Newspaper Page Text
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 12 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MA1SCH 17, 1915, ASK RECEIVER FOR ' MRS DUNPHY PUTS WIDER BATHING BAD j r 14 COLUMBIA STUDENTS LOCKED UP AFTER BATTLE ill iS.'.l. s .rf tlP i-ereptlntl hofplMl fiom. t'oinmentltiB on 'tie letter Mr Hoot T.iisn't snotis'i room iinforuni'rs In ;i" , 111!' M II . 1 1 - r tit Clf 'J 111. If "" "ll'l Hi- v "tons Id in' ns tollo-v- First iIIMIuii H'lll.ll. "Thin le'ter sho,v.i of priii'tiie iiuestlotis t Mat a;" .i mutter i Tim l.i Mipetiui ! of iiu.irnntltiK are tin rlcht 'o Intorl'ie IN AREA OF SEWAGE In lie H, p llit of ilii' reception llllilillllK . S, rolnl ilviu,, (i ,. till- mi WM. NECKER, INC. ONUS ON KINGSBURY Mcltlcil, tint by Mm lumpily, luit liv the f Ni',mit.H"!i!it'r ami th board. It kIioivs also Hint Commlsioipr Kltics Ixirv approved thp reduction of thp riunr iiti 1 1 ! period, hi th:it Iip is churKltiK Mrs. Pimpliy for it it net of -ilil-h shn In Inno C"ti for il 'i Iip i responsible Thp llilth of til' mitlpr Is that tliprp , oo.ntl, hut iteiertl.l.. 1 trie.l to remedy tin .i. . 1 formliiu thn Hi. ,ii ii i.t ' portiontiieM .it reeii' . notion uu tiikr-. fjrllltles to-d.iv' are .i i thev nl-.t n .i hn ' .. phv Is liell r'-cpon- isteru fm normal Imvc. mi H-eotul tl""i' . I'nlnl iIi,.Imii "ii In- til" tun west- in w.inK fm feeble mlniliil Iwys. on sei-otul Hour I "The fo'iimi"" oner nlo approved I of tl.i rM.."iiniPml nun of limit, p.c tiu.i'' i untitle to ti'ii itistt.ul nf fourteen. ' Sophomores Raid Dinner Arranged by Freshmen Newark Restaurant Patrol Wagon Soon Filled Diplomacy Gains Liberty for All. Health llnnrd Forbids Open Swimming in Hudson South of Yonkcrs. in Stockholders Meinnnd mi Ac- Offer oii ii 1 1 n lt I iy I'.iir l udcr tiikinii1 Coni'crn. Letter to l'roe Chanireil Knudiill's Minid Mule. He 0s J5AV PKOTESTKHS KAIL At h mpptlnK of property irnnwi from Itntli Hearsi nmi (Iravcsciitl In ttnv Heilth. Department KulldltiK yesterday Deputy rommlssloner Haven Hniprson .innonnppi! that t) Hoard of llrnlth h.i.l extended tlie limits within vvnleli open Im thine establishments would bj for bidden In thi miters arotinH th Ity. On the north thp new ImumlarlPi 'or hatliitiK e.vtmd from Wlllrtts Point n l.otur Island to I'm t Si liu.ileron the lirorx Wile, This eliminates all luthlnK pi villons at c'Ihwmi'm I'oltit and liars win tnltiR in Hip Kast llivpr south nf tlilf hup. but allows li.ithlnc In I'elhatti lt.iv and tvaters north "f tha limit. On the Hudson no permits will be. lsu?d to besrties south of the city Imp J it I. plow Yonksrs. On tin- smith thp llnp was drawn troT. S'orton's I'ulnt 1'irhtr.ouse, at the i"! rnd of (oiipv Island, arro"S to l"o-t Wadswnrtli on Stiitm Island. Tin most npstprti point of the proscrttipd p..-Pt. M of watprs was IIxpiI nt Arthur llll on ftatt-n Island. TIip iPKtilatlon nip.ins that Ipp pi vttion owntvl liy rx-Aldrrinin I'hll Point- hue on the Hudson will liu ilosid uuleus i the propriPtoi applies for a permit o build a closed bath ne pool, nhiih l nltowable under tin- new mips. I.nst , cui". when the llo.nd of Health was' considering a ban on hlnir Ii tit" Hudson If tow Yonl,ei, linint'iUP a; I ' l!ie man.iKer of another river resort1 protpstpd stroiiKlv They said Wipv had paid in .ulvancp for summer bases' mil til it the ouM lose tills :miri'V 1 without ha ,m: rerelved Just mttiiv I On this eontintloti the board derided ! to let tli-n pstablishniPiits rpinaln open, .ast slimmer They were Informed, how ever. I hit the bond tlo year uoull widen th- forbidden teintory to Inelu le 'hem Tht.r only iei'cuup now, atvnnl- niK to Pi Kiiiprsoti, lll be to Install mtols M.inv pi itiirietoi s the Ii puty Com misfliniir iid. W.-H- alieady pla-nilm; to kppt th-ir lm-iiii's by applying fur iprin.t- to hae p(il (in Olasou's Point he iiil, a khi1 has Ikpii built that is time tunes larger than th old pa vilion Thi. iHinnt'a older, he explained, tfoveri s null hatliitiK pl.ues .here monev i i tiaiireil and dons not apply to person- ttlin ue pi.vate pay. lions or di' e o(T tvt" i... ati'l p. el' lo e ijiaveseiiil III) from Pifty-M'V- entli - i.i't. It.i Itli'de. to Nortun ! I'ii i.: I. en eitabl'.shiiii'tits. iiu-ludlui: , Stein-, will be put out of buniics- unless i the 'ife piiuls That is why members I of tin. 1'ith FIimoIi Tapieis As-ucia- ' mil il .l the Vel Knd I'liip-'lty OtMiers J ss. i iil hi. beaili-d b .linlue Cornelius i-1 rKifun. ippi-ared at the department e-lei.'.i lo plolti-t Iir i:tiier-.uii met their olijpetioiis with the Hi-ei (ni'i that mote than TOM.O'iU.npO K.illtuis ! ' iloueil Into the bay and adjueiit uateis - let' .1 . ntnl that a l.i iff ait of this pnllmlun i ti-niled 'l i ii ni end When it w.i- aiKUeil that Coney island shnlild ! in liiiUd In the prohibition as wll Las (5t iesPnd. Pr. r.iiicrsuii -aid thai test" showed tlve inies -ii. op iitiinii it'.es m liiaxehfiid Ha iimii in the water about Coney Inland RULES ON MOROSINI SUIT. Jnst lee mi In I lilt Is I ltd llei'liles I'olnl ress lllisltiind. Thi "lilt nf Arthur M Weinei. ex Itoli eni in. tcninst hi- wife. Mis Hiulia ' Moi'O"'! i ernei . to lompel bei to com pli with hii ai.Teeinent to pay til ill $1.- , ei a a cir foi life In consideration of le-imitis fiolll llle Police Pcp.lltment, whs pii'iiallt thiown out of iiiiii' te-teidty b Supteme Court Justice I 'lltl 1 tn the defence of the suit Mrs. Werner I entend' ,1 that the contract on whlilii b js'iand Mini was Illegal and for that re ison she ivhsu'- oblieed to com i.'.v Willi t Wei in r deinuiied to this defein e, and In overrulltiG the demurrer Msten!,i .lutlce Puis said: "I think' ihe i iiuiplaitit is bad bci'.ui"e the con-I tract relied upon is contrary to public I point .,nd in violation of sistlon 51 of tit. iloiiie-tn icl.tCons law." One of Hip pcot'Mot.s of thp statute' In question siitH thai a husband anil wife cannot contiait "to relieve the bus- i band fiom his liability to support his , w if' " JERSEY LOCAL OPTION BILL. fensnr- I'lnoeil on Ciilemlnr for Con slil em Hon .Moiiiln.v. TrtKNTON. Mirrh I1. !if.i' option, rnlnus provision fo- .Sunday nllitiK which was voted down to-mt, will be Hie "pecitil order of liusiness m the. IIoufc next Monday'r The sue KCtt.OIl to submit to the people the uuest i, of Sundnv sellniK came from AHScinlilt M .in CoIkiii of Hudson, but IMis oM-rw he rn.iiirlv ib'f. ii.d AYhen Co- iocil option b II was ail verseh reported by Assein'dymnn I'e.i lOek's committee this aftirnipjii the Hudson members, who have caused worry to the liquor interest! liy tnreat cnlnc to vote for the bill, were forced ' by circumstances to declare their atti tude. They accepted the opportunity and spared no effort to Include in ths bill an amendmpnt which would mean Its certain defeat Hereafter there need be no irupi work as lo where the Hud son members stand $7,000 FOR HUSBAND'S LOVE, Jersey Court (lives First Itnllnu nf Kind In Wife's Cnvor. Tnr.NTOS, N. J. March H. Thp first' recorded rabP Ir New Jersey In whh'h , Judgment has lseu susti. ned asnlnst i 4 woniaJi foi a 'eujtir.K a s affections was de Ided by ths Supiemt, Court to-dav. The court ntliuiied .1 , verdict for 17.000 damsise recovered by, Mra. Kthel Hums atrainst Mrs Mnrifaret ' itrowu, proprletiess of a hotel and, saloon In Atlantic City I The husband of Mrs Hums, 21 years , old, was a bartender In the hotel It ( was charued that Mrs. Ilrnwn by Hip , eiprclse of "arts, blnndlshtiipnts, wiles nnd pntlrpmptith" Induced him to for- 4ke his family. In such circumstances,! a wife and two hildren belnT deprived of their solo support, tho court held that verdict of 17,000 was not ex rc sslve. J. P. MORGAN TO GO ABROAD. Trip fiotd tn Unve .No Mprrlnl Mk- i I Men lie ns lo l.onns. J, I' MorE.iti wilt sad for IliiRland on board thn I'hilii'li lphlii on Thursday. He will be ii' enmpamed by his w'fe At tbo offlrfs of J. I' .Mill Kail A Co, I ycutcrriay it was said that Mr Moriran's J Wip at this tlmo has no special slKnlll cance and was not belntt tnndn in icl.v Hon lo thn flotation of am loans or ctedllH here for Hi eat lli'llaln or any nf tho other a'lted (lovcrimi'iitH It was pointed out that Mr Moican 1 rPKUlarb went to IMrope for a trip at bout tins Line of yenr and that this vciv.iRe was ineruly his annual one Mr MoiKin recently opened bis town hi us. n London, wlieiK lie w ill euy auriiiif I11.1 Mull In Rnclunil. Nkwark. March lfi. --lNturteen stu dent of Columbia t'tmerslty were locksd up In tho First precinct police station hpre to-nlBht after free for nit nirlit at Achtel-StPttpr's rtstaurant, In llroad strpct. Fifty freshmen were about to hold their class ibnner thpre wlipn seventy-five sophomurps raldid them. Thn dlnlnp room iispiI by thp freshmen was wrpcked Walters and pnlleetnen Joined In tho fracas. One student and two policemen were hurt. Tile freshmen, with lllchard lahey of Hmnklyn as thplr c.iptaln. had Just taken their scats Tor thn fpast In a room on the second floor of the restau rant when the sophomores, le.l y Her bert Hcllll.te of MS West 114th Street, Manhattan, and Newark, appe ited. The sophomotes divided themselMS in:o two turtles. The students ti one division climbed on to the roof of a shed In the rejr of the restaurant and pot Into the fieshmcn's dltiim: room thtouitli win dows. Tup othprs walleil In the street for the slitnal to enter. It was mvtti. The tlfty fre'hmen hid six polliemen ready f.n nuivibie trouble ,n,l when the sophomores i ushrd up to the eo nd Moor fiestmicn, w.uteis anil isuictrnen upon them. In the battle china ulavs wine, tables and eh'i'.rs fell nnd ' were , broken and scattered About. Wnin the lleht was over and the students looked .wound they fulitld them selves surrounded bj the pollco ri-sere f lle pnvilicts of the c. nnd all the lieadquarters de-ectives. St'hul VEHICLES RILL THREE CHILDREN, INJURE 8 Hoily of Unidentified Bo Foil nil TwNted in Heliuicev Street Cm Fendeer. Three children wprp k'!d t:, .lit ' In collisions with street cars, nt'o- mobiles nnd wiicnn" and eleht others i ive'o injured The iiKft unusual of the deaths was of an unidentified bov wiiose hmly was found twisted Into the fender nf a IVUncey stmt car after It had iiaohed the foot of (Irand street at the Hast Itlver. J The was about, to switch from the i eastbound tr.icls to the vvestltound for a r turn Journey when Charles It Howard,. starter, notlcisl what bundle r.tusht In the he t'muB'it rear tender. It proved to he the liody of a lad about vp.irs old Tne head was iiltno-' eiv - eted from the body. It was tiuureil that I the boy bad been rutmitiK abm; tl:e s.du of the car, perhaps cllncluir t" It with his head down to escape the detection of the '. inductor, and fill utid - far enotii; 1 "n tho projection of tin- fender to t(lc i ride t'Htiirht In his clothlns The car had run through Sprltu and Pelancey stints and then south lu Hrand. The body was Halt sttict taken to Morirup. Morris Hlipker, I" o'.d, of !,', ItiMrdalf avenue, Kat New York, was instantly killed. He went il.iw n under the wheels of a laundry waitou as h" toddled out Into the Mteei In f out of hs home In pursuit of n kitten Hi mother saw the accident. No arrest was made. Helen .Wilson. ... f 1.1 West 114th street, was run down by nn automobile oivned and operated by Klnirland Kit- Patrick, TiT Wc"t I1fiy-"evi nth street, while she was plavlnc with other chil dren at Wi"t 14 1th street nnd Seventh avenue. She died two linurp liner In the ' ll.lllem llo-plt il William Hiand, !'. ..f ::.' Jiffusoii 'stieet. WI'! auisbui e. a frac ture of the rkull i belliK lllll ilow ll b in .'iiiti'tiiob.le ilriven by Frank S. h.ihler, '14ii Hr.'eiie avenue. In front of the 'lild's lionn He was iakin to St ! Catherine's Hospital About the same , time Antonio Contl.i. .1. of fiiii l--jr-t avenue, wlnle pl.olni; .it Tliii ty-ei!it i "tleet and Flr-t fiieiiue. was ktiockel I down by a horse nnd truck owned In ICeorve Kern, 4!" Ninth avenue. He j wim carried -o Hellevue siiif. r- I I in: from severe bruises lu-ssle .liffrey, 4, of 3O0 West I'lfty-fourtli street, also was struck by a horse and wairnti al 'Fifty-fourth street and HlKhth avenue land taken to I'nlj clinic Hospital. Five other clilldieii, all but one mule" i in years of a-'e, vice llljllicd III tMe Stie-"ts dur.i.u tile ilav. II. tile mnrnmi; ' Wilbnm Poiuieil). iiH, of "iiiii Kr's .i .IVe'Ole. Tile Hll X, ll t b' it'' -HI' I o ilille ,'i fi.i't o' '.'.ii Il,i8i"i ai'i.ji and eevere't brui"ed and i u' I " ' " " , BEFRIENDED BY MRS. GIBSON. Voiiimster'is "loiitlierit i-cen4 W'ns n 4uf!1i'!ent Introduction. I5evau Arthur O. t.omax, 14 years old, had his (southern accent with him in the Children's Court yesterday he will ! be sent back to .Salisbury, N C, and will pet a Job on a farm theto Wlieu Mrs, Charles Pana Olhsnn. who is one of the Imct'orne sisters nf ll.cri i'' county. Va heard the younK"ter epeak pile ake-d Justice Majo to let her be friend him "He's one of my own peo ple." she said The boy said there were nine children In his family He had been earn. tie !l 1" a ilav is a watei boy on tbe Soii'hei'n Hailroad. but lo-t trs Job wbni them was a cut down of employees He went to Charlotti and enlisted us a sol dier, saving be was If ye it" old. Lust Saturday nlcht he arrived at Fort S'o cum. where his deception was found out nnd b was sent away vvit'i only a dollar that the army do, tor irave him W tb the help of a pot . i man be found h.s way to the Cli'lilren'K Court nn, would have been sent In the Children's Society hut for Mis Oibson '12 T&rfZlattAjPSt Spring Russets, 52.97, rrf.US, $1.93 Sold at $4.00 to JO. 00 Hlsewhere. Ifr'nrepMrl" "lne clown.' I.liw nsncrd heels. Dark Mnhocjnny i Newest Flat Last $5 Russids, with Buckskin Top. now $3.85 C Shoes nnw M Vi Kj" snoe now 'J'J: Clearance of Samplo and Small Lots $1.95, $2.60 & $2.75 pair Values $3.00 to $1.00. Sizes broken "I Hi alp I wound and w i" atleinlfd b a iloetor I I'attolnieti William I'eters.n was cut on the Iliad by k..i.- and nliotluT police- man was llt;htly injured The i..tiol w.ikoii was nutlde the ' restaurant atid a llttb Intel the fol. IIowiuk students, mostly sophomore. ' were In the station house Tinnitus .I. i McCarthy, SO, If.n Kust i:iKlity-eenth Ft reel , Jii.'i ph llrjan, lit, i34 West lUtli strict . .Inims l.anir.epla, :o, :; t Mast It'i'li fteit Malcolm WuNh. Hi. I New llrlsbton, Stateti Island ; Charles 'ritiilsoii. II, r.r.n West I13tli sttii't. Tlioini" tb'titley, l!i, o.tu West ll;:ih stteei . Ibtbert Krlend, fitK Ittverslde Hilve. I.ytnnn llradiej, jn, l'.;i lllm street. Mount Vernon. Pavld I't. 4:11 West li;tll stre.'t; Cochran. ! KeiiMin 1 111 miteria in. i.n West 117th st 1 t . Nii-bula Itanfolioff, l'.t, tilf. West 114th street Herbert Sehnlte. fi. r,:i 1 Wet II till street, Frederick Wurhaeh i, 31 llflth street, and Thomas , W Todd. I'm, Pobbs 1-Vrry. N. V. I I I'touilses to p,j for the damage done lilt the irit.nir.tnt and other measure I suesested bv student dlploinicy resulted, I In the liberation of the fourteen '.ip-. "V"" -'iter a lime 11 men uepiopej mat iiip sopnomorps 1 hid In vn seeklni; l.alui, the fie-hmnn captain, for two das, in orib r to kliinap ' him. but lli'it be bad been hldibtn. Th freshmen, on the other hand, had been liuntliiR for y. Imlte, the sophomoie cap- . tain, but Schulte slept last nlKht In an ' itpariiiic n: 111 .New vorK wtileli li.ul been hired as a r.kiI for I.nhe. If that youth ! flioi.Iil bo .'.ip' ;n i'J MISS WAHLERS SUES MAYO FOR $15,000 Scciiinl l.eirnl Haven (Mrl le-cd Aetion li Vcw I!aed mi I-A-sinlt. . t ll'trv Ct.r . M ' Vlr itiii mi .1 Mayo was tli- .l-f' : ), s .ifti" i, in uit for !l.".,o".i The plaint ff !s M'-s Sm-n na H 'I Wihlers. "S. who nt one time wa a "tetioirnthi r In Miij-o's otllcM the -.'tne otlt -e where Lillian M Cook the ItiiH.b'Mi nut who committed Miiouh', was employed Alis Waliler's act o-i !taain"t M iyo Is based on an aliened a"nult which the plaintiff asserts ws made unon her while at won; for Mayo April IS, lbr counsel Is I'rosccuto: Hubert .1 I Woodruff xius is the couit tuo fedini? ' ' stHitf.l Hifainst Mao bv Mls Walilers Yestt'idav afternoon n.e appe.liv I as ....l ,1. .... 4.. ....linn l.,.rm .. .1.11. .... ) nf '; v'mn. ,!(.,lJamm ,,. j..,, ( ha,R. lllis j.)0 with bel-ic the father of her two-year-old d itichtrr and appoalinc to ti.e Jutlie 1 impel Miitn to pay for the support of the baby. Pcpuu Sheriff liustav Chi. wiun he repeived the itapeii. In the Sl.'i.ioln suit, betan a sear. h of '.lie Hal et ite reionls tn tne town or liatiulen. wtiete .lto result's, lit nun projieny suuu-. ni i to meet the .imo'int demanded In the ttacbmetit pipirs lit- found i3.1.iinn worls'l nf real e.t.lte til'lollUitlK to, on which lie placed iittaehments. lie nl-o attach d Main's at unt of about $ 1 .noil ii a New II. lieu bank TWOMBLY SUIT WITHDRAWN. Iilcntllv of I'lnliif I IT. Vll.s Hi. .ten, "oinevv hit I of vftstprt. I The !;.".0O" d.i'n.iRe "Hit started two months aao bv M! II. i lion en, all I'.ntr bsh woman, ait iin-t Mis I'lorence V n . dm bill Twombly, dailuliter of the In, William II V itiderliilt and widow- ol II , MeK. Twotiblv, for libel In letters .il leced to have betn written by Mr' Two'iibly was discontinued yesten'iv on an m ler sluued by Supieine Court .lust.. Itljni ' It is uinler-tooil the w ithdravviil of t'ie aetion was the voluntary act of the I plaintiff sniep the identiti' of Miss Itiw.n was " of a mysteiy and c.etp vas also some question oottcennni; the. autheirsliip of the letters attributed Mrs. T'vonibly We qouldn't let St. Patrick pass without some mention, of our Irish worsteds. i We're more or less fa miliar, here in America, with Irish friezes and Donegals, rough finished fabrics. Wc, however, are the first to introduce Irish worsteds here. They're substantial, hard wearing fabrics, in dark pat terns : excellent businesssuits. S28. For motoring Irish wool steamer rugs, , woven on hand looms, wash able. .tn tiihlul rmiit'ilirnri! Ihir niic ori' nf .rii . I icti in' nuil lis Slrnt, inlh on uitriincr on .fjic, Si ml, ix iinic npiii. I Mokini our nloriK ol your xrrrire, ' Rogers Peet Company 1 llrnailway ' Rrnadway ui l.ith St, "The hi ,i4ih St. I Four nrnadwny ui U'arren Corneri" Fifth Ave. it 41st St. the sophomoti' ,.ipti. i, n.ui I M I tin i llo..m. iin t as ; ' j sit t jnjr Itinm n ' itsir,t,Tn ( net H Furnished Rooms and B Apartments by the Month W i ,17 V - '"'SI' .le - II ft W m Iioatiie H otns rj,, L j JJ S' ''nirll' v-n ,n i i,irni'n 'uu o fXT5rt) 77 uttbe ji .h e e,r l'hil. Ian ,y m !' h f l&W ' .1 n 11 ,fic prnpr y II r C Mrf B yi -Ji Pho-is s"ivfl i-, , Mh,lf x fft W m ' W S ifJf. !gji ,iL-a- m i:i in. Ueii iis.i,,.inr W 4m?' I IMVAI.S 1M.0T. Ill' SAYS Vlce.cinni.plttr Vlvlm M I.pwis of New .let'py h-is Erat.t' d , at or lpr to show e.iuse whv 11 rccelvei shoolj not be appo'tited for William Nerker. Inc. fit tural dlreitor" with at least twenty-six under! 1UI11K ptrlnrs In this ein. Iliook-1 there, found h'uscif on the difenslw lyn. Stateii Island nml New ,lrr-v The m.., ,ny Mis. Pimph. thiomrh he. concetti Is wblel. known by reason ofjottoitipy, Hlllui rjoot, ,lr, made pubp. Its attacks on the so-called "puffin tt t" j .1 letter sent by .1 .McKi-e llurden. tn Its belief In the ne of primer's Inlt I'otr.mNi.onrr'n secretary, to Pr. Pavl 11s a medium to convince people that it c, Yat of the medical board of the '' r'capcr to die than to live The I order Is returnable In .!erev I'ity Chan- cerv Chambers on Monday next. William Neclter. who startel In bul ncs In I'nlnn Hill and utilized the ro. ks of ths I'allsad". to herald llllilself In paint Hint wouldn't conm off as "Necker, 'he leadltiK undertaker," Issueii a trtate. ment from his main office in L'nlon Hill last nlulit di'tiylni: all the iharires made against him in the I.. I of pomp! unt. The petition for a ! i 'teis'dp was Died by l.awier I'. ti-i Itci.U" of Jetsey Cilv on behalf of Maiv K Mdier, Vtn itnxii Pi St. i i t and Mix Herman of .lersiv City, IMrrv W and tobert II. Keillo r of I'liioii Hill, I, Charles Kin lilmiT anil IMnard t' I'llotnke of It. ooklyti md lo-pli nd 'li.nies 8'lineldpr of New olK 1'ie put ets forth that the co-cem ,' , imi ited, was dpsiitried to ".Ml.e o.i" e bi. cesx 'of t'ndertMker Wi.'.. m N. er an. I Necker c itisril to ,e i: od lt'tn.000 worth of stock to I . !.' ami offeied prtfem-d si' 'It fir p'l't siib'i't Iptio i The ..niplaiiia; ts e that Nei ker's friends u'.d I'f. ii i" 'r-l 'o the ttoiiO oi 'p '.,r - "it h.t liiiKht . t-ol tl'e t M I it Nec'-er took i harue of the busi' j- I . it., dm ted I' as If It vo-e t,- -.. ; al bui' ess a liefore tl.e i !' -i l.oi. Ti.e hill h Hires tin- M, i ,.. i. ..iin: were k'-pt and it was . np.. e it tell'ier the i oriorat".i. w i o- ii. ir or making mop.-. It was fn t'i. ei fotth ,' the papers that so neirl,e,- i to- o .ilti. t of Hie bus, lie-s . I .! ks l'eiue. t'y '"sued i .hip ' ni.i'K-d ot stiflclet funds" - ' p' - tested," .mil that bank In New., k. Pi'ersO' V' li i w ;.en. i.utte'iiai'ir . i .1 .lersm i'ii' di'-'ni'Vl to ha-ilv ,i. iti'i-s ( to. -lie icei n hcc.iUf-c of the ma ol isii i h, . ks It is il.eitisl IT p nti.ipe v. r i put Ulide: deposit oond and that mi.i of them bad to brlnn I.iwn.ts -o tlie.r Ueeisits back when they c,i, tllllr Joli'i o wr-e ilisch'irtte I b 11 sets up thai Necker had his si ,' flvseil st lin.enn nd fnt peve-al tn -t'...t amount, fiat the other "itlceis i d re ,nrs .ne tigureheuds nml i i perform dutv us sueh. tint t', e,'i tt.y "lei ' 'ip. ks l'i ili-.k a th..' Necker til's f',j in n" he sees i It wan a'.lPRel there are i.'no, I , .,- stNiidliiir notes nlibh will ma'u e In t nest forty davs nd that there ar.v o. funds to ak- . ne of thee notes ' N'eeker "aid last nltrht that u less r.vals Jin- I,m.-i the pint in an .ft'- n t t enib.irr us l.lni "1 never 'kited i rhe-k In "v "' he Mid, 'and 1 have never I: iw ibiry in full Never bavp I d r.v lllnr- tlllin f..' n wpek A ."'.'fee . T sulmilttted to our annual st "'Kl. 'If ' niKtini: .icsterdav bv Charles U ' a certl'led pui'llc a' countani. "'' t ,t our piotlts I . t year were v We i.ive a s"rplus nf 5.'''"." i:s -le n'l ',. iiiilitb's .Ml Judk-'nt".:- .re i ,i ji,d the coni-rn is prfeeiv o' v, ill, I J. ".liu. "nil woltli "f clin-.e-s .,-, )r 'P " T' e . omp'.i.'innt" albce t it s .i l.tle a-e i ' ex.'e-.s ..f ',i t ' ,t 1 - s a--' ' ' "f l H'l,' ' ' a' lll.M. AMI One of New York's Select Hotels OMWEBSTER 40 West 45th Street NEAR FIFTH AVENUC PAI'l. I.. I'IMtl.ltUl.t Pr.inrleteir. Hotel Breslin Sun i 4 tt ii In i.refn II Downs, Illrminr ItmailnsT ami suih st. I e i sml IHnm r Hsnpps itM - (rxeept lluqni Mr siiil Mia, CHEZ MAURICE TO5S- ' V I .lain) 1" . MAURICE tool ri.oiii. WALTON Ill-Ml, III il V I HELLO GIRLS Mlld'ltlirr Hi-llrw v(h vo Inter nvlrn i MP, -tl'lii I i KPsrlVP "l.bpi Son CASTLES IN AIR Alnn lull St Ti,, Illl PlmilP ..'ir. Ilrjiuii S I Kill V ill ll P M Mr. I inl I lirs, 1 S. Vernon Castle ;;1 All! I s.ilindiiy MmIiipp 't' itr nml Mrs. i.i-i..-ilniii'lnei, iiilmlssiiiii ti, inrluillny le.i, lli-si.iiirsiit Inrhaiiri of I'lerrp A l.oui. 14th Slrccl, near Fourtli Avenue AMI "1:111, NTs, PI' I M ITU s A L A C E 11 WAV A J! -a I l.il1 Ml 7,i to ..'ic Hi. iniH- I'rliiii't" I, u,in Itiiiiltili I ll! Silllllel A I n, I ii I Ii e r I ne I h I v i r I Ai o, I Nat 11 III. A lilllers lll'.llrlie "l.llllall "I lleiriinl Allierl"iill I Mm i liin aid, mils COLONIAL lbiiivMt s A LH AM BR A Unity Mat :'.v Ir v llli- llarmlil, I Milltlli'll", Sluti hp A I ii I lli ni'iimsliiiiip A i ii ,r I H AMMIIUSI IIIVS IP, Dili AIMS. Vslrska Surall, Msicdn I line-. Nun llnl tiprln Stuart lliiniev, Mill Unrla, m s ottim A hruurtli Cnfccy iVIla. Hoy,) HOTEL LAimElTor V n;.it'. .win ,r m J W 2 " f o iW A n-1 t rf mt M.f i . f" itm I jit H I "transiknt rates m V VII ll.u.i.i ..1.1. II. .1. i V I J I Ho . I. 1(i TIT i)rARAXTI.VK I.I.MIT ''"mntissioiK r of Charities Kingshu 1 who tieeiify eharcpd Mr Mar, c I Piihphj. "iipprlntendent of tn hosp,-1. nml eiionls on Itandail's Nlnnd, wit.i I KroS" ncrlert In ths conduct of the ttmi s-w York 1 'Ity Childrfn's Hospitals and .-ctiool". whlcn, she contends, shows con ! cluslvel.x that the nutter of uuaiantln" 1 nt the Island was tint within her Juris ', dl .'Hon. but devolved upon Com'tvslnner Klmcfhurv and the nie.ll a. board Ifi mtkltit; public the littet Mr Hoot said : 'I'araKranh S C nf '.hp charcps sent If the Commissioner to Mrs. Punph ens us follows A ir'Jor'iy of tt, lildren .nlmlttptl to th' said Inst'tu- i t'on fiom .I.mtiirv I. lttij. to June ;i0. ' 1 "1 4, were n t d"taltpil in the reception hospitil for fourteen dots, as rtqulrd bv th" lult s of sn.d ib pnrtmetr ' It s "liei lfleil In Hie rules of the dpartm it eovernini; 'be'i.itlon of llan rt i'l' li.Hi.l tie unitary i-K"ln-tl 'n of the Mind stull b- under ti ' ,1 TRe, no' nf npdt'-il .'oho Tl.e I' icr I' Vt'e ..-..1 '! 1 ll'. I Tb i o'i i i p I e 'i t !! t i .Mrs Ininphy. b'lt of .ef I. I '.1,1- v Mi llonlen :i ptlrnn r Jl Kill. Ppro"p. be -ned i d- .er, I. - TTARWOOD irvniL k w its on : tsoisiiist ss5.rr, vti srvii:sTi HIPPODROME? Ill ttl'l MM. VI I ll Ml. Ill I'll lure" ( I. ue l uler Sim I Is l Mil' ll.ll inrllli Prill'" III IS-"J." Mil' Manhattan's', V' r ' ,t t I . .'il ,111. BLUE B I R DY" COMEDT'm,', , s k t ! WHITE FEATHER I MM llllliri t PLAYHOUSE . t i r. n vi 1 1 i i l ii li v v. . i: SINNERS nn. 1. 1 si st 1 1 i ss i", n i it V Oil h 48TH ST. . THE LAW LAND SHUBERT '"V HI i , Kir ' VI ,' ',pe ii , I III I us I OMIIIN I.t II II it, III To-Nighfs TheNight PRINCESS . s n i r lu 'l!h n II I t ll Hi - Cen'ral Africa LYRIC THE t: i vi i ii i, I r.ll Malllle i ii ii n ONLY GIRL com;, ' t I 1' ( V lltfl' I ha I llrt I rr IIiiiil' UNDER COVER ADMISSION ASTOR U M- I' N't 1,1 v I-, Mntinpps I I "nil ,1 11 It Illl. 1. 1 Illl Hello Broadway I s with dm, VI, I nlian, II in, rullier ,ii CIMEB lift I ' St.,ltr tl'vi III , I is.tsl'.'ll. i I'nii A si 'ii ON TRIAL Ml ll I. inn) seals In IH lliiliiin, Mil.. ;.1t .. t 1,00. I'liiini'iii'i i i nl I i ili.v A snt;1 u llillHlee lo Ilav 'J,".e III S I Illl, Hie llli Lim niril, LONGICDE WI T Is I'll i;iu l'ili, .Vie tn II .VI Mill LINES In INSIDE THE KM f (jl I COLLAR nn, ii. 'Hl' LITTLE ' PN. Iapairof silk stockings) . - ,,, ii irni- .vim .7:1; r i-v' l ii li'li ii V 1HT rW sj STORE OPENS 9:00 A.M. Ibf i"' !! '9 !&' g JUL M ImBw Spring Of a New s ,-' .ft t a 'K Specially Priced, $12.75 Some Stores Are Asking $17.50 Others $25.00 for These Overcoats Smart new model-" of etremel clever cut. well tailored of ,1 knitted fabric: line in texture, light in weight, and so fashioned th.i it neither wrinkle-, nor loses its shape. Regulation and Raglan shoulder garments on flaring lines, with patch pocket", turnback cuffs, plain or velvet collar; silk yoke an.-, sleeve lining. In Oxford Blue, Cambridge and Green - one of the Season's Smartest Novelties 'fc. t4 a Ue A Complete Showing of Spring Suits for Men and Young Men at $14.75 to $34.75 Elevatom on the 35th St. Side run direct to the Men's Clothing Departmerf . Fifth Floor. Cigar Department at the Special Entrance for Men, one stop fror Prondway on the 35th St. Side. ? Wit ",1'T", 'mm SPECIAL ST. PATIICK'S BAY; MATINEE TihDAT P.rnl.-1-hne-rVjijvol lsOvUie.S ntt, wit PrtHICA. dl Preity fcrb noove. ttjsver. -c t sun- 39th St. 'V LOU TELLEGEN TO-NIGHT -: I sMnt: I tism e A.4TU T s iv "treii I -t nmn i nil i r,j VIiiIi st lluern. Ihiiriiiiultlt tiitii-lni; i h vc W n d lli- I' ti I IMI i lilt III". TRENTINI CRAWFORD i linn peasanT'giri V illltl Mils I'll sst CASINO BARGAIN MATINEE TO-D.Y run i.s .mi, in m r.ii. 500 SEATS IN ORCHESTRA $1 EXPERIENCE Vln-i It ,,. erf ,il I'l.n lii e lurk. Maiine Elliott's. , HPHVI 1 1? NFIKni.. TrnDV'.et.,t, eniiirp ill STANDARD A ' '- I "I -ip I" r imnrrow 2r.e r.i. WM. FAVERSHAM m n ..w. ti Summer To day Al 2 omtocU at tfio International Flower Show Mar, 17 to 23 10a.m. to llp.m Grand Central Palace IMffi,?pji"s.: iMMiiltini i iiiiiti'il ).t A utii rirlurt" Tomorrow Mat. at 3,,1kr;!".l.,,V, Sunday Night at 8:30, '.AV.i '"' i" di ui u innv '1'hi'iitn lutii si i v. in, li a JUU I nn ii' tl inn- Clevor Onos l"E. stttiii, vi,,,, ,, a, A sal fOLUMBIA r;,', Burlesque V;,,.,,l. Rosey Posey Girls S1 I' aj A lllh IlilltllW' lilli-MBthlsiiu , St Noun lu llii-tiiiieiiHir'l.aili' 1 .;iu' vi strnniliiii'ii a xiiini.i. 10-ios-, .Nl-lt U cel. ti' i ull J Mnsuuf ' R. H. Maty & Co.'s Attrctioni Are Their Lo-w Meet. Herald Squire, B'dwaj, Overcoats Knitted Cloth Ml ".I.MKST".. 'Ihe.p , lnrU I esillnc Ihpalrps ll,i,e EMPIRE 11 MS vint r I s.l III ETHELBARRYMORE .Mshl" l.s-l I Ml" In hr irtii'niih. "Illl siiviiuii LYCEUM rpt ttth st i:ip t ?i Mat" Tn-rnnrrotv A. sat .' . ELSIE FERGUSON " OUTCAST l. is i Milks BELASCOW"' 4lth r-ri ro i. it i' r w A sit M "MISS STARR WONDERFUL" Sun FRANCES STARR IN 11 vltll .IIIIH HUDSON W lltll St l 's To it ri 3 .'IS rAiP.iAsr.s FULTON TWIN BEDS ) le I i ii ,t sa LIBERTY, st W M s' Ilnv mil' mi k i' l ,J A - I f nml ,s..t .Vint I ' llriti i A I. il i lisi ; i . t 'i. Hit, 3.'., Mi I -'' ' I VI l) ll'l ST I 111 I M'VIIVI.I I I I II Mill VI I'll' D.W. Griffith's (.11. V N I II SI'I.C l , ' "WOIM'H ..-, si:at." Illl I II GLOBE MONTGOMERY i in s. i & "stone II I N I 1 1 I N METROPOLITAN r.W In-IUKIIKI'- 11HXIP I line, 1.,-wi , tPr pp' Srlmniann Spmlme'i, WIUiei-rii!i, l.nttr. Itrls" i niiilurtni Hrrtr ItlUrs.Mst At I 1.', II lilt'.l .'sr.enn I'..,.. Alil'i Martlnplll, Amitn Tonit Tnpiitilnl I luirs, st T l.neiiprilnpiiiiiipriinK. Kurt. O'irr. t rlu llrsun. Wi'i i.ntitji , on, I Mert. Krl. .It h IS la llemltel Un.t.. Atntto, Hails ( onil i, -to . I'liinpen sat, lit I f,, Vlalkllere. I, il"' I H'irl tnt. nstKT. Srnitisi'ii, w hllphlll ltui-.lil lit Itrrt!. sal. dt " . tui I 'llrsi nln. Hurl llott.i spottl. I iiitr I nil il by IMulUn I. Ile-tlun , Martin, Uhlur. Tesaul i onilurtni. I'olarro Ni'vi ,in, nT.m MeMer-inuer. llem--l, MnttfiUt spii hueli Wit', lui-ii- Ki' . Illn'll:, S'lllecrl Ipiiiihsrit l ..pit 1',., sMlnt Weil. .It I.', I IiH.lliilr. le"tiiin. liner Mar- I tint-Ill, Aniato, Itothltr i'iiiiiI Invaninl HAIIDMA.N I'l Wll t SI 11 ii I o v l n n citNTi'iM ii r r. ii it ii r " , fc'rlnnl:. Tlwrnlav i:.-' B ll Vlti II V. ery p snlnr W n;t s t I s A II I) It A DUNCAN llikil. in lent" In 1 nun' nt II, , orrlip. 5TH BILTMORE MORNING MUSICALE l.rsit. Hi r i i. I'lllllW, V Mil -jii, I'l m i 1 1 ::u l i;iimv DESTINN Kiri Aiiixi MARTIN u.ntvM HINSHAW a v i m i j TOURRET Hp. tralv at It I .inhlistnii sol-rp ll.'.l li iv (Vntury Oprrii House Nc Sun. Mulil in vi n v in I. i i i ii i juu !! Amaa a MXUKMAH GREAT ALL-BALLAD 1'li', now ill I'lix iiitli'i' PROGRAM. WEBER'S hlir h.ilh V ah ; A laf SIR DOUGLAS IIawson iioisi i r u ti ihr i iif c, t - 'J STORF. ; CLOSES 6:00 P.M. 34th to 35th St. a A ll "I V m Vn llpillncs VTIth the I t"in I Hint NEW AMSTERDAM v WATCH YOUR STEP lr .t vir- V ernun I H"ile I rsnu I GAIETY RUTH CHATTERT0N DADDY LONG-LEGS .1 II, .VI COHAN'S . "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" V I III II I M l,. I Waliack ) l.ILl AH Ml' MT 0 CR4.N ll.Lr lA-K , Borna ' s' AiK.'ocr- T' i HARRIS , , ILLINGTON THE Lit. ELT INGE REPUBLIC MR. WALTER DAHROSCH I'M' v t IN VI l.NI It's Mm Si., lo llie v.iistinii ur li.., .ti .III I ei I llle I til" rternii, on "sii c. I l; ll it t 4lh I ei mre I rl V ft . vi .t , on "Ml l.l it ll i i, ' TIpVpis .VI,' , ' 4 ii om.i I'l tn ti i iim i in mis SCHOLA CANTOKI ,1, Mill - i ' AV.'"' I v s 1 1 I 1 Nph I iii.ral VI nr I. h- I ONIII I II II V Illl t.'- " M 1 f , t. f.. T1' -'' - 1" .' , I'arneiclr Hall, Prl Ite V ,r 'l.lllii lie, 11,1 t In LEGINSKA I'lpk' B ROADWAY ,,u 4'S I III" lie sitii-lilne EDENEPwl. fvlUSEE W THE JUGGERNAUT . IRVING PLACF! Tr I'rilltl tell I . IlitllllM IN ' MAJESTIC , MARIE DRESSLR u ' 'I ! HIMIIIIIM ' t- ,t IfMI M Itlllll Kl li Mr, 1 i' "Hv hi 111.11111 IV II si V , I