Newspaper Page Text
SCENES IN LIFE OF CHRIST. Sixteen page Intaglio section containing re. productions of sixteen paintings by Carl Block Is one of the big features of THE SUN'S Easter Number, out next Sunday. he THE WEATHI TS . 1 V rnir io-aay; unseuieci to-morrow. Detailed weather, mail and marine reports will be found on page n. VOL. LXXXII. NO. 196. NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1915. Copiiilpht, IPlIi, bp thi fun 'niitlim mul 1'iiliUshlnn .1 MOrniffoi" PRICE TWO CENTS. Stm. ecast. 1 BARNES BREAKSitj WITH WHITMAN IN 1916 WOVE; Oniiinizntion Lender Seeks j ;i Solid DcU'uatioii lor Hoot. (;iVKI,.0 MKSKTJtY 0NTI,l(TlXi ADYISKIIS v.svxv March II The lt pubilc.ui nvvo-uvtes here Jut now are In some rn,ret- icgal'ded iis h.iviinr a tac' baring n the lineup "I the Nw York J. '. - l'."ll It the "I'M Ill'pUbllCUII IUl- tlnni. .oiivc!"ioii Then 'ilr sums thai William Haines mm ItiJ t held 'J IT I If supposed tin. ,il'.t!'UlS f Hi''. WIlltlllHtl 111 tile IM- tt III and tlin: .t br-nk between the i ha" already lakeii place. Whi e there In t.ilk that Gov. Wli tmnn .ml ex-Senator Hoot may lie oppo nents fi tae nomination frti Prcsldciu, then- ,s s.iue nasun to tstllevc t lie- cx-'k'Untor hue no wish lO ll. II . 'llldlllllte. An thf stor) In tolil. Il.irno n ah to.utvly opposed to the advancement f Cov. Whitman ami I bent upon sending i solid delegation fur Hoot to the lic.xi national oliventloii. llarn -, .t 1- added. i not for llesi' ao ma i he determined to "1111111111:0 whitman from tin- national Held. t Minimi (iots Advice. K"'i,e of the Governor's friends di : 1; linn to go aliead and be a Kisid Ucnriiioi. In hit sight of Ills ambition t Preside:.! ind lei hlr Pie. dent, ll possibilities Blow out of Ills lev. 01 .1 iSuvcrnor. OMui f.iends of the Governor, bow o. aie adv sing him to aet In vvnjs wli li will Itrluit 111 til mere Into pul.ll' not. 1 .nil further his Pre-i. bulbil do .l r T.i'h prooia mile would consist mu.-t' of ignoiiis the l!epub!!iin State nu. Jli litln ill also lia-i heeii told thai t v 11 it lies rock li In the Mini1 old pluec .n tie political slnalii ana that If he ulslie-) to continue in public life aftc. hlf in-fiscal term us Governor lie must 11. 1 fetriki; It. lr. Itoot m Amltllloii. The iiia.n a:nbltl n of Senator Hon. no. It M H.tld, Is to be rici'retary uf State ti' .h i a Itrnublleau IM.-il.le' t In onler tint hi may . ilil In i barlne up tfe 1' ,'I-jni'tti. fanslu ahleh lx bound to r. Mi'.i f 1 uiii tb" laiiopi'iin T!iT. Ml iimmiii ti' iM-l.fX'e Si n- tf.r H001 ..ii-c uoi di'Mr.' to run 101 any 1 n;h. i, t:i tli niii.un nf tioiitleal oboi"er- It w,i a .-n lelili'l-i-nt.illvn O'Miiiiit ItxpubllralM lint I'alled upi'ii HI"' .ind a-kcil lilm to run for the I'nitH Static on tin Itipublioan 'I kf, mil nidi St-iiutiir limit refuji'd. 'I" s .', I to liaM' M'lutnl .lanii-n W. Wi.,r; t.j u. eeed hint, uith tin' 'e ult th.ii M' iuNworth .11111 ile-Wil W '' U" ileillou of a Ki-publleai ' ! 1 11 !' lit, t. Kai'iiIi'!- 111 'W'o 'h Trts .lent M.-. UuuI'n idi-a i ii "Ht'lle thl 4ll,ilt uf tin- ISi-pilllll-'ai (i.i t. .ui.l S.iret.iry uf State at 11 lm- uhi'i niueh hlMory will be written. I'rnuriiiilliii- ureeil tfpuii, T11 Stat- I.eKlilature will rush thr uK.i i s wiul. fiom now on without in .rti rfi-reiiee Trom Mr. It-ot, u tin-PruK.ainiiii- fur tae lt-st of tile Mfilon l hi viape and tin been awned upon hy i'iu Whitman, Senator lllou It. 'I. 'An, Sp-aki r Swrtt of the AHu-mbly lid ot ii-r li-lnthe leaded. Wir. Seiintoi Hint Is expeetid to rMi P.any tii.iuono'.v uluht It I? p-ild ' i' a- .- .umliii! iinly tu make arrange- H1, ts fill r.iliWIllllt: till' COIIMtitlltlo.ial coi - t ... 1 on April ii ,uid iniifi-ri lilt' 't ' 1 .l.itivi lc iders on the proipeois ' dju ifillnl.t uf the lalfl-latlll" about t1'' ''ie It is bi'lli-vi-d that the Sena-i'-i will 11111U" known 11 plan he ha " fii' t 11 ii"i;il work to be ilom. ' .1- .la' ml. hi, 'tl'l - tnat altll 'tilth ''ie le I I I ".I- lii-eli .it-li eil upon, the i-vhui 1 ;i i,.it !. .nljuuiiifd by April ' ' ' a ie.-. urr that week v.'lll af ti ... t k ,1 tn pel mil the eone. ton to i., , o.K.iinze anil it-cenn until " 1 'lie ,if tin n-itlslathe leadir" df "' will li,i. completed their but- ' I adjourned, tin 1 11,'iK bi-en an Idea that th MtcUUnire It, driflini; .iloni; without nny 'a'l-!i,.i i nv develops that then- hm mii 1 lixe.J plan fiom the dtart and that 1 i, -siun no far has been an 4'ji ati.ji 4. i-vi ii' for (Sov. Wliltnian, tho " " ' lie n-w Itepublli'aii S-na-- -I'd tin. llfty-tdx new Hepubllean tn'-l iii..u, . T i.i' t that Senator Drown, tliu hi-l'U.ili ,11. f.,,i, of the S.-lniti-, has IP 1 iiiiiouute the AdmlnlHtratlon 'W i -i.ii . , lakfii as a Mute Indlentluil hat t i- 'h. appioval of the (Jov rnor, kn.iun that tin- (iow-rnor ami Hiown havi had many confer- tor 't a-na'.l n. Set i b 'I l Hlnwu and Speaker Sweit li- t ilk to.ilay In the formel'K i i" Capltul, and the Ken"ial 'I'll- -t i .1 nc Is thin the Senate leader 'id t'.,it Hie AsBeuibly wiih with ! lewihl itlve pniKrainiui! he mit T i' I'l.iti has been iindei dl ' .r weeks, but that It ban only hi, , i,r. i l .uiecil iHiiiii Ih believed to ljo 1 i" fa Is O'i'i ,. ',H u' 'ii .in .i my outbreak between the -i ill tut orK-tnU.'itlon in con is amerteil that while tliv. iini nut iianiii the mill tue "it-ii na'e, Hants 'for etitaln 1)1 K I' - ie - nut koIiik I" nani' men ' uM,inl7..itluii. i,"sKe' s,t said to-daj .hat lie tli'.iiR - ' i,, . ompensatlon law ami nil n ' !i!i.i would Im' Httled by the i'Ii'io' ut ,, amendment pciinUtlnn '' Ii in.'tit of clalniH when m- I'1" mil i-uiploj ei-H hIkii an iiKieed " '" I the accident and Hit awaid v nc tin Cnnip libation i.oinmls super .or power. It was thoillfllt iilKill lie III ide .1 lilll-r .llllelld- i he appioprlHtioii bill, J hi- t us K l .ll SelMtn III)" niilllellt WIIH, rtv t n -II , IT'.-tlt-l ' I b! n i noun thai the Senate and 1 Id ailhlh aim III a Joint caucUH I ii the dllecl sillliililellt UlieH i' when tho Senate went ahead ii"i nil. iiiienilmeiit the Ahbciu- 'I It mil, in the astonlHlitiient c a,e k-urjer, Si tlio latter I op tint appropriation. fi Ihr "He i, '.vieo. "Teii'llile IMsk Nerds Frank Counsel. Says the .'resident. Vkiu rut;, March H. The (.'.uraiua 'liiveriiinei,' made publle peday Presi dent WIIhoii'h n-ply to Carranza'D note offeilnif Ktiaraiitfci 'n pniU-et American Interest,) In tiriKl. j,,,, ,,f Mixlco held by Mm ontllutlolialli!t. Thin was tln riedint'n leply: "1 thank j 011 for yoiii niefe.iKi m the ''th of Manh, fur th" renMur.tiu e It tuiiwy." ind tor your klinl perno.ial woid. I Leu tint jnu will uiiderntiinil that II kiii iiieHiani-n oeealo,iaIly are colR'hi'd In tciuih of 5triiii,' ciui'liarlx It Is only becaiiM! they eontaln moiiii' in.illi'i whii'li pinch the very .safety of .Mexico itn-lf und the whole PomIIi!o emirM' uf ItH futun history. "Wo "eek iilwayK'to ae' as frleltdK -j( tin- Mexican piople. and ni their frleiidn II l. our duty to Mpi.ik veij illniy about the (,'iave daniter which tllteiteiis them fi.1111 without whenever tiiiythliiB Iiappeii within their b.irdure which 's calculated to aroue the hontlle senti ment of the whole world. "Nnthlni? will siir that Hentlnn iit more promptly or mote hot, or eieate Kieater daiiKer for .Mexico, than any even tempoiaty dlnreKard for the llvey. the cif.-ty or the ilulits id the eltlxeii" of oilier countrlm tisldent wlililn Its tertltmy, or any ijipaient i-ontempt for the rights ard safety of thoKo who lpreetlt rellitloll. "Any attempt to Justify or explain thee thlnct. will not eradicate this m-ii-tlinent or lisbcn the danger that vlll arUe from them. "To wu! 11 ou c.itii'i rnliis sti-h niat ters In an act of fi l''ii.l-hli. nut hostility, and u- cannul aiak" th- meai. iiik ton eartii-j't. 'I'o sje-ak Iih p'.altiiy or with lef" eai-iii-sti.i;f eou'.d be tu cuit. eal fiom you a te-rlb'. - llsl; -ih. 1 no lover uf .Mexico phnulil .'.lie to run." Tile President'-. repl c inn- b) tele graph on I''iida be.ui. s d.1'1 of Mar-.i 11 and was ,H,re-ed din. I to Car r, 1117.11. llltlirr new- nf I lie Mexlriin situation I on Paid- 4. SUBWAY FIRE STOPS TRAFFIC. ll Lines llelil I i ill Ilr Iu ' sietellth Ave. Mini I'Jil M. , i I'iie In tile new "iilnv n . it'sc l a tue ' to blow nut In the llroadway uhway at j h'litj-ceeoi.ii .street near tile Tillies ! Siiiare station shortly aft- 3 o'clock this iiiuiiiltn; and tied up all trallle. An alarm In ought eufit'e .ompanli's from nil Hurroumlliig ptatiomi. Sniolt" poured out of the cubwio and a er..wd Hioiuhe.i and Sev enih avenue until the police aiilvid and established tire lines. Ticket sellers ftom Hottvecond stnel up rcf.lsed tu fr-II i-uj tielietF. Tratt'c on the -urface lines iroslni. Htoadway and l-'orty-feeoinl tleet also Interrupted SUNDAY MAY GET $100,000. I'liltndellihlH'n I'liiniU llrTerlnit to i:iinueMsl fills III llHsI.els. i'iiilmm-.I.III'. M.ii-h II- This- H- (hlly Sunday's to-u.i heie: T.irf" ureal tliloiilis of Wn'ti'i' -u'h dim as diepl Into iiuis.i, and wallet as c.r uinstani:e would permit, eager to show appreciation for the work done by the evangelist here. Iltsides collections weru taken for Sunday In COO Philadelphia cnurches. i It Is estimated that Hilly Sunday will , net 1 1 11(1,(1110 kh hlf. reward, as he him 1 been lecelvllIK luoiiey since he licitali ' Ills efforts here eleven weeks iiuo. la ; addition to cash lit- not presents valued . ut at least fS.Uun, With the excejitloii ' of the amount that came directly to , Siimla; In checks, Hold and hank notes, all the thank money was cathen il in tin I pans by th" ushers in the Tabernacle. As fast as the money was harvested at , each un-etlm: ll was bundled Into a sad; I und whisked away b) f.oiils A. liavls. M-cr'tary of the Land Title ami Trust liimpan.i. Wlie. i in- and Tieasuier Hon- call ath I the day's i-tup of t uei--s toirctl ei' lO-nUlit they found that tin. ( ilttb- ilireii, bi.,.nh tilled tell lain" wire wastepapi i bitkitii. SUNDAY GOLF FOR WISCONSIN. : Rhii on Movies lu Lifted In lllue I.miv I iiii-iiilinenl. Mit.WAfKi:t, March II. Official rec ognition will bo kIvmi to Sunday golf in Wisconsin by the propofnd amend ment to the blue Iiiwh. which will lit: jjolf from the list uf pioscrlbed Sunday siiorts, and which will make formally legal some of the amusements, whlcli were not dreamed of when the Wlscou Hill Sllpdaj laws '.Vlv passed. The Helm bill, amending tlm blue laws, piovldeH that moving picture thea tres can he cousldeied exempt from the iii-t of things fot bidden on Sunday and another amendment has been sent In b the committee which i-xe'iiptH golf mid baseball and other sputts as long as they do not disturb the peace of a com munity. HUNGARIAN EMPIRE URGED. I'nlon mill Snltcli o Allien SnW Kraleil, In lleporl. SprtiHl rahlr Ih.iultrh to Tlir. St) Paiiik, Match II. An evening paper prints a titory to the effect that Hun Kalian Peputles hctonglug to the I2x tienie Left madn attr-mptH to make a n-iiarati peace with Itussla. (ii-rniany calmed the anxiety of the llungiiiiann bv seiidlug Herman troopH Into Hungary, but later wan compelled to withdraw ihein, when the Deputies iiKiiln meditated . L,ti.i,.li, iii'.ie.-. They well! told at Petrograd that a jeparate leacu was Impossible and that Hie Allies would accept the Idea only If Hungary would take the field again! Austria and i lei many. Tliii'lluiigarUn DepiiilcH then proponed tile Allies should guarabtiit tlm fui matloii of a dual empire, of Hungary ami lliihi'iiiia after the war :ih a condi tion of a changii of Hides by No leply has yet been niadu to this pro po.sal ATLANTIC COAST LINK. CIIAIU.KNTON I'I11TA SWAN ,N All ri.llKIIIA HAVANA. 4 Trains iMlly i.'oinpuriiiient tlar.i vU tJundard Jt. IU of tjuutli. Oillcc, 1219 Uty. - 4lv. STATE DEFICIT IS SURE, SAYS PRENDERGAST Whitman llijrhl. Comp troller Assorts. After His Accountants' Kcport. DKVIOrS FKJrKIXG" ACT0RD1XCS TO SAXE i-'ompu oiler Prondeigast. vvho nas had onie or his accountants at work In Al bany upon the State's book to learn whether Uov. Whitman is right In hi" as sertion that the State mud ralre bj di rect tax JH.OOO.O'iO for the next fiscal year, said yesteiday that this .sum "cor rtctly reflects the amount for which either partial or complete piovislon will have to be made." The Comptroller made public two docu ments one of them a prlnttd summary ol the finding" uf hla accountants and th other a statement In whlcli It wal Indicated that Cov. Whitman Is clit.reH rigid in H giird to the State's nuances. When both documents wen- shown to John (iodfrey Saxe. kgal adviser to (.Sov. (ilynn. who Hist caused public doubt that Gov. Whitman was right. Mr. Sa.xe rejected the statement from Mr. at a campaign document In which one Itepubllcan was trying to help another out of a diff: eult.v and accepted the pi luted slate, iin-nt of the accountants as proving what Mr Saxe has maintained all a'ong that (luv. (Ilynn left ample ; liu'.sloil fur the expenses of the pr. sent year and that any stlui.ited deficit fu. tin- in xl tisuil year will fall l tnr shoit of ilov. Whitman's stated '!, ( ijiiO.oiio, even with a Itepubllcan l.cgln- appropi latino as generously as it I pleases. In llrtl.iun Wny. Ilr . Mr. Saxi refused to recede an inch lliiiii his utigliial position and said that even M:. Prcdergast would not attempt! tu explain a nay Mr. Saxe's first state. meiit tual Huv I'liltiuali lud dupll-j i.ited big llem In figuring the drilelc ivy on i.ictobcr t, I'.MO. the end of tlie next , iifCsl ;ir. would uiuount to ?l,flrt(i.000. lb- said that Mr. PrcudiTgast. accord- Ins to his statement, had found a detl-1 eieiiey uppronr liiug this figure by a, assullahl" route. The printed icp)rt of the accountants. I whiih both sides I.i the eontroveriy ac- ei pt as bell is approximately correct, j gives Ih.- nsoilH'es of th" Slate fur jiiesi-it fiscal eir as '.'.S.lJj.ll l.;.j. ' iljllgattui.s now niai.-hitor.v ate given -r. I M .Ttili.'.i'.'L and ubllgal Ions "which' in ly be adibd by the Ie ulslatlir" of I'jl"., partly or wliollf i.iaHe up to Septem ber Mi). Hill" (the close uf Hie present fisial, an- given lis li.MH.SOS.i I. This makes the rot.ii obligations Jil",- ', of wbnii the aerountants say ' J3.Ji. 1 iiiusl be paid during the I year on appropriations, 7.S77.t3s.ii.' I., to the sinking 'uii'ls a .d J'J, 1-,1 17 0." on supply and special bills. This makes ill all ? lf.x?3,iU3.i3. leaving a cash bal- .nice on hand on Uetober 1. 1915, of 3,xi'.;l.ulid.73. I Stanley Uulm., exicutlve auditor fori tiui. (Ilynn, pointed out that !ov. Whit- i man "aid In his message that tin cash deficiency mi tills date would be 5 10. x t3,3i)3, whereas e'omptrollet Premier gast's aceuuiitants give a substantl ll ' o.ilance. Iteaourees uf 47,li:ill.'JH7.:i:i. l''or the next fiscal ear the .u.oiint antH llguie 'hat the State's risour-es will be $47,ii3u,2S7.33, Tlu- estlni.ite total obligations to September 30, 1 1 1 ', as lii."..L'li.,!), of which H 1,33s, silo (). will have to be paid that vcar. Tlie slaking fund will teipilie . s.riiiil.doo th t c.u, mnkliig total leipitunieiits 15.331, sdu.tiC. Subtracting tlie ciirunt levetiue irom Hint year, aecorillng to Hie acountani-' figures, theiu will be shown a decrease nf ?r.,3ni,:,i7.3:. Then comes a table In th" document showing how the accountants figure the tiiS.SHS.nlU.'ir. obligations. llstlinatiil lapses amount to DuO.iHlu i etlmated expenditures amount to 3:',33ii,Si;o.ilJ. and estimated unexpended balamcs of October I, laid, amount to Jll'.t.'H, 713. Hi. Ily subtracting levenues of f 17, 03ii,'.'s7 33 from this total the sum of tts.JiiS.'Jh IS is obtained, which Is pre sumably tlie figure on which Comptroller bases Ills statement that eiov. Whitman 'correctly retle ts the amount for which either (initial or com plete piovislon will have to be made." Mr. Saxe's statement follows: "Let nu point out that I am asked to reply to tw o documents, a pi luted repoii of the accountants and an argumentative lateinciit of Comptroller "Tile nccountants' re-port lias barely a nodding acquaintance with the Clov irnor's original estimate, and tlm ae i . Hint. nils expressly state their estimate of the ciik'i deficiency on October t, 19 Hi, to be the stun of .$ri,:i(ls,a73 33. "As HKaliiHt Oov. Whitman's estimate of is,0iii),0ini tho accountants' estimate o r.,:iOb.573.33 Is good eiiougli for me. "Mr. Prendergast afteji' talking with the (ioveriiur Mates that lie Is 'convinced' that the total of lN,iio(i,(inu reflects, the amount for which 'partial or complete piovislon' will have to be made. Tills lines not mean anything. If wv are talk ing about the total sum for whlcli 'par tial' provision will have to bu mad" tho sum might Just as well bo JDO.Oon.OOO at MS, 000,000. PnpHrnllon .Vol Kxplnlned. "Mr. Piendergast nowhoie attempt.! to Justify or explain the duplications In the (lovernor'H message, which I havo pointed ouli so Unit his conclusions are obviously no reply to me, Hut I am willing In go a slep further md assert that even his conclusions In tills Instance, aru without merit. "Ill attempting to hitch Up In the notorious l,(i00,00(i he lumpH togethot the accountants' ctdlmated deficiency on October I, I i HI, of .'i,3i&,ri73.33 and Un balance of piev imis appropriations which th iiccoimliints say will be un expended on that date, estlmntrd at l '-". '." i r. Hi "Three unexpended balances run aboui rotifliimd on Mli Vaijc. A VIA TOR BEACHEY KILLED FALL BEFORE 50,000 A T SAN FRANCISCO Beachey starting a fliRht in front of the Court of Abundance" at the Panama Exposition. German Taube Monoplane's Wings Collapse When Noted Airman Attempts a Dip Above Fail Grounds and Machine Plunges Into Bay. Sev I'll i'i ise-u Ma- 1' Lincoln Heaeilev. 'he avi.tioi. w..s I,. .led tins iftern.ioti when the new etiimt. Tauu n A lin n h-- IimI hoped t.i demuiitr.ite his lomplclc master uf the air folded Its toylike wiugs and plunged fiom a i eight of u Oil" feet Into tile waters uf ihe bay. Ilefnre .'.ii.oan i. runs who hsd witnessed his flight from tlie .Marina in Irent uf the Palace uf Mines at the ex position the aerial champion went to an end as s-ot(ieular -i" his remarkable c.i leer. Ile.'ieiiey w,i- mi Ids . nil night after In vim. thrilled til" sp.vtiitors with a series uf graceful ioojvs and bid success ful!) Down upsidii down, when the mntiu p'.ane. collapsed on the descent. Qulv.r ing for an Instant, the machine, shrouded in tl.inii a, id vnpor, dead wi tght. It w:i apparent that Ibaehej. still "x-Ja 1 1 ting the nerve whlcli made him famous, i eiideavoi e-d to direct his nurse foi til" l.y after tin- machine collapsed. Hut the Taube was bcviunl human cotitro Tin Utile mass of wreckage jdlut ,,,, inc w.ner iiei..i me u a ns imris jtnl Crnok, liug a! tin- Kort Miisnn ilov - j .iniiieiit nleis. sitr.inned in ihe a'Utnii. I . ., ,, .. ,. i nun. body ,.r th- car. Heachey .lis..,.-, lienrei' iiiieatb Ihe waves When ih" icscuers arrived a nwinent biter there was haldlv a rim,!.' on It," ' , ' surface of the watet. Only a small pieie of ihe wooden frani" tluated to 1; the s)"t when, the aviator had i . gone now ii. ( Workers from water eiaft ai once I lushed to the spot, whele afler a two hours March with g-appllug Ir.tts the wrecked Taube beailng Heachey's life less form wis htought to the surfiue-. Just what i aimed tin- accldint is a matter of doubt, even experts uul Itencbey's inechauiolans being unable tu account for U definitely. The mono plane Was faster than an) thing that Il.i.ichey had ever piloted and was of a type with wiilch he was not so familiar BANK TELLER HELD AS GIRL FALLS FROM TAXI lie m round (Jiiilty of cation Coin pan ion l.oiii;' rneonseions. I'redeiick W. .Smith, a man led man, 2S years old, of 1107 Morgan avenue, Hrooklyn, and paying teller of the Se curity Hank, was arrested early yester day at Hist Fifty-eighth street and Park avenue shortly after Miss Marie Dowd of ICS Cirreupolnt avenue. Long Island City, ha I fallen from a laxlcib in which she an I Smith were riding The gill was uiiconniuui In the Fluwer IIo pitnl uiiill 10 o'clock last nlglu. Smith was found guilty of intoxication in the Vorkville court and remanded until this morning for sentence. Smith and the , ouiik woman went In the llelvidere Cabinet, llliiukl) n, on Satniday night. After midnight, they left Hint place in a taxicab and stai'.il for Miss Dovwl's home. Arriving then-, accoidllig to Smltli. In- rang the bell times, lull gut no nnsnm. Their upon he reentered the t.ixlrnl. and ill-le-cted the chauffeur to drive to Twenty llilnl stieet and Hlghlh avenue, Man hiittan. The niachllie eiossed the Queenshoio llrldlte and was going down Park avenue when Ihe woman fell from Hie ccb Patiolman Henry of tlm Kast Flftv-ftrst , street station found the woman. When I Smith Mopped tl' laxlcib and returned to the spot he was ai rested. The patrol-1 man, nu ixamliilng the taxicab. found Smith's eollar lying on the Moor und a number of Miss Howil's hairpins. I HIS EARLY SWIM FATAL. X mil 1 1 .lerse) City II") Is llroivned In .Morris (iiunl. Ten-year-old Francis Hlake) nf lCa York street, .leisuy City, went swimming in tue Mollis i anal in the fool tu Hen derson street yesterday. IVe wue seined with crumps and was drowned. l l- 'hp. lie it ' I thlHIs.l'lil 1'ic bsjp i w hich he had (lights. .1 f-vv minutes uefure lt.-a.'hi was ividi-ntly '.n eorn plete control of the nm. lime and al'o as In made tlie upside down flight, ll was when tie ittemptcd in straighten out alter a P"i-ieinlicular dive that Ihe wings of thi new monoplane failed him. Ih ui-iiey had often dipped from as gieat a height in his biplane, but the double veln!s had withstood the tremen d..s pressure whit h In- exerted on the single spread of the Taube. l.itii'uln Iteaehey announced in Match, I'.ilil. thai he was .It. lie with Hying. He hud becimie knoiMi as a mei-t dat ing aviator anil. In making known his is ii' te ll.. uli u hi I.,. then (ilungiil as a ! retirement. Hi- shio lie neid mniseif re ' stuiistble for the deaths of a niimbi r uf men who had tried to emulate him as deller of death. Six month biter he was back at the guile and his llrsi tligi.t resulted in an incident ai H.imtiionilsiiiut. .V V, win the le Ills lli.i.'llllie swept IWll gills In. Ill ,111111 s.iii.ii-ij iiijiiii'ik nu- iiuii i, 1 VI.,. ill lit,.! till.. ..euii.l .1 l'l Pill .. , .,, WHI. ..urtlm,. ., we id by per- tunning fr.-ak iri.s- in the air. unl H.-uelu man s su. i.-.s had convinced him Hi it, () 1lK m,, u. .,,,;, ) spu,t and Its business usefulness vvoiild develui rapidlv. He said lie in- l"id-l tu devot. Ills tt. nta.l. tn featur. uf it rutin r than the spec- i.,,iil.n. Within a month, minever, He.n he "as luopiiig the i in his a. i-upla'ie. Hi Ins up-nli uowii and i iiltiug epinls n u f,,,,,!,,,, ,,, t lit til even those who (,.,, watched IVgoud On one occasion li. was seriousl) hurl w.ule Irving to .Imp Ills machine on an automobile I driven b H.iiin-y oldlield. 1 i'heie was apparentl) no limit to j He.,, lu.v's daring, am', ids acultv for 'ib vising i, w u,i)s of i liking hts life was almost tin. aliliv . Ills sliceess seeuu'd tn .nuvluce him that the aero plane bad tlliall) become as safe as Hi) iitln-i niuior .-raft, i A .war ago this nioutii lie. ichi y went tu I'laine 10 stud) Hie aerial ui(nih of Pegoud and tiiiirned to .his count:) vvitn i n.-w toeU ' Ihnllere, whl. h lie "'80,000 RUSSIANS" ! WERE EGGS, NOT MEN ("iiinml A limit Riir Force Sent to Si'iitliiiid Hits Poninier I'inl FA-pliiiintioii. .vii-(mt i'orrtufinmtfiic tn Till "si Pauls, Feb. 2 it An explanation of the origin f tlie lanard, which received wide circulation and credence cat I) In the war. i.) tlie effect that Mi.000 litis sian troops had tiaiiied Snciland fiom Archangel, l!uHia's While Sea pot t. en tout" to l-'rauc", appears to be found In a common commercial custom. Ittispi.i cMsiits millions of eggs to i;ii,iand, and in Hie trade these eggs are known is "Itusslans," Jui as tho 1 thousands uf labblts sent m llnglanil fiom llelg'um are known ns "Ostetuis," as o)steis are known us "Maniines" or "Wliitstablcf," or In tlie I'nlted .states a "HIipi Points'1 or "Cape Cods." It may easily havi been the case, ihhI this Is b.'ll.'Ved by mall) to be the ex planation, that a Itiissiau wholesale dealer telegraphed to his conuulssloti is,,.i ..i viiiii.ii ii,,Us!..i, m via Archangel," and Hie message may Imve been iaken by some one through wiiosi. hands it passed to tefer to Hoops' Instead of eggs. The telegraph employee may have told a friend and so have started the rumor. ' which grew until few cm respondent could resist giving It credince, even though they had some Idea of thu diltlciil-' tlm of moving 80,000 men to Archangel! anil undoubtedly wondered why such forces should he landed In Scotland In-' stead of being carried tn a French poit. , LEOPOLD'S PROTEGEE SHOT? narune.s niiunnii iteporirii x ie. ll f Itevulver Aeeldent. Ape rial Vablt Drtpnteh to Tut 3cs Paris, Mnrch 14. It Is rumored that Vnunhnn, the prntrger of I lux late King Ioopold, has biH-n the victim of a revolved- accident. Tlio report can- rot be confirmed, BY 2,000 FOOT ..(. r t Lincoln Beachey, exhibited a' Hrlgbton He i, I t a-'K last Ma. (ill that as ui 'i .uuped th" ... .p full I 1 I'll. S.. .'II I..S -llti.l.s I', th" air w'th a sii-'i- .f tail si d s, luuiis and , e.i-ks. eWS .1 11. 1 lust i I'.l.-e b three secul.ds to ll.irn- lldlleld ! Willie Ite.ll'te ll id bet It il-illig these i illimrs In fie alt ami 'n.iVlng along .it I the same t.nie iililibl.l had I-en driving J . Ins ami hoisi.-powet aiitotii"b.l.- .irouiu' j 'the track In .',1 It w.n 1 i the tnu-t tntllllng xhibltlon New York! ' had V el seen. ' Heaclie was bom In Callfurm.e thirt yeai agn and began hl cateer as a tli.-r a baimon. one of hi stunts having bum to ll Into Washing- l ei and to cinie the Capitol dome, on, i another m fusion he navigated his illrli- , , lib- .iiuund the tall buildings uf lone.' , Manhattan and finally landed in tho i Kast Klver Ills first notnhle achievement with an asruplaiie was to tlx from New Haven I to Hrldgcport, Conn. Theieaftur he Hew over Niagara and down the gorge. O'i 'August a. It'll, Iteiiihev won the first i.ii' t n America in i flight, the first ,evei made, from New Vurk to Phila delphia, rifle. mi ilavs after that lte.i. he 1 .;. .1 the world s i.'.'ui'.l fu-", ' si ttlng up 1 1,1 ".J feet i. i.. . t . . ...... i ..i,...u .. I wumeii Ui w-th linn, lie w. nl ilii. k hiltil- ma n his living tnaiiili" and li. inn lnv.. i'. ut netv. im-king . I pi, I s. Mill "Isil ne I'ljllllit .IC.l.ll 1 ami ajm Ins hulls weie nev.r il mger i u.s Min ie Mil f.lluw.d aviaiion liegai. to bell, vi: lleach. bore a charmed , lite Ii LAM ics TAum-: n HACKS. t llonllnufuii sii.s lleiiebe. Tuolc j t'liolie.' In .-tv Vlin-liliir, llunard HiintiiiKion, of the I I Aero Club uf Anniica, s.inl list night 'that he wauled to minimize is mm Ii i-1 pt.sslhU Die damage to aviation which ! woul I result troll! Heaiiiev's death ) 'We have all bei n fearing Ilea, he) s .-lid lor some lime.'' said Mr lluntiiig Mii. "bis-uise e xlublti'.ii living Is the must ilangetous branch elf aviation mil ..lie we nave alt tiled tu discourage. ! He.l.ili V SUIVIVed so long b.eitlse lio was tt "int in lous; skilful is a (illut 1 "The machine 'i win Ii In lust ids line was b'.ind new an 1 wis ItiMiftl- I I I lentlv bra. ed ' ' U-29 SANK 5 SHIPS WITHIN THREE DAYS I (ici'iimn Around rie Siihiniiriiic. ('rniiiii", Scill snnds. Win'. Ilriti'sli Shipper-. Lonpon, March 1 1 There s mtl'il uneasiness 111 shipping elide over the activlt) of the submarine l"-2S, one of the largest and fastest of the (I. ruian undersea boats, in the wateis arutitnl the fteillv Islands. In three ilavs this sub tnai In" has sunk fntir Hritish steamers nu. utie !i curb vis-sel and itaiiiaged time other It is said Capt. Otto Wisldiger. who, with the I'-'.', sunk Ihe Alinuk. r. Cieiiy. llugtle and llawke, is unw in cnttiiiiati'l nf the L'-:'l'. The big Inn i all pass Id point on theli w.i) iciuss the A-laniic and dur ing tile day .1 npnit, which also u n hel the Ameilcan line sti-amslilp .Vew Yoik by wi!el"-s. was liniilnted lo Hie elTee' thai a liner had In en t t i . -i I . . . I t -bel.eved Ibis I put-" arose ftnm the Hltk itur of the steamer Anil.nuslaii, wluci belongs to the I' line. Tile l'-:'!i. wlilcli ills(il.ices .nil to-. I has been cbised h lirovul too elusive pattol tin' tor them,' steameis, winch tiled to ram or escape her found thai hc was much laster I hail similar vessels which hive been ilislt ") lug HiiMhIi nietiiiantmeu. STOPS ALCOHOL FOR TROOPS. French (.enernl Issues Mrlet Pro. til 111 I Ii. Hole In I'lflli trio). Viirmf rnklf HfiMeh in Tnr Srx Pahis, March 14 The Oeneral com manding the Fifth Ann) lins Issued orders that troops will bo allowed no more alcohol than that which ie dla- trlhtltA.l ns r4t(ntis snlill.r. fns. blelrlen to buy nleohoiUed llquorB cr to rtocur.v or .iccr-pt them Tli") may buy' hygienic drinks ut winesnnps hi twei-n noon and 2 o'clock und again bi'twenn "I mid 7 uniliir the supervision of nun.. . lllsnlnnnd olllrrrs, 1 Ote'lttllMM Willi lll'livltl.. m1m..I.mI ... ' 1 filers, will bo expelled to tlm Interior of I III" pmjtitrv itlon. I I A Hies Again Shell Smyrna; Surrender of City Imminent i K('ili'tit: Flop tn Interior ntid .Many Turkish Soldiers Are Desert inn-. ;.iei i' Ctiljlr Vriti'ttch tn Till: sn I.INHON, Maivh II The bombard ment nf the naidalielh s Is continuing intermittently, as th" weather penults, ltd It is staled thai the Usual success f- b.ini: .nhieveH A despatch from Mliini ivpntts tha' the llrltlsh tleet U'd.r Adnutal Sir HI. hurd Heirs- has resuiinil the bomii irdtitent nf Sinrnu , "1 the slltiellller nf the city Is ix.i'tisl niometitarll.v Tlm iwill-com- ''.itant ..i(iuliitloli lias (led to the In Iteilnr. and It Is Mid thai the garrison i not likely tu oppose the landing of i .e Anglo-I'ieni h forces. .Many f the Tuiklsli soldiers are ib-seitlng, white t e,-s are looting the suburbs. s. rlous hluvv at Turkey. In that It i. vents) the exportation of army muni , t mil supplies, from Austria and (lerniany to that count! y. has been I i.e. til by Humanla ind Hulgana, accord ' ,. , to de-pateh"s received from ful. via P.oinu w" Halkan P mers having .-igned a railway con venllon at Huchareil which allows the transit of all goods, but excludes arms t ,.t.. I munitions It Is believed here that I I us will havo a great effect, us the Turk in. already short of anummltloii aim i.innot continue th" defence of tho lurdanelles upon their own resources Ions. A dispatch from Sofia M that word I I as In en iecelv. il there from Dedeagateh that many Turkish families h.evo leu Constantinople and also that lien. on let iolU. former military gov rnor of I H.igiinti and n-ieiitlj military adviser to j the Turkish (!ov eminent, has departed , fur ( iermaiiv . division is leisn-ted ll. the e.iuint. I Knv er Pasha, leader of tn. ) on lie, only member to ailln re Tmks leitig tile I tu I iermaiiv I capital s s.eld I mute nervous. The population of t. to bo growing more and The l ii IHInnbetli lletro lint 1 1 pot I UnrriieUs. ;.-rll ' ii'Hr lit ffilivit in inr. I LuMiiiN, March H. The Unity Muilx ' e'utiespiindciit at Athins, telegraphing ' miller date uf March 13. savs: "Hrltlsh airmen having ascertained the tunge. the liue-n Kll.abetli with I high angle lire from Ihe (lulf of Saros ' has destroyed tin- Turkish barnuks lut tialUpolt and has slleiir.-d two nai i lerles on the Intel tor uf the strait, in . . i . a duel between a mine aureper and a j ton the mine, sweeper was sunk, lie j crew was snvisl. ! "Turkish fiirns ii. teiinrted tn have artived at Kim. K'al.h and to havo 1 Inn i f. led with tin. mine sweeping opera- linns bill thi') air. dispersed b) ill" ' tile of nne Of Ihe I'rell'il "hips. Tele. grams i ived hen from .Mltybim state 'that th.- began .mother attack on Sinerna this mottling." Th- Alliens uf the i i.'firiiiiii 'ii.i telegraph, th" following acciiutit uf tb" I i.irilnnel.i s operations. "Til" 1... nil.. n iltn.iit was tenewnl )es- ti rdav, bui on a sin uler scale. Ihe movi I nun! "i the slops being hampered by I muni ro is fin, iitng mines carried down , nv tin ,,nent. ( in.- go! as far as Kuiii Xnbh. wlit r,- a shot fiom a l-'rench el Ills, d vpiolled ll ' The 'iii.v .Vein . ni-r spicidi tit at tti. ni mi) s Hut the Tut kisb ml alliums (f Smyrna ire gn.u') incensed at the I .en! authnrittes mil threaten tu rise gainst them "f arainst Ctirs!iiin the PANIC IN ADRIAN0PLE. lliiiii lleors uf Itelun uf Terrnr In llolj I'll)." l. .-I ,ll,i, I. It' ll t TlIK s i 1.1'Xkiv. VI ir.ti II - A ib s(i.itcli frmn s-'ulla to tin- Dull) Mini sajs a lelgn of teirot at Adn mop.. Is tcpottcd. FEAR FOR VON DER G0LTZ. lliiiis lleurs I'leld Mnrslull , Hue.' Heeii slnlii, ,.,, n i.i''. li. .p.if. I, (., Tin i Mil I...NHOS, Mai. li 1". - A desp.T.'li ftom , vth. ii tu tin 'in' Cirioiii i , s,i)s Field Mn: shad von ui; lioiu wept ti Stii.vrti.i sunn ilavs agu w.tli the obvi- ,.s mlelitlo'. of snpel Ultci ding till ......... I .... . t .- ..I' II... t !......... I I .,...., .. .iiiL.,vi.,ir. . lift tlicri 21 hours afl.i Ins .irnv.Ii fut an ii'iinonti destinalloii at.d i is I n.ii since been heard I'lntn It is tlnuight i th,i he has met with a violei t death, I I 250.000 IRISH FIGHT FOR KING. 1 1 in.-rutil Isle tills lilven till, IIUII ul. dlers tu Arm), " ' ixhli lii.iiirh tu Tim Sis. j I....NPUV, March II - -.loin ll Kedmond. th. It Islt N iliiuiallst leader, In a s h at Manchester to-. la), said that iTni.tiOn liisliiiieii in- now serving -n the arnn, '.li. min fium Iielainl and tin- ollnrs trotii Hiigland an.l the ovcisea ilnmiiilons. Stage Christ Now Fights for Kaiser Anion Ilium'. Chief Actor I 'ii-Moii I'lnv. .loins New Ski Corpx. in l.os'tio.s. March .The foil! tlml says Anton l.ang. th" cnisfis uf ui" last two iirodiictlons of tin- Pas-Inn liiv al riberaninu rc.iu. has Joined a new rnriw nf troops equipped with skis wl.liil Hie Hermans have formed in fight tlm I'ri neb Chasseurs Alplns In the Vosges Anton I.iuis, like the other actors In the Pnrslon Piny. Is a nntive of Oberam mrrgnu, H.ivarla. when- the play Is given! If ten veiir 'ntervsls He Is i (inttsr lie Is uf striking iipp.siriiilf ", lull mid well l.ulll, and has tin niiiisiial facial re yelilblance o the CbrNt as ibi.'ted by, lamous painters, in lx7n tlm pel foi inuni'i s nf tlm li. sion liny were brotighi In nu abrupt Viet" hy th" inithveal; nf thi' t'rnti. . i lei man wnt, Thlriv ot the i. i formers nl 1st . l In tliei Ueruiaii nl ui" Feur I vveiv kl'lled In buuiu and two died In hoe. nitul. ALLIES GAIN ALONG ENTIRE WEST FRONT Frpiicli Take YniKiuois. Kr,v Varcniios: lclrians Itom bai'd Diviniiilc. GEK3IAXS LOSE 10.0(11). LONDON AXXOI'.NTES M'MMAHV til" 'IIH.; xvxlt MIWH. The I'Ycni'li iillicial state imnl.t of yesterday deei'ired that tho 1'rencii tixsips raptured nu inipui pi.sltloii In tho Arsontie and that lln- Ih lglait troops emit In i led their ndvanii' Hi tho vicinity of the Vs. r. Th.. ltel,M:ins assistiHl by P'rincli Inavy irtillery, elestroyisl an linpurtiint defenslvi-(mint in a ci'ineloty at Dlxmude. The tier ninn artillery bombarded tin i.itli.'iltnl nl Snissoiti. The (inrmaiH al i bom bariled Klicitns. DetnlN .ir. v. u of the Hrltlsh victory at Neuve Chapelle. The Herlln st.'iienunt stated tlio (!crninn bin rcput-ed ait-icks i f tht. Trench in Cliiiiiipagm- near Solium. Arrangements havo Is-en innile by the envoys of Prussia Havana and Anslrlii .it the Vntii-an thai the inter ests, nf thor iiiitrles shall ii. i.. it i after hy the SiiaiiHli envoy in . it" .if war. The lOnIlsh Kast In. Inn (bet again bombarded Smyrna, and tin uit- n ier f the city is uiumeiitu 'ilv exi.. .'ted. I ,,,, at lon hnfl M(M, , ,,. ,,.,, ... 1 oomnantnient ui i'i" I ) ,t .I nn lies j ..nntlniies. hut has I u sotn. w n.ii ,u- with hy tip. we.itb. r . on Iteiiorts Irmti Hiissiti are forming fur a n vv Poland. There hav. clashes betwieti the H. tnuti outiiosts, st. I'. l..vt t'i i' i.nei .ii in rth . .ell ' i n ill llpl li""- rrrr-o .. r-r' iii ., .MAIM, hid ADVAS'CKS L Wh'ST i'l I French Pr.mre-s Xutnl.l.i In llrlv Pri-ueli Prugre-s Nutnl Tovviird ii . - ' af. Ih I'vitis. Marc i ib'tlllS uf the Ie at Neuve Cli ipi .1, t'liri'lllies, .. I, I., I in -Pill 'll. I I lit It 'I ii.i i u i- iimph was nun h tnic. was .it first im igun d in -..1. r rie ...i. lllllnil-Ue Ol III! l"l. lu ll IV ,i 1 tu-lllghl ill pi'Mllt.llj- tb. i sl.lti s tne lt!ll, si, .id. I fiont of nearly two mile- i n i' from 1.3IUI t. l.iaiti nl , three sureessive lln. s ..f trench's and u s're.ns d. i- u , Siitilb of Neuve Ch..(i. .1. violent (io'tnun counter .n be. n repulsed cninpletel) md ..I ..-i il "Ie ipt ' li. i - losses have been inllK le.l i w ho lilt a larj" niimbi t , t a f i" . j the hands ..f the II lti)i it..,.! - I'rom all (Mils of the i ' rtii'irts tlt.u H e- new oil. - , r.irrled out sui cesfull i I I im reusing in fonu. Tin- i-.i within the Ills' tew dnvs i. t , .lubstamlnl ami iniioii.iir ..i . I since the battlo ol the Ai- n . .1 iln.liiulls ale tii.ll tae iti i. . i i lag. II a foi Haul juuv cun i,', ,,, i1, lias already been ( lit a. to , . . ; ! All of the ei'tup. tiet.L inns 'alued iirni). lie '.mill:- (,,r . 1 I'rcncli, niu bear ug un - .m J .itfetlfive ni St s itl.-t.i. '." ) I dcncuil b) the iie-t . i e' i iniunei inents. I ii t n " "i tin. id I .s I I-n- 1 llltl 111') u. s .11 I an .pp 1 during the ' aside tiom Ch.i(ielle. ar I. iv Ih. I he up. I foi ' 111" HeluiilOB shell Hi iiiutle. The Helui.ins Imvi 1 hend of t'ie -.-i and uc . barding Ibxmu.le, whin t den r) cl a sin i.s ' . ' tion. Ibis lielllg the tllsl l ii . 1 fighting bus occulted i n u l. he ' t".- "). ib I. lierinans in )e. etnlier ; the Fun. captuted Ihe pllleatl .ill'l li vdlage ut '. aii'itiuis on C" t uf tile Argotllle .Hid lie I " I I in their drive tow. ml Vire'it'. gonne un the .V'ire liivi ' In "" p.igh" dist ni't the F'-ii'li li op i III fill! possession "f lb" 'I' -hill notth of .Mesinl-le- -1 1 in 1 I Perthes and i'e miking st, ,,i ; In that entire I tout . m th" Ai line uf In neb. his li. copied ami un Un hcighi ..I . and tu ut In i r. i"li- ;. i m i . t tu .I'lV llli'e tl IVe lie' II I i - il .1" '' The night . .uiii Ulltu n . '" upon the Hr t isli v n i i i iiapelle. ti l.s ot Ih" . ff' i.v .1 i he Ih'itish fi. Id and he.ii . ihe vigorous .u i .un "' t1' Hi ' limy, ill 'mil' .iiiiil Ih ii ' .iimy has b.eti heivilv ' Hint it is set oils!) iiursii 'ig . I'1 is s.ini to include the n- i.t'ii. ami Hi" fntv nig back ..t ' 'n ' " fi ntn I'i. unlets. Tin ii.A i i follows . M. I It r 1 1 1 tt 4 . it i ii In i tiniiituiuiie. A Hnt'-'i .s,ii,,le. b II.I. . I U .-ti ll. Ie ll ' ' e-lllls T.'i .-'I I 1 1 i ' I h a 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 . u . spawn bv lat r port extreni. U cuil'tlleli advanced uii i Until "' kllomeii is in 1 1 a il I,;'fui in I '.nu nu I. ip - ii tt.n n i In, tur'.ne t' re trenches a ,nuth ot Neliv. ter nttaias 'i i b) the ilrrn i V .ole- i- -1 . iep. -'id. r. " It el left ,, ' I Ii b . f , ii ieit 'H sli III'-! i .-p. . i . 1 l-r Ilr ith liiv IK in a "sri -i.,i s.inpnitra rr), liiiitiiluig i b. i . pi., pr. I 1 i .. . ' ' I I , r , i I fV i