Newspaper Page Text
6 THE SUN, TUESDAY, MARCH 1G, 1915. VAIL PLEADS FAIR CHANCE FOR BUSINESS Country Menaced as "Go ing" Concern if Meddling-Continues. BASIC CONDITIONS EXCELLENT. HE SAYS Theexlore f. Vail, president of the American Te.lcplione ami TeleKrnph. Company, In n letter iittnclie el to Die annual report wnrnn iisalnM thei ells turblng Inlluenefs of iiRltiitlon for In oreaned tvaRoii and undue legislative In terference! with buslnms, oi-iioclally tht of "transporlatlon and Intetcomniunl cis.tlon.' President Vail points out that tn Bell Telephone System linn had l.ttlo ejause for complaint In Its rvlatlone with Lefislr.tire, commlsnteim., onurtu or municipalities. Quito us larue ti per cnUR of oatlcfuctory conclusions, he, admits, have b,cn arrlvi-d at hy com mission mi would have been the cane In the regular court of Jutlce. But unless there Is a chance. In the attitude of Inn makers toward bualnewi he think "the Increased demands of the country ns a 'coins' concern cannot be met, to ray nothing of our country as frowlntr1 concern. The Irreducible minimum In unit ex pense has been reached In some Indus tries and eeoon will bo In all," wiyn l'rel dent Vnll. "A corporation no mine than an Individual can be bound band und foot and yet be active or plve ifood service. H.inkrupt public ser vice In time mean bankrupt communi ties." "All employment Is fnr below normil," he says. "There nre fully 2.000,000 un employed, whose early earnings should be at least Jl. 230,000,000." The hope of a remcely he sees In the followlnR : "Never were the basic conditions of the country better than now for n res toration and continuance of normal con ditions. It does seem as If liupe, com bined effort of all, rlcht Ideas and n rlsht understnndliiK tnlitht be broUKht to bear on the nolutlon of these iiue tlons. "The puhllc mind, which has been es lted and lullut ru'i-it b) eA.iKBeraK d, mis leading ami lutMaken statements of Ir regularities, realize that most of them had no foundation In fact " War and business did not nffect the telephone tmslnnsn as heavily ns other Industries, accordlnc to I're-ililent Vail. The chief effect was to retard normal growth rather than to reduce the amount of previous business. The Increase In number of subscriber statioiiH was only 76 per rent, of the number added In 1M3 and was lc.s than in any one of the four years previous. The gross earnings of the entire Hell system for 1914 were 22o.!ri 113. the greatet In the history of the company, and Jln,37!,30t greater than the yejir b-ore. Th" net balance avail able for dividend' was JI0.3flfi.63?, a de crease of l T3P.2'".l. "he bilanre for mr plus blng 1111.1102,4.12, n decrease of $1. 732,742. The total outstanding obliga tions of the compmles of the Hell sys tem are ISS0.929..M. wllh current liquid assets of over 1 57,000.000, tho company's appraisals of the cost of reproduction of Its property blng 161,000,000 In excess of the book values. The property employed In the ey-tem earned 5.61 per cent., and the dividend and Interest paid were 4.S7 per cent of the value of the property. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company earned S44,r.i6,M)S. against t1B.90J.09l the year before. Net earn lns available for dividends were J32 334,311 as compared with J32.920.OJO, equal to 9 3s per cent, on th! stock, against 9.55 per ont. tho previous year Of rcs revenue 46 5 per cent went to wages. The company psld In actual charges for Its mnoy K I per ctnt on the capital Invested In plant and 5 J pr cent on Its outnanding securities "Could lh mom be got fnr less?" aaks President Vail In commenting on the possibility of fioverument ownership. "Taking he average of all the years it Is not probable that even If secured on government bonds or nutrient"' It could be obtained In the enormous amount required for much less thin the utilities as a whole have to p.iv." Itepulatlon and control by commis sions have, come to stay, -jays President Vail, and the few years experience of them has alreudy demonstrated great possibility for good. Thero urn more than 1 00,000 actual owners of the American Telephone Com pany stock, the repoit estimates, of which 30,000 are employees RUMORS OF FOREIGN LOANS. Prominent nnnkers Sm ltMirtn , Are Wltliiiut PiMlllillltleill. 1 Humors of forelptn lo.nm were f re-1 nuent In tlie flruine-liU illotriet scsn nluy, i but ttcoordlne to prominent lmrUlni; In-, tereetn thny we're "tthoiit loti." I It svati retvrtf(l thut t".' Ilrazillan ejovenunent wn eniloainrlni to eilttii'n h lemn of $ir,,00(i,(ioo In thin ioiintry At the oft1-e of .1 1' MnrKiin " tii'l the National City I tank It mils h: Id that nothlns had tienn lie.'irel of ueih iicKotla tlona. Tim llrailliin loan, sux-onlitiR to rumor, wiue lo ho e.'uril by it.ttriiB ilutlcee on Ainerlin kowI liniorte. Into tliat roiuitry. 1 A proiies tl" eilfer1ni of JUn.OOO nno mm ywir Kreneh Tri 'iMiry billH ux aim reportexl. Ilankiiu; liemceH wlileh ive( lu tho past he-n It teri-.sted In loans t to I'Vanen er the eptabllelitnent here of ere-1lt for that rountry nald thai they had not been uppisxiohi'd In the m.itti.r Rumotn of a loin or a e'redlt le, Itah wern also In eircillatlon, but li ,m 1 1 UK bunkers pave Htorles llttlo clTilonrn. BANKERS TO CONSIDER BILL. AMOrlatlnn S-lnj- TnUe I'p Mnrahnll ' ,frnKur .Vrt Wprle, A nieellnif of the council nf the Vew I York Slnlei Hankers V-w i.itlon may , be held next week to eoiihiilrr thn Mai Mlinll bill In thei Htato 1-Klnl.iture, civ lit; mint rotupuiiy prlvtlcKi'-H I" n . 1 ' 1 . 1 1 banlta. It was fald yecterday that 'he ,ifo. I'latlon, which is rompou'd of iinnnii bank, Statu li.mkh ami tiut e'onip uii,i. would prub.ibli nut put llsilf on n-, mil iih taking any H.HitUni in the in,.Pit Hinki'M in touch wlih the iinini" of the iiMsueiatleui, howeivi r, ki l ili.ii ihi-n. , tt.ifl .111 lliere.isllii; n-iltlliieiit atnnni( the 1 iip-Stiit" baiilnrx, I. Ill national and ' t.ili', 'hat their inntltutlniis i,hmili hae trurt ronipanj pilviU-Kee. A Hiee'inii 'f inriiibe rie of 1'. T-ut C?!Ut'UtH , -Bin 111 1 11 hi 11. at hi' l.,i Hi m ,(uk In lOilNuli'i the pi opined bill IlaiiUvr tn Mrrl In Snril(iK, Til New Vork Klal-i llanki'iM A,., elation Iihn prailirally deiidid in hind tin annual iiuiiiin; at r.initoi,M ilns year. 'I'he Inm- will h aUmt the iiii.IiIIh of June. Tim l, vlianlM Ah-m ilium united the bat.' 1 H lo huld tlieli iiiieluu1 lierr 1 LONG ISLANDERS FIGHT RATE RAISE CoitimutorH Oppose New Scliwl iilo Hfore rp-Stnt P. S. Commission. 150A1) PLEADS DKK1CIT A hearing on tho proposal of the Ixing Island Itnllioad to Increase rates for commuters living fitly mllei or more fiom the road's western terminals be sun jestcrday by the up-State I'ubllc Venice Commission developed, under questioning by Commissioner Mnrtln 8. Decker. Into something very like an Inpilry Into the theory of the I.ons Island's tioubb s in general The pro 1 "" ' I by the railroad and prepare to cross ioies arc being opposed by t l.lmer , ,.x,inl!ne Mr. I.angdon. There was talk Spedlck, a lawyer, who lives at Centre I of a longer postponement, but Commls Morlchea and has an onice nt 26 Court j "'"l"" I?'cJ(',r fiXl ;. .... . ., i, ... .. .i, 1 think you'd better get this case street, Brooklyn. Ho represents the J Mli,nc.(i You may have to break In an travelling public of Long island and other Commissioner If you wait." himself as an Injured commuter A. 1. I.augdon, tratllc mnnojer of t'.e road, submitted tables u show that very few commuters will be nffeeted. He tes tified that the road's passenger business did not pay. Mr. Spedlck's contention in that the proposed change discriminates 1 ng tlnst a considerable class of com-1 muters. The Incrcasod earnings to thei load will be only J5.000. The testimony offerel little of gen-1 eral interest until Commissioner Pecker took the witness In hand and, leaving the matter of commuters to be forgot ten for a time, began to nslc about tlio road's general troubles. He brought out that while there ha been r.o In ci ease In passenger rates other than the one proposed since Juno 30. 1914, thero has been a rain- In freight rates that netted the road J 160.000 more than It took In the year before. "What was your best )ear In the Inst ten?" the traffic manager was asked He replied that 1909 had been the ban ner year, since Instead of re delicti the road had then a surplus of $316,718, The deficit last year was J49I.O0O. It nppeured that In 1910 the ronrl ' dropped from a surplus to a dellclt in earnings over expenses of over JSOO.OUO and Commissioner Decker wnnted to know what caused "this violent dlf-, ference." "I know In a general way," said Mr. I.mgdon, "that our epene.s went up In1 changing from steam to electric service ' and the elimination of grade crossings I Tlmro Is an increase In expense of op eiutlon and for material m tin- elimina tion work." Mr, Langdon testified that the com-1 muting business was Increasing faster ; than any other and that In 1914 the. road bad carried more passengers than ever before, 41.600,000 In round numbers -ver ieiore, si.ovu.uuu in roino numuers i is coiniuired with 1S.000.0OO carried In. 1905. He said that while the carrying .r passengers was profitable five months in the year. It was not profitable taken the year around. "Would tho company be better off If! It had no passengers?" asked Commls-1 sloner Decker. I No, freight alone wouldn't pay for the upkeep, I "Then Isn't there really a profit In the I passenger buslne'ee?" This question drew no answer and the t-r Count Witte The late Premier, the man who gave a Constitution to Russia, throws a new light upon the affairs of his country in a series of unpublished interviews and letters prepared by Herman Bernstein. Other Features of Next Sunday's EASTER SUN include: Fashion Section -A real style show brought to your home in large photographic repro ductions of the very latest models. Scenes in Life of Christ -A sixteen page intaglio section of wonderlul paintings by Carl Block. Pictorial Magazine Sixteen page section of semi news articles, and fiction by Adc and Kipling. . 7 T Er? tSsffSSr. PA TRICK'S nodded a "Yes" when t'odnmlssloner Decker nsked : "If you had the freight Mono, your investment Is m great that the freight buMnee-s would riot be profitable?" Tllu "'omnilsslnner tontlnued "On the oilier hand, without passen gers you could not go 6n Then Isn't 11 mic, notwithstanding wlint the Supremo I'Mirt hue s.tid. thai both pasreugots and freight must omo Into any such c.i' ulatlon" .Mr lmgilon made no direct answer to that, and a Tier lu bail said that the paseiu;er density on tho Long Island I Is gieatei' than on nny oilier load Com missioner Decker Hsked "Well. hy Is It that your road Is operating at a deficit"" Mlecause," talri Mr l.aiu'dnn, "our bulness Is so largely a pass, tig -r busl hiss and we liave to make romturlaons in rates with roads on which the pas senger business Is llltln more than a plaything. On the Lelilgh. for Instance, the passenger earnings nre llttlo more than our own, but that road makes sH.000.000 on Its coll tratllc alone with out counting In the other fi eight " The hearing was adjou-ned to Mireh .'6 at 10 A. M. to give Mi Spedick time lo secuie copife of the doi timents filed OFFERS PART OF STATE BONDS. Synellrnte Will Sell Atinnt XI 7. HIM), 0(1(1 to l-nlillei if Issue. The svndleate which purchased the $27,000,000 New Yorlt State 4 14 per) cent, bonds last week announced yester-' day that, having disposed of more than 1 J10.000.000 or the bonds. It would offer the balance to tho puhllc at 104'. and Interest. The subscriptions thus far have been very satisfactory to the members of the syndicate und repre-sent veiy largely the purchases of thoe who will hold the bonds for Investment. The quick resale of the previous J61.000.flno Issue of State bonds was accomplished through the . sale of large amount to distributing houses. The present bonds are wanted by In xestors treatise the lloylan law. If psu-sed, would ltnnoe n tax of one-half eif 1 per cen, a ear on all bonds not tax exempt. The State Issues are e.x- cinid The member of the svndl.-ate ofTeilng th Kinds are Harris. Korbee , Co., the National City Itai k. Ih Ouaranty Trust , Company White. Weld A Co. nnd Hrown I llros. A Co. DIAMOND MATCH GAINS CUT. InoI Kiiriilims Iti ttll'l llonesrr, i:,iml to II. r, Per I'rnl. The Dl imond Mat -h Companv reports for the vear cnde,l t)e,'embr SI. 191 1 Pet earnings of Jl. '12, 2111 This wis equal to 9 52 per cent, earned on lb' SlC.090.H0ll mltal Mtoi'U. n.s rrtmrwred , : . . " . , . ,vl"! o:l.,,rr cent- prllcd on mr ''0VK ln l-ariilngs from all routvon nmounte,! to n72.i. .against $2.s7.Sxl In 191.1. with ret e.nnlngs of $1. 1 12,2.11, as com- Pared with J1.775.SM T'ie surplus "fter the payment of dividends. Ac, amount d to J15.S93, ngn, imt $219,471, which, added to phu pre-ious Hut-plus, fs-ave the company ii total profit mid loss nirplus on December 31. 1911. of S0. ;:20 as compare.! with JS0I.12S on December 31. 1913. IN THE Easter Sun Out Next Sunday FEA TURED IN , , Governor, Mayor and Other Well Known Men Will Speak at Friendly Sons Give "An Evening of HI I'ntrlck's ilayrlll be nn Important occasion In the hotels nnd restaurants, with special entertnlnments consisting of Irish music, poetry, folk dances, oratory and menus of typical Irish dishes, In cluding potatoes. The celebration will begin to-night at the lllttmore, where tho Trlends of Ireland will have their nnnual dinner. At the Hotel Vanderbllt . Wnlton Marshall, rcalltlng tho dlfllcul-1 ties which might beset one In a trip to Erin at this time, has duplicated the e-astle built In 1416 by C.irmac McCarthy . In tho town of Iltarney. County Cork. The ' Ularncy Castle will to-morrow be thrown open In the Delta Ilobhla room nnd dur ing the day Miss Mary Wall, harpist, . will give a programme of Irish music A big feature to-morrow night will be the 131st annual dinner of the Frienil Sons eif St. I'atrlck at the Hotel Astoi Victor Herbert Is the president of the society, and In honor of the composer the souvenir menu will be arranged with photegraphlc reproductions of scenes in Dublin, his native city, nnd also of the blrthplaco of his grandfather, Samuel lxiver, the novelltt. The Tiiendly Sons (life Club will give "O'Donnell Aboo," "Mid Hour of Night," "Crulskeen 1 Ijiwii" and "The New Ireland." Among ! the speakers will be Oeorge V. Movn nghan of Detroit, Job Hedges, Angus tus Thomas, Wilton !.ackaye, elov. Whit man and Mayor Mltchel At the same hotel, but In another part of It. Ireland's American Friends will get together. This will be the tenth an niversary dinner of the organlrallon, of which Drank W. Smith Is the president At the riar.a, under the title "An live ning of t.rand Opera," with tableaux vlants, to be followed by dancing, the I2iiterpe Club, Mrs. Aleinous Ilerton Johnson, president, will hold Its annual entertainment under the direction of Mis. l'lotelico Foster Jenkins, chairman of music. The opening number will be a tableau of "St. Patrick's Day in the Morning" with appropriate music. The St. Patrick's Society of Quens County has arianged to hold Its St. Pat rick's day dinner at the Knlckerlscker Pattons of the McAlpIn can nlw.tjs depend upon .Manager 1.. M Iloomer ,iM Ins chief aid. lMnuard Paieiiard. to s i ply unusual things for each of the re ur rlng festivals of tlm season. St pa -rick s dav will bring a wonderful me.i i eif Irish dishes ami favors in honor e.'. ! the ooraslon. There will he Irish dan, I.. 1,11.. ,l,d vlll M'ltl k, .!..,- rated to resemble a bit of the green Isle Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge It. Heach of Je sey City gave a supper and dance In the main restaurant of the Illltmore lt night for elov James P Fielder and Sirs Fielder of New Jersey Tile oc a sion was tho blrthlay anniversary -f the host. Among the guests were Col James Howard Welles and Mrs Welles. Capt. i.eorpe V Perkins, Jr., and Mrs. Perkins, .Mi and Mrs. Klgln I Me Hurney. Mr nnd .Mrs. I2ugene Newk'rk, Mr and Mrs Arthur I Soper, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Stratford, Mr. and Mrs DAY TO BE THE HOTELS Dinner Euterpe Club to Grand Opera" at Plaza. Frederick fVi kendiiti, Mr and Mrs. William C Itldgway, Mr ami Mrs. 11. I,. Fervoss, Mr. Htid Mrs, Daniel 1-2 llvierts, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anness. Mls Nathalie Smith nn, I Harold I.enke ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS ... Incril Nome of tbe l.ntest Nnines nn the Iteulstet-s. Plaia Mr. ntul Mrs. William n. lwls, Iis Angeles. Mrs, Alexander Stewart, Miss Mary Stewart. Miss He'n Sfew.iri. Wasbingtn Illltmore - .1 M ,loVtnr Dallas. Tex. Mr. a-d Mrs .lustioe P.iddell. Toronto. T. S'lenoan McAllister. Den ver. .Mr. and Mr Kdwurd Page. Iloston. , Waldorf-Astor'a - W II an Wrigley, Jr. Chicago, .lames r Phelnti Han AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE I, - il' Once a Locomobile Always a Locomobile Lasting quality is built into each and every Locomobile. Each model has a dignity and style which is ever pleasing. Our exchanged Locomobile sixes, which have been re finished and renewed, offer a good opportunity to the man who prefers a high quality car at a medium quality car price. Wc guarantee them the same as new cars. An excellent assortment now on view in our exchange car display room. The Locomobile Company of America H. S. HAMILTON. MKr. Exchange Car Dept. Locomobile Building, 61st Street, next to Broadway l.sri:it HKsOKTS. FW .II K-il. .MU.ltlc fit. 4t GasilsSjoIueaa WHi.Rh TO 0 ,' 1n a protlem that worries-, mny at our fellow cltl.-.ena tnilay Your health ha hroke-n etoim.ind bvntt.e fonis European Sim to which you made yearly pllerlmace ! clewed, you nre in desspulr And rot, within ensy Hexeas. (.fund ATl.ANTIP CITY She offer, you health and mrenRth n f torlo Ni'tmew of th hroud AtKuitic a mu'tilrie. of attra.-Jon. euid coni-.-nlal tK:it 'nat no foreign Spa can cr. Malm your lZter retemtlon now, Tn Laadlet-a Ho mm fnri fMl a&f ortnAtian. rata, ttc. Rotal Stanli TJia afielburna lr-lri f lui CH.c EMrrw Ys wnr J. BoiVr llot4.l Atrmnd Alwmrs Ot-vn J1, a Off and K. G. Edtrarda MarrbrackHIrihta Both Aiwrtraa and KmropD riana. Jaatah Wlilu A Sona Co. a,urrtaan Plan 3. W.ikeU Mst. notl su Chart Orn Ali Tar HwMn HalrvM Ca. The tlolmhnral Opsm All Year Hsnrr DamelL ialen Hall not A rianaunam V U luunx, Urr Omlr tma hoora f rnm Mew Tnrt Qty tI Ontratn. ' I"a-ia. K R. Onssrt Vocal twW.t atrsnu for f trrtarr L J7TI7N77C CTK M J. -1 THC LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THC WORLD b particularly attractive, with its two blocks of ocean frontage facing south on the sunny Bo.irdwalk, dur ing AILANIICN FAMOUS SPRING SEASON ca lending from FEBRUARY to MAY incluslva It hns. 400 private baths, each with sea water, and its ewpiisite music, every night throughout the year, with special solo week-end features, is lastly celebrated. White. s.ervice is botli American and u la carte dining rooms. Theatres. Rolling-rhair-i. (olf and other amusements in full swing. owNcaaHie hiniqihint JOSIAM Wllllt & SONS COMPANV HOTEL DENNIS MI.Hllli I II. Tie llillrl ii l i ti lot ItlE tl'e He Ii Mimri. ,l .e . '(irn t I Kin n uUlre. piii 1 ii e.oi i n. t r.ii . u n k ii i lliir in, . 1 1 fni ,vrliir M 4,1 II It ,1 III NTi: tAI. I J" VI IN AND K,rir.ll lUTKS I8LESW0RTH And thf Hnanluralk l ftpftcity two, Every p polntrinn, InrMMllnj hot nud roltl c Miitrr bit. it, OiitiMirt. Oprn nil j"Ct HOTEL RALEIGH hi rh.irli-ft plr Arii Hh Ii 1 Iip popular ttM'don. w'tiiiii flulit s ml tnuntl of tr. cctaiii, 20i ..(go nu . iiy i outii ai opn x , pOfUl pra f h rutm rn w t r In roonii1 un par or fiv.iior. A t'uiiilrit' sinrt crvli hii i h ..-iiiibit hpt-l iHrl) HOTEL LELANDEV. Masiarliuseti V e, elite, t ' on Hie ben, Ii, ut 'r, pri l' 1 - Wlllter !- IIhwU Sr.W J I : It s K V I .ilk e n nml , ARfLETTINlM mitjHClAAt1CniCANPUN f MOTEL. nODEIlATE PRICES. 1 wwTrrwfm.I.AKDVOOD.N.j.l NKtV Jl;!!-.! N.l.iirj Park, 8PCND LASIfcH AT AlillUMY PARK. "1 hi Town Mil lui h V n m-ei ,- i hotel arronillioil.ltlon u itiliuoiie enter talnttielit lln-i n k i n .1 i i Hosier ieeW. Arthur P or I i " ' iihIj"- fur eln ular ItHre i 11 Jntu tiu Ion Hill .in, 30e Hoards alk. I THE ftM flDarlboraiqfilil ill iFrnnc co, Mr. and Mrs. flenrgn Tt. Cox Iflnclntiatl; fllr Tievor Dawson, 1ondoti e'larldge Mr find Mrs. f'harles Jo seph, Tails; .1. II. Hawkins, Chlcngn J. A Wlfkcnsoll, tllcliiiiond. HeIleollr. .1. K. Harper. Ohlrngo' Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Itice, Toionlo, Mrs. Angus McDonnell. Ixuulon. I.i irellon-I, i: Kline. Orand ltap.l " "".. ireenv,n... s. r v. v. l.a irellon I, 12 Kung. nrand liapld' Tyfonl, Monlclair. i Prlnre (Ieorge 12. A. Williams, Cleve land; Henry Morton. Ilnlttmore, (Ieorge S Daniels, Washington, I McAfpln Mr. iiiul Mrs. n. d Thorn ton. Nashville, Mrs. Clifford Payne. 'Panama; J. K, llalderston, tlichmond. I Algonquin R. D Kelloy. Milwaukee: Mre A. A. llnrtlctt. Miss M. F tartlet! Canada. Colllncwoorl Capt D P.nberts, Mrs. lloberts and ehlldren, Canal Zorv . i J I.. Mack, N. 12. Jones. Cleveland; Ms Mlllali Greenwood, AtlanMc City. KnlckerlHicker Onv. David I. Walsh. I rtorton . Mr and Mrs William Norrls, ! 1-ouls. MBrn Antotne1te .Mr. an I Mrs, W. F Hrown. Toledo, flhlo- Mr and Mrs Clifford Hlsted, Kansas e'lty, Mo. . 12 M l Clarke. Serantnn, Pa. Customs llrrelpts 'rserdej, The total reeclpts for duties al tile House yesterdnv were JJS7 .117.30. of whlcli $10,.-,-.r. IS was for merchandise withdrawn from bonded warehouses nnd JI7S.R6I s2 for recent importations. rUOltT1. NKU Jr.n-IKV Atlantic Cltir. MawMa Bmii Opa All Yaw. r. P. Omt't fern flnUI C1eNe In tria ranlrmal Oaiasa Sirtkm. , Orn All Ymr, ' n, Thcmpaon A Co "ma Penahane Ujr-an All Tsar. Itn R. Hood. R. es? K. 1 r tnforruifof HOTEL CHELSEA O upi'iiie nli bio. k ot wean front. In the fa-hlonah rh''. tlon 301) bei hJtnhr l'h rrtvats bth ifrs.h an4 - atr) Iltrh cij,. or h'Mra. tt. r 1. Vren 11 elif unit privilege.. Su'.! mt tralni nmlelet Open all yer. J n. tiicimpson 1-0. THE EASTBOURNE P I tie Ave. ant I'ark ri . f.n view, an. -irfa.1 anil inaila nrir. eievutor, prirata I'Sltva. etc , apt-vlal eiirlt ratd OAnwoou A JOIINSOS I. dins hlfh-claaa ma4arata rata hotel II RFM1CI CVlrrtnta A. n-ar Il.rh cap ItlDLmnniLjio .-itetn heat, elevator sun parlon private ruth", etr . eteeilrnt table eveplrif itlnner. orrhe.lra isptila. 110 lii weekly. I. up dall UooWlet J l-COTK. .NtlRTII fAltOI.INA. ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1 id of the Jt'jv Heel winter reenrt outh t lo'lmis f'ltt.Me' hlue Uef nsrlelln; .Hi ihine, purest water flnem hnteU: tine rnntor roil mntiertlnc with National lllehwa tpnitv t lio. !! turf, jolf tennis, moun lain rlltntitnz noolilet "A" fre, Wrlta N HueVrier, Sre'y Hoard otTrade, A Seville, N e , or to MouUiern llallna, Ale 1 S. Ihwratt, 1:, p. A.. JM Klfth Ae., Cor Jwo .St. .New Vor'w vnunvtA. X HI1TFI miMRPRIIH fCX Ot-D POINT COMFORT , For I.ooklels. AtlJrpM Uao. P. Adarot, Mir., Fortfax Monroa, Vs. fiieiro.vVLs. i ,srAI,l.l 1IIDS SI I.I tie r-velva.1 bV III, llosril t Wter fupp, at ( offl ee tent-ee.'ond lloor, llmil Ip.l lluinilns, Perk lto 1,'elitre and IMliim her ,S(re Ne 4Tk Cll', until II A M oil TlleeUi, I .M.irch .3, lv 1 5. f ot Contra' t fot tin otl"I.U'tloti of eix coil' rete elone mil t.rU'k buiMlnse at and Hie Kne o n.ervos- In His town of Mt. P e.Hin VVet lie.ler ouiilj. .N'4 Vork .he l.ik et of ill, liululliire I. appro.lmstelv. 100 Let ,y feet til 4& feet. n! tlie siiihi e.t .11 I i t K. 3i feet In 30 feet Tils " lb i e'r i 'ire. ur foundation of iheee hui -I In, HHe tieen Unlit and the Clt ul, fu iilx i mi't eret th roof covera lor ilit li'i I'lliite. i Hie above place and time the ti . n ' i tin'ly opened and rend P,ni pli eu I'linuilnliiK lnforiiiatliin for 1ml ler. , itirt pamplileta of contra,; dr.inlnK. .,i te ubtiilueil ut th above addr.., i th oltli o of tlie Hi nuri. h d tio.lllnic 'lie Uln of tell do lure It 10 1 In I'.i.h or Iti euhalent for euoli pmiplilet Pur furihei parMrulare upplv lo tlie nttles of the I'rln AeelKtAiit Uniilneer at ths a tune drree. CII.Mtl,l hTflAI'SSl. President I II Mtl.l-:.-! N I'll AOWIi'K, IOIIN I' 'I.M IN' t'ommii.ioti. r nf the llinl nf IVater Siinpli W lllit'Ci: e'diui, H, rsury K) I'.ltNOHM IHI.AN'Il. N Y. II ar Ih, l.i5 l.eale,l propoeu ., In 'rpil, hie for fiirnlahlns Forani: mil Mriw t ti r monili- mid i year'e aupp't ) and K"i;i iM'-OI-lNT MINUItAI eH HCI.I ,ii t .Ml'l'rii.N' required In llaseern lien irttneni lurlMK "r 'oiiiiiiein lns Jul' 1, !i i, v.1 i l rieelvid llte unlit 1 1 A M. Aprl' 14, 1 91 o. Information fur 'I lie I on ippll a Hon to nep.ilMirnl QuVl mailer II CUNARD Established 1840 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL New Triple-Vrew Tutbitie I'ORDUNA i SATURDAY, MAR. 20. 10 AM . Spacious, OoniforUrile Rooms I i Ueautifully Appoinle-I. J TiiKania. Sat., Mar. 27, NOON LUSITANIA, Sat.. Apr. 3, 10A.M. Transylvania, Sat., Apr. 10. NOON I'Orduna. - Sat.. Apr. 17. 10A.M. luscania, Sat., Apr. U, INUUin 'Lalis at llnllbix Kastlinutid. Gibraltar Naples - Piraeus 'CARPATHIA. Tuejday. March 16. Noon OL'ND THF WORLD TDl'RS Ihiuiigh baeklngs to ell principal I'.nK nt Ihr II., rlil. tOHI'AM'MHi III.. '21 2SUteSt.N.T. WARD LINE New York to HAVANA Ar" 0! Sil.n?s Thiiridavs and Saturdays. NASSAU Weekly nerwce from N'ew York; EASTER TRIPS HAVANA AND RETURN 10 Days $89 Inclinllng mil iipeni. IltfcjM 1 rj U8 ly Afthor Al.Hiif from Yolk 1VS. MOUIIO ( A-fTI.K, Mrtrrh 37th K. H.H HA rot.. April :tnl Kxrtucnt rirlc pclou iMin quarOM Iif'k M, rat- and NEW YORK nnel CUBA MAILS.S.CO. U anl I In') (enernl OfTlres, l'le-r 1 1. F.. It . V. V, Ideal Tourist Route S. S. EVANGELINE " UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG " BERMUDA on nrn.t. M,silir. Hiwl tnot ' 't irl.v.s trl! th p m j th,rn -rl'' ulllriir rnil'i. ni r nl luu I'nll lm hi II .ni. H ' . ' q - if ' a i isn At'M)iu'i tue ti1 i v . .' i . lull in ii Ii tie , .. ( .send for I'm t '41 Boo'!t l'NS.Ne.i It etri'll l-, HVI t'rn.d-.y, nt e:il l,-eit, rton. H l I'! N American Line American ijteanierft Under the American Flag t ahlii nnd il e lMHiikrr einl.. New York -Lherpool, Pier tJ2, N. K. I'l'll la. Inr lb ti, n Itnl. M.u .'').il""li White Star Line N.Y.-t iverpool. Pier t0, N, R.. Noon Aratilr star l: ilnii Man hill I ahln and Third I la.. I'a..eni:ers onl. Azorea- Gibraltar - Nnplea - Genon Canoplr, Mar. I. lo . M.Tretlr. Kpr. l Of rr r. (i ll'WT. .. I . Irl lteniolt.,tor. eil II IMMIIMilS I IM, Te r .1 I .- i w.-V- niv SI M Irr :. --'i Iturr rl. 'J 0 f-rk n ritt:N(ii 1 tr. CVmrscn e -line . r-Jip.Atlsn'tijus. rlrHl 1,1 ne In llaire trranee), einra, Arn. . 19 1111 fci , N T. (.111111. 1 1 I Hill 11 , Inn furrs t,i ull puliite -niith. Orean lrumshlp In. .Mil I Kill r , V V t M N1IIVWI mi:iii V I.INf. n. ' , veiitM . -i nt:, nt: i uk. K John. ..ii I . .- . r . V rN.M and tt. Indies rrel.e. three esl.lne. e - -1 . k e .,!. 1'nlteil IVtilt e iimiiuiie 'T It, .!', , . CIO TO HF !tMIA f I1 FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 l.y PTKR le N U ! ru on i,t. , t 4 I l JIj.1 Nose Nmilnn Ne.wj. h l.lne. ' IMe N II ft ll.wa'nn .-" ek la o- ., r M . I'ler 0 K 11 ft K ...1 M C Q 1' It 1111 rt nt 11 iir ri t si 11 COLONIAL LINE boston io:,';;-':, S2.60 PROVIDENCE .'.l;';',, $1 ,G0 U eel, il. , , i t '. " ! I ' ll lllii lliMHIIV S llll Ill S I nil, Illrele.. l-milii llient. I pi , ,,, , . i . i . llHi'll i i' . Vt'oree.ler.'.' litl I'lin jilem I' illri'i I Jl",0 lll'TMIIK l 1 I IIIHIMo, 1104 Hal'.. Inrliiillnc -.niiilat S'0 n nl Kroii pier II' . n, man I 'I s- tie- 0 lloile.e N Y fplovin II kei i ! i v,H ,nil 3 tllrei l HUM ll IMHIII' I IM m'wVouk a PORTLAND lladaeeri Tare. .l I'olm., y, ,Niii'ilri. I-STI UN S ri Slsn I ! I nil I'llll N inilts. rsV1l-Al"l AND THE EXPOSITIONS Pfm.irK.'i' !c 1 1 iir I " I rt n p,irtlirt s "Altl , A ', K lit ' I iV It'tiPMr ., Luxurious Train Service without olioni:c f i ,uM in,.ii i Iiidi'P-'Milv'.t 'r. ii I i" Ci'it.irn: i ii eJt'-.ireil, (Jllier Tour .il l'ijp i;,j: 'i o-. Also Toura to I'loriilu .mil .Inn. in. S, I ur Bin e, . ., RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO., 22S l-llll ,, . s t-s, , CALIFORNIA tours I -.PI IIM I nil 1 i ii ni nn him , ii 3SI llio.i lie N J t d i i EASTER TOURS ,,. ' folder M M'STI P 1 i'i Ii . i 51 aaf 'SKa n r " ,53 V Spend Easter In Florida i.vcry day in I lonui d 'realization ol one's conrevr ,-, of a perfect Easter Dn pcatf, ful, beautiful and flower c" e,, i he way to go is hv sen New York lo Jacksonville I iet ullhnnl rhanice ailing m huioti. h irlr.ton, vt It h rnnnertlun. for sit smth. e- ''esiiit. Law Hound Trip Fnrrt tOl OA on J Vednp,(j.u . tfltltiOU up Saturday, , $43.30 'fl and ileeping accommo nt, . n oded Tickets (rood returring " 'ip,, wthln six months .Mldtef ei 1 , Clyde Steamship Co. Plrr .11 .North Ithrr. M Tlfkrt Ifl1ri .MMI A 1r.s It -W sSvV. I'nitIM ! ot IM. Ml Is MpKr.Mi; ft 1. 1 - . .1 OUK M K l lt-Jl ' Li . .k Si i; fiiMl .v i II ilrfx 1' fit hi I I. ik i' '!llri, iJrft-n Uht- Ii pumuiti r , 1 . lot-ur and i !, ! i tn th above -'itit . th- -.n-1 U 0! M- i I . 411 , lr r! ,!i v in iir nn 1 '. iii tal fiep 'tmrnt. i .1 I tl4tr"l(t .(! T1! 11 1 . 4. 1 th- m ! 1 n gn- cm iv r , n 1. " : 1 11 .t th -. hrl'st" - 1 - . . sri in 1 r .. .. " lt of S.'W m. M h I'! . I 1 - t b. H Vl! H" j. .i'.rr 1- 1 l. - 1 m 1 ,tli 1 liitM II t. AT.!. thf . t-rt.-in . - j .1 I v -h ih 1. i ii 1 nr- -in, w it 11 i H'.-tiiih of ' . h ' . - f V irk. v 1 in : IM H il'.MVii .!.-' - thi- 1 ) lr. 1 '1 : hnttf J, ro" u . u .-t ref t m, . k .s : ' r th 1 t ct K..riyTln I 1 h t n Von Ii i of Mr? M I . hTk or n'-.r.y nr t- i nlr ;.' 1 ti t i-vmi 1 1 -' it hrl pAm of rlt t p iii.c. ti"nt -v t'v ft h k 1 : . w a Tn 1 ' 0 1 -- i- V( -th- ar'i! i .. r v i:h it," ! 1 1 r , s-h U1'. . T"t . '-r- r . M. 1- rr 4 M 1 H if' (I . fort f"ir 1- t o , h . 1 r,trtT' f'oni th" South-i.' r ."h im'v m rich e,nt. l-h l'hrtv fir alnc Hn- or 'h ttilMluc t-'ii o-U-. art frontinK n U r-h'. thnr Knft-i. ' ie.m o -!h llVf' . rl"- it in-'hw th - h Wvtrv jn- r-f h 1 n -M ii c ! !t (V (.( t . x 1 or p'. f o bac'nri'i ile.!..n. nn I -11m 1 Th r .'1 jf ; tlvi v J nt t- ; tv of s-' Vork !. I S n k . .1 A M ? t - ' 1 w..opforn hovi:: a ' - 1 t-r' j f r V ' tt nuf. fioroii ' ; . Vork ri; Ti fo'olpr 1 a 1 : 1 iw- 1 . 1 I ..... i la- ' 1 Ii approtn ,ii , , V , l-H V' t p'.iperu I- to e t!i I-ll e. ,.p I .14 O I . ' i - . .. i I . o- p l I i r ' 1 I e 1 . ' . '. i nil1 (IIM III N 1 1. n 1 t . lii ur I- 'i i;i a -' '. um; Mii i ' llie - i. t nrv . , ot ,1 i i. vni:..i i i , n X M i' I V ' I i K I II i.l ' N H '' l " il 1 1 A ' ' I I - v 1 i .- ks in KMW', .'"II ' 11 111 ' ' , I't l . i ,V I II ' Mil, J II, INS II I I I -II H ll I-' . ' I M 1 II I I ' i 1 1 . 4 M . , , I, 1 ,t , i i I f e,,, m . ' e 1 'i - k , .,, , M '.ii,, , e ' . te , Ii re le 1 i , if ev I K ' ! N' 1 1 , ' 1 e ne I . f ' - e e 11 M , ,, i 'I -ee' ii ii, 1 I I - h - i i e I , ' 1 1 1 ' s ! V I M ' i' I i i f - , , ,,(!,, ! -,11 ,r . , 'i , f it 1 I i - W an I ,,,. , ,t li i ' 1 ' :n nTlMiN" n i 1 H l.ed ' lie "li I ' if ' 1 ' i ' I I , ulil l of V. ' ,, l V.'lTMtsei. P i.N'n:. , II 1 ' i ' . , .i r i . II ' ( V i . .Hi t'l' ' i 1 til - ! ill l.p n 1 1 ii. inn tii "III I lllNs S I