Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17, 1915. STEGLER NOW I WOMEN FIGURE fin RUT iRftlrT ' IN ELECTIONS BREITDN6 TO FIGHT THE PENNSYLVANIA, MOST POWERFUL OF WORLD'S i WANTED TO CUT PAY WARSHIPS, IS LAUNCHED WITH PEACE PRAYER ltHJj. CAPT. BOY-ED, fit'iiiiJiii AttiK'lic's Xuine! Vot Mentioned at Pass port Fraud Trial. .VKWSPAPKK STOK1KS TKI'K. SAYS WlTXI-SSi Kirhurd P Steglrr, w.u has con fnwed Ilia- he wanted to bu a Herman ,iy In laigland. but lost his courage ill the List minute through the pleadings of his newly married wife, toM ester liy afternoon before Judg-j Cuahman in il.e Criminal HiHiieh nf the Federal Cojn iio he obtained nn American raMpof- In the name of Mellaril Mad in, an American born citizen. H told lila story as the chief witness (or the Ceivernm.'iit at the tllal of Hlch xti Madden and (SUstave Cook of Ho .oken, who were indicted Jointly with .-legler on a charKe of conspiring to ob aln an American passport through pud Kor the reason that Stegler be im' a Government witness he will be jlvm a separate trial. Megler's teb'linoiiy war awiited with for the reason th.r. It wan ex t ie.l he would bring Into his story the '.irtie of t'apt. Iloy-I'd. nuvnl afnche of hi German Government In this coun try Sfegl.t disappointed the curious. oufVfr, for he did not rffer to Capl. Roy-Ed, although he teititlul that cur ui'i newspaper articles containing dipt. Boy-Kd'i name were true. Papers Offered fur Alt.-,. All trwr the Covcrtimcnt, represented ly sisint Tailed States Attorney 'SCfter Wood, sought to snow Was that .'tcgler I ad ihtnlnd n passport with M .d ' fook and Mudden. Slegler. e.l urrs-ed and .aim, told his sto.y i answer to Ml Wood's itlcsflons, 1 1 -i n ii- was ". a in ll.inuver thirty. N" jea avn and rami- to thin coun- ) ," t'K Two eais aco lie wen: to Hebukfi.. when' he nlitameil work. '"oe.. ore of t''e dt feiidants. lued !n the i 'ie h him l:h hiin In lloboken 5tRn i.-.t'tl-l t.-t Cjo: 1mm. I of a'j. .bur l p t .1 p.iport t"t offe'e.l 'o pi.'d'li'" a . t of c':lsn Yi papei- for nun ?"'. Cook -od 'lie jMprs Ivlonslni; to a tlor- "1 told him. ' -aid Stealer, "thi" the it,, w i o.i n.i " Ac. ordlnBl;.' o" . i od'i v 1 Miglcr to Hi, hard M ill . . i bri.j. In au.und a -lu- ed .v , p-iert. "Hut .i' -.r e I !- .if. "that I -it the KhI--. not th" . n ' . i t I if M 'o-'f l .il I i tin ii f0 M M 1 v , a.i!i"l ' I'trt for piod'jclr. i ; i. ..te I sold him tl-.ut wi .id wtnti-i to eomp'oniso fi' 'i !'l on iiL'coutit. I h'.n ?11 outside the PuWe Hcif III I lO Oie." , tlsloms llrot-erM 4'ollsullrd. F'e. - . n;l 1 he Hist tint M.' lde i on 1 i , s.' . , ,.ml thai he t lo.l o .- s , I .! "lln to ' to e,v Yo.'t 4 tb 11 s . , i. vlli 1 to I Oil' 'lit en. i ' , ,. i'l 'n l .ir h e-r il c i.h'i tir -ot :h M- th ' i - i' I went -o th- otH' - of ningei- vi' . . , u..,,rTi. bi-"k s. of "1 S: it fee . m n If th' eel tifieate was ill Icl't H. l(.v lepre-enled llltll-ef a Mi.'l' Hn1 , le.-.'ted that the birth ite S'nill ,r 1 hhn In netting the r' Sle.' .-e wmi luck to llobokell ' " .. 1 M .! Ii" 1!. he h.llJ ; T ie ne,t .1..;. u , ollllklllleil lij i, nillil mil !..-ji i'i., l.o knew Siegler us Ms I.- - i .! nun So the lo-t iilllee id i . , . i. e flll-d O'l an appllca I on f.e i p isj.,,i;. f jiL-neit Ids n mil ls M.i ! . -aw his own Mlittuc .is that ul Mul i had t be ai'Piic '.Ion for- Vi o 'g.oi'. Ill reeled the o lb e-UlPed ll- had Slel hi- he.t), bill that i ook !.'. in i-. huh Mi:lcr did c ,1 Ij'll po; ( 'hei a VI -i mi on I'oailes A. ! SOUK' t to -how thai SleRlcr 1 rr Med pelj'jr in fllillT the ap- ' to. a ii;u-p.ii'l, In that Ii" nan i ith of alleglame In the '''. 'i'i l-.ul sv.nrn that he was s t 1- the I'lllied Slates, called iii-,.' M Hide i ani' had subscribe I o'n i- t!i,:v. 11b wanted also li x t'.at Stegler never thought of ".iig a iMsspo-t until he was out J T ie defe ice, as Indicate!, is o S'e rr w. nr.ed to get t'lnploynunt '"J - ed il whole .tnry llierlrs lis to I'lrst Wife, Mr Oh. 'w.iecr o'leried Stegb r 111 re ''d . s Mrs- wifi. Stegler said he h' i i ,i r.,r se. n months in Her ti: v net aiv.o to another part '' jiv when he i -turned I' t a I that he bad died. He was had not asked the Itev. I'.rik-.-lf n huoeln t ell ultli -t Ba'thi lo new t t'huich, to peftajni a t'sr bs ereni iny for him anil whether i p - i ii r 'idd not refused become r. ftrst wifn was still alive. Steg- "lt t sueh was the case, -- 'ion of the Jur the tnlfs if ihey were 'oA.iies in their syiniiathy r. s inpatlitze. s were chal- ie pro.e, jtlon and a mini- .- . w i sympathized with We .i e. iistrl. The tllleelllen ' i .i -i. i.' they would be In- Ir. t nr w, nar. ro-j- ,; ft. i ty. I' 'tt , 1i: In of ri hli?li forelen ..K.di was iironglit Into the ca-e, Tilt t al will go on at 10:30 o'clock His mor i -iK DAVIES HEADS TRADE BOARD. I ""mil. ..I,,,, , s,1lrI1 t,f Chirr tilsllee I 'n limtilll. v' ' ' M r- h IB. The five " " ie Kineial Trade Commit- " woni i ito ollli n to-day by flief J j e I'ov.llRtOn Ot the Sllpleme ourt of ine district of Columbia, Chief Just e fnv ng-on as a member of the loij-e c nun tuc on Interstate and Commerce before his appoint jtiri' n t,. ) m., tielped to draft the lit; 'he cmnmlMlnn. ' " i n.'ier of the v nun Is si on sworn " 'r ,, s(i i: navies, William .1. ''r- liiamii N Iliirle), William II. 'T f, i ijeoige Ituhlee. Afler the viea-.i g n meetiiii,- was held and ' ! . was elected chairman ";inc, j ,iir. Deputy Cotumls nf CorpoiatloiiH, who was legis Mled out of ollice as the result of the "l 'f coriioratlons being inergea l h the Trade C-immlsslon, will be up. (olntwi fiuef mamlner for th commls 'on. .Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter J" the President, witnessed the, swearing: t of tl.e new commlsblon. 111 II mm) Cusiinltlrii Ileerense. K'Asiti:.-fjTUs-l .March 16. Acc-jrdlnK ' a staten.ctit of tho Interstate Com f.'ree Comnilsslon Issued to-day 2,748 ne killed, ami 17,215 Injured on rallroadu during the quarter "fled September 30. 19H. Compared Ith the correspondlns ejuarter of 1513 l a dcreato of 30 In the number "'"(I and l,o Injured, Coiifniiirrf from First Fag Schai cr. Samuel lliirhcc and tli-orsc Mead, their "Hepubtlcan" opponenta, by , tnajnvltles ranging from 40 to SO votes. In all 1,250 votes, were rust ut the pell?.' FEW WOMEN AT POLLS. Weslchrster Vlllngr Klrrtlima full to Altrnel Them. i.vnnvTowfi. .n y, .March l A thoUKli womotl were ellalliln to v.,. l I the vlllace elections In WeKtchester I count) a MUrprlsitiKly small number went '"ri,rL"! m,'i.. i .. ., I riirec bundled women were eligible n I HastlnKH-oii-ltudsoii. but onlv threo ! voted, urn- hundred and tlfteen could nave voted In Pobhs Kerrv. bin onlv tlfteeii turned out. In ArdMe-oii-Itud-fon 'liriity women were el'irlbie. out onlv twenty went to the polls. Women turned out well here as thev were Interested In n pronmltlon to bu n new- motor for f-,c IrvliiKton llnse fotnpiny. Mrs Tlnb-y Shepard failed to ote. The Uepuhllcans wire success ful. rei'bctlns 1'ninl; It. I'lersiu MllaKt. president Women r.lrot Wiiiunn tn nriim tlltr School llonril. Hi!ONMt.t.:. .V v., Mar. h K.Wo r.en from the artist and llterar colony In l.awreni: Park, ltronxvllle. turned out to vote for Mrs. Isabella W Allen for M-hool trustee, who was ele'tcd oti th fltlrens ticket at the annual vlllaee election to-nlir!.t TIpj women u k an aetivo lntrest in the campaign licau-e the Hcjiubllcana had deeiiil to name a woman for sihool trustee, but histoid nominated Wllllnm Jones ncilnst Mrs. Allen. The women hud workers at the polls In the village hull and they also sent out scouts In limousines and tourlnc cars to hrlnu voters to the pollliiK place. Mors than inn women voted. The question of chanKlnc the name of Hronxxllle to ( in was not Mited upon becauxn at the list moment an in junction was obtained ar.'inst nibnut tlnit the proposition he. ite i' a ib fed In the notice BIG CHICAGO REGISTRATION. More Than lOO.Ollll IVmnrii diteil to oters 1. 1st. CmiMoo. M-irri lt - Miie than IS'i.liOo name we-. ,.dd"d the I t.s of oier in I'hic iro to-day In the lat registration before tii M.ij orally elec tion April fi. .iccoidlin; lo a Hatement hy Klivtion i.'ommls-loner Anthon Czarim'kl. if tills nuinlxr more tun Ino.oiiii a ero w.ini.'ii. The 'iian.K rs of both lead mi: . .iiidlilutci-. William Hale Tlioaips m. KepuHlKan. i.nd Hohert M. Swelts. .-. Uemoi i it. used hundi'ds of .mtoinohlles o set us lante a iisletiatlm as poi slble. Tile Iiresent rcfrStratlpn of women l L'l.Ti:. nt men 117.191. making a total of iWS.lHic. The addition of t.'M.oiiu liami - will make t.c larKt't number ever listed 11 h.."if0. CARBOLIC ACID PRICE UP FROM I2C. TO $1.50:; "it 1 1 i n r Off "f lieriiinii ports fauces AIiiku'iiiiiI viinee- in Clieiiiieiils. Ail- The whole) ale prlee nf enrhol. acid has from 12 ents 'o 11.50 a'i.l Mo-' nf till-' adare ba- been i li-iled In the la-t few weeks, owing o the stringent embargo on eports ft oin C.erniany whi. h ha develiipeil Into the pteselil blockade lis t. All'os. The advntice In en itolle add Is only one example nf the wide range of chfin Icals and cheinlcn! piodu.'ts affected bv iio iiittlng off of (luniau exports. The whole world oulside of iSernia'ii a. id Austria Is tinning to this m.uket fo siiiiplles of coal tar products nnd pota-li dctlv.itlves uuall fuinlshed In "ie. many Henzol has advanced from T.i cents to il a gallon. Salicylic acid has gone from 30 cents to Jl.fiO a pound. I'm-s-.oa.te of eisla bus advanced from 'l.'i cents to 12.50 u pound. Plienacetln. one of the Important coal tar derivatives, has rl-en from t'J.TT. to a pound. The potasln-s hae also advanced to abnormal prices, permanganate nf pot ash, which Is normalb about 1 1 cents a pound, Is now 3s centa and will soon be advanced to n cen'H Practically no new eupplles of muriate of potash have In en received here since the latter part of January, when the Herman Govern ment suspended all siiipnK-i.'s MRS. H. B, HERTS TO BE ACTRESS rchltrpt' Wife Will Take Cliniice In "Tnklnic Chances." Mrs Florrl"' Herts, wife of Henry' B Heits. nil architect, who ileslgned sev eral of the new theatres. Including the Sliuberl, l.y eiim. Iloo-h and New Am-.-terdani. and Is a member of the Means its. will nppe'ir In a minor part to. night at the Thltt -tilntd Stro-t Thcatie In "Taking Chances." .Mrs. Herts, who will begin with n F.ilary of 130 n week, sild esterday at her home, 3 Hi West Suveiity-tlrst street, that she Is doing It to obtain an "In dependent Income." Mr. Herts Is nwny on n Western trip for his health and Is umle'stiKid to know nothlns of his wife's decision to go on the stage Mrs, Weils was a former musical com edy actress when she inaiiied Mr Herts. Her last ap irance was as one of tho tills In the music-it comedy "The Waltz Pream," seen about six years ago at the Itroailwa.v Theatre. Since her mar riage, slm lias not 1 n on tin- stage. , "1 want tn k h If I can iimount to any 1 thing." ho said. "I know I'm 'taking chances,' but I might have tho making of a star In inc. I don't know what Mr. Herts will say, but If I should 1 income well known then he might get the Job nf building a theatre for me, who 1 knows''" ACCUSED OF .$10,000 SWINDLE. t hli-uitiiHii Arresleil on Chnrifc of I'lreclliK H lseonslii llrevver. Af'CUK'd of fleecing tln A. lllllKCni.'ltl a ictlred lirewer of llhlni lander. Wis out of $10, HO" ny means 01 inn wire- tapping giimo In Havana, Hdward Cameroti of Chicago -was arrested aboard Wan. llnH'aata last night soon I the nftee the shin arrived at her pier Tl.e nollcn here were notllled by wire- lets of the alleged swindle by Ml. Illllee miin's ilnughler. .HpC'horil (MiccreiU Hurlnn. WakiiiniitoS, March 10, - Charles c, McChord vvas elected chairman of Hi" Iuterslate Ccimnierce Commission to-day, succeeding Chairman Juines S, Harlan. Mr. Mr.Chord'8 term will explr next December. SUIT OVER DACIA Owner Denies He Mnde Any Airreetnent to 1'jiy Fees In Hrokers. THKY WFMj PI SH TLA 131 I ' IMward !s. Hreltuns, nwi.f of tho ) steimshlp D.iela, denies th claim made by Novell' A Co. for 40 per "Tit inter est In that vessel and for cer'alr fees ' uinl commissions. Iio will fight the claim In the court If It In pushed hy romplalnAtit. The cue Is In the har.ds of Mr Hrelt'inK lawyer anil wl',1 follow the usual course. Mr llreltunc. . . ... however, yenterdny made this "tnte- inent : "T'.ie action that has beer hrouch' ncalnst me by Nn"elly A ?o, is utterly wlthoif rtie shadow of justification. I nee" saw either of the men who. I ill-d-rsland, comtiose this tlrm until after ' the Ii.lii.i had sailed, when they cime in my olllce and tried to get mnnoy from me I never made any acrement with them to pay their brokerage com mission or fee of any k'nd ard I owe them nothing. "1 bouirht this ves-el through 11. ". Schundler and told h m distinctly tint 1 would deal with principals only It Is iUt: certain that 1 would nut pay a lnljre mjlil of monej for .1 boat and k'i through so m'l. h trouble for 'lie 'iirpoe of benelltim; mini peopl" I had -ever heard of The claim on I's fice l ridiculous." II. O Schundler. who ated for Mr. Hrel line in the purr, ai-e f the Pac'i. also l-sued a Matemert which he clned. It Is in! as follows : "The rtatetiient Issued b Noe) A Co. and by their lawye" that they have .my claim on I'.dwaril N". llreltunK for a share of the profits of the n.i' l.i or for t H.OOO or an i.Breement of any kind will be proved groundless "A Mr. Noielly lud an option on the steamship tlaila. and lie assigned the option to purchase the rfiMtnshlp I Men to me oi m order foi a brokerage com mission, and I have a written and slitnc.l contract on this point from them I turned th.. Oacla owe o Mr. Itreltuiii! fte.- and ilear of an .'lalnis o- c.mimls sions of an kind. 1 hae paid N'oiell; A f'o. pan of their brokerage fees and bare otteret to pay them the rest,'I.DO. w'uch I them peisou.lllv, but the -uddenlj inanufactiired this rte tltlous claim und I lue therefore with held making any further patm-nt The. qentlemen piaetlcallj told me that tin les I mcrea-ed the hiokcraite due to them they would Und a method of mak ing tumble, and thn biought this action Mr. 1'reltung." N'ovelly i'o. could not he found e tei.lay, but ltilph .1 M Hullona, their .o.iinel. said that the complaint would be llled In the uual way and pushed to a llnlsh. He said he was satlslled from the papers he had that he could proxe the claim of Novell) k Co. IN 'EN TOR Y CON TIN VED. t'aptnln nf llat-tn t'lnlni I'liithliiK Is Ills 1'roprrt. Itnn.sT Man h li". The Ktench prle court col.'lnued miking an Inventor) everything foand aOoard the seUed i ,er I'.ichi to- t.i In the pieeeme ..' customs repres'-'iiafves '"apt. Mae Doi'a'.d di'iiared tl.a' i large number of wmi Jirsevs. ilrawe-s, ie.i Jackets, '.oots, Ac were his per.sonal property He .-aid he had bough: t'leni for the puile.M- 'f selling 'them wiien he ar thed in ( lermany. If thev are " Ued. he save, lie Intends to chilli their value from the I-'rench 'lovertuneiit The Investigators also found aboard t In- boat an Importim; .mount of flour and wheal bis ults. preserved fruits and fgetablrs, w. ieh the ,-iptain .vplilr.ed ..ere Intefdeil 1,1 feed the erew for 100 i!as. Tiles.- provisions, ee -.aid, bad heel, lioiieht bv him and were his prop. rtv. The port -minorities have allowed i.i'.hliig to '. landed from the D.icla and will await the derision of the Consell des Prles before taking any me-mure c iiiecrnlMi; th" cargo and provision! COLORADO INQUIRY HELD UP. l.iMt'w Clllllllllsslon Itl'f'iilllllleiiils llelllj In the Visit. W.vhinsnTON. March 10 The com-ml-sioi of which Seth Low Is eha'rman and whleli was aiiiminted by President Wilson to attempt to bring about better lelatioii. between tile mine operators and miners In Colorado, rpoitrd to the Pies Idem to-day that It had been unable thus far to accomplish any definite re forms The commission recommended that -ts jiropo-i-l visit to the State fo- the pur pose of treating with the different pai I ties :ii the lerent strike contiov rrib's he liost potied until th autumn. The lepoit Informs President Wilson that seventy-one of the mine operators In Colorado producing 01 per cent, of Al the coal produced In the State have x prettied the opinion that no useful pur pose would be served by the commission going to Colorado at this time, while new bgl'datlon 1 pending. It Is said the raino opinion Is shared In labor clrclen POSTS FOR NEW GENERALS. Ilodues nml sllierl ssluiied in Ciniiliiniiil Const Defences, Wasiiinotos'. March IK. Announce ment was made to-day b Secretary (Sarrison that (lens. II. r Hodges and William I.. Slbert. recently piomoted from the rank ot Colonel In recognition of tho.i' wotk on the parama Canal, have received Important assignment on th" roast defences. lien, Hodges has been mule com mandant of the dust defences In the noith Atlantic district with held quarters at h'ort Totti n. N. V, and He'. Slbert Is tn have command of the P.ieltle isiasl defences with head iiuailcia at Kurt lllley. San I'Vaiiclsco, Pnliuer Appointed .IllllUe. WvsiiiNiiToN, March M. Pi esldent Wilson gave a rece-s appointment 'o- , day to cx-ltepiesentatlve A. Mitchell Palmer of Slrniidsbiirg, Pa., aa an As soclnto Justice f the Culled Stiles Court of Claims j NOW PLAN TO DEPORT MORS, j lllllcllll Ooesn't Helleir Confessed Mner Will lie Tried. 1 Wiiitk Plains. N- V., March 10 "I don't bellevo that Kredei bii Mors, self- confessed murderer of eight aged In- .nates .-f t.Mf; ''"" ni Vonkerii. will ever be tried. Ills con j fesslons are too rambling and there la no corroborative proof that he nave aisenli: or chloroform to any of the Inmates." This was the statement iiiailn to-day hy 1111 otlkial of Westchester county, and ' leads to the belief that -Mors will eventually be deported, Coroner Janavti Piinn, who hatt all alonu Insisted that he believed .Mors, Ivan asked If be thought Mors will be deported, "Maybe that would be the beat thine to do," be replied, I I tIrMl - T-s ' i I - " A-, . - s -' I POT- 'rir-T'-2' .X.ll&mmV .i I ..-evC, r VrT TTTi rm m i i n ma Ten Thousand See the Supordread nought Christened With Champagne Secretary Daniels Declares Navy Never Was So Eflicient as Now. NBwpnnT N'-ws T.i . March 1 -The Cnlled Slates Miperdre.ilnought I'enn h.iiil.i. whl'h In the opln.on of mer lean naal olllrers will be the mol powerful tlgh'lng machine afloat when slm Is fully equipped, wss launched here at 10 II o'clock this morning with re llslous ceremonies. About 10.000 per sons shw the Pemisvlvnnla slide down the ways The launching went oft with out a hitch Champagne was used for th" dinner- I Irx In spite of S.-rretarv PaMcl- s pref er! nee for gripe Jun e. The spoi.-or j MI'a Il'lraheth Kolh of Oerniartown. ' Pa . whom Cov ltrumbaugh of I'eiin nlvaida In a burst of gallantly .ailed "tile most beautiful and the sweetest girl" In :h.V State Ai the Newport N-n's Shipbuilding and Prydoik Compati. the Pennsv h mla's builders, had the power to select what vva to lie used In the christening, the companv's nltlcials derided lo follow the traditional i u-totn of having a bottle of chaiiipai'tie bDkui aratnst the vesd. It was at th- suggestion of the Society of Spon-ors of t'i" Navy fliat re'igious csreni niles tnaiked file launching foi t'le -e oral l. me since IMS Tim old custom of pronouncing a praer was revived list vear when the nought 'klaho:iri went the was lli-hoi John 1 Ib-rry o,' the Metl;o.tlsj, K,il.-opal Church, who was 'elected b' Jo II. iimbaugh. delivered the pra)i to-(l,v Ills suplill.'.rlon was for peace i Cnpt, Tlilerli'hsen There, In the launching stand were Secretarv Panlels .ii. d his staff and (iov Hruin baugh and Ins stnf, and many naval otllcers In the '-'royp sat Capt Thler Iclism of the German na inldei l'rinr. Kil'-l Piiedrlch lie was In full uniform A grav halied woman app'oicp d the Gel man commander as he stood under the towering bow of the Pennsylvania and grasped his hand. Slm was Mrs M P Thomas of lleacon. N V, a mem ber o' the Society of Pi lends "Commander." said. "I belong tn a socfty which believes that all !rors should love fliers as much as then' selves Iio you in German: love us as much as you b ve yourselves"' The captain smiled, hut did not an swer. Mrs. Thomas continued; "Don't you believe that we will soon have peace'.1 Isn't It time y u men stopped killing each other"' "Madame." repllel the German com mander, "we ill bel.eve In peace, but this war had to be It whs a n-'c-sary war for the peace f th world Vfter thlr Cure will ! a Ion.- pc.i-e Hip at the ml "f the ioi ? pi.n-i there w 11 i oii.e annthei w .r " At that Juncture lpir Admiral Heatty, commiml-ni of the Norfolk navy yard, lie, koned to the German commander and dosed the Interview Near the pi tins' lvanla was -he Pr n Illtel, w h. se siren Joined In the d n when the supenlreadnnught k her maiden bath. Mr. Ilnnlels's ililress. At the ill cheon after the 1 nn l ing G ALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS $94.30 Rounil Trip via West Shore R. R. $98.80 Round Trip via New York Centrnl Chalet of tout going or r turning All your queitlons gladly ntwetrd, C all t snr ol our olllces or sddreit Travel Ruraau, Grand Central Taraaloal, New York Cilr.N.Y. mi I tnjxm! jjaki Avyrti n P t i r ! a". N P t i-u-" a, A If STg- See-i-tary Imii' s made an address in which he said "T i-e never was a time when the navy w. - s.,, so ie,idv, to ellli len' as now Nor has ther.- been a -ir wliet tl.e flee las given mi much i line tc t irgi-; t.-.ici.ce. -n..r.itMivres, war g ime.-i ai. d j.-o- i'h .is the pnsent ye ir Sk'I!. nn. rn adapt, tl ot. new tactics, ate t.eing ca-r ed out div nrjl night TITANIC CLAIMANTS WIN IMPORTANT POINT (i. I'.. Tlll'lvCr lo Witlnlr.'iM Suit in Oel I'iM'iiiissioii Here iiiul Start Knuliinil. Altorr.eis fo- Titanic claimants won rtti miiMiri.i'it o'ii I" the'r fight to col lect damages from the White Stat Line vct.rdav when Judge V.lgltsMis N Hand ot I'e Culled States IH-trlct I'ourt signed an o.der ellowing one of Hi- claimants, Gilbert M. Tucker, to w.-hdrivv iruiii the procedtng her.' and itart suit !i. Pri. tn ,r. all the otair .judge, of tin- Cnted States histri. t Cnirt have ii fused in similar nd. r-. on the giound t'it the claimant- b tiling thilr deiiiatiils for rnlnibiir-enient In the 1'nlteil States Plstilct Court have in n. t hi uiselv i s defendants in tin proceeding here and therefore cuniot wlthiliaw until It Is concluded. In th.- proceeding in the Kcderal courls the White Star Line Is '-'eking to limit 'ts nioiiet ,r'Mlitv- for the slnkirg of Hie Til. nil", und' the Pulled States nlmra'tv law, to the value of the wreckage lecovereil nnd the frieg-'it ninl paaseiigi r monevs taken bv the owners of t ie slrii op ,ts last trlv This would amount t. about to A few top-floor offices are still available in Aeolian Hull. These me ideal Kxceutives' OHiccs quickly accessible, to every purl of New York and de lightful in every detail of appointment. High-ceiled, quiet, well-served, these suites are lit business homes for big men whose big ideas furnish the mo tive power of big enter prises. I)e Luxe booklet on request. ".trolian Ihitltht l)i'.( oJKve In'ntmn in the iHml Strtrt district ' ELLEN & JEFFERY Affcntsfor AEOLIAN HALL Tr.l.KPIIONK, ItUYANT 807 T III! at'iMt Im'tii-hl.i I'mii.s.i'.v. siili.(sl anil ro:nl fur s.a IkiIIIo of 'li'iniTin:iii'. re-nly to the ibs'k 1 it ti i'f tho iialtii'h,i ttUtls ni-o to bo (il icril. tlir"0 in '.i. ii hi that nil cull bo Ilfeil s!iiniit.i'n iiii u'uii turtvr Is a now fciinri' in The molt., of the navy of to-da) Is 'lining, training nnd mo-e training, raetlre nnd more piactlce. N'othlrg e)s,. A"jis si'.jis nn,i men fit. To-lav 'he i'" tit and read) " the majest.i' ship. I.e-ir eg th' ' i "a of IV-nn s I'onim'rwi iHh. i- e oith as the t.ymh! of Anierh'.in )u!"n' il 1 American pow-., let us hope ind may that he mltsi n will he to help forward the ''one (or lasting of tl c world, f r she Is ih embodiment :n eflertlenes nf th s powe-fu. nation. W hl.'h r.d'.epi ,11 V,ee tut H'SO hellexeg with llosea It, glow . l.r you w ,nt ro- to du 1- y to fh.n th'rs o ligh'.li'' nj'. Vrtll'-- t on "In each of the three rreat crises o our hlstor -'nee Si'.o the republl. hn; been fortunate In hav'ng In the White House in thi persons of Lincoln. Me- ! Klnley and Wilson Clilef M tswirni s j who incarnate 1 the v'ttne or jiat'ence i and each of whom had a fmstlon f r peace No clamor or the spirit o' veil- I seance Influences sum Kxee itives I l-'ortunate are we to-diy that the man tle of patience and pe ice of t mir-' tyred Lincoln ha fallen upon the shoulders of Woodrow Wll..ii lo guide the Ship of State In this period of peril and stress." The esr Mipcrilrendnoimhl. The Pennsylvania will have a ds. placement of 31. too tons when she Is he dl.sirlliute.1 pro rata among persons holding alKiut $12,000,000 worth of claims The claimants contend thnt tl.e Ir.e is responsible tor the lull 1 imouti: of the damage, .niiMiiuch as the s of the ship was due to tie negligence of Its ntllcem The iKlvamage of allowing claimants to sue in Hnglind lies ir the f.ut that should tne courts here uphold th. rlglu 1 of the line to a limitation of Its Ha-1 blhtv the llrltlsh courts would allow i ihcn a greater pro rata chare. Tl.e Cnglisli law, based on the tonnage of thel w risked vessel, would hold t e line' i liable for about $3.000.flnn DANIELS'S AID GETS 17 GUNS. (sslsinnt VI i, lie f iTflnr m m tiifi srinir n l in I rn l . asm iviit 'N. .Mtre li, --Seventeen ' us Insteid c tif-e.-u as her. .o'-i. will be the ri.pjired S'lltlt 'le.eill.. f..r I ssistli1t S et.ll-V i.C the it w hi -i ho appears ..board .1 .-.,' or visits .1 rival stnf ion 'P . change I- due to Congress . renting the rank if Vil'niral foi fleet 1 1 ih in 1 - As the ss stant Seciet.iM occupies a position over all Admirals the num ber of guns for 111" salute Is made I. fipiHl of that prescripts! for Admirals .lemon Irrlte With I'nlr Kihllills. WvsinviiTos, March lit Wo-.l was received at the Navy Pep irt-ne ,i to la of the arrival at Hampton It m Is of the . olllc , fr nn Great Jason lub'ti vi. th i' ilt Itntaln, Spain at.d I'rance for the Panama Pacpic Kxp. s "c 1 Sau Kriticiscn, rtftrona ,ss i.r. v.i mm .it ,.,f "2 0 ? j 6 rri V2 tTJSTal ii.ii as -ii.. wl.t ,' when fully M'ss i:.lyiiii'ili IColb, holtllni: th iinti'ii ilm hi illitor Tln dliiuTam show - Ih.w tii,. iwoUi' croat H Inch i.t i, ik-luln in- i'"iir li".ilij ,'innort'il turrets, -'.iri o.'iril or to port Tho thrt": i 1 I j . I compute Her length over all In I08 I fiet, her beam IT feet and 4 Inch and J be" draft 2s feet and 10 inches. Her speed will he i'i knots, which has been i -'.ihbshed a. the standard for Culled -Ij!e battleships, T. great str 'iigth of the Pennsyl. vai.i lies in her battery She will be t.i- IPs-, ship . f the t'ii:;e,i States navy to hi at med with twelve 14 Inch guns. , Tliee rifles wi 1 be arranged In four t.i-re'k f thiee guns each, the latter at mno-a-'or. re.erfl' developed in the I" .lied tat"s nav The guns will lire siie!! weighing 1,00 iMiutids, which will khr ifTectiv for pien 'ng armor plate at ,1 l st it of thlrt i miles, o- be; and t' ' . -dinar; l'mlt of vi-:on at se, in sddltlon ?h- will l,e armed with twenty , two '. in. Ii .',1 calibre uipld lire guns I and t'Vi utimerged torpedo tubes, he , s' les ihe nsuil small gun ', Pie engines ot the Pennsylvania will he ! h tie, and she will burn oil Her o' ''v w.ll be Ot.ssn --.illons, or 2.322 foes of on she will have a corn, p'.emenf of if.-i oflicers and sd? men, and a marine detachment of 71 met. The I mis) h aul. i Is now i'.T 7 per cent complete She was nuthot'red by Consiesj on August 22. 1!'12. and cm tract for her iniisttiictlon was awardd to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Iirydock Coiripan.v at Newport News, V.i , on IVbrua-y 2, 1013 The prlco of the vessel f..r the work of the ship li.iilde's s (7.200,000 complete tl.e Pennsv lvanin will cost ah nit SAYS EUROPE WILL USE FIN1ER PRINTS I'oliee Kpert Preilii't. System Will Replace the ertillon lileiitification I'lan. n.ivmnnd It. Ko-dick. w an stnd.ed in I I'urop., two vears prei'.ira'ie to writing . h.s bonk on i;urop an i'nlice S..-:e,ns" pr.d.. ted ve.ferdav I -foie lie .'.ipt'iins .mil lnjiivtorii of f ie Po ice Pepartn'e"t he enure supplant ng of the II. rtillon '. teni of criinltial nlent'tle itlon bv tn" 1 tp.ger print method n Ciropean t:.. He tiled a.- an xan.ple of Hie in. ft -eticv o' a dual svsieni the fa. lure 01' tl.e Pa s iil..e to ident.fv Perug,a the t' .ef o' tli.i "Mor. 1 Lisa tn pr I.'- wh.. h he left on the ' Tie ic.iso'i fot lb s failuie w a- f 'at in Kra e e the prmiarv clasifl -,,t on ,,f cr initials is made according to flic Her ti'.mi s -teni "In London. Home Uetiln o- Ni w York" he said, "the 'di ntitv of the 'hie! Would have 1 . c .vit.ibl shed in I ,'f , '1. .111 " mm l ah expect to get a new car in the spring because you can dispose of your old car to better advan tage now than you can two months from now Bacfeatii MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF NEW YORK Broadway at Sixty-first Street (Jrnee !'. ,1. 'rl,er ', l plains IteiiMiHi for l,en iny I Ciiuip I'ire Oirls. tK1.I.S AHOl'T HOY W.I Miss Grace I" .1 Patkei wi,.. n-. signed ns national .ectelarv o' e Camp lire Girls on 1'eluu.ity a statement last nlg"it In which eln the reason for her leaving the org tlotl V,-l the development of dltT-rei ce, between her atul nienibeie of th' Gulick famll) after she hurt rocomineiideil a reduction In salaries as a nici'is of putting the organization on a -mind tlninclal basis. Miss Parker makes it plain that v was never "llnati' lal scctetury' of 'm organisation and that she was irvw tesponslhle for Its finance,.. She siys she did cooperate with Ilm president in obtaining funds for the Mipisirt of thn organization. After descrlhln; her efforts to Incre ijm the Income of the organization mil re lating that the financial statement pre sented at a meeting of th" bo.n.1 of directors In May, HOt, showed a dele.' , of 13.S00, Miss Parker sa) "I reiomiiieiideil i straight 20 -itr cent, cut In all sal irles. This was not approved by the tn esldent. At- It was Impossible to consider a reduction with lout considering the ilniui'ial lel.itlon of the Gulick famllv to the Camp lire Glrlr. friction between myself and th Gulick soon became acute I'our mem hers of the Gllllek l itnllv had been on the payroll of tie onranlzatlnti Or Gulick at $6,000 a i.-ai. .Mr- Guli. k at $1,200 a year, Ml- Prance- Guliil. f- several months at a month, M . Hnblnsoii was late ttanferred to t i" Camp lire iiuttlttti.R Compitiy at iieo a month "Besides the sal nl's Mis. Glllb k re ceived generous rov ilties on ait'cle ot insignia, honors. An-, the nivaltie on llnee of th" article of Insignia. a"or.i ing to the report of the invest! cummlttee, having been 2j pei , while on these same artlcbs the r l'lre Girls orgatilzation, on the In. Its contract with the Camp Pi re fitting Companj, iccelved 2 p. r . commission. "Moreover. durir.L tiifi sainnr Giillck's otllc- and tl.e citnc .. tinn decrltin nt nvn tian-l. i Mrs Giillck's prtv te i.inm I ebigo, Miini. wlore i lare nm, -girls w.e i ni 1st i mm! ,.t is'H'h for the sun mi. Mrs Gnl salary at $lon t, month frmn t.',- I'ire G lis contlfiu'il tlii'oiuiinut i . tire summer Tin full sain i four assistant- win contii. .e,i portion of the si i msr inn In!' alien for th" bal.i' of the mi'iinn "The staten.ei t that Ib ,nl Gulick went wlthoit tin Ir salat i -the summer, which -tateine t hi given wide publl tv, ni-a s n i P.Oimnt of the.r salaries w... ii, i , tit--: i- having been no reil j. tan. . -alary of either of them for .nn ; of the summer. en- . imp ut- Cl't Mrs CONNECTICUT CRIPPLED. Illlllleslilii's s m rlion i il llrenkn nml Her Itiiditer I'roiiellee llfi Hin-i'iJ, I - ii '. W VSIIIS'.T'IN, M n .h i. -1 , C'.flt.ei . ut s -l.ii .. I fc.'iaf b-oke Sund .. a. ' .terllig Gu.inta: .ito lln ifte .r.ictice cruise, a cord.'i- , eived at th Navv Pel irln,. Ja). The sh.p's ruddei w 1- oil' .-.'ed, hut the hull escaped 1 in partmeni oflieialH said the s. ., be brought to Philadelphia 1 da)s u-dei' her ow . pow.i in paired. The collier '1 nn. will e ' voj BIGGEST U. S. TRADE BALANCE Hi rit ir.'j for Vt r.l, VV lib liii'i'.. of liviHirl-.. I IVahiiimthv 'o be the 1 1 rg. s 1 eve- te iv.l.-.i ' Si 1 s vv 1- pi. 1 .! '1 PI W'-i v , 1, , . ic ' . I I ' H . . 1 . .,( . po '- , r ". 1.1 ,t ,0 I v., .H . ... ft l.f I . 1 ill I. i.r 11 ,. '.., v .',i r. ', iv 1 1 , , W 1 el.iV i HI' Mar. Ii 1 : t e . pOl Is .lll'i.'l' ' tlllTliclt io , ..f the foie Vli ' The 1,11pm v export. ''' s l.i 1 In Pe embi 1 1" l.i till. 1 , 'he Cnitcl States j b il in. en' II I is P 1 a aii i.rnaat ta .- iv.. ;ii ; km OW is the time to order if you