnufiiiiurliig ixploslves In 11 tenement nous without n penult.' .lltr.Vr It Kilt SI'KIMI WATKB. lie th. isiM of eli gist. .tops.rl bottlM ZAPATA'S MEN RIOT AND LOOT MEXICO.CITY I'.ainlil Hepudiates Villa and Wild Scenes Are Ueporled in Capital. CAKKAXZA I'OLM'KS Di'iin ci i v 1 1 ll I lion l.l l.llIJio Waimiiw.tom, Nov. S5 Blot and pll lagc obtain in Mexico city for the first time since the present four years of trouble In the republic began accoidlng to iidvlcc" received here to-day Olllcial despatches confirmed other re ports that C.en Blanco had lol,itc! his pledge not to leave the city unguarded and had left the capital with his cavalry division, the sole protecting force trmaln Ing after the general evacuation by Car rauza Vlth the withdrawal of l!en Blanco's troop Zapata entered the city unre strained The result was a ronsldetable disturbance with op"n looting of stores and other business t st.ibllshitieiits In the city, while the remnants of the troops and citizens stood hclples In the face of the mobs, rx-spntche. received at the State Pe- I partment Meie behind those received from . other channels Consul Sllliman. the Presi dent's agent btfoie the Carranza Government, has sent no leport of later (late than i o clock yesterday afternoon, he stated that Zapata soldiers were , npproachlng the city fiom the uburbs, while disturbances already had occurred in the city Thcc he repotted wtie sup-! pressed. Disorders lioliiK On. Other ndvlcei, however, of later date than anything the State 1 lepartnient has state that at a lute hour last night the disorders were continuing in the face of efforts of the citizens to organize volun teer police forces for checking the lawless ness. Though unolliclal advices and informa tion brought to It by tlw British and l'rench Ambassadors hale Indicated to the Mine i icp.irtmeiit thai conditions In Mex- SSrttS leports of its own representatives, who. hale continually rent leassiii n,g nies-1 sages about conditions In the Mexican cap- i Hal. i Hi en to-day, with olllclat despatches In the Department contlrmlnr reports of the nig ore men entry of Cap ita, oitielals here endeai ore.l to explain away ;h,. W.iehli'gt. n poll. v with regard to Mexic i ne teor ot llrltish It. I fiw .1 1 1 it , u . .. . . . I ....... , " .tun inane omeiai" .heie all the mm,, anxious that there should i tin lawlessness In tile .Mexican p.mii h I which might endanger life and property of Th- view ..f the British and Trench tloiernnieiits differ comidernbly from the att iiide of the Administration in leren- si.tgcs of tne Mexican situation. It is known that tlpse Governnieiits are in- il 'ieii to liold the I'nlted Stall s rrsiioti- Mine lor is in Mexico to-day These Goierninents regard Hi i nileil Mates .is l.ttgily ri'spausiblv fur Mexico's present state. It I'd.nne e lib nt to-dai tlut follow lS their ptact.ces of turning from one hope lo anotlie. Administration oillela.s aie now counting on the entri of villa n ...v ..i.-v.,.,-i n im it ilia, exisi there during the oceupitlon of the illy by Znpitii and his forces. Carothers - npoit some i;,s ag. that Mlla had issued an order forbldddinir looting .itul the molestation fif women I'ticourageil oilleials here, ami tlieu only anxiety now Is lest his arrival at the i capital be greatly delaved While the i precise nature of the relations between '111 . T l.ns: ot c... lenoiis u,i iimt ViiIt .i. , at Cel.iya. Just south of Queretiiro. with no 1 obstacles hetiveen h.m and Mexlc . city I'oiisul ''anada reported to.1l.1y tlmt all was ipnet In Vera Cru, tin; added that 1 reports h.ul been receivisl of disorders In .Mexico clly He forwarded to Wash- am direct line of 1 omiuuiuc itlons Aclliin In the .North, lL, torn the north it was repoited 0. that forces 0f the convention are .garheilrig at San l.ilis Potest ,,nd tint 1 , T.implco l also an objec'lve of troops npiiosinK luiranz.i Assurances nave been given, it Is sil,1 that :lie foreign loll properties pear Tnmpico will lie Mile-, uuiitely piotei'ied Tlie only actum taken bv the Stale He. Partment rrgatdlni; the Mexican sltuntloti J ,irier Mr Sllllinau fiom Mexlm V.'" J""! ' arr.ui.a. 11 is presuiiieu I """ 1 :""r;"'i:; It at OrU.ib.i. where , ,Pr, ,ht '" "l,1t ''';,'.'!'",lls , !'' ,h'''1 "-inbi.shed hls0an 1)a,Pii i.1 '', '.' will the Brazilian them """ 1 nrrarfsa Is still at Oru.ib.i. where , '" . '".'.'.'!'.""ls '"' esinbi.shed hls,0an have 11 doctor who Is sble to uudet-1 ,. ",,,, , 1 xi .V- 1' ' ' '.'"l.r. ! ' , Z,, : . , ? , , 'I'"1 v ' &'T , M 1(1 , y comma rub, 1 by G-n Angeles ' the , Ihirloue C l.loiente ii.i.n.,1 '., pi,,,, agept fif tie Agilasiallentes convention anlved here to-day nnd Joined the colonv of Mexican pi iip.ig.itnllHtas Several M.x leans intercted In reviling llie fortunes of Gen. Felix ni.iz. aie also In Washing ton fine member of the party secured nn Interview with S.crctaty Bryan he. fore olliclals nf llie Dep.irtinuit could nil visit the latter ns to the character and Inteiests of the new arilval The State Ilepar'tnent has asked Con sul llosfetter at llernuislllo for a report 011 the cases nf W Carrnway, .1 C Wilson and .!. It Mclnery who have been under arrest for some time In Sonoru under charge of having dynamited bridges over which troop triilnn were expected to puss It has been reported thai Cnrraway was about to he executed ZAP A T A THICKS 1 'ILL A . villi. Into Mexico ti, Loot, store. nnd llepodllile. Giitlerrc, Kl Pso, Tex., Nov 2,1 Gen I.Uelti nianto, the 111,111 whom Gen, Villa and the Convention had expected In maintain C'oitHiniri oil Seventh fug. ion. m, tne aun pMumhb Action' CZAR WINS DECISIVE VICTORY NEAR LODZ; REPORT A WHOLE GERMAN Emden Survivors Describe "Sea Rover 's ' ' Last Fight t'cniiiiii Ci'iliser Kiioil 1.000 Shells, but Less Thau 0 Struck the Sy.Iiicv. H If" I.nnion "flnlli VmV nvr fmicf yptrtal Cithtr lleipntrfi to Inr. St.x t oi.ombo, Ceylon, .Vol. 2' (Tuesday). ."onie of the Kmden survivors arrived here toilay. Capt. von Mueller nnd Prince Wilhclm of Hohrnzollern were not woundei during the action In which the German "sea rover" wa set afire by the Australian cruiser Sydney. The Kmden Is believed to have fired 1,000 sliois than twenty struck the Sydney. The majority of them fulled to explode. The Hmden's first fen shots were good, until the Sydney got the range. Tho Sydney's first four salvos fell short. Thereafter hr shooting was deadly. One of the earlier shots fired by the Kniden carried away the Sydney's range Under. Another exploded on the deck house aft, causing considerable damage. A third pierced the shield of a port C inch i gun, killing two men and woundlnr tno, who have since died. Another crashed I Into the Kits: Lieutenant's cabin but did , not explode. The Sydney's -un riddle 1 the Hmden's hull like :i sive nn. h.n r,i...i-.i i i torpedo tube nnd blew up part of the deck, carrying ovcrtsxird a gun and about sixty men. U-17 IX TROUBLE. lirrmnn ,iilininrlnr llelleieil lo lie Helpless In North Sen. P'Ciol Vnhle Dftpntch to Tnr Srv Coi'KNUacks-, Nov 25 The German , AMERICAN FIGHTERS HANDLE GUN AND PICK Vnlunteers Man Trenches Fnui - or Five Days, Then "Hest" Din'iny Others. lc in.' f.iMe Prni,af to Tar Srx Pirns, Nov. The corrcsponden- of ' ' who have been lncorpo:iu:ed In the lxir- clgti Legion, write! under date of Noem IkT "0 a- follows : We ate on the top of the hotseshne shaped tiring line, which has bten rorinrd at Cr.imine. We teturn to the xlllage In the woods a the rear everv four or live ,liv, Tltl. U .tot for absolute lei. :ls we Join the pick and shovel contingent f"r tlitee or tour days and then so back to th., irroeh,-.. The rest we gir comc.s from being free to move alMiii' without being seen. Pajigei still exift.-, however, for dining our last, pei tod of rest a man not an Atnericau j was wounded by ehrapnel. i "The foml heie gets better eier day. Our two d.ilh meal- consli- of t b.n of. a piive of Swiss cheese. olie-tiflh of a eolTte cup of rum. a k'lo W.ini itwo pounds) of brexd, .1 large, lion I of soup, potatoes, meat cakes, ti!- ' cults and surdiui-s The coffee, bread, nuxit and veset ibles we g: eieiy day and the other things are '.liiown in when- . . .... .... . . . ... "nr ' "' """" 18 uiucu ouciier man m,t "'' r""" " 1 "w1 ,"'' r'1,,'", a lrlt"' lioiii ins nroiiier i.uiiiwisiu saying mat th" bitter was found null: for service. We left Kllluwood Towie behind at Toil-lou-c in the hospital with knee ttouble. which we did not believe to be senou. We ee all tiiieved. almost th inkful, tb.i' h was tinihle to come, for the pos sibility, of two btolhers never lemming home seemed to us too great . flee. I'rnncis Towie, wlin Is the siicrl- miioik-I est ,f us all. has proved the stout, st of I "near-, never complaining no matter what , h ir.silps and dials are eiUMimtcieJ. 11. ve. g.iiiug ue,ircse,i. aiuioiigii tne, iiimhei ..f those aniniig us of whom lis much can be said can lie counted on the ilr.gihs of one hand 1 "Ir. Van Vo1t, who Joined the lhig. ' llsh voluutiers lie a prhate nlthough he I s an American. Is adjutant, that Is to I say sergeant-major or the medical corp. of the second foreign regiment His services among the llngllsh volunteers wt 'llouen and Toulouse gained him the tecog- nltlon of our Surgeon Captain, who tecum- mended liiin for the adjutancy. We were tmmennelv pleased, as both Kngllsh and Americans are glad to have. Van Vorst i,.r, Si, that those unable to speiilt Frisnch "1 have received uiir letters sort news papers and I thank you for theni Money of no value here The boys receive ull sorts of things, apparel, &e, with the ex- ptlon of choinlate and cigarettes ji s unbellevealile wlin t prices sr ofi'e d for ligsrettes uniiiiilllngly When u fellow receives some hi mail he. Is prince " DUCICESS FENDS ZEPPELINS. Her timer of .MnrlliiirnaKti lint Wire NrtlliiH Oier l.onilon Xlniislon, I.ONPO.V, Nov -.1. The Ihichess of Mnrlborough (Consuelo Vnnderbllt) Is the latest to folio tv an example adopted by many prominent persons of protecting their homes against n possible attack hy Zeppelins. Sunderland House In Curzon street Is now guarded by n stout wite net. ting attached to heavy pules stretnhed .irro.s the roof nt a height of several ft-t Sunderland House Is the property of the Duchess. It was given lo her tiy her father, William K Vnnderbllt. who bought tile site of the old Curznn Chapel ! and built on Ii The Tate Gnllery of British rt bus tniiei measures to prevent damage by bombs Several works by Turner, Ilns stltl and lliirnclnncs have, been taken from the walls and stored and In each room big cans uf sand h.ivn been placej to prevent an outbreak of fire after a bomb explosion. CORPS SURRENDERS . EF . Capt. John C. T. Glossop, Commander of the Australian cruiser Sydney. submarine I'-IT 1 believed to be drifting In the North Sea with bet machinery damaged. The marine station at Bergen was notified yi sterility that a submarine was appro.ii hlng the harbor. Two Nor wegian torpedo boats went out to meet her. The German captain said he wished to enter the harbor of Bergen to repair the' machinery of the submarine. He was in formed that the ve-sel would be disarmed and Interned, whereupon he null tne ter ritorial water rs under -hi; escort of thejniitl Cr.icnw, but nsserii tlmt attacks .-. li s o. be. d tint the sub- woro repuKod In all of lib's., ri-slons. torpedo boat: marine since has bom in difilfiilta : ZEEBRUGGE SHELLED ; AGAIN BY WARSHIPS j liiiiiliit.iiii of Piclu'inii ConM Town Arc Warneil icl'ore lioiiihiiiiliiicnt. II y .1 V l HI M, p,f, r tr ,,,, , i ,' , r .,nu; "tia,h Mm' " Tfmt I'ahtr itrtwtri. m Tnr m . ItoTTiuitiAM. Nov Warning was i ghen to the Inhabitants of Zeebrugce and Hey n bv Cao shots from the British wat- ' ships tbl morning that the bombardment1 was ahmit to be resumed f,,M;' ".i, ;'f" '""';". 'J' Ilolland from the coast The nude at Zeb-i,gge has been p.uMi destroyed hy th.. Hiitili guns. I l'lerce tlghtiiiB i i- r,.-.,Kres ... :i.e 1 prcs district, where fresh 1 1,-mnn troops ' are attm king 1 ..-up-s-ly The -'.uieh'ter ' has been .ippnlpng The German reen-' fotcements cm- st of Hue., a rim corps. ! i.w,.v .imik, ..ii i I . ii an. 1 .i. guns '.eeukugg:-: a ula'.e. Ilrlllsli Wnr.lilii. silenced l.eioiiin llllttei'ie. l.linre. Ver,jt I'tiblf PrH'tttst, to 'I'll r l I.OMios, N . T ,t, corrf.. spondeii of the P11' '1 i.wsii;r .loni. Iio.e ties, .-..ii, ih, he mb 1! .Pueiit o! .re tirugge b the IMti-li t! t, H ittch he was able to witness from ,1 church lower. Bv means of field glasses he got a fair view of the cannonading, and he .is n,j; uoh .1 thuiidei of guns ha. -i,,t i heard In Belgium since the w ir h. The correspondent could see r.;,..irlv tint no shot nrsseil li.tween and .1 o'clo, K 1 111 the nftci iioon the who, pint w is wiappeii in uimis ,t in . time .1 g explosion wis lle.ird An Inhabitant of eehrtnu.,. utm .iIm, saw 'lie hoinhard- ,.,, ... ,..,... w ' ' ' ' " ' ','.": "a fri , , fn,.,lirv inks n Hie neighborhood of a coke 1,1 If. mil, .,1, A, ,,, ,,,,, ,,f ,,, ,1r ,1,1,,, .r ,,swered from s.ioie. Init iht rrnlv soon ce.i-,,1 "a., suns ir.mii h.ii leg he-n d ttved The ItMtish war- shins hnwrirr contnnied Hi mc i.umi 1 , , 1 r p.ikt 4, when thiv .eased giadu.illv T'n. coriesnondent ih,. d un-iir..,.j must have I n tre-e. ndous, bide ng ftxim the force of the hunbitslu'et t BELIEVE RUMANIA NEAR WAR. Itiis.lsn. Hxpei'l Neluhlior Will .loin Allies WI1I1011I Helm. '. , IIHNMIT, frrlar fprfissf ,,' th l ututon 'Hatty Wli i " JVthoiiiiAii. Noi J.i - T'le heller pre. vslls heie liiinianla has tlnnllv At rld'd to eeier the war llei p .!lrtclan are said to be coiiv.iired that she camcit expec to obtain Tnitisvlvanl.i without firing shot ns she won Helirudia In the seciind Balkan win The constitution of Ituiii'inla require, llie sanction of the Legislature f..r mo. blllri'tion The Senate end Chamber of Heputles will convene on Kiiturdny, ivti-n the necessary measuris. Including n mora torium plan, will be iieseritd FAVOR GETTING JAPAN'S AID. fiprnnt Cable Vftpatch tit Tnr. pes Psi.ts. Nov IT, Stephen Plchon, for merlv Mltl.ter of Foreign Attalrs, writ ing In the Pi'd' .onnioi, expresses satis faction at the growth of the Idea of linv. Ing th Jap.'imse participate In the land war on the Cnntlnei't of Hurope He ssys the idea has partisans In .lapan, France and Hussla, tint lliigliind Is rather sympaihctic and that Gciiuhu." fears the piwslbllltv I In adds Hint ine uiiju't f li s pio voked In ilie Cnilcd Slates aie dying nut nnd moienier it Is eai to give tls I'nlted Stales all the neicss.irv giiiiriinlies. ti II K I". V t "I" It Mil s V O T C II IV NOV I IK PI I I Alll.l'. IKim.KS ANPIIKW CO lMinbmth A4v PRICE TWO CENTS. li'einnants of Kaisers Army Xow Fijylit to Kscape Annihilation. I i.r.oo.noo TH00PS TX DI'SPKHATIO IiATTLE jMrt,v-eirhf Trains to Carry Captured Prisoners. Guns anil Stores. IirSSlAXR TAKE CuOOO XI'AH CZKXSTACIIOWA i Outer Forts at Przein.vsl Oc j eupied by nesiejrers. Says Koine Despatch. sr.M.tnuv or tiii: v.n kiv, TIio Litest new from Itusslnn snuroi's of liu- situation In Poland Im t tin t llio CrTiitiini Imvo stirTort'il a crsat illsasti.f Oiip report fruin IVIrognirl says Unit nn t'lttlrc nriny corps, prosum. ably .".O.t n m i nioii. wn si surnuiiulisl nnd captured: tli Giiiiuin lino hn si lieen sli.illi'fod. nnd that Hie Russian iidvanco iu Sllcsln l sivccpinc toward tho frontier. Tin' German Vi'ar nrrici' admit that tlio I!iisuiis. nii mi the nfr"i'nlv' In Kiisf Prussia, boiivi'on Hie VKtula nnd tlio W.irtlio Und boforp t'pustadiown ' 'I'lic dtninnlr it'lt'ili't of ISoiiip hoars ;tliat tho Ittissian victory In Poland Is I of far sTcatcr ninsnltudt' tliuti tin s. been intlmuti'il by the Itussmn Geiicral Staff, land nilds that the Itul.iir luno oap- turcil tin- miter fort of t'romysi and have- taken the city of 'einplln. In Hungary. As n-eardi the c.mipnlcn in tin west, l'.irl announces iitlUially tint Trench are linnibnidlns ArnaMlle. ton tulles iuit1iwnt ot" Melz, where the Prt'lieli line Is nttetnpiliu; to close be. hvoen the German position at St. Mllile! and .Metz. A German attack at ItoMilncotirt, northwest of Verdun, was repulsiMl anil a German reitiest for an armistice va denied Itorliu s.iys that Hi,, situation v uni'liaiiu'eil e.xcept for . .. ,,n,,-ess ti. lr rr,s , P"' r '" rr',s "'ere were no Important inoienients III Itt'lgltlin or ill northern I'lillice vester- ,i;iy ,,m1;iv ! p,-,.,,,.,, ,,1,1,.,.,! re. , "HtMi Indian troops recaptured trenches near I..i It.issee :i.,.w1(,r(Mi,(. iun was unbroken. Iherf , . N " "' 1 i"'1'i ""' 'Tllliins "It pleparltis for a trenietnlolls atlliclt ,, ,.,, Ypre and AlTils I'liere i-i no flesh indication t tint Itily . prepai'lli;: to t'lke the field .igalnt Germany nnd Ausrla, hut some slsnltii'.iiice is ultaclieil In Home to the appointment of Sir Henry How ard n HrltMi .Minister to tlio Vatii'un II was utiuonnceii i.i.t niclit In the House of Coinmoiis that lire.u Itrltiiln and Trance haie the l'nitil Stales :o enforce the nctitrallty nf t'liloiuM.i .itul l!tii.nlir 1 11 lierwise the? wl'.l tlnd it necessary to net. It Is officially imnoiinceil In Berlin the Ttirl.s won a ilclory oier the llr.iish iiiunsr tin- Stp7. Canal and are .uh.111.i11u' lieai i yttns to destroy the niisiruiilii' works and tu hot tie up the I '""11111 ".ll"!llps ill the walerwuy. (! E UMAX DEE EAT IS OVERWHELMIXG Unlser snni'rs t.rentest IHsnster of ii r. n y t orre.pondi'nts, yprrlnl (ii'O li'tratrK to Tne I.oxpon. Nov. 'I'i. etc Is no longer doubt Hint the (terinnris have been thoroughly- beaten In Poland and that the nulls of a broken army ate lighting only to escape annihilation. Tho Pelrograd correspondents of newhpapern here and In Home ngree explicitly In tbe.r despatches report ing a great victory for the Kmslans All hear the Germans have lost in. entire army corps near I.edr is another reort that two army corps have been destroyed or captured hi the result of a Husxlan cnvalty flank ing movement It uppcurs from Hi despatches nt i orre spondents, which are supported bv conservative statement by th Bus slan General Staff, nnd a partial admin smn by the German War Office, that (rnuiny In Poland has suffered th greates1 dlsnfter nf the war in due M-'unwhtlo the ltupt.ins nre pushing forward toward Kcenlgsbrg, are tsim bardlng (racow. have taken the ou'.er forlH at Pireinysl and are once moto Invading Hungary. THE RUSSIAX REPORT. sot. German Inxnders trr Pressed nn lliery side, ffrltil fobtr fieip'tfh to Tun Sis I'FTiiniirnti, N'oi lit - -The following official communication from the Itusslan General Staff wis given out to-night The fighting pear IoiU coutu urs The Inrge German toi.-cs wlileh n November broke Into ihe reg' .r Stryltnw, Htse.iiy. Ixoli r Mr and Tusr.yn tall these places ate In the vicinity nf l.odi) are pi.ncd on eiery uide by our troops, .mil n. ne i