Newspaper Page Text
IT : THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915. i m m 8 m 1 m 1 il u 1 u. 1 I - V V. It ecu. I mi 8 Exempt from Federal Income and New Jersey State Taxes $150,000 Hudson County, N.J. 4Tc Bonds line 1044 Total Net Debt less than 3 Population (1910). 537.231 Eligible as security for Postal Savings Deposits Price to yield about 4.25 Further particulars en requttt for Cittulat AD-44. N. W. Halsey & Co. 49 Wall Street, New York pnllade Iphl i hlca? ll bvltlnior an I'raiielu'O :t. Louis FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Stocks Decline on Professional Dealings Pressure on Heading. -Cloelll -Hid A Ik. HIT , lit.! Sal rtallrond mid Other i rw v . Tt-'ESUAT, MAHCIt 16. 191o : avn RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Transactions from Opening to 3 14. Adams l;ip Ir, C St I M A o h s v Hts ad) is icon,. 7 1 wooo. Kin 1 ono . tii Alaska Hold i t Ltunsneii ; i state i's,a .13 U C3,ij IN 85 54 U' B4? lOUl 40H 27',.. 2TH 11 4 4000 1 Alaska U M..., 40OAIII-Clinliiier!4 I tnr i .; 33 'j . 1 0 ' IlltrU-cet. iiw-1 cio- I ' tut. I Net ; Change. lOOjAtllS'Cliiilmcrx pf i 34 a .1950.Atual Copper I C4' uavv'.-in itcei nuK.r.ii.i.ti. iu-4 tOd'Atll Cat ' 27'a GERMAN SALE OF NOTES Central Branch 4s, 1919 Leroy Caney Valley 5s Missouri Pacific iLex.Div.) 5s m mill. ii ismi l.s ni.Ai.r in F.J.LISMAN&CO., Mrracfraef w X nr. and chlca'.a Mock Lxrli.mj, no into ii siiti.i r. M H voitii 111 115 i lOGVj 107,4 i a I jr.'1 lie, 4 23 i 6K 28 78 04 103 26 102 103 110 114 12iU 1C01. 44 S7 8T-.I 2c: Henry Clews & Co. i I 1 J IUSOAII .ST . l. -PICK K.VIIAMll! 13 m:m!iku Stocks and Bonds bought and soldi on comntitsion. Also carried on con-j servntive terms. Deposit Accounts) received subject to check at si(jht. ' Interest paid on daily balances. J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell 2.1 Iliil'ont render I Kin. A l'fd.stk. I "jr. :. miss I nni. sin. w Kill lupinl" MllEHt Muck lliiiriflh Siatlnnal Monk stark Sinrthern Paper Mock inn Inlcrbnroiiiiti It. I Mock lnustHiiilaril 1'i.tipler rum. Mnrk no Icier Ijlklnii 1lnih.Ciini.Slh. J.K,Rice,Jr.&Co Pbonea louI tu 'SO JoUu il Willi St , N V E. & C. RANDOLPH Me . . . st It i s iisi.c 111 llrnnilwHt, .New 11rL. Bord and Open Market Sc unties Depatte-trt T V -Ilil I tw Mg' In I vi i ' n ot Se,-urltles of the Vn. - i I sne a and Mexico. Electrical Utility Investments Their Itrmrd .mil I'rnEri" StnJ for lkllt US.29 William P. Bonbright & Co. i ,. . X. 14 Wall Street, New York 4-x-x-:-:-:-:-x-:-x-x-x-5-Xx:-. D . ir. .. - V "Many r;.W of thtir fev of their juagtr.tKt.' XACT knowledge is the great- X iMuanc of th Hrlttfli orar In Council eecUlnr to tiUbllNli Rxainnt l Grrinanr a lrlnd of blockade which has I no recognition In International law priori 102' I to the urgent Kuropean war naturally 24V4 1 ' did nothlnir to promote constructive ac tivity In the Wnll Street stock market yesterday. That tt did not stimulate uny very marked jelling pressure ex-1 crpt that which seemed to have Its I origin In the bearish eftorta of profe. I lunal tradera was more elRnlllcsnt of tho underlyltiR pofltlou of quotej aluos. ( In general tin market continued to act very much as though there wan an In-1 creasing llspo;ltlo:i on the part of In-. vmtment and epeculntlvn capltst to do I nothing until events hud made the mill- ' tary sltuailon abroad clearer anJ furnished tome tokens of thr- ten dencies of tr.idii imd Industry In this country outside thu special llns which have benelltfd from thi war. Thero was some tnnderate selling activity on the Stock Kxchanpre. and a llttlo of It In thu Uiti-rnatlonHl list stig-1 nestrx: the persistence of foreign liqui dation. In the main the dealing ap peared to l'e of professional origin and J to rnpiesent experimental operations fort a decline iMaUltig was tne particular object of soKcltudo an.l tor.cnrnlnc It I thero was a good deal of ullllngnrss on the part of Wall Street to reduce th I dividend. Blthmsh theto sceintvl to he' sufficient rcvons for believing ho dire-tors who the matter actually . in charge will m.ike the illstrlbutljn at 1 tho regular rate. However, the present unsatisfactory Mhd the virloue poll' rompllcatlons In which the snthraclte IllUUlktJ 1.1 U1WI.VW .T-.I UIKCll .V ..- .... count for the heaviness of Ite.idlng J",.3 ' li.ire. trhl.-h Ivim Infln.nllMl er..i-Jtrii In '"-3 '"ON Impart a fllglit tone of heaviness to t.iu whole market, A few tNpeclalucs Gjsplayed nggteselve strength, but r'i .ieMS of prices irioved ilomiwarl .tnd show.d a fractional loss at the close A calm recetitlon of the iwllilca! yjr- tents of the new developments in the war whi.'i threaten commerce. does not mean that there is Imllrterncu , , to the trade effects of the ma-ltltno reprisals between tho be'.llgorentn. It Is : 1 worth polntlns out also In tills respe.-t . that our Import trade as well js our ex port trade Is menaced and that the eon- sequences of cutting ore tmportaiions from itermany might be more serloun than a contraction In our export move ment. Wall Street, without discussing the diplomat,! features of pen.llnix quo tums, was coni ei-ned over the trade Im- pi- -iittoiis c-' the novul departures of ami f.ire nbro.ul l't.Jer the it Is Interest- iU that the Urpurtinvm of Commerce wan able to publish record lire.iklng ox tort tlgures for the secot.d -veol: In March. Our export balari.v approxi mated JS0. 000.000. much the largest for any vveV In the .wutitrj's history. Sta tistics about cotton shlpnietitu published at the same time were ospevlall) note worthy More han '..OOO.t'Od bale have been reported slmv the outbreak of the S3,: 2l OS '.4' ::i aiU' leti 4S I fill 33 U'Hi 41 124, 10"i,' 2S4 1 21 11 471-2 '.'24, III V' 7's lu3'a ii; 17S ' 107 17 K- a;-; S2 7i; tlsW r.7 34 4!t i;?ii 102 , H's 124,' 10Tl 29, 20'..' 3,Vi 30 ll'i IStfc of, 42 04 7HI 3liTi 103r UK I 12U 107U' 10 40' iloSs 110 31 ; 31 to , ;n I iiu 21 13 00 S2 .... 0 10 734 114 21 'v 12 7.s 215 1311, 1:14a, it;. 30 V 1 1 ".A 21 'v 37 114 lU'... Mi, i'.i M 1 ii;rN nr. 30r X T7 5 J cst aid X I he rcgi '.ration ot corporation .J. etrari'i notes provides an aJditiot-al sale- Y iav be' guard for the purclujer ot commer- v dlreef.v as well as directly. JCcial rarer and is a protection for A Mattel which erne to notli late in Al liu .. . ... ! .t, !-,).- l dav I'ldlctited that the TriM-ury vboth the bonower ani the lender. .5, ,...,.... . ta,sln.. Me!.- to call m t cclMli 1. ... fcn f:.r fr.irl :l rii.rtlinl et aid to corrt.-t JUug -en.. V ,., vbru.irv s hltimcnts were .iry. Italy s t.iai.'SH o; t.tton large enouith to suk'g-e'- that has been gettli.t: cotton In- 12 il2 X3 51 H 24 ll'Oly i 30li. 41 IH". K-i IP 'I l:i 10U M7 "1 121! 12 70 Send for our bool.'et eut tied ', "The Re ;n cf Orpintut. A ; Xetfi." J ISM t Franklin Trusl Cofnpany 1 4t wm Mrrt: a X II' or i-'rtzt Yii ( 1 fit) M mtJE . I '0 1 tc'l .VfC -x'X:-:-x:x-x-x-x- Capital. S10.OW.liM Surplwi. SIC.(Wfl.0O tonus from ibpo-'lnr- b.inks. It Is not o..vK"is hor.- !i T'M'iry'H essential position can chaiigeil In this waj, but t'-ti tne.ts'tres denoted might be regarded a- pr"llninat to scune publle flnnnctng 1 1 fore T'.iy may -iIm tt ai.e for . little nwire .-..or.ey tnarket artlv'tv '.n uih near futtne. In the foreign e:;chM.Re inaiaet tlm eatuve tli further ri-' t-f releh-.- iiatks. Tuis nilk'i.t vety well be 011- 1 i ted with the undertaking dlM-lri'i-d llur'llg Ihe illiv r ple.. Htl IkU.! of ilu.iiOO.nOO of (ierman ilovernim-m i.otos here. 'lh notes ate to run for uln , irontl.s and w ll probably go at -oin.-I th;ng b-s-. lh:i:i a per et.-. IuikIs In v.etv of t'..- obtiueliof if co;itn,Pive t'e ibji-t of th.s tlitunen. 1 t.01 irnn;- , fet. 1 11- ' ma' be for the purpo-e of l.ils.'ig Crran.m ex- .miiS'e to 'iio. f,ivo-,i'.le level H'2!:; 10 105 110'i ioi "7 150 "s I 17t. 24U 101 .M'.L. I'lit'V 204 105'-, 12" 21" ', 2!-i -i0 1 150', 1 P. tix. 20 Am far 1- lOOiAni Our I-" pf OO'Alti foal Prod pf..., 300 Am Cot till 100, Am I'-xpre-'f 700IAtn Ice 2001 Am lilnseed Oc , 100-Am Unseed ) pf. .. 2001 Am I.oco pf 010 Am Smeltlinr 200 Am Smeltinir pf lOu Am Steel 1-My 100' Am Sugar 110' Am pf 2250 Am Tel Tel 100'Am Woolen 1U0 Am Vcolcn pf 2;o'Atmcohila lOO'Atcli. Top .. S Ke. .. 300'Hnlilwln l,wo 7i0 II A 1 15 It A: O Pf 17100' Bethlehem Stefl 2200' II r (looilrich , 550iHklyn llap Tntn.... 2000 'Cal Pet 700! IV pf 2000 Can Pacllli 000'Crn Leather 210'Cen Leather pf ino't ,v O 1100'fhl A .Vorhve..t V75 Chi C.t Wet 100'Chl Ot We.t pf 200 Ch, M & St V IPOo'Chl, K I A Pac 1000 Cliino Copper 2t'C. C. C A St I lilnO Corn Products 200 font Cm 100 com Can pf 100 Cuban Am Sugar... lOOIDenv P. li 1000 Distiller' Sec 1300 Urlo 530 P.rte 1st pf 040 F W Wind wo rth SOU 1 W WooUvortli pf. 210 lien l.'hetn Co IS Hon I'heni Co pt. . . 220 Men Wee Co StiOO'Men Motor OoO'Men .Motor pf 300 tit Nor pf 00 Ml N'ur ' r tfr lieu iJuggenheim .' 10 Havana K -. Kj . . . . 4-5 2l' H..niestl,lP- . . .' "54'in lt,plr.itiot. dp . . ' 35'Hi Inter-Met .t2i' Inter-.Mot pt 0 H'O .1 Ku.wr 300 Kan cit Sou 7 225 Laclede Cm 12 I On'tt .M.-rs 1U' 2t'0 l.eiiih i.lev. 7 lu l..lle. -Wi - Hi ..' 2ti'10 Maxwell .be. r Co ..' 310 .Maxwell .M.n,.r Co 1 pf pjrta .Maxwell o.- C.i 2 pi' . . I lot' Mix I vt ..' 3! t5 .I.atni Ch! . 1 . lmi Mint! .V St l.i u. pf. . . 7 125 .M.t.n. Si P .X S S 51 7'J M i. .K. T' x 22o .Ml-s.iurl Parlrie 2 3O0 .Mi.lltlltlll I'nw.r ix cliv 7' In .Mot.! IV'W'-r t.r e (llv . 7 S0O .MorrN tv Hi" -e 3 it'll' Nat Lend ll'O'i Nut i: .V- S 20 7oo Nevada Con r. 3(y N V Air Urn Up 12110 New York Vntrnl.... . . 2i'13 N V, N II .1 II 20U X i . On A- W ii i'.mi Not f.ilk .v.- W . I inn Ni.rf. ,x- W: if 7 lili'i' Xr; 1 r'i Pac'liu loo pa ;ile .Mail 41V HSf-,1 107 44'h sST 2r-f, I 0 I 20fS, 1 fll'i 102-1. 1 25 102 ,112 33 ; s I 34 14 r.i?,1 4P, li7'i! IP 33'i,; '' atiji toV 271.1, 41"-i U3"H u::5' 10 44 T 28", 33 is,; 0 5i.: Ul. 27i 41 V. IPJ.'S, rurels Pill it looo.. Mho . I MO ,Cnn (ins ev r,i AmrrAgr -vfis Sunn. I 1 aa4 101111 I no sofi-i 1 I 'J' Aflt otoll i'i Cabvn 5i .1000. tiini, mil Am smelt vet touo.. Hit Itoon I ti t la CinihTel i .-,000 in ait tiiiio tin-( lonnii lonii NVTel Ell I'H r.eoo P'lU Ner &'.V ev ' Mini 1 0 1 Snrfn:l A XV 4 inon ti I 'i 1 Net f A A dlVIS lOfili'lOfi'i 2S"a 4ja, SX7, 28U Klls HON not j flOl J nui j :e; 2 20 04 ; 102- 102 ,112 03'-i 61 . 102i-i 102H! 102 ,112 102 ;112 2 ..l20a'l20- 110-", ,1211'i -r 17 4'3 20', 00 32 ; 67 OS's' 50 ! 35 so-;- 10i' 40 . 17 S41-3 20'; 00 1 1 fit 1. r.7i' 35 SO", io-n in 1 2'iHi ill 4 31 illS fls't 50 .11 014 1 17 2014, !'54 OS 14; Ann M-rv i's De-AHiui -v n NorililMelne 4 mini i ch.xh Mum. ti'i.ij z:,tw:n noi Ziiofi 1 M j ui.tinrs "er'ir , . iii?i. hfiOa. I H 1 1 iMiCo,p -. ow:o inoe. ,nMiH Ifnoo 4H i .inco 10QO OHU I lie 1st t in"s :;.po won 'Mia 3000 lonij .1000 Am 't A '1 ev 1'rle rV 1. er A f, ,?1 toon . 0 IL 2000 ii'JIj Nortnl'arlflr It Ami A1 rlt u Gn Mntotj r, ropoo IKIW PI0O . av'j fooo I ii 1 u'.'.osifM. ii. IN Artroe.r (',. Ureal Nor I'.si.lftooi il.l 's ;ooo mil 17 reitlstetcil 2000. u 1 1 2 i- lfA-sti1pM Is looo 111 ATls P t-v is tool s J I a Or A 1 lt 0 '.Wi . i Vi ItWenl'hlen !a uwu-'nl uil Itoi tnon till-- Or IMilAMiviS 0oo n,-i.h i;i ivnl t I1S3 f.ooi) nor-j AT Sh reals rr,n s'la .ieno Nil is .VnosJi..'! 1 1 j tndtsn.iMel. Ji3i hIHh liimisa' lilij siioo i inn (irlinrtt.tne rs 5000 II I N Insl'iins i'np ev .100,1 ins .101" III: a M IBJ2 Or Sli t. M( ,ooo 'i I i?ooo in:i7 tfiooo oil it THE CURB MARKET. Prices were about steady in the curb markot yesterday, with business ex tremely dull. The only price changes worthy of mention worn In the oil de partment and :n bonds, 'ndtislrlals hold unchanged Although tlierii was little bu:nens in oil stomas, S-tatiUatd Oil of New .leru-y advanced 3 points, Standard Oil of New York hardened l point and Praliie Oil and roso 2 points. The Wclern Pacific 6s leatured tho bond group, advancing l point to 3 1 s oti moileraie buwtig I lie uvv lor.i city 4 is rosed off ' Transactions in dntnll on the market yeaicrday wee ha follows: Open- Were I.ok t'los Sale me est et lot SoTOO Atlltltn 4.-. 4 1H 11 .-, nuieb'ii . m 6 mi l.'i)) linden Coipr .. 6. ? 6' Pr Am Tob urd II . Is'. f) Cfti Kev f'.nh ' 'i lt'i. tnon (ilia : inei ATlS r n 11 Jivioti Jon '.. I so 0 sMtnpeil 'tin io tool Mills vir.o f.OO H'JIj tsooo Atl'oast T.ltie 4. I'Hw nrtH I'.seTel ATelis ' "1 '.! 100 ' .13 33 i 34 U -JOlii 10' - 41 Mi Pa , l. 1 i r.s i50'il i 102 414 124 10 I U ' Mi's : iifHt: 21 11'. ' 4la !'3s ' 42 0H S&, 22 N 37 33 , 102 ll'i io: 121U 121 10H IO-" 20 sil'i 2134 nr.-. 21 ii-t isu f'3s i? 1.'; s". 20 P'Jii 20 lit, 21 11 I t'3" 42 .51, .13 a:, 102 4 1 121 'i 10'ri' 20 so-;i 20 fir.-; 21 It J Ml.. 42 ! moo 00 '.000 ; PaltAO cold is 100,111 SiHio NMia jooo ' :noo ioiio I 11 A Oc-v f-n 1 anon 1 1000 sata loooo tOOO-l H.i,. 1000 Halt Anhliin' 'turrti 0OOO o 1 1 j PetfiStcf ej i 1000 inn :ooo mit tleth M! Mf tl'nar A 7 V 1 0000 1 1)11 ' rn llap t'l 101 10000 no.14 .i,.p 1 n ia. I n:Ua I nil 'i I Il l's 11 1 ton? lop. I 0 I a4 1 irj I o I a4 noo 3000 . II V s Perms 4'1.1) I tern ett J 2:000 io:m4' IVri'-i It P. 4 ! Hill,) tllll.f 1 r. is .t ti i 13 1 1 t-M t t-K .. IV 1 I ii-to m II :c it k I IS 3H Is. :i 1 f.H V IS "la a re n'i. IMS 4000 Inn I'm 1, A r f.lf f.s 100,1 I 00.14 P I nrin.r,l .'. I d'.'ij :.o.i 1 1 on 1 II r Iff 40011 iioJo ' hl)M Pnlii'e -fr('orri Ion o 1 if ; ! 1000 .,.OT' 'Olnl HTIa1 Intprlinro vtrtjltai i-uiii'cnf,. 1 10I tru-t 1 l ..eon 1 11014 :nni. , iuH neartins en 4. 41)011 ', ' 1 I 20(1,1 o it irxei ',.vi iow . nvii 1 own Cent Is llep IIS. "n 1110 trtni fllnC.rAnrfeW l ' Pa 22rsi 30 14 0!t' 7, 22a4 3i,' IC4M. I04i .llaa mSV; ll'i'4 HO". llOK 110'4 ISO lsn If l-0 ia;i. idtu. 107U in7V4 isiii :if- 1.1015 i3i... 101 14 iKt pf. 115! 32 1. 4!'s 1 !!, SI '4 12- hft H 21 07 , 218, 1.1 1 'i 05 ' 321. 74 ' 31-4 i7 21 4-' 115 10-, IP. MM, i0 l".t i''A 115. 32'. 4'.' nil t'S f,4 115H. 115't' 31 f;, 31s, 4'Hi I')?, I15V115V115' 21 13ik ouri. s0 21 '1. t'7'4 2s II Vt. 12. fill VII 2 Pi 00 1 21 12 H 00 sm 00 :i- 1.14 1.13 ..1.14 Mj' 32 75 N .11-4 07 y in 115 10 m II-'m 5n, loo 1 ,17 1. J 07 Mi ,1. 12 12 i7 .34 52 1 4 2l. H'l 1S, 12 07 s3l4 52', 24. Ml IT 25-14 - "1 1 . 30 HOI.4 21 Pi 115 10-'. iuH 403. loo lt,7'i 52 05 3P. 73'7 .10', iirl4 21 U 10 115 lU4 ION 43 10,1 10714 52 12 n. 04 ' S3 . i m4 "A Pn Ps I, llkfi In I'l tt timpnt 1 ieii.1 Vtllj , n-imr'n v.ti'' , 1 mi. .v iron m is loon inoit liai 'It' '-"" .lO'O 117 r.oo! lonU lono 0 V 1.. sil.Aianlr Me ral (! A I .' I.arkMl 'Jt tWI rtfs utatrti-t 1000 01 1000 on '1 ro-vi 11 ov On Leattier fa 1..v le.le tian U M t... ils .-.-V tt ;00n 1 s .4 moo Inn.ij -ooi, Cent IMcif.r 1st l.s A MS 4s IMSS s,.,! . h,. amisi-j. . if s, :o(i iiiv :-eoo nasi !I711:0 Mi'lj :.SAMSIsr.lJI ;oirnA lis M IIO'iJ'."". .Si 'OOI III lu.Ki Inills I tor.0 sil:i LUc'tt A M Si Parlfr ev Is ;iioo mi .010 100 limn 'i 7lj ; st 4 1... 1 4. N inl.l 6s .', Parlflr or is ', toeti S..l4 1001 I IH. 7, . out) H I I4 inoms;i stilj conn 1117 .-itiKio si In tpoo . -s i 1 Mlrm A St 1, 4s Smith P.v-inc is I ei.l I . -s .'inn .in .loon s't SOivi 4 - 1 j touo ftili t SuParlilc rf 4s OiiH.-A IK s M I'l ss ,1 4. ;on S4I4 limM 'i-ju toon out. tnon.' 1. ,s4 14 ( hes A I) fit is "ohanAfri 4h iii,io M.ia 1 icon .114 ;i, .s i' . s 1 1 1 : (' A OiV l .s MohAT sf 4I4.S Sil'ae SI ( 4s lUOn . 7 1 lliini J lOOi so', , CIlAwlnlntl' 1n I'vrlllf con .Southern It", is coon . im; ine.niiin .j-,0.1 ' IO'hi . feoo I tin i , 0's jockV ,ii Vn I'tr ,v tnir ;r.nn os.s, , i 'hi HAW la t,s ;noo . ... j 1cas Co ev ft lC'Oi I n'jlj 'to To ev .iiim.i no I tit A Its.n III.V ; "io .i.Vj fhl'd Av re f 4 . rnoi) oiii rtmi i i mni s, 3fiiM,.i.nis lo I'.tfltlr 4s eoeo sllj o,i mi rnoo 4. M t ihlrd A mil Vs loan ."in I a linen 4.', , '." 1.1114 Ctil MIIAstpj .1 rn.i t.iij iihvi . S I K irv j viorris.vrs .t.h Tr: i"::.vt is l1"-OIOy j 4',n H.l( I ill.l-J vnnn 1 ii',, w virlir. t Mm l'i-l", e ." A stl'r ... toon 0 tnon 'IIS ic . ! -11 ;, NV, ( anal I ,s I tiliinl'i' rv 4, :.0iN j ii 1 iiKif.i In-'t liioii ssij tsoiK, 1 1. 1 , sv c.mal t- 1 S Iww.f r wi 1 1 1 1 1 a last loie 1 o 1 7. i I'otia Arliim.1 .. ) -In 1 IliYck lluttc Ho (inldflelil Cona .. !' niilllc-ld Mrrter lnt Mer Marine V .Ititnhn Kx :' Kewan.t . ; Hi rr Like f". I.a ltoe . :0'.i l.or.e Star . . 0 M irrniil of Am.. ::s MeK-li-S M Co M I.f Vorls Trant In Nat Cloak At?.. Nst Cloik A S pf SIM, in., .Vortii Hull' Pev r.-I t.-il (lr.i 11 1"-i Itllisr lie g Coro.. : 0 ststsi "I I.sjtid l.yi Men :i-i Wa-ner 'a Slew -ir' V Mirlltu i.imi No Tnnupali Merjrr fA.i Tunlunitie ; . :T-i I'm Co,- s-t now . 'WO rn '.-n Sh re-s- t 71C )N 'IVe.t Ktid Kit ibjO Wort I Him . . I'a ,') V'.Soti (iolrt . . '.', sTvxiiAitn 011. iftistniAKiKs T1IE GRATI! MARICET. SlUlil In heitl Oilier (ll-lllns Also Hole linaler. The tvliril isslon of yesterday could be dlstltigtl 1 tied f.otti many of the others witnessed .n f I..- past several months l Its 1 aPtiness. Die lull iu:allons of the pe-.od we-e tnarle soon after tho outset, while I tie lo-v est were regis tered Jus pi lor to the lllinla of I lie day Sprculatlo, htis halle 1 'o 11 noteablB degree, out the Interest .n the market remains t. It VI..1 port tli. Slotl I. I'll' In the ii 1 1 11 n; n t f-t 44 1'. ,: j-u. IS 1 JT H t's S "sj 2 t: s'. JIM, t I'l 1 ' 111! 14 :s 1 1 1? in I in! Ml 13 I , :: ti lt 1 it it JO '.!'. IS y. '. ' 5 4 V c 4' jl J's 's 3 m l.Crewiit P Lire.. liV, s: It'll KureUa P In' .. i.-l S:4 :s4 j . lisii-nn ii; Oti 1W ! M 1 11 Illinois Pin. I .It iJt li. in I foNatlunil Trans". 31S J"Vi lli 1'' New V.irli Triti' 3t3 213 '."3 1 . Northern I' Llr M ' M ) J" nhin Oil :aP ISO 131's P'l IMrree Oil !H IS1, ll'i I i rratrte O A o .. . i :rt us: : C Prairie P I. .r t .. Ill 111 141 1 SnatVrn I' UU :e: ?i l Sou"i I'enn Oil . SJ M r.3 1 W Pa III Lin' . lit 111 111 j CI Mar.d Oil of Cal iH l : 1 :e Stntid Oil of Ind 4-t 400 1 t stnd O'.I of X .1 Y M" JK tl Stat.d O-.l of V V 1 tv Maud Oil of Ohio IM 4t;, AS, 1 X, Pmon Tank Une m l fl . it Vacuum Oil .. Is l" t) ! BOND? If.n N V Celt rv ... 13 33 T P, S UJi Sfl N Y t 4;e v I 104', 1'4's l"Hs l"0, j,,. vv... pi.-n tt sis 'iv m m; Sfll cnt. rer share ;oa . mil. to"" 1 no ;ots, 1 11 1 "li--f .- l " S Y 11 .I'l. 4- I i when I., d 1.-CK.O I On 1 1 ( CIOilo 1 I. I Is l"10n I Hit's. i;ifin 1 11 1 iirixn i no i, s .Mtss I I. I I. re.'J.lerr, k .nh . hi ,i. 1, r 1 , nni j , sntsi s.V . si till A lr elf 4S :.' V I 1. - .. is MMII. ,V.l I tliHui ' :i 'Wal.ssh 1st Vt . lll.".tl. I .I.....S1. it'l 14 4W " 1 1 .100.' .in MAstpf.l i' 13O00 s,. 1 7IHM s f I'hl Mil Asip ?Ot.l. . s 1. I A.MV am .v CURB STOCKS CLOSING. Yeste-dsr. Illd. Asked. Vondsr. Illd. A"led Car, Car Car pf.... sV iNcoaposATio O CONSULTING nnd CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED SO Pine Street New York STANDARD OIL QUOTATIONS. FniloT-lrif sr the (iio!tl3ns for in. i i DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET. BU TTKIt Iloniestle receiiits of 15 IM paeli es v-rro au.mnrd hy the arrival of l,'H boe. of , reamery from ll'ieuos Ayres and .in ea-U ut lumen butter Koreun ttutlcr a not nflcrel for fltle je-terdiv Dom.itit' HUiphe. rrv .ntiu'.tiat mow. witti tiiKlerrraile. .-oiiiiiHiiiiir tnattlve rtne huttrr lairly .tt-.ul IP imv at.-U tiilisteil. at. was torair Ladle' mm I'.n 'tin. Mie'l; 111 hint imply and wauten I'nt-es I r aniery extr i . '2 wore'- iiiilit-.t -is.rin. .tnie ftrt. in ' .,..'., Heltt extras, :i. snop . '-'e . tirMs . ', ..4'.. state tl.niv tub :o. 't 7 -m .oit-l In nririi', .-i.t-t,.- f.itninoii ,,. t.ii' IP t.ovatc-'l extri- 11 .,- .Ir.t- t.l'.'- : luir rr.tdes i,i.ii. e P1.1t alt, in er .iniery llrst. .'1::c l.nlles. eurretit t,mk'. tlr-t. '. -.'-j e : s.'. nnd". is'j'd I'd- ; Inner kr.ui". I7 ile Pack. 111: stix-it. .N'n -. I7i...'jl.. ; o4. r s ran., lllllse CHKKsK-Tralini a Mttle more active bul stales t'r.t.' Ksimrtere are taktni -onto Mock tn si'ttnuii h'aney ntUms stea ly Prices. Held, colored sueial., p.1.'.;!- . trhite. l.-iKi.e ; average fitn.y isilnre.1, Ha lii'jc : white It-'.. 11 .-. ,, , unler.-in.le.. Hi tC-e J Wlftetillfln w m . duulile il , l.'..'i IS'.c : mill". :-'.iK'v StJte -l.nn. held, peri. lit., ll'ill'.e nooi to Kind. tie Kit- W'tn i(-ent cf .asf t-.i- s venter iia lie- m irtn-i fit mer and . liuiier Ariivils much ie-e lit. 111 I ft uecii. A.' umitlaiioti Is-in.- i- .In.s 11 (ti- simi-il Hue nnrtheril Mo, It w.t.tlti! ind .u h Dim Ilirtu-s -tail eh '-K. wanted ubv t s tinner Iiuek ( . tlull I'ree. . Kiv.h j.tth ,-re.t etrns. -I n 'l'.e extris. first 's : ' firsts. PViirav : -etstud'. ls'.ifise ; Mo 1 .lirt less. i:-i"le; lunmry. white., line to fane) :."s' ln iini.iv. Itmn. -I'd .'.'' : mixed c-olnrs U'li.t : Malum, in- till -U. ... t.'.V. LIVK S)I LTH V -Present supplies .ne lit lit lint mure .tuck IS ettieetli! l.'fnre the entl of the Mtelc hi htiyers .ire lioiiluu- oil Kciul. .how an (-vtt'lleiit tn.trUet smonth learftil cliii-io't! .ire t-i-ti-.tll ,tlt ivili.lllie Hnti-ters mid st.iis snun-w Ii 11 flinn-j Tor i,e. .low niick. 111 jiO,.r i, to iits'. iim; Ktatidarl Oil a!oc'4: Ye'terdar Mntilev Pvr Hid. Astie.1 11,. VV-e,. AtlaMlerief Co IPVI Mii .'.' 540 an nnrne.Serrm Co. I(1 '.'in Sra 210 WO lluelteye Pipe t... ! 10 I"" 10I 110 Ct.esebrouffh Mf. ion a t;;. r.lO ftn Colonial Oil Co . l,m If" in ti Contlnen Oil Co... im am 2:.. ?n l-.'S Creacent Pipe L . ' r' 'r' ' Cctnberl.indPL.. IM ' li' r.ureka Pips I... l' '"" ' Oalenai-llOl!.. WO lis 1CV IM tf.1 , Galena Signal pf. 100 t!' 14n 135 110 Illinois ripe I,... Ida 125 lis 125 I2S Indiana ripeL.. " " , National Transit, ti Do M SO 32 KM 2 21S 21.-, 220 , Northern Pipe L.. inn n HV JS v.' Ohio Oil Co . 25 i' i-"1 Pierce (111. tew 13 13 " ,; 'I 1'rslrirOll A lias. 100 21. "Wi ?27 2.1) Prairlo Pine.. . 101 H"' 1 11'. IV bolarltetCo. I"" 23: M 2a', .11 foutliern Pipe L. 100 M'l 2W -I'l Stmth Pcnn Oil, . 100 27 .'VI 25. sua Southwest I'enn.. I'M ltd 115 It'l llf. Stand Oil of Cal... tun 5 21i7 2tV 2ti? Stand Oil of Ind.. PJ) 402 410 105 4111 ' .Stand Oh of Kafl. 100 3MO 3l'i ST5 ill! 1 sund OH ot Ity... Vt) 24, 2") 2t:, 2.-I ! .Stand Oil of Neb. IK) 31(1 ".'11 310 20 hUndOIIof N Y.. toil I6S I'd Isv liri SUnd Oil of Ohio 100 42a 4'.n 4ivi 41 riwon&riiicliCo. K 12" 131 120 1S1 L'ntonTjok Lice. It) 30 .v. sn aj Vucuum oil Co.. . toil Its IK im) is:i V.O'.ntnctntiOll.. 10 M 34 iitl J:t , Anil'i-AriOllCn. i: UU 15', H 15 stiiini 011 of x .1.. - :oi P11 aw im ' Mihsld "en ttlno". - V'l l S O old "nil un".- I254 li!W S'i I'1 1 .. ill 33'., .. 1.12 I34U 7 til 112 li :(- s.i; 0 IPs 15 I7'j 10 45' IOlj .. tid r. 1 ". 17 : ..' 271, -j-tv u- 132 li'.ilV 10 12 II 5Pi eP, ..' -.10', 12o 1 s 70 r4 .so t 55 50 U r. fi 15 1044 105 ' 7 32 a, 53 30 1V4' ,2 ss in ti os ' os-t; 1' 214' 2ia .. 04',- 04 ,' t 100 '110 ' 0' jn'lvnn P. It. inn v, t:.. (int., iMti ' 1 041. . . lit" I il Stee 110 Pr-e"tl Sl If'. i;0o I'ltltimni Pel liinl liulea-ilvor loo "ilileKsilver p! lou IPiy t'oti- c.ipprr .1170'i 1 on IP,, k f st-ni-l ton liumi-ly ;if Inn .iiii,.iitl I. 11 I.'.o Sent'-l!iel"iok 25i' "t - K-e-'g Imili Sollthertl IMfltll 20" Sotitiiern Itwy ''o ii'lll .-'(iltt'leri, ItlV" Co pf... ..ii .Milling Co.... 3d Standard .Milling i'o pf. 12"0 Sttiileli.ik'-r 70(1 Tvnn "upper 000 Toai n inn Ttis IMclllr Isuti Tliir.l I! It 12'in 1'nloii P.ic'tlf Inn I'nlou IMoltlo pf 100 V S ItilbtsT 13255 I" S Steel 2('i) I' S Steel pf 4-00 ftah Copper 200 Wabash 100 Wuliash pf 3un Welis I-'argn Kxp 500 We.-tinghujse Klei , . . . 200 Western Mnrjlainl 1300'Western I'nlnn Tel.... 200 Willy .4 Overland 102 I oS Pit, IP 105 12a if; is ifiii, i ' P 17'5 1('5: . 120 I r. 2sVx V ss ir."w 1501; . 1, 12 ii-i 04 "2 51-.. 24'. (i,lU in,)i 19', 1U4-, 120 11' is -"'vi . er'lfu-.ste. I'll" 't-.'i. ino" 1 Ol'ii svett, . ..slim: iMNW stl. IV., .".iii.' in I s A ,- v ; wi itv.' ,. 1 1.',: ;i.,oo iiu t iii" i llll l!s 1st .V inon ii.", MHH 1.4.1. liinn 1141 h ler . 10O.I . li.t '. esterilflrcts 0 "0 1 n I W n M.vryld n in:, 1 (!"., 12U lOTs 2 s M, 1 ill iikpkii m nm 1 1 M 1 ctf. ' l-'ssi -1 ! ;ntm ti i.j.. , 1 tsia 1 1 i tl a e ' uK' Vi ., I'"-, I I' : .'susi -4t 1 1st liii lill.i.UMi 1., . I. 1 .. M f'-'H 1 (1 I 4! Ii i, l. i a lerlitered 1 .vm 1 n 'i .I111111 I 114 I 200(1 . 7 0.1l Vrit-4',-Itrti.W S'V A Pn l-l .It. Ml O.I.S. tO'sl 1 til I h I. i.osToinii. vs P-. 171, 1 M'v HI', i.iii ! 112 S4 15'. 10 a, 4 5 'a ,;s 17. 27-i. 13.1s ' ir.- ' 5P-4 IIU'., ' 70 4 ' 551, 1 5 3, 4, 3'.. lii 112 Ms4 15', 47', ir.'s 1 31-. 13L. 51", 120a 704 1 15's P. I7'.t 142". '4 3 S.. lt4' 11" s3. 15 m4 15 u. l.s 4 'i'l: 2 7 ' 132 12'... 51 110', 70', 55'. (43, .'in.5, 104, 104'U 2".. lal SO',.' US 3, 21 ti-i "4 14 so '4 O'a, 2n, 04 ' i"i 0S'. 21'4' 01 ' .'.It's H's 17V 148', S 4' 3S's 133 Ill's 3U 15 17', 45'; lis 47', 27U 13.1 " 1 1.1 '3 1 51 ' 110-e 70 " 1 ',( If. ' PMS 52 '-4 S4 l"i SO 1 CM-,' 21"j' 04 intHsi nil chl liiAPiti ;-. ItOIS) ."l.t I Chllll.Vl'reris , inon 1.1. ' V NIIAII r .I"SI II'. 4 Sll.Nl 1(11 i,.ii,i 1 n a 1 a !i,nn li. 1 1 1 Mitt NV A I'v cm I'.tisJ.I 11k .'. est hntf ta leglstered -.,11 s s 'Vest ' is tlKin IH. V. f'tr lil ev is , urn. on .4 a a 1. r en is rnoo ot. WfMH.AII.ll IS 11. m SMj rrtiin 7:1V I'. v, Iii fln.lnr. -- 1 Het I dlsnti : .eiM 1 it-.' t 11 o il'r s. , V IV ' I '- : 1. 4 s Amsme''ser :.o0't (t4. A n't A1 1 v 4 24IKSI I. s ' t .VI SI rn s DOi . 11,1 I'sve At C LP e ell 10.10 t II AO. el'-4 :i,'.i stit, pep lis v. t-iiii I(sk) s 4 ! j i,,t, nt ,r. te. I " 1 H 1 IP PA ") I'll Jimi. I n I 1 1 If. 1 V. t nl lr is A H' Vtl Is III lent I. I'lS .' . 1t.n . si . "..tit ... Ila'.t '.oiilna1. liiaCon. cop , i' ni i una Iteth .s'. Ml ie It'.vKi.' I I) -l 7(hW .s-! I'll, Ukn I 11 1 n si ;ni.i I iUU lono 1 ti.ii. 1 tin.,, t n Cent p. i, Pie 1 I7I1V. si, Che- AIM'.. "(mo s.. en A-o 'nPit i.' ' union .,01, . Noifsii 1 .1..0 dr sh I. fd, 1 .s.,.. ,,tl C I'l ev .-"is I0tj r 1'iiiiN, Inn . 1 i.- sert ,irp '. ..' . 1 I'MAM , ,, is .'tSM' I -i(l elitl V I. n il I" t.l. l.O 14 s.i Hell r A T &s ItMNI US So Puclfir ev .' im, i 0714 Pvlfle er Is s 1 .Vtlntis 111, 10 41 llrsden 1 'to . . s; 7 ai, 7 ItM'l-h tn Tit, Ord. "T' is 17; 11 Jiiirbo Itstenslnn . . I 1 t-sl I t l-trj Kerr IJl'.e. . . i' 41; 4', 41J Lallnse.. . . ' i S 'J I.ealrh Vsllrv Coal 1.VI 1(Q I .VI PC Manhattan Transit . ia 't 't. :.;areon1 of Am . l'i 24 J's i'i NrvtlnnslCioak A 15 11 .V. 37 Nat HeaW A Suit Pf is f M S7i, c Mines.. .V, .V, 51, lornce-i Proil pf . "I in 91 HI I'n'.tnt CIS s new.. ii S h't !i' I'nlKtl Profit Sh r.e . S',. 31 J',, ji, i niiuii (jaid.. . 2'. -"s 2. nn;ns. Hraden Copne-s ill u.-, Ill H5 VYontnl rt- H ' Y .state !'. I 101', l(V4'i inn, 101', We-'irn I'actCe 5- .11', 31, 3 t. Jo', SHORT TERM NOTES. cli Ao it.4s pHHi I 11 -.'la 1 i'hl a i.d.tiii :.s 2l.. I.' , .V s llHlOtl .)S ' CM A StPivls ,-t ft II pd 'apt -siierm 11 si.itnpcti 1- 1 -. fi 1 VII 1 s.VVV ev 5. SoPselftc tef ,-tlt..l Ml 11, .H'll'i 1 1 1 Vo I'n,- r i-i?" 'Ihird Vv 1,!' V. 4- 1 'IMl,t It It iw -LMI Stl 11 Mo Pac ev 5s t'nnn IMrlfle is ldon I ksmi It 4 s, lo Paelllc is 1 s Heap t A I '.s loon 4 .'1 int.itt ; 4 V ( ntr.1l.1 -,s I' s strel sf 4s leon . 7 if u. ,0(111 I mi:. ism I 11 I It NYVIIA1! evils. Vaisll' AI n tf CANVl stt Pen lono .Ki lls limno .'..Mi ft V :,s reifislfj-fd 'A N A Pa It- Hem 101:14 ;invi In j 2(sifl IOII4 Coin South is 'i .'. Nt.rtli l-t Writ I tilnn .Vi .000 . H7d loon 1011a 1000 Ot, Tntn herd sal' VI n I 1 1)011 tee,,-;t ATVTSf.. .1 A-s .pi .. P.MIHP.. I' llflt.St . Pl.'i-nltl' f,-AOItH f. fhA-Wimt f. liri'lill " Krf'Mi ."' lier.ttilbfn.l' llltAI'IC'.i..-. lloel.Vi' 1 I Vt,M"l, I -H'll"!.'. I.SA-M'.ltll.i M'KV il. I'l SVfAIIU NV Mill. ' SVl Allll. 1 NV.MIAII..J IMIlltLnv V stllt Co., c .Soil 10.. . VnFrulH'o.o tr. Htte Pay. Oue Mid Ofer Vleld. . .1 -n pr. t.'K. IOI'-j t'lls I 17 .. M-S Mar I. '17 W',. S'l',, 1.111 1' . J-n June I. 'I.'. 10.W,, li..2 s7 . .1-11 June II 'IS lol',. pv .-.ft.-, J-J u'v 1,'ls '.'"j I'H, t (Is J-ll .Tune 1.-1'l si', (,il, ; "f, M-S Sent I.MA !). !00' I l.i A-O Oct. VIS IG", ll"s .S.33i -o Api. I.'l" '.''" i't r, 2.-. J J Jaly t.'15 IfOl, nu', .t.Sn M- Vie I. "15 l'l:. I'll, 10 1.1 M-XN'nv. '.'IV 10P, m'i 3 OJ June tO.'lB .1 25 2.75 baits Jept .Ifi H,,II., 3 .10 J -ti Pee VIS loo's li"t, . '" M-N May 1I7 HI", 921, pt.37 M-N May l.'!.. Pl'. P')', 2 25 M-S Sept li.'K. Pil'ia l''i il 43 A-ll Oet. l.'tf. 1 V.j lOlV, 3 7,s 1,'15 !.(ll, U), IO.t.1 l.'Iu 1J 110' 1, 4.10 1,1S W' J.l'-j L .1 .'.-i; Ul U71 (' li l.'l, 100', 1011, 6.37 VI-N May , J-l) Oct. 1-A I lb. M-.S SI dr. M-S' Ml'.' :h tltnlted pe -u.ii'lve silp , -.plained the mi.d'-'t.ite re. a - than any decisive alteration ral i.lttiatlon P ln.rt ,n- tuest has in en compiirtitiveiy una.l for many Pi. "i. o that 'his '.lIrce of sup port ro-nd t.ot be nbej upon during thu il.i) ('abbs teferrimr to the Italian Meet ar. I the Dardnm lies were instru mental In some selling for tininl holdetv Tiler.- vvrre evport trtniiaetiotis of cloro to 000,000 bushi s. w til. Il in a ttioasiwc retideied the depressions s.iort lived. . That reullzlng saps r ir nuteu'ie. n.iu I ers were In fvltlence old not surpr.n I the trade. Thcte wee some new p. a 1 levels foe the tnov n recorded tnr.y ! whleh ini.rkerl n r -ov.e rroni the I. .it i slump of from ir. 21 cents a bushel. I, I There si-etns to I,. m ,re eotiseivat.stn. HjlilcFpltc the asserti in that thero Is an Unpenning si trcitv ot earn wnea: the snniM time it Is 'i. be remembered that lh" majority of the outsider are el, ritling m the t w crop months. To date there have b. en no adverse .ordt- lions for the plant in contend with 1 liiilniioma ndvl.s at hand y -t.rJay I told of a 800. '100 acre .nen-ase n thai ; .tate and a condition of 00. an Improve- J too sophl '? i men' ( v. r ;h out oo's of i ag" natural c i'l T'e ru .. nn Mpe-ia, pie'Hiirn Horn the rr farms Pinniume .. 1-ard w.-.eut at ' s I'nirago are Ititaet. rl. - bisi' being nbo-Jt llv. c-etitu ovi r the May option. Cash tnarkilr. at th- Nortlivvest are hariietnng .n rellectlnti of ihn 's 1 the 'iiilk o' the export buying 3's beun of spring woe it At tho South i I west th"re trre.t.t'arlty but hardly weakness, with adv lees frutn tliose cen-tr-s Indli-at'ng that amounts ot wheat ar- btlng taken from store to the .iil.f nnd thence alt ml 1'alr.y defi nlte mgiitlnr.s vvure mate yt.iteul.iy that itr. ' the close of las; wee'.'. Kuro pean Inter-sts acttt iiiv .ontracted for about .'.no ooo hushels of ip-w crop wht-at. .lu'y shipment l'tportsrs w-r titiatilrniius In declaring tr-at Hi' I. a irnnsacll ti wok fraught with great risks, yi' the. reports pers's'ej and were rmt altogether dl.--.'rstlite, Foreign markets were Htm and he.ncd valors here .it the tt.irt. An otllclal reiKirt ftotn Itcuniaria estimated the area at 7'v per cnt. under that of a e-ir ago A great majority of the pro ducing countries have larger are&a ' this r-ason, particularly the United St.r.i. I'.'mda and India Weather cnndlt.ois In Kuropf have he-n more favorable for the er ip during ti.s past several days, th" in th" markets abroad he'.ti; acrlb"d to light supplies of wh-at A '-"tter from a w!l tnown concern at Hristi . Kngland. "o a Pirs cnrpuratein in this eou' try to tho effect that cargoes of Ituss'.an w-h-at may be offered to the t'nited S'ates within a few weeks, quite- nHe from tro Im-. port duty and tho question of tho Dar-' ilindl"s opening, was read with In't rest ' Kporter said thit 'here was not i. i-tnntes; posidbilttv of busnes. j' this kind. Inasmuch as vvh at In Kr.p'.an.l sells at el .ee t- Jl 30 nnd in th- interior of ltussla at from $1 20 tn J 1. 40. ac cord, to he lit-,t information Corn The ipilet cash ilensund was partly responsible for the depression :n the corn market. C.ih market, were dnwn about a cnt a bushel. This fact discouraged some of the )ong9 who wero Inclined to look for greater stability. In asmuch a. farmers were, not selling freely ami the receipts continue verv 'light The interior rn'.venent fr days totalled y '.lo.unn bushels, .n-iltist 1 7s not. , j-nr ago The !--i crease In ttie vi.inie .,r t!i. week w-as 510,000 husheN, w'tl. prt-Pa'tlon. ! eard .f a larger ruluctiun to coioo the next aielt. Thr did not eem to be much supiort to the list. !Inthuslam on the bu.vlng side appeired to have dwlndlisl materially over night. The cables from the olh.r I.V were dlsippolntlng to holtler nnd evidently the continued , favorable crop uccou'us fmrn Argentina ! ii ee militating . gain't export burlness ' in Amerle tn corn. rni: The action of other market, was against oats. Vii-thermor the Ins o' l.i'.lil.llliO hUhelM it, the V.slhle .-Up- ply stati'tnent wis n , large its had beiT. t dintetl on ("ni'itty s-l'.itig vv.,.s i".'eapi Then w i a er f.n- .pi-,-. native trade, w'll.n seem.-d Will d' viiltsl i-.ish houses were freaiuentlv on the buying side and the evl-'enee of .t lltienil exnrt trid.- eneoiirairisl some out-. der to fo'h.w this lend Sales to for. Igners m-s' placed .it ;ihout 1.". no husheis l'e. v'none Prullrtkitts of a iirger ling movement helped to depr, ss the nuls.-t. Thete was no .-,.. -i ! -itppoe; i rum pa.'ker. Commission house, had tew orders on tho bus Inst e'di, tho he lief being that th. asu;- gtam markets were icstru'tlnar tl-tr. in ! of this char acter. ClOcago prices' Oik-i GOSSIP OF WALL STREET The Unit Mum. If the remainder of 'he t had not been pra. t : - 1 . a- ,( the specialties would ', e.i out as promine'it'v . with "olal trat s;' i . : In Union P.tciM i . common, and .o m . , proportion Miroug.i'in nrd shares It wax tt v . assorted group of -.v . the "pups" mot." ',. e i The term Is i. I ,i . , reflection on tlie.r . to dlstlllgulsit H i rr : . trading Issuoi. in,. of tapo nxhlbited t , i of specialties ,' , n i ', t Steel anil iho other i , . It probably relicts tl tnarkot betir ' ,an a , -4 Tho follotvlnr ,s " which sold In 'he lit- fi i they Csme on! , Al'.e ' orough prefe-retl. : V ,'.a,onal IJrat.'ellfig e Steel commoti, II. ft S .; Can, Cnllfornla Petroi. u ern. fiencral Motcr. . , ferred. Anaconda. Mia e Steel As ono Iradcr ( edly It looked more ' . 1 than a ebedi nuj-Vt '4 ,.' ' t.vl "''rh. ' t More Bel Itlelieln It u The excuse for the na- !-.-,,. dlmry rumors i-i regiri . Het; Steel la that the r r- ad- . - -e - "l. flock calls for iM'io' n; ,t thero Is an element l:i t e rt t.r too sophisticated to ss'1-eiad vrs itlEes Snnie s:..f .4 -l fetched thry must ' s e .- And yet th course of L 'h'- e-t, si,,, has been accompani-' -.u4,t ad vances In the shares of 11 . .cr.Mt companVfj Th sha- f .. Kit'is fact that ' armament citnp-irilfs ;. . e ! ;: kt"d ! bite h:n tho fluctuations In tU'M.! -- --r i;.f surprising reguiarltv He-11, ,m j.-.,.) Is now at a level, wh.. 1 , i',-i fo- .he long i-wim e-sirii; speculative In ;,i ) . ,.,,. panv's business sis bt--. 'r.r continuously iti n e t ;e,,n H.,j 1 l.s probably a fa'rly i:..".d fou- d ,tie , the compmy'n pro-iiieritT ',di ti, windfall of war irdei--i The burst of speed utlve. bn-vst yes terday appeared to te -,lj'.j v iV4 Klt'hener't- remarks In '1 e Mr . s,r lianient in regard to the pre.-e.r .. of tho empire fot more w 1 js ; He'hlehem 3! el whs ,. re ii1.. 'htll Steel common "d loach "1 a t,-v. 'ft prl-'e for the present 'no- e.-r.-.t u.j. '.he plausible explana"!i,.i was ; -.. garded. while u ridiculous ite-. a .j. a contest for control su ints-ed to-;-t This story' 'bat !e en 't 1-. of ttw country's lending nn- -ier.. Vn Ing concluded a dlsast,sj',s , ..a ,m ;-. m th" ehort side nf the tn.-k, rsd si" to the long side tu bin co.'it-o' H'i Intention, I' is claimed, is t,, fo -s payment of ii.v.dnrt.s o- - e force Mr P t wab out of :' : - fienrral .Moloi- The niark" for fi'iT ' "' men Is uppirently no: 1 ..-e latlve buying moveiner' rie doe" it tuggest 1hs ope--or- In a smelt dlstrl'iti'io-) . 1 ., or'hodox type. The -' t lote'.y held eve- sie -e -gan. or rather s' 1 markfd up There has Net no s ' attempt to cre.ito . p . ' If this had buen de.i.t - : would probibly i.v ' e: on th .,ee of 't t' common slock of an a i'o paying no dividend' .1 1 '--.l'-would create KUSjdc. :, W'' tion, "h" common ,, : " po'nts above f.e pre-.- I ent , and s.veril ,-!. ' per oe.t r.'i'". -f - , n at. pear- .......1 , Por h it reasi.ii .!! lh-1 there Is nny spe.-ul . eellaneous fort. Trie pe. i.ili (iei et-al Motors minnioi. . 1 kro.'-." at the Strw -., It.dicate. that these i-.-in ' for a big stc'k dlvlden k't.d of a "melon ' Plea for V,-t -,r. Total sales to-day. PK.oir, tthares. Same day to iloto, 12.uii7.is5. .-.itne pt.-lod 1014. 10.757,37 insi-j'ioaa! si. tfiDV -, 1014, 251,720. January 1 Win r. ful. 1W.4 ii ipjotatloii It linllcates a bid or offer for 10 shares. BID AND ASKED PRICES. CiO" Kj dividend. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT BONDS (The follnwlntr pcrcentaee '.nine y.i-tti. inn. tiirUt)- latxen 1 ks Wen 1 11 Snlilllt : 11 le ; , . f, ,e(..H tectltl I'riee, Knwl, l-rs. 1 ' 'd,l ri.i-tt r. liens alirl tnnt. I , 1 't.l- s- . suilltli-l li Is. iVe.ter.t I'. . .mni is UKKssKli Pdl l.TllV 1 irsli turrfejs nnnlli pnnr and (nned tn n-iir Pine 1 ovi. m Miinply did r ier. linn tpiaOs pientt. till nnd tlnu Panej- milk ted Irotii elilt.'lt en Mi-..d Ctrn fed ninre trisdy ( and wtak.-r Mo.i fr.ireit urkt-v. ilini Ir is-culai' niiaiitj liiieks and tic.. neeiteil Pt)". dry piekcd, Wi ,ter i. fateT. :u . atferixe Issl. Iviilie-: 'I'i niic.s'e huh Kentucv 1t1s. ; Tevas, ITils,' CIiuI.ith mlik fed m'xed wciuht.. If'iis." I'ovN 12 to hits Wi-itrn in lbs arid nrt-r to tinen dry pt.kt.l 'T'jtils. (. lbs. aril tc.rr, 17'r' "''d ruo.ters. 1 ',l(,- squalls. . line "intt i Iiu i-i ,neii. j: :.- i .t,., i.' s) lhi I lurkiy- 1 1 ciri-ii. dry inckei' le,-lftl -.e VVt-.tern. -:e ; Trias IVc lirol) era in tl, e, i tt, 'H lb' Te ; corn led, In 4 ib, .it Chickens. It' to Pox, milk fed 1 io .M lbi , lis : 4. Ihi an.l over, '.m-i JI , .Ol-n fed, ill to 2 lb., 174l!7l,c; 4, lb., slid over, iv Fowls, 13 lo box. ft Iba and o.-r to don n. Is : 5 Id T. Ihs , Ui ; old rontirrs , lluek island. Plililo ; Mil r n ) I" (iee.e. VVislrrn 1 )Itc Atl .ntlc Coast I !ne . nil .'l Haltlmore A Ohio .. IMl-'-'l lluft.iln. it.i' h. A Pitt U'14 II Canadian Pschlc . ltd." i Clirsipe4k' A- ii'ilo ttl-i I. I'lileagn .1. Nnrlhw'n Ifll 2.1 LIIU4KO, Ind. A I iiJl .IUI4 -2.1 l Illcato.SI. I ..N.I)..1)13-2I C. C. C. A- St. Louis 1015 21 Delaware A Ili;ilsiiu..,r422 lirlelliillroad . p.14-21 llocVInt Vulley.. 1114-23 Illinois Central .. 1914-33 Louisville A Nashville. PH4-2.I Mn liauiiw. & Tcsa. Is4-3:l Missouri Pacific.,. 1114-22 .;, V. Central I.lnei V Norfolk A Wr.vter.1. ar ouoted h:...l Hate Hid, Allied, Y.. N. II. 4 II.. Pa, Geo. Prf'elit St. 1... I. M. A South Staboard Air Linn... Southern n.llw.y.,, Seuthem Paclflr Vlrrlnlan llsllway, . l'll.VJV I'i 15-2 1 toii-2V 1n 1-21 1M4-24 1014-23 1014-24 1014-23 1614-13 4'i 4l-a i 1-5 1.4-1 4'l ll 4-4'j S 41-j-j 4I 4."' 1 .V. I .a I'i f.2(l 4..V. f.m 'AS 4. on 4.C2 f.O) 3.0". 4 I !S.3 4.40 4.30 ,00 .ti 4.11 9.1J (.1. I 4.'. 4.40 1 S'l t It 1.40 I T5 4.C .'.till 4.i 4 'I 4.75 4.45 4. SO i f.J.1 ft.20 i.trt. 4. jo 3.oii 4 " 4.M 4.C5 4.JO l.0 ; AdanuKfp S3 ' VmAirri'li.. ssi4 AniAifCl. pf s.i Xralirsiine. swv-j Ainllrnh ptlii-' AiiilltSu nf .',. An. full pt . I'l'-j Ani' ltl'-spf isi , Mil. "I Aral itnU'r .sp-, Atl.C'itO Pt IL". AlllMAl, .. 4', ' AmllA-l. Pf 2.V AlllLocn 21.15 . AlllMalt.. 4 AtnMiPt pt. 2S', - Atnsntnfll AtuSlll'.R. .141 AiiiSniirTpfiiia AlllleUcCa 51' 4 1 AlllTob .. 223 Alll'lnblit .Iml'v AniWH-pf. Vi.n Vrl'iir Atd.Att.rpt A'ti-fslli al vttnvi 1 pr. A"..MV pf. ' Al'LVSI pf. 11" Mlellfnl.t Ml' -j . llilitlwl. pf. Ul Hamulus... 'a 1 litfi ltCriik s.. ' "PelhSt) pflili HMidreli if in' -4 llkljill'iimli'.-, Hriin.'l ir, 1 HrnwllMine HruiMl-'l; pf luilftai' Ciiniif'. 1 1 at Siiatlt .Vt1, 1 Mlinf.s.i :no t eti.VSA I IPe 1 hVlISP p. 12.' 1 nits S'Vl in in:, 1 I iSPAOlll I llSPAl) pf I l I'ASI. Id .VI ( It lAPItts I .'41 . ilVAI'Spl. Sll l'il,-ttP4Co 1 HP tl pf IW'1. a- pres of Hid. Asked , sit 4ll stock, in which there Hid Asked 1 ColI'nriA! 23S , CoiAStnltll. 21 ' 1 nlA-Sn 1 Jt f Is fn! A si, 2 pf 'i' ('mltti, 1. I ( a. 1.0 'i' ;n ( re-1 .tpet 111 I I 11 : pf no I Pel A I! I IIS sj'-je I I HAW 'to . l. I- 11 lit r.', llfSVIPIl 7 , IIVII tllpf.. .11 2l-j ! 11-iilK.r pf III .V . Ilt-tlidl-.ll I14e Wo lletM,.ei 711 I It-.Y l II . llt-tl lilted 1 DllLSSA V . Dll'ssA pf il HrliSpf 211 ' linstinan ..Vt'e liWIIelllle 102' iiwiilii' pr 11a li-ai.blt't.i I.'. , 1 1 m mi. 11 pr 11.' , I liii v N.l '.I'-' II .rt S 1 pt I llimi'nrp . i'7'' 1 Hat vi nr if tu I IlitcldnvV Illlfllltlll' HO IhtAt-rfnr Int.Vitrpr t lnt Paper . s liul'Pf :i.v: 1 ut 1 .i 1.1 1 lull', ifin id 11 , Itiiti-ri.'i.-ltl07e llli.1T-!' pf 'lee I pen f 1 1 (. I iitwti. f' pr ::, i .11. 1' 1 1 nfli.n , .Hi Vlei pf ;i, 1 hi I tsM pf ' Katii so pf .vi , lno.V-lli-M. I ' lienllVI pr in lit tiliLA P li.1l' , LnekSte. 1 2s', I.lini.'.-W LliArWpf 1.1 LlR.MTopf 117 n:i Vi 1:1.1 17 LI Ml. SO 133 Ind iv 1 2211 InP tl ll'i.. LSI, in; in III". pal lis iu in : :-i ii'i,- 21'l 2'1 IP'.', ;t :, if. 1 17 l?.l It were no Hid I.occli'land im,VS- ll'i I.ihhW Ills Is I.I....V. 2pt Vl'it-.. -v 73'.j i 11 pf nni.. Vtni.iil.' I23i j VI ihlislin t Is 1.-tliSli pf "l.t Via) llisttt r.i VI .j list pf ii: Vtt-sl'it pt. 7u ) MAStl.. IP.. I VlSP.V.-iV1lifl2l llli.C I VlSPASVlL. 7.1 VIKA I'evpr 271-j Mnn.VW t r llll I M'KVStl, . N.ltMlt ipt Nlttllif pf .121 N'lttl.'AS nf. 7h , Still. end pfpirt MO ntVI I pit' SIP i.fVIV'p l, SV 1 AMI SV l ASl.l p , M 1 .4,Si I 111 , 1 .Sin-.Siiij l."t i .Snr.Mn. r . 11; .Snri'i-iiHy M NnrWl'.-l no tltitSIIM P.-ihstlir pf IMel'el.V'l' . 2.V, Piiel'A-1 pt 'ii,. Ivttl.WI 11 Ptill.WI Ipr Pti.iVI'-itt 11 I'i 1 "i I tis l l'i pltn'i.til p' .i PiiW.v. is;. I'Stt .! pf Pill Si i ii HIV insists tranvact A.k-d ' 3 114 ui'j ;n In :tn Us p.. I.!' 112 125 pet 10 II 'j .17 I l.'i Inn i'.i ', il 7 117 Ill ' Ml II,', 12s 7 VI 115 PIO I211 I23' st! It i; li 31 it'l'. 2s'v inn..,. If It. I 'I 1 1 Ml ble.-day : Hid AaUrd SiLAHP p SlASP 1 pf s SLASI 2 pf 31 si.sMvv.. . is .'.I im'j pi i.'l .(2 20 ISI IHStsp, pf I K.M.I I Pf I It. ml '- pf S2 IP psteel. Pi'a iiipste ,pr ;t. llnel.l-1 pf. 1 ' llumlev stl.T.i pf S-tliAI.' . sturs-K pf If;. sin. .sh ;-. sl.t irepf Hi".-, SitpltSnp :i2 .StiPltstl pf. Sit I StiHl-VlAO. tte stinff I. tif.. :i:i levraei.p, ',e I'Stl.AW, . i4 TSLAVV pf. 3 '.nr. ill t'nd.-rwrsKl iu I'l.dirw pf. rmiAtp. I'lllliV-P pr, 22i, l"lll'Vlf4 121, rn.' if id .P11 I'lillvluv 71 I'liltv In pr. 22 I'-iiii'i lids 1 niiiv (,' pr .-.i Csfll'lpe. n t'Sl IP pf. tlV; I'SlnAle. -.n'a PSI11AI pt . 7'ij PMiSP 71 PS II fill A I 3s CslPilil pf, Vol 'I'M pf .ni. V11H.VP We.lMtl pf ,H V 1 Mil 1 pf IP:',, Wi'iiirui 22n illr-i pf.llii Win 1 ,.'. t.L '.'1 1;ipf W.l.i:2i,f .; WI.. .-ii :.. j wn mi pr :. Jl, in 1 17 .14 n 2.1 1 5 BP 4 S7 Pi:, II v; ii': lo. si 71 13 pee, S2 II :ts 2.111 I'.n 31.1 lis ',.1 PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. Pld. Asked. American Lleht A Trartlon ., 310 311 American Llit V. Trsrtlon pt.. ICn Adlrnndnck Kleetrtc Power. ... II 13 Adlronddc'i l'lecttlc Power pf,. . "M 42 American Oa A Illectrle M's I'l Amf rican Oaa A lllertrlc pf 4M, iu'.;, American Power A Llsht,. . . l "I American Power A I.lcbt pf 'l I American Public Ptllltle. Ti 35 1 Atactics!! Public Ctllitlcs Pt 01 n I American Waterworks A l'.lectrlo.. . 4 0 ! American Watrtworlis partlrlp'e pf it'-s "'a American WafrA'trks 1st pf VI .M 1 Cities Service. 7 411 ' clths Servlie pf 11 s K Colorado Power Company.. 13 10 ' Colorado Power Company pf. . . 3 5 Is! I Commonwealth Power. Hallway L. M .V. Commonwealth Power, It A L pf ... Mi, '2... Consume rs P Co (Mlnni 1st 5s 1021... si si'.. ' rinvtnn Power A LIcM Co 2s 32 Dayton Power ft I.liht Co pt. . .. M sJ ; Ilenv-er (las A Klectrle qen 5... . si Id lilertrlc Hond Deposit pf Is .V. lilcctrle Hond A Share Co pf., (iv'j oi Umpire District Klectrle is 71 75 litnplre lllstrltt Pleeirlc pt V) fn Pedernl l.lcht A Trsctlnn !' H redetal Llclit A Trneiitin pf V, w 1 (his A lili-ctric securities f"i ;.'i lias ft lilccirtc Securities pt Western Pew. 1 f.s !'.n 1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE WEAKER. llnrLs sr.niict llnsfeser, on llr porteil Wnr I, nun Subscriptions. The foreign exchange market was weaker yesterday, with the exception of change on llerlln, which was strons on reported Increasing subscriptions In this coui'try to the (ierman war loan and the antiouncem. nt that a syndicate was l.i lug formed here to sell 110. i.uii.oiKi pine months Herman nous Slerllns' was Inegu'.ar and c-ioed weak as .ompated wl'ii .Mor,iUi'e prh-es Pent. ind closed at 4.S0, cablt s ,' 4 So r.-ld. I' east-1 5 2s'., fo-iiu-, Us atid 5 SS tor cable" Marks clou. I at si lor sight drafts and S41, for c.bles Itii lan lire were lowir at 5.75 and kronen closet at Hi's, a slight advance Tin- tlrst ot the $2. .'.00,000 gold en gaged In ott wii by l.aiard Piercs ar r'vwl at the local Sub.Tretisurv e. lerdiy It nipounted to Jfx5,nno. It is i,i"i',l thai the remain, I, of the en gagement will tot'ivv spiedilv MONEY AND EXCHANGE. VV heat : Mnv July lorn Msv July .. Oats. M.iv Jii'y Pork' Vtn Jit 1.1 Lil I' V O July Kibs. Slay . July . New inij 17 a IS 3T in in ii '; iiirti -t I" r---s tr'. l? i ; 3: 10 ie 11 r v -4 MS 4. i; 76 If 17 to ; ja Cits- 111c 1-7S !-.-3t. 741. Prer close l.'V. 1J4I, 10 17 19 M W 1! L c York Wheat : May .1,1! v .. Cinsolltlnt. VI 0 J .t . 1.1 .11 10 a.' prlc s were : open- Mich nit est d I'.xehlf ge prb f(. ir.w P Su 10. 7 to 10 16 to 1; 17 i) 1 40 o 11 ! laiw et CIo.. me- 4 wire :..., LESS ACTRITY IN LONDON. II .-inn I us III its Dull I licorliil bill senil , X III e Pi le. l .V, M.f v , Tl.e markets to il iv wee it s a live, hut t lie tone ,-,ot-'i.uct ehe rfnl ii it - Iged Invest ipentri were ill dt espe , iy t .e ir lonn. Home r.ti,s Wfte s'r meer o th e pi ,-leil nar 'in -il betwe(n the -o np.inie, iii'-l lh" ti -vtin'i.eit in the n. t'er of i-f- Tlie .Yorfiti rstri-tt 1 (etc of 51'titieapol!.. -. i portant statolit g ,:i I f - 1 timmuii::,! . (I.'V'ite. '... . .11. UeSi'Mi of - - 1 I- fa's... the p..!'.1 o spons.bllity as- folio". "It s.etn- to ti . II road question N 01 tsirtance to ,-ver , ' thai that it U -i. . I 1 lit s- Ills vote. . t' rough h! epresi -.t 1 v. t.le for the ,sm.-..l ..1 . one of h,. m,.. i termiiie what l a : - natural Inollnall ni '..r with favor Usm a ! . if thing which we b iv.- cheaper transportation . ' prollt to travellers -,t 1 ; tulnl not If it is . . i-i be Indicated by 11 p-.e i '.Ion of the reasonable -c "Tlie country at tl. - a good many tn .'i... up. tiibllt'.onal transport i'la ' last three yi ars il: I almost stopped Kv,i. ' e. tlttc work have, tual r.ece.flty ' Ci.eii I 'i.ln Mori Wall Street was .'le-i-s'e patch from Atlmta 'o M !! 3.525.000 refunding 'm-.i . s I Ized by the State iisd .e -r , Asa O. Candler f Coca ' Itesldes th" ident 'v . f t e 1 bidder there arr feature- t " ;lon that ni ike It unnij, For Irstar,,-.., it i t.'Us,-. 'npliallM to ) ,d :.,: i a'lv in compefiiin I' outb!.) t-ie , a V It is the tlrst tr.i t . th..-. it e ,tre iiss be ti t-ik" n bv , ;. . ! is sii', I thT Mr "'a 1 buvlng the bo-. Is was ', tion, the bonis being c. ; ' . the State and tl.e IV j tax. The Candler 1.' 1 wn. i ' I eitlr lsue. He pi I t tbout J70.O0O Kill. .' i luiiuir.. 'i'f"i atl i oils t,'. Xlle r'.' ,is C.I' .ul ill II P.I :.. w ..,1 ,1,, ; ll'i II. s ti!e .' ,-l . of. W tl ! If "A I...' I' .111. I 'I-'. 1 . '1 ul . Wit: M ne- re. SI "s. . Ni w York Federal liceerve Hani, wile I per ciii. lor thirty to tin v m .mil 5 per cent, for longer .'. 'iv ii vld. n I s-P j Where n ' pillow 2n I a ininiation it lull ;.i. i e.itt.s a put or oir, r I ' . for 1 1 'nan I'. SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. I DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. MONDA1 v.ild he bub-Trf nsurv in nanks l'tld by Punka to Sub-Trc atari- l.tihs tn itanke on dai a trans a.-tlont . . I 12, 741, 19(1 ' J.CMu.AOi) I II'J'I (l')O HINOC I'fllDAV I.SHT Paid by Paid by iJub-Traaaiir' lo banka. banks to Hun Treasuri. Teas to bank. , tn bank-, sum vloui neek period pie !! 07:1,(101) T. T l:,9S,ooo .MtC.O"" i:x nixTrnND. Cninpaiiy and Term. Slo.-k .Xiuerl an lleet Sugar, nusrterly pfd Atnerie.n i an, iinirterly fit ltlsb-A nierlcan Tobacco. Int. I llto- k tl t'ntan lias, nu irterlv Ilomlnlin fanners, quarlerty. fliemlcol, nuarterlv. .ltlhntie.lnPken. quarterly Plttirhurg, I'ort Wayne and chlene". ippirtfrly ictd).,. Plttebiirg, Port Wayne and Chicago, quarterly lpl gtd), Pfd pfd Pfd Pfd Anil IS''. I'.I, SJ1 IV.'. 1 . '- I I, '. I'.'f i Hiff TP. tall s nine! v bills. open mniket d'seoiints, prime nccepl-,-ni,e4, maturing up to ninety days, S; li 2'. per eent. Ctiiiiinetclal pijier talcs were 3',i1 p, i e.-ui, fo- si- .ml nliK ty day bills in. I I'm foiir l.i sis m-nillls tl ; l"i Js'i' .' nt. for others. 'I line line ey was ii i, -hanged. Itates 111 ,! '-'.,'' 2-' I'll' i'el,t. lor sty pn J :n;i, i' ,l.ii .ii,, I i n- Imir month; 31, , I'., p.: .11 Im- lo.ig. : 111.1V.1r1l o f ('all nn, n. nn the thiol' til' ihe Slot lli.-hiiiiee ,1 f.ii i il.iv i-iiled -it 2 per 'cat . high, 2 per .'lilt., low. 1 i. ptr cent. I itiine.lli' evehniige on New York: St Louie!, ID,-, premium: San Franci.-.-o, r,oe, pi , iiilimi. .Minin-.'ii'iilly, :i5c premium: ('lii.- igo, 5c. premium: Clnelnn iti, 10c iliseoiiin ; Montreal, fiifn'i'i prcmliini. Call money in London was ly Pi per cent.; short Mils, 1 -14 per cent.; three month, bills, 1 iv, t 1 i", per ceril. S'crlliiK exehangii lower Final .pio latlnns weie; Hcmand, SO; cables, 1 r.-ts liar silver in Ixmilnp. 24', d In New Yor'i M'.( t!:u,' .. t,'. ,. ,., ,. 1 New "iork CleHring Hnue statement; liy. lute. Pay. Due. Hid, Offer, Yield, t,..,!.,,...., iiu tini-i l.-.innc m N,Y.Cty..r. V -s s,pt, 1,'l.'t 101t,4l01',. 2,"i , V, . ' i s .n ' ' ' i ,, , M-n tiepi, l. in iii.'.-ainii, 3.1s 1 -e i.i 1 1 . r.itu- 1 ri-.tfliir oi-im oaiaiu-e M.S brpv. I.'l? WH 101'a 4.05 I f 180,740, THE STEEL MARKET. X Pointed simfi ' The ..t.i i spe.-i sli- "s 1 ' I-, I !l,I!l-e rese' til C, v , I'lei-pd s-'slerd ;. e. r tt the inelll'.i r hi dn'tapiioi,.' in 1 1: g. ll pi... -d 1 ght 1:. the - n Lincoln (in A lilectrle 1 1 25 Northern 1 Mil. trio I.Uht A Power.. . In 15 Nnllticin (intarlo 1 lirlit A Power pf. is il Northern States I'nv.rrC 33 2"i Nnrthrrn Stile-. Power Co pf. . .. sil'j M Oftirk Pimer A tiler 15 20 Prclllf lias A Klectrle CP,, 4-. I'ltcllle lias A lileet.lo pf v s.t 11c public lb- .'. Light Co lr, j IP.,. llipulillelly A I Itlit Co pf r.s " houtiicn 1 a if . nl.i lellsnn. . .. 72 7n Stnitliriii 1 a.lfnrnl 1 LiIImiii pf m ii.i li'is HI.,', . . 3 r, Standaid (ii.s A lilec pr ifiij IS'j 1 eniiesaec Uy, Llfllt A Power ri s Trniit-h-ci' ll, 1.UIU A Power id . . .11 37 United Ltilit A Itys 1:. 47 United l.lKhi A llys 1st pf 1.7 ftp 1 United 1.1 rhi A Itya 2d pf nr, nit I UUb becurlllfs u li Western Power im-j 17 'Western Power pt I i I It 11 it li j I'omestlo demand for steel prod Ids 'reVellis no 1I..UV1 . Ill' foitlpi) b'lMli. ss 'shifae signs of air it rn 1 . x 1 1 j It I li pot led vest, rd iv lb 11 oi.e of Ihe war ring tuitions was 01 Hie innkel here for .1 i.iiv.- .itiiniiiit ul' s'liapiiel ami that tn Uotia'.ioMs for Ihe pin ng of the rdei Were 14 1 ni. I" .t 1; w.i. iImi reported .Inn fuillii-r it. . w supplies Wet. songlil Ihoiiull il ti ,'.in v ,l- toiltid 111 pi.ti ntrf sii-1i m d.-i.. plant Wile ve: y I'll v IP'ioi's fio'il tile i! tl.lle t'l.i' he Ul t-llel' part of the ill Nil el im. 1. ;u .!. .i.tit-.l.i.. I., f. ... ,1.1 1,1... ' ... it......... 1.. .1... 1 .,1 ..1- ,, !.., 1 dniwals 114 i'ii t. .i,,n'i ii,..,tL-ii .1.. , .,,.1 r,. .ii line, h is kepi up well Sal s of eli el for I wllieh 1 hritlge Wink have beet' got d 1 ipi-iMiloiis iii ih. Vuuiiii.-Mwn district aro at iihout the snne 1 He. Sinnll 1 . ' dtictlons In oiitpiil .iiu mii-.i"I in some THE SUGAR MARKET linsler Tim nni ' '" line. I I'll in stu-ii -i -t,i... Tile lo'lO'll It S t W a - about 4e.. Thu 1- ii ' .1 unci, ot dint draw been 1 1 at rsr vtlue, 10O. 'Hi dividend !et Clly Nolea, N, Y. City,, ft N. Y. City. .8 case., lull tbesr are .-re i'i s a' other noit-i. I'nsfoiiis lleeolpls 1 'it. to'.i! r ci ,1 I'llsloip I lapse , ' , 072 II. r' wh ''i S' inerehandl.e w l'u'r warehouses and .I I Importations. if ft lie in. 1 Miles te- .' The k .1 fee ll.M" easier. Prices, 1 s.-i ..f I. 111! 1 Hll ii 1 nn' ir 11 1 v 111:1 1 if ; .1 t-ittll-e. : 1. : VV.l- ' ' I'o- C ,.i'i - e It., n X'e.teriln 7 . Jl' If! ' .is for 'c ct-' March -.rll... lai ' 11 " 1 1,1 V 14 . ' I s, , (ll ! s . II. " Jlt ll. . i.dii " rl .1 i