Newspaper Page Text
4 4 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915. if WHITMAN ACCUSED OF A "SPITE" BILL ilensiirc lo IU'inovc K:tnimi' K. S. Harris AUrilmtoil 0 J.PVOIltfe!. UIN.MAX ALSO INVOLVE!)) At.nvvr, March IS. Oov Whitman, his. not Increased his iopul.rlty with , the minority by the bill Introduced last I nlrtht by Majority Leader Harold .1 I Wnman which Is destcned to put nd-. win H H.irrls, Democrat, of SarntOft.i, J out of tils Job as examiner and ap praiser of canal kind. It I generally I felt th it Whitman Instigated the In- J traduction of the bill and that hlK mo-1 the Is reverse j Harris, an ex-Deputy State Comptrol-' lar, Is the man who first called atten tion to the 118,000.000 Item In Whit man's message e.illlnrr for the Imposl Uon of a direct Ptnte tux. lliriman la the man who Is commonly credited with having furnished the Cloverr.or with the data for his mr..age, even If he didn't write the rnessaKe himself. "What is the purpose of th uUlT' Itinman was asked to-day. 'To ftbollsh the olllce held by VA Harris," said Mr man without hetlta tlon. "The, Incumbent of that ofllee is at present a freo lance, responsible to nobody. The Treasure is not deslitned to abolish the functions of tho olllce, but to transfer them to n bureau In the Department of Public Works " "Does the bill abolish Kd Harris htm leltv 'Jt certainly los," replied Gov Whit man's adviser on financial matters. Senator Robert K. Wagner, minority leader of tho upper house, made this comment: "It only shows how low these people wltl stoop to satisfy their spite Kor the last four years Harris has prepared tho schedules which formed tho basis of tho and Is reputed to Comptroller's report. I know more about the : State's finances than any one else. Ihiin :inv nn I'l'sP. Mr. Harris ad a right to abolish his Job, but ho dors not believe It can legally transfer his functions to another Statu Department. A clause In the Constitution provides tho tenement house laws and tire "',,,....,.'... that canal moneys shall be applied tofVcntlon requirement" and that such i "? ' n k'.. the object spec!fl-d In tho net. "and for laws can only be properly enforced b ; no other purposo whatsoever. There are now 3,700 canal claims left for settlement. If these were taken Into court It would be several years before they would nil be adjusted. .Mr. Harris's predecessor settbd 211 cl.ilm.1 last year, whllo Mr Harris has already settled (57 claims In the first two months of thls year and has nrrangid 40 more for line li'iir uiiu li. in uiiaimtii " iiiuro li'r final action. He said to-day that ho , hnd hoped to get through with them, all by tho end of the year of vocational schools and employing men frn nnxTTiTTTr. DATjr.f mwir from knull towns In the West at a TO COMPLETE BARGE CANAL, isilaiy of ll.OOO a week each to .rfect , such organisation. n.-iMil.lli uns Promise (ien. C.reene 1 "It la also on par with his appoint ment of a superintendent of a municipal Work Will Ilr Poshed. eniolovment buroau from Uoslon. when Af.iiAxr. March If. Th t.aree canal will be computed. lov Wlrtir.nn. . Majority Leader Hrown ot the. Senate , mil Speaker Sweet of the 'Assembly ' asurcd Hen. Francis V firretie of liuf- 'alo that the Hcpubllrans will not delay. ti.e projict. Uen tirei-ne was head or the com- mltttn named about 1!00 by iSov. (loose- velt to look Into the canal improvement situation nnd which decided the I State should build a 1,000 ton barge ' anil "I have been authorized to make this statement." tahl lien, lireene. affr hie conferences. "The prngi ammo agreed upon for canal cons', ruction Is that a direct appropriation will be irude to omplet.i all outm Hiding contracts. No ippropi int.i.ns will be made this year for new contracts, but ltn'isljt.on will he paused providing for n referendum at nixt fall's election for a bond issue '.arge enough to eomplete the oanal. "Theie is no rcieon why the State IJaBllMir should not proceed between now an.! February 1 next with the preparation of his plans, hpecltkatlon ind forms of contracts, so that the en tire ne.v barge canal can be opened to navigation '.n the spring of 1M7." NEW BOARD FOR WESTCHESTER Hill fur Three 1 1 11 1 1 it 1 11 if Coniiiils. nlimrrs Passed by i-iinle. " Ai.riAMT. March 1 1 The Senate to protect the people, from the saloon", passed mil sent to the (iovernor for ap- hut t fiilt protecting the saloon fni'ii to-lay the Col fey bill creating a the people." said William H. Anderson, b'uaril of building comiiiissners In West- superintendent of the Anti-Saloon e-tiest.T county to cons st of Itobert S League of New York In advancing th Ureev.ster of New Castle, Arthur W piohlbltlonlsts argument that the bill Lawrence of llron.xvillu arid (leorge N. v.. mid simply give the voters of Ine M-itz of Port Chester. State their e-oimtltutlonal light of ex- The boa el wifl supervise the erection pressing an, 11 right now pos of an add.tlon to the White Plaitu sessed only by residents of towns, liturt Hoase, n penitentiary .'.Ml work- ' "We will abolish the saloons In a 1 nolise ai.d almshouse! building", a large proportion of The Hronx, Harlem ejriunty hospital and suili additional and .upper M.inhat'm nnd a third of ImiII'IIuks as the board of supervisors liiooklyn the mniu:e you give us this .pay ellrect. ! bill as a law,"' asserted the Itev. Dr. . Ilach commissioner Is to receive a Perdinand C Ilehait of New Yom salary of $;;,ono a j.a- and W t. bold re.iesentliu the Methudis' Pnaehcrs oTflce until July I. and nia be Meeting, with 1.000 meu:tiei hold over for .inotlier year bv resolu tion of tho board of supervisors : BANK CAN SUE SULLIVAN. I.-iw Kriforcemenl Ieairne, sai.i that the ippenls i nuri Iti-verses Itulluu In proposed law was unnecessary to noveni ....,. s.., and control lh liquor trull' HI the "' "No"'. s...itP other-who opposed the bill were Amjexv, March 10 Tee Court uf Ap. Stewart Drown of the I'-iltcd Ileal lis-pe-iis to-ilav reversed tl.o le.wer enurt. tate Oaner of New York. Frank Sulll- caderinc a new trial In t' case of the t-nlon li.ei k .iiMiuet I'.ivi.i A. sni'lvnn. will, li Ui,) bulk sought to hold hlir. ,s-rsi.'i el) v M's,nlblo on u note I , impbe.ll of the Sta'o Hotel Mens v3Tr''"". li.itlo.i, Alpbonse H Koelble. pnsldenl .This nop- w is en by Snlliv m ii , ,,f (,e National Herman Ami-lean AIM l. tirn.i the I.'nlon ll-ink was open ! ai d ' a,.,.H : Thecleire Sutro, e.)iesldent of tjpk over the afl.eirs of t old P.opl-.' , ,,. .ML.tnce. and William A lllrNh, Hank thti.intli a dummy ,1H'"i.lloii. . colms,. fr ttH .,e Voik State llrowers When the I'nl.m limk was by I (roclatlon ti Suwrin'e'inli nt of llnnks an action veins broui;! t to hold Sullivan li.ible for r He but tie .'i uiil nut il.s u'llshid .nil t1 A .pell. lie Dlvls.on up. ift-bl the !. . o r t ..Now i. "i ppc 's nvirses the At 'cltiti ii , t 'nn thin Sil irvt.i . h I b. t ! e i t 1 " GUARANTEED MORTGAGES LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. Olractarsi Thmdart C.Cimp Htnry Marsanthau Cut Ciry A. Henry Motla Edward DaWItt Itabart L. Plarrtpont William J. Du.n. That. N. Rhlnalander Cacll C. ten Samual Rlher, Jr. Chat. t. Falrchlld Gaorc L. Rival RaiMH W. Caslat Nanry L. ttlmian Chat. P. Hawland Charles M. Van Hli. Caerfe A. Murd William I. Wallar RUhard M. Hurd f.! IJtfttr "t ,N.T. 184 Montarit HI Rig MAYOR ASSAILED BY SENATOR L0CKW00D Insulted Kenlty Men nnd Civic Kndie.o on ISuihlinps Hill. Is flwirze. VI'HAID TO THl'ST ri'.Ol'LF .ti imn iw mi, ALBANr. MaixJi 16. Pnator Clurlei C. Uvkwiwid. Itepubllcan. of Hrooltlyn. attacked Mayor Mltonel in a staiemom Oharacterlie the e'Neiity-nve real estate i and civic organizations behind this plan as "organliatlons of speculative bullJirs engaged In a connplrsci to secure legis lation to enable them to evade tenement .u-.i.h... .....v.... i i 1'nimi Mlis Pauline Newman' .i"r,ios leaner ami inai mej ,iro rou- i nunsr niuiri niimnv -.. ut, legislation m the Lockwood-Ellenhogen h Imerailonl Lid "s .-.annent I lung bu-iners hm..s and homes and are K! P.wo. a passenger. tloi, ..sterday It d--vcloped that the I O. A. l,unle .. linn ll.irue.-a Paper bill, before tho City Club last night. Workers Cnlon and tf Am ilgamated for. l.r, rodents, native and foreign. "U:- niZ 'ttl iarm,."" hi 7been I Alwant March Hi.-The slockhold- Senator Ickwood t-olnt.d out that ; Clothing Makers. I to give thrm money ntid f"od or what- t e Ioincs accompanied the I rUah 'Itctric lamp- had been of U). Ihahy lu.rM,nu journal. Mayor Mltche had been Informed or Others who appeared for the mil wre " er .i..r.ii- . iii-m. . ,. "' ",' ... , xv ti. . ,i,. al. "M'n" h- "" namw. eiecieo m proposed amendments to the bill and Abram 1, Klkui. Dr. Howard Wool-to-, Zapata Is said to hax e nbjndoned r- o Irogresu, Mcx c. o. af te. r.e tt 5 v.- r .is .nean. inat the 10 '" nl; Ol'ver .V. Qua Jle director and vice.prts ..,.; .I,- xi, ,i.tu, ,.r ii. nm f .1.- c. t.i- ,..i i.ih.11- Cum. erve xml to be gettiru what he can ! brook h..d been detained bv .lexbans thoiKli pa., tig !, ten.s a i.uonatt hour . M. m,,iiI., wi t h.. husl. visions could only be based upon mis- ,. 1, N I. Stone, formerly .-!,:ef stalls- put of the In the expectation of , aoord ng to Cnpt Sldnev Mulr of th" for ... t in'te-J ..f nf,. duvet,.. f the Jorsol, i..r i-.n.n.i.,n u- mill. , r... it .i si T.-.ritr having to evaculate It Korelgners ore , U yvlbrook which nrrlvid to-day He of 10 -cms, wl.l hai to pa) the Kin-, , ""'.v.'.'"""::" "..". . .. . . """. ".." .. , ..l.. i,.t.a. r..r ti,..,. i said the Mexb-atw touK 212.0fi0 In Mexl- I'any ror putting in nis rarnon tliatneni - liuu.10 ln nuu 1110 luririium 1W- n . ,. .l lull jui. .'Xest rn'tdty'0 M ' "" " "'"' " ,nt"ThoMaVor can now bring but o,,,.'" ' objection to this legislation and that Is tlrat It does not take from the Horaugh ; Tresldents uHsdlctlonw-Wch they now , iiiae mm n 1111 Jir vwuni unr iu nr IVcsldents and their superlntendetits are not capable of prorly admln.sterlng Lorn. nn ,.n mint, 1 hx- hlmsnlf I. n. i ..v , ... ' , true, ' '"This he knows himself, and I fear that while he has eridnivoied to create tho Impression that h! Is thoroughly j Informed on this subject the fact Is that he imply echoes the eentlments of a i. small and .1! Informed grtup of hiI- vLers His statement, howev.r. Is on iutih ins .ini iriuvin, ,,vi;f i, i.-. un a par with his r cent action In passing over competent members of his capable ltoird of Education In tho organization ho could llale obtained a more appre clanie man in .New lorK. lie seems to be afraid to trust the people, yf the city. epei lally thoi-e who live in other bor- oughs thin Manhattan.'" The Loekwood-Kllenhogen bills de- signed to simplify building Inspect. on In -New ork were to nave r.een consiaereo By the enate cities committee to-uay. but a new series of amendments has been prepared .and the Introducers want time to consider them before tlm b lls are voted on by the commltteo. THREATEN TO CLOSE HALF OF SALOONS HERE I'l'oll i III' t itlll ist' ru-iiii .-it ai- luiiiv for 1.0111 1 Option Hill. Ai.pvSt. March 18 Adoc.ns of pio hlbltlon appealed t the Legislature to day for the passage of the Jon. .How ard bill, providing for local option pro hibition. "We are not asklnir the lgislatui 1 "We will rloee the s,.p.ons on Sunday - -- , . i In New York or Mayor Mitciel arid UN assotl.ites will have to Mop down and e,ui." Dr. iRlehart threatened De Qtilncy Tulley, secreturv of the van of the State I'edei atluti of Labor , v . (1 tn ! it- of the M, iniifai Hirers and I... 1 Ar..l Al V..t 'oh1. U.i,.,., ivjiers l.eastle ot New York. Secretary i.r ,i rr..,..n... wh.. i hnv.. nesin itw...i the Sen ile and Assembly at thin sewlon vih snn!ti.itl out when the J..iiu e-ou- , fcrer, e committee of the two houses ii er e. d oii the dlreit settlement cum- p. i it n law aine ndmcnt. which the Fe ut.'.can Assemblymen in caucus adopted e.irlv to-day This amendment will pass tv,e As. liemblv to-moirnw imdrr an emercency messaire from the Covet nor as a sep.i rite 1,11 and thin the Senate vill puss I ',uth the H2f.,ii"ii appropriation foe thr ' Compensation f ummnMlun and the dlrei't iittloiiKni am. mlme nt, In e"p.irule bills, t'us avoldlmr the ch.iritc that a 1 rder was attnehed lo tlie appropriation 1 bill Tii means that Ihe employees of the Compensation Cmmlsslim In New York illy wiios. have been unpaid foi over two months, will Ret their! i icclts by S.iturdiy or Monday. ' slnrT to IJIve I'crklns Dinner. The prnfeis onal stafT of lh.. Dlslrict Attorney's will rivii a becfHlenk r dinner In their chief, Charles Albert IVrklns, at FuirlHh' chop houte In John street Thursday .March 2S. liov. Whlt man, who uppolntud Mr. l'orklna an his successor, has been Invited to attend, UUMJ.Lli&.'.miPJ MILL nr. Ail I. m.Ueo that i lookniK Into Ihe affairM HttefJ gUH rHDP9SITI0K I U-yj uf the up-.'tatc I'llbll, Serv.c, Com-1 J'eir llial eiirl. ssr.lrn ..J er I (III III I oii fi'reue'e lulss'ou to adjourn Its rcnoon over to- I v'Hli.'ln'.'r'r.'I.l'rsi! ''yV.Ti f d.iy until 10 30 o'clock to-morrow rniirn- ... i.rnii.t ii.n,i,i.i . i "-.;' J 'J, I ""- '-'.'. ii n'x.,r,i:;i Ai.i'anv. M,r ilC -line eif U,e points Senator Thompson stand thai Col .. iiui.i r..r i.r.-. .; T--' J5 EAT, OR A NEW DRESS, SHOP GIRLS' mm Oi f .100.000 Hero THIn l.i'irixliitnte of Iri vul ions, mi .$(! n Week. i MINIM I'M WAOK I'M. KM Ai.kint. March 16 "filrls (Celling $'! a week and less think It extravagant to. spend 15 cent, fo- lunch. They spend .. .,.! ll. Th.i. sea 111 (! cents for coffee and rolls. They wal't miles to get to work n the morning and back home at nip t lo save car tar. They go without lunch to buy a new dress nnd If they eat regularly they don't get many new dresses." This was the summitry of the life of a shop girl as given before the Joint legis lative labor and Industrial committees to-day by M ss Dorothy Miller, a nine- .il.l Niw York vlrl. Ill urging , ..i.i. nr. is- U'lionr.Kniltti , bill c're.tlng a minimum wage commls. oMicre.ui. . J 11 lth MHer ,vfr. Miss Helen1 Phrli." Stokes 'MisscHell II. C.urne.. iui.1 1 M ltentam n ' Vlcoll icpr'-sentlug o- ,,.u welfare -odeties Mrs. Kloronco I I.'..1l.. ... .1... ..M 1 mm,. T r-m .ve.i u ioe -'-' '' .."V.-" Maud Swartz for the New York Typo iiise for the Consumers l.rjgu- John .1 hotn of the HrookPii CumiI Labor t'nlon. lllistness Xtfli Crotel. i propotifnts of tho bill claim otherwl-e Lr" - Vrtploveir fnlon a W K .'"f ."..'vork Suin Vt'.-tai, Urv Alfred K Omineti, repre-entlng tlie , .... i.m )l7?? rl', ""week ' " n, , nllh..,P girl trying to live off li or a,d Miss Miller, "but I am ' ou ":" 1 Kn," lronl " .i n uv i nnru atf 1 Vi'.p fill siinh nit : Jill ful.y small sum I lepresent 400.0')0 ' ... g.r.s orU.iig foi .e.s :b.xn i a week Co'.im.ttee voted t.i-n.gM to '-port fi I !r ed to l!e on week ami I was1 ornbly Li Hie Senate to-morrow the bill lucky to have a home where I had to 0f .,.T,Rtor fi.!g.i Cronwel". redmlng pay viil K50 a wteit. ur.d even then ,,,,,-w r ,,mbere nf the New I had let than 4u ienta a neek left If I li.ul to pay 13 or 5! 50 a week , . . . . i ""J"11" ,h.J r .'.'.! Vv Mrs. Swartz, who foniietly worked fr w"k' Jeclared the fixing of a I1I1E11II1UII1 il K Ml 10 HUUIU raise the standard of the work. Pour U'orL Krum llilerf ril. fflclent woik "You cannot expect fiom workers not properly fed," esld Mrs. Suartz. "It is tho mean, sim.ik- lug employer who keeps wagis dowu by underselling the fair merchants who ,lre willing to rale the salaries of sale girls and other girl workers. 1 know how it i I alo had the jileamre nf working in one of your swell depar- men: stores at IS a week and 1 Ihaik the Kerillemn who tlmd me t-Ki-ni email who iimu iiir , t. Uoulstun declared that if a gir es on lew. than Is a week she cariim iiv elothe and fenl herself propeily and JIOb.iiil- has to share her room or sleep .1.... one... ,.ivi,.r.., taken up unlil next we'ek III the om obaiily has to share her reom cr sleep , 1Illtt(.r a ct in a cheap lodging house. He . ..!.. (..,,.,.. :,o,.i said th it per cent of the girls in live and ten rent stores get less than ! a week. "I hear many get only J:t a week, ' .s,i.d a eomniltteeman. I)i Woolstou s.ud his investigations hael proved thi i.e. ' M: Stone declared that nxlr.g a yjrl . Ity the pay as you go jiolicy 0' .a t Imum wage would not necessarily i1(. Hoard of Ktitrie.l by providing for .1 crease the production cost and he dud , in,. issUr of "erial bemds Instead of flf the iniMnie "f the print paper,i- , teen veer e'orpor,.ete bonis to piv for fae-turers luttiiig working hours from , impiowmeiits welxe t" eight hours, the pay of then Tile raster b.ll pla Ine piivate vi.iler empiiiyees remaining the same, and the . , o'lipatiles under the Jurisdiction of the e ost of irelue tion dropped In pi ent. Public Servn Commission amerded 'at tne behest of New York city author). WORK ON NEW PHONE RATES. " t'li-liile 1 nm nilssli.lieis lii Issiie s.,'l.rdule a. Order. Members of the up-Stale I'liul.. mm - vi. e Co.iimiM.lon nre now winning upon a lies' schedule- of rules which thev hopu to have accepted by the New York Tel pliur.e e'onipan. The .schedule ot pro liOM'il riiiw rates stibmltte'd by the eom pany two weeks ago has been rejected on the ground that :t not give suf flcent be'tiellts to small users, particu late .n apartment houe.. The new hchedulo upon which the i Coniiiilnsioneis nre working will be , si..l In n few ilnv. lis a formal e.rder I Tho basis will be a ilat the cent rate for direct line suliscribere and reeidentM of apiirlmiut houfes. nnd Is exias'ted to rei- du.e the gioss tevenui s of 'he e'finp.iny ill New York i.ty by M.OOn.'iou a ycai Cha.rman Van Santvoo-d and Com- s and Irvlnei secludeed ihi.ny,.lv..s v.-stirdav to work on the oi-ol.l..... A liirr.. t:eff of accountants proj.lein A lierK' euui m ie.-e-iiiiiieieins J' (.(,lKs ,ms Wm ,nX,uluuw tl,.u,,s for several dnytt. Manv Huce,.stlons and complaints have been received r.s'enlly by tho comrius- slon. and thesi, have biep read and ilassllleMl. Tlu-ie w.ll be no mure Ilea i .riK It is expetol that the s will linish their we.ii. ein the s. heelulu bi fore the end oi the week. 1 lilt this Is n iTuess nuni a'id s.innle. ns the Mlbiect r,inii,ri's ro much worku.x out of detail .. . ......I.. 1.. ... . I Itmt re luihne l-iisiiv i.ttn mnur, UP-STATE INaUIRY HALTED. I. tick of W'tt lii'sse-s IIi'Iiivm 'I'tieilnii si. ii I est lunt Inn. Ai.riA.s'Y, Muich 1C I-ick of mused the Thompson Inv esilK iUni; coup William iiuyvvaru, ii.unMi ioi- tne com inline, win. ,n the city, but bad remained "t IiIh hotel on iiciuiinl of his Injured .ir.kle. He howiiver. that the com- inlltee would hove all executive liisslon dur'iiK the day, it which lis further plans wouiii ne coneinc c.i. -ai ine session to-morrow I'omplaiiits of cltlii ns will be heard. ' "t rr Per MONTH UPON PLEDGE 1 O OF PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PROVIDENT LOAN NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN Cor. SMITH & LIVINGSTON STS. BROOKLYN BRYAN HAS A AMERICA NSOUTOF MEXICO Cntiflniircf rom 7r.i I'nfle, I nr. tils campaign against Victoria and - . , Tjiiiplco sin n protection to r.ilse partisan iUs-1 I'nli ivg to recapture Monterey Clen. 1 Hops ,u the State Department nona.elcs Is wliinlr.iw.iiR his Carratiz.i The Secretary of State expressed nb- fute toward Victoria, It Is reported. Iiorrencu that the 1'rilUel iMales tiovern. Outpost slid remain In the Monterey i ment s'.otild send soldiers Into Mexico to rectum, but a Rencrnl offensive move lesti.rc order at the sacrifice of manv , mem bv den. Angeles Is expected. lir utiil lit err:ii piiv,n.i to tli immln ' Carr.tnxa leports received here to-dav at home In the inteiets of AmtrlcirH who chose to go to Mexico, and argued Hut such ,e course by this flovernmenl would cost tin. United Hlntes the friend. ship of all South America. When met with the statement that 1 South America had no love for th-1 I',,:!-, I state- or Americans anj how, I WH1 rT" ,"' ' "u"iel. Colt ill Harcluv of the Ulltlsll Km- 1 basy called at the State Department ' tn.iinv In t...- er.l to Ihe Inter, sts nf llr.t. ! Ish subjects In Mexico lie mid that Oi.rrarua had given assurances that Urltlsh subjects In Collma would protected, but It i doubted here If Car- runau Is abl.. effectujlly to control the situation there. I, . LOOTING MEXICO CITY. ..-T..UIII. ff.fl.. V. It. lun .ir ! . I terror. , j ., pajc. March K. Hepoi ts rece v e( b-ie t-.Uht xlate that ..iii.itu" tioopsl n ' lootlnu .Mexico lty A legn of ter-1 I or which began when dbrcgiu left the oapital prevail.. II IS SH I Illltl Till lliemHT .S U..T.L' . , ,.,.,r:i ,h . I..i, . : ..rdV, r t!,; Adv. t rei-i- ed .luare rtnte Put Hen V c fx c BILL TO GUT SCHOOL BOARD TO 9 FAVORED, Semite Committee Advance' Measure l Aliolisli Coroner Killed. It ... . i.t-. i. ie ti,.. Ji, i'. i m i.i York c!iv Hoard of (Munition from 1 in: 15 -.x to nln ( is exp'cteil, Imwexei tlut t .r imiiii ber fln.'lly will be made tlfteen l.v ., i. amendment lo be oflereo. It wa the opin.on to-night that the bill wil1 lie. i new board on which thw new lllgle. killnJ on the opin floor "f Pie Senate. Ta.l interest is represented bv erven The Cities Committee is said to have members. Dire-tors who formerly rep kil.ed the Cromwe.l bill abol.shlng the resented the mtensts of llayden. St olfue of Coroner in New York city and fo sent their resignations. w!..-h were providing that the Mayor hall lame accepted. Inspixtois lo replace the Coro-, The new d. rectors who have a riu'id i.ere. The vote of the committer Is re-' the H.iy den-Stone interests are ileorge portel at f, to .' Talt. Ilrodie ii. Wxley John , I .M .ihe. It was also stated to-night that th 1 A. C Hart. Tynan S Maishall. M. L. C ..iiiiiiittee was tircpj.d lo 1.111 the bill WMmertti nnd l( lleiiuer. all of lilens . ' . . .. 1-.II- V - I.. .1 ..i... t f !-Mi itor uguen 1 .xiill). ere.iuilR .1 dep.ittmetit of murkrls for New v ink ' bv the same ti to ' vote, but it wa - ,; . xo, bl wa. kfu , ,, oll mmoll of 5-uiator Mills , , , ,ad aiJl. 3m, w., n, b, J( r, lav,,rablv' S. tutor i'r..n,weUs tt(lf. w.ltlXt bill favoie.l by the Mlfh. ' .i.lmmlstratlon. which permits the clU 1.1 cliame a fee for collecting ulid il.s poking of wasie from business houses Vimther bill to be reorte.l f.ivorar.n ' ,? e.lg' t,, put Into opeiation In New ties to-dav so that It can in no way .1 pill x to N w York citv and so Inter- ! fere with the construct. on of the Aejur- turt water supply system ..." f'"rP'1 '" 01,1 lU!"'n Water ( onipany apd other private eii , reips might begin proceedings win, h .vould liitcr'ere with the completion of , the Viuceluet system or eUe forve the itv to buv up at ilie,r own price MAKES ROOM FOR ALIENS. sen Ice Heiuril inke s cilon In t'levT eif Aillendeil l.nlior l.ave. Tho Public Servile Coui'iiismo: .11. '"' ", counsel yesterday t.. ir.-,,', "s existing rapid transit eon'ra .s , ' cenform with the to the :'beii labor law permitting aliens to "rli "' the Hubw.i' s l.nt gtv ng cit .e s the preference 'rll' eoirmlo i also del ..led o e.,ien b ds or Apr.! ;i f, the i.o.etr.i . 'he Uroailwav subway be'tweei T.f , ..,..i,. ........ .... , first and Flftv .innth strc ls T .- Job nns neen neiu up an winter by tinre' tamty as to the alien law s.tua ion i KMT NOT HAVE THE BEST EARLY GAROEH ? Tlmt'st hn VAtV.lUN IIS MH N s.l.l .t m fur it"rl)r furt- icur Mulr n mtH'nii tfintfii i1ititlH win. -xi ihian -. v rli!.l,M Iriaf wnmiii .rotir iifir i (-, i ifirir. ..Hi U II S II H I. S lilt'lll VI 1.1 1 H lil.tlt H III. I'ltl, litis IO I.I II M VV I A T V I.I Mi. 11,.. flim. I let IMllill.hlsl 1 1 111! IMS'. '.I Il.l. nml lies, lilies till-Ue si'lrrllmi. Iti lirsllts, Wseln. Lies, I'lnveei II..II... I'd. n Is, s,rnlis nml ...i 1 vii.i,. of si't 1 1 1. i,iii ni, , - - . ... .....i . ,i,in.. -nnrs. VAUCHAN'8 SEED STORE li llurrlar Mreet, .New Vork. SOCIETY OF NEW YORK PLAN TO GET toM of a tight at Allonde, forty mile- south of Ciudad Porflrlo Dlar., In which the "Wn forces undi r fieri. Hernandez Mere defeated bv (ien. Herrorj. while attempting to enter the Sablnas coal) fields. ' The early capture of Manianlllo. now under fire bv Villa forces, In predicted. adl" Vien'.' vl'.Ta TiTJ ' ... 1 mcinuen nis orrar lor roinnuuuuiin , from fotelirtiirs following the capture of Citladaliijaril. The 3,000,000 peso l.&0U.0lO demanded will now have to be supplle.1 by the native, alone. VfinnT AT Tt V .Oi.S' ptlUUl Al U. 3. HAIUUiH. , ... - Milpera Jluay at Vrm Crns !H,. OIMI Thefl on Ship. (;ALr..Ti!sf. Tex , Miirch 18. A tfl. rt.i.M th.. jtli4 Imttt.. shift t.l.k- ware was II rod utioti bv MeX.can enltiirs ! at Vera Cruz last Wednesday n'ght. ac ,-.,r.Ui,g to passengetrt on the steamship Cllv of whlcli arrived here to- uaj from Vera Cruz. When the .sti-.-unshlp arrived 1'nltcit stat.s oliuiais seiryr.tM nny-tnree ; , .is- M-'JlKriTl Villi fciir.l Ull.U.r ..II .V,""' ,n Mexican banli note and Umdon es- ELLISON SEES WHITMAN. lllai'llsses Police IIIIU hlcli tie llppnseil liy Xtiijnr .Xtlfi'hel. A' nA.vT. March 10 William H Klll (i:i. couiim.1 fjr the fuiir New Vork i ay police benevoient assoclatlot.. had a talk wiin ilov Wh'.tmin rn-il.i" regnrd i. g Seiutui Laweons bill transfi-i i lug (rom the Mayor to t!i Hoard of Inti mate the appolatme. l of the Police Coin-inlsionei- Then- Is to be a hearing on ,ie bill before Ih- Semite Otic Com mltlee to-morton Th- b.ll w it'. I re-ture ihe old oflb e .if Chl-f of Winch was .bo'..s),"l when Iieer wir,t on. Mr Kllisoi del' nl to-rngl,: tlu' 'lie b,., was luepaied b or foi Him or .inv interest that :epreei at'd en. I i,e opposed some ft ituies HUDSON NAVIGATION ELECTS. The hoanl of directors of the Hudson N.ixlrat.on t ninpany met yrsterdax at the office of the comp.inv and He -ted 1.111-. 1. 1 w , i.n- nun w 1111 ,-un- tlr.ue on the Icard jre Charles W Morse. IMwnrd V Murrav. Peter ( M Mor,e, ,.;, Carthy. C -v ,. (;(.;, brfonl s. Sit. John I nln. ir John t: L.ggitt and I -ank I I.IWe .'.eoige Ta t wa tef i'l v. e prr.silent to su ..ed .1 hp J' tiwrle. Prodle (! lt.g'e. ;v . e.-t ..i-xsu-.r o su . ,-sl M M F."g 1 o .ir ; K I M.Cabe vi ,.s . l.., ti.,! -r' ear NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS .III ,M. Ml.. AMI IIIUS, llr.CAItl'll.M l.lf.s srillllll. for HOTS tll.115 Wr.l KrU Ave, i rl. I ok rsi Hill Ymr liffsn Oct. .1. 1'jll. Outelnnr rinclsn i jo ui iui Klntyr IIAItAHII SI 11(1111. Kilt IIIITM I Irid.tun. et 3e:rt M, Hoys tnsy rnish i.elsv, iLclinllni. Stt'y. Mudyhour. Trnnlt Court.. Atblrilc liliU. Klad'c lu Collcto. itiv I itiii.h riii .Mitr sriiiioi. M Arres, ncsr Vrn e,irtlnilt PS st .yi, st. Day A llnardlug lliiva I S, llsrkrtl, lir.i.l rniittcr Ititlniateteaehlnf byM holsrly Mru iiiMniKi:'ioiii rpiuiisiAit.T a sr.MtAi. hails on itrui i:sr. iin: sfiiuiii.. t in i.riii: ami I'Aur Rt'KIJst'. . t. si .v . v. CUT. INhTltU'TION. IIIK lillll.S AMI IIIL.SU ll'OllKN, ' W.sMiloN, II. C. LUCIA GALE SCHOOL Itht it. i. ilc I r.i I ii I it it e or. I'll lle'A.Mi I i. of prr.sf.ii nii.l orjtisl . rj.i,. a ' t n' s-., ilusit " Itar.itlersti. Arr JUry fi.'e tievn. IM. U 1'riiicipal, :iu c 'oiumliln Hoh.i.w A.hlniion. u.l II I'M NH?! I'l.l.l.frlfiKs, NEW VOKK New Vurk City. UUAI UUftDTU bull"" inalltuta, ilroadwii ilHLIIUnin 4 7?rt st. 'ttanagraori'.Uaass spicc,bCfotfljlCourn,CivilSf'CO.SCalloj n.wriMi. MIW -1111111 New ork flly I. IIKI'lll lts Mll.sllS, V. i In lean n Modern n.iu n .V . N W . ur liiiliSt 1 liry ii ., i.. Private Schools 1 UK Sl"N' maintains n most fftlrient K.liicatlnnal, 'I his toniplete service is alwo lutelv freo of eharyo to you A re urate and nnbl'isseil mfor n atiori tle n lo nil Imiulrors IIiIh servile wm piovo of nil. liable assistance, in n'liictin.- tha proper school fur placinc your boy or itlrl. In wrltlnif pclvc umclcnt ilctalU so tlinl IntclllKciit ail i ler inn lie Klvcu. CHOOL-COLLliGE AND CAMP BUREAU 170 Nas.uu s, Nr Vork At IIIMUIIII.h AND viollllt Tltlt'K IN. .sriltt'TlON. Owners' and Chiinlfeiirs Oourif 1 vi, ( A. Al in si iionl,, Lsraefi .end lUat in llrnoki) n lindin.lIT A.N'I) IHITOIt I PASS ITIKK lrilfor.l Ave nnd .Monroe Ft , tlroulelyn. hTKH'AHT AUTO HCIIOOl,. ITI, I, f'ODIlMR, tii, llooklel eiiilalns WHY our course Is IIKST. It West Altli btrret (at llroadivaj). AUTOMOBILE I EXCHANGE EDISON CUT CALLED HUMBUG BY MALTBIE Order Uc'iluciiiir Kledricity Riitc Permits Company to Charge for Lumps. Wll.l, TAKE KFPKCT MAY 1 Concessions made to the New Yorlt i:dlson Company by the Public , 1o In order,,, a reduction from 10. ti. prtil. (V kllncintt liour as the - -- - maximum price for elcctrlo current ...n,.,! xjlln ft Millhli. In snv to his f commissioners icslerdav . I t i f,,.'. The people .ire bring humbugged, and you gentlemen know it. They ate not really gi-ltlng a two cent reduction at all." OhJinnan McCall rapped the table with his kmi'-i(b- and said sbarp'.y: "There" no humbug at all. llvnry- thll g is a . 1 1 n ; b . i c nowadays unless It comes f nm M.iltb! hen It Is a hies- '; , , , ,. Mr Maltbie ,ia ll along contended the :.ite linu.d be redjied to il'j cnu f, r llglitlng and C cent- for power Last week the f.iur other commissioners 1 J .v...- ' made up h.s m.nd to Mop pr.i'.esttric. 1 ght and when a lamp burns out will have to tuv another Instead of getting It free. In .amp ifhewals alone fhe company get a early revenue of at le-i"t ISuO.tfOu. aiiording to Mr Maltble He ays the total saving to the consumers o( Manhattan and the western part of The llionx will be between $1,300 0U0 and I.Jt'O.OnO a year, Ins.ead of ! twien II iOO.C'OO ai d I2,0n0. ,n0, a etl- m.t'i-d ti Commissioner WiL.ams last j It, . onferer.i e Attn olll els nf the rei.'iet ttut the rate lo be prescribed In the oidei diould continue in force for thrie vears .Mr Maltble also olije.-ed to tl. sav ng llin tlnie should tint be Imiteil :'s metlri? Mr M.iltlile moie l tha' il.r (latiM' x.,lul Of tho .ni ill. illon and inewul of elettrte I lamps' hr s'tu, 'i out of the oi'.iei. but was beater, by a oie of i to 1 Then. t.e tried to have tho time limitation re-I move.i and lost bv th -ame vote ' "Well ' he -aid 'a sllve is better, 11. ul. ro ure.iu ,t; ai aru ne voieu tiki the t. ei.ij,m's.'.ne-s for the atToptlon of the n..itiie.del order later Mr l,l't''le ? 1 d ?te. the on. ill ""ion tie ided l.isl w.e.. to order Pie two ent reduction 1111 .'. lleajjes met with tie IM son re- Iti . onierer.i e aiiii om eis oi ine 5? : : " M o:np...i: the' of the co.ntn S ,n0t Pr,ce Jj the ""m' ??u H loneis .i.i.l i.Im, eranteil ine .on...... v JS !'""AoS0,"lS.,. m Georgia- Florida Trip appealing to everybody in Deed of rest, relaxation, or esJiilaratioi SUPERIOR SERVICE and LOW PARES to SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE MACON AUGUSTA ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY and all other Southern Point cosbclt any TIC KK tin roi'RiST iOKST OR Literature and all Information upon rrqu it C U N A R D F.tlablishcd 1840 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL N Tr,plr&,.w Turbine ORDUNA SATURDAY. MAR. 20. 10 A M 5pacioui, Comfortable Room Btiutifully Appointed Tuscania. Sat.. Mar. 27. NOON LUSITANIA. Sat., Apr. 3. 10A.M. Transylvania. Sat., Apr. 10. NOON Orduna. - - Sat.. Apr. 17. 10A.M. Tuscania. Sat.. Apr. 24. NOON Calls st lUllfai Ka.tbjum!. ROUST) THE WORLD T0UR5 Ihiuush biioklnKS tn all prlnrlps.1 Tort. if Ihe II.. rid. I IIMPlM'SOHil I, '.'.'J4.SlatM.,N.. Ideal Tourist Route S. S. EVANGELINE "UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG " BERMUDA on niHe.t, Mi'n,lli't ivnd most luiuiluus n. iinstilii In .southern Service -iillln rnnPirs yinl lit sprnd Two Kull IIsts t llimiuds, or tourer. It yon wliti Al.oiuiel) the l.m-M hir.lcr, pntrousi; l tlie i mot. .-.nit tor llrautlful llooklri i'ssi:Mii:n oKi'ici.. li-. i L'luniliesk, at M Strrit I'iocc. llryiuit intl. New 1 utK FRENCH LINE Coiupasnlr (irnrrale I raniatlaotlun pels I , slllt Vll'l'. Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU LA TOURAINE CHICAGO . . NIAGARA . . Mar. 20, 3 P. M. Mar. 27, 3 P. M. Apr. 3, 3 P. M. Apr. 10, 3 P. M I'UU l.STOHUATlON' APPLY Company's Ofiicc. l'J State St-.N.Y. SCANDINAVIAN) j--. .'att . aV-a na mam m avit Uslslsffaatss tsU U eiesls .stssi frsss Nsv Tara aaasj aertasra mil aal ash ti sssil "wat asas" ta Msctfal NOIWAT.SWlOU ... DtMaUIE aa SfbaJU Urn Isat aaauil Oaaaik llaa. Ma an aufl alMMrl (litaf auil Oi Osllt qaeaaallMa wllk All naaallMa wtlh All lyraaaia OIHsa .. Mar. Is . Ilrlllu lllsl. Anr. I lisiar II., Mar. In A. li Johnson ,V Co , Inc. Acts . 1 Uvea) , N V lllunnc. imn anil vv i .l inillrs Mrainsliln tiiiiis, i nun rorii. wo l.lnrr :90 llrcutwae, N. Ymk i Ity hTKA.MSIIIP TICKKTH to ay pert, omr! el Airont all lln lUnnand at Whllroinb Co.. IIS 6th At. N. T. resentatlves nnfl gavs them vsrythlnB they wanted. That meeting resulted In an agreement whereby electricity Is not reduced to eight cents, but to eight and a half cents, for that li what ths con cessions amount to." Tho order Is to take effect My 1. The company must notify the commission bv March 20 whether It will comply SINGLE HEAD FOR HOSPITALS. mil tn Alnillsli lloaril nf Three Re ported Forlil. At.sxNT, March IS. Ths substitution of a single commissioner to administer the Statu hoepltals In place of a threo headed commission, Is provided for In A bill which the Senate Finance Commltteo to-ntght decided to report favorablv It was introduied by the chairman of the committee, Senator Henry M. Sage of Albany The hill was favored bv Homer I'olko on behalf of the Stat Charities Aid Association. It was op posed by the present State Hospital Commissioners. Dr. James V May, Kred II. Parker, n brother of Alton It Parker, and Andrew D. Morgan of lllon It Is understood trit tha new held of ths commission will bo Dr William Mabon, who now has charge of the Man hattan State Hospital. Others who op posed the bill were Dr. T W Salmon of the National Hglene Committee, and Dr. W. L. Kuseell, superintendent of llloomitigdule .Sunders .Valued aa Xennlr Whip. Auiist. .March 16 Senator Archie D Sanders of Ocnet,eo was appointed party whip to-day bv Klon H. Hrowa, nrnubllciii. leader He mut see that lv ,.itv-f.ix Itepubllcan Senators arc al- j : way ,li hatiu ivl.en the Senate is .n -ess!,),! 1 PriceFairly Judged I S Tll intrlllirent HV Is to divide S S inC CU3I Ul IUC W.I i wi.wuMW- e: Ingly low. For our world-wide H g orRanization that tells our other O s products handles tbts car as an g y incident. So we iap Wihere H others must spend la selling, g S And we tptnd where others must 3 " tave In the vitals ot the car, the g fe' s H a "hidden values." g Ifr D Uco u nl ii Cs.h a CASE 1 a c3 Naw York Branch Hoiua S 1 Broadway at Sixty-second St R Phone Columbus 8090 " . -i,i!i!iiiii;!i;!iiii:,ii:iiiiiiii;inii!iiiii::!ir new tork ornct 501 FIFTH AVENUE rioanUMtmsHiU A M?e American Steamcri Under the American Flag (uliln nml nr, !.. I'u.M.ncrrs emlj-. WHitC Staf Line N.Y. Liverpool, Pier 60, N. R., Noon Arahlr Mar. I : .trls!lr March 30 M abln ami Third Class rassrnters only. Arorea Gibraltar Naples Genoa t lit in V I'ltll ). in a M OFFII'K. it H'WAT. i. r. Tel. OOOIl Heeler. THE IDEAL TRIP and time 17 Day CrUlSCS to tlie CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS I IIIIOI (III TICK PanamaCanal Transatlantic Liners Under American Flag "Finland" "Kroonland" 22,000 tons Displacement Pnn. N V II I It I .v... ... . ... ay i. June lb From San Fran. May 2G, June 10 And Every Third Week Thereafter! Panama Pacific Line 9 li road way, N. . Tel. 9000 Rector Go To BERMUDA Sw "Bermudian" Itnunil Irliiat'j.s. una I i. Largest & Fastest Steamer to Bermuda r... U.J...J.. r it a aa-ii uaua licit mw.ouaj, bail III u, 0. Mill, IJu.lifi s. I .,, I i.l 3. Ilre.vlevsy, N Y .. Ih.mia.i onl. s1n.20ll'HAyA,SlJtriAvr. ejl.ll DOMINION 1.1 NIC. Ta all points comb anil Veit Kvery I0 Krankllil i.e. PANAMA and West Indies Cruises. Trenva Vi.Vf uy ni in.i 'ir wei'K vllla rer oonklcla Toim.".. BalaakakaaaaB' CALIFORNIA SSir h, : ' """"' N ' " I nt Manhattan. Snv. V,.-k .'li - - - - You an 1 eui-h at ,ou a-i- ,- S1IIIUK, VTH'.s NIITICKs. '" ciu'i- t fore our M.r-. i i I , ,. , . , , reuiity of Nv York. .' '1... m- v-v- , ,-. , , , ro'inty. h..t ..t '. In naisuancf e.t .ni order of Hon. John In the i iuniv of Nee. v I Cohulan, om ot tho Hurroat.. ot ths joth .lay of April. Hli ul 1 County ot "lew Wk. notice Ii 'rl,irk in the torno.,n "I 'h Kln lo nil persons liavlnv olalmt.ih" areounl of ,rocs,llnii sa-ftlnn trancls llu.vact. lain ut lha County I Trust rompany. is Snl..' , of New York, deceised, to exhlhlt th nn lei-lh. I-1 H'i , ir I 1 same ih the vouchers Ihrrefor to ths Jsm HtmM: dsroas. h ' ruiwrniii,,,, ui -iriitigr., r. Ill ms B .1 il.eeasnl, at tlie oftUe of Kanuiel rtlk.r jr .Sumner n I e'rtar street. In Ihe 11 .r mmh of .M'inh.iitaii of th f'ltv of Noi ynrit mi or lh. Ilriernlh dav nr Siliti.' III. .1 Dmr.l, Now Vn.Lt lh. e.ntS l.i. .iisivti, lim HtiWAItli V 7. LANK lillAI'K l I.A.Nt. riiecutnrt HA.MI Kl, ItlKKit. .Ill Atlornev (nr Kjeeiitora. It Cedar Ntiaau Na Tork 1 01,1 FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 daWri.,',,'rUU0,,M" New Landon Line !ri. I. tiff 11, S p i Houston St., week U ajts only i) p, . to, E. h.. ft. B. n& St., nm p, y Naw HaTtn Una itr, Iv. Pirt 2s, L li i, CaUarlne hi., wteu dni, 2 li p. u, nrldgeporl Line itr, Ir. t'icr ?, i; ,., ityt ooly, 11 A. U, Titr. ri'iii.ic nr. ri.cisi i, COLONIAL LINE BOSTON iJA'ip.V, $2.60 providence $i.G0 Week dsva aiid Sundsi s nt .i 1 It f ii 3B. .V. II., font West llouituu Si All Ollt.1,1, Itootas. l.oo to H.'l.llll. Illrrlrx menu Uptown URIce, llrosdwsy sua i t -, rrra Werreater, ts.tti rroslitrnre OttTSllTlt UTATKHitOMs, ll.aa, tMUr, InrJndlac Mtsilar, tiO p. m from i'ter II. R It. 'Phant I- 9 i..fc mn. Olty Tleket Offlrs. tn Ilrotln, N. T. Uptown Ticket omts. U'wsy j !Sd t Dtrrcl MA I.N 1. "l ! si in if i l-ih SlZTu PORTLAND KedareH Fares All retnta. I'h.snn(,n N WTKAMMttlP nttrnniT'V TOUH, CALIFORNIA tours AT HPTCIAI. MV ItATKS FHANK TOfltMT HI, III Rroadwny, N T Tl I -1 Tti- WLNTKR IlLSOltTl. WEST ViKtjrMA. European Cure in America SS GREENBRIER White Sulphur Spring!, W. V. OPEN ALT, THi: YKAH New Bath Elstablishmcnt DR.oeo. O KA1ILO, MedlcaJ Dlrr-lor FRED STEnnY. Manarlnc Dlt'n J. 11. SLOCbM, VIaosct BOOKING f New York-Thr Plata UKI'ICKS I lloiton Copley r i Kr.W JEKtlKY Atlultc Cllj. Superior srconinmiAtlons a te rutrs at ail tlni's Ilesei i n , Haly Week and Kasfr ti i . s now be Grand Atlantic VlrrtntA Ar c!oe to lh" lr IIrr And MI alt, nettun Kx- r trai locution Snuttirn. rt(n pwltj' f'. - mtnlrn Ii'ifh r' is oftcrlajr nrrrv omifnrt .11.1) .it t .iti-n rrttl, TlH' flHttTl Ml 'Jlfl" utt 1 hv ptlVhtr tith ftttn-hf-l whUtlti Wtlronmi fifVAt ": ,r romiTtOvUoutt'Trt..iDifr urnt i- .1 Thr lAble h an ritfc!al trrt 1 tle ?rrMfr t all Uur tst-Atur. rnl. !I !t ! - -1 urckty term's. Wrttr for rurt&T ihtrt.K i)Mi in:'. ft t'itti U r M ; HOTEL CHELSEA 1). jpvlr.r entire tloek uf i. fin ' the r.hlonel.0 Ch- i.-m e, tiuii chambers with privst" bsth. Irr.1 ea na-terl 11. sh 1 1 o.s cr hf.tra grl' e Prnrh rh' ", ' ' vutos inest tra ns HniikVi Op.n i n fiti Mpc .s HOTEL DENNIS ll.vnile I li. V .1 iVIinl i vel'li llir tl.-t.' tiv t, o.tslng the U.-.ic'' anu HuAriH.V f lieirs Alwuys on n i p-ieltysii , o.u.KliK olllce spu Iravrl lltirr.c. ' ' ' Wei II VI l.l I I! .1 III Itl THE WILTSHIRE,.' VJ elre.i y improve i i ai, v btlhs, raiinlr.K t.r i .d,,,-. A. Mac .Te'-ne' I.: " ..r ' t- p illv eien j iw P'-o. -s" t RL r-I.I.TS THE LORAINE !-t hsf I ' ' I.ea. h r s slid sta ..e I..IIH U t ' t rodm el.varor up , r nl ' -r -ri) sss.on lii-r. e a e t . r WAGNU!'.. I'ropr W r Leli - Ml oiarttcrongb-fiUnMnt ATI.ANT1.. I iT i JOrllAll WHITU 4 .SUN!" NEW .initr.Y IxkeieiHiei Laurel -InThePines Lakewocri, ' I . 1 ecateil In tnr rr. deal i turrni-EilrU hy plrc covi., j,- v. r l etu r -si.t , nor , Private pLtlli sreens .m 1 mi -, Is i, IV pt.lf r-..,rse Ilally rurcerti snd ten Branch once ot rhv.dlrr llroe. A ,'. ' Ne Vori an I Pnlla.!-!i'i' ntsrtard by C. It. it of New Jri . -.s- , vim . rr .. rKMt I'.nU '1 . .suii Jtitshi Asl.ury in. spend uasuh ai asuhhi i bote, a.i'omimaatiiin .o. A-llul t':v r 1. lister -' , , Address City Infoi ni'.i" H HosrJs-sIU ( Vhn l'eop.e xit Ihe Ma. ' lie the it .i e -! ' a. . '.' To St'.-. N W t'l'V. AN. e I.UKHh el'.AS S lir''A.N PI iifssi'iiviii: nrs'i vs ii J Rami: . ii ...van .viiuins A. .Nsni:. i . ij v.:'. . HKN umiui'.v vn -.iim - 1'KAHI.. MT1' HT IlfN.' V S I v w. I'lI VKl.. AMI V It VKAIll. MTI'sltr ! IS' I'ATKIUSll.S UlNl'AS'. tlVs.'V ! .MAI WAT.JtlS' FllKI.INi.Ht -' ' I AM tllTT.VV'KIlillT A HBTH W KIMIIAI.l VV I. l.l'iCUH, 1.DW1N v Dt'M'.s iirr r.lilsry Administrator ' iisie.1 e-.f the soimIi I'he I- -of William Vl.iivvrlKhi s .- lll'TllVKN V HITl-WIlP .11" - , ' :. . lulrl. t'Nll IN THI t.frne ot Al. il.d.r v n .itusrt SKN'n .1111:1.1 1 s 11 ,ni HI Ini" . lt. 1 lull. I York .hou',1 noi h. i i.h In Ta.tini.,11. VVh.T-.i,' ii j ih -ii of the Sun v i . . sal.l l'ouni 't si, r;, . Stl s . W'llne.s o in i. .11 ' t Surioeii" of . i iiun'V of Nii'v 1 i Ms h nihi.e n s.iml nine hun,tr,i'l ,n riAVIBI 1 1.1W rierk of th ' ' ir nf