Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1915. 4 ) SECOND OLYPHANT '"TOSCA" IS BILL AT ! MRS. ROCKEFELLER'S BURIAL IS SECRET DANCE MERRY'S f.ju'pp Number of Sub'-cHljcrs Occupy Tables on IMoor of liallronni. American Art Galleries WMIISON NIJt'Attl, Mill 111, M;m XOItU THE METROPOLITAN l'licclni's Fnmilinr Score Heard Willi Miss Fnrrnr ns 1 lie Homnn Singer. This Afternoon at 2:30 This Evening at 8 and continuing every afternoon this week nt 2i00 o'clock unci on the evening of Tomorrow (Wed.), Thursday and Friday at 8 o'clock. By Direction of Mr. Henry Symons OF LONDON AND. OWING TO CONDITIONS IN LONDON 0(CAM0T.D HYTIir. WAK, A Remarkable and Extensive Collection of Art Property and Antiquities I hr mint III lie t ondnrtrd tit Mil. IIIIIII (s. I. Midi! Noiii- Hill Fninilv nl Slcci,i IIIIm IVmeter.v fur Simple Ceremony. DA NCI' FOI1 l'iV. FM Mil. SCOTTI T1IK SCAUP I A Alf.MFJ) (MA!?I)S AT TOM It pa .md of tho sei ics nf dinner frr iirpanUed by Miss Alill.thelln ,iip'.'nnt was Riven Inst night nt .yrr"s. There, was a laote amenably of mil ribers. who occupied tables pUred about the ballroom floor. as ii diversion ilurlhK the evenlne .v,rn (! special dances by Mine rulllrhe "d her partner. Mr Knimlng. Mm ''nil rr" showed several of the nodffn court dances of lliiropo. which fir hml inhibited there prlvntrly. Amc-n: thoo present weie Mr. ntid Ir. Holier Hartshorn, Mr. ntid MrH. T 1'rt-ntl- e KollopR, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mo use Vnr ItiRnn. Mr. nnd Mrs, Howard p, P.ivilon, Mr nnd Mrs. Henry it. Trotcr Mr nnd Mr. .Joseph V I.e. Mr. ui4 Mrs. Do Witt I'nrslialt, Mr. nnd Mm. Wlllurd 9. llrown. .Mr. nnd MrH, J. ilir'fn Ifimdes. Mr, nnd Mrs. William I Hi hart Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Hennen odd ncton. Mr, nnd Mrs. Donn Harbor ,nd Mr "fd Mrs Warner W Hop-1 n. Jr. The nev dance will be if.vm on I tprii K i Mn lb ' rv W .1. Hucknall Rave nl inll d.inee Inst nlftht at her homo. 305 ! Scxciitv-tlfth street, for her niece. t);xs IVroihv l-egs llowattl, who was ,1 .diut.v U- ln: season. It was for vane ixople. nnd there was general ni- 'iK. followed by -tippet, r.ftcr mid ti Siime of P-ose pi (went were tht' Iiik tny sli Johnson. Cinilnllii Hep ,urt Vein Critvath, Curainiil .-roll, f. elope Sears, Helono I'ndirwood, .' . i,r,.' and IOiitea Trevoi, Plenum i Ma'giret Marshall. Klllot Cobb, . t M i -sill. Nelson Willie. Theodore re. li.i .er It. Uvnirston. Wallace iiiii.e. 1'rai.k La'tirop, Charles and it i. Welli'iK MISS MARIE BUSCH ENGAGED. t, Tout llrli-ess Won ti) n Worker In liinlltt riietiirlt-. s M r. il 1".. Aftir nnrkitiK u Ik ii tin Hii. h et'tfire fai ' ' . r Hi., h siin'sa Uruiiini'iiiil or" i te,'-'. .Iianiplon. "mail,. tov i i .il us miiKimmt to MIsj M-I! i, h dj.lCllter of Auitust A. '!.. ml cruiiddatiKhter of tno lat- In n, ii. II is.'u, the brewer. h.i bi"i T-.. ' 'rK w.l! take jilaee It; April I I - s ..' )nrs old a 'id Mr. ' "Ms fnve'Ied widely. BIG SPRING CROWD AWAITED. .Vhlle silltililir Ktprrted til 110 I lely nt Hnil of Wrrk. ' l"l' I. Si RIN'iir V V.I . r tlie i-ikI of tills ween 1- 'P i priiiK crowd that ' - tin ieorl 'lvi w' he ut He i: f r H.itel .mil inttuurs here. Sl".-e-- .m Hnmpton Institute irnv t TPinnl to-nlcht. nnd a . i t-e uplift of the nesro win " ' -e ' !) It. It. Trlssell. prml- TStlti.le R C- I nii .it the nrrenbilei to- 'd K it Sinister, .(olin ivrrni. ' V - ' . Sl ew mi Hi ll M'ss Nellie V. vr v, .u-. Mr i,,.,) .Mi". J, r h .' T S p...ti of Pnll.idclphlT. Mr N i. ii.i-I, . of Phlca?-i ir.d M .1 m - l. it. i,i I . .trolt. WEDDINGS TO COME. p' oinplel. ' ! ii, V - M.i'lOll.- f.. iii.,-.,. is-'-ii i' Mi- n"nst M.-rll'i -e' ' '-. M.t '.If o' OianKC I i'liti- .-. of th,. Il...u,.:iiv . f . ,., , n ,,f ..i. ; . , r nion n'lit l.c per " ' 'b v. Herbert .'Jhin'iinv. ' .he i-'iunh. and will lie fol '1 1 , re . plIiiM hi the St Ittuli M ; !. iMeld will hne .Miss Janet " " i 'li'ild of hoiiof. apd the " -.ill in-, will be Hif Mittsfn """ ' 'i. Iii'i'jth .Miib.,n. T lelalde Itueklej. .,J.i:-Jorle .it' w , n, Ueiti,,, SchnltH. V - Mi. helie 'ind Maud llouvler 'II v' I i tinner cirl. Mtii-t.n II. Met I'f w I ',e Ins i., idler's bet m.ii.. The ' i 'w!.' I IMerce .Mete.ilf, n ' "" l'i .''irrniinr Tl Im It , ' 'I"." " I '. Turin i- l-'-an is Mi .- liur. en II. I!.i--ett. A. I) 'v t .Held Audi ewe. v" 'I' I" w'tl tlM' his faiewell d r.r . oi. March IT .a Did- '- Mr V, in, n. IMi..,,- Maker "' ed 'h- OKiiireiiieiit of their '- e I , i-i, ,, ',,tte Siinford llakn. ' x M'llei. i.on o' August ' -k'l' '. V Mr Miller was I I'd1 fir.i,, the I'niviTHlty of .New 1 '' ' No .iati. has been et fol II ll ,J 'I" . n i . Henry U'ehri..ui,. of '"-t'l A .i. I.iewviiv,, Dark. N. .1, :m " ' ' ' 'tent of the,' d uiL'h " " - ' v. Weh-haiie. ti Herbert . ' ' '- .'r ., i,' i,o' and '"' ' il iid r,r le-ird The wed. "i 1 Ite Hill, f 01 M.iv 1.-, Miss V. h ii io -us e.lucate.l abiond, -' "d to .i 'rtv this w-fiitn-. ' i ifinihi.iltd from AmherHt '"11 SOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. . T' h ' a-' I K o' the ' ' " f ' '- v M.c li. 'd this iiioriiliiK ' ' M'- III. IiiiiiI Iivln, Oill , , " . .ii .1 'he fewlm- elans' ni Sofieti of Colonial i 'l,n v r. 'r ,n lie OOIHO OI .lirs. I 'I, null avenue. The nl.!. "ii-etinir of the eewliu '. I- heneilt of the .Now Vork . nl i-hl.d s Hospital was held ''ii-il'isr at the home of Mm i. Priii v 'he.i.ei. ) Dlfth iiMTiue. . S ver w:il entertain ' '' ''ii- Authors KeaBue this ' ' ' lioine, HT.s. Kjfth avi d Novih will be tho RUOHt of A", 11 i fl. ns will nive a dinner w .!e.,inl; is- 'tis DradhiliHt Held will ' 'h on lo-day in her hnine, fid i "' s;ceet '.V.ilion ijoelei will Klve a din.) ' mi I'tnlay nlKht nt his I' l'h avenue. "' ' Fink will Rlo a recop i'.i ''in in at hvr home, 1 Kasi ' Ii si : . ( !l' i. .iii S Hai'de Rave yesterday Mi t.oi 1.1!,. iiuu,. .'I Hie School of Annlleil lie- !i!ni of a serins of lectin es on 'ul i i.'irili'iiui;:. ' The proceeds I' t his will . ilnvoted to the In- ' ! I'lilld Welfare LmiKiie. Mlivl N Sti'oiido will gln a dill 1 'i".ne !i Wiwt b'tftleth street, ' (.venhiK. ' Sif e' r ti i 1 lr 10 n f- t tt .ip.i . h sales nf lUef In New ' 1' It iii'lliitj SutunUy, " i ms f i tin! i li'inien. i n pt- iiwuiul -drtc, Puccini's "Tnsr.V was the opera nt the Motiopolllnn last nlRht. The work hat been heard ninny times on tho name stiHtc, nnd tho most careful llntenliiR loex hot now dlseloso ntiy.hlm: new In lt fninlllar Hoore. Its popularity con tinues to be larne. but It Is unnucsllon able Hint It depend Rreatly on tho Im personator of tho Homnn sinter While j .'ns i arrar remains a member ot the eompany the lole will probably be her ecltllve propeity, unless she falls 111, when Mis. t)etlnn Is available. If Mis Karrar sets out on tint Ionic concert tour of which much lias been said an other Horiit 7'onrNi will doubtless be dis covered, though It inliiht do no serious harm to Ktvr the opera a season of rest. In last evenliiB's performance l.uca llotU snmr the rolo of Comrmfii.isf. ThU yuuni; tenor's voice seemed par ticularly well nulled to the music nnd to be In very fresh nnd vibrant condition. Ills sliiulmr, especially of the nlr In the first act. was ver commendable. Mr. Hoottl was, of rout sc. tho St m plu. Noth ing nei'd be said of 11 I III except that ho w.ik himself. Mr. ToM-aulnl rondiictd the performance, which In Its Kcneial features w.i ouo of much merit. SOCIKTY AT THE OPERA. I s.oiiie nt I'hose Who llntrrtnlneil Willi llox I'nrtlr. There wns a brilliant .nidieiice for the bririnnlUK of the elKhteenth week of the opera Mis Validerhllt's icuesta were Mrs. i William It. Li-els, Mrs Uiwell Putnam.' John W ltlddle .in. I IMward It. It.icon Mr in.l Mrs Krnest Iselin were with Mr and Mrs Uitden MHs. ,u,, n Mi 'i.Hiil. rill s luix weie Mr. ami Mis. Law-- rencii I,, ilillesple Mr. and M's. iinne, Wilson, .lr, and Mis. John Jacob Ator. Mrs. .1. Purioy Mitrhel. Mi. and Mrs. .lames It. Kutls an. I Miss Mary Wl born weie In Mrs. ilgdeli I ioelefs box, Mr and Mrs. 1". ilr.i ililwohl and' Mi. and Mis I'm nets K. Pendleton were' win Mr. ami Mrs Heni r T.nlor Mr. and Mrs . Didniio Adams and Mis. Aichibald S Mex indei were with .Mi- and Mrs Wlllurd Stralitht Mi an I Mrs. Clarence Winthrop Mow en's auests weie Mis. Arthur Sh.r buriie llnnl.v, Mls Ituxana Wentwurth ; llowen. Hen. Horace Porter and V Lanier Wishlnirtop Mr. nnd Mrs Wlll.trd S llrown ninl Mrs. (!oiiciirur Kortrltiht wei. with Mr and Mrs William I. It.tijunlii. A'lliinn .illlei" ,n til. .Illdlence weie Mr iii.l Mrs,.i!, Munis. Mr nnd. "'s n Miii i tHll.itln. Mr ami Mm l.isinai-.l M. Thomas. Mr and .M;s I Ai'l'-r M llunttiiKtiMi, Mr .nul Mrn. , li'iiiloii Kno Hell, Mr .mil Mrs Klhert II iiar. Mr. and Mis. John Henry I Hllllllinilld. .Ml .mil Mrs Allan A. Itoli- 1 bins, .Mr and Mrs. 1'ivderick r. Have. I ineer. Mi .mil Mrs l.eon.ud M.I llioiilis. Mr anrl Mis. Porsyth Wlekes, Mr. Mrs Jo-eph Karle Steietif. Mr. . unit M's. Harold I' Hadii-li. Mis. M.tile, l-oul- l-lmmet. Mrs W Watts S.'iernun. I .Mis. Cilitb elm.. r.-. .Mrs Paul Mnrton. Mrs. Hii'-obl It.u.'lay. Mr. and Mr. Heii'li- .1 lioiil.l, M. .mil Mit. Antbun.v J DivmI. Ii . Mr .iid M's i '.mi I'leld R.slHip, Miss ditto Sinn Miller .Hid I'll' el! llicr.ilt . i NATIONAL OPERA CO. FAILS. n mill In n llruil ii ln I Ion I'lillona lilenuo I'n. Into lliinl.ropli'i . Chum,... Match I' Th. Niriiinal .ifltllll I ipe 1" Of ( ' I II. III. I Willi, into bi'ikruplcy lollowluu the ; i'.i!it:itii i;..unl i ijiera t'onip.iii wlni-h iieiani" liiiiikiiipt two wnk. usn The National i-.onpriiiy wiut on th. ns'U' III I e!Her Ills! sprlllC Willie I'OVer.tlL' !ii I of Ilie same Ui.lem i" Miiiit In wliloii the I'hlraiio I'limp.iiii met with illsa-ter. Itoih iximpalili-s were aiHer tlseil In I'enter nt the same time The National inmpmiy was on-uiilzisl In Moutreil by Mux Itahlnoff of Ni-n ' VoiK and was taken out and phus-d on a in-.V I'.iniluc In tip- fall of. l'U!l be I'linstan Collins and Jes.,. i: I la Iter or this elt. 1 Allioni: tho-e who In Id unexpired con. tracts wen. I,hi Slez ik. teiioi : Uluscppl Seiftmn, barytone, and lilu-eppl Han densl. tmor MR. COPELAND'S RECITAL. rlnlliu li ll I til ii t I Who tins ( lllirili'lerlstll' M .lie. i it .ii ir i 'ope i.i ! irie hi. ' end ptfino le' .il'tn ii iun In A.iilian Hall III. li'ici-j'ii il" was not .if the onler laisnnii'ii .is It omitted tin- ii-toiniri sonata sun stilUtllikT f.n II S i's "Dtudes S ni'lioiiliiles." The i octal licK.ltl wit II a sar ili.inde and two pas-epieil. of Ha ll, which the pianist pitted is the iirupo.ei' wrote them and without I in -luovemeiilH b T.ius.U oi llusonl Purists In music piefei to hear them thus, when the.t are ilaed its sppMithly. clears and un.itlectedly is Mi. Coi.-.ii. pi ited them. Tht arliiKlo troni .Mozart's sixth piano. fo,t mnat.i follow ed. and here .main the aitli-t K.ive plcistiic by hs slm-j pllclty and by tne Miuvlty of Ids (Inner , work. 'Hie Choidii Kioup, wlii-lh came t next, comprised the "Pantasle Dn- 1 piwnptu," a .iise ami a no'tni ne. all of which weie ppscnted with technical skill ntid mil' h beauty of tone ll Is possible that some heaters may have wished for more iui;i-eslM'nes n the Impromptu, bm theie was uiueli to admire 111 Its ti eminent, which had a rertaln Ph.u m of style Mi. Copi land's proKramme included , n Kioun of iImi numhem by Deliusst.l ImlU'llllK "'"' SnlrOe dans (ilellllde.'' 'PolsMiiis il'in" and the "Ii.inse de , Puck' These pleci s nle not often' plajeil lore, ami without doulil the all- illeini enjoyed the pianists manner of liilerpieliiii; litem, win ll was ehaiac. ' letled i hlell by what Is .ailed "a linos-i I'liete." Not n phi.M'l' of coniinalidliu,' leinpi'innieiii nor f linpnslni; utleiaiii e. Mr. Copil.iud Is in Kiino wais lutei-, estlnn j MANY ALBANY TRAVELLERS. I'ountrj I lull to fJlte Hi, PntrleU's lliioee I o-morroit . ' Ami in V. March I.V Mrs Piederlck (1. PeaboiD l at New MrunHWick. N .1 . for a sliori stay Itohert ulcoti has Komi to Tlioinasvlllit, i,i to visit Mr nnd Mrs. William II Sane. Mrs, William Itiiynrd Van It' linselner went to New Vork to-day for a slant stay. I.edyanl CoKaw-'-ll, Jr. has Knnc In Santa b.ila, Cat., to visit his sisters, Mis Henri MannliiR Sae and Miss (Irate CoKMWl'll. Mis Harry Whitney McVlcknr Is at Palm lle.ich. Mrs. Itussell I:Ik Sard la III Now Vork, Mr. and Mrs, Hairy W. Sago arc nl Aiken for the. hunting. About 100 KiiestH nm expected nt the St Patrlck'M dance at the cuuntry club Wednesday evening, VASE BRINGS $625 AT THE SYMONS SALE Mnii W'i'ilirwonil Pieces Suit iiml Toliil for tin lti v Is $1 (i.e. i. ..:(). The -ile of the sreaf Dncllsh collet - of aii'lque and f.rt objects helnni; Inc to !lenr S.tnions of Iitnloii btrnn eteriliy at the Amerlean Art .Vs-ochi-Hon with two sessions As was to be expeited, the Wislwood "Portland" t.ise led the list of prices. This nisi ii In the eiitittouue. was said b the expeits to b.tti i.e, r one o' 'b" inn. h prized ' tl .! til" ' ' these repttidm Ho' s m.-de h Joiali Veilcnod and his son ' tin fiiii tnis blue ntul white ulnss I'ottl.itnl or llir- IsTltll Vlise It sold HI lllto lleinet. nueiit. for '. C r. . Theie were mailt Important phot. if W'ulunood sold at the afternoon estnn Mt Unmet also cate f 3 1 rt fm No K.i;. a pin of t.isps tinted I s f. . nnd lie. oi -It .ell Willi PI I Mil. Ill's "Nine chillies of London me .s.tnn for ." 217. a UeilJWiiod and llentlej plaiiic ..f the "M.i 1 1 . me of Cupid nnd Psyche" and Mi III. I 1 1 paid 30 for No 1 C a . lion x .i-" "t larue size Knil .1 I'reiiii,! irate lllii fo. No 1... M pair of Ueditwond sitp.,uiri Mines; J:iini for No 1 Hi. a pair of b.t saltes Vases end pedesials datd 1 sn nnd IL"'" fin No. ISfi. a iilr of llne etteis I!. Johnston paid J.V.'ii each for No. I (3 and N.i Ml. Isith inn- sllllle'd rrx st. llllne Wises of tile d.tte 177.1 At tile eielllllU -es,lll rniieen Urn. Kale 2Mi tin No 3.11, a Oerm.iu Itelchs A'lhr Isitllc dale.) I.'.::'. fol No 3:pi. a H'teiileentli centuiy illinium beaker, and t.'.Mi for No. L'I, a (lermiin lutlliK cup dated I7'".i Chillies of l,on min paid M10 foi No 3'i7, Jacobite class sublet; M Mie. Keller paid IIS" lor No a:'!', a I let ma n ulass beaker: V' W Si' e man airent, paid II i" for No. 0. a pair of rlL'Utffinth century 'leiinuii II. IKOIis. and otto llernel. llKent. mie III. i fm ,t. Ion. a pair of lieronui llaott., 17r. for No 4HI. ,i fiernvin etiiii.liliK il' and fiver, and ll'tn Im No ft.', a sevt'titieiiili i entury Hernum St.llllltlll.' I up, The totiil for the s ile n.ii'i.lii. amounted to tl6,fi If. Ti" The am tliiii eonllnues this afternoon and etenlni: WATERBURY AT AIKEN. Ililttnr l.eoiinrd Also rrlc Tlieri. to Prni'llsr I'oln, ihis. S C. March 1'. - l,aw:eii Watei'liui an l-eil here to-day to put several practlslnc polo Ile Is the curst of Mr ai.d Mis Henry Ilimc-s Winthrop. IMuar I.eiinaid. also a pon player. airlM'd lo-day and is slajini; with Mr. and Mts. (louveineiir Mnril" W'ndsw oi th Lewis (tme n dlrner p..r at the Wlllcnx last nlKht. hi- uticis Iiiciii'im; dl Hid Mis Alexander W HIiliUc.' Mr and Mr- Joseph 1! Ihivis. Ml and Mis. C,eoie Illrd ai.d Chailes llailen. Mrs lieoice Mini c,ic a lea lor live'i), as did I'f and Mis. ltlddle. A dove drive was clven hj Walter W. Phelps, Miss Helen Hitchcock, .lull. in Penl.oily, Harold Hayes, . S, Tamlcr. W Allston I-'I.ik', (leorao Thompson, i Ian hit Mallery anil Joseih Stevens he ll. it aiiioiiii Ids (,'iiests Mis Charles Itohlen was hostess at the lea at the Palnietlo loir Club Mis lillfonl Cochnin will pieslde lln - on TlH'l.i. Mis Kmc Cat lex on M'eilnes d.iv. Mrs I'redeilcK ii lleiich on TIiiuh .1 iy, Mis. liny Norm. in on Pildiiy and Mis Philip W l.ivci more on Sulurday. DISSTONS TO GO SHOOTING. Will Mnrl I'riini Pa I in lleneli for Thomiint llle, (in, Pai.m Hcai'ii, March Iii - -Mr and Mrs llariv I', who were here a month, will start the lust of the week for Tliom.isvllle, Da. where they have a shootlnc preserve Mr ,md .Mrs Het bei I Coppcll have stnrti-d for the S in 1'rancleco exposition, and ifterw aid will Ko lo Los Miceles Mis IrvlliK S Cn.ise or W.ilei tii i- . Conn., wiih Hostess ,ii a pie il. ins, im in the fnt'oalltlt (ll'iite to ilitl Her cilesls Included the Misses Ada Norllei-t, Mury Snyder, Paddle Nicholson and llllzahsth Chuee, Ilouer Hill, II P Parrlmtton, llrcuuiy S llryan and Charle.i Iiun.ui. Is he heav enough 1 j SALE OF BELGIAN LACES. nlloless ile lleoilHlooe, At'tllli: 'or llleen l!lllilielli, In I Inirue. I'ndei the direct. on ol the Coilnti'ss I. lleiiiptlnne of Hi life's .1 ale or li Ill aid of llelKi-ti, hi. e m tkers will '.. 'eld this afternoon at the home of Vr William Salomon, loin Kifth av, mie. fiom 3 to 7 The Con., less has hecn . iiiiimls-ioiieil l tne ijjt en of the Hel-t-ians to supeivlse :hl sale, and theie w .11 be ofteted Valenciennes, Mechlin, llriis.els point, point d'api'llquo nnd other laces iimde ui or In the phce. -Mrs. Olio 11. Kahn Is nmomr thoe who ate tak!m; an Interest n this work fo the relief of the ItelUlall lace Itl.tktfs nnd lutxi already advanced money to pax the duties. Some of tho-e who will assist m the .nle to-day and for the two siibse. p.11 nt .'late are Mr Austin lirax. Mi .1 ! iloidon Doiiclas. Mrs oodhue l.'vlnit ston. Mis l"nllev l'av.s. Mrs I'ull.r 1'ifei. Mis 1 1. i'n I',. hi .'i.h lle'ijainm. Mis W illlaiti A 1'i.ot, Mr, II. mi Ixes I'ol.l. Jr. Mis 'iniiet li.ill.ititi. Mrs r Miitxe-ant Plilot. Mis Kntun him , inakii and the Miss... AnReli. n S.'liuiltr llrown. iils'.i W.l-ns. I me II111 nil, Harriet pi.. 1 C11, Is,. Alexandre ami I'.-li Ine-MT LACES FOR BROOKLYN MUSEUM. t iilleetliin of I'niiiit ile llesselllexre l.lxeii Ii iiiin minis niiniir. Tht museum nt lie lit-. miK ',x , Instn it, of Arts and has .1 .pij.-.l the supeil, .'.lie. t ., of .tnt'nue loes of the Count de Itefseihexte ..r P iris from Chillies i,f 1,1'idiiH Tie cillec 'oil Ws liouullt eli hloc .i:,d plesenteil to the niii-i 11 111 be n friend of Hie institution who wlslns the clft to he .11101. vinous. This,, laces were still to be eeen t,.s. brday In the piilleiles of Charles '. l.oi do'1. allhouith lepreseniatKes or the 111UMMI111 wen 111 laiiti'iik' for the transfer 10 Hronklyn The enllectlon will I... neii bv the public fin Hi,, tlr-t time at a roeeptlon In the liiue.'iiin 011 the ee nine of Apill n. It Is one of the ni'st nol ilile and retireseiitalixe In tho world It Is not so extetisixe its mailt others, consisting of onlj l'l'l nieces, hut tin-re is no suKuestlon of duplication .imomt the ex.iiiiiiles nnd ea--h piece ol lace l n splendid pc.-lnien or Its kind The 1 1-e diiti fiom the tlfli.-nth to the elubteeiii Ii renltir) . The rolleetloll Is espe.'iallv rich In liothl., A waistcoat of point d'Aleii. on Is one or the Interesting laces in, -I iloiinc s of point d'Arccntan mid point de Venlse and a tollar of i,nt Colhtrt were slnclcd out at- espe. c! iftt tine, but neither Charles of lam on nor the museum reproeeiil.itho would admit that they weie the star examples of the tolleclion. They said all 'he 1 icee w ere star luces The I Ii . i.-K l : 1 'iiuseuin has M, ,,,, laces liilherto and In c -nsei-eni e 11 feels rspe- iall.t pleased over Hi Inn inn i.illoii of a dep. 11 tuient of hue with so noble a nucleus FRAGONARDS AT FRICK HOME. I'ltliinlls I'iiiii-In llelnoxeil Vpslt-r- iln) I'l'oni the rl Museum, The panels 01 'he celelirnted I'l.i Konard muin. rnnue-lx In the ar! collec. tlons id ,f. Plei-pont Mm cull and for ,1 time loaned 10 the .Meli'opolltni' Mus. tmi of Ait. were lemoved estcrdav lo Henry C, I'rlck's home. 1 blast Seven 'lldli elreet, where they atn to be In- stalled In the drawlm; room 1 lhiMin Ihos wire in ebi-ire of the transfer ol' Hie paintings .l Duteeu I said at the museum cstcnhi Unit the ' paintings weie IniKci ban would nppcir from the sellings p, whlih Ihei weie . pl.'ued theie Mi Mm ivin'i London house, for which the n-ttlnns weie de. slcned. did not all'. ml epai noiiub. and so mos of tin- tiu ls J1111I consiileciiile I canvas tluil had b"-n tinned In 1 III Mr Prick's home the pan. Is will he displayed In the.r full "le. and It o ) expecled that tht-v will show tn hetter 1 ciloi'l 111 ever.x way. Althiniuli Mr . Prli lt'ii drawliii,' room In Hie new 1 house had been coniplelelv finished. In I n 1 mi p 1 1 ' Instructed tin- tinted Inlii' ' drpor.ttor, Sir C urles Alloin. In ileslun 1 a new room In keeplnit with the pictures I In i-t VorU 'lo-ilny. I Uulll Club, dinner. Hotel Manhattan, ti. an p. m I New Vol It Theatre 1 luh, intetliiK, Ho lei stor, !!. 3i P M People's Institute, address bv William j A Wlit nn "Till' Wider Psc of S. ho.ils." I Cooper I'uion, x p M. New 1 orl. Peace Society XVoinen'M Comnilltre. 117 Husl Twciil -llrsl slieet The Hound Table inceliuu. T.-ncliei'i ColleRe. West lKllh street, V-lf. P M. Women's Political Pnlon. mcctim,-, tbia Fifth avenue. 1 no P M. DEATH COMES AT 74 TO BROTHER ANTHONY limit Kiliinitnr Wa Pri'siili'iit r.iin'i'iliiN nt' Miiiilinttiin Ctillcirt'. j Th. Ilex rtitithfr Anthom. riesldetit , en. i it ns of Manhattan Colli so died last ivi -i.n .it st VP cent's llosptml nftr j i .'rnhi'ikted illnesi ) llro'.iier-Anthony. wh.'u firm'" r.tme w is W.ll ,tm W rnes .vhs horr m i It " liei, -, N V. set , -it t -i.ior yurs ,i.o 11, enterid "he iiidei of t -- i -rlsttii. ltiitlt-i in .-ept. ni ier. l."x. The l-l twelve xe.irs ot ills teli'l I it iMieer was n t'.e llrotlii-rs SCllOt-ls In .Mantle ll I id l,lelle,- - IT.i he wns tr insf. n ed lo Alm.h.i'! m , '"iilleire as profess r of disTlli-ii I- l ("-TTi he was .i.rsl!n'eil piMlilent of the eidleue In I '"5 he was enlb d to I'rnn-e i- his return to thr t'nlted Mites 'e -tas al'polnt-'-l pi esldelu "f Si .l.i-epli's Collese, lliifl'Hio Two eir liiiii" be wns lecilbd in S,-!i Xn k and made dlrei tor of the lie I 1. 1 -ae lu-litilte on I'lfl.t ninth -" .-1 In is i.l h,. w is .m tin made pies .d. ! ..f M.inhnttiiii Culletie, rat wa .o 1 1 -! In thu .till, e till 1 '! Ad : i. leu- ; and f.tllliit hialth rom I . lied him -.hen to reslun th's pieshb net . Afl.rwald he so s.fllllt ililected l.-l S.'ll Atademv Tint : I.n Salle Acad em, I'rox l.letii e, .md M .Marx s Acad ernt NV t oi k II- olhel' rlh-.l t V he blllle! frOIII t I' il i l.-l s i ' next Thitrsd n nl in el WALTER CRANE. Iloullsli I'nlliler ninl XX'rller Dies lit ue of 711, s,i. .nil f ,tf,le I. ,f.ifel, ft, Till s v,.., Ma i eli I.'. -Walter ('i.ine, II W S., tlv p Hirer, dieorai.n, de. slum , h..ok llliisii-.ttor. writer, lutitrer n nl sol-': 1st, tiled )ieie tn-dat II. n .s Is.rn in law; I in I I"'.r Ci.ine ex'.ilhltiHl nt th. It..! , V ,nb mt nl the an- "f 1'. He i.e, li,-l niiuieioiis medals and deeornl Inns fos illu-tiaiioiis. ilc-ians (m, muni noili aid Was plesldent ,1- dllterent limes of liunieioiis s i, letl.s lie tllu-t'-ateil mini v wi-ll ktiint ii cn'ldreu's books as well us s.niil of .-hnlteepi lire's works and P iliiled a number .if pictures lie ib slmi. I n , Viii"'" fm- tin Women's i'Ii-isti.ii' T.-'iip. i in.-e llulldinc In Chi. i 'K'i and in fib .is for the naileries ..' th, I! -Ills i hi section i- th" St I .'it - it . d -'air I' nn v'i;i until lxis. ,Mt Crane tv, il i. I n 'if ib slun ol' the .M'incllest' I M ini. - pa! .'. hool of Arts, hon-i art c dl,. tin or Ibaillm; Colleue In Ix'is' I i-.ii ,nl ..t the It'ix.ll Colleue or Ail at s- nn Ki nsinutoii fiom l"fs until I'.oin '.i"i 'n t'.nil was awiinleil the Alleit irold modal by the Soehtj or Arts l'i hips his "tot- books" ate annttisT Hie In n known or bis illustrations 'The Ucdillmt l-'ios,-." "(lid .Moili.-i- lluhbai'tl." "The Yillow llwnrl.'' "I'efsly Tw Sli,.," aid ( irlnilll's IIiiiim linlil Sinine. tin Uluslralml Iranslailon of "li'innn's I'nlry Tubs." net" om of t!ie best IslloWtl. Tne In si litiuw'lt ill lis p.i'nftius ,ue ln own poitriiii ht .nvitat mi an-l hum; In Hie I'll1.! i; il'ert it, l'i 1 1 1 1 . I'll " oT V. i us" now ill Hie Tale ilalb-ii . t'.e "l-'lle of I'el ncplmni ," In I lie Nation il I I llli I .1 ."I'lOlllelll. us I'libounil,' "The W'.itkt iIi'h Hide." "I.i It. lie ii.ime shih Mei'cl," "A M.iMjin of llie Ko'ir i.iin' " "Hi llaiiiila's '!sn.," 'The I'liiinlaln of outh'' ind 'The V n ils nf the Will Id " WYLLIS BUYS OLD MASTERS. Ilepiil'led to Mini- tdileil Tito Vii- Inlile Portraits lo Collection, Jo ; N Wv'lis or I' .leilo, I ihio. head id llie Wvllis-tiverl md S'ltomoblle Com pany, wis lepniiid iii art clnles yihter-il-'t.x to bavi addul two mine noiabh p.unllnus lo his . 1 1 li.i . I exIeiiHlve co! lecilon Tl-ej are II 'inne 's "I'm Halt of l.nlx I C.i iiisi.i .nnl MemlltiR's "I'or trad of a minis Mm" The" pries paid was nn nt limed as J"f,i).nmi This imichase idiled lo Ins lecilil pur, ti is.-s. iiu'itrcciilniT over a million doll. us, miv.lly from Hie Ixnhn collec lion, wives. Mr Wxllls slxt-en worlm hy the old tn.iHiers, ! nf them bclim nolable ex,imilt'H Tlie hod 1 of Mrs John 11 Hockefeller was 1 1 id nwny yelerilay mornltnr. in titietpi rtiwllt 11s far ns the outside World was roncerind, ns was her death on IVldnv At lo. an o'clock the funeml tortcire. p,in"ltliiK of a black hearse nnd Hevernl earrl.'iKes. pn-sed out of Hie estate at Por.mtlco Hills, wound down the I o lit nnd nei- th. hill to the Slcepv Hollow Cimeteix. where the plain, I'ln-k c.isKet wa.s placid In the John I' Aichlsild vault oveilisikinK the Tnppan Zee Tin- rimenil partv numbeied hs than twenty nnd srnreelv 11 vlllncer fioni TnirytoHii witnessed the burlnl. I'"cti the n-soclntes (lf Mr llockefel-le- nt III llro.nlwnx' did not know the funeral had tnken plan- until the after noon John II. Hnckefelbr and Ills son decided on the time late Sunday nltr'it and the ponseqiietit nhenco of tho curious pleased the fntnlly. The fun eral paff consisted onl of the lmine I .Co r.nnll ..nil hiiusihold. Mr Itocke fe.l'T. Mr. and Mrs. John Ii. Itockefel- r, Ji . and their four ehlbtien. Mr. in M s K Parmab-e Prentice and t'nlr d.iuithli Madeline, and llnrnlil Powler McCnrinli K alnl his syh .'ow lor Coin- 'itilfornietl pallbearers from Man butt. in arried the oisket from th ins,- t.i tin- hearse and then Into the In 1 iisolenm n"eeled b I'oeiii, Tin- services i-istde the Ininli In the midst of l.irire orrerlnrs sent to the hum" bv Ms.s, IliK'kefeller's fr.i-llds uri-Htlt alT.-eteil tile elder ItlM'Ke. feller, who sto-id by his son The Itev. le. Cornelius Woelfkln. pastor of tin Pirtli Axeiiue llaitst Cliureh. who con ducted the cer.-inony on Sunday after noon, simply ro'lted a touching poem hy S'ninh Iio'ideny. "The Chrlsttnn's Csid Nltrht" and oft'er-d a short pptyer Mr Ites-kefelb r wns deeply moved by tin. seii'.iinetit In the Kiem nnd told tr. AVo.-lfkln mi after tlie fervlees. The poem mil t.ep .m ti-lMefl. sleep nnl Mke the rl. ts,- di.-tn thy upon the Savlou-'" tirsttst. " 'nved thss Mstt, but .Tsstis loves the l.e-t ' I ma.I fiteht ' 'loodnlzh'- Is ih siumhe- as m Infan''- bp. hn-i sltnit s'iiks no mere t toll slid ii it tt seji TIi'M-- I- it psr'set rt, seurs nnd dssp! innil nltihC Hofld nlshC t'-i" in sriMdnixs from this eitrtn ars putt, t'ntii II- itHtlisr- In Ills ihv t Ii-;. C'ltP -he i wlllt lit r'onm be ov'rpi"t il.Hiil nlcht ' OondnlshC t i'l -iiii.l- l-estltlfil! lo lots divine. T.nvi In th- llksnessof thy lir.t shall shin A i l He .hn.ll lirlnc that irnlilen (tn-n or thine (lood nlehC Coed nlith" isen.1 nlcht. elnve-l, not farsiv!! A lltt'.e while .in-1 nl! III- lnt sftil! In h!led union Indlvlslbie- ilKiil nlcht' Onod nlh' ' I'ntr miii nealn hefors III throne 1' In the -pntls-s robs Ms slves in on n t' tl" t k-f.s .-veil us 'rs r kn -vn -i.Ainr'it' ilen. I nlffh- liopresseil Willi Hi minith? , Pne s.iriie f.otltll'le IllSt his l-tl.iriic- I. i 'ed the he ir'mr id f .it In r md son s'iico tln-lr leturr was nntlceable at thu Mi lioekefeller. Sr. has al-o been Imp'esse.l wltli the smllthv of Otheiv foi hill II- s,i, nftei tile ser- xice yestenliiv moriiini; "Uteri biulx his been so beautiful to us these Inst few .bits fomlnir north on th, train fr-m Florida we were all s,. witness,.,! with the human stinpathv of people of both hot and blsh .li-Kree . etatn-lt 'll isters. l.llll' blakitlletl. stiMiiue-s i!.-iieiav came up ami talked t.i IK in the limn aftei I e and si in patlU't'. u) Our lib lids hate bn-ii ten Iniely In their acts of thom-.htful-ness, inn nntliititr his appealed to us nain- dieply than thee niati) iMdein-es or kindl'iiess nil the pirt or fr!endl sti iinu.-rs ' Mr l!in lef. lb . w'll piobiihl) st.n nt tin- I'm a i -1 1 1-- Hills house with Alls. I'l.-litice and M's Spolmnn foi some time It t not llkol.t th it he will return in the South till- season HI erri'tnrv, Hal i) Sltmiis, who remained Isdiin.l owliii! to the hasty di i irtur-' of Mr. lioekefeller and bis son fiom 1'hniil.i, Is now with him In Tarrytown Mr Itocke rellei. Jr. will bo at his olllce probably on Tliursil.i). Immediate!) aftei the body was plar.-d n tin- Ai'-hb'ihl plot two itinrds were (.tatbi'ieil then, and w tl iciiihIii on duty ii er da. thcii pl'ii'es bilni: taken by two who w-.ll witch ilin intr the mulit Tlrs tloiible uuaiil system will I ii'llllod Hh'le the I "til uf Mis Ito 'ketell.'i tenia. ns in Sleepi ll-dloiv I '. llieti I't WILLS AND APPRAISALS, .l.-sirniM STiiv. who died l-Vbruary 'i. I!ll left i total est ite of I'.in.l'r.f , of whli h .'l!.'t'.,'ixii wns hi securities She cave V'.iniii each to Ivi dauirhlers. Mrs ,los.-ihlne I'ler art. Mrs I'nul.i Wrluht I anil .Mrs Kiln Chase and her sons, fail and Conrid Stein. Tin: Itiv I hi. llnwtiin 11. Cm:, foi in.inv ) en is pastor of the Cnllcsrhite llefo'-med Chiirili. who died at 12 West I'lfl) -second stieet on 111 last left Jxu.vii:!. oil t.i bis wife, .Mary Storrs I'm. Cumins J linrr. who ilasl Apill ;:t, I'.'U. left .' ''' to his son and three iliiuirlil-i s I'lltvi'ls C licit!, who died .Much ?, and was a niciiil of the law tlrmof Itrisl I'allislui, lelt all estate of more than lOn.iiliii. He K.ive the Income from the residue to his wife. .Mrs. Sarah Mabb-lt Heed, and bli $r..iiiin t-.u-h and tho re mull, dor liit.-iest in th,. residue lo his danuhti rs. Huiam I" Wt f.T. win dad in llrool. 1)11 oil I'elilU.ll l 'J'. left I'l es ,(, of mine than MViuin, lb. built of which tines lo l.i'iiuill'il C. '),iut, a nep'ieti The w II lea vis Vi'.linil to tlm Spencer .M"tnoiial Church ami 'i0 m Hi, ni.-i i- an lllble Society I "Ii vv K AiiNoi.n. who died In 11 idtn ..n .lai.ii.ll') il. hit a net estate of .t;i,.'M :i;i to his lumber and sister In 1 1 pl.t I shuns Ile, Mcltclitnt lleitllis i-h llei-nile, l'i St. Cla.r .Mcltelii.i) edltot of t lis llrookhn oiilc. wlm Is iciotiiliu; from a bronchial nttaoli ,u hi. home. 21 .Mnn I'iii1 place. relcbiMieil xcslenlay bis vev nt l.t h bltthdin A hltr cake .md an allium cnnl.ilnlnij cxprceslops of kooiI wishes aeeoinpameil Die fell.-i tatloiis of the 'iij;c einplotres Mall) , h I tern and te!"i;r,mis of i-'inuriMiilathni were received l.ense 'I'liorit Netximrl l.slnlr, Mr and Mis ,1 die Simioid (have Icis.-d throimh p.. IhoN ,t.. ciiiriden llie W K. Thorn est.i-,. m NarrauMtisett ateiiue. Newport. II I . for the com'.nit , season snil bis nssMnnt. Mr. Olin llrrnrl, of Hie AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manager '.', I anil ll I.. '-'.Id Nireet, XI ml I -mi vi, seuii. New lurk. CAPT. HENRY KING NOTED EDITOR, DEAD Km- lit Veins He Was at the llcail of tlw St. I.niiii "Ololic ncnincnit." IfKI'I SKD V SKNATi: SKAT j t lii is. .March 15 c.ipt Henry Kllic. who was ntnnnKliiK editor of the St l.ouis r;olc iiiiioeriif for (Ichleen (years -ind who ri-lcnetl recently be 1 cnu-e of pour health, dlid of chronic bronchitis this aftirnoon In tin- homo of Ms son-lii-lnw and dauirhur. Mr. and Mrs. N J. llawley. iiflm- an ll!nes of moro than month. He was 72 years and in mouth- old i 'apt Klmi's health beimn to fall three .tears aim, but except for h short x'.ion lion In Colorado In 1!H2 ho refu-ed to liiv.' up bis work All his life ho hnd been an lndef..tlttiible w.-ikr and th-' l.inu hours at bis deslt evi-ntiiHll) 'old on bis stroiiK isitistitutlon. 11. sub's his dauchtir. Mr Ilawk-y. ('apt Ixihk Is surv xed by a son, llenrv I Lane Klnc. a brother. J. T Ixlnc of Toieka. anil a dailcMer-ln-liw-, Mi II I. KIiik Ills wile, who as M iry Louise 1 Uim- In ituir-led in 1 -". 1 died many i JeRI's Hliii "I.lfe Kortcriill) iiiiexentriil , simply a , stoiy of tiylm: to d-i my hist where er Ji'.leed " I This was Cnpt Ixinu's sketcii of his 'own life Soldier, "tholar. xxtltei md h" made a rami- and frb nils In , evetx line of ende.nor he took up. There wns n ulet strencth. an tlr of dlittilty ni.d ni'io-st reserte about him. In strand1 to the niritresslve billll.iti jf ! hl iiiti'tat fe-. Still In- was hind and considerate and tuxor xolur- ' tarlly said or wroto that which cuuld i-iiui- the illehtest ollenre oi Injury i the teellnns of those whom he was dis- tssnK. I ("apt. Kllur was Imrn In Salem. Ohio. M.i) 11. IMS. the son of Si-llah W. and j Kllc.a ,: shire Ivltur. The family e ' moved to Illinois when be was a bo) II.. learned 'he printer's trade and eei. "I Ii all capacitliv from "ilni" up. Whor the el 11 xvn hi-c.iu he e-i-ered the Pnlon inn and sered f air t.ns. ritlrlne with the of cap t.iu, Cain Itini! was S nielllher 'if the Plrst Coiikin u.itioi at Church, the St l.ouis it'.-l Pi.lver-lty clubs and the l.r)al I.eKloll C,pt Ixl'm lie.Hire a number of tho ..lit. ii-it. staff of ihe (Jlole -Irmoriiif In Iss.t i, n, iieenme mafiaislni' editor tn 1 7 h l!l he riri'.izi'il the llepiin ic.t.. IMltm hit .so,(.itlon of Mls-oiirl. of whlt-ii he wis elected preslih-n'. aid which h -tmreil h'.in hy retalnim; lilm it. nlll. e otri: uois) since He w as all un- ompixmilsltii: Id pulil.i an In p.illtK. aid ttxile de- lined an offet to so-d llltll t ' the Piuleil Stales Set.ati' once ht- sip-poi-itmcnt from Kansas unit once i- a citilpi'indse i.n did. ile ill the noted Nled-ilnuh.ius-lt. ins tlu'lit He piled to bo h "Itits that he prelir."'l lawsp.tpei wuk 1 Itetme KOI". is Oi the editor! l! st.m . ,' Ihe f;lulo - iiiiiivn' ''apt. Ixina hid edited ai.d published for s. vera! 't trs the 'I'-iptka. . I'upllilf. lt d pie I. ills I., t'l " 'mo ll .'I ed'le-l ill I P!l!iPhed a -.1'i at 111 1 1 1. ) . lb DR. SELDEN JENNINGS COFFIN. He Wits for III -nrs on I. it t ll ) el le lolleue I'lli'lllt), C.tsT-.N. I'a , Mai eh la. The l!.-i Soldi"' .lennincs Cotllr. I'h i, who hi I been 1 inellll-el "I th, l.lfll)ltte Ciilll-un laciilty foi f.ut) tears, i-tirltm I' ll'nl beo.iuse of ill hea th, died a hi- htniitt on tile i.illipus here lo-ibtt in Ills set -eiit.t-setei ;li tear Hi w is a son of ihe lati I', -lam. s II I'ulHit, pixdessor i'f 1 as' t iitioiu in l.ala "tt-' lir Selden Colllr. wa- profe-soi ,(f in iiliciti. Hi. 's .mil astiomim) trom 172 o Ism;, wii, u i,. locame u roKlsti.u of the cullece. i. in, ilmns- so in til his retlie tnot.t lb- 'la- lii'ld in i special este.-m hi tin alumni because ol his eftorts to hi n, k iln-m int. closer toiii h with their ,i in i ill. I ' el BISHOP JOSEPH J. FOX. Opi-rii I lint Is PmIiiI tor llemt ,if (ireen Mil) lllnt-ese, ' lll.'t'l". M.ll ! l'i lllhleip Jo-ph J I' IX of I..C I'ath-.l llai.'.-eo o (lleer ll.'l. , win. was talioli to the Alex!, ill lo. - h.,s, til in March 1 for i sen. .lis operation died last tilijht llisiup I'.ix tv i - I'oiti iii linen May, Wis. :i. l.'.,'i lie ic.eiveil a ..i-slc'il e'lucation in and studh-l th.oloi; at I .nil .till I'lilt el-slty in pel. Klum Ile had been lllsbop id the II, l d.o.'ose fiireb'tet. telil's I lirlstnplier II, .lo idt. i 'hi istopher M. .lord), ll.l. New Vork eales minami- r-ir the I ii.iiiiniiil Match C-i npaiii il l. I Sund.u at his liiiini, in Ithliie. I.IV Court, Piillli sti.ei and liiver-sl-le I 'ihe lie was l.oni in Noil I ir leans and was educated nt Sprlm: 11.11 Cnlleae. Mobile-, Al.l A )clf jiKu p. - ' to New V.n I. fmin Kic-ltmomt. w lici e ho it-1 is sales nun, iter of the lilanioiid Match c.iuipnn.i lie was a number of th,- Couiinonweilth and Her. inliauc .tubs of Itli'liinoinl He ni.iri'led Mle. Maiv Louis,. Cobon of ;. Iimotnl, who iiltli a dallkhtei'. him lllebel .1, Vbeoril, Ml'hel .1 Ahi-lilll. xn l'i. oldi's- uiein. her of the Nek Vorlt I 'induce PxclinilKe, died nn Sundii) nt Ills home, S;n Carlton aveniii' llrooklyn He was loni; i mtaui d In the llnlll business !l M.llihall in lb is survived by live sons, one nl' whim pi edi t k. Is the Assemhlt man troni '.u Tenth ilihtni't. and foil) daiuhieis .Ionics lliiiilnii, James liuiilnii, 7x. fm mi n vea s In the wholesale nnd retnl nm luislnes In Manhattan ntul later n, the real rin' busiiii-sa In IlinoHijp, died oi Sal-ird ' J .It Ills home :T; ll.ll-.ev slieet. that 'borough Ile s Mirtned lo i s,.i ;i I Itev Or. Janu s I In..,., ., the Kourth Cnui!,eu',itlonal Cliur ll of Hartford, Conn . and bv n dani'litcr Miss MarRitret II Ihmlop. bead of tlni trainlm: eehool for nurses in the Puim sylvnmn llosidlal Irs. Alice l.ntttnn. J.. Xlnreh in. Xfss. tti. I'aTiaisov, N i.iiiviou, id., widow or John I,.iwton, died of ptieiitnonli (inlay n her home Tkii Cast Twentv-.e. ot Mrert She wi-x treasurer ol tho .New Jersey chancellor s Club, ,i memhei of Si John's nnd th. Myst.e Itii.e eouncils C.itlio. c V, me., Ileneoleit Liislon, ,ni,j n( m.niy t.. oritntdzailons Sh- Is Muv.d'i,v tan sons nnd two il.iiiithti'ts, I booms Wnlsh, I'ollllel Poll,-,. I. lellt..', , , , ThotOII- Walsh. US. ..f IDS Si tenth stitet. Hrool, lyn. who seived r..r thirtv )e.irs in ip.. P.utli-r street station and li.i. I chart;.- of ' the llrooklyn llorniich License lluieau ror four )enrs. died on Hatiit l.t . He was one of the b.-t known im mbi rs of the old llro'iklui force Several chil dren survive In in. till) II. I'nllner. Pi:htii Amhui, n j, ..,r,., t;, ..i;,v H Palmer, ai. private seiretnrv to otio if th. otlleers or the Nntl Ui il I'itv Hank In New- York, dbd of pneumonia l.- div In the Perth in'.n Hospital II.. , the snti of th. Hit William K Palme . pastor of the Methmllst I'hurrh of this pla.e lie it,,- horn In Newn., and was a Ki-.nliiil. ,,r V ile V letlllider 'lliom ison. Alexan.le- Th.-mps"-, II, ,, i,.llin. !of the real est it., tirm ,f Tttompton I Hros , dl.-d yesterday ,n ,i put-ate larlum In .Manhitlm His home wis in ;cnroni. ijip-ens, and i .e main olllce of I 'he Htm was in l-'or'v.i ul ih str..,-t ,,n.1 lJ.kon avenue tlm I, --.nn-i, Mr i Thompson was a hi- lo or llenr) II. so.,,M1.. Cut. -tno. M ,r.-'i i:, -The d, ,th . . curre.l ben i.-t. '.l.t of Henri- H es-slum-. 1.7 )e,n- old. Invenioi- of tn, -. ,.s. I tll'Ule anti-te'esO',1t. ,ev. ,- ud ,,n ' most rail ron. I pass, nt-i r - us -n lirake foi street ,.,-s and s,..r.t ..tit, i isilltoad ill! He s-iis tl.-e.,res!de,- of tin- Stan-l.-ird I'ltipbr I'onipinv ..' New York Ills tntihpl i -.t n i- Madrid N T BREAD LORE FOR HOUSEWIVES. flfllellll nl lllu I ooeero I ells Vlloill .'lodern Hellioils. .te.e-l... S U'lT'd 1 I ''.t'l. t ,- Ihe W.Hd It.ll.l' I'. , . ,, t -,, ,,, tl'en-e of I'.ii. ,t hidi-m ni. il,. n.,-1 ai Ihi I.e nbiuarii rs . r tlie Nai'i-nil i; w-lvis LeaKlle. 2. W.St Poltt.flttli -e, yesterdii) about the dl. nvcrx of ihe seciet pioooss of bre-icl makinir now in lle by his eotni.inv, Mr U'ar.l .u. that y uspis,- certain harmless househ .M salts much yesst Is sated and in,- ptotess of ferineiitntliiii 's stu.rteiied K. rmentn Hon. he s.tirl mentis the desti u lion n' food value and tlie nm, ti dontth is leine-lld the Bli Iter He rood value Hint lemnti s ,. 'nnsl leie I the -lls.-ov crv n Inn- i bunianlt nn I a i,,s thim- linn r. ..ill t. th- baking htis.n. Ml Ward .xi-1.1 - .1 t.' th, women -h,. virlous kinds of Ward broads, nf w h eh he showed '.imphe. 1)1 KI). X N T 1 1 1 1 N llri't.r Vi. h e i .-. , , nl .-nt rllu- .VI . i Ii ii i ... . Mirt'Iit Vlur ti ! at lie t.i s, '. I ns-tt lite Kunornl .ertlees u , . re a i- . '"itrl.k- r,tth"lr.t rinir-il.t Vlirrli 1. a- pi .V Xt VVIlt.s At M-itri-iftHii N .1 Marrli I.. I'!'. Ann lllrif.lh,. et Tho ."rs A)ir, Hunt 'S I hot i I-i, f t Prink, Ir pure Mai r'.l'.-i n N .1 en Thiiril Mlireh al . I-i P M It VltVK -Oil ti--l- !l '-, h. r.-nl.lMtee !"7 I i- I ' 'tfili .lr... i::iMhth l'i"i ... 1 1 ,.f llenr) I. llartiM. 1'ijlierill ssrvlcs it i h It ,! d Hi Mdlon Avna I't .'.tie im i nu !dt"Oti ivti'i" hi i s. ,ntv , - Tret, on Tu - in .M.u n -., st ' A M ll' ItVTHKII - v "! V . I-.t IP -. Mur -h 1 1. .1 ' p" It. Mi i Fiinsral si th- i m ii -t -m r-..s friirntlon t 1 is- Tt."i-t n n-h --.. en Tllosihll. Ml- M I ' 'ii II i . "e I. UOl.'Ui - (in Mm li H !'! i" - ,i : trni-.i". PI! ' l'i 'li ! ij.'i'l Mle.' t Af tt"l...ri s,tifr,i i, ft Tit ml i iriit.-r .r ii-- ,-. -,"M s-'.s H nillli i i'f V- V iil K. liter I si! t'l, o- . 'i- I i 111. h i hir-'i -' Mi II '.iiiii lli'mk in .V. V at, v i i ii. Mi- i i ? st t o" '" l f- i. . i . Kin lit irnlt 'tew . r , JI1N.VKH W'l i a -x .n it M ni . n tl. lU I'unoral mm i li.. ... r-.i imn, , 15 l!.l"t s.x.i 'li '" ' 1 neK.M ' mornliiK .h I" .1 -s.-k Jlllllrt . 1 i.n- i M Of .sit 10, 1 ' !l . r. e 1 t: 1 1 '.'l ' . 1 ' th ' r . , 1 Hi. r1x s 111 I 11 1 .". , 11 , I'iiio 1 .: t , ,1 Ill Inn -- 1 1 . iilt'"r- pi- t" M'l-Ai '.Hi: " ' .r ii.'i 0 P't'le . I - , 1 tl 111 "till- 111 I . 1 Kiini-ra' t 1 1 . I l!i-' r s' IV". 1 111 "i i. vi .' 'i : nit's, im m , 1 a P" 'lit VI , II!,.. l'i 1 1 L. 1 I Ki, inn :i at el Kiit Pin I - ' 1 .tt'-tlili- 41.. I - in I Tluiii-iln. !' V VI I WAI.IIItllii'.l. 1 l'i - .1 11 in ., nt 1 '4111 I '.. .- ' ' I'll -..ii ( Mi. . .111 . It k 111 1 VV 1 s "ll I S.I -1 tl.. I, l I Mil I XI I ' 11 K I I Mil I- I Mt I lis km rr.- Ii f Ttris-si r ?I3 w !f'l n5 II ,X. -W.l I 4