Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1015. addressed to I V.inco and Ore it Ilrltnlfi last week regarding the details of their proprwril policy. The issuing of thefc orders by ( llrltmn moans, that the ITiiltM Stales will hao to face the unlawful maritime policies of both Kngl.itid ami tlctiii.un without pnselhlo relief, for (liiat lirlt hIii'm stand against any importation, ol food to (iermain destioyn all hope of a modification of the Kalxor'H war 20110 campaign. While It Is presumed that formal re plies to both I'nltnl States communica tions will ho forthcoming flom (Heat Itrltatn, the orderK 111 council make it uninlMakahly clear that no concessions need be looked for In these coiniiiuhlci. tlons. OllldntH were prepared to admit to-night that the llrltlsh orders make the situation abiut as hopclss.s as eould well ho Imagined with regard to any prospect fo- preserving fieviloni of trade with (lermauy Tn Protest Aurilift. Tho I'ulted Slat's floveiliiiuiit will undoubtedly tile a grr.etiil protest against the Uritish orders There 11 little hon however, t lint anything sub ran be gamed by such u pio tcst, particularly m Mew of rctcutod atatemente. emanating front London that tho allied (lovcrnint nts ate quite pie. pared for the receipt of vigorous pro tests not only from the I'nited .States but from all other neutral Hut until the I'nited States or other neutrals ale prepared to bring some sort of pressure to bear upon the Allies othei than 1 of diplomatic rinesioridcnce protects will ln of little avail bevnttil ttablish. , InK a clear record for too protesting 1 Uovernnicnts and possibly laying the, foundation for claims at the conclusion of the war. No moans; by .which the United Slate can br'na pressure on the, utiles short of no tinPiirgu on arms audi munition t-dlseeerilhle hero at this time and only Congress u empowered to Im pose such an embari:o. As the orders are read here in the 1 published tents, the olllclal te.t not yet having lieen received at the State 1 Department, the prohibit. op of direct trade with Herman) Is absolute. The Drltlsh will jtteiiip: to ttitercept anil i detnin every vesse' bound for or from Herman port. Such procedure Is re garded by the t'nlted States as wholly 1 extra local, nnd Knglnnd'e defence that the policy Is Justified as a mode of re- t&llatlnti for Oermanv's war one policy! will not be accepted by this (S-iV eminent. t i ui-o : One Pnlnl In Doubt. Thin indefinite statement will hnve the fTect of malting a g-ener.AI pra- lest by the t'nlted Stutes on this phas 1 of U10 Iseiie a dlftlcult matter. It Is be 'Itved this t'.overnmont will await tha iirf.nirr nf A sn.eltle cisn l.efnr.. tn.vtflni ' .1 protest against what ar oreiumc 1 to bo the Uritish Intention as 'cards xhlpmcnts through neutral countries. The first instance of an American nan- contraband cargo destined for Orrnianr ; via tieutrjl coiftrim or eomtasr out of , Herman)' via neutral terrlt.irv' helm; 1 Kolied by the Ilrltlsh, will pronably bs ' the occasion of a sharp pro'es! l-om WajnltiKton on which tho Keneral issue ! w.H be oonteslcd. r The nsHurauces of Great Ilrltaln that I the execution of the new policy will not j Imperil tho llvs or properties of non combatants or neutrals was noted here, but this fact "does not lessen the wrong fulness of the policy In the eyes of 1 Washington It nlso Is observed that elaboiato machinery has been provide 1 whereby neutrals may recover r.on contraband poods telxcd In the rxeeu- , tlon of this policy, but neither does this non-contlsontory policy make the United States Hovernment any the more dis posed to surrender what It re pards as I its luhctent rlBhts of trade wttb Her-j many. The (Uttlnc oft" of American Industries from certain supplies purchasable prnJ tlcnlly exclusively In ileniumy Is re- carded as the most, damaging effect , likely to ensue from the Allies' policy. 1 importation of dyestuns, certain chemi cals, Meds and othet products from Hermany Is practically an essential to n number of American .ndustrles. pat tlrularly to the textile trades. .Men in these trades have declined that their Industries will be threatened with paralysis If the new policy Is made effec tive. It Is likely that Inquiry will be made of Hreat llr.t.iln as to whether the ex ceptions sho ha jeft herself frio to mnko will permit the Importation of these supplies. Jt Is much doubted here that the British have any intention of fronting material concessions In this direction, though the indefinite character Of parts of the orders In council makes uch concessions a posslbllllty. BRITISH SHIPS LOST. Plaklnic nt Three Attacked I. est Week Admitted. 1ONnoN, March 13. The Admiralty announced today the sinking of three rnore British steamships by He-man sub marines. They are the I'loreznn, Head lands and Hartdale. It had been known that nttacks hnd been made on those three vessels, but until the Admiralty Dtatcment hope had been held out that one or all lnd escaped. The llattdale was toipcdoed on March 18 off South Hoclc in the Irish Channel, fwenty-nlnc of her crew being saved und two lost The riorez .n was de stroyed oft' the mouth of Bristol Chan nel, h'T crew being saved, und the Headlands was sunk ..11 .March 12 off the fc'cllly Islands, where the Herman sub marine ;-L'!i. supposed to 1m" commanded by Capt otto Weddlngen, formerly of the U-6, has beep ' per .ting APPROVAL IN LONDON. "Qtaratlnii nf .Vntlonnl Ktlilf nrf," Sn Time," Sftclal Cuhlt Dtspntch to Tin Srs. London, March 16. Bress comment ton tho reprisal order lssud yesterday & inalnt) a reiteration of the comment if J'remlei Asrpilth In the House of Commons. The 7'fmcs says "We must evpect criticisms and pro testa from neiittal countries, hut we Vmia tthnv u'ltl r.nifii-tlirr flint it 1m lint u. que'tlon of trade with Hreat Britain hut I of our national existence. W e have the right to expect neutrals to ask them, selves what t'iey would do In similar circumstance EDITORIAL COMMENT. Vleivs nf New Yorl. .Veu Npnper on T.iiKln nil's llriler In Council. i The I'ress. The Flnt eh tirue,- m i'o.iuo.1 o cut off Herman! " trade and tommuniea tlop with i. it world proves to be ex actly what tie iftion of tin- United States was igt.nst the hou,h--n com plete blockade ini lulling the doiirltn, established ami e if od by the Tinted states, of tin ithtlllUltlls vovage. 'Phis in in i'ii .pie ami practice is so precisi'lv wliot, in 'he blockade ol the ,Otltll, Wis li e Tinted Stales Hovel li jTient's prn p'i ami ptactlce tliat there is left no d I. if American protest I tet.ll l.l I H oi no letallallor, ellectlve int.isure ot war pute and ,1.1, ,i v.ihd Inli rna' blockade is slinph j.i qucetioi I be I rlltune. Hreat based 'i llfl'sl I l. i i a pi ugr .mime is 1 w h cli i alinot be jus- I-1 ft 111 It :.t ice fur nnv one mi Hi'ert atlon il iimlci - it n all ellle- gi nc elt-iiiienel iiiat is i doilM ill i allii' on i st,,eni iituillierie ., t hoiign i ierinaiiv '- n 'I .ti,, i tle.ll IP i it i H miliar: i' sks Tin e .s no lei i s at( s hi ai i- other i'i i nl" the rigid t nplv lii'-anse I I A tH S piece .,' , i tlmi to Ie. i'l I', standings nil-' III US terni"" wlia' H'ta II netitial mr.ioiis With 'ii i n i' ports a" ' "t Bill dei l.iu - I . of blnii'tio ng ' boll whe the I i mutrul latloi jo tr.iilt FULL TEXT OF BRITISH ORDER AGAINST GERMANY Reprisal Measure Forbids All German Ports All Cargoes Sent to Britain's Foe to Be Subject to Seizure. London, March 15 The follow Iiir coiiiii'II forbidding all ships ' enter or cirrylnR cargoes IkuihiI to Hermapy via be ellltjis't to selzur': Whereas the Herman r',o ei iimeiit has issued certain onlets, which, in violation of the usages of war. pur port to declare that the waters sur rounding the I'nited Kingdom are a military area In which alt British and allied merchant cnels will bo destroyed irrespective of the afety and the llvie of the passengers nnd the etews jnd in which neutral hipping will be exposed to a similar ilangei In view of the uncertainties of naval wnrfate. Anil whereas In memorandum ac companying the said orders neutrals are warned against entrusting ere s, piie.sengei s, or goods tn British or allied .shlis And whereas such attempts on the part of the enemy give to his Majesty an liniiucstiouable right of retaliation: And w he ica- his M.tjcstv has thciefore dei Ided to adopt further measures 111 order to prevent com modities of nnv kind from reaching or leaving Hermany, although such measures will be enforced without risk to neutral shlje. or to neutral or noii-eoinliHiniit life and In strict observance of the dictates of hu inanity; And wheroa.s the Allies of hie Majesty are associated with him tn tho steps now to be announced for restricting further tho commerce of Hermany, his Majesty Is therefore pleased by and with the advice of his Br.vy Council to order, and It la hereby ordered, as follows MscliHrtte of Cnruors. I. No merchant vessel which ailed from her port of departure after March I. 1 9 1 S. shall be allowed to proceed on her voyage to anv Herman port, t'nless this vessel re ceives a pass enabling her to pro--eed to some neutral or alld jsirt to he named in the pass, the good" on board any such vessel must be discharged in a British port and placed in custody of the marshal of tho prize court. Hoods so discharged. If not contraband of war, shall, If not requisitioned for the use of hl Majesty, be restored bv order of the court and upon such teims as the court mav In the circumstances deem to tie Just to the p. roti en titled thereto. No men bant vessel which sailed from any Herman iort after March 1, ItH.'i. shall be allowed to proceed on her voyage with anv goods on board laden at sii h port AH goods laden at such port must be discharged In a Biltlsb or allied port Hoods so discharged 111 a British port shall bo placed in the custody of the marshal of the ptlre court and if not requisitioned for the use of his Majesty shall 1,.. de tained or sold under the direction of the prlie court The proceeds of the goods so sold shall be paid ,nto the court and dealt with in such a manner as the court may in the cir cumstances deem to be Just, pin vided that no proceeds of the sale of such goods shall be paid out of the court until ttie conclusion of peace except on the application of a proper officer of the Crown, unless It be shown that tin- good had be come neutral proper!) before the issue of this order and provided also that nothing herein shall prevent th release of neutral property laden at such enemy port on the application of the proper officer of the Crown 3, ICvery merchant vessel whs' h n voluntary cessation of Mich trade would allow Hreat Britain and her a lies to reap all the benefits of a legal blockade without incut rtng anv of the inomvener,.'es of maintaining one e York. Tlnirt, Tho meatures taken by l'.iiglaiel to put 11 stop to trade bctw.en Hetiu.Ul) and neutral countries are In elfect a blockade Yet the order in council does riot call It a blockade. It would appear therefore that Knglaud has refialned from declaring and establishing a regu- t lar blockade in order that she may be free to treit neutral ship with gieatei consideration and Intllct less hardship 1 on neutral trade. It Is a blockade modi- fled In-favor of neutrals and their com merce The World. The long awaited British oidcs 111 1 council Involving ocean commerce with Hermany do not pioclalm 11 lawful blockade. Tiny simply ptetend to close the seas to all trade by or with Her many, and provide that cargoes going or coming which fall Into the hands of British crubers shall be disposed of .11 the discretion of Bl Itlsli ptlze couits. The financial shir of this niniligemeui is so obviousl) designed to placate Amer icans that it amount.! to an Insult It is assumed that money Is our onl) con cern. It carries the Inference that when we talk of rights ami law we mean nothing morn than cash. It proceeds on the theory that wo may be persuaded to abandon legitimate commerce without protest, provided the marshal of a Brit ish prize court stands ready to cross our Putins. A great nation was never more iul taken. Hi Haiti's blunder on Its own ac. count Is no affair or ours, Put Its mis conception of the American position can not be ignored. We are not to Is- bullied from the sen by Herman) vt e ale not .e bribed from the s.a b Hreat Britain mid Trance sinnts7.ellanir. The contents of the iinlei in C- unci, yeneiday niade public In London al iowln: for the awkardliess of the ollloicl stvie and the flourishes ot Inslncoiitv . give with sufllcluly brutal plainness the ultimate end of tho war measures as tee absolute starving of Uorm in) in or set eiit) millions of Hermans linn, women and ehlldien .ire to coa , tin. terr ir of economic siege . Ili.Liiind has harshlv rejected tile suu- I .eslioti of tile Washington Hov ertntit nt to Hiike a middle ionise between tin 'ieiin.iu w.ii zone dm laratiou and the, lli-lt 11. "starving out" project, while' (lei in. m lias Intimated her readiness to .liter Into regiitlatlons next"' What will the neutral Timers have to a) l such an absolute crippling of their commerce" Bui a Co rtnan suiim.n mo divis below ' tile waves and til" whole fahne of Bru sh pi etetislolH Hie. n pieces laiglalnlj mav rule above the wavis below them her J.owi" is alri .lib br. lien JACKSON. MICH., PRISON AFIRE. I mulcts filve ti 'trouble as llliise llgblers VVoiL. 1 .Iaci.nos, M ch . March T. -I'ire ant ol the o'clniii lu wan Ii st. 1 1 led in the hri -1. p Ti h.g.Hi .-sl.ite hi is ,n a- 1 1 ll. r!, I wis mil VI iimli'i conl nil at iiilil i.ikbi The pri'tin ollli i. lis n.i there was no rouble iittinng the 'i nmos The prlKon tire ilepartllirnt was uiitilile tn i npo with Hie lilazi and evriy engine In Jiickson . it s was ealh U out Ships to Enter or Leave Is the text of leave Herman netitial ports the llilti-h older In ports, warning .ships that the cargoes vi sailed from her port of departure after March I, I'M", oti her way to a Krt other Hunt 11 Herman port and arrylng goods with an enemy destination, or which am enemy property, may ,be lequlrod 10 dis charge such goel.s iti a Br 'ish o allbst port. Anv goods mi . lis. .1.11 ged In a British port shall i. piiLI(i i the custody of the of the prlre court and unless they ire eon triilirtlid of war shall, If not requisi tioned for the use of his Majesty, be restored by an order of the court upon such terms as the court may In the circumstances dem . be Just tn the person entitled t'.iete-.o, mid provided thnt this article n:; no', apply In any ease fal't-. r A'thln Articles : or 4 of this 1. 1'very met hs'.' v. rh.e'i eaibsl from a nort o'her "is a He' mini port afte M-i -h 1 lif. ar.l having on board good- wh-' i .tie of enemy orlg.n o" at nv prop el ty. tna) be requited to dlschxrge such goods In ;i British or tilled port. Hoods s, discharged m t British tsirt shall lie placed In the mstody of the in.trsiiai ot the prl.e court, mid If not requisitioned for he Use Of his Mnjest. shall lie lie. t.iinisl or .vild under the diiectlon of the prize court The proceeds of th goods so sold shall be pud Into the court and be dealt With In uch a manner as the court may In the clr cumstances deem to be jut. pro vided that no procissls of the sale o' Mich goods shall be paid out of the court until the conclusion of pe.c e except on the application of a pisiper officer of the Crown unless ! I.,, shown that the goods bad l.c-nine neutral property before the tue of this order, and provided also that nothing herein shall pi event the ie. lease of neutral property of enemy origin on application of the proper officer of the Crown letlnn of l lnliuntits. " Any person .ia.inm? to Iim h. rested In or to have anv claim in icspect of anv goods tun be ng eon traband of war placed m the eutftoitv under this order ot 'n the pro"eeil of such goods mav forthwith issue a writ in the ptlr. court ae.ilnst the proper officer of the Crown and appl) for an order that 'he goods should be restored to bun. or fiat their pr.-eeds should be paid to lilni. or for such other order as the elr Vumstanoos of the .nee m iy requite. The pr.nti'e and pioceilure of the prize coutt shall so tat as applicable be followed, mutatis mutandis. 11 any pne'eedlngs consequential upon this order. fl. A metvh.nit vessel which has cleaied for a neutral pott from a British or allied jiort, o- whMi has been allowed to pass having at: ostensible destination to a neutral port and proceeds to an enemv port shnll if captured 011 an nbequent vuvage be Cable to condemnation. 7. N'o'h'.ng in this order "hull ho deemed to afle. t the liah'litv of nnv vessel or go.sls to 1'ipinre ot con demnation independently of th,s order. v Nothing in this 01 dot shall pie vent the relaxation of the provisions of tills oider in lespeet of 'he mer chant vessels of am ountrv which deii.ues that no oituiien intended tor ot in liermarv .a belonging to I'rerma . subjsts shall onjo the protect 101 of .to iltig MANY VESSELS ARE AFFECTED BY ORDER The follow, 1 g vessel" have t.,,ile, fi o.n Anierlciin ports for the war zone sln.e Mai.-h I. he date to winch the British bloik.ide order . t -rciactlve MAIti.'ll : rutin Sen iotk l'.)tMl..m fe Itntti Sjlt' .Vr.n.t fo- Miirxtlle- I'lora Nerfft!'. Tie .1- I j. uml iN'.ir "fglutll for ItotterduUi . Sin i istHti-i illrltl-tii fo- 1.11 Pin Hj'mri iN'nr tti'iilini for lPitteriUm Prof isvru-l.i for A'txrg. I'riits t .Snrw tiinti 1 fur li'. 'rilii.ii. mj K'lrkwa.1. lii mi, tlliittiihi rttr I'.iitiuull. 1'roiii ltMtnn. Cnlnnttla illrltl-lti fur IxinJitn Cinuiiisii illrl'. I.ltt rnr lAitidon M .VHi'll .1 rrmn .-- Vet v.. ll.i. lint. Mil far law riuto MVUi'B : -fritin Nutfnil, Inn iSwullshi rnr Miilnin via . Il.i.u uu VII. i. Vitrv. fgliiti) fur Ittit'ertlatn 1'retn I tn 1 -Imor-. Vulemore llrlllilu for l.n-er. r.nst'.nntls I British i for Dunkirk I'l'iin liulvestuii, VVUillmir Itt'ltt ' Ulii fn I'epi-nti iK'ti I'acltli illr'iithi f..r )iretlles rrmn PliliatiHiptdti ii. ml. in illrltl-tii fur iPhskuu Itaii -ue.tishi fur iitleiisi MAIti'll il -l-Vum Nov Vnrk NV York I AinfflrAn i tor l.tit-rj I Ai ghlerl iltfillstii, fur .Saplis. i'muti.,',1, .llrltlshl. fll.issiiu . Sitnltitut . Ilili ishi. fin L'lnitDti I'rnni llnstun, Bnt I'tiint illrltishi. foi l.iorinii! I'ihiii , ll.iltlmiiri . An. nl, I Msetsh iD.ililsnt, lor' nr ono I'rnni Not folk. St Helena, for nutterilnni Trorn H.iltlinore. Wes- , liirilljti i Inn. In for Kntt-rdiiiii Front SaVHiiiish, lislllre i.Viirwesiuni, for f lot -terditm ilenrsi.ui i Anit rli .it. i, fur Hot ' li-rj.iui I'tom li a ' ves t nn. Butlnnwnoil lllrl'thi. f..r I.U.rpoul Minnie de .nr rliuKu llritlsli . for Muiii'hesiir. Iloin-r lit)- illrltishi. fur llnir... strlmla i.Sdr veKlatn. lor Untterdsm .MAItf'B - Tram Now York noma i Italian i fur -Vt.ite: es. l-'roni orfolk, VV ilrliln for llottor.lsm, .Vlonftnier I'uHtlo illrltishi fur I'll mouth Troin liinttmi, Hernklis iltu. slum for -Man, blister From ilalventoii, I'hiiiupiiii HitnlHiii rnr liiitluitliurR MAIti'll :i I' Now Vork. Tnerrnlns for i!pio frntn llistim Kllnlclli iDut'hl for Itottenl nil 1'roni Hiilll more t'tUttdnni.i iD.inl-ln fm ropeti Inigoti i'rotii linl.idoliilil.i. 1 1 h mt Ii illrltishi for llonle.iiiv Ihii.inuel Nobei .Mo'kIiiih fur Vviniii,.,tti Highland , illrilslii tor liorileaui MAIti'll ill Krnn, .S.w Itvmlilil flmtehi fur Ittiifritlntn I'r.tni Hus-nii I.ynorta Hlrl'inhi to Itutti nliun . I. Io nian (llrltlshl for Liverpool Men plilan illrltishi for vian.'hi.tei o II iltlmore, l.lnctuden fllrliMn f,.r It..- ntani Ihirnti fllvj illrltl.lil for '. on, I. hi Bans Jerortt iDsnUni tor liien" I'rnni Norfolk. .Meudlilll Mcidl i for Liverpool, fvntrlc isn.-ii du fur iIii Iu mIii rg. ICiriiiH ivm .igHtii for Sluatqrer: Ball llrlilnln for M.irs, 'i . , r,i vinetik.. .Iniiii-hi for llotti idiitr, ieh II id illrlllslu f n Vl.iriielies. S'w-rre i.N'er- iMiuliiiii for L'nrii'iih.iti.n, Be mer vtur. h i Ii. ml. I, fur l'ri.i rlrlisliiifi.ii rr.mlev illrl'laln for IPiiiir'l.ini StralliKurrv i British i for 1'ilnioutli M.vlll'll It I'roni New York. fuir, Mules for i lu let la rii-n i,. l'ioin Hiivan null Suiige v i .N'erw en Ian i for lii,NI, purl-. Av.uiee fSil'dUhl fill HelalMx I... is- iiriiiiii. i .numii i-l.ini fur puns. I ;u: ... e illrlll-hl foi leni.lon. illrltishi f,,t lavrpooi I'rom lllllllliore. A.lltllll- I llrltlsh i fui . Ilh. Nur.iliitiil iliiinlslii fur llrbltigliorc Sorbin i Norwegian i llnhjeis I'roni I. live. ten. Aslllli'loil ie l.t Artlllgif . Ilr llsl.i for .Miinehester, Sill.n Illrltishi I "i l.lverpuul MAIlill l.l I'nmi S'os York. Du.-n degll i vl,r'il iltllliiul fui Nsplus, M.iaiistis iivi, i Dutch i fur Uoni'iiiuiii rioin II i ii Incur. Ilisc iD.iiilsin for iiiorit, nun i S'ui 'v ..glim i for 'Ii 1 1 1 1 nla. I'roni NorfoiU il.-irliKHitiure illiltl-hi fur I. Ivor I"" i I ' -111. HlrllMu fur Mir-.ll'es li.ctl.l.i iltilllstn fur Havre I'roni iiilM'siuti rvnthiiii, ,irisli. for l.iver tnl'li MAIli'll ii l-ioiii Su-inlK The M.irv iliiiilshi rui He .lugiiurir. I ncu luin llrltlshl fui li.n iiiiiuiil, . Amlrus filreol.1 for Hotteril.ini l-'tntn lliilll llinre. MIjiiiiI IHvv imIIsIi i lor fbitlion lnir Krotn Now nrk, I'truKlu for P lll'flflll BRITISH AND FRENCH ia 1 irn nnrtftii n 1 run MAKE FRESH GAINS st. Kloi ami Nricli boring1 TiTiit'ItPs Arc Hccniitiirod Son tli of Yirp. ADVANCE NEAR DIXMI'DK m'mmwiv or thi: vnwH.i Three warship" cornered the Hfrtnati cruiser Dresden pear Juan IVniander. Island Hutnl.iv morning and sent her to the bottom after a' Hull' l.itlti live minutes. The Cap. tain anil all of the crew of tho Pros-den were snved. it,' Tin- Uritish CJov onmient Issued ofler of council forbidding all ship to enter or leave Herman ports. It Is thought likely that the Am-rican (ioverntnent will protest against the order. Tho British nctlnn Is 11 Hat re fusal of the American proposal of the ending of the Herman submarine blockade In case Hreat Britain would allow food-tutl's in pass to non-com-1 batanU. It was unottlrinllv stated In London' that because nf luck of arms and am munition the llrltlsh offensive would probably not be stalled before autumn. It was announced by Lord Kitchener in 1 lie House of Lords and also In th House of Commons that the Hovern ment would proKibly tal over nil ammunition factories In the United Kingdom. The Italian Chamber of Deputies passed the defence hills by an over whelming majority Kmperor l'rafi els Joseph of Austria positively re fuvo to cede nnv territory to Italy The Trench oll'a .al statements c'atm that the I'V-nch 'intl British have made new gains. The Henn.ins blew up four lines of Trench trenches In' l.e I'retre wood. The Trench now! hold the greater part of th i 1 1 of Vuiiquols. On the nth"- hand, the (rni'iti .statement si.vs t... Trent h j attiuks 'iae all been repu'.sed The Russians tn their ollkinl state- ! mcnt claim to have made advances on 1 ' the whole front In tlt region of I Trzasnysz. Thty say a!. Herman j counter attacks have been repulsed. The Herman statement in regard to I'ttssin -aid l'uland were witt- g.ven the Itiisshin attacks !u l-epul.-cd. but no del Ills 01' F ICS'S I 'F COST IX L'FIJ ALONG FS'TIRF FRONT (ertnrintt lllovs I'p 1'nnr Lines of Treneli Trenches. Sfurtl '-,i',ts fl l.lfeli fo Tttr Se I'tms. Marcn ta The a"'ed offers v-e was ctintit.ueil to-day and ve-terdav .iml at a nunilur of pnlnts fu-iher iidvatues were made, altlmuch the Hermans I' terposcij a niore obstlnat- !o.iistnncc a i 1 ever secu'ed a eotisldenible local sue. ess in l.o I'retre wwl, where t'lOV limed 'ntt lines nf Trench iron, lies xrtd blew 'hen up. retaining pjr, of the ground The net am has shifted from the N'e iv'e I'hapelle region to St. Klol, south '! Ypr-s. where the British troops hnv been ll.lld pressed to hold their ttttl) s Yt-sierdav the enemy succeeded in gam ,ng witne ground in that district bin '. i-dav the Brlt'sh rccapturisl all they I nd lost and progressed some In addi tion The Trench troops have captured the western half of Vauquois m the Argonne and are now believed to hold the entire village fm winch they have b.en lighting since tlie litter part of Kebruiry N'otlli of Arras the Krench took three llni s of . Heimaii trenches ny a brilliant charge and .ri the Champagne district '.he) tniule further progress, iurordlng to the iilgh c i iiir.'.inlqiir whica said To-day wis m.nkul by minv a t.oris favorable to us, lu the rtgiot ot l.ornb.icrtzdi our .'ulilb-.v l. itti- ll.ll'deil most etllc.icluuslv '.lie enemy's defence works 'T ti- Hit minis attempted to recapture i small fnit which we tisik troin th-ni .luring the night of Match 11-1.' Tin y were repulsed, leaving ahoui lifiv ib ad on the Held Hu: io's-s wote insignificant South of Vpies the British atiiij winch had been compelled to retlrt troin St IJIoi ius tin- result of yesier day's attack by tile Heimaiis, his rceajituttd thnt village and alums' all tie nearby trenches, despite stv oral counter attacks delivered by the enemy. Not lit of Arras an extremel) br.l llart attack by our Infantry cnabbsl us to capture in a single dash three lines of trenches on 'he spur of Nolle Dame do lirette and to leaeh the edge of the plateau We about 100 prisoners, In. lull ing s. v.-'al ollioers and non-commis .sinned olllceis We also destroyed two nrtralllcu.siti and caused tin explosion "f an ammunition depot. Tui'th. r s.iutii, lu the region of Tcule and Bocline iurt, l.eir tin- mad lo Mile, we blew up several Her man trenches and p-evcnttil tin eiieniv ft tun rebuilding Ihmn In the legion of Albeit, near Cat r.ov the Hermans caused the ex plosion of a mini nrulei lie of out tit ..his and ocmpled the, excava tion Wi drove them nwiy. but they succeeded In returning. A milliter ntta. 1.. however, enabled us to recover this position and to maintain om si Ives there We have'anized our entire defensive .vstrin at this p.'int In the valli'S of the Aisne, near Vne.sens, northwest of Nouvrnn. two ileiin.iri companies were caugln bv our Hie nnd sufteted heavv losses III I'll inipngtio we have made new gains We gained ground In the woods northeast of Siiu.illi d northwest of Terthes, Two counter atlailts in I tout of a In idgehciil northeast of .MchiiII-Ics-I lui Ius were repulsed and we extended our si ft Ion in section, taking a mini ber of prisoners and capturing a Bench iiinrtiir In the Argntilin there lias been verj great nctlvity since M'steidny Two counter attacks by the enemy In the region of Bagatelle were re pulsed We ib ninlisheil a lihs'k linuse, oci upied tlio situ and estah- lislled OUlselVCK till re. II, nvc. ii l.e Tour do Tarls and Bnlllllte the ell'luv llttempleil two counter ultaiks which failed ur well as tluee others nttcinpled previ ously At Vauquois our Infantrv deliv ered an attack which resulted In the pohsosslon of tho western part of that vllhige W'r took tn ipj prls- Lacking Arms, British S May Delay Move Till Fall ImlinWions Point to I'ostpoiicmcnl of (MTcnsive Lord Kitclionei' Illumes Labor Troubles nnd Excessive Drinking for Shortimc ol" Materiuls. (iOVKK.NMKXT fOXTKOL ,rr.if rit,lt ,irnrlrh tn TllK "r l.'iNPo.v. Marcn 1... Tin; rii'N -on sDondent is 'tifornv'il in cred.ble sources that the beginning of the r-al Brltlstt ortet'sive against the Hermans may lint I take pi f - In the earlv spring ,ts ll.Ul been planned, und thnt It tiny even lie necessary to postpone tile enori inmi autiunti because of the inability of the British Hovetruiieiit to purchase or oh tiln tho manuf.ietur- of the necssny munitions slid supplle. such as am mutiitloti and guns Tito men ar it hand nnd there 's suillcirnt equipment to keep UUu army in Mi- field at all t'.in-s, but tho lor ''reparations aie (S jet Itlldeqjill.- I he sanation inch was prop.ii-iu , ...out. i.-sIifiV Ittrlb'ltoq 10 1 ,onl Kltc'.u tir-. w'ten tut was ask" how c i he t niught the w.i' would .1st auJ gave this reply: lon't know how long it ' li lit, but I do ':i.i' when it will belu and thn j in May " "ii.tino moil "f 1 ie inform. it. in wiu, given liv the War 'lm-s-ir When lie ippeared te-fore the II iUse of i.'omtnons to-da nnd presented .1 .iri-l but most 'uipoi tar.t !r'.ew of the war situation Tiirt'.eularl: "Igrittlcant tl. t lis loiine-tion was Ills statement on the d'tlb Hit.' 1! i.U'.ppii.gC,ra'. Hr.t 1 n new irniie This is afllbuted to many c.lUes. tea t o ie.lM important ""-' f the present inaoillty f the ."Verii lieif. to expedite thi iitan.if ictii-e or niunt'ions in B-'tlsh f ietorbs. land Kllehener V in loos. I iave ilea. I mi worktiic! i.i 1.1- s ilO it :t on I. ud t 1.1 t.11 thieu'i: th ' alqng so we!', that no extr.i eT Cieli n.irt 'V.i risrii'td" si'd lCitc'-ener i can only snv that the I supph of wai mtterlal .it tfe ptessnt t tiioment and ff the next two of t'ir.e months s . I'l.sSt, 'no serious cxntv I suggest ' nil MnjesD . inluatlon oi the eonlllct, coi C llls.ll t t a.' 1 W 'o nave s culler good sorv Ce in fit. tilling w t. emt acts " Lord K.t-ie'nr also give . ars de .il,. impetus ti the proposal to leguli'e drinlting. as has beep don- In llus-ia und Trance, b sayttig taat ixioss. dr'tiklng hs hem one of ' ie great" s'. diterreni" In t-e prepara'.'on f tinulng the war Trade union nt-t l. Hons atnl str.ltis of worl.m' n In t- run and steel wot king line- :i-o have ham pered the work. "It l atis-ilutely essential, declared siioiker. "that the output of a:n mu'.itlon be .m ie.ied To d so is '. i 'ie utmost itnpor'anct to tht opeiatious in the Held " I.ot.l Kit' hi i o' added t ,e Hs. einnient was considering nrrangenii-n's to meet thl situitlon by which arma- otters In lb" wood of Le Tn-tie noithwest of Tont-aMotihson. the f !t-i tmiii- blew up with a mine fo of oui iidvame.l trim his w'ni. vvele tsimpletely ilestlojeil illev gained a footing their alter th. ex plosion, but wo recaptured the i-si two tienche and half of the thud ItetWeen tile e tio.l of l.e Tit Hi tnil I'ont-a-Moussoti tile enemv matle an attack ivhlvh was lepulstd The afternoon coininunlque iititiounc Ing futther progtess bv the Belgia' - to ward IMMlunle follows' The Belgian allli) .-ontiitlled :i. pts gtess m tbe hetul o' the Ver a nl eolith of Inxinitib- Tin- British tiotIis were vet v v oli'iith attacked Vesterd.iv evening st St Klol. south of Vpies, and were at Hrst imshtsl back sllghtl) Init they i ounter at tacked uu! itgaineil part of the ground lost. Tin Hunting continue In the legion of Neiivn Chap, lit il, ei e Is no change In th- Argoni.f the e ieinv a' etniited late Vivterdav iifteriloon a third and vetv violent vounte- it tack at Bolante to leiake trcn. nes won by us between Totl' lie Ta' s and Bo'.imte s w.i the ae w.'h previous att.ivk Hi ,i-s ill wis repulsed. 119 GERMAN SURGEONS KILLED. rliici t lein ntler of lliilllior Lose I'roni, no'. Ii I . '! in -is 1,', A I'lipellllugcl. Life nt Sf.,riti'' ' .f.' e j LiiNPos, M.irf.1 de-patch to the fhitK jJui snv the ii. :-t-iti castialtv lists slow th it 111' Hi" mill surgeons have been killed. .'.I voundi .1 and '"' are Tt it e Abvatdei of Hut ' ! .a- Ie 1 1 l.lllul P- Hall 'In BLOWN UP IN MINED TRENCH. slmtrentli Ldlleer .nfter Trlulit- fully Herman Trap, .Vas-(Tl rimptintlf'?' ft Tnr Ses l.osrins-, March 1 -Lieut Herbert ' Aiclwr .if the Sixteenth Lancer vvbi Is lome on furlough, explains thi limv ' losses In th it reg.m id by tell ng . ' the mortality in one mined tre- . l.icut IVitrb k ot the siinie regimer.t, (who had not much experience In treluh I lighting, obtained the consent of t'le commanding olltt r to make ar itt.e k on a Hertuan treneli on lVbruar' 1 I.leut Ar. bet continued. "The trench which the Lance's wee ordered to occup.1 appears to nave luu n mined bj the enemy, but tlie artfu' Hermans allowed u to occupy it f t twenty-four hours, thu getting nun I nur men as possible Into it At d.iv Preil, on Teliruitv Jl tree vva- i terrltle explosion, which kllfd live of Iviui ntltcei'H outright mid another hi ' slt.c dad ard live tn.tre were would' . I A bilge number of 'lie rank ml Me vote killed and wound d I. cut Tat licit "'.'is dangerouslv wounded I "The tiench was con.plrtelv ', ,w .n .and ltnniediatnl aftei the ejcpo-i. m t' ' Herman charged i'Ut reserves called uu and assisted by those vv ere t " jsi ir fellows In th. tiench who rum , d I alive we drove tne enemy lacn wi a coiislderalile loss We had to emt ret.tih nnd were lighting fur fnrl -elglil noil's '' TURKS DRIVEN SOUTHWARD. Hussions lleporl successes In the 1 I'tiiienniiN, J s;o .,(' rnie ;ir.;mli'li fii Tit' St ' Tt'.Hioilii vn, March Hi Tim following ' olllclal iitalemeiit in regard lo the smii- tlon In thn CaticaHiis was Issued iai't i I night "Hur tronpH who are fighting .n the coast districts have prngiesscd and nie , driving the Turks lo the southwestwiird " Siiiinlsh Vnvol Circles rtlvr. I'AI'IK, Marrh I' A despatc v fio.i Madlld says that considerable a.'tlvltv it. being shown In Spanish naval circles The cruiser Uto do la Plata Is being repaired lit top speed and the cruiser Hondo ni dlto has been ordered to tea for taige practice, OK I'LAXTS IMJ01M)SKD; met" Hint" would C'lmo iiMlot Hovern mint 'onfo. nt'd t lis 1 - tipln.vces would reip some of the betielits which the war had brought to the employers. Of the purely inlllt.irv side of the war, ho said that, although only trench fighting has' I lien possum- lot some weens, llie Illulili" 01 tie- iirnisii tump- nan not neen ai- feoted 'n the slightest and thit tln rei en victories it Nettve liiaiiello and lllilnii.i' proved how successfully they 1 mild t ike the ifTe'slve Tlie health of i ae B itlsli troofis had been uniformly gOMl. he declared whUh was cicellent tesiitnony of the etfei tlvoiiess of lno;u!i i . lie added Irllnili' to I'reoi'li riii). I T 1 ! ,. I 'iint ptogrrss li armv iias uiade iliqior The situation In the I'.ir- latei'.i . spliu-e of operallnns is veil ill I band The only u: r c orabie feature ' i.ovv . ri 'ron'lng us is thai the shortage ! of lab'.- t. hampering the equipment of I new a nun s "A . irge eonrei ath i of Oornnn I troops in Has. I'tnssta . being bold or trvei . bv the s. who hale ! ,i,. Intl.-tisl fresn fl-feit- upon th" Turks th. Caiieasiis. enfolfi no Ills have l.ieli sent to Trance. I S'ii. e in) iast addles the Catadlan dlii- si ci lias tt'ilened tin fiont. Ml attacks on Watsavv have failed' 111 tb" announcement thnt ri enforce-ill-tits hud reached the Brltl-h army Pi Tronic inilllaiv critics .s,.,. tlt. explain. Hon of t'e offe'ishi work which th Br'tlsh soldiers have heen doing nrounrl Vpres Aims. l,i Bassee and Ariii'ii ! -is ten nt lv It is :.nt known exactly iiow ma!) men have been adder! to the expedit'onarv fuse, , nut it is estimated ib .t Tieid Marshal Sir John Trench mil, have i ,osi t . nail' a niilinn men under ids at this thnt L.iid ICi's tiibute to the wo k of the Tre ch aimv Was p. Iv warm He said Hint their tetiaclt) had hei ti wo'.derftll and that the advances in ule. ,m: 1 1 Ui.i. ' v .n Hie I'naiii. lucre region, wet,. Ii. valuable "Tlie i im. division. ' he eontimi'd. has tl.-i la v ei ntittle and has rocelvis ilie witt-tn . omtnendaiion of Sir .loi.n Tier, h fe the high spirit of biaveiv with which it has performed its pan Anting the n etifoi . ern.oi.s sent to l-'iati. e vvete the ' 'an oil in, tho Nr. tb .M.dlaml and the Second London u-i'-These Wele the Hrst comphte dl.l-IOI.s of ilie t.-it itoi lal forces to go lo and 1 .nit sure that the), vvir. do re to themselves "Tilt- villages of .N'elive Chape'le ar.l l.'Kplnc'te have In en capturtd ic out tfOop- Willi lieavv loves to the emttl.' The Indians 'im1, a prominent put ..n.l it splayed tin- Huhtirg qualttits there s" John Tn nib SHitt trie fo. lowing tiles, sane in th's legatd ' 'ClUt llisuiltles during the three davs tigluing althoi.i- ,.,ol..i'.iv se e t wire 'mt ne.irlv so l.i'ce as the i tie'nv - lnige t tin. nf of i-isot,t rs we-o -alien. FRENCH TAKE HEIGHT BY BRILLIANT ASSAULT I'iilim: Liilili'T I -t'l in Stoiiii- in: I'llllt'.ill of Ciillllili's in Wiii'M-i'. I .ONlt. Mirb K. Tne mp. t.l Whl of ., nth. ii' Trench v a iot . upon tl l epul ts p!a. d llttb llipl h .is - levert.ed 111 M dclllVeil depllt"ll re from a .lo-eitif 'o.f voiuspo i. d Tratiie. giving details ..! a n Her llgl ft. I 'he poS' e. l of l t I...'. 'oiid'i-e. in the Woevre region ,1 The r e . oirt.tpoi ileiit states th ii unong in in. c tfYorts inadi bv the Tif 1, It'tlle tills lleimall SlIl'l.Baol i was 1 mlui.u ladden. in the foe a lit v fining tire to gllll the lie gb' I'll il.rm.uiH I'oilKht like ibinoi.s and del no. until their k...d Hid v .limb i! amounted to at b ast i.uiiii men ul tilt I . 'el, tills vvele l'tt rail) i a i.t' l v ,'h ho In s M'l i-.iiii : tn .. ttiwi o' tiie i'i Maid 'I til' ! It Sponile i- lie- t ie IllS'tltt I of III'' truer li'l'li.'. sa u is, o; vvetiJrs -al St Xlilt.e. Ii. twee Vi. .till atnl thi Algol lie. r,l il .. fiic Vtonltatii tin down to Vt le'il" s nim.sll.itel.v 'tl tin- e.t of IC sisting f t'.e sail" of lull ' l t I the ItlVi I Vvsl" opp. s V. I dun is now sale I'" ii . iiptlll'M. the I Ol-'-esp.illdeo. "V of Ihe u.lturiil dltlli Utt I : . n I llir 'lllin elf nab ii in.' C'l . tu ll wl'lt ltd s I .. it. i . at i.s. on- i s nits S Her. gl of ' ev.i so ti riMin . 'V i 1 gs Wolf I ' ' t V' nv -i i ito t'at S' Mill i 'i. nd I'i i stit'S-t i -v iii v ii igl.l of Ambloi v ,1 i I" .ougt il to tbe Tli il. Ii ' till I 'I cpl I "l.V 1'UIK nine vnnci d pos. t. on w is ai 1 the bottom oi llf v ,',. Uetl. hi s W . . i.) . li. fr ii the In gets a.. .. i Ml ins I w is I i" a t e l.l. t s ' wedge lie. l.t s n,' .Ol eel Vh.s pns t o tr months, .u: tllell tilost ,lti ,ts Tp u-gi s at v w In re 1 he r seviro a't.u'l. . el bv the ' o'l tv ..f ciitt i ng iiubri s h it aad sanguiiv ' s,- II ,i 111 i ' il. i ILIE1 fcWiftoSWKS' THE '" .VORLD'S VS OLD1BS, HIGH GKADi:. irf a.,yRKIjSH.' CtsiAHims s-v,vrn- tW v. , !1 OR Jl ... rniiK H. ftj-THC I I I DROWNi ' . UOX" ( j iL GREEN STRIPE SCOTCH Ask for the Non-rcfillable Bottle with the Green Stripe, I ANDREW USHER A. CO,, Edlnburub i i i . f i I -e-l'AV GERMANS ADVANCE SOUTH OF YPRES Attni'k on Hoipht llelil llriMfli rrosn'ossps. Her lin AnnotiiKM's. by urssiAX mhvks iialtkf),, by wireless to SavvlHe. L .March IS. Th olllclal statement Miod by thn War Hfllce tu-d iy tells progress h tho Heitmns soul of Vt find tho repulse of French attacks In Cli.imp.igno. Tli announcement was 1 follows ! The is at Wes end" w. i' shelled .Vesteldliy IVItilollt i ffe. t llV two gunboats of the mini) The Herman attack on the heiga south of Ypres occupied by It lsli troops is making gnnd progress attacks bv Trench troop north of l.o Mfsuii, m tho Cham pagno district, have been repulsed. The enemy sustained h'avv lose In the Vosizes the Hghtlng cot .'.nuts at several place. The rumib'r of Busslnn pi I"' its from eiigagenients to the non i nf the Augilstovvo forest has beer increased lo S, 100 MIoliK T.Ussiat, attacks to the north and to the northeas- of T.-jmmds: losulteil in failure, and the enemy's iossis wore he.'tVV. Solltll of the Vistula tlle'v has been no ehange I 1.000 IWSSIANS TAKEN. Austrian Vimonnre liircee Ini Ibistern Hnllclli. .f-rloJ f.ifc's ir.i'cn tn Titr H' v ii:s-s-v. March 1.". Th olllclal st it- tnellt nf the Austtlatl Hollenil made tiublii to-night tells or Austrian successes In eastern Unlicla It i- a The enmy. who nrougnt inrtner . enforcement iu'roe the SttvJ, aas beep deiiverlng attacks for some days In tin. vallev and ag.iiti"t the nelghbnring heights All attempt tn gain giound on the heights m in the passes have failed. The Bus slans sufferetl vi ry heavy lo-ses Th- Busslnn att'ick yeirdnv . oinpletely v,ol ipsed and ivrobablv. n v lew of their los..s, will tint be epe.-ited We took i t'-ousand prls oni'is '-i ibis batt'o Tigh'.ng r .t.i.i.'i" s i" ' lie Dnei.te' flit. f otr ounter .it t uk ris-i.t..1 ga n of gietp 1 fllllilllllllllllMllii:''' ' ' I f.nji . ' i ij Young men's Spring suits with the touch of refinement and cxclusivencss which marks distinctive designing. Tolerably close fitting coats. soft rolling broad lapels and patch pockets. Waistcoats with soft rolling collar, and trousers of moderate width. Variety of patterns choice. Shepherd checks, Glenurquhart plaids, Cluster stripes, Cambridge, Oxford, Blue-gray and fancy mixtures. Brokaw Brothers Astor Place & Fourth Avenue Subway Station at Door m mi" t1 i 1 ri 1 r . U tiiti,ii.HijLJj.K,4" L. B. gave him elbow room plus "What'll I do?" auki-d a Boston rn?rchant of the Library Bureau salesman. That's easy," said the salesman. And it was in the L. B. way. This merchant carried about 1500 accounts, mostly of a few entries, in a loose-leaf ledger, three bulky books. He simply couldn't handle one more, being hard pressed ioi working space. An L. B. card ledger, in a cabinet 15 inches quarc, with 4 x 6-inch cards, solved the question of "elbow room." More than thru, It furnished an easy, simpliiieil method oi keeping accounts. Every account right nt hand any account instantly liiuiahle. That's the principle which you will iccocnlzc in nil L. B. office equipment. Sample cards on request. Library Bureau Mionfartnnni riitlrlhittom nf Card and filing ystrnis. Uuii cjbinrts In winul anil steel. 316 Broadway, New York Last year more MUHADS were smoked than any other 15c Turkish cigarette in the , . world. " i.M Atolttti ef tht 7utktsf'a'rt'd ttttti in O t Tho I sick front Busslnr.s iiavo be on si v 1 tl S' cb r EXPLAIN EARLY FRENCH CUT.CK llrltlsh llcln) noil liillnn of Treneli liciicriil iiioim lleitaons A IlistOI 1 t ne I. n , . the up lo fe Ir' i : .! j attributed "I'Ven . hit. , ' is published i Ills iiiotrnt'g I Tress riewspapers The hlstorv deils mov ft.. , the failure of tbe Alia in t . . i niofith of the war Th s u n oii't to the delav of tl-e Ilr. ' f I to begin to inove, tb s.ifltl- mg of the dliection of tht ' on Tarls. ntvessitni ng , ., 1 !b atlon of Hen Joffree 4 Wimpalgti. .ml ''e Ii P'rench (ienenil to carry out III Alsiitv In tills onn tin I' tor)' snvs "Awaiting the nionient .v , operations it. the north could m ttv prepare fm ir ''v ntan In. i the greatest po.ll,le nuntbrr ' ! force, -ho Hftner.ll !r Ci.ef troops to o-etipy .Multonse i M-.' to -It the bridges nf the 'If ngtifi rt"d Ite'ow ae l t' t e i attack of i -it trtitis ope- ' r i r.e T' o , in. p tigi - o! on' bv 1 Vt. " h c ai r I ae.ved of h s iTmi-ir.! if I affording a broad id .a I. r yrry:rv?--r.7 iCKI hi s. il