Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1915. SAYS MRS. FARLEY INFLUENCED WILL Rrotlirr ('nnlosts l?(ucst liy h. Niiirlo o Wife of Car ilmnl' N'i'plicw. MAYOR CALLS INSPECTION BILL BLOW TO HOME RULE Brands Lockwood-Ellenbogen Measure as "Iniquitous" at City Club Dinner Sees Sinister Influences Back of It, .r.T I.KFT HKU WU.OOO Siin.'iatc C.halan will heat lo-day an iprllo.ii'.o" ' "t ashte probate of tfcs will of Mrs. Hosarma M. Nagle. who Jied Fep'ember ' last, leaving an es tate of irmrc than $100,000. Mrs. Naglo was the "til""' of Col. Oarrrtt Na tlf, r civil war clcran, whose death oe birred In 1 f 1 1 . lie If ft no will, and his ,l(f giit a third Interest In his cMate f rea:lv Safin. 000. tn the proceedings hofof? the Stir rosatf to reopen the pinhate of the it Is asserted that Mrs. Alice. Far rr'who married a nephew of Cardinal Prly In W. nnd Kthcrlno Breen. a nurse, conspired to Induce Mrs. Na t's to nuke a will In their favor while, v wo of unsound mind, due to two paralytic strokes and was grieving over dVitli of her husband. In the will Mrs. Parby. niece of Mrs. Nagle. (tot he residue, amounting to about 150. 000. while the nurto received J10.000. Xhe charges are made by John J. Potiohuc a brother of Mrs. Parley and pephew of Mrs. Nagle, who shared JS.000 with two fHters other than Mrs. Farley. It says thai when he agreed to the probate of the will he did so under the mpresMOn that he had no grounds to jri.uu It H says that for twenty fr after th d.ath of his father In 'Ml he and Ms four sisters live,) with heir rfunt. but that In lSr his alston mJ Mrs. Naglo quarrelled and they eft the house and were told never to return. At that time he was Jus-. grad .inline from Kordham University and n was welcomed to his nunt'ii house, hat when he Insisted on visiting his sis er, h was also told to pet out and timer ditken his aunt's door again, Donohue says that when his MMer narrhd the'n nephew his aunt refused to attend the ceremony, al though It was performed by the Car lir.a and that when one of his sis irs died hi!- aunt icfused to sit In the 'imlly pew. He charges that at the time Col. Xagln died Ills sitcr Alice made surrcp iltlous vllts to her mint, with the re .n't that avlill. she wis Inatalli d as ilstrcss of the household, her brother in Miters were forbidden to enter. The will i favor of Mrs. Farley was nde threi d.s after rot. .ingle- :un .rit ami ten d.s after Mrs. Farley nS regained a place In the affections of 'er aunt, to the exclusion of her brother old sisters. It is alleged, Mayor Milchel attached the Lock-wood-Ellrnhogen bill last nljtht as "one of the most Iniquitous nttempta to vio late the principle of home rulo govern tnent," He said It wan drafted by a Tammnny district leader and was being hacked by certain speculative real es tate Interest In the city. Ills denun ciation of the measure was seconded by Oeorge MoAneny. President of the Hoard of Aldermen. The Mayor was speaking at the din ner In the City Club . held to dlscurs certain of the work of the con stitutional convention. Hn was fcpeak lug on the obligations of tlio State' to the city, and apt-daily advocating that the next Constitution should grant home rule to tho cities, lie took occasion to point to the lockwood-Kllcnbocen bill as a violation of the principal of home rule and to appeal to the I'lty Club to prevent the enactment of that bill. "The IvOCkwood.Kllenbogctl bill," he said, "proposca to disrupt w number of the central departments of the city gov ernment, to break down the administra tion of the tenement house law, tho Are prevention law, the health Uw iind the law now administered by tho De partment of Water Supply, to dlstr.bute those departments to tho borough gov ernments and to tnakn violations of WOMEN BUY IRON GOULD STOP HALF RINGS; $50 FOR ONE OF ALL BLINDNESS Mi. Klmcr Kindt I'nvs Hijrli-j ritininlt'l.v II Would U Kmv est I'rifo nt Mi't't iiitr (o ' s Iiopros.v. Snys Hss Aid flrnnnny. Winifrod HoK. PENNSYLVANIA TO GET RELIGIOUS LAUNCHING MISS KKVKTITDOE SPEAKS: moi'KKATTOX fS HK.MKDY sloner of Areounls icported to me only wtenlay, and lecord up to dalo i Im'I 1'iileiilated to nlvo tho people of - ' 1 this city any itreit nuiisute of en- lldenee In the dlniiiK of diilbs by a' Tron rlncs for went fast at - jM winifurt Holt, secretary of the like boat d under t ns new Irill : tlin mcuttnK of American Wcn-en of J N(MV vr( Aoolatlon for the Hllnd. up- of ',I.r;,ra'!yi::t,n,,n:,!,,t ttl;,,ro,!,(:;"'e!r,,'ra,; r : n.-t.on -Whnt can be done dip..rtni. nt undr tho Jur sdlctiou of terday afternoon. Mrs. V:inv.r Hlack ; for tho blind?-' In nn Illustrated lecture tho .Mayor and norouitli Roveiiiinent, iht tho first one offend for $50 and i m (hit t.lchthonse, 111 Kant Fifty-ninth "Lt rp" W a fZZTln thl's h,.'." , oHers were auctioned at fan,,- pries. ,tr,et. las, n.Kht The lecture was ,1 tli- se (lucslloiw that I have raised sp.clf- "Iron rlncs for the Fat lerlsnd wero nH f a series of five under the auspices K i.iy "oncei the i nf' roemuiit .iiid:ir,. nronosed In I'll b 0'iceii l.ulfe , 0f the noclatlon. of which Joseph H. me or tuetu- ia as pre- t.rl,i , ad Ml IM'th ItclfTi rt. mt.d In that bill are no-icii to Justify'"' ' msia. som i. . Hi Hi - l.ivisl..tur. the vldeM of the orRaulrritloti. at.d "It ouiini not t.j become law If It whenever ilermjny Is In trouble they ate do. tli.i. the, breakdown of M , sympathizers and thn prtK-ewls the administration of tluso laws Is nut ' . ,i ...u, , ......iki i. .. .....i. i.. nent in Germany. Two dollars is tne umi, liven uu i vwAUiut) in 1 - -- - - . this city. I verv least we will accept for one to-day. now covered from 1 t tvmi ni'nrr Oerman nnman to sell the eriive," Miss Holt said "The New York 1 M .. I . .. 1 r ti , i .. Iron rlnc ihe now owns and buy an "1 said that the speeuiative teal estate j inruiiH ir th .it. i.iii.ifi ii. u o.ner. bill. Don't mlsunib rstand mv. 1 am Tho rlncs old ye"rday had a cross on them and a (termini phrase w hlch In tlmei of stress we Choatc Is president, In collaboration with the American Medi il Association, the Illuminating KnglmeiltiK society I and the Hoard of Kdixatloti. I "The problem of helpln the blind Is the cradle to the Itishop !tirry Will I'niv Wlion Siiiii'i'drcadiioiiulil Tiiktvs f lio W(or To-ilny. PERJURER IN LINDSEY CASE SHORN OF OFFICE ('nlnmilo Lt'irMntor in .Inil I'l'i'ilicl?. K-('illpiiyiit' Will .loin Mini. Washington, Mnrch li.. Ib'liBlous ceremonies will mark the Intiiicliltnt of the battleship l'cnnylvanla at Newport t intra N'fws, Vn . to-morrow Secretary; Hon t)niels iinnouneed to-nlRht Hint al the siurRestlon of the Society "f Sponsors of Naval Vessels prayer will be offered ut the launching From 1?.1 to 1911 there were no re '.Ifriotia ceremonlfTi Incident to the launch InK of naval vet-sels. The practice was levlved when tlio Oklahoma wa! launched In March last tiuv. Hnim-i baueh of I'etinsyliftii j has nom n.ited , )hsr MncMi l.. ive W W llmvlatid. the se lf-ro!ifes.ei per. whs rMicllcil to.d.i) from tin of !( prex nl.itivcs by a unani mous vole. This was the latest lit velopmen' Ii 'he fur rem lilnc plot to abollih Puner's .llixenlle t'nlirl nml ollft .luilpe lldi It. I.lni'.sey f l mil the . jllilKKStilp of thai court. i After the adoption of the resolution tinseatinu llnwland an attenipt was made to rfall fnim the Senate iho ' foul Sab. ii. or so-cilled nntl-ltiiiilev j Ml!s. recently pnwird h th" Mouse The niotloti w is ruled mil of order, but m - opillnc to Hour lead"rs the bills are THE PROSPECTS The prospects for a building enterprise mny look rosy on paper, but only ibe most effi cient conduct of the work enn ensure their full realization. Unless nn Owner employs n contractor vtho is competent beyond peradventure, to jilvc quick, efficient, economical re sults, he will have to be satis fied with less than his prelim inary calculations. To employ us is to be as sured that the retrospect will be just as satisfactory as the prospect. THOMPSON-STARRETT COMPANY Ri ildnifj C'onilruction not charKlnK tha.t all tho real ctdnte interest: of the city nro bohlnd that kind of leRlslatlon they are not. The real estate Interetrts, and 1 mean tho better class of real etCnte men, are Just tut public spirited as any other claiw lit the city of New York, but them is a uroup of real estate specula tors who would be tiilahty Rlad to see tho tenement hou law broken down. Hl II. ! , these laws In the city easy for all tho j who would be mighty clad to see theeo ' future." tinJislatrd reads Klve our pold for Iron for the Father land," Miss Hay IleverldR made an address on "Germany." saylmt that the countty Is the only country where a woman fan Into an part and -rn'ot with Sera Sinister Influence. 1 After aesertlnK that tultiier Mr Lock- wood nor Senutor HIlenboKcn under stood tho purpose behind the bill tho Mayor continued : "It was the sinister Influences behind that bill a bill drafted by a Tammany district leader, and fathered and pushed by the speculative re il et.ite Interests of this city. That bill, handed to them In that way. In koIiik to work this re sult If It ever be enacted Into law, and I believe It cannot lo. What does It do 7 It nboUslies the Tenement Mouse De partment, It turns over to the hurenus of bulldlntrs of the Iturouchs the ad mlnlstriiUon of the tenement hoie Un it ubollshes In UrRe measure the bureau of tiro prevention of the Ftie Depart ment, It turns over thoo functions In the same way. It turns over all of the functions of the Peiartment of Water Supply relating to tho lnixctlon of buildings for the purpose of enforclni; the electric code. "And It turns over some few of tl.o functions of tho Department of Health In so far as th.U department has Juils diction over building conditions. Hut It also creates a board, a board with complete power to vary the existing ' tenement house law. tiro prevention Uw i and the other laws I have named dr.jwn ', In very lares measure rnm ine very Tvovrv. March 15. An application businesses and lnterets that tose laws nave oeen rramea o repuian' ami con trol a self-constltutel. selt pilntcil. self-perpetuating lrtesjonslbl board, the kind of board on which the Commls- SLINGSBY CASE UP AGAIN. tppllentlon 'ilndr to Sri ldr sr.iio.lll'il i:tar Verdict. fiflif.r l.ittM ilnit rx fitnl It In tlmt gioup which sands souarely behind j this bill." The Mayor then charged t'.at legisla tion had been asked at Albany to break down h! power. On that point he hail this to say ; "In this Ieglsluture you have noticed a tendency on the. part of certain rcp r'sentatlves of the city of New York to introduce leglslatliiii to break down the control that tho Charter al present Kites to the Mayor. "This bill Is only one manifestation of that tendency tp to 4 he present time the legislature lias not enacted a single one of that typo of mandatory Interfer ing and dlsrupthe bills I do not lleve that the legislature as a body has iny desire to Interfere In that wav with the government of the city of New York, but there Is behind some of theso bills a kind of preesm,. that I have Indicated to you to-night In connection with this bill "It lll the t. onle of New York to be vigilant, to Hatch these bills, to I doing more than our share In tho war M-e that they do not Iweomo law. to I j,y providing armaments, ,tnd when we make their voice, beard at Alhiny if , kUt, necesarv In prottst aenlnst that kind ' of Interference with our local c tv gov- I we may ee men. lame and maimed and eminent At a time like this when ciipi'led, and know thai wo are partly proposition of this kind are on f.'ot. resiMiislble." when cfTorts of this kind are made Walker Itorkwell of Columbia I nier- whl -h tlio 1 hlty Mitil association gives service regardless of raci. or creed and seeks to cooperato .with all other activities, thus It la able I ' to net as a n gbtry and clearing house , for the blind of all aces and conditions. ; "No lighthouse can give the most eftl i clent service without the good will and I hearty cooperation of the public. The public Is needed to find the blind, to stop blindness, to help educate and employ , tlie tillnd and to give them such recrea- i Hon and relief us aro esse-ulal to their ' welfare. (Jiinci Mas'. Mar.-li I". Anolhei Mls Holt said tint neiore tne esinn. Mlirriftrllie f'T the frilled Si lie, navv. , IMiment of any llghlhoupe In the Stain the was launehed to-dav fro-n the the blind were ro well hidden and as a j -,r)(H of the Kb-ctrlc Heat f'oinpaii in class so forgotten mat mo mrgfsi nsi ui j tjie Kore Kiver arils The spon"Ot was It.Siinp josepn r i.eri .o miner ue- , , ,,,..., ... , i,.,..., ln ,v., s,.n ... prayer to-morrow I to-inotiow secntary panlels left for Newport, w ,,,,, wn, formM nf i,,, News to-night to nt end the ceremonies . ppU,., frm , ,,ouse to-day his of the launching, lie nt down the commPn ,.rp. -a,, ri(;nt. i,,t ,r Potomac on the MaMlower and wss ac ; rf,( j (.x .t-(l it" companlcd hy Mrs Daniels, Senator and : To rr 1-t II lb pn -entatlves who Mrs. Swa.uon. fornvr Hcpretentativt-,,lm -,rinh,,,i ..v...... Palmer of lvnii'lvanl.i, Mr , , .... ,llt, ... . Hrnre.entatlve to land In Jail, but I'll not he the Lint one. There'll be inure of you herr on." and Mrs and Mrs John P Dwyei of Philadel phia. Mrs A M Mill and Mi's IMIth Hp.ham. representing th" So.iety of PKnors . Mr H. 1. H-rtv. wlte of the crinmandlng otTl.'cr of the M.'towtr. Mis, Helle Worth Hagley md Com mander L. W. Wurtebaugh , ANOTHER SUBMARINE FOR U. S. , The l.-:t Is l.nnneheil nt rtlrer Vnnla, Mas'. March r I lie I'tire unfailing courtesy. "The (ierman t noted for his devotion and home life" she went on. "He goes Into battle with patriotic anthems on hit Hps. not the sontrs of a music nan iner t(, vn.called blind obt.Vnalile lnciuieu .Mrs Ciarlotte Steele Atkins, wife of I, no truth In the renort that the Or- 1 l.f'On names, of which only anout av'i u cut I.. Atkins. Inspector rjf rub i . ..,., , ,.,. ., weet. found to he living blind people marines As her numher Indicates the Oldll pcoPi" uir ri.i.. - returnetl from llerlln and when I left the only thing that had risen In price was castor "11. which had been cornered by the Hrltlsh army. "You ran buy tdsty-four wrg for t-even maiks, and when I was ln South Afrlci during the Hocr war eggs were twelve shillings a doren In the most expenlve hotels In Herlln you can get roast mut ton for 31 cents and llh for :n cents, much less than whul ou pay here. "Amerlrnns should no: talk. We. are (iov Carlson in a M- lal message I tn lie dillvefe.1 to 'he Legislature to morrow will npjiroie every Mep micrn hy tlie llou-e to cleir up the antl l.lndsny plot and will urge that the .nipilry bo emit nut,! MISSING SINCE MARCH 5. tniplo fc of Title Ititarntilef. nml Trust n. Drops Out of Mulit. These 'tibmarlnes are Kf, f,(t over all and of fiea ton, displacement Thei have a contract speed of II knots on t'e surface and U knots uhme'ced FIVE FIRES IN ONE FLAT. ran ma-ie to-day lo set aside the verdict i- Teddy Sllngsby. son of orn- Lieutenant In the Hoynl nwy n San lariclco girl whom he mar '. dts tared to be entitled to the "nitiy ef.a'.e. wh'ch Is valued jt .iOU. i The coy', claims to the estate -.j..,...! lc ome of the Sllngsby iffc. wl.o claimed that be w 'bi-i ne Testimony by witnesses -e-i Mn Prancivn was submitted to efts, i that the real Sling J.v child d :d tnit Mrs. Sllngshy adopted the Tie Turire who presided threw all this I Hri- (iij- ,-(s unbelievable, and sus- , -ed the claims of the bny there I, only one recourse Mayor has and that l to appeal to the intelligent tieoplc of the city' Mr. McAnenv alo spoke In behalf of self-guvernmetit for the city nnd at tacked the Loikwood-Kllenbogen bill. Hobt-rt Hlnkerd sKike on "The obli gallons of t in Clt to the State' j i TELLS HOW TO LIVE SLAIN HOTEL CLERK ON 25 CENTS A DAY; WAS POLICE INFORMER P.ngland has taken upon herself to he the champion of f.mll nation.-, but Juk". beauic a nation Is small Is no reafon why It i-hould be treatnl like . ssilbd child Thre Is really moie 111 feeling ti.waid Husila In the t'ntted States Jhan towanl any other nation, and if the war doe, nothing more than to ID-crate Poland from Its oppreWon It will have lien worth while. America Is mi"ikcn Whn the war is over we shall linn to tight tho vhvor, and thi nu'ti"'U will mm" up. 'Mao we heeii backing the right boss?' ' "In i short time," Miss Holt con- L-3 the third of her tyre to he tit tied "tho New York Association for j launched Three more of th" same class the Hllnd liHd Investigated for the State , are under cf.nstruetlou a: th local vn-cl J . r, K "i eases of i-o-called blindness. Of these we found about Mom 'live ones ' To-ila we hnvf listed over lO.TOO rallies and have Wn lr touch with over 4,000 blind individual " Miss 1 1 -It iltnl bad living and con oiiefii die.ii.. unskilful treatment of In- fiiMtli. dlse.ive. such as measles and ' - - si ir et fever, bad lighting of public cor- 1 Four Tenants Munitioned In In wyan...,. hul'dlngs and homes, ace!- nlrr a to Their Orluln. dents. Ac. as some of the causes of bllndn..'s. a id said: When tlremen went to the ilv of Mi "It is ' ot too optimistic to say that ! Mollle Kartoff on the fifth Moor of c,T w'tb the cooperation of the community l-'1"! Nlnep .eighth street M'-'tenlai r we could stop ime-hslf of the blindness ternoon Hattal.on Ch.ef P.udd f..,n 1 and that ultimately blindness ablaie a drchser and a lounge in the f t would be almost as rare as leprosy now , ting room, n clothes clcet In an adjoin Is The great mtbltlon of the Light- "'g bedroom and a folding bed and a house folk is. by the preveMlor, of blind- j 'rank In oppo-d'e corners in another bed lie.,, to put it'lf out or business so that room The tlremen sal.l there wa- a , .1... hu.. n, iv , o.r.l , n museum or . M'or "f kerosene. They extinguished to .-ylZ.'. (Ive flics 'n quick onle- Flre Marshal M.-Oough an.1 Detef tlve Somers of the thltd branch ".nvesti Walter D l.'ake. n whoeo ho'lle s tn TaiT' low ii. a lax arelicr emphned by the Title tiu.trritee and Trust Coin par.j In its branch office at Jack son ae uue anil I'lfth street. long Island Cl'v, ha been missing since .March fi Ills famll.x has learned that he drew a im- del able slim of nmni from u batik In Long Island Citv in which he kept an account .Mr Hlake handleil no money .i hi, lioeitioti with he t '' i i.i t'i .i:d as far as cm in. bainci hii Meiltli was tlie r. .r s ti good and he had io raue Ii r won ii"de' Pre- t 1 SHERIFF PAID $1 FOR VOTE. Witnesses In I'm ml t'nse Tell How AVtimeii ntelier. Were Tricked. iNPtANAfoi i' M h l.'i The nam"' of SherilT Shea and .ludco Itedum went t lo-eH t oiii,e,i(H with tho Term Haute election Hands at 1 o consplracv trial In the I-'edei-il Court hero thl-i afternoon ,to. i Jirumn, who test I tied thiit ho registered ami toted s.-senil time, said .Shea had glcn him H for one of the fraudclent vote, Hubert IMwards. in gro. told of a. trick to derclvo the women, who were at the isills to pri'vcnt wholesale fraud" lie said ho iC.mngcd his hat on going to the poll, a stssitid time III the SHnis piecinet, and was nut hallengeil by t ie women thi'ti- chirlm S. Milb r and LI Iteilmati told I. :ni t would b all rlghi for him to sine .is an Inspector In a pirelnet In which he did not live. The ncltal of unlliii.tcl Iriudulciit ftii trillion and was continued l many w-tnesses vcr bin affa.ri lerser CM) tin, New l'oninter. Mat'lu.ut l ' I i '.nine eilltor of the Kinson 'ti rvi i . i.e-ruue twwtmaster of Jersey Clt- Ve'tic-ihi . stl'S'eedlng ltd I'e'ei l ariner W.iii-er. who held the of s T'.o latter served Mc1vr,1e . Hooserel ' .I'd T.ift niclure c.illen M.'s Mo'.t said that she has found o.. I a per cent- of blind children, as agalnt so per rent blind grownups, a iding that three-quarters of the blind lOhe the.r fight afti r fchool age ALL HANDS DOING WELL. r.Trn the 1Mb 1'iillccinan Whose P Iltnl nil Unusual Call. tut the excited yi.i.V woman Pt's Ridiculous in ShmhI MorPHi Than That, Pcolnres onuiii Mountiiin Climlirr. i nyinir on Siifriroj.t.- Hcvpiio Jlntivo for .MunliT. VAUDEVILLE AND BURLESQUE. f'll(l('rAOrl(l ! Celet.rntlon of M Any one cm live on :? cents a j ..kU srl. Unla PeeU. nioiin- inn a op lt r.urtit.'.iiii iiqd - irirx st rh.rtj-mnth itnev ond First tain climber, yesterday afternoon. It .vtt j. hii night worded her tente I la the simplest thine In the world, and vWrt -.. fs ould not be le-jvned. fcr rm na peited in the nt .ialf hour ') 1'ineid the blf policeman that "r1- o' epimatlon choked h!m Wr-i 4 he hurry, huriy. hut ry this '.l ol 'he oung woman's mes"ge i .e ine'i lo the tooms of Mrs. Miry i. 'i i . e,rs old md livts .'. P.i.t atenuc Pollcom ill Hob e'i . jr,.1 rtld r tins me on until Or Harr of it ar-.verl ,f Mrs. Allen's with I'll mi e i-leary hfid iJlephontd . -e detaii.-i have leaked out t Hair entered the Allen in red facd policeman, trying r in- oldest '1 tut he had - ii and lusty lunged "and h, luv of Mike, get her and vrr to Hfllcvue." Which was ' a ute hour every one, .nclud- 'l a an, was doing well. si:. : Li appalling to think how rotten tne average person wastes on food "No one except a millionaire can at-j ford to spend II for a dinner Yt . most New Yorkers think nothing of. sntndlng twice that amount for a meal. Although I live at a hote'i, I manage to live easily on '-f cents a daN Tor breakfast I miko mv own eif fee. and use ovnporatcd milk Instead of cream. NEW PLAYS ON THE FILMS. Hilltli Wynne Mattlilaoti in "The im ernnr'a l,nd" nt the Mrand. I lMith Wynne Mat'lueon tn a pic- j turd'ition if David Holasco's production ! nf "The Governors Lad.'-" wis seen ut I the Stra-.d Theatre yoterdav , the I , leading attraction of Oio bill There I were other comedy feature., and the I'airlpL'n WppL cxeellen! Strand musicsl pro?ramme. ' 'Smishire Molly." with Ixils Weber. Is j In Variety (n this week's attraction I Kv old faslvoned Irlh week is th. at the Hroadway Theatre. It Is .1 etrons I programme at the Palace Theatre In stiry of tho o, fields of California and !i,.i., f it n.tii.--. ,iar Th. ii.xiin. 1 nrovtd I'lteretlni; to a largo audlenee. I attraction I - Ti.oma, Kgan. the Irish The balance of th rrogramme Included tenor of Ui" Covent Garden Oera. who l'pular and damdcal st le-tlons from t..c Tne fact that Chtrlcs Miller nleht is making his vaud.A Hie .KNlt In song, or hesira clerl- at the Hotel Allan, who was shot of Ireland Others ore Molly Mclntvre. Amor.g the picture plays that cciitlrue cirK at in niti " ' " .. Wl,, .h innr,y tramp- Hvan without change are D W Griffith's The to death there e.,rh Sunday morning M , JPM 'Wnd K.r.h of a Nation" at the Liberty Tba- bad on eeverat oecas'ons given Inform i- jtowne and Hex's Cotm-dv Circus. Mise tr' st.ll drawing capi-ity crowds. Sir Hon to tho l.htiict Attorney suggest'd ,; Mdntyre is making her debut tn a Pougla., Mawson's An'.-trctlc pictures at .l... r.,i-.x n.r rni.i1 'Tlifil t.lttli. Devil Ioenh encr S inraar, nnu ivinm nviirm have been reven.e , ntlcv u en In a "When . ...;. .rchrouCentral rather than robberv y.ileska Huratt heads this 'veck a btll ' Miller was .irn-.Mrd about six montr.a at Mammcrstelir, Victoria Theatre tn ago for asiaultlng a policeman and was j"Ulack Crep.. and Piamotids" and "Th' acqtlltte.1 Since thr. apparently he had P'oUi and the H im-. As speela' been "ng-r to assist the Hhatrlct At- holiday attraction for bl Patrick'a week i.ini,iii,ii u-nnte.1 1 Magglo llno been ndded to the lOriO J ".111 . .ivi.v.amM... ritVl... lt..llHrt Al-.llIlP T.. I" S, I..'!'"! v. .... .tt..... .....I... .. . gated Mrs Kartoff said that she went out leaving her two and a half war oM grnnddntighter, Sarah the daughter Mrs Sarah Katroff In the Hat. Mix far.ih Kartoff. who Hies In tile ria. said she saw the child come out of In grandmother's apartment nnd cloo the door, which locked behind her Mrs. Molllo Kartoff, Mrs Sarah Kar. toff and two other tenant, wr-e eun tuoned to appear at tho tire marsh i! ofTlce this morn:ng. THE KING OF WINES and a masterpiece of French luxury is F. CHAUVENET'S Red Cap The vineyards produce it for your enjoyment. The Red Sparkling Burgundy of France. Look for the words "Chauvcnet Red Cnp"- -on capsule and neckband. II. I' i-i VI v AMI. I Til . N a the Idea yostrrd iy the killing might Af- IUSS MARBURY A MANAGER. . 1 a quarter. was wanted conccmn g underworld eharartcrr Mis Von ran get three cans for i know-It dg. of the underwor.d was ex. .i i hu. , i.real I tensive and If the D-.sttlct Attorney a little peanut butter, which Is very j wanted Information Miller was the man Ij-.lni- than ' to sec. nourishing and more appetizing than mcem,,,, rM..B, d n. bult(,r, md nost I .., have no ngular lunch. Soir doneji's best , ft n 0f ,Weet chocolal Sometimes chocolate nnd occasionally as a rare treat u nanana. "Pinner comes wnenever 1 am nun and for this l mane pry. District Altorney Perkins sata. now ever, that Miller never had bcn on the pavroll of the oltleo nor h.ul ho over glvtn Information In a case of major importance. The D'strlct Attorney could not believe that anything Miller had dme would be inldered Justification for murder oven by the most desperate CELLS FOR BAD EGG DEALERS. 'eten cn ,lerse Men Convicted in oii,iirni' rliuric ill omelet with plenty of milk or nuvn a mi , spinach or union. Shredded codllsh Is verv nice, and occasionally I buy a chop or macaroni. , ,, ,.,, rj,..rtlvo Hureau aald that his "I read about a woman who earns ''.,,, ot diking on the theory MS a wrea ami eui'i-". "' " ," , t bat revenge was a uiotlvi. for tho crime, iney eai in..-' """""-:""-,, whb 11 , Bunman. .... , Acting Captain lilinca 01 ine rmumi ' " - I vvri.i oc'iin.m- ..... I.lrtlir fienil, v I . Ma,.-, R -Co-.Mcted ! -The public '"arketa are gr.a. s.m r drug n -.. v olate t:.o pure food In many ways, bi If a on . , , )lilV3 , . of l utt.-n eggs for food ' vvaK earner and her time I s a a 1 t ab b niiil W(j M)(,ve ,h more economical to trade !r ui.iiers irom jersev i - -,,.. .,. n ... at a K'ciJ null'. - l-hi-. even ni'n i am r. .1 . ... j -iimfeitir- oionniiins 1 'ill nin . " -s l' sir ri I fill ri l.eiiii). th- tlrst tried under the . ' M M Vt-f.. r V , 'i.ifi. u'nrn lo 1...I t.-ii... .1. . u I .nn touch. i .i iuk- ii.-imw.iJ in ii .-- ... 1 .,1 onlv cake, of chocolate and sonie bread. "Nothing could be more stremioim than mountain climbing, so I don t t-ce how hard workers can require much more. For women who have nothing to do but sit around their honue and .ih few clubs to eat three meals .., - . ... , tt... t Is simply riuicuinus, iii-u . ch Id I nei'er 1.1.1 an oraim- 'ausc if the I'edrral statute I'm a prison term for vlo . pu'e food law. i'id."i.. Hyman I.ewls, Hem : l" rg and Satnuol Kdelbcrg 1 un c i to one year and one day I. rsev State prison, Merman ir" Hurry Kewltes to slg ' i:.m nnd Hudson ten1 ' i Weinman to three a day was hi: believed to be tlie worn or. flrllir bends are n 11 iireiiy :ot done, be said. tho men who klllc I mi..r u-i rc ilesn. rat elv In want of funds iind decided lo 'akc a chance Willi lilm." FIELDER NAMES MARSHALL. Settles .liiducsliln I'luhl In Mercer Count y he r A I ' TliKNTOV, N J . March IS. Gov Vlelder settled the Mercer .fiunty Judge ship light to-night by rending to the Senate tnu nomination i lonner ir- nfiener than once In three wocks and seuiblyiii.ui Pnvln 11. Marshall of this u piece of cand, was luxur'. . '. -Ity to succeed Kred,ri. k W (I Nich.el "Mv mountain climbing daa aren't Common Pleas Judge. Mr Marshall STEEL WORKERS REFUSE CUTS. '"'tr. cinl. ill. win " With Vim- Probably lie I'nlnii .alrn i .1 It, unit., of ... 4.l... till. T shall go "own to iifiiiin -- i winter so ah not to get out of print- ! tlr"Vou bad better not t. II what hotel I live in." said Mlfs Peek, "for Perhaps th hotel people wouiu n"i ""- "- of my cooking things In my room. EX-PRINCESS CHEttAY SUED. f.(. tl irr ' A if. h 1.'.. Kor the econd ' month by refeiendiim vote '. ' .utiat.vl Association of Iron, ' Tin Workers has rejected the ' - pe- ,-ent i f. I net Ion In wages ' Hie independent sheet and ' Tanufai turnrs. Plfty per mote of the Independents are ' I to attempt lo operate with non- r f"l lependeuts, nearly the last re - group dealing with the once ' VII lini.Ull 1 1 IP 1I1IUI.HIIII - Tiit,.wai .I.g.s by tho United by OIPlVV.Ti'ol'. eel Coriioratloti mills through ' 1 ' ettiods, ivhlch cut the cost of "' iS to 25 per cent. the Kurop'eau war. la at present ' ltlpail in Commissioner John iv. sioouni oi ixins nrmioi, lui incrly President of tho Senato, was nonilnatod for a full turni to iiuccecd John K Poster as Common Ploaa Judge of Monmouth county. Daniel Heekman ot Siimcrvlllo was r-apiolnted .fudgo of ;nincrn'l county Other iiomliiatiotis sent In by the Governor to-night wore. Hoard of Hlparlin Coimnlshloners, J Ward Hlchar.lson of Hrldgrton, re appointed. Hoard of Managers Vlncland Homo for I'Veblenilnded Women, Annie K. Gilo of IllDomlleld, rcapiolnted , Hlclmrd C JetikliiHou of Newark, reappointed Commission on uw ago insurance a i tli iin.hand fiiy She I I.lrlnK Former C'hnunVnr. An order signed yesterday by Su-f-nri Jostles (iavecan shows that Mrs. Clara Hlcckardl, formerly t I Vl io and conitiany, Nan Malperin. Van and Sch.nck. Mile. Doris, Hurko and JlacDnnald and tho Three rtubo Kids Orvllle Marrold Is at the Alhambra Theatre this week in somo of his old favorite Hopg.,. Others uo Matthews Shiyne and company In "In Dream-1 land." Mennlne Shone and company In "The Last or the Quakers." Hilly Me- Dcrinott. "Tlio Pipes of Pan." the Seven ' Hracks, Nonette, Hlllott and Mtillor and Pord nnd Mewett. A two net burleso.uo called 'The live Club" wan presented at the Cohimhla Theatre yesterday by the Itosey Posev Girls organization. It has m.iiiv spec tacular effects, one of which .-hi'ws .i l'nllel States battleship passing through the Panama Canal and lighting with an '-nemya ship. Tho Murray HI'I Theatre has some thing new thin aveek In the line of a remain wrestling cnn1it conducled hy Cora Livingston, said to hold the female wrestling championship. The '.gular .burlesque bill Is called "Pa'n Heach and "Motel Do Utile." 'THE BLUE BIRD" BACK AGAIN. atnrlerllncU's Pnlr Piny Please, Audience at Monhnttnn. Maurice Maeterlinck's old famll! i fairy folk plav, "The Hlu- Ulrd." cani. forward again for pioductlon last nigh at tho Manhattan Opera Houi much to the delight of the younger riemeir of theatregoers, who were much In ell dence The M easts. Shubeit, who produce. I "The Hliie Hlrd," had obtained the origi nal New Theatie production and com paii and the results were, n'edlfes lo sa, charming from almost every eUrd point. "The Itlne Hlrd" will continue at trie Manhattan Opera Mouse for an linleil nlto run .soelntrd With V. Itr Comstock In "Nntindr Hume." M'e nii.sabeth Marbury has become associated a, a silent partur with F Kiv Comstiick In hi, forthcomlur pro duct on of the musical comedy "Nobody Hume,'' which w'lll be seen at 'ho Princes , ' Theatre on Kaster Monday I This will be Mls Marbury'' first von- 1 t'Jie Icto actual theatrical management Sho li.ui been a play broker, mannged I the Cawtb", and Is conducting tho Strand , Hoof liurden, but sho has never before participated In any theatrical enterprise j on tho legitimate stage. ' "Kery one eeem to bo reforming the ; drama," saal Miss Marbury cstcnla 'itrui aille H rlter liis turned It upside down and various societies are doing t tn 1 r h"' to elevate 1t It eeems to me tl at now 1" tho time for some one to do tc .iiin thing for musical comedy " EASTER NUMBER V Hncesa 'ch mV. who W Clara Ward and Pensions. John 11 Adamson of Cltf if tint roll ItiiH been sued for a dlviroo ; ton. vcn I'Tedertclt Dunn, of Detroit. L"Ar"- I Knrest Paik Hecervation Commission. I'lnj, nnd Tajlof lloltnes avllt be In the east foi the revival of "Trilby." which Joseph Hrooks will present at tlin Sliuberl The. atro next month "Mr. Myd's Mvstery," PLAY HAS SUFFRAGE APPEAL. Millie" Mrlken nt l.nav dlvluit Collier Control nf Child. ' Around the law in tflect in certain1 Slates that the father has supreme con- i of the fhlld and can will nway Its . ustodv w ithout the consent of tho mother Kaelvn Hlanchard and Adele Stcdman have written a one act play ..ill.. I Jan-" At the Colonial Theatro ycslctdav .if ternoon thla ploco was seen w th l. lliau Alhertum In tho leading rule .lane" in ono tense hs a strong suf frage to change existing laws. It eonciins the efforts of a lather to obiain possession of his child, which his beiiii .oumillted lo a foundling hospital by the wife, who is acting ns a nurse In tho samn Institution, where she taken refuge from her drunken huvband The scene is laid In tin. inspection w.ud o! Hie hospital The husband ap peals claiming his child The wi m fuses Hie demands of her husband, drugs his drink and lo save the child allows it to be. adopted hy an (hlerly ample who aie vlsltini; the Institution The husband conies out of bin stupor saiin and sober, elfects u rocon 'Illation nml they ' .nn tune to claim the child beiore its adopted parents leave the hospital .allss Alnertson was a compelling tie- LF.TS HLS SON GO TO JAIL. sl'ciiilil,rlfi Who KorKrd rirnfls '"'i, 'j lei, r icrni After t'nrnnar, , 'm " Cut, Mo March IB. Clau'l I "1 yeaiH old, son of M. K. i . owner of oil wpIIh and head -ar'lne firm at Hcrtlovllle. i ' l guilty to drawing worth- . n hi. father una was sen- el i serve, two years In the pent 1 . .,r T i- m-lriK of the drafts Involved to ,,v n. it young tlrayblll'H tlrst of 1 II rilofore Ills father had always tp h ! rescue This time he tefiised, .' t is ii who Is reported to have spent of his father's money In riot " 'nc faces a prison term. rt.. .1... nlfiltilUT's PCI lion Ilia, ion wife Is now living In Paris with Albaro Caselato. formeily his chauffeur, and .... . ... ho. i.n..ra from her In which nun. oc iii..- - ..,.,, ,, Iwim ttieeir I mr.t . il.-m-iiiii. ." Senator Wllllum W. Smalley of Hound wt'l"h was to have been produced with ,.;, .,, pljy as .fn Hm, nurb(i ,or Ilrook, reapjKilnted. ..e" slimed nn order directing pervlc.i nf the paper by publloitlon. BOMB MAKERS TO BE TRIED, AH Motion Prci- Carltoii- nnd Ablirno Denied. Carmine Cat bone and Prank Ahnrno, the two j-oung liomb miikerB who were Indicted for placing a bomb In St Pat rick's Ciithedral, must stand tital lindur a ruling made by Judiro Hwann In c.en eral Sessions osterday. Their flvo law yera mndo eight motions In their behalf, all of which were denied. Then thoy pleaded not guilty. They will bo tried durlnK this term of court beforo .ludge Nott. $20,424 VERDICT SET ASIDE. "Movie" Ml K Coiiilllli llnnioues Pay Mr Holmes, )ia been postioiie.. To-morrov nlght'H of "Watch Your Step'' at tin New Amster dam Thimtro wilt be a "fashion fele" Mrs, Castlo avill bo seen 1n sonic new gowns Arnold Daly U nigotlatlui; wlih lior Pllll apki.I'IIIA. M ireh I . verdict trude Kingston to have her produco al entitling I-ouIh S.Miab, a mollon plcturo tlu (lairlck Thentro some of tho Shaw exchange man to damages ol JL'O, lilt plajM sho Is now presenting at the Toy against tho ovli"' I runt was sd aside Tlieatro In Ponton. to-day b JUHllcn .Moschrlskcr of the' ,-,, -, , ., .,.,..u .. t.,. , Supreiu.' i-ourt. wdio letuined Sivaal)H'on ..,nMflo tn I(incs" m ), KtU. ,,'. I Vltagi aph Tl.c.itro this week -'rved as Aeeil Not tn Snssb, between conlllntlng emotions of loyalty lo her child and fear ! her hiiband Others in the cast were Charles Clarke, i Kraui er Young, M. Harrown and Huby , I Dams, an June, the child. Hc.urice llerford in monologues, tho Pour Mari Unithers, Pert Wheeler and . oin pa ny Col. Marc Diamond and others mndo up the remainder of tho b II. Itcnellt lit the VlliiHrnph. The featuro film prngruinnie at the .. . , ... . nil inni'.i- i.i" i.m.. - i mm in iiiu . . .in - . i-,ei.H win )ir t)l() m,l.lBrn.t ,, ,i, i,K(., jiinwii. ions i..... .1 ""'"" Tlieatro on Monday iillivno.i'i by the nun in. ..iii... ,c 'Hindu erturer nnd Hi- Swaal. had a llcensa from Hie Vita.. , of , M, grain, .oinpaiiv .... we ,,, , or ,..,.,,.,., h.rv..e of India violating It ine cniinmnv nlirogatod his license and replevlned lilti f Mini,. Me' There avill he a gala performance of contended the companv had no right to "Polygamy" nt the Park Theatre on Dr S. Pant eminent the Vltngraph Company avlth conspiracy. Iho Tfif icrary band a beuellt for tlm Widorted Mother I'lind at both performances yesterday There was a good sized nudlenco present which nuniheiod many children Women con nected will, tho fund's activity sold sou venir programme! and novelties to the patrons of the thcatro and n good sum was raised "The Juggernaut" and four twenty-seven Minis taken mid charge! St. I'cIrlck'H day and ppccial music hyl special comedy lUms Hindu up tho pin- I gramme. OUT NEXT SUNDAY Fashion Section ArifhionshoW n brought to your home. Dainty maids showing the swagger and smart spring and summer styles arc paraded before you in large photographic reproductions. Details of line and cut are revealed in a manner making this section a valuable aid in the selection of your new wardrobe. g Scenes in Life of C hrisj The spirit ol Eastertide is embodied in this section of sixteen pages, containing sixteen wonderful paintings by the famous Carl Block. Reproduced by the intaglio process (The Sun being the first newspaper in America to use this method), the printing of these pictures reaches the acme of the printer's art. C Pictorial Magazine sfixlcun pagos 3 ol semi-news articles, features of local interest, fiction by Rudyard Kipling and George Ade, and striking war photo graphs direct from the front. 1 I 'I