Newspaper Page Text
he NEW LIGHT ON RUSSIA By COUNT WITTE In the Easter SUN next Sunday letters, of late statesman reveal new state of Russian affairs. THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-day and to-morrow. Detailed weather, mail and marine reports will be found on page 1 1. tm. VOL. LXXXII. NO. 198. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 19 J. "3. ,, ,i,t hhs, i n ;v.ri.n n.i rni,n,in,w .inn-nK..- PRICE TWO CENTS. BRYAN TRIES WITttZL GET AMERICANS OUT OF MEXICO Ziip:ilii's Forces l,ootiur Mexico I'il.v Siiipci-.s Fire ; mi I . S. Sailors XO IXTKIIVKXTIOX. S.WS S1LL1MAX' 7Apa troops are loollns Mexico tliy w'irr.- .1 reign of terror prevails tn tvwi' ilun when Gen. fibre-snn vit m marge l-'ort'lKni'M are pro par.n f -r tliBbt. siiiiiti 'i era I'l'iiz ,lrM' 011 " fti'ltr m I -.llrs of tbc I'nltcil .-tales ui i.t- i. Delaware on Mnroli :0 No one Mas injured. Fnn-ury .if Stale liryan l trying; :o arrange l"V the transportation of Amfrrans fr mi .leslcci city ti Vera i Tlx through Joint action of Curranza utd '..ii'in.i in opening the railroad .n w.t-h: m i t ollielals believe tho ,!n will fail den la has executed Oen.'i i il h.s etitlte Hlnff for'ti .u leaving Mexico city wllb Uriahs agent Slllinmn, announced ' i 'in-, .that the Fulled States ,i n t I'p paring for armed Interven tion 'SO IS'TERVEXTIOX." . gcnl 1 1 1 1 in fi tt sH.. rin Won't III' Limited. ( l)rnilcti lu Till, Ms'. i.iia Cm z. .M.nrli IS. United States Aleut Siberian made the fnllowiiig dec irat .jn to 1ik.iI pr ss to-ila : Y(-1 tan w; thai 't In completely t.t..i f it ini Washington (lov-em-Mtit m tint picturing to effect any rx '. r ten entiiut III Mexico." Hi ilr t ration Ints lestored conil- nee t, Pre "idem WllnonV attitude to .srd Otn Car atu.i is prepming to give : lied Cross all tin" aid possible In Horis ti help .Mexico cltj 'n hungry In ili'.tatits TO SAVE AMERICAN'S. Ilrjnii tUs InrriiiKH mid .npatn to llpen Itiillronil. WAf.l. 3 n 'Mi. .111:1 v. March l'i. In iiepniise . n 'i 0111 Americaius ami oiner M .ien uty that they de e S.eivt.tty of Stale liryan 1 .1 o to ari.uiKo jointly wita 1 1 uianz.i tor their trans 'o ra Ci u. n lift united effort on the '..eners to leave .Mexico city - ''- ti the fnlted States the a 1 mi; 't iMiHslble for them to llMtofore there has been ji'aint tint Secretary liryan K Aiiiei leans to leave Mexiio ...ill failed to sevur for i.isui oiiey nu his warning, t'. e State IJepartment to that theie Is nt .. no train 'wi'.i .Mexno eltij and Vein il holds tilt; Veu I'ru . ml X.apata tin- .Mexiio u:l, i.s. heit. have Riven up r 14 . ooperatiuii between 11K forces tor Joint opoia . .0 'I lor the purpose of .10.1 supplies Into the ''.ipitat 1 ill t t Tli 1 - Ml O' f I' lUk of " 1) ft Ah . ay i : 1 lut i. . uf ty 1. nl I w . n ,f S X ' ' 1 I" ll.le.l if such .11 I ancf men in i 1. even fur kcihiir turuijtiiaiH Jl 0 Jin, 0 May lliive In t n. I'lirce. In i 1 if l.iiline of .Mr, llryan's ' ,1, rectum this ilovein. M ' . . i.oo-e bet ei II III IIIK . 1 -sill e to II. .11' Oil bul l . .. it.i or admitting Its . 1 1 Ann . in ooeyiliK 't.i Ki 1 out ol .Mexico. Til" ' 1 p in villa s .e i.uilliein route to Mi'X'iio .1 'na'n "'cabled from Wra1 0 U C . i tun "in obedience to the c- de nei K V gJi era 1 . -t ctll. - r illicit" (.'nrran7a lias le ler closlni; the port or l.i. r it was. reported that .1' X.araRosa had aualn left .z pr.-umably for I'rOKrem, I) not believe that the' lex cm u-ii p wi.l renew the, attempt ntef 'e re in shipping at the Vuca- n por . S I-"Pirtment Is wholly tn ut troin Mexico city re "dUc ,,f j,,!,,, jj, McMunuM, 1 I ' II at si is last ink. Then. IT how that the Zapatistas e i, v move toward fultllllni; to punluli the suldlers r tiie death of the Ameli-' 'v to tin. widow Nib also) d but nothitiK hah been I n. I I e. n w.e a I .. iKinK i payment. I vppeiils nt While House, C"P Knoblauch, partner of' N!.l" 11 .n n.a ilalrv business In Mexico 1 W h . hn. hc-n In Wi, uhf nirlon the t If.i lal'B in behalf nf tile dead r.ars f,,, ,,,, thlr llodliiKs, 'is i.-i 1Mb il to Joseph I'. Tumulty, ' ' t e President, In ipruhI to '"i" He was referred Urk to the Jt'i U'-r , tnient. nlo-ro he ulroadv hits J" If ir h At 1 s Interest I. II .Hum ihe otiliilriti s esjeil t.1,11 the nroliilses of the s w uld lii) fulillled and that ' if port on the k.lllnif prob. ' 1 'on up by tiio.ll. ' .me 1 tliiit Knoblaucb'H Ui- ' Si . et.11 v of State Hryan i f !) It w , ' ( w l"e 1 h 1 opid Into a warm ex i''s on the Bubjwt of 'i hi iiskim: that some- behalf of Me.Malius'H t nir children made mime in Iieinoerail.' pi itform i rou i .niei leans and their i ' id ici.lH of the wm Id. H 1 r?citll. an er, (ore lniiiln d as ; l.'lillis and learillllf foi Inn Ol" lomesnc reiaiinns in iohmi. .il. i -in Informed blui The anesl of the JoilliK -.111. er lol- i.i,il lied to discuss towed Ills addicss lnfoie the I'.illliaildl" n ..lidirek He staled i 'altleinell oil .Mutch I. m whlill hn ill. i is Hie Htlli !' elillclMll Hie polll Ida DM who llleildlnd I'. I r i. ti h 0 i n.iiii i ni ls oris III its . Vniericatri III .Mexico 1 mei leans rorciviiiK itlitiHil on Fourth Vaat, Worth $300,000 Spimisli Visitor llelicvcd to Cnrrv Kiiit Vestments of His Church. Theie may lie n Spanish nt'et divine u-ottnd this dinecc with Jewelled lt.iMiliIe, itotii and alb. valued, nccotd mi! to tlir appr.UM mrnt of an export of tin- Custom House, at about Jsna.nnO. and then It Is i(imI,h that the priest may li on lux u.iy to Spa n Cardinal F.trle.v. tlnouRh Mgr. l.avolle, km id Uit nigh Unit lie Knew nothing if the diamond add pearl strewn vest ments. It u.ik nald at the Hotel Amir id that the Sp.inWIi luhnt. P.itlier Sio tap Ottlen. who arrived at till? port ml .March i". by the Spanish Line fteamshlp .Montetideo. had Kolie to the Spinet! Chureh In routteenth t ei't. The prlept n rharire tlieie faid he knew nothim; of the vctiiioiitN oi'ier than what h hud jeep in the ne spiperf. At Hie CuMom lloui'e It was "aid the xcsttuentH h id hi en paied In the reRll lar older an art ntitliiultlm "more thin inn jisin ohl" ami tlieipfure not tlutla ble The t Xpert who lnpe"ed them, .kill n 1.. Ili.fht, who hia lieen many yfiirs In the Ooverumeiit's iinploj, f.ild the vextinenti'. together with their udiiiniiiciit.", were worth, wok nC ait, not lex than $300,000. Ilecht Kaiued the .nipreHBlnn from the affida vit of the prlet who I'l'oiieht thein here and from his own expel lruce that they were made In the seventeenth cell, tuiy. The value of the i o.hi'lluli was en hanced li a Jiivel I'lidcled llala of nold, uhich may have been uurn liy a Span ish ecclerTaetle of the tlaj followlni; the conipHft of l'eiu and .Mexico by the Spanish comiulslailoicM. The customs men aserleil there was iiothlns in the report that the priests who hioiiKht In the vestments on .March from Vera fitu were in raes The wile well clothed and made no effort to conceal their tieaure, which, th said, had been taken from the cathedtal In .Mexico city. There wcie lx priests n the pitty that sailed finm era fruz. and the only one the customs men weie Inter ested In was rather Uu'eros. who as. slimed the rspoiislhillt for the Kllttei lnc vestments and declared them as ".intiipiltles " Father lluleros and .in o'liei PJ)et reinained In this iit and the others sailed for Spain by the .Monte video. It was Mild that the piicst feaied the tieasuies of the church would be eon (Incited finally by whatever uvolutlon. tit y pirty mlKht win power In Mexico city. PASTOR DENIES MIRACLES. Ilr. IllrU heltil of l. I, mils Met lioillsl rinirrh Will lleslmi. .-T l.ofis. March 10 The P.ev Dr. 1.. .VI Hlrkhend. pastor of the Wasoner .Mem 'rial Meth diit fhim h. who was etlueated at .Mi Kendree I'ollcue. Hiew and I'nioii Theolosirai seminaries i.n.l Columbia I'nlveisiiy. announced to-day that lie vvouid resiKii from the Methodist ministry because his principles ie.pilie him to be honest to hlx convictions, which were Incompatible with the. tenets of the Methodist episcopal Chur' h lie recently UI prised his eoiiKieca tion b aniioiiiicinu plans foi an open foniin,' wbiib meets at bis church Sua .l.iy nlKhtu and Is attended by .11 1.1 n lu-t i, kh.iIis'.s and I mlu'tl lul Wotkers of the Woild. I ir. Illlkhead says lie iloes mi! believe any inlr.ules were evei pertoitned ..r ' iinv detlnlte propliei y wns made or the .-omiliK of I'lllist. lie d es not be. beve In the Immaculate conception, that theie was any 1 esui reeiion, that the Apostle John wrote the book In the Milile that bears his name, that I'.ml wrote any letters to anybody thai after ward weie catlieied up and assembled into the New Testament : nor d es he believe In making I'h'-.siianlty a "lire escape" from lull. Vice-President Now an Uttrapacifist Ml', .M tl II 1 1 for WlU'Olllv ill Kvenf of 1111 Invn-ioii of Uniti'il Stnti'N. flin-voo, March IS - - Vn e.ri esliient Marshall Is an ultrapaclllsi II" told or bis conversion to-day It was 11 pa thetic account of his visit to tbo mother and sisters of Yeoman 1" 1 wry, a yoiitiK Irish Ami ne in sailor who w.ik killed In the alia, k on Vela I'riiz. "I attended the finical service" foi lie I.owr.v lu I'ittebuiR." said the Vice l'resident "The li'ieaecd mother and ulsters live In a humble tint. 1 m trie I table was a framed photoarapn or the ' Isay in naval uniform "Ills mother lh a brave Irish woman ...,,l alie li.ol dialled her bOJ'V picture with the Stars and Stripes, That wofu! vUlt caused me to tako a minim oath that I would support no wa.' moieinent by this coiiiniy unless the alien In vader's foot was placed mi our shoreb." The Vice-1're.sldent and Mrj. .Mnrhall leave for the r.iclflc coast to-moriow OFFICER WHO CRITICISED FREE Arrest of l.leul. Mlcliaells silered Mo In rm I'lreles, i;i, I'aso, Match IC Orders weie Is sued from thr brigade heiiditiiiiiir at ."ort llllss this iiv rnitiK for Ihe Im niedl.ile release of l.leul. (1 IJ Modmelu of the Sixteenth Infantry, who W1)M UIKpr nilcst at his ipiuteis for ..,..1..,, . ,,t "iioi.. in" wbi.n supposed violation of Mule 10, whl.h iiiohlblts army onin'is i 'i" "- in army nu.i're nun oi"i ion. " ranli.v ror Us work on tne noriier inn stlrie'd up a long i.tandlng r 1 between the Infantry and cavalry branches of the torvlce, WOMEN FIGURE IN ELECTIONS IN TWO STATES Xiniilicr Voting in Xow York and Jersey I'nex pecledl.v Small. ACTIVE ONLY IX IT.W LOCAL COXTKSTS Women, permitted to vote in maty parts of New York and New .Jersey yes terday, did not show ns much Interest as was expected. In ome places the number of women witim; was" ridiculously small, altliouch female suffiaire wl'l be voted upon generally In both Statia 1 ext fall. Thtouuhoiit W'estcheter county ai d l.omj Island, wheie most of the women votiiiK in this State east their ballots, local propositions were before the peo ple and the silffrnKl-ts ascribed the com paratively poor hIiowIi.i: on the part 0' the women to the unimportant c of the lsues. In New Jeisey women voted on school mattets In many places. Al raiine and .Metuclien and other towns whete school questions were Involved the women who did vote halped to cany needed Im provements In Hnekensack, houcrei, w'n'ie 11 supeivslrE linnelpiil had the suppori of niol of the women, teturs Itidlcated his defeat. nut of 300 women elic.ble to vote a" l!atliiKs-on-Iliidson ftnlv thr. e appeared to vote on a (imposition of vil'.ace expeiulltute. At Tarrytown surprlmKl.v few women vnttsl, but more compara tlvily than elsewhere In the eotinti There ivns .1 lively contest at Bronx vllle, in which the women stippoitlm; a woman candidate for school trustee eir lled votets to the polls and eleiSed llieli candidate. At Uahylon nnd Amityv-dle. I. 1 . 1 few women voted, but at I'leeport there was ,1 hit Be outpoiirini; of th. suffia K.ste. and a" Sea i"IIIT. I. I., the women weie active 111 defeatlnc an appropria tion for a new to 11 hall. MACHINE WINS H0B0KEN. llemocrn t Cuiitrnl I'lmt City Cum nilssliiii, Vlthonc the .Riilur' or in Iloboken. N J . was op posed to and worked hard iir.ui": the adoption ol lom.ntsslon uov ei iiinem w-lilcb was curled bv a m.ijoilti of I". ihe m.ii'hlne succeeded at esteribiv's iiiuniiipal election In Ko'.init control of the new city i I'liimissioi, 'Pin-re w 11 be live members of the uinmlsmoi and of thtse Patrick It. lirlltln. the Heniociatlc leadei and his iiuiniiiK mutes Water lleclstrar Uusiav Uich and City Clerk .lames 11. l.ondri. Kan weie loiiieded at an earlv hour moiiliu.' to bi ure winner Mayor Martin Cooke, who has been tlnhtiiu.' irllllu, was elected, and a bait doieii ale bunched foi the tilth plate on the ticket 'Ihese In. lude litilllntt m ill, I'ouiicll. man i; id N Mi-IVely , Harry li.-ii, llepabli an, and Couiicllman Harry i, ,s.i hiiiulllni;. Uepubllcaii. The prefeiential Nstem of votlriK was followed and tins complicated the tabu lation of the tetiuiih. The Democratic and liepilblican oriianizallons Itistiucted their tollowers to vote only foi llrst . hoice. nlthoUKh hundieJs t'ok advan t.ine of the pi inline of otliu; for second and thlid choice. I'oinpaintively few v oted tor foui th choice Votes weie still beinj; counted at an early limn this inornlnn llobokeii never had sinh a hair tills iiik lampa an or such an exciiuiK eh c tiou Hut of a total leifisti.itlou of Hi rein ;i i"l men e ime out to mte .Men who hadn't b.nlieied foi many yeais abollt VotlllK Wiie MI.IV11I ill' Wheedled to the uills, and those who refused to walk Weie cuned In autoinoblle- A dead sei is made by the Uepubb- a 11 nriMiilzatioii, of wlilci W'llllam Ver dun Is the leadei, and by the liood ilov crnmeut I.eaKiie. the offspilnt: or the I'omnilsslon ilovernuient l.eaitue, whleii was lesponslhle for bilm-'IPK uboul the ehaime lu the method of city guv em inent, to defeat iiiilllu olid the men who miide the lace with lilin. Verdun made Hobokeii line with the so(.-hii "Smash liilllltilsm." Hiitlln and his Irnnds worked as they never worked before They had a W c.iinpllcn fund nnd tln spent It freely It was said that at least tin paid liemocratic workers weie stationed . at each polUm; place. .Many or the 1111 iinployed ot on the ijntlln band wumm. The' liemocratic ornaiilz itlon has boil ,11 eontiol of the citv nd'i liiistritlon 11 II lioken for over a ipiarter or a cen tury. It was partlcuhiily anxious to continue holil'irs t 10 reins under eoni- inlsloii Roi ei nniellt. a million dollar sow 1 p.. system Is In be coisiriiclvd In tne near futuie v nit, N, ,1, llefentn rtiniiiilssliMi lint eminent. W11N, N ,1, March IC. The prnposi. H 11 o change to i-nverniiient by com m sioii w is defeated, 72 to f.7. here to-da . CLEARY ADHERENTS WIN. I'nriner Tiihii Clecl.'s iiiiiirli'ri' I 11 rr j lln v ei slrii n . II vviaiKTiivw . N Y. M.iich i:Ilriss li.iinls. life and di 11111 cm pi and led Mi.i bilinum all nv. r town cell hi ati d to night .1 eoniplile victor) I'm- Hie sup porieis id IHsliict Attorii") Tlionias (lagan and foimer Town I'leik Wlllla'ii V. Clearv 111 the election of a Mayor and Iniee bi 1 nn 11 The viiiorniis ' He'iioi-ratlc ' caii'lld ite ror Mavni. Tlinmas lie. man, up en inl'id li-piilill. .111. dermic. I Paul Ka Ti ll. .rim in mil Clear) I icmnci al. 111 llli Itepllbl 1 in' ticket n a vo e ,' HIT 10 .i.. .I0I111 F I.y m li llailholn I mew Conn, 111 and llelil A tiler ,v..s t'b cl d alderiiieii, dt feitlng Fredeiick I c'oiiHiiMtif on TAOU 1'agv, Augusta, (77., Mad at Film Company Cilizi'iis Wlio PosimI for "New (Sovfriuir" Kind Tiny Is "Tlie NiiruiT." Arm st, fin . March I1. The eltlz-ns of AiiRiista are ItidlKiiant over what Ihev dcdai e was a tllck pl.'.yed on them by the Kox l-'llm Corporation A ni'iss nieetlni; has been called to adopt resolutions iletiotinelnR: the compaiiy It Is charced that the corporation sent a motion picture company to An- eusia under the prrtenie of MiikHu 1 ns .ew tiovernor, 10 wuieii ineie was no objection. Th" eompnny persuaded the Mayor to pose, the Slate mllltV to act a scene. Induced Aucustans to play the moll, and then. It Is ald, virtually ailm.ttid Hint Aiiuusta had been help. 1 Inn to produce "The Nieiser." a play bv I IMw.ud Sheldon, which Is dt-cillml .0 an "ltiult to 'he South and people" Aft" the lonipany retiiiied North It Is ulbited that the I'ov IMrn CorporK tloi. advert!" J tl.l "T'.e Nlugei" was produced In Auuust i Th s stirred Au Uiista to wiath and tMiulted In a call fflr 1111 IndlKiiatlon mietinu The Aiisiista fViroitlci denounces the eompnny as "a lot of motion picture m tors who dellbi rately imposed upon the hifpltiillty and crediilltv of Anitustii." () 1' Hall. HeorRla niammer for the I'ox enmpany, his wired from Atlanta tlieie w is no Intention to deceive the people of Auitusta "The Mayor must have known weie prodm ItiK 'The NlRRer,' because he saw the book in Ihe dirisrtor's hand." said Hull 'Toe Mqci'i' will not he niown In th! se.t.o.i We ure adveri. -lint it In the South as 'The N. w (lov einor,' because we Km w the title 'The -N'laner ' lutul't he offu s've to the South The mmy, however, contains abolui.v nothitiK that could off. lid Sou. lit mem." WILSON TO WORK ON ECONOMY. Will Hold 11 I tMlterenee to Miiirove ipruirlnl Ion system. V.tsiltS"c.T"V. Ma's-'i in -The aicu merit advanced by i'huiiiin Pimiieiald of the Hou-e Appiopuatiulis Conmittee for a readjustment of the appropi latlnir system of Conirr-ss will be considered by I'le-I.leiit Wilson .11 1 eonfeienc nan with ltepiesent.itlve Sherley of Kentuekv and a .'oinmlttee of the House ArraiiKcmcn's for the eonfeience have been made speiiticallv for the pin pose nf piesentltlK to the ireldent plans whb 11 have birn evolved for a budget sy-tmi of estimates and appropriations and foe Government expenditures The Pies, lent let It be knon n to-d.iv that tin revt noes of the Post fitllce I ie i,t' i'iiei.1 hive taken an upwatd tmn leiently and that The th'c.ilencd detb it lll.iy be less tlltn WIS exTleee, Bomb Hurls Movie Aviator to Death I'm 11k SI ile-". Miplaue I'iiII. I. ".(I IVel Duriuir H.itlle Scene in Air. lais av..bu. Maich HI I'lank Stiles, ,11, aviator employed bv the I'ni versal I'llm Conipanv, lost control of his biplane this afternoon and plunKed liu teet to Ills death. The aeci'lent oecinted durliiK the mak I11K of a motion plctuie or a supiosed battle in the air between two aeroplanes A. cordliiK to the most coheient vi rsnni of the accident 11 premium c explosion of a bomb In nn anchoied aeroplane. Just a Stiles Hew over It caused hi" mii ihnie 10 "omirsault eatthward YALE MAY SHARE IVES WEALTH I nivcl'sltt li'iort'l to Me Iteiitl- es llenellelliri I niter VV III. Mini Hie will !' K." Ill.ntnr ' hi s s olli ri ,1 fie p otiate in a feu days, 11 's tinili 1 si ood Vile I'nlvetKly will be tl.e nelVltsl lit lietl l.iry IJ I .( 1- th. terms of the d mien lien. Ives w i.o was irr I'lu I'ed Ir on Yale In li'il, is known a'wavs to have held the un -versitv lii .itfi . I Innate esteem, and It Is said tnal the s-nool will receive Ihe lamer put of an estate estlnialtsl at ions,. moie than fl.oiiu.iliii The terms nf the testament are sild to provide, after sin ill personal beiiiiisis biiV" been paid, that Ills bonks, plctuies. seem Itles and leal estate be sol I and the proceeds (.'O to Yale. There .He I'tllllots the will may be conlester, althoimh it Is said thai elfoits nif beiim made to leacli a settlement out of court. I'm several years pieviom to hi" death liiu. Ives maintained a separate home for .Mis Ives His thicn dauKhtets have funds set aside foi tliem m the will lien Ives vva 71 yens old Ills . olbei mi ,.f en liliiRs, rare books, valuable inn- mil objects of ait In k'eneral is chum Until exceptionally tine. ARRESTED AS SPY IN BERMUDA. siiii-I ii-Iii vv of ritllliiniiliil'c Meiietllel Stum Mt'leitsftl mill inlou Vlmle, Srvviii'iai, Colin. March IC - F S Ha i.ngs of ilttonwich, -on-ln-law of i 'i iliinii'lore II C Me.,etii- . letiiiiiel last uunt limn Hi 1 mud 1 and told how lie vas mist. ilf 11 llitne fur a Herman -pi Mi. Hastings had In bis !iigg.. ,1 tiumbei-of mush .il Instrument- 'hit teie iirnl- In Hermaiiy and also l.nnl.s nn navigation iiuhllslied lu the same 1111111 liv When Ihesi weie Illl.liVereil lu the lliill-se nf Hie CIISIOIII lllnpe llispc Hull III llaiiiillon Mr lla:,tinrs was placed innlei 11. 1 id of 1 gmup of Mihlints Af'ei InlPR .let lined lit the pei foi I'M' llllllis he vv is stalled on a in. mil In the ilov trnmeiit House An I'lleiliHli olllcer who met Mi ll.isl nigs when he was In llciiiinila .is a niem. ber of 1 'iiiuninihiie Item dut's cruising . pirij a year ago 1 ci-ngutm d linn ,md lie Was leleased Tll'i ,1 III llnr d les apol ogized I blenuo ('utile llinbiirun Idfleil, I'MH'itio, March 10 The cupi.iign on ii tt-ii nl tile stiirkyillds here bec iiiHi of tbo fool mil nioiitli disease was lifted limliy and as a teaiilt the shlpiilng to Knhlerif points: of cattle for tlaiiKhtcr nan rcuuuiiu, 22 SHELLS HIT CRUISER TRYING TO RUN STRAITS Ametli.vst Loses -JII Killed. .'!( W'oimileil in 1' 1 l)ali Tliroiiiili Mine Field! Tl'liKISII II TTEIl I ES S1LKXCKI) l'.Y FLEET n.ri.i f.iMe miii(ri Id Tin: 'in S.VI.ONIOA. March I ' I delayed). The Itrltlsh llKht rruiser Amethyst on Sun day made 1 dash Into the Hard uieiie, notw Ithstandlnc the mines and the t;un lite from th" forts, and pencil nt"d nearly to Nasaia, the narrowist point, when slie was hit by twenty-two shells TNiein.v.eivht of her clew wrte killed iin-l thtity wounde.1. Niitwith"taiiJlnx that three of th. shells ptnntrttted be low the water line and that she iu nmkltic water rapidly the Amethyst siiceetsled In KF.tlnic back to the Meet .1 ml anchored near the Teiiedos llclit -llOllse Thi adV'iituie of the Aniethyst oi' cm red after the allied licet had dls coveied (hat mobile Turkish batteiie were laklnc positions In the nelKhbor lion 1 of Mum Kale and the (,ulf of Saros with n view ol preventlm; the Alll! from m.iklnu a InndlnK The tleet hombutded the ioltlon for three houm and spinisntly tedueed the hit ttlles to silence, tmmedlatelj' after thl had been accomplished the Amcthvst (luted ahead no Sunday evemnie the ves-els of the allied licet 11 ilfmaste 1 the.r Ilacn and tolled their bells In memory or the vie. tuns .iihoiir the e'. w of the Amithyst. This iiioiniux two I'rench water pi. 1 nes Hew ovee the straits and this evenPiR fvo Itrit sh battleship.) entered them The I'rench unit- of the fleet left f.r Smy 1 pa Poll' hundred Hii-ek who weie ev- pellel f.niii Cons'aiitlii.jple have atrlvcil 1. Tliey TeSM't that further m.i;i. ! cres of (.luck at Alvnll have taken place The Vinethyst is tindorroillK ni-ne swe..iei- ha been sunk repair". H.iiul of Tureo-llulirnriati Comitadjl" have be. 11 seen at ICnlfhnnn. ltloody t nc.Minteis iippyar to he imminent The Amethyst Is a !lcht citilser of 3. lorn ions displacement. Her main hat tery consists of twelve 1 Inch cutis. She has a speed of twmty-lwo knots The Amethyst took part in the nival 11- Ellteiucllt vi hen sev stroyed by ti!T llelcnlan I on August 31) ta I ilf'tii.iii hlp- were tle Vie. -Admiral lle.itty s fleet TWO SHIPS DAMAGED! Illsitliled llrlllsl, I rillsers 1 nl.eo to Violin Merlin Items. IP I ! is- V , 'talon. M.'I'Cll 111 The , !-,...-, .- 1, ni I e ,finriti ;t ir;ft- a' Ai nis i. I'li-iii'm i ,tt f'e Turks hav s i ce. de.l in p' i, nir new heavy nuns 11 t ie Knin Kale Mtitery. at the mouth a: t'i. I laid. Iliellos. who'1! have leplled tlerc ly to tne (lie or a I'lenca squ idron TMe .sir: esiiondetit savs that two badh tlilll.iced Mlltlsh el 11 sers liave beci t.ll tO Malt I. Illie of these V I ,s, Ih had been struck fairly no fewer than twenty times. AMNESTY BILL FOR ARIAS. ( iiIiiiii Utilise rjets Mensure In Tree Mini's Vlleued klnyrr, sp. eel C,V trsftntrh tn Tnr. l V Hvvvs'.v. March Hi bill was Intro. oiiied In the House of Itepresentativcs to-d ly to Riant amnety to ex-CoiiRt ess man Arias, the nlleued nuirdeier nf ex Phier of Police Itlv i This action was t iken because of the lerumil of Presi dent Menocal to tui'don Arias This action Is simlt.u to that taken In the case of e-lov Asbert, who w is implicated m the inurdei The President 1 after Ai 1 is I tl tl hh'll ,,-s,. ,1. I-fused to pa 1 don hi in even onfese I that be Sfitn w id the tiled the 1 '01 ! es- UlllieSti Ilie.tSllte vet" l'les'ileill Druggist Dies When Police Arrest Him limit's IMnccoats to Wail ami Hear Music as He Finishes- Dinner. Ti. le. iive'. Mris'.in and riialnm went into the di iik More of Frank W l.eon.iid at tm Hint I'hd avenue last n'ght to arrest nn a warrant whi.h Chief Maalnltate McA.loi had ,s s.ied when he leal lied that the detectives hud Inimd Jilila wnilb nf fnihldden il i nu ll the store last Thnisda). I.eonaid w is eating his dinner 111 the little back ion. w ire he lived tin the last el, ven years. A phonograph was grind ing out lively dance nui"ic. "I gipss 1 know what )ou want," si Id l.i .ni. ml "Will you wait iim.l I tlulsh mv diiinei "" The delectlves said thev w uld wait Mtir Ins iin-il I.eoiiatd gave bis th a tw.tili berme a nilt i ni' and then tiiiind the ' ghls He clostd Ihe t ie be ,i ,i h m as the trio went out and locked it Then h tied and fell lb ad lii-'i the arm of ili'aliam. Ciiioiier Hiii'daii will In. Ill .ii aui-psi lo-day He l in ii I'M that while l.eniiaid wis at illniiir he may have swallowed is, Is m. I paid was knbwii as the "Man nf .Mvsiiry" in tie lu-'gliboi Ii.'.mI lb- was always well dicss,., alw vs II or "pce.'li and giaclniN id tn.i nil. c. but lb was ahnul him an air nf Ills pilrons weie fin Ihe in. I-' pal" .lining men mid wiiuien The poll' e belli ve It is. shop was a HI' 1I0.I111IS Im lllllg 111 lid- V ye I' ago leonn-il wild I . Ilia kwiil's Is'and for a mnnt 1 ,n selling liei-n.n an, I eot-iini- l,, lasi .i.gtu two men i-aiini 1 ' 1 1 Hie l.isi liiu nv-t gli.l. simii p 1 t (.111 and litiiuneil if Mr I.eonaid Ii 1 hee 1 1 I sled Thin I tl (lit v wee Samuel 1 ml Meiijaiinn Wolf nl Ftp! Park venue 11, d Ihe culm nf the two said thai Mi I, -01111 n I was his ion I'liey wme lold tha l.eniiaid was deml They 1cf the stall m without saylns i uuyUilni: nioic. Allies Begin Offensive M tali I j AninVs. Will Makp All Piisl Mil (lies Seem Like .Mere Skirmishes. '(cejf (iihlr lirtf,ntrh to Tlir mi I.osiion, March HI Appirenlly the rial war on the western front Is Just In Ihe process of beKlntiltiR. Lord Kltch enire pee-ilinlstlc utterances of ,1 few days, ntn and Information Imparted to il I'lespoinleiit of TlIK Sr.v by per sons III olllclal circles that the projected offensive mlRht have to h- postponed until Ihe. fall because nf lack of supplies and munitions are believed here to have been met cly (otisonant with an atti tude ,'iiloptfd by the nutborltii s attended tn epiir the people of Ureal llri'au. on so that every part of the crent nil'i tnry machine tnlRlit be well oiled, and iilo thit teerve supplies of ml ninsht be on hand The linpiesslnn has piohably ire' al y "btai'ied tiiat the Allies, or France and 1ire.1t Hiltaln a' least, were aire olv putting forth n maximum of erfoit, ar 1 that any furtln r stretiRth they exhiii.i il would come from the trooii held n re wrve near the tlRhtlm; lined It In been leported that the KiikIIf!. weie K.ilIiR to si ml a IiIr army Into the lit Id in the spline, but In many ipiarttrs this has In en reniiriled a 11 hocle to scare the Hermans and Aii"ttlnn. In view of this situation, it may now be stated authoritatively that the next two ur thtie months uf the war will .us the optnttiR of tne greatest ollensive tuovtmen; In history. Present nrmlt-i, etiormoiis though tin y are, will lit ro far eclipsed by the fnro s that will be sent 10 the mint that even the battle of the Mar.e w.ll les.iuble a skirmish In the inmparatlve ntimliir of ini n engaged. IVnm iidiorllltl I v e s,oiiree. Tins at least l the Infotmat'.on which Tm; i s i ni " espon. lent receives from ir.t 11 who aie in ,1 'ol',nn to know not only of tin .n partitions that Britain is makiiiR, but also of what France is planning. Itiiseia niittira'ly is no; taken Into consideration 111 'hn Inciennnt of nVhtlne forte slme her iesouicvi in th.f direction .11 e alnum'. Ilmll.iss and hive thus far not been taxed 111 the sI'Kllttst. In the know It tine that the "war will begin In May." ns Lord Klichener is iiiotid as having said, may be found an . xp anntion .f the lcnewal of ac tl.i I. s on tie In and Ihe BRAVE FIRE TO GIVE U. S. AID TO TROOPS Ainerii'tiiis! Distribute l,afn etle Kits Corncob Pipes I'u..le I'reiiclimcii. lre. , if r,Me leijfh tn Till S s Mnrcli 1 '1 - Italph PriMoti. H-rinan II llarjes .md Osinr lleatv ills, tr.liuted 5oii I1f,iJet:e kits to Fiench so. dlers .11 the tieii'iles In-uveeii Arras and Solutions Sunday. They left Pans at 7 o'cloilt 111 the morning with four a itoiilublles and reached the ftont nt noon. The patty llrt gave out :i hundred kilograms of tobacco as .1 gilt fiom theliiselv en Hen Caste'tian tecetved tin 111 and introduced them to staff olll-i-ers, a ,1.1 t nndtli ted them tn the lit'lichi'e aid entertatiied them at lunch and dlnnt r in a bntnbpriHif trench Later, however, while the trio were distributing kits to 1: dlv tibials thev ciine under 11 severe nt tiller)' tile which raged all day ..ii that front s the dav was fngpv Hit v wet- al- 'led to p.'iss to Hie French treiniie reili, sniping being lllipollile lien 1'ieteli.aii expiessetl d'ep giatitude fo. the re ef work belnvr done by Anieri '.ins ' n- he armies hi ih" north and said i'ii' lie ha. I noted tne elll". nev of the in 1 . an ambulances The te.-iplellts ol the kits well lie luded. ospi dally Willi th" corncob pip. s. which was a novelty thev did nn' iih.ierst md a' ills'. 1'aey I0'k care, hnwever. to search fm- Hie donor' uanie.i and addresses Tne oilc 'h.intte suggested was tha' Ihe weather is now so much warmer the vv liter weai might be los s. ned and more vick- sent, also pipe steps nnd moth powdtr The distribii nun of the kith was sin prislngly prompt, More than IS.inio have already bteit ills trlbiltcd. DIAMOND JIM" IS TOUCHED. Hear" W'niiiii n's Woes us Ornnil Jiirms sinrti Purse Willi Slim. .I.i'iiis P llr.'nlv. P'lllinnd .lin .1 l eniliei of the Uraiid Jury now sitting in the i'r -inn il Courts MuildiiiB. was loin bed bv the story told by a tvomni I'oinplaiiiaiii In the i Irani! .luri room yesteiday that he silggi still a colbs'tlon for her and started It with a Jlno bill uiher jumrs made conti Ihullont. and in a lew minutes the fm email nf Pin Jiit-v, W Hi. nn l-'elsinger, handed t ie w nin in i lln. The ris-.pleiit was Mis. .Mail;,; lliulia nl' 1 .12 1 Fust avenue, who vine robbed nf all her money, Joweliv and clothing on the altc! ilium uf Mnnh I. She has Inn tiiililiiii and told the liistrn'l M lornev's attendant. Join Huberts, thai she had lo walk front her Harlem home In nbej t in- siibpienn because she did nut have cat fate The man wh im Mrs Urulia lost I fled against was indi.'icd GOVERNOR HAS SEVERE COLD. I .impelled In I nil OD niilei eiiees null f.n lliiine. V.ii.vm Man i 1 1 ilov Wnluiin is Miifeiuig r i a in ivv .sild ami this ill,-' ml he w is "hi getl tn ll' I iff lis cunt s nl tin Cipd"! and ictiiiii I.. ' I've at v e Ma i ' r luieiilg l'i,, mut-iiilg itie ilnvcllii' siioweil i Hut lie was d stressed hut hi continued at hi," desk in the IJxei utive I'liamher until he had lllbd all his Im jinrlant i ngiigctucnts lie t sped lu ho back at the Capltul I In Ui mumluE. A Ggantic Move in West 1 lv -d y Sir John French. northern part of tne line .a Fianc. Military entlcK have professed to be n', utile, tn tinilert.itid the sudden chance of plan on the pail of the alliid com 11 audi is. After week of comparative ntil't the Mrl'lsh, French and Uel(tlnn suddenly seemed to come to life in the distiicts above described and inaugu rated a series of atta-ks that have al rtatly hiought the most substantial gains vvfthln :i- iat three months. Not only has the offensive part of the Allies' campaign been nntewoithv, but they have put up a most ohMintte tenlst.inse against all German attack". The latter feature of le.ent llglltlllk may be rsaided as or the utmost sig mllcanie. For a long time ,t mattered little whether the Herman or the Allle held eel tain lluee So far as the Alliel weie concerned, when their general po sltlon was not tliteif ned, they did not have to sacrlti. mer. to hold any par ticular town. This '.van proved by the leadlncss with which Certain parts of the front were evncu.i'ed when the Her mans mad tfpecially strong attacks thereupon Now. however. tne situation l changed Fvery foot nf ground that the t'fill'ni'icif oe Second Mnr ITALY SUSPENDS MAIL TRAINS TO AUSTRIA Home's DeiiuimN for Territory Would Cut Dual F.jiipire From Adriatic. tvnil nhf pfpit'h tn Tlir 'i - ItoviK, Man h HI V despnti h Hum Venice tn-mght says tint the .ndiiaiy train service from llolognu, V.-rona and A lu, on the Austti.ui flontle-, to Vienna ha" b.oii suspended Th trains tun through the Ttentltm Another dev elopmetit In the str.i.ned 1 relations tietween Italy and Hermanv and Austria wx the suspension th." iftotroinn nt tin money order service he. twteii Italy uiid lieimiiny. A formal older to that .if . cl was issued by th" Italian Minister of Post and Telegraph. A similar order vvn Issued lust night suspendliig tho H'tvlce between Italy and Aiistii.i. The nnli-is have not been explained 111 olllclal en. les Some mteiplei them as t ntlstitUtlliK a notice lu Austria Pint Italy is lieimiiiig inipiilluit at tne vlow pingress id Hi" negoti tlioiis having lu View Ihe i . sshlll nf VllKtliall ten Itory as tin Hn ..: Italian iieiittallty. iiies,. i,t,otiai.o, s aie now s nil to con--rii He follow 'iu demands by Italy ; Tile tess. ii In In i of tl.e whole prov line of Tunt, bringing her linntier to Vetttisti, passirie and Mrtenn. ini.udlng Hot distlicls of Jtevtlt", Tie' I, Mozen, M-rau. Hie. amine anti Mr unei k , to the iast the cession to ,tr of Hie teiiitoiy lying betwteii In i pn st'iit frontier and the Julian Mps. miliitliiig the piovlnces or leuioaiid H :itK, with the ilotrtcts of Tolilii'a. lend, Trlestr, pol.i aid Flume Itali ilso wants the lulmatliin Isl it, ds, . sp, t lally Voglla. Clictso, l.unga, Miaiza l.esln.i. Cvrzola, .Mi led.t and l.Nsa To Hp e dcniands Austria l said to he willing to concede only a small Mill toiv. liKliiuing Lake t'.anla, of which -it .ilie.idy Kisses..s all evtept a strip of foil Hides ai tun end; Hie valleys of I lie I'hlese. dige and Uonzo rivers nd the districts of lil.a, Ilovi rto, Tlone an 1 i ir idlse.i Italy wanis, teiiitoiy which Includes so much of tlie v tillable Adriatic pos-e-s-sioiis ni usiiia. iiiiiiiillng the b.l-t of Pola, that tlieie s,.eii little lllle llhuud th'it the view" nf the two ii-tttuus will evi-i be leeunclled, although Pnn.n vnu llilelow, the c i nt ii l.i u Amb.ihs.itlor, Is llildei st, tn have staled In the Italian (iovi inniciu th it he would evetiiuilly tivei.ome itst i i.i's resist, luci Fmpelor Fiaiicls Joseph Is said to ih'iuaiid ,i nun, ei payment lioui Italy and al'o a pitimlse that tlm latter fi. until will iievei .iaitii any nlhi-r tciritmy Inhali Itetl by Italians In lespniis,. o the lleniiiu riprcseil- tltinls. tile Allies ll.lVe l-llllt'-il (lilt to Italy i ai i ici'iiiany and N list "in must Illi'Vltablv be delealed nnd that III II..' iiiial settlemtnt Italy will be allow. ,! no voice unless she takes p,ut ,n the war on their side. Purls llcitrs 'I'luil lliHIini I'leei l I nncfiit ra 1 1 im, Paiiis, Manh 1(1 A di-spiti! ni HetliVa sa)S that Hie ''ifmilt n' II. i' cit) l infnrlneil bv Us llnlili' i in ri spohd -nl that a luge paitnf 'In- h.tliii lb . I Is coin 'rating it Tn .. ' . I- w .s i 'lull till l-C'l.'llv toit I I lle nf I'm I ,i u 77.1 would . '.pun inil a II, t 1 tv .' . would hn sent lu Hie I ini'dau in s Vnuibi' despai.h s.. s thai the llal. liin iiill'mt II it's havi I'Mie'led 111 i- j respuuili nts of the h una 7'mti hl tt and UlO l'l'llllU'.llt, fclKlHI lium ilUUK't NOT AN ACTUAL BLOCKADE, SAYS BRITISH REPLY Xew Note to Ftiiled Slates Admits Action Is itli ottl, Precedent. LESS DA MA 01X0 To XKITKAI. IXTKKKSTS" Ainericiiii Proposals l-'ni'-. inally Hejeeted in 01". fieial Explanation, lMIKSIDKXT TO .MAKK VlOOh'OrS IMMVPKST Fears KITeet on Public Feel inff Here When Docu ments Are Published. W .vsli on rt'. Mar. h J . In exp'atia t.on nnd defence. nf her extcaurdina y programme . f cutting nir all trade with Hermany It!. tain asks that the Fluted States view this procedute as inoditl-d torm of bhs kade A f"imal statement itga'ding tie l.evv policy, wh.tli the lint'.sli ti re dv know Is certain to be shnrply nbjec;el to by 'lie Fi.itetl State", was ie. e.ved here to.ilay a" n noin a. c mp.inv in the copy of the order In council handed to Ambassador Page yevterdtv Th -note, not only contnlns a rejection of the American proposal suggesting a modification of the niarltimo polices f acim.iny atnl Kngland hut also an swers the I'nited States's "ltniiiries as to what may be expected lltld' t tlie new order by which the Allies have .announced their intention to proven- al trade with Oerman.v ." The Hnttsli Hoveriimen: asked li... ts communication on these two su.. Jects be withheld fctni the public U the Fnlted S'.atts Government un Tliursdin morning, whin It will he p Ilshfd also III C.reat Ilrltaln. T 'n Am lean n-ttx. ore suggest, -..g i (treat MiiUin pass foodnuiTi t t c.vll popul ition uf Herman) in iete for a in.sllik-atloit of i ie-niany '.- s. marine operations nnd the lHter n t of uniuir) the new- po will lie (tiveti vtit at the Same time "l.t'ss 'I Into Hlitfl.llili'," Although the Ilrlti"li response in t. e-. conimunlcnt oiim was to-d.iy inrifnli gn.itded at tho State Ileparlinei" i m. . Im said authoiltal.vcly that the bind' -i td the llrltlsh elatemci.t regaulii-g i n new policy is that the nperat on shou i he regarded by neutrals as snnieihiiu lesji than a hlockadc and. thettloie. n -though new to International pn cedent, lies damaging lo neutral .nteie's than the more blockade prop- r Tins tplaliatlon on the p.ilt of lie Miltlsb Hovetmili lit has In no my shaken the intention of the Admi'isii . ton I i lodge as v go roil" a piottst .,. s Hf.sibe against the Alln-e' pi'" ,n seeV.iur to itr.itmle all tl.llle dm. v .1 1 Utrtniiiy. The Pr.fcldi lit talhrs !.'. the White House to-tlay final., cni vlin i d that Mr Wilson fe.l v.-iy strut glv ..n Hum issue, bill the Pres.dt lit !l'lltl. decllnid lo make an) eimtne MibJect nt this tune. It vv.i' on Hi .1... lar. 1 111 ..'llel- 0,Ulirters, ht.WeV"-. In ' Fn.led 'tntesi would lii"l H-e,f i nroualy ax posslhl.. tn d fencs ol are leg.irded aw its lights. T'.e llrltlsh oi-ib is in .'"lin. il .lie lie to outline a mode tn' pio tdn . unautbtirlist by anv pi incip.c i nation t law nnd unlike nun befnie attempted. W bib U .s i conceded that the I'mitd S'.it. in a iKislllon Inn- id a liimd who' I. to bear upon Hi-it' Hilt.un. I t an I Jlussi.i pie ml- !,,i.d nt lecst-ir which might cflect modltie I'lon of th- policy, ).'t this tloveintiie't, it is e". serted will not remain sllert ni i. fine of what is regarded 'is a tlagian' violation ot Us right It is proposed to establish at grounds on whn'i claims tor dumasiw nny subsi-ri-ni'v rest. May -Ilr Public IVrlliiu. , The effect which the vu tual blocI .id 'of Hermany Ih likdy to have upon puh He opinion m this cnuntrv Is fully rip. predated here The belief hete ir tlr ' 't will stir up urorger fetling In this rnurl-y Knfli'"t that Ins s pi a red tin to this time The Miuistel Ot the NethMlind calle I 1 nt the Statu riepartnient tn-1iv ac.1 .' , l believed that, as ii r-s'ilt of tl ... fereticn theie. Holland wU Join w.h t Fnlted States In a proteit against ' dritish icprls.-il mc.t..ure as lute i i. 1 tieutinls No tep in the d'.rictmn of pun. was taken lo-dai It " 'I' artcrnoon that Colville Mni.iiiy. I sellol- or Ihe Itl'ltlkll Hintus--, i!e I -, e ' to the Stale 1 lep.n tllient till nth .1 I of the ol.lel'S 111 eoiiin .1 1" In.' epl lll.ltl.l V etlltelliellt 1 I'gl lei i the Mulish ii s nf the uttmist iinpoit.ti It l lli Id III l.olli.'tl Hilt till- Hole the Fnlted late slnniid Mtisfv ei. iiuestioii ai d "leu loiopl.ilni on the p of tne .Minn lean i.a'..iul a'ld a I ' lll'llll.tls Thai tne p' u.s of propo-cl np. r,.- " iro less ini'tt-i: to in utrals ti ..n bin. k.ule woil d be IS KUIipol ted hv t slatelll. lit tb.M Weie the Allies to ilefl.-u a bloikiide of i let map)- eVi ry vs. and cvciy cargn . mubt In an att-int tn bieak the block . In would be s, and eonllst'at.d The orders in 'nn . a policy uf linii-c nflu . I i,., Id ill ii-c.ird 1. 1 I nit-.ii. .'"I wi. ilw i' s s.ibj. ft ti, e ti. .: '! .ni H. II loll Wis nl. , It ,1 " s . ' . ' O I , 1 1 I I I I - i I. ''. . -s s '1 ,' 1 ,- Ml v. . , . IP i foil 111 . thi II. I I Hut 1-0, lii'lllnil UuM-iiUiKill. U Itajy