OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 16, 1915, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-03-16/ed-1/seq-11/

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a 1
)lfirdiolilii Tourm-v Sinihoii
MiiwI In liy Kvcnt Tlint
Hfiriifi on April 22.
inrix u:su:y n;i dates
.. uauil iti.' Country Club ot Like.
will open till oompa'titlvo golfing;
'n m tiio metropolitan district. Tho
u,i fprin tournament on tho course
!, tli" Jersey plnca will he pl.tyo.1
JjTlHi'nlU'. lflt-y Saturday.
dates Pp" tHott(t to Lakowood
rtrdty by '" Mortimer lUrneH. socio
" ' the Metropolitan Oolt Asatn.la-
i., tlru. .ilMfltil net linen
...n II war ine ". ........ ,
IH ' . V I. ...... I,. .,,. '
uk of trylnu to keep KOlf balls
elm oirrrunnltiK tho dlmlniitlvej sand
,ui on the nine hole course) on the
Mr Itarnet wrs aKreeably sur-
',3U' ' .. , hi. nln. thn. I.A
e.fM to nn'l U.'UII .11. ........ .1,...
nj.neor Uir lu.v (.iiu.-in .....hhi
Uii bettered on the new V H.
J a h4r.li.MP list On tho 1311 list
.'. i on the five murk and he In
7 II.. . ,.l. m.htln n
n?d t tour f
J'init Met of metropolitan tourna-
ui haj not been announced yet. but
etr r ur"' be tn usui'1 number.
ftr Lakewood begins the section
a ATll 5! thoro will bo an almost un
Irie'n eerier of busy week ends for the
parti "nl" J'y. hen ummer
leuo beg ns.
t. i. rrohahlo that October 1 and 2
r h .elected as tho dates for the an-
nl Leley cup matches, which are to
U jilajed this year at the Merlon
fcVe.t Club near Philadelphia. The,
! ha-e not yet been announced by
m Pcnnylvanla Oolf Association, with
5'fh tna aeci!ion rca.p, um v-. .
FBton h.n suKfrested tho dates men
totiel. nd If no unexpected opposition
ttif they W1H 00 chosen.
t.v of baseball ptayera who have
twn ardent Rolfcrs have been In
rrssliifly fre-iuent during- the last year
r pro, and now a new proof of the
h of tbe royal and ancient game has
r.ed up In one of the Southern train-
j cimps. onnie msck, manaRer or
Athletics, foritot all about baseball
't ether afternoon and made haste to
the rot l'nks Jacksonville. Fla., not
uliv but to join tno iraiicry mat
inrreil around behind Walter Hagln.
t tutlon.il open champion. Severs
c.' Milk's players also jned the gal
i7 and followed the play of the noted
p'ftr with the keenest Interest.
Tittri .Mrilsl In Qnallf ylna" Round
of Mlvrr Folia Tourney.
nsriifRST, N. C. March 10. Mrs.
FmmJ II. Harlow of tho Morion Cricket
f!ib, Pht adi'lphln. w.m the medalist In
t.iy's iui! nc.ition round of the an
nl Silve- Foils Club championship.
k-e re.-p'.!ed S?. thrpe strokes In the
i.i of M sr. Ie-uIso It. Klklns of Oak-
jrj ar-d Mr W J. Faith of Wykagyl
I-. T.vle 9: each. Mrs. J. Ilaymond
-e of Oakmnnt made 9j, Mrs. II, It
ivkwn of flalntleld 98, Miss Sarah
"rj- t S viinpscott 1, Mrs. Herbert
. J ;i.-on of Woropter 99 and Mra K.
. Rehrend of Krle 100.
iill'vtni: for match play the Tin
' e hecin hetr 54 hole to-day and
ntind each on cour.es one.
ir' -lav was 77 for Parker
Vi".en ore of llro ik'lne. Robert Huntsr
itt II and C L. Reckpr and A 1
xere the only others that did si
0- tetter
Rarrlinn Wins Palmetto Cap.
Aixrv. S C. March 15 Archibald
Hirruon won the Palmetto cup at the
TUl. . .. ... .. 1. ... .. , K .. . "I I k - . f , . , ... ... . . .
Irev. Pred C Haverm er. William ' company,
ivne Tomoson and Oeorge Thomp- erect
n The. 11, mini rhn mnlnnshlo match 1 to COVer
xa tike place on Saturday, but will Albert
faaklry Pipeeta to Take Baaefcall
Iqnad lo Month Field To-day.
. fo. -h Andy Coakley failed to take provement.
'rilri'e to represent Columbia this
'ir If l.e t not Permitted to play
'V.mli 1 villi lo.e aterllne outfielder.
-ltv.. .-j h the Mitind worked Indoors yes-
'.rUi j!ni!.v v,itt, the regular spcond
'... ,m.1 Conrel i ar., the Pirate
'' -er . ' is t.iVlr.g ii course at Co
'.nt . .. ,, t, out fr ., phort spell on
tir.. era. n-.m'ier of tho Jnekev Club
fi . wner of the famous horse the
a' Itnight. twice winner of the Ascot
"M cup, v'r.m r titw of the Goodwood
? aid dronntlo" cup, who was killed
.u artinn 1 ear Ypres last Novemner,
'f n i'.'.) worth Jl, 620. 705. His
tSTrrk.-t tr.i ner II. Sadler, received
Mue.t f ;, ono. while John I'ew
"v. a hei, ,n,,. nt nM rtables at Dur-
-t o-i 1. ,r ,,ury, n-relviil $12,500.
"ainnn liners Cancelled Again.
' ' .i 1, Dr.tt.nf I lo Tur. S-v
Hi'..- . l . .v. 1 r. - o-v. ln..l .ea
f5t b. ., , .. .,..,,,1 imltl Thlirudav on
IV 1
me'it weather.
furlongs Quls, I ' 7
1 and ei en, won
t'l. '
t Ii1 r
;v ...
- Five furlongs Mla fily.
10 I I -o I and even, won.
"e. 10', tlln.isl). 1 to 1,
'11 2 a. cond, Senorlta Dana,
" to I, s to 1 and even,
' 1 02 ;.f Anytime. Purt
'a 'Irslne and lleyla also ran,
I'lvo furlnngs lleaumont,
0 'o 1, 2 to I and even, won,
'"' I to 1, 3 to I and 1 to 5,
cih irr, 102 lO. Oentr), 10
.... . - 1 a- 11 z 10 1. inira. 1 inir.
in 1 5 1, Reirolore, Cun nlr, Renw ar
' "," .i-'o ran
. ., ""'e-I'll a fiirlonga Iv Cain.
r 1 1 A. tonl. I In I . In 1 end aven.
T-a.r H7 (Carroll). 4 to 1. 1 to 6
71 4
u. u c eecona: Hummer mil. ai
.,'; ''' t. 3 to 1 and 3 to I. third.
IW ii?! 'da. flreenbrac, Palma end
-Pile furlongs Nifty.
BVi .' lo 5. 1 to 2 undout. won; LRtlo
li. s' M 'louder), 3 to 1, even and
10 .r n,,., r ... . ... ,
I - .'.'ly lUUI.a. lis iwnui-lli
'11 i t a.'r' ' ""d ! to 1, third, Tlmn.
' . ' '"l-i Johnson. Kail Inla, Annual
I S? V1 ''0ty "" 'an-
lii ... 'Arp furlongs llan Levy.
How,rd), 3 to 1. t to 5 nnd 4 lo 5.
vn ... r.l tna ,..-,,1... in m 1 1
'"I '0 1, second: Hob Lynch. 10
tli. 'T'l'. t- 'v,n and 1 to 1, Ihlrd.
vi tes.1.?' Kathleen H., Tlilrtta Rella,
Ur. 1 "' "n""lar and lllack Bhtef) alsu
William Zeifflor Tnki.s s In
V"s.mrnt 12 Story Homo
at 72(1 Street.
KdR.ir A.
tvfivy oompleted a larse !
bulldliiff operation yenterday and WlU-
Inm 7r w .,., ,h. f . n
lam KlPRlcr bocamo tho owner of a fine
Investment property when lyy jold to
, , .
"ir' '"n "k: iwcivo mory ap.iruneni
hou at tho gouthoaet corner of Park' to 01 East Twenty-llrpt atreot to Kreu
avenuo and Soventy-aecond atrect on thei man & Ca, offlcen at 172 Fifth avenun
former site of tho Freundaohaft Qub.
Heporta yeaferday were to th effect
uric, wa- aeveral him.lrv tho,L..n .
less. .
Tho apartment house Is one of thoi
largest In the Park avenue section, one
Hat in It having Mn rented containing
u whole floor ot thlrty-four rooms and
eight baths. It Is built on a plot 102.2
e. .... . . .
street U wu, planned by House &
Ooldstone. who estimated the cost of
mminieiini. Mun t, i
nolltan Ufe Insurance Company made '
a builillng and permanent loan on thel
property of $900,000. Slnco the struc-l
ture was completed buit tall all of Its)
apartments have been rented. '
ijrtWm lr"m ,'JWHl" urn. " "u pn.ui i,ouu,uvo tor xne wiikt anil nl 323 nna 331 Fourth avenue i Amalli rreeman to nunp jicnuire,
. rfnrt vaMtion. Whlla at Nassau Mr. , Prop.rt,. part of the prtca belnf made ho Hchuman Textile Company. JSlT3iv,'lTTtfinii''110, XU,ch Yio'o
puye.1 nnlj r two 'JM up by other properties, but thee, who , ''"X1,,!' HXWW 10 " ' Vv.".
eminil that lie prciorroii sn i mining, i ... ,. .. . .. Jamei Hutler tna atom ili aRi Vlnfh n va. i i ..... m o-,... ... ir.i. t ... .i... 1 1
Mr. iSlegler gave In part payment the! street to Oeorge W. Hill for u tarm of
two six story store and loft buildings at , years.
2 nnd 4 Wsst Till rty-eevc nth street, oo- ' l-orter ft On. have leased for Fannie
cupylng a plot 13x88.9, 141.C feet wot M. Porter to Hoy K. Hemming th three
of FlflU aveuue. which he recently took' story dwelling at 61 West 121th street,
over as plaintiff In foreclosure proceed-1
Ings on a bid of 5215.000. ni.T mni nuunp i.vk.vn
In December last Mr. Levy's company ' ,DB OAnAGE IeBAStD.
sold to Jullen T Uavle the twelve story Pease. A Klllman have leased for Jo'm
apartment nt the southeast corner of J- Ascher the six story gamge at 51 nnd
Ixlngtnn avenue and Seventy-si-cond r Knit Seventy-sixth street, b.-',een
street, ono block to the east of tho prop- Park and Lexington avenues. Tho
erty sold yenUrday. That house also lessee Is Mrs. William H. Koonte of Chi
was completed last fall and was fully '"ago. who will operate It as a general
rented. Mr. Davles gave the lofts at garage. The lease Is for a long term of
3 to 7 West Twenty-eevrnth street ln,yr'n'
part payment the entire deal amount-
Ing to about Jl.2i0.000. TAKH I.O.VO Hl.n IIOCSHS.
Allen J. C, Wrhmuck has rented the
MAXIIATTAJT AJTD IinO.V.X 9AT.K9. 1 Story cottage on llrlarwood Crossing,
KAST 3STH 3THKKT.-Ix.uls Bchrag "ea,r ,,hw "jckaway Hunting Ouh at
has sold for Margaret T. Ityan and Cedarhurst. U I, to De Courcey L. Hard
t,... t . i ... for tho season.
TT .;,i.h,'h . :V."'
.H t"' ',"', the Clarence M. Ilusch eftate at Great
4?xS4 tenement on lot Npok , hfdtricks f ,h!, oty
i for tbe season.
EAST 111TH STRKET Harris &'
Maurice Mandclbaum have resold to
a client of Philip D. Shapiro for oc-, n-SK1 O'DAY FLACC AT tin.lt.
cupancy SH Kast 111th street, a three Klldysnrt. tho country estate of the
story dwelling, on lot H.JxlOO.ll. The Jte Daniel O'Dav ut Deal Heach, N J.,
sellers bought the house ten days ago ' has been leased by David Stewart to
from the Franklin Savings Hank. William P. Arnold, president of the Plc
I3AST 72D STRKKT. Douglas U Kill- I torlal Review Company It Is snld to
man & Co. have sold for Argall L.
Hull 176 Kant Seven ty-eecond street !
a four story high Moon, brownstone
dwelling, on lot lilS.M02.2. to a client
for lnvi-xlment This proj-erty has been
In Mr. Hull's family for nearly thirty
te . lit , , -tt orm-rr. . n i
SchlAPnky has resold to the Dochtor- B
man Healty Company (a holding
corporation for tho Dochtermnn Stor
age Van Company) the factors- prop
erty at 732 to 73C Kapt Kleventh
street, on plot 72x92, which the seller
recently acquired from the Hockaway
Rolling Mill Company. The buyer
will erect a Ten story fireproof garage
for the storage of auto trucks.
I '-re - .n the order given. The WILDER AVENUE. Oporge Roll has
bought tho plot 100x100 on tho east
aide, of Wilder avenue, 45ft feet north
or iienwnm avenue, for improvement
wltn two family nouses
James 11. Fearbn has sold the eight ' established In the City Investing liulel- vyi: av . e .14 1. I7iii si J
fam.ly Hat on th southe.ist corner of Iwt. at 163 Hroadway. where the com- N; ZVulC l? I, s..'iV ?! a-.V
Fifty-ninth street and l-'ourth avenue 1 Pany leased spaco wherever It could he ;jl,V m.w, 3J10 .:d .v . . ... V:
ii.ni vjU'i ...u.. .-.-....j w,... . , . ... . .
to Oliver Perm. There were ten lor tne jonn .-uuivan company to
I.et. Oihen. taking Part In the shoot cnent r mvtmen, also a pmt
nre J. Fritx liyers. K, ii. liyers, r.. , ." . 'I .wl'" ,
Crl) V f Tr.T Nnv a ' fei-iini uji.i iiii.u lunmrs, 11. r ilie ruine
, io .11 r msiey. ivno win l. rt
a one story concrete iron foundry ' 'V "l? ; -A "m. ii.veik.i in Vac ar Paveiki. 31. P. 7i.t
the entire Plot "veen rur.rn an.. M.ir.r -'p ;r m ji,0 M.h 13, atty, LT A T
Corev has sold 4S1 Stntford M-avo ie uroanway arm . 1 , ,,. , . , . ..,io
1 leer piji-c in. .1...U...., w... "... : . - --- -- -
prrcedr.1 by rhocra every day this road, a two story dwelling, to Johanna ,
I Oray : also 27 Wlnthrop street, for rort next day for business in the ixnii
John W. Egan to Lillian C. Rarkley ; tiM ',ul,'1'n erythlng will be In
. also to John W Emn. thp block front orJer f"r tnw ""'"' f ,h"
I on Avenue K. between East Twenty-1
fourth street nnd Redford avenue, and
lho plot 37.6x100, on Kast Twenty-fourth
street, between Avenues K nnd L, for
W n. K- Wrleht to a builder for lm-
or bit sT. I he would transfer his Co- griTHV ISLAND UIIPH .V.VARR.
mi., v.... 11 .1 e .1,. ...i. 1 i.a..i vni .s-s.i..r..
n , 1 1 ?iiu 1, ijlill. llir u.llll.A ... .. ..
: 'he gymnasium to South Field' Th'' rl?v v E- T1,1'' nf"nclal sec
- after ion Mo will also make a retary of the IPtltlehem Orphans limine.
ir -t 1,1 n the aniiail which now nl -'uiege 101111, wiucn in uperaiisi uy .
' IS'y.i. P......-....... . ll.O ...It.tC .... V V It.r., i.,,,t.Hi,.i , ...- I
It 11 k 'sirred thit Lalid the former trtly that the on'hnnage will shortly!
Staten Island, A tract of twenty-one
acres not far from Tort Wadsworth has
been purchased for It The new build-1
Ings will cost about 11 00.000
The Robert E Farley organization '
lias sold to Dr Italnh It Ryan four
plots, each 76x150, on the west side of1
Walworth avenue, Greenacres. The site
"niiaii Turfman Leaves Fnrtnns, "? ""'r ', a" 7;"" "v:
' cupied Dy tne uitrncocs .Memorial
i3'.t.. t rrh n, capt the Hon. ; church. This probably will remain
permanent structure win be erected.
Tlans alrendy have been submitted to j ,n, is.noo, directors. Morris Hllvermsn,
the new purchaser by Eugene J, Lang,, Isldor Winter and Jeaa u. Dutcher. AI
the New Vork architect, for a hand-. bany. N Y Manhattan 1 eapl-
some residence to bo built on one of the ... n oOO; directors. Frank Mavhan. Pun
four plots. The house will cost 112,000. 1 ,.y' (nrien and W J. llannon. Naw York
Dr. Ryan already is a resident and Cltv
property owner of thn scarsaiua states.
nuvi MT.
Mr. Estelle O
Wlstnn has bought
the block front of eight two family
houses at 135 to 11!) West Fourth
strpet, Mount Vernon, hUI at 170,000,
from Mrs. C. L. Llttlejohn, who took
a Montclair, N. J residence In part
payment W. H. Parsons wnj the bro
Edward and Max Spiegel, Mltchel H.
- to I, evsn and I jr.irU nnd Henry Waterson, members of
1 ' fll'!'1...!1! 5 , the Strand Tlieatre Corporation, have I
1,. I'T1,.. A'.e'J nnrclVased the Newark Theatre In New-
That's Me and 'Laughing' purchased the Newark Theatre In New- ,
ark from tne ji .. .inner eeiuin. nur
the lease expires the theatre will ne
rebuilt and named the Newark Palace,
patterned aftpr the Strand Theatre, with
n renting capacity of 2,150. Thomas
W. Lamb and William E. Lehman are
drawing the pluas. Title to the prop
erty will be taken In the name of tho
Market and Heaver Realty Company.
The price paid Is said t be approxi
mately 1450,000. In TUB St'N of Janu
ary 27 tho sale of this property was
reported, but nt the time Mutcus Iiew
wns mentioned as the buyer. Louis
Kamm was the broker.
The Oerman Savings Rank mnde ono
bid at auction of 1147,600 and became
the owner yesterday of the Montana, a
six story apartment house at tho fouth
west corner of Mount Morris Park West
and 124th street. The sale wns made
by Henry Hrudy In foreclosure proceed
Ings brought by the bank agalnntt the
New Tork Real Estate Security Com
pany and others to recover claims ag
gregating; H9,177.
A. i:. Little Ik Leasee of tlnllillniK ,
Neat to Arnold Constable.
A. 11 Little, a shoo manufacturer ofBddrri party of second pirt )
Lynn, Max., Is the lessee of the two I Downtown.
story building to be erected on Fifth (South of Fourteenth st)
avenue between the now store of Arnold, i SOUTH nr. 11. n . 104. n Urovl t.
Constable ft Co. lit l-'orlleth street and i 7x112 6x'.l.7xUt.2 IIHen Croivnll to
thn Union League Club nt Thirty-ninth I ", c.r,"V',! 1 w 1,3J ' ml Wi.o.
eir.,' ti.. ........it,.-.. ...in - .., a. i, Men w ........ .. .......... ...
. i.i ... i " I""'
nut. . . iwui iiuiiuiKP un ruin avenue,
on tho southerly pud of tho former site
of Frederick W Vanderbllt's home, all
of which wan lriowl lat ye ,ir to tho dry
Koortu noue. The low bulldlnft In
tendeil to fiirnlh llRht and nlr rpnpn
for the. southerly Kld of tho Arnold.
ConntiLllto ImlUllnir Mr Mill, will uo
thn StmctUrn for :t r.tnll unlosrnoin fur 1
his hoce. Thn 4.tilldl:is has Iran renUxl !
for a lon1 ,enn i,r fnr nt rental aM
10 approxlmatd $40,000 a year. '
nti.siVRH i-nnri-iiTV tii.xTr-n. I
l A f. Tin.. h.,. ln..l la
- - -
.. . . ti t - ...
.Ill'n'lnui Androws. nt SO and 32 Ha.it
Twentieth street to William IC .Mint.
nt 170 Fifth aveniio to Seldel Schrt-,
nu." - . V.?r rMeth street, for five years. I
",'""m I"1 Jl'1 . !
U"' "' "TP ,cunnn7. lw'"
i"7 "Lrr. 'UU(11!,K n 4"
Sr,n.rtr"V - Th? Ilrm nvlng from
- rn ,,.v " 7 'T U,n
, 5!."." . fc. .
I.oroj' Cm-pjitry tt Co. have leased the
!!n,i" ln Jn?..bulU .nt :h6 OTrth:
i- .h- niiS " RrU1
ro.naJ' to the Itoeoome Oomptwy,
"calerw autqmot""-
Thn r.lirk TTatntAjt li.v. pnniml . V
(lwelllrut at fi2 West Hnvrjitv.fmirtl.
Icmse. Washburn Co. have lea-ed .
ae cost tne former htanriaru un man
ln lho neighborhood of isno.noo. It has i
"irgci ironiage on ucai l-ikb ami com
prices about forty acres, fifteen of
which are laid out In a polo field.
There Is a house of fifty rooms, together
with stable, garage and boathouses. A
feature of the place Is the sunken Italian
Will Occupy Four Acres of Space j
In jXeiv nulldlng. I
The E-iultable Life Assurance So-
elnlv tell! oe.-iit.i. lh l,lh ,.i'..ntli 1
Clety v.111 oiLUpy the six th, sou mil. ,
olghth and ninth tloors In he Knultablu
Mulldlng. The society will remove to .
tlil kiio. i. nli.iut the, rn.d.lin of next
month. Four acres will be utllled b ,
the company for Its needs, since she ,
are of a few years ago the poclfty sl
h..el.,e. nllleea hove Seen eeHtl.reil
I among several buildings down town.
Tho lie.id.iuarti ra of tho company w.if
I n-K- ,.,11 ni. neltltrlol f.e.1
-i . "J " 'r-.,. .
Kr'"'' j
ti,.. removal of the ecmnanv to thai
... . "1
K ,,
i.AHfir.ll SP.ICK POtl TIll'lT CO,
tarrylr.g out Its Intention cf 11 few 1
yearn ago, when tt purchased tho small
n. .Via ,n,i.t,aaul e.ire.ie rtt Wifli
n venue and Fortv-flrst street, lho Farm- ,
PT!i a'"1 Tru!t (I.!nF',ny, 'f. hA',
nUis urtunred bv C nron ft Rileedl
.-- . - - r-
for extending Its banking room at 4.
Fifth nveniu. next to the cornor, Into
tne store uoor anu nrsi irour i'i m-
L'l.IIlf. ..UI..II1I.- . . - ,
altentlons will b made to the outside
... ,.,,-. !,,.
iiivi.a- ..s
Herman Arns Company were the
brokers In the sale recorded yesterday
, of 317 East Fort--lxth street, for
Amelia Freeman to Philip Mcf Ultra
chartered -at Aioany yesirruay.
ir,i.e r rnm.a. Manhattan, capital.
125,000; directors. John C. ICamra. Jr.,
John C, Eamsa and Charles Uhlverlck, Naw
York illy ...... .
The Ilauiion vompsnv, wnnnmiBii, ini-i
.Xm.xirs William w'pr.Vn'all.
Mabel A Pragnell and Agnes M. Pragnell,
N'ew York city.
R. o Realty Company, Hrnnkiyn, capital,
11 000. dire. -tors Ni.tln.n Sim-' .--k, Charles
Dinner nnd Amm Dinner P-c hlyn
stone men fump'ny fir ..lilm, laptial,
11,000 il, rectors. Morris W . l-.berg. Dura
W. Inhere nnd Mark llordnn, Hrooklyu
Pnlillo Offprln-rs Vesterday In Man
hattan Mnlearonm.
Hy Henry Prarty
mopnt MORRIS PARK. W, J5 to s, s
e 134th at. 100.11 00. six ety apt hou
!.rn,an Hum Ilk VB N Y Real Rat He.
curl'. Co et ul. due. II in. 177 51: tae,
Ac, $1500: to the plaintiff. ..1147,600
MADISON HT. 146. n a. 1.11 10 w Pike at.
;r, 3x100 1, live ety tnt and etre H D
(Irlfilth v Abr Lewis et nl, due, 127.
(1U4,3H! taxes, Ac ll,424,llj lo the plain-
tirr 110,000
ny Pnmuel Marx,
PIIIAN AV, n , 105 11 n Terrace View
' av 00xl7S.ll to Terrace View av xlll 1
12C I, vacant It 12 Murray vs P A
Levy et al; du". 120.576, ill- tales. Ae,
lllil 10; to the plaintiff I'.'l.OOO
RIIOADW'AY, 106 llranl Pulley A Hard,
wore Co sgt Western Union Telegraph
Company, et al; Deu 11, PHI irorrec
Hon) Il.200.n6
3VTH ST, 35 to 9 W city wirenorka
.igt 35 W'cat 3.1th t Co, ot al; Jan i.
I'M.', tH-l
MON'TOOMIIltY HT, 15.37 5Io.. rn Tile A
Marble Co agt Hebrew Kindergarten
Hay Nurserj. et si, Sept 2, 1914 ,1704
SAMI! PROPKRTY Nathan Oarvi r sgt
siiine, Aug 11. 1914 K.llt.Cl
IG1.-4T ST, 444 W Richmond Radiator
'.i a;t n M Sohey, et al; Jan 11,
1316 1104
CHATHAM rKJUARH, 11 Ooodman Tel.
err agt Michael P III")., et al; Oot 30.
1011 fit
e..,. ...... ifi.n.. lit nine will nn it rr.H. . r. ( ll ii.i . ... - . n.ir. i.( lis mn ee.
1 street In the ivrnlng and re- HAMF. PROP V.eiar Pavelka to Trancea
I (With name and address of lender ami
tllnrnn. If nflnrA.i'. t.sn,. l m.tltls.l
OOI.D HT, S, a e a, 21,2X74 T H He.llll
)'u tn I.urlix II Heera, at Weilh Jiiil"i '
llearh. I. I, Mar 15: attve. lird. u i
4'l Wall et MOD
RFI.KHPAP on N It. brglnt at e a Tier 14,
opposite IIrcJay st. runs n 137 ft s also
Hulkhead l n i l'lrr II, N It, opposite
.Murray at. rum a UK ft, Willi all till"
to plert, Ac lllrhd C Hrown to Wm C
Jlenwlck of Summit. N J, 2Sl.7i.000
HAMILTON' -T. d' V. ld'l'i w ' .Market' l
Int, a t, Feb 4 i&.oopi
Jl."n.rIVil'! JloT Jo" ''ii
kokpoi.K f. 3:. . tJ100 .Morrln
Krelnnan et nl to Walteter Healty r,.
U3 Hunjv ,t, Mar 11, ntty. M lvy. Sf
.,'.";'.. v.' -,iv.: V.'i'JS
.X li, 1., .t n, n r-l, . n i. m "i.i.
Kovac to John Knvari. uriviii" nanKer,
nnt.,1 it llklvti. N.iv IS. 1914: att)'.
Anton Oronlcli. 200 llway It
Ea.t Mil.
rt f Plfth rv, betwten Pourteenth
ml iioiii ala.)
4TII ST, S17 n, n n S80 !1 ar.
W 57th et. March i atty. T O Co. 17
JJI KT. M'r:"n Vi-IM. Mameon avi d U
lo: :-Marl I. Hmni.t to Henry O
l:m 'T.' h,.,:bJ!?i K, 'l-,M,KT.h
n mvifi, u.i iii..,i..U ... ix ... I .,--
lam et 11
21) AV, ICJt, III lirb t, 57:xs -riilllipplnit
Ilorder to Kill II, riter,
Arncnlv N V, intiro 110. 000. March 12
.Ht)e, Anil ml A- A, It!) Nupsatl M....I1
CA.MB I'HOI'KnTV nil errr to
J'hliilpplna an. I auk V HoMer, 1431 M
kv. Joint tenants, Mnrch 11; ally
eume ,, II
10M et IIS K M Itl t U av, 3il00.
-.a.lle Nathanpon to Jaa I'ovkera.
l'oughk'ppsle. N V, mtK lt,S00. Starch
II atty, I'aul A Mcaolrlck, 341 Ilroail-
1031) .-T. 110 i:, n ISO e 3.1 av, 2StlOO
- tini to Anna 1. Oarrabrint, Mt Hope,
N Y, March 11, tntno 111,000, attv,
eull;.- 11
l-EMNUTON' AV. HtlM, e r cor 1 0 lilt
el. .i0.1ll.' .Iiikoh Hrrakovl s lo Louie
Oeblej., 1173 Vjee. av, mire 131,300, Feb
4 1100
10HTII srr. tn n, n s. 1ST e 2a av, it
lon.ll tVicoll Zlto to lloalni Vlngeill.
.12t II 103th at, Vi part, mtaa lit. 000,
Jiurch 11. utty. I. Cloffl. 214J 2.1
av 1100
WrU Side.
t Wet of Fifth av. ratwen PourteentJi
ana HOIIi et )
TH AV, 201, w e, rs 5 n !th m, 2,:x
112 4 to e a llnny 1 1 : PJioenU
Insrahani. pf, to Kmlcmiu Induet Siv
Hank, ,M CJiombrre at. lnr 11, atl.
It A 11 J O't;ormji. CI t'hambrrs
t tiit 000
10T1I AV 311, n w e, 24 tl00 Prank U
I. lnck nn.l no. ers, to iMw J Mcs'ally.
Ml W 3lh at Mar 11. atty. T 41 Co.
Hi IW-iy IS4.O00
INTKlllOlt STRIP at centre line, blk. bet
lu'li anJ loth ate onil 371 w Mh av, runs
eioxnl xwllinScw tltto t
lUlllmnrr rtMiltv 'o to Cilumet Club,
12 W 14th ei Mar 19: atty, Mos-s A
Warren, li Wall et tl
17TIC .ST. 174 W. e 100 e Amt av ir.
101 11 Anna (.' llnrV to Jullua Jacob
son. "47 A mat a. nitu 121.000, Mar IS.
utty. T O 17f. llway 1100
Manhattan lalan.t. north of 110th at.)
It TII PT. M W. e t. 4M a Inox av. 14t
100 U Dmi.l luvllcli to 1-ouis M
linlt. y, 111 !t .lolm p. nk:n. mil
1 10.000. M.ir 1-; attys, Alexan.ter A
u; li.niy. i
MAHISoN AV. w . 0 n ll'.th et. 40 llx
.10 Luclu M li-iere to T S llualty
Co. Inc. v Naeau at. mtg 1(0.000, Mar
... till. T 1 Co. 17 Ilwuv 10)
UltOVi: ST, e a. 70 wW'avarley pl,
::xl:o. aio e 4 lot 1;. Mk :m tax
II. .1P l.araii Jatkaon to w Pttbblne
S'uith. June 4, IfOO. atty. W ri.alitjlna
.--rii.th. 41 i: K7th at . . .11
llrnllf .
illorourh of The llronx )
VAI. KM'INn AV. n w c lMth at. ItWxlOJ
- -Naitr ml city Co tu II M Cnnetr Co,
1. H1.I at. Mch 15; atty, I. T a T Co.
lfO Ilay 1100
LOTS 14 15 tilk 2S50. t.n map W .'"eh.
bins Smith to Joa A D.mner, 21 W lioth
et, Mch 15; atty, W ftebblna f-mltJi, 44;
i: 167(h at It
LOT 4!. hlk II A lot 6. blk 71. man Mor-
Llj . HjrkT.i,yo!.,.:i? '!,ut.f. ,to 1,trnh?."1
Hteltier. 2J H 2tth et llltlyn. mtf II
., M h c a iirrnhar.l sterner. 14
w ; h tt ... .11
CI lPKimr M a . I'lO w TiTnenJ i.
' 'alt, .leo lot .1.. map M..ea
?'rr .,rh',, h. "t:. .7 o ran. r V
,1 m, n; rttty
A I. Taylor,
mug . . ..
100 n H'llev IV
11x115 Ml h' J Martin 'o Ml hl J
Martin Cornn. 1121 llway, Mch 12. attv.
F I. Mat ham, 2" Cedar at I1D0
. . ... - - - t.
."V,.i Ce- tf S. '. T . . t ieV." i. 7x1.
KK . ..Mil
. "ru " "' ""i.SS
i.ii'-n; e. .. .. .. ....
it...ie- et ..1. r.o Oak Tree n'.. Mh J'i
n t, sime lt'n
ISHTH ST, 017 11, n . SOxPIO Cnrrl
jar A ano to Ina Plan-,. S3 A
St John, mtg IV.00O. Mch 15. ativ T
O Jl T Co. 176 llwiy 11 "'I
17TII ST. n s. being Int II, blk 1057. tn
msp--Jhn A MrUvety, ref, to KIU T
Malonev. 527 K H7th at itransf.r tna
lle.ii. Mch 15, ntty. T O A T Co 1 Trt
lXrWt f
imllto tu Icoaa It.noltto. 171
I7r, i
-1 Mch 12. attv. T O T Co,
Ilu -iv 'l011
i. in...... .-, , .... "" i
map John cromweii, cu ;un, u
.M I li Il-M I--il' . '.-rui.-i - .. ... .in. ."I.,,,..,,. J-r .. . .... ., . k -,.i,i
fins iiuiniinnn .n i. i i i mi; ....-
1 Mill l!
atty. r ii s i .
T Co. 17'1
iiuar .....
i . eft '
n s, nt it s iilat at, runa 1 .
to c I WI'lls nv X a to I 1
met st X w i-.miiv a i-eon -i.ai
w Pmllv A Sent! et hi
to .vdeiiidn M Hoy.-e, 12s winia ov, Peb
is, atty, T 11 A T Co 176 H1v.11 '
"-"J J 'y. '; "i? " , ' X" ".T
to Mitchell MeDennolt Realty Co. inc.
1SJJ K 177th si. Mrh 16. ntty, N Y 1
Title tna Co, 135 llway .... lleO
2211) ST. s e, .'7 e Carp. lit. r av t'.x!"
IV M Hill Co to (I utiiv F. lh-.-k, Jr
inn. 11.11 rlaen av mtg is.mo. M.-h 11
ailys ti'Hurn lire., Webeter 1.1 an. I
200th at 1100
(With name and addreea of lender and
lender's attorney.)
(Houth of Fourteonth st.)
RIDOn ST, w s, 127.11 Rlvlngton et
26n75 I.atarua Levy to the Public Hank.
ii Delancsy at, M.h 12. pr mlg 120.000,
due Jun 13, 1115, li P o; utt)a. Htrnoch
A- H, SO llroad at 11,000
Fast Side.
(Knat of Plfth av. between Fourteenth and
llOlh els I
19TH ST. a e cor llrondll'ar. 12313 10
1S.1 Street nnd II .iidwav Corpn to Co I
.....bin Trusl Co 1 in liwuy, M.h I"-.
,,lii T ll ( o. 17u It s ty ll0u0
.17111 ST i- i"". - "l ill'. iPH'ti
Marie i: Smith to Sblmv Mmlilixk, Palm
H. mh. I'lu. ll-h I'., due us per land,
nt.) T it Co. 17l Hw-ny . 17.0.10
721) ST, . 237 iv U.xlngtnn av, 11 i
11 A Holding Co 10 Pnlon Trust Co of
N Y, 50 llway. M.-h 16, 1 yra, 5 p c,
nity. T O Co, 174 llway 124.000
77TII HT. II a, -'26 w 3d av, 7!102 2
Ardsley Oarage Compsnv. Inc. to Pnlon
Tills! Co of N Y no liwuy, Mch 16,
.1 yra. .', 11 e. atty. Frederic de ! Poatel
4 1 Wall et. . 170,000
2D HT, 11 . 126 s Park av, 60x102 1
The ta P.rf It. ally Co to Jennie Sterns
nnd nh, 114 St James pl, Brooklyn,
mtge fao.ntii), tieinann. ape, March
it. ally,
way ....
iv llarrmann, 241 iiniad-
West Hide,
West of Plfth av. between Fourteenth
nnd 110th els.)
10TH AV. 516. n w s, 21I00 Bdw .1
Mi.S'.illv lo Title OAT Co, 171 llway,
2DTH ST. 11 Vi.Vwli.U ar'iiJiij -
Michael IVrney to Hudson Trusl Co
1111 iiviuv, pl nugr iv.iuu, 11 linn 11,
Ine D. c 12, 19).'., 4 P e; attys, Holm,
W A H, 15 .Vis.-mu 1 1. 100
(llnrough of The Hronx )
ll.VIONI'ORT III), 1717, w e, 26, 1 1 1.1.1
His... hin.illto lu Eva Honlli, 147 W
Hulh .t. March 15, .III" as per t-ori.l , t
uli, T 11 a 1 10, 1,1, uwny.. 1 i.'iv'i
lf,r.TH HT. 1.37 11. n a s'.xioo Lena Pl.in. l
lo Curie Liisiir. 721 Jlik et and nun, pr
inigit le.ooo, n.ircn 1:.. 4 yrs, 0 p v.
iitt, T ll A T Co, 170 Ilwa) II 2..0
HRKRIS W. 11 e at all v line. lm :j-23,
m ip .Inhn i roniwill, 60 JMHii 11
niiiis iiuiuuan ' Mi" li' ll-M. Dei-molt
Itliy Co, Inc, 192! 13 UTtli et pr rnlgo
133,001), March Ij, i is, i p ..id,
T O ft T Co, 176 Uway 12,60.)
MOIUU.H PARK AV, 750, a 16x100
Hannah Kelly tn Hunil J Ashl, 747
M Hcholas av, March 15, du.i aa per
bond, atty, T(l.t'I'''ii. 170 liwuy 15,(00
I.i 1. 23.l At. .March IB. 3 vre. C n ci
. attv, THAT .'o, 1J6 llway 11.000 I
VVHI1 AV. e , 34 n 17!itU et, Uxt02--lien
ln Austin to .Marv (J Ijinlaan, S29S l.gf- i
I nit pi, i r in IK 139.000, .Mrh :, ilu n
per bo nil; all), O II D.nln. 1:10 31
av J3.S00
U'll.l.lS AV. n vtr c t4Ut at, I'0 170.9 A.M.
Inl.le ,M liny re to llmlfrant lmlu f.w I
Hank, SI Chamlierx nt. pr intK 15,000, I
.Mrh 15, 3 yr, f. p c; ntty, HO J .
O'Oornian, t,t Chamber t $3,500
HT A.NN'H AV. 131-H0, e . I317ti:i4kt.'n
--l.la Wltt to (Jennan iv ll.mk )M I
4th av. Melt IS, 1 yre, 3 p e, attye. i
.Miienn a a. ii: .-.ne.au s! . . . II iiO'j
L'ltOTON'A AV, n w c H7tli at, !!ll-
Co.enno llldg Co to .Ilia K W'enta, 3.1
Weat Kn-l av. Men 15, ileinind B p ci
atty, THAT Co, 178 Ilwa).. .IIV00O
VAI.HNTINK AV, n w c 1'th et, 10(1x100
II M Cattru Co to N.icroul ltlt Co,
1U llway, Mch IS. due Sept 13, 151 V
p cj atty, 1. T A T C. H.0
ll ay KO.ooo
135TH ST. C 10. s p. 14x100 tills II P
Clurotiny to Kenneth C Klrllunii. 4S.1
Main st. Oranrte, N J, Mrh l.. I )r. t
p c i atty, Kenneth C Ivlrtlnnd, fi Win
el II.OuO
A.VDItr.WS AV, Jill, e a, 21x100 .Ma M
HrM Co to Jamea MellrMe 233 ) An-
iree av, pr nits 8,ooo, .Mch 1
mills, p Ci atty, F A llutaon, 41 t'ark )
WKST PAIIMS III), w a. 1711.10 a 172.1 et '
St IxlTS 10 Theo M Malrkr to Frank I.
Ilem.irrjt, 157 W 12.VI at, M.h 12, Jtie
.May 1C, r.H. 4 p e. atty. Wank I. Imi
areat. 210 llway IJoO
WALTON AV, e p. lis 11 s 18th at. jot
xlii to Kmma II Thomas to ItenrWt'i
A ProeblleA, 77 Wll.oughby av, llklyn
Mrh 12, due. Apt 1. Ills, 5 p o, ntlv. I.
TAT Co, lii Uwny I.'..000
FItAVK, t.AWIIP.NCK I), et al, tnla, to
IU. li. I H.ill.uiiler, 1(1 W SCth at, Ht'v.
H V ('.onion. 32') Iiy I .x oe.)
CHItfTir. MT. 112 Lawyers Mtgs Co to
llthel y.abrlskle, 4 Park ..v. ,.it
l.iwvep. Mtu cv, l i.luerty r' I ' i n i I
45VJ! ST. s 100 - 11th n:. .'-..inn',.
H' otdi Pretbyterlan Chureh to Je.uml-j
Suiiupp. 121 .Nelaon av, uttje, llni.tl.sl
A. II, 1, Ni.rf.ui at IIOOOO
N A 1 11,1", ,ST, s w ci- Huwtliorne et. H'JX
irr.'g tu lOtJi ii v x 17.t0tl24.S-.lohn
(lawn to Prances A 1. 1I.mii; n'tvs
Huntington, II A (, William!
at $14,ei
in hum mt, ' ruuiio iiank or r. v to
Win S.ilinelman. 321 Or.ind at; attys
Mrvncll A M. 10 Hr.kUl at I I'M)
2I AV. 1S.1 Tttlo tlu.ir A- T Co to J..
A Trowbrldgv, tt) T J Co 17.
Ilway I6,0i")
CANAL HT. PJI-IHT n.lwn Vaughm. Jr.
to lleatrlce Ktrnhl, tty, A I) StmM, RO
MaMen ln II
WAVKIU.nv PI. 154 Alex Wilson, ejr. to
II. leu Wilson. 114 Clinton av, llklyn.
aity Oeo W Kills. 143 llway II
92 1 a ST, 11 W Same to anno; attv,
aime l
121) ST. i an.t 1 W Kpbrilm A. Her t..
!'b.r Ail 14- V iiti at,
Phlneas Lewlnaon, 54 Pin. st 1100
llf.TII ST. 11 e. 00 v. l.no .v. I
Weli Jt Kohrn t'ontn O) to Colletl
Holding Co, 17)1 p ikln av. llklyn: utte
J( C evl. 37 I.IVrtv at It
IltOQtrolS DOOIt CO to MatMMa
Turner 2.o')
llOPHN, CHAS, to Andrew J It.l-
k.if.r ... .Il.t.")
McIllllDi:. JAf, to Paul H Hutson ...Jl
It A I MANN. A It It M. to II- Pnar Hess Mo
WILSON. ALEX, eir, to Helen Wliaon II
SAMH to eame 1,
FAI.VK. ALIIRIIT. an I ano, eTra. to W
Rogers West-rtleM an-l ntio. W-eterfle1 I
W ilorers to W listens Wesiertlei 1
f ln . . . . , f w n ..i
N V TIlPisT f'O to City Mort Ca. . '!
CITT JIOItT CO to T 11 T Co ...111 a...
DILL. ALOI.a. to Will rVhw.'glee.. . .11,500
f.TI.SFIF.I) lORTO.ll)K4.
(With nam an.t addresa of lenrterV
attorne . i
114TII ST, n s. 170 w 6th av. 25x.i0 11.
Car1, ,; Paul Haunri' n -I r7!'
17 llway. ... r .a
21STH ST, n e, 175 e Martini fti, 2'.P)
Jun li. 111. Helen Oaawi.1.1 to I'anl'.
Cohen :) U i.vth at . atty. T 1 C
1T6 llvvui ... t'.im
('.HAND AV w . 60 Mlth at. 50x'JO
Mai 5, 100 Vkii-i. nark to Ilmnia S
Meien.s, alti, Heriea A Tod.l. I'.'.
Hw iv (7,P.i
RllouMB -T 655. . a. 1 e Van. k at
runs i tlx in e 2i n n f Hioeno
et w 21 to Pes. Mar i. lj- .-'.ir.ih
hne.leker to Ju'l.i Mmpaon atty. H
Hrr.t.m, 11 Mnntague i llklyn In xo
'?. r i... .'..?..' ,M, 'S. ;'v,
l"0'1'. '.'""A t' tl t;--J)b ami -amn.l
i.ienovnz in i.raei uiner, aura, tna t e
Ilroa. .'77 ll vay ll.2Vo
1031) ST. n s. Un w 3.1 av. "OilU'MI.
Nov 1 1912 Pr.mk an.t Ida Plaiher lo
s-itherlan.l, Turnl.ull A Co of .'imp
bell, N Y; attv, H J ICno-iip.!, i lle.it.
tn in et Jl 00
11ST ST. 44 r. , I! t Park av ! t
li Feb 24 IM0 T l".'ii Sl'.i. !
Pre terU' It Ceii-trrt. go! gtln i'ta
C ..I-M "to . Iti 'tir t !'. l.'i,
;in st. si w ii . ro e ui ,.. : ,
a I'eh 2. 1 '.)- -It.it.t I l...a I. tr..
Hank f ' Suv. i'O Itli v, u'H. T ' ''
17' llway . . 'II '""I
HiTII T n . 215 w :.th av mi.mi
Ma ' l?ll--Prenk and Anns I)e i'f.ro
to I'eleatlno l'tvo 17 Washington So W
M A It'ifrano. 1j Hwai II, m ft
MllVTii. IX K1IV ST. Jf. all I 17. c ti e .i
ti,..irr. Ju . 17 1SI.1- spe.'tor Centra.-' i
IB i.i to It.lr'.er 1 1 "ill In l; Co utr -K.
-:er i. Cunnlnghim 10 Mul i n .
I ine J! 10.1
S7TH ST. 115 W n s IP . Atnater 1 - '
ai lupmil .In' 1, lt: Id.. F.os.
A Prugsr ll ll'ini . (I i.. i
ROAD (Pelham
filT and si"
ll.igh., ot V"Too Nov T?mii3lp'.-'t
'elvls'Land Im,!t Co lo ' MarVFe.. i '
attv, Jno H Jones, fl Liber. st i n.i
4TH ST. 1 e. l.'D e Av A. . .'io 10 He.
It. P)i: Joe and llniinuli iioti t.
i..rrl R .--trang, atty, ci, i. I. Her, v
J Park Row . i,o....
ICTH ST. 117 P. n a. 25l9 1. Apr 21. t '
.la.-ob Freeman to Jacob Slel'. 517 IV
l.'eith it, uttya, Hulh & linker, ii
Naraau st 111.000
m:coiii)F.i i.j:
D ST 175-5 P., -i t s A Vf -.Mailil.ria
White to K ta II st t r -I A- unn in K
7 7s li t. 10 yre tr.in 1. lffl. if.
li-ltere Phrman. 2 9 llway 11
.1.1 . r.lie.ui ll ..vi. sir . u r in
l..l-rn A
,it o . I'ubllo S. rvl e tne une in ,iiuriu s . ios:n, nn.l an
0 Lotffuo.il v r. -r fr . . I vanci d to l.'iUs, el sing at I2'i In-
r-. ..m.l.-V
it, i iP.c
, ,,., , ,,.., u
,,,,, a, . ... ,..,. col..n ,.nn .
any A A ' Peinberg 1,0 lluai ;'ii
I.PMN'OTON' A 726. parlor n -t r 111. ii I
1...... tr. r.,n ll..l.l.n an.l ..... ....
..., , Vr frot. Mil 1 Ll:. 14
I nJ r,. .. ' ., w
I 1 'r "m e'l to Iule' sell' .1 '. h. 7 iv C.
"i ' w. fmn. Oct 1 nr.. ..m, a
llenlr 200 His -vy
TH V. :1.1, e-re llj-ri Kl'
11 in ' I
D.llllelil, O I'elol.e. let pr.'-ll.ei,,
f: -i Mil I lets, attv A Sirma
Ilu .1
I'MIK AV 1'. in r, 11 eir tll'h at
i rs
San' Fr'.r.linin A ano 1.1 1-1... tt'-i
lnki, ti'46 M idlaen ill 3 yre 14 nil'
fr.-ui Mar 16, IS16. alt. I.e Sdi.lr ii
61 niumh.ra al I'. "00
4TH ST 72 P. all Henry Ree. to II ir
net Hreltman, 301 Allen at, .1 yra, Imm
Apl I, 1S16; atty, Julius RLller. 2't'
Hiiav 11.10"
IHT AV 1177. store fl )nr Piullne I.
l.n.lu,.ii.. true, to .lueob Jofte 44a ;
17lal at. 5 yra. from May 1. 1016; atp 1
Mvrnn Sulrberger, 31 Park Row .. Ill"
.'Til' AV, 415-411". elorea h I'ha- Weln-
aleln to II Ifnlh'.er A Co. 101 1st av '.
yrs from M ly 1. 1516; attv, H Koeltlar
A Co. 501 let av 15,400
1C9TII ST. 624 W, all Win J McCool Vi
l ,re I. .M.'Cnot, 563 Alllst uv 2 vr.
from Apl 1. 1911 o'tv l.imoi"
n 1 st P' '" '
STH AV. 873. ;d A 3 1 l.mra -ll.r. I. :
I; I . f . to Dull S Re 1-. . ' W t . ,' '.
1 rr from M 1 . I. I 1 ' P' '
hel"ier A S P ll " ' 1 -" ' ll e. i un--
.11 '' '"'
16.11) ST. t7s P. n e q Tlffane at, 10SnlM,
iill--Alpaaor Co, Ire, to NH.ru Rlty Co
4 yra and 10 mthe from Nov I. Si
ntty. .1 W Illorh. 135 llwnv .. .113 700
ntOSPP.CT AV sec D'HIi at. cor rtl.re
Cath M Hihwlebert un I ano. true, to
Abt A'll-i'ii. 1462 Cluv 111, nnd nti
frein N'ov , lair., sttv, I. A Din.
150 ll ll'.lilh et lafu to ! in.)
ISM II ST. 4il P, ent store. Ai Hi. una
I lit v Cu to Abr Km! In, IM 11 I.H'h al
:i irs from May 1, loin. utt. lxiuis sus
man 61 Park Row I70 am! tl'D
WTfHTPR AV, IIC1-51, all Moirls
draliam Conatn Co. Ine, to Noritnrn
la-nelng tmd Rlty Corpn, Inc. 41 'I 3d
i.v. ' jr from Aug 1, 1014', attv, P
llrener, 3817 3d av ii.6tJ
I'lO fT- ','t 'T. -n',T ,Zl, 'T.. J
Snilih 1 for. closure of mort.'iKe.
K it II f '11 11 II e t.lrliel
ROTH ,-T. 115 W Pnnnle I. Hnrrleon v
Vedallt.l Society of the "ty of N V el
..I 1 f.uecliieure of mortgage) , ntty, ,S
W'.VTI.'ll ST. 337 to :i:l5. anil Smith el, 171
nnd l.'i llMirv llollei Ull I'ltnatrurllun
Co vs Pnnnle i; 1) Slory et al ffnrieio
surr nf mortgage) : nttv. It Loew. nilml
IS'.'K ST 2H7 W Emanuel Ilium vs 1: lao
I llriindt et al ( f.irei i.e-ur.' of moilgag.-).
.Hps. W S A A S K itenelel'i.
. WiiiJ-TPII ST. e h, 1 hi 3 n Hr.Mime at,
' 1'Ov.i .t Irreg Seamen s II ml; fm Sti
hick In lh Cltv nf V Y v-i .Inch cor
da) ft .il (fnrerln-iir. nf innrtgigei,
attys, Cadwaliiil. r W. "lier-ham 4 Tup
LM-'ftNTAINR AV. e a. ?6 n Oak Ire. pl,
3f,i96 iSinodu Reulty Co ngl Oltfnrd
lliilldlng Co et al faction to dinuind
ludgmant on ded) iittvs, lllrletnan A
Vang Inn.
RONTON lit), KKtl Joreph ICug r n
'.U1 "Hn""e
K.6TII HT. . 33 w Trlnltr nt, 40x i I
A nut M ffheele aitt lludolph Wnlillir et
Pl. Hi exed ( foreflout of mtire n ty.
It II llercmnn.
I1.1TH MT, tn 12 Herman Plrat axl Itav.d I
Y eke', owner anil enntrnrtor . IJ4 s. I
1021) HT. (.. lo 540 W -Ailatil llitppel, I
Inc. mt IMyihn C llanckn ami James
M llonclt. I, uwn.ra; II I' W'rlgh; Co,,
i-on'r.ielor ,.. ..lt.0C0.31
36TH ST. 11 W Hull, OMppen A Co agl '
11 West 2Mh St Co, owner and controo
tor I renewal) 1S.S0 ,
5TII AV, tin Illv .) Illeeer A Co ngt Ch.u. I
4.' Hum, true Philip Ithlnelander, exn i
Ailelalilo K Ithlnelander and William V
H Lip. nnersi A Stem A Co. leae
(ren u.il) 11,1147,37
JAMIi.l HT, w cor Madison et, 24 10x!ii),
Arthur Welaer ngt Rebecca tyilrlin,
owner. Chrlat .nino end fleorte Cantos.
contractor.. IIP)
HAN'DAIJ. AV. a. 30 e Wright ov, J5x
100 Michael J Crowley aul Nelllr and
(lenrKo A I.oualirati, ownersi Walter It.
It.it .o. contr ISla
HIX'K ST, e, 100 w Avenue St John,
jomioo (j vairo et a I, at iiairo con-
r. w "n" "" ;.rr:
PiliLADCM'ittA, March If.. The
purines market was n,ulet, with irrlees
generally ntiout nnchange.1. TTlectrlc
. . t.....M. ...... ., n ,ie M..
ago H.lttery Was Up a half point
el (las Imptovement nnd est-
eland Coal were firm The sum-
Open- Hlnh- Low. Clna-
Snlea Ini e.t est Inc
t Alllaneo Ins . W? t'.'i li'i H'
P. Ann riean 0.a ..l.m'i PhIV W, 100'i
l'amlirl.t Iron. .4.", 4')j 4i', 4.'i
a-. PanibHt tel.. 4J ! V 42
1" Wee Mor llxt ...41 41-". 4 4H
).. liener il Asphalt . i :; : ts
P. lien Asphalt pf... M M M tl
:i Ins Cu J A 21 ;m It 2P.
... Ihlth Xse 744 TS 744 75
ci Uhlvli Valley.... f,7'i . IP, 7;
to 1. V Tritxlt IP. I4U 14. 14,
.'. Mlnehlll f : V Ki
li Pints It T itfa.... to : : 1
pa Pewix i: it s:' t-.'s 52S16 r.i'i
' Phlll Co . n .1.1 .HI SO
i;.. PlnH Ple.irie .. n-, :rTt MS M
i.P'nli Tr.u-tiou . ; 7.', 7 Tn'j
i Pennx s.ilt Mir 514 '14
1 e Itel.llnir 72 1H 7.'4 72IHt 7J'l
557 Time Pel e dlv.. r, t 4 13. r.
II! FMte (las Imp.. HJ4 KV, 12H
ISO.) I' S St. el 4M, 414 , 4.V,
M Pnl.m Tririlon f.S -14' .14V; 14',
Sit Wistmore 1 Coal f. tl 1 i 1
lsi Am O A i: 5s .. itt v.S Ci, 131,
21") Hold will Lle'O fs 1.1.1, p.H, l,v) ,
'. Cini Jlrel eeti '14 !i7 I'T 17 M I
2". .( l'1tn Mrel -en 17 M ' l7 7
.i Klee A P 4 cits . 774 7; 774 77i
pan Interstate lira 4a 5v. :.i f.ss f.,
5"i I. N eon 44a . . an, s4 i,
.I.'" I. V jen con 4's o: s; 97 !;
) Pa It H con 4i
1 temp Cttt. !, F11, I0l. 101V,
lov phlla Ktr,. fa . .in: tr; 1(J lo. ,
M.v) Phil Wil A II 4s . ..7 i.r-j sin sjtj
l.i ltea.llnir n 4a 91 n 1,3
' iin II A W 2.1 Is.iow. I"1t4 10H iohV4
: I'n It- 4 rtfa 71", 71S 734 7S4
I'hlla Co s-p 11 :a, !04 S.M, yaj
Future Cl.iar 1 4o .'I l'ntnfa Lower
Snlea. II, '.'."() Raeta.
The coffee, futures mjirkert clree.1 t
Umdy steady, wltli pr.cew 1 to J Iwints
- " -n -aloe of 9.2".0 bags-
Prices I
vhonrd a firm tendency In the eailyl
ir-.i'Iltiar. I.ut srlllng of Pip July liosttlon
deellpe., which ll.f .1 depresflng Inllu- I
cine on P er nmhlli- The rate of Ro
oNcl.nnge on Ie.ndon was loivers'd to
Il'.d Cind'tlons In Pie elK)t market
we.e imrhange.1, with Rio 7a quoted at
7s, ',17 T rents and Santos 4s 9TitflO
Hrazlllnn ms.rkets were steady. Rio
No 7 wiis 75 rels higher at 430i). San-
'to. No., 4 was unchanged nt 5J100
, u. ',. ..,.. ,.,,t,,i , , nan
and Santos receipts totalled SI.O00 baes.
Sa. Paulo had 20,00" and Jundlahy
9.000. Prices were t
Rich Low. Cloa- Pr-
est ea! Ini ciose
tn 575
5 r. n
3 1 1 r- M f il
6 SI 6 '1
7." t S3 at i'
', .) ; '?
7'. 7 11 7 01 71.-
T 14 7 ir
1 7 .:
7 21 7 21 7 rt. 7 2.
7 ) 7 111
April ,
J 1
A'..-n ..
s. i ember
N.i. emtr. .
Iie.vnilter .
.i.i. .i.in
F. In usrv ..
Tlie t..ne of the Consolidated Ex-
hange was linn yesterday without ag-
re vene-1 I'ncepunK in epou. i ruuers
. iruoers
!shiie,l no Inclination to sell and,
though there Mat tilk nb .ut the recent
arr.v.l here of foreign owned securl-
lies, thev did not seem to be coming
iilHiti the market Commission houses
h.ii.l'ed a well dlstr'huted business In
frii.iion.il lots Frilled States Steel was
the most active stock. It displayed
strength from the opening, with Its fliet
tale . 44Ts '. inpoied with a closing
i.iiotutloti on Saturday of 444. After
dlpplnir to ll'i It advanced to 455, at
whl. h It et sed
lleidng opened nt US';, unchanred
from Sitiiriiv's final price, dipped to
14li4 ,,t, (lion rose to 144"... closing at
1441, I'tioii Pu ll. opened at 120's,
terli iiough 'ir.'.Ttel .11 .1 . - il fe.
Hire of t.vnii'h Ii opened t 5",. up
of a no nt from Saturday, touched
'.'iu, .i,e to Hoi,, at which il closed.
Tr-'ni i.'t'oni fm the day m all stocks
tota led 10 130 shares.
TlHNi'.TON March V -The '.iterDeot
of lb- le.-e't.ts aiKi pss ..-irrans or Die
Trr-.s in s'l ,1.
VI 'ir h t. Tli a rnii .-'! year
lleeipts j kii.S'i .e , ;i s..a,sv.;t
Par warrants l.:i4.674 "s.s-s r.is CJ'S,ix1,SeC
ii7,m itTrais: ii,M7,ic7
He.s"tita from cuslnnia March 13, li7S.S7ij
Intriiul revenue, or.biu.ra. ll.tjit.377: cor.
po ".111 tax. I.V.,341: mis, ellnurous, USI.aiv
N.'.onal l.ank notes receive,! fl)r redeaiie
" ea'.'!
'I llh etftlement Of the Cnlted Statea
Tret ...er lor March 13 ahows:
Cold com jinis,.ei
...t.il i-ertifi. ales . ......r..... 7.ss- 010
sllrer do'lars 11 Sf. s
. li-r f r iTl.-.llet 1 "l- . oi
I "t'el .- t t i.trs , '.1
1 .it li.ti . ln as 1. 11 binlis ... '- i
S .. -1 , ruit . f4
I, tllim.r .-oin utl.1
if" '19
Cj-'i 1 1 Ti
In n .i mi .1 I. inks
Aisnli 'le cali 111 Tr..isiu-y gnr
lif.luit ci-retn llallllles
Free bji.ti.w tn 'limtoiry ard
O'lier Tieasury ncts. net
Net bilan.-s In general fund
U!"F.UVF. Kl'NT)
ficild coin and bullion ...
275,754 ,W
To releem OUtatal.tllltg ivntlPKte.R,4s,,'.r.?
(irarsl total tasli aeeela In Tteaury 1 ta.1,4 7 i.a
Vldreil, fanner preatdeiu nf ih-
1-.1 1 . Mii.e.i una. i7iretrlc Light .nd
P.... r m 1 .if ih. Pennti Ii nul l w iter an 1
l'-.ttri, ..I 1 lie e!, li I .. dire, or .if Ih-
Pniie.l It 11. u. its and Ple.trl" 'nniitinv
ithl.-lt ettiit-.'.s ul ol the e'ee'rh- r.i! .1 , V
'tie ,.f Ha lltii..!.' Alilred A I'n .. ...,i'.
1. .Milled .1 -ll"-t tlltt'.l Ini . i . I In ....
.1.11 li nf the t'l. It' I Hal, win s olid i:, ir.
Coillpllli Tin' Ilrm I- the lite, 1 iceilt
fgr III" C,,n-oll,l,..., Ilu P'ectrl" Light
un. I p.iiie.- un, I th I'liinsi Imnla Wyter
an. I Power.
t the iiniiunl meeting of the P I du
Veil" I N."n.i.r I'm. ler Ceilipanv the
f.il'.iwing a..l...nal .llte.-iora w. re ..rt.d
V I'e is .In Punt John .1 llii-knli, II !
Hriitin II. M. carpenter 'i;)l.tn t'nine,
II .i Riiskeli nti. I I. p I, iff. 1
II irie'li , Co iiniiniri their removal
In laiy t.l.,'e- .1 .'..I l!i.,,rl atieet
ll nib It lloilu... ,' c, ,ii 1 i;-t ibrook
A c New link ti ml S' it'll, Moure e.
I'n ,,f SI Louts hues tiur.'h l.ted II. IU. ,00.1
..f the I.' 7:.0 (n)0 pew loan city nf tn. Loula
gn'.l i3a. due In I93I.
The II I, du Punt de Nemours Powder
Company hat granted an tneraaae of 20
tier .cat. to every emptors on the pay
citt nrii. kstatk
21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth Av.
Homer Foot, Jr.,
7 KaHt 42d Street 1
Transit tlullillnc.
invnim ivn m il i htat' i nn NAI k
MlNlHI-n IIKAI. lOTATr. fon HAI.r.
..... . . ....,. . . . ,, ,
W ILL L16AJ4K 1 room buntfnlow. all tm-
rrovementa, untcrfront; good rMmtlng,
r. lining ana iieninu, on ruui niiors m
r;r,"Ti", "v
In caea party liin to purchase, 1310 of.
the 1500 will be allowed as llret payment ,
on bungalow; baianca on eMay monthly I
payments, . l. , no lai un omce.
WILL LEASH 7 room cottase. Imcrove.
nientat goo.l boating, bathtns; on Hi. north
ehore of ling Inland; 31 tnlnutea from
,enore d iiik i.iuiiu. j in.nuirs mini
'Nbw Tor)li ,,o for the eeaeon, at tho en.l
'of aaaaon, In cast party wlahts to pur
. haaa. 200 of Hit loo will bs allownl aa
first payment on coltngei balanca on easy
monthly payments. A II., box 172 Hun
I I'I'KIt V1TI'III1 Kit.
We have u number ut raraia and country
bomee In Weafhrater County for aaja or
rent at a bargain
HIIBD A CI.AIIK. Whlta Plslna. N. T
IIKAI. I'.M'ATi: i on MALE
KIIIST CLASH dairy farm. eaulnnM.
stork farms, country, ehore homea. Ht'I.I.
Hoiith isorwaik. t'onn.
Submarine Activities Also
Have an Effect on .M iirltot
for Sterlinp.
Rates for sterling exchange on Lon
don were firmer yesterday on announce
ments of gold shipments aggregating
13,000,000 from Ottawa to this city
ii nil the renewed activities of the Her
man submarines. The efforts of the
Rank of England to intltietioe. higher
money and discounts In order to bring
.1,- r .,... ,nr e...rle on a li.lrllv wHth
the ottlclal bank minimum ere also
counted as factors In the advance.
Ivnmnd closed at 4.S0',. in against
4 79 U.-K!. and cables at 4 S0', as
against 4 'O',.
Marks kept up thn advance, selling
ut 54 for sight drafts a:ul M'i for
table). Rrokers attribute the rise to
cubscrlptions hy Oerman evmpathlrers
In this countrv to the new war loan
nnd to the feeling that the strict em
bargo which England yesterJay do
clate.1 on nil exports and Imports to
and irom Orrmany will make exchjnee
on that country very scarce.
Swiss exchange shown t the effect of the
refusal of the rteamshtp lines tn accept
consignments of goods Intended for
that country hy advancing to 5.41 for
checks and 6. 401.4 for cable.. Francs
were firmer at 5 2 for sight drafts
nnd 5 " 7 ' , for cables Italian lire
closed ut S i9 and Austrian kronen
at 15 75
Lnrard I'reres snnounce.1 yesterday
'bat th.-y had engaged In Ottnwn for
shlpn.int to New York 12. 100 000 in
gold. This, combined with th ir.on.noo
which tho ilunranty Trust Comnany
re. elve.l on Saturday, mnkes J'lnnij.noo
sh'pptsl b the Hank of England do.
posltory at Ottawa on two .tn- sslve
l.iisln..s .Ihjt It was rumored yes.
terday that bankers wre peirotlntlng
, for a further ehlnment of 15.000.000.
Irclndtng the latest shipment, approxl-
mat. ly Jll..ino.onn i-i told has been
inat ly 11 l,.ino.nun i
. brought here from CVmnrla alnca the
, present movement began
law and llrrliirrl Firm Fntnree
slightly Easier.
Itiw suir.ir was jlrm yesterday with
' sales of 20.000 bags of prompt Pubis
to ine l e.ieriu Hugnr Helming company
at I SO cents, duty paid
Tho refined markit uns firm at 5 50
cents The Wainer and Federnl com- '
pttil.-s contlnuiil to nuote 6 cents. The
country has mode heavy purchast
at 5.75 cents, having taken enough to
fully Oliver requirement". f.r tho next
sixty days,
rh sugar futures niatkrt at the Cnf.
'i. E. hance w.ih aliirhtiv
r undei
elllnic nro'nuted liv en..
atlons .f
1 ll'gd
weekly Culiari rec ipt. Prices
.-re '
l,o va
(riita- Pre?
in tl.i-e
March ,
.Ma).. .
:i ii
1 m
. I
.1 17
1 !'-'
Septrinber. . ..
October .. ..
Noreiiibex.. . . m ..
Iieceniber . . .
January . .
4 02
X 1
I T.
Prominent llnslneaa lien liitrrt-atrrl
sulncrlbe. ,
Peroral largo subscriptions have been '
mudo for tho proposed llroad Street
Hospital. Three men have already sent 1
In 11,000 each as touinl.ui and nine
others have promised to fend I'.ko
aiiMunts If 'he l st cf twenty-five found
1 r- is i" mp t ' .1
uioi.i; tl,u.e w ''o h .Ve su.k, r ilie.l us
fotmleiH u: u. 1 r l.'i'. 'I 1.1 the 1 1 : . )
fa! d a ip Walter Siitt 1 1 ; 1 . .let t of,
Hutler llroi, DomliucK & Duuilni.k and
Dr. William Herman lileirenDa.'h, 111
ward A. Scott. 220 Hro.ulwny. llehrer A
Co., SI lleekman Ptreet ; Jnep'i Klltr.
1 Maiden lane, Isaac Ilip-hunan, 1,17
Liberty street, and James Hrown, .'D
Compnnj Iteporfa llalanee
Common ot tl-IN(l,4i:n.
For the year ended December 31, 1014,
the Otis Elevator Compiinv rep-rt a
balance available for common dividends
after pnymint of preferred of JIM. 4'.".,
against $7''7 .105 the year before 1 Ids
was equal to 7 per cent earned on the
JO, 375. Odd common eto. k before charg
ing OtT 'llllelit ileplr. lat'iull, ,. . ..III.
pnred with 11! 03 per cent, c-uned on
the same st u'k In 1013
N'et earnings tun. Minted tt ;R70 ij.,
ng.iln-l 11.157,3"'. In PUS Tho surplus
for the year after the pivmcnt nf com
mon dividends, p. nslnn fund Items. Ac,
was 22,i'i'i0, as compared with S52.:i!J
in 1013.
P. s,, supreme Court Calendar.
W ASHU.'iTON, Mar li 11 Tli" !i
nf the Ht.pl tne fo irt fur Tue-li.
'-.)'. .'04. 20. J0i., 20. '.'13. ;'ll
Hid 231
Court nf Appeal a Calendar
A1.11ANT, March 15. Court nf lppa'"
a'epil'ir for to morrow t Vn. i- 't , - i
I On Shore of One of I'rvtticnt
Lakes in Vtrnwnt
IN "TIIK M4l-r lll.l.ll.ll M I I, KM. HIS
4ip i:.-.ri:nv ami. mi A"
Prim el to tn ro.mis fu y furnlihcl.
etectrle uabts, mo.Wn piiitablng, with lint
aim roirt water, ore ti llr. p. ires, 4'olliplele
l.leetrle Itnnices for 4 '....tin a. fonaiHiit e ..
tri .-rl eat evt-oie i ..'.v pnwer rmta
i Hit-linute. ve-i-tubie hmI tinner ic ir.l. e
nl. rol,oais firtil-i.e,!, mo..r-l.o ,i.
a.il.Hhte, aplenilM riioiintiilii a. enery. 1'nre
,,i""nn i"" water, bnmtiroi .im..
(iii.iiir, irrr urin'-ry ni inait. arorrrie.
i.nn.i,v i. a...i Un i... ...... ..in.....
0f ;,o'oo Inhabitants, bonrdlns at cinu-
house If preferred, b.at of references I'rlca
.'..".. w i. writ, tor
Illuatratrt booklet
Aildreaa W. T H..
Hoi us stun.
I'OK sai.i:.
Nina reom furnlaliei cottage and gar.ige
on Atlantic o.'enn. Other rui tilslm.t mini
mer cottaaea for ealo or rent at WATCH
HILL and nearby bejrlis
Send for b klet
FRANK W COY. U'eaterlv, It. 1
FOR FAI.K1 Olt TO l.P.T- riirnlh4
milages at North Haven Me ' lla-t'eil'a
Harbor." Prices from 17.'. lo 20o for the
e,i-oii. NPI.ION 11. COHH, Ito.-klxnt.
Mai .e
ON ti.WtH ISIAM). Nlieepscnt IIRer,
opp. lVlarsseet, Mr. To Let 1 room fur.
nlehed rottngei line e enery, boating, fleh.
lrir pur" water res' fill. M C. DAVIS. 1!
Cheetntit St Waltliam, Moaa.
TO I.KT I'Olt IIL'.MM: I'Lltl'OfiKs.
rooni 'i . .n - ui e. .
tor rent. i
IlKKD is 1.
" ile.k
ll. 1 St
Mi.PAiaLA.Ml, AN.NJL- 1 11 purailanca
of an order of Honorable JOHN 1 Co
ll A LAN. a Hurr.iKj.'e ..( the Cuont.
I N York. NOTICL la litrebj glv.n to all
1 ir and. lormerly A.ihlu M. Iiutiougl., iita
the counts of New Vurk. .Iec-i..e,1, to
nt the ume v.lth ouchera there. f tu
the euba. rlber. at nine of imn.t thitf
teialntM at the eillr. ot Peter J Meil.tl.i.
rick, 14 Court St., Uorough nt Umoklvn,
In 1 he city f .Ww York, on or before the
-s'.li day of September neit. Dated, N'a
York, the lllh .U nt March, mil
RI.UAURTII P MoDONODill. A.lnilnla
tratrU. PLTLR J. M liul.DllIUJ, Ally,
for Admtnlatratrli. 44 Court St., flrookb n,
N. V.
HAAS. THEIli:K. In purauanee of m
order of Honut.ib.e Hubert Ludlow Kon er.
a Surrugate of the County of New 1 ork
NO TICK la herebi given to ai p. r-..t.a
haling r-lalttia against Tlierese lli.i- :.t a
of the County of New York. drce.i..-.i 'o
prearnl ill. aan.e with vouchors tl.-- .,r :n
the euhai rlber. at lirr place of tr.'.-
bualneea, ul the otll.. ot her h
s ll Ivan A Cromwell, No 4J Wa ..r .t.
In the t'iti cf New York on or bef-n, iha
.otn .lav or June neit ii..i.-d. e , k
'he ittii day .if De ember. !!! i:n
".'A.';. A.inlnlalr,irl St'l.l.iv V
rl(. .IWLI.I. A'te'i.e s for A I- - - i r x
W.. ' ir-et IP. rough ' " . il.,"n,
S. 1 . -V V
IxivpoN, March 15 - The i r
active a i . J Itrm todi.i. i.-'le
successes of the l'.'ltish In P'.r
very fair luiine.s was done o-i .n.lers
u.'eumiil'ited over 'he week end
The war loan was higher and the cilt
edire.1 gtnuii gener illv showed Invest
ment bli.llnt llmne rails were unlet.
Russians nnd Japai.e-e l.rtiei were tlrm
Mexican ral were tint Mines and olla
continued -trong
The American department was cheer
ful, but prices were littles changed
HPS.! VMIS V . il nf) VII
ol'i 'nfhn iri'i pit
lu-e (r i'ii-fc H-e . r
1. 1' k-u, 1 b, ill..
- j,,x- t,,n In
Up mini at
i- -lg',l , 1 ..tl .M.I - 1. 1
ISII101. MilRUIe, j .1.1. In cotton gnola
)'. I li'l. elree' .'ii-n.nt I.i Hen-
11 -lirr A p.'t.llen In bankrupt wa.
.. . , tl . ngilriet 111 111 1. rrrdlturs
V..I.I1VV1 M. .'A R1 II 1 ,1't Auliilin aie
ii- , I' . .1 1 p'-.ttl -1 l-i 1. ifi'.rupt' . . lis
I,' l". 121. i'n Ills ...ri .. 1 .11
r-liji.e ef ..f 11.',', 11 IU..I t), had I. veil g.il
I 1 1 ej Ull In 1 lu Ig. 111 !' tel 5194.
, . -i.ud 01. March i. I'll, I" laaa.
RAM.-lir WM.LACR. a tor. 4". Wa'
i'n fo-iith -'r-et. e,t r. 1 j petition I'
1 -.Krut.l, , .ti.ii.,--, 1 7. 1 -la , n aeeet.
RPMIY .1 FI.-II i:it painter ari l dn orator
1 Ki Vm-'e-di.ii, .11 -nue tiled a petition
It bankiupl. . Ilabl.ltlrs, I2,61. laa-ta
1 CHlULFS WPItTIII.'IMPH, salexni.xn, 11"
I'.i-' M '.i tl d a pe'ltl.in In
1 I . ti li - :' .i.,1 . ,;''r I "'I. ...i ho.ii
Pl . P. I.i Kill.. 1 .l.r " I..11..X avenue
e i-1 a p .fi'iti . . '.. iiili-upt.) ; llabllltlea
i: i'i . . ." . 1.7-
i hrtliile. in llniikniptrr.
'SHVST.V M'lli:ii in r f tlire-s of sr. (al
and tr."-a Hi VV'r.t T en'v.nlhtl
1 .ir..i, - he.lu ' - e ,iu llab.l.ea c'
tit.. iI and a-iet- t' inknowti value !
ll- li , tii'a of 1. ll I .-littler
OilHtl VV t HUOW . tipoiifr. 331 We.-
1 . l.t .--,. hr.l.i . - .'.,' Hubllltl. e
I v 1 a and le-r'r .if 'I 7 10
Rrecllers A ..i.lllleil.
Ju IB lloutll ti . ..up. mle.l F-T.llnnni.
V 11 .1 re. ri. r nr : ... Vetna c.ntrsi i
Inr I'ot ...r t""ii nt N .k bend, 13 0-)s
lo. - uie I , .'.tiial- I g of r.t.1
mi.. Iilter. -n I.i- suppMa and
horsea The , i . i, 1 1 . h I tl.-er col
tra, Is foi S' -
Rr. idler's I t rllllt ales,
KI:KPII1Y i 'IS-1IC 'I'll iv- .'OMPAN1
-l.l.'.ge ll-' I'.'u 'i a I .t'l r!7ed J.ieep).
,1 Cnii-I'.g'i i-i . I.r l..r th- K"e.
.If. .'' i i.. np'rii M' We.
I' gh'r. ii' i sii, . t. is- ... tin 000 re
r' .1 - ,'rr'l' i'. '.1 -a'-e rnnnev t'
, o'ntr t- Mi. i" irn.t f. - tl." armor.
of Tr.. p 11 il v ' .t llir N.tv Ye-V
S'ut N illm i' It ii k .' V. .r.v la to a I
van-e 1 1," i-i.t i . .. ' , -'feut.-a
( t. Illfii i. III. II- ('until tiled.
Ml lltlllS V I'i .!: , . -! . . '. 1 . ,g 11 , .
i. ir . .nr .it " , t - '. i uf Morris
A lu ( i'.t,i, "1 ' 'll'l 'r i-,r
14 3. Hi.... U .. i .' . i'...ra it l
. en's .'ti thy ! I i ll'' ll'l 174,
JOHN Ull VCKKS 1 pi it 11 eigh hat .01
hrme.l i . ..inj.i.a"t n .1 .rt n H-i.-'a.r
furniture. 31 1 I." i - wpti oredi
u.re at 7,0 .nt. on (ha da'r.
i .iacoii piMtsviii' s i 1 jh hi
i .ttiflrtne.l a c .ii. i.-1 ' ' . n of J n ob Ilea
i nar.l. ,l.'S-- er t". lit'- atr.-r' wltb
. r-aito- .' :n ..-its on the .1.. i.r
l.tiPl M'liliv m i' ; ju ir llo igh hsa
' .entlrtnel a . . -t. iti-It lor. of lynila Neren
b-rg m.li.iif i -t ir-r or Oler-iltx. 16
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