Newspaper Page Text
mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm to take up with '1ovcrnm"ntn Hpoi fir- qip stiorm rcKardinr with Hcrmany tlirouth neutral rniintncn pir tlcularlv with inspect to th" olilaltilPR from tlrrmany of material of necessity to particular Industrie" It has horn ulreaily pointed out 'hit Union cruisers in the civil war seized HrltlMt vessels .11 mill AtlantU Th" nrEOC! of lll!ll Vessel thill Seized were consigned to Nassau, 1iit were taUen by the t'rntcd St.ite authorities or. stis Plclon that 'heir ultimate dcntiralinn wan Cot-fcdcratc teri'ltnti The llrltlnli ilnverniiictit holds. nior oer, that while the prlnilple of inter law ere r.i i '. ti.iiiK''l the rules are. ( rluitisliiR to keep pare with the developetin-rit ol new t nn dittor.s sill r&nrcllni; nuif.uc .mil com merce The I'nited Stales introduced the rule of " vuyaRes" in the civ.', war ami rnalntaliietl it, thoiiRh it w.i then a rnmparativclv Mew 1 1 i n k m now, r iMirilrif n tin Itritlsh tlaim, changed condl'lors hale, made ndv.s.ib'. the Inlro'ltli lion of ,i new form if blockade Ullleuiis here are 'nellred 'o ,uli.' that a ilti on of three of the rieat"s' l'ower 'o cst-ibllsli .i new thing In r Icmaiioi nl l,i v will in ai. pmbabi, tv Ht.nd .11 leint for the pre e , war NO GERMAN IN DEM NIT Y. LIEUT. W. L. BREESE, FORMER AMERICAN, KILLED AT FRONT lin'tisli Officer. .hi I in in ri'iiiici'. Illlsllllllll ,iim' Lift' leached here ;e.'rli 'ii-ii 1 ri. I. Ii of 'lie deah Uvtp"i' ' lirec,,. i -i ir ll.i n'l'oi I' -h i' 1 mcr tii t Atiibass.iti I'ir" I. i"ir rreet ! i iii I! I .'!(' e.i t i e'v I ,i munis- iii ii i i" It i' nuarib w-.m K lied lai" rt ir il.i 1. 1 II III III. V lur Neiilrnl Denied. 'iirmt,. Is . ,, I i.H ril i r- 1iM'nv Mt.1i IS.- ii.i f to lie the itt.iude ..r ihi Hen ernriii in ri p. i i, r.ildlit' in Koodrt on IHit.- vet's,, -.u,k man milim .mm i net hh.ii o i. ir tide in Hie Cologne fi'i;tli. n legr tp-icj from A'ti'erdam "Thi iwitlin In nul s, tiled n ti ll i il tieatles. even ,n tile Ilccl.tra i hi ni London. sus th. (In. rltr ' T re 1- tiieiof He, nnth.tiR li in i.iiini v - especla.h n: view of the fa.' t' nwiliK ;n her Re.iitr.iplH' .il po.itt.iri hi the nival it it inipiw (n. M lirinis the i.ietii m!iI. n'o a 'eini, hi piie eiiiiit - ii p.iv . niiiiH I'e.i tlon iti mi. n 'n nni't ii . r ' NEUTRALS IN NO PERU.. ft . 1 i, "W- .". THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915. FRENcTcAPTDRE RUSSIANS TAKE HILL SEVERAL TRENCHES. CLOSE TO PRZEMYSL ALLIES BEGIN BIG MOVE IN THE WEST lirilMi Viiiii Tnkc St. Kloi. Willi (MIht (tcrmnn I'osi ( inns Xi'iir H . AiIvhikt to Within Kiflc shot if City. Despite Forts" Five. t!. IX CI! M I'AtiN K I N ON KNTllil". I'UONT Allien In I'ollini II limn nl I ' I I -lle. ' l'i eii.'li lll-ln l. TAlttp. M iri'ii 1C- A euteini-iii -.rmh by I'resldoni I'oliu'.ue, the I'ornnii M 'i 4ter. M neli-.'i?e tile Mlnlrtie ,,f -nanre. M ltili' I .e litieie .' Wir M. Mlllerarid. and the Mm eter of Al ir...t M AUKauneiii, .iHi rt.. c the euti t o the All. ei 'o rfil Hi in rm.i n " -im inanrie warfire. toda .11 '.11 .oui-iint ()(frie(. uhlnli .iln publihi' i.n text of the Anglo-Trench leprlKfil pn!n v "The allied (ioVeri'iiii'iH Inn e t-.i n lention." Hie report iv, "of 'ollowu u (heir enetn in itw er'iel anil ;.fcnrin inithodsi. ami the mMeiire. t".Mi . the have been obilKed to h.iv" ! iu:- do not Involve any r'-! for neutr ' ulup or for 'he I've o' neiitrale 11 Cornli.HiMM Tni'.i will tie Apil..d In trie! 1 iilortn.ince w ltii the ilieiat. - of HI -11.111, 1 V.-. 11 uiiirn hi It PARIS PRESS COMMENT. fi"il ' il'il' rlltr 10 Ttt M Taiiim. Mareh Hi The Ti-mi" he.ids If nil the Alll-'lo-I'lelii'll note In M'.ir.l tn iei'i.iW on 'lerni.itiv "iiet. manv I !l.i. k.nleii h Sea ' The .nni-ni ifen Itrhnt heads im i-ditorlal "Itloek.iih. of 5erm.ui ' The T mi's lemaik.' Ihal the putillea .tl.lll of the (e, 'lie wae iiovtpo.ieil, OUHIK to fceluiKs of eoiirteyy wh'eh ahiiiB ton will appreolate until londoii and l'.irm r.-idied to AtncrliM'i rnuel for fun), 1 1 enl.htennient. It adiU. I' enli ill WIN-vn plllilles olieva- on or ni'iiti allty to n'l uputoii!ii.e and or "irici lili. inipaiit.itie reserve in th a.e 01 af-i. Ich of whleh his fe'low c.'' .ers a-ni n s eoiintr't tl.ic are the oil ie. 1, ..1 (I fiillowlnc an illi.-iriou e. aoitde il is : ot pronouni e lietween tl." vlriims and the eveutloi'.er or between defence and agiresnti. This rittid Im partialitv will perhaps lead him to the eon v iet Ion that It Is lust to allow the of force to have free scope" The lelmM .iy "The ill" r e does not estaMt-h a blwk ule. as ii no foi bidden zone and stipulates no punishment atamst boats which tr to avolil beliiK visited, The decree s eontniiy to tin. tici laratlon of tn eMendini.' the rluht of vlett and reti nt'i.ii It makes no innovat'cin n an nthei w.iv It Is the mo-i cuttle reply 1 in- 1 bli' tn Die ileiman pioilaiua tlou ol I'i In iHfv t a- i . acetnent n FY.ini"e iiu'ini 1 nirt . ' d t'l; t0 other report Lie J'.r... s,. v 1- 1. id iv a- extilwun wli.. h il - re 1 i h t . u .is t- - i; a 'ei'iole Hiowrn aPT .i'iis uii 1 h lie had r v elite I Me eave n A.ifnw. no wa M.s .lull, 1 Keau Klsh. daUKhier nf Hamilton I'lsh. and mo inlatit ni s. William Law rence lliecse. Ir ad llamlttnn I'lsh lire. e Will. a. 11 danrence lln e was M ears old He w'.is the no',-, son ni tile late William l.iwreiue, whose wtlow marrSsl llenrv V llici-'lns of Loudon lie 'van 1 r. -p'i 'W Jjiiim li.iwu-ue ll-ee.f and ' Ml Adam I lord U' Nome of hi it l.liiit l'.reee had l:vi I 11 for six veare. and in J 11m.11 he Julinsl Harold I' nvlrr in Ih c irninB 1 ij.i d Mr tNli sibje t aid talir.R a ion mission .n the Itoval II use 'Itufils krmwn ir I'.' t 1. id is The Mine." He wo'i' nit'i the c.'ne.'i t h am ab-ci the iiii.ld e of .1 inn II- .rr.aire in -. ! 1. t .' nl at .i .la ne- I'.nn -Ii M,i avemi" REPORT ON EITEL IS FILED BY EXPERTS Sliite leinrtliieiit I Kieeteil To-ilav to Set Time Limit for Repairs. Mrs. William L. Brccse and her sons. William L. Brcese. Jr., and Hamilton Fish Breesc a d ! vei.ti -III si stiee:. .r Mm ., . lloi.V .I'll wae me of l'ie si . 1 r-el's '11' ear l'tlt'l 'lie War Mrs. It.eese id illvtdul lier time between l.ond'ii .. d New VoiK, hut A hui tie! liusb.ll.d w.i iiii'iiisvlnned 111 the Urlt.hh ariuv 1 d l In ' .11111' Mke.v 'lla' he would li se it to the front she left New Vi.'k a:.l went to I. .mil. in. aconmp tnleil by 1.. 1 so 1 Mrs. Ilreese's uTra ml fat hei . Haul rtori 1. wis nine liovrnor nf N".i orK. I'nited States Senator and i mur. bei nf tile Joint cO'llllliesmn which 11. ir.'i'.al' d the trtut.v of Waslimgtof be tween the rnited States and " Hrltain l.ieut Hieesc ie aisn survived l Ivv.i s :ers, l.aih Wi!lui:hb de Kresb. wh .was Miss I'.li.ise Itleene. atnl I. id ' Al.ietnlr hities-Kei. fat nine Vi Anne lltleese wlcsf liusband .' : I'i th? 1 illlki .loni nf l:.iiurKb. !vnivit or Mir. r.v. Twen'.y.elKh.t r,( 'hn ,'ri'K of tile Hiltlsh lUh'. oriiiser wop Killed and thltty wmindeil when she maile 11 ilih through th" mine lleldf In the I iiirdrinelles nn Sunday She str ifi, in vvetitv.tvvii shells from Hie T'irl.'.-h batteriP.s. b'lt was able to im urn 1 '.hotiitV. 'ind.;. il.inuiKeii IClml.lIld -CV' .V Mile to the Tlliteil Slates yesterday cxplnlnlnt; that ihe reprisal" nenint (Jermnny wer lc.s than 11 blockade. She adni.'.ted that !t was wit'iotit H.iiu'tioii of interim tinna law but that It would be er.. fon-eil ili'nplte ;hc piotests if neutra. countries The text w.l! be tu.ti pub'i'- to-moirovv. The 'icltef im prevalen: 11 Hi. lie., tin i'.ary circle., that the Aides will assume 'he offensive (in a larce sr.lje ; with.', a short tune urid that the ureatest at lines the World bus ever ' known am already taklim tie1 Held The presi.p' ltrllls'.i ofT'-nsive i .nti to be .ntendl'll to keep til" (iTIIIlin" 0 ctipa'd and ir I'hee;. untl". the time . otnes for the ivw fitces to strll.e T'l"e W.l" l.t'.e llKhllllU 111 Kill lire visterdav .icrorilini; to tin Prem-'. 1 otiiriiutiiM.i''" The I'lvnch , t.i'-v have tn.Hle lurt:ii r advtin' e " in ("hump.m'tie mid bav repulsed evtal (ierttiati ntt.icks The (lentlall ntlh I.H statement 0..II- ttad.cts over suit. tuent made bi 'V." Treni h ;ino claims the capture of a heuiit near St I'lol for which tl.. hid been tichtini! with the Knql-b for seveial day. The Itusslaiis claim .nl' anc" alons the entile fi out In rnluiul and to be asaiti presslnH the .it'.uck on rpitemv ! The !einati s'atemetit save all lin-.-inn nttai '. liaxe been repulsed . lai ''.I.' It'tutlrli tn Tlir S. v IVTf.ohp.aii, Match IH -The l! have advanced to within rllle shot of the forties of Przemysl after terrllle llitnt .ng. White alt ilniiu the TfiO mil" bit!l front 11! the rle-e tvi' -one the fntees of tl'e Cr:.r have oily uei to 11 ,!( as a I'Sillt of yesteeiluj s np'M on The olib lnl .siatemert of tne Itin s ti ( SUIT, nude public tn.ti.Kht. Is as follows "On the Ipft of th" Nlemen we di. lodned advutice. patties of the en!lt ft 0111 Kopowo "The offensive of our tioop on both innlis of the drjltza Is pro-'ressinc 111. essfiill.v After 1 very detennlti'sl hit tie our 'mops .uptllieil tile VlMaijeH of Stenna and Ji dmurozni and tcptiNeil 1 v.rnrous counter attack We captured some heavy nuns, three IIrIh tb Id nuns, S"Ven IHllfitlne BUn .It'll at le.l't .I"" prtsonets "W i.iu pal',, a' si(.cs., ,io nor'.i of P'iinivsi: uii t.le OiadilsK line The ei'nv l'.a h""i. mm" .o'tlve ir r " bnn narilT. m ' n'r 'ortllica'.inti'" i- ;'.. Iti! i lb 1: .11. i!d .1 f -nit' li-s vnl -.v 11. t ie i'i Sen of 'lie IMPS.!. Id he Cnrpnthlii. ten tnvipg r .. i n'jed 'he oif"ni'i and .11 'lie unoln.K rehlioti i. S)llt' OI thi deep stln'l. s:n!in and the neveie .nld ii1 ... i,i' nfisltiiiiis ot ihe "ii. tn; . lO'i piisor.i i'. .nelu'linii i.r')lx 0 ('oiillu'ifi im" l'irt I'oai lienniiii. Rain n-earn so mtirli ro Klollnd to be covered by t ie Allies when the ureal drive Rather headway, liver village lest bv 'he Allies tie at s tin mtii'.i addition to th" its'; 1' fnrclt -eiie iiv baeli out n .'.in,e aid lb Ik an. and upon his own .sod I'h i' ai ivints ',,; tne fi- oi'tv nt tb- effo s e.hlb!te.d b'. 'he Itl'.tlFh and t'i I'V. nch. epe cull, .ti the ilisotltic at N ''ive I'll ipe! e a! M ll.oi, m the ('haainas c ilflttc' at llixmnde aril other 1 itecral 10 '.f on the limit li.ittb'fi-' l.t 1 n--tHtie'! that thu order has Ireer Blen ahead to puh forward where I' can be dot -will out 'on a loe but at al costs 1 hold fas' itld ib e not all ir -r. 10 he Ti Won n ndes The relation of the enKace.lient- of the p. ml r-w daj'K to this eliei'al i-vtull tiou oei-ou es at one apparent. The Allbs -re holdit.R the.. Ki m'd at'"t the'.' bett"i able to do t lint t.ow triati a: time since the wer beK.m. because Mor the llrt tune '..ley imve run I enotiRh men, and here and there where I .i,e aerial evrs of the armj spy out w-aKi.ei's in ihe Heimaii f.ot.t 1 tlniist is dellvue.l. In sev.ial i.-. nio-t ntablv a Nelive I'lapell". these ta-tic have met with Brett' success. The. ' future mav be .I'Ri.dnl with greiitei op tlmlsn w ion it is iil:.ed that the. I aie otd: .iri'iuieors of what i to enme. I'liiUless llelllli VI 11 lie. OjinthWerld x WA flvolotd by Royalty w yWOT I SAY DRESDEN SANK IN NEUTRAL WATERS Goritunis Deeliire l!rin . taeked Her in l en iii Limits of i Iti. . VIOLATION IS ( II 1. 1 1( VAFIADISLCO. CAIRO EflVrT ae I . .1'. ! . e p. I llle an) (ernmns are to the reallratlon t.iat tl y wi'l i.ed ev. IV man thev cat. spare i j oppnso tbe llrltlsh the Tri'iti'i mil tile HelKlatls foi a lomt time to come llelils this ihey me stretiRthenlns tlne defensive iiiTanBerr.etitH In th" iiltory they now ocinipy and, it ired.tably reportnl, arc even perfect liiK their Inner lines of resletatiC" In the expectation that tney maj be called upon to n pel an luvnulon nf the number of men to ue involved it ir ij. be stated thin tl.eit llrltain about l.oud.oiifi on t'.i continent. thai they hiv been soltiB to I'ranc" at 1 Three V s.aterTieill 01 opi'Taiioii'' nn-" im- l.ue 01 .lunii inn, nun ne- wi"-a. 111 1111.V bv the llntlsh War ulllce. which 11" u'.'.er in Ham e uf the 'Sertnnti submarine cetvi'd .' from 1'ield Mais'., al Sn .lohu , warfare, and that there ale uti'd neatly l''r"tu'li aiven a fall Idea of tne present 1 1, mllhoi, ,, the coneeritratloii lamps plan- It hoWf thjt itallv ni'Aterbi! . 0.. sent pioKteH ts h'.r.C Mlane while It l at 'lespatihes liolll Paris ".! lilat the Hi.. .i -im tiirn aniiaiei.'. tint tin Hrl'Jsh ; lrt.) dlvilons of the I'teiiih armle.s of WaHtlivoros March mill' Ulse nrr-de; v liest' ie I Ir '" . ' the Hrr'.torla! wa'ers ic Kei iiJiuler. '1ird tialltv was tlutx v .1 stateuient H'i d Iiksv here tn-nlgh' lows The elllbass'. -e 1 able f "inn V 'lp '. . ;. . IriK ' " rteneap cru.-e. I' inR destroyed ir I: s on M.irc.t s wan r : Ilxh arnwired ct 1 e 11 her from .1 o'clock :. liresden manage n c mored critlet' ncs. U.imase '. ' lack of coal fore I . ' Island of .llian I'e -nii' .1 "Accurdlm; t ' l.r celveil at lh en.b is-v ' fifteen wounded !' ' " landed by th" "i " men tne b 1 .11 1 I'll ' " ,, 1 Tb. repo'i fi ers. Mini he.en'een m icp ie uutis. Tin' s'!..ces, i'.i.n'- l Ir 'lie 'entre of '. ! 1 liief i tn.iv nft"nl' . turced cn:u, e' ellt C . ' r'.lll "CHS 1 Ml" db"'-' n.i of Hal. Kind ".V" aiibil 'he i!eii',,e ..: '.ne -w i.".i' lablonka. In he ts!un i.' SCnwtilk.i ar.d I' 1 t-netnv ; !i ills .it '.licks ( 'I''lBiitln hil" iinvelopeil 11 mmte'-i lia.ic. . "i' f S' 1111s'. iu on the Kn'o :ti".i mi:'.v.i. "uur i'lfatitrv mafh.ns bi-enet .1.B.1 now on S'jinluv a'. Ur.wn iipfire.l f'lltltlcm Ot "- n 1 . not mul s:re'iRth of lu.nou men eira ia-c hi vond the lull war MrenRth and j tn it leKliiieiit- nf 1.11O11 men on a reRU Ii: 'W. i- a e mustered In :t , ." t 0 ' strii"B SUES CARDINAL FOR CHURCH. lnriiilsr X e '.( t! e I V. n s II. Mil TISII RECAPTURE TOWN OF ST. El.01 it laii'il Urn biiuriie l.lelltf limit leiS'lKi.v. March Iti liretiiiiller liiilirils I, uses lilli. I.nrd lira bourne. l" .vears ol dier 1 iuards. 1 . a, ci"d Hi to in da He w is ' and l. ' eed" I about "..OH" 1 . I'Mii'it 1 .ed an I tlie V the llo'i -en liietileti ml tn the Urena is been ki led n iction. :ii t. un-'ement maile to h rd 'o 1 .Id Ihe title ,1 , n I'""' He ivied Ic.rd l.rabouiti" was e title i.sses 'o h. I V, . ! 11 tlbulLltURes. GERMANS WIN FIGHT IN REGION OF YPRES I in Viiiioiinees Ciiplure llritisli Position Near St. Kloi. of PLOUR .ITOrPS TO $8 A BARREL. I.rnps Uii I'i-mis in st'iisun's llluh . I'lisli V belli Ml. II... OlItrM'.ii. Man n lfl '"ash wheat ol I .ik n'uli is Hi'..", a tin-In ! on the Hoard of Traili ti-d.n. I1., cents hiRlui thin .vistirdaj !t sal" and wl'.lnn "'i 1 e nt s of tne h'Bh 0:1 the crop Prices . .n advei ttis luands of Hour we e a.v meed In cuts a barrel to i, the siasi.n's h.Rn mark The wheat trod.' was mrvoiis. f'anriB poss,pc 'ri erruption 111 'icean shtppuiK as a re sult nf Hub' ind's new .stand CAILLAUX ANSWERS CHARGES. illlress lo I l.n nil 1 lectors sscrls Ills In I'rilliee. Spmal Td'.'' rir'n"'"'' I" Tin: M . . Pakis. Mac 11 Hi. Inscpb t'alllauv. fcirmer Mii's'i.. nf Tin i' ice has. issueil 1 lOll address to the elei tors of his ill-1 1 1 t . rcphiiiB to the 1 nup.iiRH .if:. 111. si hi 11 diii.iiR h't .iliHeine ill South America lie Infills In' Ml tup "My 011 to South 111er1ca will not cost the lilidC't a sillRle lent. I acieptfd onlj on condition I he al lowed to p.-iv lv e intlre expenses yiyself." M r.illlaiix denies the report that he vA'.ir In Vimna previous tn the dfcluni Hon of war avttiB it 1s seven .vears 11 nro he vislteil Austria. lie nays P was born In txfi.", and vviui frc of mill tiirj dulv but he volunteered at the timbre ih of the present war, serviriB as paj nuiMiet and In the postal department, to which he ln.oi,Bi'd when e was u youiiB IHMH T M. ("alllaux then trie chaiRi UiBt be hiii l.eiui intriKUiiiK diplomat! willy to arranue peace, that lie delaved 4ie decrie of n.ohil 'ation for twn davs. :tld that he oppoeeil the VotltlR of 'Hill Jiry ciediLn. lie sa.vs be nas alw.ij an active par'iKin of an ill. rease of tlie, ib'HV.v .ftlllev - M. Caillaux uuoies ihe Vellnw llo-ik : proof 1h.1t ! many coiiMibred the treaty nf November I. T'l I. as ,1 diplo matic 1lele.1t foi 'mr II" sukki'HIs thai .In aitiile n the .Vi I" I'ri n l'imr of Viditi.l p. lis :ic h.m . 'id been supplied by llle enemies to dNiiel.i li.ui 1 r3G.OOO,000 SHRAPNEL ORDER. Iliissin n lit 10 lime Vrriinueil lor Mfiliiillli'tiire, - Ac order tor lail.'inn.rm.i woiih nf fdu'iiptiel si,, lit. hae lieiti piacul bv the Htissi in 'ioieinmenl Jninrlj with Mi" We.MtiiiBho'ise A., llralte 'nuip.m.v and Ihe New Vuk A.. Ilrike I'onipanv, ac rordliiir to a wi I aulliei Hi Ated rumor Jti Wall Sneei veieril.i. I'h.iih'N A Stiirbuck. luesidinl of the Jv'ew Ynilt Alt Mr. ike I'nmpam. efu"'"l elthei to deiiv 01 101 dim the rum " "Ollli'lals "f Hi" WeMtlliirhnuse eotnp.11 . .lull' III New Vol k III .ill, tele!, re Willi tiu. rcpii seal iiives if tne New Vork Air hrnVe Pompuiy vis'frd.iv and an an .thill ll.llil e s'.it. lln t iHexpilteil soon The .11 dci' .h fur I nun linn helb' a1 'cost of IIS I'I. Il, It IS Kiel II U i" 'p. .'ii. I 1 1, .il the tiow nun IH .s p 'in .1 inula, lit IK plains able -to a- I p' .11 1 it n del - The a r In.iM c nnp'i .n k aie 1 it 111 iH- rH nf lu.ipiiei in nid.iiaiy limes, inn II Is. Haul that lln" plurit. are will 1 , it pi 1 foj such w irk lV(fii. ,i.iv March 1 '. - Tr.ei .''port Of tile build of exp-lts -CBaidillK the 1. tn" winch s'luuid be allowed the Pi 111. I'.itil Kriedii'li f r repairs was re ceived at the Navj Dt-partnient to-day from Admiral lleatlv comniand.ilit of the navy jard Tte 11 port was at on. fansmltt'd to the Slate I'cpattmi lit winch will iM nie, piobably lo-innrriiw. formal per :ineiiin for the ibrinaii -ea ruder tn ri main at New pott News for a Blven letiBth of time for nn-essaiy repairs Twetit -f.inr hnure arfler the explta- t'on of lb'- time limit the ilenn 1 1 w.n.ship 1 will ln obllB'd eithel In Icivc pmt ami' take Its chances with tne llrltlsh nuis- is nil thu VirBlnln capes or intern for tlie remainder of the war Oitlelals 'till expect llel tn lllteril ib'iplte the J ileimiii niiiniaiider's lepeatnl vtnti metilF 'hat lie will venture out attain In acciu dniice with the rule, ofllelnls i"le kept a clo-e sie-er of tile pet 'nil of time re. ommerided hj rhe naval I id .is pi Opel- to be allowe.l the llerill.lll waislilp Tills prrnediiie a is followeil al-o In the , -isc of the lie Hie ten in. in iiuisei. which was lep.iir.'d it llonolnbi and llnallv Interned tlnie I Ih ilecl.iied thit fairing's to the i!cr man vessel reipilres that the I'nited ! Sinie- 1 Hn eminent dlviilRe no Informn tloti Ahull would Indicate to the enem cruisers at what date the Pi Inn llltel l'lle.lrlch tnlBhl he expected to appear .outside. Se. ie ary Ilrymi said to-day that no note reBardliiB the sinklttB of the Will iam P 1'ive has yet l.n ri enl to (Jer liiniiv The Slate Pepartrnerit is nt ill an ailing the reielpl of fiii -her Intornt.i Ion befoie makliiB representations to the Herl'n tlovettllll'll NniHMi.r. Va . M.nch HI -f'.ipt. Tliter irliven of the aiixlllarv . ruler Prlnz lh"l I' Iluh ml tn-dav that he hnew Ihe lltill-ll . 1 11 !.' Ils-ex was on'siiie i'ip" llini' w.i 1 1 in; fur him PasMiiu'eis .11 111 riK on the iinl l'nmln -t. ime snl ill .ateil llle siKiitid the I'-m-x nlf tlie ' iiHi.ia I'ipes RHEIMS CATHEDRAL SUFFERS. Iblinee llli b lluee sh,.. Ilurlim 1 Iteient llninbiirilolelll. V;,el r,,l,l( Itr.ullfl In Tll Puns, Match HI - The llheinis ('athe- .lr.,1 nitTeieil badlv flnlll recent tinlll- b ird i.elitM lln the last occasion one , she struck ihe be'l turret or the sninll tow 1 1 Another, latin. R betweti the mil '1 cniiniei-roits. bin -t 111 de'' I1'" nn'h of ihe aisle A tlilid. o'' heav) calibre, in trout of the rlRht -Ide ol the in d badlj ilam ined tin had hither n es. aped. HMll... In wireless to Sa.W llle. I,. 1, Match. Hi -The capnm- of an MnBl'sh i.ositlon near St KIol and other Ruins, both eaet and west, is announced In the War i Ullce .epoit issued to-d.iv. The vtatemi tit Is lis follows The llrltish position on the hernia ie.ii St Mini south of Ypfs. has been taken bv the Hermans. 1'irIH .UK foi the siss,..ssion of this loca tion bad been BoiliB on x nee 111 da before esteidaj . On the south ern slope of the l.ntette Hills, to the northwest of Arras, Hi,- itlnu is nr.tni; nn for the possession ot Hi" . rest uf a hill III the I'll.Ullp.lRlle dlstlict eevellll partial attacks delivered bv l-'t"iich tumps hroki down In the f ice of the I'leiinan tlie The 1 'rerun losses wele heavv. To llle mirth of Ite.iu sejniu lierman troupe tool posc- s on of several I'relich tr"lli'1 es Vi ellKHK' llieilt I.eEUn )eslinliv 111 t'le AtRoiui" oiitliitics to-dav Also in the VOi-'Kih llli't" .lie e Viral places Wllele '.lie IIRlltlllB Sllll Is R.I, MR Oil fill the utrlC. to till ll"l tlli'list "f Przasnj.. Itussian attmks ev.r.- where liave been repulsed. There W.l.S all Csperlullv Violent enK.lRe. merit lor the possession of Julnoro zek Two thousand Itussiuns were taken prlniiiers Souf of th" V stula then, is until ins to rcpuit l.eriiiiins ln siHiiirhii-r llous In snie I'nlntn it i l . irf,.r fuze IlrtfHitrh tn TlIK Ir' Hn.Mn. .March II -A dispatch mini lleilln says It Is teared there that the supply of potatoes will be exhausted bv June, as they are beliiR used in place of I dder A state monopoly s petriR urr;ei and meanwhile In- Pannw.u proposes th" RlaiiRhter of '.'n lion OuO Iuirs heiore April I. arRinriR thai unless this. Ie done Hie .iva.lahle potatoes will he eaten up PRUSSIAN LOSSES. 1.050,029. I'reoeli llcctlli (.erntiui I reiM'be Near 1'iTlbes. l,,,l' I'tf't- ls'f, ', TU Sl P villi", 10 Tin- action i "h" f.nnt wa latiiely stal.onar" tn-d.i. .ti nrdlllR tn tlie cominUlilUlle a-HUeil hv tile l'r-ti. b War Ulllce this afterunmi. althoURh ' uht Rainf were r ported ,n the I'hamp.ini.i dlitrlc". The llirhtiin; was mor lively, th" after noon .tat'Tiient telie-R of t!' r'cptiire ..f St I Hoi by the Hr tlsh, together with entile (iertnan ttenche" in tha' nBion. and the reocl'UpatlO'l b the l-'relirh of whit was left ot th" trenches in I.-- Pretr- wend, uiidi'i wble'a the Or ma is e.xpliule.l mlnen on Sutidav Near Peithes the 1're'ic'i tried th ierman tactlce and iilinl(d a nun nn Ur the Herman '.renC'es. subciiientlv oci upyiriK the crater caused by t'le ex plosion Th" Hermans attempted to Bam th orfi'nsive at several points hut w is eaelly checked The iduht urn mill' ipi" follows IitiruiK the ruirlit o" Munch 15 !'. th" enemy attempted to ntake i... tr'-nch'-s which he hid lost on '.tie spUl of Notle D.lllle de lyllette He was ri pulsist nd made scv- ral prlniners In I'hampaBne In the reRlon of Pe'thes wi. Alitoded n tllllie clllitl' ni this tnornliiB. W" have iwii pled the mine crater, a iiitid which i very tlvlv ttifht follow ed We nld th's s,llit Sonl" pmKt'ess lias sn maile north of lle.iu-ejoui In tin AiRnnne --I'UH'IK the ii Bin nf March 15-1'" the Hermans" sev ral counter att icks ubh1ii' I... I'.iiu de Par's an. I llol.inte. as well .ts at Viunitmls. Thev wele all lepulsed Three itttenpts by the ine'nv tn i"U1lie the i.ffelislve Hi l.a Pr'tle wood weri' easily stnpp,d The aftermin lommuniiine told of the ' recapture of u trench which th" t!"r i luati.H had seized at Itelchack"! l,npf In Alsac. and of th" cout nu'd ' pneress of th" llel-rlun tronps II tnllu'.vs The ItelRian army ha' cnnsMlldaied its Rains of the last few days. Th" llntlsh army, irt.r bavin-: retaken . St. Illol. has also recaptured trench.-s to the southwest of the villaR" and cntlipi'lled the eeelilj to evacuate trench- to the southeast of the sane point, winch have In en com pletely demolished by the artlUerv In Ch.nnpaBtie fiesh pumiess has been made to th" n"rtlieaut of S.iiialn. In the forest of l.e Pretre wi have recaptured, from the Uer- inins the remainder of the tr"tiebes ' won b them yi'sterdaj mornliiB. or to be more precise the nit" of thi-r'e 11 cliches, for the (l"fetirlvc wolks have been completelv shat ten d bv mine explosion nn the t-iiilherii slope of Hreat l!ei-hacki rkopf an attack bv the iiemy e.terdav moinliiR carried a tieiieh We have retaken It and n.ide some prisoners Ta, t,o .- e I'.d P ..'Hill pr s"in-l s. ' at.d tn if '. I Rim Trie ait'll.r' Ollt" .1 111' "n- ' ern " ut '' e le.R'l's W .th pfOI til B I lie t .1- ' In Hi I'au' ..-'ie - Tliet t OM f" 1 4t ' betvv ... til" two I T'l" ' I l 1. r eticrm i, t.ik'.n e Ii.," 'lldll'sT I WV-tlt V OtP. P..'im ru 'ps o ,U e a in palt cu'ar nave i.oi .cniiie.i m. lilt or tne.r e.i.b'.r. oi bj an', .l einp-.lll-t now ureal tile 'ffert of tin (.en and concertep ilfcr.slve will be max he seen it. i onsldern' . . of till! it.t'.lcted upon ' 'ieitiirtiis by 'he pu-( llol nr..ive wh,. h has been instituted is ugat.ieu in mu.- . till . i.l.'len net". .III'! esi"' " ..-.'i who ar" nil I'll.OIIRII OI .II" .. .. ...,..a .. ilm must .tnlintt.ll.t aid -Ix.-ltK' it.' of miy ' b"e ied. epf. I illv I f.e -titem'lt 'hut the ile.miti .'-l Mil" i Ii. ! Wentwnrth. a I'lpil ' Is.imn in three lines lee i-x, nl in, ii .pi.-., iinl ni ui p.i tt.ter . v iv-ti r i .t 'nlloivs !'''" ommerc I ! aeticn !n the u- 'SI in 'lie atir.Otlti' emeu nr pi.-me lourt pi iyl' b Milt t'ntillrial l-'ar-III ih" oienitions u. tie iie.Kbborhood I--. as of thi .it chdlti. e- or New I nf Nelive Chapelle L.ive been con- oi k. clth - 1. ulbl a fliurc'. :n the village I'HHied The line, .ap.ii "I Maich H i nf Weet Shokal- H'ster cturitv. er re 'anil II to On eit t ''' '.U.iK" ha tuf !n 'ie, tbe 'i.ITi. tmbl when th" Ibee.i nnflld.r.e.l end .i"M spite or ' f.,rme- ihuirh thiti-. which she built I lepeated efl irts nn the liart of the en. j and presented to M-.e dl-ie. was con- I I mi t" retake It. iHinliK the n'.Rht of , demneii and takin ovi r lor ir.itskiu IMitlil H-12 1 " ''"'J' ",oni' ."1'iedtl ' pltejiosec tin l-'tb several outi'.i" .umca" in. pet turn t tnttn tnat t: l'.'l ea: of Neuve ri ap'lb were re- li(. homili' land and limit i iliurch for ar.d slxtx nr;"iin"" -Vete cap- i .vi - in. simp w tn tlie under ill' Vv flitvvorth I'.iHllci. or H. i: li, d. Wentwnrth. reportcl to aave i. e i ' , pram furth"i m) ' ' t.m crew wet" li'did ' Juan l'etnar.det and w ' e to VrtlparalMi b .' i i . . - "Acoordlt.R ' the It it - v report til'' ll ede'. -,v v- . . atniored cruNer K- i rille nlasROW II I ' I- cruiser l Mama ri'-ai lot IsIhikI. "i"in1de''.nir 'V exi-tn i the lJriedn nppann'.i h.i , while In hetei of ran' i w i ,nllB an no otne l.'Ws prove the com rai v, . e IsMlevc that a second v out; itilttv In waRi nr. . i "i . been lommltti-d bv tic I l.1,- "Oll AllRllst It".. I'Mt H rruisei Kab'- n In d . lire J upon in th Im ' Il i the l'.tiRbsh I rf'.se- II u p e at anchor within or." i ! r -sh oat of West Af' SEVERAL or ri:i;v mr , I n ) 0 the , I plll'i'd I Ie a t ' B ill' . iM'd'e . Tj.k- nr d T.le . . 1e-(.I -e le.'lllteil .1' ". Tilt (losses mil lines i on II' i iitfii'.l exe I.'. .1 .,s' u' Aline Meres I i- i ip-ii e Ii. i.s i' "he l.ep.nt-tt" bh sir., l! ! ,nn nf Mil" Vllalt" i ' n"es h.i qnn'ei .'in' :.a il in i d- ide POPE REJECTS ENVOY'S PLEA Tells Vnslrlno Inns 'I'renl ntliitssntltir Mils (iMllflitiis Well I'.Bil'. t w as v , . s. I OH!""- " I mom. 'Va.- 'tl.l '. . .t se.. ,.s a,, i ;,, k,e h.ul " nr tt-BHla:- v ii'.. prayers sold for !' S'Kh serVeen We'e hld until ll'll, wliei ihe c'.tv cotidemne.l tbe land on wh.' th i' .Hi-ell stoisl arid p .nl the dio r !.: Sn thin, she avers. set 1 1, is have no' been held and tin w church has in-., bu it Mme il" W',rwi.rrh'e .-iiinncr Imme ;,t Weit S ..kit, Is j ...v s, t mil"" fmni the 1 nest I'atnol, - chnich th" N'ejve ("hape' e are . r'a 1." A stioiiB ,. If I'teillliMs in the at- epulsel lid !.' HlOll ptis- . .lei T'.i, ieltllltis COn- nae.l tn del ver n..imr counter attacks MISS FLYNN ATTACKS SUNDAY lbe .licit March 11.1.1 and . i',,-,.i.' rit.', . Tiir ' tin oiunoat th" l"t' I" tu ' ' '' llotli . Mar-h Ifi Pop. Ib'tied" t Rav.l, .ucceci ,n ricii'urliiR nnv of the n" audience to-d.. t" Mi" ns'rrtn J tmund tin lost March 14 th" tlBht-Amhis-adur, who propted acalrmt theiinB w eontbi' d nulnly to the artillery b' Il'Jssijns of !v.i I'alcol 'lells silk H nrkiT. lie I 'I nn ii Ihc Hirers. N .1 . M..rcn 'I'tntl nf llresdeo n nt I spnillj tlefnr. ,et(7 '(jr,V frumfl V.VI.I'VltAtso Mir., ' cruise, -bv a ltritln si in. I r.v d al Juan l"i 1 n ! .' tlRiit incurred. M. t nr. asked p rm s, tlav tor repa.i, t- ' paretitly uiclamaRcd .. 'tsed. isi'll.'l "... ' '" W tier" ll' W .! 'I' .ih lt-.t!li pursu.t The i ira'1'..i t i . iriK t ie surv.vo; , report. ne that n.'et. e i, lll'.ss I1B. s'eVel.i'i ' liirir.B the t-.p The rira'iia it-po t - i i Hi .t sh b:p- w is w i I I lres'b'1 'e Rims H d bll I lubl ' T ' 1'i.rl bishops .li 'alien ind the . omi '-Uln-r of the inhabitants to abjure I'at'-.di isui When he waf reipiestr t to mnke repie. iteritattnns t' Petrottrad the l'npe m"il the envt.v that, ac nrrt -r li direct riewn from !nli, i.t. tin- Ituss ms were a.vnrdinK excellent lrat.n at to the inhihltnnti-. who .s.mplete rthitlous freeilom. The Pope also K.uil that th h.nhops themsel.ej tlenkd the teport that Miev were arresttd. lie lftpiest.-.i ' Vni l. to .lecertal'i per-1 ill'. in future whether eo-npl i.n'.s nie well f lundej, .i.suritiB him 'hat otlvwise it Wnllld be usclrs fo- ', c ti protl GIFTS TO WAR RELIEF. I niitrttitittnn. (tt Vnrlons I'timls Itepttrtetl esfrrtln, T''c fo'lowinR cont' .butinns t.. wc e. I ', e' tu"ds were rt i.o-tisl x.sterdav t tt'.if II, ' : .s.. Vork sta'r tt I i'ros 'H i I'ullllnlt'es of Merer '0. I. I'rln.'e of Wales "31 ' V..I nt'ntl Vr Hellef ' I 4' urs Vatlnn-il .' I'. h llrllsf IT ' H l".-li Wnr llelief '- e.. II-"lll-.lllrr.-sn 'al I' -lief ' "0 "d Anierbitn .lswili tl ibf 'H'b T' o ., I 1 : i ::u i: i to or ; J' Ti - . t: iti m ; ui "it Srcl. alllli III llerlllt. Until lies 'ilt mnl'li re 'fur S x. I.i'Minx', Maieh 10 The 7ti' ." lispondent at Snll.i teleRraphs that Ilalll Iby stalled on Satuid.n fur ll-rlln wh'" h" Impes to obtain a papo" o.m I'oi.trar.v t" expectatlnns he wis - . rrirarditiR pnlltlctl while in Sotla and made t.n offer to It'll- Rll-.l He I Xpre-sed utlb illt'dt'il I Ol II- deiice it. 'he ii ult of the war I'retich Icntleliiv l'.xtels I ierinn ns. Pons. M I'-ch HI. --The names of the last fout Herman nicmbets on th" ro'l of Hie I'lencb Academy ..f Sen nee were ordeied stricken oft at a session ll.-t'l Those expelled alt Pt uf s U.i7-r of Munich. Waldevtr nf llerll-.. Pc her of llerll n and Kl"'r of Ho. t I IIRer 17,111111 I . t r tit II lis Killed 'The prisoners ,n our hands :akn s,' -e Mil', n I" number I, TO", of w ho-n t n'.'. . e offices JudeinR from the i umbci ni dead counted on the Rtound th". total ilerman losses duritiB th" op trillions from March I'I to Marc.i 1.1 near N"iiv- i'h."lle cannot be than 1 T.iui'i ot 1 .iuiii "IUf'.rm the evelitlR of Matili 11 the eneniV rushed sn.Ve of OUT tletlche to the south of S' K'. 'i aft"' a heavy lion bardtr.i i t .in i the explns.on of a mine. The fj-eiter Portion nt these ttenche.s were re at'tiu fd this inoi iiiiiK The fiB'itinE i'i this area continue. The Itoval r'l.vitiE ''nrp obtalnl fll't'ier Stll '.. dlllinR til'' Lis few iian. alMioiich the foR a; times inter- fcrtd mnte'ially with its wotk 'I the railroad Junction .A I'o' ''"d I'OU.l. Wele atta ked with bo'tilss ind d ntiaBed and nil M trrli le a train In Ihe I mil station was Inown up Iteli.rts i ii.ull b trnm I'l.llVe nf the .xt-nsivt piepa atloiis for th war in the fptinB there, the nellef i.f men who have been in t'. trenched, and 'nf.'i maf.on coniins from v.t.'iiuis .pinners ali ('"iitlnn tin- If iltis ihit Rtcat events at" u the m.iklnB i. ill, 1 1 f'c r-al wat la et 'o i m'.' lire i' is has been the slauR'lt". huB lis . bun by . omparisoti wittt oh.' times the tiumbei "f lomb.itai's the e"'.i''- will be th" .di, if piev.ou stand. ir 1 bv tin two million iii"ti ihut '. it llrll i.i'i will send tn the flout and the w or sevin millions that France w.i fur. met! If nny af.d. tonal pio.f of the ri-ow lie force i f the a'lted pn -sure vvert I lleedeil 't enuld be flilllld in the nt. tilde of tin i it i tn.iir. Their fXtr.niidin.iry rai. road f.tcilit en hivn ei1.1bl.1l them ai' ilur nB the war o keep vast forces In transit between the easteru a-id w-sterr f units ti tntt-rpoi necessary resistance or tn .-x'S'ute sinideu artacks. At one t.nie the ba. alio i." the i !er mall stteliRth has be. u iB.l.nst tin Hits sians Ab.i ii It has bet n ti rown ;u nn.l til" A lies 'ontiiiuar,v a sr"at arniv lias ben in motion .icI'ils- lierm.uiv Of .ate the Kaiser's Remials have hep' last ( then nrealesi forces hi the aste- . llie.Uie, neiause ine llUHSiailN inr.aiellel Mast Prussti ami Silcsi.i Now howev"', there .s .vtr.v ipiH.'.itlon that the n dul ini ie e'.viliKHo, back mid thai the P VTi' n.'ii iiiirle;. Flvnn. ' 4tO' of N" .v V..t k I. el. I a. i e t.i-nisht lauticl.ed a blttei a H. -i: ..- i w W .IB'- c t. a i m. et'r, Instlitit.- Hall, t.u r. on ll.ll.v Sun- GERMAN SHIP VASh'i in day me- h, appro. . hlt'.R vlit tn p,i'- Jlsnii Ah. Ill' l...l.n workers Were' pl'ssei.t at tht meet. lie. Alius lTynn said Sunday i the man w'm was used m Newcastle, Pa., Pit's b'HB. and nthtr pl.ues to bieak up the Milnlai'lty of the worklnB cl.lSres "lie Is ihe tun of the manufacturer." she as, r'.ed. "He will make you think o you - sp.iitual wilfar". theieby tak inR jmir mind off nur worldlv condi tion He would no' come heie unlet Buaranteed i certain nmouni of mon'v'. 1 have no irnnal nuarrel with Hilly Simd.iv. but 1 doubt his sltteerl'y Sim lav advocates a'.l thlnRs in 'h" l.uiB run work to the herein nf the eui plnvitiB 'lasi I know ou w.ll bo 1 1 se. hi -ii th. I'uine af ev-'ryhmlv c w hn a f oak s iow or pi ' form-am.- I would respectfully ("MRB'Xt tup 'he tlmusaiids of dollurs Buaratre'd tn Hilly Sunday be placnl in you' pay en v .1 .p. - ' I. liter lllsuppeltrs ''illinrv Islitttit f.rri ' .it, ' '. .1 f I.StsiS. M,r. i. It". yesterdaj ft mil I islands, to the llmlu .1. nl Purl "The , port here ni t "i mornlnR of t Amemm l.lnt- lsim the eilbje't ..f tone S.lo was towed II" I the inland of I ' . ; . cruiser and moored n, "Fur Rieat r s. , , removed parts sp'.te of the-- p . i i' I nice of i .-t -p it'.s wee.- p . -ii-i , t i. v r.s-o' ' P i . , l-Xt I.BUl.-hi .1 Ve e- s' e w '. -t ,ite w It t tit i . I .e :v. s ' I tl .1 s - .. I Pi s ACTIVITY IN BELGIUM. I'eelliiu nf I nennllless Seems I'ervnile lifrinnnn. sfieii '.idr littpntrh tn Tu St. i,ist xiiit :i:t.i i'j I'l-ev Itllln 'I'ltlH I fl lues lit fell editlce st itues w Inch KAISER'S THROAT WORSE. Ileiiirn tif Vliilmli Is I'mise of I'liti- cern to Ilitclors, ISTHll.AVI. M.ll.'ll i" fnlHldeiltlal il, spali Pes fi'iiin lliilln I '! t that llie I i ihi 1 Is .iR.lltl silllelillR flnlll the mil ,nh ol the Ih'iiit which has caused Bl.ive .1 1 II ' 111- tit- .1 ill III his pin sl. I ttis III past ve ils II I" said lll.u Hie ;illei iinri lleVl l. ipeil III Ills I ei enl VIHlt tn tile east- i i ii w ar fl mil Tlie phjsiii.iiiN aie divided on Hie ipiestlon whi'llii'i ui nut an operation x in-cehi.i iy Cii'iMiiiiKv. Mur.h Hi The 1 1 test I -1 it h t oftn,ial Prussian casualti ite ' ssiied In Iterlln and 113. MI nattiti. tn IpniioiiH lists. a'tnidlUB to Itiitain des initi lb s lo-day The Brand tot..l of all Piussiau lntn.ot. n. killed, wounded and inlssuiB Hlnco the bcRiin Is l,0,',n,0!!l Totals In date tin the II. n. man Wili'ite'iibei'R and Saxon land Tories, .mil fo - the losses In the Human navy are not avadnhb ASKS U. S. TO AID CAPTIVES. I.crnliiii? lli'Moest" Piotesi luiilosl Tri'iilini'iil lit llrltlsh, virrirt I'tl.r v"lfcA In Till Sl A.HHTI nnt.M Match I'i The lleil ti , ot iessinditit of the Tllil iiioiIh inn liciniiiK. ihroiiRti oilli lil . Ii.innc',, as', ed A 'lib. ins, idol I'.ibi tn prutest I i Hi. ,n llrilaln .ir mist Hiv plan In t'en Hie i lews nt ..ipluieil Ku'iinianties ill li icntlv tiom ntliei prlr-oiii-i s of war lllvfr IIoiiIh llftniiiif 'rii-iiiiirritiv . The Hudson N'av IbhIioii I'otiipany will lesiimi' IIh river boat Hcbcdule between New Vork, Albany and Trov, beinrilnn' lifinorrow nik'ht at C o'clock. ItiiiTKiitMM March 10 The onv lion ..htaiiis in well informed 'ir les ,e.e tual Rrcat events are impendlns in llelRllim The IlKllttnK is Ulcre.lHlllB 'l' vlnltine and th" ii'tniaris are etlll rum iiir trnops to the front iiieat preparations nr iiiidf w.iv on Ine lb iRl.lll side of the I lllt.-.l frnnUef fur the le tptinri of fresh trsuis Hci lll. ill leiop'.ine.s are exc'edlriBlj attive Tin re semis to he a Rcnei-il fecllnR of uiieasitnvsi. ani'tiiR Hermans since t if lusn of Nuive I'aapel'n. Tills In Intel pieteil n snme uii.ii'itrs as fear for the ilerilian riRiit wliiK. Hread of a coast alia. 1. HK'ic.iHi'S the anxiet llrlllsli liov riiinriil Xciiulres lln m- liurK- 1 nierlcnn l.lnrr, v(i, cm (Mie lrittih In TlIK SlN. I.oxtios, Match 10 The Tiine- an nounces that the Hoveriitiient ban ac ipilrul the Hambure:-Amei lean 1-lt'e steaniship K'atuerun. which wiih to bo HO.d at .nietioii honn. The Knmerim wis foinid abandoned n Ihe KamcriHi Hivei and bioiiRhl lo this country Kile lias been al Liverpool for six' weeks GREEN STRIPE SCOTCH Ask for the Non-rcfillable ' Bottle with the Green Stripe, ANDREW USHER & CO., Edinburgh I 1 iRichathiunt SUiilcta For Steam or Wnter I lenting The Boiltrt 7lol Maie CotxJ ROUND OR SECTIONAL Ask Any Utr Ask your dealer about the "filrharh mm" guarantee. These economical boilers save fuel and money. Most modem con sanction. Quality and merit, and even heat throughout the house, are what the owner demands. I I'roper temperatures can be maintained durinp. the most .1 !.' ll extreme weatner conditions. iiiraiiiiii r-conom. "" iSid?ariiann "ctfect" Warm Air Heaters and Cooking Ranges Richardson & Boynton Co., Mfrs. 31 West 31st Street, New York PHILADELPHIA BOSTON PROVIDKNCM A lightweight overcoat and thest bright Spring days are agreeable the the and companions ours have required warmth and all desired newness of design fabric. i X' I xl xl Staple black and oxford in a satisfying variety of weaves Bannockburn mixtures, sharp gray twills and herringbone patterns. Coverts are in favor again we are showing them in genuine West ot England plain and reverse twills, moisture-proofed, smartly fashioned Raglans of true London type. Brokaw Brothers Astor Place & Fourth Avenue Subway Station at Door ! -X-: - DrajninnninrajXEiT- n:v irs il PIRECTOR 81 D 1 assTI fi AS nt i; llrVxSjilEADINC JW YORK'S E A DING VOCA1 RUMEMTA I. OI V , v l ' I INSTRUCTORS 1 'J i -trnlvii eni en I'Unl I em her -lelmi.ii Hull. Iiitlln itiiniii I 'i lies. M.l II, 7 :l. I S M, l Oil Is 1 Mill BUCKHOUTileu'u'a'i'i'.Hr BOGERT i . ii ii- ... ii,,S..!!.,,,, 1,,,t SI'I'I.XKS x s nnv ,-, SIMIV1 VX.' ii vis. run iia 1 1 aihiiii ss llll, MAI lOIH. s X, M VI iii;i II I I