Newspaper Page Text
VOL. LtfXXII. NO. 104. STOCKS RISE Ab MtHANbh j IS REOPENED! One Lusty Cheer From 15io kers iintl Then Trail it .; JJcjiius. KAIiSOK roRKKJX LlQriDATIOX KADK Th Nfiv Virk Stock Rxch mge ri tpentd sestetday for trading In stocks afur HI dtjs of Idleness. Although trailing was icstrletcd by llxed minimum t-ics and limited to certain Issues, all ciidence was absent of the danger of foreign liquidation has b.-cr. the lniRt'cir of the financial eo.uiiiuiilt i! exchange closed on July ro. a in -lie contrary the two hour session disclosed such strength and such con-Mono- In intrinsic value tli.U the fears nf WhII Stmet wctc. In : large incisure. chislp.iUd The bidding was nggresltc. ccn ex clt'd, and the closing showed nu-rago all iances vrr Ilia prlccst of July SO of troin t. to IS points. Some Issues were 20 to 1)5 points higher and Hmcral Motors led Itiem all with gain of 27 ' inlnt The cheers of the tlx hundred brokers as they swirled on to the, lloor and Into the enthusiastic grouin ahull the stock trading posts on thr iI.iiik of the 10 o'clock gong hal scaricly net lied Inui the Heady whirring dlu of old time trading, when the news thrilled Wall Stieet that the n opening was no Winter an experi ment, hut a proved success The stearillj rising prices, anxiously watched as they m.idM their mappearanci! as old friends on tin- ticker, tapes, t' hi the Hor of can fill handling of tho sltu.i tlon, nf sound belief . i the prosperity of till country and of renewed business confidence throughout the I ind. After one little tremor jf uncertain! shortly alter tho opt nine, when price mowd off just a shade, them Mine such .i rush of buying onlers that pi Ices shot upward and continued cllmhlnt; until the rloxlns hell ended tho ssdon praetlcally i the top n I'nriiml Olrlirnlloii. No foirii.illtlcs accomp ildid the hlartlnnj 'f the StooU Kxehanst m.iehliiiTy. A lusty iheirsiccted Kly as he stepped to the rottrum at the tide of the Hloek Kx- i 1 1 i 1 1 1, e lio 'I aim nuunuiu uto ujhihih,. Kons, "Tliui-n was an avalanche of paper j snowstorms, a whirling burst of noise on llic lloor.' Hut that was all In the wjy cf outward celebration I in n few minutes after the iNchangc , opened the whole, -great machinery of Wall sjtieet was working wllh tho unconcern,, the buslnessllko preclHlun, too mental ' iewpolnt of nortn.i times. In tho com j Mission houses tli samo old groups of I ustoniers, absent for weeks, were again at i their accustomed places with u whetted ! appetite for elucidation and Investiiieiu, j Tne corridors of the big buildings weie, eain utile with quickly moving crowds. The cheering possibility of again .earning money was lellected In the faces and Inisinessllke briskness of almost everybody 1 In Wall Stri-ft. , The gallirlcs of the Stock Kxchange, , ttiat for member and the. other for the' public, were Jammed. i!ay colors, Hashes ir gray and whl'o stiats, Hu- mllltnty cut ef Uahlouable gowns, maiked the day us on out of the ordinary The members I ' the exchange were jubilant and many i hppy luncheon club sathi-ilngs followed 'tis day s trading. f.iilli-r Xliirket Willed Out, Ther.. waa only ono spot In the strwt that did not share tho general happiness. The gutter market was wiped out. Where a month ago a busy crowd of mushroom traders were busily making fair sired for tunes, live men, a boy and a peanut stand marked the end of that institution. Thw encouragement of a successful opening was particularly felt among tho bankers. Here are the opinions of two who watched tho trading yesterday: William A. NiihIi, chairman of the Corn Kxehatigi) Hank, said : It puts in an uiideistandable form what we have known In an uncertain wuy for "leks So far us the monetary condition - concerned, there call be a flee market ioi all sicurltlex, hut there seems to be a fear or foreign liquidation, of which there no tangible evidence except that the seenrltli-H aro held abioad. "I bmeve the largo International Issues Kiiidually crawl Into trading. The fiening of tins exchange will enable tho iMnks to loan the large supplies of call mnnev on hand." Aitiun Kav.magh, vice-president of the. Nat.' cm- Hank, said : lt sumption of dealing In shares on the .-toil, Kxcliange marks another progies .vi step toward the n-toration of con .i len. e ami nunnal conditions, If Is a tucid thing to have all open market where calii- , ,m be dt elded. The resumption ef t-adllig on the Moo. will probably ere- '' i m.ater domaiid for call money. "Miiih talk Is heard about foreign liqui dation, but a Ihiropeau who visited mo w-sierd.iy and who takes an nctlvo In ' r -i hi Investment nurkets told mo that te ,ir has pruM-d that Ainorlam sccurl in a valuable investment to hold, lit Ijehevis that then- will be quite n tie .Hand for our International Issues." muiii- 1,1-iiiIIiik Imui-s, ' A f ii what happi nisi in stock prices, ' t.i'ues uf quolatliiiis tt-ll thn story i.j i efft-i-tivil). Ailv.'llnes were quickly 1 i in Heading, the market loader ; St. 1 n'. Northern Pacific, American Sugar, ' 'n i g.mi.iteil Co,per and New. Haven. Vl- "nn.' with Prlday's closing prices 1 lie e,-ib clearing liniiie transactions l.-.idliig fo-ed jthtirday with a gain of ni.. St. pnnl was I'; nilntK higher, i ieiii p.ulti ;t t ; , American Siigur 2'i, ' ' M.iven 31, ' tii'.illi all of these stocks and many N-.- stalled at the low points ester- - nonilng, with their advance, making "vr m full swing u half hour later. " ' Mr.i fe- minutes of filling out of "'ie ,t,itii f the market was sufficient I' Mas qui. klv perceived that thn market appareiitiv swept Imie or stocks at prieie. They would not conn, out, f were iniiuy r'oio huyei-H than low T en the ihorts. anil It was plainly 'rent ftnni the day's operations that ' ' is .1 huge (.hint inli-ii'st. began to 1 'r.ght and to hid aclludj. J " Mteiiglh in Iho lloor market was '" ' 'I 111 the cash iniukTt In the clear- e house. L'ulon Pacific cloned at 117, Continued on 7'enlh Page, NEW House Will Vote Next WeekUMl CAN'T on Liquor Democratic Leaders Do Not (Jot Majority Needed for Ratification. TWO WKKKS niKISTMAS w.KetitNorON, fe c 12 To proposed mo. one providing for constitutional reform national prohibition and f.i.- other eon ferilns the ilcht to tote on women, will come, up for decision In the House the latt"r part of t'.iM month. This Is as sured as a !-nU of action tnken to-day by the Committee on Itules. The committee ordered thr prohibition amendment r ported to tne Iloue by uminlmou.i otc. toembr 22 was fixed .is tae u.ite lor beginning debit on the Issue lr the Ilousa on this proposal. The unmans amemlmant was mdcred te ported by a vote of 4 to 3 It will be passed on Immediately aftr the disposal of the prohibition amendment. The rule under which the tno amend ments will be considered ptovldes for elcht hours debate on prohibition and MX hour on sutTraert. Tho leaders, believe that action on both will be taken before Christmas, but that neither resolution will receive the necessary two-thirds ote required to take the proposed reform to the States for ratltlcatlon Tho lcht im-mbTs of the committee who voted for roportlns the prohibition nmendtntnt were Itepresen'atlves fiold fo(tle, Henry, Cantrli:, I'ou and Poster, liemocrats; Itipresentatlvs l.enroot and Campbell, Itepubllcan". and ltepre"cn!a tlv Kelly of IVnns Ivanla. rroirresslve. The action of tho committee on pro hibition m-crded wlrh the wishes of tho Democratic leaders The'' were opposed BRYAN TO FIGHT RUM, BUT BY STATES. NOT NATIONALLY volition of ' ui n Lt U'AhlltM.To.N, Pec U' i: the widely heralded editorial In Ust month's Commoner with refeicnce to the li.'inocratlc part and tho liquor nn.j ( woman suffrage questions, which did not moan that he regarded the Issues as na- ",' 'i"-..,...... iij .T'creiarv iiryan in iinviuri iuuwik.. ,v. Jtner eouoriai " Co xrx " w lith , W"V made aiallable hero to-day. This place him In acconl with the President so far as tfcntlng these questions as Stat Issue Is concern.!. Tho .Secretary points out that lie Joj not yet believe the time opportune for ictlon by Congriss on' these Ismici, CllOUKIl f-lilie- Hill ) UK ... OIIV 'i piohlbitlon and woman suffrage, but lie declines, the Democratic party thiougli- out thn country must nevertheless gt on the right sldo of these questions or ho predicts It will draw to It the worit element of the Republican party. Tim text of Mr. Hryan's editorial Is as follows: "Some of the Democratic editors profos to misunderstand the Import of the two editorials In the last Issue of the Com moner, one entitled 'The Alcoholic Mill stone' and the other an editorial In sup port of woman suffrage. Heinle to Stnle lnr, Thee editors j-eem to consider the above mentioned editorials u an in dorsement of national amendments favora ble to prohibition and woman's suffrage, but a careful reading or them will re veal the. fact that while tho former plainly protests against the domination of the Democratic party by the liquor in terests and the latter as plainly supports woman s sunrage. tney 10 inesc Issues as they present themselves In the i v.-lrlous States, "A two-thirds vote of the two houses of Congress Is required for the submission of an 'amendment to the national Consti tution nnd then tho amendment must bo ratified by three-fourths of the States. There Is no reason to believe mat a pro hlbltlon amendment or 11 suffrage amend- EUGENICS, NO ! CIGARETTES, YES! Woman's Lpjrislativp Coniiri'ss Surprised by Lucy l'as:o Gaston. Citicmo, Dec 12. Hugenics went down to defeat, hut rltrarcttes won a vlctoiy In n whirlwind close of the Woman's Legis lative Congress to-day. The recommendations qf the commltee that a health certificate bo demanded bo fore marriage was voted down by a Urge majority Miss Lucy Page Huston, the cigarette's stanchest enemy, was responsible for Its victory. The resolution called for stricter legislation regarding the sale of cigarettes to minors. "Our legislation In that tespect Is ns strict as necessary," ald Miss HaMon, and tin chairman rushed the vote, thiougli and the motion was lost. Tim following measures wero Indorsed : Legislation which will mimic from of fice all nfllclnls who do not enforce exist ing laws. An eight hour day for women. A child lnltor law to raise the age at which a child may go to work from 14 to 10 years. I.eglsl ttlon pieventlng boys under 14 years and girls tinder 1' years from par iiein.iiliiL' in street tiadis. I-VKlslatlon preventing messenger bo,. a under 21 ears 01 age iinui wiiihiiik ih iween the hours of P. M. and 0 ,. M. Legislation demanding one day of rest n week, A minimum wage. PORTUGAL HAS NEW CABINET. Of inocrittlc Ministry .Mny o llr snpporleil lis Other Parties. Pll Cfnlrnl .Venn, LihiioN. Dec. 12 - A Democratic Cabinet has been formed by Senlior Coullnho, but the leaders, of the other parties decline that they will refuse In nuppntt It, Mx-Pmuiler Muchado In an lntivlev condemns the parly misunderstandings as dangerous tu the welfare of the republic YORK, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1914. copvrwi. and Suffrage I.elieve Kitlier Question Will to Submit It to States i VACATION HOPKS OONKt , tn tike aet'on on suffrage. But apparently (they d'd not fro out o: their way to pre- vent action. A ro ort on tho suffrage , .intendment nas made poslble by t'tej support plven the Itepubllcan an J ri-.i-, Kresslve members of th" committee ay ItojirescntatlV" l-'oster, Democrat. The vote on e'irTras wa: Ayes foster, Ciiupbel'.. I.eiroot ar.d Kelly i Noe Henry, l'ou and C.intr!" Sot vottns (Joldfosle. In expl ilnlns h'.s failure ti vote on suffrage IJ)iesent.i.'.lve (Joldfogle ..tol on this question tin Intended to maintain "a cotitlon of nu:rahty." In Hctit.s or. t.i" two rOMilutlon tne committee did not pass en the nie.'lt of cither. The committee merely reported rules under which the resolutions may be debited and voted en. L'nless the Perr.ocr.itlc !eadr are badly fooled, both reforms will be beaten by decisive otes. The suffrage amend ment prooably will joll more voUs than piohlbitlon. but that I: will r-ceivc the required two-th'.rds vote of the House ts doubted eien by Its most entuusl.stlc friends Thero will be no political nlUn ments on the utfrace and prohibition amendments. The comniiitee's action killed the pros-pe.-t for the usual two weeks Chrlttna reces ty Conirress. The Indication aie . that the discussion on pnhlbltlon and tuff race will run until beforo Christmas. An adjournment will lx taken then for o.ily two or three days men would a ids time b- ratlrted by three-fourtlLof tile ev," 'i! ?u ' cuied o!e of two-P'irils of the two 0I1,, Itelievlng la both woman's -ufYrae and the abolition of tho lluuor traffic, I would tote for either iimendment If sub- iimit'u, mji ine iinio no's noi M'eni op' porttinn for tho submission of either of ,tp, ,,,.,i,nt.v . natural contest for I r',".!r i"'u'lldlr,"t w1OU,,, """p,y ''IVT' 1 tentlon from other Issues upon w ilch the 1 l''Pt " many io aci wimoui .lai.mcing wiuiv oi "iMo.uir !.uiii.ifce ..i int .rii. , quantity of wheat each had on hand, hihltlon movement. ; -y nillflf a menior.indum of tho amount ."lhoso questions are. however, a. l4uoiof -h(.nt each one had," Lelter tetltled. In the. States, nr,d as a Democrat I lira "J rliscnVercd thete was more than th Interestiil in seeing the party take the entire vlribh- supph In the State of Mlnno. moral side of both questions - tho side, i b(,t,,. accordliitf to the S:a.e and liovern- . ... . t..i ........ inn out or our scnoois ami colleges ami wno assume tne oi.iipa-ions or citl?.ennip wiui a vision oi neuer iniugs. 'i-it lajMtira Cniine N e is AtlRinnriita. "l.iery new Issue causes a new align ment. Ill pn portion as It Is an im portant Issue It brings ubout changes In party alllliatlons. If the Democratic party takes the side of the brewers, the distillers and the saloon keepers It will lose many of Its best members and it wltl draw to Itsilt the worst element of tho Rcpubllcm party and the IVniot atlc party cannot afford to Invite an element that puts de sire for drink befi re principles of govern ment and the nation's welfare. "The more we have of that element the more dlMleu'.t tt will bo to draw to us those whote piesenro gives strength to a party and whoso voice and example in crease Its numbers. "The Democratic party cannot bo killed even by association with so contaminating an Influence as the liquor Interest, but why should the party allow lf If to be debauched and disgraced? ft would take a decade or more to remove the odium that the representatives of the triple curse the saloon, the gamhllng hall and the brothel will bring upon the patty If they are allowed to dlctnte Its policy "The result of the liquor Hght In the last campaign Is full of warning. If the Damocratlo prnty falls to heed these warnings to It It does so at lt.i own peril.' IS THIS MAN SIMONSON ; rail St retell IliniM'lf Seven Jnelies Taller or He a Iluncli haek at Will. Clticioo. Dec. 12. Stanley Simonson of Hrooklyn, N. V., who goes by the alias of Sam Stretch, Is able to cxtilid his height at will. He can grow seien Indies taller In a twinkling. Ho walked Into the medical building on the University of Chicago campus lust week and started to tell his story, but the professors expressed dlsbcllcl. Then .Simonson stl etched. When the Instructors looked up they surrounded Simonson and took him befoio tholr medical classes, wheie the students could Join In studying the phenomenon. Simonson Is nhle to make his vertebra move, lie can move his scapula, or slioul derblade, so as to extend his reach live Inches In either hand. He is double Jointed In every bone structure. Sam Stretch Is able to assume any one nf half a dozen sizes at will. He caq be six feet four Inches in height, although Ills normal stature Is five feet nine. Ho can slmulato a hunchback by volunturily knotting the muscles of his back and bhouldeis and can thtuw his spinal column Into a trim Mute of curvature. Slnionsuti Is the son of a Hrooklyn preacher, lb- was formerly In the United .Stales navy, NO ELECTIONS DURING WAR. M'llli Most Voters MolillUed, I'rance Orders Postponement, .-.(wail Vtitile lirnalct In Tur. Sex r.MUH. Dec. 12. M. Malvy, the Minister of the Interior, will submit a measure to the Chamber of Deputies postponing nil elections, legislative, departmental and municipal, until after the war, because 1 tiearu an tne voters nave neen tnoiiiiiueii. 1 IKH.IIMV ItOI'M) Tltll' I'AltKs POINTS Sitlflll AMI AHKASstA-, TUNAS AMI IIKI.AIIIIIIA, Via SOL'TllllltN KAIIAVA , from H'-.HiIng Km, I). (", Tickets 1111 sale tn Southern points line 13 In tn Arkansas, Texas and Okl.-t Iioni.'i Hoc 17. tn VS. For f iifornuit Ion and lloscrvstlons, N. T, Oftle. IH ritth Are Adv. LOST MILLIONS ' Tells for First Time How He Was "Double Crossed" in Wheat Corner. p.-ji t i i npiv TUMiCr A'ijlil'..lT I I'.o olJv, AGREK.M FNT. HK SAYS Ciii.-Aj, I)"c. 12. Kor the flrs! t:rr.. the lns'de. story of how he as "doiib! crossed" when he attempted t corner the wheat market In Is 01 w.ia told by Joseph Letter In t.m I' tato- Pw.rict OJurt here to-day. He said that 1 s lost m.u.v more millions f'r. he could reincmber offhand, but cited o -.e Itcn of between $10,000,000 and H-' It w is too big to forget. I.elter's testimony was given In hl own defence at the bearing of the suit for tiie recovery ef iJS0,?3i, repnsentlng the prluclpa! and Interest on two notes given j ty tne dcrenaant on uctnner fi, liOS. ' Thfl notes were made out to tho Interior and Monarch ilcvitor c mpint's of Mln i n-apoils for 90.".000 buthels of wheat. I.eiter ald that the r.heit poo! was arranged b: V. II. IVavcy, C'narlea A. I'llisbtiry and utlins nd h:m.M-if The agre.'inen: a that was to bo kept on: .f tlie Chicago market during Lelter's operations cn the Hoard of Trade. Tr)is iigrttment was violated, l.citer (declared, with the result that the bottom dropped out of the ma-kct. causing dls- aurout. results to Lclter. The iae and niatur of facl manmr with which he spiko of lot.e ainouii'.lni to many moie millions th.i.i ho could re- .......l.r M.t.u...! f ... b an anxio'u.'ly forward In order to catch cvt-ry word In riiaiiug how tho ,oo. wa brought about Loiter said that .1. P IVaicy came i ll'JZ'J11 Vl- '!r:n",!"l..'.,o'n.t"?i.I;;;1 f""-e they discuss, d the plan, of handling i "heatcorne, . the Mor.,g, .., ,.. gram tf" distribution of the prortts i-lier sain, was i-j or ai- ranged on a mutual has s between hlmse't. Charles A Pillsburs. th- miller . P If. PfrtVey. a brother of .1. P. l'eaxey, and other Minneapolis, grain nun He declared that ..noiher conferon-e wus held in MmneapuMe on April 24. 19' i,i,i ...... T S .'. ..... ..i..' ' rememb, r- the names of uli u.ho Wir, ttl0tf T,lp f.;u,,,)on ca. vj, i,,..,.r ,,,.,1, tt.ull r,t.iir,i to the null, UVjJ ivjior.?. All tliose p-e-i wruc something on the proposition except P-.iv y. aee-irdlng to the witness Pc.neJ. he sail, refuse,! iu irno iiuiiscii in writing j "1 demanded the proposition be pu: ' In writing," cont.'ntMsl Loiter. "At this1 they all mured up Immediately and said they would not sign any written agree- 1 ments. They said thuv didn't care to go i to Jail. J "I said, 'No moie do I : why this?' i "They said it was a criminal conspiracy I under the laws of Minnesota. 1 said, I ' ell, It Ioks like a pretty good deal :o me. I think we can take our chances on that They tald that they could take their chances too, but they wouldn't sign anything that might be pulled on them later." The upshot of the conferenro was an oral agreement, the witness said. 1Clter declared that according to Mi- agreement, "No more Northwestern wheat was to be shipped t Chb.igo. because I had a May corner ami I didn't want the sborta to get this wheat and ilellier It to tne l.euer tlien went over to the subject Of )...,. !,. t,u I 111,1.0. ..... .... lated their alleged agreement. He said .lames F Po.ivev uthia i.otee io i r, Thompson, selling agent for the elevator Interests, to sell wheat, "but don't tell Lelter." "How much money did you pay to Peavey or Peavey A: Co.?" .'ttorney Piatt aBked. "Why, a couple of million dollars al- together. I think I paid anywhero be- tweon 5300,000 and $600,000 on margins." n ncn i.ciier niscovereii now tilings were going he went to Peavey. The someiioiiy is s.-unig wheat belonging to this pool, and I thirl; ou ate the man itolug It.' He got very mad ami said he was going to bust the pool wide open, und he did." When tlie market broke and Loiter srveyed his shattered hop.-s he found ouo creditor, no sunn, .to whom he owed be. tween J10.00n.ii00 and fl 2.000.000. This was the Illinois Trust and Savings Haul;. "They wero paid In full," the witness said, "and so were all creditors. Their inoir claims ran Into many millions of dollars, ust how In fact I don't remember now Just many minions mere were j THE SUN TO-DAY CONSISTS OK NINE SECTIONS, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST SECOND THIRD -Central News , -Sporting, Automobiles, Kcnneli . , , 18 1 24 Society, Resorti, Fashions, Music, Theatres, Att, Problems . , , FOURTH -Pictorial Magazine . FIFTH -The War Illustrated. , SIXTH - Picturesque New York .... SEVENTH- Colored Supplement. . EIGHTH -Foreign. War Feature", Schools, Rooks, Queries, NINTH Special Features, Heal Estate, Gardens, Financial, Chess .... Total Readtrs or niusdtalas uho do not rtteitt all 0 Mr. if sections it ill conjtt a faxor on "The Sun" ly nolifylnf Me Publica tion Department at omi by the phone (2J00 Beetman) and the missing sections uill tt promptly Jorieardnd, ij possible. xm. imi. bV ,e n rr(..fl and pMui.Mn0 Russians Lost in Poland, Czar's Armies Have Evacuated Lodz. Leaving rrcucJies Literally Filled With Dead, Says German Army Headcuartcrs City Suffered Little From Tire. OKI! 31 AN COUPS LOST ONLY 150 IN FAMOUS DASH Itr.r.Li.v, vis wlrclesn to London, Pec. 12 The Russian lossei to date In the fight ing In Poland aro estimated nt 150,000 men. Including iSO.OOO prisoners, In x re port received from the army headquarters i and n.ade public Jier. to-night. The evacuation of Lodi by the Russians, also !h contlrmcd. The claim of the Iltisjlans that they voluntarily withdrew from Lodz l par tially fiUbsiantlated by t'.ie headipiarters report, as It states that the evacuation of tho city was at first not olwrved, being merely thn result of t'.ireo previous days rUhttng. The Itusslan trenches were tilled with dead, the report state. The staf'ment to-night Is a follows. Tiie eafite:n army headrpurters conltrms toe statements'that the Itus tlans evacuated Lodz. It v,m at first not observed, but was merolv the out come of previous three days right Tin Kuss'.an t.-enelnt. were found literally tilled with dea'd. Though It was our forces which ne'e making tho attacks ou- J s was tar belo that of the Russians In the fHinou dah through the tins. stall lines our 1 neiity-tlllh llr-er Coips lo-t only I.MI men. Wi-aroublo to istntute the Russian Iceses rath r aeeurately In battles In I'oland to date. Including prisoners the Itussluns hair lost 511 ihiii. Tne citv of Id.t suffered very Uttlo from pun fire In too last battlo for Its possesion Reports manatlng from I'etrogrid had Io',lar,d lh:lt t!;e 0, rI1n oor"a whicrt was. siiriounded and entrapped In Poland was virtually. annihilated Pollowlng the German victory at Lods It w.u. slatid fn l'l".ia that only a portion t tue city "-"ip:ed. but the prediction was mad., that the Russians w'ould .ibandon tho lemamder ii oi-der to draw up their Ulattlo lliii funnel' to the eat. ' BERLIN REPORTS GAINS. Ofllclnl Mntenient l'i-IU of Progress In Moth Kast mid XVcsl. Dermn, Dec. 12 (by wireless to Sny vllle, L. I. ) .The following ortlclal stale, ment was Issued here lo-dny: In Flanders yesterday the Prenr.h attack In the direction of Lange mnrek was repulsed, the enemy losing 200 In k.lled and 310 prisoners. Our 1 PfllTll RT0 C h VC BDTTfiTlM ; HALlJ kjn I 0 DlUlfUN VIOLATES NEUTRALITY Asks to Keep Kiifr hmd's Ships From Usin Cnnal ns Base. WAsiMNOTorr. Dec. 12. CSov. OoelhaH considers It necessary that we liaxo war ships at his disposal at the Panama to enforce tho slric rules of neuttallty Prescribed for tl.e u.s. of tho canal by slilps of the belligerents In a rec, nt pro - irlnmatlon by th- Prdent. A message ha been mcelvcil from (Jov. , r.""V,. -7;.. "..', ... ' " .. . ' m,.. 1 Preferably totpedo dostmycrs. be des. 1 patelusl to the Canal .ono to serve as an i effetlve police force. I Col. Goethals's message was very rief and did not state what had occurred to convince- him that naval vessels weteadds. Is liable to be misconstrued .is an necessary at Pnnama for the enforcement Indication tint Hernuiny is e.shausted hy of the rules regarding neutrality. Pn- war, and such false notions tend only ofllclnl advices, however, Indicate that tho i to Injuro tlermau credit with neutral Insistence uf a lirltlsh collier In using ' st.Ues. her wireless apparatus In violation of tho j "Despite- all fi lendiiness toward Amer- nemraiuy ruies in no- rareu tune tor tne request neing ir.iiiio. i nese nrr wireless apparatus w ia-ii wii.hii tae Jurisdiction of the canal except In connce- Hon with the business of passlt-g through the canal. Them is now at the canal no naval 1 vessel, wllh the exception of four fciib- marines. These vessels are of little u-e for tho purpose Col. Hoethals has, that Is, acting as police iboals. Col. Hoethals has adequate forces for preventing any violation of neutrality on i latin nut 11.1s no means or continuing land but has no means of continuing j vessels not In the canal prupcr. t with- in the watirs ndj.icent to the canal and under the Juilsdlct.on of the Fulled States. No action has been )ct taken by of- Ilcials here on the mqest. A dispatch has been sent to him from the War Depart ment, asking him to give fuither details of the matter and his reasons for de siring the prcsenco of warships. Tho H'orW this morning, under .1 Panama date lino, prints tlm following: "Yisterdny the Hritisli auxiliary collier Leno violated tho neutrality of canal waters and canal laws by using Its wlro- less. "The United States naval station hem was not at th" moment -e.idy to Inter nipt the Lena's message, and quick or dim to the Panama Railroad steamer Advance to do so developed thnt its wireless was not prepared for dutj "W'lieless mcs(igis In code have been picked up by 0IIlcl.1l stations here, and tlie presence of allied warships olf the Pacltk- terminal demonstrate that those waters am being made 11 tin vat base for the Allies. "It l,s reported to-day that a squad ron of six Hrltlsh warships nut four Hrlllsh colliers yi-steiday at se.i, ilfty miles south or Panama, mid coaled from them. It Is believed hem that these wuihhlps came from 'Australian watns. line of them Is said to bo the buttle cruiser Australia. "For several dnyji there has been much wireless Interference, and It Is believed Hint the colllem and warships havo been in communication," Till: SI'V prints on Pnge" Vi nmt ia this morning a summary nf the French Vi'llow Hunk, the t'rrnrh Republic's i'Xilanatlon nf wluit led up tn the war. XMAN KXCl'HslON ItATt-iS SOUTH. tVashlnntiln to southern Pities fin s-ilu Use, IS tn ;t, Itee Sl-.lan. 1 Limit Jan I. Imi. suabniird Air Line ll list It-roadway, N V .tiff. . THE WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy to-day; probably followed by rain or snow to-night mid to-morrow. Detailed weather, muit and marine reports will be found on rugc 23. Action. 88 PAGES. 150,000 Men fyrlin Reports artillery bombiirdtd the Ypiou roll way K'ati-'ti :o hlndf." the moonmiit of hostile troops by rail. Wo lrise maun . progiesii nor Arras. The p'-e'ii'ii made iminrLP fill Httarks at Soualn and Pr1lies ami In the Argonne. hut every wln-ro they were repulsed. We to dt an Important position, many of thn enemy lietnr killed by a inlm. We alj .oolt ;nu prisoners In the Atgonte fores' the Piench for weeks past lriv limited them selves to xery weak attaiks, and tln-y every whero have hen repulsed. in tho other hand, Herman troops have again takui possession of an Impor tant Ptciich position of Mipiiort by mi-ans of the i iTdns'.on ut a mine The erem has sneered heavy losses j lb killed and mum -f their troops . hate been so seveielv shak 'li as to b unable to tight an longer . On tho t on'i-r of i:i! Prussia our CAValry repulsed ill Russian attacks. There we i..d. ' mo'i- AUSTRIAN FOliCK WEAK. ! t Ilnoiluli Trnn In lour llllif 1 jenry nt Oiioe, "n (it-rniiiiis, Ih.iniy. Dee. t:, by alr.'-,.-s to Sayvllle, L I. The olH.-.a! iir-ss W reau Issued Ui.m fa'.iowPu -tatenu-U to day , .News irom South Pol.ii.l afrt i.'aJn' makes f .-War tint, invwlibstandtng ii-r-1 tultt sui-ee.os a.hlev.Hl by tin Hermans ind Aus'.rlnus. sovere reslstane.i Is belt!.; encountered cve.rywhi ro. "Pvidently the Austrian Imrm in th Carpatliiatm ale t.xi sin ill to dear Hun garian territory of the. -.imy a,-, once and must attack .'.'.-d repulso on.; rolumn att r ano'her. j "Tho Austn.ins lopnrt t.j- 10ii'0 1 lon.-'fin I'.tl.. hr..n e., til lie.. .1 fall to say within what peno.1. m il.lin? inn -etsir: meaningless " in seiv.ii aiso iv meet ing with dogge,i vi sis tatice .u Sne points but lire proe" ding to the . ' iitli of 11. ! grade." CLAIM PliZASXYFZ. ! (rrmnii '1'nl.i Potlsli 'Iimsii, sn,ih 11 r 1 1 ii llespn leli, Ihj r,rlrnl .Xees. , Dee. l.'. A dispatch from j Herlln sas the tbrnian- claim to have i taken Prasnsz. :n Russlnn pol ind. fifty inlies north of Warsaw, w nlrh is rtgardcil , m Ilotlin last tiglit assci toil that tu ns an stop nnwni.l against ' ItusMtins liuil lost luO.tMMt men In tn- tlie Vistula rortmcatlous. cn Ilia line of )!h?. 5,'uV UiVM , ,. J It Is troug-,1 ,! will eventually in- n.u: th. Riss..ri riar RESENTS AMERICAN POSE AS ARBITRATOR 'Cnloirni' (.azi'tlc" Sav f. s. Too FrieiHll to Mnu'limil to lie .IiKt. ..eel' t.,t,V rtaWIf'-A til Till. stv Amstckpa.m. Doc i; The Cologno i7o;e(fr publislie-i :o-day a long article ill mctiil vg.ttiist Prtsid':ii; WIlHin's e- I I Pri sed desiie Hat Hie Ptdtnl Sta!- , should pi.u a:, impoitant mle in the eon- i nision t i.eace ' Mm .iHKniii state, 'n, pe.i- I movent, nt In Americ. is not lns,r..l lu - , H.-rin niy. and that Am. nctn l..,t ke, s Speyer render doubtful seivc. 10 nor mally In urging the desirability of peace so strongly. Such language, the paper lea." savs the Coloniic fjiinie. "Hei- m:iI mani must not allow- thnisele to be j loa cannot be Hie atbittatot b twe ' nr, 1 "Votwlthstat j ,, ' ,,.,,, ' ' '. u iii'd i',eriiian andirg ixptesslons of friend-1 'onie qii.iiti'ts or Mm .mci, r. would bo an nut licit policy not to rec ognize that nubile opinion In America, I...... s.. .....I...L- r.ii.H.iu. io Britain. That Is n"t a in ttte'r of opinion It Is a matter of fiet. 'A.iafricm iicutiHl.ty on the whole has been favorable to liruain- m view- , .... ..,,,,,01 t,,v.- in 1ne1lca hu.h Wl. owM u, v. ,,bl,- , ' , . . , , i,,,.. h'.-ii would -i, 1 ' T, -V a at. in -egar an " ,V f. We ilu'ish no feeling or iriitatioi iwaiiist Ameiici bei uise sin- i friendly .r motherland, but It tt jut for this ma- sou thai we fear pmjudlci, mil we niil-t Iti a trienill, out iimo. main ei n-jni America as an nrblntor" KAISER BETTER: IS OUT OF BED. Plivslclnii s,, Riiiiiei-iir llns Itetiirii . ' llni.l.lN, Ma The Hague and loindon. IVc. 12 It wis .,nii.iun.-.l'tii-daN the Fnip.miV condition 1';l,'7l 'u prui 11 and that the sm itoms have wh.illi dlsappiand. Tho Hi or'. tciupcratuie Is normal. v. ill Mcdlier. Hinpeior William s physician, said to-day: The KatsiM Is suffering fiom an Infe.-- t loll of his throat ill tlie form of ratal 111, caused by taking cold lie h.ui fever, hut Is gone. The Rain 1 i,-, now up, and to-day lie mocnoil and talked wlili mr.iirroiis gti-'r "The Kaiser Is convalescent, but ll" will have- to remain indoors and test. He can leturn to tin Hi Id In a week or ten days." TO DANCE AGAIN IN LONDON. lilnir lii-iil'Ui- Miiiclloiis Snielnl lintli. rrlnus fur ( lirUlmn. II0II1I111 s, IaINPon, Dec. 1" - s ilii n suit of .111! Intimation from K ng Heingi t 1.. Christmas liul dins -ioniii o'-i.u'd1 us iisuiil ih's,ite i, w.i 'i 1 ii- 1 ings are alii nil being uiilig-.l a ! ,i liilval of dlltli .'g is I The Savoy llodi rcstitned n- Situ In evening winter gulden ilancis lu-night and other hotils am to folluw. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GERMANS LOSE EAST AND WEST, SAYTHE ALLIES Official Report Indicates Be lief Tide Has Turned Agnin&t Germans. STAGGERING P.L0WS nKALT IN FLANDERS Kaiser's Armies Driven From Wot Rank of Yser. Is Statement. RUSSIANS CLAW MARKED SUCCESSES Servians Continuing Drive, Predict Austrian Evacua tion of r.elgradc. Mint in v or tim: wxit m v. It is otll.-lal'.y unnounccd in Pctrogrml and Paris thnt the Itiissi.n.s have re gJlr,.,i tho otfcnsivc la Poland, th;it the licrman right wing lias been routed, tlio Ciormnn centre beaten Imca nt l.owisc! and that tho Ilu -siatis am siicii'sslu' . cor.tlnul'.g iho off' t'Sive at ("tMiow. t-'ncillli'inl new.- trnm the caidtals of the Allies Is the fieriilan plan .)f 1 I"'rati..un In Pol mrl I. is so no to piv owing to the inab ! y of tho Ailsttui" near Cracow to stu id beore tho Hul g.irian (iciieral Diitutricff, commandlrg the Russians !'. titat fglon. A tlerman ulll'i lnl report g,ven Jtteiil.iy uttitiioon says the Russians uro on tin- offcnslvo in Prussia and in southern Poland, but have been m pulsed, wlillo the ticttnan itperutlorii south of the Vistula uml In niirthi'iu Poland am developing. An iilllt-ial annouiiceiiieni givm mi .battles In Poland, liicludiUK I'.U D'aJ 'prisoners. Uwlln Mays- that tho totvn wlh ,., 1N Wiiy ,.,, thP ,.,urK ,, ..... , , j n.g Russian lltus tuoro than two wrck ago lost only lan men .mil was not. ,i I he Riis.-iiins I'l.iiliu-ii, vli'tuallj u ..icil ' out. Franco umioui important gams in si areas of tin. wi item tleld, I flculurly on thn Veer, in the legion of Noyon ami on the heights of the Men c The Allied artillery ami Infantry have lio ti extremely active and the Frown ai.tioii.iceiinnt intllcntos that the 'Ic-r- mans am hnnl picssetl from tin- N'ort'i I Se t to Alsii'V. Fnofllclal French reports 'insist that the ( lei mans, are preparing to ! retire to a strong fortified lino fro;n Antwerp tn P.iusscls to the Mouse. I The (icniiaii report nf the operations In Fl.inileri and Franco sav that the French weto repnl.-id wtl losses nt Langeinamk in I'l.intli i's. that Vpit-s w.ih bomli,iiiled by (in mini nr' '.- lory. Unit tin tiermans inmle inngrc-ai near Arras ami that tin- l-V-inli nitacl.a tl tin- Argnntto have been weak and piolltli'S-'. ,".. Servian oflii-i it aiiiioiinceniei t would indicate that the tide has turned against the Invading Austrinns. Sirvia claims t tui t the Attstrlun.s have l-ist 12,000 men In recent battles, influriin ,"1,1100 prisoners, and that there Is con Iltience that Holgr.lflo will bo rrtnlion. ALLIES DRIVE UK! WEDGE. PARIS HEARS Herman Wltlnlrnsiiil Front Plunders Imminent, Is tli-llef, 1' I ih' Itt.ptlifi l,i 'In, , Puns, I lee. 12.- The iletailnl iep-irt issued by tho French Uoveinineni to day sets forth tho Fn m-li liollef that the 'I'"' "" against the Hermans In both tho western mid eastern theatres I war " """ in 1 rem-n ami nntisli worn . ileinollsiiing (li riuiiii batt.-rles add ad- . 1 . . ... . . .. ' Vnl"'",K Mnntry " 1 iu,Hl"n ''ml ,'",co j the Russians, a.-.-ordlna Hi thr ofti, 1 1'timmiiiiiiitio, were iinvmg Kick iler- ' mini columns thnt had tlimntonod Win- ' '"' """" j heavy blows to the Herman icinrc at A, i ,,, wou, defeatiim 1111 Austr 1- (icnnan nrmy in front id Cniruw, wlnlo the Scrviuus iilti again vigorously mi the offensive and hope 1,0011 to ieu;,, lielgrailc. " "uiviaio iiiiuoiuiceii nils, lit i-r- J Ol III. 11 llll" .MUCH II, M I- ,,Ilt-ll Ml,'. 'ci -si's 111 every illllMiltiiut .ilea ,,f IlKl.t. (ng, nnd Hie luiplli-utlon In tlie a.t- ,,, ..ment is. that the Heliii.ins have boon unable to l.l.'.'l Mici..ssfull l,.e ,,1,,, ,. , , , ... ... , , 7,lK,'1" il , ''' '"' ' "' "'"I lirltlsh In the west while atti uipling tu einusii inc iiusnuill musses 111 111c I'aot. succession of 4 .ii I us., TI10 te.xt nf iho (1 11 11011 m cniciu nver tng iho npcrntioiis 111 the east and wont was as foiluws ; Tin nt' my ha 1 iiniploteil tin ll.llion of tin west bank ol t lit- V r Canal to tin nortn of tile house nf Ilia fen j 1111111 .iii-l' we occupy tins tiin'i 111 tn.- Iigiiili of Arms there lime 1 1 .null' I' I HK.lgeinelllS. Ill Pie region of N.iini'oel our batteii's li.ivn 1 educed to siletiie the b.ilti rles 01 the ennmy. In the tecum of the Ais-id 1. -ir .11 ii aiullery f lei'.'.-d tlie 11. I b.itteilis of Hi,. ifeimatiH t a pnint nei t In u-t nt V .1 1 i - " o' He 1 Ii. 1 !i t .1 .1 liow 1 1 :-. 1 ' -. '.' 1 . ciiinpl n 1. ii- -tmi ."I tn 1 hi i-i gimi of I '1 I', 'is 1 -I .11 t'i 1 io,i' id tin tin est of li i,ru i' there Ilii- been 'l"ic") cimugeilli ' ami .--oui c. 1 1 1 1:1 11 1 1 iiKiituu,, win 11